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Amazing nearby " we say when we notice or learn more closely what we have passed hundreds of times, but either did not know, or did not pay attention .... I would also add- "Unknown around", because often in life we ​​are surrounded by things so banal and familiar that for some reason we think that we know everything about them ... why such a conviction and confidence cannot be understood ... it is also not clear why, having lived a fair number of years, knowing great for example, what a tram is, we know so little about it ... when and where it first appeared, what it looked like, who was its predecessor ... These and many others interesting facts and details of the history of tram and tram traffic, we can learn if we show interest ...

Tram is a type of street rail public transport for the transportation of passengers along given (fixed) routes. Used mainly in cities. Probably, anyone who is asked to describe this type of public transport will answer this way ...

Word tram derivative from English. tram (carriage, trolley) and way (way). According to one of the versions, it came from trolleys for transporting coal in the mines of Great Britain. As a mode of transport, the tram is the oldest species urban passenger public transport and emerged in the first half of the 19th century - initially in horse-drawn.


In 1852 a French engineer Luba came up with a proposal to arrange rail tracks along the streets of large cities for the transportation of wagons by horses. Initially, it was used only for cargo transportation, but after the construction of the first passenger lines, the horse tram began to carry passengers. Such a road was built by him in New York ....

Horse tram on New York street

and very soon a new type of transport spread to other cities in America and Europe.

Detroit Koenigsberg

Horse tram in Paris


Sweden Czechia

"And what about Russia?" you probably ask .... Soon the horse tram appeared here too ....
In 1854 in the vicinity of St. Petersburg, near the Smolensk settlement, an engineer Polezhaev a horse-drawn road was made of longitudinal wooden beams upholstered with iron. In 1860 an engineer Domantovich built a horse-drawn railroad in the streets St. Petersburg.

Despite the low speed (no more than 8 km / h), the new form of transport soon spread and took root in many large cities and provincial centers.

In Moscow at the Serpukhov Gate

v Minsk



in Tiflis



For example, in St. Petersburg, horse-drawn railways ran along all important highways from the center to the outskirts.

In most cases, the horse tram was built with the participation of foreign capital, and if at the beginning it had a positive effect on the development of the transport network in cities, then over time it greatly slowed down the development process ... Firms that owned the horse tram became ardent opponents of the introduction of steam and electric trams ...

The history of the electric tram

The prototype of electric trams was a car created by the German engineer E rnst Werner von Siemens. It was first used in 1879 at the German Industrial Exhibition in Berlin. The locomotive was used to drive visitors around the exhibition grounds.

Siemens & Halske Electric Railway at the Berlin Exhibition in 1879

The first electric tram appeared at the end of the 19th century - in 1881 in Berlin, Germany. Four carriages clung to the locomotive, each of which had six seats.

The train was later shown in 1880 in Dusseldorf and Brussels, in 1881 in Paris (out of service), in the same year in action in Copenhagen and finally in 1882 in London.
Following the success of the exhibition attraction, Siemens has begun construction of an electric tram line 2.5 km away in a Berlin suburb Lichterfeld.

The car of the world's first electric tram line in the former Berlin suburb of Lichterfelde, opened on 16.05.1881. Voltage 180 volts, engine power 5 kW, power was supplied through the running rails until 1890. Photo of 1881

The motor car received current through both rails. In 1881, the first tram, built by Siemens & Halske, ran on the railroad between Berlin and Lichterfeld, thus opening up tram traffic.
In the same year C Names built a tram line of the same type in Paris.

In 1885, the tram appeared in Great Britain in an English resort town Blackpool... It is noteworthy that the original sections have been preserved in their original form, and the tram transport itself is carefully preserved in this city.

The electric tram soon became popular throughout Europe.


View of the portal of the Rhine Bridge in Mannheim a lovely-looking tram is rolling

tram in Barcelona

The appearance of the first trams in the United States occurred independently of Europe. Inventor Leo Daft(Leo Daft) began experimenting with electric traction in 1883 by building several small electric locomotives. His work interested the director of the Baltimore horse tram, who decided to transfer the three-mile line to electric traction. Daft took up the electrification of the line and the creation of trams. On August 10, 1885, an electric tram was opened on this line - the first on the American continent.

Boston Two-axle tram with open areas. USA.

However, the system turned out to be inoperative: the use of the third rail led to short circuits in the rain, moreover, the voltage (120 volts) killed many unlucky small animals: (cats and dogs); and it was not safe for people either. Soon, the use of electricity on this line was abandoned and returned to horses.

Cincinnati. Ohio. USA.

However, the inventor did not abandon the idea of ​​an electric tram, and in 1886 he managed to create a workable system (instead of the third rail, a two-wire contact network was used). Daft trams were used in Pittsburgh, New York and Cincinnati.

St. Petersburg ice tram

In St. Petersburg, under an agreement with the owners of the horses (it was concluded for 50 years), no other public transport shouldn't have been. In order not to formally violate this agreement, in 1885 the first electric tram ran on the ice of the frozen Neva.

Sleepers, rails and overhead catenary posts crashed right into the ice.

They were called “ice trams”.

It is clear that this type of transport could only be used in winter,

however, the end of the time for horse-drawn trams soon became quite clear.

Steam tram

It is little known, but the fact, in addition to the traditional horse tram, there were two more lines in St. Petersburg steam horse... The first line of the steam tram or among the common people - steam engine, was laid in 1886 along Bolshoy Sampsonievsky Avenue and Second Murinsky Avenue, although this line was officially called the "line of the steam horse-drawn railway".

The steam engine had a number of advantages over the horse tram: higher speed, more power. Due to the resistance of horse car owners and the appearance of an electric tram, the steam train did not develop - the steam tram line from Vosstaniya Square to the village of Rybatskoye along the present Obukhovskaya Oborony Avenue became the last.

Also, in the early 1880s, a steam locomotive line was laid along the embankment of the Ligovsky Canal.

Steam locomotives were kept in the Vyborg horse park. As a passenger transport, the steam tram barely survived the show jumping (the last trip in 1922), but it reappeared on the streets of besieged Leningrad to transport goods and weapons.

Electric tram in Russia.

Contractual obligations with the owners of horse-drawn trams in some cities delayed the development of electric trams in them. Somewhere the tram tracks were laid parallel to the horse tram tracks in order to bankrupt it. Sometimes the city authorities simply bought out the farm of horse roads in order to turn the horse tram into a tram. Thus, the first electric tram in Russia was first launched not in St. Petersburg, as many mistakenly believe, but in Kieve.

Here he appeared in 1892 year on the Aleksandrovsky (Vladimirsky) descent. The builder is Siemens. Quickly becoming popular, he literally captivated the whole city. Soon other Russian cities followed Kiev's example: a tram appeared in Nizhny Novgorod in 1896

V Yekaterinoslav(now Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine) in 1897,

the tram appeared in Moscow in 1899

v Saratov


Electric horse tram, as the tram was also called, appeared in Tiflis and had a fairly extensive network there.

Details about the Tiflis tram can be found from Tiflis travel guide in 1903

In Odessa and St. Petersburg - in 1907.

At the end of 1904, the City Duma announced an international competition for the right to produce works. Three firms took part in it: Siemens & Halske, General Electricity Company and Westinghouse ( English). On September 29, 1907, a regular electric tram service was opened on the streets of St. Petersburg. The first line ran from the General Staff Building to the 8th line of Vasilievsky Island.

St. Petersburg. Consecration of tram cars


On Sunday, September 15, at 10 o'clock in the morning, those invited to the grand opening of tram traffic along the line: the main headquarters, Nikolaevsky bridge and the 7th line of Vasilyevsky Island began to gather in the Aleksandrovsky Garden. They were allowed to enter the garden on personalized summons. The audience, for the most part, occupied the opposite panel. There were brand new carriages in 2 rows at the entrance to the garden. Here the carriage drivers and conductors in new uniforms were grouped. A tent was pitched in Aleksandrovsky Square, and a prayer service was held there.
The first toast to the health of the Tsar was proclaimed by the mayor of Reztsov, then the mayor, Major General Drachevsky proclaimed health to the entire city government and its representative Reztsov. The chairman of the tram commission Sokov in a long speech expressed his gratitude for the assistance in the work on the construction of the tram to the administration and the audit commission. The mayor in his speech emphasized that despite the difficulties of the task, almost 80% of all work on the construction of the tram was completed in one construction period. A nice toast was offered by the chief engineer of the tram commission, Statsevich, who raised a glass to the tram worker who carried a million poods of tram work on his shoulders. The workers heard this fair assessment of their work, since their representative was not present at the celebration.

At the end of the prayer service, the guests entered the new carriages and made their way to the 7th line and back. The cars are striking in their diminutiveness. The cars are striking in their diminutiveness. A tax is posted in conspicuous places: for a broken large glass - 7 rubles, for a small one - 8 rubles, for damaged doors - 40 rubles. "Spitting and smoking are prohibited." The carriages are divided by a partition into 2 classes: in the first 14 seats, in the second 10. There can be 10 passengers on the back platform, and 6. The car drivers were apparently worried, but they passed the first test with flying colors. In the first carriage, the mayor Drachevsky and the mayor Reztsov opened traffic.
Upon his return, before opening the passenger traffic, the mayor went to the platform of the head carriage and, addressing the public, announced: "Tram traffic in St. Petersburg is open, hurray!" To this there was a response "hurray" from those present. The audience rushed into the carriages, in front of all the boys. The older ones hesitated, and the little boys took all the seats. In the blink of an eye, the bells of the conductors rang out and the cars rolled with the first paid passengers. . "

After the appearance of the electric tram in 1907, the horse tram was gradually replaced by it, on September 8, 1917, it completely disappeared. The use of the horse tram in Moscow continued until 1912.


Old electric trams were completely unlike modern ones. They were smaller and less perfect. They did not have automatically closing doors, the front and rear platforms were separated from the interior by sliding doors. On the front landing, the driver himself sat on a high stool with metal legs and a thick round wooden seat. In front of him is a tall black engine. With "Dynamo" lettering on the lid.
There were wooden seats inside the carriages. In some, they were in the form of sofas for two passengers with common backs on one side of the carriage and chairs designed for one person on the other. At the end of each car there was a place for a conductor. A special sign warned about this, so that, God forbid, someone would not sit on this place. The conductor (more often - the conductor) was often in a service uniform overcoat, or even just in a coat or fur coat. He had a huge leather money bag over his shoulder, and a plaque with tickets was fastened to his belt. Tickets were of different denominations, depending on the distance of travel and the number of clearing stations. The tickets were very cheap. Then the cost became the same, and the ticket roller was now hanging from the conductor's belt. A thick rope was stretched from the conductor to the driver through the entire carriage under the ceiling. When the boarding was over, the conductor pulled this rope, and the bell rang loudly for the driver on the foreground. There were no electrical signals at that time. From the second car, the signal was sent by the second conductor to the rear platform of the first car in the same way. Only after waiting for him and checking the boarding of his car, the conductor of the first car could signal the car driver about the end of boarding.
Standing passengers could hold onto tarpaulin loops located along the entire cabin and hanging from a thick wooden stick. These loops could move with the passenger, sliding on the stick. Later, the hinges began to be made of plastic. Added and metal handles on the backs of the benches, as well as handles on the walls between the windows. But that was much later. The windows opened completely. They descended to the lower wall. They were not allowed to protrude. It was written about this even on the plates at each window.

Small children were entitled to free travel. But no one asked the child's age. It was just that there was a deeply cut and whitewashed mark on the platbands of the doors of the salon, by which the child's height was determined and whether he needed to be paid or not. Above the mark, the child already had to pay for his fare.

Intercity trams

Trams are primarily associated with urban transport, but intercity and suburban trams were also very common in the past.
Tram following the Pierrefitte - Cauterets - Luz route (or vice versa) in the French Pyrenees. You can say an intercity tram, which is not quite usual.

This is one of the most picturesque places of the designated tram line that emerged on the border of the 19th and 20th centuries, decorated with a bridge named Pont de Meyabat.

Intercity mountain tram in France

In Europe, Belgium's long-distance tram network, known as niederl, stood out. Buurtspoorwegen(literally translated - "local railways")
The first section of local railways (between Ostend and Nieuwport, now part of the Coast Tram line) was opened in July 1885. Intercity trams were also common in the Netherlands. As in Belgium, they were originally steam trams, but then steam trams were replaced by electric and diesel trams. In the Netherlands, the era of intercity trams ended on February 14, 1966.

Until 1936, one could get from Vienna to Bratislava by city tram.

Few people know, but there was an intercity tram in Italy. Tied Solerno and Pompeii.

There was also an intercity tram in Japan between Osaka and Kobe.

After the heyday, the era of which fell on the period between the world wars, the decline of the tram began, but already somewhere in the 70s of the XX century, a significant increase in the popularity of the tram has again been observed, including for environmental reasons and thanks to technological improvements.

Interesting facts about trams in the world

The largest tram network in the world is located in Melbourne, Australia
The oldest tram cars still in use in normal operation are the No. 1 and 2 of the Isle of Man tram (Manx Electric Railway). They were built in 1893 and operate on the 28.5 km long Douglas en Ramsey country line]
The longest tram ride in Germany is from Krefeld, or rather its suburb of St Tönis, to Witten. The length of the trip will be 105.5 km, it will take about five and a half hours to overcome this distance, and you will have to make a change eight times.
The longest direct tram line is the Coast Tram (netderl. Kusttram) in Belgium. There are 60 stops on this 67 km line. There is also a line from Freudenstadt to Öhringen via Karlsruhe and Heilbronn with a length of 185 km.
The northernmost tram system in the world is located in Trondheim.
A children's tram has been operating in Frankfurt am Main since 1960

The so-called low-floor trams belong to the third generation of trams. As the name suggests, their distinctive feature is the low floor height. To achieve this goal, all electrical equipment is placed on the roof of the tram (on "classic" trams, electrical equipment can be located under the floor). The advantages of a low-floor tram are convenience for the disabled, the elderly, passengers with strollers, faster boarding and disembarking.

All attention is focused on the new tram model 71-931M "Vityaz-M", which today, on March 17, departed on route No. 17 "Ostankino - Medvedkovo". I found out about this today in the news on the Internet. The mayor of Moscow, Sergei Semyonovich Sobyanin, opened the route from the Bauman depot. And the day before, the mayor opened three new metro stations on the yellow line: Minskaya, Lomonosovsky Prospekt and Ramenki. Let's go back to the tram.

1. This model consists of three carriages with six entrance doors. There is an air conditioning system.

3. For Internet addicts, USB charging ports were created, with a nominal value of 1 and 2.1 amperes. They are located in the wall under the feet. Wi-Fi is also present.

4. A wise and correct decision.

5. Horror stories with smiles and a sad suitcase with a warning.

6. In the middle of the two seats, a mini-tram control unit is hidden, as if riding backwards to front. Such ones have existed in Germany for a long time and tram drivers enjoy great success.

7. The salon is designed for more than 265 people, seated - 60. There is a special place for prams and people with limited mobility. Built-in TV with programs from "Transport TV" tells news and novelties on Moscow transports. It also shows the tram route from stop A to stop B with distance. And the speed of the tram is indicated.

8. There is such a nice lighting under the seats, one blue, the other green.

9. They even installed stopcocks.

10. We took care of the emergency hammers. Now they will definitely not be stolen.

11. Familiar door opening system. So far, they are now controlled directly by the tram driver. And a little later they will move on to the passengers.

12. The muzzle of the tram is more reminiscent of the geometry of the "ant" and elongated rear-view mirrors.

13. It seems a competitor has appeared.

14. The owner of the model is PK - Transport Systems LLC, and the manufacturer is TVZ - Tver Carriage Works.

15. The tram was first presented at the Moscow exhibition "ExpoCityTrans" in 2016. Learn more about this model

Some people do not know, or do not want to believe, that the tram is the best form of public transport in the world. "Trams are noisy, slow, and cannot avoid traffic jams!" they say. Such people can be given a bunch of arguments about the fact that modern tram systems have solved all these problems, talk about the advantages of modern rail transport, that the tram is cute and beautiful. Or you can just show them a tram in the Spanish city of Bilbao, and then all their doubts will disappear at once.

I have seen many different trams in the world, but I have never seen such a beautiful one anywhere!

The Bilbao tram was launched in 2002 as an alternative to the city metro. The authorities wanted to give tourists the opportunity to look at the city from the window while they commute between the most famous landmarks. But locals also love their tram, and often prefer to use it to travel from one part of the city to another. Well, how can you not love him ?!

Now there is one branch, consisting of 12 stops. Expansion of the system is planned - the line continues, two additional stops are already under construction.

The fare is € 1.15, which is quite inexpensive by European standards.

But these are dry facts that in no way reflect all the charm of the Bilbao tram! His main merit is what he walks on.

See? This is a glade with the greenest soft grass and chamomiles. You will not find such beauty in every park.

And in Bilbao, a tram runs along this beauty, and at the same time does not crumple a blade of grass!

This is one of the main advantages of a properly made tram system - the ability to lay rails in green areas, right on the grass! Look how beautiful it is!

The green tram fits very harmoniously into this green environment. These colors are pleasing to the eye. The rails meander along a row of beautiful trees. In Bilbao, a narrow gauge system is used, the gauge here is 1000mm.

The rails run along the river. The green lane along which they walk complements the lovely public waterfront area. There are comfortable benches, shady trees, a lawn with daisies and a tram, a bike path, a sidewalk, and only then - parked cars and a roadway.

Yes, the tram is closer to the water than the bike path! That's right, let the passengers of the tram look out the window and admire the water.

The platforms are protected from rain and sun by a canopy. There are ticket machines and monitors showing how long to wait for the next tram. The platforms are not high to make it easier to drive in with a stroller or wheelchair (of course, they are equipped with ramps.)

Trams run quite often, every five minutes. Many locals have travel cards, others buy tickets on the spot.

Tram cars are low-floor, from a low platform the carriage can be easily rolled inward. One of the main advantages of rail transport is the ability to always accurately approach the platform without unnecessary maneuvers.

And here is what the interior looks like from the inside. (I advise you to watch this video without sound, there is only noise, and nothing useful.)

Trams run very quietly, do not rattle like the Moscow tram of my childhood. No other form of transport can glide so neatly over a clearing of daisies without causing them any harm. This is its main advantage! And since there is no other transport here, there is no need to go around.

To cross the rails, a special tiled path has been made. A little further you can see the next one - several tens of meters between them.

Where there is no place to make a separate green zone, the tram receives a dedicated lane, for example, as on this bridge over the Nervion River, where the roadway is paved, and it was decided to lay the tram rails on beautiful cobblestones.

The tram also runs along the banks of Nervion from the side of the old town, where its modern carriages look great against the backdrop of beautiful old buildings. The tram's operating hours are from 6 am to 11:30 pm.

All trains consist of three sections, 25 meters long. The tram's capacity is 192 seats, of which 50 are seated. These cars are manufactured by CAF, which is located right here in the Basque Country.

One small flaw trams in Bilbao, this is that they are often completely covered with advertisements, which do not always fit the tram itself, and the beautiful places through which it goes.

The Bilbao tram line is a great example of how beautiful and convenient public transport can be if you approach the issue wisely. Of course, it's not easy to do as good as in Bilbao - even the Japanese who are obsessed with rail transport when it comes to trams.

But the Bilbao tram is the standard of what a tram can and should be. If someone ever tells you that the tram is a transport of the past, which has no place in modern cities, feel free to show him this post.

Who can say that the Bilbao tram is not the most beautiful in the world can safely throw a note at me!

It's hard to believe, but!

A production report from one of the oldest tram depots in Moscow, in 2012 it will be 100 years old! During this time, all types of trams that have ever been operated in Moscow passed through the gates of the depot.

Tram is historically the second type of urban passenger transport in Moscow, the successor of the horse tram. In 1940, the share of the tram in the transportation of passengers around the city reached 70%, and according to 2007 data, only about 5%, although in some outlying areas (for example, in Metrogorodok) it is the main passenger transport that allows you to quickly get to the metro. The highest density of tram lines in the city is located to the east of the center, in the area of ​​the Yauza River.

Now the Rusakov depot has 178 trams, which include linear rolling stock (passenger trams), as well as snow plows, chute cleaners, rail grinders, track gauges and water washing cars. The depot serves nine routes: 2, 13, 29, 32, 34, 36, 37, 46 and the 4th right roundabout.

The left route of the four serves the Bauman depot.

There is such a thing as “route opening”. Early in the morning, the first tram leaves the depot and travels non-stop (with a zero run) to its final destination, from where it opens its route at about 4:30. In case of a breakdown of the first tram, there is always a spare one ready to open the route at the set time. Trams finish working at about one in the morning. On weekdays, up to 120 trams leave the Rusakov depot for the city, and about 100 on weekends.

For a full day on a tram, two drivers work out a shift, and the car itself runs an average of 250 kilometers. The maximum can reach 400 kilometers.

Each driver has a set of documents:
- a logbook for maintenance, which contains requests from the driver for repairs and marks of specialists on the work performed
- waybill, which marks the arrival of the tram at the end points and the time of departure and arrival at the depot
- driver's license(rights)
- insurance policy
- timetable for arrival time for each stop. Anyone who often travels by tram from terminal stops should have noticed that trams do have a certain timetable. Of course, Moscow traffic, traffic jams, as well as the increased loading time of passengers due to validators do not allow us to always strictly follow the set schedule.

The total mileage of a tram for the entire period of operation can reach up to 750,000 kilometers. Some trams serve for 15 years or more (especially in the regions).

For a long-term service of the tram, its scheduled preventive maintenance is carried out. Repair shop and Maintenance the rolling stock includes 32 observation "ditches". On them
20 wagons are driven daily to TO-1 and during the night they spend all necessary work... There are up to 10 trams at TO-2 every day, where more complex work is underway with the disassembly of all equipment, such repairs have already taken several days.

TO-1 each carriage runs once a week, TO-2 - once a month.

An ordinary tram weighs about 20 tons.

Every 60 thousand kilometers, a planned "average" repair is carried out, where the tram is almost completely disassembled, all components and assemblies are checked. After four such major repairs (about 240 thousand km of run), the car is sent to the tram plant for overhaul.

An important element of the tram is the wheeled cart. It contains motors, gearboxes and braking devices. All cars are equipped with four 50 kW engines, one for each axle.

Motor shop where diagnostics and repair of electric motors are carried out. Ecological transport costs the city in summer an average of 1.7 MW * h per month, in winter - up to 2.4 MW * h (2008 data for the Rusakov depot).

To move heavy units and parts, overhead cranes are used.

A range of gearboxes.

The cart is equipped with three types of brakes:
... electrodynamic ( traction motors in generator mode, returning part of the energy back to the network)
... drum-shoe with a spring-electromagnetic drive (similar to a car brake)
... rail electromagnetic (emergency braking)

For service braking, an electrodynamic brake is used, which reduces the speed of the car to almost zero. Braking to a full stop is performed by a drum brake. For emergency braking, a magnetic rail brake is used, where the shoe is magnetized to the rail, and its pressing force can be several times greater than the weight of the tram.

Driver's cab for tram 71-608. The majority of such trams are now on Moscow streets.

Gradually, old trams are replacing new models - 71-619 with an improved control panel, a fault diagnosis system and reclining-sliding doors.

In 2009, the depot received 29 new cars. Each such tram costs about 10 million rubles, and overhaul at the plant costs 300 thousand rubles.

Also, a lot of money is spent on repairing trams after cases of vandalism. For example, rear glass such a tram will cost the depot 60 thousand rubles.

Most often, trams are used in single mode, less often as part of a train of two cars. And in the old days on the street you could see three trams connected.

If an accident occurs, a commission is assembled, which decides what to do with the tram - to repair it at the depot (if the frame is not damaged), send it to the factory, or write it off.

The old tram, which is already too expensive to repair, can also be written off.

The car is dismantled for parts, and the remaining body is sawn and sent to scrap metal.



Chute cleaner based on the Czech Tatra T3 tram.

A chute cleaning trolley is attached to it.

Rail grinder based on the KTM-5 tram.


The Rusakov Depot was one of the first to put into operation a mechanized washing machine for rolling stock. Especially for our visit, they wash us a rare tram RVZ-6 of the Riga Carriage Works.

For a huge number of cities, this car has become the main model of the tram.

This copy went to the depot in a terrible state, rusty and covered with moss. It was restored, and now it occupies a worthy place in the metropolitan collection of trams.

In Moscow, such trams were in operation from 1960 to 1966.

Dozens of RVZs took to the streets every day in Kolomna until 2002!



View towards the depot and fan of the tracks.

Many thanks to all the employees of the Rusakov depot, who participated in organizing the shooting and helped in writing the texts! Also materials from the sites and were used in the description.

Taken from chistoprudov to the Rusakov Tram Depot.

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One of the most modern tram systems in the world and certainly the youngest. It was opened a month ago, on November 11, 2014. Now there are 11 stations, some of which connect to the metro and monorail. Dubai tram is amazing! He falls in love with himself at first sight. While all over Russia incompetent assholes in city halls are destroying trams, removing rails and selling the land of former tram depots, in Dubai they are building an excellent tram system... In Dubai! Where public transport has always been associated with the transfer of guest workers to great construction sites. Even in Dubai, they realized that a convenient city is impossible without the normal development of public transport, and revised their transport policy. Trams manufactured by Alstom.
The wagons are of incredible beauty. Each carriage has 4 sections, there are several sections: gold, regular and female.
Black muzzle like a jewel in a setting. Very nice.
The tram runs on a dedicated line. Notice ... what's missing? Contact network!
This is where the power cable runs along the ground.
How it works: Tram at a stop.
There is very convenient navigation around the tram line in the city.
Stop sign. Map of the area around the station.
Bus stops are closed.
The tram runs from 6.30 am (on Fridays - from 9) to 1.30 am, during rush hour the interval is 10 minutes, the rest of the time - 12.
It is cool, clean and light inside the bus stop. A police officer is on duty at each station. Validation and purchase of tickets takes place before boarding the tram.

Tickets: the same ticket is valid on trams as on the metro and monorail. This is a Nol card, it works on the same principle as the "Troika" - a certain amount is debited from the account for each trip, which depends on the class of the carriage and the distance. It is planned to divide the tram lines into three zones, the more zones you cross, the more expensive. Now there is only one zone, and one trip costs 3 dirhams (44 rubles), in the "gold" class - twice as much. There are also subscriptions for the week (50 dirhams / 725 rubles), month, quarter and year (1060 dirhams / 15386 rubles). The prices are not the smallest, and when two more zones are built, for an annual subscription for all directions in the gold class, you will have to pay 5340 dirhams, that is, 77 thousand rubles.
I was on a day off, the interval, of course, is large. Now new cars are awaiting, the intervals will be shortened, the line will be developed.
In the meantime, 11 stations.
The interior of the carriage.

There is a separate space for luggage. I was just driving with a suitcase
This is a separate compartment for women and children.
The men are kicked out of here
Gold class, tickets are twice as expensive.
There are fewer people in it, the seats are wider.
The controller walks in and checks the tickets.
Another controller.
Doors at the station and on the tram open simultaneously, as in some metro systems.
For breaking the rules road traffic at the crossroads with tram lines motorists face a fine of up to 30 thousand dirhams (almost 8.2 thousand dollars). For crossing paths in the wrong place, pedestrians will be punished with a fine of 1000 dirhams ($ 272)
To prevent people from walking along the paths, special slabs with concrete spikes are placed in dangerous places, it is impossible to walk along them, but if something happens, the car will be able to pass.
Passengers are taught how to use the tram ...
And now I want to say hello to strong business executives from Omsk. If they had not buried so much money in the ground over the 12 years of construction of the metro that is unnecessary for the city, then today I would be writing a post about the most modern and young tram system in Omsk, and not in distant Dubai. But Omsk loves to suffer and, with incredible persistence, continue to bury money in its famous metro. And at this time, Arab sheikhs travel comfortably to the bright future on a modern tram.


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