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Professional scheduled maintenance of a car is a set of procedures aimed at maintaining and restoring the technical characteristics of units, assemblies, and other vehicle components.

Today, most car owners, under the concept of scheduled maintenance, mean periodic oil changes and measuring the level of working fluids. As a result of this approach to maintenance, the car is rapidly losing its performance, failures, breakdowns appear, and the owner remains dissatisfied with the quality and safety of the car, not understanding the underlying causes of what happened.

What do you need to know about scheduled maintenance?

In order to avoid premature wear of components, maintain the level of safety and comfort of car operation, it is important to carry out professional comprehensive maintenance in a specialized auto technical center in a timely manner. Professional maintenance affects all the main components of the car, significantly extending their service life and saving the car owner's budget in the long term.

Automotive technical center "MobilService" offers professional services for scheduled maintenance of a wide range of cars of foreign and domestic production. Depending on the type of work performed, we provide two separate services: TO-1 and TO-2. Each of the services provided is performed by qualified specialists and allows you to ensure efficient scheduled maintenance of the car.

TO-1 and features of the procedure.

TO-1 is the minimum list of complex maintenance works. TO-1 is recommended to be carried out at least 10-15,000 km after the last service.

TO-1 includes the following list of works:

TO-2 and features of the procedure.

TO-2 is the optimal list of complex maintenance works, which allows professional maintenance of all the main components of the vehicle. TO-2 is recommended to be carried out at least 25-30,000 km after the last maintenance.

TO-2 includes the following list of works:

  • Changing the oil and filter in the car engine;
  • Comprehensive inspection of all elements brake system;
  • Replacement air filter car;
  • Comprehensive inspection of all elements of the chassis of the car;
  • Replacing the dust filter in the heating / air conditioning system of the car;
  • Checking the condition of the battery;
  • Checking / adjusting the quality and levels of operating fluids;
  • Checking and restoring optimal tire pressure;

Timely and professional car maintenance can significantly extend the service life of components and assemblies, increase operating comfort and improve safety performance.

Note! Automobile technical center "MobilService" does not publish the cost and time of TO-1, TO-2. These parameters depend on a wide range of factors, including: the make, model, general condition of the vehicle. The terms and cost of maintenance are reported by a specialist after visual inspection and checks technical condition vehicle!

Many motorists who buy a car from the salon are faced with mandatory routine maintenance. No, of course, you can refuse them, but in this case, the warranty on the vehicle is lost. TO-1 and TO-2 are the recommendations of the manufacturer, and not an advertising move by dealers of a particular brand. After all, many drivers regard TO-1 as such. The list of works is much more expensive than in another service station, but now this is not about that.

General information and information

Scheduled maintenance is necessary for the timely detection of malfunctions of the electronic and mechanical systems of the vehicle in order to eliminate them. Maintenance work is also carried out. fuel system, which allows you to slightly reduce fuel consumption during vehicle operation.

Maintenance of a new car is necessary to eliminate the so-called "hidden" faults. Not everyone will be able to notice the factory defect of the engine or brake system. If you leave all this without attention, you can get into an accident. Therefore, keeping the car in good technical condition is simply necessary. The technical serviceability of the car is the maximum level of safety, comfort and economy that this vehicle can provide. Therefore, if you want to keep all systems working properly for as long as possible, it is better not to miss the MOT at the dealer.

TO-1: list of works and something else

A car is quite a complex device by its design. A large number of components and assemblies, rubbing surfaces - all this gradually wears out. In the event of any design deviation, such a defect can only be determined by a professional check at the dealer using modern equipment. We can say that any trip by car, even a short one, leads to a deterioration in his condition. Therefore, the machine must be serviced in time and replaced with defective or defective parts and assemblies.

The TO-1 work list is as follows:

  • fastening work (tightening car threaded fasteners);
  • performance of lubrication works;
  • control;
  • diagnostics;
  • cleaning and adjustment.

Each of the above points in this article we will consider in more detail. I would like to note that TO-1 is extremely important. Indeed, during this period, random malfunctions are checked and eliminated, which lead to a reduction in engine life, a decrease in comfort or increased fuel consumption. It is also mandatory to check the operation of the catalytic converter or which are responsible for neutralizing harmful chemical compounds released into the environment with exhaust gases.

As practice shows, most motorists do not follow the recommendations for the inspection and maintenance of the vehicle before each trip. However, it is highly recommended to check the following systems:

  • operability of electrical appliances of the center console;
  • level brake fluid;
  • engine oil level;
  • carry out an inspection of the body of the car;
  • adjust the rear-view mirrors;
  • check steering.

In fact, doing the work from the above list is quite simple. It will take literally a few minutes. However, daily maintenance (EO) is desirable as it can save the driver's life. For example, at the next maintenance, you find that there is no brake fluid. This indicates that the system is leaking and there is a leak somewhere. If you do not give due attention to this, then at the next traffic light you may not stop on time. This also applies to mirrors, the position of which can randomly go astray. And while driving, adjusting them is simply dangerous, because the driver will be distracted from the road, which can lead to an accident.

Regular car wash

In fact, this is a personal matter for each driver. However, there are certain recommendations for car interior care. After all, breathing the dust that got into the cabin while driving is not very useful. Therefore, the manufacturer strongly recommends regular maintenance of the interior of your car. This is necessary not only for the aesthetic component, but also to keep the plastic and seat upholstery clean. After all, if you do not clean the interior for a long time, then over time, dust and dirt eat into the fabric, and dry cleaning of the interior will be required, and this is not a cheap procedure.

It is also advisable to regularly wash the body of the car. After all, it is almost impossible to perform a high-quality check of a heavily contaminated body. In addition, deposits or dirt that remain on the surface for a long time paintwork vehicle, eat into the paint and can damage it. It is desirable to remove strong pollution with the help of Karcher at a car wash. Improper self-washing of the car can lead to scratches on the car's paintwork.

About the frequency of maintenance

Usually, the regularity of carrying out certain works is determined by the manufacturer. The data is indicated in the service book, where it is written - when to perform certain work. But it is worth noting that the frequency is determined by several factors. First, the time interval. For example, the alternator belt needs to be changed every 2 years (24 months). Secondly, time and mileage. performed every year (12 months) or every 15,000 kilometers, whichever comes first. Thirdly, mileage. A striking example of this is the replacement of a belt or which is performed every 100-150 thousand kilometers.

Therefore, as you understand, even if you practically do not drive a car, it will have to be serviced. For example, you put in a new alternator belt and drove only a few thousand kilometers in two years. In fact, the belt is completely new, but since this product does not change from mileage, but from the expiration date, it must be replaced. Over time, the rubber cracks and becomes less elastic, which most often leads to a break. But the timing belt, despite the fact that it is also made of rubber, changes after a certain mileage. Therefore, one such belt can stand on a car for 5 or 10 years, and nothing will happen to it.

TO-1: work order

The first maintenance of the car is indicated in the service book. Usually TO-1 is performed with the onset of 15 thousand mileage. Although, depending on the brand of car, the data may vary slightly. Usually, dealers do not follow a specific order of work, but simply check, adjust, lubricate and service the following vehicle components:

MOT in detail

Well, now let's look at a few of the most interesting points in more detail. Let's take adjustment work as an example, as they look the most interesting. Usually, dealers practically do not fulfill them, although the price tag is set to the maximum in the price list. For example, checking the fastening of the generator. Usually, the need to perform such a procedure arises only with the repair of this node. After all, the manufacturer carefully fixed and adjusted everything. Another thing is that wheel alignment may be needed, because you are only running in your engine and chassis, which has not yet been under load.

But work such as adjusting a car's carburetor or injection system, often not required, but unscrupulous employees dealer centers it is still performed. Although these items are indicated by the manufacturer, it is therefore necessary to inspect them, preferably in your presence. Then you can independently inspect the status of a particular node. If there is a factory defect of parts, assemblies or assemblies, then the driver will notice it almost from the first kilometers of car operation. If the air conditioner does not work or does not work well, it can be seen immediately. If there is a running gear extraneous sounds, then everything is clear here too. But many works are done to extract money from the driver, which is why many motorists refuse to carry out technical work and repair their vehicle on their own or at budget service stations.

How much does the first MOT cost?

It is extremely difficult to give a definite answer to this question. There are several factors that affect the pricing of TO-1. Firstly, the condition of the car after the same 15,000 kilometers. All drivers are different, and some understand that during the break-in of the internal combustion engine, give too much high revs can't and others can't. This leads to the fact that some pay 10,000 rubles for maintenance, while others pay 30,000, and then they are indignant. Secondly, a lot depends on the dealer. There are more conscientious specialists, and there are less. If you are a little versed in the design and construction of a car, then it is better to be present at the MOT and breathe into the back of the head of the inspector. After all, it is not known how much it will cost to adjust the clutch drive if you are not around.

Therefore, as you understand, pricing is dictated by dealers and it is rather difficult to do anything about it. It is quite another matter that dealers often give out factory defects for improper operation. Accordingly, the part has to be bought by the driver. Proving something is difficult, but with due effort it is quite possible. TO-1 for Hyundai Getz costs an average of 10,000 rubles. But servicing a premium car will not be cheaper than 30-40 thousand or more.

A few important details

It is necessary to understand that there is different kinds and periodicity Maintenance. For example, there is also TO-2, which is practically no different from the first. On the second maintenance, the amount of work is somewhat larger. Adjusting and lubricating work is carried out with the removal of some components and assemblies. Special equipment is used to check the correct operation of the systems. For example, checking the muffler and catalytic converter, as well as lambda, is performed using an oscilloscope, which shows the correct operation of the sensors.

Based on this, we can say that TO-2 will cost more than the first. However, if you do not pass it, you will again lose the warranty on the vehicle. Therefore, do not forget about the implementation of TO-1 and TO-2, which are necessary not so much to ensure safety, although this is also important, but to stay on warranty service. As practice shows, while there is a guarantee for the car, it rarely breaks down. The most interesting begins after the expiration date. Perhaps this is due to the quality of our roads or fuel. But always all the worries about repairs fall on the shoulders of the driver.

There is also a seasonal service (CO). This type of technical work is especially relevant for residents of the northern part of Russia. However, for the central part of the CO is a mandatory procedure. Here it makes sense to talk about the expediency of performing these works. Indeed, according to statistics, a large number of accidents occur precisely at the beginning winter season when many motorists have not yet changed their shoes. Usually SO works are carried out twice a year: in the end of autumn and in the middle of spring.

Summing up

So we reviewed with you the list of TO-1 works and many other interesting points. In addition to TO-1 and TO-2, do not forget about seasonal and daily maintenance. Each driver must check the fluid levels in the lubrication, cooling and brake systems before driving. It is clear that the brakes play a huge role, but also the cooling system or engine lubrication is completely responsible for the proper operation of the power unit. If you do not perform maintenance of the vehicle, and any serious damage occurs through your fault, then you will have to restore the car at your own expense.

In general, maintenance is once a year or every 15 thousand km. must be performed. Unfortunately, not the best opinion about dealer service has formed in Russia. Often unscrupulous employees wind up price tags, which leads to large financial costs. In Europe, the prices for scheduled maintenance are somewhat lower. This is despite the fact that only the necessary adjustment and lubrication work is performed there. Also, they are much more likely to make cars under warranty there, although this is required in European countries less often than in Russia.

We have adopted a planned warning system in our country car maintenance and repair. The essence of this system is that maintenance is carried out according to plan, and repairs - on demand.
The fundamental foundations of the preventive maintenance and repair system for vehicles are established by the current Regulations on the maintenance and repair of road transport rolling stock.

Maintenance includes the following types of work: cleaning and washing, control and diagnostic, fastening, lubricating, refueling, adjusting, electrical and other work performed, as a rule, without disassembling the units and removing individual components and mechanisms from the vehicle. If during maintenance it is impossible to verify the full serviceability of individual components, then they should be removed from the vehicle for control on special stands and instruments.

By frequency, car maintenance according to the current Regulations, it is divided into the following types: daily (EO), first (TO-1), second (TO-2) and seasonal (SO) maintenance.

The Regulation provides for two types of repair of vehicles and its units: current repairs (TR), performed in motor transport enterprises, and major repairs (CR), performed at specialized enterprises.

Each type of maintenance (TO) includes a strictly established list (nomenclature) of works (operations) that must be performed. These operations are divided into two components - control and performing.

The control part (diagnostic) of maintenance operations is mandatory, and the execution part is performed as needed. This significantly reduces material and labor costs during maintenance of the rolling stock.

Diagnostics is part of the maintenance workflow (TO) and current repair(TR) of cars, providing initial information about the technical condition of the car. characterized by purpose and place in the technological process of maintenance and repair.

Daily maintenance (EO) is performed daily after the car returns from the line between shifts and includes: inspection and inspection work on mechanisms and systems that ensure traffic safety, as well as the body, cab, lighting devices; cleaning and drying operations, as well as refueling the car with fuel, oil, compressed air and coolant. Car washing is carried out as needed, depending on weather, climatic conditions and sanitary requirements, as well as on the requirements for the appearance of the car.

First maintenance. TO 1

TO-1 consists in an external technical inspection of the entire vehicle and the performance of control and diagnostic, fixing, adjusting, lubricating, electrical and refueling work in the prescribed amount, checking the operation of the engine, steering, brakes and other mechanisms. Complex diagnostic work(D-1), performed at or before TO-1, serves to diagnose the mechanisms and systems that ensure the safety of the vehicle.

TO-1 is carried out between shifts, periodically at set intervals for mileage and should ensure the trouble-free operation of the units, mechanisms and systems of the vehicle within the established frequency.

In-depth diagnosis of D-2 is carried out 1-2 days before TO-2 in order to provide information to the TO-2 zone about the upcoming scope of work, and if a large amount of current repair is detected, redirect the car to the current repair zone in advance.

Second maintenance. TO2

TO-2 includes the performance of fixing, adjusting, lubricating and other works in the prescribed volume, as well as checking the operation of units, mechanisms and instruments during operation. TO-2 is carried out with the removal of the car for 1-2 days from operation.

At ATP, D-1 and D-2 are combined in one area using combined stationary stands. At large ATPs and at centralized service bases, all diagnostic tools are centralized and optimally automate the repair and maintenance of the vehicle.

Determination of the place of diagnostics in the technological process car maintenance and repair allows us to formulate the basic requirements for its means. To diagnose D-1 mechanisms that ensure traffic safety, high-speed automated tools are required for diagnosing brake mechanisms and steering.

To diagnose the car as a whole (D-2) and its units, stands with running drums are needed to determine the power and economic indicators, as well as the state of systems and assemblies, as close as possible to the conditions for their diagnosis to the conditions of the car. For diagnostics combined with maintenance and repair, mobile and portable diagnostic tools and devices should be used.

Seasonal maintenance

SA is carried out 2 times a year and is the preparation of rolling stock for operation in cold and warm seasons. It is recommended to conduct a separate SS for the rolling stock operating in the cold climate zone. For other climatic zones, CO is combined with TO-2 with a corresponding increase in the labor intensity of the main type of service.

Current repair and maintenance of cars

The current repair and maintenance of the car is carried out in motor transport enterprises or at ONE HUNDRED and consists in the elimination of minor malfunctions and failures of the car, contributing to the fulfillment of the established norms for the car's mileage before overhaul.

The purpose of diagnosing during current repairs is to identify a failure or malfunction and establish the most effective way their elimination: on the spot, with the removal of the unit or assemblies with their complete or partial disassembly or adjustment. The current repair and maintenance of the car consists in carrying out disassembly, plumbing, welding and other work, as well as replacing parts in the units (except for the base ones) and individual components and assemblies in the car (trailer, semi-trailer), requiring current or major repairs of the car, respectively.

During the current repair, the units on the car are changed only if the unit repair time exceeds the time required to replace it.

Car overhaul

KR of cars, units and assemblies is carried out at specialized repair enterprises, factories, workshops. It provides for the restoration of the performance of vehicles and units to ensure their mileage until the next overhaul or write-off, but not less than 80% of their mileage from the mileage standards for new vehicles and units.

At overhaul a car or unit is completely disassembled into components and parts, which are then repaired or replaced. After completing the parts, the units are assembled, tested and sent to the assembly of the car. With the impersonal method of repair, the car is assembled from previously repaired units.

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian FederationFEDERAL STATE BUDGET EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION

Department: STiTS

By discipline: Organization of maintenance and repair
On the topic: Types of work performed during TO-2.

I've done the work
student gr. SVAZ-501
Kalinin O.V.
Record book number


Togliatti 2012
Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “Volga State University of Service (PVGUS)”

for control work

By discipline

(name of the discipline)
Student ______________________________ _________________________ group_______________

Criteria for evaluation
Compliance degree
Not really
The control work was completed in accordance with the task and guidelines
1. Compliant
2. Complies partially
3. Does not match
Work structure:
- the total volume and proportionality of the structural parts of the work
1. Compliant
2. Complies partially
3. Does not match
- logical relationship of the structural parts of the work
1. Compliant
2. Complies partially
3. Does not match
The content of the work reveals the essence of the chosen topic
1. Reveals
2. Partially open
3. Doesn't reveal
Study by the author of the required amount of literature:
- number of sources in the list of references
1. Compliant
2. Partially compliant
3. Does not match
- the period of publication of literature sources and the regulatory framework
1. Compliant
2. Partially compliant
3. Does not match
Availability and author's analysis of statistical data, practical and theoretical material
1. Compliant
2. Partially compliant
3. Does not match
4. Not represented
Quality of work design:
- tables
1. Compliant
2. Partially compliant
3. Does not match
- charts
1. Compliant
2. Partially compliant
3. Does not match
- calculations
1. Compliant
2. Partially compliant
3. Does not match
The presence of conclusions and suggestions obtained on the basis of the study of the problem under study
1. Compliant
2. Partially compliant
3. Does not match
4. Not represented
Special remarks on the work (project)

Reviewer ________________________________ ______________________________ _________
(signature) (signature transcript)

"_________" ______________ 201__ __

1.What is maintenance and repair and how do they differ?
2. Types of maintenance
3.Daily maintenance
4.Maintenance #1
5.Maintenance #2
6.Seasonal maintenance

For a car to bring joy, it must always be in good working order. Every day before leaving and after returning to the garage, it is necessary to check the technical condition of the car. The condition of the car should also be monitored while driving. However, driving even in a serviceable but dirty car is unpleasant, so the car should be washed and the interior cleaned. In relation to a car, cleanliness is not only aesthetics, but the protection of metal from the effects of dirt, salt, and various chemical compounds, this is a way to combat corrosion and a means of extending the life of a car. During operation, the car has to be refueled, topped up with oil. Oil must not only be topped up, but also completely replaced, since over time it loses its original properties, dust, dirt, water, wear products in the form of metal particles and oil combustion products accumulate in it. During the operation of the car, a lot of other changes occur: the coolant evaporates or flows out and its level must be monitored daily; the electrolyte level in the battery drops and the brake fluid level in the system drops hydraulic drive brakes. As long-term practice shows, after a certain time, the fastening connections weaken, the adjusting dimensions are violated, as well as the tightness of many joints. It has been noticed that the listed changes in a passenger car occur approximately after a certain time, so they can be foreseen and eliminated in advance, while all deviations are eliminated without high costs. As a rule, it is enough to carry out fixing, adjustment and lubrication work. These works can be planned in advance as preventive. But it is not always possible to manage only preventive work. Sometimes there are unforeseen work on the repair of components and assemblies associated with the replacement of individual parts. Work related to maintaining the car in good condition is called maintenance, and work to restore the technical condition is called car repair.

1.What is maintenance and repair and how do they differ?
Car maintenance is understood as a complex of periodically carried out actions aimed at maintaining it in a technically sound and efficient condition. Vehicle maintenance is preventive in nature and is carried out according to the plan through the established vehicle mileage or seasonally. Repair, unlike maintenance, is carried out on demand, after a malfunction is detected. Some repairs, like maintenance, can be scheduled and preventive. These measures are the basis of the preventive maintenance system for car maintenance. What types of maintenance are there? The car must be washed and refueled periodically, after a certain mileage there is a need to adjust some units, perform electrical and other work. In spring and autumn, the car must be prepared for summer and winter operation. Maintenance involves the performance of control and diagnostic, fixing, adjustment, lubrication, refueling and electrical work. They are performed, as a rule, without disassembling the units and without removing them from the car. In order to detect the resulting loosening of the fastening, an increase in the gap, fluid leakage and other malfunctions, the car is carefully inspected, the correct installation of individual mechanisms and assemblies is checked. A special tool is sometimes used for this check. A significant part of the defects cannot be detected by external inspection, even if the car is inspected by an experienced driver. Hidden "diseases" of engine systems can only be revealed using diagnostic tools at a service station. For this, modern diagnostic equipment is used at large motor transport enterprises and service stations. With its help, in a short time, you can get complete information about the technical condition of various components of the car. There are several types of diagnostic equipment. For example, one stand is used to check the ignition system: it is enough to connect the sensors to the ignition system, and after a while it will be clear which candle is faulty, how the breaker works and whether the voltage supplied to the candles is sufficient. Another stand allows you to check the crank mechanism and the gas distribution mechanism. There are stands where you can determine the engine power, the braking efficiency of each of the wheels of the car and other parameters. Diagnostics of the technical condition of the car allows you to timely identify serious defects in components, mechanisms and assemblies without removing and disassembling them, eliminate malfunctions in time and bring the technical characteristics to the norm. Thus, diagnosing is a set of control, measuring and even adjustment operations. Works related to an in-depth check of the technical condition are called control and diagnostic.
During operation, vehicle parts are subjected to significant shock loads, vibrations, thread destruction occurs, nuts and screws are loosened, assemblies and assemblies are fastened. All this leads to a decrease in the reliability of the connection of parts, gaps appear between the parts, which contribute to the occurrence and increase in shock loads and the destruction of parts. To protect the components from premature wear and destruction, the fastening of parts must be restored in a timely manner. These works are called fasteners. Fastening work performed in a timely manner eliminates the gaps between the parts, provides such a mutual arrangement of parts, which is recommended by the manufacturer. However, fastening work cannot always fully restore the normal operation of some components, mechanisms, assemblies, such as a brake or steering mechanism. This is where adjustments are needed. They usually make up a small part of the overall maintenance of the car, but they occupy the main place in importance. For example, high-quality and timely adjustment of the carburetor ensures reliable and economical operation of the engine, reduces harmful effect on the environment. As noted, during the operation of the car, it periodically becomes necessary to add oil to the engine crankcases, gearboxes, rear axle and steering gear. Especially often it is necessary to add oil to the engine crankcase, from where it partially enters the engine cylinders and burns out. Losses of oil as a result of its leakage through seals and gaskets are possible. In addition, during operation, the oil becomes contaminated with wear products (metal chips) and combustion, and loses its properties. For these reasons, it must be changed periodically. In some closed transmission assemblies, lubrication is almost not consumed (grease in wheel hubs and steering joints). But even here, over time, it loses its original properties, and it has to be changed. The work associated with the addition and periodic replacement of lubricants is called lubrication. Their purpose is to create fluid friction between mating surfaces and reduce wear on parts. There are many devices and units on the car that use various operating fluids: in the cooling system - coolant, in shock absorbers - shock absorber, in the brake system - brake, in the battery - electrolyte, in the power system - fuel, etc. During during operation, the fluid level gradually decreases for various reasons: fuel is consumed, coolant and electrolyte leak through leaky connections or evaporate. They need to be restored periodically. The work associated with refueling vehicle units is called refueling. During maintenance, it is impossible to do without electrical work related to maintaining systems and electrical equipment in working condition. The purpose of maintenance is to reduce the rate of wear of parts and identify faults. This is achieved by timely carrying out control and diagnostic, fixing, adjustment and lubrication work. If maintenance is carried out in a timely manner, in full quality, then the car should work without breakdowns and a noticeable decrease in key performance indicators until the next service.

2. Types of maintenance
Vehicle maintenance is divided into four types: daily maintenance (EO), maintenance No. 1 (TO-1), maintenance No. 2 (TO-2) and seasonal maintenance (SO).
For cars the frequency of carrying out TO-1 and TO-2 and the amount of work performed in this case is set depending on the purpose and brand of the car, as well as on the conditions of its operation. The list of work performed during TO-2 necessarily includes in full all the work performed during TO-1, as well as the work of the EO is fully performed during TO-1. Manufacturers organize a car service, at whose enterprises maintenance of cars is carried out. Maintenance of modern passenger cars that are in personal use is regulated by the Regulations on the maintenance and repair of cars owned by citizens. It is this Regulation that defines the requirements and regulates the relationship between car enthusiasts, car service enterprises and car manufacturers, establishes the frequency of maintenance and contains recommendations for organizing work at car service stations. The entire period of operation of the car from production to write-off, as it were, is divided into three types of technical impact: pre-sale preparation, warranty and post-warranty periods. Pre-sale preparation involves three types of work: mandatory, work on demand and additional work at the request of the buyer (paid). Mandatory works include: removal of conservation coating and washing and cleaning operations; verification of compliance of engine numbers, body chassis with shipping documentation; verification of technical documentation, completeness of products and accessories; checking and adjusting systems and components that ensure traffic safety; detection of mechanical damage (dents, body scratches, etc.). Demand work includes troubleshooting work that could not be corrected by mandatory work. Additional work includes, for example, the installation of anti-theft devices, mirrors on the wings, etc. Warranty service for cars is carried out during the warranty period established by the manufacturer (the calculation starts from the date of sale of the car, which is indicated in the technical passport or service book). Guarantees ensure that the technical and economic characteristics of the car meet the requirements. During the warranty period, all defects that are not related to violation of the vehicle operation rules (replacement of prematurely worn or defective parts, assemblies and assemblies) are eliminated free of charge. The warranty period is set by the vehicle manufacturer. Usually it is limited by the operating time and mileage since the beginning of operation. The exact warranty period is specified in the Vehicle's Owner's Manual.
Warranty service provides for the performance of maintenance, warranty repairs, as well as consultations of owners on technical and legal issues, in particular, on explaining the rules for operating, caring for and storing a car, training on how to independently carry out certain adjustment work. Maintenance during the warranty period includes washing and cleaning, control and diagnostic, fastening and adjustment, and refueling and lubrication. Timely and high-quality maintenance of the car during the warranty period is the key to reliable operation during subsequent operation. Defects to be eliminated under the warranty are divided into reclamation and non-reclamation. Complaint defects include violations of adjustments, breakdowns and premature wear of parts, if their elimination requires disassembly of the unit using special tools and devices or its replacement. Non-claimable defects are defects that require the replacement of fasteners, lamps, fuses and other small parts, as well as those that are eliminated during maintenance (outside the established regulations). Maintenance of vehicles in the post-warranty period of operation includes cleaning, washing, refueling, lubrication, control and diagnostic, fixing, adjusting, tire repair and other works. Maintenance in the post-warranty period is divided into service by coupons service books, EO, as well as TO-1, TO-2 (cars for which service books are not provided) and SO. Car maintenance, regulated by the service book, as a rule, includes: a control inspection of the car and its units and the performance of a number of operations to eliminate the shortcomings and malfunctions noted during the inspection; obligatory maintenance work when the car reaches a certain mileage. Usually, the frequency of maintenance according to the service book coupons is 10,000 km, with the exception of the first, and sometimes the second coupons. During this period, the running-in and the so-called upsetting of parts take place, as a result of which the adjusting dimensions may be violated and the threaded connections may be loosened. Consider the main work performed during all types of maintenance.

3. Daily maintenance
During daily maintenance, control and inspection work is carried out on units, systems and mechanisms that ensure traffic safety: the operation of brake systems; brake fluid level in the master cylinder reservoir; tire condition, tire pressure; steering condition; condition of lighting, signaling; battery electrolyte level. Almost daily or every 400-500 km of the car run, it is necessary to check the oil level in the engine crankcase, as well as the coolant level in expansion tank. In addition, work is underway to ensure proper appearance car: washing, cleaning, polishing. Inspection work (refueling the car with fuel, oil, coolant) must be carried out before each departure, and cleaning, washing and refueling - as necessary. When servicing a car, special attention is paid to malfunctions that can affect traffic safety. At the same time, it is MANDATORY TO ELIMINATE the identified malfunctions and the loosening of the fastening of the following parts, assemblies, assemblies and systems. During adjustment work: malfunctions of the pad lining and brake drums (clearance), brake pedal (free play), parking brake system (drive), steering, wheel bearings, front wheels (installation angles). During control, diagnostic and fixing work: malfunctions of the bipod and pendulum steering lever, steering drive, steering rods on ball pins and ball pins in sockets, steering knuckle, ball bearings, pivots, wheel rims, tires (condition, fastening, imbalance), driveline, springs, springs, shock absorbers, suspension arms, pipelines and hoses of the hydraulic brake drive, the main brake cylinder, brake discs, wheel brake cylinders on support discs, engine, separator, brake actuator pressure regulator, door locks, hood and trunk locks, seat fasteners, windows, rear-view mirrors, wiper, washer, windshield blower and heater, ventilation systems and heating, coupling device. Malfunctions in the maintenance of power supply and exhaust systems (tightness), headlights, front and rear lights, light switches, brake signal, alarm, retroreflectors, horn, electrical wiring insulation.

4.Maintenance #1
Maintenance operations No. 1 are usually carried out after 1500, 3000 and 5000 km for different models cars, but not less than 2 times a year. At the same time, the following types of work are performed:
- washing and cleaning works - interior cleaning, car washing and drying;
- control and diagnostic work - checking the operation of the service brake system for simultaneous operation and braking efficiency, the operation of the parking brake system, the brake actuator, the free play of the steering wheel and the gap in the steering gear connections, the condition of the tires and the air pressure in them, lighting and signaling devices;
- inspection work - inspection and check of the body, glass, license plates, seat upholstery, the operation of door mechanisms, wipers, rear-view mirrors, the tightness of the connections of the lubrication, cooling and hydraulic drive systems, disengagement of the clutch, rubber protective covers of the steering rod joints, the amount of free play clutch and brake pedals, fan belt tension, brake fluid levels in the supply tanks of the master cylinder and clutch release drive, springs and lever in the front suspension, anti-roll bar and struts;
- fastening works - fastening of the engine, gearbox and extension, steering gear housing and steering arm, steering wheel and steering rods, swing arms, rear-view mirror, connecting flanges cardan shaft, wheel disks, instruments, pipelines and hoses of the lubrication system and cooling system, brake mechanisms and hydraulic clutch release, exhaust pipe of the muffler;
- during fastening work - adjustment of the free play of the clutch and brake pedals, the action of the working and parking brake systems, the free play of the steering wheel and the gap in the steering gear connections, the fan belt tension;
- bringing to the norm - the air pressure in the tires and the brake fluid levels in the nutrient tanks of the main brake cylinder and the clutch release drive.
In addition, during TO-1:
- clean from dirt and check the devices of the power system and the tightness of their connections;
- check the operation of the drive, the completeness of closing and opening of the throttle and air dampers;
- regulate the operation of the carburetor at low engine speeds.
In the electrical system: in "clear battery and its ventilation holes from dirt; check the fastening, the reliability of contact of the wire tips with the terminals and the electrolyte level; ap clean electrical equipment from dust and dirt;
- check the insulation of electrical equipment, the fastening of the generator, starter and relay-regulator.

5. Maintenance #2
Maintenance operations No. 2 are recommended to be carried out after 7500, 12,000, 20,000 km of run for different car models, but at least 1 time per year. Before performing TO-2 or during it, it is necessary to carry out in-depth diagnostics of all the main units, components and systems of the vehicle to establish their technical condition, determine the nature of faults, their causes, as well as the possibility of operating this unit, unit or system.
Performing operations TO-2, in addition to the scope of work on TO-1, they carry out:
- fixing the radiator, cylinder head and rocker arms, covers of the casing of the cylinder head, intake and exhaust pipelines, covers of the distribution block gear wheels, oil fine filter housings, filter housings coarse cleaning oil, oil pan, clutch housing, shock absorbers, fuel tank, silencer, rear axle gear cover, ladder, spring pins, axle shaft flanges, locks and door handles;
- tightening the nuts for fastening the flange to the drive gear of the final drive of the rear axle and the hinge pins for fastening the shock absorber lugs;
- adjustment of the steering wheel turning force, valve thermal clearances, timing chain tension, clearance between brake pads and wheel disks, clearance in the front wheel hub bearings.
Additional operations during TO-2 in the vehicle power system include:
- checking the tightness of the fuel tank and pipeline connections;
- checking the fastening of the carburetor;
- elimination of identified faults;
- remove the carburetor and fuel pump, disassemble them, clean and check the state of parts on special devices;
- checking after assembly of the fuel pump on a special device;
- checking the ease of starting and operation of the engine.
When servicing the electrical system:
- check the degree of charge by the voltage of the battery cells under load and, if necessary, remove the batteries for recharging, the condition of the brushes and collectors of the generator and starter, the operation of the relay-regulator;
- adjust the tension of the anchor springs; ^remove the spark plugs and check their condition;
- clean from carbon deposits and adjust the gaps between the electrodes;
- remove the ignition switch-distributor and clean its outer surface from dirt and oil;
- check the condition of the contacts and adjust the gaps between them;
- lubricate the breaker-distributor shaft;
- check the condition of low and high voltage wires and regulate the operation of lighting and signaling devices.
Cleaning and lubrication and refueling work during TO-2 must be carried out in accordance with the lubrication charts and recommendations of manufacturers.
TO-2 operations performed after approximately 30,000-45,000 km of the vehicle run include:
- oil change in automatic transmission;
- flushing the engine lubrication system;
- oil change in the crankcase of the drive axle;
- cleaning the starter collector;
- checking the wear and fit of the brushes;
- Cleaning and lubricating starter drive parts.
In addition, you need:
- check the efficiency of the vacuum brake booster;
- adjust the direction of the headlight beams;
- clean the contact rings of the generators;
- check the wear and fit of the brushes;
- replace the brake fluid;
- replace the coolant.
TO-2 operations performed after approximately 65,000-75,000 km of run include:
- oil change in the gearbox;
- replacement of a gear belt of a drive of the gas distribution mechanism.

6. Seasonal maintenance
Seasonal maintenance is carried out to prepare the car for operation in the cold and warm seasons, i.e. 2 times a year. Its necessity is explained simply: for the normal operation of rubbing surfaces, the same conditions are needed, regardless of the ambient temperature. The viscosity of the oil does not remain constant. It increases with decreasing temperature and decreases with increasing temperature. If viscous oil is poured into the gearbox in summer, then it will ensure the normal operation of the parts in a given thermal regime and not create much resistance. In the cold season, this oil will also provide lubrication for parts, but it will take not only a lot of time, but also a significant part of the engine power to fully warm it up. Considering that there are about 10,000 parts in a car and many of them are lubricated, one can imagine what significant resistance will be provided by viscous oil, for example, when starting a cold engine and until the main rubbing parts of the car (gearbox, rear axle and some other components) are completely warmed up. and parts in severe frosts warm up very slowly). Therefore, with the onset of cold weather, low-viscosity oil is poured into the gearbox and other units of passenger cars of old models. Why change the oil during the warm season? The fact is that winter oils and lubricants have a lower viscosity, and when heated, their viscosity decreases even more, worsening the lubrication of parts. For example, liquid oil in an engine quickly, almost without lubricating the surfaces of parts, passes through all channels and gaps and flows into the oil pan. The system does not create normal operating oil pressure, as a result of which the engine can quickly fail. There are all-weather motor oils that are successfully used in both cold and warm seasons.
What is included in seasonal maintenance? For cars of older models, they usually strive to combine CO with TO-2, therefore, the whole range of TO-2 work and some additional work are performed:
- flush the cooling system;
- check the operation of the starting heater, blinds, heating and ventilation systems, the condition of the cylinder group;
- flush the engine lubrication system;
- replace oils and lubricants in all units.
When preparing the car for winter operation:
- check electrical equipment;
- wash the carburetor and fuel tank;
- insulate and prepare the battery.
7. Checking the fastening of parts, assemblies, mechanisms, assemblies and devices
There are several ways to check attachment.
First way. Loose fasteners are best detected by inspection before washing the car while it is dry. At this time, the gaps at the joints of the parts are clearly visible. For example, on spattered loose wheel nuts, a crack in dried mud is clearly visible, formed as a result of the mutual movement of the nut and the wheel disk.
The second way. It consists in tapping a part with a hammer - weakened ones make a rattling sound.
Reliable way. This is the swinging of parts by hand or with a lever. Loose connections allow parts to move relative to each other. They can knock, creak. So they check, for example, the reliability of fastening doors.
Most reliable way. It is a trial tightening of clamps, bolts and nuts. First of all, you need to use screwdrivers. The width of the screwdriver blade should not be much smaller than the slot of the screw head. Otherwise, the screw head will be damaged. If the thickness of the screwdriver is less than the width of the slot, the screwdriver will cut into the body of the head with its edges and break the slot. The screwdriver is held along the axis of the screw. When tightening threaded connections, it is necessary to use box or socket wrenches. These wrenches fit tightly around the head of the bolt or nut, causing less damage when tightened and reducing the possibility of injury. Wrenches open (open-end) wrenches grab the nut by only two faces. And since the pressure on them is large, when tightening, not only the nut is deformed, but also the horns of the key. Naturally, in such cases, key failures and hand injuries are possible. There may be an adjustable wrench in the driver's tool kit, but it should be used in case of emergency, as it has all the disadvantages public keys and improper use or incorrect wrench size setting may result in personal injury and damage to nuts and screws. The size of the adjustable wrench is first set approximately, then put on the nut and the jaws are finally tightened. After that, proceed to unscrew the nut. The fastening of various parts on a car is carried out in different ways. Some bolts and nuts are tightened immediately, others - in two steps: first, preliminary, half-heartedly, and then finally, with the application of a certain force recommended by the factory. Large flat parts secured with several bolts, such as a cylinder head, are tightened from the center to the edges according to the scheme recommended by the manufacturer. Parts with bolts arranged in a circle are tightened in diametrically opposite directions. Details fixed with four bolts are tightened “crosswise”. When tightening especially critical connections (they are noted in the instructions of car manufacturers), it is necessary to use a torque wrench that allows you to apply a certain tightening torque to the nut.
A torque wrench consists of an elastic lever, at one end of which there is a handle with a scale, and at the other end there is a head with a rigidly fixed pointer. On the head there is a protrusion with a square section, on which a socket wrench is put on. When the bolt is tightened, the lever bends in proportion to the applied force, and the arrow shows the amount of bending, graduated in kilograms. If there is no torque wrench, only experience can help. In order not to damage the threaded connection, the bolts should be tightened with one hand with a normal wrench without an extension. It happens that during repairs come across nuts that are difficult to unscrew. Especially often this happens in the lower part of the body. Even box wrenches and heads do not always give the desired effect. To avoid such situations, from the very beginning, during maintenance, lubricate threaded connections. To do this, you can use effective lubricants produced by the domestic industry, special liquids or pastes. In their absence, you can use almost any oil. However, nuts that operate at high temperatures, such as the exhaust pipe (manifold) and muffler pipes, cannot be lubricated with these oils, as it burns out, causing the nuts to unscrew

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Introduction to the specialty

Daily car maintenance

Student: A.A. Golovizin

Group: FT 09-01


A.I. Grushevsky

Krasnoyarsk 2009



Test papers

Cleaning and washing works

Lubrication, cleaning and filling work

Specific maintenance work for LPG vehicles

When the engine is running on liquefied gas

4.2 When the engine is running on compressed gas.

Additional work on dump trucks and tractors

Specific work on buses




During the operation of the car, as a result of the impact on it of a number of factors (impact of loads, vibrations, moisture, air flows, abrasive particles when dust and dirt get on the car, temperature effects, etc.), an irreversible deterioration of its technical condition occurs due to wear and damage to its parts, as well as a change in a number of their properties (elasticity, plasticity, etc.).

The change in the technical condition of the car is due to the operation of its components and mechanisms, the influence of external conditions and storage of the car, as well as random factors. Random factors include hidden defects in car parts, structural overload, etc.

To prevent and eliminate possible problems, carry out daily maintenance of the car.

1. Control work

Table 1

Vehicle maintenance schedule

Designations in the table:

P - check (if necessary, replace / top up / adjust / lubricate);

Z - replacement.

First you need to inspect the car (trailer, semi-trailer), identify external damage and check its completeness, check the condition of the platform cabin doors, windows, rear-view mirrors, sun visors, plumage, license plates, door mechanisms, the locking mechanism of the tilting cab, and platform side locks , hood, trunk lid, tailgate of a dump truck and its locking mechanism of the frame, springs, wheels, tires, fifth wheel (towing) devices, road wheels (semi-trailer), make sure that the trailer hitch is reliable.

The performing part of maintenance operations is performed on demand, based on the results of their control part. These lists are generic; are specified for specific car models and their modifications in the second part of the Regulations. Based on the lists of the main operations, measures are developed for the organization and technology of monitoring (diagnosing) the technical condition of the rolling stock, and performing other maintenance work. Maintenance of special vehicle equipment (pumps, refrigeration units, etc.) is carried out in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.

Check the correctness and integrity of the sealing of the speedometer and taximeter, the operation of lighting and light signaling devices, a sound signal, wipers, windshield and headlight washers, heating and glass heating systems (in the cold season), ventilation systems. Check by external inspection the condition of the hydraulic booster of the steering, check the play of the steering wheel, the condition of the limiters of the maximum angles of rotation of the steered wheels.

Check by inspection the tightness of the power steering booster, brake drive and clutch release mechanism, power supply, lubrication and cooling systems, hydraulic system of the dump truck platform lifting mechanism, check the condition and tension of the drive belts.

Check the operation of units, assemblies, systems, speedometer, taximeter and other instrumentation of the car on the move. Stop the engine and listen to the operation of the centrifugal oil filter.

2. Cleaning and washing work

Cleaning work is carried out, as a rule, at the beginning or at the end of the shift.

When cleaning, debris, dust, dirt is removed manually or mechanically. To organize a mechanized method, electric vacuum cleaners and dust extraction units are used.

Cleaning and washing works are carried out before each maintenance and repair. After cleaning, the machine is washed in order to remove various contaminants from its surface. The difficulty of removing contaminants depends on their composition.

First, you need to clean the cab (body) and platform.

Secondly, wash and dry the car (trailer, semi-trailer), and, if necessary, sanitize it.

And finally, wipe the rear-view mirrors, headlights, sidelights, direction indicators, taillights and brake lights, cab windows, and license plates.

The performance of the machine depends on the quality of the wash. It is important to exclude the concentration of dirt and moisture in the metal structures of box section machines and the ingress of moisture into electrical appliances and devices.

3. Lubrication, cleaning and filling work

Refueling operations of vehicles are organized depending on their location. Refueling of vehicles returning to the base daily is carried out at the company's filling stations or filling stations equipped with high-performance automatic dispensers. Refueling of vehicles at the site is carried out by mechanized units mounted on trailers or on mobile vehicles.

Refueling of vehicles should be carried out with the least quantitative and qualitative losses of fuel and lubricants. To eliminate quantitative fuel losses, it is important to have a valve on the tip of filling devices that turns off the fuel supply when the tank is full, as well as reliable devices for accurately determining the volume of fuel.

Replacement engine oil planned through a certain operating time. However, the intensity of aging largely depends on the technical condition of the engine. Therefore, it is advisable to evaluate the performance of engine oil during the operation of the machine and replace it when the limit state is reached. It is also desirable to replenish the lubrication system with engine oil in a mechanized way with the possibility of controlling the volume being filled. To reduce the loss of lubricants and working fluids, it is necessary to ensure the tightness of the filler and control plugs, as well as the serviceability of the air filters.

Before shipment, it is necessary to check the oil level in the crankcases of the engine and hydromechanical gearbox. For vehicles with a diesel engine, check the oil level in the high pressure fuel pump (TNVD) and the engine speed controller. Check the fluid level in the hydraulic drive of the brakes and the clutch release mechanism, in the cooling system.

When parking the car, drain the condensate from the water separator, air cylinders of the pneumatic brake actuator, sediment from the fuel filters, fuel tank (for vehicles with diesel engines in the cold season). When storing without garages in the cold season, drain the water from the engine cooling system and the starting heater, and before starting the engine, fill the cooling system with hot water or connect the engine to the heating system. Refuel the vehicle. Fill the windshield and headlight washer reservoirs with water.

4. Specific maintenance work for LPG vehicles

4.1 When the engine is running on LPG

Before leaving the car on the line, check by external inspection the fastening of the gas cylinder to the brackets, the condition of the gas equipment, gas pipelines and the tightness of the connections of the entire gas system. Check the ease of starting and operation of the engine on gas at idle at various crankshaft speeds. Check and, if necessary, adjust the CO content in the exhaust gases of the engine.

Check the condition, fastening and tightness of the devices of the gasoline engine power supply system.

Lubricate the threads of the stems of the main, filling and expendable valves; remove, clean and reinstall the filter element of the main filter and the strainer of the gas reducer.

Check the internal tightness of the flow valves and the external tightness of the gas fittings. If the gas cylinder fittings are not tight, the car cannot be admitted to the maintenance post (line) until the identified malfunctions are eliminated.

After returning the car to the motor transport company, visually check the tightness of the fittings, gas cylinder and consumable valves. Check for gasoline leaks at the fuel line connections. Clean the outside and, if necessary, wash the fittings of the gas cylinder and the devices of the gas and petrol supply system.

When parking the car, close the supply valves to exhaust all the gas in the system; drain the sediment from the gas reducer, and in the cold season, drain the water from the evaporator cavity (when filling the engine cooling system with water).

4.2 When the engine is running on compressed gas

Before leaving the car on the line, check by external inspection the fastening of gas cylinders to the brackets, and the brackets to the longitudinal bars of the platform. Check external inspection of the condition of gas equipment, gas pipelines. Check the condition of fastening of supply and main valves, as well as gas pipelines. Check the condition and fastening of the high and low pressure gas reducers, the carburetor-mixer, the heater and the gas supply lines.

Lubricate the threads of the stems of the main, filling and expendable valves.

Check the tightness of the gas system with compressed air (nitrogen).

Visually check the tightness of the petrol supply system.

Check the operation of the solenoid shut-off valves on gas and petrol.

Check and, if necessary, adjust the CO content in the exhaust gases when the engine is running on gas, and then on gasoline.

Before checking the operation of the engine on gasoline, it is necessary to close the supply valves, develop gas from the power supply system (before the engine stops) and close the main valve.

Open the valves of the front and rear group of cylinders, open the main valve. Check (by ear) the tightness of the gas system connections.

Check the ease of starting and operation of the engine on gas at idle and at various crankshaft speeds. Check the operation of the engine on gasoline

After returning the car to the transport company, clean the cylinder fittings and gas equipment from dust and dirt and wash if necessary. Check the tightness of pipelines high pressure and connections of gas cylinders; tightness of the main and expendable valves of gas cylinders. Check for gasoline leaks in the connecting fuel lines, solenoid filter valve. Close the flow valves of the front and rear group of cylinders and release gas from the system; close the main valve. Drain the sediment from the low pressure gas regulator.

5. Additional work on dump trucks and tractors

Visually check the condition of the subframe, subframe bars and swivel joints of the platform lifting device, fifth wheel and towing device.

Check the condition and tightness of the connections of the oil lines, hoses, the operation of the platform lifting device, the condition of the platform safety stop.

Check the condition of the tailgate and the operation of its locking device.

Visually check the condition and fastening of the power take-off, the covers of the axles of the tipping platform, the connections of the rod and the cylinder of the platform lifting device.

Check the oil level in the reservoir of the platform lift mechanism: top up or replace it if necessary (according to the schedule).

6. Specific work on buses

Visually check the condition of the frame, floor, seat upholstery, window and hatch locks, handrails, brackets.

Check the condition, fastening and operation of marker lamps, lamps for lighting the route indicator and route number.

Check the condition of the doors and their opening mechanisms by inspection; check the operation of power windows, door locks, hood, trunk lid; check the condition of the instrument panel, body upholstery (for passenger cars); check the operation of the alarm from the passenger compartment to the driver.

Check the air suspension and the operation of the body position regulators.

Check by inspection the condition of the trusses, side members of the body base.

Check the condition and fastening of composters and storage cash desks, as well as the serviceability of the ticketing mechanism.


Determining the technical condition of the units is especially necessary when a unit or unit has failed. According to certain practically established signs, you can find a mate or a node where the performance is impaired. But this is an extreme case. It is advisable to foresee the moment of failure in advance in order to exclude it.

To maintain the rolling stock of road transport in a technically sound condition necessary for normal operation, a planned preventive maintenance and repair system has been adopted, it also includes daily maintenance (EO), which, by checking and eliminating some technical problems, helps to prevent serious (severe) ) malfunctions.

Purpose and content of planned diagnostics of machines. Diagnosis on demand and resource determination of the technical condition Vehicle. Possible malfunctions main assembly machines. Groups of technical condition parameters.

Fuel for diesel engines, design and operation of the diesel fuel and air supply system, exhaust gas exhaust system, high pressure fuel pump, injectors. Fuel for gas engines, design and operation of gas engine power systems.

Principles of organization of production, the frequency of maintenance at motor transport enterprises. The complexity of maintenance and current repairs trucks. Technological map of maintenance of the GAZ-53 car.

Characteristics of the types and frequency of maintenance power units. Stages of engine maintenance: changing the engine oil and filter, checking the drive belts of attachments, high voltage wires. Transmission maintenance.

Daily vehicle maintenance. All-Russian classifier of public services. The need for certification of maintenance and repair services. Maintenance procedure and list necessary work during pre-sale preparation, warranty period.

Car maintenance. Determination of the total annual mileage, the number of maintenance personnel, technical readiness factors and the use of rolling stock. Calculation of the shift program and choice of service method.

Specifications car KAMAZ 53212. List of routine maintenance, routing Maintenance. Map-scheme of the arrangement of performers at the maintenance post. Table of basic and additional equipment.

The efficiency of the use of automotive technology. Proper, rational operation of vehicles on the line, their timely maintenance and repair. Analysis of the labor intensity of periodic (numbered) types of maintenance and repairs.


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