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The administrative regulations of the traffic police, which came into force on October 20, contain a number of new provisions and clarifications, which even before the adoption of the document caused a wave of criticism. Among the innovations: traffic police patrols outside stationary posts, the abolition of certificates of road accidents, the abolition of the rule on recording inspector actions, ambushes and others.

Changes in traffic rules from October 20, 2017, new rules in the traffic police regulations. Video shooting.

A number of norms were abolished due to the fact that they were already contained in other normative acts. Thus, the new regulations exclude the rule that obligated traffic police officers not to interfere with video and photo recording by the driver during a stop and the use of sound recording equipment. The corresponding permission exists in the Law “On the Police,” but it was removed from the new regulations due to duplication.

Changes in traffic rules from October 20, 2017, new rules in the traffic police regulations. Stopping cars.

The main thing that appeared in the document and caused concern among drivers was the right of traffic police officers to stop cars outside of stationary posts. After lengthy discussions, the norm was returned, indicating that duty stations would be determined based on the current state of accidents on the roads. The head of the traffic police unit will make the appropriate decision, and the inspector will be required to explain the reason for the stop. A similar provision existed in the regulations, which ceased to apply five years ago, and the assignment of employees to stationary posts was called a “mistake.”

Changes in traffic rules from October 20, 2017, new rules in the traffic police regulations. Certificate of accident

According to the new protocol, the driver involved in an accident will receive only copies of the protocol and the resolution on the administrative offense. Certificates issued after a traffic accident have been cancelled.

“The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia currently does not have the authority to approve the form of a certificate of an accident and, accordingly, to organize the issuance of the specified certificate by police officers,” explained the change in this norm, the head of the traffic police department of the State Traffic Inspectorate, Alexander Bykov. According to him, copies of protocols or decisions on administrative offenses contain all the necessary information for submission to insurers.

Changes in traffic rules from October 20, 2017, new rules in the traffic police regulations. Confiscation of a driver's license in the event of an accident.

An important innovation was the restriction on withdrawal driver's license in case of an accident. Previously, the norm ensured that the violator was prohibited from operating a vehicle and the implementation of proceedings in the case of an administrative offense. Now the violator will be required to surrender his license to the traffic police department within three days.

The European protocol legalized by the regulations implies that in the event of an accident without casualties, the inspector on duty must offer to independently prepare documents. Drivers will be required to fill out an accident notification form in duplicate. If drivers have complaints against each other, they, with the help of the duty officer, will be able to file an accident at the nearest stationary post or at the police station.

Changes in traffic rules from October 20, 2017, new rules in the traffic police regulations. Ambushes on the roads.

The regulations also provide for the possibility of carrying out “ambushes” on the roads to prevent emergency situations. Installing a traffic police vehicle with partial concealment is only permissible behind a broken terrain or engineering structures, as well as in a section of the highway with intense high-speed traffic. According to the authors of the regulations, such a rule will avoid

Let us remind you that the introduction of the new regulations became known at the end of August. The Ministry of Internal Affairs explained that the document will be aimed at minimizing abuses by traffic police officers and ensuring an adequate level of protection for citizens.

Changes in traffic rules from October 1, 2017. Travel abroad for debtors from October 1, 2017

Amendments to the law “On Enforcement Proceedings” were prepared in the summer by the State Duma Committee on State Construction and Legislation. According to the document, the debt threshold at which a restriction on traveling abroad is introduced has been increased from 10 to 30 thousand rubles.

The increase in the debt limit will not affect debtors for alimony, payments of compensation for harm to health or harm in connection with the death of the breadwinner, as well as those who are obliged to pay property and moral damage. These categories of defaulters will remain with a threshold of 10 thousand rubles.

The amendment came into force on October 1, 2017. Now, in particular, with unpaid traffic police fines of up to 30 thousand rubles, you can travel abroad.

Changes in traffic rules since October 2017. Registration of cars with the traffic police from October 14, 2017

On October 14, 2017, new rules registration of cars in the traffic police. Drivers can expect a number of changes:

Places for filling out applications must correspond comfortable conditions for disabled people and optimal working conditions for officials. Disabled people with persistent impairments in vision and independent movement will receive the necessary assistance in the premises where public services are provided.

The composition of actions, the implementation of which is ensured when providing services in electronic form through the Unified Portal of State and Municipal Services, is detailed.

Payment of state fees for conducting exams and issuing driver’s licenses is in accordance with the Tax Code - it must be paid before submitting the application.

When the registration of a vehicle is terminated in cases related to loss, theft, expiration of the registration period of the vehicle, and a number of other reasons, a duplicate PTS to replace the lost one will be issued only if there is a corresponding expression of will of the owner of the vehicle.

All these innovations are contained in the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia “On amendments to the regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia on issues of registration and examination activities,” which comes into force on October 14, 2017.

Changes in traffic rules since October 2017. Exam in the traffic police from October 14, 2017

On October 14, the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia “On amendments to the regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia on issues of registration and examination activities” came into force, introducing changes to the regulations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the provision of services for conducting examinations in the traffic police and issuing licenses.

Main changes:

  • Changes have been made to the regulations for the provision of public services for conducting traffic police examinations and issuing driver's licenses, ensuring the possibility of accepting documents and issuing issued Russian national driver's licenses in the event of their replacement, loss (theft) and international driver's licenses through multifunctional centers for the provision of state and municipal services. Maximum term providing public services- no more than 15 working days
  • When the applicant presents a foreign passport, duplicate entries in Latin in the license will be brought into accordance with the passport
  • When submitting a medical certificate in cases where its presentation is not required, driver's license will be issued for 10 years.
  • The list of grounds for suspending the provision of government services for conducting driving license exams and issuing driver’s licenses has been clarified. Thus, the service will be suspended if there is no information confirming the issuance of the submitted documents, the applicant has not reached the established age, as well as the applicant, who was previously deprived of the right to drive vehicles, fails to comply with the conditions for returning the driver’s license.
  • Taking into account the experience of conducting practical exams, a number of test exercises and conditions for their implementation have been changed. For example, the “high-speed maneuvering” exercise for motorcycles has become mandatory, and therefore a second version of its implementation has been added to the existing test exercise scheme, which can be adapted to any site (the first option due to the large area required for its implementation, 80 meters does not fit on all sites).
  • The issue of holding the exam on site in winter conditions– in case of stable snow cover, the boundaries of the test exercises are indicated by additional stands and cones, and the examination will be possible when the surface of the site is treated with de-icing agents.
  • The grounds for terminating an on-site exam and issuing a negative mark have been adjusted. Thus, a “fail” grade is given in case of a fall from a motorcycle.

Changes in traffic rules since October 2017. New traffic police regulations from October 20, 2017

A new draft traffic police regulation was developed in the spring of 2017. After this, a number of changes were made to it. The order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which introduces a new version of the traffic police regulations, was published on the portal of regulatory legal acts. The new regulations come into force on October 20, 2017.

We list the main changes contained in the new regulations:

  • rules related to the withdrawal of rights and the prohibition of the operation of a vehicle as measures to ensure proceedings in a case of an administrative offense are excluded
  • traffic inspectors to ensure safety traffic allowed to use technical means measurements not belonging to internal affairs bodies;
  • Video recording of procedural actions carried out without the participation of witnesses is allowed
  • a clause appeared regarding the conduct of administrative procedures by a traffic police officer in the field of view of video surveillance systems or wearable video recorders.
  • the procedure is prescribed registration of road accidents without the participation of authorized police officers
  • provision is made for the conclusion of a compulsory motor liability insurance agreement in the form of an electronic document
  • a rule has been included requiring a police officer to accept documents handed over to him for verification without “restraining devices”
  • the procedure for police officers to act when committing administrative offense judge
  • The rule prohibiting stopping vehicles to check documents outside of stationary checkpoints has been eliminated.
  • if the examination for intoxication is carried out at the nearest traffic police post or other premises of the internal affairs body, if the result is negative and there are no grounds for sending for a medical examination, the traffic police officer will be required to take the person to the place of suspension from driving or to the location of his car.

It is worth saying that many of these points are already in effect, but they were not spelled out in the traffic police regulations. For example, electronic MTPL policies have been allowed since last year.

All of these changes come into effect 10 days after publication, that is, from October 20, 2017.

New year, new hopes, new traffic rules. In fact, the traffic rules remain the same, but some things in the lives of drivers will still change. Let's figure it out.

OSAGO policy via the Internet

The first innovation concerns all car owners without exception - from January 1, all insurance companies operating in the MTPL market must offer drivers electronic compulsory motor third party liability insurance policies along with paper ones. In other words, if you do not want to go to the insurance company, you can purchase a so-called e-policy without leaving your home. You just need to print out the list of insurance companies that work with this type of insurance and choose the one you like.

There are no differences from what happened before – at least in terms of technical aspects. A number of insurance companies have been selling MTPL policies via the Internet since 2015. But, firstly, there were few of them, and, secondly, something was always broken in the work of the websites of those companies that sell electronic MTPL policies. Now everything will be different. The website of any company that operates in the MTPL market should offer the opportunity to purchase an auto insurance policy online. The Law “On Compulsory Civil Liability Insurance of Owners” will take care of this. Vehicle" Otherwise there will be heavy fines.

An interesting detail: even when purchasing an MTPL policy via the Internet, the car owner can refuse an electronic document (with a unique number identifying its owner, the term of the contract, etc.) in favor of a regular paper one. To do this, however, he will have to come to the office of the company on whose website he purchased the policy, or agree with it on another method of delivering the paper policy - by courier, by mail or in some other way.

"ERA-GLONASS" for each car

Another innovation that comes into effect on January 1, 2017 is the mandatory use of the ERA-GLONASS automatic notification system for emergency services (police, ambulance, rescuers) on all vehicles. Of course, no one will force you to install “Era” on your five-year-old Ford Focus, but all new cars from the showroom from the specified date must be equipped with this system. The fact is that from the New Year the provisions come into force Technical regulations Customs Union, according to them, the ERA-GLONASS system must be installed on all cars, and this applies to both cars manufactured in the Russian Federation and imported into the country from abroad.

The ERA-GLONASS system is a useful, necessary, important thing. True, the state spent so much effort on introducing its mandatory installation on new cars, and completely forgot about those cars that are already in use in the country. So, if you suddenly want to put “Era” on the same “Ford Focus”, you won’t be able to do it. In NP "GLONASS", which is the operator of this system, with individuals who want to join latest achievements scientific and technological progress, are not working yet.

Children are our everything!

After the country celebrates New Year's Eve, Russia will introduce amendments to the rules for the organized transportation of children. They should have started working a year ago, but, as usual, technical support in our country does not always keep up with the work of government officials and the lawmaking of deputies sitting in the State Duma.

What is it about? Starting from the New Year, children can only be transported on buses whose service life does not exceed 10 years. But the main thing that slowed down the introduction of new rules was the need to equip buses for transporting children with a tachograph and a satellite navigation system.

Into summer with new rules

Various authorities have long been talking about prohibiting the driving of vehicles engaged in commercial transportation (municipal buses and minibuses, taxis, etc.) to citizens who do not have a driver’s license obtained in Russia. From June 2017, a guest worker with a national license will not be able to work in a fleet of vehicles and transport people along city streets in a commercial minibus.

In the summer of 2017, vehicle owners will no longer be issued paper passports - they will be replaced by electronic PTS. All information will be stored in a special database; the driver only needs to remember the electronic PTS number for his car. Information about cars and their owners will be entered into the electronic PTS; A traffic police officer will be able to obtain all the necessary information using a tablet, which they are promised to be provided with in 2017.

Also in 2017, new requirements for cameras that automatically record traffic violations will come into force. The new GOSTs spell out new rules for measuring speed and recognizing a vehicle and its license plate - in any weather, at any time of day and in any lighting. The latter, however, applies more to manufacturers of such equipment, but drivers should also understand that hiding from cameras will become even more difficult. If you want to stay with money, don’t break it!

Many surprises await car enthusiasts in 2017. We tried to summarize the innovations expected next year and talk about them in one article. We will also mention those ideas that are at the discussion stage and, perhaps, will also come to fruition.

There will be important changes in the field of compulsory motor liability insurance

OSAGO is perhaps the most pressing topic that worries everyone: from drivers to representatives of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. What will change in the automotive sector?

Firstly, the insurance premium (policy cost) may increase significantly. In 2017, to avoid unprofitability, insurers can immediately increase it by 64%.

Secondly, most likely, already at the beginning of 2017, amendments developed by the Ministry of Finance will be made to the current law on compulsory motor liability insurance.

What is proposed in the bill:

Increasing the minimum payment under the European protocol to 100,000 rubles.
The form of the European protocol will be determined by the Bank of Russia, and not by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as is regulated today. This will simplify the notification procedure and reduce the number of disputes between road accident participants and insurers.

It is proposed to establish repairs rather than cash payments as the preferred form of insurance compensation. The service station will be chosen by the policyholder in agreement with the insurer. With this form of compensation, wear and tear of parts will not be taken into account (paragraph 2, subparagraph “h”, subparagraph “m”, paragraph 9 of article 3 of the bill). Car owners will have to present the damaged car for inspection immediately at insurance company, which will decide in what form (in kind or cash) to pay the insurance compensation.

Criteria will be determined, taking into account which the Bank of Russia will develop requirements for service stations.
Perhaps insurers will be given the right to determine a number of coefficients for compulsory motor liability insurance.

Certain points of the project are constantly discussed by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, insurers, the Ministry of Finance and other ministries and departments.

The Central Bank will become more stringent in controlling the activities of insurance companies.

If the MTPL reform does not bring the expected result, the Bank of Russia will create a National Reinsurance Company (NPC) so that insurers have the opportunity to reinsure risks under MTPL.

It is possible that KBM will be tied to the car owner’s accident history, and a gradation of coefficients will be introduced that affect the cost of the policy, depending on the number of traffic violations during the year. Only serious violations will be taken into account in the list of violations.

At the same time, power factors and regional coefficients that influenced the cost of the policy will most likely be cancelled.

In addition, it is planned to expand the price corridor for policies to 30%, which will be the first step towards the transition to free tariffs.

Insurers will be required to issue electronic MTPL policies

From January 1, 2017, all insurers included in the RSA system will be required to implement the opportunity to purchase MTPL policies online. Insurer websites will have to operate around the clock and without interruption. Currently, bills are being developed with the help of which the Bank of Russia will control insurers. He will also make decisions and impose fines for non-compliance with requirements, which can reach 300,000 rubles.

The “RSA Single Agent” principle will operate in the electronic policy sales system. On the websites of insurers it will be possible to purchase policies of any other insurance company that is a member of the RSA (Russian Union of Auto Insurers) and has signed the Agreement.

They will change the rules for drawing up the European protocol, introduce black boxes and ERU-GLONASS

The Ministry of Transport has developed new rules for the application of the “unlimited” European protocol.

Car owners will have the opportunity to record accidents in three ways:

Using on-board equipment that records information about vehicle movement using GLONASS signals.
Using special applications for smartphones, which are already at the disposal of RSA, the Russian Union of Motor Insurers.

By calling the operator, that is, using a regular push-button telephone. In this case, you will need to activate a special communication service in order to transmit the coordinates of the accident site to the insurer through the operator.

Also, to register an accident, you will need photo or video filming, which the participant in the accident must do independently (for example, with a DVR or even a point-and-shoot camera).
Insurers are against this approach and advocate installing telematics devices on cars.

However, the Ministry of Transport proposed to postpone the use of the GLONASS system for registration of the European protocol for a year: from January 1, 2017 to January 1, 2018, no earlier.

At the same time, traffic police officers may be prohibited from going to the scene of minor accidents from 2017.

Black boxes that will record data using the GLONASS system will be mandatory installed on cars from 2020. This proposal was put forward by the Ministry of Transport.

And from 2017, all new cars must have the ERA-GLONASS system installed. The system is being installed in order to more quickly respond to information about an accident by special services. The time it takes for an emergency signal to be received by the GLONASS contact center will be only 10 seconds.

However, some manufacturers, taking advantage of a loophole in the law, plan to register individual models according to old standards. If OTTS (vehicle type approval) is received before December 31, 2016 inclusive, the car can be safely produced without the installed system.

Rights can be obtained at the MFC

In all Russian multifunctional centers (MFCs), it will be possible to obtain a new driver’s license to replace a lost one or if it expires on February 1, 2017. There you will also be able to obtain an international driver's license (IDP).

The MFC will also issue certificates confirming the presence or absence of administrative punishment for the use of drugs or psychotropic substances without a doctor's prescription.

PTS will become electronic

From July 1, 2017, the issuance of paper PTS will be stopped, and in the period from August 17, 2016 to July 1, 2017, drivers will be able to exchange paper PTS for electronic ones on a voluntary basis.
Owners of tractors and other self-propelled vehicles will receive standard vehicle registration certificates until July 1, 2018.

As for electronic driver's licenses, no legislation has yet been proposed, but the government is not abandoning the idea.

State fees for issuing licenses and STS will increase

An increase in the fee for issuing driver's licenses and vehicle registration certificates is being discussed. A decision will be made on how much the fee for issuing vehicle registration certificates and issuing driver’s licenses will reach.

Now the driver pays a state fee for obtaining a license in the amount of 2,000 rubles, and for registering a car (STS) - from 500 to 850 rubles. In the future, if amendments are adopted, you will have to pay 3,000 and 1,500 rubles, respectively.

There will be a fine for dangerous driving

In 2017, a new article of the Code of Administrative Offenses on fines for dangerous driving will appear. The project was developed by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. It is expected that the fine will be 5,000 rubles.

The term “dangerous driving” itself was introduced into the Code of Administrative Offenses in the summer of 2016.

According to paragraph 2.7 of the traffic rules, dangerous driving includes:

failure to comply with the requirement to give way to a vehicle enjoying the right of way when changing lanes;
changing lanes during heavy traffic when all lanes are occupied, except when turning left or right, making a U-turn, stopping or avoiding an obstacle;
failure to maintain a safe distance from the vehicle moving ahead;
non-compliance with the lateral interval;
sudden braking, if such braking is not required to prevent traffic accidents;
preventing overtaking.

A point system of fines will be introduced

Bill to savings system fines for 3 or more similar traffic violations will be considered in 2017. Only fines recorded by the inspector, but not by a photo/video camera, will be counted.

There will be a fine for out-of-season tires

The Federation Council intends to speed up the adoption of a law on a fine of 2,000 rubles for untimely change of tires. If the law is passed, it will come into force on September 1, 2017.

The rules for transporting children will change

Rules for the use of child car seats will become more stringent. Children under 7 years of age can only be transported in a car seat, regardless of whether the car or truck cab is equipped with special seat belts or not.

But children from 7 to 11 years old inclusive can be transported on back seat using seat belts if they are provided by the design of the car or truck. On front seat Children under 12 years of age cannot be transported without a car seat. The new draft does not include the phrase “other devices,” meaning that boosters and pads cannot be used to secure children with seat belts. The fine for failure to comply with the rules for transporting children is 3,000 rubles.

The draft also includes a ban on leaving a child under 7 years old in a car in the absence of an adult. The fine for this violation is 500 rubles (Part 1 of Article 12.19 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

In June 2016, changes were made to the rules for organizing the transportation of children. Some changes took effect on July 10, 2016, while others will take effect on January 1, 2017. In particular, it will be prohibited to carry out group transportation of children in serviceable buses older than 10 years and not equipped with a tachograph, as well as a GLONASS tracker. IN diagnostic card or the inspection ticket must contain information confirming the serviceability of the technical condition bus.

Rules for transporting disabled children may change

Perhaps in the very near future, new rules will be developed regarding the transportation of disabled children who are physically unable to use seat belts or have contraindications for transportation in cars using car seats.

Excise taxes on fuel will increase

The State Duma adopted in the third reading a law that provides for a significant increase in excise taxes from 2017.

For gasoline of a class below Euro-5 and for straight-run gasoline, the excise tax rate does not change from 2017 to 2019 and is equal to the same value as it is now: 13.1 thousand rubles per ton.

On automobile gasoline for the Euro-5 class, the rate in 2017 will increase to 10.13 thousand rubles per ton; in 2018 - up to 10.53 thousand rubles per ton; in 2019 - up to 10.95 thousand rubles per ton.

On diesel fuel the excise tax rate in 2017 is set at 6.8 thousand rubles per ton; in 2018 - 7.07 thousand rubles per ton; in 2019 - 7.35 thousand rubles per ton.

For middle distillates, the excise tax rate for 2017 is set at 7.8 thousand rubles per ton; for 2018 - 8.11 thousand rubles per ton; for 2019 - 8.43 thousand rubles per ton.

“Beautiful” license plates will begin to be sold at auction in the traffic police

Selling "beautiful" license plates may be allowed in Russia from 2017. The numbers will be sold at specially organized auctions.

The rules for technical inspection and the punishment for its absence will change

The requirements for vehicles undergoing technical inspection will become more stringent. For example, there will be a ban on the use of color film on headlights, as well as on any non-factory tuning of cars.
The powers to control maintenance operators can be transferred to the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate or the Federal Accreditation Service.

Drivers who have not passed the MOT are subject to a fine of 500-800 rubles, and for a repeated act there will be a fine of 5,000 rubles, or the driver will lose his license for a period of 1 to 3 months.

Organizations can eliminate transport tax

Legal entities that own cars under 3 years old may be exempt from paying transport tax, which will encourage them to renew their vehicle fleet more often. If the initiative is supported by the government, changes to the Tax Code of the Russian Federation will come into force on January 1, 2017.

T transport tax for large families

One of the good news of the coming year will be the likely abolition of the transport tax for large families. One of the parents, adoptive parents, or guardians will be exempt from payment if the family has three or more children under the age of 18.

Disabled people will be given the opportunity to get cars for free

Disabled people can have the opportunity to purchase a car using their budget. For this purpose, war invalids will be issued certificates in the equivalent of 700,000 rubles for the purchase of transport. The project is currently under consideration in the State Duma. The draft says that disabled people will also be provided with car conversion kits.

Parking spaces will be treated like real estate

From January 1, 2017, parking spaces in parking lots will become real estate. Requirements for the size and design of parking spaces have also been developed.

Moscow will ban the passage of non-eco-friendly trucks

Trucks with engines of a class below Euro-3 will not be able to drive on the Third Transport Ring, and trucks of a class below Euro-2 will not be able to drive along the Moscow Ring Road and inside the Third Transport Ring. Previously, the entry into force of the ban was regularly postponed from 2015. The press service of the mayor's office reported that the ban will take effect on January 1, 2017.

Entry into cities will be paid

Entry into cities may become subject to a fee in the spring of 2017. Regions can establish paid entry into cities and individual areas. The regulatory act is being introduced so that it is possible to regulate traffic and control the environmental situation in certain areas of cities.

Changes in the Platon system

The Ministry of Transport proposes to increase the tariff to 3.06 rubles from June 1, 2017. And the intermediate increase will take place on February 1, 2017: the tariff is proposed to be increased to 2.6 rubles. Let us remind you that the tariff is now set at 1.53 rubles.

However, the situation is still in limbo: carriers and members of the Accounts Chamber spoke out against the increase.

They want to entrust Rostransnadzor with fining carriers for non-payment of fees to Platon.

They want to extend the Platon system to trucks weighing from 3.5 to 12 tons, and also introduce a system similar to Platon on regional roads.

The first self-driving trucks will start making trips

In June - August 2017, some commercial flights from Moscow to Krasnodar will begin to be operated by unmanned trucks. Traft plans to specially prepare 40 vehicles for this project.

Traffic police officers will be required to wear video recorders

Each traffic police officer will be required to wear his own video recorder. For now, the pilot project is operating in the capital, and in 2017 the initiative will spread to all regions. It is assumed that the presence of a DVR will relieve traffic police from the desire to commit illegal actions.

Life will be made more difficult for novice drivers

Novice drivers with less than 2 years of driving experience may be required to display a “novice driver” sign on their vehicles. The sign will have to be installed without fail, but until recently it was a voluntary decision.

If the driver refuses, this will entail a ban on the operation of the vehicle. The driver can also be charged under Part 1 of Article 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, the sanction of which includes a fine of 500 rubles.

Secondly, they want to prohibit drivers of scooters, mopeds and motorcycles from carrying passengers for 2 years from the date of obtaining their license. At the same time, driving at speeds exceeding 70 km/h will most likely not be prohibited.

Toll road users will use a single transponder

By 2018, all toll road users will be able to use a single transponder to travel on roads managed by Avtodor. The initiative is being developed as part of preparations for the 2018 FIFA World Cup. Already in 2017, in the summer, transponders will operate between the M11 and M4 highways.

New system photo and video recording “Pit Stop” will start operating in the spring

Photo and video recording systems equipped with the Pit Stop automatic tracking system will begin operating in 2017. Test operation of the system has been completed, but due to weather conditions it can only be launched in operating mode after the end of the winter period.

New road signs will be installed in Moscow and St. Petersburg

The size of the new signs will be 1.5-2 times smaller than the current ones: the signs will be reduced in accordance with international and foreign standards. In addition, the total number of characters will be reduced. This is necessary, as the government believes, to improve the aesthetics of the space, and also to prevent drivers from getting confused by the abundance of signs.

In addition, some other bills are being considered. In particular, we are talking about increasing criminal liability for drunk driving, violating the rules for crossing railway tracks, as well as fines for improper tinting.

Let's remember the main changes and good innovations from last year, which many have already liked.

50% discount

For a year now, drivers have been able to take advantage of a 50 percent discount when paying traffic fines. Driving instructors clarify that the discount is valid only for 20 days from the date of the decision. It is important that not from the day you receive the fine by mail! In addition, the discount does not apply to such serious violations as drunk driving, driving through a prohibiting traffic light, speeding by more than 40 km/h, etc.

Drug testing is required

In 2017, new rules for checking motorists for alcohol intoxication are in effect. These rules came into force in March last year. We are talking about a medical examination for intoxication (not to be confused with “breathe into a straw”).

Now the procedure is regulated strictly in minutes. The driver breathes only into a special device with the obligatory function of printing the results. If the first sample was positive, then repeated air sampling is carried out only after 15-20 minutes.

After exhalation and a medical examination, a “biological object” (urine) must be collected from the driver to check for traces of narcotic substances.

If it is not possible to take urine, then blood is taken. By the way, such a test will allow us to identify traces of drugs that cause disturbances in mental and physical functions. For example, if a person has taken certain painkillers, then he should not drive.

Good news

Last year, amendments were adopted according to which owners of impound lots are required to hand over towed vehicles without any advance payment for “services.”

It is now cheaper and easier to obtain a medical certificate. For categories A and B, it was decided to cancel electroencephalography (EEG) and exclude examinations by an otolaryngologist, surgeon and neurologist.

But the list of “mandatory doctors” includes an ophthalmologist, a therapist, a narcologist and a psychiatrist.

The certificate form has also changed; it does not have the “Validity Period” column or photograph. Now all medical certificates will be issued for 12 months. There will also be no fields that were previously filled in by doctors during the medical examination. Now medical centers will issue a medical card for the driver.

Limitation of the validity of the VA

Since 2016, a driver can not only be deprived of his license, but also have his driving license limited. A similar measure is provided for motorists who have a debt of over 10,000 rubles.

Video about restricting the validity of a driver's license:

The restriction is imposed by bailiffs, having previously notified the driver about it.

If, even after the restriction is imposed, you get behind the wheel, the punishment will be more severe: compulsory work for up to 50 hours or deprivation of your driver’s license for one year.


Insurers have zealously taken up the fight against fake motor vehicle policies and introduced new OSAGO forms. Now they are pink and have an additional degree of protection.

RCA is also actively promoting electronic policies that a person can purchase without leaving home.

In the offices of insurance companies, additional services were often imposed, so that when applying for electronic compulsory motor liability insurance, the purchase of other unwanted insurance is excluded.

Insurers themselves sell electronic policies with great reluctance, but in 2017 this became obligatory service. Firms will be punished for their inability or refusal to buy OSAGO online.

Accident-free, calm driving to you!

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Good afternoon, dear reader.

This article will discuss the changes that have been made to the text since April 4, 2017. Starting from this date, new clauses were added to the rules, which introduced additional restrictions for drivers with less than 2 years of driving experience.

In addition, the changes affected maximum speed the movement of motorcycles, as well as the rules for using identification marks (novice driver, road train, deaf driver, etc.). Let's take a closer look at the innovations.

Maximum speed of motorcycles on highways

Let's consider paragraph 10.3 of the traffic rules:


  • passenger cars And trucks with permitted maximum weight no more than 3.5 tons on highways - at a speed of no more than 110 km/h, on other roads - no more than 90 km/h;
  • intercity and small buses and motorcycles on all roads - no more than 90 km/h;

10.3. Movement outside populated areas is permitted:

  • motorcycles, cars and trucks with a permissible maximum weight of no more than 3.5 tons on highways - at a speed of no more than 110 km/h, on other roads - no more than 90 km/h;
  • intercity and small buses on all roads - no more than 90 km/h;

Thus, starting from April 4, 2017, motorcyclists can ride at a speed of 110 km/h. Previously the limit was 90 km/h.

Towing restrictions for novice drivers

Let's consider the new paragraph 20.2 1 of the traffic rules:

20.2 1 . When towing, driving towing vehicles must be carried out by drivers who have been licensed to drive vehicles for 2 years or more.

Let's look at the new point in parts:

  • This paragraph applies only to towing motor vehicles. Those. trailer towing Any driver can perform this and it will not be a violation.
  • The restrictions apply only to the driver of the towing vehicle, i.e. pulling car (driving in front). A driver with any experience can drive a second car.
  • The driver of the towing vehicle must have the right to drive any vehicle for 2 or more years.

For example, if a driver received a category M license at the age of 16, and a category B license at the age of 18, then since his experience is more than 2 years, he can immediately perform towing.

In this case, the restriction applies specifically to novice drivers, i.e. having a driver's license of any category for less than 2 years. Please note that restrictions for motorcyclists will be discussed below, which apply not only to novice drivers, although the wording of the rule paragraph is similar.

Fine for violation of towing rules is provided for in Article 12.21 of the Code of Administrative Offenses and amounts to 500 rubles(or warning):

1. Violation of the rules for the carriage of goods, as well as the rules of towing -

The driver of the second car cannot tow the first car, because... this is prohibited by the new clause 20.2 1 of the rules. The fine for violation will be 500 rubles.

Another possible variant- exchange cars. However, since the drivers are not included in the MTPL insurance, it will be 500 rubles (for each driver).

What is the best way to proceed in this case? It's actually quite simple. You need to ask the traffic police officers, who are preparing to issue a fine, to help pull the car out of the mud.

Restrictions on the transport of people on motorcycles and mopeds

Let's consider the updated clause 22.2 1 of the traffic rules:

22.2 1 . Transportation of people on a motorcycle must be carried out by a driver who has a driver's license for the right to drive vehicles of category "A" or subcategory "A1" for 2 or more years, transportation of people on a moped must be carried out by a driver who has a driver's license for the right to drive vehicles of any category or subcategories for 2 or more years.

This item consists of two parts, for motorcycles and for mopeds. Let's look at them separately.

Restrictions for moped drivers

Everything is quite simple here. To transport people on a moped, the driver must have a driving license of any category for 2 years or longer. Those. a novice driver does not have the right to transport people on a moped.

Let me remind you that a driver’s license is currently suitable for driving mopeds, in which any category is open.

Restrictions for motorcyclists

Restrictions for motorcyclists are a little more complex. To transport people on a motorcycle, you must have a driver's license of category A or subcategory A1 for 2 years. Please note that this restriction does not only apply to novice drivers.

For example, a driver has 40 years of experience driving category B, C, D cars and wants to switch to a motorcycle after retirement. He receives a category A driver's license and buys a motorcycle with a cradle, which he and his wife plan to ride to the dacha.

From the point of view of traffic regulations, such a driver cannot be called a beginner, since his driving experience exceeds 2 years. However, the driver cannot transport passengers for 2 years.

In this case, the driver can only put the motorcycle in the garage and put the license on the shelf to return to the idea in 2 years. Naturally, during this time the driver will not become more experienced. Rather, on the contrary, he will partially lose the skills acquired in a driving school.

The fine for violating the rules for transporting passengers is provided for in Part 1 and is 500 rubles:

1. Violation of the rules for transporting people, with the exception of cases provided for in parts 2 - 6 of this article, -

entails imposition administrative fine in the amount of five hundred rubles.

Features of installing the “Beginner Driver” sign

Minor changes have also been made to the description of the “Beginner Driver” sign:

"Beginner Driver"- in the form of a square yellow color(side 150 mm) with image exclamation point black, 110 mm high - behind motor vehicles (except for tractors, self-propelled vehicles and motorcycles) driven by drivers who have been licensed to drive these vehicles for less than 2 years.

"Beginner Driver"- in the form of a yellow square (side 150 mm) with an image of a black exclamation mark 110 mm high - behind motor vehicles (except for tractors, self-propelled vehicles, motorcycles and mopeds), driven by drivers who have been licensed to drive these vehicles for less than 2 years.

Until April 4, 2017, the “Beginner Driver” sign had to be installed on the back of mopeds. New edition The traffic rules cancel this requirement.

Introduction of a fine for lack of identification marks

7.15 1 . There are no identification marks that must be installed in accordance with the Basic Provisions for the admission of vehicles to operation and the duties of officials to ensure road safety, approved by a resolution of the Council of Ministers - Government Russian Federation dated October 23, 1993 N 1090 “On traffic rules”.

Starting from April 4, 2017, the operation of vehicles that do not have identification marks is prohibited. We are talking about the following signs:

  • Road train.
  • Transportation of children.
  • Deaf driver.
  • Training vehicle.
  • Speed ​​Limit.
  • Dangerous cargo.
  • Large cargo.
  • Slow moving vehicle.
  • Long vehicle.
  • Novice driver.

Thus, for the absence of the signs listed above, it is possible to receive a fine of 500 rubles(Part 1 of Article 12.5 of the Administrative Code):

1. Driving a vehicle in the presence of malfunctions or conditions under which, in accordance with the Basic Provisions for the admission of vehicles to operation and the duties of officials to ensure road safety, operation of the vehicle is prohibited, with the exception of malfunctions and conditions specified in parts 2 - 7 of this article, -

entails a warning or the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five hundred rubles.

Additional penalties (for example,) are not imposed.

Please note for illegal installation The signs listed above, unlike, are not subject to punishment.

For example, you can install the "Beginner Driver" sign immediately after receiving your driver's license at age 18 and not remove it until retirement. This will not be a violation.

One more important note regarding all innovations. The new rules for novice drivers have nothing to do with the presence of the “Beginner Driver” sign on the car. Only the experience of a particular driver matters.

For example, a car is used by several drivers (mother and daughter). At the same time, the daughter is a novice driver and this is evidenced by the identification mark on rear bumper. However, this sign does not impose restrictions on the second driver of the car. If the mother is driving, she can tow other cars without removing the sign. This will not be a violation.

The same applies to the reverse situation. If the towing vehicle does not have a “Beginner Driver” identification sign, but is driven by a driver with less than two years of driving experience, then this driver risks receiving 2 fines at once (for lack of a sign and for violating towing rules).

In conclusion, I suggest you read the full text of the updated traffic rules:

Good luck on the roads!


It’s good that people with less than 2 years of experience were not allowed to accelerate over 70 km/h...

“Please note that for the illegal installation of the signs listed above, unlike the Disabled sign, there is no penalty.”

Apparently they forgot to add the “Training Vehicle” sign. ;)

Can I not put a “Beginner Driver” sign on my car if I have a category “A” license, which is more than two years old, and a category “B” license, which is less than two years old.

Correct the typo (there is a ride):

For example, you can install a "Spikes" sign and eat with it all year round. This will not be a violation.

Another example related to towing. Two cars went on a joint off-road trip to the dacha. The driver of the first car has 20 years of driving experience. The driver of the second car is the son of the first driver, who has just received his driver's license. The more experienced driver goes first and gets stuck in a muddy ditch. What to do?

You can also issue a power of attorney to experienced driver and he will be able to drive a car without an MTPL policy and nothing will happen to him for it. According to the MTPL Law, the owner of a car is obliged to insure his liability under MTPL within 10 days...

I didn't understand, with the "Beginner Driver" sticker. For example, a father with 20 years of experience does not want to see this sticker on his car, but from time to time his son gets behind the wheel of a vehicle, having no more than six months of driving experience. Should I rip it off every time?

Just buy a sticker on a suction cup and you will be happy.

Roman-87, interest Ask. Description of the "Beginner Driver" sign:

“Beginner driver” - in the form of a yellow square (side 150 mm) with a black exclamation mark 110 mm high - behind motor vehicles(except for tractors, self-propelled vehicles, motorcycles and mopeds) driven by drivers who have the right to drive the specified vehicles less than 2 years.

If the driver has the right to drive motor vehicles for less than 2 years, then an identification plate must be installed. The category doesn't matter.

Those. If you have a category A license for more than 2 years, then you do not need to hang up the “Beginner Driver” sign.

Good luck on the roads!

Roman-88, thanks for the note, the article has been updated.

Good luck on the roads!

Why is nothing said about transportation? large cargo for beginners?


My question is, my son has exactly 2 years of experience, does he fall under these changes?

Shouldn’t you wait until tomorrow, when you’ve already had 2 years and 1 day of experience? Or is it necessary to carry a passenger on a moped today?

meteorhost, because no changes were introduced in this regard.

Good luck on the roads!

Hello. Tell. In ticket 7, question 10 “At what speed are motorcycles allowed to travel outside populated areas on all roads?” - now the answer is correct (No more than 90 km/h.) Due to the last edit, a discrepancy appears. How to be. Are we waiting for the question and answer to be updated or am I misunderstanding something? Thanks in advance for your answer.

Colleagues, hello.

the question is:

The traffic rules say: “Vehicles must be equipped with identification marks:

"Spikes" - in the form of an equilateral triangle.... behind motor vehicles with studded tires;"

But here's the question.... inside or outside the glass?

If I have tinted glass and I pasted a sign, but it is not visible, why should I be fined under the traffic rules?

They asked me to stick it on - I pasted it on. Nowhere is it written that it should be visible to other road users from a certain distance.

Or, for example, I stuck it on, but I haven’t washed the car for a year - the glass is dirty. Is there anything to write a fine for?

Ilya, Hello.

As you understand, there is no practice on this issue yet. After some time, it will become known whether you will be fined for installing the “Spikes” sign in the ways you indicated.

Good luck on the roads!

identification sign - transportation of children - should be installed on a personal car? or only for specialized transport, e.g. school buses?

Irina, clause 22.6 of the traffic rules:

22.6. Organized transportation of a group of children must be carried out in accordance with these Rules, as well as the rules approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, in a bus marked identification marks"Transportation of children."

Signs must be installed on any bus operating organized transportation children. Including by private bus.

Good luck on the roads!


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