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If you want to learn a new profession and learn how to drive a tractor, then it is very important to choose the right educational institution where you will be trained and receive the coveted rights. There are a large number of courses on the Internet that offer to quickly teach the theory and practice that is required when passing the tractor license exam. Do not rush to go to the first training center that comes across! After all, not all of them generally have permission to issue rights to a tractor. In this article, we will try to tell in detail about what is the difference between the rights issued to drive a car and the rights to drive special-purpose vehicles. We will show you how you can find educational institutions licensed by Gostekhnadzor. We will also acquaint you with how a real certificate should look like.

How do tractor rights differ from car rights?

So, what is the difference between the rights to drive special-purpose vehicles and the rights to drive a car?

A driver's license is a standard-sized plastic card that contains information about the category of vehicle that is allowed to be driven, a brief information about the owner of the rights, as well as information about the government agency from which these rights were obtained.

Construction equipment, by law, does not apply to motor vehicles, so these rights will not be enough. To drive a tractor, you need to graduate from a specialized educational institution, pass an exam and receive a special tractor operator's driver's license.

I would like to make a reservation right away, taking an exam at a regular driving school, you get a driver's license that gives you the right to drive a car, both in Russia and abroad. With special equipment, everything is completely different. Having obtained the right to drive a tractor, you will be able to drive it exclusively in your homeland, in Russia. Outside it, the tractor license will not be valid.

The form of rights is approved by Gostekhnadzor, it is for this reason that wherever you get the right to control special-purpose equipment, they must be of the same sample. The rights card is filled out on both sides. On one side there should be a photo and signature of the owner, as well as basic information about him. The reverse side contains information about the categories of special equipment that the owner of the rights is allowed to manage. The basis for issuing rights that allow you to control any class of special equipment is the Certificate that you have completed a full course of special training.

According to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 6, 2011 N 351, self-propelled machines in these Rules mean tractors, self-propelled road-building machines and other ground trackless motor vehicles with an independent drive, having an internal combustion engine with a volume of more than 50 cc or electric motor with a maximum power of more than 4 kW (with the exception of motor vehicles intended for movement on public roads with a maximum design speed of more than 50 km / h, self-propelled combat equipment of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies performing tasks in the field national defense and security).

We would like to warn you right away that this Certificate does not give any right to operate the equipment. It only allows you to pass exams at Gostekhnadzor. Naturally, if the training center where you were trained as a tractor driver is not accredited by Gostekhnadzor, the Certificate issued to you has no validity. As a matter of fact, it will not qualify you for the exam, and you will not be able to get a license to drive a tractor or other special purpose equipment.

True, there is an exception. If the engine power of the special equipment on which you are going to work is less than four kW, then the “crust” received at the training center is enough to control it. There is no need to contact the Gostekhnadzor.

If an employee operates special equipment without a license, his employer faces a large fine. Therefore, in the presence of full rights for the employee, the person who hired him is no less interested than the employee himself.

If you want to get a working specialty, the first thing you need to do is decide on what technique you want to work on. Based on your requests, the educational institution you applied to will select courses that suit your interests. Training should take place on exactly the type of technique for which you want to get the rights. After successfully graduating from an educational institution and passing the appropriate exam, you will receive a certificate where the corresponding mark will be made. For example, that you were trained as a tractor driver. If you come to learn how to work on a different type and class of special equipment, then you will have to undergo training again.

The rights to a tractor and other self-propelled equipment are divided into categories:

Category A (I-IV) opens to drive off-road vehicles that are not designed for public roads. The category includes ATVs, snowmobiles, warehouse equipment of light weight and power up to 4 kW.

If you have completed training courses corresponding to the specialty "tractor driver", you will be issued a tractor driver's driver's license. On the reverse side of the document issued to you, the category and rank will be indicated.

The category is assigned in accordance with the Unified Tariff-Qualification Directory of Works and Professions of Workers (ETKS), is determined by the inspector who takes the exam, and is indicated in the certificate of completion of training next to the name of the profession. For example, "forklift driver 4th category."

So, rank 2 means that the driver has the right to drive forklifts and other equipment under the guidance of a more experienced specialist, and is also allowed to repair "handling and loading and load-handling devices and mechanisms," says ETKS.

Rank 3 allows the driver to drive battery forklifts and other load-handling mechanisms, to engage in loading, laying out and stacking loads in piles, to participate in the repair and maintenance of loader mechanisms.

Rank 4 means that the driver can work with loaders up to 73.5 kW (100 hp), as well as with any mechanisms that are used to move various goods and stack them in a dump and in a pile. The driver of the loader of the 4th category is obliged to independently carry out maintenance and proper repair of the loader and all its mechanisms.

Rank 5 allows for the management of loaders with an engine power of more than 100 "horses", as well as loaders of lower power if they are used "as bulldozers, scrapers, excavators and other machines" (quoted from ETKS).

Rank 6 needed to work with a tractor loader with an engine power of over 200 hp, if it is used as a bulldozer or excavator.

Tractor driver's license valid for 10 years from the date of issue. At the end of this period, the tractor driver's license will have to be exchanged for a new one.

What documents are required to obtain a tractor operator's driver's license?

The rights of a tractor driver can be obtained by any citizen of the Russian Federation who has reached the age of eighteen. In order to enter the courses, you need to have a photo of 3x4 centimeters, an identity document (passport), as well as a medical certificate of health. In most educational institutions, the period of study does not exceed one and a half months, regardless of the chosen specialty.

The tractor driver training program is approved by Gostekhnadzor, as well as the Ministry of Education. The entire training program can be divided into two parts: theory and practice.

Theoretical training includes the study of the design features of the construction of special equipment, as well as the study of the rules for working with goods. If the student does not have a driver's license, the theoretical part will also include the study of the rules of the road. For knowledge of the theoretical part, the student must pass an exam.

The practical part of the training takes place at the training ground, where students learn how to drive, maneuver, and work with loads. Training in practical work skills necessarily includes work, both on an asphalt site and on the ground.

The exam is also taken in two stages. First, students must pass the theory, either by tickets orally, or computer testing is performed. After successfully passing the exam in the theoretical part, students are allowed to pass the practice of driving and driving skills. If the student does not pass the exam the first time, he may be assigned a retake. You can not retake the exam immediately, it must take at least seven days. Exams are given to the state engineer-inspector of Gostekhnadzor.

When passing the practical part, the skills of managing a special equipment are evaluated. The exam is conditionally divided into two stages. At the first stage, the examinee shows his skills in ideal conditions, at the training ground. At the second stage, the delivery takes place on a real object. Exams are taken at the training grounds of the educational institution where the examinee was trained. The Gostekhnadzor inspector is obligatory present at the exam, and it is he who decides which of the students passed and which did not. Those who pass the exam receive a certificate. Those who fail to pass the exam will be retaken. If the student used three attempts, but could not pass the exam, he is sent for retraining.

Once again, we note that, unlike a driver's license, a tractor driver's license can only be obtained at a specialized educational institution. In any large city, there are necessarily specialized training centers.

The rights to issue certificates to students by educational centers have a territorial restriction. The training center can issue a certificate to a student only if he is registered (lives) in the same region where the training center is located. For example, if you live in the Nizhny Novgorod region, then you should also study there. Of course there are exceptions to the general rule. A number of training plants received the right to train tractor drivers not only for nonresident citizens of Russia, but also for citizens of other states. An example of such an institution is the Specialist training center, which is geographically located in the city of Mytishchi near Moscow.

So, before submitting documents for training to an educational institution, check whether it has the right to issue you an appropriate certificate. This information can be found by visiting the website of the organization where you want to be trained, or by calling.

Isn't it easier to buy a tractor license?

You can buy a fake driver's driver's license without going through training. There are many such offers on the Internet. However, remember that it will be a fake. Yes, and the actions that you perform in this case violate the Law!

We repeat once again that a certificate obtained at a training center that is not accredited by Gostekhnadzor will not give you the right to pass an exam for obtaining the rights of a tractor driver in Gostekhnadzor. In fact, non-accredited centers simply swindle you for money by issuing a Certificate of Training. Therefore, having decided to study as a tractor driver or a similar specialty, be sure to find out whether the training center is accredited or not.

A few years ago, a new type of driver's license was introduced in Russia. These are documents that have a modern format. The number of categories and subcategories has been increased here.

But none of them allows you to drive a tractor and any other vehicles called self-propelled.

Documents that allow self-propelled equipment to be driven are called “tractor driver-driver certificates”.

They mean:

Categories Six
Subcategories Four

Unlike the driver's license issued by the State Traffic Inspectorate, the Gostekhnadzor issues tractor licenses. The technical inspection of self-propelled equipment is also carried out there.

The received tractor license, unlike the usual driver's license, does not allow driving self-propelled equipment outside our country.

What it is

Despite the external similarity with the usual driver's license, tractor driver's licenses, nevertheless, open up completely different possibilities in the right to drive equipment.

After all, a truck driver who has an international certificate of cat. "C" cannot operate a backhoe loader, and just as a driver driving a communal harvester cannot drive a passenger car.

These are two separate areas of transport management, supervised by different departments, having their own terminology, training programs, special equipment and different documents (rights):

Self-propelled vehicles (SM) Tractors, other machinery used in road construction and land-based non-rail mechanical vehicles with appropriate engine ratings. The exception is the military ST, which performs combat missions to increase the state defense capability
Tractor driver's license A document confirming the right of a citizen to drive one of the types of self-propelled vehicles. It is issued for a period of 10 years.
Categories (subcategories) Delimitation of the right of a tractor driver to control a certain group of ST

What is the purpose of providing

During the Great Patriotic War, boys, who were 12-14 years old, worked on tractors in the field, without any rights.

Yes, it was necessary for the victory of our country. It wasn't as hard to drive back then as it is now.

Now self-propelled vehicles (ST) have been brought to almost perfection, becoming a means of transportation equipped with the most complex working functionality, electronics and computers.

And its diversity already allows division into categories and even subcategories. To operate such equipment, you must obtain documents certifying:

When admitting to training and passing qualifying exams in some of the categories (subcategories), age restrictions are provided.

Legal framework

The right to drive SM, tractors, obtaining the appropriate rights of a tractor driver-driver are regulated by several regulations:

Categories of driving licenses for tractors and special equipment

In the recent past, the rights of tractor drivers were categories A, B, C, D, D, and they became such - A, B, C, D, E, F, as well as A1, A2, A3, A4.

Each of the categories (subcategories) indicated in the certificate allows driving tractors or special equipment.

These are agricultural machinery (SHT) and self-propelled vehicles (SM) with certain power indicators (from 27.5 to 110 kW and more).

Detailed transcript

Consider all existing categories (subcategories) with a breakdown:

Category "A" Automobile and motorcycle transport not intended for movement on ordinary roads or capable of speeds up to 50 km/h
Subcategory. A1 Off-road motor transport. This subcategory includes: all-terrain vehicles (snowmobiles, swamp vehicles, snow and swamp vehicles)
Subcategory. A2 Off-road vehicles with a maximum authorized mass of up to 3.5 tons and the number of seats (with a driver's) no more than 8. This subcategory includes all-terrain vehicles
Subcategory. A3 Off-road vehicles with a permitted maximum weight exceeding 3.5 tons. This category includes all-terrain vehicles for special purposes, mining dump trucks
Subcategory. A4 Off-road vehicles intended for passenger transportation, having more than 8 (including the driver's) seats. Apron and shift buses are suitable for this category.
Category "B" Tracked and wheeled vehicles with an engine power of less than 27.5 kW. In this category - mini-excavator tractors, communal harvesters
Category "C" Wheeled SM with engines having a power of 27.5 to 110.3 kW. This category includes tractors, backhoe loaders
Category "D" Wheeled vehicles with engines with a power of more than 110.3 kW - pneumatic wheeled cranes, tractors
Category "E" Tracked vehicles with engines over 27.5 kW: bulldozers, excavators
Category F Self-propelled agricultural machinery: grain harvesters, etc.

Clarification - the possession of the rights of a tractor driver of category A2 does not give their holder the right to drive a CM of category A4 and vice versa.

How to find out which one you need

To obtain a tractor driver's license, you must complete the appropriate training course for a specific category (subcategory).

This is determined by the type of equipment owned by the enterprise. You should know that in addition to the category (subcategory), the category is also indicated in the rights of the tractor driver.

The digit capacity is determined by the Gostekhnadzor inspector who takes the exams. Consider how the ranks are assigned:

2 For those who have the right to drive a ST under the supervision of an experienced mentor, repair loading and self-gripping mechanisms and devices
3 For those who have the right to drive a battery loader, other self-gripping mechanisms, to carry out loading, to store cargo in a pile, to carry out repairs and maintenance of tractor mechanisms
4 For drivers who have received a permit to work on loaders with a capacity of less than 100 hp. with., and on other mechanisms that are used for the transfer and storage of goods
5 For tractor drivers who have received the right to control ST with a power of over 100 hp. with. or less if it is used as a scraper, excavator, bulldozer
6 For drivers who have the right to drive tractors with a power of 200 hp. with. in cases of their bulldozer or excavator use

In order to receive training services and pass qualification exams, the candidate submits an application to the territorial body of Gostekhnadzor with the attachment:

  • passports;
  • medical certificates;
  • document on completed training;
  • tractor license (if issued earlier);
  • driver's license (if any);
  • photographs on matte paper (3x4).

Reception, training and conducting certification exams, granting the right to manage ST, are carried out by specialized and accredited training centers, schools located in the regions where students live.

Tractor rights cannot be obtained in another, even neighboring region. Depending on the category, most training courses last about one and a half months.

Educational programs of schools and centers are approved by the Ministry of Education and Science and Gostekhnadzor. Training courses imply theoretical and practical stages.

The theoretical stage involves the study of the design of ST, the rules for working with various cargoes.

If students do not have a regular driver's license, the study of traffic rules is also introduced into the program. Theoretical knowledge is tested in the form of an exam.

The practical stage of training is carried out at the training grounds and includes training in driving, maneuvering the ST and handling loads in real conditions (on dirt and asphalt surfaces).

Lack of practical skills, the minimum number of hours worked at the test site can lead to an unsatisfactory result in the exam.

Certification exams are also held in stages. First theoretical - on a computer or orally.

Successful completion of the theoretical stage is admission to the practical exam.

The practical exam allows the examiner to determine the student's ability to operate the ST in different conditions - created permanently (at a training ground or tractor track) and at a real object.

The examiner is an inspector of Gostekhnadzor, who has the right to make a decision:

  • "Admitted to the management of the SM";
  • "Not allowed to manage the SM."

In cases where a cadet does not pass one of the stages of the exam, he is given the right to retake it at least a week later.

Video: we hand over the practice for the certificates of a tractor driver-driver of category B, C, D, E, F

A total of three attempts are given. If the third is also unsuccessful, then the student is again sent for training.

Separately, it is worth noting that in order to pass exams that allow SM to manage, persons of a certain age have the right to:

We also note that after the withdrawal of the rights of a tractor driver, their issuance is possible only after passing a theoretical exam.

If the seizure was made on the basis of the condition of the tractor driver (it was established that he was intoxicated), then a medical certificate must be submitted to the Gostekhnadzor to be admitted to the exams.

But only after half the term of deprivation of tractor rights, not earlier.

New sample example

Gostekhnadzor regulates a form of tractor drivers' certificates that is uniform for all regions of the Russian Federation.

The basis for issuing a tractor driver-driver's certificate is a document certifying the completion of a special course of theoretical and practical training.

The form of a new sample is a card filled on both sides. On one side, the owner's data, his photograph, signature. On the other side is information about the technique to which he is allowed to manage.

From the usual international driver's license, the rights of a tractor driver can differ only in the name of the categories and the color of the card itself.

The section "Special marks" is filled in with additional information about restrictions and permissions, informational marks:

  • about driving with glasses;
  • blood type;
  • about driving experience;
  • by category.

An example of filling in the rights of a tractor driver-machinist (tractor driver) of a new type, having the entry "Forklift driver", and in the column "Special marks" of category "C" and "B", see Appendix 1.

Machinists - tractor drivers - this is perhaps one of the most sought-after vacancies in developing cities.

Where construction is going on, where companies purchase the latest road construction equipment - there is always a need for people who know how modern equipment works.

At the same time, they must have certificates of tractor drivers-machinists.

Good afternoon, dear reader.

Today I bring to your attention the first article in the series "Changes in the rules for obtaining tractor driver's licenses from November 13, 2011". As you must have already guessed, this article will consider the changes that will soon be made to the next regulatory legal document, which is also related to car drivers.

This series will focus on the changes that have undergone. Innovations were published in , which comes into force November 13, 2011.

Only a small part of the changes will be considered today. First of all, we will talk on tractor driver's driver's licenses and new categories that will appear on this ID starting November 13th.

Self-propelled vehicles

The first change in the rules that you should pay attention to is the change in the concept of " self-propelled machine". Let me remind you that tractor driver's license allows you to control self-propelled machines of the corresponding category.

2. Self-propelled machines in these Rules mean motor vehicles not intended for driving on public roads, tractors (except for motor blocks), self-propelled road-building and other machines with an internal combustion engine capacity of more than 50 cubic meters. centimeters, not related to motor vehicles.

2. Self-propelled machines in these Rules means tractors, self-propelled road-building machines and other land-based trackless motor vehicles with independent drive, having an internal combustion engine with a capacity of more than 50 cubic meters. centimeters or an electric motor with a maximum power of more than 4 kW (with the exception of motor vehicles intended for movement on public roads with a maximum design speed of more than 50 km / h, and combat self-propelled equipment of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies performing tasks in the field of defense and state security).

As you can see, the concept of "self-propelled machine" has been somewhat changed. Now it more clearly and in detail describes the classes of equipment that can be controlled if you have a tractor driver's driver's license.

The right to drive a self-propelled machine

The 3rd paragraph of the rules for issuing certificates of a tractor driver-driver has also undergone significant changes:

3. Sample certificates of a tractor driver (tractor driver) are approved by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Russian Federation in agreement with the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

3. The right to drive self-propelled machines is confirmed by one of the following documents:

  • certificate of a tractor driver-machinist (tractor driver);
  • temporary certificate for the right to drive self-propelled machines (hereinafter referred to as the temporary certificate);
  • temporary permit for the right to drive self-propelled machines (hereinafter - temporary permit).

Driving a self-propelled machine by a person who does not have a document confirming that he has the right to drive self-propelled machines is prohibited.

In paragraph 3 of the regulatory document under consideration, a list of all documents is finally introduced that allows you to control self-propelled machines. As you can see, a clear line is drawn here between a temporary tractor driver's license and a temporary permit.

I note that if a similar distinction were introduced for automobile temporary documents, then drivers would never have the question "".

In addition, the updated paragraph 3 clearly warns that it is forbidden to drive a self-propelled vehicle without documents for the right to drive.

Differences between a temporary tractor driver's license and a temporary permit

Differences between a temporary certificate of a tractor driver and a temporary permit are given in the text of the updated paragraph 9 and subparagraph 9 1:

9. The basis for admission to driving self-propelled machines of persons sent by educational institutions for practical training for a period of up to 2 months is the appropriate certificate of a tractor driver (tractor driver) or a temporary permit for the right to drive self-propelled machines (hereinafter referred to as temporary permission).

In the event of inspections when submitting documents that raise doubts about their authenticity, if there are grounds to believe that a person is deprived of the right to drive self-propelled machines or other vehicles, and in other cases, a temporary permit may be issued for the right to drive self-propelled machines of the corresponding category for a period of up to 2 months.

A temporary permit is issued on the basis of an extract from the examination sheet certified by the educational institution. The temporary permit is replaced by the appropriate certificate of the tractor driver (tractor driver) upon presentation of a document on the completion of training without passing exams.

9. The basis for admission to the management of self-propelled machines of persons sent by educational institutions for practical training for a period of up to 2 months is a temporary certificate issued by the state technical supervision authorities. The issuance of a temporary certificate is carried out at the state inspection of state technical supervision after passing, in accordance with the requirements of subparagraphs "a" and "b" of paragraph 11 and paragraphs 12 - 30 of these Rules, exams for the right to drive self-propelled machines and on the basis of an extract from the examination sheet certified by an educational institution. The temporary certificate is replaced without passing exams for the certificate of a tractor driver-machinist (tractor driver) upon presentation of a document confirming the completion of training.

9 1 . When an administrative offense is committed that entails the deprivation of the right to drive self-propelled machines, the protocol on the commission of which is authorized to be drawn up by the state engineer-inspector of state technical supervision, the certificate of the tractor driver (tractor driver) is withdrawn and a temporary permit is issued for a period until the decision on the case of an administrative offense comes into force, but not more than 2 months. The period of validity of a temporary permit may be extended in the cases and in the manner provided for by the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

So, in the version of the normative document that existed before November 13, 2011, it is very easy to get confused, because no clear distinction is made between temporary certificates and permissions.

After November 13, everything will be much clearer. A temporary certificate is issued to a candidate tractor driver-machinist after passing exams at the state technical supervision. As for a temporary permit, it is issued only in case of deprivation of the right to drive self-propelled vehicles and can be used by the driver until the court order comes into force.

New categories of tractor driver's driver's license

Until November 13, 2011, there are 6 categories of tractor driver-driver certificates. After the innovations come into force, 3 new subcategories will be added to them:


  • category "A" - motor vehicles not intended for movement on public roads (off-road motor vehicles);
  • category "C" - wheeled vehicles with an engine power from 25.7 to 77.2 kW;
  • category "D" - wheeled vehicles with an engine power over 77.2 kW;

4. The certificate of a tractor driver-machinist (tractor driver) confirms the right to drive self-propelled machines of the following categories:

  • category "A" - motor vehicles not intended for movement on public roads or having a maximum design speed of 50 km/h or less:
  • I - off-road motor vehicles;
  • II - off-road motor vehicles, the maximum authorized mass of which does not exceed 3500 kilograms and the number of seats in which, in addition to the driver's seat, does not exceed 8;
  • III - off-road motor vehicles, the authorized maximum mass of which exceeds 3500 kilograms (with the exception of those belonging to category "A IV");
  • IV - off-road motor vehicles intended for the carriage of passengers and having, in addition to the driver's seat, more than 8 seats;
  • category "B" - tracked and wheeled vehicles with engines up to 25.7 kW;
  • category "C" - wheeled vehicles with an engine power from 25.7 to 110.3 kW;
  • category "D" - wheeled vehicles with an engine power over 110.3 kW;
  • category "E" - tracked vehicles with an engine power over 25.7 kW;
  • category "F" - self-propelled agricultural machines.

The first change worth paying attention to is the change in the limits for categories C and D. Now category C of the tractor driver's license allows you to drive a wider range of vehicles.

Well, the second, no less significant change is the introduction of subcategories of category A.

As you can see, the age required to obtain a tractor driver's license of the previously existing categories has not changed. With regard to the new categories A II, A III and A IV, you must be 19 years old to obtain categories A II and A III, and 22 years old to obtain category A IV.

However, these are not the only requirements for new categories. To obtain them, you must have the appropriate category, as well as the experience of driving a vehicle of this category for at least 12 months.

This concludes the first part of the series of articles "Changes in the rules for obtaining tractor driver's licenses from November 13, 2011" is over. The next article will discuss the next innovations related to obtaining tractor driver's license.

Good luck on the roads!

36.1. The replacement of the certificate of a tractor driver-driver (tractor driver) in connection with the assignment of qualifications within the existing categories, with the exception of the case provided for in paragraph 36 of these Rules, is carried out without passing exams in the manner provided for in paragraphs 32 - 35, 37, 38 and 45 of these Rules, after submission of a document confirming the qualification.

Those. You will have to go through training and you don't have to take exams.

Good luck on the roads!


Maxim, hello, he changed his tractor driver’s license, the A&G categories were opened in the old way, why didn’t they open the A1 category

Good luck on the roads!


Hello. I have the rights of a tractor driver and a loader driver of the fourth category cat. "C" I was told by the State Technical Supervision Inspector that I cannot work on a loader with an engine power of 92 kW. category allows and rank does not allow. thanks in advance.

Dmitry, hello.

The word category is not used at all. Those. the discharge must not affect the power of the vehicles that the driver can drive.

Good luck on the roads!


Dmitry, hello)

When driving a tractor with category A4, am I required to have a second document with me (driver's license, category D)?

Does the law allow cat. A4 without water. beats cat. D?


Sergey, hello.

The right to drive a self-propelled machine is confirmed by a tractor driver-driver's certificate.

Good luck on the roads!


Previously, the snow and swamp vehicle belonged to category B, category B is written in the registration certificate. According to new categories - to AI. In the rights of a tractor driver-machinist received in 2009 (valid until 2019), the categories are prescribed in the old way: A, B, etc. Is it necessary to change the rights (retrain again, retake exams, undergo a medical examination) before their expiration date? And is it necessary to change the certificate of registration in technical supervision?

Tatyana, in this case, no one obliges you to change documents ahead of schedule.

Good luck on the roads!

Good evening.

I have a similar situation, like most of those who wrote earlier, with a category "A" tractor license. I received them in 2008, they end in three days. In GTN, of course, they wanted to change them to A1. So far, he has refused such an exchange (he took a break to assess judicial prospects). I don’t want to just take and give up 10 years of experience on A2, A3 and A4. I studied almost all the regulatory documents on this issue that Gostekhnadzor refers to: and 796, and 351, and Adm. regulations, and letters from the Ministry of Agriculture and judicial practice in similar cases, etc. + consultations with current employees of Gostekhnadzor.

SUMMARY (the prospect of a positive decision by the court is close to 90%), namely:

1. Not a single document mentions the replacement for those who already have category A, only for category A1 (the unfounded, not fixed by any document, position of Gostekhnadzor: "motor vehicles" means A1; judicial practice, including explanations of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation: motor vehicles - motorized vehicles (including transportation, transport), i.e. vehicles having a structurally mechanical motor (engine, propulsion - on gasoline, electricity, nuclear, solar energy, etc.), i.e. this item is nobody Has nothing to do with motorcycle landing.The key word here is "off-road".

Those who have a valid category A until it ends, have the right to drive vehicles of category A2, A3 (I personally drive A2 and A3 with the existing category A (and VU - ABC with an experience of 23 years) for 3 years), stopped and checked both the GTN and the traffic police - claims no; you wrote your own to Tatyana-128 and others; the official position of the GTN is the same);

Accordingly, if you have the right to drive (see clause 2) and have a practical driving experience (according to UTM - up to 10 years), then only a court can deprive you of your right to drive these vehicles (A2, A3, A4). , but not Gostekhnadzor.

In this matter, the GTN "lohanos" a little (unlike the traffic police): GTN, instead of introducing categories A, A1, A2, A3 and A4 (this is what the traffic police did with categories A, B, C, etc.), broke cat. And on the subcategories: A1, A2, A3, A4, thereby providing the former owners with cat. "A" loophole in the law and prospects in court.

In my opinion, the main thing is not to be lazy and to bring the matter to its logical end (in our case, to a court decision that has entered into force).

In any case, it’s a win-win for me - either I’ll stay with only cat. A1 or with a full set of Asheks.

Unfortunately, the majority of citizens who have Rights and Rights do not use it and do not even try to do it.

From myself: today I sent official e-mails to the GTN (through three official channels: GTN, the Mayor's Office of Moscow and the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation) with a request to receive a written reasoned refusal to exchange a cat. A certificate for a certificate with open cat. A1, A2, A3, A4.

I'll definitely post the result.

A reasoned refusal (or unsubscribing) of the GTN must be sent to my address no later than April 8, 2018 (according to the law - 30 days for a response).

A week - for the work of the Russian post. 2-3 weeks - for the court to accept my complaint, a month - for the preliminary, a month for the first meeting (at which representatives of the GTN with a probability of 99% will not come, and the court will be postponed for another 1 month). At the second meeting, a procedural decision will be made, regardless of the presence of the GTN at the trial.

In another month, it will enter into force, if the GTN or I (which is not excluded) does not file an appeal. In a favorable scenario (without appeal), the OUTCOME will be no earlier than the fall of 2018.

Something like this.

But this topic will be relevant for many citizens until November 2021.


Hello. Am I allowed to drive a tractor "Belarus" 320 (power 36 kW), having open categories "B" and "C" in the tractor driver's license, but with a special mark "loader driver"? Thank you.

Tell me, should there be any entry in the special marks for driving a tractor with a year-grip for logs.?

Alexander, hello.

And how exactly is the indicated tractor indicated in the documents (in the registration certificate)?

Adding a comment

To drive tractors or other specialized equipment, a person must have a certificate of the appropriate form. The category for the tractor indicated in the certificate indicates the permission to drive special equipment of a certain group. Below we will consider the categories of tractor rights, and the corresponding groups of specialized equipment.

What category does the tractor belong to?

The tractor belongs to self-propelled machinery. It includes cars that have the ability to move independently, and an internal combustion power unit or an electric motor. Depending on the additional equipment, self-propelled machines can be used in various areas:

  • Agriculture. Tractors are used with mounted, semi-mounted and trailed equipment for tillage, sowing and harvesting;
  • Communal sphere. Utilities use tractors to clear areas of debris and snow masses;
  • Construction. Excavators are used for arranging pits. Bulldozers for leveling sites;
  • Industry. Specialized vehicles are needed for the transportation, loading, unloading of goods of different weights and volumes.

IMPORTANT: Self-propelled machines include not only general purpose tractors, but also loaders, pavers, excavators and much more.

Depending on the type of chassis, all self-propelled vehicles are divided into two groups:

  1. Caterpillar. It has high traction characteristics and low speed. Chassis is made in the form of tracks. This gives the car a high cross-country ability. The large contact area with the surface reduces the pressure on the ground.
  2. Wheel. Has a higher movement speed. When moving, rubber tires do not have a negative impact on the asphalt surface.

What category is needed to drive a tractor

The driver driving the tractor must have a certificate of the form established by law.

The certificate contains 6 categories. Each of them makes it possible to control a certain type of specialized equipment:

  • A - cars and motorcycles, not intended for movement on public roads, the speed of which does not exceed 50 kilometers per hour;
  • B - self-propelled vehicles with a wheeled or tracked part. The power of the power unit is not more than 25.7 kilowatts;
  • C - equipment with a wheeled chassis. The power of the power unit is from 25.7 to 110.3 kilowatts;
  • D - tractors with a wheeled chassis and a power unit power of more than 110.3 kW;
  • E - self-propelled vehicles with a caterpillar undercarriage and a maximum power of the power unit of more than 25.7 kW;
  • F - equipment designed for use in agriculture.

ATTENTION: The fact that the driver has a driver of one of the categories does not give him the right to drive self-propelled equipment belonging to another category of the tractor driver's license.

  1. "I" - this subgroup includes motor vehicles intended for movement outside highways;
  2. "II" - SUVs, the maximum speed of which does not exceed 50 kilometers per hour. Having 9 seats and weight up to 3500 kilograms;
  3. "III" - off-road specialized equipment with a weight of more than 3500 kilograms and the number of seats not more than 9;
  4. "IV" - specialized equipment designed to transport people, and having more than 9 seats (including the driver's seat).

Where to get the document

Starting from 2015, it is possible to obtain a certificate authorizing the operation of tractor equipment after completing training in specialized institutions. Future tractor drivers need to gain theoretical knowledge and practice.

After completing the training, a person must pass an exam at Gostekhnadzor. The exam consists of two parts, theoretical and practical. During the exam, Gostekhnadzor employees check their knowledge and give permission to receive a certificate.

IMPORTANT: Obtaining a certificate for the management of special equipment is possible only at the place of registration, or at the location of the educational institution.

Requirements for candidates for certification

To obtain a driving license, a person must reach a certain age. The age limits differ, depending on the category of rights to the tractor:

  • "A I" - persons who have reached the age of sixteen are allowed to manage;
  • "A II, III" - specialized equipment can be controlled by people who have reached the age of 19;
  • "A IV" - management of this group of special equipment is possible from the age of 22;
  • "B, C, E, F" - admission to driving vehicles is allowed from 17 years old;
  • "D" - permission to drive machines of this group is issued from the age of 18.

Regardless of the group, a person entering the training must pass a medical commission. It is carried out in order to identify contraindications to driving. After passing a medical examination, a certificate is issued to a person.

ATTENTION: The certificate is issued by a medical institution for a certain period. Therefore, you should not undergo a medical examination, long before passing the exam.

The process of obtaining a document

To pass the exam, a person must provide the following papers to the Gostekhnadzor employees:

  1. Identification document (an internal passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation is suitable);
  2. An application made according to a certain model;
  3. Certificate of medical examination;
  4. Documents confirming the completion of driving training for specialized equipment of a certain category in an educational institution;
  5. Driver's license (upon obtaining the right to drive self-propelled vehicles belonging to the category "A II, III, IV");
  6. Photocards of the established size. Photos must be of good quality. No photo is allowed in dark glasses or clothing that covers the face;
  7. A document certifying the payment of the state fee (receipt).

The process of passing the test to obtain a category of rights to a tractor and special equipment is carried out by employees of Gostekhnadzor. Checking theoretical knowledge by Gostekhnadzor employees includes issues related to the management of self-propelled vehicles, additional equipment, and traffic rules.

The practical part of the exam consists of two stages. At the first stage, a person controls the specialized equipment of the corresponding group on a specialized site. After successfully passing the first part, the future tractor driver needs to drive the marked route outside the tractor track. You can also read about.

REFERENCE: If a person fails to pass the exam the first time, he will be able to do it again.

From the above, it follows that driving tractors, or other self-propelled equipment, is possible only with the appropriate certificate. It provides categories for each group of equipment.

What are, how to get and where to buy

In order to drive a tractor, excavator, snowmobile, ATV and other vehicles of this kind (self-propelled machines), you must have a driver's license with a specialization in tractor driver. For different self-propelled machines of this specialization, different categories are used: "A" ("A I", "A II", "A III", "A IV"), "B", "C", "D", "E", "F".
For example, for an SUV, category “A” is suitable, for a mini excavator - “B”,
for caterpillar vehicles - "E", and so on.
You can get acquainted with the full characteristics of these categories in the relevant legal documentation.

When can you become a tractor driver?

To purchase a tractor license, you must be at least a certain age and, for some categories, already be an experienced driver. In general, these restrictions boil down to the following:

  • Persons who have reached the age of 16 can apply for the opening of rights of category "A I".
  • The rights of categories "A II" and "A III" can only be obtained from the age of 19, while you need to have more than a year of experience in categories "B", "C" or "C1".
  • It is possible to pass exams for the rights of category "A IV" only from the age of 22 and with the same condition regarding driving experience: more than 1 year of experience in categories "B", "C" or "C1".
  • You can get a certificate of categories "B", "C", "E" and "F" already at the age of 17, without additional restrictions on length of service.
  • You must be at least 18 years of age to qualify for category D.

What do you need to get the rights to a tractor in Moscow and in the regions of the central federal district?

In order to gain access to the exam for the category "tractor driver", you must complete a training course in a specialized organization. This organization must be marked with the appropriate state license. Do not forget to ask the employees of the driving school to show this document when you come to it to conclude a training agreement.

Upon completion of the educational program, you will have to pass examinations at the driving school itself, and then go to defend your knowledge and skills at the local branch of Gostekhnadzor. It should be noted that passing courses at a driving school is not a prerequisite for admission to the exam. If you have the opportunity to prepare for them yourself (for example, an experienced driver will teach you), then you can do without a driving school.

The state exam, the successful completion of which guarantees you the right to a tractor, will be conducted according to the following algorithm:

1) Theoretical part. At this stage, you will have to demonstrate your knowledge of the safe use of self-propelled vehicles and, of course, all sections of the traffic rules. An unsatisfactory grade in at least one discipline inevitably leads to a retake (it can be completed within a week after an unsuccessful attempt).

2) Practical part. As always when obtaining a driver's license, you will have to prove your driving skills on and off the circuit, that is, in a real environment in which self-propelled vehicles can be operated.

3) Providing first aid. This stage of the exam was introduced relatively recently, but this does not mean that it is unimportant. During this test, you will have to prove that you have the theoretical knowledge and practical skills to provide first aid to victims of an accident. For the practical part, mannequins will be used.

You will need to take your passport to Gostekhnadzor, a medical certificate confirming the absence of contraindications to driving, a document on training at a driving school (if you pass it) and a previous driver's license (for categories "A II", "A III" and "A IV" ). Also, directly at the institution you will need to fill out an individual card form.

Where to get the rights of a tractor driver?

If you pass the exam successfully, then you can get the coveted rights to the tractor directly at your department of Gostekhnadzor. To do this, you will need to provide the following small package of documents:


Application for the issuance of rights (the corresponding form can be taken at the institution);

A candidate card for obtaining rights, on which marks are made on the successful completion of all tasks;
- two photographs 3x4 cm in size;
- receipt of payment of state duty.

With this package of documents, you can go both to the department of Gostekhnadzor that corresponds to your place of residence, and to the department at the place of driving training. After the validity of the received driver's license comes to an end, you will need to apply again to the same institution. It will have to give you new rights without any new tests, that is, you will not need to take the exam again.

To receive forklift driving licenses(speciality driver (car, electric) loader), check out the nuances

Frequently asked Questions:

How quickly can my employees get a category C tractor license from you to work on a snowplow

In this case, processing will not exceed three working days.

What rights are needed to work on a Belarus-type tractor with attachments

It is enough to have the rights of a tractor driver of category B or C with a mark in the rights of "tractor driver-machinist"

How can you help a non-resident of the Russian Federation in the matter of buying the rights to a tractor

Provided you provide temporary registration and a patent, the procedure for purchasing a certificate will not exceed five business days.

Does a tractor driver have the right to work on a tractor with an expired tractor license?

Any rights that have expired are void!

Do I need a license for a homemade tractor such as a walk-behind tractor?

If your equipment has a PSM (passport of a self-propelled machine), then driving without a tractor license is illegal.

Where can I buy the rights of a tractor driver-machinist? With a guarantee of legality!

By contacting our organization, you get the rights, a certificate of completion of training and an individual card issued retroactively. All documents are drawn up with entry in the register of Gostekhnadzor, which can be verified before payment.

Tell me about the need for a driver's license for a car in order to get a tractor license

To drive special equipment of categories B, C, D, E and F, you will not need a license to drive a car. But for driving all-terrain vehicles of categories A2, A3, A4, you will be asked to present a certificate issued by the traffic police. However, this formality is needed only to obtain the rights of a tractor driver.

How does a first class driver's license affect obtaining a tractor driver's license?

In this case, no priority in getting categories

If I am deprived of the rights to the car, can I get category "C" on "MTZ-82"

In this case, the law establishes the deprivation of the right to control any equipment


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