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Roof racks modern cars can be both built-in internal and overhead external. The trunk can be opened and closed using either a mechanical key or a remote key. Locking mechanisms luggage compartments cars are characterized by durability and reliability, have good performance characteristics, resistant to rapid wear. They serve for a long time without breakdowns and problems. However, sometimes it still happens that the trunk does not open.

Why might you need to open the trunk without a key?

  • The trunk slammed shut, the keys to its lock were inside;
  • There was a complete discharge of the car battery, so the trunk lid does not open;
  • The cylinder of the lock broke, the key began to turn;
  • Trunk opening button does not work;
  • The electric drive of the car lock has broken;
  • The trunk does not open from the button due to freezing. This is the most common cause of malfunctions in the autumn-winter period;
  • If the trunk does not open from the alarm key fob, then the remote key has broken and the signal has ceased to come;
  • The actuator is clogged with small debris or foreign objects have fallen into it;
  • Opening the trunk may be required after the car gets into a traffic accident.

If the trunk of a car does not open, the LOCKSERVICE lock service will solve this problem quickly. Professional craftsmen with more than 5 years of experience and a set of all necessary tools arrive at the place of call in 15 minutes. The problem, when the trunk does not open, is solved carefully and without prejudice to the locking mechanisms.

Trunk opening methods

  • To cope with the task of how to open the trunk from the inside, you can do this: remove backseat and thereby open access to the locking mechanism. Then unscrew the nuts that secure the trunk lock and press the cylinder from the outside. The lock will fall inside, the trunk will open;
  • You can solve the issue of opening the trunk on the roof of a car using a flat screwdriver. The screwdriver must be inserted into the keyhole, and then the larva must be turned with the pliers. The larva will break and the lock will open;
  • A universal way for every car owner who has locked the keys in the trunk does not know how to open it - with strong blows to the area of ​​the locking mechanism, move the lock tongue away from the counterpart.

It is important to remember: any independent attempts to open the trunk lock from the passenger compartment or from the outside can lead to serious damage both the mechanism and the car body and its paintwork. If any malfunctions appear, it is recommended to immediately call a specialist who will not only open the trunk, but also quickly decide how to open the glove compartment and other auto locks.

Not sure how to open the trunk without a key? Call or leave a request on the site!

Buying a car, any person realizes that not only joyful moments of comfortable ride enjoyment, but also the inevitability of breakdowns await him on the way. Difficulties tend to fall like snow on your head at the wrong moment, so you need to be patient enough. The main thing in solving them, regardless of the complexity, is not to rush, not to panic, not to take rash steps, using whatever comes to hand in the repair. The recommendations given by experienced drivers, if the trunk does not open, will prompt a way out of any unfortunate situation in this matter.

Reasons for blocking

The movement of a car on road surfaces of different quality is accompanied by the constant ingress of dirt, sand, rain drops into various mechanical units. And this is one of the common reasons when the trunk does not open. A feature of station wagons is a vortex flow from behind, capturing mud, dust particles, and snowflakes. Although the manufacturer came up with a screen with a protective function in the lock larva, small particles inevitably penetrate inside, adversely affecting the functions of the device. In the "Opel Vectra" on central locking responsible for opening all doors at the same time, including the trunk lid.

An electric drive that falls out of operation is often the culprit of a breakdown. He is responsible for opening the lock latch. When the trunk does not open, the key will be your faithful assistant. It must be turned clockwise, at this moment pressing the button. If the latch is clogged with dirt, the key will not be inserted all the way. In this case, it makes sense to approach this issue from the inside. A broken lock is also a reason for blocking.

Secrets of unlocking the trunk lid

Efforts were in vain, the trunk does not open? There is no place for despair on the road! There is a way out - to open the lid from the passenger compartment. It is difficult for a too overweight person to cope with the task; you can even attract an amateur in this matter. The main thing is to correctly indicate the algorithm of actions.

Unlock Procedure and Tools

To properly repair the trunk lock, you must open the rear left door. Next, they recline the two-seater chair, fold the back. It is better to free the trunk in advance from things that may become unusable from future manipulations. We'll have to resort to using an asterisk socket wrench, a long screwdriver. The path to the opening mechanisms is through the skin, which must be moved away from the body. It cannot be removed when the door is locked to the end. The fixing of the casing to the metal surface is carried out by using latches and screws. The wrench indicated above in the article will help unscrew the screws in the decorative panel, remove the fasteners in the handle of the "facing".

Use a screwdriver to neatly separate the panel and boot lid. Once the trim has been pulled back, you will be able to access the wire lever that opens the lock. It occupies a vertical position in relation to the wiper motor.

The lever should be pressed downward, pushing the cover out manually or using a non-sharp object such as a hammer handle. With the door open, the sheathing will be completely removed, and now you can safely begin to investigate the causes of the trouble. At this stage, it is important to inspect the lock to find out the causes of the defect. There is a high degree of probability that a motorist, even a beginner in road vicissitudes, is able to solve the problem when the trunk lock does not open, without contacting the service.

How to clarify the situation?

First, a lever serving as a link between the electric drive central locking with a trunk lid, it is worth disconnecting. The plastic stopper pivots to the left, the bent part of the lever must be removed. The lock is held on the cover by two nuts. A six-millimeter "head" key will help unscrew them and open the car locks. Removing the assembly from the cover will release the lever. Next, the retaining ring is removed. The next step for the car owner is to carefully dismantle the pivot element. The main point here is not to lose a small key, mounted with a locking cylinder.

Cleaning process

Finally, the cleansing procedures can be started! With too tight rotation of the lock key, it is not forbidden to turn to lubricant: the larva is processed lubricating fluid WD40.

Only at first, amateurish glance, unlocking will seem difficult. In fact, this will take half an hour at most. You should not be too zealous when opening car locks, you should be careful when working with the trim. Neglecting these tips will lead to new difficulties and costly repairs. The lid will open easily with the above tips.

Efficient Ways to Open the Power Trunk Lock

The key is the hope for a successful completion of the problems associated with locking the luggage compartment door when the trunk does not open from the button. Some auto companies produce models that do not require a key. They are equipped with RFID tags, carefully built in by prudent engineers. These useful "tricks" save vehicle owners from theft of cars and property from them. With this arrangement of the "steel friend", you need to remove the rear key fob. There is a "sting" in the keychain. When the spring is pressed, it is released. However, in the absence of such a call to dealers is inevitable. Doesn't want to open the trunk from the remote control? The point is the wear of the antenna, and here you cannot do without the participation of a button or a lever inside the cabin.

After opening the lock, it is better to immediately resolve the issue of non-working spare parts, so as not to face this again in the future.

Additional information on the "ailments" of the trunk

The luggage compartment is an area with a door and a lock. No one doubts the reliability of the design, although it is impossible to imagine driving in vehicles without difficulties.

A jammed lock is a common problem in an old car. In this situation, you must have access to the locking mechanism. It is dictated body characteristics... It's great if the access is open from the side of the cabin. This is possible on hatchbacks, station wagons that do not have dividing walls. Design features sedans differ from other types in this regard.

Why does this happen?

The trunk lock is usually included in the central one. Let's highlight the main problems of the trunk opening system.

  1. Oxidation of the contacts that prevent opening is a popular cause of this defect.
  2. Problems with an old car with a center block. This version of the "diagnosis" is made only in a professional auto center using special diagnostic equipment. The computer method makes it possible to recognize the true cause of the malfunction.
  3. The ingress of foreign objects leads to mechanical problems. If you have suffered a fiasco when you want to get to the opening device, the only right solution would be to contact a specialist.
  4. Freezing contributes to blocking. The assistance of auto mechanics will be a timely measure. A negligent attitude towards the "swallow" is one of the reasons for the non-opening lid. In winter, washing should be carried out in specialized car washes. Since the work is done independently, after washing it is not difficult to wipe the surfaces dry, let the vehicles adapt, and only then drive along the planned route. Haste and auto are incompatible things! The water turns into ice in the cold, it is forbidden to go without warming up. Not warming up the unit, going to the track is the height of carelessness, this leads to more serious problems with the gearbox.
  5. Rust is the eternal companion of car owners. In this case, you will have to knock out the lock larva. Complete corrosion is a reason to replace a worn-out lock with a new one.

How to prevent problems

People invest a lot of money in a car: when buying, in repair processes. Tips on how to open the trunk from the passenger compartment from experienced car owners help you get away from heavy expenses. Car care requires constant monitoring of all mechanical components, the state of every part, since everything plays a crucial role. Nothing in the car is used by the manufacturer just like that, for beauty: any spare part has its own "mission". Breakdowns leave a negative imprint on the fate of the vehicle, its dynamic performance, and the status of the owner himself. Everyone seeks to save the family budget, and troubles with " iron horse»Are strongly felt. The problem is especially acute for buyers who took it out on credit.

Often drivers arrive at the maintenance station in a panic: "The trunk does not open, what should I do?" Don't be nervous. The matter is simple with the knowledge described above. Experts advise to visit car repair shops more often for diagnostics, preventive examinations, maintenance. Elementary measures taken on time will save you from major repair costs. The first "symptoms", different knocks - motives for visiting services. Timeliness plays a major role in the maintenance of transport.

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Cases when just slamming the trunk of a car, you remember that the keys were left inside, are not so uncommon. But before you panic, try to calm down and read our article to the end.

How to open the trunk without a key?

For some reason, the problem of how to open the trunk, if the key is lost, most often arises from the owners of VAZs. We will focus our attention on these cars. So, you can get inside the locked trunk from the passenger compartment. Up the back of the rear seat classic VAZ attached by two guides, there are two hinges from below, which are visible from the side of the rear door. At this point, we bend the tongues welded to the car body, pull off the bottom of the backrest and push it up. Thus, the path to the partition between the passenger compartment and the trunk becomes open. We move aside the partition and begin to tinker with a wrench extension with a 10 mm head at the end, otherwise we will not get the lock fastening nuts. In order not to drop the head, it is better to tape it to the collar with tape. And, of course, we need a flashlight. It is good if both nuts of the lock fastening can be unscrewed the first time, but even not from the first it is not so difficult to do this. An open tailgate will be our reward. Although you should not rush to disassemble half of the cabin. It is likely that the boot lock of our VAZ will be opened with some other key, even if it was taken from the neighbors.

Other methods are known as well. In the case of the VAZ 2106, for example, you need to take a not very thick, but durable slotted screwdriver and insert it into the gap between the body and the trunk lid directly under the lock. You can try to open the old, developed lock with any key of less or the same thickness as the "native" one. It must be introduced carefully, not deeper than 0.5-1.0 cm while trying to turn it. Some craftsmen do this operation even with a long slotted screwdriver.

The trunk is opened with a key from the door. You need to enter it vertically, and by entering it rotate 90 ° to a horizontal position. After turning, take out the key and press harder on the lock cylinder with your finger. Well, and already a completely radical method - opening the lock with a strong kick of the foot slightly below the lock, but we will not recommend this to our readers.

How to open the trunk lock on a Volga?

To do this, you need to stock up on a hard wire with a diameter of about 2.5 - 3 mm, and remove the sealing rubber around the lock. We make a hook of wire at 45 ° with a length of about 8 cm and insert it between the lock and the trunk lid. The task is to put pressure on the pull rod that opens the lock. If there is another "Volga" nearby, it is useful, before starting the operation, to refresh your memory of the structure of the castle by examining it not in your neighbor's car.

But one should not think that problems with opening the trunk haunt the owners of exclusively domestic cars. For example, experienced owners of old Mercedes-600s know that this problem can be solved by entering the luggage space through the niche of the first aid kit in the rear shelf.

Many drivers find themselves in a situation where the keys to the trunk of a car were lost or inaccessible for another reason. If at this moment there is an urgent need to open the trunk, the car owner has to make a difficult choice - to break the lock or try to open the trunk in more gentle ways.

Before trying to open the trunk without a key, it makes sense to try to find the lost kit, because in the absence of experience, the trunk lock can be easily broken or damaged paintwork car. It should be understood that if the trunk is opened without a key and in a crowded place, the documents for the car should be at hand and in perfect order - the chances are that the driver's actions will be interested law enforcement are large enough.

Ways to open the trunk without a key

If there are other motorists nearby, especially those with similar car models, you can try to open the trunk using their keys. Quite often, especially on domestic cars, this step brings a positive result, and after several attempts the trunk can be opened without damaging the fragile lock mechanism. If this option does not work, you can try other methods.

Through the salon

If the passenger compartment is accessible, the trunk can be opened through it by removing the rear seat. For domestic classics, a certain set of tools will be required: a head for 10 and an extension cord for it. To open the lock, two nuts are unscrewed, fixing the lock itself. Before starting work, it is better to put a flashlight in the trunk - it will be much more convenient to work this way. If the nuts can be unscrewed, the trunk can be opened by simply pressing on the lock cylinder from the outside - the entire lock will fall inside. After that, it remains only to assemble the entire structure again.

Sometimes brute force will help

Again on domestic cars or not the newest foreign cars can be helped by another method. There is some free space above the license plate. Very often, harsh and fairly swipe this area allows you to open the trunk without a key. This is explained by the fact that the metal together with the lock will play, and for a moment the lock tongue will move away from the striker. It is better to strike with a fist - it is impractical to use any tool, since you can damage the paintwork or leave a noticeable dent on the car.

Physical strength may also be required when using the following method, which, of course, is not applicable to every car. On some models, you can open the trunk by abruptly shifting its lid to the side - the method is not the most effective, but it works quite well on domestic classics. Some drivers use an awl - a rubber seal that goes around the perimeter is pierced with it, and the lock tongue is pushed back. If the car is old enough, you can try using a nail file instead of your lost key - sometimes this method is effective.

Help from a traffic police officer

Despite some absurdity of the situation, traffic police officers can help open the trunk without a key. Of course, not every inspector has sufficient skills in opening other people's trunks, but experienced employees often encounter the amazing forgetfulness of the owners of the cars being searched. Thus, in the inspector's arsenal there are many ways to open a car without a key. When resorting to the help of law enforcement officers, one should be prepared to present all required documents- personal and car. For foreign cars, the method shown in the video may be useful:

If gentle measures do not help

When it is impossible to open the trunk using the above methods, the keys are not found, a duplicate was not made in advance, there is only one way - it is also called irrevocable. To implement it, you will need a flat screwdriver - its sting is inserted instead of the native key into the lock, and with the help of pliers, the larva is rotated. It, of course, breaks down, and in the future you will have to replace the entire lock with a new one. The cost of the lock is usually not so great, so if the need to open the lid exceeds the financial cost, this method can be used.

The procedure for the subsequent replacement of the lock is no different and is performed within 10-15 minutes. In this case, you will need to perform the following steps:

  • unscrew the fastening bolts securing the lock on the cover;
  • the lock is removed, along the way, the plastic sleeve is removed along with the O-ring;
  • a new one is installed, firmly fixed with nuts.

When installing a new device, it is important not to tighten it tightly right away. At first, it takes advantage of it, several test openings / closings of the lid are made, and only after that the fasteners are fully tightened. In order not to get into such an unpleasant situation, it makes sense to make duplicates of all the keys from the car in advance, and each car owner will decide where to store them.


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