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Freight stations are called stations, the main purpose of which is the mass loading and unloading of wagons. At such stations, both local goods are processed, sent from a given point or arrived at it, and transit, transferred from the railway to other types of transport. In addition to the basic operations of loading and unloading wagons, technical and commercial operations are carried out at freight stations. The technical work consists in receiving, disbanding arriving and forming dispatched trains, delivering and removing wagons from freight points, maintaining trains and repairing wagons, preparing wagons for loading. Commercial operations consist of receiving and issuing goods, their temporary storage, drawing up documents on the receipt of goods and reliable calculations, in the preparation of shipping documents that follow along with the goods.

To perform the listed operations at the freight stations there are: appropriate track development in the form of parks - receiving, sorting and dispatching (or sorting and dispatching), exhaust tracks and hills, freight tracks, etc.; closed warehouses, covered and open areas, container platforms, wagon scales, devices for mechanization of loading and unloading operations, ice stations for supplying ice wagons and other cargo devices, technical and commodity offices and technical premises. All cargo devices at the stations are combined and form large cargo yards. Freight stations are usually adjoined by a number of access roads of industrial enterprises, which carry out a significant amount of freight work.

Freight stations are subdivided into public and non-public stations. Freight stations that serve the population and businesses that do not have access roads are called public stations. At the same time, they serve enterprises with access roads. Freight stations serving only the access roads of industrial enterprises are non-public stations.

At the stations of general use, as a rule, all types of cargo are processed (accepted for loading and unloading). But there are cargo stations specialized in the types of cargo (oil loading, coal loading, timber loading, elevator, container, etc.). there are also port stations serving large ports and transshipment stations designed for transshipment of goods from broad-gauge railroad cars to narrow-gauge railroad cars and vice versa.

Freight stations are dead-end and through. Station parks for receiving, sorting and dispatching (or sorting and dispatching) are located sequentially or in parallel. Freight yards are also arranged in series and parallel to the parks. The work of freight stations is organized in accordance with the "Typical technical work process freight station". The train arriving at the station is taken to the receiving park, where the composition is written off, its maintenance and commercial inspection, documents are received from the locomotive brigade, the full-scale sheet is checked and marked, indicating the points of delivery of the wagons. If the train is on the driveway, then transfer operations are performed. Then, at the direction of the station attendant, and at large stations, the shunting dispatcher, the compiler disbands the train and at the same time picks up the wagons into groups along the loading and unloading fronts.

All operations are planned and organized in such a way that the wagons are at the freight station for as little time as possible.

At many stations, all loading and unloading operations are carried out by the mechanisms and means of the railway itself. It is not the consignees and consignors themselves who import and export goods, but, as a rule, a road-forwarding organization serving cargo owners who do not have railway sidings. The bulk of cargo is removed from the station in a centralized manner; some goods are unloaded not to the warehouse, but directly from the car to the car, or, as they say, according to the direct option. Frequently, wagons are also loaded directly from cars.

Large access roads are serviced in accordance with the unified technological process of the station and the given access road, which provides for the mutual coordination of operations with wagons and cargo.

Technical specifications stations

Dzhetygara station - cargo, 2nd class, located on the non-electrified section Tobol - Dzhetygara equipped with track, single-track, relay, semi-automatic blocking.

Table 1

Station track development:

P / p No. Path name Useful length in meters Arrow numbers limiting the path Capacity in conventional wagons
Chief for receiving odd and departing even, passenger and freight trains. 35,32 73/40
For reception of odd and departure of even, freight and passenger trains, including long trains. 35,32 73/40
For reception of odd, departure of even freight trains, for reception - departure of trains from JSC "Kostanay Minerals" 33,20 33,24 27,26 27,26
Sorting for receiving transmissions from JSC "Kostanay Minerals" 39,36 39,36 41,38 41,38
Way of VET 28, stop
Outfit 101,102
Undercarriage 3,103
For sludge snow removal equipment 5, stop
Pivot triangle path 103, emphasis
103, emphasis

At the station, electrical interlocking of points and signals:

In the even neck p. - 17

Odd neck p. - 18

Signals included in the centralization - 48

Arrows - №44, №40, №43, №45, №121, №101, №102, №103, №104, №105 decentralized translates the trainer, the care and maintenance is entrusted to the employees of PCh - 34.

The station is equipped with train, park loudspeaker and shunting radio communication. ...

For production shunting work- there is a TEM2 locomotive equipped with radio communication with a chipboard and a composing team. In addition to shunting work at the Dzhetygara station, TEM2 also serves the Denisovka station.

The station carries out the reception and departure of trains, the supply and cleaning of cars to the cargo fronts, the embarkation and disembarkation of passengers, the disbandment of export trains from the Tobol station and the formation of gears from the cars for loading by Kostanay Minerals JSC and others.

To illuminate the station installed:

RCU - 400 - 11 pcs.

DKST - 20,000 - 5 pcs.

The station has:

PD - 12 related to the Tobolsk distance of the track, serving the section of the track.

KPTO - related to the Kostanay operational carriage depot (VCHDE - 19), performs technical inspection of trains and cars.

NUP - related to ШЧ - 26, which serves signaling devices on the Tobol - Dzhetygara section.

2 Calculation of the mass and length of a freight train

2.1 Determination of the mass of a freight train

The calculation of the mass of a freight train is carried out according to the formula:

Tons. (2.1)

where: - the design traction force of the locomotive at the design speed;

R l - the estimated mass of the locomotive

The main specific resistance to the movement of the locomotive at the design speed in kgf / tf, determined by the formula:

1.9 + 0.01 + 0.0003, kgf / tf (2.2)

Calculation by formula (2.2):

1.9 +0.01 23.4 + 0.0003 (23.4) 2 = 2.298 kgf / tf

The main specific weighted average resistance to the movement of the train at the design speed, which is determined by the formula:

Kgf / tf (2.3)

where is the quantitative ratio of a 4-axle car in the train, respectively, on sliding and rolling bearings (0.8; 0.2);

The share of four- and eight-axle cars in the train, which is calculated by the expressions:.


where: - quantitative ratios, respectively, of 4.8-axle cars in the train, (0.83; 0.17)

To determine the main resistivity to the movement of the train, we calculate the following formulas:

For loaded 4-axle wagons on roller bearings.

, kgf / t (2.5)

For loaded 8-axle wagons

, kgf / t (2.6)

where q 0- loading from the axle of the car to the rails, in t / axle

Calculation by the formula (2.7, 2.8)

vehicle / axle

vehicle / axle

Calculation by the formula (2.5, 2.6)

Substituting the obtained values ​​into formula (2.3), we obtain the weighted average specific main resistance to the movement of the train

To obtain the mass of the composition, the values ​​and are substituted into the original formula (2.1)

2.2 Determination of the number of cars in a loaded train

To determine the length of the train, it is necessary to calculate the number of cars in the train, which is determined by the formula:

, wagons (2.9)

We set the actual mass of the composition:

2.3 Determining the length of a loaded train

The length of a loaded wagon train is determined by the formula:

, m (2.10)

where is the length of the locomotive in m, for a diesel locomotive 2Т10М, = 34 m.

Train length in m;

9 - a margin of length for inaccuracy in the installation of the train.

2.4 Determination of the effective length of the station receiving-departure tracks

According to the received length of the train, the length of the receiving-departure tracks of the station is established (checked) according to the condition. The value, depending on the length of the train, is taken as typical: 850, 1050, 1250 m.

According to the calculation, the length of the loaded train was m. Therefore, the standard length of the station tracks was taken m.

2.5 Determination of the mass of the train along the length of the station tracks

The train mass corresponding to the full use of the useful length of the station tracks is determined by the formula:

where is the linear loading of cars on the track, tf / m is determined

Tf / cm (2.13)

tf / m

= [1050 - (34 + 10)] 5.15 = 5129.4 tf

This is the largest train mass along the length of the station tracks, which can be used to form heavy trains. ...

2.6 Determination of the number of cars in an empty train

The number of cars in an empty train is determined from the conditions of the full capacity of the station's receiving-departure tracks according to the formula:

, wag (2.14)

where is the average length of one physical car, determined by the formula:

, m (2.15)



2.7 Checking the mass of the train for starting off

Checking the mass of the train for starting at stopping points according to the formula:

-, t (2.16)

where: is the steepness of the greatest slope at stopping points of a given

section ‰, = 0 ‰;

Locomotive traction when starting off;

The specific resistance of the composition when starting off, determined by the formula:

For wagons on rolling bearings

Kgf / tf (2.17)

Calculation according to the formula (2.17):

kgf / tf

kgf / tf

Kgf / tf (2.18)

where is the quantitative ratio of cars on sliding and rolling bearings, respectively.

Calculation according to the formula (2.18):

Substituting the resulting value, we get


The resulting mass of the train meets the condition>, therefore, the train can stop at all separate points of the section.

3 Train handling technology

3.1 Processing of trains upon arrival at the station

Dzhetygara station - handles block trains, export trains, transfer trains from access tracks and trains from carriages of its formation. Using accurate information, the station attendant determines the amount of work in advance, prepares the shunting locomotive. Before the train arrives, the station officer on loudspeaker notifies the employees of the control point Maintenance carriages (PKTO), station and plant receivers, employees of the technical office on the approach of the train, indicating the train number, the time and route of the train reception. Having received a notification about the approach of the train, the inspectors - repairmen go out on the way of receiving the train in advance to meet the train “outright”. Meeting the train "on the spot" is carried out to troubleshoot undercarriage and brakes while driving. After uncoupling the train locomotive and fencing the train, the inspectors - repairmen proceed to the maintenance of the cars. In the process of technical inspection, inspectors - repairmen check the condition of all parts of the cars, identify malfunctions and make the necessary repairs themselves, mainly on the bodies. On the cars to be repaired with uncoupling from the train, the inspector applies the markings established by the technological process, informs about the uncoupling by phone of the chipboard and writes out a notification of the VU-23 form in two copies, one is handed over to the station attendant, and makes a corresponding entry in the book for presenting cars for technical inspection VU - 14. When performing double operations, in order to avoid unnecessary shunting work, the suitability of the car for loading after unloading is established before the car is submitted for loading. In these cases, the wagon inspector inspects the running gear, axle box, frame, brakes, automatic coupler and external inspection of the body and roof, and the internal inspection of the wagon body and the final determination of the wagon's suitability for loading is performed by the receiver who loaded the cargo into this wagon. Technical inspection of wagons intended for loading light-combustible and especially valuable cargo is carried out only when empty. At the end of processing, the arriving train is disbanded. The wagons assigned to the plant are put aside on one of the receiving and delivery tracks for accumulation for transfer to the plant. Cars that require uncoupling repair are taken to a specialized track for repairs. Processing of empty routes for loading asbestos waste (ring) upon arrival is carried out simultaneously with acceptance operations on the access road to the plant. The procedure and norms of time for individual operations of processing trains upon arrival are shown in schedules No. 1, No. 2. Disbandment is carried out by upsetting. The disconnection of the automatic brake hoses and their suspension is carried out by the compiling team. ...

3.2 Technological processing of a passenger (suburban) train

At the station, passengers are embarked and disembarked on the suburban train Kostanay - Dzhetygara. To serve passengers, the station has a passenger building and a luggage storage room.

The ticket office is open daily. Ticket sales are preliminary and daily. Passenger train is received and sent from special tracks, according to the TPA station.

Before the arrival of the suburban train, the DSP notifies the inspectors of the station wagons in advance about the route of its reception. The DSP route prepares for the second track of the station, if the need arises, then according to the TPA station for 1 track. Upon arrival, the train is secured by a signalman, then the locomotive is overtaken under the train. The number of cars and their numbers are recorded in the VU-14 book.

Chart 3.1

Processing of a train arriving at disbandment

Operations Before arrival Time in minutes Executor
Chipboard Chipboard Inspector of wagons, operator, pick-ups, signalist. Signalist Pom. diesel locomotive driver Technical office operator Receiving agent Technical office operator Car inspectors Operator of technical office

Total duration - 40 minutes

Chart 3.2

Processing of an empty route that arrived to be fed to the access road of Kostanay Minerals JSC for loading asbestos waste.

Operations Before arrival Time in minutes Executor
1. Coordination of the way of receiving the train. 2. Notice to employees of technical offices, PKTO, about the time and route of the train arrival. 3. Entering the track of receiving workers involved in the processing of the train upon arrival. 4. Securing the composition with brake shoes. 5. Uncoupling the train locomotive from the train. 6. Obtaining documents and delivering them to the technical office. 7. Maintenance and troubleshooting. 8. Commercial inspection of the composition. 9. Checking the composition according to the list of the arriving train. 10. Acceptance and acceptance operations 11. Hitching the plant's locomotive, testing the brakes.

5 Chipboard Chipboard Inspector of wagons, operator, pick-ups, signalist Signalist Pom. diesel locomotive driver Operator of a technical office Inspectors of wagons Receiver Operator of a technical office Receivers of a station and a combine Assistant of a driver, inspector of cars.

Chart 3.3

Processing of a train of its own formation from local wagons on departure from the station. Dzhetygara

Operations Before arrival Time in minutes Executor
1. Coordination of the train departure route. 2. Rearrangement of the train to the route of departure. 3. Control check of the composition from nature. 4. Registration of a full-scale sheet, a selection of documents. 5. Technical inspection of the train and maintenance of cars. 6. Converting documents and handing over to the train driver. 7. Hitching a train locomotive. 8. Cleaning torm. shoes 9. Test of brakes and departure.

Total duration - 50 minutes

Chart 3.4

Processing routes formed on the access road of st. Dzhetygara

Operations Before arrival Time in minutes Executor
1. Coordination of the way of receiving the train. 2. Notice to employees of technical offices, PKTO, about the time and route of the train arrival. 3. Entering the track of receiving workers involved in the processing of the train. 4. Securing the composition with brake shoes. 5. Uncoupling the plant's locomotive from the train. 6. Checking the composition according to the full-scale sheet, writing off the composition and drawing up the full-scale sheet. 7. Delivery of documents to the technical office. 8. Maintenance of the carriages of the arriving train. 5 2 Chipboard Chipboard Inspector of wagons, operator, pick-ups, signalist Signalist Lok. brigade Technical office operator Technical office operator Car inspectors

Total duration - 30 minutes

4 Information about the arrival of trains. Operational planning and control of plant operation

4.1 The structure of the plant's operational management with an indication of official rights and responsibilities

Figure 4.1 Scheme of the operational management of Dzhetygara station

The freight station is a linear enterprise of the railway for organizing the transportation of goods and is directly subordinate to the transportation department. All activities of the station Dzhetygara are supervised by the head of the station and, according to the established distribution of duties, the deputy head of the station (Deputy DS). ...

The development and implementation of the technological process of the Dzhetygara station, advanced labor methods, the implementation of measures for the rational use of technical means, ensuring the safety of train traffic and safety measures, as well as the analysis of the station's work is carried out by the Deputy Head of the station. The operational management of the station, control over the implementation of daily and shift plans, the organization of cargo and commercial work, the processing of trains, wagons for the technological process is entrusted to the Deputy. DS and shift managers on duty at the station. The order of the station duty officer to ensure the timely and safe reception and departure of trains, the performance of shunting and cargo operations, as well as the rational use of technical means, are mandatory for employees of all services related to the preparation, reception, departure of trains, cargo and commercial work. To ensure consistency in the work on the implementation of the shift plan, the mutual interest of all workers in increasing labor productivity, uniform shifts are organized at the station, the head of which is the station duty officer. The shifts include service workers involved in the handling of trains and wagons, traffic, freight, signaling and communications, locomotive and carriage facilities.

The station attendant in the process of work provides:

· Drawing up, together with the train dispatcher, a train departure plan;

· Fulfillment of the shift plan for receiving, sending;

· Fulfillment of technological standards for processing trains and wagons, reducing the total time spent by wagons at the station;

· Timely processing of cargo points for delivery, cleaning of local wagons, performance of cargo operations;

· Continuous monitoring of the station employees' compliance with traffic safety requirements, safety measures during shunting operations;

· Application of advanced labor methods;

· Effective use of technical means of the station, track development, shunting locomotive, signaling and communication facilities.

By the end of the shift, the station attendant must create conditions for normal work for the incoming shift, including: ensure the availability of free tracks for unhindered reception of trains, prepare marshalling tracks for disbanding the next trains, in accordance with the operational plan and traffic schedule, prepare groups of cars for departure and for delivery to the cargo fronts at the beginning of the shift.

4.2 Operational planning of the station. Types of operational plans, the frequency of their preparation

Operational planning of the station's work is carried out in order to fulfill the task of receiving, disbanding and forming, sending trains and wagons, including empty wagons for adjusting, loading and unloading, as well as fulfilling the traffic schedule and, in general, the formation of trains and wagons and basic, high-quality performance indicators.

The daily work plan of the station is developed by the transportation department and transmitted to the station 3 hours before the start of the planned day. It contains the following data: the total number of trains to be received at the station of dismantling trains, the total number of trains that must be sent from the station on the eve of directions, indicating the number of trains of its formation, the task of sending empty wagons to regulation, indicating the direction of travel and the type of rolling composition, size of loading, unloading, the number of empty wagons that must arrive for loading. The daily plan identifies the amount of work that must be performed by the station in the first half of the day. The head of the station, on the basis of the daily plan - the task of the transportation department, draws up a plan of cargo work for each shipper for the main types of cargo and the consignee for unloading wagons. The main initial data for drawing up a daily plan of cargo work are: monthly loading plan, shipper's applications for loading, data on the availability and upcoming arrival of empty wagons for loading and on the number of wagons vacated after unloading, technological time standards for loading and unloading operations, filing and cleaning of wagons, special tasks of the transportation department. The daily plan is specified and adjusted at the beginning of the second half of the day, depending on the current operational situation, the results of the work for the first half of the day are transferred to the transportation department.

Changeable plan. The purpose of shift planning is to develop tasks for the team of each shift at the station, taking into account the implementation of the daily work plan and the current situation with train and cargo work at the station and on the approaches to it. The shift task of the transportation department for the station sets the same indicators of operational and cargo work as the daily plan, as well as other tasks arising from the requirements of the operational situation based on information about the approach of trains and locomotives. The work plan of the shift taking over duty in the second half of the day is drawn up taking into account the results of the first shift and ensuring the implementation of the daily work plan received from the transportation department. In total, the implementation of the shift plan of the assignment is considered after the end of the duty by the station master and is taken into account when summing up the results between shifts. Based on the results of the analysis, an assessment of the work of the shift is given, and the necessary measures are outlined to eliminate the identified deficiencies.

Departure of trains from the station is planned 2 hours before the start of the planned period. The developed plan is communicated to all involved workers of the station, points of maintenance of cars associated with the reception, formation of trains, preparation for their departure from the station.

5 Organization of local work

5.1 Organization of work with local wagons

Operational management of shunting work for servicing cargo points and monitoring the fulfillment of the loading and unloading plan is carried out by the station duty officer. The station duty officer supervises local work on the basis of:

Work plan of the station for the shift;

Planning work on the supply and cleaning of wagons from cargo points for 4-6 hour periods;

Number registration of the presence, location and condition (under loading, unloading and other operations) of wagons on station and loading and unloading tracks;

The technological process of the station and the contracts of the transportation department with the branch owners of the access roads.

For the timely servicing of freight points, the station attendant plans shunting work on the supply, placement and cleaning of wagons, taking into account the availability of local cargo, combining operations for the supply and cleaning of wagons and minimal downtime of wagons from arrival to delivery and from the end of freight operations to cleaning. When entering on duty, the station attendant is familiarized with the shift work plan, the presence of local cars on the station tracks, cargo points and access roads, the progress of loading and unloading operations, the state of the loading and unloading fronts, as well as information data on the approach of local cars. In the process of duty, the station attendant, based on information about the approach of trains with local cars, number registration of the presence of local cars on the station tracks, loading and unloading and access tracks, draws up (taking into account the local plan assignment) a work plan for the supply and cleaning of cars for 4 -6 hour period. Issues a task for the next 1-2 hours to a train compiler for shunting work on the selection, supply, rearrangement and cleaning of wagons from cargo points, a cargo receiving and receiving unit for preparation for cleaning and freeing of fronts for a new supply. The train compiler, guided by the task of the station duty officer and received from him from the technical office with a marked accumulation sheet of local wagons, selects local wagons by points of delivery in such a way as to ensure the least expenditure of time and maneuvering funds for the supply, placement and cleaning of wagons from freight points. In the process of performing cargo operations, the station's receiver periodically informs the station duty officer about the progress of cargo operations and the estimated time of their completion, and upon completion of loading or unloading, they inform him about the loaded wagons indicating the number of wagons, the type of cargo and the destination station, such information is transmitted by the receiver on duty. at the station at the end of each cargo operation. At the end of unloading, the receiving and receiving unit, after making sure that there are no residues of cargo and the presence of a loading-unloading gauge, notifies the station attendant about the end of cargo operations and the readiness of the wagons for cleaning.

The station officer on duty, having received a notification from the receiver about the end of cargo operations, instructs the trainer to remove the wagons from the cargo points and informs the receiver about the time of arrival of the shunting locomotive. The train compiler, at the direction of the station duty officer, cleans the wagons from the freight points and arranges the supplied wagons. At the end of the service of the cargo point, the compiler reports to the station duty officer on the work performed. When cleaning wagons from access tracks, pays attention to the safety of the wagon fleet, cleaning wagons and cleaning of requisites, the presence of dimensions

10.1 Information on the approach of freight trains and goods

Information about the approach of trains and cargo, its quality is the basis for operational planning and regulation of the railway station. On the basis of the information base, a plan of work of the station is drawn up for the disbandment and formation of trains; the order of delivery of wagons to the cargo fronts is established, etc.

The station receives and transmits two types of information: preliminary and accurate.

The management receives preliminary information from the territorial regional center along with the assignment for the shift. Preliminary information contains data on the upcoming arrival of trains and wagons 12 hours ahead from each direction with the allocation of wagons following for unloading at this station. Periodically, every 4-6 hours, the engineer of the information group of the territorial regional center transmits the following information to the station's shunting dispatcher: train number, train index, number of cars, estimated time of arrival at the station. Upon completion of receiving information from the territorial regional center, the shunting dispatcher receives a telegram-full-scale list for the train, following to the station.

The telegram-list is compiled on the basis of the train list and contains encoded data about the train and about each carriage.

Accurate information is received via communication channels in the form of a telegram-full-scale sheet and is transmitted from the last marshalling yard, where the train underwent technical processing.

During the entire shift, the shunting dispatcher receives information from the marshalling yard about the arrival of trains at this station for which information was received, agrees with the railroad yard of the marshalling yard and the train dispatcher the time of departure of the train from the marshalling yard and verifies the telegram-full-scale list for the train.

Having verified the telegram-full-scale list, the shunting dispatcher instructs the receiver to proceed with preliminary information of consignees, freight forwarders and warehouse receivers in order to timely prepare mechanisms and workers to perform operations for receiving, processing and unloading wagons.

In the process of transferring information to consignees and forwarders, the receiver maintains an “Arrival and notification book” at the shunting dispatcher.

10.2 The technology of the cargo station for the reception and departure of transfer trains

Having received a message from a neighboring station about the departure of the train, the DSP informs the workers of the station technological center, maintenance and commercial inspection points about the train number, track and time of its arrival.

The composition is processed upon arrival, which includes:

Ø control check of the train, acceptance of transportation documents from the locomotive brigade and their verification with the full-scale sheet;

Ø technical and commercial inspections of wagons.

After stopping the train and uncoupling the train locomotive, the train is fenced off for technical and commercial inspections. During the inspection, wagons with technical defects are identified and their suitability for double operations is applied.

At the end of the technical and commercial inspections, shunting work begins to disband the train, supply cars for cargo operations. These operations are supervised by the DCS or the station attendant.

Shunting work on disbanding a train is the arrangement of cars along the tracks of the sorting yard in accordance with the sorting list (wagon accumulation sheet). The sorting device available at the station (exhaust airways) is used for disbandment. The selection of cars according to the points of delivery is carried out in such a way as to ensure the minimum expenditure of time and maneuvering funds for the supply and placement of cars at the loading and unloading fronts.

To ensure uniform cargo operation of the station during the day and rational use of loading and unloading mechanisms and devices, the supply of cars to the cargo fronts is carried out according to the intra-station schedule, and on non-public railway tracks according to the procedure provided for in contracts for the operation of a non-public railway track or for supply and cleaning wagons.

The delivery of the cars is carried out by the composing team by order of the shunting dispatcher (station duty officer). The time of submission is noted in the Memo for the acceptance receiver of the GU-45 form (statement of the submission and cleaning of cars).

Empty wagons are placed along the loading tracks in such a way that at the end of cargo operations and cleaning of loaded wagons, shunting work on formation is carried out with a minimum of time.

The time norms for disbandment, selection of wagons into groups, delivery to the cargo fronts are established by calculation in accordance with the Standard Time Standards for shunting operations performed on railway transport, and are verified by timing observations.

Before making operations on the formation and departure of the transfer train, it is necessary to perform maneuvers associated with the cleaning of cars from loading and unloading points, which, as well as during the delivery, are directed by a shunting dispatcher (station duty officer).

The cleaning of wagons from the cargo fronts of common areas is carried out according to the intra-station schedule, and from the access roads according to the procedure provided for in the service contracts railway tracks uncommon.

Cleaning is carried out by a compiling team under the guidance of a shunting dispatcher (station duty officer). The time for cleaning the wagons is noted in the Memo for the acceptance receiver of the GU-45 form (statement of the supply and cleaning of wagons).

After the end of cargo operations, the pick-ups inform the shunting dispatcher about the readiness of the wagons for cleaning. In turn, the shunting dispatcher instructs the trainer to remove them from the cargo station.

The shunting dispatcher, guided by the train departure plan, gives the task to the trainer for the formation or completion of the formation of the next train, indicating the time of completion of the formation and departure of the train, at the same time an instruction is given to the employees of the station technological center for processing train information and transportation documents (STC) to draw up a full-scale sheet and a selection of documents. The train compiler reports the completion of the formation of the train to the shunting dispatcher.

If the contract for the operation of the railway track is not general

The use of the consignor or consignee is entrusted with the formation of empty or loaded trains according to the formation plan, these works are performed on the railway track of non-public use by shunting means and the composing team of the enterprise. At the same time, the station employees control the observance of the formation rules when accepting cars from non-public tracks.

Further, the shunting dispatcher, in accordance with the train departure plan, gives the task to the train builder to rearrange the formed train to this fleet, indicating the path of this fleet and the train departure time.

The time norms for the cleaning of cars from the cargo fronts to the station tracks, the formation of trains are established by calculation in accordance with the Standard Time Standards for shunting operations performed on railway transport, and are checked by timing observations.

The processing of the consignment by departure includes the following operations:

Ø technical inspection;

Ø commercial inspection;

Ø hitching a train locomotive;

Ø inspection and testing of automatic brakes;

Ø handing over of transportation documents to the locomotive crew (against a receipt to the train locomotive driver in a sealed form.);

Ø train departure.

The station attendant presents the train for technical and commercial inspections, indicating to the heads of the inspection points the track number, the number of cars on the train, the numbers of the head and tail cars and the departure time.

After completing the technical and commercial inspections, the workers participating in them erase all the chalk inscriptions they have applied. The senior inspector of the wagons, after making sure that the maintenance has been completed, notifies the station duty officer of the technical readiness of the train for departure. When hitching a train locomotive, the inspectors together with the locomotive crew will test the automatic brakes.

Transportation documents for the departure of the train are handed over to the train locomotive driver in a sealed form against receipt.

10.3 Organization of reception and departure of routes

Routes arriving at the station are processed as follows:

The station attendant receives a message from the neighboring station about the departure of the train and informs the employees of the STC, PTO, PKO about the number, time of arrival, etc.

Upon arrival, the brakes are released and the train locomotive is uncoupled and the train is secured.

After the transportation documents for the arriving train are transferred to the STC, the documents are verified. Workers of the VET and PKO services carry out the appropriate types of examinations.

Routes that will be sent from this cargo station are processed in this order:

First of all, there is an agreement on the path of rearrangement to the departure park. The next operation is to inform employees, VET, PKO. At the same time, a full-scale train sheet is drawn up, a control check of the train according to a compiled list, and documents are sent to the departure park.

Immediately after all types of inspection, the train locomotive is hooked up and the fence is removed, the brakes are tested, the tail signals are attached, the transportation documents are handed over to the driver and the train is dispatched.

Correct organization of the work of the cargo station is of great importance for accelerating the turnover of wagons and ensuring the fulfillment of the transportation plan.

The technology of the station for the departure of trains.

The processing of the departure train includes the following operations: technical and commercial inspections, hitching up a train locomotive, inspection and testing of auto brakes, delivery of shipping documents to the locomotive crew for group trains.

The chipboard presents the train for technical and commercial inspections, indicating to the heads of the inspection points the track number, the number of cars on the train, the numbers of the head and tail cars and the time of departure. Workers of the PTO guard the train and begin to inspect and repair it. After completing the inspections, the workers participating in the inspection erase all chalk inscriptions. The senior inspector of the wagons, after making sure that the maintenance has been completed, notifies the EAF about the technical readiness of the train for departure. When hitching up a train locomotive, machine gunners together with a locomotive team test auto brakes. Transportation documents for the departure of the train are handed over by receipt to the train locomotive driver. After the train departs, the chipboard transmits to the Lorogue department the train number and index, locomotive number and departure time, train purpose, weight and number of wagons and other data characterizing the train composition.

Shipping operations.

Having received a message from a neighboring station about the departure of the train, the DSP informs the employees of the STC, PTK and PKO about the number, path and time of its arrival.

The processing of the train upon arrival includes: a control check of the train, acceptance of shipping documents from the locomotive crew and their verification with a full-scale sheet, technical and commercial inspections.

After the train stops and the train locomotive is uncoupled, the train is fenced off. During the inspection, wagons with technical defects are identified and their suitability for double operations is determined.

The technology of the station for the supply and cleaning of wagons from the cargo fronts

Unloading cars arrive as part of transfer and export trains. Shipping documents arrive at the STC, where they are stamped and sent to the commodity office (waybills and road sheets) and to the cargo area (wagon sheets). STC operators accept shipping documents for loaded wagons from the freight office, inform DSC about trains and cargo arriving at the station.

After disbandment, local wagons are sent to the cargo fronts. before being fed to the cargo front or access road, they are selected by the compilers in a certain sequence, depending on the location of the cargo fronts. The supply and cleaning of cars is carried out according to the intra-station schedule, and the supply and cleaning from the access tracks is carried out in accordance with the contract for the operation of the access track or the supply and cleaning of cars.

Information about the readiness of wagons for cleaning (number and type of wagon, type of cargo and station of destination) is reported by the receiver of the DSC station. He instructs the compiler to take out the wagons from the freight fronts to include them in the trains being formed on the tracks of the sorting yard. At the same time, DSC is guided by the transfer train departure plan.

The technology of work on the accumulation of compounds.

For wagons accumulating on the tracks of the sorting yard, shipping documents are selected in the shopping center, and a full-scale sheet is drawn up. To reduce the downtime of trains under processing for departure on accumulation tracks, it is possible to carry out technical inspection and repair of wagons. At the end of the accumulation, operations are performed at the end of the formation and the composition is rearranged on the route of departure. In the process of rearrangement, the wagons are written off.

On the departure routes, technical and commercial inspections of wagons, elimination of detected faults, etc. are performed.

the name of the operation time Executor
Until arrived After arrival 5 10 15
Receiving and marking TGNL STC operator
Workers of PTO, PKO
STC operator
Verification of documents of the arriving train and checking the composition STC Operators
Commercial inspection of the train and performance of acceptance operations PKO workers, representatives of the driveway
Total duration

Figure 3.1 - Schedule of processing of a transfer train received for disbandment

the name of the operation time Executor
Until arrived After arrival 5 10 15 20
Receiving and marking TGNL and transferring to the shunting dispatcher STC operator
Receiving a message from a neighboring station about the departure of a train Chipboard
Informing the STC, PTO, PKO about the train number, the way of receiving Chipboard
Entering the track of receiving workers involved in the processing of the train Workers of PTO, PKO
Decommissioning of the train at the station inlet STC operator
Release of automatic brakes and uncoupling of the locomotive 2 Lokom. team and workers of the VET
Transfer of documents for an arriving train to the STC 2 Lokom. brigade, STC operator
Verification of documents of the arrived train STC Operators
Technical inspection of the composition, disconnection and suspension of sleeves VET workers
Commercial inspection of the composition PKO workers
Total duration

Figure 3.2 - Schedule of processing a route that has arrived for delivery to the access road

The work of the cargo station is based on standard technology. The technological process of the cargo station should be based on progressive methods of labor, the achievements of science and technology, and ensure the rational interaction of all modes of transport. The purpose of the technological process is the timely implementation of the state plan for the transportation of goods, reduction of the idle time of wagons, full use of the technical means of the station, the cargo yard and access roads, reduction in the cost of production and ensuring the economic efficiency of the work of the team.

The typical technology provides for the interaction of the work of the cargo station with industrial, water and road transport, as well as ensuring traffic safety during the transport of goods, handling of goods in public places, the work of a commodity office and a number of other issues.

The technology of cargo work is being improved by the development and use of firm schedules for the delivery of local cargo and the introduction of a unified dispatching management at the hub, timely removal of goods by road enterprises, an increase in the shift of work of cargo facilities of the cargo yard and access roads, the creation of an automated control system based on modern computers.

Transfer and export trains arrive from the marshalling yard on the arrival route of the freight station. After uncoupling, the locomotive along the running track follows the departure route for the transfer train, and in its absence, it leaves the station according to the schedule or as directed by the nodal dispatcher. Writing off the numbers of the wagons of the train is carried out from teletype posts at the entrance of the train on the way of arrival. The written-off numbers of the cars are transferred to the STC, and the shipping documents are received via pneumatic mail of large diameter. The technologies for the STC of freight and marshalling yards are basically the same.

In the STC, waybills and road bills are stamped on the wagons arriving for unloading and these documents are sent to the freight office, and the wagon sheets to the freight yard. Waybills, road bills and wagon sheets for small consignments or transit containers are sent to their sorting points. STC operators accept shipping documents for loaded wagons from the freight office and sorting points, inform the DSC and the shift engineer for freight and commercial work about the trains and cargo that have arrived at the station, and the consignee - about wagon consignments.

In the process of performing technological operations, STC operators are guided by a single network markup of the station, a table for marking out consignees, a plan for the formation and timetable of trains, a table for determining the conventional tare weight and length of rolling stock and other documents.

In parallel with the processing of the train upon arrival, STC operators compare the car numbers in the full-scale sheets and shipping documents with the numbers of the TGNL cars received by teletype, mark the train cars for intra-station assignments in accordance with the specialization of the sorting tracks. Then a sorting sheet is drawn up and handed over to the compiler for performing shunting operations.

The technologies for handling on arrival and performing shunting operations to disband - transfer trains at freight and marshalling yards are basically the same. Convoys at freight stations are disbanded using exhaust lines or hump humps. After disbandment, local cars are delivered to the station's cargo facilities. Before the wagons are delivered to the freight yard or the driveway, they are selected by the compilers in a certain sequence, depending on the location of the freight fronts and the position on them. Typically, freight yards lack separate sorting tracks for all freight objects. In this regard, to reduce shunting operations and their duration, the compiler uses free ends of the tracks Joint venture.The arrangement of wagons in a group should ensure a minimum of time and maneuvering funds for the supply, placement and removal of wagons from the cargo fronts.

In order to ensure the uniformity and rhythm of the performance of cargo operations in the cargo yard, the supply and cleaning of wagons is carried out according to the intra-station schedule. Cars are delivered to the access tracks in accordance with the contract for the operation of the access track or the supply and cleaning of cars.

Usually, the delivery of wagons to cargo facilities is combined with their cleaning. Information about the readiness of wagons for cleaning (number and type of wagon, type of cargo and destination station) is reported by the receiver of the DSP station, and the shift engineer for freight and commercial work. In the form of notifications about the readiness of wagons for cleaning by the locomotive of the railway, information from the DSC is received from the access tracks.

Guided by the transfer train departure plan, DSC manages the process of cleaning wagons from freight points on the way of accumulating a freight station. STC employees draw up a full-scale train list and select documents based on information about the wagons being removed. To reduce the downtime of trains under processing for departure on accumulation tracks, technical inspection and repair of cars can be carried out.

At the end of the accumulation of the train or at a given moment in time, determined by the technology of the station and the schedule of the transfer trains in the junction, the train is formed. In the process of forming the train, the turnouts are controlled by the DSP or they are transferred to the local management of the train compiler. After the end of the formation of the transfer train, control of the switches is transferred to the EAF, and the train is rearranged on the route of departure. In the process of rearrangement, the wagons are written off by a teletype operator, and the chipboard on the loudspeaker presents the train for inspection.

On the departure routes, technical and commercial inspections of cars are performed, elimination of detected faults, hanging tail signals, hitching a locomotive, testing auto brakes, handing over documents to the driver, and the train departs. Documents from the STC are sent by pneumatic tube of large diameter and handed over to the driver against receipt. The approximate processing schedule of a transfer train is similar to the technology of performing operations with a train of its own formation at a marshalling yard.

The basis of a rational technology for servicing freight points at freight, divisional and marshalling yards with a lot of local work is comprehensive information about local wagons from all approaches and intra-nodal stations, schedules of transfer and export traffic in a junction, an intra-station schedule of servicing local work points, constant numbered accounting of current availability. and the location of local wagons on the tracks Joint venture and cargo fronts.

Local wagons arrive at the freight fronts of general use located at freight, marshalling and district stations, usually in small groups with almost all dismantling trains and stand idle under accumulation in the intervals between successive feeds and harvests. The number of feeds to the cargo fronts is determined from the condition of technical and economic feasibility. A decrease in the number of feeds reduces the cost of locomotive-hours for servicing the freight fronts, but increases the number of cars in feeds, and, consequently, the time spent waiting for the delivery of cars to the freight fronts. Therefore, in the technical and economic analysis of plant processes, it becomes necessary to find the minimum of a function that mathematically describes the main types of costs.

Calculations show that the cost of car-hours for accumulation changes especially sharply when the number of feeds changes from one to six per day. At the same time, the parameter of accumulation of local wagons per delivery train with m over a long period of time reaches 8-10 hours.

The idle time of wagons directly on the cargo front also changes with a change in the number of feeds. It depends on the number of wagons in the supply, as well as on the number of loading and unloading mechanisms and, in the absence of downtime waiting for harvesting, is determined by the total productivity of the latter. With a change in the number of wagons in the supply, the required length of the cargo front, grouping tracks and the length of time for supply and cleaning change. However, calculations show that a change in the composition of the supply within 5-20 cars at the time of supply and harvesting on a given cargo front has little effect; for practical purposes, in most cases it can be considered constant.

Full downtime of a local carriage at the station, h:

where t tn is the sum of time to perform all technological operations with local cars from the moment of their arrival to departure, except for operations included in the cycle of supplying and cleaning cars (t x); - downtime pending delivery to the cargo station from the sorting yard and cleaning back from the cargo station.

The values ​​of t tn and tx are calculated for each cargo point according to the standards in force at the station, as well as according to the "Standard Time Standards for Shunting Works Performed on Railway Transport".

To find out general methodology calculation of t t and t x consider an approximate list of technological operations included in these values. Technological operations that make up t tn : operations in PP, disbandment of the composition; accumulation of wagons in Joint venture on the train composition; formation and exhibition of the composition in ON; dispatch operations and idle time waiting for dispatch. The total value of t t at the stations is from 4 to 5.5 hours. Technological operations that make up t x : getting a job order; inspection of wagons; removal of brake shoes; sorting of wagons on the tracks Joint venture by points of supply; switching on and testing the brakes; supply of wagons to cargo fronts; inspection of wagons previously submitted for cargo operations; removal of brake shoes; replacement of wagons and placement of newly supplied cars at the points of unloading and loading; switching on and testing the brakes; cleaning of wagons in JV; downtime at the intersection of shunting routes; sorting wagons by track Joint venture and others. As a result, the total time for the supply-cleaning cycle of local cars, h, in general view is determined by:

where A, B - standard coefficients, the values ​​of which are calculated by summing individual time standards a and b to perform operations that make up t x, h; n m is the daily number of local wagons arriving at a given cargo point; x n - the number of carriages-cleanings for this point.

Downtime directly under the cargo operations T gr is determined by the technological process of the cargo point.

Downtime while waiting for filing and cleaning, h:

Thus, reducing the downtime of local cars at stations can be carried out both by intensifying technological operations that make up t tn , t x and T gr , and by increasing the number of deliveries and cleanings of wagons to local points. The question arises, which of the values ​​of x n is economically feasible for the accepted operating conditions?

To answer this question, let us compose a cost function that depends only on the number of carriage feeds and cleanings and express its individual terms in the form of costs, rubles, per day:

car-hours waiting for submissions

where e in and e l - the cost of one car-hour and shunting locomotive-hour, rubles.

Then the total value of the function C = f (x P), rub / day, you can imagine

After differentiating function (11.2), the optimal number of deliveries and cleanings of cars to local work points is determined from the expression

For example, for n m = 100 cars, e in = 0.3; e l = 8 rubles; s m = 10 h; A= 2.5 and B= 0.05 the number of feeds and cleanings will be

Under such conditions

With a given standard idle time of local wagons, the number of feeds and cleanings should be

where t m is the given idle time of the local carriage, h; ∑t is the total execution time of all technical operations with a local carriage (arrival, disbandment, supply, placement, cleaning, accumulation, formation and departure), h.

Very often, the number of deliveries and cleanings of wagons depends on the length of the loading and unloading front:

provided that


For example, with n m = 50 cars, l in = 15 m and l fr = 150 m, the number of feeds and cleanings per day

and the duration of all cargo operations with each batch of wagons should not exceed

The number of deliveries and cleanings of cars, calculated and corrected in accordance with the decomposition of dismantling trains and the accumulation schedule, is laid down in the schedule of the local work of the station. The timing of the supply and cleaning (transfer) of cars is coordinated with the schedule of movement and the plan for the formation of trains. On the basis of the calculated and corrected number of wagons deliveries, calendar schedules for servicing freight fronts and local points of freight, precinct and marshalling yards are developed.

The basis of the technology of operation of freight stations and the local operation of district and marshalling yards is the rational interaction of station processes with each other and with the schedule of movement of transfer and other trains. The traffic schedule sets not only the arrival and departure times of intra-hub transfer trains, but also determines the optimal duration of intra-station technological operations. To ensure the interaction of the technology of the cargo and technical work of the station with the train schedule and other modes of transport participating in the transportation process, the following conditions must be observed.

1. The optimal number of supply and cleaning of wagons x PU to local points of the station, to points of transshipment, to access roads, etc. it is necessary to calculate based on the technical and economic feasibility or a given rate of idle time of cars and to be specified depending on the approach of local cars with dismantling trains and the process of their accumulation.

2. To reduce downtime while waiting for delivery, the delivery interval for each local point should be equal to or less than the time of accumulation of cars for the optimal train:.

3. The average arrival interval of trains or groups of wagons for loading must be equal or more than the period of accumulation in the warehouse of the required quantity of products, equal to the capacity of the train, or a group of wagons:.

4. The total time for the performance of all cargo operations (unloading, rearrangement, loading, reloading, etc.) in the presence of one front of work at this cargo point should be equal to or less than the interval of delivery or.

5. The capacity of loading and unloading mechanisms must correspond to the number of tons of cargo in the supply, divided by the given time of carrying out cargo operations with the optimal lot of cars in the supply m p.

where z is the number of mechanisms involved in the performance of cargo operations; q M –- operational performance of one mechanism; p st is the static load of the car, t; T gr - idle time of a wagon under cargo operations, including the movement of wagons or mechanisms along the front, h.

6. In the case of centralized import and export of goods by road transport and work according to the direct option (car - carriage and carriage - car), the interval for supplying cars to the cargo front should be equal to the reloading time or be ahead of it:

7. The rate of transportation of goods by road to the places of loading and unloading should be equal to the rate of loading into or unloading from wagons or more:


where A is the number of cars or trucks; R av - carrying capacity of one car or road train of a given brand, t; n m the number of cars; - turnover of one car (road train), h; T a is the average operating time of one car during the period under consideration (shift, days), h.

8. When organizing reloading at transshipment points according to the direct option (ship-wagon or wagon-ship), its time should be equal to the interval of supply of wagons to
berth or ahead of it:

9. The average duration of loading a train (group of wagons) should not be more than the time spent on accumulating the required amount of cargo if
their discontinuous receipt:

10. The interval between the arrival and departure of the train (group of wagons) should be not less (if possible equal) to the amount of time to process it at the station and the access track, taking into account the combination of operations:.

It is necessary to establish economically feasible limits for the application of each of the conditions of interaction, taking into account the possibility of deviations from normal (average) working conditions caused by various kinds of unevenness. To ensure mutual consistency in the operation of a large technological complex different types transport, loading and unloading fronts, warehouses, means of mechanization, on the basis of feasibility studies, so-called complex contact schedules are being developed. A fragment of such a graph is shown in Fig. 11.3. To coordinate work between cargo stations, coordination councils and automated dispatch centers are created at transport hubs. The contact schedule is the technological basis for dispatching control, it links the work of the station, the auto enterprise and the mechanized distance of loading and unloading operations into a single whole. It is based on the schedule of the arrival of transfer trains at the station and the arrival of feeds to the cargo yard. The contact schedule is used to establish the main end-to-end performance indicators of the station, the mechanized distance of loading and unloading operations and the auto enterprise.


1. Organization of work of the cargo station

1.1 Operational guidance and management of the cargo station

2. Transport characteristics of goods

3. The main indicators of the work of the cargo station and non-public railway tracks

3.1 Calculation of daily traffic flows

3.3 Calculation of daily carriage flows and their distribution by freight points

4. Design of the cargo terminal of the station and cargo devices on non-public railway tracks

5. Organization of interaction between the station and adjacent non-public railway tracks

5.2 Organization of shunting work at the station and non-public tracks

5.3 Daily plan schedule of local work of the station


List of used literature


The process of transporting goods is associated with the movement of goods from the point of production to the point of consumption. The transportation of goods is conditioned by the need to continue and complete the process of production of industrial and agricultural products in the sphere of circulation, after which they become ready for consumption. In most cases, several types of transport are involved in the movement of cargo: road, rail, water and others. When transferring products to a transport organization for delivery to a consumer, an important legal act takes place - the product turns into a cargo.

Freight and commercial work occupies an important place in the operational activities of railways and includes a set of issues related to the transportation process, mainly with its initial and final operations and loading and unloading, with the organization of progressive types of transportation - package, container, route. Freight and commercial work also includes the use of wagons and containers in terms of time, carrying capacity, interaction with other modes of transport, development and compliance with the conditions and rules for the carriage of goods, ensuring their safety, planning of transportation, mechanization of loading and unloading operations, and others.

The technical basis for carrying out cargo and commercial work is the storage of cargo fronts and container points, means of complex mechanization and automation of loading and unloading operations, automation and computer equipment for performing commercial operations.

The legal basis for freight and commercial work is the Charter of the Railways of the Russian Federation, as well as the rules and conditions of carriage and agreements in international traffic, concluded in accordance with the established procedure.

Based on the specified cargo turnover of the station and the adjacent non-public tracks, it is necessary to calculate the car flows, select the types and size of warehouses, types of loading and unloading machines and their required number, develop a general layout of the cargo yard and the daily schedule of local work of the station.


1.1 Operational guidance and control of the cargo station

freight car traffic railway station

The station manager is in charge of the work of the station, who bears full responsibility for the fulfillment of the tasks assigned to him by the “Regulations on the railway station”.

The operational management of the station's operational work, control over the implementation of daily and shift plans, the organization of cargo and commercial work, the handling of trains and wagons are entrusted to the deputy head of the station and shift commanders - shunting dispatchers and station attendants.

The shunting dispatcher (DSC) carries out operational planning and management of the station, ensures the implementation of shift plans, monitors the implementation of technological standards for the processing of trains and wagons. In operational subordination he has: drivers of shunting locomotives, trainers.

The station attendant (DSP) directly supervises the organized reception, disbandment, formation and departure of trains, control over the commercial and technical inspection of trains.

Direct management and control over the execution of operations are entrusted to:

In the warehouses of the station - to the head of the cargo area;

At container sites - to the head of the container site

In the premises of the SFTO agents - on the senior agent of the SFTO.

1.2 Organization of work of the station for the reception, storage, loading and dispatch of goods

Acceptance of cargo for transportation.

Cargoes can be presented for transportation, both in public places and in non-public places. Delivery of goods to public places is carried out by the sender on a pre-filled invoice on the days stipulated by the station manager's visa. The delivered cargo, together with the waybill, is presented to the station's receiver, who checks the presence of a visa on it. By careful external examination, he must make sure that the presented cargo and its quantity correspond to the data specified in the waybill, and the packaging does not cause fear of loss, damage or damage to the cargo. If, during the inspection of the container or packaging, deficiencies are revealed that can lead to the indicated consequences, then the receiver must demand the elimination of these shortcomings or refuse to accept the goods for transportation. If unpacked cargo is found to have cracks, dents, broken parts or other defects, the sender in the column "special statements and marks of the sender" of the reverse side of the consignment note is obliged to make a note of this, and if these defects can lead to further damage to the cargo, then this cargo may be accepted for carriage only in packaging. Simultaneously with the inspection of the packages, the presence of transport markings, the name of the sender, recipient, stations and roads of departure and receipt of goods are checked for them.

If the cargo is presented for carriage by small consignment, then the receiver applies a railway marking to each package and indicates it in the column of the consignment note "railway mark". The receiver records the acceptance of cargo for carriage in the book of acceptance of cargo for shipment (form GU-34). If at the station the reception of cargo is carried out at several points served by separate receivers, then such a book is kept at each point.

Storage of goods.

Cargoes in public places are placed and stored, depending on their properties, in covered warehouses or in open storage areas. Loads should be palletized for storage. The height of the stack of goods in bags and kuli should not exceed 6m. Between the stacks of goods in the warehouse area, it is necessary to leave passages with a width of at least 1 m. Along the walls 0.5 m, and at the doors there is a passage equal to their width. Cargo transported in bulk and unloaded in open areas should be stacked so that the possibility of mixing different consignments is excluded. At the same time, it is necessary to observe the following dimension for the height of goods of 1200 mm, they must be at least 2 m from the extreme rail, and at a high height not closer than 2.5 m.

This applies to those categories of goods whose long-term storage will lead to full or partial form. The maximum shelf life for fresh vegetables is 12 hours, for salted, canned, pickled fruits and vegetables is 2 days, for other goods - 5 days.

Loading cargo into wagons.

Loading and unloading of goods into wagons in places of general and non-public use is carried out by the consignor and the consignee. The carrier notifies the consignor of the time of submission of wagons for loading no later than 2 hours in advance. The order of notification is established by the head of the station.

The station maintains a book of notifications about the time of delivery of wagons for loading or unloading, the procedure for the supply and cleaning of wagons on the way of non-public use is established by an agreement for the supply and cleaning or for the operation of an access track.

When loading by means of a carrier or by means of a consignor, conditions must be observed that ensure the safety of train traffic and the safety of cargo during transportation, as well as the rational use of the carrying capacity and capacity of wagons. The consignor and the carrier must strictly follow the technical conditions and rules for the carriage of certain types of cargo, the technical standards for loading wagons and the established terms of loading and unloading.

In covered wagons, goods are stacked evenly, evenly and tightly, if necessary, secured so that there is no shift, fall, bulk on the door, scuffs or damage during transportation, as well as to ensure the safety of the wagon during loading or unloading and along the route.

When loading, loads are stacked: heavy at the bottom, light at the top

Tare-packing and piece goods are placed in the inter-door space, 25 cm away from the door.

Cargo packages related to 1 shipment must be stacked together so that the marking is visible

Operations for the dispatch of goods from the station.

At the end of loading, the receiver informs about the maneuver. dispatcher or chipboard on the readiness of wagons for cleaning, indicating the number and type of wagons, type of cargo and station of destination. DSC or DSP, having received such information, instructs the compiler to withdraw the wagons from the loading points on the track of the station in order to include them in the forming train. The time for cleaning the wagons is noted in the memo of the receiving / receiving unit or the list of the supply / cleaning of the wagons. The wagon sheets arrive at the Commodity Office, where a waybill and a road bill are selected for each of them. All documents from the commodity office are transferred to the station technology center. Office workers must ensure the secrecy of documents, so they are sent in locked portfolios, bags, cartridges, etc. against receipt in the book of delivery of carriage documents (form GU-48) indicating the numbers of wagons, containers, shipments, date of delivery, time of delivery and acceptance. In the technology center, a full-scale sheet is drawn up for the formed train, and the car is selected to it in the order of compliance with the actual presence and location of the car in the train. All these actions must be completed by the time the train is completed (in the process of accumulation and formation).

Documents for all trains, except for modular trains, are transported in packages, tied with a scourge with glued control forms (form DU-81). Packing and linking of documents gives a guarantee of the safety of documents along the route, and we exclude the possibility of removing them from the package without violating its integrity. Before batching, the operator of the technological center or chipboard checks the presence of all documents (wagon sheet, wagon list, consignment note and the applications listed in it), the correctness of their selection and compliance with the full-scale sheet.

The train locomotive driver, upon receipt of transportation documents, verifies their belonging to his train and the integrity of the package according to the control data, confirms everything with a signature in a copy of the full-scale sheet, which remains at the station or in the book of acceptance and delivery of transportation documents (DU-40) The driver puts the documents in a special box in the locomotive cabin.

1.3 Organization of the work of the station upon arrival of the wagons

Upon arrival of the train at the destination station, the following operations are performed:

1) acceptance by the STC employee of the shipping documents from the locomotive crew and their verification.

2) checking the conformity of the composition to the full-scale sheet

3) technical and commercial inspection

4) preparation of the train for disbanding maneuvers, and the supply of wagons to the cargo fronts.

All transportation documents for loaded wagons are sent to the technological center where a full-scale check of the availability and compliance of documents of wagons and goods arriving at the station for unloading is carried out. When finished, the operator puts a calendar stamp, date and time of cargo arrival on all road bills and wagon sheets. The train number is also indicated on the wagon list, after which the documents are recorded in the book of delivery of carriage documents (GU-48). The road bill and the waybill are transferred to the commodity office, and the wagon sheet to the TGC or to the points of unloading in places of non-public use. The employees of the commodity office sign on the delivery of documents in the book.

During the technical inspection of the train arriving at the station, the main technical faults are revealed, and their suitability for double operations is determined.

Commercial inspection of wagons is carried out by train receivers at commercial inspection points.


Each cargo transported by rail has certain physical and chemical properties, volume-mass characteristics, and a degree of hazard that determine the technical conditions of transportation. In combination with the parameters of packaging and packaging, the specific properties of the cargo constitute the concept of the transport characteristics of the cargo.

The transport characteristics of the cargo determines the modes of transportation, storage, as well as the requirements for the technical means of performing the above operations. Transport characteristics are used to solve problems of rationalizing the transportation process: choosing the type of rolling stock and loading and unloading machines, means of packaging goods, as well as optimal conditions for their transportation.

The main indicators of the station and access roads, determining the necessary technical equipment and the organization of work, are the daily carriage flows, which, in turn, depend on the type and amount of cargo, the type of rolling stock, the procedure for providing empty cars and other factors.

Packaged cargo.

Packaged and piece goods include goods transported in boxes, bags, bales, barrels and in other standard or unified containers. The parameters of packaged and packaged goods are regulated by GOST. There are more than 12 thousand of them in the nomenclature. These goods are transported in covered wagons or containers and stored in covered warehouses to prevent the effects of atmospheric precipitation and to protect against other factors affecting the safety of the goods. Transportation experience has shown that the most effective way transportation is a batch or container method. A package is understood as an enlarged piece of cargo formed from smaller cargoes in a shipping container or without it, on pallets or without them.

Packages must ensure the possibility of mechanized loading and the safety of cargo transportation in Vehicle ah with high utilization of their carrying capacity and cargo capacity.

Flat, box or rack pallets and pallet racks are used for packaging containerized cargo. When choosing a particular type of pallet, you need to be guided by the specific features of the transported cargo.

For fastening goods on flat pallets, steel, fabric and plastic bands, steel wire and nets, transport films and other materials are used to ensure the stability of packages and the safety of goods.

Wagon consignment (PO) - a railway shipment under one consignment note of a consignment, for the transportation of which one wagon is required.


A container is a unified cargo unit. Designed for the transportation of packaged and piece goods, it is standardized in gross weight, overall dimensions, provided with code designations, standardized in form, content, location, as well as supplied with inscriptions and plates and having instructions with devices for fastening to vehicles and mechanization of PRR ...

A freight container has a number of technical characteristics. The main ones include: gross weight, carrying capacity, total internal volume, loading area, overall and internal dimensions, dimensions of loading devices, tare weight, tare coefficient.

The container performs 4 functions: unified cargo unit; swap body of rolling stock; outer packaging; temporary storage capacity.

Transportation of goods using containers is non-reloading transportation. This type of transportation is effective due to a number of factors: savings on containers and packaging; cost savings for R&D; reduction of vehicle downtime; increase in labor productivity; acceleration of cargo delivery time; reduction of costs for the construction of warehouses and wagons.

Heavy loads.

Heavy cargo includes cargo for which the mass and length or load on the frame (floor) of the car exceeds the permissible specifications for universal rolling stock.

When transporting machines and equipment in one route or a group of wagons following one transportation document, the keys to all cars are placed in a special tablet with cells, the numbers of which correspond to the numbers of the cars. Used vehicles on single platforms that are sent for repairs or other purposes are accompanied by a shipper's guide.

As a rule, transporters are used to transport heavy cargo. Conveyors have a reinforced supporting frame of a special shape and are subdivided into the following types: platform (lifting capacity-80-120t), with a low loading area (40-220t), semi-well (30-80t), well-shaped (30-120t), coupling type (120 -480t), articulated (180-500t).

In this course project, we transport machines and equipment (heavy cargo) in open wagons and on platforms and store them in an open section of the cargo yard.

Building materials (gravel)

Gravel is a natural or artificial material, which is rounded grains with a size of 5-70 mm and a smooth surface; rounded fragments of rocks with a particle size of 1 - 2 to 10 - 20 mm, less often - up to 50 mm.

Gramvium is a loose coarse-grained (psephitic) sedimentary rock, composed of rounded rock fragments (sometimes containing fragments of minerals 1-10 mm in size), formed as a result of natural destruction (weathering) of solid rocks.

Depending on the prevailing size of fragments, gravel is subdivided into: large (5-10 mm), medium (2.5-5 mm) and small (1-2.5 mm). Fines may be present in the spaces between the gravel debris.

Metals (rolled products)

Rolled metal is in the class of goods from copper or other, ferrous synthesis and metal, or in the form of an intermediate product. There are sheet metal products, long products, rolled pipes, as well as shaped. Rolled metal is produced by the method of low-temperature, medium-temperature or high-temperature rolling. The creation of rolling products is a long-term course. This procedure requires an accurate approach, special knowledge and information, and requires a special research arrangement. There are many ways and ways of manufacturing metal products, in general, they are diverse. Any type of product, as well as its alloys, must always handle its own personal release process, therefore there can be a huge number of methods and methods for the production of rolled metal, it is possible to compare with the next type of substances, like refractory materials.

Mineral fertilizers

Mineral fertilizers are divided into several groups, depending on the chemical composition. Chemical composition, permissible humidity and impurity content are determined by the relevant standards and specifications. They are produced in the form of powder (crystals) or granules. Powdered - as a rule, they are very hygroscopic and have the ability to cake strongly. Granular - have less hygroscopicity and tendency to caking.

During transportation, all measures should be taken to prevent moisture from entering the cargo, insulate cargo packages from heated bulkheads and pipelines, and avoid spills. Contact with acids, alkalis and oxidants is not allowed, as well as with cargo that is afraid of contamination and dusty. Containers: bags (paper, synthetics), barrels, specialized soft containers weighing 1-1.5 tons or, as agreed with the cargo owner, in bulk.


3.1 Estimated daily freight traffic

The estimated daily freight traffic is determined for each type of cargo upon arrival and departure according to the following formula:

Annual arrival (departure) of this type cargo, t;

The coefficient of uneven transportation (for goods used in the course project we take: = 1.11.3);

365 is the number of days in a year.

Substituting the initial data corresponding to each type of cargo into the formula, we find the daily freight traffic:

1) Packaged cargo:

2) Containers:

3) Machinery and equipment:

4) Building materials:

5) Metals (rolled products):

6) Mineral fertilizers:

3.2 Calculation of the average static load of the car

Based on the data on the composition of the wagon fleet and technical standards for loading wagons for each type of cargo, the average wagon load is determined:

where i is the number of types of wagons used for the carriage of this cargo;

Share of wagons of this type in the total fleet;

The technical standard for loading a car / cargo /, which is determined on the basis of the current network-wide standards for the collection of transportation rules and tariffs No. 160.

The average static load of a wagon for goods transported in universal containers depends on technical standard container load, as well as the average number of containers placed on this type of rolling stock:

where is the net load of a container of type k (we accept 1.8 for 3-ton; for 20-ton - 13.5 ton);

Average number of K-type containers in a wagon;

Kont / vag

where Nki is the number of k-type containers placed in the i-type wagon.

1) Packaged cargo (wagon shipments):

Technical standard for loading covered wagons at V = 120 m3 - 39.1 t / wagon,

at V = 140 m3 - 41.5 t / wagon.

The share of cars V = 120 m3 - 40%, V = 140 m3 - 60%.

T / wag

2) Containers large-capacity:

The technical standard for loading platforms 2 kont / wagons, extended platforms 3 kont / wagons.

The share of platforms 40%, extended platforms 60%.

Kont / vag

3) Machinery and equipment:

We transport 40% of machinery and equipment on platforms, and 60% in open wagons. Technical norm of platform loading - 38.9 t; and a gondola car - 40.1 tons.

4) Building materials (gravel):

5) Metals (rolled products):

6) Mineral fertilizers:

3.3 Calculation of daily car traffic

For each type of cargo, the daily arrival (unloading) and departure (loading) of loaded wagons in general are calculated:

Accordingly, the daily traffic on arrival and departure, i.e.

and separately by type of wagons:

1) Packaged cargo:

wag / day, wag / day

wag / day, wag / day

2) Large-capacity containers:

wag / day, wag / day

wag / day, wag / day

3) Machinery and equipment:

wag / day, wag / day

wag / day, wag / day

5) Metals (rolled products):

6) Mineral fertilizers:

The calculation results for items 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 are summarized in table 2, 2.1.

Annual container flows

Daily volume of work of the station

Type of cargo

Annual freight traffic

Irregularity coefficient

Daily freight traffic

Type of wagons

Share of wagons of this type in the fleet

Technical norm of wagon loading, t / wagon

Daily car traffic wagons / day

thousand tons / year







Packaged cargo (wagon shipments)

Large-capacity containers

Machinery and equipment (heavy cargo)

Building materials (gravel)

Metals (rolled products)

Mineral fertilizers

Total at the station


4.1 Requirements for cargo terminals

The purpose of cargo terminals is not only to receive from one mode of transport a traffic flow with some parameters, to process and issue it to another with different parameters, but also to carry out this transformation with minimal costs.

Cargo terminals are a part of the station territory with a complex of structures and devices located on it, designed for receiving, loading, unloading, issuing, sorting and temporary storage of goods. It houses warehouses, cargo sorting platforms, platforms for containers, heavy weights, bulk and other cargoes. The cargo terminal has: track development and automobile entrances and driveways, and all its warehouses and sites are equipped with loading and unloading machines and devices.

Warehouses are divided into universal and special, there are warehouses for packaged cargo, containers, heavy cargo, metal and metal products, machinery and equipment, non-metallic building materials of coal, ore, chemical cargo and mineral fertilizers, grain and other agricultural products, forestry and liquid cargo.

For storage of packaged cargo, they use closed pavilion-type warehouses, for bulk cargo - silos and tanks, bunkers, for lump and bulk cargo - stacking, overpass-stacking, for cargo that is not afraid of atmospheric precipitation, timber, cars, etc., as well as transported in containers - open areas, for bulk - tanks.

Balance sheet

Type of cargo

Car type

Provision plan




Cargo yard

Target software

3 cr. on SS

Large-capacity containers

2 pp. and 2 fpu. with SS

cars and equipment

1 pl. on SS


Building materials (gravel)

12 pv for hire

Metals: rolled

Mineral fertilizers

7 hop. with SS

Based on the analysis of cargo flows and operations, the student must formulate the main operational requirements for technical equipment, as well as build structural diagrams of technologies for loading and unloading and warehouse operations. The structural diagram should reflect the number, sequence and content of those operations that must be performed by machines and thereby determine their types, characteristics, technology and control methods.

Based on the data obtained in the balance sheet, the following plant performance indicators are calculated:

total unloading, wagons / day -

13+4+6+4+8+12= 47;

total loading, wagons / day -

10+3+6+5+9+14+7 = 56;

general arrival of wagons -

general departure of wagons -

where, - the total arrival and departure of empty wagons is determined according to Table 2.2. as the sum of deficiencies or surplus of cars of all types for the station as a whole. The correctness of the calculation of car traffic is established by checking the following equality =. Equality is fulfilled. Then it is calculated:

freight turnover

carriage turnover

60 + 60 = 120;

To assess the efficiency of using rolling stock, the coefficient of double operations is determined, which shows the proportion of cars with which two (unloading, loading) cargo operations are performed at the station.

, = (47+56) / 60 = 1,72

4.2 Definition warehouse space and linear dimensions of warehouses

The main dimensions of the warehouse depend on its required capacity, i.e. from the amount of cargo that must be simultaneously stored in the warehouse, taking into account the additional area used for operations for sorting cargo, batching, packaging, weighing, marking, etc. The capacity of the warehouse is determined by the formula

E sc = Qc * Tst * excl

Тхр - period of storage of the goods in the warehouse, days (Тхрпр = 2; Тхrot = 1.5);

vskl - the coefficient of storage, taking into account the share of goods unloaded to the warehouse. excl = 1 - bn

bn - coefficient of direct transshipment, taking into account the share of goods reloaded from one type of transport to another, bypassing the warehouse (for packaged piece b npr = 0.1; b notes = 0.15).

The required area of ​​the warehouse is calculated by the method of specific loads according to the formula

pr - coefficient taking into account the additional area for warehouse aisles and aisles (for packaged pieces 1.7);

Specific load per 1 m2 of usable warehouse area, t / m2 (for packaged pieces 0.85).

For packaged goods:

E sklpr = 487 * 2 * (1-0.1) = 876.6 t.

E sclot = 398 * 1.5 * (1-0.15) = 469.2 tons.

E skl = E sklpr + E sklot = 876.6 + 469.2 = 1345.8 tons.

Fcl = (1.7 * 1345.8) / 0.85 = 2691.6 m2

4.2.1 Mechanized warehouses for stacked storage of packaged goods

First, the value of Eskl is determined, then the dimensions and mass of one package of cargo and the geometric dimensions of one elementary platform are specified, i.e. space located between two adjacent transverse aisles of the warehouse. Further, according to the plan and section of the warehouse (Fig. 4.1), the number of packages placed along the length n1, width n2 and height n3 of one elementary site is determined and its capacity Ee.p. is calculated, in tons (packages)

30 / 1.2 = 25 pcs

le.p. - the length of an elementary site (30 m);

lп, bп - accordingly, the length or width of the package is taken, mm (1200 * 800);

n3 - when stacking packaged goods, 2 or 3-tiered storage can be used, taking into account permissible load on the floor of the warehouse (n3 = 2);

Gp is ​​the mass of the package, t (from Section 2 we take the mass of the package 2.16 t).

For wagon shipments:

11 275 / (800 + 100) ~ 13 pcs

100mm - gap between packages;

24,000 - 4725 - 2 * 4000 = 11,275 mm.

Vskl - the width of the warehouse (taken 24 m for a single-span warehouse);

Vzh.d. - dimensions for the internal entrance of the railway track (Vzh.d. = 4725 mm);

Vpr - prezd for loaders (Vpr = 4000mm);

SES = 25 * 13 * 2 * 2.16 = 1404 t.

The total number of elementary sites will be

= (1 * 30) / 1 + 20 = 50 m.

where m is the number of elementary sites located across the width of the warehouse;

for wagon shipments - m = 1;

leop - the size of the warehouse stock along the length, (20 m).

The resulting value of the warehouse length is rounded to the nearest standard value (Lsq = 72, 144, 216, 288 m), that is, in this case Lsq = 72 m.

Packaged cargo:

23 * 15/5 = 69 m. The condition Lspl> Lf.r is fulfilled.

4.2.2 Determination of warehouse areas and linear dimensions of the warehouse for container yards in public places

For containers, the warehouse capacity (Eq) is calculated under the condition Nfrom> Npr:

Ek = [(1-bnpr) * (Npr + Nthr) * tpr +

(1-bnot) * Nfrom * tot + 0.03 * (Npr + Nfrom + Nthr) * tp],

where bnpr, bnot are coefficients that take into account the direct transshipment of containers from a car to a car and vice versa, from a car to a car, respectively (taken equal to 0.1 - 0.2 and 0.15 - 0.2);

Npr, Not - the number of arriving and departing loaded containers, respectively;

tpr, tot - the estimated storage time of containers, respectively, upon arrival and departure, days;

Npr = 403.836 / 13.5 = 30 pcs;

Not = 512.329 / 13.5 = 38 pcs;

Nthr = 38-30 = 8 pcs;

tp is the estimated time for containers to be repaired;

0.03 - the proportion of defective containers in relation to the total number of arriving and departing containers.

Ek = [(1-0.1) * (30 + 8) * 2 + (1-0.2) * 38 * 1 + 0.03 * (30 + 38 + 8) * 0.5] = 100 containers ...

We define a rational layout of containers. To do this, we determine the useful width of the container site Vskl. For double-cantilever gantry cranes (KK-20):

Vscl = Lpr - 2 bt = 25 - 2 * 1 = 23m,

where Lпр - the size of the span of the gantry crane, (25 m);

bт is the width of the site set aside to ensure safety;

When choosing a layout scheme, it is necessary to take into account the following features: containers on the site are installed with doors to each other in sets (groups); gaps between containers 100 mm, between sets 800 mm (for passage); at the sites, fire breaks are provided every 100 m, equal to 4 m and transverse ramps for cars every 19 and 44 m, respectively, when bridge cranes and cranes on a railway move, 4 - 5 m wide and up to 12 m long. area for the repair of containers (20m) and maintenance of gantry cranes (20m).

The main task in choosing a rational layout scheme is to make the best use of the area covered by the crane span with the least possible losses.

According to the adopted layout scheme, we determine the length of the section Lsec = 12.3 meters and the number of containers in the section in the warehouse nk = 36 when processing 20 foot containers (standard, length - 6096mm, width - 2370mm, height - 2591mm).

Since the width of the warehouse is 23 m, and the width of the container is 2.4 m, it follows that 9 containers can fit in width; in one section we set containers in 2 rows: 9 * 2 = 18 pieces.

Number of sections in the warehouse:

and the full length of the container warehouse

Lsq = 6 * 13.2 + 20 + 20? 120 m.

Lsec = 2 * (6.1 + 0.1) + 0.8 = 13.2 m.

where is the number of containers installed in the section along the length;

bп - the size of the gap between the sections.

Total warehouse area Fob for double gantry gantry cranes:

Freq = Lfl * Lpr = 120 * 25 = 3000 m2

The useful area of ​​the container warehouse Fп is equal to the product of the area of ​​an elementary site occupied by one container by the capacity of the container warehouse.

Fп = 2.4 * 6.1 * 100 = 1464 m2

The utilization factor of the warehouse area is determined from the ratio

4.2.3 Determination of warehouse areas and linear dimensions of the warehouse by the method of specific loads

For container-packing, timber, bulk cargo, ferrous metals and heavy cargo stored in open warehouses, the warehouse area Ffl m2 is determined by the formula

where tхр - period of storage of goods, days;

kpr - coefficient that takes into account passes and driveways;

1. Building materials (gravel):

F skl = F sklpr = 723 * 20 * 1.5 / 6.0 = 3615 m2

2. Metals (rolled products):

F skl = F sklot = 835 * 5 * 1.6 / 1.5 = 4453 m2

3. Heavy loads:

F sklpr = 395 * 2.5 * 1.6 / 0.9 = 1756 m2

F sclot = 329 * 1 * 1.6 / 0.9 = 585 m2

F skl = F sklpr + F sklot = 1756 + 585 = 2341m2

The width of warehouses for heavy, construction cargo and metals served by gantry cranes (KK-6) is determined by the formula:

For building materials, the useful width of the warehouse is assumed to be 20 m, taking into account the width of longitudinal roadways, the total width of such a warehouse will be 50 m.

Since KK-6 with a span of 20 m is used for heavy cargo, construction cargo and metals, then:

Lscl = Fscl / Vscl

1) Heavy loads: Lskl = Fskl / Vskl = 2341/18 = 130 we take equal to 180 m, taking into account the technical areas for gantry cranes.

2) Building materials (gravel): Lskl = Fskl / Vskl = 3615/20 = 180.75 we take equal to 181 m.

3) Metals (rolled metal): Lcl = Fcl / Vcl = 4453/18 = 248, we take equal to 248 m.

The length of the warehouse obtained from the calculations should be checked on the front of the work Lf.r. so that all wagons supplied at the same time can fit along the length of the warehouse, i.e. Lscl> Lfr. In turn:

where Nday is the number of wagons arriving at the cargo front per day;

lw is the length of the car, m;

x is the number of carriage feeds to the cargo front.

1) Heavy loads:

19 * 15/3 = 95m. The condition Lscl> Lf.r is satisfied.

2) Building materials (gravel):

12 * 15/3 = 60 m. The condition Lspl> Lf.r is fulfilled.

3) Metals (rolled products)

14 * 15/3 = 70 m. The condition Lspl> Lf.r is fulfilled.

4.2.4 Determining the size of the warehouse for mineral fertilizers

For storage of mineral fertilizers transported in specialized wagons with significant cargo turnover, it is advisable to use elevators. In this case, it is necessary to determine the capacity of the silo warehouse (Eskl) and the number of silos nsil when storing cargo in the silos.

Eskl = Qday * txr = 437 * 5 = 2185t.

where tхр is the storage period of the cargo, days.

nsil = Eskl / esil = 2185/2577 = 1 piece

where esil is the capacity of the silo, t;

where dsil is the diameter of the silo, we take 12 m;

Nsil - useful height of the silo, we take 30 m;

Density of cargo, t / m3, we take 0.8 t / m3;

The filling factor of the silo is 0.95.

We get 1 silo tower with a diameter of 12 meters.

4.3 Technical equipment of the cargo terminal and non-public routes

Selected technical the equipment of the cargo fronts must be checked for processing capacity in the conditions of work with a specific cargo.

The number of loading and unloading machines required for a break The handling of the corresponding type of cargo is found according to the following formula:

where is the annual processing volume, t.op./year;

kn is the coefficient of unevenness of the arrival of goods at the station and

departure from it;

Ncm - production rate for loading and unloading operations, t / cm or cont / cm;

The number of shifts in the work of the PRM per day, respectively, for the processing of cars and cars, ();

2 - the number of shifts;

TR - time spent by the PRM in repairs, (TR = 25 days).

The Z obtained in the calculation is rounded up, since the number of loading and unloading machines must be at least not less than that received in order to handle the daily volume of cargo arriving at the station.

The annual processing volume is determined by the formula:

t.o. / year,

where kD is the coefficient of additional operations performed with goods in warehouses, (kd = 1.1 - 1.2);

The annual volume of transportation of specified goods upon arrival and departure;

2 - the number of operations with each unit of cargo;

Coefficients of direct transshipment according to the "car-car" and "car-car" scheme upon arrival and departure, ().

1. Packaged cargo, small consignments:

Loading and unloading of the TUG is carried out by a Toyota electric forklift truck.

2.Containers (large-capacity):

Loading and unloading of large-capacity containers is carried out by a gantry crane KK-20 with a spreader and a span of 25 m.

Technical characteristics of cargo points

Shipping Name

Calc. daily car traffic, wagons / day

Warehouse type

Steam. warehouse

Means of mechanization

Number of Rx

Cargo yard

Hangar indoor

Floor = 24 m

Large-capacity containers

Open area

cars and equipment

Open area


Building materials (gravel)

Open area

Metals (rolled products)

Open area

Mineral fertilizers

Silo towers


3. Machinery and equipment (heavy cargo):

3 cars.

4. Building materials (gravel):

Unloading of building materials is carried out by a KDE-252 crane with a grab.

5. Metals (rolled products):

Unloading of heavy cargo is carried out by a gantry crane KK-6 with a 4-line gripper and a span of 20 m.

6. Mineral fertilizers:

4.4 Determination of the optimal parameters of the cargo front

The cargo front, equipped with loading and unloading machines, can be represented as a queuing system. The servicing devices of this system are loading and unloading machines and installations that serve the incoming flows of requirements.

The optimization problem is to choose such a technical equipment of the cargo front, at which the total reduced costs will be minimal.

In addition to technical equipment, the optimal number of car feeds to the cargo front, the optimal number of hours of operation of the cargo front, etc. can be found.

The optimization criterion (reduced costs) includes costs that depend on the optimized parameters of the cargo front (the number of PFP and the number of feeds);

The following are considered as the reduced costs in this course project:

Expenses for the purchase and repair of PRM, rubles:

The number of loading and unloading machines;

The rate of annual deductions for depreciation and repair of machines, expressed in shares,

The cost of one car, taking into account transportation and installation;

Capital investment efficiency ratio, = 0.12;

Costs associated with the idle time of wagons under cargo operations, rubles:

X is the number of wagons feed on the cargo front.

The present value of one carriage-hour of downtime;

Hourly operational productivity of loading and unloading machines or installations;

Costs associated with the downtime of wagons waiting for delivery to the cargo front, rubles:

Coefficient of variation of the car flow to the cargo front (the value is equal to the fractional part of the coefficient for this cargo).

Costs associated with the use of shunting means, rubles:

Time spent on the supply and cleaning of wagons at the cargo front, h;

The present value of one shunting locomotive-hour.

Thus, the criterion for optimizing R (X, Z) for the work of the cargo front with has the form:

The problem is reduced to finding such X and Z for which the function R (X, Z) reaches its minimum.

Heavy loads:

Rice. 1. The graph of the dependence of the reduced costs on the number of loading and unloading machines and the number of car deliveries to the cargo front.

Thus, based on the calculations in table. 7 and the plotted graph, we can conclude that the best option operation of the container site, providing a minimum cost, is the option using 2 cranes and 4 feeds.


The location of the cargo yard on the territory of the station should ensure:

Convenient communication with serviced settlements;

The smallest number of intersections of railway tracks with motorways, convenient access to warehouses;

Convenient parking of vehicles during inspection and acceptance of goods from shippers, as well as during loading or unloading;

Compact placement of all devices in the cargo yard;

Necessary throughput and unhindered development of the cargo yard for the future;

Rational zoning of the territory of the cargo yard by type of cargo.

When placing warehouses in the cargo yard, it is necessary to remove warehouses with building materials and other dusty goods transported in bulk from the warehouses of piece goods and container sites by at least 50 meters and place them taking into account the direction of the winds in the area.

For expediency, we have combined warehouses in which there are goods with the same storage conditions and with homogeneous mechanization of loading and unloading operations (medium and large-tonnage containers; wagon and small shipments).

To ensure shunting work in the cargo yard, the following are provided:

Exhibition routes on which the reception, dispatch and sub-sorting of feeds is carried out;

Loading and unloading tracks;

Running tracks used to move rolling stock across the territory of the cargo yard;

Connecting tracks, which are used for cleaning wagons from loading and unloading tracks or shifting from one track to another;

The weight track on which the wagon scales are located, since at the station the total loading and unloading of bulk cargo is more than 20 wagons per day.

The marks of the crosspieces on the cargo yard should not be steeper than 1/6 (for symmetrical transfers) and 1/9.

The distance between the warehouses and the axis of the track is determined by the dimensions of the approach of the buildings and is equal to 1920 mm. The normal distance between the axes of parallel tracks in the cargo yard is set at least 4800 and 4500 mm.

The width of road trains in the cargo yard is determined by the traffic pattern of vehicles, the order of vehicles (with or without overtaking), types of warehouses and the way vehicles are parked at the warehouses (front or side). The width of dead-end roadways in the cargo yard (with turning platforms), taking into account the above factors, ranges from 15 to 35 meters.

5.1 Station layout and track specialization

The parks and paths of the station should have specialization that ensures the cyclicity and flow of the station processes. The project envisages receiving and dispatching and sorting yards at the station. The tracks of the sorting yard are specialized in warehouses of the cargo yard, along access roads; a path is provided for the accumulation of dispatched wagons, for empty wagons. In the scheme used, the cargo yard is located parallel to the station parks.

The useful length in the departure and arrival parks must accommodate trains of a given weight; shortened tracks are envisaged in the sorting yard.

A diagram of the station and adjoining sidings is shown on the daily schedule; the detailed specialization of tracks in parks and at freight points is also given there.

Rice. 3. Station layout

5.2 Organization of shunting work at the station and access roads

The main types of shunting work at a cargo station are maneuvers for disbanding and forming trains and for supplying and cleaning wagons to cargo fronts.

If the station does not have hump devices, then maneuvers are carried out mainly by serial jolts, and sometimes by upsetting. The duration of the formation maneuvers is 15 minutes. and disbanding 20 min. The time of delivery and cleaning of wagons from the cargo yard is 5 minutes. Duration of filing on access roads and cleaning from them is 10 minutes. The duration of operations on arrival 15 minutes and departure 30 minutes.

5.3 Daily plan work schedule of the station

The purpose of drawing up a daily schedule is to coordinate the work of all departments of the station associated with the processing of local cars from the moment of arrival to their departure from the station. This plan is a graphical calculation of the load on the elements of the station. One of the most important requirements that the daily schedule must meet is the organization of rhythmic work at all cargo points, the elimination or minimization of various interoperative interruptions in the handling of wagons, the maximum combination of operations. The main initial data for drawing up a daily schedule are:

Schedule of the arrival of trains (in the task) with local wagons, loaded and empty, indicating the type of cargo and destination;

Loading plan by type of cargo;

Time norms for performing shunting work on forming, disbanding trains, supplying and cleaning wagons;

Duration of cargo operations.

Knowing the number of arriving trains and the number of wagons make up a decomposition table.

Compilation of the train decomposition table.

This table is compiled on the basis of the balance sheet and is about the main one for building a daily schedule of local work of the station.

The numerator of the table. 7 reflects the number of loaded wagons arriving (on the left) and departing (on the right) from the station; the denominator is the number of empty wagons. The trains are assumed to be equal in terms of the number of wagons.

Decomposition of transfer trains

Cargo point and type of cargo

Daily unloading volume, wagons

Arrived train numbers

The numbers of the trains sent

Daily loading volume, wagons

Cargo yard




Min fertilizer

Empty wagons

5.4 Duration of carrying out cargo operations with wagons

Duration of cargo operations with wagons in the cargo yard:

where Kzh.d. - the share of loading and unloading machines working on loading and unloading railway cars (Kzh.d = 0.5).

On non-public tracks, the duration of freight operations with wagons is determined taking into account that these wagons have priority over the rolling stock of non-public tracks, and therefore all available loading and unloading machines are involved in loading or unloading, therefore:

It is advisable to record the above calculations in Table 4.2.

Time calculation for loading / unloading for the cargo yard:

Packaged cargo (wagon shipments):

5 cars tgr = 5 * 40.54 * 7 / (8 * 0.5 * 139.1) = 2.55 h.

4 cars tgr = 4 * 40.54 * 7 / (8 * 0.5 * 139.1) = 2.04 h.

Containers (large-capacity):

4 cars tgr = 4 * 2.6 * 7 / (2 * 0.5 * 60) = 1.21 h.


4 cars tgr = 4 * 39.62 * 7 / (3 * 0.5 * 242.8) = 3.04 h.

3 cars tgr = 3 * 39.62 * 7 / (3 * 0.5 * 242.8) = 2.28 h.

Time calculation for loading / unloading for access roads:

Construction Materials:

4 cars tgr = 4 * 65 * 7 / (2 * 518) = 1.75 h.

5 cars tgr = 5 * 60 * 7 / (4 * 244) = 2.15 h.

4 cars tgr = 4 * 60 * 7 / (4 * 244) = 1.72 hours.

Mineral fertilizers:

3 cars tgr = 3 * 66 * 7 / (1 * 490) = 2.82 h.

2 cars tgr = 2 * 66 * 7 / (1 * 490) = 1.88 h.

The duration of cargo operations is determined by the formula: for a cargo yard:

The calculation results are entered in table. eight

Duration of cargo operations

Type of cargo

Number of wagons in delivery

Number of cars in stock, Z

Packaged piece (PO)

Large-capacity containers

cars and equipment

Building materials (gravel)

Mineral fertilizers

Wagon-idle hours

Based on the constructed daily schedule, we calculate the main indicators of the station's operation. When calculating the car-hours of idleness, number accounting is used, but in this project we calculate them by non-dimensional accounting.

On the basis of the compiled table, the performance indicators of the station are determined:

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