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In 2017, a number of changes to the traffic rules were adopted and introduced. New traffic police laws are designed to strengthen safety measures on the road. Certain amendments were made to existing laws in order to optimize some issues.

The new traffic police laws have affected all car owners to one degree or another. The main aspects of the innovations will be discussed below.

Since the beginning of 2017 the ERA-GLONASS system becomes mandatory for all cars. It is prescribed that in passenger cars such a system must have an automatic accident notification function. In connection with this innovation, a ban is introduced on the import of foreign cars without this system. Exceptions are those machines whose design safety certificate was issued before January 1, 2017.

New law on traffic police fines for lack of technical inspection provides the following tariffs:

  • the first penalty for lack of technical inspection will be 500-800 rubles, a ban on further operation is possible vehicle;
  • repeated fine is determined by the amount from 5 thousand, deprivation of driver's license is allowed up to three months.

The amendments will affect owners of all vehicles.

New laws in the traffic police affected novice drivers. These are considered to be those car owners whose driving experience is less than two years. Traffic police law on novice drivers of March 24, 2017 introduced the following regulations:

  • It is prohibited to tow vehicles;
  • Carrying passengers on motorcycles and mopeds is not allowed;
  • It is mandatory to have a “novice driver” sign.

Along with these provisions, new laws in the traffic police prescribe mandatory presence of the following signs:

  • road train;
  • thorns;
  • transportation of children;
  • deaf driver;
  • training vehicle;
  • Speed ​​Limit;
  • dangerous goods;
  • large cargo;
  • low-speed vehicle;
  • long vehicle;
  • novice driver.

If the corresponding sign must be available and it is missing, the traffic police inspector new traffic rules from April 4 has the right to prohibit further use of the car.

On March 23, 2017, a Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation was issued, which introduced some changes to driver's license replacement:

  • if re-issuance is not carried out due to the expired validity period, a new certificate is issued for 10 years;
  • it is allowed to change rights according to at will, without specifying a reason.

Since 2017, traffic police laws have been actively implemented electronic document system. She touched upon MTPL policies, as well as the vehicle passport.

According to the new traffic police laws, a fine of 5 thousand rubles for dangerous driving. The term was introduced in 2016 and implies the following actions:

  • refusal to give way to a vehicle having the right of way;
  • changing lanes or other maneuvers during heavy traffic, with the exception of cases of a controlled turn, stopping or avoiding an obstacle;
  • refusal to maintain a minimum distance from vehicles moving ahead;
  • failure to comply with lateral distance regulations;
  • sudden braking, if it is not related to preventing an accident;
  • carrying out maneuvers that prevent overtaking.

A number of amendments to the traffic police laws affected the following aspects of traffic rules:

  • adoption is expected from September 1, 2017 traffic police law on tires, dressed inappropriately for the current season, a fine of 2 thousand is expected;
  • according to the new traffic police laws payment is canceled transport tax for large families;
  • allowed purchasing vehicles for disabled people at the expense of budgetary funds;
  • parking places receive real estate status, requirements for their design and size are developed;
  • according to the new traffic police laws, entry into cities or certain areas becomes paid, the situation is subject to regional regulations to control traffic and environmental conditions;
  • rise tariffs according to the “Platon” system within the framework of the provisions adopted in 2015;
  • a legislative initiative is being developed according to which traffic police and traffic police officers will have to wear their own DVR— it is assumed that such a law will eliminate illegal actions of traffic police inspectors.

Special mention should be made of new law Traffic rules from April 10, 2017. Information that drivers will be required to ride with helmets without an airbag, was refuted by an official statement from a representative of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

What do you know about installing a towbar on a car? Do I need to register a towbar for a passenger car? Answers


The new traffic police laws have affected one of the most important issues for car owners - the MTPL policy. In addition to the introduction of its electronic version, the following came into force in 2017: changes:

  • the insurance company does not allocate money to the victim, but transfers it to a repair company with which it has concluded a corresponding agreement;
  • control over the insurer in fulfilling its obligations is strengthened;
  • the repair period is determined by a maximum value of 30 days, for each day of delay a fine of 0.5% of the total amount is charged;
  • It is not allowed to use used parts for repairs;
  • independent examination is abolished;
  • The period for filing complaints to the MTPL insurer has been increased to 10 days;
  • minimum validity period insurance policy OSAGO - one year.

The amendments imply an increase in the insurance cost coefficient according to the number of traffic violations. If there are more than 35 of them per year, the cost of the policy increases more than three times.

Transportation of children

New traffic police laws regulate amendments to the rules for transporting children:

  • child under 7 years old may only be transported in special chairs;
  • child from 7 to 11 years old may be transported in the rear seat using specially adapted seat belts;
  • children under 12 years old on front seat cannot be transported without a special car seat;
  • not allowed to leave child under 7 years old one person in the car, a fine of up to 500 rubles is expected;
  • It is not allowed to transport children on buses whose age over 10 years old.

Notification for group transportation of children in electronic format is submitted to the traffic police department no later than two days before it takes place. The driver and vehicle are checked for compliance and a permit is issued.

The past 2016 turned out to be rich in initiatives to tighten the lives of motorists on the part of deputies and officials. With few exceptions, these changes will add headaches for drivers. Life will remind you what surprises await us in the coming year.

Deterioration in compulsory motor liability insurance

Perhaps the most significant changes are coming to MTPL. As of January 1, all insurance companies are required to issue electronic policies. Thus, sabotage by insurers when issuing policies in supposedly unprofitable regions, as well as extortion of additional services, should be completely eliminated. In theory, it is enough to create Personal Area, enter the required data, pay the required amount and print the document received by mail. There is no need to carry the original form with you, which, by the way, changed color in the fall of 2016 and became pink. However, if you really want to, you can order delivery of the policy on letterhead or pick it up at the office. The cost of the policy is the same both when purchased online and when purchased directly from the insurer.

The most significant innovation will be the transition to a natural form of compensation. It is planned to cancel the possibility of collecting cash compensation for an accident. The damaged car will go to the insurer's affiliated service without any alternative. In what form will the car be returned, will these services have the competence to different models cars, how to force insurers to redo defects is not full list questions about this initiative. It is worth noting that even in the first years of the life of the compulsory “motor citizen”, people tried to get repairs from insurers. However, soon drivers began to abandon this option en masse due to the inadequate quality of services.

Insurers resisted the amendments back in 2016, but stalled when the Duma team changed. Now they are hoping to push through their benefits closer to spring. But this is not enough for them. Along with the repairs, they are asking to introduce a new coefficient, which will depend on the number of traffic violations: more than four times a year - a large overpayment for the policy.


From January 1, new cars that are not equipped with the ERA-GLONASS system cannot be certified in Russia. Yes, and old foreign cars without an “era” will not be allowed on the roads if they have not previously received a vehicle design safety certificate. “Era” equipment allows you to quickly call for help accident scene. Moreover, when the shock sensor is triggered, a signal is sent to the EMERCOM console, and if the driver does not respond, the operator sends operational assistance to the determined coordinates. Some see this as increased control by “big brother” over citizens, while others see this as a tool to save lives. Of course, this innovation will affect the price of cars, since optional equipment In the end, customers will have to pay.

The worst situation will be for sellers of exclusive cars: during testing, they must conduct crash tests of at least two cars and pay about 200 thousand euros to the certification center. This could put an end to the import of cars such as Bugatti Veyron. In practice, “era” becomes the next step towards supporting domestic producers. However, maximum term The vehicle type approval life is 3 years, so some cars will still be able to enter the market without hindrance.

Changes in traffic rules

Starting from the new year, it is prohibited to transport children in special frameless restraints and boosters. The rules currently allow the use of “other means” to secure a child in a regular seat belt, but studies have shown that they are often more dangerous than even a regular seat belt. For the most part, these devices are imported from China and serve as a kind of cheap analogues of full-fledged child seats. The Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia, Rosstandart, Rospotrebnadzor and the Federal Customs Service immediately opposed this problem. The program of measures concerns not only a ban on the production and operation of such devices, but also the cessation of their import into the country. On the other hand, in connection with this, legislators made a relaxation: children aged 7 years (previously only 12 years old) will be allowed to fasten them with a regular seat belt in the back seat. In the front passenger seat - still up to 12 years in a car seat.

It is planned that for drivers with less than two years of experience, the “Beginner Driver” sticker will become mandatory. They will also be prohibited from towing other cars. Fortunately, legislators abandoned the idea of ​​limiting maximum speed for beginners at 70 km/h. After all, slow moving vehicles in a fast flow would only provoke accidents. Next in line are the cancellations of some traffic rules requirements, rooted in the times of the USSR, for example, the ban on motorcyclists accelerating over 90 km/h. It is clear that 50–60 years ago there were completely different motorcycles for which this speed was the maximum.

Price of gasoline and diesel

Excise taxes on fourth and fifth class gasoline are increasing by diesel fuel, which will automatically increase the retail price of fuel at gas stations by approximately 8–12%. Or it will happen again - in 2018, excise taxes will increase even more, and gasoline below Euro-5 will be completely prohibited for sale. Since the price of fuel “sits” in the cost of each product, then we can expect a general rise in prices for goods and services.

Increased fines

Deputies are discussing a number of initiatives to tighten penalties for violating traffic rules, and some of them have already passed the first reading. There should be a penalty for “dangerous driving” - such a term has already been included in the traffic rules, but a monetary penalty in the form administrative fine not yet, the expected amount is 5 thousand rubles.

By the fall of 2017, fines for out-of-season tires are expected to appear. It is worth noting that this requirement already exists in the technical regulations of the Customs Union “On Wheeled Vehicles”. But no one follows it, because there is no punishment. For summer (or worn out) tires you will be fined from December 1 to March 1, for winter tires - from June 1 to September 1. Moreover, in regions where periods of cold weather are longer than in central Russia, local authorities will be able to increase the period of use of winter tires.

For three gross offenses, the Duma members propose excommunication from the helm. The timing and list of violations will be discussed this year. With the cancellation of sanctions in the form of a license plate removal for increased tinting, this problem went up again. Therefore, increasing fines for illegal tinting, as well as violating the rules for crossing railway crossings, will be discussed in parliament. For the absence of stickers “Spikes”, “Training vehicle”, “Road train”, a fine of 500 rubles will appear.

Electronic PTS

From July 1 this year, the blue paper vehicle passport form (PTS) will be a thing of the past. It will be replaced by an electronic PTS, and the only documents the owner will have for the car will be the vehicle registration certificate. Of course, the transition will be gradual; the remaining PTS in hand will remain valid.

Replacement of rights in the MFC

It will be possible to obtain an international driver's license and replace the license in case of expiration, damage or loss not only at the State Traffic Inspectorate, but also at multifunctional centers operating under a single window system. The list of documents to be presented is the same as in the traffic police: application, identification document, valid medical certificate, payment receipt. One of the capital’s MFCs has already begun issuing “rights”; all others must be ready for this activity by February 1.

Tax on parking spaces

The cost per square meter of a parking space is often more expensive than in an apartment, but difficulties arose with registering the purchased parking area. The problem is in the wording, since the “Technical Regulations on the Safety of Buildings and Structures” considered an object limited by building structures to be a premises. Since the spaces in the multi-story parking lot are marked out only by lines, they refused to register them. On January 1, 2017, amendments to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation come into force, allowing the registration of a parking space as a separate piece of real estate. After registration, the state has the opportunity to impose a real estate tax on the car owner.

Control over truckers

From February 2017, the tariff of the Platon system (tolls on federal highways for trucks with a carrying capacity of over 12 tons) will increase from 1.53 rubles per kilometer to 2.6 rubles, from July - to 3.06 rubles. In the future, a tax of 3.5 rubles/km is planned, but the timing of its introduction has not yet been determined.

There is a fine for non-payment, but it is not always imposed. The fact is that you can punish only once a day. The operator transmits the data to the State Traffic Inspectorate, whose employees must determine the tonnage of the vehicle using the database and find out whether the decision was issued in other departments along the route. And truckers easily travel more than a thousand kilometers in a day! The traffic police cannot cope with this work, and the issue of transferring the function of imposing a fine for this violation from the Ministry of Internal Affairs to Rostransnadzor is now being decided. It is expected that truckers will begin to receive letters of happiness from the new organization as early as this summer.

Ban on entry into the city

At the end of 2016, the State Duma adopted in the first reading a bill allowing regional and local authorities to introduce paid entry into some city zones. The bill is being pushed forward by the Ministry of Transport, with the benefit of hindsight to London and other wealthy cities. The bill's developers claim that this will improve traffic safety and help improve the environment. The document says that when introducing paid entry, it is necessary to provide alternative free passage and think through traffic public transport, organize parking and infrastructure for cyclists. This year, the Ministry of Transport hopes for accelerated adoption of this scandalous project. A number of parliamentarians spoke in favor of submitting this initiative to a referendum.

If this case does not go through, then the Ministry of Transport has a plan B. Already in 2017, cars whose environmental class is lower than Euro 4 may be prohibited from entering some urban areas. For example, within the Third Transport Ring in Moscow. New ones have already been developed road signs. The mechanism for checking the parameters of a car entering an area with restrictions on environmental class is quite simple: the camera reads the car number and when accessing the traffic police database, a check is performed technical parameters. Now in Russia as a whole, the environmental class of 63% of cars does not exceed Euro-3. In Moscow there are fewer such cars - about 42%.

Towing cars without license plates

Ubiquitous paid parking in Moscow has led to some owners removing registration plates and, when returning, putting them back in place. From the point of view of the law, there is nothing illegal in this: Traffic rules only prohibit driving without license plates; there are no prohibitions regarding parking. Of course, if there are no violations of stopping/parking rules. But the city authorities are concerned about this problem. The Department of Transport announced that cars without registration plates would be towed, as they could allegedly be involved in illegal activities or be stolen. The argument is weak and does not stand up to any legal criticism - cars with license plates can also be involved in something. The city authorities are not giving up and plan to make changes to the legislation that will allow cars without registration plates to be towed from paid parking lots.

New amendments to traffic rules and other laws affecting motorists will come into effect next year. This review lists the most important innovations.


From January 1, 2017 all cars entering the Customs Union market must be equipped with an ERA-GLONASS emergency warning device, however, models that have a valid certification can still be sold without such a system.

It was unclear whether mandatory ERA-GLONASS for cars privately imported from abroad. However, the Federal Customs Service has issued an official clarification - the requirement to install the system applies to everyone. That is, the private import of foreign cars will be virtually blocked in 2017 (an exception is made only for oldtimers over thirty years old), but it is possible that in the future these requirements will be softened.

Electronic OSAGO policy

Also, from January 1 of the new year, an electronic MTPL policy will be available to buy from any insurance company, while now only some insurers provide this opportunity. When purchasing an electronic policy, you can choose either a regular printed form (it will be sent by mail or offered to be picked up at the office) or an electronic version: in this case, the OSAGO policy number will be sent by email.

Organized transportation of children

As of January 1, 2017, new rules for transporting children will come into force. Now young passengers can only be transported on buses no older than ten years old, and the bus must be equipped with a tachograph and a satellite navigation system. This requirement was approved two years ago, but its entry into force was delayed.

Obtaining and replacing a driver's license

From February next year driver license will be available at multifunctional public service centers (MFCs), which should reduce the load on traffic police registration offices. Also at the MFC it will be possible to exchange rights after expiration, receive a duplicate or make changes to the document.

Fine for “dangerous driving”

In the Code of administrative offenses There should be an article about a fine of 5,000 rubles for “dangerous driving.” This term includes such dangerous maneuvers as failure to give right of way, changing lanes in heavy traffic, failure to maintain a safe distance and lateral interval, impeding overtaking, as well as unjustified sudden braking. Violations will be monitored by cameras in traffic police vehicles and stationary video recording systems.

Commercial transportation

In the summer of 2017, a ban on driving a car by a driver with a foreign license when carrying out commercial transportation will come into effect.

Electronic PTS

In July, car owners will no longer be issued paper vehicle passports: instead, drivers will receive only an electronic PTS number, and all information about the car will be stored on special servers. Owners of tractors and other self-propelled vehicles will receive standard vehicle registration certificates until July 1, 2018.

In 2017, Russian drivers will face numerous changes in compulsory motor liability insurance, traffic rules, fines, technical inspection and much more. Which traffic rules changes Since 2017, we have been waiting for Russian drivers in our material.

ERA-GLONASS from January 1, 2017

From January 1, 2017, the ERA-GLONASS system will become mandatory for all cars in Russia. According to Technical regulations Customs Union, from January 1, 2017, all new cars in Russia must be equipped with the ERA-GLONASS system. For passenger cars, the system must be equipped with an automatic notification function about an accident; for commercial vehicles, manual notification using a button is sufficient. Please note that we are talking about new cars that receive vehicle type approval (VTA) after January 1, 2017. That is, those models whose OTTS has not yet expired (and OTTS is issued for a period of 3 years) can still be sold without ERA-GLONASS. The procedure for certifying a car with ERA-GLONASS is complex and expensive: it is necessary to pass tests at NAMI, including several crash tests, during which several cars will have to be broken. That is why some rare or expensive models may disappear from our market, since it will not be economically feasible to certify them to new requirements. In particular, BMW is going to stop supplying 4 and 6 series convertibles to Russia precisely because of the need to install ERA-GLONASS. However, mass models will one way or another undergo the necessary procedures. However, we can say with confidence that the introduction of ERA-GLONASS will affect the cost of new cars. The first car with the ERA-GLONASS system in Russia was the Lada Vesta. This model is equipped with a system that allows you to report accidents both manually and automatic mode. In January 2016, Ford Sollers launched production of the model Ford Transit, equipped with "ERA GLONASS".

Electronic MTPL policy from January 1, 2017

From January 1, 2017, all insurance companies will be required to issue electronic MTPL policies. On June 11, 2016, the State Duma immediately adopted the corresponding amendments to the law on compulsory motor liability insurance in the second and third readings. From January 1, 2017, the electronic MTPL policy becomes mandatory for all insurance companies. If issuing an electronic MTPL policy is impossible due to problems with the website or technical problems, insurance companies will be obligated to immediately inform the Central Bank of the Russian Federation about this. Also, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation established a fine of 300 thousand rubles for those companies that do not provide the opportunity to issue an MTPL policy online.

Increase in the price of OSAGO from January 1, 2017

The Ministry of Finance has introduced a tenth increasing coefficient into the draft amendments to the law on compulsory motor liability insurance, which will take into account the number of violations Traffic regulations by driver. For persistent violators, the cost of compulsory motor liability insurance will immediately triple. Let us remind you that in 2016, RSA prepared a new, tenth coefficient for motorists, which will take into account the number of traffic violations. Of course, this coefficient will be increasing. Today the coefficients look like this:

from 5 to 9 gross violations per year - coefficient 1.86

from 10 to 14 violations - coefficient 2.06

from 15 to 19 violations - coefficient 2.26

from 20 to 24 violations - coefficient 2.45

from 25 to 29 violations - coefficient 2.65

from 30 to 34 violations - coefficient 2.85

more than 35 violations - coefficient 3.04.

That is, for the worst violators of traffic rules, compulsory motor liability insurance can rise in price by more than 3 times. Now the matter remains with the Central Bank - it must approve or adjust the above coefficients. According to RSA, they can begin to calculate compulsory motor liability insurance using the new formula as early as January 1, 2017.

Monopolization of compulsory motor liability insurance by the state

From January 1, 2017, all insurers in Russia will be required to provide the online MTPL service. If within six months this does not improve the situation with the availability of MTPL on the market, then the state can monopolize the entire MTPL system, taking away this function from insurance companies. Based on the results of the first half of 2017, the Bank of Russia may begin to explore the option of monopolizing the MTPL market through the platform of the National Reinsurance Company (NPK) it recently created, TASS reports. This will happen if, from January 1, 2017, for six months electronic MTPL will not be able to stabilize the MTPL market. Monopolization of compulsory motor liability insurance can be accomplished through the authorization of reinsurance in compulsory motor liability insurance. Currently, such a mechanism is prohibited, but the new amendments to OSAGO do not prohibit reinsurance. Thus, in fact, this means the creation of a single state company for compulsory motor liability insurance represented by NPK: the remaining insurance companies will act only as agents for the sale of policies.

Pre-trial procedure for resolving disputes in compulsory motor liability insurance

The pre-trial procedure for resolving disputes under compulsory motor liability insurance, which was introduced in 2014 for a period of one year, was extended until July 1, 2017. From September 1, 2014, an insurance company client who was dissatisfied with the payment under compulsory motor liability insurance had to contact insurance company with pre-trial treatment. Only if he received a refusal during pre-trial appeal could he file a claim in court. The mandatory pre-trial procedure for resolving disputes in the field of compulsory motor liability insurance began to operate in 2014 for a period of one year. As explained by the head of the All-Russian Union of Insurers, Igor Yurgens, initially temporary restrictions on the validity of the norm were provided because the adoption of the law on the financial ombudsman was expected. It was he who was supposed to take on the function of pre-trial work with insurers' clients. But the draft law on the ombudsman is still in the State Duma. Therefore, the deputies decided to extend the rule on the claims procedure for resolving disputes in MTPL.

Fees for issuing licenses from January 1, 2017

The Cabinet of Ministers instructed the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Finance to prepare amendments to the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, which will increase the fee for issuing driver's licenses and vehicle registration certificates (VRC). These departments must prepare their proposals by December 2016. Let us remind you that currently the state duty for issuing a driver's license is 2,000 rubles, for registering a car and issuing a vehicle registration certificate - 2,850 rubles with the issuance or replacement of license plates and 850 rubles - without license plates. If the amendments are adopted, the fee for issuing rights and STS may increase as early as January 1, 2017. How much is still unknown.

Property tax on cars will be abolished for businesses

The Cabinet of Ministers submitted to the State Duma a bill that abolishes for legal entities property tax on cars under 3 years old. As stated by Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, such a measure should stimulate the renewal of enterprise fleets and support domestic automakers. Changes must be made to clause 25 of Art. 381 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, which regulates property tax benefits. According to the amendments, property tax on cars manufactured after January 1, 2013 will be abolished for legal entities. If the State Duma approves the amendments during the autumn session, they may come into force on January 1, 2017.

Transportation of children over 10 years old by bus will be prohibited from January 1, 2017

On January 1, 2017, Resolution No. 652 of June 30, 2015 “On amendments to certain acts of the Government” comes into force Russian Federation in terms of improving the rules organized transportation groups of children by bus." According to the document, from January 1, 2017, for the organized transportation of a group of children, only a bus can be used, from the year of manufacture of which no more than 10 years have passed, which corresponds in purpose and design technical requirements for the carriage of passengers, admitted in accordance with the established procedure to participate in road traffic and is equipped in the prescribed manner with a tachograph, as well as GLONASS or GLONASS/GPS satellite navigation equipment. Thus, in 2017, transporting children over 10 years of age on buses will be prohibited.

Issuance of cars to disabled people at the expense of the budget from January 1, 2017

In October 2016, a bill was introduced to the State Duma proposing the resumption of issuing cars to disabled people at the expense of federal budget. A similar practice existed previously, but was abolished in 2004. A group of deputies submitted for consideration to the State Duma a bill that includes cars in the list of special means of transportation with which disabled people are provided free of charge at the expense of the federal budget. In addition to the cars themselves, disabled people should be provided with free car conversion kits, including manual controls. If adopted, this bill will come into force on January 1, 2017.

Excise taxes on gasoline from January 1, 2017

In 2016, excise taxes in Russia were increased twice - from January 1 and April 1. According to the current project, excise taxes on fuel were supposed to decrease from January 1, 2017. However, on October 22, 2016, the Ministry of Finance published a new project, according to which excise taxes on gasoline and diesel fuel will be increased in 2017. According to the latest information, current excise taxes will remain only on gasoline that does not correspond to class 5 - 13,100 rubles per ton. In 2017, it is proposed to set the excise tax rate for class 5 gasoline at 10,130 rubles per 1 ton. The excise tax on diesel fuel in 2017 is proposed to be set at 6,800 rubles per 1 ton. Thus, when this project is signed, excise taxes on fuel in Russia will traditionally increase from January 1 of the new year.

Fine for lack of technical inspection from January 1, 2017

On October 26, 2016, the State Duma received a draft law on technical inspection. According to the amendments, from January 1, 2017, a fine for the lack of technical inspection for owners of all vehicles may come into force in Russia. Repeated violations will result in deprivation of rights. The State Duma received draft federal law No. 13843-7 “On amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation regarding the organization of technical inspection of vehicles.” The bill was prepared by Federation Council member Viktor Ozerov. According to the bill, the fine for lack of technical inspection will range from 500 to 800 rubles. In addition to a fine, the driver faces a ban on operating a vehicle that has not passed the technical inspection or received a negative conclusion on compliance with safety standards. Repeated violation may result in a fine of 5 thousand rubles or deprivation of rights for a period of 1 to 3 months. Currently, only drivers of passenger taxis, buses, trucks, intended for the transportation of people, and specialized vehicles intended for transportation dangerous goods. In addition to the fine, the text of the document stipulates the transfer of the right to accreditation of inspection operators from the Russian Union of Auto Insurers (RUA) to Rosaccreditation, which we reported earlier. It is also proposed to introduce a minimum and maximum tariff for technical inspection. If the bill is adopted, all these amendments will come into force on January 1, 2017.

Replacement of driver's license from February 1

From February 1, 2017, it will be easier for drivers to change their licenses in Russia - it will not be necessary to go to the traffic police. Let us recall that on January 14, 2016, a Government meeting was held, during which it was decided to simplify the replacement of rights. It was proposed to replace rights not only in the traffic police, but also in multifunctional centers (MFC) for servicing the population. Then Dmitry Medvedev instructed the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications, the Ministry of Economic Development, and the Federal Migration Service to make appropriate changes and additions to the list of services provided by the FMC by April 15, 2016. A pilot project to replace rights in the MFC has already been implemented in several regions of Russia, and has shown positive results. Previously it was planned that from November 1, 2016, it will be possible to obtain a driver’s license at the MFC in case of its loss or expiration. There you will also be able to obtain an international driving license. Now these services are available only in the registration and examination departments of the traffic police. In the summer, the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated August 3, 2016 No. 755 “On amendments to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated September 27, 2011 No. 797” was published, according to which the service for replacing rights will work in all MFCs from February 1, 2017.

Tightening of technical inspection in 2017

The Russian Ministry of Transport has published draft amendments that tighten the requirements for technical inspection. For example, vehicles with colored or transparent films on the headlights will not pass inspection: “The installation of optical elements not provided for by the design of the lighting device, including colorless or colored optical parts and films, is not permitted.” This includes tinted or painted lights, and even the protective film that many people stick on car headlights. All changes to the design of the car that are not provided for from the factory will also be prohibited. For example, even if the car does not have a windshield washer or wiper as required by the design, it will not be possible to pass the inspection. The same goes for unformed gas equipment and other design changes. If adopted, the new requirements will come into effect in March 2017.

Increase in tariffs of the Platon system in 2017

The government plans to double the tariffs of the Platon system by June 2017. According to Vedomosti, they want to approve the new tariffs before the second reading of the 2017 budget. This initiative was made by Russian Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich. According to sources, they want to raise tariffs twice in 2017: in February to 2.6 rubles per kilometer, and in June - to 3.06 rubles per kilometer. The proposal has already been sent to Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. Thus, if the proposal is accepted, by 2017 the tariffs of the Platon system will double. Mandatory truck toll gross weight over 12 tons federal highways has been operating in Russia since November 15, 2015.

GOST for traffic police cameras from June 1, 2017

The Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology has approved GOST standards for complexes of photo and video recording of traffic violations. According to the requirements, photo and video recording systems can be radar, laser, inductive, magnetic and piezoelectric. The same requirements are prescribed for them: The speed measurement range should be 20-250 km/h. The probability of license plate recognition, regardless of the time of day and weather, must be at least 90%. Photos of the car must allow one to determine the distinctive features of the vehicle. Cameras with a tracking function that record the path of the car are prohibited from measuring speed at a distance closer than 50 meters. Cameras should be installed on sections of roads with poor visibility, near schools, at intersections, as well as in places with a high concentration of traffic violators and in those areas where more than three accidents with casualties occurred during the year. These requirements come into force on June 1, 2017. As the source notes, the requirements apply to both new and existing traffic police cameras.

The government is considering the possibility of mandatory installation of “black boxes” in cars from 2020, which somewhat frightens the public, but there are more realistic changes on the current agenda that will come into force after the new year. We are talking about the MTPL system, the introduction of electronic document management, changing the rules for transporting children, increasing tariffs for traffic police services, new benefits for the disabled and tightening the rules for conducting technical inspections. Some of the innovations will appear for sure, others are still being considered by the government and may be adopted before the end of this year.

Electronic MTPL policies will become mandatory

From January, all insurers operating in the MTPL market will be required to introduce a procedure for issuing electronic policies. Websites where you can buy insurance will have to work around the clock, and for failure to comply with this requirement, the insurer will be fined in the amount of 300 thousand rubles. The exception is temporary technical problems. In addition, from January 1, 2017, car owners will be required to provide damaged car for inspection after an accident.

Rights can be obtained at the MFC

According to the government decree, starting from February, driver’s licenses will be available at multifunctional public service centers, which should reduce the burden on traffic police registration offices. At the MFC it will be possible to exchange rights after expiration, receive a duplicate or make changes to the document. And the initial examinations will continue to be carried out at the traffic police. MFCs will also receive the functions of processing international driver's licenses. In addition, the MFC will issue certificates confirming the presence or absence of administrative punishment for the use of drugs or psychotropic substances without a doctor's prescription. The government has not abandoned the idea of ​​electronic driver's licenses, but not a single bill on this topic has yet appeared.

PTS will become electronic

In Russia, as well as in five other countries of the Eurasian Economic Union, an agreement on the introduction of electronic passports for cars has come into force. The process of transition to electronic document management will last two years, during which the traffic police will continue to parallelly process paper PTS. Regular documents will be issued to car buyers until July 1, 2017, and owners of tractors and other self-propelled vehicles will receive standard vehicle registration certificates until July 1, 2018. The Electronic Passport company, which is part of the Russian Technologies State Corporation, has been approved as the single administrator of the system. All information about cars will be stored on special servers.

There will be a fine for dangerous driving

Next year, the Code of Administrative Offenses will include an article on punishment for dangerous driving. Presumably, the fine will be 5,000 rubles. The very concept of dangerous driving appeared in the traffic rules this summer. According to paragraph 2.7 of the traffic rules, dangerous maneuvers are considered such, including failure to provide an advantage, changing lanes during heavy traffic, failure to maintain a safe distance and lateral interval, obstruction of overtaking, as well as unjustified sharp braking. Violations will be monitored by cameras in traffic police vehicles and stationary video recording systems. In addition, the traffic police intend to accept recordings from private video recorders.

ERA-GLONASS will become mandatory

From January, a traffic collision warning system will be mandatory for all new cars that receive a new vehicle type approval (VTA). Without the system, it will be possible to sell only cars with a valid OTTS (the maximum validity period of the certificate is three years). At the same time, passenger cars must have an automatic notification function about an accident, and commercial vehicles must only have a communication button with an emergency service operator. The introduction of the system caused a slight increase in the price of cars, and due to the need to conduct expensive tests and crash tests, some manufacturers have already refused to supply rare models to Russia.

The rules for transporting children will change

Rules for the use of child seats will become more stringent - Baby chair will remain mandatory and will have to strictly correspond to the weight and height of the child being transported. At the same time, children under 7 years old can only be transported by back seat. Children from 7 to 12 years old are allowed in the front seat, but only in a special car seat. The use of any other restraint devices, including boosters and belt pads, is prohibited. The fine for non-compliance with the rules for transporting children is 3,000 rubles. In addition, a fine of 500 rubles. will be punished for leaving a child under 7 years of age in a car. Finally, it is prohibited to transport children in groups on buses over 10 years of age and not equipped with a tachograph or GLONASS tracker.

Rights and registration will become more expensive

By the end of this year, the Ministry of Finance will determine the amount of the new state duty for issuing driver’s licenses and vehicle registration certificates (VRC). The exact figures have not yet been officially announced, but, according to preliminary information, the rights will cost 3 thousand rubles. instead of the current two, and fees for registration of STS will reach 1.5 thousand rubles. instead of 500 rubles. Corresponding amendments to the tax code must be made before December 2016. Now registration actions cost the car owner 2,850 rubles, which includes the fee for issuing registration plates (2,000 rubles), STS (500 rubles) and making changes to the vehicle passport (350 rubles).


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