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The automatic transmission is presented as a type of transmission, the operation of which is based on the selection of a suitable gear ratio in an automatic manner without the participation of the driver. The choice of the gear ratio directly depends on the speed, the nature of the movement and some other parameters.

Another feature is that there is no clutch pedal in such machines, so it is carried out using a torque converter, the purpose of which is to transfer torque to the wheels.

For more information on how and what it happens, read the article of our specialist.

Read about how to adjust with an automatic transmission in the material of our author.

Drivers still argue that there is nothing more convenient and reliable than a manual transmission, but the facts speak for themselves - drivers prefer cars with automatic transmission more and more often.

Despite significant changes in the legislation, due to which drivers with automatic transmissions can obtain special rights, beginners continue to be taught only mechanics. For this reason, many do not know the features and principles of driving a car with an automatic transmission.

If you still do not know how to do it right, then be sure to read the interesting and most useful article of our specialist.

You can find information about what is and how it differs from automation in the article of our expert.

Automatic transmission operating modes

Basic modes

It is of paramount importance to familiarize yourself with the operating modes of the automatic transmission, since it will not be possible to drive on the machine without these nuances. So, what are the designations of the letters on the "automatic" box and what gears do they mean?

  1. P - Parking... This mode involves blocking the shaft and driving wheels. The relevance of use is observed if the driver leaves the car or during a long stop. Only after a complete stop of the vehicle is it allowed to activate this mode, otherwise the gearbox may fail. To activate another position from this mode, you must use the brake pedal. If the surface is relatively flat, there is no need to use a parking brake. On a steep slope, follow the handbrake activation and deactivation scheme. To set, pull the handbrake while holding the brake, then release it, and the car will move a little. It just remains to activate the "P" position. To release the handbrake, switch the lever to the driving mode and remove it from the handbrake while holding the brake.
  2. N - Neutral gear... It is relevant if you need to move the car a short distance with the engine running, for example, in a car service. Some drivers believe that activating this mode while driving down a hill will save fuel. In fact, this is not the case, since you still have to switch to D mode, which will put the gearbox under additional stress. Also, driving on "automatic" does not require activation of the neutral position during short stops, for example, at traffic lights.
  3. R - Reverse... The mode must be activated if necessary to move in reverse. It is permissible to switch to this mode only after pressing the brake pedal and completely stopping the machine. Activation of the mode in question while driving will lead to breakdown of engine elements, transmission and the gearbox itself (read how to do it on automation in the article of our expert).
  4. D - Basic driving mode... It is this mode that is often used to drive forward. Driving is possible at any available vehicle speed from zero to maximum.
  5. L - First gear only... Used for off-road driving or other difficult road conditions. Switching to this mode is unacceptable if the car is moving at a speed higher than 15 km / h.
  6. 2 - Only the first 2 transfers... Suitable for driving on a winding mountain road. Another option is to tow another vehicle or trailer. Driving at speeds above 80 km / h is an obstacle to the activation of this mode.

Additional modes

Since it is possible to drive a machine around the city correctly only with knowledge of all the designations, it is also worth considering additional modes of operation of the automatic transmission.

  1. « Kick-down» ... The mode is activated by a sharp drowning of the gas pedal, which is accompanied by automatic switching of the automatic transmission to two or one gears down for a sharp acceleration. The engine speed in this case is higher when compared with the classic acceleration. Sharp acceleration from a standstill using the mode in question is unacceptable, otherwise the gearbox mechanism will take on too much load. The minimum permissible speed for activating "Kick-down" is 20 km / h.
  2. OverDrive (O / D)... You can see this button on the gearbox lever of vehicles with gearboxes designed for more than three gears. The use of fourth gear is permissible if the button is pressed. When released, the O / D OFF lamp lights up, in this mode you can overtake cars by quickly accelerating. The action of the button is aimed at prohibiting shifting above third gear, which ensures fast acceleration. In some cases, it is customary to use this mode during a prolonged climb, if the box begins to switch between third and fourth gears, and the motor does not have enough traction.
  3. SNOW... Since it is necessary to drive an automatic transmission correctly at any time of the year, it is worth dealing with the winter mode. This is a button for blocking the inclusion of the first gear, due to which acceleration is provided immediately from the second. The risk of slipping the drive wheels is significantly reduced. Also, the car becomes less active due to the use of lower rpm for switching, but the safety of driving a vehicle in a snowy road increases. Due to the minimum fuel consumption in this mode, some motorists use it in the summer, but it is better not to do this, since the torque converter actively heats up and takes on the entire load. In winter it is designed for this, but not in summer.
  4. WR / SPORT... It is customary to drive actively in this mode. Activation is accompanied by high revs, acceleration is fast, but fuel is consumed to the maximum.

Features of using automatic transmission

This principle of driving a car with an automatic transmission confuses drivers who have previously used “mechanics”, since it is necessary to drive an “automatic” box using only one leg. For the second, there is a special stand on the left.

It is extremely dangerous to use both feet to drive such a vehicle. This is due to the fact that if one foot is on the gas and the other is on the brake, when an obstacle occurs in front, the driver sharply presses the brake, but the inertia force is triggered and the body moves forward, due to which there is a risk of pressing the gas pedal as well. Braking in such a situation will clearly not be effective.

Simple and at the same time very useful tips and rules regarding how you can learn from the article of our specialist.

You can find out about the features and nuances of work by reading an interesting article by our expert.

How to get under way

First of all, start the engine and warm it up, since it is unacceptable to get under way on an automatic machine with a cold engine. At positive temperatures, the waiting time is reduced to two minutes, which will ensure that the gearbox reaches operating mode due to the even distribution of the oil. The lower the temperature outside the window, the longer it will take to warm up the engine. In cold weather, we are talking about 10 minutes or more.

The engine can only be started in the "N" or "P" positions. The latter option is preferable. If the machine does not start, make sure the lever is in the correct position. You can start driving after warming up, to do this, activate one of the driving modes by switching the lever and wait for a small push. Pressing the throttle suddenly before pushing can lead to breakage!

You can read detailed information about having an automatic transmission in the material of our expert.

Learn how the replacement takes place and what precautions should be taken from the article of our specialist.

How to brake

Since it is quite difficult to drive the “automatic” after the “mechanics”, gaps in knowledge can be both at the stage of starting and at the stage of braking. There are few rules here, mainly the principle of pressing the brake pedal works when it is necessary to stop, but there are some nuances.

  1. Stopping in front of a zebra or traffic light is carried out in the "D" mode. Just sink the brake pedal.
  2. Neutral mode can be activated when there is a lingering traffic jam if you want to save on gasoline. We are talking about a parking lot with a duration of more than 30 seconds. The brake pedal must not be released, otherwise there is a risk of accidentally hitting other cars.
  3. If you are sure of a prolonged stop of movement on the highway, switch to "P" so that your right leg is slightly relaxed.

Do not overly trust the vehicle's automation and refuse to use the handbrake. The relevance of its use is observed at any prolonged stop, according to the instruction manual for the car.

Also, the use of a parking brake is advisable in the following cases:

  • stop on the slope;
  • stop for changing wheels;
  • stopping while the engine is running.


The possibility of towing a vehicle with an automatic transmission is considered by many drivers, but the only condition in this case is a speed of less than 50 km / h, an activated neutral position and a running engine. The range of such towing should not exceed 50 km. If you can't start the car, using the services of a tow truck will be cheaper than repairing the checkpoint.

If you are acting as a towing driver, remember the following nuances:

  • the machine does an excellent job with not too heavy trailers;
  • the vehicle you are towing must be the same weight or lighter than your vehicle;
  • it is better to avoid such manipulations altogether if there are alternative options.

Launch from the "tug"

In this case, there is no consensus, and drivers perform such manipulations at their own peril and risk. If there are no alternative solutions and you are confident in yourself as an experienced driver, you can take the risk and use the following instructions.

  1. Activate neutral and start the engine.
  2. Press the gas pedal once in cold weather and start towing.
  3. Reach 50 km / h if the transmission is warm, or 30 km / h if it is cold. Continue driving for 2 minutes, during which time the oil pressure in the transmission will reach the required level.
  4. Move the lever to position 2 and press the accelerator pedal as soon as the engine starts to rotate.
  5. Return the lever to neutral when the engine starts.
  6. If after a few seconds this does not happen, do not insist. The transmission will overheat if you do not return to neutral.
  7. Run the car in neutral and repeat the steps.

Even taking into account the higher cost, a car with an automatic transmission provides greater comfort, and also greatly simplifies the operation of the vehicle (especially when we talk about novice drivers).

At the same time, taking into account the seeming ease of operation, the "automatic" also needs to be used correctly. In other words, you need to know how to operate an automatic transmission, since certain errors can lead not only to a reduction in the resource, but also to serious damage to the automatic transmission.

In this article, we will consider the modes and features of operation, since robotic transmissions of manual transmission () differ from automatic transmissions and will be considered separately.

Read in this article

How to change gears on "automatic"

Let's start with the fact that using the box is quite simple and convenient. When driving, such a box itself selects the required gear ratio, taking into account the load on the engine, the speed of the vehicle, the position of the gas pedal, etc.

As for the driver, the main task is to select the desired mode using the selector in the car. At the same time, in practice, not all drivers know how the automatic transmission modes switch to control the gearbox and what they mean.

So, let's consider a traditional hydromechanical automatic transmission (automatic transmission with). Automatic transmission control assumes the following modes:

  • P - parking mode, parking. The automatic transmission selector can be switched to this mode after a complete stop of the car if no further driving is planned (the car is parked). Also in this mode, you can start the internal combustion engine (for example, for warming up).

The only thing to avoid breakdowns, if the car stands on an uneven ground (there is a significant slope), first you need to tighten the parking brake ("handbrake"), and only then put the selector in the "parking" mode.

Without going into details, when setting in the "P" mode, a blocking is triggered in the box, that is, the car will not roll forward or backward. However, in the event that there is a slope and the parking brake is not applied, the entire load falls on a rather fragile locking mechanism.

By the way, there is no urgent need to apply the parking brake when parking on a flat area. This allows you not to use the handbrake in winter, which, in turn, excludes freezing of the rear brake pads, wedging of the brake cylinders, etc. (especially in the case of drum rear brakes).

  • D - moving forward, gears are switched automatically. This mode is standard for automatic transmissions.

When driving in "drive" mode, in the event of a short stop (for example, at a traffic light), the driver just needs to hold the car by pressing the brake pedal. In this case, it is not necessary to transfer to the selector in P mode. Also, when you release the brake pedal, a car with an automatic transmission will not roll back if the road has a slope.

  • R - reverse, reverse. Enabling this mode means that the car with automatic transmission will only move backward (reverse gear is engaged).

Please note that you can turn on R mode only when the car is completely stopped. Moreover, switching to this mode should be carried out only when the brake pedal is depressed. This prevents the vehicle from rolling forward or backward if the vehicle is parked on uneven ground.

  • N - neutral gear (neutral, neutral). This mode means that the box and the engine are open. This mode allows you to warm up the engine, tow a car with automatic transmission without hanging the driving wheels, etc.

It should be borne in mind that if the car is set to N mode, the car will roll on a slope without the brake pedal pressed or the handbrake on.

  • Modes D3, D2, D1 (on different automatic transmissions they are designated L2, L or can be simply designated 3, 2, 1, etc.) are actually blocking the inclusion of high gears.

For example, D1 or L means that the car will only move in the first gear, D2 means that the gearbox will not shift higher than the second gear, etc. These modes are necessary for severe operating conditions (for example, driving in "tightness", driving at low speed, driving on snow, ice, slippery surfaces).

In these modes, a more pronounced effect of engine braking is manifested, which facilitates driving on mountain serpentines, roads with frequent descents and ascents, etc.

  • Additional automatic transmission modes from different manufacturers can be designated: S-sport mode, E - economical, W - winter, etc.

For example, in sport mode, the machine will "tighten" the shift and shift up to a higher gear at high engine speeds. This allows the car to dynamically accelerate from a standstill and overtake.

In the economy mode, gear changes, on the contrary, will occur earlier, the engine does not "spin up", and the mode itself is suitable for a quiet ride.

In W (winter) or S (snow) mode, the transmission distributes the torque so that the drive wheels do not slip. To put it simply, the car starts off not from the first, but immediately from the second gear.

Winter automatic mode assumes that the gears are shifted smoothly (at reduced engine speeds). This is necessary in order to achieve smooth shifting and eliminate the likelihood of drifts. We add that this mode is strongly discouraged when the outside temperature is above zero.

We also note that some automatic transmissions have an "overdrive" mode, which disables the transition to the highest gears. For example, a 4-speed automatic will not shift into fourth gear. This mode is well suited for driving in the city, where the speeds are low, and the movement involves constant acceleration and stopping.

  • We add that the automatic transmission also has the so-called "kick-down" mode (literally, hit or drop down). This mode involves a sharp downshift for intensive acceleration in the event that the driver presses the accelerator pedal hard.

The inclusion of "kick-down" is usually done by pressing the accelerator pedal ¾ of the stroke, after which the automatic transmission shifts to a lower gear, the engine speed rises, the car is actively accelerated. This mode is indispensable for overtaking, sudden changes in traffic, etc.

  • You should also highlight the possibility of manual gear shifting on many automatic transmissions. This feature, well known as Tiptronic, allows the driver to independently up and down gears.

As a rule, this function cannot be called completely "manual" gear shifting, since the gearbox operates in a semi-automatic mode, imitating manual control.

Driving technique with an automatic transmission

Having figured out how the gears are switched on the automatic transmission, as well as having considered the main modes of operation of the automatic transmission, you can move on to how to drive the automatic transmission.

Let's start with the basics. It is important to understand that the automatic transmission is "afraid" of constant sharp acceleration from a standstill, as well as wheel slip in mud, snow or ice. Such conditions lead to the fact that the automatic transmission overheats.

For example, if the car is slipping, and no mode does not allow you to leave, it is better to seek outside help and just push the car or pull it in tow in N mode.

Let's go back to driving a car and how to drive a car with automatic transmission. Driving a car with an automatic transmission boils down to the following:

  • you need to start using the automatic gearbox provided the brake pedal is pressed.
  • pressing the brake, to start the movement, you must move the selector from P or N to the desired mode (R, D, 3, 2, L);
  • if the parking brake was previously applied, the handbrake must be “lowered”.
  • removing the car from the handbrake and releasing the brake pedal, the car will slowly and smoothly start moving (in some cases, for example, if the car is on an uphill, there will be no rollback in D mode, but there will be no obvious forward movement);
  • to accelerate, you need to press the gas pedal (accelerator). In D mode, the machine will independently increase gears when accelerating and down when decelerating. For a slight decrease in speed without using the brakes, it is enough to completely release the throttle.
  • to achieve effective deceleration / complete stop, the brake must be applied. For subsequent acceleration, simply release the brake again and press the gas.
  • it is not necessary to transfer the selector from mode D to mode P or N during short stops (these modes are activated only during prolonged idle time with the engine running for 10-15 minutes or more).
  • taking into account the presence of different operating modes of the automatic transmission, the driver should select the one that is best suited for specific operating conditions.

Please note that it is forbidden to move the selector to the P and R positions until the car has come to a complete stop or in motion. Ignoring this statement will lead to serious damage to the automatic transmission.

It should also be borne in mind that if there is a need for a long downtime of the car with the engine running (traffic jam, etc.), while high outside air temperatures are noted, then the selector must be switched from mode D to mode N in order to avoid overheating of the box - automatic.

First of all, during the operation of a hydromechanical automatic transmission, the operation of such a box should be avoided without preliminary warming up. This means that the "automatic" must be warmed up before the trip, regardless of the outside temperature.

In practice, this means that after parking it is advisable to start and, at the same time, after a slight warm-up of the engine, the brake pedal is pressed, after which the selector for selecting the automatic transmission operating modes is delayed in each position from 30 seconds. up to 1 minute.

It is important to remember that the automatic transmission is filled with a large volume of ATF (transmission oil), the viscosity properties of which depend on the temperature. At the same time, the automatic transmission is very sensitive to the quality and viscosity of the oil. It is not difficult to guess that until the box is warmed up, the transmission should not be heavily loaded. In this case, before reaching operating temperatures, the gearbox needs more time than the engine.

  • Another nuance in the operation of machines with "automatic" is that automatic transmissions can get out of standing after a long slip of the driving wheels. This means that if such a car is thoroughly stuck in snow or mud, it is better to give up attempts to leave on its own.

Otherwise, the clutches "burn", the box overheats, wears out heavily, becomes contaminated with wear products, etc. The result is an expensive automatic transmission repair, replacement of clutch packs, flushing channels, etc.

The automatic transmission also wears out a lot if towing a trailer or other cars is practiced. The reason is again the overheating of the automatic transmission. We also add that you also need to tow the car itself with a machine gun correctly.

Often, the manufacturer prescribes rules and recommendations regarding towing without hanging the drive wheels in the manual. Most often, a car with an automatic transmission can be towed in neutral gear, the travel speed is 50 km / h, the distance is limited to 50-60 km.

  • We also add that the owners of cars with automatic transmission are often interested in whether it is necessary to use the parking brake on a car with an automatic transmission. The fact is that all cars with automatic transmission have a handbrake, however, the lock in P mode also works in parallel.

It should be borne in mind that in the "parking" mode without using the parking brake, the entire load falls on the locking mechanism and reduces its resource. Also, the possibility of a breakdown of the mechanism during parking should not be ruled out, that is, the "handbrake" is actually an additional insurance.

The parking brake must be used if you had to stop the car on a downhill or uphill. In this situation, the automatic transmission selector is easier to switch to D mode or reverse from P mode only when the parking brake is applied. It turns out that before you start driving, you first need to press the brake pedal, then turn the selector to the desired mode, and only then lower the handbrake.

Let's summarize

As you can see, the use of a box - an automatic machine does not imply any difficulties, however, it is necessary to follow certain rules and adhere to a number of recommendations.

First of all, this box needs to be warmed up, it is undesirable to skid or drive often with a trailer on the “automatic”, load the car in every possible way, overheat the automatic transmission in traffic jams, etc.

Only compliance with the conditions and rules for operating the box - the automatic transmission allows you to maintain the planned resource of the automatic transmission (especially taking into account the rather high cost of repairing the automatic transmission), and also not to experience any problems and failures (shocks, kicks, jerks of the automatic transmission) while driving with this type of transmission.

Read also

Why does the automatic box kick, the automatic transmission jerks when shifting gears, jerks and shocks occur in the automatic box: the main reasons.

The main advantage of cars with automatic transmissions (AKP) is simplicity and ease of control, which is especially convenient in a city with busy streets. The presence of only two pedals - the accelerator ("gas") and the brake, the elimination of the need for constant gear shifting while driving, greatly facilitate control. The service life of modern automatic boxes is commensurate with the service life of a car, and maintenance consists in preventing oil leaks, monitoring its level and timely replacement.

A car with an automatic gearbox is more convenient to drive than a car with a manual gearbox. You get under way faster at traffic lights, you can climb a hill without problems and violence against the clutch, and you can drive through traffic jams for a significant part of the way to work without touching the gas pedal at all. The design features of the automatic gearbox prevent overloading of the engine and chassis. Modern automatic transmissions, controlled by the on-board computer, independently adapt to the individual driving style. Such disadvantages as slightly increased fuel consumption and reduced acceleration dynamics, which are usually attributed to “automatic machines”, can be noticed only by athletes. Modern automatic transmissions, with skillful use, are no worse, and for the vast majority of drivers they are better than manual transmissions.

Automatic gearbox controls

In cars with automatic transmission, the driver does not engage gears, but sets the required shift modes using the control lever (selector). Special modes (see below) are activated by buttons and switches located on the lever or next to it. In addition, the operation of the box is adjusted depending on the manner of the driver to handle the accelerator pedal.
The automatic gearbox selector has four main positions, indicated by letters or numbers (photo 2).
“P” (“Parking”)- it is switched on in the parking lot, the box is in the neutral position, its output shaft is blocked (the so-called transmission brake is on), which prevents the vehicle from moving.
“R” (“Reverse”)- reverse.
“N” (“Neutral”)- neutral position, similar to the same position in a mechanical box. In it, the wheels and the engine are separated, the car is not braked and can roll freely under external influences or downhill.
“D” (“Drive”) - forward movement with sequential automatic shifting of all gears upward during acceleration and downward movement with decreasing speed.
In addition to those listed, there may be other selector positions: “4”, “3”, “2”, “1” (“L”), when choosing which the car will move forward:
“4” - in the first four gears (for 5-speed automatic transmission) - used in urban conditions with heavy traffic, frequent acceleration and braking;
“3” - in the first three gears - used on roads with small ups and downs and for engine braking (in the city for 4-speed automatic transmission);
“2” - in first and second gear - used on mountain roads or in difficult conditions, when towing a trailer or other vehicle (engine braking efficiency is higher than in position “3”). On some cars, this mode ensures that the movement starts from second gear, which is convenient when starting off on a slippery road in winter;
“1” (“L”) 1 - only in first gear - when driving on steep hills and off-road (especially with a trailer or when towing another car), as well as for prolonged engine braking. The braking efficiency in this mode is maximum.

You can move the lever to any of these positions when the vehicle is stationary. It is not recommended to manipulate the selector while driving, but if necessary, this should be done with the gas pedal released.
An exception are automatic gearboxes with forced gear shifting mode (“Autostick” control system - see below), but in this case it is necessary to follow the operating instructions for a particular vehicle.

Attention! Failure to comply with the instructions is dangerous for the box and the engine.

To prevent damage to the automatic transmission due to incorrect movements of the selector, a latch with a button is provided in its handle, which does not allow accidentally making a mistake.

Control system "Autostick" ("Steptronic", "Tiptronic")

Many people think that driving a car equipped with an automatic transmission is as easy as shelling pears. But it is not so. The fact is that the automatic transmission requires special handling, a special way of control, in comparison with a manual transmission. In principle, it is not at all difficult to learn how to drive an automatic car correctly, you just have to learn how to drive a little differently, remember a few simple features so as not to break the unit. Therefore, in this article we will talk about how to drive an automatic car?

What is the main difference between automatic transmission and manual transmission?

The fact is that there is no clutch unit on the automatic transmission, as such. Unlike mechanics, where the driver releases the accelerator pedal, squeezes the clutch pedal and changes gears, it is unnecessary to do all this on an automatic transmission, since the computer does this. It is worth saying that driving a car with an automatic transmission is much more comfortable and easier than an analogue with a mechanic. But the machine also has some drawbacks. For example, a car with an automatic transmission has a higher fuel consumption than a mechanical one; the automatic is also very expensive to maintain and repair. It is forbidden to tow a trailer and other cars on the machine, as this will lead to premature damage to the gearbox.

The specifics of operating a car with automatic transmission

If you are going to drive a car on an automatic machine, then you should know that the automatic transmission is equipped with programs P - parking, R - reverse, N - neutral, D - drive, automatic gear shifting. In rare cases, you can find the L program - which implies the operation of the car in a sparing mode, as well as the designations 1,2,3 - i.e. movement in a certain gear. In addition, cars with an automatic transmission do not have a clutch pedal, i.e. there are only gas and brake pedals. Remember why? After all, the function of clutch and gear shifting is performed by electronics.

In order to start driving on the machine, we start the car, while the shift lever is in P mode. Before starting the movement, hold down the brake, move the gearshift lever to position D and release the brake, the car will start moving, press on the gas and go ... The beauty is that control is carried out with only one leg, i.e. We place the left one on the floor, and with our right foot we press on the gas pedal, or we brake when the need arises. On the machine, there is absolutely no need to release the gas pedal at the moment when the shift is carried out, there is no need to switch the gearshift lever, after all, you do not need to smoothly press the gas pedal and just as smoothly release the clutch when you start. On an automatic machine, your car will never stall, as on mechanics, when, for example, you have not pressed the accelerator pedal hard enough. The automatic machine shifts gears much softer and faster, it does it so smoothly that the jolts are practically invisible. Driving with an automatic transmission is just a pleasure .

But if driving is nothing for you, compared to, we will talk about how you can save gas on a car with an automatic transmission.

How economically to drive a machine?

Learning to drive an automatic, while economically, is not at all difficult. It is enough to understand the specifics of the operation of this node and do everything smoothly. To begin with, remember that if you want to save gasoline, the maximum speed should not exceed 110-120 km / h. If you see an obstacle ahead of which you will need to brake, remove your foot from the accelerator pedal in advance to reduce gas mileage and, thus, the car was rolling forward. You need to get under way and brake smoothly.

If you want, you can also outsmart the machine by preventing it from downshifting. Suppose, in 3rd gear, you are moving at a speed of 60 km / h, the engine runs at about 2.5 thousand revolutions, you just need to release the accelerator pedal, and then just press it slightly so that the machine will switch to the next gear and, thus, the engine speed will decrease. In addition, it is necessary to forget about such pampering as gas to the floor, the automatic, thus, switches to sport mode, spins the engine up to 4-5 thousand rpm, trying to achieve the fastest acceleration. Of course, you won't be able to save money with such a ride.

We examined the basic nuances of how to learn to drive an automatic car. Of course, some of the readers will continue to argue that the mechanics are more practical and better, and cheaper in maintenance. This is only one side of the coin, but the fact that the machine is much more convenient and faster is certainly not the case.

Cars with automatic transmission are attracting more and more attention, becoming popular with motorists. They are easier to operate with just two pedals and no need for manual gear shifting.

Braking in vehicles with automatic transmission

The brake pedal in all vehicles equipped with automatic transmission is located on the left, although it should be pressed with the right foot. Pressing the pedal results in:

  • to a gradual deceleration of the vehicle;
  • to a complete stop of the vehicle.

In cars with automatic transmission, there are two types of braking:

  • smooth;
  • sharp.

Smoothness of braking is influenced by the force applied to the brake pedal. A weak pressure provides smooth braking, while a strong pressure provides a sharp one. In any case, the car will stop if braking is started in a timely manner.

  • passing at a high speed of turning, since the blocking of the wheels can throw it off the road;
  • driving on an uneven road, various pits and bumps, since wheel blocking can damage the suspension;
  • finding wheels on different road surfaces, since there is a possibility of skidding.

Acceleration in cars with automatic transmission

The gas pedal in cars with automatic transmission is located on the right and should be pressed with the right foot. The left leg does not work at all, sitting on a special platform in order to prevent the simultaneous pressing of two pedals.

By pressing the gas pedal, the motorist increases the engine speed and allows the car to pick up speed. It should be pressed evenly and without sudden jerks, since in cars with automatic transmission it reacts sensitively to the slightest movement of the foot. With the help of the pedal, the car enthusiast actually controls the engine power, therefore, while climbing the mountain, you need to press on it harder, and during the descent from the mountain, you can completely release it. You can simply slow down the speed by releasing the accelerator pedal and not using braking.

Gear lever in a car with automatic transmission

The gearbox transfers rotation from the engine crankshaft to the wheels. Each gear has its own speed limit, and the automatic transmission automatically shifts gears based on the speed set by the car. To accelerate, a car enthusiast just needs to press the gas pedal, and the gears will change automatically. Loosening the accelerator pedal will slow down and downshift.

The standard automatic transmission shift lever has several modes. There are usually 4 main positions for the gear lever:

  • P - parking in which the car is parked for a long time;
  • R - reverse;
  • N - neutral, in which the car is moved over short distances during maintenance;
  • D is the drive in which the car is moving forward.

It should be remembered that a car with automatic transmission cannot be towed in the usual way. Some car models have additional modes that allow you to:

  • get out of the mud;
  • tow another vehicle;
  • move in sport mode and so on.

Automatic transmission with the tiptronic system allows the motorist to forcibly switch gears.

Steering wheel in a car with automatic transmission

The steering wheel in a car with automatic transmission is able to turn 1.5-2.5 turns in either direction, depending on the brand of the car. After turning, the steering wheel should be returned to its original position. Do not cross your arms while turning the steering wheel. It is necessary to move your hands along the steering wheel while turning in such a way that one of them is constantly holding the steering wheel. During normal driving, it is recommended to hold the steering wheel with your left hand.

A direction indicator in the form of a lever is usually placed on the steering box. By lowering it down, the motorist shows a left turn, up - right. The lever switches to the initial position after the completion of the maneuver automatically or manually.

Preparing to drive a car with automatic transmission

Before driving a car with automatic transmission, you should:

  • choose a comfortable sitting position using special adjusting knobs;
  • check the rear-view mirror, the view of which should include the rear window and the road;
  • check the view in the side mirrors;
  • start the engine with the automatic transmission lever in the P - parking position.

To start the engine, turn the ignition key clockwise 180 degrees. At this moment, the lights on the dashboard come on. After 3-5 seconds, the ignition key is turned all the way, allowing the engine to start.

Start driving a car with automatic transmission

To start driving a car with an automatic transmission, select the D-drive mode in the gearbox, while pressing the brake pedal. When the brake pedal is released, the car starts to drive forcibly without much acceleration. To accelerate it, you need to press the gas pedal. A complete stop, such as at a traffic light, will require pressing the brake pedal.

The mode of forced movement of the car in the absence of pressing the brake pedal allows during the start of movement:

  • do not stall;
  • do not roll back.

Having received this knowledge, the car enthusiast will be able to easily drive a car with automatic transmission.


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