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Let's talk about cases when traffic rules are violated vehicle(TS), registered to a legal entity. The article contains everything you need to know about:

  • types of fines;
  • how to track, pay fines and control their repayment;
  • how to identify the culprit of the violation and not lose money.

The driver violated, and the organization is responsible

Any organization can receive a fine if at least one car is registered to it. Fines from photo recording cameras are always issued to the owner of the vehicle (Part 1 of Article 2.6.1 of the Administrative Code). Even if the hired driver or renter violates the rules, the company receives fines since the car is registered with it. In this situation there are two options:

  1. , or
  2. pay the fine on time (preferably with a discount), and then recover the costs from the driver.

In both cases, you need to respond quickly, since there are only 10 days to appeal, and 20 days to pay at a discount.

What kind of car fines do legal entities receive?

Practice shows that the largest number of fines from cameras falls on 4 types of companies:

1. Taxi companies. The most common violations of taxi drivers:

  • stopping or parking in the wrong place;
  • do not pay for paid parking;
  • exceed the speed limit;
  • move along the sides, cross the continuous marking line.

2. Freight carriers. The most “popular” fine is speeding. Freight carriers also often receive fines for “Platon”, tachograph and overload.

3. Leasing companies. These organizations have a difficult time - cars, trucks and even special vehicles are leased. That's why the fines come in all sorts of different ways.

4. Car rental companies. Typically, clients rent cars. As a result, you are charged for speeding. In Moscow, drivers most often ignore the rules paid parking and stop in prohibited places.

Amounts of basic fines for legal entities

A fine can be issued for:

  • driver;
  • official of the organization;
  • entity.

It is important to understand this in order to pay fines correctly and share the responsibility of the organization and the driver.

The liability of a legal entity for most common traffic violations is the same as that of a private driver. However, there are a number of violations for which the organization will be punished much more seriously.

Taxi and cargo transportation

  1. Installation of special sound or light signals on the car, identification mark"disabled person" or the light of a passenger taxi (without permission). The fine for a legal entity is 500,000 rubles with confiscation of installed equipment (Part 2 of Article 12.4 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).
  2. Applying a color scheme of a taxi or emergency services to a vehicle without permission. The fine for the owner is 500,000 rubles.
  3. Exceeding the dimensions (up to 10 cm) or weight of cargo (by 2-10%) when transported by large vehicles without permission - 100,000-150,000 rubles fine and detention of the vehicle (Part 1 of Article 12.21.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation). If violations are recorded by a camera, the fine is 150,000 rubles. Depending on the excess size or weight of the vehicle, the fine for organizations reaches 500 thousand rubles.

Fines for “Plato”

“Platon” is a system for collecting tolls for heavy trucks (vehicles with a permit maximum weight more than 12 tons) by federal highways. The funds are used to restore the road surface and develop new routes. Payment is possible in two ways: using an on-board device or a disposable route card.

For failure to comply with the rules of payment according to the Platon system, the organization that owns the vehicle faces a fine of 5,000 rubles. In case of repeated violation, the fine increases to 10,000 rubles (12.21.3 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

Fines for tachograph

The tachograph monitors the driver’s work schedule. It also records the driving speed and mileage of freight vehicles.

Article 11.23 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation provides for liability both for the absence of a tachograph on a vehicle and for a switched off or faulty device:

  • per driver - from 1,000 to 3,000 rubles;
  • for an official (who did not check the presence of a tachograph and its serviceability) - from 5,000 to 10,000 rubles.

Fines for lawns (in Moscow)

Fines for parking on lawns and their amounts are established by regional laws. In Moscow and St. Petersburg wrong parking will cost much more than in other cities.

If you parked the vehicle on the lawn or any other area with green spaces, in accordance with Art. 8.25 Code of Administrative Offenses of Moscow to you a fine will come from MADI:

  • 5,000 rubles - to the driver;
  • 30,000 rubles - to an official;
  • 300,000 rubles - to a legal entity.

If a vehicle damages green spaces, a fine is imposed under Article 4.18 of the Moscow Administrative Code:

  • per driver - from 4,000 to 4,500 rubles;
  • for an official - 50,000 rubles;
  • for a legal entity - 300,000 rubles.

The culprit is also obliged to restore the lawn or other green area damaged by him.

Fines for unpaid parking in Moscow

In Moscow, parking in the center is mostly paid. But some drivers do not notice the signs, some try to avoid parking costs, and some, in a hurry, forget to pay money.

From January 1, 2019, the owner of the car will receive a fine from the AMPP in the amount of 5,000 rubles. The 50% discount for fast payment does not apply to it. In addition to the penalty, the car can be towed to an impound lot (+ 5,000 rubles to the fine), and penalties begin to accrue on the second day.

Difficulties with tracking fines of legal entities

By law, most fines can be paid with a 50% discount if paid within 20 days. 20 days are counted from the date of the decision, and not the receipt of the letter by mail (Part 1.3 of Article 32.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

If the organization takes on the costs of paying fines and does not pass them on to the driver, significant amounts of money are lost every month. Here is an example of a typical situation - the decree arrives by mail and it turns out that the 20 days for preferential payment have already expired. As a result, the legal entity has to pay fines in full.

Organizations are constantly faced with a list of problems related to tracking fines:

  • Resolutions do not arrive on time or do not arrive at all. IN best case scenario you have to pay the full amount of the fine. At worst, you have to deal with the bailiffs.
  • The appeal period expires and you have to pay. Imagine that you rented a car. The tenant drove carefully, but managed to park the car on the lawn. The violation was recorded by a camera, and your rental company received a fine of 300,000 rubles. But it arrived a month later or was completely lost.
  • The more vehicles a legal entity owns, the more difficult it is to keep track of them all. Fines for each car and each driver are usually recorded manually. Each driver must be informed of the penalty and ensure that he pays it.

The situation is aggravated if in a taxi fleet one car can be driven by 2 or 3 people. While the owner figures out who violated it, the guilty driver may resign. Such a fine is also a loss for the legal entity, because you still have to pay.

It will not be possible to wait until the statute of limitations for fines expires. If you do not pay them off on time, bailiffs will step in and seize the company’s current accounts and place restrictions on the vehicle. In addition, in addition to the main fine, the court may impose a double fine for failure to pay the first one (Part 1 of Article 20.25 of the Administrative Code).

How to track legal entity fines

Decrees can be received in the traditional way - by mail by registered letters. Or you can check online: on the official website of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate or the State Services portal (for Moscow - the Autocode portal). All options have features and disadvantages. The main "minus" is the large volume self made, the history of vehicle fleet fines is not saved; different sources show only their own, individual types of fines.

For example, you have 50 cars in your fleet. Every week (or even more often) you check them manually using the vehicle registration certificate number and vehicle registration number. Find out the details: time, place of violation, payment details. Looking for the driver who was driving. Next, you create a payment order (if you pay through a bank account organization) or instruct the driver to pay. After that, you control the repayment of the fine. Imagine the amount of work if there is at least 1 fine per day for each car.

At the same time, on the traffic police website you can only check traffic police fines. And there are also fines from MADI, AMPP, and administrative commissions of municipalities.

It is possible to control vehicle fleet fines automatically without significant labor costs. A special service will help with this:

In the table we compared the capabilities of the State Services website, the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate and the Online State Traffic Safety Inspectorate.

Public services GIBDD.rf Online traffic police
Special verification of a legal entity + not required not required
Fines according to the TIN of the organization + - +
Filling in vehicle data during the next fine check not required required not required
Checking the traffic police, MADI, AMPP +++ + - - +++
Data from bailiffs - - +
Definition of offender - - +
Information about the time and place of the offense + + +
Photo of the offense - + +
Notification of fines to the person responsible by e-mail and SMS - - +
Generating a printed form of a payment order + - +
Uploading payments to the client bank - - +
Online payment of fines -

(payment through third-party services)

Cashless payment fines, repayment control - - +
Access to information about fines if the state payment system GIS GMP is unavailable - - +
Various types of search (filters) in the database - - +
Export information about all fines to Excel tables - - +
Integration of the service into your automated control system - - +
Free consultations on payment and repayment of fines - - +

Payment methods for traffic police fines for legal entities

Typically, fines for legal entities are paid through the organization's current account or by credit card online.

How to pay through an organization's bank account

  1. Find out the details. They are indicated in the paper order. On the website of the State Services or the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, you can print out a receipt for payment and find the required fields there.
  2. Fill in payment order. It is very important to do this correctly by filling out all fields correctly. Otherwise, the fine will not be paid.

The disadvantage of this option is that you need to fill out and pay payment slips one by one and manually. If dozens or even hundreds of fines have accumulated, the process will drag on for hours.

Pay online using a bank card

  1. You check the fines for each car.
  2. Choose a payment service.
  3. Pay online.

This option is more convenient, but you have to pay a larger commission when making payments. Each time you need to request copies of documents confirming payment. The history of charges and payments is not saved, and sometimes you need this information to be at hand for all your own cars.

Pay fines via Online Traffic Police (3 payment options)

    By bank card through your personal account. The entire payment history with payment details and receipts is stored and available to you 24/7.

    Through the client bank from your current account. You can upload payment orders to your client bank from personal account Online traffic police. Payment details will be filled in automatically. This will significantly save the accountant’s time and prevent errors when filling out.

    Cashless payment of fines through the service. In this case, Online Traffic Police:

  • pays organization fines for you;
  • checks their repayment
  • is responsible for paying off each ruling.

You save time and don't worry about paying off fines. Copies of payment orders and details of each fine will be saved in your personal account.

How to control the payment of fines

Until the fine is paid to the Federal Treasury (GIS GMP), it is considered unpaid.

If you transferred funds to the current account of the relevant UFK, but filled out the payment incorrectly, wait for a “hello” from the FSSP.

There are also frequent failures in the state payment system (GIS GMP), the bank does not transmit payment data to the GIS or transmits it with an error. Because of this, debts “hang” in the GIS GMP, and you can find out about this when the bailiffs come to you with enforcement proceedings.

IMPORTANT! Keep payment receipts for at least 2 years. In a dispute, you will be able to confirm the payment.

You can control the repayment of the fine through State Services or the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate. But to do this, you will have to manually check each car and each regulation.

Online traffic police users are unfamiliar with such situations. Resolutions for all vehicles are sorted automatically in your personal account. Repaid fines fall into a separate section only if payment is accepted. All details and payments are available in 2 clicks.

Consult our specialist about implementing a service for monitoring fines in your organization: tel. 8-800-250-8335.

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Payment of traffic fines

Reading time: 6 minutes


Penalties for violating the rules traffic are constantly updated with new items or changes. Therefore, the procedure for paying traffic police fines is the main issue for all motorists and professional drivers. Even a minimal violation of DD rules can entail serious penalties from regulatory authorities. Always keep up to date with the latest innovations and changes in traffic rules so as not to pay fines.

Procedure for paying traffic fines

As soon as a traffic police officer has handed you a resolution on an administrative offense, you can appeal it within the first ten days (Article 30.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, Part 1). If you were unable to take advantage of the ten-day period to appeal the decision, you can go to court to restore the deadline for appealing (Article 30.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, Part 2 and Article 31.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

If you have not appealed the validity of the decree, then you must repay the debt within 60 days.

Where to pay traffic fines? To pay the fine, you should contact any bank branch with an issued order or use online services. The resolution must indicate the details necessary to carry out the banking transaction.

The bank service is obliged to immediately send payment data to the State Traffic Inspectorate of the Russian Federation.

Payment period

Since May 2013, 60 (+10) days have been allotted to appeal the eligibility of sanctions and pay the debt (Federal Law No. 49-FZ dated April 5, 2013). If the car owner does not meet the deadline for fulfilling the obligation, the fine is considered overdue and will be followed by forced collection.

Penalty for overdue fine:

  • if the amount of debt is large, travel outside the Russian Federation is prohibited;
  • resolving the issue of debt repayment through the car owner’s employer;
  • confiscation of property for failure to pay a large fine.

In any case, payment of a traffic police fine can be appealed in a timely manner without violating the law.

Restrictions on the right to travel outside the Russian Federation can be appealed, however, the removal of restrictions will not happen instantly. This procedure will take time.

What other compulsory penalties are applied to non-payers? Based on Article 20.25 Part 1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation on failure to pay administrative fines on time, the following measures are applied to violators:

  • increase in the amount of payment by 2 times (valid for fines from 1000 rubles);
  • forced labor for 50 hours;
  • arrest for 15 days.

Ignoring payment of a fine of 100 rubles can result in a debt of 1000 rubles. It's better to pay on time.

Statute of limitations

Previously, the statute of limitations for non-payment of debt was one calendar year. Currently it is 2 calendar years. The countdown of the debt period begins after the expiration of a ten-day period after the decision made by the traffic police authorities.

Is it possible to legally avoid paying traffic fines? Read.

Deprivation of rights for unpaid fines

New law on payment of traffic fines approves temporary seizure driver's license for late payment in the following cases:

  • debt in the amount of 10,000 rubles;
  • evasion of alimony payments.

However, these penalties do not apply to disabled people of groups 1 and 2. Also, this resolution does not apply to persons for whom a car is the only source of family income.

Temporary seizure order driver's license can only be issued by a judge based on a court decision.

In what cases can a driver receive a revoked license? Immediately after repaying the debt. You can find out about the presence of debt on the traffic police website.rf.

Procedure for paying traffic police fines for pedestrians

Pedestrians are charged a fine for jaywalking. This resolution is specified in Art. 12.29 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. If a pedestrian crossed the road in the wrong place, and this resulted in an obstacle to traffic or caused an emergency, then Art. 12.30 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. In this case, the violator is assessed a fine of 1000 rubles. up to 1500 rub.

Online payment

Where can I pay a traffic fine online, except for ATMs? This can be done via:

  • Internet;
  • mobile bank.

To pay a debt online, you need to know the order number and details. Where can I find out the order number? To do this, you need to go to the Unified Portal of State Services or to the official website of the State Traffic Inspectorate.

Reading time: 9 minutes

Even disciplined drivers sometimes violate traffic rules. Haste, inattention, bad roads and infrastructure deficiencies may cause sanctions to be imposed by the State Traffic Inspectorate. The most loyal of them is the ruble punishment. The amount depends on the violation, and late payment of traffic police fines may lead to other troubles. At the same time, there are enough payment methods, and there is also the opportunity to save money.

About traffic police fines

The list of administrative offenses in the field of traffic rules, which is given in Chapter 12 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, includes more than thirty points (37 to be exact), describing in detail the amount of financial losses of the violator in each specific case. The minimum fine in Russia today is 500 rubles, and the maximum can reach 50 thousand.

And yet this is the mildest punishment that is applied to non-malicious violators, as well as in cases of non-compliance Traffic regulations cameras. And in connection with the latest innovations, a traffic police officer can now issue a decree directly on the spot and without a protocol.

Payment deadlines

It is important for a driver who has violated traffic rules and received a decree to know how quickly he needs to settle accounts with the state. You can find information in Art. 32.2 Code of Administrative Offences.

The amount of the penalty for an administrative offense must be paid within sixty days from the date the resolution enters into force.

Moreover, this applies to everyone, with the exception of foreigners and stateless persons expelled from the country - they need to make the payment the next day. For evasion of payment another penalty will be imposed administrative penalty, and the fine will increase by 3-5 thousand rubles.

But Russians shouldn’t delay paying off their debt, even if the violation was recorded by a surveillance camera. In Art. 20.25 of the Code of Administrative Offenses refers to a doubling of the amount (by no less than 1,000 rubles) and mandatory community service (50 hours) in case of late payment. When the bailiffs get down to business, everything will be very bad. If you make the payment faster, the amount of recovery may be halved.

Payment of fines at a discount

Today there is no need to pay exclusively in cash, and the following methods of debt repayment are available to traffic police “clients”:

  • at bank tellers;
  • postal transfer;
  • through terminals and ATMs;
  • using the Internet.

Difficulties will not arise, regardless of how you pay administrative penalty.

In the bank

The traditional place for paying fines for most older drivers is a bank. Not innovative, but perhaps the most reliable solution. But first you need to find out which bank you can pay the fine at. Unfortunately, not everyone accepts such payments. But there is Sberbank, which carries out these transactions. To solve the problem you need:

  1. Visit the branch with your passport and receipt (decree). There is no provision for paying a fine on a driver's license.
  2. Notify the cashier of your intention. He will fill out the receipt with the details himself.
  3. Deposit the amount and receive a check.
  4. Extremely simple and clear. Moreover, any person can make payment for you, and the receipt received will always serve as confirmation of repayment of the debt. However, the presence of queues should be taken into account. Plus, the bank does not have information about all fines; their presence will still have to be checked. And, of course, Sberbank charges a commission - 3%, but not less than 30 rubles.

    Making a payment through a terminal or ATM is not much more difficult. It takes less time, and cash is not always needed, but you will need the details of the payee, which we described above. But there are no queues or commissions, plus there are no days off for the machines. In addition, it is possible to pay using a barcode, which must be on the original receipt. The device will issue a receipt, but remember that cash is accepted for payment. If you deposit more money into the receiver, do not expect change.

    At the post office

    You can also easily pay fines at the post office. The procedure at the post office is similar to banking. Queuing, contacting the operator with documents, paying in cash, processing and issuing a receipt. But the payment processing guarantee is also 100%.

    Only here you will also need a full understanding of where to pay. Again, you will need details, the name of the organization, and so on. Before going to the post office, prepare as much information as possible for the operator and take your passport with you. Also consider the presence of a commission.

    Online payment options

    Digital technologies have long been used in the banking industry. Money today moves around the world in virtual space. It's no secret that younger drivers prefer to pay their fines online. And there are many such ways. We list the most popular services:

  • official website of the traffic police;
  • “Government services”;
  • Tinkoff;
  • "Yandex money";
  • QIWI;
  • "Sberbank Online".

The algorithm of work is approximately the same everywhere, but more about the nuances below. Registration, filling out special forms and, in fact, transfer from a card or account are required.

Via the traffic police website

The surest way is to act through the official website of the traffic police. The fact is that here is reliable information about all fines. To pay you need:

  • Open the site.
  • Select the “Traffic Participants” section and click on the “Violations and Fines” tab.
  • On the page that opens, go down and select “Check fines.”
  • In a new window, enter the registration plate numbers, including region and COP.
  • Click on the request icon.
  • Enter the captcha and click the “Request” button.
  • In the list of unpaid fines that appears, click on the one you intend to close.
  • Make payment in a way convenient for you. To do this, you need to click on the “Pay online” link and select one of the following options: by bank card, using the QIWI PS, Yandex.Money or the Alfa-Click system.

This is an option to pay off fines without commission. When redirecting from the traffic police website to payment services, a zero tariff is automatically activated there. Within 24 hours, payment information should be displayed in the database.

On the portal “State Services”

When the “State Services” service appeared, it became much easier to transfer payments to the state budget. Registration on the portal provides many advantages, including payment of fines. And you need to work with the service like this:

  • Login to the portal.
  • Select the payment section and click on the fine payment tab.
  • The page that appears presents the entire algorithm upcoming work. If you are registered on the portal, at this stage you need to log in. By the way, this can be done immediately after entering the site.
  • Search for fines by filling out an application (VU and STS numbers are required). You can use the search for the receipt number by opening the appropriate tab. That is, it is possible to pay a fine according to the order number.
  • The service will provide complete information about the fine.
  • Click on the payment icon. The system will redirect the client to the method selection page.
  • Pay with a Visa or MasterCard, from a QIWI Wallet, WebMoney, Yandex.Money or mobile account.

It is worth noting that this is almost perfect option payment via the Internet without commission. In addition, the system allows you to print out a completed receipt, with which you can go to a branch of any bank or find a suitable ATM to pay there if there are not enough non-cash funds.

In the “Payments” tab in your personal account, you can check the status and confirmation of each transaction. It is also possible to set up automatic notification of new fines.

Via Tinkoff

The Tinkoff online bank offers its own website and mobile application for paying traffic police fines. The work here also begins with the detection of fines. The search is possible in two ways - by receipt number or VU. In the mobile version, you can configure alerts about incoming collections. This feature is paid. The process itself is not much different from other services.

Using Yandex

The all-Russian EPS allows you to pay off a fine with a commission of 1% (charges at least 30 rubles) on your own website. Everything is simple here too. You need to select the “Payments and Purchases” section and click on the “Traffic Police Fines” button. You should indicate in the form the region and region where the protocol was drawn up, the name of the traffic police department, the number of the resolution, VU or STS, as well as the personal data of the violator.

The system is connected to the Ministry of Internal Affairs database, so it is possible to activate the service of automatic notification of new fines. Moreover, the information here is updated at the same speed as on the traffic police portal. Very comfortably.

Using QIWI

In the case of QIWI, the algorithm of actions is approximately the same, but for the search you can limit yourself to only three parameters: number, date of resolution and amount of collection. The fines tab is located in the “Other” subsection of the payments section. The commission here is only 1%.

Through Sberbank

If you compare which site is better to pay on, then probably best option– Sberbank Online service. Since 2015, transaction fees for fines have not been charged here, and the auto-payment function allows you to remember about them only when notifications about debiting funds arrive.

The service itself finds and pays receipts once a week or a month, at the request of the client. At the same time, he notifies via SMS about the amount and number of the order. The client can either confirm the payment by sending a message to number 900 with the received code, or postpone the transaction by indicating another code provided for such cases. There is a 1% commission for this service.

Payment of fines by legal entities

Rules for paying fines legal entity Only non-cash payments are accepted. Moreover, the company’s account should be used, and not any other. Even if the offense was committed by a hired driver, the details of his company are indicated in the protocol, and the fine will be paid by the company for which he works. This is a requirement of the Labor Code. Then the amount of the penalty will be deducted from the culprit’s salary.

However, the owner of the company where the violator works has the right to challenge the traffic police decision. This can happen if you prove that at the time of the offense the driver was dealing with his own, and not production, issues.

Paying someone else's fine

Now let’s be more specific about whether another person can pay the traffic police fine. Why not? Does it matter who contributes the money? No one is interested in the identity of the payer. He is still required to provide his documents when paying at the bank. However, the financial institution is primarily interested in the resolution number, details and amount.

If this is an online payment, the details of the person for whom the payment is being made are important. And the payer will need a login and password to enter the services. Thus, the procedure for paying for another person is practically no different from the standard procedure. With the exception of the only case - the death of the offender.

If the offender is dead

In Art. 24.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses states that proceedings in a case of an administrative offense cannot be started, and what has already begun is subject to termination upon death individual, in relation to which it is being conducted. This puts an end to any dispute over who will pay the traffic police fine if the driver dies. Heirs do not have to pay off remaining debts, because fines are not inherited in Russia.

Payment of overdue fine

It’s another matter if the violator did not have time, forgot, or simply did not have the opportunity to pay the fine within the period prescribed by law.

Let us remind you once again that the established period is 60 days from the date of execution of the protocol.

In just three months, bailiffs may knock on the violator’s door, reminding them of the debt and the fact that it has doubled.

Hence the answer to the question of how a fine is paid if it is overdue. Immediately, unless the statute of limitations has passed, otherwise you may be subject to arrest for 15 days, a travel ban or “occupational therapy” for 50 hours. While there have been no bailiffs or notification of the new amount, you can still have time to pay “at par.” It is important to keep the receipt. If the FSSP machine starts moving and sends a notice, you can prevent sanctions by personally presenting evidence of the payment.

You can pay overdue fines in the same way as everyone else. The method does not matter and is chosen at the discretion of the payer.

How to avoid paying a fine

No one is exempt from penalties for violating traffic rules - neither heroes, nor pregnant women, nor pensioners. The statute of limitations for administrative cases is two years, but it is unrealistic to wait for such an outcome. You can get a deferment or an installment plan, but all this will only delay the moment of payment by several months.

But if the procedure for issuing a fine or human rights was violated, you can actually reduce the imposed penalty. But to do this you need to collect evidence, hire a lawyer and, possibly, spend a lot more money than the state requires.

Verification of fine payment

It should already be clear to the reader how to check old fines. Verification precedes payment on any service. The check is carried out according to the vehicle number, SOP, VU or resolution (according to the UIN). Such services operate for free. The traffic police website is most often used, since there you can immediately influence the indication by uploading scans of fresh payment receipts. Some use the bailiffs’ website, others prefer the “State Services” portal with an alert function, although here verification by last name, first name, patronymic and date of birth is impossible.


We answered the question of how to properly pay off a fine from the State Traffic Inspectorate. Let's briefly summarize:

  • Regardless of the amount of the fine, you will have to pay.
  • The time for the procedure is limited by law.
  • Checking for unpaid receipts and finding out the recipient’s details is not a problem.
  • You should always be interested in how to pay fines as cheaply as possible. It makes sense to enable SMS notification.
  • When payment is not possible, you should apply for a deferment or installment plan.

Paying traffic police fines via the Internet: video

The issued order must be paid strictly within the specified time frame. Delay in payment or complete refusal to pay can lead to serious problems. There is also a pleasant moment: the law provides for a period during which a 50% discount is provided.

Methods of paying a fine

In 2019, there are many such options. The use of an electronic wallet is no exception; transfers can be made from any available one: Yandex.Money, WebMoney, Qiwi and others.

Whatever method is chosen, they are all as simple and understandable as possible. The choice of method is up to the driver; it is based solely on preference and convenience. Each of them has its own negative and positive sides.

Where can you pay a traffic fine:

  • at the post office;
  • in the traffic police department;
  • using a terminal;
  • using “State Services”;
  • in the bank application on your phone;
  • during a personal visit to a bank branch;
  • on the official website of the traffic police.

It is recommended to keep the receipt confirming the deposit for at least six months. This is necessary to resolve issues arising as a result of possible technical problems in the traffic police. If such a breakdown occurs, the driver will always be able to prove his conscientious attitude towards payment.

Payment via the Internet

This is one of the most convenient ways to pay a traffic police fine online with a bank card; it is preferred by most drivers. The procedure is simple and has many positive aspects. You can pay a fine using the order number in no more than 5 minutes. The main advantage is the absence of any additional data other than the driver’s license number or decree. It is not necessary to know the traffic police details. How to pay a traffic police fine online?

Service "Yandex.Money"

To pay the order, you will need to complete the following steps:

  1. Log in to the portal.
  2. Go to the “City Payments” section.
  3. Here are the required forms: driver's license number and vehicle registration certificate.
  4. After sending the information, a list of all existing debts will appear.
  5. You can pay for the selected resolution either from an electronic wallet or from a plastic card.

QIWI wallet

You can pay the traffic police fine online from your personal account. At the same time, no additional commissions are charged. For users of this payment system, payment of a fine according to the resolution is available. To carry out this action you must:

  1. Log in to the portal.
  2. Follow the “Pay” link.
  3. On the left side of the screen, select the required item - payment of the fine.
  4. Enter information about the order number and the date of its issue.
  5. Specify the amount and account to transfer.
  6. After confirming the entered information, the payment is considered completed.

"Sberbank Online"

Payment of traffic police fines in Sberbank Online is practically no different from Yandex.Money. You can use this method after registering with the service and connecting to your mobile bank.
Payment steps:

  1. Log in to the website, go to the “Payments and Transfers” section. Here select the item “Traffic police, taxes and duties”.
  2. Next, select “Traffic Police”, then “Fines”.
  3. You will need to enter the details of your driver's license or vehicle registration number in a special field.
  4. After sending, the screen will display full list existing debts.
  5. Select a protocol from the list provided, as well as an account ( bank card), from which the money will be debited.
  6. Indicate the amount to be debited from the card. Carefully check all previously entered data.
  7. Click the “Confirm” button.
  8. Enter the password from the message received on your phone.
  9. If necessary, save or print the receipt.

When using the Sberbank Online service, a 50% discount is available. To do this, it is necessary to carry out calculations within a certain time frame.

Portal "Government services"

This opportunity appeared relatively recently. There are also some inconveniences associated with paying through this site. It is not recommended to make a payment on the last day. There may be a delay, since the transfer of funds is carried out with some delay. The portal also charges a commission of 0.5% of the amount.

There are also positive aspects. Anyone, not necessarily an offender, can deposit funds and pay a fine online. All you need is your driver's license number.

Official website of the traffic police

This method is one of the fastest. The payment is transferred to the budget almost instantly. The procedure goes as follows:

  • The vehicle number and other information are indicated in a special field.
  • The screen will display a complete list of orders that need to be repaid.
  • You need to select the one you need and, following the system prompts, pay for it.

Both a plastic card and electronic wallets (Yandex.Money, WebMoney and others) are suitable as a method of depositing funds. In this case, you do not need to pay any additional fees for the transfer. In addition to payment, this resource You can learn about all the innovations, changes in traffic rules and much more.

Payment at a bank branch or using a terminal

Payment can be made in many banks. You must be prepared for the fact that you will need to provide details. There are three ways:

  • using a plastic card;
  • cash at an ATM;
  • with the help of a bank employee, in one of the service windows.

When using terminal services, you should be careful. Their conditions and menus change regularly, and there is a high probability of accidental errors.

Visit to a bank branch

Here you need to contact an employee and receive a PD-4 form. It is filled out by the driver himself. It is important to do this slowly and carefully check the data. Next, the form along with the money is handed over to the operator. Upon completion of payment, a receipt will be issued.

This scheme has one serious drawback - a large commission. For example, at Sberbank it is 15% of the total amount.

QIWI payment terminal

How to pay a traffic police fine by resolution number:

  1. In the main menu of the terminal, go to the “Payment for services” item.
  2. Select the “Fines and State Duties” tab.
  3. Next is the sub-item “Payment of fines to the traffic police”.
  4. Fill in all required fields and click the “Pay” button.
  5. Get a receipt.

A serious disadvantage is the inability to find out about all existing debts under regulations. The user has access only to the fine for which payment is made.

Using SMS messages

This method was tested in the Moscow region. In 2019, it became available to residents throughout Russia. The procedure consists of the following operations:

  1. Registration in the Unified Mobile Platform.
  2. Sending a message with the text servicereg, or servicereg (the input language is not important) to the short number 7377.
  3. In order to check the payment of a fine by resolution number, you can send “Fine Series Number STS” to the same number 7377. Instead of the words “series number”, indicate the digital designation of the document. Similar information is provided upon request “Fine series and VU number”.
  4. Next you should use detailed instructions from incoming SMS messages.

Advantages of the method: pay car fines anywhere, you don’t need to have a bank card at hand.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that the amount of the fine directly depends on the timing of its payment. The law provides for a grace period, during which a 50% discount is provided. In case of delay, the debtor’s data is transferred to the FSSP. In this case, you will have to pay the state budget not only the full amount of the fine, but also the enforcement fee.
Which method to choose is the right of every driver. Each option has its own set of pros and cons.


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