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The organizational and production structure of the engineering and technical service (ITS) is understood as an ordered set of production units, which determines their number, size, specialization, relationship, methods and forms of interaction.

The production structure of a motor transport enterprise is a form of organization of the production process and is reflected in the composition and number of workshops and services, their layout; in the composition and number of jobs inside the shops.

In the general case, the organizational and production structure of the ITS, which provides for functional groups of departments for performing the specified tasks and managing the process of their implementation, is shown in Figure 3.1.

The engineering and technical service includes the following production sites and complexes:

Complex of maintenance and diagnostics (TOD), which unites performers and teams of EO, TO-1, TO-2, and diagnostics;

The TR complex, which brings together the divisions that carry out repair work directly on the car (sentries);

A complex of repair sites (RU), which brings together subdivisions and performers engaged in the restoration of the working capital of units, assemblies and parts.

A number of works are carried out directly on the car and in workshops (electrical, tin, welding, painting, etc.). The assignment of these units to the TR or RU complex is carried out taking into account the prevailing (in terms of labor intensity) type of work.

ITS includes the following subsystems (divisions, departments, workshops, sections):

ITS management represented by the chief engineer responsible for the technical condition of vehicles, their road and environmental safety;

Group (center, department) for the production management of maintenance and car repair;

The technical department, where planning solutions for the reconstruction and technical re-equipment of the production and technical base are developed, the selection and ordering of technological equipment is carried out, the development technological maps; measures for labor protection and safety measures are developed and carried out, the causes of industrial injuries are studied and measures are taken to eliminate them; technical studies are carried out to train personnel and improve the qualifications of personnel; technical standards and instructions are drawn up, non-standard equipment, fixtures and fittings are designed;

Department of the chief mechanic, which maintains buildings, structures, power and sanitary facilities in a technically sound condition, as well as installation, maintenance and repair of technological equipment, tooling and control over their correct use; manufacturing of non-standard equipment;

Procurement department, providing material and technical supply, drawing up procurement requests and efficient organization of warehouse operations. One of the important conditions for improving the use of rolling stock, increasing its technical readiness is the timely provision of ATP with fuel, spare parts, tires, garage and repair equipment. The precise implementation of production indicators, the rhythmic work of the enterprise, and an increase in labor productivity depend on the rational use of material and technical means. Economical use of resources, reduction of their consumption reduces the cost of transportation.

The department of material and technical support (MTO) must provide production with the necessary material resources, monitor their consumption and use.

The MTO plan consists of separate calculation tables classified by the type of materials:

The need for fuel, lubricants and operating materials, tires, spare parts;

The need for fuel for technological purposes and electricity;

The need for rolling stock and equipment.

The purpose of this type of planning is to save material resources due to various factors, as well as control over the expenditure of materials.

The procurement department (MTS) is tasked with determining the need for different types raw materials, equipment, etc.

Management of the consumption of operating materials in the ATP, aimed at the efficient use of rolling stock, includes planning the consumption of materials according to standards, according to the nomenclature and quantity, according to actual costs, in monetary terms; receipt, storage and delivery of materials; operational and current flow control (Figure 3.1).

Figure 3.1 - Scheme of control of expenditure of operating materials

The share of fuel in the total cost of transportation is 15-20%. Therefore, fuel economy and lubricants(TCM) is important as a factor not only in reducing costs road transport but also a decrease in energy resources.

In practice, a number of measures are given aimed at the economical use of FCM during their transportation from warehouses, during storage, distribution and during the operation of the vehicle.

TCM is issued to the driver according to coupons based on the waybill. The amount of fuel and oil fits into the waybill. Issuance of TCM for MOT and TR is carried out on the basis of the requirement. For the primary accounting of FCM, the enterprise maintains a “FCM accounting book”.

The Operations Department is prohibited from accepting waybills that do not contain information about the issuance of TCM. After processing waybills in the operation department, they are submitted to the FCM accounting group, where the actual and normal fuel consumption for each vehicle is specially kept. A fuel metering technician fills out a registration card for each car, a personal account of the driver, in which the completed transport work, number of riders, fuel consumption according to rate and fact. Fuel consumption control for a car and a driver is carried out in liters, and for ATP as a whole - in kilograms.

Spare parts account for about 70% of the range of products and materials consumed by vehicles. Car tires and batteries are not part of the spare parts list, so they are accounted for and allocated separately.

The list of materials that are used to meet the economic needs of the ATP is quite large. Among them are cutting and measuring tools, electronic and technical materials, overalls. Logistics workers supplying the enterprise must order them in advance and in the required quantity, receive them on time, correctly distribute and store them. The need of an enterprise for spare parts depends on a large number of factors, which can be represented by the following groups by characteristic features: constructive, operational, technological and organizational. Department technical control, exercising control over the completeness and quality of work performed by all production departments, monitoring the technical condition of the rolling stock during its acceptance and release to the line. A production preparation complex that carries out production preparation, i.e. completing the working stock of spare parts and materials, storing and regulating stocks, delivering units, assemblies and parts to work stations, washing and completing the repair stock, providing working tools, as well as driving cars in the maintenance, repair and waiting areas. The organization of the production of maintenance and repair of cars in 121-PCh GU PTTs FPS in the Sverdlovsk region is carried out by the aggregate-district method. Which consists in the fact that all maintenance and repair work of rolling stock is distributed between the production areas responsible for the performance of all maintenance and repair work of one or more units (nodes, mechanisms, systems) for all vehicles in the fleet (Figure 3.2).

Figure 3.2 - The structure of the engineering and technical service when organizing the production of TO and R according to the aggregate-division method

Techno-economic performance indicators of enterprises largely depend on the condition and performance of the equipment, the organization of its operation and maintenance, timely and high-quality repair.

An important role in the organization Maintenance and equipment repair is assigned to the introduction of a system of planned maintenance and equipment repair (PTOR) at enterprises.

The purpose of the PMT system is to ensure the planning and implementation of maintenance and repair at a certain time in the required sequence and scope of work.

The system of scheduled maintenance and repair of equipment is a set of organizational and technical measures for maintaining documentation of maintenance and repair; provision of personnel who maintain the equipment in good condition and ensure the quality indicators of machines and devices established by the regulatory documentation.

The PTOR system includes several types of maintenance and repair, which differ from each other in the content of work and the use of technical means.

The PTOR system provides for: systematic observation and periodic inspection, allowing timely identification and elimination of equipment malfunctions; maintenance of equipment during its operation in the established modes; planning and carrying out maintenance and repairs; application of progressive repair methods using mechanization and advanced techniques for restoring parts and assemblies.

Responsibility for the general organization and conduct of PTOR activities is assigned to the chief engineer and chief mechanic (power engineer) of the enterprise.

The PTOR system includes two types of work: overhaul maintenance and scheduled repair work on time.

Equipment maintenance... Maintenance (MOT) is a set of operations to maintain the health and functionality of equipment when used for its intended purpose and storage; is performed during the operation of the equipment, on the days of disinfection by the operating personnel and the duty personnel of the repair service.

Maintenance in the process of using the equipment for its intended purpose is carried out in accordance with the operating instructions (maintenance instructions) developed by the enterprise. Maintenance costs are charged against operating costs.

The condition and operability of the equipment are recorded every shift in the log of acceptance and delivery of equipment by shifts. The correctness of keeping the journal is controlled by the mechanic of the plant (shop) 1 time per day with the obligatory written confirmation of the control.

Regulated maintenance is carried out on a planned basis in accordance with an annual schedule. The complex of works on regulated maintenance includes: control over the technical condition of the equipment; inspection; elimination of detected defects; adjustment; replacement of individual component parts of the equipment; cleaning, lubrication.

Regular maintenance equipment inspections are recorded in a logbook. The log data is the source material for establishing the scope of work performed during the next scheduled repair.

To control the condition of the equipment at the enterprise, at least 1 time per quarter (for certain types of equipment - monthly), the equipment is inspected by the engineering and technical personnel of the service of the chief mechanic and power engineer.

Repair types... The PTOR system provides for the following types of repair: current (T 1; T 2) and overhaul (K).

Current repairs of equipment are carried out both during the repair period and during the operation of the equipment to ensure the restoration of its operability; consist in the restoration or replacement of individual parts and assembly units.

Depending on the nature and volume of work, current repairs are divided into the first current (T 1) and the second current (T 2).

Overhaul is carried out with the aim of complete restoration or close to full resources of equipment with or without replacement of its parts.

The cost of current and major repairs is attributed to the funds of the repair fund created at enterprises according to the standards of repair costs.

The nature and scope of work performed during major and current repairs are established in accordance with the list of defects and are specified in the process of disassembling and repairing equipment. Works aimed at improving technical and technological parameters are, depending on the volume, to modernization or reconstruction. They are planned at the time of the overhaul and are financed from capital investments with an increase in the book value of fixed assets. Responsibility for their implementation rests with the chief engineer of the enterprise.

Repair organization forms... In the alcohol industry, in-plant and inter-plant forms of organization of repair production have been adopted.

In the case of an in-plant form, it is envisaged to carry out centralized repairs of equipment by the forces of the mechanical repair shop (electrical shop) of the enterprise.

During the repair period to achieve high performance labor, increasing the responsibility of performers for the repair of specific equipment, the repair team includes workers who service this equipment. At the same time, the same type of equipment should be selected for the brigades, which will make it possible to more efficiently use the qualifications of workers, devices and tools. The distribution of work among the members of the brigade is carried out by the foreman in agreement with the mechanic of the plant (workshop). Repair objects are assigned by the chief mechanic in agreement with the chief engineer of the plant. The lists of repair teams with the objects of repair assigned to them are approved by the order of the director.

In the case of an interfactory form of organization of repair work, it is envisaged:

carrying out aggregate repair of complex, large-sized and unique equipment in general and individual units at specialized repair plants, workshops and commissioning enterprises;

centralized provision of enterprises with spare parts and assembly units for industry purposes, as well as unified parts and assembly units coming from machine-building plants that produce the corresponding types of equipment, and from specialized factories for the production of spare parts.

Forms for organizing repairs at enterprises in the alcohol industry are used depending on the conditions for organizing repair services.

The enterprises use the following repair methods:

impersonal, in which the identity of the restored component parts to a specific piece of equipment. According to the organization of implementation, this repair method can be aggregate (defective units are replaced with new or pre-repaired ones) and detailed (individual parts that are out of order are replaced or restored);

non-personalized method of repair, which preserves the belonging of the restored components to a specific piece of equipment.

The choice of the method is based on the conditions of the greatest production and economic effect.

Planning and execution of repairs... All types of renovations are subject to planning. The fulfillment of the repair plan is mandatory for enterprises, as well as the fulfillment of the plan for the release of the main products.

The plan for the repair of equipment controlled by Gosgortekhnadzor is drawn up separately from the plan for the repair of technological, energy and general plant equipment, and should not be linked to it.

The annual repair plan is an integral part of technical and industrial plans. The scope and nomenclature of repair work should ensure uninterrupted and efficient operation of the fleet of technological, energy and general plant equipment. The labor intensity and cost of work are compared with the corresponding indicators of the technical industrial financial plan and provide for the loading of workers and equipment of the repair and services involved in the repair. Repair starts after the end of the production period.

The postponement of stopping equipment for repairs is carried out in exceptional cases with the permission of the chief engineer of the enterprise, and for equipment subordinate to Gosgortechnadzor, it is agreed with the regional bodies of Gosgortechnadzor.

The annual repair plan is drawn up by the service of the chief mechanic (power engineer), taking into account the data on the availability of equipment and the list of works (form 5); equipment cases; logs of acceptance and delivery of equipment by shifts, the results of its inspection during routine maintenance; defect lists; reports on previously performed repairs; standards for the frequency and duration of current and major repairs (forms 3, 4); applications from production departments; the duration of the stoppage of the enterprise for repairs.

Based on the annual plan for the repair of equipment, the total amount of repair work for the enterprise as a whole is determined.

Each enterprise is obliged to draw up annual and monthly schedules of planned repairs.

The annual schedule of planned repairs for the enterprise is drawn up by the service of the chief mechanic (power engineer) and approved by the chief engineer.

Monthly schedules are compiled by the chief mechanic's service on the basis of an annual one, with the specification of the date of repair stops and their duration. The monthly schedule, if necessary, includes repairs that are not provided for in the annual.

The monthly schedule is approved by the chief engineer of the enterprise and is the main document governing equipment repairs and production planning for a given month.

For each piece of equipment subject to major or current repairs with a frequency of one year or more, the service of the chief mechanic draws up an estimate of the repair costs.

The calculation of the estimate is made by expense items: basic wages of workers; awards; materials, semi-finished products, finished products (purchased and of our own production); shop expenses; general plant costs.

Wages and bonuses are calculated in accordance with the applicable rates at the enterprises and the regulations on bonuses for high-quality performance and reduction of repair time.

Expenses under the item "Materials, semi-finished products, finished products" are determined according to the object rates of material consumption for the repair of this type of equipment or on the basis of the existing experience in organizing equipment repair at the enterprise.

Workshop and general plant costs are determined as a percentage of the basic wages of repair workers in accordance with the technical and financial plan of the enterprise.

Billing of work during the repair of equipment is carried out according to the tariff and qualification reference book containing production characteristics all types of work with tariff categories established for them.

The volume of work on overhaul with the established standard of labor costs (in man-hours) per unit of repair complexity (Table 1).

Spare parts norms for repair and operation... The nomenclature of spare parts is established on the basis of an analysis of their consumption and based on the service life of parts and assembly units.

The range of spare parts includes:

parts and assembly units, the service life of which does not exceed the duration of the overhaul period;

parts and assembly units that are consumed in large quantities and whose service life exceeds the duration of the overhaul period;

parts and assembly units, laborious to manufacture, ordered by a third-party organization and limiting the operation of equipment;

parts and assembly units for imported equipment, regardless of the service life;

purchased products (ball bearings, cuffs, belts, chains).

Consumption rates are developed according to the nomenclature of spare parts and are calculated based on the number of parts or assembly units per piece of equipment and their service life.

The nomenclature of spare parts for each type of equipment is drawn up by the service of the chief mechanic and entered into the equipment business.

Spare parts storage standards... During the year, the warehouse of the enterprise stores spare parts, purchased products and materials in an amount that ensures the repair and operation of the equipment. As they are spent, their stock is restored.

The warehouse stock rates are determined in accordance with the annual requirements for spare parts for each type of equipment. When determining the norms of the stock, the formation of unreasonably large stocks of individual parts is not allowed.

Stock rates are calculated based on an analysis of the range of spare parts, taking into account the average service life of parts per piece of equipment, as well as the time to renew the stock.

The number of spare parts of one name to be stored in the warehouse of the enterprise is determined by the formula

З = BОHК / C 3,

where B is the number of similar spare parts in a piece of equipment; О - the number of units of the same type of equipment; And - the frequency of receipt of parts from the manufacturer, months (usually 3, 6, 12 months); K - coefficient of reduction, taking into account the uniformity of parts in the equipment group; С 3 - service life of the spare part, months.

The K value is shown below.

The enterprise revises and corrects the nomenclature and standards for storing spare parts at the suggestions of the chief mechanic's service at least once a year, during the initial period of creating a spare parts park (within the first two to three years) and at least once every two years - in the future. ...

Responsibility for the timely and complete provision of the enterprise with all necessary materials and spare parts is assigned to the head of the material and technical supply service, and for the provision of spare parts manufactured in mechanical repair shops (RMM) - to the chief mechanic of the enterprise.

The control over the storage conditions and the condition of the spare parts park at the enterprise is carried out by the chief mechanic's service.

In recent years, a new form of organization of production and labor has become widespread in road transport - the aggregate-division method of organizing maintenance and maintenance cars.

With this method, production areas are organized in the motor vehicle fleet, which are responsible for all the maintenance and repair work of the rolling stock. At the same time, each production site performs work on one or several units and mechanisms of a car in all types of exposure (TO-1, TO-2 and TP). So, for example, the workers of the production site, performing work on the engine, perform them at the maintenance posts (TO-1 and TO-2), at the maintenance posts and in the engine repair department of the aggregate shop.

Production sites specializing in the maintenance and repair of certain units, mechanisms and systems of a car are considered basic, and those specializing in types of work (tin, welding, copper, blacksmith, plumbing, mechanical, etc.), serving the main sites, are auxiliary.

For large and medium-sized auto enterprises, eight production sites are organized with a corresponding distribution of work between them.

Production area no. Name and types of work
1 Maintenance and repair of engines
2 Maintenance and repair of clutches, gearboxes, hand brake, cardan transmission, gearbox, tipper mechanism
3 Maintenance and repair front axle, steering, rear axle, brake system, car suspension
4 Maintenance and repair of electrical equipment and power supply systems
5 Maintenance and repair of the frame, body, cab, empennage and cladding. Copper, tin, welding, blacksmith, thermal and body works
6 Maintenance and repair of tires
7 Locksmith and mechanical work
8 Washing and cleaning works

With an insignificant average daily mileage and a small number of cars in the vehicle fleet, which determine a small amount of work at production sites and the underutilization of workers on them, the number of production sites can be reduced to four by combining them.

In this case, sections I and II, III and VI and V and VII are combined. Washing and cleaning work is not allocated to an independent production site. This type of service is performed by drivers.

The work assigned to the main production sites is carried out at the posts of technical maintenance and repair of cars.

When performing maintenance on production lines, it is organized into an independent section (for example, EO and TO-1) or specialized line posts or workplaces are assigned to the corresponding production sections, if their full load is possible.

With this organization of maintenance and repair production, the responsibility of the performers increases, and therefore the quality of work and the reliability of vehicles.

Rice. Production management scheme for the aggregate-division method of maintenance and repair

Management of the production of technical maintenance and current repairs of cars in motor vehicle fleets with the aggregate-division method is carried out according to the scheme.

In accordance with this scheme, the chief engineer carries out general production management. The production manager organizes production and its efficient accounting. It is responsible for measures aimed at improving the quality of maintenance and repair of rolling stock, reducing vehicle downtime during routine repairs, reducing the cost of maintenance and repairs, etc.

The production manager carries out the operational management of all work at the posts of maintenance and repair of vehicles and is responsible for the timely preparation of the vehicle for release.

The checkpoint mechanic monitors the technical condition of the vehicles both upon returning from the line and upon release after maintenance or repairs. The head of the department of the chief mechanic (foreman, foreman) ensures the repair of equipment, buildings and structures.

The production site is headed and supervised by a foreman, foreman or chief (depending on the purpose and scope of work of the site). The manager organizes the work of the site, assigns workers by type of maintenance and repair, moves workers from one type of work to another, provides them with an irreducible stock of spare parts, materials and assemblies, and takes measures to improve the quality of maintenance and repair.

Contents Coursework assignment 1 Introduction 2 2.1 Initial data for the calculation 2.2 Selection and adjustment of the initial standards for maintenance and repair 2.3 Determination of the design coefficient of technical readiness and the output coefficient 2.4 Annual mileage of all cars 2.5 Quantity calculation Maintenance and repair of the entire fleet for the year 2.6 Definition of daily maintenance programs 2.7 Determination of the labor intensity of TO, TR and the number of main and auxiliary workers 2.8 Determination of the number of posts and lines of TO and TR 8.1 Determination of the rhythm and tact of production for KamAZ- 5320 and KamAZ-2.9 Determination of the number of posts in zones TR 2.10 Distribution of workers by posts of the maintenance zone 2.11 Selection of technological equipment for the motor section 3 Organizational part 3.1 Organization of the production management of TO and TR at the site 3.2 Organization of the technological process for the repair of units 3.3 Lighting calculation 3.4 Ventilation calculation 3.5 Fire safety 3.6 Safety precautions 4 List of sources used 1 Introduction Transport is one of the key sectors of the national economy. In modern conditions, further development of the economy is inconceivable without well-established transport support.

The work rhythm of industrial, construction and agricultural enterprises, the mood of people, and their efficiency largely depend on its clarity and reliability. The socio-economic transformations that have taken place in our country over the past 10-12 years have disrupted the efficient system of organization and management of the transport sector.

Most of the objects public transport In the regions of Russia, by now they have been privatized, a fairly large number of individual carriers and small private enterprises have appeared, participating in the development of passenger transportation. Demonopolization of public transport has led to the fact that its management system has become less manageable and more costly.

Currently, transport operates under conditions when there is a tendency for stabilization of the real sector of the economy and the income of the population.

Passenger transport is one of the most important sectors of the economy.

In the absence of personal Vehicle the problem of timely and high-quality satisfaction of the demand for transportation grows from a purely transport to a social one, which determines the attitude of the population not only to the quality of the provided transport services, but also to the processes that occur in the region and the country in general. In such conditions, joint efforts of transport specialists are required, central and regional authorities, which should be aimed at improving the functioning of the transport complex.

During the operation of the car, its working properties gradually deteriorate due to wear of parts, as well as corrosion and fatigue of the material from which they are made. Failures and malfunctions appear in the car, which are eliminated during maintenance (MOT) and repair. A car that meets all the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation is considered correct.

An efficient car, in contrast to a serviceable one, must satisfy only those requirements, the fulfillment of which allows it to be used for its intended purpose without a threat to traffic safety. Damage is the transition of a car to a faulty but workable state; its transition to an inoperative state is called a failure. Repair is a complex of operations to restore the serviceability or serviceability of products and restore the resources of products and their components.

The need and expediency of car repairs are primarily due to the unequal strength of their component parts (assembly units and parts). It is known that it is impossible to create a car of equal strength, all parts of which would wear out evenly and have the same service life, therefore, during operation, cars undergo periodic maintenance and, if necessary, routine repair (TR), which is carried out by replacing individual parts and assemblies.

This allows the vehicles to be kept in good technical condition. Routine repairs should ensure the guaranteed performance of the car on the run until the next planned repairs, moreover, this mileage must be at least the mileage until the next TO-2. In the event of failures, an unscheduled TR is performed, in which parts are replaced or restored and assembly units in the amount determined by the technical condition of the car. Overhaul must ensure serviceability and full (or close to full) service life of the car or unit by restoring and replacing any assembly units and parts, including basic ones.

Great attention has been constantly paid to the organization of car repairs in our country. In the first years of Soviet power, the car park in our country consisted of only a few thousand cars, mainly of foreign production. To organize the production of cars in the young Soviet republic, there was no material base, no experience, no trained personnel, therefore the development of auto repair production historically outstripped development. domestic automotive industry. 2 Settlement and technological part 2.1 Initial data for the calculation The section contains all the data necessary for the calculation based on the analysis enterprise and accounting for development prospects.

Initial data are presented in the form of table 2.1.

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One of the methods of organizing the production of maintenance and repair is currently the most progressive, especially for small businesses, is the aggregate-division method.

The essence of the aggregate-section method of organizing production is that all maintenance work on the rolling stock of the aggregate section is distributed between production sections, fully responsible for the quality and results of their work.

The basic organizational principles of this method are:

  • - each of the production areas performs all maintenance work on one or more units for all vehicles in the unit area;
  • - works assigned to the main production areas are performed at maintenance posts;
  • - the exchange of information between the management department and maintenance teams number one and number two and the rear axle repair section is carried out through two-way dispatch communication, automation and telemechanics.

The unit-site method of organizing the production of maintenance provides for a careful accounting of all elements of the production process, as well as the consumption of spare parts and materials.

The choice of the method of organizing the technological process at the aggregate section.

The technological process diagram at the unit section and the design object of the teams performing the maintenance of the units are completed from the workers of the necessary specialties. With such an organization of work, the technological homogeneity of each section is ensured, the maneuvering of people, tools, equipment inside it is facilitated, management and accounting of the number of performed certain types of work are simplified.

A diagram of the technological process at the aggregate section is shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4. Diagram of the technological process at the aggregate section

The second method is considered an alternative - the implementation of work directly in the site itself. The complex of works of the aggregate section includes a number of measures to determine the technical condition of shafts, journals, ends, planes and a conclusion on wear or deviation from the shape. These works are carried out, among other things, using a dial indicator.

For example, when diagnosing a gap in the steering mechanism, the worm - globoidal roller, the indicator monitors the bipod travel when the steering rod is disconnected.

The device for fastening the dial indicator must meet a number of requirements: three degrees of freedom of the indicator and the maximum rigidity of the AIDS system (machine tool - tool - part).

Transmission units (with the exception of internal combustion engines) from the point of view of the theory of machines and mechanisms refer to torque converting - power (KP, cardan shaft, final drive) or kinematic (steering).

The main output parameters of such units include the coefficient of performance (COP). It can be characterized by the following diagnostic parameters and features:

force or moment of resistance when scrolling the input shaft with a free output shaft;

free run in two directions on a flat asphalt road at a set speed without braking;

the number of revolutions of the roller stand to a complete stop at a set speed without braking;

friction losses in the unit are transformed into heat losses, estimated by the temperature regime.

Structural parameters characterizing technical condition these are gaps, surface wear, surface hardness, condition of fasteners, etc. They are characterized by the following diagnostic parameters and features:

total angular backlash in the unit (a great advantage of this simple parameter is its in-place determination in comparison with the control of linear clearances, which requires access to gears, splines, etc.);

vibro-acoustic signs, determined qualitatively (strength and nature of knocks and noises);

vibro-acoustic parameters, measured instrumentally (frequency, amplitude of knocks and noises);

wear products of parts according to the metal-in-oil method;

for units with electronic control (automatic boxes gears, traction control systems) additionally there are self-diagnosis codes that mainly characterize the state of the sensor circuits.

For steering, the main diagnostic parameters are:

total angular backlash measured by one of the methods:

by the amount of turn of the steering wheel with the applied force (usually depends on the class of TPA and is 7.4-12.8 N);

by the amount of rotation of the steering wheel before the start of the rotation of the wheels installed on the turntable;

backlash (lack thereof) in the ball joints of the steering linkage;

clearances (their absence) in the fastening of the steering gear housing to the frame or to the body;

backlash in the steering gear:

in a working pair;

in bearings.

In the presence of hydraulic booster, additionally:

drive belt deflection;

oil level;

the pressure developed by the pump;

pressure developed in the right and left cavities in the extreme positions of the steering wheel;

resistance force, etc.

Diagnostic equipment overview

A backlash gauge is a device for controlling the total backlash of a car's steering. Measures the angle of rotation of the steering wheel until the start of the steered wheels in accordance with GOST 25478-91. Mechanical, degree scale.

The measurement method consists in determining the angle of rotation of the steering wheel at a given force (0.75; 1.0; 1.25) kgf, depending on the mass of the vehicle. Electronic, digital readings.

  • -Measuring the total backlash of the steering in the range of 0-120 degrees. at normalized efforts of 7.35 N; 9.8 H; 12.3 N
  • -Calculation of the average value of the backlash based on the results of individual measurements
  • -Memory of results and saving the last after power off
  • -Saving results and calculating the average
  • -Storage end result after power off
  • -Automatic transmission of results to a computer via RS-232
  • -Basic error 2.5%
  • -Autonomous power supply from its own battery
  • -Dimensions 414x145x127 mm
  • -Mass 3 kg

Aggregates and units coming from the zone technical repair to the aggregate area.

Aggregate section is intended for:

washing operations of units and assemblies,


defect detection of parts with subsequent sending for disposal,

completing assemblies and assembling them,


The site can be combined with a motor.

The technical process is organized as follows. On an electric forklift, telpher or hand trolley, the assembled units are delivered to the site, where they are sent to the sink. After installation on a stand for assembly and disassembly, they are disassembled, the units are disassembled on workbenches. Measurements are made, parts are defective.

The parts that cannot be repaired are disposed of, the repairable ones are sent to the mechanical, welding and other areas suitable for assembly. Repaired parts, suitable, received from the warehouse, complete and assemble the units according to the technical conditions for assembly.

For assembling and disassembling the units, mechanization means are used, such as hand tools (wrenches, drills), pneumatic and hydraulic presses, pullers and mandrels. This equipment increases productivity and eliminates damage to parts during disassembly and assembly.

A measuring and testing tool is available to comply with the technical specifications. These are torque wrenches for torque control, vernier calipers, micrometers, indicators and probes for checking linear dimensions, center for checking runout and unbalance.

The aggregate area is characterized by a number of harmful and dangerous factors such as mechanical injury when using the tool, falling of heavy parts, electrical injury. An important condition is sufficient illumination of the site as a whole and individual places.

For design, the second method is preferable.


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