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Strict environmental controls are forcing automakers to do their best to comply with Euro standards governing the composition and structure of the exhaust. The vast majority of modern models are equipped with a lambda probe (alternative names are oxygen controller, oxygen sensor, O2 sensor). Its purpose is to control the exhaust content by analyzing the oxygen content in it. Owners of cars that do not have such an exhaust control system (usually outdated or very budgetary) are lucky in this regard. In any case, some of the problems associated with malfunctions of the exhaust system disappear for them.

Meanwhile, such malfunctions do occur, and not so rarely. Disruption of the normal operation of the lambda probe leads to problems with the exchange of information between the oxygen sensor and the ECU, which perceives this as a serious malfunction, signaling this by lighting up the indicator " Check Engine". You can get around this situation without replacing the oxygen controller with a serviceable one (the cost of which is quite high), using the so-called lambda probe snag. This will allow the on-board controller to switch from emergency to normal mode.

What is a snag lambda zone

In general, the lambda probe is a really useful device that allows you to significantly reduce the harmfulness of the exhaust (in accordance with the stringent Euro-4/5 standards), while simultaneously reducing fuel consumption.

Structurally, such a device consists of two oxygen sensors, between which a catalytic converter is installed. The latter is responsible for converting harmful components exhaust gases in harmless, the task of O2 sensors is to monitor the level of oxygen in the exhaust and report this to the on-board computer, which, based on the data obtained, increases or decreases the supply of fuel to the cylinders.

Two sensors are needed in order to compare the analysis results, and if they do not match, the ECU will perceive this as a malfunction of the lambda probe. The consequences of such a situation are not very optimistic:

  • the on-board computer immediately transfers the function power unit v emergency mode, assuming the use of hard presets for fuel cards, the readings of the O2 sensors are completely ignored;
  • the "Check Engine" indicator is constantly on, which significantly impairs the ability to diagnose other vehicle systems, that is, if other malfunctions occur, you simply will not notice them;
  • an enriched mixture begins to be supplied to the combustion chambers, which will increase fuel consumption by a noticeable amount;
  • due to an air mixture that is too rich in fuel, the formation increases, the engine power decreases, and engine oil polluted at an accelerated rate.

Preventing such a situation from occurring is what a lambda probe trick is for.

Of course, there is a standard way of solving the problem - replacing the converter with a serviceable one. It is he who is recommended by all car manufacturers without exception. However, the cost of a complete set (catalyst together with two sensors) is quite high. For example, for some VAZ models it can be 50-60 thousand rubles, the situation with foreign cars is even more pessimistic. Plus, you need to add the cost of the work, and you can get an unaffordable amount for many. That is why a significant part of drivers, when such a problem arises, decides to resort to an alternative option.

Let's see how the lambda probe snag works. The principle of operation of the emulator consists in such a change in the readings of the oxygen sensors, which would be perceived by the ECU as normal. In this case, the power unit will continue to operate normally, and all the above consequences can be avoided. Of course, the neutralizer will not work in this case, that is, for sure the exhaust of your car will no longer fit into the environmental standards of Euro. Well, for many, this is a perfectly acceptable sacrifice. For the sake of what the lambda probe snag gives, if not the majority of car owners, then a fairly significant part of them decide to take such a step. Especially when you consider that the cost of this method of solving the problem is an order of magnitude less, and the installation of an emulator of oxygen sensors is quite simple and can be done independently, without the need to use the services of masters on the side.

How to make and install a lambda probe yourself

There are many reasons for the failure of the neutralizer ligament - oxygen sensors. The manufacturers themselves recommend cleaning the lambda probes every 25-30 thousand kilometers, since over time they become clogged and cease to adequately measure the amount of oxygen in the exhaust.

Do not forget about the catalytic converter, which is a rather complicated technical device... At the same time, the breakdown of any of these components in most cases leads to the need to purchase a new device, since their maintainability is very low (the manufacturers themselves probably took care of this).

Disabling one of the sensors does not solve the problem, since in this case too increased consumption fuel cannot be avoided, while the power unit will not be able to please you with its previous stable operation. Especially a lot of troubles will arise in idle mode.

So the study of information on how to put a snag on a lambda probe is a response of car owners to the likelihood of parting with a decent amount of money, which probably will not be superfluous. There are currently three different ways to trick the lambda probe:

  1. installation of a metal sleeve (the so-called mechanical method);
  2. the use of a special electronic circuit;
  3. ECU flashing.

These methods have nothing in common, since they use completely different mechanisms for circumventing existing restrictions. They are united by low cost and the possibility of self-realization.

Let's consider the advantages and disadvantages of each of the above methods.

Mechanical snag

The principle of operation of a catalytic converter is quite simple. It is an end muffler familiar to everyone, the inner ceramic honeycomb of which is covered with a thin layer of sputtering of precious metals (platinum, rhodium and palladium). Exhaust gases, passing through the catalyst, come into contact with the sprayer, reacting with it. In this case, the remains of unburned hydrocarbons are oxidized, turning into ordinary water, carbon monoxide - into less harmful carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxide - into atomic nitrogen, which makes up most of the earth's atmosphere.

But since the SC is forced to work at very high temperatures, its resource is limited. And if you fill up with low-quality fuel, it breaks down even faster. So from an operational point of view, the catalyst can be called consumable... But with financial, even the language will not turn to use such a term. Therefore, when a catalyst or oxygen sensors fail, car owners prefer to install a mechanical or electronic emulator of a lambda probe and replace the KH with a flame arrester.

If you simply remove the DC or KN, the on-board computer will immediately respond to such an intervention by lighting up. Check indicator Engine and putting the motor into emergency operation mode.

The use of mechanical trickery is the easiest and most affordable way to independently perform the work, allowing you to make the ECU work in normal mode.

Such a snag of a lambda probe looks like a bushing, which on one side has a small diameter hole, and on the other side - a thread for connecting a standard sensor. The principle of operation of such a device lies in the fact that the gas jet, falling into a small hole, covers the lambda probe only partially, therefore it is not able to determine the exact composition of the exhaust and transmits underestimated averaged values ​​to the controller.

Factory bushings can be equipped with a ceramic powder coating including a catalytic coating layer. In other words, such a device is a miniature copy of a real catalyst, also contributing to the cleaning of the exhaust at the appropriate level. Note that the cost of such trompe l'oeil is, for obvious reasons, higher than simple ones, without a catalyst layer.

The latter can be made independently, on a conventional lathe. However, the cost of the finished product is relatively low - about 400 rubles with linear dimensions of the order of 40-100 millimeters. Options with a catalytic layer are more expensive - from 1 thousand rubles, while the dimensions of such a lambda probe blende are even smaller (30-40 mm).

The algorithm for installing mechanical blende is simple:

  • we install the car on a lift / pit / overpass;
  • remove the negative terminal of the car battery;
  • dismantle the controller;
  • install a blende sleeve on the lambda probe;
  • we mount the upgraded device to its regular place;
  • we connect the battery;

After a pause, the "Check Engine" light will stop burning, that is, we have achieved our goal and the power unit continues to function normally.

Despite the low cost and ease of installation, this method also has disadvantages. Firstly, its installation is not possible on all models - some cars, due to the design features of the exhaust system, do not have room for installing the bushing, despite its small length.

Secondly, it will be possible to deceive the ECU only on cars equipped with engines that comply with the Euro-4 standard. On later versions, there is a great chance that the Check Engine will not go out, and the engine will operate in an unfavorable emergency mode.

Electronic snag

Although the purpose of the electronic type of blende is the same - to simulate the normal operation of the catalyst, a completely different principle is used here. This is an electrical circuit assembled from components that change the signal that is sent to the ECU, supposedly from oxygen sensors, in the desired way. This information makes the on-board computer still assume that the catalytic converter is present in its place, that is, the exhaust system is operating normally.

Most often, 4-contact lambda probes equipped with electric heating are made at home. The presence of a heating element is a necessary condition, since the catalyst operates exclusively in a high-temperature mode (at least 360 ° C). When starting a cold engine, the O2 sensor must be preheated to prevent tripping.

The power supply of the electric heater is controlled by the ECU, and the polarity of the connection of its contacts does not matter (most often white wires lead to the thermoelement).

When an electronic lambda probe is used, the electric heater is included in the circuit without changes. Only the signal contact is upgraded. The most primitive lambda probe blende circuit consists of only two components:

  • capacitor 1 μF;
  • resistor with a nominal value of about 1 mOhm.

The capacitor is included in the circuit in the section between the signal contact and the contact shorted to ground. The resistor is built into the break in the control (signal) wire.

Note that the above denominations are indicative. Their specific value may differ in one direction or another, which is determined by the characteristics of the engine and ECU.

Let us describe the procedure for the manufacture and installation of an electronic snag of the given type using the example of the Opel Zafira:

  • we need a pair of resistor / capacitor with the above ratings;
  • we are looking for a block on the car that is responsible for connecting the oxygen sensor, disconnect the plug;
  • we clean the ends of the wires from insulation;
  • we break the circuit by cutting the signal wire at an arbitrary place;
  • we build in a resistor (by preliminary twisting with mandatory subsequent soldering);
  • in the same way we build a capacitor into the circuit. One end goes to ground, the second is soldered to the wire directly in front of the resistor (preferably as close to the plug as possible);
  • We securely isolate all soldered connections, connect the plug and check the work of the blender on the running motor (before it is necessary to reset the ECU errors).

Note that the electronic simulator of the lambda probe does not always lead to the desired result. In some cases, the on-board computer works fine at first, but then the error occurs again. The problem is solved by flashing the ECU. The main task is to find the correct version of the software, since it is not simply posted on the network.

The scope of electronic trickery is installation on cars on which the catalyst has been removed for one reason or another, as well as on cars with LPG installed. On the Internet, you can find more advanced and complex circuits imitating the operation of a standard sensor is more plausible. However, such emulators can also be purchased at retail. Factory electronic tricks use a timer based on the NE555 microcircuit.

The reason for installing the emulator on cars that have switched to the use of compressed gas is that in this case the composition of the air-fuel mixture (or rather, its physical and chemical characteristics) changes significantly. An increase in the content of toxic substances occurs, which is recorded by a standard lambda probe with all the following details.

Installation procedure electronic emulator in this case it is slightly different, as is its composition.

Let's consider such a snag on the example of a factory device Zond-4. It is equipped with LED signaling that informs about the current state of the air-fuel mixture:

  • if the green light is on, it means a lean mixture;
  • when the yellow LED is on, it indicates that the ratio of fuel to air is within normal limits;
  • the enriched mixture is indicated by a red light.

This information is needed because a modified signal is sent to the ECU, which has nothing to do with the real one.

The blende itself is usually installed in, connecting to an automotive wiring diagram using 4 wires:

  • the blue wire goes to the positive terminal of the gas valve electric valve;
  • the black wire is grounded to the common ground;
  • after cutting the signal wire of the CD, we hook the yellow wire to the branch of the lambda probe;
  • we connect the white one with the end of the cut wire that goes to the on-board computer.

As in the previous case, we reliably solder and isolate all contacts.

Normally, when operating on gasoline, the blende indicator should not light up; when switching to gas, any of the three lamps should light up, informing the driver about the quality of the fuel assembly.

Since the classical KN circuit involves the use of two oxygen sensors, a slightly modified circuit is used to deceive the second of them located at the catalyst outlet, in which a 1N4148 diode is present instead of a resistor.

The emulator is installed as follows (an example is given for a Mazda 323 equipped with a two-liter petrol power unit):

  • we break the circuit of the signal wire KZh (black);
  • the anode contact of the diode is connected to the end of the cut wire going to the oxygen sensor;
  • we connect the cathode contact to the other end going to the ECU;
  • here we embed the output of a non-polar capacitor with a nominal value of 4.7 μF;
  • the second output of the capacitor goes to ground;
  • we solder and insulate the wires.

Such a snag allows you to normalize the work. on-board computer, but provided that the lambda probe itself is present and operational.

To make sure that the O2 sensors are working, you need to have a multimeter. In this case, the verification procedure is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  • we transfer the multimeter to the DC voltage measurement mode, setting the upper limit at around 20V;
  • the red contact of the measuring device probe is connected to the lambda probe connector. Leading to the ECU;
  • we throw the black contact to the ground;
  • immediately after starting the motor, we make sure that the readings of the device are in the range of 0.45-0.55V;
  • after warming up the power unit, the multimeter readings should dynamically change from 0.1V to 0.9V, which indicates that the sensor is in good condition.

Note that such a check actually only indicates that the sensor is operational, but whether it works as required, whether its readings are true, we will not find out in this way.

ECU flashing

This way of outwitting the first lambda probe can be called both the simplest and at the same time requiring great care. The fact is that pouring a modified control program into the device memory really allows you to solve the problem in a cardinal way, when the signals from the second oxygen sensor are simply ignored. Only information from the lambda probe installed in front of the catalytic converter is taken into account. The data is modified in such a way as if the composition of the exhaust is correct.

However, any mistake (both with the choice of the firmware version and at the stage of its uploading) is fraught with the fact that it will no longer be possible to restore those settings of the on-board computer that worked before the start of your actions.

You can, of course, try to find the original firmware, but this is a very difficult task, and such software is very expensive. In addition, after installing it, you will receive the initial factory settings that worked immediately after purchasing the machine, and not those that worked at the time of the flashing.

To avoid such troubles, such work should be entrusted to a qualified specialist who has sufficient experience with the ECU of your car model.

Consequences of installing lambda probe emulators

Let's say right away: the desire to save money in most cases turns into many other unpleasant consequences. This statement is also true for the installation of the lambda probe decoys, regardless of their type.

Surely those who performed this operation faced one or a combination of the following consequences:

  • since the ECU does not receive real data on the composition of the air-fuel mixture, it is not able to effectively control the injection, and this will sooner or later end with a deterioration in the efficiency of the power unit and other unpleasant problems;
  • any mistake when assembling the electrical circuit of the blende or connecting it can turn into best case damage to the wiring, and at worst - failure of the computer;
  • during the installation of a mechanical-type bogus, you can accidentally damage the lambda probe, and the emulator itself will not allow you to detect this malfunction;
  • Regardless of the type of lambda probe simulator, installation of the device can lead to malfunctions in the on-board computer.

In other words, by making the slightest inaccuracy, you risk not only not getting rid of the Check Engine problem, but also aggravating the situation, that is, leading to even greater financial costs than if you were solving the problem in a legal way, replacing the faulty exhaust system element with a new one.

Today, the quality of domestic gasoline leaves much to be desired. All those impurities that are very often added lead to a number of breakdowns and violations. And one of the main breakdowns is the malfunction of the lambda probe or catalyst. And replacing the catalyst costs motorists a tidy sum, which leads to the fact that they often knock out the ceramic catalyst themselves. But this leads to another problem - a Check Engine signal appears on the dashboard, which signals the absence of a catalyst. For many, this light bulb annoys and even distracts the attention of drivers, which can lead to sad results.

But very often motorists themselves make mistakes that lead to damage to the sensors. Here's an example of the most common ones:

1. The use of fuel that does not match the engine;

2. When attaching sensors, the use of sealants, which include silicone; or those that reduce their plasticity at room temperature;

3. Multiple unsuccessful engine starts in a short period of time;

Interesting to know! On professional SUVs, the exhaust pipe is brought up not for the sake of beauty, but for practical purposes. After all, if the exhaust looks up, then the car passes through dirt or a deep ford, without drawing moisture into the pipe.

If we take cars that meet the EURO-4 environmental standard, then they have two lambda probes (hereinafter referred to as a sensor): the first is located in front of, and the second - behind the catalyst. And, as a rule, it is the second of the sensors that most often fails. The signals received from these sensors must be different. But if the owner of the car removed the catalyst or replaced it with a flame arrester, or, more likely, one of the sensors requires replacement, then the signals received from these two sensors will start to coincide, which will lead to the activation of the emergency mode. And this, in turn, leads to the fact that the controller selects the averaged parameters for injection. That is, fuel consumption increases, and at the same time, the engine power decreases, instability appears in its operation on Idling... Well, on dashboard the Check Engine lights up.

It is interesting! In one American city, a competition was recently held, according to the rules of which the participants had to identify the brand sports car by sound. "Easily!" - you say? And with your eyes closed? In total, about 150 cars took part in the competition, and the sounds of Ferrari and Subaru became the leaders of the identification!

If the car is older, then, as a rule, only one sensor is installed. It is located in front of the catalyst. This is interesting: the very first oxygen sensor was a part that was a very sensitive element, not equipped with a heater. It was heated by the exhaust gases, and therefore this process took time.

One of the solutions to this problem is the lambda probe snag, which you can do yourself, and it will cost less than buying a new sensor. In total, there are three types of lambda probe trickery:




Mechanical type of blende

If you have chosen a mechanical type of blende, then instead of a catalyst, a so-called "spacer" is installed, or, as it is also called, a bushing. Place it between the exhaust pipe and the sensor. The size of this part, as you can see in the drawing of the lambda probe blende, is strictly defined, and it is made of bronze or heat-resistant steel.

A small hole with a diameter of 2 mm is drilled in the spacer through which the exhaust gases will enter the spacer. A ceramic chip is placed inside the spacer, which is pre-coated with a catalytic layer. As a result of the interaction of exhaust gases with ceramic chips, oxidation occurs, which leads to a decrease in the concentration of harmful substances at the outlet. This will lead to the fact that the data from both sensors will be different, and the control unit will take this for the normal operation of the catalyst.

In order to independently install the spacer, you need to perform a few simple steps. It is necessary to drive the car into a pit / overpass and turn off the negative terminal. Then we find the sensor and unscrew it. Next, we connect the negative terminal and start the engine. If after that the electronic control unit gives an error, we repeat the procedure again. This type of trick is the most economical.

This type of trompe l'oeil is great for all cars, both domestic and imported. This is interesting: according to research by the British insurance company Churchill, a straight-through muffler increases the power of a car by an average of 5%, but at the same time impairs the driver's hearing by 2-3% during a year of intensive use of the car.

Electronic blende type

Making an electronic snag is already much more difficult. The most advanced motorists solder the circuit on their own and make a snag using one resistor or one capacitor. For the most basic electronic trick you will need:

- capacitor (non-polar) K10-17B imp., with a capacity of 1 μF Y5V, +/- 20%, 1206 (Item number: 759300515)

Resistor (resistance) C1-4imp. 0.25 W, 5% 1 MΩ (Item number: 51741)

Soldering iron

Solder, rosin, electrical tape

Electronic snag installed on the wires that go from the sensor to the connector. On some vehicles, the connector is located in the tunnel between the driver's and passenger seats... It can also be located both in the engine compartment and under the torpedo. This is how the connection diagram looks like.

Most often, people ask the question: "Where to put the capacitor?" If you look from the connector, then the capacitor comes first, and after that the resistor.

Important! Be sure to disconnect the negative terminal before starting work. When all connections are connected, then they need to be well insulated. It would be best to place the entire circuit in a plastic box and fill it with epoxy glue.

It is best to make the connection in the place of the wire where the corrugation is easily disconnected, and then close the insulation with it. Also sold are special devices with a microprocessor - emulators.

Important! The lambda probe emulator is not a trick. It ensures the correct operation of the control unit, and does not simply trick it. The microprocessor installed in the emulator evaluates the exhaust gases, and also analyzes the situation with the processing of the signal from the first sensor. And after that it generates such a signal that corresponds to the signal from the second working sensor.


In addition to trickery, there is also a flashing of the control unit. The flashing consists in the fact that after it the control unit ceases to take into account the signal from the sensor installed behind the catalyst. In its work, it is guided only by the signal from the sensor installed in front of the catalyst.

It should be borne in mind that it is almost impossible to find factory firmware, since they do not meet the current European environmental standards. Alternatively, you can contact a well-known specialist who, with the help of some changes in the program, will turn off the reception by the control unit of signals from the second sensor, as a result of which a catalyst trick is obtained.

You can also order / buy firmware via the Internet or on the market, but then all responsibility falls on your shoulders, because you are actually buying a "pig in a poke", since low-quality firmware can lead to serious damage engine.

The efficiency of a car engine depends on the quality of combustion of the gas-air mixture. The exact proportions, and accordingly the rational effect of work, are regulated by an oxygen sensor - a lambda probe. Understanding the design and principle of operation of the device is necessary for self-determination and correction of defects. The safety of operating your own car depends on how quickly the causes / consequences of a malfunction of the lambda probe are identified and eliminated.

Only vehicles with injection engines... Location in the exhaust pipe after the catalytic converter. A dual configuration oxygen sensor can be located upstream of the catalyst, providing enhanced control over the gas composition, thereby enabling more efficient instrument operation.

Operating principle:

  • The electronics of the car, which is responsible for the dosage of fuel, sends a signal about the demand for supply to the injector.
  • Accordingly, the oxygen device determines the right amount of air to form the correct mixture composition.
  • The settings of the device allow you to comply with the requirements for the environmental and economic component of the issue of operating a car - to exclude excessive consumption of fuel and gas pollution of the environment.

Modern cars are equipped with advanced devices - catalysts and paired sensors - which help to reduce the negative effects of exhaust emissions and the consumption of expensive fuels and lubricants. However, in the event of a breakdown of an expensive version of the sensor, "treatment" will cost a considerable amount.

Lambda probe design

Externally, the device looks like a steel elongated body-electrode with output wires and platinum-plated. Internally, the device is as follows:

  • A contact that connects wires to an electrical element.
  • Dielectric seal for safety with air inlet.
  • A hidden zirconium electrode enclosed in a ceramic tip, heated under current up to 300-1000 degrees.
  • Protective temperature shield with exhaust gas outlet.

Sensors can be point-to-point or broadband. The device classification does not affect the external and internal organization however, makes a significant difference in how it works. The device described above is a two-point one, the second is an upgraded version.

More about him:

In addition to the two-point design, the sensor also contains an injection element. The meaning of the work is that when the constant voltage between the electrodes fluctuates, a signal is sent to the control unit. The supply of current to the pumping element is increased or decreased, a portion of air enters the analysis gap, where the level of concentration of exhaust vapors is determined.

Symptoms of a malfunction of the lambda probe

Eternal, created by human hands - does not exist. Any technique designed for subtle analysis can fail for many reasons. Oxygen sensors are no exception.

Let's consider in detail:

  • Increased CO level. Determine the concentration on your own, perhaps only with the help of instruments. Almost always, the indicators indicate a malfunction of the probe.
  • Increased fuel consumption. Injection vehicles equipped with a display indicating the amount of fuel consumed. Also, the increase can be judged if the refueling frequency exceeds the usual one.
  • The light signaling, oriented to the operation of the lambda probe, is constantly on. it Check light Engine.

In addition to the described signs of destabilization of the oxygen sensor operation, the quality of the exhaust gas can be assessed visually - light smoke indicates air oversaturation in the mixture, clouds of thick black smoke - on the contrary, excessive fuel consumption.

Reasons for the breakdown of the oxygen sensor

Since the device directly works with fuel combustion products, the quality of it (fuel) cannot but affect the productivity and result. A combustible product that does not meet all established GOSTs and regulations often serves as the primary reason why the sensor does not show reliable results or, in general, fails. Lead is deposited on the surface of the electrodes, making the lambda probe insensitive to detection.

Other reasons:

  • Mechanical failure... From vibration and / or active operation of the car, the sensor body is damaged. The device cannot be repaired or replaced. It will be much more rational to purchase and install a new one.
  • Incorrect work fuel system ... Over time, the soot formed as a result of incomplete combustion of the fuel settles on the housing and gets inside the inlet holes of the probe. The readings become incorrect. The problem is initially stopped by timely cleaning, however, if it occurs constantly, then it will not be possible to get rid of it - the oxygen sensor is a consumable part that must be replaced in a timely manner.

To achieve the serviceability of the car at all its nodes, it is important to send your own "horse" for periodic diagnostics to identify problems. Then, the functionality of the devices, including the lambda probe, will be preserved.

How to independently check the lambda probe for serviceability

Only qualified diagnostics can give a reliable result about the cause of the breakdown. However, it is possible to understand that the sensor is faulty on your own. For this:

Learn the manual. The supplied instructions for the device contain the parameters of the oxygen sensor. It is important to focus on them.

  • After opening and examining the engine compartment, they find the probe. External contamination in the form of soot and / or light deposits will indicate lead deposition and abnormal fuel system performance. In this case, the device is completely changed and other parts of the car are diagnosed, since the ingress of dirt and heavy metal on them does not bode well.
  • If the tip is clean, continue the test. For this, the sensor is disconnected and connected to a voltmeter. The car is started, increasing the speed to 2500 / min and reduced to 200. The readings of the working sensor vary in the range of 0.8–0.9 W. Lack of response or lower values ​​indicate a malfunction.

You can also check the probe using a lean mixture, provoking a suction in the vacuum tube. In this case, the voltmeter readings with a working device are low - up to 0.2 W and below.

The dynamic indicators of the 0.5 W sensor connected to the fuel supply system in parallel with the voltmeter indicate the serviceability of the device. Other values ​​will indicate a malfunction.

DIY oxygen sensor trick

Preventing the delay of regular maintenance - in particular, for the lambda sensor, it occurs every 30 thousand km - the owner of the car ensures uninterrupted operation of the device. After 100 thousand km, he needs a complete replacement.

If everything is in order with a conscientious attitude to the car, then it will not be possible to control the quality of the fuel. As a result, carbon deposits or lead deposits will cause the Check Engine light to keep responding. So that the car owner does not bother with this, the problem is solved with the help of a trick.

Types of structures

Depending on financial capabilities, they make bronze parts of the spacers with their own hands, buy technological electronic options, and arrange a flashing of the entire control unit. Let's describe each method in detail:

Homemade device

The body is a bronze piece with high resistance to temperature. The dimensions are strictly matched to the sensor in order to avoid the leakage of exhaust fumes. The hole for their exit into the spacer is no more than 3 mm.

The principle of operation of the device is as follows: ceramic chips inside the cylinder, covered with a catalyst layer under the influence of exhaust gas and oxygen, is oxidized, which causes the concentration to decrease, and the sensor takes the value as normal. The budget option, however, is unacceptable for cars of a high price category - in the end, the automation should work for the result.

Electronic snag

Experts in soldering circuits can "bungle" a snag for an oxygen sensor with their own hands. This requires a capacitor or resistor. The motorist, whose knowledge is limited, cannot use the method - a lack of understanding of the processes threatens to negatively affect the entire control unit. To resolve the issue, a ready-made structure is purchased. The principle of operation of the emulator with a microprocessor is as follows:

  • The microcircuit evaluates the gas concentration and analyzes the signal from the first sensor.
  • After that, it generates an impulse corresponding to the signal from the second.
  • As a result, average readings are obtained that do not affect the normal operation of the control unit, since the input value is always less than the critical value.


To deceive the oxygen lambda sensor, possibly with the help of a cardinal flashing of the control unit. The bottom line is that there is no reaction to the signal after the catalyst - the sensor only reacts to the state of the unit installed in front of the catalyst, that is, where exhaust vapors are absent or present in a small amount that does not affect the analysis result.

Attention! Warranty services will refuse to do the work, since this contradicts the normal maintenance of the car - any unit must work and respond to emergency situations.

This is especially true for new cars. Therefore, the firmware is purchased independently - in no case via the Internet - or installed by home-grown craftsmen. Otherwise, the damage caused to the car in the future should not cause bewilderment to the owner of the car.

Video review of deception

Determine the malfunction of the lambda probe video

Removing the catalyst is a topic that worries many car owners, often instead of catalytic converters, car owners install flame arresters, stingers ("spiders"), this solution allows you to avoid buying expensive parts, spend less time repairing the exhaust system. But on cars with two oxygen sensors, the physical exclusion of the catalytic element does not give the desired results, and in order to get rid of errors in the engine management system, an electronic blende of a lambda probe is often used.

In this article, we will look at how you can trick the control unit, which methods are most effective. It should be noted right away that not all methods are suitable for a specific car model; each car must be approached individually.

Mechanical snag lambda probe

Any automobile catalyst is a muffler jar with a metal or ceramic honeycomb, coated with a precious metal (gold, platinum, etc.). Due to the oxidation reaction, exhaust gases passing through such a device are cleaned of harmful impurities, and the level of exhaust toxicity is reduced.

The catalytic converter (KN) operates at high temperatures, so its resource is relatively short. The service life of the part is further reduced when using low-quality fuel - the honeycombs are clogged with carbon deposits formed as a result of incomplete combustion of the fuel mixture. Buying a new KN is quite expensive, and since it has to be changed quite often, many car owners are trying to get rid of this element of the exhaust system by installing a flame arrester or stinger.

Simple removal of KN has a side effect: on cars with Euro-4 engines and higher, an oxygen sensor installed behind the catalyst records an excess of the exhaust toxicity standard, as a result of which the Check Engine lamp lights up on the instrument panel. There are three ways to get rid of the error:

  • install an additional mechanical spacer;
  • make changes to the electrical circuit of the oxygen sensor;
  • reprogram the engine control unit.

Mechanical blende is a metal sleeve of a certain length, with a small diameter hole inside. Also in the interior of this fixture is catalytic coated ceramic chips. In fact, the sleeve is a mini-catalyst, but only those exhaust gases that enter the oxygen sensor are cleaned here. It should be noted that there are also simple trompe l'oeil, made in the form of an ordinary sleeve with a hole, inside of which there are no elements. Any turner can make an elementary spacer, in this case it is not necessary to buy a factory product. The advantages of such devices:

  • inexpensive price (on average from 400 to 1000 rubles);
  • ease of installation;
  • reliable and simple design.

However, mechanical snag has its drawbacks - on some car models it is not possible to install the device (there is not enough space due to design features), the device does not always give the desired effect (the error does not completely disappear). It should also be noted that on cars with Euro-5 engines electronic system with the help of an additional spacer, it is impossible to deceive, the Check Engine still continues to light up here.

DIY electronic "fraudulent" scheme

The oxygen sensor electronic blende is a circuit included in the ECM electrical circuit. By installing additional components, the signal supplied to the control unit is corrected, and the ECU receives such data from the sensor, as if a catalyst was installed on the car, and there are no changes in the exhaust system.

Usually, four-contact lambda probes with an electric heater are modernized with their own hands, a heating element is needed to warm up the oxygen sensor on a cold engine - the thing is that the catalyst is turned on only after the exhaust system is heated to at least 360 degrees Celsius. The heating of the oxygen sensor is powered by the ECU (control unit), while the polarity of the wire connection does not matter (usually white wires are connected to the heater).

In electronic snag, the electric heater is not subject to modernization, all changes concern only the signal contact. V the simplest scheme there are two main components - a high-resistance resistor and a capacitor with a capacity of about 1 microfarad, and it usually looks like this:

  • the resistor is included in the signal wire break;
  • a capacitor is installed between the mass connector and the signal.

The capacitance of the capacitor and the resistance of the resistor can be different, their value depends to a large extent on the car model and the type of engine installed.

How to make electronic snag on an Opel Zafira car

The fraudulent scheme on the Opel Zafira car is compiled according to the same principle as described above; to install the blende, a non-polar capacitor of 1 MkF and a resistance of 1 mOhm 0.5 W are required. We carry out work on the installation of a simple device in the following order:

Before starting the test, it is necessary to reset all ECU errors. It should be noted that the installation of a snag does not always give positive results, in some cases the error may appear again. The most reliable way is to reprogram the control unit, but here it is important to find the correct firmware version.

Oxygen sensor emulator

The lambda probe simulator is effectively used on cars with a remote catalyst or on cars with installed gas equipment, the device is connected to electrical diagram engine management, quite reliably emulates the operation of a real lambda probe. Ready-made factory emulators can be found in retail, the basis of the simulator circuit is an electronic timer, in the role of which the popular NE555 microcircuit is most often used.

Basically, industrial emulators are installed after switching the car to gas - after installing gas equipment (LPG), the composition of the fuel mixture changes, so the lambda probe detects an increased content of toxic substances in the exhaust gases, an error appears. Let's consider how to install a Zond-4 model oxygen sensor simulator on a car with LPG.

Probe-4 is equipped with a three-color LED indicator that signals the state of the fuel mixture (lean or rich). When the indicator lights up, it means:

  • green - poor mixture;
  • yellow glow - the fuel / air ratio is normal;
  • red indication - the mixture is re-enriched.

The emulator is mounted in the engine compartment, connected to the car's electrical circuit using four wires. It is very simple to use Zond-4, we connect the wires as follows:

After connecting, check the operation of Probe-4: the indicator should not light up on petrol, while on gas it should glow green, yellow or red.

Scheme of deception of a lambda probe with a diode

You can deceive the second oxygen sensor on a car in another way, only in this circuit, instead of a resistor, you need to install a diode, for example, brand 1N4148. The deception is done as follows (for example, a Mazda 323 car with a 2.0 L gasoline engine):

  • cut the signal wiring (on Mazda it is black);
  • the anode of the diode is connected to the lambda probe;
  • the other output of the signal going to the control unit is connected to the cathode;
  • we also connect one of the leads of a non-polar capacitor with a capacity of 4.7 MkF to the cathode;
  • the second capacitor tap is connected to the mains wire (on Mazda it is gray), of course, we solder all the wires.

Such a scheme allows you to effectively get rid of errors in the oxygen sensor circuit, but it must be borne in mind that the lambda probe itself must be serviceable.

Quick check of oxygen sensor performance

Many car owners have repeatedly confirmed that the electronic snag works normally only if the lambda probes on the car are working properly. It is quite simple to quickly check the performance of the sensors; you only need a multimeter for diagnostics. We check in the following order:

But it is worth noting that such a check does not give an idea of ​​the one hundred percent serviceability of the sensor, it only confirms that the lambda probe is in working order.

The catalytic unit is part of the exhaust system. Its operation is monitored by a second oxygen sensor. When removing or replacing a catalyst with an oxygen probe, you need to install a snag. It will transmit a signal with the necessary parameters to the car's ECU, and the control unit will not notice the absence of the catalytic converter.

Catalyst, lambda probe, blende

Cars that meet the requirements of environmental standards Euro-3 and higher are equipped with two oxygen controllers: a collector and a main one.

The collector sensor is designed to monitor the oxygen concentration in exhaust gases. With its help, the supply of the air-fuel mixture to the combustion chambers is regulated. The sensor transmits a signal about the amount of oxygen contained in the exhaust gases to the vehicle's ECU, and the control unit increases or decreases the duration of the injection of the air-fuel mixture, depending on the received signal.

The main sensor is designed to control the operation of the catalyst and controls the content of toxic substances in the exhaust gases. The controller transmits a signal to the ECU. The control unit compares the received signal with the reference one, which is recorded in its memory. If the received signal does not match the reference, the ECU switches the car into emergency mode. On the dashboard, the "check" signal indicator lights up, the consumption of fuel consumed increases, specifications car.

That is why, when replacing the catalyst with a flame arrester, or when completely removing it, it is necessary to install a snag on the oxygen controller. Thanks to her, the ECU will receive the correct signal, the car will operate normally.

Electronic or mechanical blende for the lambda probe

Lambda probe tricks are divided into two main types:

  • mechanical;
  • electronic.

Let's take a closer look at each of the types of trompe l'oeil.

Mechanical snag lambda probe

A small metal spacer made from a piece of pipe. The pipe must be made of heat-resistant material (copper or special steel). The spacer is screwed into place of the oxygen controller, and it is screwed into it.

At the other end of the tube there is a hole of rather small diameter. Through it, the exhaust gases go to the active part of the controller. Due to the small diameter of the hole, the concentration of harmful substances in the exhaust gases that hit the active surface of the probe will be significantly lower than the real one, and the sensor will transmit a signal with the required parameters to the ECU.

Oxygen Sensor Catalytic Blend

The principle of manufacturing this type of trompe l'oeil is the same as in the first version, only a small piece of honeycomb is inserted into the inner part of the spacer - exactly the same as in the catalytic converter, with a special catalytic coating. Exhaust gases passing through them enter the active element of the lambda probe. Since the concentration of toxic substances is within the required limits, the ECU does not notice the change. The car runs smoothly.

Deception lambda probe electronic

An emulator is a kind of microcomputer, if you do not take into account the simplest resistor + capacitor circuits, which can be assembled according to the circuits found on the Internet. The result of using a homemade device can be disastrous.

So, the emulator is a small block with its own microcircuit. The electronic snag generates a voltage, brings it to the average reading of the second oxygen probe, or synchronizes the reading with the first oxygen controller. In this case, the ECU does not give an error.

In fact, this is a means of combating the actuation of the "check" lamp. Such a snag can cause re-enrichment of the air-fuel mixture. Most often this happens when the wrong selection of trickery for a particular car.

The signal from the second lambda probe will always be correct, even if a much larger amount of the fuel mixture is fed into the combustion chambers. Nevertheless, the operation of the power unit in this case cannot be called serviceable. The vehicle will drive quite normally, even the fuel consumption will not increase much. At the same time, on some car models, when installing such an emulator, error P0133 will appear, indicating low speed oxygen probe reactions.

But the emulator will be useful for cars that have problems with the oxygen sensor (except for problems with the catalytic converter). If the lambda probe malfunctions, it must be replaced with a new part.

When installing a new probe, fuel economy will increase, the operation of the power unit and timely notification of a malfunction of the catalytic chamber will stabilize, and the concentration of toxic substances will decrease. But, unfortunately, the price of the issue is too high and to solve this problem, car owners very often resort to installing an electronic emulator on the oxygen controller.

Advantages and disadvantages of installing an oxygen sensor blende

When installing a decoy, the check signaling device will go out. The installation procedure is relatively inexpensive and the most popular.

Deception of the oxygen controller, unlike its replacement or flashing, does not take into account various conditions and operating parameters power plant vehicle... In this regard, after a while, error P0140 will appear again, and a "check" will light up on the instrument panel.

Re-flashing the vehicle control unit

This is another way to deceive the control unit. After removing or replacing the catalyst with a flame arrester, you can reprogram the vehicle control unit, which will clear the catalyst or controller malfunction error. At the same time, there will be a decrease in environmental standards to Euro-2, with these environmental requirements only one oxygen sensor was installed, located on the exhaust manifold.

But at the same time:

  • engine power will increase;
  • shifting of speeds will become smoother;
  • there will be a decrease in fuel consumption;
  • traction performance will improve;
  • there will be an improvement in the overall dynamics of the car;
  • the car owner will be able to forget about the existence of the second oxygen sensor forever.

Installing a lambda probe trick

If exhaust system Your car needs to install a trick on the oxygen sensor, you need to contact a specialized auto center. Qualified workers with the help of special equipment will carry out diagnostic measures to identify the causes of the malfunction of the oxygen sensor, advise on the installation of the lambda probe blende, and if necessary, they will install it or replace the oxygen controller. If it is not possible to find a factory-made snag for your car, the masters of our auto repair shop will make a snag for an individual order.

For all the work performed, our auto center gives a guarantee.

IMPORTANT! The oxygen sensor spoof can only be installed on a fully functional probe!


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