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Barrier-free stockade

How often do you see unaccompanied people in wheelchairs or blind people with canes on the streets of the capital? Hardly. However, this does not mean that we do not have any. There are 140 thousand disabled people in Kyiv, but they simply do not have the opportunity to move freely around the city. What the authorities are doing to turn the capital of Ukraine into a European city comfortable for such people is negligible. And much of what has been done is called a complete nightmare by disabled people.

How many disabled people are there in the world? According to rough UN estimates, there are about 700 million. Statistics are difficult because different countries estimate the number of citizens with disabilities differently.

According to the findings of the World Bank, people with disabilities are among the poorest segments of the population, their share is 20 percent. Those around us generally treat people with disabilities purely from a medical point of view. That is, from the position of the “medical model”, a disabled person is considered to be a person who is limited to one degree or another in the ability to move, hear, speak, see, write. A situation is created in which a disabled person is perceived as a constantly sick person who does not meet a certain standard that allows him to work, study, and attend regular institutions. An opinion is formed that such a person is a burden to society, as if it were its dependent. Disabled people themselves prefer to consider disability as a social aspect.

Comparing these two “perception models” of disability, let's imagine a young person, a student, who needs to visit a bookstore or study in a public library.

If we look at this problem as a “social model”, the obstacle will be the steps. It’s just that when designing and constructing most buildings, the needs of people with disabilities and their requests were not taken into account. It is because of these reasons that a person will not be able to write a report, essay, prepare for a test, and therefore will not pass the test, will not receive a positive assessment and, as a result, knowledge. It is the stroller that makes a person feel disabled, and society’s attitude towards him only emphasizes and aggravates this situation. It is not physiological characteristics and deviations, but the physical barriers of the environment, the almost impossibility of working normally, gaining knowledge, education, or using public transport that make a person feel disabled. And the attitude of others does not allow us to forget about it.

There is no doubt that people with disabilities need medical care. Even if to a greater extent than others. But still, from the point of view of the “social model”, disability is a question of human rights, the ability to realize them.

Any humane society/state cannot remain aloof from solving problems related to the life of people with disabilities. And this involves improving aspects of health care, education, fighting poverty, crime and drug addiction, and protecting the environment - not only natural, but also social.

Meanwhile, we face one of the problems of disabled people every day. Ramps, of which there are many on city streets, should theoretically make life easier for wheelchair users. However, in reality, such structures do nothing but harm. Ramps installed in houses are inconvenient in themselves - slippery, without handrails. A broken bone here is the best that can happen. In the underground passages there is a very large slope of the ramp, there is often no ramp and railings, spontaneous trade is in full swing on many slopes, and there are mountains of garbage. In addition, having driven down such a ramp, a disabled person immediately encounters obstacles in the form of curbs, so that he is about to get hurt. The advertised wheelchair ramps at metro stations, the arrangement of which cost Kyiv 80 thousand UAH, are also terrible. "Suicide trainers" - they're so cool. Residential buildings, for example, have “stepped” ramps. In other words, they simply don’t exist! With the exception, of course, of new buildings.

Therefore, many people confined to a wheelchair are not even able to leave the house on their own and are forced to remain in isolation for years. Meanwhile, in Western countries, their unfortunate colleagues have the opportunity to enjoy almost all the benefits of civilization.

“Today people with disabilities are completely isolated. There is nothing for which the authorities can be praised, says the head of the public organization “Rehabilitation Center for Disabled Spinal Disabled Persons “Revival of ARS”. - The only thing that can be called positive is the appearance of buses and trolleybuses with low floors. But, again, it is practically impossible for wheelchair users to get to such a vehicle.

“I live on the third floor, and my wheelchair can barely squeeze into the small elevator, almost with a creak. It is simply impossible to climb several steps in a wheelchair without assistance. And there are practically no ramps anywhere,” a disabled woman shared her impressions.

Visually impaired people also cannot move without assistance. Danger awaits them at every step. In Kyiv, there are only six intersections equipped with sound signal devices (and even those are not always in working order), the approaches to metro stations are loaded with shopping pavilions, and “subway” platforms without protruding boundary lines can become platforms for departure to the next world. If the city program “Barrier-Free Environment,” designed to improve the conditions of access for citizens with disabilities to the social, engineering and transport infrastructure of the capital, is being implemented with great difficulty for wheelchair users, then no one has tried to implement it for the blind. But the ramp, which is made for people with spinal disorders, is an even greater obstacle for the blind (there are about 3 thousand of them in Kyiv) than the steps. Almost nothing has been done for the visually impaired in the city. One of the most pressing problems for blind people is getting into the right transport, because they cannot see the route number. The management of UTOS proposed that the city authorities introduce special devices on public transport so that, when approaching a stop, a trolleybus would announce its number. No less necessary are sound beacons above the entrances to the subway, store, pharmacy, post office, so that it would be easier for the blind to navigate in space.

Some progress towards making life easier for the blind can only be seen in the Kiev metro. Thus, a visually impaired person of group 1 can be accompanied free of charge by a relative or friend. If a blind person is traveling alone, he is met by an inspector and escorted onto the escalator. Downstairs they seat him in the first carriage, asking which station he needs to go to. Upon arrival, he is also taken out of the "subway". True, it should be noted that the city met the blind halfway in this regard only after two blind people died in the subway several years ago: people fell between the train cars, and not through the doors.

It turns out that sacrifices are needed to solve the problems of Kyiv disabled people?

We often hear statements of this type: “In our country, people with disabilities live poorly, but in the West...”. In European cities, life is more convenient for people with disabilities: the standard of living is higher, it is easier to move around the streets, and make purchases in stores. Many countries use advanced technologies for professional, medical and social rehabilitation of people with disabilities. In addition, special lifts for the disabled are being introduced not only in residential and public buildings, but also in public transport. This is not surprising: the process of integrating people with disabilities into society in the West began half a century earlier than in our country.

Thus, the 60s became a turning point for the United States in terms of the fight for civil rights. No, people with disabilities here did not die of hunger or suffer from lack of medical care. In terms of life's benefits, they were never offended. The struggle was in full swing for the possibility of equal access to all the benefits of civilization. Disabled Americans demanded the American Disability Rights Act.

And just 20 years ago such a law was adopted. The Americans with Disabilities Act guaranteed equality for people with disabilities in employment, public transportation, public and commercial establishments, and telecommunications. In pursuance of the law, all government organizations have created special telephone lines for the hearing impaired. Buses must have special seats that the driver can remove if a disabled person in a wheelchair boards the bus. For this purpose, buses are equipped with special lifts. Metro stations are equipped with elevators. Most government and public buildings have special ramps specifically designed for wheelchair users. All commercial private organizations that such clients visit - banks, restaurants, hotels, and shops - are required to have such check-ins. The exception is private companies that do not have direct contact with customers.

Another principle of state policy regarding people with disabilities is the need not for the availability of the devices themselves, but for the ability of a disabled person to use the services of an organization or service with the same ease as an ordinary person. So, if the library has a second floor, then it does not necessarily have to spend money on an elevator. However, if a disabled person asks for a book that is on the second floor, librarians are required to bring it. If a restaurant has, for example, three toilets, one of which has special devices that make the toilet accessible to the disabled, then it is not necessary to equip all toilets with such devices. It is enough to hang a sign indicating which toilet is more comfortable for a disabled person to use.

Special laws were also passed to protect the rights of the deaf and blind. In 1962, the US Congress passed a special law creating a music library for the deaf. Today the library, which is located in Washington, has more than 30 thousand records written in Braille. Doctors and courts should hire sign language interpreters for deaf patients. Signs are provided with inscriptions in Braille intended for blind and visually impaired people. Fast food restaurants print drink names in Braille on paper cups. Blind people can take their guide dogs into buses and grocery stores where other Americans are strictly prohibited from bringing their pets.

This law really works. If you opened a laundry, a restaurant, a school, and at least something in it is inaccessible to a disabled person, the American Disabilities Act will “close” such a business tomorrow. If a disabled person does not find a ramp on the sidewalk within one block, an elevator or lift within one city building, a toilet where a wheelchair can be used to run errands, or public transport that cannot be entered, there will be no mercy. If there are no special markings for the blind in public spaces, or sound counters for floors in elevators, all heavenly punishments will fall on those who did not provide equal access to disabled people.

In our country, 20 years ago, disabled people were generally “banned.” The result of the current government policy is the fact that they “came out of the shadows,” and this is already a big step forward. The greatest achievement of the Ukrainian authorities was the signing last year by the President of Ukraine of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. After which, in December, the Verkhovna Rada ratified this document. A special feature of this convention is that it provides for a clause on reporting to the UN by representatives of the authorities of the signatory country based on the results of the implementation of its norms. This important fact forced domestic officials to pay more attention to the problem of discrimination against people with disabilities. The Government of Ukraine adopted nine important resolutions to implement the provisions of this convention. Because the main thing is to put its norms into effect, so that later you will not be ashamed in front of the international community for failure to fulfill your obligations. Moreover, next year a Council of Europe conference on the rights of persons with disabilities is planned to be held in Ukraine, which will bring together representatives of more than 30 participating countries.

Yes, of course, the state should provide elevators and ramps to educational institutions, provide assistants to teachers, and so on. However, if the previous detachment and division of society into “us” and “them” continues in society, the situation will not change much. People with disabilities have long been reluctant to hold begging caps. They are no longer an “invalid” part of society. Mercy, pity, compassion - all this is good to the point of tenderness. But this is not what a person who has a hard life needs. He wants society to create conditions under which his limited capabilities will become unlimited. Ukraine is just beginning to think about these issues.

A proposal was sent to Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev to change the current traffic regulations: the deputy head of the LDPR faction, Yaroslav Nilov, proposed equating to pedestrians those citizens who move in wheelchairs with motors. This was reported in the press service of the deputy.

According to the initiator, this proposal was developed following a meeting with representatives of the community of people with disabilities. He noted that a pedestrian is now defined as “a person who is outside a vehicle on a road, or on a pedestrian or bicycle path and is not working on them.”

According to the current version of the traffic rules, citizens who move in wheelchairs without motors, drive a bicycle, moped, motorcycle, carry a sled, cart, baby or wheelchair, and also use roller skates, scooters and other similar means for movement are also considered pedestrians.

Thus, people using motorized wheelchairs are not included in the number of pedestrians, that is, they are equated with drivers, and therefore cannot move along pedestrian zones and bicycle and pedestrian paths. “They are subject to administrative liability for violating Russian traffic rules as drivers,” the parliamentarian explained. At the same time, he noted that traffic police officers are lenient towards these violations, however, changes are still needed.

At the end of last year it became known that the President of the Russian Federation signed a law regarding parking spaces for the disabled. According to the new norm, 10% of parking spaces (at least one space) must be allocated for people with disabilities.

Earlier, the Liberal Democratic Party also put forward an initiative to ban the evacuation of cars for disabled people. Yaroslav Nilov then noted that a fine and moving the car with a special sign to a place where there would be no interference with the movement of other vehicles or pedestrians would be enough.

A proposal was sent to Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev to change the current traffic regulations: the deputy head of the LDPR faction, Yaroslav Nilov, proposed equating to pedestrians those citizens who move in wheelchairs with motors. This was reported in the press service of the deputy.

According to the initiator, this proposal was developed following a meeting with representatives of the community of people with disabilities. He noted that a pedestrian is now defined as “a person who is outside a vehicle on a road, or on a pedestrian or bicycle path and is not working on them.”

According to the current version of the traffic rules, citizens who move in wheelchairs without motors, drive a bicycle, moped, motorcycle, carry a sled, cart, baby or wheelchair, and also use roller skates, scooters and other similar means for movement are also considered pedestrians.

Thus, people using motorized wheelchairs are not included in the number of pedestrians, that is, they are equated with drivers, and therefore cannot move along pedestrian zones and bicycle and pedestrian paths. “They are subject to administrative liability for violating Russian traffic rules as drivers,” the parliamentarian explained. At the same time, he noted that traffic police officers are lenient towards these violations, however, changes are still needed.

At the end of last year it became known that the President of the Russian Federation had signed. According to the new norm, 10% of parking spaces (at least one space) must be allocated for people with disabilities.

Earlier, the LDPR also came up with an initiative to. Yaroslav Nilov then noted that a fine and moving the car with a special sign to a place where there would be no interference with the movement of other vehicles or pedestrians would be enough.

3.2. Movement Prohibition. All vehicles are prohibited.

3.3 The movement of motor vehicles is prohibited.

3.28 Parking is prohibited. Parking of vehicles is prohibited.

3.29 Parking is prohibited on odd days of the month.

3.30 Parking is prohibited on even days of the month. If signs 3.29 and 3.30 are used simultaneously, the time for moving vehicles from one side to the other is from 19:00 to 21:00.

Bike- a vehicle, other than wheelchairs, that has two or more wheels and is driven by the muscular power of the people on it.

A pedestrian- a person who is outside the vehicle on the road and does not perform work on it. Persons moving in wheelchairs without a motor, driving a bicycle, moped, motorcycle, carrying a sled, cart, baby stroller or wheelchair are considered pedestrians.
4.1. Pedestrians must move on sidewalks or pedestrian paths, and if there are none, along the roadsides. Pedestrians carrying or carrying bulky objects, as well as persons using non-motorized wheelchairs, may walk along the edge of the roadway if their movement on sidewalks or shoulders creates an obstacle for other pedestrians.
Outside populated areas, when moving along the roadway, pedestrians must walk towards the movement of vehicles. Persons moving in wheelchairs without a motor, driving a motorcycle, moped, or bicycle, in these cases must follow the direction of travel of the vehicles.

Disabled person- in the form of a yellow square with a side of 150 mm and a black image of the symbol of road sign 7.17 - in front and behind motor vehicles driven by disabled people of groups I and II or transporting such disabled people.

| Lesson plan for the academic year | Safe behavior of passengers and pedestrians

Basics of life safety
5th grade

Lesson 13
Safe behavior of passengers and pedestrians

The Traffic Rules say that a pedestrian is a person who is on the road outside of a vehicle and does not perform work on it. Pedestrians also include people who move in a wheelchair without a motor, drive a bicycle, moped, motorcycle, carry a sled, cart, baby stroller or wheelchair.

Pedestrians are the most vulnerable road users. Therefore, they must know and follow traffic rules, be able to analyze and predict situations on the road, and anticipate possible dangers.

First of all, they should know that there are roads on which pedestrian traffic is prohibited. This:

Moving on other roads, Pedestrians must follow safety rules indicated in the diagram.

Special attention Pedestrians must strictly adhere to the rules for crossing the road. The main rules for safe crossing of the roadway by pedestrians are presented in the diagram.

If at a pedestrian crossing or intersection the movement of cars and pedestrians is regulated by traffic lights or a traffic controller, then you need to obey their signals.

When crossing a roadway outside a pedestrian crossing or intersection, pedestrians must assess the distance to approaching vehicles and their speed. You can cross the road if it is safe to do so.

Pedestrians should not linger or stop on the roadway(unless it is related to security). If they do not have time to complete the transition, they must stop on the line dividing traffic flows in opposite directions. They can finish crossing the roadway only after making sure that further movement is safe or at the signal of a traffic light (traffic controller).

In addition, it should be remembered that Do not go out onto the roadway if a car is approaching with a blue (blue and red) flashing light and a special sound signal turned on. Pedestrians on the road are required to give way to these vehicles and immediately clear the roadway.

Human A person who travels in a vehicle and is not its driver is called a passenger. A passenger is also considered to be someone who enters a vehicle (gets on it) or exits a vehicle (gets off it).

Rules of conduct for a bus (trolleybus, tram) passenger

It is allowed to enter and exit the vehicle only after it has come to a complete stop. In the cabin, if there are free seats, you must sit down and hold on to the handrails. If this is not possible, you need to go to an empty seat and stand so as not to interfere with the passage of other passengers, and also hold on to the handrails. The driver must not be distracted from driving the vehicle while driving. You should prepare for the exit in advance by checking with the passengers in front whether they will be exiting. We must not forget to give way to elderly people, disabled people and passengers with small children.

Rules of conduct for a passenger car

You can only get in and out of a car when it is stationary. This should be done from the sidewalk or curb. If this is not possible, then boarding and disembarking are allowed from the side of the roadway. In this case, you need to go out onto the roadway only after making sure that there is no danger.

Before driving, passengers in a car must fasten their seat belts. Children under 12 years of age may only ride in the front seat of a passenger car in special restraints (child seats) that are attached to the passenger seat. Children under 12 years of age and in the rear seat must travel in a child restraint system or other means of securing them with a seat belt. Child restraints must be appropriate for the height and weight of children.

When driving, it is not allowed to distract the driver from driving, open car doors while driving, lean out of windows, throw garbage on the road.

Rules of conduct for a motorcycle passenger

Children under 12 years of age are prohibited from riding a motorcycle without a stroller. They can only be ridden on the side of a motorcycle, which is what the Road Rules call a sidecar.

From the age of 12 you can ride on the back seat of a motorcycle. In all cases, before riding a motorcycle, the passenger must put on a protective motorcycle helmet and fasten it securely.


1. Who is a pedestrian?
2. On which roads is pedestrian traffic prohibited?
3. List the basic rules for the safe movement of pedestrians on the roads.
4. Which pedestrian crossings do you think are the safest?
5. How to properly cross the roadway if there is no pedestrian crossing or intersection in sight?
6. What should a pedestrian on the roadway do when approaching a car with a blue (blue and red) flashing light and a special sound signal on?
7. Which person should be considered a passenger?
8. Outline the basic rules of conduct for bus (trolleybus, tram) passengers.
9. Tell us how to properly get into a car.
10. At what age is it legal to ride on the back seat of a motorcycle?

TASK 17. You need to cross to the other side of the street through a crossing equipped with pedestrian traffic lights. Having stepped onto the roadway, you noticed that the green traffic light was flashing. What are you going to do?
1. I will calmly continue to cross the roadway.
2. I will cross the roadway by running.
3. I will return from the roadway to the sidewalk.
4. I will stop when the traffic light is red.
5. I will continue driving and stop at the median.


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