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Good health to all! Why I decided to write this post. Last weekend, while sitting over a glass of tea in the country, a friend told me how he ended up in the situation described in the title of this post. Looking ahead, I’ll say that everything was decided easily and safely with him. The wife brought a second set of keys.
“Is that the situation?” I said. - I got it once...
He poured another one and told him his story.

A source:

In general ... Once I got on my example. It so happened that when I was two hundred kilometers from home, my beauty (the car was two months old) closed with a running engine. Why did I get out of the car ... let me not tell you :) However, the distance to the apartment did not matter. There was no one at home except the cat. I didn’t have to hope that she would now explode from her favorite box and bring me a second set. Moreover, not only the keys were left in the car, but also the bag, things, documents, and the worst thing - the phone. I remember right now. Nokia 6230! Awesome device! :) In short... the month of February, and I'm in a jacket with fish fur. When I remember, I shudder. But the worst thing is that I missed an important meeting and it cost me a lot of problems at work. Since then, keyless entry has been a mandatory option in all my cars. Keys are ALWAYS in your pocket! Guys! If you are a distracted person like me, then do not bypass this moment. Nerves are more expensive, honestly. Of course, modern security systems do not allow the car to be armed if the keys are in the cabin. But from glitches of electronics, as well as from the fact that the car "loses" the key due to a "suddenly" dead battery in the key fob and very easily closes leaving you on the street, no one is safe!
Now briefly about how I got out. Started voting. Somewhere in about twenty minutes, we managed to stop the local gazelle. Explained the situation to the driver. To my great happiness, the little man turned out to be an aborigine. He promised that he would now drive to the local craftsmen for service and tell them about my sadness. He didn’t have a mobile phone (2005 or 2006, after all, and even a relative province), he could only hope. He began to run around the car so as not to freeze. Civilization began about a kilometer away from me, but as you understand, it was impossible to leave the car. Anyone could break the glass, open the door and leave quietly. Anyone... but not me. Too bad it's new!!! However, I firmly decided, I wait an hour and break the glass. But I'm very lucky. The guy didn't let me down. A local craftsman drove up about half an hour later and opened the car with a wooden spatula and a metal meter ruler, with which he deftly pressed the window lifter. It took him two minutes. Honestly, I don't even remember how much I paid him. But, to my surprise, it was quite inexpensive. In general, brothers... I wish none of you to ever get into a similar situation. Good luck on the roads!
P.S. The post was written specifically for Chips! Beware of fakes ;)

How to open a locked car door without a key

Sometimes it happens that you close the car door, and at the moment when the latch is triggered with horror, you realize that the keys are left in the ignition or the battery is simply dead, and the mechanical locks are broken or frozen. In general, the situation that the doors are closed and the keys remain inside the car is not uncommon. What to do in this case? You can turn to car opening specialists, paying 1500-3000 rubles, depending on the brand of your car and location, and wait for them for about an hour. After all, you can’t leave a running car to the mercy of fate.

There are many ways to open on your own without special tools. Consider the main ones that will help motorists in most cases:

The first way to open with a hook, you must have seen how in American films car thieves open cars with a ruler. We will use a wire hook for this purpose, which is easy to make yourself. Find a piece of wire 50-70 cm long and bend the hook at an angle of about 45 degrees. The length of the bent part should be approximately 7-10 cm. The wire should not be too soft so as not to straighten out immediately when a door pull is needed and not too thick to crawl through the gap between the glass and the seal.
Opening: We put a wire with a hook between the window seal and glass from the side of the door where the door handle is located and try to hook the door rod on which the button is located. Having visually felt the rod, we pull the wire up and raise the rod - the door is open. In some cases, it is necessary to bend the window seal. This method is suitable for all domestic cars and even for the first time it takes no more than 15 minutes for a person with no experience.

The second way to open a car without a hook with a rope loop. Suitable for cars that have an internal button for closing the doors at least slightly protruding upwards. In the most detailed way you can see this method of opening without keys in the video. In some cases, it is necessary to slightly bend the corner of the car door with the help of improvised tools. Be sure to place a soft cloth under the tools to avoid scratching the car's paintwork.

In some cases, it is noted that first it turns out to put the rope in, and then make a loop. Perhaps it will be easier for you to use not a rope, but a fishing line. Indeed, the gap at the door is narrow and the fishing line can slip through where the rope cannot go through.

The third way to open a car door without keys based on the use of wire. It is necessary to find a wire measuring 1.5 -2 m long and bend it so that at the end there is a small hook with which you can hook the door handle. In most imported cars, the security system is designed in such a way that when the door is locked, first pressing the door handle from the inside causes unlocking, and the second is opening. This is what we will use. We push the wire through the upper corner of the door and, making the necessary changes (bending at a certain) angle, we try to reach the hook at the end to the door handle. Having hooked the door handle, we pull the wire towards ourselves and thus open the car door. If the wire does not fit between the door and the seal, use an improvised tool to slightly bend the door, while not forgetting to place a cloth under the screwdriver or pry bar so as not to damage the paint. Slightly bending the corner of the door will not do any harm to the car, the only thing to worry about is not to damage the paint.

Another way is to use a wooden wedge to bend the top edge of the door. To do this, you need a wooden wedge 4 centimeters at the base and 20 centimeters long and a meter bar with a pointed hook at the end. The wedge is carefully driven in between the rack and the upper-rear corner of the door, a gap of 2-3 centimeters is obtained. A bar is inserted into it and the door lock is turned with a hook. You need to drive the wedge very carefully, just tapping with your fist.

The next way to open a car without keys not as common with hijackers as it is very "loud". You will need electricity and a drill handy. The secret of the castle, the larva, is simply drilled out. But this method will require the replacement of all the larvae, if you do not want to have different keys for each door later. You can also open the car doors with the help of a blank similar to the shape of a key. It is enough to thrust it into the lock cylinder with a strong movement and scroll. With enough force, you will open this way without a key.

If the car's battery is dead and it is not possible to open the car using the central lock on the alarm, and the mechanical locks do not work or are frozen - then there are also several options. The first option is to get to the hood latch cable. Usually it goes from the hood lock to the left fender and further into the car interior. The simplest thing is to pick it up with a wire near the left headlight or radiator and pull it sharply. The second option is to supply additional electricity from another battery. To do this, you need to put the battery next to the car, take the cigarette lighter wires, put one on the minus of the battery and on the car ground, with the second connected to the "plus" of the battery, climb under the car and connect it to the plus of the starter.
The second person at that moment opens the car with a key fob / key, which is what they usually open it with ...

Well, of course the last way to break into the car, which is suitable for those who are out of town or in an emergency - is to break the glass. But remember that you still need to get to your destination later, it’s good if it’s summer, but if it’s bad weather, rain, wind and frost. So it's best to break the rear right glass. Just do not try to break the glass with your hand or fist, you will need a hammer, a metal pipe or a good sharp stone for this.

Car owners quite often face such situations when they forget the keys inside the car and close the doors. It doesn't matter if the car is under the house, and we have a second set of keys. But what if the second set of keys is missing, and we need to somehow get inside the car and go on business. There are effective and fairly simple ways to open the car without breaking the glass.

Spare keys

By making a duplicate of the keys and keeping it at home or at work, you can completely solve the problems when we slam the door and forget the alarm key fob in the cabin. In this case, the car owner will need to take care of the manufacture of such a set of keys in advance.

The option with spare keys and their manufacture is only suitable for relatively old cars. The fact is that for many new cars it is not possible to make a spare key. It is necessary to apply with a special package of documents to the manufacturer, and only after a long review of the documents will a duplicate of the keys be made, and the cost of such a service will be extremely high.

Today, in many Russian cities there are specialized companies offering lock opening services without damaging them. Specialists in such companies use special equipment and master keys that allow them to cope with even the most complex lock. Using the services of professionals, you can quickly unlock the lock without damaging it, and subsequently any difficulties with the operation of the car will be completely resolved. The cost of such services is not too high, which makes them an excellent solution to existing difficulties.

At the same time, one should not think that the masters in such companies will be able to open the car to everyone. Before starting such work, the masters will be asked to fill out all the papers, and the driver will need to provide both documents for the car and his passport for identification. If the documents are inside your closed car, then you will need to find several witnesses who will confirm that you are the owner of the car, and only after that the master will start opening the lock.

You may be able to open a slammed car door yourself without breaking the glass. Try to lower the glass at least a few centimeters, which is possible in cases where the windows are already holding the windows poorly, which allows you to slightly lower the window, and subsequently you will have to pick up the handle with a wire and open the doors.

You can also try to bend the upper right corner of the door with thin plastic, and push the wire under the seal. Next, we press the central lock control button with a wire or hook the door opening handle, and after that it will be possible to open the car, solving the problem with the slammed door. This way of opening a car is perfect for cars manufactured several decades ago. With modern foreign cars, it will still be impossible to solve the problem in this way.

Breaking car glass

This is the easiest and at the same time common way to open the car if the key is left in the cabin and the lock is closed. However, not every car owner knows how to properly break glass in a car and open doors. If time permits, then you need to call an auto shop or dealership and find out which glasses for your car are the cheapest and whether they are currently on sale. The easiest way is to break the side rear window and thereby open the car. In no case should you break the windshield or rear glass, as their cost is extremely high, and the cost of replacing them will increase significantly.

If you have decided which glass will break, then in order not to spoil the interior, you should seal the surface of the glass with masking tape or tape. It is necessary to beat the glass not in the center, but closer to the edge. All that remains to be done is to carefully remove the glass fragments, open the car and seal the broken window with tape to prevent moisture and dust from entering the cabin. Try to install new glass as soon as possible in the future, which will protect the car from theft.

Don't get scammed

On the Internet, you can find a description of various crazy ways to open a car without a key. Someone asks to send SMS to a remote number, after which a signal will be sent to the phone, which will unlock the car doors. You can be completely sure that these are scammers, and by sending such a paid SMS , you will not solve any difficulties with a closed car.

Also, the method of transmitting an alarm signal through a cell phone does not work. Therefore, if your car slammed shut outside of your home, then calling home and asking your household to press the alarm key fob next to the phone is useless. The machine will not open, and the signal is not transmitted in this way.

If you contact specialized companies that offer car opening services, then you need to choose such performers whose work has proven itself from the best side. The quality of opening the lock will largely depend on professional experience and the equipment used. Therefore, turning to a handicraft master, we always run the risk that the lock will be damaged, the car will not be able to open, and the glass will have to be broken. Therefore, before calling such a rescue service, you should ask on the Internet for reviews on the work of a particular company and only after that make a choice.

Summing up

Such a situation, when the car was closed, and the keys were in the cabin, occurs all the time. The car owner needs to try to either open the car on his own, or use a second set of keys, or contact specialized companies that offer car lock opening services without damaging them. Always act with a cool head, which will allow you to avoid any problems with the car, you can open the doors without damaging the lock. In the future, we still recommend that you make a second set of keys that you can keep at home or in a safe at work.

Sooner or later, every motorist has a situation where the keys remain in the car and the doors close. There are several reasons for this phenomenon. It can be a faulty alarm, frozen locks, or a banal human oversight. But in any case, the result will be the same - a closed car with keys inside. This is a rather unpleasant situation in which few people want to be. But how to open the car if you forgot the keys inside? Do not panic.

1. We are looking for a spare key

Each car comes with several keys (usually two). Therefore, if your doors suddenly closed, you should look for a spare kit. Perhaps he will be far from home - for example, on the other side of the city. But it will still be easier than making any devices for unlocking doors. Ask your friends to deliver the key to you. And if such a situation happened near the house, you should not invent a bicycle - just open the car with a spare key. It's easy, and most importantly - harmless to your car.

2. Apply wire and rope loop

However, the car door can also be opened in traditional old-fashioned ways, which you probably could see in action films. Let's consider several options. Number one is to use a wire hook. The wire should be of medium hardness, about 60–70 cm long. We bend the hook with a length of about 7 cm at an angle of 45 degrees. The thickness of the wire should be selected so that it can penetrate between the seal and the door glass.

We put it under the glass in the area where the door handle is located. Then we cling with its help to the door rod in the place where the opening button is located. Having hooked it, we pull the homemade hook up so that the pusher can rise. Additionally, a slight bending of the seal may be required. It is so easy to open any car, especially domestic production, in 10-15 minutes.

Another method received the conditional name "rope loop". It is suitable for those cars that have an internal button - it should protrude above the door panel at least a little. Slightly bend the corner of the door, placing a piece of soft cloth. It will protect the paintwork from scratches and damage. You can even insert a small wooden wedge between the post and the corner, which will make it possible to introduce a rope. By analogy with a rope, some drivers skillfully use a fishing line. It will perfectly pass through the thickness where it is not possible to make a rope.

3. We open the central lock on foreign cars

The security system on most foreign cars is arranged as follows: when you press the handle from the inside, the door is unlocked for the first time, and the next time it opens. But the trouble is that the shape of the pull button does not allow you to use a rope, fishing line or other tool that wraps around the end of the element. How to open the car if the key is inside? To do this, we need a wire one and a half to two meters long. It is important to make a hook at its end. It is needed in order to hook the door handle in the cabin. The thickness of the wire should be the same as in the first method - not too thick, but not soft, so that the form is not damaged during passage through the seal. How to open the car if the key is inside? So, we pick up the mounting blade, wrapped in rags, and bend back part of the door. Next, we push our device inside the cabin. We determine the location of the door handle and cling to it with a hook. It will be easier if it is on the passenger side (and not under us, on the driver's side). Next, we pull the wire towards ourselves alternately two times. That's it, the door will be open. But this method can only be used if your car has a “smart” central lock. Non-standard Chinese counterparts installed in the car will not work this way.

4. Radical

If all of the above did not help, you still have to break the glass. Before you knock out the glass, you need to think carefully. It seems to be a trifling matter, but if you hurry, you can do such “businesses” that repairs will cost many times more and there will be twice as many problems. First you need to find out what kind of glass you need to beat, for this, either yourself or through friends, find out the cost of all glasses separately, find out if they are available, as well as the cost of installing it. Weigh all the pros and cons, after which you can start beating. If you have adhesive tape on hand, then before hitting it, it is better to paste over the glass with adhesive tape, this will hold the fragments and prevent them from scattering throughout the cabin. Do not paste over only the area you are going to hit.

You need to beat carefully, do not try to be a hero and try to break the glass with your bare hand or foot. Firstly, this glass, no matter how you twist it, you can cut yourself, and secondly, it doesn’t break as easily as they show in the movies. For example, I broke the glass in my car from the fifth time using a metal mount. If you have a drill handy, it would be nice to try to drill through the glass, this would allow you to avoid a million fragments and at least get home without problems and drafts. If there is no drill, hit with anything, a stone, a log, try to break the glass so that it does not fall out completely, but only makes it possible to stick your hand in and open the door. Glass should be broken with gloves, this will save you from unnecessary problems and unnecessary blood ... After you solve the problem, the hole must be sealed with adhesive tape or cellophane, in short, by any means, you need to close the hole.

How not to get into such situations?

Here are some tips to help you avoid this situation:

  • try never to leave the keys in the car, even if you go out “just for a second”. Always take the key out of the ignition and put it in your pocket;
  • finally make a duplicate of the keys. It’s not worth saving - make a full-fledged duplicate with a chip so that in any unforeseen situation you can easily open the car;
  • do not keep duplicate keys in the car or trunk;
  • do not use the automatic door lock option;
  • even if you get out of the car and do not want to get the key out of the ignition, do not close at least one door. So you will definitely get back to the salon without breaking glass and fishing with wire in the door;
  • leave the car for a long time - be sure to take the keys with you;
  • when warming up the car, leave one door or at least a window open;
  • do not wear car keys on the same ring with car alarm and remote control fobs. Even if you forgot your keys, with the key fob you can easily open the car;
  • play it safe and just in case find out the number of one or more companies that provide car hacking services.

Save the number of at least one car hacking service (just in case)

Now you know exactly why the car is blocked, how to get into YOUR closed car and how to prevent the doors from blocking. Remember that following these tips or not is only your decision. And once again, we strongly DO NOT recommend using the knowledge gained to hack OTHERS cars - what if you get caught?

Friends, today we will talk about how to open the car yourself if you forgot the keys inside the cabin. Imagine this situation: you got into the car, started the engine - and suddenly you "pecked" to check the pressure in the tires or the condition of the headlights. They went out, slammed the door out of habit ... And they realized that you were a good fellow. The keys are waiting for you inside.

How to open the car if you don't have spare keys? For efficiency, you can use a proven high-tech tool, whose name is a sledgehammer.

But Steer will offer you better ways. Read and calm your nerves.

Method number 1. You will need:

1.5 m steel wire or strong thin rope,

rubber tape

Wooden kitchen spatula

What you need to do: Your task is to stretch the wire from the inside of the car door and put a loop on the end of the wire on the door lock rod. In order not to scratch the rack and the door in those places where you will work with wire, it is better to glue these places with electrical tape. If the door is slammed tight, it will take a bit of pressure to get the wire through - that's what a spatula is for. It will not damage the bodywork, and you can press the car door a little without damage.

1. We tie a tightening loop on the wire so that one end of the wire to the loop is long, and the other, on the other side of the loop, is short, 15 centimeters.

2. We throw the long end onto the previously wrung out car door. Gently stretch the loop inward, trying to throw it on the lock rod. There is.

3. Pull the wire up at both ends.

4. PROFIT! The door is open.

Method number 2. You will need: a tennis ball with a small round hole previously dug into it (0.5 cm in diameter, approximately).

What are we doing?

1. Firmly apply the ball with a hole to the car door lock.

2. Squeeze the ball sharply so that the air enters the lock (don't worry if it doesn't work the first time - try it!).

3. Voila! You can take your keys out of the car.

In addition to the above methods, on the Internet you can find a bike about how to open a car using a cell phone. Like, if you call someone with a spare key, he will be able to transmit a signal from the key through a mobile phone to the car lock. This is just a myth. Car keys use an IR signal to close the door. This signal cannot be transmitted otherwise than directly - with a small distance of the key from the IR application in the door handle.

So you are left with a wire, a ball and patience. And in the future - careful attention to where your keys are. Good luck on the roads.


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