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Recently, information appeared that a new type of fraud in the field of compulsory civil liability insurance when issuing an MTPL policy is gaining momentum in Russia. The meaning of insurance fraud is to provide the insurance company with false information about the vehicle, the owner, the persons allowed to drive the vehicle and the region where the vehicle is used.

This allows attackers to underestimate the insurance rate when issuing an electronic policy. How can ordinary car enthusiasts avoid becoming victims of scammers?

According to insurance companies, the share of incorrectly issued electronic insurance policies for MTPL for 2017 averages about 10 percent of all issued electronic insurance policies. This means that about 10% of car owners risk not receiving compensation for damage through no fault of their own.

The fact is that current legislation provides for the following. namely, if, during registration, the insurance company receives or receives inaccurate information about the policyholder, as well as about the subject of insurance, then the legally issued insurance policy will be considered invalid.

That is, if you purchase such a policy with false data, then you cannot and will not be able to count on its validity in any way. and therefore, accordingly, to cover the damage itself. Also, such a policy will not cover losses in road accidents that were caused by your fault. In particular, you will not be able to use such a policy in the direct settlement of losses caused to your car by third parties as a result of the same accident.

Insurance fraud scheme in the market of electronic MTPL policies

Let us remind you (electronic MTPL policies) through special sections of the official websites of insurance companies. This MTPL registration scheme was designed to simplify the procedure for car insurance throughout the country, and was also launched in order to eliminate the abuse of insurance companies in some regions of Russia, which consisted of imposing various third-party insurance services.

As a result, its popularity has grown significantly. Currently, this service has appealed to many car enthusiasts. But unfortunately, not everyone in our country knows how to purchase an e-Osago policy via the Internet. Therefore, they continue to turn to various intermediaries working in the car insurance market.

The danger of such a purchase of a policy due to ignorance and skill lies in the fact that not all intermediaries are bona fide agents or brokers representing Insurance companies. Naturally, there are also criminals who used to be engaged in sales, but today have decided to retrain themselves to sell official electronic policies issued on the basis of obviously unreliable data.

What then is the benefit of insurance fraudsters? The fraud scheme is quite simple. To apply for e-OSAGO, fraudsters submit false data to insurance companies via the Internet in order to minimize the cost of the OSAGO policy.

Let us remind you that when calculating the final cost of an MTPL policy, insurance companies take into account the following, and the holding period vehicle, as well as a regional coefficient. Ultimately, all this data can significantly influence the final cost of the MTPL policy itself.

For example, in Moscow and St. Petersburg the regional coefficient today is -"2". In other regions, the coefficients are correspondingly significantly lower. For example, in the Chechen Republic the regional insurance coefficient when taking out a compulsory motor liability insurance policy is “0.6”.

You understand that with such a difference, the cost of an MTPL policy for the same car for the same driver between regions can differ significantly.

The result is the following. Fraudsters, when issuing a policy to the car owner, despite the fact that they indicate in electronic form on the insurance company’s website all reliable information about the car (for example, the state sign), knowingly provide the insurer with false information about the policyholder and the region of use of this vehicle, and thus thus lowering the insurance rate almost to a minimum.

And as a result, these unscrupulous intermediaries, when applying for a policy, actually pay for it after the fact, only a few thousand rubles, and naturally they charge several times more from the car owner. There are cases where the difference between what the scammers paid and what they received from the driver was 1000% of the profit.

Fraudsters also use various computer programs that allow them to modify the data specified in the printed electronic OSAGO policy. This is done so that the car owner sees his reliable data in the printed form of the e-MTPL policy and does not doubt anything.

As a result of such rapid activity of fraudulent intermediaries, in the insurance market at the moment, according to RSA, in Russia, drivers currently have about 250 - 500 thousand electronic MTPL policies issued on the basis of obviously unreliable data.

What threatens car owners who have taken out such MTPL policies from unscrupulous intermediaries?

In accordance with the law, if a compulsory motor liability insurance policy was issued based on false data, then it cannot be considered valid and cannot cover the liability of the driver who took out such insurance. The maximum that such an MTPL policy is good for is for protection, which, when checking the MTPL policy through the unified RSA database, will find it in this system.

Naturally, traffic police officers will not have any claims against the driver under the policy. But we must remember that the MTPL policy was created to insure the liability of drivers through whose fault an accident may occur. This means that if you buy such a fake OSAGO policy and God forbid, an accident occurs due to your fault, then you will not be able to count on the insurance company to cover all losses caused by you to other cars or participants traffic, that's the law.

How not to buy an electronic MTPL policy issued based on unreliable data?

Since the advent of the possibility of issuing an MTPL policy via the Internet, most agents, brokers and other insurance intermediaries have also switched to electronic registration of MTPL insurance policies. It’s even more convenient for them, since they don’t have to worry about having the MTPL forms themselves, which, as usual, are in short supply.

That is why many car enthusiasts currently have . So today, car enthusiasts do not have any questions about such black and white copies of e-OSAGO. Moreover, now traffic police officers do not have the right to demand from drivers a compulsory motor liability insurance policy issued strictly only on Gosznak forms.

But there is one thing -But... Unfortunately, such black and white copies of e-OSAGO forms are easily forged by scammers. Therefore, you must obviously understand from whom you are purchasing this MTPL policy, and also realize that the MTPL policy could not have become twice as cheap in a year. After all, it is precisely the low cost of insurance that scammers lure gullible motorists into their networks. Therefore, it is better not to trust insurance intermediaries who promise to issue you compulsory motor liability insurance at half the price. Remember that there is definitely some kind of catch hidden in this.

Including, after purchasing a compulsory motor liability insurance policy, you must check whether the data was submitted by the intermediary to the insurance company to be accurate. To do this, you will either have to visit the official representative office of the company in your region of residence (branch of the insurance company) or check your MTPL policy via the Internet.

Among other things, we advise you to check the cost of the MTPL policy for which you paid a certain amount. This can be done on the official website of the insurance company by going to a special section for issuing electronic policies. It is also advisable to check the cost of your MTPL policy on the websites of other insurance companies that issue electronic e-MTPL policies via the Internet.

If in several insurance companies the online calculation of the cost of e-OSAGO significantly exceeds the amount you previously paid to intermediaries, then there is a possibility that the one who issued you insurance when sending data to the insurance organization indicated deliberately false information about both you and your car, and about your region of residence.

In this case, immediately demand a refund for the policy. And then contact a reputable insurer.

The MTPL online sales system launched in January may change - participants of the Central Bank's expert council on insurance at a meeting on Friday discussed the admission of intermediaries to sales of electronic policies. Currently, agents and brokers are prohibited from doing this.

Previously, the insurance lobby convinced the Central Bank that a ban on intermediaries would curb the risks of fraud. But now the regulator insists that aggregator sites will significantly increase the availability of compulsory policies and reduce insurers’ costs.

As the Bank of Russia reported, participants in the expert council on insurance “noted the relevance of lifting restrictions on the activities of insurance agents and insurance brokers” in electronic sales of insurance products. Let us remind you that from January 1, 2017, the law on compulsory motor liability insurance obligated insurers to sell auto insurance policies on their websites. At the same time, the law prohibits the participation of any intermediaries - brokers, agents - in the sales process. The ban was based on insurers' arguments about the risks of fraud.

“The ban on electronic sales through insurance intermediaries seriously reduces the opportunities for the development of online insurance,” the Central Bank said in a statement following the event. “Providing them with the opportunity to work on the Internet, primarily as aggregator sites, will significantly increase the level of availability of insurance services for consumers, will increase competition and reduce insurers’ costs.” Kommersant’s interlocutor, familiar with the Central Bank’s position on this issue, argues: “When buying airline tickets or staying in hotels, the consumer uses aggregator sites, why doesn’t he have such an opportunity in OSAGO? Consumers should get the most technologically advanced option possible.”

However, representatives of the insurance community are not yet ready to quickly admit intermediaries to MTPL. “To allow agents and brokers to participate in the electronic sales of voluntary insurance products, standards for such intermediaries should be developed,” says Evgeny Ufimtsev, deputy head of the Russian Union of Auto Insurers (RUA). “In terms of compulsory motor liability insurance, the ban on the admission of intermediaries should be maintained until the end of next year. The regulation on mandatory sales of e-MTPL is only a few months old, there are a number of technological difficulties that need to be eliminated, and in addition, the risks of fraud are still high.”

According to RSA, from January 1 to March 21, 2017, 627 thousand e-OSAGO contracts were concluded. In 2016, when such sales were voluntary for insurers, the number of policies sold in this way amounted to 331 thousand. On average, car owners enter into 7.7 thousand contracts with insurers electronically per day, on some days this figure reaches 15 thousand. The largest number contracts are concluded electronically in regions that insurers call toxic due to the large volume of losses— Krasnodar region, Volgograd and Rostov regions, Stavropol region.

Insurers are confident that intermediaries are already circumventing the ban on participation in electronic sales. It is alleged that in March 2017, about 30% of Rosgosstrakh electronic policies were purchased through intermediaries. “Policies are either purchased from the same IP or paid from the same bank card,” TASS quoted the speech of Rosgosstrakh vice-president Renat Konurbaev at an event on e-commerce at OSAGO. “The same phone numbers are used or fictitious email addresses are created that are used to enter Personal Area. The combination of all these parameters allows us to make the assumption that this is not a direct client and the insurance company, but someone standing between us.” According to him, the service of issuing an electronic policy by an intermediary costs from 500 to 1 thousand rubles. The danger with intermediaries is that they can cancel the payment transaction - the policy will become invalid without the policyholder knowing about it.

Let us note that the Central Bank and the market are confident that changes regarding the admission of intermediaries to electronic insurance sales will not happen quickly and will be implemented no earlier than 2018.


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Recently, the President of the Russian Union of Auto Insurers (RSA), Igor Yurgens, said that the RSA was faced with the first facts of fraud during the implementation of electronic OSAGO policies.

“The champions in purchasing electronic policies are the Krasnodar Territory, Rostov and Volgograd regions, where crime is the highest, where scammers are buying up these policies, since people over 40 and 50 years old have difficulty filling out information,” said I. Yurgens.

Fraudsters, under various pretexts, ask people who have difficulty filling out information to sign the right to claim the assignment. After this, a whole series of fraudulent operations begins, said I. Yurgens.

Renat Konurbaev, head of the direct sales development department of Rosgosstrakh PJSC, reported that more than 50% of purchases of electronic MTPL policies, sales of which began in Russia on July 1, 2015, were made by intermediaries.

“Someone profited from this, from helping their closest relative or neighbor. In general, the law says that mediation in electronic compulsory motor liability insurance is expressly prohibited,” recalled R. Konurbaev.

The issue of intermediation in electronic compulsory motor liability insurance may become especially acute when the sale of e-policies becomes mandatory for all insurers operating in this market.

Market participants interviewed by have not particularly encountered fraud, but are ready to predetermine possible schemes of fraudsters and propose measures to combat them.

“So far, Zetta Insurance LLC has not encountered fraud in the sales segment of electronic policies. But we can predetermine possible fraud schemes with compulsory motor liability insurance,” said Konstantin Agafonov, deputy director of the investigation department for loss settlement of Zetta Insurance LLC. For example, the expert notes, the sale of electronic compulsory motor liability insurance at a premium, when an intermediary resells a policy issued on the company’s website. The danger for the insurance company in this case may lie in reputational losses.

As K. Agafonov explained, fraud associated with double sales is also possible. When an attacker sells a fake policy in pdf format with a number that has already been sold previously. “Such a policy will be available on the RSA website. After all, it is legitimate, just registered to another client. When checking on the RSA website, it is not visible to whom the MTPL policy is issued. Only valid/not valid,” said K. Agafonov, adding that this is an obvious fraud, which must be dealt with jointly with law enforcement agencies.

Deputy general director Liberty Insurance Alexander Potitov also reported that the company had not identified any intermediaries in the sales of e-policies.

However, as A. Potitov explained, this kind of fraud can occur in two ways:

– issuing an e-policy after an accident, in the information about which the time of the accident will be indicated later than the actual one. This kind of fraud is possible with the participation of traffic police officers or with registration of an accident according to the Europrotocol.

– return of someone else’s money to your account by terminating the contract. The fact is that the intermediary, when issuing an e-policy on the insurer’s website in his personal account, indicates himself as the insured (the law does not limit the ability to enter into MTPL agreements in relation to vehicles that do not belong to the insured). In this case, the intermediary, being the policyholder, also receives the right to terminate the contract.

As A. Potitov explained, thus, having received an insurance premium from the car owner in cash and transferring it to the insurance company on his own behalf, after some time the intermediary can contact the insurer with a legal requirement to terminate the MTPL policy and return part of the premium. The insurance company is required to make the calculation, make the legally required deductions, and return the remainder of the premium to the policyholder. The policy will cease to be valid. The owner of the car, not knowing anything about it, will use the vehicle with an inactive policy, and the intermediary will enrich himself by the amount of the return of the premium.

According to A. Potitov, the simplest and effective way The fight against intermediaries in e-OSAGO is to legislate the issuance of an e-policy only in the case where the policyholder is the owner of the vehicle.

In addition, Zetta Insurance noted that unscrupulous intermediaries in the sale of auto insurance policies are the biggest problem for the insurance company.

“The company has encountered fraud when selling car insurance policies. The most a big problem For an insurance company, fraught with both property and reputational damage, these are unscrupulous intermediaries who enter into agency agreements, initially with the intent to deceive, and not to work honestly. The actions of such persons often show signs of insurance fraud,” said Konstantin Agafonov.

The Zetta Insurance company, among other things, carries out targeted work to identify fraudsters (insiders), noted K. Agafonov. A leak prevention system (DLP) has been implemented and used, employee actions in the company’s information systems are monitored and “anomalous” activity is identified, only the necessary rights to the company’s information systems are granted and regularly reviewed.

The MTPL online sales system launched in January may change - participants of the Central Bank's expert council on insurance at a meeting on Friday discussed the admission of intermediaries to sales of electronic policies. Currently, agents and brokers are prohibited from doing this. Previously, the insurance lobby convinced the Central Bank that a ban on intermediaries would curb the risks of fraud. But now the regulator insists that aggregator sites will significantly increase the availability of compulsory policies and reduce insurers’ costs.

As the Bank of Russia reported, participants in the expert council on insurance “noted the relevance of lifting restrictions on the activities of insurance agents and insurance brokers” in electronic sales of insurance products. Let us remind you that from January 1, 2017, the law on compulsory motor liability insurance obligated insurers to sell auto insurance policies on their websites. At the same time, the law prohibits the participation of any intermediaries - brokers, agents - in the sales process. The ban was based on insurers' arguments about the risks of fraud.

“The ban on electronic sales through insurance intermediaries seriously reduces the opportunities for the development of online insurance,” the Central Bank said in a statement following the event. “Providing them with the opportunity to work on the Internet, primarily as aggregator sites, will significantly increase the level of availability of insurance services for consumers, will increase competition and reduce insurers' costs." Kommersant’s interlocutor, familiar with the Central Bank’s position on this issue, argues: “When buying airline tickets or staying in hotels, consumers use aggregator sites, why doesn’t he have such an opportunity in OSAGO? Consumers should get the most technologically advanced option.”

However, representatives of the insurance community are not yet ready to quickly admit intermediaries to MTPL. “To allow agents and brokers to participate in electronic sales of voluntary insurance products, standards should be developed for such intermediaries,” says Evgeniy Ufimtsev, deputy head of the Russian Union of Auto Insurers (RUA). “In terms of compulsory motor liability insurance, the ban on the admission of intermediaries should be maintained until the end of next year. The norm on compulsory sales e-OSAGO is only a few months old, there are a number of technological difficulties that need to be resolved, and in addition, the risks of fraud are still high."

According to RSA, from January 1 to March 21, 2017, 627 thousand e-OSAGO contracts were concluded. In 2016, when such sales were voluntary for insurers, the number of policies sold in this way amounted to 331 thousand. On average, car owners enter into 7.7 thousand contracts with insurers electronically per day, on some days this figure reaches 15 thousand. The largest number contracts are concluded electronically in regions that insurers call toxic due to the large volume of losses - Krasnodar Territory, Volgograd and Rostov Regions, Stavropol Territory.

Insurers are confident that intermediaries are already circumventing the ban on participation in electronic sales. It is alleged that in March 2017, about 30% of Rosgosstrakh electronic policies were purchased through intermediaries. “Policies are either purchased from the same IP or paid from the same bank card,” TASS quoted the speech of Rosgosstrakh vice-president Renat Konubraev at an e-commerce event at OSAGO. “The same phone numbers are used or fictitious numbers are created email addresses that are used to enter your personal account. The combination of all these parameters allows us to make the assumption that this is not a direct client and an insurance company, but someone standing between us." According to him, the service of issuing an electronic policy by an intermediary costs from 500 to 1 thousand rubles. The danger with intermediaries is that they can cancel the payment transaction - the policy will become invalid without the policyholder knowing about it.

Let us note that the Central Bank and the market are confident that changes regarding the admission of intermediaries to electronic insurance sales will not happen quickly and will be implemented no earlier than 2018.

electronic sales in insurance once again raised the question of the need to allow intermediaries - aggregators and brokers - into this market. However, within the insurance community this issue caused a real split: the votes for and against were divided almost equally. listened to the arguments of both sides.
Through the mediation of the Central Bank
The rapid e-MTPL (in 2016 and the first half of 2017, more than 3 million contracts were concluded, 90% of them in 2017) and electronic sales in insurance in general forced the regulator to return to the issue of allowing intermediaries to participate in electronic sales . Thus, Deputy Chairman of the Bank of Russia Vladimir Chistyukhin said at an international conference on insurance in July that the prohibitions that currently exist in terms of allowing intermediaries to participate in electronic sales are unfounded. The Central Bank plans to change this situation, but it is necessary to create standards for intermediaries, a representative of the regulator noted. As an option to control intermediaries, Chistyukhin named the creation of a register of brokers and agents who will engage in electronic sales.
Let us remind you that the bill on the admission of intermediaries and simplification of client identification for insurers was submitted to the State Duma back in April, but has not yet even reached the first reading. “The bill proposes to establish the possibility of concluding and maintaining insurance contracts by insurance agents - legal entities and insurance brokers in the form of electronic documents, says the explanatory note to the document. “At the same time, the rights of consumers of insurance services are protected by the rules on the full responsibility of the insurance organization for the activities of insurance intermediaries acting on its behalf in relations with consumers.” The introduction of the proposed changes will make insurance a more accessible service for the widest range of policyholders, and the interaction between consumers and insurance organizations will be as fast as possible and significantly less costly, the authors of the legislative initiative are confident.
in general, he supports the idea, emphasizing that the development of electronic sales is one of the strategic objectives of the industry. However, insurers do not want to speed up the implementation of the idea in relation to e-MTPL.
The attitude of market participants to this idea varies radically. Some are confident that intermediaries should be allowed immediately: this will increase the availability of compulsory motor insurance and competition, and will also help fight fraudsters. Others, on the contrary, believe that allowing intermediaries will give attackers room for creativity and will only worsen the problems.
Team “against”: “We just can’t get rid of scammers - there’s no time for intermediaries”
Representatives of the team opposing the admission of intermediaries to the market for the sale of electronic OSAGO policies enter the “ring” of
“There should be no mediation in the electronic OSAGO policy yet”
Evgeny Ufimtsev, executive director of the Russian Union of Auto Insurers ():
- We do not currently support this (mediation in e-OSAGO sales), because the system (AIS - note) is still subject to technically very high risks: both phishing attacks and fraudulent activities. Our system was not designed for this, so we are now planning to spend a billion rubles to develop a more powerful information system. This will take about a year and a half, then we will probably be ready to launch agents and others. Bye existing system can provide insurers and consumers with various requests, but, unfortunately, it will not withstand the massive demand on the market now.
We are not strategically against agents, maybe in the future they will be, but not in the next one and a half to two years. We stated this at the expert council, and the Central Bank heard us. There should be no mediation in the electronic policy yet. Let the system work, let us develop our own new system, then we are ready to return to this discussion.
“We are concerned about the desire to allow intermediaries into electronic compulsory motor liability insurance”
Dmitry Markarov, General Director of JSC "":
- Electronic MTPL allows scammers who specialized in fake policies to make money with all their hearts. We are alarmed by the desire to legalize this moment, to allow intermediaries into it. There’s no way we can sort things out here—there’s no time for intermediaries. Let's do at least something to combat fraud, and only then let's allow intermediaries.
“It is necessary to allow intermediation in electronic sales of compulsory motor liability insurance when insurers can determine prices themselves”
Alexander Potitov, Deputy General Director of Liberty Insurance:
- It is necessary to allow mediation in electronic sales of compulsory motor liability insurance later, when insurance companies will be able to determine prices themselves based on their own statistics and business objectives.
“The active development of online aggregators in problematic insurance segments seems premature”
Tatyana Kudryavtseva, head of the underwriting department at OSAGO Zetta Insurance LLC:
- Development of online aggregators as full-fledged participants insurance market In general, this is a positive phenomenon, as it contributes to the development of competition. And today, in those insurance segments where the market is formed and is developing steadily, there are no problems of the legislative framework and mutual responsibility; online services are becoming a convenient and effective channel for selling insurance policies (for example, insurance for traveling abroad).
On the other hand, the activities of online services are not yet sufficiently regulated at the legislative level. Only recently was an attempt made to define the concept of “commodity aggregator” (draft bill No. 126869-7 “On amendments to the law Russian Federation“On the Protection of Consumer Rights”) and establish the responsibility of the electronic trading platform for the accuracy of information. The normative act has not yet been adopted. Amendments to the law on cash register equipment obligated aggregators to issue fiscal receipts, but the extent to which the services comply with the law is unknown. Therefore, the active development of online aggregators in problematic insurance segments, especially in compulsory motor liability insurance, where the issue of the reliability of the data provided by the insured is already most acute, seems premature.
But as soon as all problematic issues are properly regulated by law, the undoubted advantages of online aggregators associated with increasing the availability of insurance services and developing competition in the market should be realized.
“We may be allowed to sell electronic policies for voluntary types of insurance”
Daria Ermolina, director of communications at Tinkoff Insurance:
- Aggregators may be allowed to sell electronic policies for voluntary types of insurance as part of standard products. At the same time, it is too early to allow intermediaries into e-OSAGO, since the risk of fraud is increased for both insurers and car owners.
“Aggregators will not help solve the accumulated problems of MTPL”
Vasily Busarov, director of insurance "":
- At the moment, aggregators and brokers are already de facto quite successfully working with insurers, for example, in insurance of comprehensive insurance and those traveling abroad.
However, today aggregators will not help solve the accumulated problems of compulsory motor liability insurance (car lawyers, fraud, very high unprofitability in many regions and segments) and will not be able to make compulsory motor liability insurance more accessible to the client.
Overall, in our opinion, it is now necessary to focus on solving common problems industry.
Team “for”: “Mediation activities urgently need to be transferred to a legally and physically transparent plane”
The team of supporters of the immediate admission of intermediaries to the sale of e-MTPL had their own compelling arguments.
“We are in favor of allowing intermediary activities in all types of insurance online”
Tatyana Puchkova, Deputy General Director for Marketing and Development:
- We advocate allowing intermediary activities in all types of insurance online. This is important for consumers, Russians and businesses, us and the entire community as a whole. The first reason is transparency in interaction. Now there is a shadow, unregulated intermediary activity that urgently needs to be transferred to a legally and physically transparent level: registers of agents, aggregators, transparent contracts, protection of citizens’ interests, etc.
It is no secret that so far online intermediary activities exist only through strange contracts that harm the community as a whole, adding grayness and opacity to the image of insurance.
“This measure is already late”
Nikolay Tyurnikov, founder of the osaGO mobile platform:
- The admission of intermediaries is not only timely, this measure is already late. This should solve some of the problems with compulsory motor liability insurance, with the availability of policies, for example. The aggregator will not be interested in limiting sales, since he receives a commission for this.
Clients who want to buy compulsory motor liability insurance still face difficulties when purchasing a policy. Providing aggregators with the opportunity to sell policies will give clients the opportunity to take out a policy where they are used to being, where it is convenient for them. To prevent the removal of restrictions on the sale of electronic policies for marketplaces from leading to an increase in fraud (when, having paid money, the client receives a non-existent policy), it is possible, as in the case of the register of official websites of insurance companies of the Bank of Russia, to compile a register of marketplaces that sell e-OSAGO .
Selling policies online is only half the battle. Obtaining a truly new user experience is possible only with a full online cycle - from purchasing a policy to making payments or terminating the contract and returning the insurance premium. This is the direction in which aggregators and insurance companies themselves will be experimenting in the near future.
“This will increase competition and benefit the market.”
Evgeniy Demidov, head of the Internet sales department of the company "":
- We need to allow intermediaries into electronic sales right now. This will increase competition and benefit the market. Developing cooperation with Internet companies is an important task of Ingosstrakh’s Internet sales.
"The registration procedure insurance policy should be as simple as buying an airline ticket."
Dmitry Zhukov, head of the Insurance department at
- As an aggregator, we now offer calculation of the cost of an MTPL policy. Inquiries in the financial supermarket show great demand for this service. It is more convenient and easier for the client to enter all the data - his and the car's - once and receive ready-made offers from different companies. Now we are forced to redirect to the insurance company’s website, which complicates the process, and various technical glitches occur from time to time. If we could act as agents, the client would receive an electronic policy of the selected company immediately on the website, he would not have to jump from site to site and enter additional data. We can store data, and if the client wishes, changing the insurer for the next year can actually happen in one click. We want the procedure for obtaining an insurance policy to be as simple and accessible as, say, buying an airline ticket.
“The intermediary in the transaction must be a licensed brokerage organization”
Pavel Ozerov, Deputy CEO of insurance broker MainsInsurance:
- I support the initiative to allow aggregators to fully issue insurance for electronic platform with some restrictions. The intermediary in the transaction must be a licensed brokerage organization. This will narrow the circle of potentially unscrupulous participants, since the issue of obtaining a license already implies integrity checks. Also, the new chart of accounts will allow the Bank of Russia to study the activities of the intermediary in more detail and control the “toxicity” of the business. Second condition: the IT systems used must, in addition to certification Federal service on technical and export controls regarding personal data laws, contain a check for potential fraud. The algorithm for such verification has yet to be developed and approved by the Central Bank.
Despite the large number of doubters, the market has already begun to de facto prepare for the fact that aggregators and brokers will soon come into electronic sales. For example, Yandex.Money recently launched the Yandex.Insurance service in test mode. “We are currently fine-tuning processes with our partners. We will inform you about the details and plans for the development of the service in the near future,” the Yandex press service responded to - As for the bill, until the final adoption of the law, it is premature to draw conclusions about which services can be called intermediaries. For our part, we provide clients with services in accordance with the profile of our business and current legislation.”


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