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· The effect of sign 4.1.1 installed at the beginning of a section of road extends to the nearest intersection,

You can make a turn only along trajectory A.

You cannot turn around along trajectory B, since the sign’s instructions are still in effect at this point.

The sign does not prohibit turning right into courtyards and other areas adjacent to the road.

Sign 4.1.1 “Move straight”, installed at the beginning of the road section (behind the intersection), prohibits left turns into yards and U-turns in this section, without restricting entries into yards located on the right.

Sign 4.1.1 “Move straight” is also used to prohibit turns in breaks in the dividing strip on road sections between intersections. In this case, the sign is installed only on the dividing strip.

At the gap in the dividing strip, indicated by sign 6.3.1 “Turn point”, a temporary sign 4.1.1 “Move straight ahead” is installed on a portable stand. The requirements of the signs contradict each other. The rules stipulate that in such cases the temporary sign should be followed, i.e. you are only allowed to continue moving straight ahead (trajectory A).

If necessary, sign 4.1.1 may be used to duplicate markings 1.1 or 1.3 separating oncoming traffic flows, while the sign is installed directly at the beginning of the road section.

· Sign 4.1.1, installed before intersections of roadways, applies only to the first intersection behind the sign.

At this intersection, the road being crossed has one carriageway, and therefore sign 4.1.1 “Go straight ahead” prohibits you from turning around at the intersection. If you need to turn around, drive straight ahead and turn around at the intersection.

Sign 4.1.1 “Move straight” in this case only applies to the intersection in front of which it is installed, and does not limit maneuvers on the subsequent section of the road, where you can enter the yard located on the left.

At this intersection, the road being crossed has two carriageways; sign 4.1.1 “Go straight” is only valid at the first intersection of carriageways in front of which it is installed. Therefore, you are only prohibited from turning right onto the first carriageway (direction B).

Sign 4.1.1 “Move straight ahead” allows you to continue moving in the forward direction at this intersection only.

4.1.2 "Movement to the right" Movement is only allowed to the right.

At this intersection, the road being crossed has three carriageways. Sign 4.1.2 “Move to the right” applies only to the first intersection of roadways in front of which it is installed, ordering a right turn onto the first roadway, i.e. only along trajectory A.

Turning left in violation of the requirements prescribed by road signs and (or) markings of the roadway - Fine from 1000 to 1500 rubles (Part 2 of Article 12.16 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation)

4.1.3 "Move to the left."

Driving only to the left or turning is permitted unless markings or other road signs indicate otherwise.

4.1.4 "Move straight or to the right."

Movement is only allowed straight or to the right.

Sign 4.1.4 “Move straight or to the right” allows you to move only in directions A or B. Turning along path B, even if there is a broken marking line 1.7, is prohibited.

On roads with two or more lanes for traffic in a given direction, turning right is permitted only from the right lane, unless markings or other road signs indicate otherwise.

The driver of the red car is allowed to continue driving straight or to the right at the intersection.

The driver of the blue car is only allowed to continue driving straight ahead at the intersection.

Turning left in violation of the requirements prescribed by road signs - Fine from 1000 to 1500 rubles (Part 2 of Article 12.16 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

Failure to comply with the requirements prescribed by road signs and (or) markings of the roadway when entering the adjacent territory or when leaving such territory - Warning or fine of 500 rubles (Part 1 of Article 12.16 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation)

4.1.5 "Move straight or left."

Movement is only allowed straight ahead, to the left, and turning is also allowed, unless markings or other road signs indicate otherwise.

The driver of the red car is only allowed to continue driving straight ahead at the intersection.

The driver of a blue car is allowed to continue driving at the intersection only straight, left or in the opposite direction.

4.1.6 "Movement to the right or left."

Driving is only allowed to the left or right, and U-turns are also permitted unless markings or other road signs indicate otherwise.

Since you are moving in the left lane, you can only continue driving to the left or in the opposite direction (section 8.5). In this case, you are required to turn on the left turn indicators (clause 8.1).

Signs 4.1.3, 4.1.5, 4.1.6 allowing left turns also allow turning, but only from the leftmost lane on two-way roads.

Signs "Avoid obstacles"

They are used to indicate directions to bypass the beginning of fences installed along the axis of the roadway, the beginning of the dividing strip, raised traffic islands and guide islands, and various kinds of obstacles on the roadway.

Signs are installed outside the roadway at the beginning of dividing strips, islands and fences. If there is a cabinet with internal lighting in the indicated places, signs are installed on it.

4.2.1 "Avoiding obstacles on the right."

Avoiding obstacles is only allowed on the right.

4.2.2 "Avoiding obstacles on the left." Detour is permitted only from the direction indicated by the arrow.

When installing temporary signs 4.2.1 -4.2.3 to avoid obstacles, it is allowed to cross a solid marking line.

4.2.3 "Avoiding obstacles on the right or left." Detour is permitted from any direction.

4.3 "Circular movement". Movement in the direction indicated by the arrows is permitted.

Installed at each entrance to an intersection (square) where roundabout traffic is organized.

A turn is allowed only along trajectory A.

Sign 4.3 “Roundabout”, like all “Required signs”, allows traffic only in the directions indicated by arrows on the signs. The effect of these signs (4.1.1 - 4.1.6) applies only to the intersection of roadways in front of which the sign is installed. Otherwise, when entering under the sign, you are instructed to move around the flowerbed counterclockwise, and, therefore, you cannot move in direction “B”. Sign 3.18.1 “No right turn” prohibits turning in direction A.

Driving in violation of the requirements prescribed by road sign 4.3 “Roundabout” into a lane intended for oncoming traffic. Deprivation of the right to drive vehicles for a period of 4 to 6 months (Part 4 of Article 12.15 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation)

4.4.1 "Cycle path or lane for cyclists."

The sign is installed:

To the right of the bicycle path or lane, if it is separated from the roadway by a curb, barrier, lawn, etc.;

Above the roadway with a sign 8.14, if it is separated from the lanes intended for the movement of motor vehicles by markings 1.1.

The main sign is installed at the beginning of the bicycle path, the second one is installed after each intersection of the bicycle path with the road.

Sign 4.4.1 can designate not only a bicycle path, but also a dedicated bicycle lane on the roadway.

Only cyclists over 14 years of age and moped drivers can use the dedicated lane.

4.4.2 "End of a cycle path or lane for cyclists."

Indicates the end of a dedicated bicycle lane or the end of a bicycle lane.

4.5.1 "Pedestrian path".

Pedestrians and cyclists are allowed to move in the cases specified in paragraphs 24.2 - 24.4 of these Rules.

Cyclists over 14 years of age are allowed to ride on a sidewalk or pedestrian path in the following cases:

There are no bicycle and bicycle pedestrian paths, a lane for cyclists, or there is no opportunity to move along them, as well as along the right edge of the roadway or shoulder;

The cyclist accompanies a cyclist under the age of 7 years or transports a child under the age of 7 years on an additional seat, in a bicycle stroller or in a trailer designed for use with a bicycle.

The movement of cyclists aged 7 to 14 years should be carried out only on sidewalks, pedestrian, bicycle and pedestrian paths, as well as within pedestrian zones.

Cyclists under 7 years of age should only ride on sidewalks, pedestrian and bicycle paths (on the pedestrian side), as well as within pedestrian zones.

4.5.2 "Pedestrian and bicycle path with combined traffic (cycle and pedestrian path with combined traffic).

The shared path is suitable for cyclists of all ages.

4.5.3 "End of a pedestrian and bicycle path with combined traffic (end of a bicycle and pedestrian path with combined traffic)."

4.5.4, 4.5.5 "Pedestrian and bicycle path with traffic separation." A bicycle and pedestrian path with a division into bicycle and pedestrian sides of the path, allocated structurally and (or) marked with horizontal markings 1.2.1, 1.2.2, 1.23.2 and 1.23.3 or in another way.

The “Go straight” sign is installed on roads very often. And not all drivers understand exactly how it works. And most importantly, why such a pointer was invented. After all, people usually move in a straight line on roads. Nevertheless, there is a corresponding sign in the traffic rules. Moreover, for violating the operation of the pointer, appropriate punishment is imposed. The road sign "Go straight ahead" plays an important role on the road. Which one? How does it work? What is the penalty for violation?


Before we talk about the rules of action, you will have to learn to distinguish the “Move straight” sign from all the others. This is not so difficult, because its distinctive features are very simple.

What does our index look like today? This is nothing more than a blue circle with an arrow. It is white and points upward. This is the “Go straight ahead” sign. It is easy to distinguish him from all the others. Just a white up arrow on a blue or light blue background in a circle. On the road, such a symbol stands out well.

For what

The effect of the “Go straight” sign is not prohibitive, like most signs. It is prescriptive. And of course, a positive connotation. Indicates that the driver must (obliged) follow the direction shown on the pole.

But this sign is quite insidious. Novice drivers often face huge problems with the "Go Straight" sign. According to the rules, depending on the position of the pole, the rules of conduct on the roads change. Therefore, all the nuances associated with this index will have to be learned.

Methods of application

It should be noted right away: sign 4.1.1 “Drive straight” does not apply to all cars. It may be ignored by route vehicles. But ordinary, ordinary drivers - no. Also, sometimes restrictions are lifted from vehicles with special signals (fire department, ambulance, etc.). No more exceptions.

Sometimes the “Go straight” sign is prohibitive. It indicates that the motorist has no right to make U-turns or turn in a particular area. This type of action is usually observed at intersections. And in this case, the sign is installed exclusively on the dividing strip.

Crossing roads

What to do if you see a "Go straight" sign at an intersection? Do not panic and understand: in such a situation, as has already been noted, only one direction of movement is allowed - in a straight line. No turns or U-turns can be made in this area.

Once you are past the intersection, you can turn around and turn in the direction you need to go. Of course, if no other restrictions are set.

Coverage area

The “Go straight ahead” sign does not allow you to make a U-turn only within the nearest road intersection. That is, if you see this sign, you can cross it, and then turn around as you need.

Remember: the restriction does not apply to all other intersections and intersections. Each one must have its own separate sign. Otherwise, there will be no framework regarding behavior at the intersection regarding your choice of movement.

Other road intersections are not affected by our current sign. It turns out that the distribution will only be where the sign is installed, and only in the direction of your movement. And nothing else.

Surrounding areas

What to do if you notice adjacent areas or roads to an intersection (intersection)? Drivers need to be aware that the “Go Straight” sign does not apply to them. In other words, it is possible to turn into adjacent territories and areas. The sign only relates directly to the intersection of main roads.

From all this we can conclude: our current rule exists to create straight-line movement along roadways. This is his simplest action. It doesn't cause any problems even for beginners. But it has already been said that “Move straight” is a rather insidious sign. What is so suspicious and incomprehensible about it?

Evil is out there somewhere

It is worth paying attention to the situation when the sign is installed in the center of the road. Or on some part of it. This position requires the driver not only to be attentive, but also to have certain knowledge. In traffic rules, such a position is usually called the beginning of the section.

How to behave if you see a “Go straight” sign, for example, after an intersection? In this case, you will have to take into account: the given direction is valid until the next road intersection. Directly before the intersection.

This means that at the intersection itself, “Moving straight” will no longer be considered mandatory. You can make U-turns and turn where you need to go. The most important thing here is the categorical work of the sign. If it is installed at the beginning of a section of road, it must not be turned under any circumstances. Even if there is such a possibility in principle.

Here you can hope for one small exception. “Sneaking” into courtyards or alleys in such a situation is permitted. But nothing more. In other words, adjacent territories are not covered by the sign, even if it was installed after the intersection. But turning left and making U-turns to the nearest intersections are prohibited. This is where the insidiousness of the pointer lies.


Violation of the “Go straight” sign is still punishable by law. Not very harsh, because this is not a prohibitory symbol. Nevertheless, certain measures to combat violators take place.

Most often this is a verbal warning or reprimand. Rest assured, if there is a movement violation, you will definitely get it. But you won't get off that easy. After all, there is also a fine for a “Go straight” sign.

At the moment it is 500 rubles. In some cases, the amount of payments can increase to 1500. It all depends on the situation as a whole. Practice shows that most often drivers pay 500 rubles to a traffic police officer, listen to the traffic rules, receive a verbal reprimand and continue their journey.

In this case, no one has the right to deprive of rights and confiscate the vehicle. Only with rare exceptions. And they apply only to citizens who constantly violate the law and traffic rules on the roads. Here it should be assumed that the vehicle will be sent to the impound lot. Plus, you will be fined a certain amount (from 500 to 1500 rubles), and you will also have to buy the car. This is another additional expense in the form of several thousand.

How to avoid punishment

You can try to avoid the fine. This is not easy to do, but it is possible. If you carefully study the traffic rules, then in addition to the installed signs, there should be appropriate markings in the areas. They are the ones who can help you get out of the situation.

When the markings are almost invisible, no one can punish you for violating them. This is especially true when there is no “Go straight ahead” sign. The Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation even once gave its comment on this issue. And it sounds like this: “No markings - no punishment.”

Perhaps this is the only case when a driver has a real opportunity to avoid a fine for turning in the wrong place. To be on the safe side, you can install a DVR in your car. After all, traffic police officers often insist that drivers violate the rule of the “Go straight ahead” sign and turn around/turn in places other than where it is permitted.

Now we understand the next road sign. And all the nuances of his work too. Pay attention to road markings and sign position. This will help you decide exactly how to behave when driving a car. In any case, the "Go Straight" rule is easier to comply with than many other restrictions. The main thing is to know about all the nuances of the location of the corresponding sign.

Good afternoon, dear reader.

This article will cover mandatory traffic signs, to which part 4 of appendix 1 is devoted. Just like the previously discussed prohibiting road signs, a driver can violate the requirements of mandatory road signs, for which the year provides for penalties ranging from small fines to .

So, today we will consider the following prescriptive signs: moving straight, moving right, moving left, moving straight or to the right, moving straight or left, moving right or left, going around an obstacle on the right, going around an obstacle on the left, going around an obstacle on the right or left.

Go straight ahead sign

Prescriptive road straight ahead sign allows the driver to move only in the forward direction:

Please note that this sign prohibits traffic in all other directions.

Features of the straight ahead sign:

  • If it is installed at an intersection, then its effect applies only to the intersection of roadways in front of which it is installed.
  • If a sign is installed outside an intersection, its effect extends to the nearest intersection. However, it is not prohibited to turn right to enter the adjacent territory.
  • have the right not to comply with the requirements of this sign.

Please note that a straight ahead sign can be installed, for example, in a gap in the dividing strip, to prevent vehicles from turning left and turning around.

Please note that violating the requirements of this sign may result in your vehicle ending up on and moving there in the opposite direction. Naturally, this is quite dangerous, and such a maneuver is punishable by deprivation of rights.

Right movement sign

Sign 4.1.2 “Move to the right” allows the driver to move only to the right:

Driving straight, left or turning is prohibited.

The mandatory sign “Move to the right” is often installed when leaving adjacent areas (parking lots, gas stations) on four or more lane roads.

Left movement sign

Sign 4.1.3 “Move to the left” allows the driver to both turn left and make a U-turn:

Driving to the right or straight ahead is prohibited.

Sign straight ahead or right

Sign 4.1.4 “Move straight or to the right” allows the driver to move in one of the directions indicated by the arrows:

At the same time, left turns and U-turns are prohibited.

Mandatory sign to move straight ahead or to the left

Sign 4.1.5 “Move straight or left” allows you to perform 3 maneuvers: turn around, turn left and move straight:

Turning right is prohibited. This sign completely duplicates the previously discussed “No Right Turn” sign:

Right or left traffic sign

Sign 4.1.6 “Moving right or left” allows you to make a U-turn, turn left and turn right:

The only direction in which you cannot move is straight.

Let's consider the characteristic features of all of the above mandatory signs (4.1.1 - 4.1.6):

  • They apply only to the intersection of roadways in front of which they are installed.
  • They do not apply to public transport.
  • Signs may use other arrow configurations that correspond to a specific roadway intersection.

Penalties for violating signs 4.1.1 - 4.1.6 completely depend on which points of the traffic rules will be additionally violated:

1. If the driver simply violates the requirement of a road sign, then he will be fined in the amount of 500 rubles.

For example, when leaving a yard on a two-lane road without markings, a sign “Move to the left” is installed, and the driver turns right.

2. If the driver turns left or makes a U-turn in a place where this is prohibited by one of the above signs, he will be fined 1,000 - 1,500 rubles.

For example, this can happen when making a U-turn at an intersection where there is a “Move to the right” sign.

3. If the driver, having violated the requirements of any of the above signs, ends up in the lane for fixed-route vehicles, then he will be fined 1,500 rubles (3,000 rubles in Moscow and St. Petersburg).

4. If, after violating a road sign, you enter a one-way road, then the driver will either be fined in the amount of 5,000 rubles, or he will be deprived of his driver’s license for a period of 4 to 6 months.

A complete list of fines for violating traffic rules can be found on the page.

(symbol 4.3.1): reversing the direction of movement is carried out in a certain way. You need to turn to the left, and then in the same direction again. That is, where 4.3.1 is installed, it is not forbidden to drive in the direction opposite to the previous direction of movement. Unless, of course, there is also a sign prohibiting a turn in this zone (3.19).

Signs prohibiting left turns:

  • 3.18.2 restricts traffic in this direction; you can drive in all other directions, including the opposite direction;
  • 4.1.1, 4.1.2, 4.1.4 are instructed to move only where the arrow points;
  • 5.7.1 (blue rectangle with a white arrow) informs that drivers find themselves on a one-way road, they can only go to the right, it is not prohibited to turn around in the area where the sign is valid;
  • 5.13.1 informs that the road going to the left is intended for public transport, ordinary cars and motorcycles are prohibited from driving along it, and turning off is also prohibited;
  • 6.3.1 allows you to turn around, in fact, it designates the place where the maneuver can be performed, but only it is allowed here;
  • 6.3.2 – designation of the territory intended for turning around, providing the opportunity to turn around and prohibiting all other actions.

Signs that allow left turns, in addition to 4.3.1:

  • 4.1.5 you can go straight or deviate to the side, obeying the instructions of the arrows located on the field, you cannot go to the right;
  • 4.1.6 prohibits straight movement, but allows turning in both directions;
  • 5.7.2 installed at an intersection where it is impossible to go to the right;
  • 5.13.2 They are installed where the path going to the right is intended only for public transport, everyone else must go either straight or to the left of the intersection, you can turn around.

U 4.3.1 there is one feature– it is not valid for all road users: it allows public vehicles or minibuses to drive in a different direction.

Rules for crossing intersections may differ depending on what kind of path intersection it is. In this case, if the main road changes trajectory at an intersection, you need to drive through it as if all intersecting paths were equivalent. At the intersection of equivalent roads, the “right hand” rule applies.

Penalty for turning left under sign 3.18.2 is 1000-1500 rub. The same punishment awaits the driver if he performed a maneuver without paying attention to the markings. The violation may also consist of:

  • When marked 4.3.1, the driver drove to the right or straight - a fine of 500 rubles.
  • Under the designation 5.13.1, he turned left and found himself in a lane allocated for public transport - a fine of 1,500 rubles, and if this happened in the capital or St. Petersburg - 3,000 rubles.

Read more in our article about the “Left Turn” sign.

Read in this article

Is it possible to turn around at a left turn sign?

Symbol 4.3.1 is prescriptive, that is, its requirements are subject to mandatory execution. In the area covered by the sign, you are only allowed to drive in the direction indicated by the arrow. Therefore, it is not clear to everyone that if there is a “Turn Left” sign, whether it is possible to turn around in this zone.

Changing the direction of movement to the opposite is performed in a certain way. You need to turn to the left, and then in the same direction again. But it’s not even these features that make the maneuver possible. The traffic rules clearly state:

Signs that allow a left turn also allow a U-turn.

That is, where 4.3.1 is installed, it is not forbidden to drive in the direction opposite to the previous direction of movement. Unless, of course, there is also a sign prohibiting a turn in this zone (3.19).

4.3.1 can be installed at or outside the intersection. This does not change the meaning of the road symbol - it prescribes a change in the trajectory of movement only in accordance with the direction of the arrow.

Which signs allow turning and which do not?

It is not always possible to turn left at an intersection, even if there is a road. There are symbols that do not allow the maneuver. Here are the signs prohibiting left turns:

  • 3.18.2. It directly restricts movement in this direction. You can travel in all other directions, including the opposite direction; the ban does not apply to them.
  • 4.1.1, 4.1.2, 4.1.4. The symbols instruct you to move only where the arrow points. That is, respectively, straight, to the right and in both these directions. Everything else in the territory of their operation is considered a violation. Turning left at a “Straight” or “Right” sign will end in at least a punishment for the driver, and in the worst case, a collision with another vehicle. And the one who neglected the requirements of the symbol will most likely be found guilty of the incident.
  • 5.7.1. Informs motorists that they are on a one-way road. The symbol is a blue rectangle with a white arrow pointing to the right. This is the only direction you can go. It is not prohibited to turn around in the area under 5.7.1.
  • 5.13.1. The symbol informs you that the road going to the left is intended for public transport. This is a “separate road” on which ordinary cars and motorcycles are prohibited. It is impossible to turn under 5.13.1 to the left precisely for this reason.
  • 6.3.1. The symbol allows you to turn around; in fact, it indicates the place where the maneuver can be performed. But only he is allowed here. And you can’t turn left in coverage area 6.3.1.
  • 6.3.2. This is a designation of the area intended for turning around. It can be larger in area than that limited by the previous symbol. But the meaning of 6.3.2 is the same as 6.3.1, that is, providing the opportunity to turn around and prohibiting all other actions.

Here are the signs that allow left turns, in addition to 4.3.1:

  • 4.1.5 . You can drive straight under it or deviate to the side, following the instructions of the arrows located on the field. It is no longer possible to go to the right.
  • 4.1.6 . It prohibits straight movement. But it allows you to turn in both directions.
  • 5.7.2 . The symbol is installed at an intersection where you cannot go right. But in the opposite direction it is possible.
  • 5.13.2. Such a sign is installed where the path going to the right is intended only for public transport. Everyone else must go either straight or to the left of the intersection. You can also turn around here.

4.3.1 has one feature - it is not valid for all road users. The “Turn Left” sign allows public transport and minibuses to travel in a different direction.

Traffic rules and sign “Main road turn left”

Rules for crossing intersections may differ depending on what kind of intersection it is. And many problems arise when they are unequal. Especially where the sign “Turn the main road left” is installed. Actually, in this case there should be two of them: 2.1, indicating the priority of the path, and 8.13, indicating its direction (to the left of the main one). Sections 13.10 and 13.2 of the Traffic Regulations will tell you how to move in this case:

  • If the main road changes path at an intersection, you need to drive through it as if all intersecting paths were equivalent. This also applies to those moving through the secondary.
  • At the intersection of equivalent roads, the “right hand” rule applies. It means the need to give way to someone approaching from this direction. That is, a car in the direction of which another vehicle is traveling on the right must slow down and wait.

The presence of sign 8.13 is also possible next to symbols 2.4 (requirement to give way) and 2.5 (prohibiting movement without stopping). In these cases, those vehicles traveling on the main route have priority.

Punishment for violating the requirements of road symbols

The fine for turning left under sign 3.18.2 is imposed under Part 2 of Article 12.16 of the Administrative Code and amounts to 1000-1500 rubles. The same punishment awaits the driver if he performed a maneuver without paying attention to the markings. The article also works in the case when changing the trajectory of movement is prohibited by other instruction symbols or signs that do not allow this in their area of ​​​​action. At the same time, the “No left turn” sign allows for a U-turn. But there shouldn’t be a 3.19 sign nearby.

When determining the territory covered by the “Turn Left” traffic rules sign, you need to pay attention to the number of lanes on the road. After all, it acts only at the first intersection of paths, if there are several of them. And only on a single-lane road does it cover the entire intersection.

The violation may also consist of:

  • When indicating 4.3.1, the driver drove to the right or straight. In this case, he faces the application of Part 1 of Article 12.16. This fine of 500 rubles.
  • Under the designation 5.13.1, I turned left and found myself on the lane allocated for public transport. Here the motorist “earned” himself part 1.1 of Article 12.17, that is fine of 1500 rubles. And if this happened in the capital or St. Petersburg, you will have to pay 3,000 rubles.

A left turn sign can lead to an accident if the driver performs the maneuver incorrectly. The most difficulties arise at an intersection where several lanes of different directions converge. It is important to occupy the leftmost lane in time, turn on the signal light, and do not forget to give way to those who are moving straight or going to the right.

Pedestrians crossing the roadway also need to give way. If there is a traffic light in the territory of influence of 4.3.1, you should definitely pay attention to its signals.

The “Left Turn” road sign is installed where driving in a different direction may be dangerous. Like other symbols, it should not be ignored. At the same time, 4.3.1 suggests where it is more convenient to perform a complex maneuver. After all, when changing the trajectory of movement in this way, there is a risk of driving onto the oncoming path.

Useful video

How to make a left turn correctly:

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Sign 4.1.1 obliges drivers to move only in the direction shown on the sign (only straight ahead), with the exception of route vehicles. Does not prohibit reversing.


  • Directly at the intersection of roadways; extends its effect only to the first intersection;
  • Behind the crossroads; extends its effect to the next intersection, but at the same time allows a right turn into courtyards or adjacent areas.

Online exam questions for sign 4.1.1 “Move straight ahead”

Answers to examination questions for sign 4.1.1 “Move straight ahead”

Ticket No. 13 Question No. 2

What should you do if you need to turn around?

1. Turn around at this intersection if there are no other vehicles at it.

2. Drive straight and turn around only at the next intersection.

3. Drive straight and turn around after the intersection.

A comment: Sign 4.1.1 “Go straight ahead” applies to the first intersection and prohibits a U-turn; you must drive straight through the intersection and then turn around.

Ticket No. 15 Question No. 2

In which directions are you allowed to continue driving at the intersection?

1. Only B.

2. A or B.

3. B or V.

A comment: Sign 4.1.1 “Move straight” is only valid at the first intersection of roadways in front of which it is installed. You are only prohibited from turning right onto the first roadway. In other directions you can continue moving.

Question No. 16 Question No. 2

Which courtyard can you enter in this situation?

1. Just go left into the courtyard.

2. Just into the courtyard to the right.

3. Anytime.

4. Turns into courtyards are prohibited.

A comment: Sign 4.1.1 “Move straight”, installed behind the intersection, prohibits left turns into courtyards and U-turns in this area, but does not restrict entries into courtyards located on the right.

Ticket No. 17 Question No. 9

What trajectory are you allowed to make a turn on?

1. Only at the intersection - along trajectory A.

2. Only before the intersection - along trajectory B.

3. Along any of the proposed trajectories.

4. Not along any of the proposed trajectories.

A comment: Sign 4.1.1 “Go straight” is installed at the beginning of this section of the road, and its effect ceases at the intersection following it. This means that you can only make a turn along trajectory A. You cannot turn around along trajectory B, since the sign’s instructions are still in effect in this place.

Ticket No. 19 Question No. 2

In which directions are you allowed to continue driving in a passenger car?

1. Just straight.

2. Only left or right.

3. In any.

A comment: Plate 8.4.1 “Type of vehicle” with a picture of a truck applies the mandatory sign 4.1.1 “Driving straight” only to trucks with a permissible maximum weight of more than 3.5 tons. Thus, you can drive through the intersection in any direction.

Ticket No. 20 Question No. 2

Are you allowed to enter the yard beyond the intersection?

1. Yes.

3. Yes, only if you live in this house.


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