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There must be something on this site about one of my favorite games. Let's start with something simple. This page contains basic tips for surviving a mage on the gloomy volcanic island of Morrowind, Vvardenfell, which does not forgive stupid mistakes.

Lyrical digression

In general, it should be noted that the game is full of all sorts of "free" content, which significantly increases the power of the hero in various aspects, you just need to figure out where and what to look for.

Here and boots, accelerating for free to supersonic speed, and alchemy, on which you can "pump" the hero in a matter of minutes and even get rich in addition, and secret, but located from passage to passage in one place, little animals that buy goods at a nominal price. And many, many more secrets, discover which - and you are strong and rich, and the same many whether game holes, or "features" that allow you to rise in the game at a time.

The tips below are of somewhat "antique" value, because, firstly, finding your way in gameplay terms in Morrowind is not that difficult, and secondly, leveling role-playing mechanics are not the game's strongest point. Morrowind must be studied by carefully reading the dialogues (yes, this is a game of those times when dialogues sometimes had to be read instead of listening) and painstakingly exploring the ancient and mysterious culture of the red-eyed dark elves. And with what speed and in what way you want to exterminate local animals and honest people is up to you.

Heights and nooks and crannies

When playing as a magician, try to follow the ever-known principle of "Divide and Conquer": stretch the opponents along the line and deal with them one by one, preventing them from getting close to you. Artificial intelligence in Morrowind does not shine with this very intelligence at all - you can climb a hill and shoot the enemy with spells.

Scamp of the Caldera

In the Gorak estate in Caldera, there is an amazing creature - Skamp. He is interesting in that he buys items at their face value, and his budget of 5000 gold is replenished daily.

Put a return marker next to the scamp and use it at the end of each quest, turning in the loot at great prices.

The game hides another equally "profitable" creature - the mudcrab. He has a slightly larger daily budget - 10,000 coins. If you are not too lazy, then you can drag it with you with the help of command and levitation spells to your house. You can find him near the Dwemer ruins in the south-southwest of the map.

Cheap alcohol

This is a simple tip in case you've just started the game and have a magic class that you can't fully rely on. In this case, you can carry with you just in case a few bottles of the local analogue of vodka - sujamma - and some kind of dagger to boot.

Sujamma will greatly increase your strength for a whole minute, and it is very inexpensive. After drinking a couple of bottles of this muck, of course, you will become dumb and will not be able to use your strengths, but then you can easily chop your enemies to pieces and move on.

Levitation trick

When faced with a group of melee opponents, the levitation spell will be very useful. Cast this corruption on enemies: it will slow them down enough that you can slowly deal with all of them one by one with small arms or spells.

useful items

The game has a lot of very powerful artifacts, listing them all is a thankless task. Therefore, I will focus only on those that seemed to me the most useful for a magician.

These incredible boots grant the wearer insane speed in exchange for total blindness. Before putting on your boots, use potions, spells, or items that will give you 100% magic resistance and you'll get a speed boost with no negative impact.

You can get this artifact by completing a simple task to escort the Pemen to Gnaar Mok. It is located in the Western Highlands, near the road southwest of Fort Spotted Butterfly).

You can get this amulet by following southwest from Ald-Velothi under the bridge leading to the Dwemer ruins of Arkngthunch-Sturdumtz. Speak to Sinette Jelyn by the small pond. If you agree to her request to help you find the ring in the pond, then after you do this, the Dunmer will attack you, and with her her accomplice - Tavinu Tedran.

After dealing with the robbers, search Tavina Tedran - on her body you will find the Amulet of Shadows. This amulet makes life much easier for thieves and assassins, but it will also come in handy for mages. However, at the end of the game, the mage can enchant himself with something better.

A classic artifact for The Elder Scrolls games. Allows you to save on soul stones, because when used it does not break, but is emptied. In Morrowind, only Azura's Star can contain the souls of Almalexia and Vivec.

This spear can be found in the Telvanni Vault in Vivec. The guards won't mind if you take it. Useful for a large bonus to the absorption of magic.


Amulet of the Necromancer
Weight: 1.0
Cost: 240
Normal Weapon Resistance: 25%
Increase in intelligence: 25p.
Health recovery: 1p.
Spell Absorption: 25p.

An extremely useful amulet, perhaps one of the most powerful and enjoyable artifacts in the game. It adds protection against attacks from conventional weapons, restores health, greatly increases intelligence and allows you to absorb spells. What else does a mage need?

You can remove the amulet from the archmage Trebonius. "Legal" this can be done by going to the end of the storyline in the Mages Guild.

The face value of this robe, like many other items in Morrowind, does not reflect the true value of the artifact. The most useful property of this mantle is the ability to reflect a quarter of all enemy spells.

This artifact can be found during the passage of the tasks of the Great House of Telvanni, namely the Neloth quest. Honestly, he won’t give you the mantle anyway, so you’ll have to use brute force.

ItemOptionsEffects (permanent effect, on self)

Mantle of the Lich
Weight: 8.0
Cost: 22000
Health Reduction: 600p
Mana Boost: 300p

This mantle works with the effects described in the table only if two unofficial patches are installed at once: GFM and MCP. The first one corrects the duration of the effects from one second to a permanent effect, and the second corrects the mechanics of the game in such a way that not only the current mana value increases, but also the maximum one. If you have these patches installed, then the artifact can be very useful. However, there are better robes.

The Lich Robe can be removed from the Lich Gedna Revel during the Tribunal Main Quest.

ItemOptionsEffects (permanent effect, on self)

Veil of grief
Weight: 3.0
Cost: 10000
Attractiveness decrease: 100p
Weakness to conventional weapons: 20p.
Increase Magic: 5xINT.
Solar damage: 20p
Witchcraft increase: 50p.

Would be the best robe in the game if not for the strong negative effects. All of them are negated by 100% magic resist effect, with the exception of solar damage. Whatever you do, your health will melt during the day. And an unpleasant reddish pulsation of the screen will remind you of this.

You can remove the robe from the crazy necromancer Timvaul in the ice cave Rimhull. It is located on Solstheim near the village of Skaal.

Sign of the atronach

If you start the game and plan to create a pure magic class, then it would be wise to choose the Atronach sign. On the one hand, most of the opponents in the game do not attack with magic spells, but with physical attacks, so the bonus from absorbing magic looks doubtful. On the other hand, the sign of the Atronach gives a significant increase in the amount of magic. Since the canonical magician is interested in increasing the amount of mana, this sign is "registered" for him.

The trouble with this sign is that it freezes the natural recovery of magicka. But in Morrowind, magic is only restored during sleep. Alchemy is our everything.

Restoring Magicka with the Atronach

  1. Donations. Donate to the shrines of Almsivi and the Imperial Pantheon. Each time you activate a shrine, there is a 50% chance to absorb a spell. Considering that donations can be free in some cases (for example, you hold the top position in an Imperial cult), this is a pretty useful trick.
  2. Spirit of the ancestors. Call on the Spirit of the Ancestors and hit him several times with your bare hands. Half of the spells the spirit attacks you with will be absorbed. The same technique can be used, for example, with Scribe.
  3. Decreased intelligence with potions.[This method has been fixed in the Morrowind Code Patch]: When you run out of mana, drink a potion that reduces your intelligence to 0. After the effect wears off, your mana is restored to 100%.
  4. Reduced intelligence with magic.[This method has been fixed in the Morrowind Code Patch]: The method described above can be made more convenient: create a spell that reduces your intelligence by 100 points for 1 second. In a second, your mana will be full. Not very convenient if intelligence exceeds 100 points.


If you're playing a pure magic class, enchant all items to increase intelligence from 1 to max. Then put this item on yourself until the highest bonus value drops out. Without any cheats, by enchanting elegant shirts and Daedric armor, you can reach a maximum mana value of 3000 or more, depending on the sign (Atronach is most useful) and race (Altmer is most effective).

Leveling with alchemy

Alchemist's Toolkit

To create potions in Morrowind, you need special tools that improve the quality and duration of the created potions. Only a mortar and pestle are needed (that's one item), but it's a good idea to have all four.

  • Mortar and pestle - required for mixing potions and determines the initial strength of the potion.
  • Retort - Increases the value and duration of all positive effects of the potion.
  • Alembic - Reduces the magnitude and duration of all negative potion effects.
  • Calciner - Increases the value and duration of all potion effects.

Do not do as written below if your game is the first one. This can kill interest in further passage.

Travel to Wolverine Hall, an Imperial stronghold near Sadrith Mora. This can be done through teleportation in the Mages Guild.

The inhabitants of Wolverine Hall, namely the Imperial cultists, have a number of important ingredients:

Ashy sweet potato Intelligence increase
Strength increase
resistance to common diseases
Key detection
fat spore Drain Magic
Intelligence increase
Willpower increase
Animal detection
Netch leather Stamina increase
Intelligence increase
Sucking out attractiveness

What can be done with these ingredients

  • Buy some ingredients from the list above, exit the trade menu, re-enter it and sell the previously purchased ingredients. As a result, the seller will now always have twice as many ingredients to sell. This operation can be done as many times as you like, and each time the number of ingredients will increase. As a result, you can massively purchase the necessary ingredients and also massively brew potions from them.
  • Intelligence affects the quality of potions produced. Brew some potions from combinations of sweet potato, dust, and netch skin, drink them, then brew some potions again and drink again. The more time passes, the stronger and more expensive your potions become.
  • Having loaded these potions to capacity, you can make other potions, for example, increase strength, restore health, mana, levitation (the Altmer has the ingredients for levitation in the same fortress, in the Mages Guild). All of them will be very expensive and high quality.
  • You can sell brewed potions to spam from the Caldera.

staff of god

In the game, you can create such a powerful staff that almost all the inhabitants of Vvardenfell will die from one blow from it.

  • [Fixed in GFM]: find a regular ebony staff somewhere. It compares favorably with all other staves in that its enchantment capacity is an order of magnitude greater than the capacity of all other weapons: as much as 900 capacity versus 400 for the long bone bow that follows it.
  • Complete the Tribunal main story, capturing Almalexia's soul at the end. I remind you that it is placed only in the Star of Azura artifact.
  • Enchant a staff to absorb 100 health over 2s.

As a result, you will receive the following item.

Morrowind / Magic

~ Enchantment ~

Enchant (enchantment)- this is one of the distinguishing features of the world of The Elder Scroll and its role-playing system, which allows the hero to create magical items with predetermined properties. What is enchantment?

Enchanting is the process of capturing the soul of a creature and then enclosing it in a soul gem. After that, the enchanter moves the soul from the stone into the item. Thus, transferring to the subject special magical properties. So, in short, the essence of the enchantment process looks like. Let's consider it in more detail.

First, let's take a look at the concept of the soul. In the world of TES, souls are possessed not only by rational beings, but also by various representatives of those who are considered to be monsters (undead, Daedra from Oblivion, animals, etc.). However, there is a big difference between the souls of elves, humans and various animal-like races and the souls of non-human creatures. The souls of people (we will understand by this word all the intelligent races living in Tamriel) belong to the Aedra (gods), who created the mortal plane of Nirn and filled it with a part of themselves, their essence. Therefore, it is impossible to capture the souls of people, because. they belong to the Aedra. After death, the souls of people leave Nirn, to another plane. However, experienced necromancers can capture souls, infusing them into various kinds of restored bodies, thus giving rise to individual representatives of the undead detachment (skeletons, zombies, etc.). Also, necromancers capture souls to give them as slaves to Daedric lords who do not have such power. The famous N "Gasta (The Elder Scroll Adventure: Redguard) was intensively engaged in this, delivering souls to the Daedra Lord Clavicus Vile.

Let's dwell on the undead for a moment. Despite the fact that the souls of skeletons, zombies, and other representatives of the undead have a human structure, traveling beyond the boundaries of life and death greatly distorts them, while the spells of the necromancer wrest them from the power of the gods, thereby making these souls available for capture and enchantments. It is easy to guess that such an act of violence against the laws of the world causes deep indignation among the majority of citizens of the Empire, therefore necromancy is officially banned in all provinces, which, unfortunately, does not prevent it from flourishing, albeit secretly. Some of the most famous treatises of the necromancers are On the Preparation of the Bodies and Arkay is Our Enemy, the latter book being rumored to have been written by the King of Hearts, head of Tamriel's Necromancer Guild. More information about the undead can be found in the books "Legions of the Dead", "Unholy Ghosts", as well as from the play "The Horror of Xyr Castle".

However, back to souls. The most interesting, in this regard, are the souls of representatives of various types of Daedra living in Oblivion. The souls of these creatures, in their energy component, surpass the souls of most types of undead, not to mention animals. For example, a stone with the soul of the Golden Saint allows you to create an item with a permanent effect, the effect of which does not depend on time. True, it is not very easy to get the soul of a Daedra, these creatures can be quite strong opponents.

Of particular interest are the souls of the followers of the Sixth House. Despite the fact that Dagoth Ur himself, the head of the house, does not have a soul, his assistants have this gift. Moreover, due to the influence of the divine disease Corprus (which many consider the legacy of Lorkhan), the souls of such creatures became available for capture and imprisonment. Apparently, the reason for this was precisely the corpus. When this disease strikes someone, his soul apparently becomes the property of the "dead" god Lorkhan, i.e., in fact, no one's.

Finally, you can capture the souls of animals, however, they are so small that they are of little value.

Also available for capture are the souls of members of the Tribunal. Using the tools of Kagrenac, they, thereby, opposed themselves to the Aedra and Daedra, freeing their souls from the power of the gods, but, thereby, making them available to hunters for such a treasure.

However, even when capturing a soul and enchanting an item with it, one must be careful. Indeed, in the event that an object (for example, a sword) breaks, the soul will break free and try to deal severely with its jailer. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully monitor the condition of any enchanted item.

Having examined the souls, let us move on to the stones in which they are imprisoned. In fact, these objects cannot be called stones in the full sense of the word. Rather, it is something created through the synthesis of magic and matter. Apparently, during the enchantment process, the energy of the spell flows from the stone into the enchanted object, after which, having lost its binding force, the stone is destroyed. The exception is Azura's Star, a unique soul gem that can be used multiple times. Obviously, it is supported by a constant influx of energy from Oblivion, although no research has been carried out on this artifact. Once enchanted, the stone's spell continues to hold the soul within the enchanted item. From this, we can conclude that the soul stone continues to exist inside the enchanted object, holding back the soul that is rushing out. Just like souls, the stones that serve as their prisons differ in size and, accordingly, capacity. It depends on the capacity of the stone whether it is possible to enclose this or that soul in it. For example, the soul of the Ascended Sleeper can only fit in the Great Stone of Souls or Azura's Star. To date, the origin of soul stones remains unknown, whether they were created by some kind of mind, or whether they represent another whim of higher powers - no one knows.

Now, let's go directly to the enchantment process. What happens to items during enchantment? Unfortunately, at the moment, no researcher has succeeded in understanding this issue. Obviously, the energy that the soul carries in itself, while moving from a stone to an object, changes its structure for a moment, allowing the enchanter to impose some kind of magical effect on the object.

This is what, in essence, is the process of enchantment.

Creating enchanted items

Let's start with the simplest - who can create an enchanted item? There are two ways to resolve this issue. The first is to seek help from the Mages Guild or an NPC that provides similar services. In this case, you will be able to create any of the possible items with a 100% chance of success. However, this method cannot be called universal. The fact is that such services cost a lot of money. And the stronger the effect, the more you have to pay for it. If you do not have enough money, then you can try to create an enchanted item yourself. But before doing this, make sure you have well developed skills" enchantment"and characteristics" Intelligence" And " Luck"The fact is that with a low development of these parameters, the chance of a successful enchantment greatly decreases, but the chance of losing a stone and a soul increases significantly. However, even if you have these parameters pumped up to 100, this will not give you a 100% chance In the case of trying to create an enchanted item with a permanent effect, for example, this value can be in the region of 30%.Although the use of potions or spells that increase these parameters slightly improves the picture, but, nevertheless, even they cannot completely solve such problem. Therefore, creating enchanted items with a strong effect is more reliable with NPCs. However, there is a little trick. Before you enchant an item, drink various kinds of potions that increase the parameters of the enchantment. Not necessarily for a long time, just a few seconds, you will see that the chance of a successful the completion of the process will increase significantly.

Having dealt with who can create enchanted items, we will analyze the following question - why do you need enchantment? The possibilities that enchanted items provide are quite large. Firstly, they make it possible to cast spells without having well-developed magical skills. In this case, the chance of a successful casting of the spell is always 100%. Secondly, enchanted items allow you to temporarily or permanently increase the characteristics of your character, which makes him more powerful. All enchanted items have the ability to restore their magical energy when they are at rest. In other words, enchantment allows non-magical characters to use various kinds of spells on a par with mages.

Now let's get to the question about the type and range cast spells. There are three types of castable spells.

permanent effect - an action that does not depend on time and manifests itself when the enchanted item is dressed on the character or is in his hand (for example, a shirt or a sword). As a rule, such a spell with permanent effects is best cast on items of equipment that are constantly on the character - clothes, armor, weapons, amulets or rings. The permanent effect only affects the player character.

Effect when used - This type of enchantment works like a regular spell or scroll and has a limited duration. Similar effects can be applied to myself or to a distant target . Depending on the spell, you can vary the radius and duration of the effect. Enchanted things with a similar effect serve as a good analogue of various kinds of attacking, defensive, and other types of spells. In practice, with a large number of enchanted items, you can cast a wide variety of spells, even without having highly developed magical abilities. You can enchant with this type of effect, a variety of things that the character carries with him without wearing them.

Effect on impact : This type of enchantment assumes that the spell will work if the enchanted item is hit on the enemy. In this case, the item is enchanted on touch if you want to harm an enemy or to myself , if you want your character to gain some additional abilities when hitting an enemy. Of course, this type of enchantment makes sense to impose only on weapons. I would like to note that in order to create a properly enchanted item, you need to match the type of effect and area of ​​​​effect. It is useless to combine an effect on impact with an effect on a distant target. Also, you should not impose on the ring with the effect when using the condition - touch. You will never touch anyone anyway.

As already mentioned, in order to enchant an item, you first need capture someone's soul. How to do it? The capture of any soul looks like this. You find the creature you need and cast a spell on it "Conclusion" (soul trap), then you must kill that creature before the spell expires. Once the creature is dead, the soul will end up in the most suitable soul gem for it. Please note that if you do not find a suitable soul stone in size, then the soul will go to the Outer Worlds (the souls of Daedra, in particular, return to Oblivion). Also interesting is the fact that there is a small bug in the game: if you cast "Conclusion" on the corpse of a creature, you will get an unlimited number of souls (may be fixed in one of the patches). The easiest way to find the creature whose soul you want to capture is to summon it with a scroll or an appropriate spell. However, it is very rare to summon a truly powerful creature in this way, such as a golden saint, although scrolls with the ability to summon it can be bought in Telvanni cities. Therefore, if you do not have the opportunity to summon the possessor of the soul, you will have to find it. Daedric temples or the area around Red Mountain are best suited for this. In these places you can always meet either strong Daedra or various corprus creatures. In particular, it is not uncommon to encounter a risen sleeper near the Ghost Gate. He respawns there with enviable constancy. Many strong Daedra can be found in Daedric ruins around Molag Mar and Azura's Coast, and they are also often found in the Telvanni lands.

Having dealt with the general problems of enchantment, let's dwell a little on permanent effect spells. Persistent spells are among the most powerful in Morrowind, allowing the player character to greatly increase their stats or acquire new abilities such as water breathing. However, these effects are very costly. First, you need a creature with a soul capacity of at least four hundred (see appendix). Golden Saints, Ascended Sleepers, some of Dagoth Ur's closest associates, Vivec, and Almalexia have a similar capacity. Also needed is a soul gem worth 80,000 septims or more, such as Greater Soul Gems or Azura's Star. Unfortunately, there are not very many Great Soul Gems in Morrowind. The exact number is unknown (many of them are generated during the game), but the smallest number is 20. Fortunately, if you put yourself on the Tribunal, you can buy stones in unlimited quantities at the Mournhold Bazaar. To create an item with a permanent effect, you can also use a small bug. If you select a Great Soul Gem during enchantment and then set the condition to be permanent, switching to a smaller gem will keep the permanent effect. Use this feature until it is fixed in one of the patches.

When creating an enchanted item, there are two characteristics to keep in mind. The first is the size of the charge placed on the enchanted item, a kind of "mana pool" of the item. The greater the charge of the item, the longer you can use it without recharging. This unit is determined by the size of the captured soul. The second characteristic is the power of the effect, which determines the strength of the spell used. The higher this value, the more powerful the spell can be cast. True, it must be remembered that the more powerful the spell, the faster the charge of the item will be consumed.

Morrowind and got the best answer

Answer from Max Sh.[guru]
Soul Stone is required for Enchanting.
The following soul stones exist in the game: tiny, small, medium, large and great and artifact "Star of Azura".
First you need to capture the soul of the animal in the soul stone. To do this, use the spell "Imprisonment". This spell can be purchased from the Balmora Mages Guild from Masalini Merian. Cast a spell on the victim, and then kill him with a melee weapon. After the inscription "You have captured the soul" appears, you can safely enchant the item.
Keep in mind that the soul you capture will be enchanted into the most suitable stone in your inventory, so leave only the stone in which you want to capture the soul!
Now you need to decide what you will do: enchant the item manually or use someone else's help.
If you decide to use help, keep your way to the nearest Guild of Mages, but keep in mind that the enchantment will cost you dearly (the steeper the spell cast on the item, the more expensive it will cost you in terms of money).
To enchant an item manually, you need to pump Enchantment and Luck well. If they are pumped, look for a stone with a soul in your inventory, drag it to the image of your character and select the item you need ("Enchant item" or "Charge item"). After selecting the item you need, a certain window will open, in which the enchantment process will take place.
Please note that even Enchantment and Luck pumped up to 100 points will not give you a 100% chance of successfully enchanting an item. This can be corrected by raising intellect (clothes already enchanted to increase intellect and / or potions to increase intellect).
You can only enchant an item with spells that you have with you. For example, you have the Toad of Tinura spell, which has the effect of increasing acrobatics. This means that you can enchant your item to increase tumbling.
Source: Morrowind

Answer from LorDark[master]
you can load weapons and then when you reach a master gunsmith like you can create weapons yourself using stones! =)) cool toy!

Answer from Artyom2040[guru]
studying a spell to capture the soul .. it seems to conclude. Balmora at the Mages Guild
cast it on a monster and kill it. the monster's soul falls into the stone
the gray-haired Galdebir (or someone else there in the balmora) can enchant an item
best expensive rings
the cooler the monster, the better the soul and the cooler you can make the power of the ring%)
my favorite use is the jumping ring (100 sts on myself)
and boots for speed (100 sts on yourself)
if something is not clear, write)

Answer from Bender001[guru]
Capture souls. Charged stones are used for enchantment (embedding spells into things).
You need a capture spell, decently advanced magic skills.
Great Soul Gem with the Soul of a Golden Saint or Awakened Sleeper + Delicate Ring after enchanting grants a permanent levitation effect of 8 pts.
The most powerful stone is Azura's star. It can be obtained after completing one of the quests.
I recommend using this site.

Intelligence- it should be noted that in TES 3, the quality of crafted potions depends not only on the skill itself Alchemy, but also on the character's intelligence level. Thus, when creating a potion to increase intelligence, then using it, and during the duration of the effect of increasing intelligence, the quality of the created potions increases, thus creating incredibly long and strong effects of the potions used during the game can be achieved.


Enchanted Items- These are ordinary items (armor, weapons, jewelry, etc.) that have some effects applied to them. The action of effects in enchanted items can either be permanent, or activated by some event (for example, touching a monster with a weapon). Items can be enchanted either by yourself (the skill is responsible for this process). enchantment), or from NPCs providing the service enchantment. In any case, for enchantment you need soul stones with captured souls.


Some effects in the game are not included in spells and are therefore not available for other spells or enchantments. These effects are either used when creating a character (for example, the effect frozen magic, included in the property Burning dusk superimposed by the sign of the horoscope Atronach), or only available through ingredients and potions (for example, Restore magic), or are part of the gameplay (for example, Heal Corprus). The same applies to spells - not all of them are commercially available (for example, the spell The scent of a tramp, added by sign Tower); however, with access to the effects included in the spell, it is possible to create the same spell yourself.

Scrolls, ingredients, and potions can be purchased from vendors. Individual scrolls are rewarded for certain quests, can be found in some artifact storage areas, ingredients can be gathered from plants and slain creatures, and potions can be crafted from ingredients. Ingredients and potions, like scrolls, differ from spells in that they take up space in your backpack and are disposable (they disappear after use). Moreover, they have a non-zero weight (and the weight of the character's luggage is limited by the characteristic ). But when using them, magical energy is not wasted.

In total, the game features about 300 different effects, 85 types of ingredients (including almost 70 different effects), and you can find about 310 spells on sale from NPCs (there are about half a thousand spells in the game) and 130 types of scrolls. But the variety of effects and spells is compensated by their uniformity - for example, the spell The sixth barrier different from spell Fifth barrier only by the force of the effect Shield(60 versus 50) and the amount of magic needed to apply (180 units versus 150), the option in dialogues with some magicians "Create a spell" will allow you to create your own spell from the ones you have), and among the effects the following groups can be distinguished:

  • effects Recovery, Increase, Absorption, Decrease And Taking away for each of the 27 skills, 8 characteristics, and 3 derived characteristics of the character and other creatures (190 effects in total).
  • Increase and decrease resistance to diseases, magic, fire, etc. (19 effects).
  • Cure diseases, poisoning, paralysis and curses (6 effects).
  • Summon ethereal creatures (16 effects - Challenge of the Bone Lord etc.) and the materialization of ethereal (daedric) items of armor and various types of weapons (11 effects - Summon Cuirass, Summon Spear and so on.).
  • Management of other characters and creatures (11 effects - enrage the animal, scare away the undead, "Charm a mortal", etc.).
  • Other effects: Levitation, Open, lock up
  • Direct Magic Damage Spells: fire strike, Lightning strike, Poisoning and so on.

Enchantment specifics such that every enchanted thing in Morrowind has a charge of magical energy, which is based directly on the energy of souls trapped in stones. When this energy ends, the spell put into the item can no longer be used until the energy is restored. In a word, the charge is the store of an item's magic.

No one in Morrowind really explains what soul stones are and where they come from. It is only known that they can capture the souls of creatures and use them to give items magical properties or recharge enchanted items. The success of the action depends on your Enchantment skill.

Imprisoning the soul in stone

You will need a spell with the effect "Conclusion", a soul gem of a suitable capacity.

During combat, cast a spell on the creature whose soul you wish to enshrine in stone. If you manage to kill the creature before the end of the spell's effect, its soul will move to the smaller of the stones suitable for it. That is, if you have a small and a great stone of souls, and the volume of the creature's soul is small, it will be enclosed in a small stone.

You can encase and use the souls of animals, ghosts, undead, Daedric monsters, Dwarven mechanisms and humanoid monsters of Dagoth Ur, that is, the essence of all inanimate monsters, but not people of all races and categories. The exceptions are Vivec and Almalexia, as they moved from the human plane of existence to a close to divine immortality. Their souls can be imprisoned in Azura's Star.
Only one soul can be enclosed in one stone, even if it does not occupy its entire capacity.

Recharging enchanted items

The ability to restore the expended energy of magic items instantly so that they can be used again. Take the soul stone with the essence contained in it, drag it to the hero's image in the inventory window and select "Recharge item" in the menu that appears. With low Enchantment and Luck characteristics, energy may not be transferred to the item, but the soul stone will still be destroyed.

Item Enchantment

To enchant an item of equipment, be it armor, weapons, clothes, a ring or an amulet, you must either have a very high Enchanting skill, and even if your skill has reached the maximum value of 100, this does not guarantee that the enchantment will be successful. Therefore, it is better to enchant things with the help of mage merchants in shops and branches of the Mages Guild of Morrowind. Their servants are not cheap, but they give a 100% guarantee of successful enchantment.

To call the item enchantment constructor, you must either select this service in the magician's services menu, or drag the soul stone in the inventory onto the hero figure and select "Create a new item" in the menu that appears. You will see such a constructor.

In the fields "item" and "soul" you choose from the inventory a soul stone and a thing that you will enchant. The menu on the right lists all the magic effects you know, below is how the spell works in an enchanted item: a permanent effect, on yourself, on a distant target, etc. In the upper right corner you will find the necessary information about the enchantment. When you select a soul stone, as well as a spell and its power, numbers will appear opposite the "enchantment" field, which will go through a fraction. The first number is the power for the spell or multiple spells, the second is the capacity of the item being enchanted. Spell power cannot exceed the item's capacity, otherwise the item will not be enchanted. Unfortunately, the capacity of most items in Morrowind is too small to create truly powerful items. Fine clothes and jewelry, Daedric and glass weapons and armor, and some other items have the largest capacity. And, of course, the more complex the set of spells, the higher the price of enchantment.

Of course, of particular interest is the creation of things with a permanent magical effect. But not all things and soul stones are suitable for this. The power of the soul gem must be equal to or greater than 400. It is best to put simple spells into things, such as " Restore health", "Walking on water", which you are too lazy to read yourself every time. It is desirable that this thing can be removed without compromising the game and refusing other effects if one of them ceases to be needed - for example, you need to dive under water. It is good to enchant elegant clothes for a permanent effect , which has a high capacity, weighs almost nothing and can be removed without sacrificing armor.It can be jewelry.For example, by enchanting two rings for a permanent effect of restoring health by several points, you become almost invulnerable to enemies, because the magic of the rings will to restore your health in battle is better than any potions.And for those who do not like to be distracted on the road by various small living creatures, such as kagouti and rock riders, which do not pose a particular threat, but interfere very much, an elegant amulet may seem useful: its capacity is enough to enchant it with a permanent invisibility effect.Wearing such an amulet, you can travel around Morrowind unnoticed to your heart's content.


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