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We have already published material about the changes for drivers since April 2017. However, literally in the last week of March, several important amendments to traffic rules and other regulations were adopted, which will come into force in April. In particular, the rules for transporting children by buses are changing, new replacement rules come into force driving license, the traffic rules for novice drivers are being tightened. In addition, the tariff of the Platon system will change from April 15, and resonant amendments to the law on OSAGO will come into force at the end of April. About all this - in the material of the portal site

New rules for the carriage of children from April 1, 2017

The new procedure for filing a notice of organized transportation groups of children by buses approved by order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated December 30, 2016 No. 941.

According to the document, the notification of the transportation of children is submitted to the regional traffic police departments at the place of the beginning of transportation, and in their absence - to the corresponding traffic police department of the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

Departmental order established requirements for the content of the notification. The following information must be present:

  • charterer (customer of transportation)
  • charterer (carrier)
  • route program
  • bus (buses)
  • driver (s)
  • the person who submitted the notification (for legal entities).

The notification is submitted in person or electronically by the head of the organization or the official responsible for ensuring security road traffic, and in the case of organized transportation of a group of children under a charter agreement - by a charterer or a freighter (by mutual agreement).

The deadline for submitting a notification about the organized transportation of a group of children to the traffic police department is no later than 2 days before the start of transportation. Upon receipt of the notification, a check of the information on the registration of the bus and its technical inspection, as well as on the availability of the driver's license of category “D” allowed to drive the bus, is organized. In addition, the information on the absence of administrative offenses in the field of road traffic, for which punishment in the form of deprivation of the right to drive a vehicle or administrative arrest, during the last year is checked.

Changes for novice drivers from April 4, 2017

On March 24, 2017, a decree of the Government of the Russian Federation was signed, which introduces restrictions for novice drivers with less than 2 years of experience. In particular, novice drivers were banned from towing, and for the absence of a sign on the car, they will now prohibit its operation.

Let us remind you that earlier it was proposed for drivers whose driving experience is less than 2 years to restrict maximum speed up to 70 km / h, when driving on any road. In addition, they wanted to prohibit such drivers from towing a car, and novice moped and motorcycle drivers - from carrying passengers.

However, not all initiatives were included in the final version of the document. Government Decree No. 333 of March 24, 2017 introduced the following restrictions for drivers with less than 2 years of experience:

  • it is forbidden to tow vehicles
  • it is forbidden to carry passengers on a motorcycle and moped
  • it is forbidden to drive a car without a sign "Novice driver"

With regard to the last point, now the absence of the "Novice driver" sign has been included in the "Basic Provisions for the Admission of Vehicles to Operation and the Responsibilities of Road Safety Officials", among the malfunctions in which the operation of the vehicle is prohibited.

The Thorns badge will become mandatory on April 4th

Government Decree No. 333 of March 24, 2017the absence of the sign "Novice driver" is included in the "Basic Provisions for the Admission of Vehicles to Operation and the Duties of Officials to Ensure Road Safety", among the malfunctions in which the operation of the vehicle is prohibited.

However, it is worth noting that this applies not only to this sign alone. If you look at the text of Resolution No. 333, then the following is noted there:

"The Appendix to the said Basic Provisions shall be supplemented with clause 7.15.1 of the following content:" 7.15.1. Absent identification marks which must be established in accordance with paragraph 8 of the Basic Provisions for the Admission of Vehicles to Operation and the Responsibilities of Road Safety Officials ... "

Thus, formally, from April 4, 2017, for the absence of any sign from clause 8 of the "Basic Provisions", drivers are threatened with a ban on the operation of the car. This includes the following signs:

  • "Road train"
  • "Thorns"
  • "Transportation of children"
  • "Deaf driver"
  • "Training vehicle"
  • "Speed ​​limit"
  • "Dangerous cargo"
  • "Bulky cargo"
  • "Slow-moving vehicle"
  • "Long vehicle"
  • "Novice driver"

From April 4, if any of these signs should be installed on the car, but it is not, then the traffic inspector can prohibit the further operation of the car and the law will be on his side.

Replacement of driver's license from April 4, 2017

From April 4, 2017, new rules will come into force when changing a driver's license.

The government of the Russian Federation has made changes to the Rules for conducting exams for the right to drive vehicles and issuance of driving licenses. The corresponding decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 326 was signed on March 23, 2017.

This document introduces two important changes to the rules for replacing rights:

  • if the rights are changed not due to the expiration of the term, the new rights will be issued for 10 years
  • you can now change rights on your own initiative, without giving a reason

Now, when changing rights, for example, after marriage and change of surname, new rights are issued with the same validity period as the previous ones. For example, if you received a license 9 years ago and changed them due to a new surname or other reasons, then in a year their validity period will expire and you will have to change them again. With the adoption of these amendments, new rights will be issued for 10 years. True, for this you will have to present a medical certificate, even in those cases in which it was not necessary earlier.

As for the second point, now the driver can change his license on his own initiative. For example, if he stopped liking a photo on a document.

Increase in tariffs "Platon" from April 15, 2017

From April 15, 2017, the tariffs of the Platon system were supposed to double at once. However, just a few days ago, after a meeting with representatives of the auto business, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev signed a new decree and now the tariff will not rise so sharply.

Now the "Platon" tariff will increase by 25% from April 15, 2017. Thus, from April, the toll on federal highways will be 1.91 rubles per kilometer.Recall that there is now a temporary reduction factor to the tariff and truckers pay 1.53 rubles per kilometer.

Compulsory truck fare full weight over 12 tons on federal highways (Platon system) has been operating in Russia since November 15, 2015.

Restrictions on the passage of trucks in Tatarstan from April 15, 2017

In April 2017, Rosavtodor plans to introduce traffic restrictions for heavy vehicles. Restriction of movement in the spring is carried out by establishing permissible values axial load vehicles on those sections of federal highways where the structural strength of road pavements does not provide the ability to pass heavy vehicles.

In addition, from April 15 to May 14, 2017, it is planned to introduce temporary traffic restrictions on the regional roads of the Republic of Tatarstan.

According to the results of diagnostics of roads of regional significance, the maximum permissible values ​​of the loads on the axles of the vehicle in the spring period were established:

  • single axle - 6 tons;
  • biaxial bogie - 5 tons
  • three-axle bogie - 4 tons.

The restrictions will not apply to the following types of transportation:

  • international carriage of goods carried out in accordance with the provisions;
  • passenger transportation by buses, including international;
  • transportation of food products, animals, medicines, seeds, fertilizers, mail and postal cargo (except for joint transportation with cargo not specified in this paragraph);
  • vehicles with a carrying capacity of up to 16 tons carrying fuel, namely gasoline, diesel fuel, marine fuel, jet fuel, heating oil, gaseous fuel (fuel trucks with a tank capacity of up to 18 thousand liters);
  • transportation of goods necessary for liquidation of consequences natural Disasters or other emergencies.
  • transportation of road construction and road maintenance equipment and materials used in emergency recovery and repair work;
  • vehicles of federal executive bodies in which military service is provided for by federal law.

During the period of the introduction of a temporary restriction in the spring, the movement of vehicles in regional roads the axle load of which exceeds the above permissible loads, is carried out exclusively on the basis of special permission. A prerequisite for obtaining such a permit is preliminary compensation for excess damage caused by vehicles.

MTPL payments from April 28, 2017

On March 28, 2017, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a bill on compensation in kind for OSAGO.

Recall that on March 17, 2017, the bill was adopted by the State Duma in the third, final reading. According to the insurers' initiative, in most cases, instead of paying in cash, motorists will now only receive referrals for repairs to a car service.

The latest version of the document takes into account the following amendments:

  • The distance to the service station either from the place of the accident, or from the place of residence of the car owner (optional) - up to 50 km.
  • The repair period for the car should be no more than 30 days; for each day of delay, the insurance company will be charged a fine of 0.5% of the amount to be reimbursed.
  • The Bank of Russia will amend the normative act, establishing the requirements for the organization of repairs and the procedure for interaction between the insurer and the consumer, including in the case of detecting poor-quality repairs.
  • The consumer will be able to choose the service station where he wants to repair the car in the event of an accident from the register of the insurance company or, in agreement with the insurer, designate his own station.
  • The document prohibits the use of used parts when repairing a car.
  • The calculation of the amount of compensation for in-kind OSAGO is made without taking into account the deterioration of the car and parts.
  • The warranty period for repairs is six months and one year for bodywork and paintwork - 1 year.
  • Cars not older than 2 years, which have a guarantee, must be repaired by the corresponding service stations, which have the right to carry out work, while maintaining the guarantee.
  • A list of cases has been approved when a cash payment can be made: infliction of grave or moderate harm to health, death of the victim, complete destruction of the car, excess of the cost of repairs over the limit of payment of compulsory motor third party liability insurance (400,000 rubles). Also, monetary compensation can be paid to certain categories of disabled people. The car owner will have the right to demand compensation for damages in cash if the insurer is unable to arrange repairs at the service station offered to him earlier.
  • The Bank of Russia has the right to make a decision to restrict the insurer, which has been repeatedly complained about by car owners, to compensate for the damage caused in the form of repairs for a period of up to one year.

On March 28, the document was signed by the President and officially published on the Government's website. The bill will enter into force 30 days after its official publication and will apply to only new OSAGO agreements. Accordingly, the new amendments will take effect for OSAGO policies concluded after April 28, 2017.

To the attention of drivers: there have been changes in traffic rules since April 1 (4), 2017. Although the innovations cannot be called key or extremely unexpected for most drivers, it is still necessary to know about them - this is directly related to road safety, even if the changes belong to other categories.

It is important to mention also those amendments that do not affect the set of Rules, but are directly related to motorists and their pressing problems - the metamorphosis of OSAGO, a little about Plato and bribes.

So, what new have the lawmakers prepared in the traffic rules from April 1, 2017? There are several main points:

  • informative signs have become mandatory
  • change of traffic rules for roundabouts
  • introduction of an innovation - zones of calm movement
  • restrictions for novice drivers
  • amendments concerning the movement of motorcycles.

As you can see, of these, restrictions on the actions of novice drivers, amendments for motorcyclists and the introduction of zones of calm movement have become significantly new. All other changes have been discussed for a long time and are being introduced gradually, or were optional, but desirable, as in the case of informative signs.

Let's consider in order what drivers should take into account from April 2017 and how this will affect the road situation.

Mandatory signs: raising awareness on the road

The drafters of the laws have identified 11 groups of drivers on various grounds that other road users should know about. Now road train, carrier of oversized or dangerous goods, lengthy vehicle, training vehicle, slow-moving vehicle - vehicles that cannot reach speeds above 30 km per hour, as well as a vehicle whose speed is always limited, vehicles for transporting children, vehicles with studded tires, cars driven by novice drivers or those with physical disabilities opportunities, in particular, the deaf, from April 1, 2017 must have a special (each for its case) plate. Such groups of drivers should clearly and clearly indicate their status.

This is due to the growth of accidents and emergency situations, when other road users do not receive sufficient information about the car that is walking nearby. The absence of a sign is punished with a warning or a fine of 500 r, however, there is a high probability that the fine will increase.

At the same time, for example, the thorn sign, which became mandatory from April 4, 2017 and existed before, many drivers bought the appropriate sticker on the glass, it just was not a mandatory norm, but depended on desire.

Circular motion, or the experiment continues

Not so long ago, the rules for driving a roundabout began to be brought into a form corresponding to the European one, as more thoughtful and accident-free. This means that a car that is already driving in a circle has an advantage in passing over just entering. Before that, there was a fundamentally different system in the Russian Federation, they let it go around the circle, but then they gradually began to introduce new rules. Many intersections were equipped with “Yield” signs, inspectors carried out explanatory work.

One point was unclear: if in Europe only all roundabouts are passed uniformly, then some of the circles remained with the old scheme, some switched to a new one. The driver had to check the priority signs every time. Since April 2017, circle movement has become the main one, regardless of whether priority signs are installed.

Zone of calm movement: what is it

In April 2017, the concept of a zone of calm movement was introduced in the Russian Federation. It implies a speed of no more than 20 km / h, because there are no special places pedestrian crossing and in general, too many people. This applies to industrial zones, the historical center of the city, and the territory of trading floors.

How a novice driver was restricted in his rights

Not only is a novice driver obliged to have a special sign on his vehicle so that everyone around him can see an inexperienced road user, they also introduced restrictions:

  • a driver with less than two years of experience cannot tow another vehicle;
  • a motorcycle driver whose experience is less than two years is not allowed to carry passengers in the back seat.

Of course, these restrictions are insignificant for a beginner, but they are quite reasonable. They are designed to reduce accidents on public roads.

Good news for motorcyclists

An amendment to the traffic rules in 2017 allowed motorcyclists in permitted places to drive at 110 km / h like cars, against the previous 90 km / h. This was done in order to create a stream going at the same speed, which affects safety and reduces maneuvers at speed.

Changes that are not related to traffic rules, but are important for drivers

The April changes and innovations in the regulations for both traffic police officers and drivers were perceived ambiguously and caused a storm of emotions, so it would be tactless to remain silent about them.

  • Increase in the cost of travel for a kilometer using the Platon system for freight transport, whose mass exceeds 12 tons. According to initial calculations, the increase in tariff was supposed to be equal to 50%, but in the end the cost increased by only 25%. This is due to the general dissatisfaction of the truckers' trade unions, the unprofitability for many private owners and the system of discounts and indulgences from the state.

The topic with "Platon" has been hot since 2015, when this system was first introduced, there are regular talks about the efficiency of collecting money and raising tariffs on the one hand and about extortionate extortions and performing their direct duties on the other hand.

  • From April 1, 2017, a prescribed algorithm for the actions of a traffic police officer has been introduced, when the driver offers him a bribe for concealing a violation. Previously, the inspector was guided by the situation and could not report to the higher authorities about the incident, but now there is a special form according to which all information and details about the fact of giving a bribe are transferred to the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

How traffic police officers will adhere to this measure depends on their decency and honesty.

  • The default is new system compensation for compulsory motor third party liability insurance. Now the driver in 99% of cases will receive a referral for repairs, and not cash payments as before. Only in especially severe cases (death, injury, significant excess of the maximum amount for repairs - 400,000 rubles), you can write an application for consideration of the case on an individual basis.

Drivers are not all happy with this innovation, because they are not allowed to choose their service center, for example, where they have been serviced for many years - there is an approved list of partners for this. But in this way, the number of auto-fakes and facts of fraud of insurance companies can be reduced.

As you can see, changes and amendments to traffic rules and related areas from April 1, 2017 do not concern all drivers, but it is simply necessary to know about them.

Good afternoon, dear reader.

This article will focus on the changes that have been made to the text starting April 4, 2017. Starting from this date, new clauses have been added to the rules that introduced additional restrictions for drivers with a driving experience of less than 2 years.

In addition, the changes affected the maximum speed of motorcycles, as well as the rules for the use of identification marks (novice driver, road train, deaf driver, etc.). Let's consider the innovations in more detail.

Maximum speed for motorcycles on motorways

Consider paragraph 10.3 of the rules of the road:


  • passenger cars and trucks with a maximum permissible weight of no more than 3.5 tons on highways - at a speed of no more than 110 km / h, on other roads - no more than 90 km / h;
  • intercity and small buses and motorcycles on all roads - no more than 90 km / h;

10.3. Outside settlements, movement is allowed:

  • motorcycles, cars and trucks with a maximum permissible weight of no more than 3.5 tons on highways - at a speed of no more than 110 km / h, on other roads - no more than 90 km / h;
  • intercity and small-seater buses on all roads - no more than 90 km / h;

Thus, starting from April 4, 2017, motorcyclists can ride at a speed of 110 km / h. Previously, the limit was 90 km / h.

Towing restrictions for novice drivers

Consider the new paragraph 20.2 1 of the SDA:

20.2 1 . When towing, towing vehicles must be driven by drivers who have the right to drive vehicles for 2 or more years.

Let's analyze the new item in parts:

  • This paragraph only applies to the towing of motor vehicles. Those. towing trailers any driver can do it and it will not be a violation.
  • The restrictions apply only to the driver of the towing vehicle, i.e. pulling car (driving in front). The second car can be driven by a driver with any experience.
  • The driver of the towing vehicle must have the right to drive any vehicle for 2 or more years.

For example, if a driver at the age of 16 received a license of category M, and at the age of 18 received a license of category B, then since his experience is more than 2 years, he can immediately tow.

In this case, the restriction applies specifically to novice drivers, i.e. having a driver's license of any category for less than 2 years. Please note that below we will consider the restrictions for motorcyclists, which apply not only to novice drivers, although the wording of the paragraph of the rules is similar.

Fine for violation of the rules of towing is provided for by Article 12.21 of the Administrative Code and amounts to 500 rubles(or warning):

1. Violation of the rules for the carriage of goods, as well as the rules of towing -

The driver of the second car cannot tow the first car, because this is prohibited by the new clause 20.2 1 of the rules. The fine for violation will be 500 rubles.

One more possible variant- change cars. However, since the drivers are not included in the OSAGO insurance, it will be 500 rubles (for each of the drivers).

What is the best way to proceed in this case? It's actually pretty simple. You need to ask the traffic police, who are preparing to issue a fine, to help get the car out of the mud.

Restrictions on the carriage of people on motorcycles and mopeds

Consider the updated paragraph 22.2 1 of the SDA:

22.2 1 . Transportation of people on a motorcycle must be carried out by a driver who has a driver's license for the right to drive vehicles of category "A" or subcategory "A1" for 2 or more years, transportation of people on a moped must be carried out by a driver who has a driver's license for the right to drive vehicles of any category or a subcategory for 2 years or more.

This item consists of two parts, for motorcycles and for mopeds. Let's consider them separately.

Restrictions for moped drivers

Everything is pretty simple here. To transport people on a moped, a driver must have a driver's license of any category for 2 years or longer. Those. a novice driver is not allowed to transport people on a moped.

Let me remind you that a driver's license is currently suitable for driving mopeds, in which any category is open and.

Restrictions for motorcyclists

Restrictions for motorcyclists are slightly more complex. To transport people on a motorcycle, you need to have a driver's license of category A or subcategory A1 for 2 years. Please note that this restriction does not only apply to novice drivers.

For example, a driver has 40 years of experience in driving cars of categories B, C, D and after retirement wants to change to a motorcycle. He gets a category A driver's license and buys a motorcycle with a carrycot, which he plans to ride to the country with his wife.

Such a driver cannot be called a beginner from the point of view of traffic rules, since the driving experience exceeds 2 years. However, the driver cannot carry passengers for 2 years.

In this case, the driver only has to put the motorcycle in the garage and put the certificate on the shelf in order to return to the idea in 2 years. Naturally, during this time the driver will not become more experienced. Rather, on the contrary, he will partially lose the skills acquired in the driving school.

The fine for violation of the rules for the carriage of passengers is provided for in part 1 and amounts to 500 rubles:

1. Violation of the rules for the transportation of people, with the exception of cases provided for by parts 2 - 6 of this article, -

entails overlapping administrative fine in the amount of five hundred rubles.

Features of the installation of the "Novice driver" sign

Minor changes were also made to the description of the "Novice driver" sign:

"Novice driver"- in the form of a yellow square (150 mm side) with a black exclamation mark 110 mm high - behind power-driven vehicles (except for tractors, self-propelled vehicles and motorcycles) driven by drivers who have the right to drive these vehicles for less than 2 years.

"Novice driver"- in the form of a yellow square (side 150 mm) with an image of a black exclamation mark 110 mm high - behind a motor vehicle (except for tractors, self-propelled vehicles, motorcycles and mopeds) driven by drivers who have the right to drive these vehicles for less than 2 years.

Until April 4, 2017, the "Novice Driver" sign had to be installed, including on the back of mopeds. The new edition of the SDA cancels this requirement.

Introduction of a fine for lack of identification marks

7.15 1 . There are no identification marks that must be installed in accordance with the Basic Provisions for the Admission of Vehicles to Operation and the Duties of Officials to Ensure Road Safety, approved by the Resolution of the Council of Ministers - the Government of the Russian Federation of October 23, 1993 N 1090 "On Road Traffic Rules ".

Starting from April 4, 2017, the operation of vehicles on which identification signs are not installed is prohibited. These are the following signs:

  • Road train.
  • Transportation of children.
  • Deaf driver.
  • Training vehicle.
  • Speed ​​limit.
  • Dangerous cargo.
  • Oversized cargo.
  • Slow-moving vehicle.
  • Long vehicle.
  • Novice driver.

Thus, for the absence of the above signs, it is possible to obtain a fine of 500 rubles(Part 1 of Article 12.5 of the Administrative Code):

1. Driving a vehicle in the presence of malfunctions or conditions under which, in accordance with the Basic Provisions for the Admission of Vehicles to Operation and the obligations of road safety officials, the operation of a vehicle is prohibited, with the exception of malfunctions and conditions specified in parts 2 to 7 of this article -

shall entail a warning or the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five hundred rubles.

Additional penalties (for example) are not imposed in this case.

Please note for illegal installation of the above signs, in contrast to, the punishment is not provided.

For example, you can install the Novice Driver sign immediately after obtaining your driver's license at age 18 and not remove it until your retirement age. This will not be a violation.

Another important note that applies to all innovations. The new rules for novice drivers have nothing to do with the presence of the Novice Driver sign on the car. Only the experience of a particular driver matters.

For example, several drivers (mother and daughter) use a car. At the same time, the daughter is a novice driver and this is evidenced by the identification mark on rear bumper... However, this sign does not impose restrictions on the second driver of the car. If the mother is driving, she can tow other vehicles without removing the sign. This will not be a violation.

The same goes for the reverse situation. If the towing car does not have the "Novice driver" mark, but a driver with less than two years of driving experience is driving, then this driver risks getting 2 fines at once (for not having a sign and for violating the rules of towing).

In conclusion, I suggest that you familiarize yourself with the full text of the updated traffic rules:

Good luck on the road!


It's good that anyone with less than 2 years of experience was not introduced to accelerate over 70 km / h ...

"Please note that there is no punishment for illegal installation of the above signs, in contrast to the Invalid sign."

Apparently, they forgot to add another sign "Training vehicle". ;)

Can I not hang the "Novice driver" sign on a car if I have a category "A" license, which is more than two years old, and there is a category "B" which is less than two years old.

Correct the typo (there is a ride):

For example, you can install the Thorns sign and eat with it all year round. This will not be a violation.

Another example related to towing. The two cars set off on a joint off-road trip to the dacha. The driver of the first car has 20 years of driving experience. The driver of the second car is the son of the first driver who has just obtained a driver's license. The more experienced driver drives first and gets stuck in a muddy ditch. What to do?

And you can also write a power of attorney for an experienced driver and he will be able to drive a car without an OSAGO policy and he will not get anything for it. According to the Law on MTPL, the car owner is obliged to insure his liability for MTPL within 10 days ...

I didn’t get it with the "Novice Driver" sticker. For example, a father with 20 years of experience does not want to see this sticker on his car, but from time to time his son gets behind the wheel of the vehicle, having no more than six months of driving experience. Rip it off every time?

Just buy a suction cup sticker and you will be happy.

Roman-87, interest Ask. Description of the "Novice driver" sign:

"Novice driver" - in the form of a yellow square (side 150 mm) with an image of a black exclamation mark 110 mm high - behind motor vehicles(excluding tractors, self-propelled vehicles, motorcycles and mopeds) driven by drivers authorized to drive the specified vehicles less than 2 years.

If the driver has the right to drive power-driven vehicles for less than 2 years, then an identification mark must be installed. The category does not matter.

Those. if you have a category A certificate for more than 2 years, then you do not need to hang up a "Novice driver" sign.

Good luck on the road!

Roman-88, thanks for the comment, the article has been updated.

Good luck on the road!

Why is nothing said about the transportation of bulky goods for beginners?


Such a question, my son has exactly 2 years of experience, does he fall under these changes?

And until tomorrow not wait chtol, when the experience will be already 2 years and 1 day? Or is it necessary to carry a passenger on a moped?

meteorhost, because no changes were made on this matter.

Good luck on the road!

Hello. Tell. Ticket 7, question 10 "At what speed are motorcycles allowed to move outside settlements on all roads?" - now the answer is correct (no more than 90 km / h). In connection with the last edit, a discrepancy is obtained. How to be. Are we waiting for the update of the question and answer, or am I misunderstanding something? Thanks in advance for your reply.

Colleagues, hello.

the question is:

In the traffic rules it is written - "The vehicles must be equipped with identification marks:

"Spikes" - in the form of an equilateral triangle .... at the rear of motor vehicles with studded tires; "

But here's the question .... inside or outside the glass?

If I have tinted glass - and I pasted a sign, but it is not visible, why should I be fined according to traffic rules?

They asked to stick it - I pasted it. Nowhere is it written that it was visible to other road users from a certain distance.

Or, for example, I pasted it on, but I haven't washed the car for a year - the glass is dirty. Is there anything to write a fine for?

Ilya, Hello.

As you understand, there is no practice on this issue yet. After a while, it will become known whether they are fined for the installation of the "Thorns" sign in the ways you indicated.

Good luck on the road!

identification mark - transportation of children - should be installed on a personal car? or only for specialized transport, e.g. school buses?

Irina, paragraph 22.6 of the SDA:

22.6. Organized transportation of a group of children must be carried out in accordance with these Rules, as well as the rules approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, in a bus marked with the "Transportation of Children" markings.

Signs must be displayed on any bus that carries out organized transportation of children. Including on a private bus.

Good luck on the road!

According to the new regulation, any police officer, not necessarily a traffic police officer, has the right to stop a car to prevent illegal actions.

True, other police officers are allowed to stop cars only when working together with traffic police officers and strictly in accordance with their powers. He can be dressed in civilian clothes, but he must present his official ID and must introduce himself. In any case, the motorist has the right not to stop at the request of a person in "civilian".

It is important to note that in accordance with the new regulations, a traffic police officer has the right to stop and demand your documents only when he is on a patrol car, and not on a civilian one. The new document gives the police officer the right to take video during a conversation with the driver. But he is obliged to warn about his intention to turn on the video camera. At the same time, the inspector can now shoot on a regular smartphone.

As before, the police officer must introduce himself, name his rank and position. He is obliged to present his official ID in the open form only at the request of the driver.

It is important for motorists to know that, at their request, the police officer is obliged to inform the location and phone number of the duty group of his traffic police unit, prompt the phone number of the duty unit of the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. One of the provisions of the new regulation gives the traffic cop the right to initiate an administrative case against a person who has not fulfilled the requirements of a police officer under Part 1 of Article 19.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

An innocent refusal to show his rights is threatened with a fine of up to a thousand rubles or with arrest for 15 days, if the court decides so. It is important that the driver is obliged to remove the cover from the documents and unfasten the chain, if any. Now, if the inspector discovers unnecessary details (money or securities) in the documents handed over to him, he is obliged to return the documents to the driver and demand to present only "crusts", without money and "restraints" (meaning chains).

Recall that according to the current law, the driver must hand over documents without a cover, securities and money. As for the determination of the amount of the fine, the new document obliges the inspector to take into account the driver's age, his marital and property status, and place of residence.

A traffic police officer is allowed to use brute force against a road user. A police officer can take such a step only for the purpose of self-defense and in full compliance with Articles 18-24 of the Federal Law "On Police".

The traffic police were given the right to use unmanned aerial vehicles for traffic supervision, and not just airships and balloons.

The new document informs the inspector that in order to conduct the search, he must have reasonable assumptions about the presence of prohibited items in the car. This applies to weapons, ammunition, cartridges, explosives and explosive devices, drugs, psychotropic substances, poisonous or radioactive substances.

But still, before starting to scour the car, the inspector must find two attesting witnesses or take video.

Restrictions were introduced for novice drivers

The government of the Russian Federation adopted a decree on the introduction of restrictions for drivers whose driving experience is less than two years. The document was published today on the official website of the Cabinet.

Restrictions for this category relate to the possibility of towing vehicles driven by them, other power-driven vehicles; carriage of passengers by motor vehicles; driving vehicles carrying bulky, heavy and dangerous goods.

In particular, on vehicles driven by novice drivers, the identification mark "Novice driver" is mandatory, it is noted in the explanatory note to the document.

It is assumed that the decisions taken will lead to an improvement in the situation on Russian roads.

Meanwhile, the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Russian Federation records a decrease in accidents with the participation of novice drivers. As previously reported, in January this year, the number of such road accidents decreased by 34 percent compared to last year. But at the same time, the number of applicants for obtaining rights is decreasing: if in 2015 1.58 million people received them, then in 2016 - by 200 thousand people less.

In Russia, the rules for the replacement and issuance of driver's licenses have changed

Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev signed a decree on endowing multifunctional centers (MFC) with the functions of replacing driver's licenses, the corresponding document was published on the government website.

Now the license can be issued only by the State Traffic Inspectorate units.

The government decree provides that the MFC will be able to issue drivers with new licenses received from the traffic police, as well as an international driver's license.

In addition, the signed document clarifies the issues of replacing a driver's license before its expiration. According to the new rules, drivers who have provided a medical certificate will be able to obtain a new license for ten years, whereas now the originally established period cannot be changed.

Also, the government decree clarifies the procedure for exchanging foreign driver's licenses for Russian licenses.

The new rules are designed to improve the quality of the provision of public services, reduce the financial and time costs of Russians, as well as reduce corruption risks.

Supreme Court overturns car seat fine

The dispute over child restraints is still unresolved.

The Supreme Court canceled the traffic police fine of three thousand rubles for the lack of a car seat in passenger car: a resident of Yekaterinburg transported a child wearing a seat belt adapter without other special devices. The court substantiated its decision by the fact that the adapter is fully consistent with the current legislation, - writes "Kommersant".

The situation, however, is far from straightforward: in Europe and Russia, adapters have been banned since last year, and the GOST, which the court referred to, is generally of an exclusively voluntary nature. Meanwhile, the current traffic rules say that children under 12 years old can be transported using restraints or "other means that allow you to fasten a child using seat belts." What kind of "other means" is not deciphered.

President Putin has already instructed the traffic police to develop a new version of traffic rules, which would regulate, among other things, the "children's issue", and it was ready already last December - however, the government has not yet officially approved the changes in the rules. The new edition of the traffic rules leaves only two options for transporting children under 12 years old - car seats and boosters. At the same time, some softening of the rules is introduced: for transportation on back seat For children under seven years of age, a car seat or booster must be used, for children over seven years of age, at the discretion of the parent.

The controversy surrounding car seats, adapters and boosters has been going on for many years. Independent tests of the adapters demonstrate that they do not securely fix the child. However, their main manufacturer in Russia refers to the Hungarian tests - according to them, all the documentation for production and sale was received. And he clarifies: all other tests are the intrigues of competitors. Boosters are also questionable: they do not fix the child's head in case of an accident, therefore, in Europe, back in February 2017, they were banned for transporting children below 125 cm and weighing less than 22 kg.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs has finalized the administrative regulations for car inspectors who will receive more possibilities to control motorists.
- It was decided to postpone the introduction from April 1, 2017 of the new regulations for the actions of the traffic police. This is a necessary measure, since, based on the results of public discussion of the document, it must be coordinated with other federal authorities and a new examination be carried out at the Ministry of Economic Development, - the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation told Life.

Now in the Russian Federation there is a regulation approved back in 2009, but the Ministry of Internal Affairs has already prepared a new one.

In the revised draft, the provision that prohibits traffic cops from stopping drivers to check documents outside stationary posts has disappeared. This innovation in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation is explained by the fact that in conditions of staff reductions, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs cannot fully protect public order, being on duty only at stationary posts. Thus, if the project holds up, then drivers will again be stopped anywhere.

There are also pleasant moments for the driver. For example, in case of a negative result of the examination for the state of intoxication, the traffic cop or the policeman will be obliged to take the driver to the place where he left his car.

The new regulation will also spell out the driver's right to present to the inspector for inspection a printout of the electronic version of the OSAGO policy.

In addition, the new rules are supposed to exclude the provision on the removal of license plates. As follows from the document, this is due to the fact that the corresponding norm in the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation was canceled back in 2014.

Also, the police will no longer be able to withdraw driver's licenses and prohibit the operation of the cars themselves.

In addition, the new regulation allows the police to use not only helicopters, balloons, airships and motor hang-gliders, but also drones to monitor the traffic situation.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation promises that the new regulations will include a norm according to which, when drawing up a protocol, the driver will now be able to evaluate the evidence presented to the traffic police, question them and give counter-arguments that must be "thoroughly and comprehensively" checked.

According to the current regulations, the police are not obliged to accept and write down explanations from the drivers in the protocol, and under far-fetched pretexts - “you did not fill out the protocol in accordance with the established form” - they force drivers to rewrite the protocols, - lawyer Alexander Ostrovsky tells Life.

A separate clause related to corruption has also appeared in the new regulation: if a driver “inclines an employee to abuse his office, receive a bribe and otherwise illegally use his position in order to obtain benefits in the form of money, valuables,” the inspector is obliged to submit a notification to the Ministry of Internal Affairs in a special form ...

In the current regulations, this rule is absent, - lawyer Ostrovsky explained to Life.

As the lawyer notes, the draft new regulation increases the number of reasons for stopping a vehicle by a traffic police inspector. Now it will not only be a violation of traffic rules, but also the concept of "ensuring the unhindered passage of special-purpose vehicles" - ambulances, police, FSB, TFR and other law enforcement agencies.

Meanwhile, the inspector will be prohibited from stopping ambulances and vehicles of funeral services.

We have already published material about the changes for drivers since April 2017. However, literally in the last week of March, several important amendments to traffic rules and other regulations were adopted, which will come into force in April. In particular, the rules for transporting children by buses are changing, new rules for replacing driver's licenses come into force, and traffic rules for novice drivers are being tightened. In addition, the tariff of the Platon system will change from April 15, and resonant amendments to the law on OSAGO will come into force at the end of April. About all this - in the material of the portal site

New rules for the carriage of children from April 1, 2017

The new procedure for filing a notification about the organized transportation of a group of children by buses was approved by order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated December 30, 2016 No. 941.

According to the document, the notification of the transportation of children is submitted to the regional traffic police departments at the place of the beginning of transportation, and in their absence - to the corresponding traffic police department of the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

Departmental order established requirements for the content of the notification. The following information must be present:

  • charterer (customer of transportation)
  • charterer (carrier)
  • route program
  • bus (buses)
  • driver (s)
  • the person who submitted the notification (for legal entities).

The notification is submitted in person or in electronic form by the head of the organization or an official responsible for ensuring road safety, and in the case of organized transportation of a group of children under a charter agreement - by a charterer or a freighter (by mutual agreement).

The deadline for submitting a notification about the organized transportation of a group of children to the traffic police department is no later than 2 days before the start of transportation. Upon receipt of the notification, a check of the information on the registration of the bus and its technical inspection, as well as on the availability of the driver's license of category “D” allowed to drive the bus, is organized. In addition, the information on the absence of administrative offenses in the field of road traffic, for which punishment in the form of deprivation of the right to drive a vehicle or administrative arrest, during the last year is checked.

Changes for novice drivers from April 4, 2017

On March 24, 2017, a decree of the Government of the Russian Federation was signed, which introduces restrictions for novice drivers with less than 2 years of experience. In particular, novice drivers were banned from towing, and for the absence of a sign on the car, they will now prohibit its operation.

We will remind, earlier, drivers whose driving experience is less than 2 years, it was proposed at the legislative level to limit the maximum speed to 70 km / h, when driving on any roads. In addition, they wanted to prohibit such drivers from towing a car, and novice moped and motorcycle drivers - from carrying passengers.

However, not all initiatives were included in the final version of the document. Government Decree No. 333 of March 24, 2017 introduced the following restrictions for drivers with less than 2 years of experience:

  • it is forbidden to tow vehicles
  • it is forbidden to carry passengers on a motorcycle and moped
  • it is forbidden to drive a car without a sign "Novice driver"

With regard to the last point, now the absence of the "Novice driver" sign has been included in the "Basic Provisions for the Admission of Vehicles to Operation and the Responsibilities of Road Safety Officials", among the malfunctions in which the operation of the vehicle is prohibited.

The Thorns badge will become mandatory on April 4th

Government Decree No. 333 of March 24, 2017the absence of the sign "Novice driver" is included in the "Basic Provisions for the Admission of Vehicles to Operation and the Duties of Officials to Ensure Road Safety", among the malfunctions in which the operation of the vehicle is prohibited.

However, it is worth noting that this applies not only to this sign alone. If you look at the text of Resolution No. 333, then the following is noted there:

"The Appendix to the said Basic Provisions shall be supplemented with clause 7.15.1 of the following content:" 7.15.1. There are no identification signs that must be installed in accordance with paragraph 8 of the Basic Provisions for the Admission of Vehicles to Operation and the Duties of Officials to Ensure Road Safety ... "

Thus, formally, from April 4, 2017, for the absence of any sign from clause 8 of the "Basic Provisions", drivers are threatened with a ban on the operation of the car. This includes the following signs:

  • "Road train"
  • "Thorns"
  • "Transportation of children"
  • "Deaf driver"
  • "Training vehicle"
  • "Speed ​​limit"
  • "Dangerous cargo"
  • "Bulky cargo"
  • "Slow-moving vehicle"
  • "Long vehicle"
  • "Novice driver"

From April 4, if any of these signs should be installed on the car, but it is not, then the traffic inspector can prohibit the further operation of the car and the law will be on his side.

Replacement of driver's license from April 4, 2017

From April 4, 2017, new rules will come into force when changing a driver's license.

The Government of the Russian Federation has made changes to the Rules for conducting exams for the right to drive vehicles and issuing driving licenses. The corresponding decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 326 was signed on March 23, 2017.

This document introduces two important changes to the rules for replacing rights:

  • if the rights are changed not due to the expiration of the term, the new rights will be issued for 10 years
  • you can now change rights on your own initiative, without giving a reason

Now, when changing rights, for example, after marriage and change of surname, new rights are issued with the same validity period as the previous ones. For example, if you received a license 9 years ago and changed them due to a new surname or other reasons, then in a year their validity period will expire and you will have to change them again. With the adoption of these amendments, new rights will be issued for 10 years. True, for this you will have to present a medical certificate, even in those cases in which it was not necessary earlier.

As for the second point, now the driver can change his license on his own initiative. For example, if he stopped liking a photo on a document.

Increase in tariffs "Platon" from April 15, 2017

From April 15, 2017, the tariffs of the Platon system were supposed to double at once. However, just a few days ago, after a meeting with representatives of the auto business, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev signed a new decree and now the tariff will not rise so sharply.

Now the "Platon" tariff will increase by 25% from April 15, 2017. Thus, from April, the toll on federal highways will be 1.91 rubles per kilometer.Recall that there is now a temporary reduction factor to the tariff and truckers pay 1.53 rubles per kilometer.

Obligatory fare for trucks with a gross weight of over 12 tons on federal highways (Platon system) has been operating in Russia since November 15, 2015.

Restrictions on the passage of trucks in Tatarstan from April 15, 2017

In April 2017, Rosavtodor plans to introduce traffic restrictions for heavy vehicles. Traffic limitation in the spring period is carried out by establishing permissible axle load values ​​of vehicles on those sections of federal highways where the structural strength of road pavements does not provide the possibility of passing heavy vehicles.

In addition, from April 15 to May 14, 2017, it is planned to introduce temporary traffic restrictions on the regional roads of the Republic of Tatarstan.

According to the results of diagnostics of roads of regional significance, the maximum permissible values ​​of the loads on the axles of the vehicle in the spring period were established:

  • single axle - 6 tons;
  • biaxial bogie - 5 tons
  • three-axle bogie - 4 tons.

The restrictions will not apply to the following types of transportation:

  • international carriage of goods carried out in accordance with the provisions;
  • passenger transportation by buses, including international;
  • transportation of food products, animals, medicines, seeds, fertilizers, mail and postal cargo (except for joint transportation with cargo not specified in this paragraph);
  • vehicles with a carrying capacity of up to 16 tons carrying fuel, namely gasoline, diesel fuel, marine fuel, jet fuel, heating oil, gaseous fuel (fuel trucks with a tank capacity of up to 18 thousand liters);
  • transportation of goods necessary to eliminate the consequences of natural disasters or other emergencies.
  • transportation of road construction and road maintenance equipment and materials used in emergency recovery and repair work;
  • vehicles of federal executive bodies in which military service is provided for by federal law.

During the period of the introduction of a temporary restriction in the spring, the movement of vehicles on regional highways, the axle load of which exceeds the aforementioned permissible loads, is carried out exclusively on the basis of a special permit. A prerequisite for obtaining such a permit is preliminary compensation for excess damage caused by vehicles.

MTPL payments from April 28, 2017

On March 28, 2017, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a bill on compensation in kind for OSAGO.

Recall that on March 17, 2017, the bill was adopted by the State Duma in the third, final reading. According to the insurers' initiative, in most cases, instead of paying in cash, motorists will now only receive referrals for repairs to a car service.

The latest version of the document takes into account the following amendments:

  • The distance to the service station either from the place of the accident, or from the place of residence of the car owner (optional) - up to 50 km.
  • The repair period for the car should be no more than 30 days; for each day of delay, the insurance company will be charged a fine of 0.5% of the amount to be reimbursed.
  • The Bank of Russia will amend the normative act, establishing the requirements for the organization of repairs and the procedure for interaction between the insurer and the consumer, including in the case of detecting poor-quality repairs.
  • The consumer will be able to choose the service station where he wants to repair the car in the event of an accident from the register of the insurance company or, in agreement with the insurer, designate his own station.
  • The document prohibits the use of used parts when repairing a car.
  • The calculation of the amount of compensation for in-kind OSAGO is made without taking into account the deterioration of the car and parts.
  • The warranty period for repairs is six months and one year for bodywork and paintwork - 1 year.
  • Cars not older than 2 years, which have a guarantee, must be repaired by the corresponding service stations, which have the right to carry out work, while maintaining the guarantee.
  • A list of cases has been approved when a cash payment can be made: infliction of grave or moderate harm to health, death of the victim, complete destruction of the car, excess of the cost of repairs over the limit of payment of compulsory motor third party liability insurance (400,000 rubles). Also, monetary compensation can be paid to certain categories of disabled people. The car owner will have the right to demand compensation for damages in cash if the insurer is unable to arrange repairs at the service station offered to him earlier.
  • The Bank of Russia has the right to make a decision to restrict the insurer, which has been repeatedly complained about by car owners, to compensate for the damage caused in the form of repairs for a period of up to one year.

On March 28, the document was signed by the President and officially published on the Government's website. The bill will enter into force 30 days after its official publication and will apply to only new OSAGO agreements. Accordingly, the new amendments will take effect for OSAGO policies concluded after April 28, 2017.


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