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Recently, after the appearance, and, of course, of traffic police cameras, a mass distribution of letters of happiness began for cars entering the intersection. And this is logical. This is not why the authorities started new markings, to spend budget money without the possibility of recouping it. Anyway. Today we want to talk not only about waffle markings, the advisability of which is doubtful on Russian roads, but in general about violation of the rules for entering any intersections.

The thing is that after the introduction of waffle markings in the traffic rules, many motorists began to think that it is impossible to drive to an intersection where a traffic jam has formed only if there are waffle markings painted on it. But that's not true.

Let us recall that waffle markings (1.26) indicate a section of the intersection that drivers are prohibited from entering if a traffic jam has formed in front of the car where its route lies, as a result of which the car that has entered the intersection will have to stop, which will create an obstacle to the movement of cars moving in transverse direction.

Many drivers (especially), as soon as waffle markings began to appear on Russian roads, mistakenly thought that the ban on driving to intersections now applies only to those sections of roads where waffle markings were applied, forgetting that according to clause 13.2 of the Russian Traffic Regulations, it is forbidden to drive to intersections without marked with waffle markings.

This is what clause 13.2 of the traffic rules looks like:

Traffic rules of the Russian Federation: 13. Driving through intersections

13.2. It is prohibited to enter the intersection , intersection of roadways or a section of the intersection marked with markings 1.26 , if there is a traffic jam ahead along the route that will force the driver to stop, creating an obstacle to the movement of vehicles in the transverse direction, with the exception of turning right or left in the cases established by these Rules
(clause 13.2 as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated October 20, 2017 No. 1276)

As you can see, in the Rules of the Road no exception when driving through intersections. That is, if a traffic jam occurs along your route, which forces you to stop at an intersection, at the intersection of roadways, or at a section of the intersection marked with waffle markings, you will violate the current Traffic Rules. Accordingly, you will face a fine of 1,000 rubles in accordance with Article 12.13 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation:

Article 12.13. Violation of rules for crossing intersections

1. Driving onto or crossing the carriageway in the event of a traffic jam that forced the driver to stop, creating an obstacle to the movement of vehicles in the transverse direction, entails an administrative fine of 1,000 rubles
(as amended by Federal Law dated April 21, 2011 N 69-FZ)

2. Failure to comply with the requirement of the Traffic Rules to give way to a vehicle enjoying priority right of passage through intersections shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of 1,000 rubles
(as amended by Federal Laws dated June 22, 2007 N 116-FZ, dated April 21, 2011 N 69-FZ)

Accordingly, it does not matter which intersection ahead of the car (along the route) you entered. If you interfered with cross traffic by driving into an intersection during a traffic jam, that means you violated traffic rules. And it doesn’t matter whether there are waffle markings at the intersection.

You may ask why waffle markings on the road were invented if, in general, when a traffic jam occurs, you cannot drive to any intersection or any intersection of roadways?

This was necessary to improve the situation at complex intersections in large cities, where large traffic jams of many hours and many kilometers often occur. By marking such intersections with yellow waffle markings, authorities hope that drivers will be less likely to violate intersection rules.

But the real reason for the introduction of the “waffle iron” on the road is, of course, more trivial. “Waffle Iron” was designed to place photo and video cameras, specially configured to monitor the rules for driving through intersections, in sections of intersections marked with this marking. Without waffle markings, doing this was technically difficult and expensive.

No one will argue that cars have become not only our assistants, but we have also become their hostages. After all, sometimes traffic jams paralyze our streets so much that it is easier to get where we need to go on foot than to move further by car. But the problems are not only in the number of cars, but also in the behavior of road users on the road. So, having already entered the intersection under a flashing green light, you can eventually block traffic perpendicular to the lane, without allowing a single car to pass during the entire traffic light permitting signal for that direction.
Undoubtedly, this will cause not only traffic jams from accumulated cars, but also the indignation of the people in them, and according to the letter of the law, such actions will be considered an administrative offense.

In this article we will talk about exactly what fine a driver faces if he blocked an intersection, that is, drove out and created a traffic jam at it.

What is an intersection or where stopping at it would be considered a traffic jam

“Intersection” is a place where roads intersect, join or branch at the same level, limited by imaginary lines connecting, respectively, the opposite, most distant from the center of the intersection, beginnings of curvatures of roadways. Exits from adjacent territories are not considered intersections

To better understand what this very intersection is, take a look at the picture. In fact, the red square on it is the very crossroads, according to the above definition.

But what about the congestion, that is, the definition of what it is, everything is much worse. Since the traffic rules do not have such a definition and we can only speculate whether those two cars are already a traffic jam or whether one more, or maybe two more, will fit in...

What article regulates the fine for congestion at an intersection?

For this case, the Code of Administrative Offenses has its own article. So the article for creating an obstacle at an intersection, after the driver had already turned red, but he was still unable to pass due to the vehicle standing in front, is Article 12.13 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation “Violation of the rules for driving through intersections.” The article actually provides for punishment not only for congestion, but also for ignoring priority at an intersection, but that’s not about that now. What we are interested in is the punishment for congestion. In this case, Part 1 of this article will apply. We will quote this part verbatim in our next paragraph.

Fine for creating a traffic jam at an intersection (12.13 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, part 1)

So, what does Article 12.13, Part 1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation say...

Driving to an intersection or crossing a roadway in the event of a traffic jam that has forced the driver to stop, creating an obstacle to the movement of vehicles in the transverse direction, entails an administrative fine of 1,000 rubles.

Now everything has fallen into place. From this text it becomes clear what the driver must do, and what will ultimately be considered a traffic jam. That is, here you can understand why such a measure of administrative responsibility can be applied.
So, if the driver creates an obstacle for other vehicles moving perpendicularly, then this will be a continuation of the traffic jam. Let us turn to the “Basic Provisions” of the Traffic Regulations (clause 1.2) in order to fully understand what an “Obstacle” is. From the traffic rules you can find out that...

“Obstacle” is a stationary object in the traffic lane (faulty or damaged vehicle, roadway defect, foreign objects, etc.) that does not allow further movement along this lane.

A traffic jam or a vehicle stopped in this lane in accordance with the requirements of the Rules is not an obstacle.

Here, if you read carefully, it may seem that the text is a tautology, when the congestion is not an obstacle. At the same time, the driver breaking the rules should clearly become part of this traffic jam, because he drove into it and stopped there, but the traffic jam is not an obstacle from the definition in the traffic rules, which is mentioned in 12.13 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation... Very interesting reading!!!

However, stopping at an intersection following a traffic jam is already a violation. That is, here it is worth understanding the situation this way. It’s as if the traffic jam is on its own, and the driver follows the traffic jam on his own. It became an obstacle, but not as part of the jam. Here we also need to cite an excerpt from Traffic Regulations 13.2

It is prohibited to drive to an intersection, the intersection of roadways or a section of an intersection marked by marking 1.26 if there is a traffic jam ahead along the route that will force the driver to stop, creating an obstacle to the movement of vehicles in the transverse direction, with the exception of turning right or left in the cases established by these Rules.

Regarding markup 1.26, let’s say that this is markup that came to us in April 2018. People immediately nicknamed her “waffle iron.” There is even a 1.35 sign for it

Actually, the marking itself looks the same as on the sign. That is, until 2018, it was completely impossible to go to an intersection when there was a traffic jam, but now only to one that has markings. This is actually completely confusing! Why was everything done!? After all, it was already impossible to go to the intersection if there was a traffic jam, and since 2018 they have also added markings 1.26. Although apparently the country needs to put the yellow paint somewhere!

Summarizing the topic “Fine for driving into an intersection during a traffic jam”

It remains for us to remind you that creating a traffic jam at an intersection is not only an administratively punishable action, but also leading to practical inconvenience for all road users. That is why, despite the fact that you may not be afraid of liability in the form of a fine, still think about others. After all, this negative human factor is already difficult to measure in money. You are unlikely to save time, but you will create quite a few problems. So first of all, think carefully about whether it is worth going to the intersection if you are not sure that you will pass it at the traffic light.
So, in order to be sure not to “get a fine,” the driver must get to the stop line, make sure that it will be possible to cross the intersection at the traffic light, and then drive through the intersection. If something doesn’t work out from this, then you need to stand until the driver is confident in this algorithm of actions.

Is it possible to avoid a fine for congestion at an intersection or pay it with a 50 percent discount?

Question and answer on the topic "Fine for entering an intersection during a traffic jam if there is a waffle iron marking"

Question: What will be the fine if the driver entered an intersection and interfered with the perpendicular direction of traffic, creating a traffic jam?
Answer: Fine 1000 rubles.

Driving to an intersection when there is a traffic jam creates inconvenience for drivers and risks getting a fine.

One of the most common violations of traffic rules is entering an intersection where there is a traffic jam. As a result of such actions, the driver interferes with other road users who are driving perpendicular to the road. But driving to an intersection during a traffic jam is not only creating inconvenience for all motorists, but also an administrative offense for which a fine is imposed.

What the rules say

According to paragraph 13.2 of the traffic rules, it is prohibited to drive into an intersection if a traffic jam has formed at it, which will force the driver to stop on the roadway. It’s interesting, but the concept of “congestion” is not defined in the law. You can understand that this is a cluster of vehicles that are stationary or moving at low speed. As a result of the traffic jam, the car becomes an obstacle to traffic for drivers driving along a perpendicular road.

Since April 2018, new markings called “Waffle Iron” began to appear on the roads. She indicates that stopping on this section of the road is prohibited, with the exception of stopping after a turn to allow pedestrians to pass. We talked about this markup in more detail in.

It is worth considering one more rule numbered 14.4 of the traffic rules. It says that it is prohibited to go to an intersection after which there is a pedestrian crossing if there is a traffic jam after it. In this case, the driver will be forced to stop at the zebra crossing, which is also a violation.

A situation where the driver does not know whether there is enough space after an intersection where a traffic jam has already formed is also considered a violation. Moreover, its appearance can occur already when crossing an intersection. However, this is not a mitigating circumstance; the fine will still be issued by the traffic police inspector.

Penalty for violation

The fine for driving to an intersection where there is a traffic jam is regulated by Part 1 of Article 12.13 of the Administrative Code. It says that this violation entails a fine of 1,000 rubles.

Many drivers believe that inspectors do not fine for congestion at an intersection, but in fact in large cities they often “catch” violators and issue a report on an administrative violation.

You can become a violator through no fault of your own. Often, drivers enter an intersection with a traffic jam because motorists whose cars are located behind them begin to honk and shout, forcing them to enter the intersection. By succumbing to provocations, the driver automatically becomes a violator and becomes poorer by 1,000 rubles. Therefore, you should follow the rules prescribed by law and not listen to those who consider themselves more experienced and are constantly afraid of being late, provoking other drivers to behave incorrectly on the road.

We continue to analyze the algorithm for moving through the intersection. We have already familiarized ourselves with the first three points of preparation for driving through the intersection, and have come to the fourth - this is the entry and exit itself. But before you begin a detailed study, you should understand some general rules for driving through intersections. They apply to the passage of any intersections: both regulated and unregulated.

What should you do if at this moment (while you are turning) pedestrians are crossing the road?

The turning path should pass through the imaginary center of the intersection. Such a trajectory not only ensures the safety of the maneuver, but also fully meets the requirements of traffic regulations. In addition, moving through the imaginary center of the intersection, you will always be on your right side of the road. When moving along a turning arc, as well as when turning right, you need to mentally mark the stopping points of the car in order to allow oncoming traffic and pedestrians and cyclists to pass when required by the Rules.

Exiting the turn. The road where the turn will end may have one, two, three or more lanes for traffic in one direction. Which lane can you enter from the intersection? When turning left, the traffic rules do not stipulate this case, i.e. You can enter any lane, and then change lanes to the one that is more convenient for further movement. At the same time, you need to remember some restrictions for driving in the leftmost lane (traffic rules).

More information about making left turns, as well as about some dangerous situations associated with these maneuvers, can be found in the articles and.

One of the mistakes that drivers make on a left turn (mostly at the beginning of their practice) when allowing oncoming traffic to pass is that they do not stand still, but move slowly forward. As a result, the trajectory of the car follows a hook like the one in the figure. No need to move.

We drove to the middle of the intersection - stopped in our lane - let through oncoming traffic that was going straight or to the right - turned left - let a cyclist pass, if any, approached the pedestrian crossing - let through pedestrians (if any) - drove on.

Simultaneous left turn at an intersection

Oncoming traffic (simultaneous turn left) at an intersection is a traffic situation that very often arises when there is simultaneous oncoming traffic of cars turning left:

  • when driving at a traffic light;
  • when driving along the main road at an uncontrolled intersection, if the main road does not change its direction;
  • when driving on a secondary road at an unregulated intersection, if the main road is clear and does not change its direction;
  • at equivalent intersections when moving towards each other, if the road being crossed is clear.

These situations are subject to the same rule (more on this below), and will be discussed later, in the process of analyzing traffic situations. In the meantime, according to the general rules for driving through intersections, you need to understand the technique of simultaneously turning left at an intersection.

When turning left at the same time at an intersection, traffic regulations do not answer the question “which driver has the right of way?” But there is one unwritten rule - drivers themselves have found a solution to this problem: at large intersections they pass with the right sides relative to the center, at small intersections - with the left sides.

But this so-called rule cannot be taken literally. If turning left at the same time does not raise any questions at large intersections, then at small intersections this rule can confuse drivers.

The thing is that at very small intersections, simultaneous driving without causing inconvenience to the opponent, and without violating the Rules, is almost impossible. Again, the concept of "small intersection" is quite vague and is understood differently by people. What does “small” mean and how small should an intersection be?

Most modern intersections of two-lane roads (one lane is yours, the other is for you), while turning left at the same time, allows you to pass each other on the right side without hindrance. At the same time, when leaving the intersection, the left wheels of the car do not touch the oncoming lane, i.e. no violation.

At very small intersections (the width is approximately two car lengths), without violating the Rules, you can pass “to the left” in two ways: the first is the above-mentioned case of passing on the left side, the second way is to give up the priority right of passage of the intersection to your opponent. In this case, at a small intersection (at a very small one), your opponent turns left first, and your car turns next, after the passage is clear. If your opponent gives up the first turn of passage to you, for example, blinks his headlights, or waves his hand, then you are passing the intersection first.

The center of the intersection, as well as its category (whether it is large or small), is usually not difficult to determine, but the oncoming car, turning with you, will tell you the desired trajectory.

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  1. Andrey


    The question is this. According to traffic rules, before turning left, you must take the extreme left position. Before turning right - extreme right position. When turning left, you need to exit from the far left position, but you can exit the turn in any lane. In the tickets: - ticket 7 question 5. Driving in lanes. Regarding this issue, it turns out that you can enter the indicated left turn from both lanes? The question arose regarding the following. As far as I know, roundabouts follow the general rules for driving through intersections. That is, you need to exit the circle from the far right position.

    But in our city there are roundabouts where broken lines indicate that you can exit the roundabout using two lanes. There are three stripes on the circle. From the outer circle, the exit lane is on the far right, and from the middle circle, the exit lane is the second lane. It is very similar to the arrangement of stripes in ticket 7 question 5, only mirrored. If I knew how to insert screenshots here, I would show you. And I’ll try to describe it in words. Description from Google map. Izhevsk Roundabout Voroshilov St. - st. Petrova - st. 40 Years of Victory. Exit from the circle onto the street. Voroshilov. These two exit lanes from the circle onto Voroshilov Street are clearly visible.

  2. Sergey D.

    Hello Andrei.

    But here's the thing. I study at a driving school. Soon enough you will pass your city driving test. One of the routes is right through this intersection. The instructors tell us that exit is only from the far right lane. For example, I make a U-turn (from Voroshilov Street) at this intersection or from the street. 40 years of Victory I make a left turn. It is quite possible that the flow of traffic will not allow me to change lanes to the outer circle and I will be in the middle circle, from which I can exit in the second lane. But now (in winter) the markings are not visible (or they have been erased and have not yet been updated), there are no signs “Driving in lanes”. So that the inspector does not give points, maybe it would be better to go to the second circle and again try to change lanes to the outer lane of the circle? Or you can use specific traffic rules to explain to the inspector your decision to leave the circle from the middle lane to the second lane in this situation. I repeat - the markings are not visible and there are no signs.

  3. Andrey

    In addition to the top post. Now I found it on the traffic police website:

    It looks like you can drive out of any lane, but look carefully at the cars moving in the right lanes?

  4. Sergey D.

    Andrey, if the signs and markings do not prohibit leaving the circle from a lane other than the right one, then, of course, you can leave the circle anyway, but you need to carefully watch other cars on the right and behind you. In this case, the mirror will not give a complete picture - you will have to quickly turn your head. This is provided that the markings on the road are clearly visible.

    Naturally, when leaving the circle, for example, from the second lane, you will have to give way to those who continue to drive in the circle in the right lane, as explained in the traffic police certificate (link), which is not always convenient. In your case, while moving in a circle, you will still have to give way to those entering the circle. Therefore, it will be necessary to change lanes in advance to the far right lane, and then exit the circle from there (as the instructor recommends - the most correct and safe option).

    When the markings are indistinguishable on the roadway (erased, hard to see, under snow, etc.), exit the roundabout only from the far right lane.

    You will not be able to explain anything to the inspector, because it indicates that “... When turning right, the vehicle should move as close as possible to the right edge of the roadway.”

    If other cars do not give you the opportunity to change lanes to the far right to exit, it is advisable to make another full circle and change lanes in advance to exit from the far right lane.

  5. Andrey

    Thanks a lot!

  6. Sergey D.

    Please, Andrey, contact me.

  7. Andrey


    In the text of the above link to the traffic police website there is the following phrase: “... we enter the circle from any lane, just like at the intersection, turn on the turn signal. But, attention: we may not turn it on if it misleads other road users.”

    How do you know when a pointer can be misleading and when it can’t?

  8. Sergey D.

    The turn signal can be misleading in the sense that your entry into the circle may be mistaken by other drivers as a signal to change lanes, especially if the turn signal flashes for a long time.

  9. Sergey D.

    Please, Andrey.

  10. Andrey


    The question is this. Big crossroads. Two six-lane roads. Each has a dividing strip. I don’t remember exactly, but let’s assume that the width of the dividing strips is 2 meters. Accordingly, at this intersection there are 4 intersections of roadways. In the training film on exam routes, the training car makes a U-turn before reaching the middle of the intersection. That is, along a small radius. In my opinion, a direct violation of clause 8.6: “The turn must be carried out in such a way that when leaving the intersection of roadways, the vehicle does not end up on the side of oncoming traffic.” When making a small radius turn, the training vehicle ends up on the side of oncoming traffic. Even if the length of this section of oncoming traffic is only 2 meters (the width of the dividing strip), it still turns out.

    When I asked my theory teacher this question, he said that this is a special intersection with 4 intersections of roadways. Although what does this have to do with it, I still don’t understand.

    Please explain whether at the intersection described above, when turning around a small radius, the training vehicle violated the traffic rules, clause 8.6 or not.

  11. Sergey D.

    Hello Andrei.

    I haven’t watched that movie, but I think there is no violation there, since leaving the intersection after a U-turn does not affect the oncoming lane.

    The point is not how many conventional intersections of roadways a given intersection has, but the way in which traffic is organized with signs and markings. If the signs and markings do not prohibit turning around through the first intersections, then you can turn around in a short arc.

    Read my comment-response to the article dated July 23, 2014. and from January 31, 2015 There is an explanation why making a short U-turn at a divided road intersection is not a violation. If you have any more questions, please contact us.

  12. Andrey

    Thanks for the answer. I read the comments. In front of the intersection I described there are signs 4.1.5, 4.1.1, 4.1.4. If possible - Google map - Izhevsk intersection of the streets 40 years of victory and st. Lenin.

    The car was driving along the street. 40 years of Victory from south to north. At the intersection it turned around in a small radius. True, on the Google map there are signs 4.1.3, 4.1.5, 4.1.1, 4.1.2. But I think that this does not change the picture of the issue. I would like to understand for sure that exams are coming soon. And this is one of the routes.

  13. Sergey D.

    I looked at Google and Yandex maps, both in front of the intersection you indicated, as well as on it, and did not see the mandatory signs from the group 4.1.1-4.1.6, which you wrote about above. These signs are valid only for the intersection of roadways in front of which they are installed, and a sign allowing a left turn also allows a U-turn.

    Since there are no signs prohibiting U-turns at your intersection, i.e. If they are absent, then there is no prohibition on making a U-turn in a short arc; only when turning around, you need to avoid hitting a pedestrian crossing (there is one on one of the roads), because U-turns are prohibited on it.

    Google and Yandex maps often differ from the real picture, therefore, relying on them, it is impossible to explain how to drive correctly or give any advice. For example, a new sign may be installed on the road today, but it will not appear on those maps anytime soon.

    If you have questions about driving through this particular intersection, contact your instructor, or take extra time and ask him to drive through this intersection with you several times from different directions.

  14. Andrey

    Thanks for the answer!

    The signs on the educational film are similar. I described them above.

  15. Sergey D.

    Andrey, the signs you indicated are paired “Directions of traffic along the lanes”. Equivalent to “Lane Directions”. Signs 5.15.1 and 5.15.2, which permit a left turn from the extreme left lane, also permit a U-turn from this lane.

    That is, signs 5.15.1 allow small radius turns? And it’s not at all necessary to get to the center of the intersection? I mean exactly the intersection that I wrote about above.

  16. Sergey D.

    Not certainly in that way. Sign 5.15.1, allowing a left turn from the leftmost lane, also allows a U-turn. That's basically it. U-turns are permitted at your intersection.

    The absence of signs 4.1.1, 4.1.2, 4.1.4 before the intersection (if more convenient, before the first intersection of roadways) means that you can make a U-turn along a small radius, i.e. It is not necessary to go to the center.

  17. Andrey

    Thank you very much for your detailed answer!

    And the last question (the last one on this topic). This means that the narrow part of the roadway between two intersections of roadways (as written above - 2 meters long - the width of the dividing line) is not an oncoming lane into which exit is prohibited when leaving the intersection of roadways? This is why I ask: “Performing a turn. Part 2" Third picture from the top. Red arrow for small radius turn. How does the intersection (in the part of the U-turn) in the picture differ from the situation described above? Besides, of course, there is no dividing strip on the road being crossed.

    After all, for a red car there are no signs 4.1.1, 4.1.2, 4.1.4 either.

    Or a situation is possible: A turn on a small radius is a violation of clause 8.6 of the traffic rules, but in real life this option is fraught with fewer consequences. And a large radius turn is the fulfillment of clause 8.6, but in life it is fraught with much greater consequences “thanks” to the fact that the intersection is very large and when a green sign is turned on for the roadway in a perpendicular direction (and the fact that there are many lanes on the road being crossed), the potential for an accident much more?

  18. Sergey D.

    The likelihood of an accident exists at any intersection, regardless of its size.

    Thank you!!!

    If I come across this route during the exam (there is a person in uniform nearby), I will go through the center of the intersection. Longer, a little more complicated, but - (despite my remaining doubts about the correctness of the small radius) - more correct.

    Thanks again!

  19. Sergey D.

    Please, Andrey.

  20. Alexey Georgievich

    T-shaped controlled intersection. Right lane arrow straight ahead and to the right. Left lane arrow only to the left. Does the driver have the right to enter the middle of the intersection when the traffic light is green and wait for the “left” arrow to light up?

  21. Sergey D.

    Hello Alexey Georgievich.

    No, it doesn't. You should wait until the arrow lights up, allowing movement to the left.

    If I understand correctly, the question refers to arrows on traffic light sections. “... A switched-off signal of an additional section means that movement in the direction regulated by this section is prohibited” - .

  22. Elena

    Good afternoon My question is this. Turn left at the traffic light. Today the following situation occurred: when turning left, I drove beyond the stop line. Ahead of me, my auntie decided not to turn (not to complete the maneuver) because... turned red. Because of her, the maneuver was not completed. There are pedestrians behind us and cross traffic in front of us. Will there be a fine? And if it comes, is it possible to challenge it? After all, if the woman had not stopped, we would have completed the maneuver. Thank you!

  23. Sergey D.

    Hello, Elena.

    If you were not immediately stopped for this, then there is nothing to be afraid of. A fine can only come if active photo and video recording cameras are installed at the intersection. As far as I know, similar cameras (control of pedestrian crossings and stop lines) began to be selectively installed in Moscow this year. I can’t say about other cities.

    For the future: the camera records the violation. To challenge it, you will need your own evidence, such as a video recording. But the date and time of the recording must correspond to reality. It is advisable to have a GPS module in the DVR, because... it will show the speed of movement at this moment.

  24. Olga

    Good afternoon The question is this. We got into an accident at an uncontrolled intersection. The traffic police inspector found both drivers mutually at fault. In this case, the passing was carried out on the left sides, turns to the left, the driver of car 1 (ours) had already partially entered his lane, the driver of the oncoming car was diagonally in the oncoming lane. Is the traffic police inspector right, and is it possible to challenge his decision?

  25. Sergey D.

    Hello Olga.

    At uncontrolled intersections, many factors have to be taken into account: the direction of the main road (if the intersection is unequal), who approached the intersection from which side, and which driver had priority in traffic.

    I understood that your car was an obstacle on the right for your opponent, therefore, with equal rights of passage, the advantage was on your side. Well, all other “nuances” are already determined by the inspector.

    If you do not agree with the inspector’s conclusion, then during the analysis at the traffic police, state your point of view, but not unfoundedly, but based on the relevant ones.

    Good luck in resolving the issue!

  26. Alexander

    Good afternoon. Question about entering the middle of the intersection when turning left. Everyone recommends leaving, but is it necessary to do so? After all, you can block the road for someone turning left from the oncoming direction and block all oncoming traffic, especially at small intersections. Perhaps, after all, it is better to stand in front of the edge of the roadway being crossed, letting oncoming people pass?

  27. Sergey D.

    Hello, Alexander.

    By waiting for the opportunity to turn left at the edge of the roadway, you thereby deprive other participants who are behind you and are also planning to turn from this same opportunity - they simply will not have time to do it during the traffic light cycle. And sometimes there are a lot of cars. The size of most intersections allows you to drive into the middle and pass on the right sides when turning left on both sides.

    As for very small intersections, everything is rather individual there. If the person you meet is turning left with you, then it is not necessary to park the car across the intersection; you can move forward without turning the wheels, let pass the oncoming people driving straight, and wait for the opportunity to turn. Others will follow you, and a couple more cars will have time to turn before the red light turns on. Something like that.

  28. Valeria


    Still, as I understand it, passing oncoming traffic while turning left at the same time is almost impossible to do without entering the oncoming traffic, that is, passing on the left side, although in practice almost no one does this, probably. In connection with this, the question is - what is the best way to do it during the exam, to skip those who “cut” the corner? Drive the same way, violating traffic rules? But “everyone drives like that” is not an excuse... I want EVERYTHING IN THE MIND. The instructors tell you to pass on the right, but in general when turning left they tell you to drive almost at a right angle, without entering oncoming traffic... It turns out to be a double truth, and they can deprive you of your license for driving into oncoming traffic.

  29. Sergey D.

    Hello Valeria.

    Try to listen to the instructors and understand what exactly they want to convey to you.

    The concepts of a large and a small intersection are somewhat relative, and at the vast majority of intersections, when turning left on both sides, it is appropriate to drive on the right side. In this case, a violation of the oncoming lane is considered not to be the angle of the left turn trajectory within the intersection at the intersection, but the trajectory passing at the exit from the intersection. Follow the link, there is a picture (point 8.6) in which this small area is clearly visible.

    However, the situation on the road, including during the exam, can develop in any way. Your task is to turn left through conditional center intersection, if possible, maintaining a right angle. When you turn left through the center, or near it, you will not hit the oncoming lane when leaving the intersection.

    When making a double left turn, you need to concentrate not on the “correctness” of making the turn, but on the section of the road BEHIND the oncoming car turning in front of you, because it will block your view as you approach the intersection from the opposite direction. But there are other cars driving there, and you need to give way to them.

    If you see that an oncoming car, which is turning left just like you, has passed towards you further than the middle of the intersection, and at the same time “offers” to pass on the right sides (this happens), then there is no need to rush. In such a case, it is advisable to give him the opportunity to make a turn, and when the space in front of you is free, drive closer to the middle of the intersection, and then make your turn.

    Thank you, Sergey! That’s pretty much what I was thinking, stop, let me pass and continue when the oncoming person turns left, but there are three more cars behind him who want to turn left, and probably no one will wait for me? And green quickly changes to yellow, won't I create a traffic jam? I'm worried about this maneuver and also the turn. You have a good site, and you respond to comments quickly and competently) nice)

  30. Sergey D.

    Of course, none of the other drivers will wait for you to turn, but they also have no reason to interfere with you. Believe me, Valeria, fear is only in your head.

    Your task, I repeat once again, is to leave to the middle of the intersection, and respecting priority, turn left. All! If, despite all this, while you are standing and giving way to oncoming traffic, a yellow or even red signal lights up for you, calmly and without tension, finish the turn and leave the intersection.

    Ask your instructor to include more left turns and U-turns in your driving practice. Maybe it makes sense to take on extra hours. And thanks for the kind words.

  31. Julia


    Hello Julia.

    U-turns are not prohibited at this intersection. The intersection itself has a non-standard T-intersection configuration, therefore, for clarity and to simplify understanding of the direction, i.e., where the road leads, the arrows were drawn this way. You are only allowed to turn around from the leftmost lane.

  32. Egor P.

    Hello, my question is this. I'm entering the intersection on green, I'm going STRAIGHT, but as I pass through the intersection yellow and red lights up, the pedestrians in front have their green lights up, should they first let me pass as the final maneuver, or should I stop in the middle of the intersection, giving way to them, and create a traffic jam for drivers starting to drive on the right?

  33. Sergey D.

    Hello Egor.

    In a situation where you do not have time to leave the intersection, and a green signal lights up for pedestrians ahead of you, you need to stop in front of the pedestrian crossing and give way to pedestrians. Pedestrians have passed - you can leave the intersection.

    While pedestrians are walking across the road, by stopping you can prevent other drivers starting to move onto their green on your right. To prevent this from happening, you need to plan so that you have time to complete the exit from the intersection on your yellow signal.

    The yellow light is on for about three seconds, and the green light flashes for the same amount of time. During this time you need to leave the intersection. If even before entering the road intersection you understand that you will not meet these five to six seconds, suppose there are a lot of cars ahead and there may be a slight traffic jam, then it is advisable to stop at the traffic light before the intersection while your green signal is still flashing.

  34. Egor P.

    It turns out that the driver’s rules state that when the light turns green, the driver first lets other drivers through who are completing their maneuver and pedestrians who are completing the crossing of the road, but pedestrians do not have this?

  35. Sergey D.

    When a car at a certain speed, and the speed can be considerable, finishes leaving the intersection at the moment when the red light has already turned on for it, then it is in the interests of the pedestrian to give the car the opportunity to pass before stepping onto the roadway to cross the road. The car, after all, in this case will not be able to stop instantly.

    But there are cases, often during peak times, when there is a crowd of cars, the speed of movement is not very high, and as soon as the green light turns on for pedestrians, pedestrians literally “pour out” onto the roadway like peas. Everyone is in a hurry! And what should the driver do in this case? Answer: stop in front of the pedestrian crossing and give way to those crossing the road, as stated in the previous comment.

  36. Vadim

    Tell me if a left turn is allowed from two lanes. How should two cars leave the intersection, given that they can enter any lane? Who is inferior to whom?

  37. Sergey D.

    Hello Vadim.

    The possibility of turning left from two lanes implies that the turning arcs of vehicles will not intersect, i.e. It is possible to simultaneously turn left independently of each other. The “left” car turns left in a short arc, the “right” car turns in a long arc and no one interferes with each other.

    But in reality, the opposite happens, because it is not always possible to rearrange yourself into the required row in advance. In this case, if the vehicle’s paths intersect while turning left, then the vehicle on the right has priority. .

  38. Vadim

    Sergey, I asked the question because I had a conversation on this topic, posting a video where I was just turning from the second row from the leftmost row. And the driver on the left was outraged that I did not allow him to leave the intersection in “my” lane.

    So the logic of the defenders was this: the turn should be made from the far left lane (8.5), and you can drive into any lane. At the same time, I am not turning from the outermost lane, which means I am guided by clause 8.7, according to which I should not interfere with other vehicles, first of all, including those on my left.

    What do you think about this version?

  39. Sergey D.

    Hello Vadim.

    The reasoning of your opponent’s defenders can be called “tailoring” the traffic rules to the situation. Their opinion is wrong. When there is nothing to object to, they begin to “bend” reality.

    Thank you, heartfelt article!

  40. Nellya

    Hello Sergey!

    Traffic light with an additional “turn right” section. I only planned to move straight ahead. I took the leftmost lane (well, that’s how it turned out), in which traffic is allowed both straight and to the right. It turned out that only the “right turn” arrow came on. Other cars drove up behind me and wanted to turn at the arrow (they show the turn signal and honk). I unwittingly created a hindrance for them. Can I “earn” a ticket by waiting (while standing still) for the main traffic light to turn on to move forward?

  41. Sergey D.

    Hello Nelly.

    Your fears are unfounded. You have stopped in the only place allowed to move “straight”. Since the main traffic light is not on, driving “straight” is prohibited. It doesn’t matter that traffic to the right is also allowed from the same (left) lane. Well, those who honk in this case should get used to occupying the right lane - for it, the “arrow” to the right lights up first.

  42. Oleg

    Hello! I would like to add a question about the case when turning left. I was turning left from two lanes, I was from the far left. We drove onto a 4-lane road. I was driving into the second lane on the left, and the car on my right decided to pull into my lane because... A trolleybus was driving ahead of him. Who will be right in this situation? Should I have given way to the author on the right and gone to the far left?

  43. Sergey D.

    Hello Oleg.

    There is already an answer to your question in the comments above.

    A conflict during a lane change within the boundaries of an intersection is always a controversial issue that can be considered both on the basis of (interference on the right) and by (rule of lane change).

    Hello! This question is - in our city there is an intersection where I turn left, then there is a road with two lanes in one direction, and from the oncoming car it turns right (it turns out I have an obstacle on the right), am I obliged to give way to him or should he turn in the right direction? right lane, and I’m only in the left lane, if we don’t need to change lanes?

  44. Sergey D.

    Hello Olga.

    To accurately answer your question, some introductory conditions are missing. Is the intersection regulated by traffic lights or not? If the intersection is unregulated, are there priority signs? You need to know this in order to find out: you and the oncoming driver are on equal terms on the road, or one of you may have priority?

    If you and the oncoming driver are in equal conditions in terms of priority, then you are obliged to give way to him. This is required by traffic regulations.

    When your oncoming person turns right into his far right lane (this is obligatory), and you turn left and enter the left lane, then theoretically you are not interfering with each other. When the width of the road allows, drivers do so. This is normal and appropriate.

    But if for some reason you do not disperse and a collision occurs, then naturally, then the inspector will begin to figure out who had the advantage in traffic, look at the location of the collision, its nature and other nuances.

    Thus, you need to assume the possibility of a collision and try to avoid it.

  45. Christina

    Hello, I have a question about turning left at an intersection. The intersection is not regulated. but there is a sign for the main road. The car is coming from a secondary road and has already crossed half of the main road, that is, which is heading into oncoming traffic, then a car flies at breakneck speed and I do not have time to complete the maneuver.

    Who is obliged to yield in this situation, the oncoming car or the car from the intersection?

  46. Sergey D.

    Hello Christina.

    Any traffic situation is always considered from two points of view: traffic rules and safety. The culprit is determined by traffic rules.

    A left turn from a minor road onto the main road obliges the driver to give way to cars coming from any direction on the main road, as well as to oncoming cars from the minor road that are coming straight towards you or turning right. These rules are set out in the traffic rules.

    I would dare to suggest that your opponent, who was flying at high speed, was moving in the “straight” direction, because before turning at an intersection, the speed is usually reduced, but that is not the point. A car that turns left at an intersection, in accordance with traffic rules, must give way to the oncoming car that, in your words, is flying at breakneck speed.

    Your left turn at an uncontrolled intersection must be timed so that your maneuver does not interfere with those cars that have priority. It happens that if you have already started moving, but you don’t have time to pass, you hesitate, then in this case there are two options: first, without disturbing anyone, stop on the roadway and give way; the second is that the driver who has priority will slow down himself and, either out of solidarity or for safety reasons, will allow you to complete your turn.

    But if an accident occurs, the driver who turned left when leaving the secondary road will be found guilty.

  47. Eugene

    Hello. I can’t find an answer to this nuance anywhere. This is the situation. T-junction, turn left into the industrial zone. Two-way traffic, one lane, continuous markings, intermittent markings at the intersection. I pressed as close to the left side as possible and stopped at the intersection, while driving a little onto the broken line. Is this a violation or driving into oncoming traffic? The markup, if I'm not mistaken, is 1.7.

  48. Sergey D.

    Hello Evgeniy.

    It is not prohibited to cross broken markings. It is important that when leaving the intersection you do not cross the solid marking line separating oncoming traffic.

  49. Michael

    Two cars turning left at the same time at an intersection from different lanes, where there is a sign 5.15.1 allowing them to do so. When leaving the intersection, they both decide to enter the same lane, i.e. their paths will cross. What should they do?

  50. Sergey D.

    Hello Mikhail.

    Those. even if the right car decided to leave the intersection into the left lane, thereby crossing the direction of the left one, should they still give way to it? What about the rule about rebuilding? It turns out that the right one changes lanes when leaving a lane other than its occupied one.

  51. Sergey D.

    Mikhail, so to speak, I outlined the general situation in my previous answer. If the “right” one brazenly cuts your path and tries to occupy the left lane faster than your car, what will you do? Either slow down or turn even further to the left. But if an accident occurs, then in addition to violating the rules for changing lanes, they will also look at the nature of the collision. And it’s not a fact that the decision will be in your favor.

    In the analysis of any situation, there is a legal side (rules and facts) and a human side (emotions, the power of persuasion, available evidence). What will ultimately prevail as a result of the resolution of the dispute is unknown until its end, i.e. until a verdict is reached. People also make decisions. The reality is this: the one who can defend his point of view will be right.

  52. Veronica

    Hello, I have an exam soon, but driving around roundabouts is a complete hassle. Our route goes through several roundabouts. One of them with three adjacent roads. In this case, one road runs absolutely straight (once there was a T-shaped intersection) and leaves the roundabout without changing direction. The instructor claims that when entering it is necessary to turn right, but I need to drive in a circle to the left. And everyone in our city turns left in this situation. It turns out that if I drive straight and don’t go to the roundabout, then there’s also no need for a right turn, because I don't change my trajectory. This is the first situation.

    The second is the priority of cars moving around the roundabout. Approaching the intersection, I see a car driving in the left lane in the center circle. There are two lanes at the intersection. When I move into the right lane, I don’t interfere with him and we align. At the same time, he cuts me off at the first exit, because... I need to go further in circles. “Experienced” drivers say that I created an obstacle because... I entered the intersection later than the one moving in the left lane. But he has an obstacle on the right and my instructor says that I’m right. Explain what to do in these situations. Thank you in advance.

  53. Sergey D.

    Hello Veronica.

    The advice of experienced drivers (and they sometimes make mistakes) will come in handy when your driver’s license is already in your pocket. Until you get them, listen to the instructor. He explains correctly, and he also knows what the requirements are for the student to take the exam.

    When you have priority on the road (for example, as in the case of a roundabout) and you are cut off, i.e. you are forced to give way, then in this case there is no violation on your part. You’re not going to rush to that driver and prove that he should have let you through?! Calmly let him go ahead and continue driving further. That's all.

    Now, regarding the “turn signals”. When the direction of movement of the vehicle changes (changing lanes to the right or left, turning right or left), turning on the direction indicators is mandatory. Entering a roundabout (marked with sign 4.3 “Roundabout”) = turn right. Therefore, inclusion right“turn signal” (NOT left, but RIGHT) is required.

    I am unfamiliar with the organization of travel at your unusual intersection, but the principle is simple: if you drive straight through your unusual intersection, do not turn on the turn signal. Turn right into the circle - turn on the right turn signal.

  54. Kirill

    Good day, Sergey. I'm afraid of the following situation:

    Let's take an intersection of equivalent roads or a residential area on the left, I need to turn left, I have to let oncoming traffic pass, and when completing the turn, pedestrians/cyclists. But often the line of the sidewalk and the border of the pedestrian crossing runs close to the roadway, and if I stop in front of the pedestrian crossing, I risk creating an obstacle to traffic in the transverse direction (the rear of the car will protrude onto the roadway).

    So, ideally, I should start the turn after making sure there are no pedestrians/cyclists on the left? What if I’m standing at an intersection, there’s no oncoming traffic, people honk at me from behind “let’s turn,” and I decide to wait until all the pedestrians on the left have passed? Or is it better to turn, stop to let pedestrians pass, not irritate anyone, and hope that traffic moving in the transverse direction will pass my car? Best regards, Kirill.

  55. Sergey D.

    Hello Kirill.

    Ideal cases are rarely formed; something is bound to get in the way. There is no need to guess anything, all that is required is to follow the traffic rules and avoid an accident.

    You give way to oncoming traffic, turn left if necessary, stop to let pedestrians pass, the pedestrians have passed - complete the turn. Any worries about annoying someone when you stop for priority should not worry you. Anyone can be in your place.

  56. Michael

    Hello, Sergey! The intersection is three lanes in one direction, with signs for traffic in lanes 5.15.1, where only straight ahead is allowed from the middle one. Can I turn left while in the middle lane using 8.7?

  57. Sergey D.

    Hello Mikhail.

    Hello! I'm driving on a two-lane road (main road), and I need to turn left (T-junction). On the left, the road is a little narrower (secondary), small vehicles can easily pass, but in this case there is a truck with a trailer, intending to make a right turn.

    Since it was not possible to determine the situation from a distance, I drove a little further than the truck (the turn even looked a little like a U-turn), giving space for it to leave, but as if blocking oncoming traffic (one car was driving). The truck calmly leaves, I drive in. The question is actually understandable, according to the rules I had to stop 20 meters from the intersection, giving the truck room to maneuver, but such a situation does not happen every day, and this is my 3rd month behind the wheel.

    From your point of view, do you think I made an acceptable turn? After all, if I had gotten up in advance, I would have been an obstacle on his right side, I would have had to turn on the emergency lights, etc., so that he would understand that I was letting him through. But we still have to get to this point, and in a movement you know, it’s not so easy.

  58. Sergey D.

    Hello Gennady.

    When the roads of an intersection are unequal, the “interference on the right” rule does NOT apply. The advantage in traffic is from the main road. But your situation is not entirely clear: the car (your opponent) is long and is driving along a secondary road that is quite narrow for it.

    In order for the truck to turn fully and the trailer wheels not to cut off the path along the side of the road, the tractor must make a so-called “approach” to the intersection - it needs more space than just a truck without a trailer. With all this, the driver of the truck is obliged to give way to cars moving along the main road, both on the right and on the left.

    What to do in your case - it all depends on the specific situation; the width of the road you are turning onto (that is, from which the truck is leaving) may be sufficient for passing, or maybe not. But you, being on the main road, do not yet see the situation behind the truck. You may not have enough space on that road after the turn, since the road train will take up more space than is allotted to it by the traffic rules.

    Therefore, knowing the features of the area, i.e. The peculiarity of this section of the road is that it makes sense to show driver solidarity and give the road train the opportunity to leave on the main road. Alternatively, seeing this situation, you can stop 20 meters before the intersection and turn on the emergency lights. After the truck leaves and the passage is clear, turn left with priority.

    Another option: turn on the left turn signal, drive into the intersection and stop without turning left. In addition to the fact that you give the road train the opportunity to leave the secondary road, you also need to respect the priority - to let oncoming people who are traveling on the main road pass. When the passage becomes clear, you can continue driving.

    The acceptability of any maneuver, in general, depends on two “parameters”: compliance with traffic regulations and how safe it is.

  59. Gennady

    And if I stand behind a truck, turn on the turn signal and wave to the driver, and a line of cars stands behind me, how will it get out? With such a maneuver I will show more disrespect for others than by blocking the oncoming lane. Moreover, due to the departure of the truck, oncoming traffic will still not be able to pass?!

  60. Sergey D.

    Your oncoming counterparts, if any, have an advantage over both you and the road train. If an accident happens, then believe me, respect/disrespect will be the last thing people pay attention to.

    I think that at the intersection, those driving behind will have the opportunity to pass your car on the right. You need to act according to the situation. I have given only one of the possible options, which does not contradict traffic regulations and is relatively safe.

  61. Valery

    Good afternoon T-shaped uncontrolled intersection. I'm on the "hat" (main, six-lane). I stopped at an intersection to turn left (two-way, two-lane, no markings). There is a car in front of me.

    I see that the oncoming car is far away, the one in front does not start moving (either it is afraid or sees the inspector and is also afraid, I don’t see the inspector, if I saw it I would not “risk”) I begin the maneuver. I go around it on the left and make a turn. The inspector stops and points out that I drove into oncoming traffic, I don’t agree, I think I did everything right. Shows video. The video is not clear. The inspector's car is 50 meters from the intersection, standing on the side of the road in oncoming traffic, it is difficult to determine where the edge of the roadway is from the picture. I drew up a protocol, I indicated that I did not agree, further proceedings in court awaited.

    Please tell me, firstly, could I start the maneuver if the person in front did not start moving, and secondly, should I drive to the center of the intersection and perform the maneuver at an angle of 90 degrees. (according to the inspector) and thirdly, in the absence of road markings, can it be unequivocally stated that when completing the turn I was moving in the oncoming lane (side), given the presence of video. Thank you in advance.

  62. Sergey D.

    Hello Valery.

    You wrote that you turned left from a six-lane road, passing the car in front of you on the left side! Three lanes are yours, three are for oncoming traffic. It turns out that you drove around him along a section of the road in the opposite direction.

    Let's assume that there are no markings on your road, which means that the number of lanes is determined visually. : “On two-way roads with four or more lanes, it is prohibited to overtake or pass into the lane intended for oncoming traffic...”

    In this paragraph there is not a word about the intersection of solid marking lines. The entire wide road (more than four lanes) is visually divided in half and it is prohibited to travel beyond its middle. This is the answer to the first question.

    Second question. Turning strictly left through the center of the intersection is not indicated anywhere. It only obliges you not to end up in the oncoming lane when leaving the intersection.

    The third question is that nothing can be stated unambiguously. If no obvious violation is visible, then the picture can be interpreted in different ways. The question is: who will convince whom?

  63. Alexander

    Hello. In the article about entering and exiting an intersection, in particular when turning left, it says: “Exiting the turn. The road where the turn will end may have one, two, three or more lanes for traffic in one direction. Which lane can you enter from the intersection? When turning left, the traffic rules do not stipulate this case, i.e. You can enter any lane, and then change lanes to the one that is more convenient for further movement. At the same time, you need to remember some restrictions for driving in the leftmost lane (Section 9.4 of the Traffic Regulations).”

    On other resources, they argue, based on traffic regulations (often, a clause prohibiting changing lanes at an intersection), about the need to occupy a certain lane, that is, when turning from the far left lane, completing the turn you need to end up on the far left...

    I read your resource first, and then others... If it’s not difficult, please clarify. Thank you in advance!

  64. Sergey D.

    Hello, Alexander.

    The statement that a left turn must be made along a short path (into the far left lane) does NOT exist in the Rules.

    More precisely, the traffic rules do not contain direct instructions on how a left turn should be made. It states that the turn must be carried out in such a way that, when leaving the intersection of roadways, the vehicle does NOT end up in the oncoming lane. Therefore, you are allowed to turn left into any lane, of course, observing the rules for changing lanes.

    The correctness (incorrectness) of left turn trajectories is more related to the safety of the turn, because if an accident occurs during these maneuvers, the participants cannot find out for a long time who is actually at fault - real confusion results. Hence the safe recommendation: turn left along a short arc (into the far left lane), then change lanes to the desired lane.

  65. Eugene

    What should you do if a driver at an intersection drives out of a cross road and blocks the road? If there is nowhere to change lanes, there is a dense flow of cars on the left, potholes, etc. If you stop suddenly, there is a risk that cars moving behind will not have time to stop, and an accident will occur. They don't keep distance.

  66. Sergey D.

    Hello Evgeniy.

    Let's start with the fact that a car does not suddenly appear on a transverse road. The issue can be resolved by monitoring the road and taking the necessary measures in a timely manner so that you do not have to brake sharply, and the braking of your car does not become unexpected for those driving behind you. It sounds complicated, but there is nothing complicated here.

    Hello. Turning right at a green traffic light, I find myself on the acceleration lane marked 1.8. Should you give way to someone turning left from the opposite direction?

  67. Sergey D.

    Hello Vladimir.

    The situation is not entirely clear at what exact point the trajectories of the vehicles may intersect. A car turning left must yield to its oncoming counterparts, who are moving in equal conditions “straight” and “to the right” (pp. and ).

  68. Vladimir

    At the intersection, the markings are applied in such a way that a car turning right must take the acceleration lane, and a car turning left ends up in the lane adjacent to the acceleration lane. The traffic light cancels the priority signs, but the markings are valid. Clauses 13.4 and 13.12 are clear.

  69. Sergey D.

    Hello Vladimir.

    As I understand it, you are interested in the issue of priority in this case. : “...If there is an acceleration lane at the entrance to the road, the driver must move along it and change lanes into the adjacent lane, giving way to vehicles moving along this road.”

    Hello Alexey.

  70. Andrey G.

    Hello! Please tell me whether, according to traffic rules, it is possible to make a left turn from a secondary road to the main one, if on the main road the car turned on the right turn signal, but did not complete the maneuver.

  71. Sergey D.

What does every driver face every day, regardless of the type of car, driving experience, etc.? With intersections. And if driving through controlled intersections is not a big problem for anyone, then in other situations there may be confusion, confusion, and, as a result, a dangerous situation on the road. You can avoid this - you just need to refresh your memory of the rules for driving through intersections. This article was created for this purpose - to give new knowledge to beginners or help experienced drivers remember them.

According to the new changes, from November 8, 2017, at intersections there will be markings “Waffles” (“Waffle irons”), which will determine the boundaries of the intersection. It is designed to regulate the passage of intersections where congestion occurs and will help implement and comply with traffic rules, as well as levy fines for violators. The fine for entering an intersection or crossing roadways with a traffic jam is 1,000 rubles.

Types of intersections

All existing intersections are divided into:

  • Signalized intersection– equipped with traffic lights (including those with additional sections). This type also includes intersections where traffic is controlled by a traffic controller.
  • Intersection of equivalent roads without regulation– accordingly, here the movement of vehicles is not controlled by a traffic light and a traffic controller.
  • Crossroads of unequal roads without regulation– similar to the one above, but the roads are divided into main and secondary, they are both marked accordingly signs priority.

According to their “design” they can be divided into the following types:

  • T-junction– one road adjoins to the left or right to another. Such intersections do not include exits from the adjacent territory of a residential building, industrial enterprise or other facility. Rules for driving through a T-shaped intersection depend on the type of intersection: controlled or unregulated.
  • Cross intersection- the most common type, when one road intersects another, and at the same level.
  • Roundabout, where several roads connect to a common “ring”. When entering it, the car reduces speed and moves counterclockwise and makes an exit on the road it needs.
  • Multiway intersections– intersections not related to the previous types. Typically connect a large number of roads and are high traffic areas where great care should be taken.

General rules for driving through intersections according to traffic rules

  • Always give way to pedestrians and cyclists crossing the road you intend to turn onto. This rule applies whether the intersection is regulated or not. Fines for not allowing a pedestrian to pass are currently 1,500 rubles.
  • It is prohibited to enter an intersection if there is a traffic jam on the roadway in front of it.. Violating this rule will result in you not only joining the traffic jam, but also blocking the path of cars moving through the intersection on the left or right. As a result, instead of one traffic jam, there are three, and the risk of an accident or conflict on the road increases sharply.

Rules for driving through uncontrolled intersections

Let's consider the basic rules of travel and possible situations for uncontrolled intersections of all types.

Equivalent intersection and driving rules

Rules for driving through intersections of equivalent roads are governed by the “interference on the right” rule— the driver must always yield to vehicles approaching from the right side of the roadway. This also applies to those cars that will become an “obstacle on the right” when the driver makes a maneuver.

Let's consider the situation: You are crossing a cross-shaped intersection straight ahead, without turning. There are two cars on the transverse road - one on the left (let's call it A), one on the right (it will be designated B), both plan to continue moving straight. According to the “interference on the right” rule, you give way to car B since it is on your right. In turn, vehicle A must give way to you in the same way.

Next situation: You are also crossing the intersection straight, and another car driving in the oncoming lane on the opposite side of the intersection intends to turn to your right (left for it). When starting her maneuver, she is obliged to slow down and let you pass, since your car will be an “interference on the right” for her when making a turn. The same rule works for reversals.

Rules for driving roundabouts

On November 8, 2017, new rules for driving around the roundabout come into force; according to the changes, drivers on the roundabout have priority when passing, and entering vehicles must give way.

At roundabouts if all its roads are of equal importance (there is no give way sign), then vehicles already on the ring must allow those who are just about to enter, since they are still the same “obstacle on the right.”

When sign 2.4 “Give way” is installed in front of the roundabout— all vehicles entering the roundabout road are required to give way to all vehicles moving around the roundabout.

Also, in front of the roundabout, an information sign can be installed indicating the secondary and main roads when driving along the ring, but sign 4.3 “Roundabout” and sign 2.4 “Give way” must be installed, depending on the situation.

Driving through equivalent intersections with tram tracks

Rule 13.11 states that trams have full advantage over other trackless vehicles, regardless of the direction of movement. Here, the car owner does not receive any benefits from the "interference on the right" scheme. In this case, trams are equal in front of each other and when crossing an intersection at the same time they must be guided by the same rules as ordinary cars.

Driving through intersections of unequal roads

There is a main road, and vehicles entering the intersection from it are given priority, regardless of the direction of travel.

The main road does not always have a straight direction; sometimes it makes a turn at an intersection. In such cases, drivers entering the intersection from the main road are equal to each other and, when determining the queue of passage, must be guided by the principle of “interference on the right.”

Cars driving on a secondary road maneuver using the same principle, but taking into account the need to first give way to those driving on the main road.

The main road is identified by the presence of signs 2.1, 2.3.1 - 2.3.7 and 5.1. In their absence, the main road will be made of asphalt, concrete or stone relative to the dirt road or the one adjacent to the entrance from the adjacent territory.

A secondary road is usually marked with a 2.4 Give Way sign and a 3.21, also known as a "STOP" or "brick".

Rules for driving at controlled intersections

The rules for driving through intersections with traffic lights are regulated by the traffic lights (which are the main ones) and the signals of additional sections.

Vehicles moving on the main green traffic light must determine priority among themselves in accordance with the “interference on the right” rule. Let's say you're turning left at a crossroads, and an oncoming car is moving straight ahead. When the green light turns on, you must enter the intersection, starting the maneuver, and let the oncoming car pass, and only then complete the turn.

Also, at the main green signal, tram drivers get full advantage, as for intersections without regulation. All of the above also applies to driving through intersections with a traffic controller.

If the red or yellow signals and the additional section of the traffic light are on at the same time, first let through all vehicles for which the main green signal is on, and only then move in the direction indicated by the signal of the additional section.

Video lesson: driving through intersections according to the rules.


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