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GOST R 41.12-2001 (UNECE Rules No. 12)

It's official



1 DEVELOPED by the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute for Standardization and Certification in Mechanical Engineering (VNIINMASH) on the basis of UNECE Regulation No. 12 adopted by the UNECE ITC Working Group on the design of vehicles

INTRODUCED by Gosstandart of Russia

3 This standard is an identical text to UNECE Regulation No. 12 as amended by the 03 series (from 24.08.88) “Uniform provisions concerning the approval of vehicles with regard to the protection of the driver from impacts on the steering system” and includes:

Revision 3 (document E/ECE/324-E/ECE/TRANS/505/Adtl.l/Rcv.3);

Revision 3 - Amendment I (document E/ECE/324-E/ECE/TRANS/505/Add.1 1/Rcv.3/Amcnd.l);

Revision 3 - Amendment 2 (document E/ECE/324-E/ECE/TRANS/505/Add.l/Rev.3/Amend.2)


© IPC Standards Publishing House, 2002

This standard cannot be fully or partially reproduced, replicated or distributed as an official publication without the permission of the State Standard of Russia

GOST P 41.12-2001

1 Scope of application........................ I

2 Definitions........................ I

3 Application for approval...................................2

4 Approval........................3

5 Technical requirements........................5

6 Tests................................... 6

7 Vehicle type or steering modifications and distribution


8 Compliance of production.................................... 6

9 Sanctions imposed for non-conformity of production............................7

10 Instructions...................................7

11 Final cessation of production................................7

12 Names and addresses of technical services authorized to carry out approval tests and administrative authorities......8

13 Transitional provisions........................8

Annex IA Communications concerning approval, extension of approval, refusal of approval, withdrawal of approval, production definitively discontinued of a vehicle type with regard to driver impact protection system

steering system based on UNECE Regulation No. 12........ 9

Annex 1B Communications concerning approval, extension of approval, refusal of approval, withdrawal of approval, permanent discontinuation of a steering control type with regard to protection of the driver against impact of the system

steering control based on the relevant section of the EEC Rules

SYUN No. 12........................10

Annex 2 Schemes of approval marks.................................II

Appendix 3 Frontal barrier impact test..................................12

Appendix 4 Test using a torso model...........14

Appendix 5 Headform test.................................... 17

Appendix 6 Procedure for determining the point // and the actual angle of inclination of the torso of a driver or passenger sitting in a car ........................... 19

GOST R 41.12-2001 (UNECE Rules L 12)



Uniform provisions concerning the type approval of vehicles with regard to the protection of the driver against the steering mechanism in the event of impact

Date in command 2002-01-01

This standard puts into effect UNECE Regulation No. 12 (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations).

1 area of ​​use

1.1 These Regulations regulate the requirements of the steering system of vehicles of category M, and vehicles of category N, with a maximum permissible mass not exceeding 1500 kg in relation to the protection of the driver in the event of a frontal collision.

1.2. At the request of the manufacturer, vehicles other than those mentioned in 1.1. may be granted approvals in accordance with UNECE Regulation No. 12.

2 Definitions

The following terms with corresponding definitions are used in these Rules:

2.1. Approval of a vehicle: Approval of a vehicle type with regard to the protection of the driver against impacts from the steering system.

2.2 type of vehicle: Motor vehicles, without distinction:

2.2.1 For vehicles driven by an internal combustion engine in terms of: devices, dimensions, shape and materials of the part of the vehicle that is located in front of the steering column; the mass of the vehicle in running order, determined in 2.18.

2.2.2 For vehicles driven by an electric motor in part: dimensions, weight, design of the vehicle, shape and its constituent materials, location of engine parts, location of the battery or parts of the traction battery: the mass of the vehicle in running order in accordance with the definition given in 2.18.

(03 Series Amendment)

2.3 approval of steering control: Approval of the type of steering control with regard to the protection of the driver from the impact of the steering wheel elements.

2.4.1 design, dimensions, shape and materials.

And the mania is official

2.5 steering: A control, usually a steering wheel, operated by the driver.

2.6 universal steering control: A control that can be installed on several officially approved types of vehicles in such a way that differences in the attachment of this control to the steering column do not affect its control on the steering wheel.

2.7 inflatable cushion: An elastic cushion designed to be filled with gas under floor pressure and:

2.7.1 serving to protect the driver of the vehicle from impacts on the steering wheel;

2.7.2 filled with gas using a device that is triggered when the vehicle hits.

2.8 steering wheel rim: The quasi-toroidal outer part of the steering wheel that the driver usually grips when operating a vehicle.

2.9 back: The rod connecting the steering wheel track to the hub.

2.10 hub: Part of the steering wheel, usually located in the center:

2.10.1 connects the steering wheel to the steering shaft;

2.10.2 transmits the torque applied to the steering wheel to the steering shaft.

2.11 steering wheel hub center: The point on the surface of the hub that lies on the axis of the steering shaft.

2.12 steering plane: The flat surface that divides the steering wheel shell into equal parts between the driver and the front of the vehicle.

2.13 steering shaft: An element that transfers the torque applied to the steering wheel to the steering mechanism.

2.14 steering column: Steering shaft safety cover.

2.15 steering system: Steering wheel, steering column, steering shaft housing, steering shaft, control mechanism, as well as other elements that contribute to the absorption of energy when the steering wheel impacts.

2.16 salon: Space intended for the driver and passengers and limited by the roof. floor, side walls, doors, windows, front bulkhead and rear compartment bulkhead plane or rear seatback support plane, etc. if necessary, part of the folder (patch) intended (intended) for installing monoblocks of the traction battery of an electric vehicle.

(03 Series Amendment)

2.17 impactor: Hemispherical headform with a diameter of 165 mm. meeting the requirements of Appendix 3 5.

2.18 curb weight: The weight of a vehicle without driver, passengers and cargo, but with fuel, coolant, lubricants, tools, spare parts. if such are provided by the manufacturer as complete equipment and the shelf(s) on which the traction battery is installed, including monoblocks of the traction battery of the electric vehicle.

(03 Series Amendment)

2.19 monoblock: The smallest element of a traction source of electricity.

2.20 traction battery: A set of blocks that form a source of electricity.

2.21 shelf for traction battery: Shelf designed for installation of one or more monoblocks; the vehicle may have no patches at all or may have one or more shelves.

3 Application for approval

3.1 Type ipaicnopuioro environment!va

3.1.1 An application for approval of a vehicle type with regard to protection of the driver against blows from the steering system shall be submitted by the manufacturer of the vehicle or his authorized representative.

3.1.2 Each application must be accompanied by the following documents in triplicate and the following data: detailed description of the vehicle type in terms of design, dimensions. (| frames and materials of that part of the vehicle that is located in front of the steering column;

GOST P 41.12-2001 sufficiently detailed drawings of the steering system and its attachment to the chassis and body of the vehicle to an appropriate scale; technical description of the steering system; indication of the mass of the vehicle in running order;, where applicable, evidence that the steering control has been approved in accordance with 5.2.

3.1.3 The technical service authorized to carry out approval tests. must be presented: a vehicle of the type to be approved for the test required in paragraph 5.1.; another type of vehicle or parts of a vehicle which he considers necessary to carry out the test provided for in 5.2 and 5.3. at the choice of the manufacturer and with the consent of technical services; Before granting type approval, the competent authority shall verify that mechanisms are in place to ensure effective control of conformity of production.

3.2 Steering control timing

3.2.1 An application for type approval of a steering control with regard to the protection of the driver against impact from steering elements is submitted by the manufacturer of the steering control and its authorized representative.

3.2.2 The application must be accompanied by the following documents in triplicate and the following data: a detailed description of the type of steering control in terms of design, dimensions and materials of which it is made; detailed drawings of the steering system and its attachment to the chassis and body of the vehicle.

3.2.3 To carry out the test specified in 5.2 and 5.3. the technical service authorized to carry out approval tests must be presented with the steering control representing the type to be approved and, at the discretion of the manufacturer and with the agreement of the technical service, those parts of the vehicle which it considers necessary for carrying out this test.

4 Approval

4.1 The type approval certificate shall be accompanied by a certificate corresponding to the model specified in 4.1.1 or 4.1.2:

4.1.1 Appendix 1A for appearances. specified in 3.1;

4.1.2 Appendix IB for applications specified in 3.2.

4.2 Tim (ransmorgic remedy

4.2.1 If the vehicle submitted for official approval in accordance with these Regulations satisfies the requirements of sections 5 and 6 and appendices 4-6. then this type of vehicle is considered officially approved.

4.2.2. Each approved vehicle type is assigned an approval number. The first two digits (currently 03) indicate the number of the latest series of major technical amendments made to the Regulation at the time of granting approval. The same Contracting Party may not assign this number to another vehicle type with a different steering system or to another vehicle type as defined in 2.2.

4.2.3. The Parties to the Agreement applying this Regulation shall be notified of approval, extension of approval or refusal of approval of a vehicle type under this Regulation by means of a card conforming to the model shown in Annex IA.

4.2.4 On every vehicle corresponding to a vehicle type officially approved on the basis of these Regulations, the

at the place indicated on the approval form, an international approval mark consisting of: from a circle containing the letter “E” followed by the distinguishing number of the country which has granted approval and; from the number of these Rules, followed by the letter “R*. thyrsus and approval number located to the right of the circle indicated in paragraph

4.2.5. If the vehicle conforms to a vehicle type approved under another Regulation annexed to the Agreement in the same country which has granted approval under this Regulation, the designation provided for in need not be repeated; in this case, the Regulation and approval numbers, as well as the additional symbols of all Regulations under which approval is granted in the country which has granted approval under this Regulation, shall be located in vertical columns placed to the right of the symbol. provided for in

4.2.6. The approval mark must be legible and indelible.

4.2.7. The approval mark shall be placed next to or on the plate giving the characteristics of the vehicle.

4.3 Steering type

4.3.1. If the steering control submitted for separate approval under this Regulation satisfies the requirements of sections 5 and 6 and annexes 4 to 6. then this type of steering control is considered officially approved. This only applies to steering controls that do not include airbags.

(Amendment series 03).

4.3.2. Each approved steering control type is assigned an approval number. The first two digits (currently 03) indicate the number of the latest series of major technical amendments made to the Regulation at the time of granting approval. The same Contracting Party may not assign this number to another type of steering control as defined in 2.4.

4.3.3. The Parties to the Agreement applying this Regulation shall be notified of approval, extension of approval or refusal of approval of a steering control type under this Regulation by means of a card. corresponding to the model given in Appendix I B.

4.3.4. Each steering control of a type approved in accordance with this Regulation shall be affixed in a conspicuous and easily accessible place, as indicated on the approval form, an international approval mark consisting of: from the circle in which the letter is written;) *E*. followed by the distinguishing number of the country which has granted approval 1 *;

"I - Germany, 2 - France. 3 - Italy. 4 - Netherlands. 5 - Sweden. 6 - Belgium. 7 - Nairin. 8 - Czech Republic. 9 - Spain. 10 - Yugoslavia. 11 - United Kingdom. 12 - Australia 13 - Luxembourg. 15 - Norway. 18 - Denmark. 20 - Portugal. Ireland. 25 - Slovenia. 28 - Belarus. 30 - not assigned. 32 - Latvia. 34 - Bulgaria. not assigned 37 - Turkey 38-39 - not assigned 40 - former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 41 - not assigned 44 - not assigned. 45 - Australia and 46 - Ukraine. The following serial numbers will be assigned to other countries in the chronological order of their ratification of the Agreement on the adoption of uniform technical requirements for wheeled vehicles, equipment and parts that can be, installed and (or) used on wheeled vehicles, and the conditions for the mutual recognition of approvals issued on the basis of these requirements or by accession to this Agreement, and the numbers so assigned to them will be communicated by the Secretary-General of the United Nations! To the contracting parties to the Agreement.

GOST P 41.12-2001 from the approval number placed in a circle.

4.3.5. The approval mark must be legible and indelible.

4.4 Annex 2 provides example diagrams of approval marks.

5 Technical requirements

5.1 During the unladen, loaded vehicle crash test without a dummy, with a barrier, and at a speed of 48.3 km/h (30 mph), the top of the steering column and steering shaft shall not move rearward horizontally and parallel to the longitudinal axis of the vehicle. more than 12.7 cm and in a vertical direction upward more than 12.7 cm, both dimensions being considered in relation to any point on the vehicle that is not moved as a result of this collision 0 .

5.1.1 If the vehicle is driven by an electric motor, then the crash test prescribed in 5.1. carried out with the general traction battery switch installed in the “ON” position. In addition, during and after the test the following requirements must be met: monoblocks must remain secured in their places of installation. liquid electrolyte must not enter the passenger compartment; A small leak is allowed, but outside the vehicle and provided that the volume of liquid that was spilled during the first hour after the test does not exceed 7% of the total volume of liquid electrolyte in the traction battery.

5.2 If the steering column collides with a torso model which strikes the column with a relative speed ns less than 24.1 km/h (15 mph), then the force exerted by the steering column on the torso model must ns exceed l.l 11 laN.

5.3 If the steering wheel is subject to an impact from an impact element that impacts it with a relative speed of 24.1 km/h. then, in accordance with the requirements specified in Annex 5, the deceleration of the impactor in total should not exceed 80 g for more than 3 milliseconds. The deceleration must always be less than 120 g for a CFC of 600 H.

5.4 The steering system must be designed, constructed and installed so that:

5.4.1 before the shock test specified in 5.2 and 5.3. on any part of the steering surface that faces the driver and which can be touched by a sphere with a diameter of 165 mm. there were no dangerous irregularities or sharp edges with a radius of curvature of less than 2.5 mm; after any shock test specified in 5.2 and 5.3. There were no sharp or uneven edges on the portion of the steering surface facing the driver that could increase the danger or severity of injury to the driver. Minor cracks and breaks on the surface are not taken into account. Where there is a protruding part made of a flexible material with a hardness of less than 50 Shore A and mounted on a rigid support, the requirements of apply only to the rigid support.

5.4.2 The steering system must be designed, constructed and installed in such a way that there are no parts or accessories, including the signal actuator and trim parts, on which the driver's clothing or jewelry could get caught during normal driving conditions.

5.4.3 If the steering is not included in the complete equipment, then it must meet the specifications that are verified during testing in accordance with 2.1.3 of Annex 4 and 2.3 of Annex 5.

5.4.4 In the case of a “universal steering control”, these requirements must be satisfied in relation to:

“Floor by the term “horizontally” means: in a horizontal plane in relation to the interior of a stationary vehicle before testing, and not in a horizontal plane in relation to the ground while the vehicle is moving, and by the term “vertically” means: in a vertical plane, perpendicular to the horizontal plane, defined by the concept “horizontally” and directed upward. All possible angles of inclination of the steering column, accept the test must be carried out. at least for the maximum and minimum steering angles for all approved vehicle types for which the steering is intended; All possible positions of the impactor and torso layout in relation to the steering, the tests being carried out at least for the middle position on all approved vehicle types for which the steering is intended. Where a steering column is used, it must be of a type that will meet the "worst case" conditions.

5.4.5 If adapters are used to install a single type of steering control on different steering columns, and if it can be shown that the energy absorption characteristics of the system are similar when using such adapters, then all tests can be performed with the same type of adapter.

6 Tests

6.1 Monitoring compliance with the requirements contained in section 5 must be carried out in accordance with the methods set out in Appendices 3-5.

6.2 However, at the discretion of the approval authority, other tests may be permitted provided their equivalence is demonstrated. In this case, the approval documentation is accompanied by a test report describing the methods used and the results obtained.

7 Modifications of the vehicle or steering

and distribution of approval

7.1. Any modification of the vehicle type or the steering type or both shall be brought to the attention of the administrative department which has granted approval for the vehicle type or the steering type. This body can:

7.1.1. or conclude that the changes made will not have a significant adverse effect and that in any case the vehicle still complies with the requirements;

7.1.2 or request a new protocol from the technical service authorized to conduct the tests.

7.2. Provided that the requirements of paragraph 7.1. are met, it will not be considered as a change to the vehicle type if the unladen mass is less than the mass of the vehicle submitted for approval testing.

7.3 Confirmation or refusal of approval, indicating the modifications, shall be communicated to the parties to the Agreement applying this Regulation in accordance with the procedure specified in 4.2.3 or 4.3.3.

7.4. The Competent Authority which has granted an extension of approval shall assign to such extension the corresponding series number and shall notify the other parties to the 195S Agreement applying this Regulation by means of a communication card conforming to the model shown in Annex 1A or 1B.

8 Compliance of production

8.1. Every vehicle or steering system approved under this Regulation shall be of the approved type and meet the requirements laid down in sections 5 and 6.

8.2 Suitable production checks shall be carried out to verify compliance with the requirements set out in 8.1.

8.3 The holder of an approval shall:

GOST I’ 41.12-2001

8.3.1 provide adequate proslur for effective quality control of the vehicle or steering;

8.3.2 have access to the testing equipment necessary to verify the conformity of each approved type;

8.3.3 ensure registration of test data and access to attached documents for a period determined by agreement with the administrative body;

8.3.4 analyze the results of each type of test to verify and ensure compliance of the vehicle or steering performance with due regard to industrial production tolerances;

8.3.5 provide for each type of vehicle or steering control. at least those tests that allow the necessary measurements to be made;

8.3.6 carry out, in the event of non-compliance of any set of test specimens and samples discovered during this type of test, a new selection of samples and new tests. In this regard, all necessary measures must be taken to restore production compliance.

8.4. The competent authority which has issued type approval may at any time verify the conformity control methods applied in each production unit.

8.4.1 During each inspection, the inspector is provided with test reports and production observation records.

8.4.2 The inspector may select samples at random for testing in the manufacturer's laboratory. The minimum number of samples may be determined depending on the results of the manufacturer's own checks.

8.4.3 If the quality level does not meet the requirements, or if necessary, check the accuracy of the tests carried out in accordance with 8.4.2. The inspector selects samples, which are sent to the technical service that carried out the type approval test.

8.4.4 The competent authority may carry out any test provided for in these Regulations. Normal frequency of inspections authorized by the competent authority. - once a year. If unsatisfactory results are discovered during one of these checks, the competent authority shall ensure that all necessary measures are taken to restore the conformity of production as soon as possible.

9 Sanctions imposed for non-conformity of production

9.1. The approval of a vehicle type or steering control granted under this Regulation may be withdrawn if the requirements laid down in paragraph 8.1. are not met. or if the selected vehicle(s) or steering control(s) fail the test required in 8.2.

9.2 If a Contracting Party to the Agreement applying this Regulation withdraws an approval previously granted, it shall immediately notify the other Contracting Parties applying this Regulation by means of a communication card conforming to the model given in Annex 1A or 1B.

10 Instructions

If the type of control is directed separately from the vehicle, in the instructions. regarding packaging and installation, this must be clearly stated. for what type(s) of vehicle it is intended.

11 Final cessation of production

If the holder of the approval completely ceases to manufacture a vehicle type or steering control type approved in accordance with this Regulation, he shall so inform the competent authority which granted the approval.

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UNECE Regulations

UNECE Regulation No. 104-01 “Uniform provisions concerning the approval of retro-reflective markings for vehicles of categories M, N and O”

These Rules apply to reflective markings of vehicles of categories M 2, M 3, N, O 2, O 3 and O 4.

UNECE Regulation No. 70-01 “Uniform provisions concerning the approval of rear marking plates for vehicles of large length and load-carrying capacity”

These Rules apply to rear markings for:

  • articulated vehicles of classes II and III categories M 2;
  • vehicles of category N 3, with the exception of tractors towing
  • semi-trailers;
  • vehicles of categories O 1, O 2 and O 3, the length of which exceeds 8.0 m;
  • vehicles of category O 4.

UNECE Regulation No. 69-01 “Uniform provisions concerning the approval of rear identification plates for slow-moving (by design) vehicles and their trailers”

These Rules apply to rear identification plates for vehicles of categories M, N, O and T, as well as for mobile equipment that, due to their design, cannot move at a speed above 40 km/h.

UNECE Regulation No. 48-12 “Uniform provisions concerning the approval of vehicles with regard to the installation of lighting and light-signalling devices”

These Regulations apply to vehicles of categories M and N and their trailers (category O) with regard to the installation of lighting and light signaling devices.

National standard of the Russian Federation GOST R 41.13-2007 (UNECE Rules No. 13) “Uniform regulations concerning vehicles of categories M, N and O regarding braking” (approved by order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated October 23, 2007 N 275-st)

National standard of the Russian Federation GOST R 41.13-2007
(UNECE Regulation No. 13)
"Uniform braking provisions for vehicles of categories M, N and O"
(approved by order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated October 23, 2007 N 275-st)

Uniform provisions concerning the vehicles of categories M, N and О with regard to braking

Instead of GOST R 41.13-99
(UNECE Regulation No. 13)

This standard gives effect to UNECE Regulation No. 13 as amended by the 10 series of amendments.

1 area of ​​use

1.1 This standard establishes requirements for braking of single vehicles (hereinafter referred to as vehicles) belonging to categories * (1) M, N and O.

1.2 This standard does not apply to:

1.2.1 on vehicles whose design speed does not exceed 25 km/h;

1.2.2 for trailers that are prohibited from being connected to mechanical vehicles whose design speed exceeds 25 km/h;

1.2.3 on vehicles equipped to be driven by people with disabilities;

1.2.4 for equipment, devices and methods specified in Appendix A.

This standard uses normative references to the following standards:

GOST R 41.10-99 (UNECE Regulation No. 10) Uniform provisions concerning the approval of vehicles with regard to electromagnetic compatibility

GOST R 41.54-99 (UNECE Regulation No. 54) Uniform provisions concerning the approval of tires for commercial vehicles and their trailers

GOST R 41.64-99 (UNECE Regulation No. 64) Uniform provisions concerning the approval of vehicles equipped with spare wheels/tires for temporary use

GOST R 52051-2003 Motor vehicles and trailers. Classification and definitions

GOST 29200-91 (ISO 9128-87) Road transport. Graphic symbols indicating types of brake fluids

Note - When using this standard, it is advisable to check the validity of the reference standards in the public information system - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet or using the annually published information index “National Standards”, which was published as of January 1 of the current year , and according to the corresponding monthly information indexes published in the current year. If the reference standard is replaced (changed), then when using this standard you should be guided by the replacing (changed) standard. If the reference standard is canceled without replacement, then the provision in which a reference is made to it is applied in the part that does not affect this reference.

2 Terms and definitions

The following terms with corresponding definitions are used in this standard:

2.1 vehicle

2.1.1 mechanical vehicle (power-driven vehicle): Any self-propelled vehicle of categories M and N in accordance with the classification established by GOST R 52051.

2.1.2 trailer: Non-self-propelled vehicle of category O in accordance with the classification established by GOST R 52051, designed and intended for towing by a power-driven vehicle. full trailer: A trailer having at least two axles and equipped with a towing device that can move vertically in relation to the trailer and serves to turn the front axle(s) but does not transfer any significant load on the towing vehicle. semi-trailer: A trailer whose axle(s) are located behind the center of mass of the trailer (when evenly loaded) and which is equipped with a coupling device that allows horizontal and vertical loads to be transferred to the towing vehicle. center-axle trailer: A trailer equipped with a towing device that cannot move vertically (relative to the trailer) and whose axle(s) are located near the center of mass of the trailer (when loaded evenly) ) so that only a minor static vertical load is transferred to the towing vehicle, not exceeding either 10% of the relevant maximum trailer mass or 10 kN (whichever is less).

2.2 vehicle type: Vehicles that do not differ significantly from each other with respect to the following characteristics:

2.2.1 in the case of motor vehicles: maximum mass (as defined in 2.17); weight distribution along the axes; maximum design speed; braking devices of various types, in particular the presence or absence of devices for braking the trailer, the presence of an electric regenerative braking system; number, location and design of axles; engine type; number of gears and gear ratio values; gear ratios of drive axles; tire sizes;

2.2.2 in the case of trailers: maximum mass (as defined in 2.17); weight distribution along the axes; types of braking devices; number and location and design of axles; tire sizes.

2.3 braking system: A set of parts - a control, a brake actuator and the brake itself, designed to gradually slow down or stop a moving vehicle, or to hold it stationary after stopping.

Note - The listed functions of the braking system are defined in 5.1.2.

2.4 control: That part of the braking system which is directly acted upon by the driver (or, in the case of a trailer of similar design, by an accompanying person) to supply or control the energy required for braking to the brake actuator.

NOTE This energy may be either muscular energy from the driver, energy from another source controlled by the driver, or kinetic energy from the trailer, or a combination of these types of energy.

2.4.1 activation: Impact on a control element or cessation of impact.

2.5 brake drive (transmission): A set of elements located between the control and the brake and providing a functional connection between them.

1 The brake drive can be mechanical, hydraulic, electric or hybrid. If braking is carried out wholly or partly by an energy source independent of the driver, the energy accumulator in the system is also part of the brake drive.

2 The brake drive consists of two parts - a control drive and an energy transmitter. Where the term “brake actuator” is used without qualification in this standard, it includes both the control actuator and the power transmitter. The control and supply lines between the towing vehicle and the trailer should not be considered as parts of the brake drive.

2.5.1 control transmission: A set of brake drive elements that control the operation of the brakes, including the execution of the control function, including the necessary energy accumulator(s).

2.5.2 energy transmission: A set of elements that supply the brakes with the energy necessary for their operation, including the energy accumulator(s) necessary for the operation of the brakes.

2.6 brake: A device in which forces arise that impede the movement of the vehicle.

Note - Such a device can be a friction brake (when forces arise due to friction between two vehicle elements moving relative to each other), an electric brake (when forces arise due to electromagnetic interaction between two vehicle elements moving relative to each other, but not touching each other). with each other), hydraulic brake (when forces arise under the influence of fluid located between two elements of the vehicle moving relative to one another) or engine brake (when forces arise as a result of an artificial increase in the braking effect transmitted from the engine to the wheels).

2.7 different types of braking system: Systems that differ from each other in such significant ways as:

2.7.1 characteristics of brake system elements;

2.7.2 characteristics of the materials from which at least one element is made, or the shape or dimensions of such an element;

2.7.3 combinations of elements in assembled brake systems.

2.8 component of braking system: One of the parts, the totality of which, after assembly, forms the braking system.

2.9 continuous braking: Braking of a combination of vehicles (road train) carried out by a braking system having the following features:

2.9.1 a single control that the driver gradually activates in one smooth movement from his workplace;

2.9.2. one source from which comes the energy intended to brake the vehicles forming the combination, which energy may be the muscular energy of the driver;

2.9.3 simultaneous braking of all vehicles forming a combination, or braking with a certain phase shift of one vehicle relative to another, regardless of their relative position.

2.10 semi-continuous braking: Braking of a combination of vehicles (road train) carried out by a braking system having the following features:

2.10.1 a single control that the driver gradually activates in one smooth movement from his workplace;

2.10.2 two separate sources of energy (one of which may be the driver's muscular energy) intended for braking the vehicles forming the combination;

2.10.3 simultaneous braking of all vehicles forming a combination, or braking with a certain phase shift of one vehicle relative to another, regardless of their relative position.

2.11 automatic braking: Braking of a trailer or trailers carried out automatically in the event of separation of vehicles forming a combination, including the rupture of the coupling device, while the braking efficiency of the remaining vehicles included in the combination before separation should not be impaired.

2.12 inertia or overrun braking: Braking that uses the force generated when the trailer approaches the towing vehicle.

2.13 progressive and graduated braking: Braking in which, within the normal range of operating conditions of the equipment during the application of the brakes (see 2.4.1):

2.13.1 the driver can at any time increase or decrease the braking force by appropriately acting on the control;

2.13.2 the braking force changes in proportion to the impact on the control in such a way that when the impact on the control increases, the braking force increases, and when it decreases, it decreases (monotonic function);

2.13.3 The braking force can be easily adjusted with sufficient accuracy.

2.14 phased braking: A braking method that can be applied when two or more braking sources are activated by one control, and these sources are activated one after the other as the control is moved.

2.15 endurance braking system: An additional braking system capable of implementing and maintaining braking for a long time without significantly reducing its effectiveness.

NOTE The term “long-acting braking system” covers the entire system including the control actuator.

2.15.1 The long-term braking system can be a single device or a combination of several devices. Each such device may have its own control.

2.15.2 Types of long-term braking systems depending on the characteristics of their controls: independent endurance braking system: A long-lasting braking system that has a separate control that is not connected to the controls of other braking systems. integrated endurance braking system: A long-duration braking system whose control is integrated with the service brake control so that both brake systems are actuated simultaneously or in stages as the common control is moved. combined endurance braking system: Integrated endurance braking system characterized by the fact that the common control acting on the braking system is additionally equipped with a disconnecting device allowing the control to act only on the service braking system.

2.16 laden vehicle: A vehicle loaded to its maximum mass (see 2.17).

2.17 maximum mass: The technically permissible maximum mass declared by the vehicle manufacturer and which may exceed the maximum permissible mass established by national legislation.

2.18 the distribution of mass among the axles: The distribution of the effect of gravity on the mass of the vehicle along the axles of the vehicle and/or the distribution of the components of this mass along the axles of the vehicle.

2.19 wheel/axle load: Vertical static reaction (impact force) of the road surface on the vehicle wheel/wheels of the vehicle axle in the contact zone.

2.20 maximum stationary wheel/axle load: Static load on the wheel/axle of a loaded vehicle.

2.21 electric regenerative braking system: A braking system that converts the vehicle's kinetic energy into electrical energy during deceleration.

2.21.1 electric regenerative braking control: Device that modulates the action of the electric regenerative braking system.

2.21.2 electric regenerative braking system of category A: Electric regenerative braking system that is not part of the service braking system.

2.21.3 electric regenerative braking system of category B: Electric regenerative braking system that is part of the service braking system.

2.21.4 electric state of charge: The current value of the ratio of the actual amount of electrical energy accumulated in the traction battery to the maximum amount of electrical energy that can be accumulated in it.

2.21.5 traction battery: A set of batteries that accumulate electrical energy intended to power the traction motor (motors) of a vehicle.

2.22 hydraulic braking system with stored energy: A braking system in which energy is transferred by a fluid under pressure in one or more accumulators, to which it is supplied by one or more pressure pumps, each of which is equipped with devices that limit pressure in such a way that its specified maximum value determined by the manufacturer is not exceeded.

2.23 simultaneous lockup of the front and rear wheels: A situation where the time interval between the initial moment of locking the last (second) wheel of the rear axle and the initial moment of locking the last (second) wheel of the front axle is less than 0.1 With.

2.24 electric control line: An electrical circuit connecting the tractor and trailer, controlling the braking of the trailer and including an electrical cable, an electrical connector, as well as elements used to transmit information and to supply power to the trailer brake control drive.

2.25 data communication: Transfer of digitized information in accordance with a protocol.

2.26 point-to-point communication: An electrical network topology that involves a pairwise connection of objects, each of which has a built-in terminating resistor connected to the communication line.

2.27 coupling force control: System/function that automatically equalizes the specific braking forces of the tractor and trailer.

2.28 nominal value: A value from the set of nominal values ​​required to describe braking performance and necessary to establish the transfer function of the braking system by comparing the output and input parameters of single vehicles and their combinations.

2.28.1 For a motor vehicle, the nominal value is a characteristic that relates the specific braking force of that vehicle to the level of input to the braking system and can be verified by testing.

2.28.2 For a trailer, the nominal value is a characteristic that relates the specific braking force to the signal from the coupling device and can be verified by testing.

2.28.3 nominal demand value: For a force regulator in a coupling device, a characteristic that relates the signal coming from the coupling device to the specific braking force and which must be within the limits of compatibility (see Appendix K) and may be confirmed by testing.

2.29 automatically commanded braking: One of the functions of an integrated electronic control system that consists of activating the braking system(s) of individual vehicle axles to slow down its movement.

Note - Activation occurs as a result of automatic processing of the primary on-board information of the vehicle in the presence or absence of direct influence from the driver.

2.30 selective braking: One of the functions of an integrated electronic control system, which consists of activating individual brakes through automatic devices, while slowing down the movement as part of an overall change in the behavior of the vehicle.

2.31 reference braking forces: Braking forces occurring on the tire surfaces of one axle on a roller test bench, compared with the pressure in the brake chamber(s) or brake cylinder(s), the values ​​of which must be declared by the manufacturer at the time of commencement of testing for compliance with this standard.

2.32 braking signal: A logical signal indicating the activation of the brake in accordance with

2.33 emergency braking signal: A logical signal indicating the activation of the emergency brake in accordance with

3 Application for testing

3.1 An application for testing a vehicle in relation to braking is submitted by the manufacturer or its authorized representative.

3.2 The application is accompanied by the following documents in triplicate and the following data:

3.2.1 description of the vehicle type in accordance with 2.2. It is necessary to indicate numbers and symbols identifying the type of vehicle and, in the case of a mechanical vehicle, the type of engine;

3.2.2. a list of properly identified elements making up the braking system;

3.2.3 diagram of the brake system assembly and identification of the location of its components on the vehicle;

3.2.4 detailed drawings of all elements of the brake system, allowing them to be easily located and identified.

3.3 A vehicle representing the type of vehicle to be tested must be submitted to a testing laboratory authorized to conduct such tests.

4 Drawing up a test report

4.1 If a vehicle submitted for testing in accordance with this standard meets the requirements of sections 5 and 6, then an appropriate test report is drawn up for this type of vehicle.

4.2 The test report must include (as an appendix) a summary of the contents of the documents listed in 3.2.1-3.2.4, in the form given in Appendix B, submitted by the enterprise that submitted the application for testing. If drawings are attached to the application, their format must be A4 (210x297 mm) or a multiple thereof.

4.3 The same test report cannot be issued for the same type of vehicle, but equipped with a braking system of a different type, or for a different type of vehicle.

5 Technical requirements

As an alternative to the requirements set out in this section, vehicle manufacturing enterprises that put more than 20,000 vehicles into circulation on the Russian Federation market per year may receive a test report for compliance with the technical requirements specified in EU Directive 71/320 “Brake systems of motor vehicles”. vehicles and their trailers of certain categories”*(2), the latest amendment of which was adopted by EU Directive 2002/78*(3).

5.1 General provisions

5.1.1 Brake system The braking system shall be designed, constructed and installed in such a way that during normal use, despite the vibrations to which it may be subjected, it complies with the requirements of this standard. In particular, the braking system must be designed, manufactured and installed to resist corrosion and aging. Brake pads must not contain asbestos. The effectiveness of braking systems incorporating electrical control lines shall not be impaired by magnetic or electric fields. This requirement must be confirmed by demonstrating compliance with the requirements of GOST R 41.10. A fault signal may interrupt the request signal in the control drive for a short time (less than 10 ms), provided that this does not reduce the braking efficiency.

5.1.2 Brake system functions The service braking system must provide:

— control of vehicle movement and its quick, safe and effective stopping, regardless of the speed and weight of the vehicle at any angle of inclination or ascent;

The driver must be able to perform such braking from his workplace without removing his hands from the steering control. If the above requirements are met, the service brake system should not experience more than one failure at the same time. Spare brake system

The spare brake system must provide:

— stopping the vehicle at a sufficiently short distance in the event of failure of the service brake system;

— smooth change in brake action.

The driver must be able to apply such braking from his seat while keeping at least one hand on the steering control. If the above requirements are met, the spare brake system must not experience more than one failure at a time. Parking brake system

The parking brake system must keep the vehicle stationary on hills and slopes, even in the absence of the driver. In this case, the position of the working parts must be fixed using a purely mechanical device.

The driver must be able to activate the parking brake system from his workplace. In the case of a trailer, the requirements of must be met. Simultaneous activation of the pneumatic braking system of the trailer and the parking braking system of the tractor is allowed, provided that the driver has the opportunity at any time to ensure that the parking braking of the vehicle combination (road train) is sufficiently effective due to the purely mechanical action of the parking braking system.

5.1.3 Connections between pneumatic braking systems of motor vehicles and trailers The following connections must be made between the pneumatic braking systems of mechanical vehicles and trailers: one pneumatic supply line and one pneumatic control line or one pneumatic supply line, one pneumatic control line and one electrical control line, or one pneumatic supply line and one electrical control line*(4). The electrical control line of a mechanical vehicle shall provide information as to whether it is capable of fulfilling the requirements of without support from the pneumatic control line. It shall also provide information as to whether the mechanical vehicle in accordance with is equipped with two control lines or, in accordance with, with only an electrical control line. A power-driven vehicle equipped in accordance with shall recognize the incompatibility of a trailer coupling device equipped in accordance with When such vehicles are electrically connected to the electrical control line of the towing vehicle, a red optical warning signal complying with the requirements of shall inform the driver and, when power is supplied to the system, the brakes of the towing vehicle shall be automatically applied. This braking action must be no less effective than the parking braking system required in accordance with B.2.3.1 (Annex B). When making an electrical connection of a mechanical vehicle, equipped with two control lines in accordance with, with a trailer, also equipped with two control lines, the following requirements must be met: Both control signals shall be provided at the coupling head and the trailer shall use the electrical control signal unless the signal is perceived to be in error. In the latter case, the trailer should automatically switch to the pneumatic control line. Each vehicle must comply with the requirements of Annex K relating to electrical and pneumatic control lines. If the electrical control signal exceeds the 1 bar equivalent pressure signal for more than 1 s, the trailer shall check for the presence of a pneumatic control signal and, if there is no such signal, the driver shall be warned by the trailer in the form of a separate yellow warning light illuminated signal meeting the requirements of It is permissible to equip a trailer in accordance with, provided that it is used only in conjunction with a power-driven vehicle equipped with an electrical control line meeting the requirements of In all other cases, the trailer must automatically apply the brakes when electrically connected to the towing vehicle, or the previously activated brakes must remain in that state. The driver must be warned of trailer braking by a separate yellow warning signal complying with the requirements of The electrical control line shall comply with the requirements of the international standards ISO 11992-1 and ISO 11992-2 and be a point-to-point connection via a 7-pin connector conforming to the international standard ISO 7638-1 or ISO 7638-2. The contacts intended for data transmission in a connector corresponding to or must be used for information relating only to the operation of the braking system, including the anti-lock braking system (hereinafter referred to as ABS), and the chassis (steering, tires and suspension) in accordance with. Ensuring the functioning of the braking system has priority both in normal mode and in the presence of malfunctions. The transmission of information about the operation of the chassis should not lead to delays in the functioning of the braking system. The power transmission provided by a connector corresponding to or must be solely for the operation of the braking system and chassis and for the transmission of trailer-related information that is not transmitted via the electrical control line. In all cases, the requirements of must be met. Energy supply for other functions must be provided by other means. The functional compatibility of the towed vehicle and the towing vehicle equipped with the electrical control lines described above must be confirmed during testing by checking that the relevant requirements and requirements are met. Annex T provides an example of such a test. If a mechanical vehicle is equipped with an electrical control line connected to the electrical control line of a trailer, then when these vehicles are connected to each other via such a line, a malfunction in the said line that lasts more than 40 ms must be detected by the equipment of the mechanical vehicle, and the driver must be informed of this by a yellow warning signal in accordance with the requirements of If the trailer braking system is actuated by the parking braking system of a power-driven vehicle, as permitted by, the following additional requirements must be met: If a power-driven vehicle is equipped in accordance with, activation of the parking brake system of the power-driven vehicle shall, through the pneumatic control line, activate the trailer braking system. If a power-driven vehicle is equipped in accordance with, activating the parking brake system of the power-driven vehicle shall activate the trailer braking system in accordance with In addition, it is also possible to activate the trailer parking brake system via an electrical control line. If the power-driven vehicle is equipped in accordance with or if it meets the requirements of without the participation of a pneumatic control line (see, activation of the parking brake system of the power-driven vehicle shall cause activation of the trailer braking system via the electrical control line. Cutting off the power supply to the braking system of a mechanical vehicle should cause the trailer to brake. This braking is carried out by shutting off the supply line (while the pneumatic control line can remain under pressure). The supply line can remain disconnected only until the power supply to the pneumatic braking system of the mechanical vehicle is restored, and at the same time the trailer braking caused by the electrical control line must be restored. Shut-off (shut-off) devices that cannot be activated automatically are not permitted. In the case of an articulated vehicle, elastic hoses and cables must be integral parts of the towing vehicle. In other cases, flexible hoses and cables must be integral parts of the trailer.

5.1.4 Requirements for periodic maintenance of brake systems It is necessary to provide access to elements of service brakes subject to wear, namely friction pads and drums/discs, to directly determine the degree and nature of wear (in the case of drums and discs, such access should be carried out not only during periodic technical inspections). The methods by which this access can be achieved are described in and To determine the actual braking forces on each axle of a vehicle that has a pneumatic braking system, it is necessary to provide for the presence of control fittings in the brake system, which must fully comply with the requirements of section 4 of the international standard ISO 3583 and be placed: in each independent circuit in an accessible location closest to the brake cylinder that is mounted in the least favorable location with respect to meeting the reaction time requirements specified in Annex E; in a braking system that includes a device for changing pressure described in K.7.2 (Appendix K), namely in the pneumatic line in front of this device and behind it in the places closest to this device and accessible. If this device is pneumatically controlled, an additional test port is required to simulate loading conditions. If such a device is not provided, one test fitting must be installed, similar to the fitting mentioned above, located behind the pressure changing device. The control fittings must be installed so as to be easily accessible from the road surface or from the vehicle; in an accessible location closest to the energy storage unit, least favorably located with respect to compliance with the requirements of E.1.2.4 (Annex E); in each independent circuit of the brake system, so that it is possible to control the pressure at the entrance to and exit from the brake line. Test fittings must meet the requirements of section 4 of the international standard. Access to the control fittings must not be blocked as a result of modifications and changes in the design of component elements or the vehicle body (cabin). It is necessary to ensure the generation of maximum braking forces under static conditions on a drum or roller brake tester. Information about braking systems Information about the pneumatic braking system necessary for testing its operation and efficiency must be displayed in a visible place on the vehicle and be indelible, or free access to it must be ensured in another way (for example, by placing relevant information in the manual operation, on electronic media, etc.). For vehicles equipped with pneumatic braking systems, at least the following information is required:

Characteristics of pneumatic system elements

Pneumatic system element

Maximum shutdown pressure, bar

Minimum switching pressure, bar

Four-circuit safety valve

Static closing pressure, bar

Trailer control valve or emergency protection valve*(2) depending on design

Supply pressure corresponding to reference pressure 1.5 bar

Service brake system

Minimum design pressure in the service brake system*(1), *(3), bar

*(1) Not applicable for trailers.

*(2) Not applicable for vehicles with electronically controlled braking systems.

*(3) In case of difference from the minimum switching pressure.

Characteristics of wheel brake cylinders*

Axis serial number

Brake cylinder type (working/parking)

Maximum stroke, mm

Lever arm, mm

*Only for trailers. Initial braking forces For vehicles with pneumatic braking systems, the initial braking forces must be determined on a roller brake tester. The initial braking forces must be determined in the range of actuator pressure values ​​from 1 bar to the value created in the Type-0 test on each axle. The test application for compliance with this standard shall indicate the reference braking forces for a range of brake chamber pressures from 1 bar to the pressure developed in the Type 0 test for each axle. The applicant must indicate the reference braking forces for the operating pressure range in the actuator (brake chamber or brake cylinder) starting from a pressure of 1 bar. The vehicle manufacturer must ensure the availability of this information in accordance with The declared initial braking forces must be such that the vehicle provides a specific braking force equivalent to that established in Appendix B for the relevant vehicle (50% for vehicle categories, and, with the exception of semi-trailers, and 45% for semi-trailers), in all cases when the braking force measured on a roller stand on each axle, regardless of the load, has a value no less than the initial braking force corresponding to the specified pressure in the actuator within the declared operating pressure range * (5). It is necessary to provide a simple way to check the correct functioning of complex electronic systems that control braking. If this requires special information, it should be freely available. During testing activities for compliance with this standard, confidential information must be provided regarding the means of protection against simple unauthorized changes in the operating mode of the testing means selected by the manufacturer (for example, a warning signal).

5.1.5 The requirements of Annex V shall apply to the safety performance of all integrated vehicle electronic control systems that provide or form part of the control actuator affecting the braking function, including those electronic systems that use the braking system(s) to perform automatic or selective braking.

However, systems or functions that use the braking system as a means of performing higher-level tasks shall comply with the requirements of Annex V only to the extent that those systems or functions directly affect the braking system. If provided, such systems shall not be disabled when the braking system is tested to comply with this standard.

5.2 Characteristics of braking systems

5.2.1 Braking systems for vehicles of categories M and N The set of brake systems with which vehicles are equipped must meet the requirements for service, spare and parking brake systems discussed below. Systems providing service, emergency and parking braking may have common elements, provided that they meet the following requirements: There must be at least two controls, independent of one another and easily accessible to the driver in normal operating position.

For vehicles of all categories, with the exception of and, each control (except for the control of the long-acting brake system) must be designed so that, after removing the force, it returns to the position of complete absence of control action. This requirement does not apply to the parking brake control (or the corresponding part of the combined control) if it is mechanically locked in the position corresponding to the application of the brake. The service brake system control must be independent of the parking brake system control. If the service brake system and the spare brake system have a common control element, the performance of the mechanical connections between this element and other elements of the brake drives should not deteriorate during the specified period of operation. If the service brake system and the spare brake system have a common control, then the parking brake system must be designed so that it can be activated while the vehicle is moving. This requirement does not apply if the service braking system can be controlled, at least in part, by an auxiliary control. Without prejudice to the requirements of, the service brake system and the parking brake system may use common elements in their drive(s), provided that in the event of failure of any element of the drive(s), the requirements for the drive(s) continue to be met. spare brake system. In the event of a malfunction of any element other than the brake (see 2.6), or of the elements listed in, or in the event of any other malfunction in the service brake system (malfunction, partial or complete exhaustion of energy from the energy accumulator), the spare braking system or part of the service braking system that is not affected by the malfunction must be capable of stopping the vehicle while meeting the requirements established for reserve braking. In particular, when the reserve braking system and the service braking system have a common control and a common brake actuator: if service braking is carried out using the driver's muscular energy supplemented by energy from one or more batteries, the backup braking must, in the event of a failure of the source of this additional energy, be provided by the driver's muscular energy supplemented by energy from the batteries not affected by the fault (if any remain), and the value of the force applied to the control should not exceed the established maximum value; If service braking and its control is carried out solely by the driver-controlled supply of energy from the battery, then there must be at least two completely independent energy batteries, each of which has its own independent brake actuator, each of which can act on brakes of two or more wheels, selected in such a way that these wheels provide backup braking with the established efficiency, without causing a dangerous violation of the stability of the vehicle. In addition, each of the mentioned energy accumulators shall be equipped with a warning device in accordance with In each circuit of the service brake system, at least one compressed air reservoir must be provided with a drainage and emptying device located in a suitable and easily accessible location; If service braking and its control depend solely on the use of an energy accumulator, a single energy accumulator dedicated to the brake actuator may be sufficient, provided that the backup braking with the prescribed effectiveness is provided by the driver's muscular energy when acting on the control. service brake system, and the requirements of are met. Certain parts, such as the pedal and its hinges, the master cylinder and its plunger or plungers (in hydraulic systems), the control valve (in hydraulic and/or pneumatic systems), mechanical connections between the pedal and the master cylinder or control valve (crane), brake cylinders and their plungers (in hydraulic and/or pneumatic systems), brake expansion cams with levers are considered not susceptible to failure if they are designed with a large margin of safety, are easily accessible for installation and demonstrate safety indicators at least equivalent to those established for other vital vehicle elements (such as steering arms and rods). Each of the listed parts, the malfunction of which would lead to the impossibility of braking the vehicle with an efficiency no less than that established for the spare brake system, must be made of metal or other material with equivalent characteristics and must not be deformed under normal operating conditions of the braking systems. If the vehicle has separate controls for the service brake system and the reserve brake system, simultaneous action on both controls should not render both of these brake systems inoperative at once, either in the case of their normal operating condition or in the event of a malfunction of one of them. The service braking system, regardless of whether it is combined with a spare brake system or not, must be designed so that in the event of a malfunction in any part of its drive, a sufficient number of vehicle wheels can still be braked under the influence of the spare brake control systems. These wheels must be selected so that the residual effectiveness of the service braking system meets the requirements of B.2.4 (Appendix B). However, the following requirements shall not apply to tractor units intended to tow semi-trailers if the drive of the service brake system of the semi-trailer is independent of the drive of the service brake system of the tractor. If a malfunction occurs in any part of the hydraulic brake actuator, the driver shall be informed of it by means of a red warning signal as prescribed in Alternatively, this alarm may be used when the fluid level in the reservoir falls below the manufacturer's specified limit. In a vehicle where energy other than the driver’s muscular energy is used for braking, there is no need for more than one source of supply of such energy (hydraulic pump, air compressor, etc.), however, the controls of the device that forms such a source are must be as safe as reasonably practicable. In the event of a malfunction in any part of the brake drive, power must continue to be supplied to the remaining intact drive elements if this is necessary to stop the vehicle with the efficiency prescribed for residual and/or reserve braking. This requirement must be met by devices that can be easily activated on a stationary vehicle or by automatic devices. In addition, the energy accumulators located behind these devices (in the direction of action of the drive), in the event of a malfunction in the energy supply line, must, after four complete actions on the service brake system control under the conditions specified in E.1.1.2, E.2.1.2 and E.3.1.2 (Appendix E), ensure that the vehicle stops at the fifth impact with the efficiency prescribed for the backup braking system. In the case of hydraulic braking systems with energy reservoir(s), these requirements are considered to be met provided that the requirements specified in E. (Annex E) are met. The requirements of, and shall be satisfied without the use of any automatic device, the ineffectiveness of which may go unnoticed due to the fact that its elements are designed to be activated only in the event of a malfunction in brake system. The service braking system must act on all wheels of the vehicle, and its effect must be distributed properly along the axles of the vehicle. If the vehicle has more than two axles, then in order to avoid wheel locking or burning of the brake linings, the braking force on individual axles can be automatically reduced to zero in the event of significantly reduced loads being transmitted through these axles, provided that the vehicle meets all requirements for brake efficiency as established in Appendix B. In vehicles of categories and with electric regenerative braking systems of category B, the braking impulse from other braking sources may be suitably phase-shifted to allow only the electric regenerative braking system to operate, provided that the following requirements are simultaneously met: Internal changes in braking torque in an electric regenerative braking system (for example, as a result of changes in the electrical characteristics of the traction batteries) shall be automatically compensated by a corresponding change in phase shifts, provided that one of the following requirements is simultaneously met *(6)):

— requirements B.1.3.2 (Appendix B) or

— requirements N.5.3 (Appendix H), including the case when the electric motor is turned on. If necessary*(6), in order to continue to ensure that the actual value of the specific braking force corresponds to the driver’s expectations, taking into account the actually achievable adhesion of the tires to the road surface, braking must be automatically applied to all wheels of the vehicle. The impact of the service braking system must be distributed over the wheels of one axle symmetrically to the longitudinal plane of symmetry of the vehicle. The presence of compensation systems and other devices (for example, ABS) that can disrupt the symmetry of the distribution must be declared. The driver shall be informed by a yellow warning signal, the requirements of, that there is wear or malfunction in the braking system that is compensated by the electrical control actuator. This requirement must be met under all loading conditions if the deflections to be compensated exceed the following limit values: to compensate for the pressure difference in the brake drives of the left and right sides on each axle: for individual pressure compensation on each axle:

a) more than 50% of the nominal pressure value when decelerating the vehicle, not less;

b) a value corresponding to 50% of the nominal pressure value at a deceleration equal to, at a deceleration less than. The compensation established above is allowed only on the condition that the initial application of the brakes is carried out at vehicle speeds exceeding 10 km/h. Malfunctions in the electric brake drive should not cause the vehicle to brake if this is contrary to the driver’s intentions. The service, spare and parking brake systems must act on the friction surfaces of the brakes associated with the wheels through elements of sufficient strength.

If the braking torque on a particular axle or axles is generated by both a friction braking system and an electrical regenerative braking system of category B, disconnection of the electrical system is permitted provided that the friction braking source continues to operate and is capable of providing the compensation specified in

In the case of short-term transient conditions associated with the disconnection of the electric braking system, incomplete compensation is allowed, but within a period of time not exceeding 1 s, this compensation must reach at least 75% of its final value.

However, in all cases, a permanently connected source of friction braking must ensure that the service and reserve braking systems continue to function to the specified degree of effectiveness.

Opening the working surfaces of the parking brake system is allowed only if this opening is controlled by the driver from his workplace using a system that excludes the possibility of actuating it in the event of depressurization. Brake wear must be easily removable using a manual or automatic adjustment system. In this case, the control and elements of the brake drive must retain the ability to move and, if necessary, appropriate compensating devices must be provided to ensure effective braking when the brakes heat up or when the brake linings reach a certain degree of wear without the need for immediate adjustment. Service brake wear must be adjusted automatically. However, the installation of automatic brake adjustment devices is not a mandatory requirement for off-road vehicles of categories and and for rear wheel brakes of vehicles of categories and.

Brakes equipped with automatic adjustment devices must, after successive heating and cooling cycles, ensure free rolling of the vehicle, as defined in B.1.5.4 (Appendix B) under the paragraphs establishing the requirements for Type-I tests. Checking for wear of the friction elements of the service brake Easy access to the service brake must be provided to check for wear of the brake linings from outside the vehicle or from the side of the roadway, for example, through holes provided by the design or any other devices, using exclusively tools and accessories included in the standard kit. TS. Instead, it is allowed to equip the vehicle with an acoustic or optical device that warns the driver at his workplace about the need to replace the brake linings. A yellow warning signal, the requirements for which are specified in, may be used as an optical warning signal. Assessment of the degree of wear of the working surfaces of brake discs and drums is carried out only by direct measurement of the working elements, which may require partial disassembly. Therefore, to conduct tests for compliance with the requirements of this standard, the vehicle manufacturer must:

b) prepare information on the maximum permissible wear, upon reaching which replacement of these elements is necessary.

This information should be freely available, for example in the operating instructions or on electronic media. Hydraulic brake systems shall provide easy access to the fluid reservoir filler openings and, in addition, containers containing reserve fluid volume shall be designed so that the fluid level can be easily controlled without the need to open such containers . If this condition is not met, a red warning signal as specified in shall be provided to alert the driver to a drop in fluid level in the reservoir that could cause brake system failure. The type of fluid that must be used in a hydraulic brake system must be identified by a symbol corresponding to Figure 1 or 2 of GOST 29200. This symbol must be placed so that it is clearly visible, indelible and located at a distance of no more than 100 mm from corresponding filling holes of reservoirs for working fluid. The manufacturer may provide additional information. Warning device If the prescribed emergency braking performance of a vehicle cannot be achieved by a backup braking system without the use of energy from an energy accumulator, then any vehicle equipped with a service braking system activated by energy from an energy accumulator must be equipped in addition to a system pressure indicator warning device located next to it. This warning device shall provide an optical or acoustic signal when the amount of energy stored by the accumulator(s) in any part of the braking system decreases to a level at which, without replenishing the energy accumulator and regardless of vehicle loading conditions, the fifth application of the service brake system control after four full impacts to ensure braking with the efficiency prescribed for spare braking (in the absence of failures in the drive of the spare brake system and the minimum permissible clearances in the brakes). This warning device must be directly and permanently connected to the electrical circuit. When the engine is operating under normal operating conditions and in the absence of a malfunction in the braking system, such as when tested to comply with the requirements of this standard, the warning device shall not give any signal except for the period necessary to refill the energy accumulator(s) after the engine has started. The optical warning signal shall be a red warning signal complying with the requirements of However, if a vehicle is recognized as meeting the requirements of only on the basis of its compliance with the requirements of E. (Appendix E), the warning device must, in addition to the optical signal, also emit an acoustic signal. Such signals do not need to be activated simultaneously, provided that each of them meets the requirements mentioned above and the acoustic signal is not activated before the optical signal. The optical warning signal shall be a red warning signal, the requirements for which are specified in The acoustic warning device may not be activated when the handbrake is applied and/or (at the manufacturer's option) when the selector lever is in the "Park" position in the case of an automatic transmission. Without prejudice to the requirements of, where the auxiliary power source is an essential factor in the operation of the braking system, the energy accumulator must be such that, in the event of engine stoppage or failure of the devices used to control the power source, sufficient braking efficiency is provided to completely stop the vehicle under prescribed conditions. In addition, if the muscular energy applied by the driver to the parking brake system is enhanced by an auxiliary device, the parking brake system must also be activated in the event of failure of the auxiliary device. In this case, if necessary, an energy accumulator must be used that is not used to power the auxiliary device during its normal operation. An energy accumulator intended for a spare brake system can be used as such an energy accumulator. In the case of a power-driven vehicle that is officially authorized to tow a trailer equipped with brakes controlled by the driver of the towing vehicle, the service braking system of the towing vehicle must be equipped with a device designed so that in the event of a malfunction of the trailer braking system or an interruption of flow in the supply air line ( or other type of connection that may be used) between the towing vehicle and its trailer it is still possible to brake the towing vehicle with the efficiency prescribed for reserve braking. Such a device must be placed exclusively on the towing vehicle. Pneumatic/hydraulic auxiliary equipment shall be supplied with energy in such a way that the required deceleration values ​​can be achieved during operation of the equipment and that, even in the event of a failure of the energy source, the operation of the auxiliary equipment will not deplete the energy accumulators supplying the brake brakes. systems below the minimum level specified in The service braking system of trailers of category or must be of the undivided or semi-separated type. If a vehicle is officially approved for towing a category or trailer, its braking systems must meet the following requirements: Activation of the emergency braking system of the towing vehicle must also cause measured braking of the towed vehicle. In the event of a malfunction in the service braking system of the towing vehicle, which consists of at least two independent parts, the part(s) not affected by the malfunction must be capable of fully or partially activating the brakes of the trailer. Dosing of this brake action must be ensured. If such action is achieved by means of a valve that is not normally operational, the valve may only be used if its correct operation can be easily verified by the driver (without the use of tools) either from inside or outside the cab. In the event of a malfunction (for example, a rupture or depressurization) in one of the pneumatic connecting lines, or a break or defect in the electrical control line, it shall be possible for the driver to fully or partially apply the trailer brakes using either the service brake system control or control of the emergency brake system, or control of the parking brake system, unless the malfunction causes the trailer to automatically brake with the effectiveness prescribed in B.3.3 (Annex B). The automatic braking referred to in is considered to have been completed when the following requirements are met: with a fully activated control from those mentioned in, the pressure in the supply line must drop to 1.5 bar over the next 2 s, in addition, after releasing the control, the pressure in the supply line must be restored; when the pressure in the supply line drops with an intensity of at least 1 bar/s, automatic braking of the trailer must begin before the pressure in the supply line drops to 2 bar. In the event of a malfunction in one of the control lines connecting two vehicles equipped in accordance with the requirements of, the control line that remains operational must automatically provide the braking efficiency prescribed for the trailer in B.3.1 (Appendix IN). In the case of a mechanical vehicle equipped for towing a trailer equipped with an electric braking system in accordance with Clause 1.1 (Appendix P), the following requirements must be met: The power sources (generator and battery) of the tractor must be capable of providing the necessary current parameters to power the electric braking system. When the engine is idling at the speed recommended by the manufacturer, and the electrical devices installed on the vehicle by the manufacturer as standard equipment are operating, the voltage in the electrical circuits during the period of maximum energy consumption by the electric braking system (characterized by a current strength of 15 A) should not drop below 9.6 V when measured at the tractor-trailer connection. A short circuit in electrical circuits should not occur even during overloads. In the event of a malfunction in the service braking system of the towing vehicle, which consists of at least two independent parts, its part or parts not affected by the malfunction must be capable of fully or partially activating the brakes of the trailer. The use of a brake signal sensor and its electrical circuit to activate the electric braking system is permitted only if the activating electrical circuit is connected in parallel with the brake signal and the existing brake signal sensor and electrical circuit are capable of withstanding the increased load. In the case of a pneumatic service braking system consisting of two or more independent sections, leakage from one section to the other, occurring near or downstream of the control in the direction of flow, shall be continuously vented to the atmosphere. In the case of a mechanical vehicle officially approved for towing a trailer of category or, the service braking system of the trailer must be actuated in conjunction with the service, reserve or parking brake system of the towing vehicle. The use of trailer brakes only is permitted if they are automatically activated by the towing vehicle solely to stabilize the vehicle. Mechanical vehicles of categories and having no more than four axles must be equipped with ABS of category 1 in accordance with Appendix H. Mechanical vehicles of the category equipped with spare wheels for temporary use must comply with the technical requirements of Appendix 3 to GOST R 41.64. Mechanical vehicles officially approved to tow a trailer equipped with ABS must also be equipped with a special electrical connector corresponding to or *(7) for the electrical control drive and/or trailer ABS. Additional requirements for all vehicle categories, as well as categories weighing less than 5 tons, equipped with an electric regenerative braking system Additional requirements for vehicles equipped with an electric regenerative braking system of category A The electric regenerative braking system of vehicles of categories and must be activated exclusively by the accelerator and/or by moving the transmission selector to the neutral position. In addition, for all vehicles of the category and vehicles of the category weighing less than 5 tons, the control element for electric regenerative brakes can be made in the form of a separate switch or lever. Additional requirements for vehicles equipped with an electric regenerative braking system of category B It is necessary to ensure that it is impossible to disable, partially or completely, any element of the service braking system, except by means of automatic devices. This does not constitute a departure from the requirements of The service braking system must have only one control. For vehicles equipped with electric regenerative braking systems of both categories, all requirements related to vehicles of these categories must be met, with the exception of the requirements of

In addition, the operation of the service braking system must not reduce the above-mentioned braking effect caused by the cessation of action on the accelerator control. The service braking system shall not be adversely affected by the disconnection of the electric motor(s) or the gear ratio used. If the action of the electrical braking component is determined by the relationship established between the information received from the service brake control and the braking force on the corresponding wheels, then faults that distort this relationship and lead to a change in the distribution of braking forces along the axles (see. Appendix K or Appendix L, depending on applicability), the driver must indicate an optical warning signal that turns on at least at the moment the control is activated and remains on until this malfunction is eliminated and the vehicle start switch (key) is turned on (“ ON") position. Magnetic and electric fields must not adversely affect the operation of the electric regenerative braking system. If the vehicle is equipped with ABS, this system must control the electric regenerative braking system. Special additional requirements for the electric drive of the parking brake system In the event of a malfunction in the electric brake drive, any spontaneous activation of the parking brake system must be excluded. In the event of a break in the electrical wiring within the electrical control actuator external to the electronic control unit(s), excluding power sources, or in the event of a malfunction in the control, it shall be possible to operate the parking brake system from the driver's position and with its help, holding a loaded vehicle stationary on a rise or slope of 8%. Instead of fulfilling this requirement, in the same cases, automatic activation of the parking brakes on a stationary vehicle is allowed, provided that the same effectiveness is achieved and that, once turned on, they remain on regardless of the position of the ignition key (starting key). In this case, the parking brakes should be automatically released as soon as the driver begins to put the vehicle into motion. In the case of vehicles of categories, and, it is allowed to use the engine and mechanical power train or automatic transmission (in parking mode) to achieve or help achieve the parking braking efficiency prescribed above. In addition, it must be possible, if necessary, to change the operation of the parking brake system using tools and/or auxiliary devices carried/installed on the vehicle. If there is a break in the wiring inside the electric drive or a malfunction in the parking brake system control, the driver must be informed of this by means of a yellow warning signal, the requirements for which are established in If there is a break in the wiring inside the parking brake system's electrical control actuator, this yellow warning light should illuminate as soon as the break occurs. In addition, the driver shall be informed of the above-mentioned control malfunction or break in wiring outside the electronic control unit(s), excluding the power source, by means of a flashing red warning signal as required by The signal must remain on the entire time the ignition key (start key) is in the “ON” position, and for at least 10 seconds thereafter, provided that the control is in the “ON” position "). If the activation of the parking brake system is normally indicated by a separate red warning signal that meets all the requirements of, then this signal must also be used in the above case, provided that the specified red signal requirements are met. It is permissible to supply power from the electric drive of the parking brake system to additional equipment, provided that this energy is sufficient to activate the parking brake system in addition to the electrical load in the vehicle circuit in the absence of malfunctions. In addition, where the energy accumulator is also used by the service braking system, the requirements of must be met. After the ignition/start key that controls the electrical supply to the braking equipment has been switched to the "OFF" position and/or removed, it must still be possible to operate the parking brake system since the system must not disengage . Special additional requirements for electrically controlled service braking systems When the parking brake is released, the service braking system shall be capable of producing a total static braking force at least equal to the braking force prescribed for the Type 0 test, even when the ignition/start key is in "Off" and/or removed positions. Mechanical vehicles officially approved for towing trailers of categories and must produce a full control signal for the service brake system of trailers. In this case, a sufficient amount of energy must be supplied to the electric drive of the service brake system. A single temporary failure lasting less than 40 ms in the electric control drive, with the exception of its power supply (for example, a break in signal transmission or information failure), should not have a significant impact on the effectiveness of service braking. The driver shall be informed of a malfunction in the electrical control drive*(8) affecting the operation and efficiency of systems covered by this standard, other than the drive's energy storage unit, by means of a red or yellow warning signal. , the requirements for which are specified in and, depending on applicability. When the prescribed braking performance can no longer be achieved, the driver must be informed of faults in the electrical circuit (open circuit, loss of contact), as soon as these faults occur, by activating a red warning signal, and the prescribed residual braking performance must be ensured by acting on the organ control of the service brake system in accordance with B.2.4 (Appendix B). These requirements do not imply a failure to comply with the specified requirements for emergency braking. On a power-driven vehicle electrically connected to a trailer via an electrically controlled brake actuator, a clear warning of malfunction shall be provided to the driver as soon as the energy reserve in any part of the trailer service braking system falls below the critical level specified in A similar warning shall be provided when the trailer's electrical control drive, other than its energy storage unit, experiences an open circuit of more than 40 ms duration that prevents the trailer from achieving the service braking performance prescribed in Such warning shall require the use of a red warning signal, the requirements for which are specified in In the event of a malfunction in the energy source of the electric control drive, which began to manifest itself at the normal level of its energy reserve, after twenty consecutive full strokes of the service brake system control, the entire range of control actions on the service brake system must be guaranteed. During the test, the brake control must be subjected to maximum impact for 20 s within each successive activation, followed by release of the control for a period of 5 s. During the test described above, sufficient energy must be supplied to ensure full activation of the service braking system. Compliance with this requirement does not eliminate the need to comply with the requirements set forth in Appendix E. If the battery voltage has dropped to a level below the limit specified by the manufacturer, at which the prescribed service braking performance can no longer be guaranteed and/or which prevents each of at least two independent service braking circuits from achieving the prescribed reserve or residual braking, the red warning signal, the requirements for which are established in, must turn on. After turning on the warning signal, it must be possible to use the service brake system control and provide at least the residual braking efficiency required in B.2.4 (Annex B). In this case, sufficient energy must be supplied to the service braking system. Compliance with this requirement does not eliminate the need to comply with the requirements relating to emergency braking. If the auxiliary equipment is supplied with energy from the same energy storage as the electric control drive, then, when the engine is running at a speed not exceeding 80% of the maximum load speed, the energy required to achieve the prescribed deceleration values ​​shall be supplied. be provided either by supplying sufficient energy to prevent the battery from discharging when all auxiliary equipment is operating at full load, or by automatically shutting down pre-selected elements of the auxiliary equipment at a voltage above the critical level defined in to prevent further battery discharge. Compliance with this requirement can be confirmed by calculations or tests. For vehicles officially approved for towing category or trailers, the energy consumption of the trailer must be taken into account by connecting a 400 W load. The requirements of this paragraph do not apply to vehicles whose prescribed deceleration values ​​can be achieved without the use of electrical energy. If auxiliary equipment is supplied with power from an electrical control drive, the following requirements must be met: In the event of a malfunction of the energy source while the vehicle is moving, the energy reserve in the battery must be sufficient to activate the brakes when the control is acted upon. In the event of a malfunction of the power source on a stationary vehicle with the parking brake system activated, the energy reserve in the battery must be sufficient to turn on the lighting even with the brakes activated. In the event of a malfunction of the electric control drive of the service brake system of a towing vehicle equipped with an electric control line in accordance with or, it must remain possible to fully activate the trailer brakes. In the event of a malfunction of the electric control drive of the trailer brakes, connected to the towing vehicle only by an electric control line in accordance with, the trailer braking must be ensured in accordance with This requirement must be met both in the case when a signal has arisen on the trailer requiring braking along the supply line and transmitted through the information transmission circuit built into the electrical control line, and in the event of a long interruption in the transmission of information. The requirements of this paragraph do not apply to mechanical vehicles not intended for use with trailers, the connection to which is carried out only via an electrical control line in accordance with Special requirements for the force regulator in the coupling device The force regulator in the coupling device must be installed only on the towing vehicle. The action of the force regulator in the coupling device should reduce the difference in the dynamic specific braking forces of the towing and towed vehicles. The functioning of the force regulator in the coupling device must be checked by a testing laboratory. The method of performing the test must be agreed with the manufacturer, as well as the method of evaluating the results. The results obtained must be presented in a test report. The force regulator in the coupling device can control the specific braking force and/or the braking forces of the trailer. If the towing vehicle is equipped with two control lines in accordance with, the signals coming from both lines must cause the same control effects. The force regulator in the coupling device must not prevent the use of the maximum possible pressure for braking. The vehicle must meet the requirements for compliance with the load range established in Appendix K, however, to meet the requirements of, the vehicle may deviate from the requirements of Appendix K when the force regulator in the coupling device is operating. The driver must be informed of a malfunction of the force regulator in the coupling device by a yellow warning signal in accordance with the requirements of In the event of a malfunction, the applicable requirements of Annex K must be complied with. The yellow warning signal specified in shall inform the driver of the compensating action of the force regulator in the coupling device if this compensation exceeds 1.5 bar relative to the nominal required value specified in 2.28.3 , but does not exceed the bar value (or an equivalent discrete value of the electrical signal). If the value exceeds 6.5 bar, a warning shall be issued if the compensation causes the actuation point (see Figures 1 and 2) to move outside the load compatibility range specified for mechanical vehicles in Annex K. The force control system in the coupling device must be used only to control the forces in the coupling device that arise during the operation of the service braking system of the tractor and trailer. The forces in the coupling device resulting from the action of long-acting braking systems must not be compensated by the service braking systems of the towing vehicle or trailer. It is generally accepted that long-term brake systems are not integral parts of service brake systems. General requirements for optical warning signals intended to inform the driver about malfunctions (defects) of specific pre-established types in the braking equipment of a mechanical vehicle or, where applicable, its trailer, are given in The use of these signals in cases not specified in is permitted only in accordance with the requirements of this standard. Optical warning signals in mechanical vehicles must inform about the following malfunctions and brake defects: red warning signal - about malfunctions in the braking systems specified in this standard that prevent the full effectiveness of service braking and/or disrupt the functioning of at least one of the two independent circuits of the service braking system; yellow warning signal, where applicable, about a defect in the vehicle’s braking equipment, information about which is transmitted via an electrical circuit and the presence of which is not indicated by the red warning signal in accordance with With the exception of vehicles of categories and, in mechanical vehicles equipped with an electric control line and/or officially approved for towing trailers with electrically driven brakes and/or ABS, a separate yellow warning signal must be provided, informing about a defect in ABS and/or in the electric brake drive of the trailer braking equipment. The electrical signal about the defect must come from the trailer through pin No. 5 of the electrical connector corresponding to or *(9). In all cases, the electrical signal must be transmitted without significant delays and distortions in the electrical circuit of the towing vehicle. The optical warning signal shall not be activated if the towing vehicle is connected to the trailer in the absence of an electrical control line and/or electric brake and/or ABS drive, or the towing vehicle is not connected to the trailer. The described function should be automatic. For a mechanical vehicle equipped with an electric control line, if there is a connection to the trailer via this control line, a red warning signal must also be provided, meeting the requirements of and informing about specific malfunctions of pre-established types in the braking equipment trailer whenever relevant information is received from the trailer via the data loop in the electrical control line. The red warning signal is in addition to the yellow warning signal, the requirements for which are specified in It is allowed, instead of using the red warning signal, the requirements for which are established in, together with the yellow warning signal mentioned above, to equip the towing vehicle with a separate red warning signal, informing about malfunctions of pre-established types in the brake equipment of the trailer. Warning signals must be visible at all times of the day. The driver, being at his workplace, must easily recognize the on and off states of the warning signals. Malfunctions of warning device elements should not lead to a decrease in the effectiveness of the braking systems. Unless other requirements are established, then: the driver must be informed of the occurrence of a predetermined type of malfunction by means of the above-mentioned warning signal(s) no later than the activation of the relevant control; the warning signal(s) shall remain illuminated as long as the malfunction is present and the ignition key is in the “ON” position, and the warning signal must be turned on in a constant (non-blinking) mode. The above warning signal(s) must be turned on when the electrical equipment of the vehicle (including the electrical circuits of the brake system) is turned on. When the vehicle is stationary, the braking system must confirm the absence of malfunctions and defects of all predetermined types, and only after this the warning signal(s) should be turned off. Information about malfunctions and defects of pre-established types that should activate the warning signal(s) specified above, but which are not detected on a stationary vehicle, must be accumulated as they are detected, and the corresponding signals must warn the driver about the presence of the specified above malfunctions and defects when starting the engine, as well as every time the ignition key (starting key) is in the “ON” position, throughout the entire period of presence of these malfunctions (defects). It is allowed to inform about malfunctions (defects) of types not previously established or to show other information relating to the brakes and/or chassis of mechanical vehicles using yellow signals, the requirements for which are established in, subject to the following conditions: The vehicle is stationary; after the electrical circuit of the braking equipment has been energized for the first time and the signal has indicated that the procedures described in have not identified any predetermined fault types, and information about malfunctions of non-predetermined types and other information is displayed only by flashing a warning signal. However, the warning signal must turn off before the vehicle speed exceeds 10 km/h for the first time. Generation of a signal pulse to turn on the brake signal lamps (stop lights) Activation by the driver of the service braking system must result in the generation of a signal pulse, which will be used to turn on the brake lamps. Generation of a signal pulse associated with the operation of long-term braking systems It is allowed to generate a signal pulse associated with the activation of the long-acting braking system, except for the case when deceleration occurs only due to engine braking. Activation of the service braking system by means of “automatically controlled braking” (see 2.29) shall result in the generation of the above signal pulse. However, if the deceleration performed does not exceed a vehicle speed of more than 50 km/h, this signal pulse can be turned off *(10). Activation of part of the service braking system using “selective braking” (see 2.30) should not lead to the generation of a signal pulse *(11). If the vehicle is equipped with an electric control line, a signal pulse must be generated by the towing vehicle when the message “Turn on brake lights”*(12) is received from the trailer via the electric control line. Electric regenerative braking systems that provide a retarding force when the accelerator pedal is released shall not generate a signal pulse. If the vehicle is equipped with devices that inform about emergency braking, then the activation and termination of the emergency braking signal must meet the following requirements: The signal must be activated when the deceleration values ​​caused by the action of the service braking system are not less than:

For all vehicles, the signal must cease to operate no later than the moment the deceleration drops below. The following conditions may also be met:

a) when activating the service braking system on an empty vehicle with a disconnected engine in the “Type-0” test (see Appendix B), the emergency braking signal must be activated at deceleration values ​​not less than:

(In this case, for all vehicles the signal must cease to operate no later than the moment the deceleration drops below.)

b) when the service brake system is activated, when the vehicle is moving at a speed of over 50 km/h and the ABS operates in full cycle in accordance with N.2 (Appendix H).

The signal should cease to operate once ABC stops running through a full cycle.

5.2.2 Vehicles of category O Trailers of this category may not be equipped with a service braking system, however, if a trailer of this category is equipped with a service braking system, it must meet the same requirements as a trailer of the category. Trailers of this category must have a working braking system of a single, semi-divided or inertia type. The inertial brake system can only be installed on trailers with a central axle. However, the use of electric braking systems that meet the requirements of Appendix P is permitted. The service braking system must: act on all wheels of the vehicle; distribute your action accordingly along the axes of the vehicle; have at least one compressed air tank equipped with a drainage and drying device located in an easily accessible place. The action of the service braking system must be distributed over the wheels of each vehicle axle symmetrically relative to the longitudinal plane of symmetry of the vehicle. The presence of braking force compensation devices and systems such as ABS, which can disrupt the symmetry of the distribution of the action of the service braking system, must be declared. The driver shall be informed by a yellow warning signal, the requirements of, that there is wear or malfunction in the braking system that is compensated by the electrical control actuator. This requirement must be met under all loading conditions if the deflections to be compensated exceed the following limit values: to compensate for the pressure difference in the brake drives of the left and right sides on each axle:

a) 25% of the highest pressure value when decelerating the vehicle, not less;

b) a value corresponding to 25% of the pressure value for deceleration, equal to, for deceleration less; for individual pressure compensation on each axle:

a) more than 50% of the nominal value when the vehicle decelerates at least;

b) a value corresponding to 50% of the nominal value for deceleration, equal to, if deceleration is less. The compensation established above is only allowed if the initial application of the brakes takes place at vehicle speeds exceeding 10 km/h. Malfunctions in the electric brake drive should not cause the vehicle to brake if this is contrary to the driver’s intentions. The working surfaces of the brakes, the action of which is necessary to ensure the prescribed braking efficiency, must be permanently connected to the wheels, either directly or through elements not subject to destruction. Brake wear must be easily removable using a manual or automatic adjustment system. In this case, the control and elements of the brake actuator must remain movable and, if necessary, appropriate compensating devices must be provided to allow, when the brakes become hot or when the brake linings reach a certain degree of wear, to provide effective braking without the need for immediate adjustment. Adjustment to compensate for service brake wear must be carried out automatically. However, the installation of automatic brake adjustment devices is not mandatory for vehicles of categories and.

Brakes equipped with devices for their automatic adjustment must, after successive heating and cooling cycles, ensure free rolling of the vehicle, as defined in B.1.7.3 (Appendix B) under the paragraphs establishing the requirements for the “Type-I” or “Type-I” tests. III". For trailers of category, the requirements of should be considered fulfilled if the requirements of B.1.7.3 are met. For category trailers, the requirements of should be considered fulfilled if the requirements of B.1.7.3*(13) are met. Checking for wear of the friction elements of the service brake Easy access to the service brake must be provided to check for wear of the brake linings from outside the vehicle or from the side of the roadway, for example, through holes provided by the design or any other devices using exclusively tools and accessories included in the standard equipment of the vehicle. . Assessment of the degree of wear of the working surfaces of brake discs and drums may only be carried out by direct measurement of the working elements, which may require partial disassembly. Therefore, to conduct tests for compliance with this standard, the vehicle manufacturer must:

a) determine a method for assessing wear on the working surfaces of discs and drums, including the extent of dismantling required, as well as the tools and procedures required for this; Braking systems must be such that when the coupling device is released during movement, the trailer is automatically braked to a complete stop. However, this requirement does not apply to trailers whose maximum weight does not exceed 1.5 tons, provided that the trailers are equipped, in addition to the main coupling device, with a spare connecting device (chain, wire rope, etc.), which prevents coupling device contact of the drawbar with the road surface and providing some residual control effect on the trailer. Any trailer that is equipped with a service braking system must also provide parking braking even if the trailer is disconnected from the towing vehicle. The parking braking device must be capable of being activated by a person standing on a supporting surface, but if the trailer is used to transport persons, the device must be capable of being activated from inside the trailer. If the trailer is equipped with a device that allows the activation by compressed air of a braking system other than the parking braking system to be blocked, this other system must be designed so that it returns to the non-activated position no later than the moment the compressed air supply to the trailer braking system is restored. Trailers of categories and must meet the requirements of An easily accessible test connection must be installed in the control line behind the connection head (in the direction of flow). If trailers are equipped with an electrical control line connected to the electrical control line of the towing vehicle, automatic braking in accordance with is not implemented until the pressure in the trailer's compressed air tanks is sufficient to provide the braking efficiency prescribed in B.3.3 (Appendix B). Category trailers must be equipped with ABS in accordance with the requirements of Appendix H. Category trailers must be equipped with ABS in accordance with the requirements of Appendix H, intended for category A. If auxiliary equipment receives energy from the service braking system, the service braking system must be protected against energy loss. In this case, the amount of brake pressure on the outer surfaces of the wheels must be at least 80% of the value prescribed for the corresponding trailer in B. (Appendix B). This requirement must be satisfied under the following operating conditions:

- during operation of auxiliary equipment and

- in case of rupture of lines connecting auxiliary equipment or leakage from them, unless these faults affect the control signal referred to in K.6 (Appendix K). In the latter case, the braking performance requirements specified in K.6 must be met. The above requirements are considered to be met if the pressure in the service brake system energy accumulator(s) is maintained at a level of at least 80% of the required control line pressure or an equivalent discrete electrical signal value in accordance with B. ( Appendix B). Special additional requirements for service braking systems with electrically controlled drive In the event of a single temporary malfunction in the electrical control actuator lasting less than 40 ms (for example, interruption of signal transmission or distortion of transmitted information), excluding a malfunction in its power supply, this malfunction shall not reduce the effectiveness of the service braking system. If a malfunction occurs in the electrical control actuator (e.g. rupture, loss of contact), at least 30% of the service braking system efficiency prescribed for the relevant trailer must be maintained. For trailers connected to the towing vehicle only by an electrical control line in accordance with and meeting the requirements of with the braking efficiency prescribed in B.3.3 (Appendix B), in the case where the trailer braking efficiency exceeds 30 % of the prescribed braking efficiency cannot be further ensured; compliance with the requirements of is sufficient. Fulfillment of these requirements is initiated either by the transmission of the “Braking along the supply line” signal along the information transmission circuit of the electrical control line, or by the complete absence of information transmission along this circuit. The driver shall be made aware of a malfunction in the electrical control drive of a trailer, excluding its energy storage unit, affecting the operation and efficiency of systems covered by this standard, and of malfunctions in the supply of energy through an electrical connector complying with or *(7 ), by means of a separate warning signal, the requirements for which are specified in The signal to turn on the warning signal must be transmitted through pin No. 5 of the electrical connector corresponding to or *(7), *(14).

In addition, trailers equipped with an electrical control line connected to a towing vehicle equipped with a similar electrical control line shall transmit fault information complying with and activating a red warning signal. This information must be transmitted via the electrical control line information circuit if it is no longer possible to maintain the required trailer service brake performance. If the value of the energy stored in the accumulator(s) in any part of the service braking system of a trailer equipped with an electrical control line connected to the electrical control line of the towing vehicle decreases to the value determined in, the driver of the towing vehicle must warned about this. Warning may be provided by means of a red warning signal, the requirements for which are specified in, and the trailer shall transmit the corresponding information through the electrical control line information circuit. A separate yellow warning signal, as required in, shall also be activated through pin No. 5 of the electrical connector corresponding to or *(7) to inform the driver of reduced trailer power. The lower limit of energy reduction referred to in must be set such that, without recharging the energy accumulator and regardless of trailer loading, it would no longer be possible to provide the fifth application of the service brake control after four full applications. braking with an efficiency of at least 50% of the prescribed efficiency of the service braking system of the relevant trailer. Trailers equipped with an electric control line, and trailers of categories and equipped with ABS, must be equipped with a special electrical connector for the braking system and/or ABS, corresponding to *(7), *(15). The warning signals required on the trailer side by this standard shall be activated through the electrical connector mentioned above. The requirements for trailers regarding the transmission of fault signals must comply with, and

Trailers equipped with a connector complying with and specified above must have indelible markings informing about the functionality of the braking system in the closed and open states of the connector. This marking must be located so that it is visible when the connecting devices of pneumatic and electrical lines are brought into the closed state. Trailers that use selective braking as a means of ensuring vehicle stability must, in the event of a malfunction in the electrical control drive of the stability control system, indicate this malfunction using a separate yellow warning signal, the requirements for which are specified in . The electrical signal activating this warning signal must be transmitted through pin No. 5 of the connector corresponding to and.

NOTE This requirement will need to be reconsidered in subsequent revisions to this standard to take into account:

a) the intended change to international standards and concerning the electrical signal indicating a malfunction in the electrical control actuator of the trailer stability control system, and

b) the appearance in normal operation of vehicles equipped in accordance with these international standards. It is permissible to connect the braking system to a source of electrical power in addition to the source connected through the above-mentioned connector corresponding to or. However, connecting an additional energy source is only possible if the following conditions are met:

- in all cases, the energy source for the braking system connected through a connector corresponding to or must be the primary source in relation to any additionally connected source. The additional energy source is intended to duplicate the main source in case of its failure;

— connecting an additional source should not have an adverse effect on the braking system, both during normal operation and when a malfunction occurs;

- in the event of failure of the energy source connected through the connector corresponding to and, the energy absorbed by the braking system must not exceed the maximum possible energy from the additional source;

— it is not permitted to use a warning device to signal the occurrence of a failure in the brake system of a trailer if the brake system is supplied with energy from an additional source;

— if there is an additional source of energy, the operation of the braking system from this source must be checked;

- if there is a malfunction in the transmission of electrical energy through a connector corresponding to and, the requirements of and N.4.1 (Appendix H), relating to the malfunction signal, must also be met in the case of the braking system operating from an additional energy source. If the energy transmitted through a connector corresponding to and is used to perform the functions specified in, the braking system shall have priority and be protected from external overloads. Such protection must be a function of the braking system. In the event of a fault in one of the control lines connecting two vehicles equipped in accordance with, the trailer must switch to the undamaged control line in order to automatically achieve the braking efficiency prescribed for the trailer in B.3.1 (Annex B ). If the voltage in the trailer electrical circuit falls below the value specified by the manufacturer, at which the specified effectiveness of the service braking system can no longer be ensured, a separate optical yellow warning signal, the requirements for which are specified in, shall be activated. The appropriate electrical signal must pass through pin No. 5 of the connector corresponding to and *(7). In addition, trailers equipped with an electrical control line connected to the towing vehicle's electrical control line shall transmit fault information to activate the red warning signal specified in This information must be transmitted through the information transmission circuit of the electrical control line. Activating the service brake system If the vehicle is equipped with an electric control line, the message “Activate brake lights” must be transmitted over the electric control line when the trailer braking system is actuated by “automatically controlled braking” activated by the trailer itself. However, if the resulting deceleration does not exceed 0.7 at a vehicle speed of more than 50 km/h, this signal pulse can be turned off *(10), *(12). If the trailer is equipped with an electric control line, the message “Activate brake lights” shall not be transmitted from the trailer via the electric control line during the “selective braking” process activated by the trailer itself *(11), *(16).

The vehicle brake test requirements that must be carried out and the brake performance requirements that must be met to confirm compliance with this standard are set out in Appendix B.

7 Change of vehicle type or braking system type tested to this standard and extension of the scope

7.1 Each change in the type of vehicle or its braking equipment in relation to the characteristics listed in Appendix B must be brought to the attention of the testing laboratory that issued the test report for compliance with this standard. This laboratory can:

7.1.1 or come to the conclusion that the changes made will not have significant negative consequences and the changed type of vehicle will meet the requirements for this type of vehicle;

7.1.2 or carry out additional tests.

*(4) Until the adoption of appropriate regulations to ensure compatibility and safety, the use of connections between the tractor and trailer described in is not permitted.

*(5) To undergo periodic technical inspection, it may be necessary to adjust the minimum vehicle total specific braking force values ​​to bring them into compliance with national or international requirements.

*(6) The testing laboratory conducting the tests must have the right to check the service brake system by conducting additional tests of the vehicle.

*(7) This connector can be used in both five- and seven-pin versions.

*(8) Until common test methods are agreed upon, the manufacturer must provide information on the analysis of possible faults in the control drive and their consequences to the appropriate competent authority. Such information should be the subject of discussion and subsequent agreement between the authority and the manufacturer.

*(9) The specified connectors can have either a five- or seven-pin design.

*(10) Compliance with this requirement must be confirmed by the manufacturer.

*(11) During the process of “selective braking”, the braking mode can be transformed into “automatically controlled braking”.

*(12) This requirement shall not apply unless a change is made to describe the "Enable Brake Lights" message.

*(13) Until the adoption of uniform technical provisions that make it possible to objectively evaluate the functioning of the automatic brake adjustment device, the requirement for free rolling of a vehicle should be considered fulfilled if this free rolling occurs during all brake tests prescribed for the corresponding trailer.

*(14) Until common test methods are agreed upon, the manufacturer shall provide to the appropriate competent authority information relevant to the analysis of possible faults in the control drive and their consequences. This information should be the subject of discussion and subsequent agreement between the competent authority and the manufacturer.

*(15) Requirements for trailer wiring that is not intended to transmit electrical control signals can be reduced if the trailer is equipped with its own independent fuse. The maximum current for which the fuse is designed must be such that it does not exceed the same parameter of the electrical wiring.

*(16) This requirement shall not apply until a change is made to describe the "Activate Brake Lights" message and its contents are incorporated into this standard.

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Russian FederationUNECE Regulations

  • It is referred to
  • set bookmark

    set bookmark

    Regulation No. 12


    On the adoption of uniform technical regulations for wheeled vehicles, equipment and parts that can be installed and/or used on wheeled vehicles, and on the conditions for the mutual recognition of approvals issued on the basis of these regulations*

    Communication concerning approval, extension of approval, refusal of approval, withdrawal of approval, permanent discontinuation of a vehicle type with regard to protection of the driver against impact from the steering system pursuant to Regulation No. 12

    Communication concerning approval, extension of approval, refusal of approval, withdrawal of approval, permanent discontinuation of a type of steering control with regard to protection of the driver against impact from the steering system pursuant to the relevant section of Regulation No. 12

    Scheme of approval marks

    Torso Test

    Addendum: Torso model

    Head dummy test

    The procedure for determining the “H” point and the actual angle of inclination of the torso of a driver or passenger sitting in a car

    Appendix 1: Description of the volumetric mechanism for determining the "H" point

    Appendix 2: Three-dimensional coordinate system

    Appendix 3: Seating inputs

    Test procedure for the protection of occupants of electric vehicles from high voltage and from electrolyte leakage hazards

    Appendix 1: Hinged Test Pin (IPXXB)

    1 area of ​​use

    This Regulation governs the behavior of the steering and electric drive system operating at high voltage, as well as high-voltage components and systems that are galvanically connected to the high-voltage busbar of the electric drive, motor vehicles of category M and vehicles of category N with a maximum permissible mass of less than 1500 kg in regarding the protection of occupants from a frontal collision.

    At the request of the manufacturer, vehicles other than those mentioned in paragraph 1.1. above may be granted approvals in accordance with this Regulation.

    2. Definitions

    In accordance with these Rules

    " vehicle approval" means the approval of a vehicle type with regard to protection of the driver against impact from the steering system;

    " vehicle type" means motor vehicles which do not differ in such essential respects as:

    a vehicle driven by an internal combustion engine:

    a vehicle driven by an electric motor:

    the design, dimensions, shape and materials of that part of the vehicle that is located in front of the steering column;

    the location of the rechargeable energy storage system (REESS) if it adversely affects the results of the impact test prescribed in this Regulation;

    the mass of the vehicle in running order as defined in paragraph 2.18 below;

    " approval of steering control" means the approval of a steering control type with regard to the protection of the driver against impact with steering components;

    " steering type" means a category of steering controls that do not differ in such significant respects as:

    design, dimensions, shape and materials;

    " steering" means a control, usually a steering wheel, operated by the driver;

    " universal steering control" means a control which can be mounted on several approved types of vehicles in such a way that differences in the attachment of the control to the steering column do not affect its behavior upon impact;

    " airbag" means an elastic cushion designed to be filled with gas under pressure and:

    serving to protect the driver of the vehicle when hitting the steering wheel,

    filled with gas using a device that is activated in the event of a vehicle impact;

    " steering wheel rim" means the quasi-toroidal outer ring of the steering wheel which the driver normally grips when operating the vehicle;

    " spoke" means the rod connecting the steering wheel ring to the hub;

    " hub" means a part of the steering wheel, usually located in the center, which:

    connects the steering wheel to the steering shaft,

    transmits the torque applied to the steering wheel to the steering shaft;

    " steering wheel hub center" means a point on the surface of the hub that lies on the axis of the steering shaft;

    " steering plane" means, in the case of a steering wheel, the flat surface that divides the rim of the steering wheel into equal parts between the driver and the front of the vehicle;

    " steering shaft" means an element that transmits the rotational torque applied to the steering wheel to the steering mechanism;

    " steering column" means steering shaft safety guard;

    " steering system" means a set of mechanisms consisting of a steering wheel, steering column, steering shaft housing, steering shaft, control mechanism, as well as other elements that contribute to the absorption of energy when impacting the steering;

    " passenger compartment from the point of view of protecting the persons in it" means the space intended for occupants and bounded by the roof, floor, side walls, doors, external glazing, front bulkhead and rear compartment bulkhead or rear seatback support plane;

    " interior from the point of view of electrical safety assessment" means the space intended for the occupants and is limited by the roof, floor, side walls, doors, external glazing, front partition and rear partition or rear door, as well as electrical guards and enclosures used to protect the electric drive from direct contact with parts, under high voltage;

    " impact element" is a hemispherical headform with a diameter of 165 mm, meeting the provisions of paragraph 3 of Appendix 5 to these Rules;

    " weight of the vehicle in running order" means the mass of the vehicle without driver, passengers and cargo, but with fuel, coolant, lubricants, tools and spare wheel, if provided as standard equipment by the manufacturer, and the REESS;

    " high voltage/high voltage" means the characteristic of an electrical component or circuit if the effective value of its operating voltage is more than >60 V and 1500 V for direct current or >30 V and 1000 V for alternating current;

    " rechargeable energy storage system (REESS)" means a rechargeable energy storage system that provides electrical power for propulsion;

    " electrical fence": part providing protection against any direct contact with high voltage parts;

    " electric drive" means the electrical circuit that includes the traction motor(s) and may also include the REESS, the power conversion system, electronic converters, associated wiring harnesses and connectors, and the connection system for charging the REESS;

    " live parts" means conductive parts intended to operate under voltage under normal operating conditions;

    " unprotected conductive part" means a conductive part which can be touched under protection level IPXXB and which becomes live when the insulation fails. This includes parts under a protective covering which can be removed without the use of tools;

    " direct contact" means human contact with high voltage parts;

    " indirect contact" means contact of people with unprotected conductive parts;

    " protectionIPXXB" means protection against contact with high voltage live parts provided by either an electrical fence or enclosure and tested using the articulated test pin (IPXXB) described in Annex 7, paragraph 4;

    " operating voltage" means the highest effective value of the electrical circuit voltage, which is specified by the manufacturer and which can be fixed between any current-carrying parts in an open circuit or under normal operating conditions. If the electrical circuit is separated by galvanic insulation, the operating voltage is determined accordingly for each isolated circuit;

    " connection system for charging the rechargeable energy storage system (RES)" means the electrical circuit used to charge the REESS from an external power source, including the input connection device on the vehicle;

    " electrical mass" means a set of conductive parts electrically connected to each other, the electrical potential of which is taken as a basis;

    " electrical circuit" means a collection of high-voltage parts connected to each other and designed to carry electric current under normal conditions of use;

    " power conversion system" means a system that generates and supplies electricity to create electric traction;

    " electronic converter" means a device that allows for the control of electrical energy and/or its transformation to create electric traction;

    " casing" means a member covering internal parts and providing protection against any direct contact;

    " high voltage bus a" means an electrical circuit including a connection system for charging the REESS, which operates at high voltage;

    " solid insulator" means an insulating covering of cable harnesses enclosing and protecting high-voltage parts from any direct contact, including insulation of high-voltage parts of connectors, and varnish or paint used for insulation purposes;

    " automatic disconnector" means a device which, after switching on, galvanically separates the electrical power sources from the rest of the high-voltage circuit of the electric drive;

    " open type traction battery" means a type of liquid battery that produces hydrogen that is released into the atmosphere.

    3. Application for approval

    Vehicle type

    Application for approval of a vehicle type with regard to protection of the driver against impact from the steering system shall be submitted by the vehicle manufacturer or his duly authorized representative.

    Each application must be accompanied by the following documents in triplicate and the following data:

    a detailed description of the type of vehicle with respect to the design, dimensions, shape and materials of that part of the vehicle located in front of the steering column;

    sufficiently detailed drawings of the steering system and its attachment to the chassis and body of the vehicle in an appropriate scale;

    technical description of the steering system;

    indication of the weight of the vehicle in running order;

    in appropriate cases - a certificate that the steering control has been officially approved in accordance with paragraph 5.2 of these Regulations;

    a certificate that the steering system meets the technical requirements of paragraph 5.2.2 of Regulation No. 94, if an application for approval is submitted by the applicant in accordance with paragraph 5.1.2 below;

    Regulation No. 94, if the application for approval is submitted by its applicant in accordance with paragraph 5.2.1. below;

    a general description of power source type, location, and electric drive (e.g., hybrid, electric).

    The technical service authorized to carry out approval tests must be provided with:

    a vehicle of the type to be approved for the test required in paragraph 5.1. below;

    at the choice of the manufacturer and with the agreement of the technical services, either a second vehicle or parts of a vehicle which he considers necessary to carry out the test provided for in paragraphs 5.2 and 5.3 below;

    Before granting type approval, the competent authority shall verify that suitable mechanisms are in place to ensure effective control of conformity of production.

    Steering type

    Application for approval of a steering control type with respect to protection of the driver against impacts from steering components must be submitted by the steering control manufacturer or his duly authorized representative.

    The application must be accompanied by the following documents in triplicate and the following data:

    a detailed description of the type of steering control in terms of design, dimensions and materials from which it is made;

    sufficiently detailed drawings of the steering system and its attachment to the chassis and body of the vehicle in an appropriate scale;

    a certificate that the steering control complies with the technical requirements of paragraphs and of Regulation No. 94, if an application for approval is submitted by the applicant in accordance with paragraph 5.2.1. below.

    In order to carry out the test required in paragraphs 5.2 and 5.3 below, the technical service responsible for carrying out the approval tests must be presented with a steering control representing the type to be approved and, at the discretion of the manufacturer and with the agreement of the technical service, those parts of the vehicle which he considers necessary to carry out this test.

    4. Approval

    The type approval certificate shall be accompanied by a certificate corresponding to the model specified in paragraph 4.1.1 or 4.1.2:

    Annex 1A for applications specified in clause 3.1;

    Appendix 1B for applications specified in clause 3.2.

    Vehicle type

    If a vehicle submitted for approval in accordance with these Regulations meets the requirements of paragraphs 5 and 6 below and Annexes 4, 5 and 6 to these Regulations, then this type of vehicle is considered officially approved.

    Each approved type is assigned an approval number, the first two digits of which (currently 04, corresponding to the 04 series of amendments) indicate the series of amendments incorporating the most recent significant technical changes made to the Regulation at the time the approval was granted. The same Contracting Party may not assign the same number to another type of vehicle equipped with a different type of steering control or to a vehicle of a different type as defined in paragraph 2.2. above.

    If the steering column collides with a torso which strikes the column with a relative speed of at least 24.1 km/h (15 mph), the force exerted by the steering column on the torso shall not exceed 1.111 daN.

    If the steering system is equipped with a steering wheel with an airbag, the technical requirements of paragraph 5.2 above are considered to be met if the vehicle equipped with such a steering system complies with the technical requirements of paragraphs and of Regulation No. 94.

    If the steering wheel is subject to an impact from an impactor which impacts it with a relative speed of 24.1 km/h, then, in accordance with the requirements specified in Annex 5, the deceleration of the impactor in total shall not exceed 80 g for more than 3 milliseconds. The deceleration must always be less than 120 g for a 600 Hz frequency response.

    The steering system must be designed, constructed and installed so that:

    prior to the impact test prescribed in paragraphs 5.2 and 5.3 above, there were no dangerous irregularities or sharp edges with a radius of curvature of less than 2.5 mm on any portion of the steering surface facing the driver that could be touched by a sphere with a diameter of 165 mm .

    In the case of a steering system equipped with an airbag, this requirement is considered to be satisfied if none of the parts that can be touched by a sphere with a diameter of 165 mm contain dangerous sharp edges (as defined in paragraph 2.18 of Regulation No. 21) that could increase the risk causing serious injury to the driver and passengers of the vehicle;

    After any impact test prescribed in paragraphs 5.2 and 5.3, there are no sharp or uneven edges on the portion of the steering surface facing the driver that could increase the danger or severity of injury to the driver. Minor cracks and breaks on the surface are not taken into account.

    Where there is a protruding part made of a flexible material with a hardness of less than 50 Shore A and mounted on a rigid support, the requirements of paragraph apply only to the rigid support.

    The steering control must be designed, constructed and installed so that there are no parts or accessories, including signal actuators and trim, that could snag the driver's clothing or jewelry during normal driving conditions.

    If the steering is not included as a complete equipment, it must meet the specifications which are verified by tests in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 2.1.3 of Annex 4 and paragraph 2.3 of Annex 5.

    In the case of a "universal steering control", these requirements must be met in relation to:

    all possible steering column angles, the test being carried out at least for the maximum and minimum steering column angles for all approved vehicle types for which the steering is intended;

    all possible positions of the impactor and torso layout in relation to the steering, the tests being carried out at least for the middle position on all approved types of vehicles for which the steering is intended. Where a steering column is used, it must be of a type that can handle "worst case" conditions.

    If adapters are used to install a single type of steering control on different steering columns, and if it can be shown that the energy absorption characteristics of the system are similar when using such adapters, then all tests can be performed with the same type of adapter.

    After testing in accordance with the procedure specified in Annex 3 to this Regulation, the high voltage electric drive and the high voltage components and systems that are galvanically connected to the high voltage busbar of the electric drive shall comply with the following requirements:

    Electric shock protection

    After a collision, at least one of the four criteria specified in paragraphs to must be met.

    If the vehicle is equipped with an automatic disconnect function or device(s) that galvanically disconnects the electric drive circuit under driving conditions, at least one of the following criteria is applied to the open circuit or to each individual open circuit after the disconnect function is engaged.

    However, the criteria defined in clause do not apply unless protection under IPXXB protection conditions is provided for more than one part of the high voltage bus.

    Where tests are carried out under conditions where part(s) of the high-voltage system are not energized, protection of the relevant part(s) from electrical shock shall be provided in accordance with either paragraph or

    No high voltage

    The voltage values ​​V, V and V of high-voltage buses should be no more than 30 V at alternating current or 60 V at direct current, as specified in paragraph 2 of Appendix 7.

    Low potential electricity

    The apparent energy (AE) at the high-voltage busbars shall be less than 2.0 joules when measured in accordance with the test method specified in Annex 7, paragraph 3 (formula a)). Otherwise, the apparent energy (AE) may be calculated from the measured voltage V in the high-voltage bus and capacitance of capacitors X (C), specified by the manufacturer in paragraph 3 (formula b)) of Appendix 7.

    The energy reserve in the Y (TE, TE) capacitors should also be less than 2.0 joules. It is calculated by measuring the voltage V and V in the high-voltage busbars and electrical mass, as well as the capacitance Y of the capacitors specified by the manufacturer in accordance with formula c) given in paragraph 3 of Annex 7.

    Physical protection

    To ensure protection against direct contact with high voltage parts, IPXXB protection must be used.

    In addition, to protect against electric shock resulting from indirect contact, it is necessary to ensure that the resistance between all unprotected conductive parts and the electrical mass at a current of at least 0.2 A is below 0.1 ohm.

    This requirement is considered fulfilled if the galvanic connection is made by welding.

    Insulation resistance

    The criteria specified in paragraphs and below must be met.

    Measurements are carried out in accordance with paragraph 5 of Appendix 7.

    Electric drive containing separate electrical busbars for direct and alternating current

    If the high-voltage busbars for alternating current and the high-voltage busbars for direct current are galvanically isolated from each other, then the insulation resistance between the high-voltage busbar and the electrical chassis (defined in paragraph 5 of Annex 7) shall have a minimum value of 100 Ω/V operating voltage in the case of busbars for direct current current and a minimum value of 500 Ω/V operating voltage in case of AC busbars.

    Electric drive containing combined electrical busbars for direct and alternating current

    If high-voltage AC busbars and high-voltage DC busbars are galvanically connected to each other, the insulation resistance between the high-voltage busbar and the electrical chassis (defined in clause 5 of Annex 7) shall have a minimum value of 500 Ω/V operating voltage.

    However, if IPXXB protection is provided for all high-voltage AC busbars, or if the AC voltage is not more than 30 V after a collision with a vehicle, then the insulation resistance between the high-voltage busbar and the electrical ground (defined in clause 5 of Annex 7) shall be a minimum value 100 Ohm/V operating voltage.

    Electrolyte leak

    There should be no electrolyte leakage in the passenger compartment within 30 minutes after the collision, and electrolyte leakage from the REESS should not exceed 7%, with the exception of open-type traction batteries installed outside the passenger compartment. In the case of open-type traction batteries, no more than 7%, but a maximum of 5.0 liters of electrolyte, is allowed to leak outside the passenger compartment. The manufacturer must demonstrate compliance with this requirement in accordance with paragraph 6 of Annex 7.

    REESS retention

    REESSs located in the cabin must remain in the location where they are installed, and REESS components must be located within the REESS.

    No part of any REESS installed outside the passenger compartment for electrical safety assessment shall enter the passenger compartment during or after the impact test.

    The manufacturer must demonstrate compliance with this requirement in accordance with paragraph 7 of Annex 7.

    The technical requirements specified in paragraphs 5.5 to 5.5.3 above are considered to be satisfied if a vehicle equipped with a high voltage electric drive complies with the technical requirements of paragraphs 5.2.8 to of Regulation No. 94 as amended by the 02 series of amendments.

    6. Tests

    Compliance with the requirements of paragraphs 5.1-5.4 above is checked using the methods set out in Appendices 3, 4 and 5 to these Rules. Compliance with the requirements of paragraph 5.5 above is checked using the methods set out in Appendix 3 to these Rules. All measurements should be made based on the ISO 6487 1987* standard.


    * Access to international and foreign documents mentioned here and further in the text can be obtained by following the link to the website - Database manufacturer's note.

    However, at the discretion of the Type Approval Authority, other tests may be permitted provided their equivalence is demonstrated. In this case, a test report describing the methods used and the results obtained is attached to the approval documentation.

    7. Vehicle type or steering modifications and extension of approval

    Any modification to the vehicle type or the steering system or both shall be brought to the attention of the administrative authority which granted approval to the vehicle type or to the steering system. This body can:

    or conclude that the changes made will not have a significant adverse effect and that, in any event, the vehicle still satisfies the requirements;

    or require a new protocol from the technical service authorized to conduct the tests.

    Subject to the provisions of paragraph 7.1. above, a variant of that vehicle whose curb mass is less than the weight of the vehicle submitted for approval testing will not be considered as a modification of the vehicle type.

    Confirmation or refusal of approval, indicating the modifications, shall be communicated to the Parties to the Agreement applying this Regulation in accordance with the procedure specified in paragraphs 4.2.3 or 4.3.3 above.

    The competent authority which has granted an extension of approval shall assign to such extension the corresponding series number and shall notify thereof the other Parties to the 1958 Agreement applying this Regulation by means of a communication card conforming to the model specified in Annex 1A or Annex 1B to this Regulation.

    8. Compliance of production

    Every vehicle or steering system approved under this Regulation shall be so manufactured that it conforms to the approved type and meets the requirements laid down in paragraphs 5 and 6 above.

    To verify compliance with the requirements set out in paragraph 8.1, appropriate production checks are carried out.

    The approval holder must, in particular:

    ensure that procedures are in place to effectively control the quality of the vehicle or steering;

    have access to the testing equipment necessary to verify the conformity of each approved type;

    ensure registration of test data and access to attached documents for a period determined by agreement with the type approval authority;

    Analyze the results of each type of test to verify and ensure that the vehicle or steering performance meets industrial production tolerances;

    ensure that for each type of vehicle or steering system at least those tests are carried out that allow the necessary measurements to be made;

    carry out, in the event of non-conformity of any set of test specimens and samples found during this type of test, new sampling and new tests. In this regard, all necessary measures must be taken to restore the conformity of production.

    The competent authority which has issued type approval may at any time verify the conformity control methods applied in each production unit.

    During each inspection, the inspector is provided with test reports and production monitoring records.

    The inspector may select samples at random for testing in the manufacturer's laboratory. The minimum number of samples may be determined depending on the results of the manufacturer's own tests.

    In the event that the level of quality does not satisfy the requirements or if it is necessary to verify the correctness of the tests carried out pursuant to paragraph 8.4.2., the inspector shall select samples which shall be sent to the technical service that has carried out the type approval tests.

    The competent authority may carry out any test provided for in these Regulations. The normal frequency of inspections authorized by the competent authority is once a year. If unsatisfactory results are discovered during one of these checks, the competent authority shall ensure that all necessary measures are taken to restore the conformity of production as quickly as possible.

    9. Sanctions imposed for non-conformity of production

    The approval of a vehicle or steering control type granted under this Regulation may be withdrawn if the requirements set out in paragraph 8.1. above are not met or if the selected vehicle(s) or steering control(s) ) steering did not pass the test provided for in paragraph 8.2 above.

    If any Contracting Party to the Agreement applying this Regulation withdraws the approval it has previously granted, it shall immediately notify the other Contracting Parties applying this Regulation by means of a communication card conforming to the model specified in Annex 1A or Annex 1B to this Regulation ( respectively).

    10. Instructions

    12. Names and addresses of technical services authorized to carry out approval tests and type approval authorities

    13. Transitional provisions

    As from the date of entry into force of the 03 series of amendments to this Regulation, no Contracting Party shall refuse an application for approval submitted in accordance with this Regulation as amended by the 03 series of amendments.

    As from the official date of entry into force of the 04 series of amendments, no Contracting Party applying this Regulation shall refuse to grant ECE approval under this Regulation as amended by the 04 series of amendments.

    Vehicle type approval

    After the expiration of 36 months after the official date of entry into force referred to in paragraph 13.1. above, Contracting Parties applying this Regulation shall grant approval to vehicles of category M with forward driving position and vehicles of category N weighing less than 1.5 t only if the vehicle type in question satisfies the requirements of this Regulation as amended by the 03 series of amendments, with the exception of the provisions laid down in paragraph 5.1. of this Regulation governing the maximum vertical movement of the steering column, which apply to new approvals only after an additional period of 12 months.

    After the expiration of 48 months after the official date of entry into force referred to in paragraph 13.1. above, Contracting Parties applying this Regulation shall grant approvals for vehicles of category M, other than vehicles with forward driving position, only if this the vehicle type complies with the requirements of this Regulation as amended by the 03 series of amendments.

    After the expiration of 60 months after the official date of entry into force referred to in paragraph 13.1. above, Contracting Parties applying this Regulation may refuse to recognize vehicle type approvals that have not been granted in accordance with the 03 series of amendments to this Regulation.

    After 24 months from the official date of entry into force of the 04 series of amendments, Contracting Parties applying this Regulation shall grant ECE approvals only for those vehicle types that comply with the requirements of this Regulation as amended by the 04 series of amendments.

    However, in the case of vehicles having an electrical drive operating at high voltage, an additional period of 12 months shall be granted, provided that the manufacturer provides evidence acceptable to the technical authority that the vehicle provides a level of safety equivalent to that provided for in this Regulation. amendments series 04.

    Contracting Parties applying this Regulation shall not refuse to extend approvals issued under previous series of amendments to this Regulation if such extension does not entail any changes in the vehicle's propulsion system. However, after 48 months from the official date of entry into force of the 04 series of amendments, extensions of approvals issued under previous series of amendments shall not be granted for vehicles with high voltage electric drive.

    If, at the time of entry into force of the 04 series of amendments to this Regulation, there are already national requirements regarding safety provisions for high voltage electric powered vehicles, Contracting Parties applying this Regulation may refuse to grant national approval or national registration of such vehicles that do not meet national requirements, with the exception of vehicles approved on the basis of the 04 series of amendments to this Regulation.

    After the expiration of 48 months after the entry into force of the 04 series of amendments to this Regulation, Contracting Parties applying this Regulation may refuse to grant national or regional type approval and may refuse the initial national or regional registration (initial putting into service) of an electric vehicle. drive operating at high voltage which does not comply with the requirements of the 04 series of amendments to this Regulation.

    Vehicle approvals pursuant to the 03 series of amendments to this Regulation, which are independent of the 04 series of amendments, remain in force and continue to be accepted by Contracting Parties applying this Regulation.

    Steering type approvals

    Even after the date of entry into force of the 04 series of amendments, steering control approvals issued under previous series of amendments to the Regulation remain valid and continue to be recognized by Contracting Parties applying the Regulation, and Contracting Parties may continue to grant extensions of approvals issued to based on the 03 series of amendments.

    As of the official date of entry into force of Supplement 2 to the 03 series of amendments, Contracting Parties are not required to grant separate type approvals for airbag steering systems.

    As of the official date of entry into force of Supplement 2 to the 03 series of amendments, Contracting Parties may refuse to recognize certain type approvals for airbag steering systems.

    Appendix 1 A


    Vehicle type with regard to driver protection against impact from the steering system based on Regulation No. 12.

    Official approval N:

    Spread N:

    1. Vehicle brand or brand name

    2. Vehicle type

    3. Name and address of the manufacturer

    4. If applicable, name and address of the manufacturer’s representative

    5. Brief description of the steering system and vehicle elements having

    value in terms of protecting the driver from impact with the steering system

    6. Vehicle weight during testing

    to the front axle:

    to the rear axle:

    total weight:

    7. Vehicle submitted for approval (date)

    8. Technical service authorized to carry out approval tests

    9. Date of the protocol issued by this service

    10. Number of the protocol issued by this service

    11. Approval granted/approval refused/approval extended/approval withdrawn

    12. Place where the approval mark is affixed to the vehicle

    15. Signature

    16. The list of documents deposited with the type approval authority that granted approval is given in the annex to this communication; these documents are available upon request.

    Cross out what is unnecessary.

    Appendix 1 B


    (Maximum format: A4 (210x297 mm))

    The type of steering control in relation to protecting the driver from impact with the steering system on the basis of the relevant section of Regulation No. 12.

    Official approval N:

    Spread N:

    1. Factory or brand name of the steering system

    2. Name and address of the manufacturer

    3. If applicable, name and address of the manufacturer’s representative

    4. Type(s) of vehicle to which the steering control will be installed


    5. Brief description of the steering system and vehicle components relevant to protecting the driver from impact with the steering system

    6. Steering system submitted for approval (date)

    7. Technical service authorized to carry out approval tests

    8. Date of the protocol issued by this service

    9. Number of the protocol issued by this service

    10. Approval granted/approval refused/approval extended/approval withdrawn

    11. Place where the official sign or signs are placed on the steering system


    14. Signature

    15. The list of documents deposited with the type approval authority that granted approval is given in the annex to this communication; these documents are available upon request.

    Distinguishing number of the country which has granted approval/extended approval/refused approval/withdrawn approval (see the approval provisions of this Regulation).

    Cross out what is unnecessary.

    Appendix 2

    Scheme of approval marks

    Sample A

    (See paragraph 4.2.4 of these Rules)

    A = 8 mm min.

    The above approval mark affixed to a vehicle indicates that the vehicle type has been approved in the Netherlands (E4) with regard to protection of the driver against impacts from the steering system pursuant to Regulation No. 12. The approval number indicates that the approval has been provided in accordance with the requirements of Regulation No. 12 as amended by the 04 series of amendments.

    Sample B

    (See paragraph 4.2.5 of these Rules)

    A = 8 mm min.

    The above approval mark affixed to a vehicle indicates that the vehicle type concerned has been approved in the Netherlands (E4) pursuant to Regulations Nos. 12 and 42. The approval numbers indicate that, at the time the respective approvals were granted, Regulation No. 12 included amendments 04 series, and Rule No. 42 - 00 series amendments.

    The second number is provided as an example only.

    Sample C

    (See paragraph 4.3.4 of these Rules)

    a = 8 mm min.

    The above approval mark affixed to a steering control indicates that this type of control has been approved in the Netherlands (E4) for protection of the driver against impacts from the steering system in accordance with the relevant section of Regulation No. 12 as amended by the 04 series of amendments .

    Sample D

    (See paragraph of these Rules)

    a = 8 mm min.

    The above approval mark affixed to a steering control indicates that the type of steering control has been approved in the Netherlands (E4) for protection of the driver against impacts from the steering system in accordance with the provisions of paragraphs 5.2.1. and/or 5.3.1. Regulation No. 12 as amended by the 03 series of amendments.

    Appendix 3

    Frontal barrier impact test

    Purpose of the test

    This test is intended to verify whether the vehicle complies with the requirements laid down in paragraph 5.1.

    Installations, test method and measuring instruments

    Test location

    The location where the test is carried out must be of sufficient area to accommodate a vehicle acceleration lane, barrier and technical equipment necessary for the test. The end of the strip, at least 5 m before the barrier, must be horizontal (a slope of no more than 3% is allowed, measured over a length of 1 m), flat and level.

    The barrier is a reinforced concrete block with a front width of at least 3 m and a height of at least 1.5 m. The thickness of the barrier must be such that its weight is at least 70 metric tons. The front of the barrier must be flat, vertical and perpendicular to the axis of the acceleration lane and must be covered with 202 mm thick plywood lining in good condition. Between the plywood cladding and the barrier, a structure on a steel plate with a thickness of at least 25 mm can be installed. A barrier having different characteristics may also be used, provided that the impact surface area is greater than the frontal impact area of ​​the test vehicle and produces equivalent results.

    Vehicle movement

    At the moment of impact, the vehicle must no longer be affected by the additional control or pushing device. It must come into contact with the obstacle along a trajectory perpendicular to the surface of the barrier with which the collision occurs; the maximum permissible lateral deviation between the vertical center line of the front wall of the vehicle and the vertical center line of the barrier surface with which the collision occurs is 30 cm.

    Vehicle condition

    The test vehicle must either have all components and normal equipment included in its unladen curb weight, or be in a condition that complies with this requirement with respect to interior components and equipment and with respect to the overall vehicle curb weight distribution .

    At the request of the manufacturer, in derogation from the provisions of paragraph 5.1 of these Rules, dummies may be installed during testing, provided that they do not in any way interfere with the functioning of the steering mechanism. Their mass is not taken into account when determining test results.

    If the vehicle is propelled by an external power source, the power system must be filled to at least 90% of its full fuel capacity with a non-flammable liquid with a density of 0.7-1.

    This requirement does not apply to hydrogen as a fuel.

    All other fluid systems (brake fluid reservoir, radiator, etc.) may be empty.

    If the vehicle is driven by its own engine, the fuel tank must be filled to at least 90% of its full fuel capacity. All other tanks must be filled completely.

    By agreement between the manufacturer and the technical service, modifications to the fuel system may be permitted so that the correct amount of fuel can be used to operate the engine or electrical conversion system.

    In this case, the fuel tank must be filled to at least 90% of its full fuel capacity with a non-flammable liquid with a density of 0.7-1.

    This requirement does not apply to hydrogen fuel tanks.

    Electric drive adjustment

    The state of charge of the REESS must be such as to ensure proper operation of the drive in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendation.

    The electric drive must be energized with both the original power source (e.g. motor generator, REESS or power conversion system) switched on and off, however:

    by agreement between the technical service and the manufacturer, it is permissible to conduct tests without applying current to the entire electric drive or to its individual parts, if this does not have a negative impact on the test results. In the case of parts of an electric drive that are not energized, protection against electric shock is demonstrated either by physical protection or by insulation resistance and appropriate additional evidence,

    If automatic disconnection is provided, the test may be carried out with the automatic disconnector switched on at the manufacturer's request. In this case, it must be proven that the automatic release function will operate during the impact test. This function also means automatic activation of the signal, as well as galvanic isolation taking into account the conditions that existed during the impact.

    At the request of the manufacturer, the technical service authorized to carry out the tests may authorize the use for tests required by this Regulation of a vehicle that has been used for tests prescribed by other Regulations (including tests affecting its design).

    The height- and tilt-adjustable steering wheel must be installed in the normal operating position specified by the manufacturer, or, in the absence of such a specification, in the middle position within the limits of its adjustment(s).

    Impact speed

    The impact speed should be 48.3 km/h (30 mph) and 53.1 km/h (33 mph). However, the test is considered passed even if it is carried out at a higher impact speed and if the vehicle meets the requirements.

    Measuring instruments

    The measuring instrument used to record the speed specified in paragraph 2.5 above must be capable of making measurements with an accuracy of 1%.


    To determine the rearward and upward movement of the steering control during a collision, record the change in the distance, measured horizontally and parallel to the longitudinal axis of the vehicle and vertically - in a direction perpendicular to this axis, between the top of the steering column (and shaft) and some point vehicle, which did not move as a result of this collision. The largest value of this change in distance measured from the registration is taken to represent the backward and upward movement.

    Instead of recording, maximum values ​​can be measured.

    The term "horizontal" means: in a horizontal plane relative to the interior of the stationary vehicle before testing, and not in a horizontal plane relative to the ground while the vehicle is moving, and the term "vertical" means: in a vertical plane perpendicular to the horizontal plane , defined by the concept of “horizontally” and directed upward.

    After the test, damage to the vehicle is noted in the protocol; At least one photograph of each type of vehicle should be taken:

    from the side (right and left),

    damaged area inside the cabin.

    Correction factors


    recorded speed, km/h;

    weight of the prototype in the condition corresponding to paragraph 2.4 of this appendix;

    weight of the prototype with measuring equipment;

    the change in distance measured during the impact, as defined in paragraph 3.1 of this annex;

    change in distance used to determine test results;

    K = greater of two numbers and 0.83;

    K = the larger of the two numbers and 0.8.

    The corrected value of dimension D, used to verify the prototype's compliance with the requirements of these Regulations, is calculated using the following formula:

    On a vehicle similar to the prototype in question in terms of the characteristics defined in paragraph 2.2 of this Regulation, but having a mass m exceeding m, it is not necessary to carry out a new frontal barrier impact test if m does not exceed 1.25 m and if the corrected value of D , obtained on the basis of D according to the formula, is such that it follows that the new vehicle still meets the requirements of paragraph of these Rules.

    Equivalent procedures

    Alternative tests may be permitted with the consent of the Type Approval Authority, provided their equivalence is ensured. The approval documentation must be accompanied by a report describing the method used and the results obtained, or stating the reasons why the test was not carried out.

    If an alternative method is used, its equivalence must be demonstrated by the manufacturer or his representative using the method.

    Appendix 4

    Torso Test

    Purpose of the test

    This test is intended to verify whether the vehicle meets the requirements set out in paragraph 5.2 of this Regulation.

    Installation, Procedures and Instrumentation

    Installing the steering wheel

    The steering wheel must be installed at the front of the vehicle, resulting from a cross-section of the body shell at the level of the front seats, so as to exclude the roof, windshield and doors as far as possible. This part must be rigidly fixed to the test bench in such a way that it does not move due to impact from the torso model.

    However, at the request of the manufacturer and with the agreement of the technical service, the steering wheel may be mounted on a frame simulating the installation of a steering system, provided that the frame/steering model has, in comparison with the actual front end/steering model:

    the same geometric arrangement,

    greater rigidity.

    Installation of the steering system is carried out only when applying for its approval as a separate mechanism. The steering system is tested in its fully equipped form. The steering wheel must be installed in such a way that the minimum impact distance between it and the test bench is 100 mm. The steering shaft must be rigidly fixed to the test bench so that it does not move due to impact (see Fig. 2).

    Installing the steering control for testing

    During the first test, the steering shall be in such a position that its stiffest part is perpendicular to the torso model at the point of contact; If the steering control is a steering wheel, the test shall be repeated so that the most flexible part of the steering wheel is perpendicular to the torso at the same point of contact. In the case of adjustable steering, both of the above tests shall be carried out with the steering wheel installed in the normal operating position as specified by the manufacturer or, in the absence of such a specification, in the middle position within its range of adjustment(s).

    If the vehicle is equipped with a steering wheel tilt and position device, the test is carried out with the steering wheel in the normal operating position specified by the manufacturer and is considered by the laboratory to be representative from an energy absorption point of view.

    Torso model

    The torso model must have the shape, dimensions, weight and characteristics specified in the appendix to this annex.

    The following are additional optional requirements regarding the mechanical properties of the torso model:

    loading speed when measuring stiffness: 25050 mm/min,

    center of gravity: 551.26 mm from the top of the body model,

    moment of inertia around the lateral axis passing through the center of gravity: 2,260.23 kgm.

    Measuring forces

    The maximum force on the torso resulting from an impact with the steering system must be measured horizontally and parallel to the longitudinal axis of the vehicle.

    This force can be measured either directly or indirectly, or calculated from values ​​measured during testing.

    Moving the torso model

    Any method of propulsion may be used as long as it is produced in such a way that, at the moment of impact of the torso model with the steering wheel, it is completely disconnected from the device that sets it in motion. The torso model must be in contact with the steering wheel when moving in a straight line parallel to the longitudinal axis of the vehicle.

    The "H" point of the torso model, indicated by a special sign, must be installed so that before impact it is in a horizontal plane passing through the "R" point, as specified by the vehicle manufacturer.


    The steering impact is performed at 24.11.2 km/h (150.8 mph). However, the test is considered passed even if it is carried out at a higher impact speed and if the control meets the requirements.

    Measuring instruments

    Instruments used to record the parameters mentioned below in paragraph 5.2 of these Rules must ensure the following measurement accuracy:

    speed of movement of the body model: with an accuracy of 2%;

    Time recording: accurate to one thousandth of a second.

    The onset of impact (zero point) at the first contact of the torso with the steering control shall be noted in the recordings and films used to analyze the test results.

    Force measurement

    The equipment used must comply with ISO 6487:1987 unless otherwise specified in these Regulations.

    Measurement with a load cell built into the control system: the maximum load that can be measured with the load cell should be 1960 daN (2000 kg), frequency response channel 600.

    Measurement using acceleration or load sensors built into the test bench: In a transverse plane passing through the center of gravity of the torso model, two acceleration sensors are symmetrically installed to measure acceleration in the same direction. The maximum acceleration that can be measured by the sensor must be 60 g and the frequency response channel must be 180. Other measurement methods with different numbers and locations of acceleration sensors are acceptable, such as the method of dividing the test equipment into separate parts, the center of gravity of which sensors are located to measure acceleration in the horizontal plane and parallel to the longitudinal axis of the vehicle. The resultant force is the maximum sum of the forces calculated or measured directly for each part of the torso model.

    Ambient temperature: steady at 205 °C.


    After the test, it is necessary to identify damage to the steering system and record it in writing in the protocol; You must take at least one photo from the side and one photo from the front of the steering wheel/steering column/dashboard.

    The maximum force value must be measured or calculated in accordance with paragraph 2.4.

    Appendix 4 - Addendum

    Torso model

    Appendix 5

    Head dummy test

    Purpose of the test

    This test is intended to check whether the steering complies with the requirements laid down in paragraph 5.3 of this Regulation.

    Installations, procedures and measuring instruments

    General provisions

    The steering system is tested in its fully equipped form.

    If the steering system is equipped with a steering wheel with an airbag, the test is carried out with the airbag. At the request of the manufacturer and with the consent of the technical service, the test may be carried out without an airbag.

    Installation of the steering system upon approval of the steering system in connection with the approval of the vehicle

    The steering wheel must be installed in the front part of the vehicle, resulting from the cross-section of the body at the level of the front seats, so that, if possible, the roof, windshield and doors do not interfere with it.

    This part must be rigidly fixed to the test bench in such a way that it does not move due to impact from the headform.

    The rudder angle tolerance must be 2° relative to the design angle.

    However, at the request of the manufacturer and with the consent of the technical service, the steering wheel can be installed on a frame simulating the installation of a steering system, provided that the “frame/steering” mock-up will have, compared to the full-scale “front end/steering” model:

    same geometric arrangement;

    greater rigidity.

    Installation of steering when approval of steering as a separate mechanism

    The steering system is tested in its fully equipped form. The steering wheel must be installed in such a way that the minimum impact distance between it and the test bench is 100 mm. The steering shaft must be rigidly fixed to the test bench so that it does not move due to impact (see Fig. 1).

    However, at the request of the manufacturer, the test may be carried out under the conditions specified in paragraph 2.2. above. In such a case, the approval is valid only for the specified type(s) of vehicle(s).

    Test setup

    The test setup is a rigid impact element of an elongated shape and with a precisely specified direction of movement, the mass of which is 6.8 kg. Its striking surface has a hemispherical shape with a diameter of 165 mm.

    The headform must be equipped with two accelerometers that provide measurements in the direction of impact.

    Measuring instruments

    The measuring instruments used must comply with ISO 6487:1987. In addition, they must have the following characteristics:


    Amplitude characteristics channel class: 150 g MAX

    Frequency characteristics channel class: 600 Hz frequency response.


    Accuracy 1%.

    Time registration

    Instruments must be capable of recording the entire process with an accuracy of one thousandth of a second. The beginning of the impact is taken to be the moment of first contact of the impact element with the steering wheel. This moment is recorded for the purpose of analyzing test results.

    Test procedure

    The steering wheel must be installed in a plane perpendicular to the direction of impact.

    Each type of steering wheel is impact tested at a maximum of four points and a minimum of three points. For each impact, a new steering wheel is used. For successive impacts, the axis of the impact element must be level with one of the following points:

    steering wheel hub center;

    the point where the stiffest or strongest spoke connects to the steering wheel rim on the inside;

    the midpoint of the shortest free (without a spoke) section of the steering wheel rim, which receives the impact of the headform;

    the point determined with the agreement of the Type Approval Authority and corresponding to the "worst position" of the steering wheel.

    The impact speed produced by the impact element on the steering wheel should be 24.1 km/h; this speed is achieved either using the engine alone or using an additional power unit.


    In the above test procedure, the deceleration coefficient of the impactor is taken to be the arithmetic mean of the two decelerometers.

    Equivalent Test Procedures

    Alternative tests may be permitted with the consent of the Type Approval Authority, provided their equivalence is ensured. The approval documentation is accompanied by a report describing the method used and the results obtained.

    If an alternative method is used, its equivalence must be demonstrated by the manufacturer or his representative using the method.

    ) (document ECE/TRANS/WP.29/78/Rev.2).

    Appendix 7

    Test procedure for the protection of occupants of electric vehicles from high voltage and from electrolyte leakage hazards

    This annex describes the test procedure to demonstrate compliance with the electrical safety requirements of clause 5.5. For example, measurements using a megger or oscilloscope may be an acceptable alternative to the insulation resistance procedure described below. In this case, it may be necessary to disable the on-board continuous insulation resistance monitoring system.

    Before performing a vehicle impact test, the high voltage bus voltage (V) (see Figure 1) is measured and recorded to ensure that it is within the vehicle operating voltage range specified by the vehicle manufacturer.

    Test circuit and test equipment set

    If the high voltage disconnect function is used, measurements are made on both sides of the device performing the disconnect function.

    However, if the high pressure disconnect device is an integral part of the REESS, or if the power conversion systems and the high voltage bus of the REESS or power conversion system remain protected by the IPXXB protection system after the impact test, then measurements can only be made between the disconnect devices and the electrical load.

    The voltmeter used in this test must measure DC current and have an internal resistance of at least 10 ohms.

    If voltage is being measured, the following instructions can be used.

    After the impact test, the voltage in the high-voltage bus (V, V, V) is determined (see Fig. 1).

    The voltage measurement is carried out no earlier than 5 seconds and no later than 60 seconds after the impact.

    This method is not applicable if no current is supplied to the electric drive during the test.

    Dimension V, V, V

    Assessment procedure in the case of low-potential electricity

    Before the impact, the switch S and the known discharge resistor R are connected in parallel to the corresponding capacitor (see Fig. 2).

    No earlier than 5 seconds and no later than 60 seconds after the impact, switch S is moved to the closed position and the voltage V and current are measured and recorded. The resulting values ​​of voltage V and current are integrated over the time period from the moment the switch S is moved to the closed position (t) until the moment when the voltage V drops below the high voltage limit level of 60 V DC (t). The resulting integrated value is equal to the total energy (TE) in joules:

    If V is measured at any time between 5 seconds and 60 seconds after impact, and if the capacitance X (C) of the capacitors is specified by the manufacturer, then the total energy (TE) is calculated using the following formula:

    b) TE = 0.5C(V - 3600Volt2)

    If V, V (see Fig. 1) is measured at any time between 5 seconds and 60 seconds after impact and the capacitance of the capacitors Y (C, C) is specified by the manufacturer, then the total energy (TE, TE) is calculated from the following formulas:

    c) TE = 0.5C (V - 3600)

    TE = 0.5C (V - 3600)

    This procedure is not applicable if the test is carried out in conditions where no current is supplied to the electric drive.

    An example of measuring the amount of energy contained in capacitors X of a high-voltage bus

    Physical protection

    After the vehicle is impact tested, any parts adjacent to high voltage components are opened, disassembled or removed without the use of any tools. All other adjacent parts are considered part of the physical protection system.

    To assess electrical safety, the articulated test pin described in Figure 1 in Appendix 1 is inserted into any gap or hole in the physical protection system with a test force of 10 N 10%. If the hinged test pin can be fully or partially inserted into the physical protection system, the pin must be inserted therein in each of the positions specified below.

    Starting from the straight position, both hinges of the test pin should be rotated at an angle gradually reaching 90 degrees with respect to the axis of the adjacent section of the pin, and then installed in each of the possible positions.

    Internal guards are considered as an integral part of the casing.

    A low voltage source (not less than 40 V and not more than 50 V) with a suitable lamp shall be connected in series between the hinge test pin and the high voltage live parts within the electrical enclosure or enclosure, as appropriate.

    Eligibility Criteria

    The requirements of paragraph are considered to be satisfied if the hinged test pin described in Figure 1 in Appendix 1 cannot come into contact with high voltage live parts.

    A mirror or fiber endoscope can be used, if necessary, to determine whether the articulated test pin can come into contact with the high voltage busbars.

    If this requirement is checked by means of a signal circuit between the hinged test pin and the high voltage live parts, the lamp shall not light up.

    Insulation resistance

    The insulation resistance between the high voltage bus and the electrical chassis can be confirmed by either measurements or a combination of measurements and calculations.

    If the insulation resistance is confirmed by measurements, the following instructions should be followed.

    Measure and record the voltage (V) between the negative and positive terminals of the high voltage bus (see Fig. 1).

    Measure and record the voltage (V) between the negative terminal of the high-voltage bus and the electrical ground (see Fig. 1).

    Measure and record the voltage (V) between the positive terminal of the high voltage bus and the electrical ground (see Fig. 1).

    If V is greater than or equal to V, then a known standard resistance (R) is installed between the negative terminal of the high-voltage bus and the electrical ground. After setting R, measure the voltage (V) between the negative terminal of the high-voltage bus and the electrical ground of the vehicle (see Fig. 3). Insulation resistance () is calculated using the formula below.

    The value obtained as a result of this calculation, which represents the electrical insulation resistance (in ohms), is divided by the operating voltage of the high-voltage bus in volts (V).

    (Ohm/V) = (Ohm) / operating voltage (V).

    Dimension V

    If V is greater than V, then a known standard voltage (R) is established between the positive terminal of the high-voltage bus and the electrical ground. After setting R, measure the voltage (V) between the positive terminal of the high-voltage bus and the electrical ground (see Fig. 4).

    Insulation resistance () is calculated using the formula below.

    R*(V/V - V/V) or = R*V*(1/V - 1/V)

    The result obtained, which is the value of the electrical insulation resistance (in ohms), is divided by the operating voltage in the high-voltage bus in volts (V).

    (Ohm/V) = (Ohm)/operating voltage (V)

    Dimension V

    Note: The known standard value of R (ohms) should equal the required minimum insulation resistance value (ohms/V) multiplied by the vehicle operating voltage of 20%. R does not have to be exactly the same as this value, since the equations are valid for any value of R; at the same time, the value of R in this range will allow you to measure the voltage quite accurately.

    Electrolyte leak

    To test the REESS for electrolyte leakage after the impact test, an appropriate coat of paint is applied to the physical protection system, if necessary.

    Unless the manufacturer specifies a method to distinguish between leaks of different liquids, leaks of all liquids shall be considered an electrolyte leak.

    REESS retention

    Compliance with this requirement is checked by visual inspection.

    Appendix 7 - Appendix 1

    Hinged Test Pin (IPXXB)

    Hinged Test Pin

    Material: metal unless otherwise stated.

    Linear dimensions are given in millimeters.

    Tolerances for dimensions that do not have specific tolerances:

    a) at angles: 0/-10°,

    b) for linear dimensions: up to 25 mm: 0/-0.05° mm; over 25 mm: 0.2 mm.

    Both joints must allow movement in the same plane and in the same direction within an angle of 90° with a tolerance of 0° to +10°.

    National standard of the Russian Federation GOST R 41.16-2005
    (UNECE Regulation No. 16)
    "Uniform provisions concerning: I. Seat belts and restraint systems for passengers and drivers of motor vehicles; II. Vehicles equipped with seat belts"
    (approved and put into effect by order Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated October 25, 2005 N 259-st)

    Regulation No. 16.
    Uniform provisions concerning the type approval of: I. Safety-belts and restraint systems for occupants of power-driven vehicles; II. Vehicles equipped with safety belts


    The goals and principles of standardization in the Russian Federation have been established Federal law dated December 27, 2002 N 184-FZ “On Technical Regulation”, and the rules for the application of national standards of the Russian Federation - GOST R 1.0-2004"Standardization in the Russian Federation. Basic provisions"

    1 area of ​​use

    This standard applies to seat belts and restraint systems installed in motor vehicles having three or more wheels and intended for individual use (as a personal device) by the occupant of a forward-facing or rear-facing seat, and to vehicles equipped with such seat belts.

    GOST R41.12-2001 (UNECE Regulation No. 12) Uniform provisions concerning the approval of vehicles with regard to driver protection against impact from the steering system

    2.11 reverse-facing: A direction opposite to the normal direction of travel of the vehicle.

    2.12 attachment details: The parts of a belt kit, including the necessary fasteners that secure the kit to the corresponding permanent components on the vehicle.

    2.13 energy absorbed device: An energy absorption device that is part of the belt assembly and operates independently or in conjunction with the webbing.

    2.14 retractor: Device for partial or complete retraction of a seat belt strap.

    2.14.1 non-locking retractor (type 1): A retractor from which the strap is fully retracted by the application of a small external force and which does not have an adjustable strap length adjustment.

    2.14.2 manually unlocking retractor (type 2): A retractor that requires manual actuation of a device to obtain the desired strap length and that automatically locks once the user reaches the desired length.

    2.14.3 automatically locking retractor (type 3): A retractor that allows the strap to be adjusted to the desired length and which, when the buckle is closed, automatically adjusts the strap length for the user. Without deliberate user intervention, the strap cannot be pulled further out of the device.

    2.14.4 emergency locking retractor (type 4): A retractor that, under normal driving conditions, does not restrict the user's freedom of movement. Such a device includes a length adjustment device that automatically adjusts the strap depending on the user's body type, and a locking mechanism that is activated in the event of an accident under the influence of: vehicle deceleration (single sensitivity); combinations of vehicle deceleration, belt movement or any other automatic device (multiple sensitivity).

    2.14.5 emergency locking retractor with higher response (type 4N): A retractor that corresponds to the type specified in 2.14.4, but has special characteristics that allow it to be used on vehicles of categories M_2, M_3, N_1 N_2 and N_3.

    2.14.6 belt adjustment device for height: A device that allows you to adjust the height of the upper girth of the belt at the request of each user and depending on the position of the seat. Such a device may be considered to be part of a belt or part of a belt fastening device.

    2.15 belt anchorages: Members of the vehicle body structure or seat frame, or any other part of the vehicle, to which seat belt assemblies are attached.

    2.16 vehicle type: Motor vehicles that do not differ significantly from each other with respect to, inter alia, the size, shape and materials of those elements of the vehicle body structure or seat frame, or any other part of the vehicle to which seat belts and restraint systems are attached.

    2.17 restraint system: A system which is intended for a particular type of vehicle, as determined by the manufacturer and also approved by the testing laboratory, and which consists of a seat and a belt properly attached to the vehicle structure and includes, in addition, all elements that are provided to reduce the risk injury to the user in the event of sudden deceleration of the vehicle by limiting the mobility of the user's body.

    2.18 seat: A structure, including upholstery, whether or not part of the vehicle body, intended to seat an adult. This term includes both a single seat and a portion of a bench seat designed to seat one person.

    2.18.1 front passenger seat: Any seat whose H point is on or in front of a vertical transverse plane passing through the R point of the driver's seat.

    2.19 group of seats: The seats are either undivided or separate, but located side by side (i.e. without a gap between them) in such a way that the front anchorages of one seat are:

    At the same level or in front of the rear anchorages of the other seat or

    At the same level or behind the front anchorages of this other seat and designed to seat one or more adults.

    2.20 bench seat: a structure incorporating padding designed to seat two or more adults.

    2.21 adjustment system of the seat: A device by which the seat or parts thereof can be adjusted to positions corresponding to the proportions of the seated person; In particular, this device may provide the ability to:

    2.21.1 longitudinal movement;

    2.21.2 vertical movement;

    2.21.3 angular movement.

    2.22 seat anchorage: The system for attaching the seat frame to the vehicle body (cabin), including the corresponding elements of the vehicle body (cabin).

    2.23 seat type: Category of seats that do not differ significantly in relation to:

    2.23.1 shape, dimensions and materials of the seat frame elements;

    2.23.2 types and sizes of devices for adjusting and locking the seat;

    2.23.3 types and sizes of non-removable frame elements to which the belt is attached, seat anchorages and corresponding structural elements of the vehicle.

    2.24 displacement system of the seat: A device that allows a seat or part thereof to be moved or rotated without being placed in an intermediate fixed position in order to facilitate access to the space located behind the seat.

    2.25 locking system of the seat: A device that ensures that the seat and its parts are held in any working position and has mechanisms for locking the backrest in relation to the seat and the seats in relation to the vehicle.

    2.26 enclosed buckle-release button: A belt buckle button that cannot be used to open the buckle if pressed with a 40mm diameter sphere.

    2.27 non-enclosed buckle-release button: Belt buckle button that allows the buckle to open when pressed with a 40mm diameter sphere.

    2.28 tension release device: A device built into the retractor that automatically reduces the tension on the webbing when the seat belt is fastened. When this belt is unfastened, this device turns off automatically.

    3 Documents submitted for testing

    3.1 Vehicle type

    3.1.1 Documents for testing a vehicle with regard to equipping it with seat belts and restraint systems are presented by the manufacturer of the vehicle or its authorized representative.

    3.1.3 If seat belts are attached to the seat frame:

    A detailed description of the vehicle type in relation to the design of the seats, their fastenings and their adjustment and fixation systems;

    Detailed and scaled drawings of seats, their fastenings to the vehicle and systems for their adjustment and fixation.

    3.1.4. The testing laboratory shall be provided, at the manufacturer's discretion, with either the vehicle to be tested or such parts thereof as the testing laboratory considers relevant for seat belt testing.

    3.2 Seat belt type

    3.2.1 Documents for seat belt type testing must be submitted by the manufacturer or trademark owner or his authorized representative. In the case of a restraint system, test documents must be submitted by the owner of the brand or trademark or his representative, or by the manufacturer of the vehicle in which the system is to be installed or his representative.

    3.2.2 The documents submitted for testing must be accompanied by: technical description of the belt type with the characteristics of the straps and the rigid elements used, as well as drawings of the belt elements; the drawings must indicate the location intended for marking. The description must indicate the color of the sample submitted for testing and the type(s) of vehicle for which the seat belt is intended. In the case of retractors, instructions for installing the sensor must be provided, and in the case of pretensioning devices or systems, a detailed technical description of the design and function, including the sensor (if present), describing the method of actuation and any necessary method to prevent accidental operation. In the case of a restraint system, the description must include: sufficiently detailed drawings of the vehicle structure and seat structure, adjustment system and fastening parts to an appropriate scale, indicating the seat attachment points and belt attachment points, as well as reinforcements; characteristics of the materials used that affect the strength of the seat and belt fastenings, as well as a technical description of the seat and belt fastening elements on the vehicle. If the belt is intended to be attached to the vehicle structure by means of a height adjustment device, then the technical description should clarify whether this device is part of the belt; six samples of the belt type, one of which is used as the original; ten meters of each type of webbing used for a given type of belt; The testing laboratory may require the submission of additional samples.

    3.2.3 In the case of a restraint system, two samples of the restraint system shall be submitted to the testing laboratory for testing, which may include two samples of the belts required according to , and, at the manufacturer's option, either a vehicle representative of the type of vehicle to be tested, or a part or parts of the vehicle that the testing laboratory deems necessary to carry out the tests.

    4 Inscriptions

    On samples of a belt type or restraint system submitted for testing in accordance with -, the following clear and indelible inscriptions must be applied: the full or abbreviated name of the manufacturer or the factory or trademark.

    5 Compliance with the requirements of this standard

    5.1 Vehicle type

    5.1.1 If a vehicle submitted for testing in accordance with this standard meets the requirements section 8 And applications C and , then the vehicle type is considered to comply with the requirements of this standard.

    5.2 Type of seat belts

    5.2.2 On each belt that meets the requirements tested in accordance with this standard, in addition to the inscriptions specified in section 4, the following symbols must be placed in the appropriate place: letter "A" - for a seat belt fastened at three points; the letter "B" is for the waist belt; letter "S" - for special type belts:

    the designations mentioned in 5.3.1 are supplemented by the following letters:

    The letter "e" is for a seat belt with an energy absorption device;

    The letter "r" is for a seat belt with a retractor, followed by the designation (1, 2, 3, 4 or 4N) of the retractor used in accordance with 2.14, and the letter "m" if the retractor is an emergency-locking multiple-sensitivity retractor;

    The letter "r" is for a seat belt with a pre-tensioner;

    Letter "t" - in the case of a seat belt with a retractor equipped with a tension reducing device. Seat belts with retractor type 4N must be marked in the form of a rectangle with an image of a crossed-out vehicle of category , indicating that the use of this type of retractor on vehicles of this category is prohibited. If the seat belt is tested for compliance, item c), then the word “AIRBAG” is placed on it in a rectangular frame. If the seat belt is part of a restraint system, then before the letter indicated in, you should put the letter "Z".

    5.3 Symbols provided for in 5.2.2, must be legible and indelible and may either be applied with a label or affixed directly to the strap. The label or marking must be durable.

    6 Technical requirements

    The technical requirements of this standard, as recently amended, are equivalent to the technical requirements contained in EU Directive 77/541 “Specific provisions for vehicles with regard to seat belts and restraint systems”.

    6.1 General requirements

    6.1.1 Each sample submitted in accordance with -, must meet the requirements given in this section.

    6.1.2 The belt or restraint system must be designed and manufactured so that, when properly secured and used, it will function properly and reduce the risk of personal injury in the event of an accident.

    6.1.3 The straps of the belt must not be shaped in a way that could be dangerous.

    6.1.4 The use of materials with the moisture absorption properties of polyamide-6 is prohibited in all mechanical parts that could be adversely affected by such a phenomenon.

    6.2 Hard parts

    6.2.1 General All rigid parts of the seat belt, such as buckles, adjusters, fasteners, etc., must not have sharp edges that could cause the straps to wear or break due to friction. All elements of the belt kit exposed to corrosion must be protected from it. After performing a corrosion resistance test in accordance with 7.2 No changes are permitted that could impair the proper functioning of the device or any noticeable corrosion that can be detected by a qualified observer by examining the parts with the naked eye. Rigid parts intended to absorb energy or to apply or transmit loads shall not be brittle. Rigid parts and elements made of plastic of the seat belt are located and installed in such a way that during normal use of a power-driven vehicle they cannot get under a mobile seat or into the door of this vehicle. If any of these elements and parts do not satisfy the above conditions, they are subjected to a low temperature impact test ( 7.5.4). After testing, if visible cracks are found in the plastic covering or rigid element holder, the entire plastic element is removed and the remainder of the structure is assessed for reliability. If the remainder of the structure still meets safety requirements or if no visible cracks are found, the assembly is subjected to further testing according to 6.2.2 , 6.2.3 And 6.4.

    6.2.2 Buckle The buckle must be designed in such a way that there is no possibility of misuse. This means in particular that the buckle cannot be in a partially fastened position. The method for releasing the buckle should be obvious. Parts of the buckle that may come into contact with the user's body must have an area of ​​at least 20 mm and a width of at least 46 mm, measured in a plane located at a distance of at least 2.5 mm from the contact area. In the case of seat belt buckles, the last requirement is considered to be met if the area of ​​contact with the user's body is 20 - 40 . Even if the strap is not tensioned, the buckle must remain fastened regardless of the position of the vehicle. The buckle must not be released unexpectedly, accidentally or with less than 1 daN of force. The buckle must be designed so that it can be easily used and held by hand, and can be released by a simple movement of one hand in one direction, both under no load and under the load specified in 7.8.2; In addition, if the belt assembly, other than seat belts, is intended for a front outboard seat, it must also be capable of being fastened by simply moving the hand in one direction. The buckle must be released by pressing either a button or similar device. The projection of the surface on which the button is pressed when the button is in the open position onto a plane perpendicular to the initial direction of movement of the button must have: an area of ​​at least 4.5 with a width of at least 15 mm - for recessed buttons; an area of ​​at least 2.5 with a width of at least 10 mm - for non-recessed buttons. The surface of the disconnecting element must be painted red. No other parts of the buckle should be painted this color. The buckle shall withstand repeated operations until the dynamic test described in 7.7, must be subjected to 5,000 unfastening and fastening cycles under normal use. For safety belt buckles, this test can be performed without closing all the tabs. Force required to release the buckle during the test 7.8, should not exceed 6 daN. The buckle should be subjected to strength tests ( 7.5.1) and where appropriate - in accordance with the requirements 7.5.5. The buckle must not break, become severely deformed or open under the prescribed load. If the buckle design includes a feature common to two sets, it must also withstand the strength and buckle release tests described in 7.7 And 7.8, in a position where a part of the buckle belonging to one set is engaged with the corresponding part of another set, if such a method is possible when using the buckle.

    6.2.3 Belt adjustment device When worn by the user, the seat belt must either be automatically adjustable or be designed so that the manual adjustment device is readily accessible to the seated user and allows for comfortable and easy adjustment. The device must also allow one-handed tightening of the belt, depending on the user's body type and vehicle seat position. Two samples of each belt adjustment device shall be tested in accordance with the requirements 7.3. Belt slip should not exceed 25 mm for each adjuster sample, and the total slip for all adjusters should not exceed 40 mm. All control devices must be subjected to strength tests in accordance with 7.5.1. They must not rupture or detach under the prescribed load. When tested in accordance with 7.5.6 the force required to operate any manually adjustable device shall not exceed 5 daN.

    6.2.4 Fastening parts and belt height adjustment device

    Fastening parts are subjected to mechanical strength tests in accordance with the requirements 7.5.1 And 7.5.2. The belt height adjustment devices themselves are subjected to mechanical strength tests (7.5.2) if they have not been tested directly on the vehicle on the basis of GOST R 41.14 regarding the fastening of seat belts. These parts must not break or separate from the structure under the stress of applying the prescribed load.

    6.2.5 Retractors

    Retractors must be tested and meet the requirements below, including strength tests ( 7.5.1 , 7.5.2). These requirements do not apply to non-locking retractors. Manually released retractors

    a) A seat belt strap with a manually unlocked retractor must move no more than 25 mm between the retractor locking points.

    b) The seat belt strap must be withdrawn from the manually released retractor to 6 mm of its maximum length when a force of 1.4 to 2.2 daN is applied to the strap in the normal pulling direction.

    c) The strap is pulled out of the retractor and then in accordance with the method described in 7.6.1, allow her to retract 5000 times. The retractor, including the webbing wound on the drum, is subjected to corrosion resistance tests ( 7.2) and dust resistance ( 7.6.3). Then another 5000 cycles of extension and retraction are carried out. After the above tests, the retractor should function and still meet the requirements, item b). Automatically locking retractors

    a) A seat belt strap with an automatically locking retractor adjusting its length must move no more than 30 mm between the locking points of the retractor. After the user moves backward, the seat belt must either remain in its original position or return to that position automatically the next time the user moves forward.

    b) If the retractor is part of a lap belt, the retractor force of the strap must be at least 0.7 daN when measured at the free length between the dummy and the retractor in accordance with 7.6.4. If the retractor is part of the upper torso restraining element, the retractor force of the strap should be 0.2 - 0.7 daN using the same measurement method. If the retractor is part of the upper torso restraining element, the retractor force of the strap should be 0.1 - 0.7 daN using the same measurement method.

    c) The strap is removed from the retractor and then in accordance with the method described in 7.6.1, again allow her to retract 5000 times. The retractor is then tested for corrosion resistance ( 7.2) and dust resistance ( 7.6.3). This is followed by another 5,000 cycles of extension and retraction. After the above tests, the retractor shall be functional and still comply with the requirements of this paragraph, transfers a) , b). Emergency locking retractors

    a) Emergency locking retractor when tested as described in 7.6.2, must satisfy the conditions below, in the case of unit sensitivity mentioned in, only specifications related to vehicle braking are taken into account.

    1) Locking must occur when the vehicle deceleration reaches 0.45 g) for retractors type 4 and/or 0.85 g for retractors type 4N.

    2) An emergency-locking retractor must not lock when the strap acceleration, measured in the direction of retraction, is less than 0.8 g for retractors. type 4 and smaller - for retractors type 4N.

    3) An emergency-locking retractor shall not lock when its sensing element is tilted at an angle of 12° or less in any direction from the original position specified by the manufacturer.

    4) The emergency locking retractor must lock when its sensing element is at an angle greater than 27° for retractors type 4 and 40° - for retractors type 4N in any direction relative to the original position specified by the manufacturer.

    5) Where the operation of the retractor is dependent on an external signal or external power source, it must be designed to automatically lock the retractor if that power source fails or the signal fails. However, this requirement is not necessary in the case of a retractor with multiple sensing, provided that only one sensing channel is dependent on an external signal or power source and the driver is alerted to the failure of that signal or power source by optical and/or acoustic means.

    b) When tested in accordance with 7.6.2 An emergency-locking retractor with multiple sensitivities, including strap sensing, must meet the specified requirements and also lock at an acceleration of at least 2.0 g, measured in the direction of strap retraction.

    c) During the tests mentioned in transfers a), b), the stretching of the strap, which may occur before the retractor is locked, must not exceed 50 mm over the length specified in In the test mentioned in listing 2), locking shall not occur when the strap is pulled out 50 mm at the length specified in

    d) If the retractor is part of a lap belt, the retractor force of the strap must be at least 0.7 daN when measured at the free length between the dummy and the retractor in accordance with 7.6.4. If the retractor is part of an upper torso restraining element, the retractor force of the strap should be 0.1 - 0.7 daN using the same measurement method, except for a belt equipped with a tension reducing device; in the latter case the minimum retraction force can only be reduced to 0.5 daN when such a device is in operation.

    If the strap passes through a guide bracket, the retraction force is measured at the free length between the dummy and the guide or roller.

    If the kit includes a device that, either manually or automatically, prevents the strap from being fully retracted, that device should not be used when determining the retraction force.

    If a tension-reducing device is included, the strap retraction force specified above is measured using both the operative and inoperative devices to determine the retraction force before and after strength testing in accordance with enumeration d).

    e) The strap is removed from the retractor and then in accordance with the method described in 7.6.1, she is again allowed to retract 40,000 times. The retractor is subjected to corrosion resistance tests ( 7.2) and dust resistance ( 7.6.3). Then another 5,000 cycles should be performed (for a total of 45,000 cycles).

    If a strain relief device is included, the above tests are performed with the strain relief device functioning and not functioning.

    After the specified tests, the retractor shall function and meet the requirements transfers a) , V) , G). After strength testing in accordance with enumeration d) and immediately after measuring the retraction force in accordance with transfer d) retractors must meet the following requirements:

    a) when testing retractors, with the exception of automatically closing retractors, in accordance with retractors must be able to prevent any slackening in belt tension and

    b) when the tongue is released from the buckle, the retractor must be able to independently fully retract the strap.

    6.2.6 Pre-tensioning device After performing the corrosion resistance test ( 7.2) the pre-tension device (including the shock sensor connected to the device through standard contacts, but with the voltage turned off) should function normally. It must be verified that there is no risk of injury to the driver or passengers as a result of accidental operation of the device. In the case of pyrotechnic pretension devices:

    a) after being subjected to conditions in accordance with 7.9.2, the pretensioning device shall not operate under the influence of temperature and shall function normally;

    b) it is necessary to provide measures to prevent the ignition of adjacent flammable materials under the influence of hot gases.

    6.3.1 General The characteristics of the straps must be such that the pressure on the user’s body is distributed as evenly as possible across their entire width and that the straps do not twist even under tension. They must have the ability to absorb and dissipate energy. The edges of the strap must be sealed and should not fray during use. Under a load of 980 daN, the width of the strap must be at least 46 mm. This measurement should be carried out without stopping the machine during the tensile test ( 7.4.2).

    6.3.2 Strength after aging at room temperature and humidity For both strap samples, aging in accordance with, breaking load of the strap, determined in accordance with 7.4.2, must be at least 1470 daN. The difference in the breaking loads of the samples should not exceed 10% of the greater measured breaking load.

    6.3.3 Strength after aging under special conditions

    For both samples of straps subjected to aging in accordance with 7.4.1(with the exception of, the breaking load of the strap must be at least 75% of the average breaking load determined during the test described in 6.3.2, and should not be less than 1470 daN. The testing laboratory may discard one or more of these tests if the tests are unnecessary given the composition of the material used or the information available.

    6.4 Belt or restraint system kit

    6.4.1 Dynamic test The belt assembly or restraint system shall be subjected to a dynamic test ( 7.7). The dynamic test is carried out on two sets that have not previously been subjected to any loads; If the kit is part of a restraint system, then the dynamic test is carried out on a restraint system designed for one group of seats and not previously subjected to any loads. The buckles of the belt sets to be tested must meet the requirements If the seat belt is supplied with a retractor, it is subjected to a dust resistance test ( 7.6.3), in addition, if seat belts or restraint systems have a pre-tensioning device that includes pyrotechnic means, then it is maintained under the conditions in accordance with 7.9.2.

    a) Seat belts are subjected to a corrosion resistance test ( 7.2), after which the buckles are unfastened and fastened 500 times under normal operating conditions.

    b) Seat belts with a retractor are tested either according to, or by However, if the retractor has been tested for corrosion resistance ( listing a), this test need not be repeated.

    c) In the case of a seat belt intended for use with a height adjustment device ( 2.14.6), the test should be carried out for the most unfavorable belt adjustment positions as determined by the testing laboratory authorized to carry out the tests. However, if the height adjustment device consists of a belt fastening device itself certified to GOST R 41.14, then the testing laboratory responsible for testing may, at its discretion, accept the provisions 7.7.1.

    d) In the case of a seat belt with a pretensioner, the minimum movement specified in, item b), can be reduced by half. For this test, the pretensioning device must be functional.

    e) In the case of a seat belt with a tension-reducing device, the belt is subjected to a strength test when the device operates in accordance with, item d), before performing the dynamic test. A dynamic test is then carried out with the strain relief device in operation. When performing this test, the following requirements must be met:

    a) No part of the belt assembly or restraint system that ensures the proper position of the user must be destroyed; Buckles must not come loose or slip in the locking system or movement system.

    b) The movement of the dummy in the direction of movement should be from 80 to 200 mm at the level of the pelvis for lap belts; For other types of belts, the forward movement should be from 80 to 200 mm at pelvic level and from 100 to 300 mm at chest level. With a seat belt, the above minimum movements can be reduced by half. These movements are determined in relation to the control points indicated on Figure G.6.

    c) For a seat belt intended for use on a front outboard seat in front of which an airbag is located, the movement of the chest reference point may exceed the value specified in listing a), if the movement speed at this value does not exceed 24 km/h. When testing the restraint system:

    a) The movement of the starting point on the chest may exceed the value specified in, item b) if, based on calculations or further testing, it can be demonstrated that no element of the body or head of the dynamic test dummy will touch any rigid part of the vehicle located at the front, with the exception of the chest touching the steering wheel , if the latter meets the requirements of GOST R 41.12, and provided that such contact occurs at a speed of no more than 24 km/h. When assessing compliance with this requirement, the seat position is taken as specified in

    b) It is necessary that, after dynamic testing has been carried out on vehicles using such devices, the movement and locking system can still be manually operated to allow occupants in any seats to exit the vehicle. By way of derogation from these requirements, in the case of a restraint system, displacements may be greater than those specified in, item b), if deviations from the requirements provided for in GOST R 41.14 apply to the upper fastening device installed on the seat.

    6.4.2 Strength after abrasion test For both samples prepared in accordance with the requirements, tensile strength is determined according to 7.4.2 And 7.5. The tensile strength shall be at least 75% of the average tensile strength determined when tested on non-friction straps and shall not be less than the minimum load specified for the test item. The difference in tensile strength of the two samples should not exceed 20% of the highest measured value. Tensile strength tests types 1 and is carried out only on webbing samples (7.4.2). Tensile strength test type 3 carried out on a sample of the belt webbing together with the attached metal element (7.5). The elements of the belt set to be tested for abrasion are given in table 3.

    A new sample is used for each test.

    Table 3

    Belt kit components

    Test 1

    Test 2

    Test 3

    Mounting parts

    Guide device

    Buckle shackle

    Regulating device

    Elements sewn to the strap

    Note - The sign "x" indicates tests to which elements of the belt assembly may be subjected.

    7 Tests

    7.1 Use of samples submitted for testing of a belt or restraint system ( Appendix P)

    7.1.1 To inspect and test the operation of the buckle in low temperature conditions, low temperature impact tests ( 7.5.4), checking, if necessary, the durability of the buckle, the belt for corrosion resistance, the operation of the retractor and the buckle opening test, two belts or two restraint systems are required after the dynamic test. One of the two kits is used to inspect the belt or restraint system.

    7.1.2 One set of belt or one restraint system is required to inspect the buckle and test the strength of the buckle, anchorages, belt adjustment devices and, if necessary, retractors.

    7.1.3 Two belts or two restraint systems are required for buckle inspection and slip and abrasion testing. Using one of these two samples, the operation of the belt adjustment device is checked.

    7.1.4 To test the tensile strength of the webbing, use a sample of the webbing.

    7.2 Corrosion tests

    7.2.1 The complete seat belt assembly is placed in the test chamber ( Appendix H). If the kit includes a retractor, the strap must be extended to its full length minus () mm. Exposure to a corrosive environment must be continuous for 50 hours, with the exception of short breaks as may be necessary, for example to check and replenish the brine solution.

    7.2.2 After exposure to a corrosive environment, the kit is carefully washed or immersed in clean running water at a temperature not exceeding 38°C to remove any salt deposits that may have formed, then dried at room temperature for 24 hours, after which inspection is carried out in accordance with

    7.3 Slip test ( drawing M.Z)

    7.3.1 Specimens subjected to slip testing are kept for at least 24 hours in an atmosphere of temperature ()°C and relative humidity ()%. During testing, the temperature should be 15°C - 30°C.

    7.3.2 The free end of the adjusting device shall be positioned on the test bench so that it points either upward or downward, as on a vehicle.

    7.3.3 A weight of 5 daN is attached to the lower end of the strap section. The other end is set into reciprocating motion with a total amplitude () mm.

    7.3.4 If there is a free end that serves as a reserve for the strap, it should not be attached or pressed to the strap under load.

    7.3.5 It should be ensured that, on the test bench, the strap emerging from the adjusting device, in the relaxed position, takes the form of a smooth curve, as on a vehicle. The 5 daN load applied to the test bench must be directed vertically in such a way as to prevent the weight from unwinding when the belt is twisted. A weight of 5 daN must be attached to the rigid part provided on the belt.

    7.3.6 Before starting the actual test, 20 cycles are carried out to ensure that the self-tightening system is in the correct position.

    7.3.7 Carry out 1000 cycles with a frequency of 0.5 cycles per second and a total amplitude () mm. A load of 5 daN is applied only for a time corresponding to a displacement of () mm for each half-cycle.

    7.4 Conditioning of straps under certain conditions and static tensile testing (conditioning)

    7.4.1 Conditioning of straps before tensile testing

    Specimens cut from webbing (3.2.4) should be maintained under the following conditions: Conditioning at room temperature and humidity

    The strap is kept for at least 24 hours in an environment with a temperature of (20 +- 5) ° C and relative humidity ()%. If the test is not carried out immediately after aging, then the selected sample is placed in a hermetically sealed container before the test begins. The breaking load is determined no later than 5 minutes after the sample was taken from the specified medium or from the vessel. Exposure to solar radiation

    a) The requirements of ISO105-BO2 apply. The strap is exposed to sunlight for the time required for the typical blue sample No. 7 to fade until a contrast corresponding to No. 4 of the gray scale appears.

    b) After this test, the strap is kept for at least 24 hours in an environment of temperature ()°C and relative humidity ()%. If the tests are not carried out immediately after aging, then the sample is placed in a hermetically sealed container before testing. Tensile strength is determined no later than 5 minutes after removing the sample from the conditioning chamber. Cold storage

    a) The strap is placed for at least 24 hours in an environment with temperature ()°C and relative humidity ()%.

    b) After this, the strap is placed for 1.5 hours on a flat surface in a refrigerator with an air temperature of minus ()°C. Then the strap is bent and a weight of 2 kg is installed at the bend site, which is pre-cooled to minus ()°C. After keeping the strap under load for 30 minutes in the same refrigerating chamber, the weight is removed, and within 5 minutes after removing the strap from the refrigerating chamber, the breaking load is determined. Keeping warm

    a) The straps are placed for 3 hours in a heating chamber at temperature ()°C and relative humidity ()%.

    b) The breaking load is determined within 5 minutes after removing the strap from the heating chamber. Soaking in water

    a) The strap is completely immersed for 3 hours in distilled water at ()°C with the addition of a small amount of wetting agent. Any wetting agent suitable for the fabric being tested may be used.

    b) The breaking load is determined no later than 10 minutes after removing the strap from the water. Abrasion test

    a) The abrasion test is carried out on every device in which the webbing is in contact with any rigid element of the belt, with the exception of adjusting devices subject to a slip test ( 7.3), which indicates that the strap is slipping by an amount not exceeding half the specified value. In this case, the abrasion test type 1 ( are not carried out. The installation on the test device should, as far as possible, match the position of the strap relative to the contact surface.

    b) The samples are kept for at least 24 hours in an atmosphere of temperature ()°C and relative humidity ()%. The test is carried out at an ambient temperature of 15°C - 30°C.

    Test 2: The strap changes direction when passing through a rigid element.

    During this test, the bending angles of the strap must correspond to those indicated on Figure M.2.

    The constant load applied during the test shall be 0.5 daN.

    If the strap changes direction more than once when passing through a rigid member, the 0.5 daN load may be increased sufficiently to provide the intended 300 mm travel of the strap through the rigid member.

    Test 3: The strap is attached to the rigid member by stitching or similar means.

    The total stroke length of the reciprocating motion is () mm, but a load of 5 daN is applied only on the stroke portion () mm during each half-cycle ( Figure M.3).

    7.4.2 Webbing tensile test (static) The test is carried out each time on two new samples of straps of sufficient length, maintained under the conditions specified in 7.4.1. Each strap is placed between the clamps of the tensile testing machine. Clips must be designed so that the webbing does not rip in or near the clips. The movement speed of the clamps should be approximately 100 mm/min. The length of the free part of the strap between the clamps of the machine at the beginning of the test is () mm. When the load reaches 980 daN, measure the width of the strap without stopping the machine. If the strap slips or breaks in one of the clamps of the machine or at a distance of less than 10 mm from one of them, then the test results are considered invalid and a new test is carried out on another sample.

    7.5 Testing of belt assembly elements including rigid parts

    7.5.1 The buckle and adjusting device are connected to the tensile testing apparatus by the parts of the assembly to which they are usually attached; then the load is increased to 980 daN.

    For safety-type belts, the buckle is connected to the test device by means of straps that are attached to the buckle and a tongue or two tongues located approximately symmetrically with respect to the geometric center of the buckle. If the buckle or adjustment device is part of an anchorage or a common part of a three-point belt, the buckle or adjustment device is tested together with the anchorage in accordance with 7.5.2, except when the retractor has a guide bracket at the top point of the belt attachment; the load is then 980 daN and the length of the strap remaining wound on the spool should be equal to the length resulting from the blocking and be approximately 450 mm from the end of the strap.

    7.5.2 The corresponding fastening parts and the height adjustment devices themselves are tested according to the method given in 7.5.1, but the load must be 1470 daN and applied as required 7.7.1 under the most favorable conditions possible when the seat belt is properly installed on the vehicle. When testing retractors, the webbing must be completely unwound from the drum.

    7.5.3 Two sets of seat belts are placed for 2 hours in a refrigerating chamber at a temperature of minus ()°C. The mating elements of the buckle are connected by hand immediately after they are removed from the refrigeration chamber.

    7.5.4 Two sets of seat belts are placed for 2 hours in a refrigerating chamber at a temperature of minus ()°C. The rigid parts and plastic elements of the test belts are then laid out in order on a flat, solid steel support (which was also kept together with the samples in the refrigerator) mounted on the horizontal surface of a massive rigid plate weighing at least 100 kg, and no later than 30 c, after being removed from the refrigerating chamber, an 18-kg steel weight is dropped onto the test sample from a height of 300 mm. The striker of an 18-kilogram weight must have a convex surface with a hardness of at least 45 HRC; its transverse radius should be 10 mm and its longitudinal radius 150 mm when the weight is installed along its axis. When testing the first sample, the axis of the striker is located along the strap, and when testing the second sample, it is at an angle of 90° to the strap.

    7.5.5 Buckles that have elements common to two belts must be loaded in such a way as to simulate the conditions of use of the belt in a vehicle when the adjustable seats are in the middle position. A force of 1470 daN is simultaneously applied to each strap. The direction of the applied force is set in accordance with 7.7.1. The appropriate test apparatus is given in Appendix L.

    7.5.6 When testing a manually adjustable device, the strap should be pulled through the adjusting device evenly, observing normal conditions for using the belt, at a speed of about 100 mm/s; The maximum force is measured to the nearest 0.1 daN after the first 25 mm of the strap are retracted. The test is carried out in both directions of movement of the strap through the device, and the strap must be subjected to 10 pulling cycles before measurement.

    7.6 Additional tests for seat belts with retractors

    7.6.1 Durability of the retractor mechanism The strap is removed and then retracted the required number of times with a frequency of no more than 30 cycles per minute. When testing emergency-locking retractors, the retractor should be shaken every fifth time to force it to lock. Shaking, the number of which should be the same for each cycle, should be carried out in five different positions, namely at 90%, 80%, 75%, 70% and 65% of the total length of the strap wound on the drum. However, when the length of the strap exceeds 900 mm, the above percentages apply to the last 900 mm of the strap that can be pulled out of the retractor.

    7.6.2 Locking emergency locking retractors The retractor is tested to lock when the strap is extended to its full length minus () mm.

    a) If the retractor is activated by the movement of the strap, the pull shall be made in the direction normally adopted for a retractor installed on the vehicle.

    b) When testing retractors for sensitivity to vehicle deceleration, they are tested with the strap extended to the specified length along two perpendicular axes, which are located in a horizontal plane, if the retractor is installed on the vehicle in accordance with the requirements of the manufacturer of these seat belts. If such a provision is not specified, the testing laboratory conducting the test shall consult with the seat belt manufacturer. The testing laboratory conducting the test selects the direction of one of the axes in such a way as to provide for the most unfavorable operating conditions of the locking device. Installation diagram for testing according to given in Appendix D. Any testing device must be designed to provide the required acceleration before the strap extends more than 5 mm from the retractor, assuming a rate of acceleration of 25 to 150 g/s ***). To verify compliance with requirements, listing 3) and, during testing, the retractor is installed on a horizontal table; the table is tilted at a speed of no more than 2° per second until the closing device operates. To ensure that the requirements are met, this test is repeated with tilts in other directions.

    7.6.3 Dust resistance test The retractor is placed in the test chamber given in Appendix D, and installed in the position in which it is mounted on the vehicle. The test chamber contains dust whose characteristics are specified in 500 mm of straps are pulled out of the retractor and left in this position in the intervals between ten complete cycles of retraction and extension, which are carried out no later than 1 - 2 minutes after each dusting. For 5 hours, the dust is beaten every 20 minutes for 5 seconds with compressed air, cleared of oil and moisture, which is under pressure ( ) Pa enters through a hole with a diameter of () mm. Dust used in the tests described in, is 1 kg of dry quartz sand. Its granulometric composition:

    particles passing through a hole of 150 microns, wire diameter 104 microns - from 99% to 100%;

    particles passing through a hole of 105 microns, wire diameter 64 microns - from 76% to 86%;

    particles passing through a hole of 75 microns, wire diameter 52 microns - from 60% to 70%.

    7.6.4 Pull-in force The retraction force is measured with the seat belt assembly mounted on the dummy as specified in the dynamic test ( 7.7). Strap tension is measured at the point of contact with the dummy (immediately adjacent to this point), with the strap retracting at a rate of approximately 0.6 m/min. In the case of a seat belt with a tension-reducing device, the retraction force and tension of the webbing are measured with both the tension-reducing device operating and the tension-reducing device not functioning. Before performing a dynamic test ( 7.7) A seated mannequin, wearing a cotton shirt, leans forward until the strap is pulled out of the retractor to a length of 350 mm and then returns to its original position.

    7.7 Dynamic testing of the set or restraint system

    7.7.1 The kit is mounted on a trolley having a seat and belt attachment described in Appendix E. However, if the kit is intended for a special vehicle or for special types of vehicles, the distances between the dummy and the belt attachment device must be established by the testing laboratory conducting the tests, either based on the installation instructions provided with the belt or in accordance with data provided by the manufacturer - the manufacturer of the vehicle. If the belt is equipped with a height adjustment device ( 2.14.6), then the device and its fastening elements must be installed in the same position in which they are installed on the vehicle.

    If the dynamic test has been carried out on one type of vehicle, it is not necessary to carry out the same test on other types of vehicles in which each anchorage point is less than 50 mm from the test belt anchorage point. Alternatively, manufacturers may define hypothetical test attachment points to cover as many actual attachment points as possible. If the seat belt or restraint system is part of an assembly being tested as a restraint system, the seat belt shall be installed on that part of the vehicle structure to which the restraint system would normally be attached, and that part shall be rigidly attached to the test cart in the manner described in -

    If the seat belt or restraint system pretensioner is attached to parts other than those included in the belt assembly, the assembly, together with the required additional vehicle parts, is installed on a test cart in the manner described in -

    Alternatively, if these devices cannot be tested on a test cart, the manufacturer may demonstrate by any conventional 50 km/h frontal impact test in accordance with ISO 3560 that the device meets the requirements of this standard. The method of securing the vehicle during testing must exclude strengthening the fastening of seats or seat belts, as well as increasing the rigidity of structural elements. The front of the vehicle must not contain any element which, by limiting forward movement of the dummy (excluding the dummy's legs), would reduce the load experienced by the restraint system during the test. Replacement of excluded structural elements with elements of equivalent strength is permitted, provided they do not impede forward movement of the dummy. A securing arrangement is considered satisfactory if it has no effect on the entire width of the test structure and if the vehicle or test structure is blocked or secured in front at a distance of at least 500 mm from the attachment points of the restraint system. At the rear, the test structure is secured at a sufficient distance from the attachment points to ensure that the requirements are met. The seats shall be installed and secured in the driving position selected by the testing laboratory conducting the tests in such a way as to simulate the most unfavorable conditions with regard to strength; at the same time, their position must allow the installation of the dummy in the vehicle. The position of the seats is indicated in the protocol. If the angle of the backrest is adjustable, then the backrest is fixed in the position prescribed by the manufacturer, and in the absence of any instructions, it is installed at an angle of inclination as close as possible to 25° for vehicles of categories and as close as possible to 15° for vehicles of all other categories. To verify compliance with requirements, item a), the seat is considered to be installed in the most forward position for the driver or passenger corresponding to the dimensions of the dummy. All seats in a group of seats are tested simultaneously. Dynamic tests of a seat belt system are carried out without a seat belt (set), if provided.

    7.7.2 The belt set is mounted on a dummy, the characteristics of which are given in Appendix G.

    A 25 mm thick plate is placed between the back of the mannequin and the back of the seat. The belt is carefully adjusted to the mannequin. Then the plate is removed and the mannequin is moved to the back of the seat so that its entire back is in contact with the back of the seat. In this case, it is necessary to make sure that both parts of the buckle are connected correctly and that it cannot open spontaneously.

    7.7.3 The free ends of the straps extending from the adjusting devices must be long enough to allow for possible slippage.

    7.7.4 Launch the cart so that at the moment of impact the speed of free movement is () km/h; When accelerating, the dummy must remain in the same position. The distance to the cart stopping should be () cm. While slowing down, the cart should remain in a horizontal position. Slowing down the movement of the trolley is ensured by the device described in Appendix E, or any other device that gives equivalent results. The performance specifications of this device must comply with Appendix I.

    7.7.5 The speed of movement of the trolley immediately before impact, the movement of the dummy in the direction of movement and the speed of movement of the chest as it moves 300 mm should be measured.

    7.7.6 After an impact, the belt assembly or restraint system and its rigid parts are visually inspected without releasing the buckle to determine whether there is a malfunction or breakage. For a restraint system, after testing, check whether the vehicle structural members that are attached to the bogie have any noticeable permanent deformation. If such deformation exists, it should be taken into account in the calculations, which are carried out in accordance with, item a).

    7.8 Buckle release test

    7.8.1 For this test, use belt sets or restraints that have already been dynamically tested in accordance with 7.7.

    7.8.2 The belt assembly is removed from the test trolley without unfastening the buckle. A force is applied to the buckle through all the straps connected to it such that each strap is under the influence of a force of 60/n daN (n is the number of straps connected to the buckle in the fastened state). If the buckle is connected to any rigid part, the force is applied at the same angle as the angle formed by the buckle and the rigid end in the dynamic test. The load is applied at a speed () mm/min to the geometric center of the button opening the buckle along a fixed axis parallel to the initial direction of movement of the button. When applying the force necessary to open the buckle, the latter must be held in place by some kind of rigid stop. The load must not exceed the limit specified in The contact surface of the parts used during testing must be spherical in shape with a radius () mm and be a polished metal surface.

    7.8.3 Measure the force required to release the buckle and note any buckle failure.

    7.8.4 After the buckle release test, the components of the belt assembly or restraint system subjected to the tests specified in 7.7, inspect and record in the test report the extent of damage to the belt assembly or restraint device during the dynamic test.

    7.9 Additional tests for seat belts with pretensioner

    7.9.1 Conditioning

    The pretensioner can be removed from a seat belt that has been tested and maintained for 24 hours at ()°C. Then the temperature is raised to ()°C and maintained for 2 hours. Next, the device is kept for 24 hours at a temperature of minus ()°C. After this, the device is removed from the thermostat and it warms up to room temperature. The device is then reinstalled on the seat belt if it was removed from it.

    7.10 Test report

    7.10.1 The test report must indicate the results of all tests provided for in section 7, in particular, the speed of movement of the trolley, the maximum movement of the dummy in the direction of travel, the location of the buckle during the test, if this location is adjustable, the release force of the buckle, and any malfunction or breakage. If in 7.7.1 requirements were not met Appendix E In relation to attachment points, the protocol should describe the installation method of the belt assembly or restraint system, as well as the main angles and dimensions. Any deformation or rupture of the buckle that occurred during the test must also be noted in the report. For a restraint system, the test report should also indicate the method of attaching the vehicle structure to the trolley, the position of the seats and the angles of the seat backs. If the dummy's forward movement exceeds the values ​​given in, item b), then the protocol should indicate whether the requirements are met, item a).

    8 Requirements regarding the installation of seat belts in a vehicle

    8.1 Vehicle equipment

    8.1.1 Seats installed in vehicles of categories M and N (except for those vehicles of categories and that are intended for use in urban conditions and have seats for standing passengers) must be equipped with seat belts or restraint systems that meet the requirements of this standard . The requirements of this standard do not apply to reclining seats (GOST R 41.14) and seating areas intended for use exclusively in a stationary vehicle.

    8.1.2. The types of seat belts or restraint systems for each seat are indicated in Appendix T, the use of non-locking retractors is not permitted ( 2.14.1) and manually unlocked retractors ( 2.14.2). For all seats required to have Type B lap belts in accordance with Annex T, Type Br3 lap belts are also acceptable if, during use in the normal fastened position, they do not retract to such an extent that the occupant's comfortable position is significantly limited.

    8.1.3 When seat belts are not required, then, at the discretion of the manufacturer, any type of seat belt or restraint system that complies with this standard may be used. As an alternative to lap belts designed for seats that comply with Appendix T must be equipped with such belts, it is allowed to use belts of type A from among the types permitted by Appendix T.

    8.1.4 Three-point belts with retractors must have at least one retractor for the diagonal strap.

    8.1.5 With the exception of vehicles of category instead of an emergency locking retractor type 4 ( 2.14.4) installation of a retractor type 4N is allowed ( 2.14.5) if it is demonstrated by the testing laboratory authorized to carry out the tests that the installation of a type 4 retractor is impractical.

    8.1.6 For front outboard and center seats shown in Appendix T and indicated by the sign “*”, lap belts of the type specified in this appendix are considered adequate if the windshield is located outside the original zone defined in Appendix 1 to GOST R 41.21.

    For seat belts, the windshield is considered part of the reference zone if it can come into static contact with the measuring device when tested according to the method set out in Appendix 1 to GOST R 41.21.

    8.1.7 For each seat identified in Appendix T marked "*", three-point safety belts must be provided, unless one of the following conditions is met (in these cases, two-point safety belts of the type specified in Annex T may be provided): directly in front there is a seat or other elements of the vehicle that comply with the requirements of Appendix 1 to GOST R 41.80 or none of the elements of the vehicle is in the home zone and cannot be in the home zone when the vehicle is moving, or elements of the vehicle located in the above-mentioned reference zone comply with the requirements regarding energy absorption set out in GOST R 41.80.

    8.1.8 Except as provided in 8.1.9, each passenger seat equipped with an air cushion must display a warning sign against the use of a rear-facing child restraint. The warning label, in the form of a pictogram, which may include explanatory text, must be securely affixed and placed so that it can be easily seen by a person intending to install a rear-facing child restraint in the seat. An example of a possible pictogram is shown at Figure 1. The warning sign must be visible in all cases, even if the warning sign is not visible when the door is closed.

    8.3.3 When worn, the belt must either be automatically adjustable or be designed so that the manual adjustment device is easily accessible to the seated user, convenient and easy to use. In addition, the user must be able to tighten the belt with one hand to suit his body size and vehicle seat position.

    8.3.4 Seat belts or restraint systems having retractors are installed so that the retractors function and retract the seat belt effectively.

    8.3.5 To inform the vehicle user(s) of the requirements relating to the carriage of children, vehicles of the categories and must meet the requirements Appendix F.

    9 Compliance of production

    9.1 Any type of vehicle, seat belt or restraint system tested in accordance with this standard shall be constructed to conform to the type tested, meeting the requirements sections 6 - 8.

    9.2 To ensure the necessary confidence of the testing laboratory, it is advisable to check products for compliance with tested samples once a year. The minimum conformity control requirements set out in the Appendix R.

    10 Operating Instructions

    When the appropriate type of seat belts is supplied separately from the vehicle, the packaging and installation instructions must clearly indicate the type(s) of vehicle for which they are provided.

    ISO 3560:2001

    Road transport. Test method for frontal impact on a stationary obstacle or impact on a pole

    ISO 6487:2002

    Road transport. Measurement methods for impact tests. Instrumentation


    * Russian version is available at FSUE "Standardinform"


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