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The anti-rating of the most dangerous road sections due to the large number of accidents was compiled by the All-Russian Popular Front. “The ONF Center “People's Expertise” identified the most accident-prone road sections based on the results of the first half of 2016,” the organization’s press center reported. “The TOP-5 includes sections of roads in the Samara, Tula, Ryazan, Kaluga regions and Moscow.”

It is reported that ONF experts made their conclusions based on information about road accidents obtained from open sources of the traffic police. It turned out that the most accident-prone area in the country is the area within the city of Tolyatti (the indicated address is Yuzhnoe Highway, 36). “In just six months, 12 accidents occurred on it, in which 14 people were injured,” says the specialists’ report.

“We have already paid attention to this section of the city road this year. Then, at the end of 2015, he took third place in our anti-rating. Now it is the leader in the number of accidents based on the results of six months. But these are not just collisions of vehicles, but collisions with pedestrians - the most vulnerable road users, which requires even more serious intervention,” comments Nikolai Nikolaev, head of the ONF People’s Expertise center.

The second place in the all-Russian anti-rating was at the 246th kilometer of the M-2 “Crimea” federal highway, which passes through the city of Plavsk in the Tula region. During the first half of 2016, nine accidents were reported here, in which 13 people were injured. The 178th kilometer of the M-5 Ural highway in the Ryazan region closes the top three of the unique rating. In this place, according to the results of the first half of the year, eight road accidents were recorded, in which three people were killed and ten were injured.

On the fourth line is a section of the road in the Maloyaroslavetsky district of the Kaluga region. It is reported that on the 129th kilometer of the M-3 federal highway in the first six months of this year, eight accidents occurred in which four people were killed and ten people were injured. In fifth place is the 59th kilometer of the Moscow Ring Road: eight accidents were recorded in the Kuntsevo area, in which two people were killed and eight were injured.

More recently it became known that. The first deputy head of the department, Alexander Buksman, said this at a board meeting following the results of the work of the Prosecutor General’s Office, saying that government bodies do not know how and are not ready to act in emergency circumstances, and the road infrastructure is in poor condition.

It is no secret that even roads that are considered safe claim several lives every year. Accidents occur due to the fault of the drivers themselves, due to the poor condition of vehicles, due to insufficient visibility at night. However, there are routes where the number of deaths on which is calculated not in tens, but in hundreds and thousands per year!

What is the reason for so many accidents? Where are the most dangerous roads in the world located?

Top 10 most dangerous roads in the world

Opinions vary as to which highways have the most accidents. The most popular is the following ranking of the 10 most dangerous roads in the world.

Northern Yungas Road located in Bolivia

The route connects two cities - Labaz and Karaikov, has a length of 69 kilometers, and heads the TOP of the most dangerous roads in the world! The number of people killed on this route reaches 150 people a year. The reason for such a number of accidents is the low width of the road and the terrible roadside terrain.

It is extremely difficult for two cars to pass each other here. Freight - unrealistic. In addition to the width of the road, frequent and dense fogs, landslides and mudflows coming down from roadside slopes during rains contribute to an increase in accident rates.

High altitude tunnel located in the mountainous regions of China

A narrow mountain tunnel with no artificial lighting. The width of the roadway is less than 4 meters, which does not allow two fairly large cars to pass each other with confidence. The tunnel has many sharp turns and bends. This place is also dangerous because there are holes in the walls of the tunnel that open into the abyss. There are no guardrails or other measures that can ensure road safety.

Sichuan-Tibet Highway, China

Another road that is one of the most dangerous roads in China and in the world. Occurs in high mountain areas. Some sections of the road are located in such high areas that the concentration of oxygen there is lower than what a person needs to breathe.

Drivers attempting to drive through these areas become unconscious and lose control of the vehicle, leading to accidents. Landslides, avalanches, and rockfalls also occur on the highway. It takes months to clear the road after such natural events, during which time the road is closed.

Stelvio Pass. Italy

It is the highest paved road in the eastern Alps. It has very sharp turns and a zigzag arrangement. Already ten or twelve such turns, made within a short period of time, provoke an attack of dizziness in many drivers. This causes accidents, of which there are many.

Captains' Road. New Zealand

The site was originally created to transport miners to Captains Canyon. Gold mining took place here. Subsequently, the mines were closed, and the road acquired the status of a popular tourist route. The route passes through mountainous areas and the road surface is unpaved. When there is heavy rain, the route is washed out and landslides and rockfalls can occur.

Troll path. Norway

The road is located in a valley between two mountains. It has 11 sharp turns and a dangerous slope. It is open to the public only in summer, but even in the warm season a large number of accidents occur here. In winter and spring, the troll path is closed due to heavy snowfalls. The route has no transport significance and is therefore not serviced by snow removal equipment.

Atlantic Road. Norway

An incredibly beautiful stretch of road in Norway, passing between several coastal settlements. The road is a long bridge installed on stilts and passing directly over the sea.

The danger of the road lies in its proximity to water. During a storm, waves can roll over the structure, washing cars moving on it off the road and dumping them into sea water.

Himalayan road

Narrow mountain paths with extremely poor quality road surfaces. Holes and potholes in the asphalt require maneuvering, during which cars often slide off the road and fall into the abyss. Landslides and mudflows also occur here, the risk of which increases during rain.

Dalton Highway. Alaska

The road has a length equal to the mystical figure of 666 km, connecting the Elliot Highway with the village of Deadhorse, whose population is 25 people. It was originally created to deliver construction materials for the Trans-Alaska oil pipeline.

Along the entire length of the road there are only three settlements with a minimum number of local residents, there are practically no gas stations, there are no auto parts stores, hotels, or repair shops. The salvation for drivers who are forced to stop in the middle of the highway due to a malfunction are the large numbers of trucks passing here.

Eshima-Akishi Bridge. Japan

Length – 2 km. It has a large height and bend, which makes it possible for ship navigation along the river. It is dangerous due to excessive steepness, which can lead to cars rolling away.

Top 5 most dangerous roads in the Russian Federation

The main cause of accidents on the roads of the Russian Federation is not the topography of roads and near-road areas, as in the EU countries and China, but the quality of the road surface itself, as well as the organization of traffic control. Unfortunately, jokes about Russian roads are still relevant today. The most dangerous roads in Russia are given in the following list:

M-58 Chita-Skovorodino

The road is located in Transbaikalia, Amur region. Length – 918 km. The danger of the route is due to errors during its creation. The fact is that the area through which the road passes is swampy. The asphalt base used in the construction of the highway does not meet the existing conditions.

This leads to subsidence of the asphalt and the formation of high “waves”. Cars passing through such areas at high speeds sway and lose control, often leading to accidents.

A-360 "Lena" Never-Yakutsk

The crossing over the Lena River, located between the city of Yakutsk and the small village of Nizhny Bestyakh, is dangerous. There is no bridge here, so in the warm season the crossing is carried out by ferry.

In winter, people cross the river on ice. No one controls the mass and type of transport entering the ice crossing. This often leads to ice breaking and cars flooding. In winter, this is an extremely dangerous Russian section of the road.

R-504 "Kolyma" Magadan-Yakutsk

The most dangerous sections of the route are located in the highest mountainous areas, where the road is covered with ice throughout the year. Local road services do not treat the road surface with an anti-ice agent. At the same time, the route itself has many bends and a rather steep slope. There are no roadside barriers.

Winter roads

In the north of Russia (Yakutia, Arkhangelsk region, Komi Republic) there are many roads, travel on which is possible only in winter. In summer, the ground surface is washed away to such an extent that driving along such a road is only possible with a tractor or special vehicle with four-wheel drive. In winter the road freezes and becomes hard. However, its high level of danger remains.

The dangers of winter roads are similar to the dangers of mountain roads. A car can leave the road surface and roll over, slide off the road on an uphill slope, or be unable to brake on ice when descending. Sometimes cars drown when crossing bodies of water on ice. In addition, on winter roads there are many local residents who do not consider drunk driving something terrible.

Taganskaya Square. Moscow (the most dangerous place in Russia)

The most dangerous intersection in the Russian Federation is located on Taganskaya Square in Moscow. Here two squares and several roads are combined, each of which includes 6 or more lanes. Serious accidents rarely occur here, since traffic speeds in the center of the capital are low.

However, minor traffic accidents occur here every day. The intersection on Taganskaya Square is considered one of the most dangerous intersections in Russia. You can successfully navigate it without being a resident of Moscow only with the use of navigation equipment.

An article about the 10 most dangerous roads in Russia. Characteristics of dangerous federal highways in the country. At the end of the article there is an interesting video about the dangerous roads of northern Russia.

The content of the article:

Research of Russian roads is carried out annually by various organizations. The All-Russian Popular Front, Rosavtodor, and public centers fighting for road safety collect data on the total number of accidents, including fatalities, the level of crime on Russian roads and other important information in order to identify the worst leaders among dangerous highways for motorists.

Based on the studies conducted, it was revealed that more than 6 thousand people die annually on almost a hundred existing highways. Having carried out basic calculations with the length of the routes and the number of road accident victims, a depressing statistic was obtained: for every 100 km, 12 people died, that is, every 8 km, 1 life is claimed.

In 2015, the Ural, Volga and Caucasus highways were recognized as anti-leaders among roads, and among federal roads the Moscow Region and Krasnodar Territory took the first places.

Experts believe that the main reason for such a high mortality rate is poor regulation of road safety. Thus, many regions use all allocated funds to purchase equipment for recording violations. And the fines brought in thanks to them also do not go towards ensuring the traffic safety program.

Rosavtodor cites driving into the oncoming lane, speeding and lack of driving culture as the main causes of accidents. The first reason can be easily eliminated by installing flow dividers, which currently only exist on 40% of all federal highways.

Despite the fact that the tasks of the targeted federal program are not being solved, the state annually reduces the amount of budget funds allocated for it. So, in 2015 it decreased by 600 million rubles.

Anti-rating of federal highways

1. A 146 Krasnodar-Verkhnebakansky

The main Kuban highway is recognized as the most dangerous in Russia. It runs through a series of densely populated villages, through which hundreds of thousands of tourists travel annually towards the warm waters of the Black Sea.

The road originates in the capital of Kuban and deepens into Novorossiysk, passing mostly along the plain, only after Krymsk meeting the low-mountainous terrain and the Wolf Gate pass.

The asphalt highway is 8-18 meters wide for 2-4 lanes, respectively; in some places, dividing barriers are installed. However, this did not prevent the road from becoming the anti-leader of our rating with 5 victims for every 10 km.

2. R 217 Caucasus

The most picturesque, but also the most difficult route in the country, replete with ascents, descents and serpentines. With a total length of 1,118 km, this road crosses the Terek, Kuban and Argun rivers three times, offering good coverage and beautiful views. The disadvantages include the width of the highway - two-lane traffic does not allow overtaking or any other maneuvers on the road.

Quite recently, there was a big problem on the section of the highway near the village of Korkmaskala, which, despite all its dangers, did not have a sufficient level of illumination and even a traffic light at the intersection. Only after a prosecutor's inspection and an appropriate order did the road services bring the highway into proper condition.

3. A 155 Cherkessk-Dombay

The route takes only 143 km, which can be covered in 2.5 hours. It survived a major overhaul and thorough restoration of the bridge over the Teberda River, and has markings. To Ust-Dzheguta there is 4-lane traffic, which then turns into 2 lanes.

The danger of the route lies in the fact that it passes through forested and mountainous areas, which cannot always be overcome in bad weather conditions. Although the mountain slopes are reinforced and have a protective net, it is not recommended to travel to these sections of the route in winter and late autumn.

The most difficult section of the road is considered to be the section between Karachaevsk and Teberda, characterized by a strong narrowing of the road and a large number of sharp turns.

4. A 290 Novorossiysk-Kerch

The 166-kilometer route suffers the most from weather conditions. During the hottest summer period, the authorities even prohibit freight transport from crossing the highway during the daytime in order to avoid damage to the asphalt surface.

The section of road on the approach to the Kavkaz port was in very poor condition, with many minor and major damages, as well as problems with drainage.

With fairly intense traffic of 20 thousand cars per day, the highway has only 2, and in some sections 3 lanes.

5. A 104 Moscow-Dmitrov-Dubna

Laid along the canal named after. In Moscow, the 125-meter highway has long exhausted its capacity, creating monstrous traffic jams. The authorities have finally embarked on a colossal reconstruction of the road, including with the aim of improving its safety. The scope of work includes the reconstruction of utilities, electric lighting lines, retaining walls, spans and beams, expansion of the roadway, installation of traffic without traffic lights, as well as the division of flows into different levels and the installation of noise barriers.

6. M10 Russia

One of the oldest routes from Moscow through Tver and Veliky Novgorod to the cultural capital of our country also did not escape the shameful rating. The route is reliably labeled as “emergency and difficult” due to numerous sharp turns, descents and ascents, places with limited visibility and sections running along reservoir dams.

As part of the traffic control program, the highway was equipped with 30 thousand reflective elements, and a 42-kilometer cable barrier structure was installed. Its purpose is to separate oncoming traffic. In just 10 months of operation, the number of accidents at the modernized site decreased by 20%.

7. A 240 Bryansk-Novozybkov

The route borders the Republic of Belarus and is often included in news reports as one of the most dangerous. In winter, mobile emergency aid stations for motorists have become a familiar sight. Although during snowfalls all road services in the Bryansk region are transferred to emergency mode, the situation with drivers freezing on the highway has been repeated for several years.

During a statistical study of dangerous roads in Russia, it was revealed that out of 74 million rubles allocated to ensure safe traffic, almost half was spent on equipment for recording violations, more than 20 million on updating road markings made of thermoplastic, 3 million on the purchase and installation of road signs, a total of 1 million - for the cable fencing described above. There were no longer enough funds for traffic lights, pedestrian barriers, or accident prevention.

In 2015, a major overhaul of a 13-kilometer section of the highway was carried out using the latest technologies. Thus, the laid coating is mixed from foamed bitumen with asphalt-concrete warm mixtures, and a geogrid is fixed between the asphalt layers to prevent the potential occurrence of cracks. A lighting system was installed along the route, road signs were installed and drainage systems were installed.

8. M3 Ukraine

Built under Khrushchev, the 500-kilometer highway runs through the Moscow, Kursk and Bryansk regions, stopping along the way at the family nest of the Secretary General - the village of Kalinovka.

Over 40 years of operation, the road lined with concrete slabs has fallen into extremely poor condition. As far as Kaluga, its condition can be described as tolerable - the site in the Bryansk region has been renovated. The rest of the mileage consists of potholes of varying degrees of depth and width; in some places, road workers laid asphalt pavement on top of dilapidated concrete, which caused even larger cracks.

Therefore, “Ukraine” is especially dangerous during bad weather, when holes and ruts are insidiously hidden by rain. This is probably why the highway is not the busiest in the country.

9. A 151 Tsivilsk-Ulyanovsk

Overall, this is a 3-lane track of average quality, running through flat terrain. The road was included in the rating of dangerous roads due to a steep descent near the village of Shikhazany, where the speed limit is set at 50 km/h, which is regulated by a traffic police post.

There is a school located in the village of Kalaikasy directly next to the highway. The section of the road opposite it is equipped with a traffic light and a pedestrian crossing, which, unfortunately, does not always save children from reckless drivers.

10. M7 Volga

One of the most “dacha” directions, leading from Moscow to Vladimir and further to Nizhny Novgorod, Kazan, Ufa, has over a dozen areas with a high accident rate. Only in the Petushinsky district 4 places cause concern - at 100, 106, 107 and 120 kilometers.

The main causes of accidents on this road are non-compliance with the distance and speed limits by motorists, driving into the oncoming lane, incorrect lane changes, and pedestrians entering the roadway.

In Lakinsk, where there are a large number of intersections, pedestrian crossings and numerous junctions with the main highway, collisions with pedestrians, non-compliance with intersection rules and speeding are very common.


Other, no less popular routes can complement our tragic list:

  • M-58 Chita – Skovorodino, where swampy soil washes away poor-quality coverage, causing “waves” and holes. There are practically no gas stations here, which forces you to stock up on your own fuel. And at night, cases of attacks by criminal gangs on motorists are not uncommon.
  • A360 “Lena” Nevers – Yakutsk It’s hard to call it a track at all. This is a broken road, shrouded in clouds of dust in the summer and impassable even in the Urals in the fall. But the main problem is the lack of a bridge across the Lena River. In the summer there is a queue for the ferry crossing, in the winter it is suggested to move directly on the ice with the risk of ending up under it in case of a thaw.
  • M-5 "Ural" Outwardly, it is distinguished by high-quality coating, the presence of cafes, hotels and gas stations. But the extreme congestion of the highway leads to a high accident rate, and due to the concentration of correctional camps along the highway, to a frightening percentage of crime.
The great Alexander Sergeevich wrote about the troubles of Russian roads. Since then, 2 centuries have passed, and the situation has hardly changed. You can console yourself with the fact that in Europe, especially in Hungary and Slovenia, there are unsafe roads. But still, next year I would like to see the rating of dangerous Russian roads reduced by at least half.

Video about dangerous roads in northern Russia:

The most dangerous federal highways in Russia have been named. The highway with the largest number of accidents was the M5 Ural, which was noted for its excessive congestion.

The rating was compiled based on an index that is calculated based on the total length of the highway, the number of serious road accidents (with two or more fatalities) that occurred on it in December 2013, and the total number of road traffic fatalities in each of the regions through which a particular route passes. another highway. Experts noted that the rating is purely seasonal, the indicators of which may change with the onset of warm weather, when many cars will head south.

In addition to the Ural, the routes with the largest number of serious accidents were the M10 Russia and M3 Ukraine.

The most dangerous federal highways in Russia

Also, the M1 "Belarus", M6 "Caspian", M4 "Don" and M2 "Crimea" were also considered to be insufficiently safe routes. The latter is characterized by a large number of accidents that occur at night and in the morning due to the fault of drivers who fall asleep at the wheel.

Federal highways of Russia with insufficient safety

Routes with an index of 0.8 to 1.5 units were recognized as federal roads with satisfactory safety. They turned out to be M7 "Volga", M8 "Kholmogory" and M9 "Baltiya". The safest of them was the M7 Volga, which has the least number of accidents due to the remoteness of large cities and the small number of accidents involving pedestrians.

Federal highways of Russia with satisfactory safety

Experts also specifically noted the Moscow region, which stands out noticeably in terms of accident rates among other regions and regions. Every fifth accident in the Moscow region occurs due to driving into the oncoming lane and speeding, especially in the dark or in conditions of insufficient visibility. In addition, the roads of the Moscow region lack both ground and overground pedestrian crossings.

According to the head of the public center, Dmitry Leontyev, Rosavtodor workers, together with the traffic police, constantly identify sections of highways with the largest number of accidents and try to eliminate them, but instead, new emergency sections arise. “One of the ways to reduce mortality is seen in the personal responsibility of governors for accidents on sections of federal roads passing through these regions. Despite the fact that the “federals” service the highway, the local traffic police plays a large role in reducing mortality, the actions of which are completely influenced by the head of the region capable,” the expert explained.

Based on the results of the first 11 months of last year, the regions with the most dangerous roads in Russia were the Leningrad and Kirov regions, as well as the Krasnodar Territory, and the safest roads were in the Novosibirsk and Belgorod regions, as well as in Moscow.


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