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Water delivered to a dwelling by means of a water pipe contains a certain percentage of impurities in the form of sand, scale fragments, corrosion, lime particles, etc. In order to protect people and household appliances, it is imperative to install a filter on a coarse and sometimes fine water pipe (the second option is used to eliminate odors, organic and chemical contaminants, individual microorganisms).

How are coarse filters arranged and what are they

For all devices that carry out mechanical filtration of water, a structural similarity is characteristic. The housing is equipped with an internal metal mesh or other filtering device. These can be special discs for cutting off coarse sand, corrosion, etc. An important part of the design of such a filter is a branch that collects delayed debris.

When the sump is completely filled, the water must be turned off, and the drain cleaned and rinsed. The frequency of such cleanings is directly affected by the degree of water pollution. In order to prevent this procedure should be carried out at least 4 times a year.

Regardless of the specific model, all mechanical filters work on a similar principle. At the same time, a number of design features may differ: we are talking, first of all, about the type of filter, its configuration, installation method and the method of removing dirt that has accumulated in the nozzle.

Strainer and cartridge type filters

The mesh filter has a cleaning element in the form of a metal mesh, for the manufacture of which stainless steel is used. Such a grid has cell sizes in the range of 50-400 microns. When mounting the filter on a water pipe, you need to ensure that the inspection cover looks down. Installation in the pipeline system is carried out using conventional tools included in the standard plumbing kit. When making threaded connections, it is important to achieve their complete tightness in order to avoid water leaks.

The popularity of the mesh filter is due to its good service life, without the need to replace the filter element. This is what they compare favorably with another coarse filter model - cartridge (cartridge). These devices are mainly wall-mounted, due to the large bulb included in their design. The flask itself can be transparent or opaque: inside it is equipped with a replaceable cartridge, for the manufacture of which polyester, twisted polypropylene thread, or pressed fibers are used.

The cleaning abilities of such cartridges may vary: coarse mechanical water filtration is carried out by products of 20-30 microns. The contaminated filter element must be replaced with a new one: it is forbidden to wash and reuse the used cartridge. When installing water filters on pipes in an apartment, most often cartridge models are combined with mesh ones, which significantly increases the effect of mechanical water filtration. In this case, it is better if the strainer is in front of the bulb filter, because. this prolongs the life of the latter.

Straight and oblique mesh water filters

Any type of mechanical filter is characterized by the presence of two nozzles - inlet and outlet, as well as a special sump where water is cleaned. According to how exactly this sump is located, mesh filters are divided into straight and oblique. In the first case, the sedimentation tanks are located at a certain inclination to the water flow, which is very convenient in situations where the pipeline passes above the floor itself. In addition, vertical pipeline sections are equipped with such models.

In the second case, the sump has a perpendicular arrangement with respect to the water supply. The direct filter for the pipeline is of considerable size, which implies a lot of space for its installation under water communications. The large size of the sump allows vertical filters to achieve a good level of cleaning. To close it, there is a convenient threaded plug, or a flange cover.

Strainers with flanges and couplings

Depending on the type of tie-in, with which filters for pipes for water purification are mounted in the plumbing system, they are flanged or coupling. Flanged products are usually equipped with pipes with a cross section of more than two inches. First of all, we are talking about main water pipelines and interchanges located in the basements of high-rise residential buildings.

Bolts or studs make it possible, if necessary, to quickly dismantle such a filter: while all other parts of the water supply remain in place. Sections of highways that are equipped with flange filters are outlined at the stage of drawing up project documentation. As for pipes with a diameter of up to two inches, they are equipped with threaded filters. In such a situation, quick-release union nuts (the so-called "American" nuts) are used as connecting elements.

Mud pans and mesh filters with a flushing system

Another type of classification of mesh filters is according to the method of extracting accumulated debris from the sump. Mud collectors are called models in which the possibility of flushing is not provided. This mainly applies to all oblique strainers, as well as some models of the direct type of nozzle location. To carry out cleaning from accumulated dirt, disassembly and washing of the device is carried out. On direct filters of a perpendicular arrangement of the sump, where there is a flushing system, an outlet valve is also installed: through it, the settled area is drained into the sewer system and the outlet is cleaned with a water stream.

The principle of fine water purification in pipes

With the help of rough mechanical cleaning, most of the debris is removed from the water, but some chemical elements and their compounds still remain.

In this case, fine cleaning equipment is used, the main of which can be the following filter elements:

  • Sorption substances (activated carbon and aluminosilicate).
  • Reverse osmosis membrane.
  • ion exchange resins.

You should know that this filter for water pipes is mainly equipped with replaceable working elements. Each manufacturer indicates the frequency of replacements on the attached instructions: this is affected by the period of operation of the device, and the amount of treated volume of water.

Ultra-fine cleaning multi-stage type

In systems with several stages, after mechanical filtration, the water flow is passed through ultrafine filters, which are located in several groups, one after another. As a result, the output is high-quality drinking water. At the first stage, mechanical debris is removed from it: the water becomes almost transparent, but this is only the beginning of the purification process.

The second stage is equipped with an ion-exchange cartridge, which allows you to change the chemical composition of water, removing from it all elements and substances harmful to health. As a result, traditional scale formation is not observed during boiling. In the third stage, the water is purified with pressed activated carbon: in this way, conditioning of the water stream is achieved.

After that, the water becomes tasty, and begins to smell pleasant. It is also given a crystal transparency: now it can be safely used for drinking and cooking. As a rule, the place for installing three-flask systems is the space under the kitchen sink. This approach allows not to disturb the overall appearance of the interior. To bring the purified water outside, the sink is equipped with an additional tap.

Molecular purification with reverse osmosis filters

Reverse osmosis systems are not in vain called the highest quality water filters: in the process of such purification, the molecular level is affected. In this case, a thin-film membrane of a semi-permeable type is used for filtration, where the pores have a size of no more than 0.0001 microns.

This makes it possible to eliminate almost all impurities (99%). Microscopic membrane pores allow only water molecules to seep through. Before reverse osmosis, water is passed through several purification stages in order to prevent rapid clogging of reverse osmosis filters with large debris.

Most often, these systems contain the following degrees of purification:

  • The first stage is equipped with a cartridge for mechanical pre-treatment: it is able to rid water of impurities 15-30 microns in size.
  • The second stage consists of activated carbon to remove gas, chlorine and organochlorines.
  • The third stage carries out fine cleaning of debris with a size of 1 - 5 microns. There is also activated charcoal for extra cleaning.
  • The fourth stage is the reverse osmosis itself. At this stage, water is passed through a thin film membrane.
  • The fifth stage is another carbon cleaning.

Reverse osmosis filtration removes harmful chemicals and metals from water. In addition, in this way, water can be purified from many harmful microorganisms, as a result of which it becomes crystal clear and safe.

The disadvantage of this method is that it removes both harmful impurities and useful minerals and salts from the composition of water. To solve this problem, some manufacturers of reverse osmosis systems began to include mineralizers and ionizers in the design. If the pressure in the water supply is less than 3 atmospheres, reverse osmosis filters are equipped with special pumps: they help create the optimal functional pressure in the system.

How to choose the right water treatment option

When choosing the optimal method for water purification, it is important to determine which goal should be achieved. It is hardly reasonable to treat the entire volume of water entering the dwelling to the level of drinking water. To extract large particles from it, mesh filters or filter flasks are sufficient. Usually they put a hard water filter on the cold water and hot water pipe. The resulting water can be used for taking water procedures, washing, washing the floor. The kitchen can additionally be equipped with a multi-stage fine cleaning system, with or without reverse osmosis.

Most often, such a filter is mounted under the kitchen sink, on the surface of which an additional tap is displayed (if you want to cook food, water is taken from it, if not, from ordinary taps located nearby). In addition, fine filters are able to protect plumbing and household appliances from excessively hard water.

Water entering an apartment or a house from a well or water supply contains a lot of different substances: chemical, biological and mechanical.

Coarse filters are used to purify water from its largest fractions - mechanical impurities. Currently, such devices are placed at the entrance to an apartment or house, behind shut-off equipment, or in front of counters.

Consider the main types of coarse water filters for installation in front of the meter, their features and principle of operation.


It occurs most often, it is distinguished by long-term operation without replacing the working part, which in such installations is a grid with rather small cells - within 20-500 microns.

These devices can be divided into subspecies:

  • backwash filter(clogged cells are automatically cleared of debris, and the body does not need to be disassembled for this).
  • no flush filter(in other words, mud collectors, cleaning occurs only after complete disassembly).

According to the method of fastening, it can be threaded, flanged or coupling. According to the location of the sump - straight or oblique.

This product, designed for industrial or domestic cold water treatment, is equipped with a transparent housing for visual inspection of the condition of the mesh. For hot water, the body has a metal design, as it tolerates high temperatures better.

Cartridge (cartridge)

In such a device, the filter material is replaceable cartridges that are placed in a flask body made of plastic or metal. They trap particles from 0.5 to 30 microns, and need periodic replacement of such cartridges.

Cartridge filters upstream of the water meter are used where the particles are very fine and cannot be retained by the mesh. They are usually installed on small streams. If the flow is stronger, the device will be larger in size and price.

A feature of this variety is that work items can be used to remove not only the mechanical fraction, but also impurities. So, using a cartridge impregnated with carbon, chlorine can be removed. The stocking-type model copes with the cleaning of viscous clay and mud with algae.

Principle of operation, what are they for?

Water in urban networks before being supplied to consumers, of course, undergoes various degrees of purification. But utility networks, along with water pipes, are almost always badly worn out, and the flow of water carries rust, scale, debris and lime deposits from pipes.

Household water purification devices for food solve the problem in a very one-sided way. Small particles have pronounced abrasive action, and, thanks to this, the seals of plumbing devices, household appliances, but most of all, wear out quickly.

The only way to get rid of this problem is to install a coarse filter. The principle of operation is the passage of water through a fine mesh or other structure in which suspended solids are trapped. After the water can be subjected to finer purification.

Given the quality and composition of the water coming from the tap, it is undesirable to eat it without preliminary purification. find out in the following article.

The right choice of cleaning system is a guarantee of the safety of the inhabitants of the cottage. Currently, manufacturers offer different filter options from,.

Connecting to the system

Installation of filters is subject to certain installation rules. If plumbing plastic, copper or stainless steel, then the filter is placed immediately after the valve, if it is old steel pipes, then the CSF is installed directly in front of the water meter. The availability of free space is taken into account, based on the size of the product, the possibility of maintenance and visual inspection.

First of all, a tap is made from the common “thread”, and a tap is installed in front of the device to turn off the water in case of disassembly and cleaning of the device. The filter is installed using an adjustable wrench. It is desirable to place a perpendicular filter with a sump down, it is better to place oblique filters vertically.

Be sure to match the direction of the water flow with the direction arrow on the device.

A sealing agent is wound around the thread and the water meter filter is screwed onto the pipe careful movements of the key.

Installing the device in front of the counter will be within the power of everyone, since this process is not time-consuming and not complicated. Much more important choose the right cleaning equipment. On this issue, it is wiser to seek advice from specialists, since the safety of meters and household appliances depends on the quality of the installation.

For preliminary purification of the water flow supplied to residential or public premises, it is recommended to install filter elements at the inlet of the water supply network. Despite the preparation of drinking water in urban wastewater treatment plants, in order to meet its characteristics with sanitary and epidemiological standards, water enters residential or office premises through an extensive network of pipelines.

The inclusion of plumbing accessories in the measuring unit, which helps to maintain the accuracy of KPU measurements, is recommended by all manufacturers of water meters. Therefore, for additional cleaning, a filter is installed in front of the water meter.

Basic provisions for installing "mud" filters

The most common devices for coarse water treatment, due to their versatility, low cost and ease of installation, are oblique mesh filters. The reservoir in the slope is equipped with a cylindrical mesh and a plug. The flow of water passing through the filter element is cleaned from mechanical impurities with dimensions of more than 10-15 microns.

In many cases, such a device helps to save the mechanisms of not only the CPU, but also many other household appliances that use water in their work. Finer filters that trap fine dirt particles can be installed at the inlet of appliances or on mixers. When installing a filter, follow a few rules:

  • the filtering device is installed immediately after the shut-off valve, at the inlet of the water supply to the apartment;
  • the direction of water in the pipeline must coincide with the arrow indicated on the valve body;
  • on vertical sections, the filter is installed with the direction of the water flow from top to bottom;
  • the dirt collector is always located downwards with a stopper, under which it is necessary to provide free space for removing the net.

The fittings are selected according to the parameters of the apartment water supply system, according to the nominal diameter of the pipes and the working pressure, these data are always indicated on its body. The connections of the branch pipes, the filtering device, are reinforced with FUM tape or linen tow. By turning on the water for a short time, the reliability of the installation is checked; in the absence of leaks, the filter can be used without fear.

Depending on the degree of water contamination, filter cleaning activities can be either rare or quite frequent. It is recommended to check the filling of the dirt compartment of the filter regularly, at least once a year, without waiting for the water pressure to decrease. Long-term exposure of the threaded connection in an aggressive environment leads to sticking of the cover and it becomes difficult to remove it.

Our company carries out a complex of works on maintenance of apartment metering devices, which includes cleaning the coarse water filter. In front of the meter, not only a filter is installed, but also a shut-off valve, the failure of which, in case of careless handling, can lead to an accident.

Sequence of work:

  • shut off the water;
  • with a wrench, carefully, without jerking, remove the cover from the slope;
  • remove the mesh and clean it with a stiff short-haired brush;
  • in case of mesh defects, update it;
  • clean the tank chamber with improvised means;
  • put the mesh back in place
  • screw the cover, replacing the seal on the thread;
  • turn on the water and check the connections.

If the filter was included in the sealing chain, the housing office must be warned about the removal of the seal so that at the end of the event they restore the seal.

Water has a simple chemical formula - 2 hydrogen atoms and 1 oxygen atom. However, pure water is rarely found in nature. It consists of: dissolved salts and gases, suspended mechanical impurities, bacteria, viruses and other microorganisms.

Depending on the composition, water can be beneficial or harmful to human health. To control the quality of drinking water, purification filters for various purposes are used. The coarse filter is responsible for preliminary preparation.

What is a coarse filter, its purpose and principle of operation

Even clear water contains suspended undissolved particles. It can be sand, clay, rust, scale, etc. To remove these particles from the water flow, a coarse filter is used, while the chemical and bacteriological composition remains unchanged.

Let's see why you need a filter for coarse water purification at home or in the country.

Mechanical impurities in the water flow have the following effects:

  • harm to human health (damage to the esophagus, deposits in the body);
  • abrasive wear of the water supply system (pipe bends, joints, gaskets wear out);
  • the possibility of clogging and failure of household appliances and fine filters is created;
  • impurities of clay and rust change the taste, smell and color of water.

The use of a coarse water filter is relevant not only in autonomous water supply systems (well or well), but also in centralized distribution. After all, water purified at water distribution stations travels several kilometers along a rusty water pipe before reaching the consumer.

The principle of operation of the coarse water filter

The clogged flow moves through the pipeline and passes through the filter housing, in which the mesh is installed. The mesh cells trap large particles, and the purified stream goes to the consumer (to the mixer, to the washing machine, to the heating device or to the fine filter).

The design of the coarse mesh filter:

  1. Filter housing. It has a flange or threaded connection and is installed on the pipeline at the entrance to the house or apartment immediately after the shutoff valves.
  2. Filter cover. Hermetically seals the sump, in which the mesh element is installed.
  3. The mesh element is an organ for the purification of running water. The smaller the grid cell size, the better the cleaning.
  4. Gasket between filter housing and cover.
  5. Plug for cleaning the filter.
  6. Mounting bolt.
  7. Screw.
  8. Spring washer.
  9. Washer.

Varieties of coarse water filters

Coarse filters for water are divided into several groups according to certain criteria:

  1. According to the diameter of the pipe and performance, filters can be for industrial and domestic purposes. The principle of operation is the same for them, they differ only in size.
  2. By the size of the captured particles (1 micron or more). The selection of the mesh size of the filter element depends on the quality of the water.
  3. According to the design of the filter element: mesh, disc, cartridge filters.

The mesh filter for coarse water purification can be used in a centralized and autonomous water supply system. Mounting method is threaded and flanged. The grid cell size varies within 50-400 microns.

The location of the filter sump can be straight or oblique. The direct filter is installed on horizontal sections of the pipeline with the sump down. An oblique filter is installed on both horizontal and vertical sections of the pipeline.

Modernized mesh filters are equipped with pressure regulators that allow you to maintain a constant water pressure.

Some models of mesh filters are equipped with two pressure gauges: before and after the sump. If the difference between the instrument readings increases, then it's time to clean the filter.

Cleaning the mesh filter does not require replacing the mesh, it just needs to be rinsed with a stream of water. To do this, a plug or valve is installed on the cover of the sump.

A cartridge or cartridge filter consists of a housing and a filter element inserted into it. During operation, the cartridge becomes clogged and needs to be replaced. Such filters are capable of cleaning particles larger than 1 micron.

How to choose a coarse water filter for a summer residence or at home

To make the right choice of a coarse water filter, some parameters should be determined:

  1. The degree of water pollution can be determined by laboratory analysis. Based on the results of the analysis, experts will issue recommendations for choosing a filter.
  2. Intensity of water use. According to the norms, the average water consumption per person is 200 liters. in a day.
  3. The degree of water purification is determined by the mesh or cartridge cell size. In some cases, it is more profitable to install 2 filters in series (first with a coarse mesh, followed by a fine mesh) - this will increase the service life of the equipment and reduce the frequency of filter cleaning.

The choice of a coarse filter is carried out according to the main characteristics: filter capacity, degree of water purification, allowable pressure and temperature, type of connection, cross-sectional diameter.

If you have figured out the parameters, then you can proceed to the choice. It is better to give preference to domestic producers. Their calculations were made on the waters of the nearest regions, and the equipment is adapted to work with such water, which cannot be said about foreign manufacturers.

Leading manufacturers of water filters:

  • Russian: "Aquaphor", "Barrier" and "Geyser";
  • German: "Bluefilters Group";
  • Scottish: "Hubert".

The price range of coarse water filters varies between 500-10,000 rubles. It all depends on the complexity of the design, cleaning efficiency, additional equipment (pressure regulator, pressure gauge, etc.) and other characteristics.

How and where to install a coarse filter

Mechanical impurities in water are harmful to human health, reduce the service life of household appliances, clog fine filters and accelerate the wear of some elements of the plumbing system.

In order to protect the largest possible area from harmful effects, a coarse water filter is installed on a common water pipe when entering an apartment or house immediately after the shutoff valves.

Coarse filters are connected to the pipeline using a coupling (thread) or a flange (bolted connection). To connect the elements, many different adapters, spurs, nuts, "American", etc. are provided.

Installing a coarse water filter does not require special skills, but a few little things should be taken into account:

  • An arrow is drawn on the filter housing indicating the direction of fluid flow, installation is carried out in accordance with it.

  • The filter sump (protruding part of the housing) should be directed downwards - this contributes to the accumulation of dirt.

The arrow in the picture indicates the direction of fluid flow. Crossed-out options are not allowed.

  • A straight strainer may only be installed in horizontal sections of the pipeline.
  • To clean the filter (if any), a bypass line is installed to allow the flow of liquid through the filter in the opposite direction. This feature will simplify the cleaning process.
  • If the filter is accompanied by instructions from the manufacturer, then you need to follow all the instructions - this will extend the life of the equipment.

Filter maintenance - cleaning or replacing

During the operation of the filter, dirt accumulates and the cleaning element wears out. To ensure that the efficiency of the equipment does not decrease, it is necessary to carry out periodic preventive maintenance. The filter can be cleaned in several ways, depending on the connection scheme and the type of cleaning element:

  • The cartridge filter does not require cleaning. It is necessary at a certain time (set by the manufacturer) to measure the used cartridge for a new one.
  • Cleaning of mesh filters without a flushing scheme is carried out in several steps. The first step is to turn off the water supply to the filter. Using wrenches, screw on the cover of the sump, pull out the mesh and drain the dirt into a bucket.

  • Gently blow the mesh with air or rinse with water. If the mesh is damaged, then replace it with a new one.
  • After washing the filter, install all elements in reverse order. When assembling, pay attention to the condition of the rubber and paranith gaskets, if necessary, replace with new ones.

  • Cleaning the filter with a flushing system. Shut off the water supply to the dwelling (before and after the filter) and open the water supply to the filter in the opposite direction. Open the plug or valve on the filter sump and rinse the mesh with water pressure. For flushing, you can use a hose or just substitute a bucket. The whole process will take no more than 5 minutes.

The frequency of cleaning coarse water filters depends on the intensity of use of the water supply and the amount of impurities in the stream. As a guide, the readings of pressure gauges before and after the filter or the weakening of the pressure from the tap can serve.

The coarse water filter is replaced if irreparable defects are found: cracks or chips in the body, broken mounting thread, “eaten” the inner surface of the filter.

Installing a coarse water filter is not a laborious and complicated process. It is more difficult to make the right choice of treatment equipment. In this matter, it is better to seek help from specialists, because the safety of expensive household appliances and fine filters depends on the operation of coarse filters.

Located on your site - the quality of the water in it will still not be ideal. And in order for the plumbing system not to be contaminated with all sorts of impurities (from iron to sand and silt), it is important to install a cleaning system that will prevent dirt from entering.

This will favorably affect both the taste and quality of drinking water, and the condition of the equipment (boiler, washing machine, valves, pipelines), which also suffers from contaminated liquid. And the very first step in getting rid of impurities is to clean the water on a coarse filter.

1 Purpose and features of filters

As the name implies, a coarse filter is necessary to capture the largest suspensions that may be contained in the water entering the house (apartment). This is, first of all, sand, silt, various organic matter. For this reason, the device is installed at the very beginning of the cleaning system - in front of other types of filters..

Its installation is necessary for the following reasons:

  • the filter prevents solid suspensions from entering the plumbing and heating system;
  • the next filters (fine, aeration, softeners) receive less load - due to the fact that fewer impurities simply reach them.

As a consequence of the first point, the ingress of dirt into the equipment is prevented:

  • inside the washing machine
  • toilet bowl;
  • water heater;
  • hydraulic accumulator;
  • cranes;
  • dishwashers.

Each of the devices listed above has a specific water quality requirement. For example, the installation of a washing machine (as well as dishwashers and boilers) should be carried out only if available - this item is separately indicated in the instructions.

Otherwise, the life of the washing machine is significantly reduced - since its device is quite complex, and solid impurities can damage individual parts.

Yes, and an ordinary water tap in your kitchen is also unlikely to tolerate the presence of dirt in the water - its shut-off and control device (ball with a hole) can become clogged or begin to open and close worse. This nuance is especially true for expensive devices - the same washing machine from some well-known brand, in the first place.

In addition, poor water quality can also harm meters - the purchase and installation of which is also expensive.

As for filters of a different type, their work (in the presence of a rough water treatment stage) is greatly simplified - since fewer impurities will enter them. As a result, you will have to change cartridges less often, which means saving.

In addition to being used in apartments and houses, the use of devices of this type is no less relevant at production facilities - an industrial coarse filter in this case performs the same function:

2 Types of coarse filters

The filter device itself is extremely simple: in fact, it is a metal one that captures impurities from the water. It consists in a body (usually metal), which has an inlet and outlet pipe.

Below the nozzles is a part called a sump - a department where, in fact, filtration takes place. First, the speed of the water decreases in this part - which allows impurities to settle to the bottom of the hull, and not be carried away further. Then - the liquid passes through the mesh, which retains the dirt.

The design of the coarse filter may differ in a number of parameters that should be considered separately.

First of all, the material from which the mesh is made should be mentioned. Most often - it is steel, less often - bronze or brass. These strong connections are resistant to mechanical damage and withstand pressure drops.

The difference is in the connection method - the filter can be mounted in the system by means of a coupling or flange connection. This difference is predetermined by the dimensions - with a diameter of 2 inches or more, a flange is used, if less, a coupling.

In these ways, an industrial version is usually mounted, in other cases, threaded filters are used. Such household models are relevant for pipelines that run inside apartments and residential cottages. In this case, the installation can be carried out both directly with the pipe, and through the "American".

Pore ​​size is, in fact, a key quality parameter that affects how well the filter can purify water. The smaller the size of the mesh cells, the more dirt it can hold. For a coarse filter, this parameter varies from 50 to 400 microns.

According to the location of the sump, the products can also be divided into two categories:

  1. Straight.
  2. oblique.

In the first case, the sump is located perpendicular to the water flow, forming a T-shaped body with inlet and outlet pipes. Thanks to this solution, this department can be quite large. Therefore, a direct sump will be able to better clean the water passing through it.

The oblique design of the body is easy to determine visually - in this case, the sump is installed at an angle to the water flow. This reduces efficiency compared to a direct filter. Not much, of course - household filters of this type will also successfully cope with the task.

However, they are best used where the installation of a direct model is simply impossible - due to lack of free space (for example - when the pipeline runs too close to the floor or to another pipe).

One of the relatively new and very useful nuances is also the way to clean the filter itself - after all, sooner or later the sump will overflow with accumulated dirt, which will need to be removed from there. In this regard, products are divided into two categories:

  1. Sump.
  2. Filter with flushing system.

The first option is non-flushing. This category includes oblique devices and some straight ones. In this case, the sump is closed with a removable cover - through which you can clean the device from dirt.

Its disadvantage is that cleaning in this case requires disassembling the device - the cover will first have to be unscrewed and then installed back.

The second option is more convenient - in this case, the body is equipped with a crane. Cleaning is extremely simple: the tap opens, and the sludge is drained into a substituted container.

On sale you can find an even more perfect option - a self-cleaning coarse filter. Such a device is equipped with two sensors - one is installed at the inlet, the second - at the outlet. By measuring the pressure, the sensors record its difference - if it decreases at the outlet (after cleaning), it means that the self-cleaning filter is dirty.

It is cleaned through a valve that opens and releases sediment. A self-cleaning filter is good because you do not have to monitor the condition of the node - it will automatically determine the need for cleaning and perform it.

The most famous representative producing such models is Honeywell. Honeywell filters are used most often in industry, however, for domestic tasks, the company also produces a number of models suitable for water supply.

Of course, Honeywell devices cost an order of magnitude more expensive than simpler options - this, in fact, is their only drawback.

3 Rules for filter installation

Proper installation of the filter is an important issue (it does not matter which option will be installed - an ordinary cheap sump or an expensive self-cleaning one). Consider where and how to properly install this node:

  1. Installation must be carried out before the counter.
  2. The filter should be correctly positioned on a horizontal section (relevant only for straight models - oblique ones can also be installed on vertical segments of the pipeline).
  3. Installation of an oblique filter is carried out with a sump down.
  4. To correctly install the unit, pay attention to the direction of the arrow on the body: it must match the direction of fluid flow.

Alternatively, filters can be installed separately in front of each device. First of all, this is true for a washing machine and dishwasher - this technique is most demanding on the quality of the water used.

3.1 Filter cleaning steps

If you have a non-self-cleaning filter installed, the unit will require cleaning from time to time. You can clean it properly with your own hands. And this should be done regularly - otherwise the water pressure in the system will weaken.

The easiest way to clean is for devices that have a tap - in this case, just open it and drain the sludge into a substituted container. For mud workers, the procedure will be a little more complicated:

  1. The water supply before and after the filter should be shut off.
  2. It is required to unscrew the nuts on the filter cover (using an adjustable wrench).

Be prepared for the fact that when the fasteners are loosened, water will flow from under the cover. So before unscrewing the nuts, prepare some kind of container and substitute it under the filter.

After the water drains, you can remove the mesh from the filter. It should be cleaned of rust, plaque, scale - simply by rinsing under running water. After that, you can rinse the filter itself - by slightly opening the tap on the water supply. Then you can install the grid in place and tighten the cover.

3.2 Stages of disassembling the coarse filter (video)


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