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"Development of a technological map maintenance the car and its elements "

Technological documents are graphic or text documents that define the technological processes of maintenance and repair of cars. The unified system of technological documentation establishes the following technological documentation: technological maps, route maps, operational maps, instructions, operational drawings, order lists and consumption rates for spare parts, materials, tools, equipment and accessories, as well as other documents.

One of the important regulatory and technological document in the organization of the maintenance of the car and its units is the flow chart (TC) of the current repair, which consists of several transitions, techniques and is a detailed development of the technological process of the current repair of a car element.

The technological map indicates:

  • - the name of technological transitions and maintenance techniques in a rational sequence;
  • - the place of impact (top, bottom, in the cab or inside the car);
  • - the number of points of influence for each operation;
  • - recommended equipment, devices and tools, their type, model or brand;
  • - technical conditions and instructions that must be strictly observed and followed;
  • - specialty and category of work performers;
  • - the rate of labor intensity for the operation.

The source material for the development of the TC are:

  • - assembly and working drawings of the product;
  • - technical conditions for assembly, adjustment, control and testing;
  • - manufacturing program(to select a technological

equipment of optimal performance and cost);

  • - information about existing equipment and tools;
  • - time norms (in their absence, they are set by timing or taken from the documentation of analogs);
  • - the weight of the product (for the selection of lifting and transport equipment).

The procedure for the development of technological maps:

  • - study of the design of the product;
  • - drawing up a work plan;
  • - determination of the sequence of receptions and transitions;
  • - setting the time norm;
  • - selection of equipment and tools;
  • - registration of technological documentation.

To develop a plan for technological transitions, the instructions of the manufacturers for the maintenance of vehicles are mainly used. Additional information can be obtained from technical literature and special magazines, as well as from personal observations of the performance of vehicle maintenance.

Equipment, tools, fixtures and fittings for carrying out routine car repairs are prescribed according to the reference literature.

The norms of time for the execution of transitions and techniques are determined with the help of normative documentation, as well as by means of timekeeping. For cars, "Typical operational standards of current repair" have been developed. For cars for which the regulatory documentation has not been developed, the time norms for carrying out individual operations of current repair and its transitions are established by timing and comparison.

Technical conditions are also set out in the instructions of the manufacturers and in the manuals for organizing certain types of work (diagnostics, maintenance, maintenance, storage, etc.).

Table 3 shows the form of the flow chart for the current repair of the car.

Column 1 indicates the number of the transition. As a rule, continuous numbering is used throughout the entire map.

Column 2 summarizes the content of the transitions in the technological sequence. For example: "Remove the tire valve cap".

Column 3 indicates the place of work performance. For example, when removing the front wheels, you must specify: "Side in front", since this operation does not require an inspection ditch, and the front wheels of the car are in the front of it.

Column 4 indicates the number of points of impact. For example, when servicing the front wheels, “2” is indicated because there are two of them.

Column 5 indicates the specialty and category of the performer.

Column 6 indicates the equipment necessary for the transitions.

Column 7 indicates the complexity of the service in man-minutes or man-hours. The data can be taken from reference books or according to the results of timekeeping.

Column 8 indicates all technical conditions concerning the transition under consideration.

From the instructions for maintenance and TR VAZ-21213 we have:

Based on the data studied, we will draw up a technological map of TR VAZ-21213 "Replacing the oil pump"

Task number 1

Technical and operational vehicle characteristics,


Manufacture and sale of cars Lada Largus in Russia was launched in 2012. The appearance and dimensions of the Lada Largus car are shown in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1 dimensions and appearance car Lada Largus

Currently, the car is produced in 5 modifications:

Largus station wagon (5 seats);

Largus cross(5 places);

Largus station wagon (7 seats);

Largus cross (7 seats);

Largus van.

All of the above modifications are available in 3 trim levels: "standard", "norm" and "luxury".

Cars of the "standard" version are equipped with a 1.6-liter 8 valve motor, with a capacity of 87 hp with a maximum torque of 140 Nm at 3800 rpm. The car is equipped with a mechanical, 5 stepped box gear shifting. The acceleration time from 0-100 is 15.4 s. Maximum speed 155 km / h Fuel consumption in urban mode is 10.6 liters. per 100 km., on the highway - 6.7 liters. per 100 km., and in the combined cycle per 100 km - 8.2 liters.

Cars of the "norm" version, as well as the "standard", are equipped with a 1.6-liter 8-valve engine with a capacity of 87 hp. with a maximum torque of 140 Nm at 3800 rpm. The car is equipped with a manual 5-speed gearbox. The acceleration time from 0-100 is 15.4 s. The maximum speed is 155 km / h. Fuel consumption in urban mode is 10.6 liters. per 100 km., on the highway - 6.7 liters. per 100 km., and in the combined cycle per 100 km - 8.2 liters. The distinguishing features of the "standard" and "norm" versions are the elements of comfort, exterior and interior.

Cars of the "luxury" version are equipped with a 1.6-liter 16-valve engine with a capacity of 102 hp. with a maximum torque of 145 Nm at 3750 rpm. The car is equipped with a manual 5-speed gearbox. The acceleration time from 0-100 is 13.5 s. The maximum speed is 165 km / h. Fuel consumption in urban mode is 10.1 liters. per 100 km., on the highway - 6.7 liters. per 100 km., and in the combined cycle per 100 km - 7.9 liters.

All versions in three versions have:

The same base at 2905 millimeters;

The track of the front and rear wheels, respectively, is 1469 and 1466 millimeters;

Ground clearance equal to 145 millimeters;

Same tires in size 185/65 / R15;

The main technical characteristics of Lada Largus cars with mechanical box gears with engines, power 87hp and 102 hp. are shown in Table 1.

Table 1. Specifications car Lada Largus.

Specifications 1.6 l. / 8V / 5MT / 87 hp 1.6 l. / 16V / 5MT / 102 hp
Wheel formula 4 * 2 / front 4 * 2 / front
Engine location Front transverse Front transverse
Body type Station wagon Station wagon
Overall dimensions (L * W * H *), mm 4470*1750*1670 4470*1750*1670
Base, mm
Rear / front wheel track 1469/1466 1469/1466
Ground clearance
engine's type Petrol Petrol
Supply system Electronic injection Electronic injection
Number of cylinders / arrangement 4 / in-line 4 / in-line
Working volume, cubic cm
Maximum power, hp / kW / rev. min 87/64/5100 102/75/5750
Maximum torque Nm / rev 140/3800 145/3750
Fuel AI-95 AI-95
Dynamic characteristics
Maximum speed
Acceleration time 0-100 km / h 14,5 13,1
Fuel consumption
Urban cycle l / 100 km 10,6 10,1
Extra-urban l / 100 km 6,7 6,7
Combined cycle l / 100 km 8,2 7,9
Curb, kg 1260…1345 1260…1345
Technically permissible maximum, kg 1705…1790 1705…1790
Volume fuel tank, l
Transmission type 5 MT 5MT
Ratio main gear 4,2 4,2
Front independent Independent
Back semi-dependent semi-dependent
Dimension 185/65 R15 (88/92, H) 185/65 R15 (88/92, H)

Task number 2

Maintenance structure, list and frequency of main works,

manufacturer's warranty conditions.

Mandatory maintenance consists of periodic maintenance according to coupons "Service Book": annual maintenance to identify defects in paintwork and anti-corrosion coating and other work provided for in the "Operation Manual.

According to the service book of the car in question, periodic maintenance of the car is carried out every 15,000 km. In the course of complex maintenance, control and inspection (diagnostic) and routine maintenance are carried out.

Inspection works include checking the body for chips, checking the level of liquids (brake cooling), checking outdoor lighting devices, battery charge, etc. TO routine maintenance include such work as changing the oil in the engine crankcase, oil filter, as well as air filter.

Warranty conditions.

Warranty period for new LADA cars set by the manufacturer AVTOVAZ is: - for front wheel drive vehicles- 36 months or 50 thousand kilometers (whichever comes first).

Guarantee of OJSC "Avtovaz"

1. The subject of the guarantee is the compliance of the vehicle, in the complete set supplied by the manufacturer, with the mandatory quality requirements.

2. Warranty obligations are valid with timely and mandatory performance of scheduled maintenance.

3. When contacting a company, you must provide the following documents:

Passport vehicle;

Service book;

Warranty card;

Vehicle acceptance certificate;

Vehicle sale and purchase agreement.

The warranty does not cover:

1) on corrosion processes of parts of the suspension, transmission, engine and body, arising from the influence of external environmental factors;

2) for damage paintwork body, due to external influences, including natural abrasion at the points of contact of mating parts that arose during operation.

To preserve the car body from corrosion for many years, it is necessary to perform anti-corrosion treatment of the body in the very first year of operation, to carry out annually control and inspection work to identify defects in the paintwork and anti-corrosion coating.

Task number 3

Technological map of maintenance or car repair

(unit, unit, system)

The technological process of replacing the ball joint (Fig. 2) of the front suspension of the car Lada Largus.

1.Place the car on a two-post lift, brake parking brake and turn off the ignition (electro-hydraulic lift type P-3.2G with a lifting capacity of 3.2 t);

2. Remove the front wheel (replaceable head 19 '' knob);

3. Remove the front suspension arm;

4. Clean the front suspension arm (metal brush);

5. Remove the clamps of the ball joint cover and the cover (flat screwdriver);

6. Install the stop on the press table, install the front suspension arm on the stop, install a mandrel for pressing out on the ball joint housing and press out the ball joint from the front suspension arm (hydraulic press of the KS-124 type, stop and mandrel for pressing out);

Rice. 2. Ball joint. 1.-marking of the ball joint supplied in spare parts; 2-ball joint; 3-arm front suspension; 4-lock spring.

7. Install the stop on the press table, install the front suspension arm on the stop, install a new ball joint in the hole of the lever, install a mandrel on the ball joint housing and press the ball joint into the front suspension arm (hydraulic press of the KS-124 type, stop and mandrel for pressing);

8. Install the retaining spring into the groove of the ball joint, using the protective cover as a guide;

9. Remove the transport cover from the ball joint;

10. Install the front suspension arm;

11. Install the front wheel (replaceable head 19 '' knob);

12. Check and, if necessary, adjust the front wheel alignment angles.

List of used literature.

AVTOVAZ "Operation and Repair Manual LADA Largus"2012.

Internet resources

1.http: //;

2.http: //;

3.http: //;

4.http: //

For the most rational organization of work on maintenance, repair and diagnostics of cars, its units and systems, various flow charts are drawn up.

On the basis of these flow charts, the scope of work for technical impacts is determined, and the distribution of work (operations) between the performers is made.

Any technological map is a guideline for each contractor and, in addition, serves as a document for the technical control of the performance of maintenance or repair.

The technological map is drawn up separately for the type of service (EO, TO-1, TO-2), and within the type of service - by elements.

When developing a TP, it is necessary, taking into account the volume of work performed and their repetition, to strive for the most complete and economically justified mechanization, all-round reduction of resource, energy and labor costs, and facilitation of manual labor.

The optimal variant of the technological process of maintenance and repair of cars allows you to obtain the following advantages:

High labor productivity and quality of work;

Eliminate omissions or repetitions of individual operations and transitions;

Rationally use the means of mechanization;

Carry out the required organization and arrangement of workplaces.

2.2 Operational card to-2 of the KrAZ-250 vehicle

The total labor intensity of TO-2 is 16 person ∙ hour (960 person ∙ min)

Map No. 1. Control and inspection work.

Labor intensity - 18.65 people ∙ min

Order number

Name of operations

Location of operations

Number of places or service points

Tools and equipment

Repeatability factor

Labor intensity, man ∙ min

Specifications and instructions

Inspect the car and at the same time check the condition of the cab, license plates, platform, seats, glasses, glass and door seals, cladding, empennage, ventilation hatches of the cab cover and paint

The cockpit windows must be intact. License plates must be securely fixed and their condition must comply with traffic rules. There should be no visible damage on the painted surfaces of the vehicle. The sides of the platform must be tightly locked and kept closed, they must not have cracks or breaks

Check the serviceability and fastening of the cab door locks, platform side locks, windshield washers, rear-view mirror holders

Cab locks and platform side locks must be in good working order. The water pump for washing the windshield must be securely fastened, no leakage of washing liquid is allowed. Mirrors must be intact, securely mounted on brackets and correctly adjusted

Check the condition and operation of the drive for the blinds of the radiator of the windscreen wipers and power windows

In the cockpit

The radiator shutters must open and close without jamming. The wiper blades must fit snugly along the entire edge to the surface of the windshield and move without jamming or stopping. The windows should run smoothly without jamming.

Inspect the vehicle for obvious damage

Check the operation of lighting devices, alarms, sound signal

In the cockpit

Lighting devices should shine, and alarms and a sound signal should work properly

Check the operation of windshield wipers, washers and heaters (in winter), the presence of sun shields

Wipers and washers must work

Check the operation of instrumentation

Visually, device E-204

The readings of the instrumentation must correspond to the given operating mode of the engine. If there are deviations in the instrumentation readings from the actual ones, carry out an additional check using the E-204 device

Page 1

Basic information, elements of the technological map (TC):

1. List of works

2. Technical requirements

3. Tool, equipment

4. Operating materials (brand, volume)

5. Norm of time (man-min.)

6. Diagram, drawing or photograph

7. Control points

Technological map (Table 1).

Survey type:

Daily maintenance of a sedan car: Nissan brands Primera

Artist: car owner.

Table 1. Technological map daily maintenance car

The name of the procedure (operation)

Technical requirements, instructions, notes (diagnostic signs)

Tool, equipment, fixture

Operational materials (brand, volume)

Time rate (person min.)

Diagram, drawing or photograph

Control points

Daily external inspection of the car body

Checking for chips, scratches

Checking the good condition of all doors

Make sure the door latches are working properly

by opening / closing

Checking the reliability of opening and closing the hood of the engine compartment

Make sure all latches are securely locked. Make sure the second latch prevents the hood from closing when the primary latch is depressed

by opening / closing

Visual inspection of the engine compartment

Check for traces of oil, brake and coolant leaks


Windshield washer fluid check

Check if there is enough fluid in the washer fluid reservoir


Checking the engine coolant level

On a cold engine, check the coolant level


the coolant level must be at the max mark

Checking the engine oil level

Remove the dipstick from the engine, wipe it with a dry cloth and reinsert it completely in the same place. Now taking it out to see the oil level

Check oil dipstick, rags

The level must be between marks max and min.

Checking the fluid level in the reservoir of the hydro-booster

Unscrew the tank cap, check the fluid level


The level must be between the max and min marks

Check the condition of the pipelines

Pay attention to the tightness of the union nuts, signs of leaks and cracks


Checking the brake fluid level and working fluid hydraulic clutch

Make sure that the brake fluid level is between the min and max marks, which are marked on the wall of the barrel of the master brake cylinder and the clutch fluid reservoir


the brake fluid level must be at the max mark

Battery check

Check the electrolyte level in each battery section


the electrolyte level must be between the min and max marks

Daily visual inspection luggage compartment car

Checking the good condition of all doors, including the trunk lid

Check that the boot lid latches are working properly

by opening / closing

Checking the presence of a spare wheel, jack, cylinder wrench, pump


Checking the presence of a motorist's bag


Daily inspection of vehicle tires


Check for cuts, damage, excessive wear

Carefully check for damage, signs of heavy wear


Checking tire pressure

Visually or using a pressure gauge

manometer MD-214 GOST 9921

2.0-2.3 kg / cm2

Daily inspection of lighting devices

Checking headlights, brake lights, side lights, direction indicators

Check the reliability and serviceability of all lighting devices


Daily inspection of the windshield wiper blades

Checking the wiper blades

Check the quality of glass cleaning, inspect the brushes, pay attention to the presence of cracks and traces of wear of rubber elements


Mount the engine to the frame
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Adjustment of standards
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