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4.1. Fuel consumption standards for cars general purpose

Fuel consumption standards can be established for each model, brand and modification of vehicles in use and correspond to certain operating conditions of motor vehicles according to their classification and purpose. The standards include the fuel consumption required for the transport process. Fuel consumption for technical, garage and other internal economic needs not directly related to the technological process of transporting passengers and cargo is not included in the standards (in the tables) and is established separately.

The following types of standards have been established for general purpose vehicles:

-basic rate in liters per 100 km(l/100 km) mileage of a motor vehicle (AV) in running order;

-transport norm in liters per 100 km(l/100 km) mileage during transport work;

-bus, where the curb weight and the nominal passenger load normalized for the purpose of the bus are taken into account;

-dump truck, where the curb weight and normalized loading of the dump truck are taken into account (with a coefficient of 0.5);

The transport norm in liters per 100 ton-kilometers (l/100 tkm) when carrying out the transport work of a truck takes into account fuel consumption additional to the basic norm when driving a vehicle with cargo, a road train with a trailer or semi-trailer without cargo and with cargo, or using previously established coefficients for each ton of transported cargo, the weight of a trailer or semi-trailer - up to 1.3 l/100 km and up to 2.0 l/100 km for cars, respectively, with diesel and gasoline engines - or using accurate calculations performed using a special program -methodology directly for each specific brand, modification and type of vehicle.

Basic rate fuel consumption depends on the design of the car, its units and systems, the category, type and purpose of the automobile rolling stock (cars, buses, trucks, etc.), on the type of fuel used, takes into account the weight of the car in running order, the typical route and driving mode under operating conditions within the limits of the “Road Rules”.

Transport norm(norm on transport work) includes the basic standard and depends either on the carrying capacity, or on the standardized passenger load, or on the specific mass of the cargo being transported.

Operating standard is established at the place of operation of the vehicle on the basis of the basic or transport standard using correction factors (surcharges) taking into account local operating conditions, according to the formulas given in this document.

Fuel consumption standards per 100 km of vehicle mileage are set in the following measurements:

For petrol and diesel cars- in liters of gasoline or diesel fuel;

For vehicles running on liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) - in liters of LPG at the rate of 1 liter of gasoline corresponds to “1.32 liters of LPG, no more” (recommended rate within 1.22±0.10 liters of LPG to 1 liter of gasoline, depending on the properties of the propane-butane mixture);

For vehicles running on compressed natural gas (CNG) - in normal cubic meters of CNG, at the rate of 1 liter of gasoline corresponds to 1±0.1 m of CNG (depending on the properties of natural gas);

For gas-diesel vehicles, the consumption rate of compressed natural gas is indicated in m3 with a simultaneous indication of the diesel fuel consumption rate in liters; their ratio is determined by the manufacturer of the equipment (or in the operating instructions).

Accounting for road transport, climatic and other operational factors is carried out using correction factors (surcharges), regulated in the form of percentage increases or decreases in the initial value of the norm (their values ​​are established by order or order of the management of the enterprise operating the vehicle, or the local administration).

Fuel consumption rates increase under the following conditions.

1. Operation of vehicles in the winter season, depending on the climatic regions of the country - from 5% to 20% (inclusive - and further in the text for all upper limit values ​​of the coefficients).

2. Operation of vehicles on public roads (I, II and III categories) in mountainous areas, including cities, towns and suburban areas, at an altitude above sea level:

    from 300 to 800 m - up to 5% (lower mountains);

    from 801 to 2000 m - up to 10% (mid-mountain);

    from 2001 to 3000 m - up to 15% (highlands);

    over 3000 m - up to 20% (highlands).

3. Operation of vehicles on public roads of categories I, II and III with a complex layout (outside cities and suburban areas), where on average there are more than five curves (turns) with a radius of less than 40 m per 1 km (or per 100 km of track - about 500) - up to 10%, on public roads of categories IV and V - up to 30%.

4. Operation of motor transport in cities with the population:

    over 3 million people - up to 25%;

    from 1 to 3 million people - up to 20%;

    from 250 thousand to 1 million people - up to 15%;

    from 100 to 250 thousand people - up to 10%;

Up to 100 thousand people in cities, towns and other large settlements (if there are controlled intersections, traffic lights or other traffic signs) - up to 5%.

5. Operation of vehicles requiring frequent technological stops associated with loading and unloading, boarding and disembarking passengers, including route taxis - buses, passenger-and-passenger and small-class trucks, pickup trucks, station wagons, etc., including transportation of products and small cargo, servicing mailboxes, cash collection, servicing pensioners, disabled people, sick people, etc. (if there is an average of more than one stop per 1 km of travel; stops at traffic lights, intersections and crossings are not taken into account) - up to 10%.

6. Transportation of non-standard, large, heavy, dangerous goods, cargo in glass, etc., movement in convoys and accompanied, and other similar cases:

With a reduced average vehicle speed of 20...40 km/h - up to 15%;

With a reduced average speed below 20 km/h - up to 35%.

7. When running in new cars and those that have left the overhaul, (mileage is determined by the equipment manufacturer) - up to 10%.

8. When transporting cars centrally:

On your own in a single state or in a column - up to 10%;

When driving and towing vehicles in a paired state - up to 15%;

When hauling and towing in a assembled state - up to 20%.

9. For vehicles in use:

More than 5 years with a total mileage of more than 100 thousand km - up to 5%;

More than 8 years with a total mileage of more than 150 thousand km - up to 10%.

10. When operating trucks, vans, cargo taxis, etc. excluding the mass of transported cargo, as well as when vehicles operate as technological transport, including work inside the enterprise - up to 10%.

11. When working special vehicles(patrol, filming, repair, aerial platforms, forklifts, etc.) performing the transport process when maneuvering, at low speeds, with frequent stops, reversing, etc. - up to 20%.

12. When working in quarries, when moving across a field, when removing timber, etc. on horizontal sections of roads of categories IV and V:

For vehicles in running order without cargo - up to 20%;

For vehicles with a full or partial vehicle load - up to 40%.

13. When working in extreme climatic and severe road conditions during seasonal thaw, snow or sand drifts, heavy snowfall and ice, floods and other natural disasters:

    for roads of I, II and III categories - up to 35%;

14. During training driving:

    on public roads - up to 20%;

    at specially designated training areas, when maneuvering at reduced speeds, during frequent stops and movements in reverse- up to 40%.

15. When using an air conditioner or climate control system while driving a car - up to 7% of the basic norm.

16. When using an air conditioner in a parking lot, the standard fuel consumption is set based on one hour of inactivity with the engine running, the same in the parking lot when using the climate control unit (regardless of the time of year) for one hour of inactivity with the engine running - up to 10% from the basic norm.

17. When vehicles are idle for loading or unloading at points where, according to safety conditions or other applicable rules, it is prohibited to turn off the engine (oil depots, special warehouses, the presence of cargo that does not allow cooling of the body, banks and other objects), as well as in other cases of forced downtime car with the engine running - up to 10% of the base rate for one hour of inactivity.

18. In the winter or cold (with an average daily temperature below +5°C) season, in parking lots when it is necessary to start and warm up cars and buses (if there are no independent heaters), as well as in parking lots waiting for passengers (including for medical vehicles and when transporting children), standard fuel consumption is established based on one hour of parking (idle time) with the engine running - up to 10% of the basic norm.

19. It is allowed on the basis of an order from the head of an enterprise or an order from the leadership of a local administration:

For internal garage trips and technical needs of motor transport enterprises (technical inspections, adjustment work, running-in of engine parts and other vehicle components after repairs, etc.), increase the standard fuel consumption to 1% of the total amount consumed by this enterprise (with justification and taking into account the actual number of vehicles used in these works);

For brands and modifications of cars that do not have significant design changes compared to the base model (with the same technical characteristics of the engine, gearbox, final drive, tires, wheel arrangement, body) and do not differ from the base model in curb weight, set the basic fuel consumption rate in the same sizes as for the base model;

For brands and modifications of cars that do not have the design changes listed above, but differ from the base model only in their own weight (when installing vans, awnings, additional equipment, armor, etc.), fuel consumption rates can be determined:

For every ton of increase (decrease) in the vehicle's own weight with an increase (decrease) at the rate of up to 2 l/100 km for cars with gasoline engines, at the rate of up to 1.3 l/100 km - with diesel engines, at the rate of up to 2.64 l/100 km for vehicles running on liquefied gas, at the rate of up to 2 m 3 /100 km for vehicles running on compressed natural gas;

With a gas-diesel engine process, approximately up to 1.2 m of natural gas and up to 0.25 l/100 km diesel fuel, based on each ton of change in the vehicle's own weight.

Fuel consumption rates may decrease.

1. When working on public roads of categories I, II and III outside the suburban area on flat, slightly hilly terrain (altitude up to 300 m above sea level) - up to 15%.

2. In the case when vehicles are operated in a suburban area outside the city boundaries, correction (urban) coefficients are not applied.

If it is necessary to apply several surcharges simultaneously, the fuel consumption rate is set taking into account the sum or difference of these surcharges.

In addition to the normalized gas consumption, the consumption of gasoline or diesel fuel for gas-cylinder vehicles is allowed in the following cases:

For entering and leaving the repair area after technical work - up to 5 liters liquid fuel for one gas-cylinder car;

To start and operate the engine of a gas-cylinder car - up to 20 liters of liquid fuel per month per car in the summer and spring-autumn seasons; in winter, winter allowances are additionally taken into account in accordance with section 4.3;

On routes whose length exceeds the range of one gas filling,

Up to 25% of total fuel consumption on specified routes.

In all of these cases, the rationing of liquid fuel consumption for gas-cylinder vehicles is carried out in the same amounts as for the corresponding base vehicles.

Pay attention to possible changes and the variety of operating conditions of automotive vehicles, changes of man-made, natural and climatic nature, road conditions, features of the transportation of goods and passengers, etc., in case of production need, it is possible to clarify or introduce separate correction factors (surcharges) to fuel consumption standards by order of management local regional administrations and other departments - with appropriate justification and in agreement with the Ministry of Transport of Russia.

For the period of validity of the document “Consumption standards for fuels and lubricants in motor transport” for models, brands and modifications of motor vehicles entering the vehicle fleet of a country for which the Ministry of Transport of Russia has not approved fuel consumption standards (not included in these consumption standards), heads of local regional administrations and enterprises can put into effect by their order standards developed on individual applications in the prescribed manner by scientific organizations that develop such standards using a special program-method.

FOR PASSENGER CARS the normalized value of fuel consumption is calculated according to the following ratio:

Where Qh- standard fuel consumption, l;

Hs- basic fuel consumption per vehicle mileage,

S- vehicle mileage, km;


Example. From waybill It was established that the GAZ-24-10 taxi car, operating in mountainous areas at an altitude of 500 - 1500 m, covered a distance of 244 km.

Initial data:

The basic standard for the GAZ-24-10 passenger car is Hs= 13.0 l/100 km;

The allowance for work in mountainous areas at an altitude of 500 to 1500 m above sea level is D = 5%.

FOR BUSES The normalized fuel consumption value is determined similarly to passenger cars. If regular independent heaters are used on a bus in winter, fuel consumption for the operation of the heater is taken into account in the total standardized fuel consumption as follows:

, (2)

Where Qh

Hs- basic fuel consumption per bus mileage,

l/100 km or m/100 km;

S- bus mileage, km;

Nfrom- rate of fuel consumption for operation of the heater or heaters, l/hour;

T- operating time of the vehicle with the heater on, hour;

D - correction factor (total relative increase or decrease) to the norm as a percentage.

Example. From the waybill it was established that the Ikarus-280.33 city bus operated in the city in winter using standard Sirokko-268 cabin heaters together with Sirokko-262 (trailer heater), covered a mileage of 164 km, with an operating time on the line of 8 hours.

Initial data:

The basic mileage rate for the Ikarus-280.33 city bus is Hs= 43.0 l/100 km;

The bonus for working in winter is D = 10%;

The fuel consumption rate for operating the Sirokko-268 heater together with Sirokko-262 is Nfrom=3.5 l/hour.

The normalized fuel consumption is:



Where QH- standard fuel consumption, in liters or m3;


Hsav- fuel consumption rate per road train mileage,

HsaV =Hs +Hg· GGp, l/100 km or m/100 km,

Hs- basic fuel consumption rate for vehicle mileage, l/100 km or m/100 km;

HsaV =Hs- for a single car, tractor, l/100 km or m 3 /100 km;

Hg- fuel consumption rate for the additional weight of a trailer or semi-trailer, l/100 tkm or m/100 tkm);

Hw- rate of fuel consumption for transport work,

l/100 tkm or m/100 tkm;

W- volume of transport work, W= GGp SGp, t km;

Gsp- cargo mass, t;

SGp- mileage with load, km;

GPp- dead weight of the trailer or semi-trailer, t;

D- correction factor (total relative

increase or decrease) to the norm as a percentage.

For cargo flatbed vehicles and road trains performing work counted in ton-kilometers, in addition to the basic norm, fuel consumption rate increases(calculated in liters per ton of cargo per 100 km) depending on the type of fuel used:

    for gasoline - up to 2 liters;

    liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) - up to 2.64 l;

    compressed natural gas (CNG) - up to 2 m;

    with gas-diesel power, approximately up to 1.2 m 3 of natural gas and up to 0.25 liters of diesel fuel.

When operating flatbed trucks, tractors with trailers and truck tractors with semi-trailers, fuel consumption rate (l/100 km) for the mileage of a road train increases(calculated in liters per ton of trailers and semi-trailers’ own weight) depending on the type of fuel:

    gasoline - up to 2 liters;

    diesel fuel - up to 1.3 l;

    liquefied gas - up to 2.64 l;

    natural gas - up to 2 m;

Example 1. From the waybill it was established that a single ZIL-431410 on-board vehicle with a total mileage of 217 km performed transport work in the amount of 820 tkm under operating conditions that did not require the use of surcharges or their reduction.

Initial data:

Basic fuel consumption per mileage for onboard vehicle ZIL-43141 is Hs= 31.0 l/100 km;

The rate of gasoline consumption for the transportation of payload is Hw= 2.0 l/100 tkm.

The normalized fuel consumption is:

Example 2. From the waybill it was established that a single KamAZ-53215 on-board vehicle with a KamAZ-740.11 engine with a total mileage of 1000 km along the Bryansk-Moscow-Bryansk route transported cargo weighing 3.5 tons from Moscow to Bryansk in winter operating conditions.

Initial data:

The basic fuel consumption per mileage for a KamAZ-53215 onboard vehicle with a KamAZ-740.11 engine is Hs= 24.5 l/100 km;

The rate of diesel fuel consumption for the transportation of payload is Hw= 1.3 l/100 tkm.

Allowances for work in winter in the Bryansk region D= 10 percent.

The normalized fuel consumption is:

Example 3. From the waybill it was established that the KamAZ-5320 on-board vehicle with the GKB-8350 trailer performed 6413 tkm of transport work in winter conditions on mountain roads at an altitude of 1501 to 2000 meters and completed total mileage 475 km.

Initial data:

The basic fuel consumption per mileage for an onboard KamAZ-5320 vehicle is Hs= 25.0 l/100 km;

Hw= 1.3 l/100 tkm;

The fuel consumption rate for the additional weight of the trailer is Hg= 1.3 l/100 tkm;

Allowances for work in winter D= 10%, for work in mountain conditions at altitudes from 1501 to 2000 meters above sea level D= 10 percent, D=10+10=20%;

Weight of the equipped trailer GKB-8350 Gn.p.= 3.5 tons;

The fuel consumption rate for the mileage of a road train consisting of: a KamAZ-5320 vehicle with a GKB-8350 trailer is:

HsaV =Hs +Hg· Gn.p.= 25 +1.3· 3.5 = 29.55 l/100 km.

Normalized fuel consumption:

Example 4. From the waybill it was established that a KamAZ-53215 on-board vehicle with a KamAZ-740.11 engine with a GKB-8350 trailer, with a total mileage of 2000 km along the Kirov-Moscow-Kirov route, transported cargo weighing 3.5 tons from Moscow to Kirov in winter conditions on public roads of category II.

Initial data:

The basic fuel consumption rate per mileage for a KamAZ-53215 onboard vehicle with a KamAZ-740.11 engine was established by order of the head of the enterprise and is Hs= 24.5 l/100 km;

The fuel consumption rate for transporting a payload is Hw= 1.3 l/100 tkm;

The fuel consumption rate for the additional weight of the trailer is Hg= 1.3 l/100 tkm;

Weight of the equipped trailer GKB-8350 Gn.p.= 3.5 tons;

Allowances for work in winter in the Kirov region D = 12 %,

Reduced fuel consumption when working on public roads of category II D= -8%. Total ∑ D=12-8=4%;

Volume of transport work, W= GGp· SGp= 3.5·1000 =3500tkm;

The fuel consumption rate for the mileage of a road train consisting of: a KamAZ-53212 vehicle with a GKB-8350 trailer is:

HsaV =Hs +Hg· Gn.p.= 24.5 +1.3 · 3.5 = 29.05 l/100 km.

Normalized fuel consumption:

FOR TRUCK TRUCKS the normalized value of fuel consumption is determined similarly to on-board cargo vehicles.

Example. From the waybill it was established that the MAZ-5429 tractor-trailer with the MA3-5205A semi-trailer completed 9520 tkm of transport work while covering 595 km on a country road with an improved surface.

Initial data:

The basic fuel consumption per mileage for the MAZ-5429 tractor is Hs= 23.0 l/100 km;

The fuel consumption rate for transporting a payload is Hw= 1.3 l/100 tkm;

The fuel consumption rate for the additional weight of the semi-trailer is Hg= 1.3 l/100 tkm;

Weight of the equipped semi-trailer MAZ-5205A Gn.p.= 5.7 tons;

Winter work allowance D= 10%, reduction due to the movement of the road train on a country road with improved coverage D= 15%; Total ∑ D=10-15= 5%;

The fuel consumption rate for the mileage of a road train consisting of a MAZ-5429 tractor with a MAZ-5205A semi-trailer is:

HsaV =Hs +Hg· Gn.p.= 23 +1.3· 5.7 = 30.41 l/100 km.

Normalized fuel consumption:

FOR TIPPER VEHICLES AND TIPPER TRAINS the normalized value of fuel consumption is determined by the following relationship:

, (4)

Where Hmyself- fuel consumption rate of a dump truck train,

Hmyself=Hs+Hw· (Gn.p.+ 0.5·q),l/100 km;

Hw- fuel consumption rate for the transport operation of a dump truck and for the additional weight of a trailer or semi-trailer, l/100 t km or m/100 t km;

Gn.p.- dead weight of the trailer, semi-trailer, t;

q- trailer load capacity, t;

Hs- basic fuel consumption rate of a dump truck, taking into account transport work, l/100 km;

S- mileage of a car or road train, km;

Hz- additional fuel consumption rate for each trip with a dump truck load, l;

Z - number of riders with cargo per shift;

D- correction factor (total relative increase or decrease) to the norm as a percentage.

When operating dump trucks with dump trailers, semi-trailers (if the basic rate is calculated for the vehicle, as for a truck tractor), the fuel consumption rate increases for each ton of the trailer's, semi-trailer's own weight and half of its rated load capacity (load factor - 0.5):

    gasoline - up to 2 liters;

    diesel fuel - up to 1.3 l;

    liquefied gas - up to 2.64 l;

    natural gas - up to 2 m.

For dump trucks and road trains, fuel consumption rates are additionally established. (Hz) for each trip with a load when maneuvering in loading and unloading areas:

    up to 0.25 l of liquid fuel (up to 0.33 l of liquefied petroleum gas, up to 0.25 m of natural gas) per unit of dump rolling stock;

    up to 0.2 m of natural gas and 0.1 liter of diesel fuel approximately with gas-diesel engine power.

For heavy-duty dump trucks of the BelAZ type, the additional rate of diesel fuel consumption for each trip with a load is set at up to 1 liter.

In cases of operation of dump trucks with a payload coefficient above 0.5, it is allowed to normalize fuel consumption in the same way as for on-board vehicles.

Example 1. From the waybill it was established that the MAZ-510 dump truck traveled 165 km, making 10 trips with cargo. The work was carried out in winter in a quarry on a category IV road.

Initial data:

The basic fuel consumption rate for a MAZ-510 dump truck is Hs= 28.0 l/100 km;

The fuel consumption rate for dump trucks for each trip with a load is Hz= 0.25 l;

Winter work allowance D= 10%, for work in a quarry with a load D= 30%. Total ∑ D=10+30= 40%;

Normalized fuel consumption:

Example 2. From the waybill it was established that a KamAZ-5511 dump truck with a GKB-8527 dump trailer transported 13 tons of brick to a distance of 115 km, and transported 16 tons of crushed stone to a distance of 80 km in the opposite direction. The total mileage was 240 km.

Initial data:

The basic fuel consumption per mileage for a KamAZ-5511 vehicle is Hs= 34.0 l/100 km;

The fuel consumption rate for transporting a payload is Hw= 1.3 l/tkm;

The work was carried out under conditions that did not require the use of increases and decreases;

Weight of loaded dump trailer GKB-8527 Gn.p.= 4.5 tons;

Considering that the load factor is more than 0.5, the fuel consumption rate for the mileage of a road train consisting of a KamAZ-5511 vehicle with a GKB-8527 trailer is:

Hmyself=Hs+Hw· Gn.p.=34.0 +1.3 · 4.5 = 39.85 l/100 km;

Normalized fuel consumption:

FOR VANS(SPECIALIZED VEHICLES) performing work counted in ton-kilometers, the normalized fuel consumption value is determined similarly to on-board trucks.

For vans operating without taking into account the weight of the cargo being transported, the normalized value of fuel consumption is determined taking into account an increasing correction factor - up to 10% of the base standard.

Example. From the waybill it was established that the GZSA-37021 van truck (powered by liquefied petroleum gas), working at an hourly rate within the city with frequent stops, covered a distance of 152 km.

Initial data:

The basic fuel consumption rate for the mileage of the GZSA-37021 van is Hs= 34.0 l/100 km;

Work bonus, paid hourly D= 10%, surcharge for work with frequent technological stops D= 8%. Total ∑ D=10+8=18%;

Normalized fuel consumption:

FOR PASSENGER CARS AND MINIBUSES MANUFACTURED FOREIGN the normalized fuel consumption value is calculated similarly to Russian-made passenger cars using formula (1).

SPECIAL AND CUSTOMIZED VEHICLES with equipment installed on them are divided into two groups:

Vehicles performing work during the parking period (firefighting truck cranes, tank trucks, compressor, drilling rigs, etc.);

Vehicles performing repair, construction and other work while moving (aerial platforms, cable laying machines, concrete mixers, etc.).

The standard fuel consumption (l) for special vehicles performing the main work during the parking period is determined as follows:

Where Hsc- individual fuel consumption rate for the mileage of a special vehicle, l/100 km (in cases where a special vehicle is also intended to transport cargo, the individual rate is calculated taking into account the performance of transport work: H" sc =Hsc +Hw· W;

NT- rate of fuel consumption for the operation of special equipment, l/hour or liters for the operation performed (filling the tank, etc.);

S- car mileage;

T- equipment operating time, hour or number of operations performed;

D- total relative increase or decrease to the norm, percentage (when operating equipment, only allowances for work in winter and in mountainous areas are applied). Standard fuel consumption for special vehicles performing work while moving is determined as follows:

Where Hsc- individual fuel consumption rate per mileage

special vehicle, l/100 km;

S" - mileage of the special vehicle to the place of work and back, km;

Hs" - fuel consumption rate per mileage when performing special work while traveling, l/100 km;

S" - vehicle mileage when performing special work while moving, km;

HSD- additional fuel consumption rate for spreading sand or mixture per body, l;

N- the number of bodies of scattered sand or mixture per shift.

For vehicles on which special equipment is installed, fuel consumption standards for mileage (for movement) are established based on fuel consumption standards developed for basic car models, taking into account changes in the weight of the special vehicle.

Fuel consumption standards for special vehicles performing housing and communal services are determined according to the standards of the Housing and Communal Services Department of the Gosstroy of Russia (K. D. Pamfilov Academy of Public Utilities).

Example. From the waybill it was established that the KS-4571 truck crane based on the KrAZ-257 vehicle, which had been overhauled, covered a distance of 127 km. The operating time of special equipment for moving cargo was 6.8 hours.

Initial data:

The basic fuel consumption per mileage for the KS-4571 truck crane is Hsc= 52 l/100 km;

The fuel consumption rate for operating special equipment installed on a vehicle is NT= 8.4 l/100 km;

Allowance for the first thousand kilometers traveled by a car after major repairs D = 5 %.

Normalized fuel consumption.

Diesel engines, with comparable load parameters, initially differ from gasoline engines by more low consumption fuel, as well as better dynamics traction indicators, developing maximum torque for more low revs. This has contributed to the modern widespread use of diesel engines not only in tractors, trucks and special vehicles, but also in passenger cars. However, in cases where problems arise with increased diesel fuel consumption, the diesel engine loses all its efficiency. What could be the reasons for high fuel consumption and what to do in this case?

Some of the information presented in this article will also be valid for gasoline engines internal combustion. However, taking into account characteristic features design of the diesel workflow system, first of all, it is focused on identifying the causes of overconsumption and ways to save diesel fuel.

The main indicator of the efficiency of any engine is specific fuel consumption. That is, the volume of fuel that is consumed by the equipment in 1 hour with a device power of 1 kW. Diesels are traditionally more economical than gasoline engines.

For diesel engines given value is 200-230 g, and for gasoline power units the same parameter is larger - 265-305 g. These are average values. In addition to them, there are a number of external and internal factors that directly affect the actual performance for a particular technique. Among the main ones are the following:

  • the weight of the tractor or car (the more significant it is, the harder it will be for the motor to spin the transmission mechanism and the more energy will be needed for acceleration);
  • air pressure in tires (reduced - leads to a significant decrease in the level of the coefficient useful action engine);
  • air filter contamination level;
  • long-term idle operation;
  • aggressive driving style with sharp acceleration and deceleration, with excessive engine revs in low gears.

The main and obvious signs increased consumption diesel fuel during engine operation is a significant difference between the fuel consumption values ​​​​indicated in the documentation for the power unit and the actual values. In addition, high fuel consumption will most often be accompanied by uncharacteristic behavior of the engine during operation.

Signs of increased diesel fuel consumption

This is due to the fact that excess diesel fuel, when it enters the combustion chamber, is not burned efficiently and completely, and this always leads to a loss of power. The engine begins to choke, exhaust system characteristic pops begin to be heard due to the fact that the fuel begins to “burn out” already there. An additional, very often visible visual sign of increased fuel consumption on a diesel engine is excessive smoke, a very dark or black color. exhaust gases, ejected from the pipe.

The main reasons for increased fuel consumption on diesel engines and the simultaneous appearance of increased smoky exhaust include:

  • The appearance of insufficient tightness of the power supply system.

Tightness of the power supply system for diesel engine has special meaning. In particular, air leaks in the intake part of the system (from fuel tank to the fuel priming pump) leads to malfunction of the fuel supply equipment. And the broken seal of the part of the system that is under pressure (from the fuel priming pump to the injectors) causes leakage and significant excess fuel consumption. A leak in the power system often occurs due to a violation of the tightness of the connections, due to natural wear or mechanical damage. Violations in the tightness of high-pressure fuel pipe connections are determined by a small output of diesel fuel at the places where the tubes are attached to the pump fittings and injectors when the engine is running.

  • Clogged air and/or fuel filters.

This is a very common reason for increased fuel consumption on a diesel engine, which perhaps should even be placed first on the list of the main reasons for excessive consumption. Filters become clogged faster with regular use of equipment on dirt or gravel roads and off-road; when periodically using diesel fuel of questionable quality, with foreign impurities. However, the detrimental effect on the condition air filters The polluted air of especially busy roads also has an impact on the cramped state of modern megacities.

  • Clogged fuel drain line.

If the fuel drain line (from the pump to the fuel tank) is clogged or deformed, this will also negatively affect diesel fuel consumption.

  • Contamination or wear of injectors.

This is a more serious problem that requires repair or replacement of the injectors with new ones. When using low-quality fuel, these rather demanding devices become clogged very quickly, which leads to their damage in the future.

  • Violation of the fuel injection advance angle depending on the rotation speed.

From rotation speed crankshaft– the speed of movement of the piston in the engine cylinder – depends on the amount of working fluid in the combustion chamber of the engine and its temperature. As the crankshaft rotation speed increases, the absolute durations of ignition delays (in milliseconds) are reduced, but the relative durations in degrees of crankshaft rotation increase. We must not forget about such a moment as injection delay (the time between the start of fuel supply by the pump and the injection of fuel by the nozzle into the combustion chamber). The higher the crankshaft speed, the earlier fuel needs to be injected into the combustion chamber, and vice versa.

  • Large gaps in the valve mechanism.

Correct clearances in the valve group are a necessary element that ensures the correct operation of the entire gas distribution mechanism of the engine as a whole. The size of thermal gaps can be 0.08...0.45 mm, and is standardized for each engine by its manufacturer. After warming up diesel engine all its working parts are, to one degree or another, subject to thermal expansion, which depends both on the degree of heating and on the size of the parts, on the coefficient of thermal expansion of the metal from which these parts are made. Most engine parts expand quite strongly, as they have a fairly serious coefficient of linear deformation of the metal from which they are made.

  • Severe wear of the crank mechanism, due to which the engine power decreases.

Accordingly, in order to maintain it at the level required for work, the driver or machine operator will use the accelerator pedal more often and more energetically.

  • Contamination of cylinders and piston rings.

In this case, as a rule, thick black smoke comes out of the chimney, plus excessive consumption of diesel fuel.

  • Failure of fuel injection pump – fuel pump high pressure.
  • Electronic malfunctions leading to sensors generating incorrect data and on-board computer, accordingly, normalizes injection with errors.
  • High degree of clutch wear.
  • There is a violation in the regulation of the angle at which the fuel injection advances in accordance with the rotation speed.
  • Insufficient engine warm-up.

During winter season the coolant temperature drops below the required value, and because of this, the engine itself cannot reach the temperature necessary for full operation. In such a situation, the engine will use more fuel to warm up itself, which will affect the overall diesel consumption by about a ten percent increase.

  • Unbalanced wheel alignment.

When the wheels are at different angles and in different directions, this causes much more resistance when driving and, accordingly, increases fuel consumption. Normal consumption fuel returns after the wheel alignment is adjusted.

  • Aerodynamic obstacles of various kinds.

It could be anything that somehow causes increased resistance when driving. In particular, non-compliant tires, luggage racks and boxes, etc.

  • Automatic gearbox.

The use of an automatic transmission is always and in any case fraught with increased fuel consumption compared to traditional “mechanics”.

Except as indicated high flow and increased smoke, most of the above reasons can also lead to worse acceleration dynamics; To unstable work power unit idling; to certain problems with its launch.

  • Do not forget about the particularly high demands of modern diesel engines on fuel quality.

Imported diesel engines have previously been very picky about the quality of diesel fuel. And now, with the widespread adoption of the Common Rail electronic injection system, even more so. In this regard, it is necessary to refuel only at well-known gas stations of proven and tested fuel suppliers. If there is a need to refuel at an unfamiliar gas station, then it is advisable to use special additives in this case.

  • Ensure correct adjustment of fuel equipment settings.

A diesel engine is structurally more complex than a gasoline engine. Mixture formation and injection here are carried out using a fuel injection pump - a high-pressure fuel pump equipped with electronic system management. With considerable age and operational wear of equipment, especially heavy, heavy-duty equipment, tuning is especially important, since natural imbalances arise; increasing gaps that reduce the quality of the mixture; violation of the injection advance angle.

In particular, the injection advance angle has different optimal values ​​at different speeds: 3° – 800 rpm. ( idling), 4° – 1000 rpm, 5° – 1500 rpm, etc. It depends on the diesel fuel pressure inside the fuel pump housing and on the wear of the wave profile of the special washer. For achievement optimal values In the injection pump body there is a piston (or so-called “timer”), which, by means of a driver, rotates the washer and thereby sets the time for the start of fuel supply to the injector. Timely replacement of a worn washer often solves the problem with fuel consumption and excessive fuel consumption. In addition, timely adjustment of the cyclic supply, which must correspond to the volume of incoming air, will significantly affect diesel savings.

  • Fans of a sharp and aggressive driving style should reconsider their habits, abandoning sharp “gas” with rapid power gains and braking.

It's better to stick to what's best for you economical consumption combustible smooth and stable technique control style. The diesel engine speed should be within 1600-2000 rpm. It also makes sense to avoid upshifting when accelerating to high speeds.

  • Change clogged consumables - fuel and air filters - in a timely manner, avoiding a significant reduction in their throughput.
  • Choose an engine oil with low viscosity that is optimal for diesel engines. You should not skimp on oil: you need to replace it within the period established by the manufacturers, and this replacement must be carried out in full accordance with technical parameters tractor or car.
  • Do not forget to regularly monitor the tire pressure level, inflating them as necessary to the specified values.

So, in most cases, increased diesel engine consumption is the first serious signal that there is a malfunction in the tractor or truck. It is necessary to identify this malfunction and eliminate it, if possible, in a short time, without putting these actions on the back burner.

The issue of diesel consumption is the most important one when purchasing special equipment with internal combustion engines.

Any device must initially be put on balance. In this case, the fuel is written off according to existing regulatory documents. However, for special equipment there are no clear indicators of consumption per 100 km. Manufacturers, on the contrary, set the consumption per unit of engine power.

To determine and accurately calculate the formula, you must clearly know all the necessary components:

  • N is the engine power, measured in kW;
  • t – fuel consumption time, that is, 1 hour;
  • G – specific fuel consumption of the vehicle, g/kWh;
  • % – percentage of machine load during operation;
  • p – fuel density. For diesel, the density is constant and is 850 grams per liter.

Engine power is mainly determined in horsepower. In order to find out the power in kW, you need to look at the equipment documents from the manufacturer.

Specific fuel consumption is a measure of engine consumption information at specific loads. Such data cannot be found in documents about the equipment; they must be clarified upon purchase or from authorized dealers.

The main component in the calculation formula is the percentage of equipment load. It refers to information about internal combustion engine operation at maximum speed. The percentage is indicated by the manufacturer for each type of transport. For example, for some MTZ-based loaders, out of all 100% of the working time, the engine will work approximately 30% at maximum speed.

Let's return to specific consumption. It is expressed in relation to the fuel consumed per 1 unit of power. Thus, to calculate everything in theory, for the maximum value you need to use the formula Q=N*q. Where Q is the desired indicator of fuel consumption for 1 hour of operation, q is the specific fuel consumption and N is the power of the unit.

For example, there is data on the engine power in kW: N = 75, q = 265. In one hour of operation, such a unit will consume almost 20 kg of diesel fuel. With this calculation, it is worth remembering that the unit will not operate directly at maximum speed the entire time. Also, the calculation is carried out in liters, so in order not to translate everything according to tables and not make mistakes in the following calculations, it is necessary to use the improved calculation formula Q = Nq/(1000*R*k1).

In this formula, the desired result Q determines the fuel consumption in liters per hour of operation. k1 – is a coefficient indicating engine operation at maximum crankshaft speed. R is a constant value corresponding to the fuel density. The rest of the indicators remain the same.

The maximum engine performance factor is 2.3. Calculated using the formula 70% normal operation / 30% operation at high speeds.

It is worth remembering that in practice, theoretical costs are always higher, since the engine operates at maximum speed only part of the time.

Calculation of fuel consumption of a walk-behind tractor

Many owners of summer cottages and not only them often wonder how it is possible to calculate the fuel consumption of a walk-behind tractor during a certain operation.

It is possible to calculate the gasoline consumption of a walk-behind tractor only during its direct operation. To do this, you need to fill the fuel tank of the walk-behind tractor to the maximum level with gasoline. Then you need to plow the land. Upon completion of plowing a certain area, it is necessary to measure the area of ​​the plowed area. After this, calculate how much fuel was spent on plowing this area. Likewise for all other types of work (potato harvesting, mulching, mowing, etc.)

This is calculated using electronic scales. A simple container of fuel is taken and its specific gravity is measured. Then the scales are tared. After this, you need to add gasoline to the tank to the previous level and be sure to put the fuel container back on the scales. Electronic scales will show the difference between fuel cans. This difference will be the final indicator of fuel consumption per area of ​​land on which the work was done. Unlike the first case with special equipment, here fuel consumption is measured in kilograms.

It is worth remembering that the operating speed of the motorized cultivator should be approximately from 0.5 to 1 km per hour of operation. Based on this, a general calculation of fuel consumption by hour is made. According to established standards, there is data from walk-behind tractor manufacturers on average fuel consumption per hour of operation. For low-power walk-behind tractors with a capacity of 3.5 hp. consumption ranges from 0.9 to 1.5 kg per hour of operation.

Medium-power walk-behind tractors consume an average of 0.9 to 1 kg/hour. The most powerful devices spend from 1.1 to 1.6 kg per hour.

Fuel consumption rates per engine hour for diesel engines

Diesel fuel consumption standards for special equipment are on average 5.5 liters per 1 hour of operation in simple transport mode. When excavating soils in the first or second degree, the consumption is reduced to 4.2 liters per 1 hour of work.

If you additionally load or unload these soils, then for all MTZ-based excavators the consumption will be equal to 4.6 liters per 1 hour of operation.

Winter has come and now many cars “start” according to the alarm time (banal programmable autostart). Also, many write that it is precisely because of such “warming up” that a large amount of fuel is wasted. That is, the consumption at idle is simply huge (increases by almost 50%)! BUT is this really so? How much does the car consume per hour with such idle warm-ups? Let's find out + as usual video version...

Of course, the colder the more difficult than a car start and work for the first 3 - 5 minutes, then the system warms up and the consumption drops. But it becomes clear that in any case there is a cost, but not as huge as many people write.

About the alarm

Alarm system with auto start, allows you to start the car for 5 - 10 minutes. Moreover, usually the default is 10 minutes, but you can set it to 5, on some alarms it’s 3 minutes.

You can set it to run automatically by time, for example:

  • Will start before you arrive
  • Or by time interval (every 2 hours),
  • By temperature (warmed up - stopped - cooled down - started again).
  • Well, of course, you can start it yourself from the window in the morning (this is if the car is parked in front of the windows).

The most common are points 1 and 4, and basically no one removes the factory settings; the machine “keeps on” for 10 minutes. (it is during this time that we will calculate fuel consumption below)

How much does it cost per hour?

We came to the most interesting part – measurements. It can take a long time to calculate consumption using formulas. BUT we will do it easier, we have an excellent diagnostic tool (which is installed in the OBD2 connector). Still, now modern “injection” cars are a bit like computers.

Well, of course, we have a plugin - “instant fuel consumption”, it is calculated in “liters per hour”.

I won’t tell you in detail how to connect it to the car (all this will be in the video version). I will also measure the average consumption per hour in my car - KIA OPTIMA 2.0 liters.

So, what happens - while the car is not warmed up, the consumption fluctuates within 1.0 – 1.2 liters per hour (it was about -10 degrees Celsius outside). After 2 - 3 minutes, the system warmed up and the flow rate dropped up to 0.7 – 0.8 liters per hour

I also conducted experiments on cars with a smaller engine capacity, 1.4 - 1.6 liters. Their fuel consumption is warmed up engine approximately 0.6 - 0.7l , in the cold it will also be spend about 1l. at one o'clock . I think that this fuel consumption algorithm is regulated; after the system warms up to at least +20, +30 degrees, the control unit automatically reduces the fuel supply and the speed drops.

Of course, the lower the temperature outside, the longer the interval at higher speeds with a consumption of 1 liter per hour will be. For example, at -20, -30 degrees it will be approximately 5 - 7 minutes.

So how much does autostart consume?

It's not difficult to calculate here. We will take the standard case of “10” minutes before work, and “10” after the working day (why “10”, because rarely will anyone change the standard alarm settings for 5 minutes or less).

I will also take the flow rate at -10 degrees. Let me remind you that for the first 3 minutes it is 1 l/h

At -20 deg. 5 minutes. – 1l/h

At -30 deg. 7 min. – 1l/h

We have 60 minutes in an hour:

Then – 1000ml/60 = 16.6ml/min *6 = 100ml

As a result, at -10 deg. Celsius (2.0 liter engine) - for two starts of 10 minutes each, consumes – 100 + 163 ml = 263 ml. OR ALMOST - 0.3 liters. It's up to you to decide whether it's a lot or a little.

Of course, a car with a smaller engine will spend a little less at idle. If we go the logical route, then let’s say the 1.6 liter engine is 20% smaller in volume than the 2.0 version. This means that it will consume 20% less at idle.

263ml – 20% = 210 ml.

Of course, if your engine volume is larger and the temperature is lower, then everything can be calculated for your conditions. As you can see, all this is quite simple.

Well, before concluding the article, I would like to say that not only the idle speed (of the engine), but also a bunch of other parameters affects it. For example, winter tires, oil thickness, snow on the roads, etc. Watch all about this in my video, I recommend it to everyone.

This is where I end, I think my article and video were useful to you. Sincerely yours, AUTOBLOGGER

Which automakers usually indicate in their specifications often have nothing to do with actual fuel consumption. How can you find out how much your car really consumes? You can easily do this using fuel consumption calculators, of which there are many on the Internet. But how do such calculators work, and is it possible to calculate the fuel consumption of any car yourself? Certainly. It's very simple. We'll talk about this today. Also, as a bonus, we suggest you read our tips that will help you save fuel in your car.

If you want to know exactly, you can use fuel consumption calculators on the Internet (fortunately there are a lot of them today) or simply calculate fuel consumption using a simple formula yourself. First of all, you must fill your car's fuel tank completely. Next, you should reset the daily mileage on the dashboard. If you don't know how to do this, find instructions in your car's manual or search for information on the Internet.

As a rule, in many cars, the button for resetting the daily mileage (not to be confused with the main mileage counter - the mileage of the car, which cannot be reset) is located directly under dashboard or right on it. In some cars, the daily mileage reset button is located on the steering column lever. There are also cars where, in order to reset the car’s daily mileage, you need to reset the daily odometer readings through the car settings menu.

So, after resetting the trip odometer, you should drive several hundred kilometers to find out exactly how much fuel your car actually consumes. By the way, for this you do not need to burn full tank fuel. To accurately calculate real fuel consumption, you need to drive 200-300 kilometers.

Advice. Drive the car in the same way as in Everyday life. For example, not only driving on the highway. So you won't figure it out real consumption fuel, since any car when driving on expressways outside the city consumes much less fuel than in the city. Therefore, your fuel test route should include both city and highway driving. If you most often drive your car in the city, then on a test route, use the car 60-70 percent of the time in city traffic. In 30-40 percent of cases you can use the car on the highway.

After you've driven a few hundred kilometers, return to the gas station and fill the fuel tank completely again. In order to calculate the real fuel consumption (and not the one shown by your car's on-board computer, the values ​​​​of which are far from reality), you must know how much fuel was consumed during your test drive and the number of kilometers on the daily odometer that you previously had to were reset. Here is the formula for calculation:

number of liters of fuel you filled: how far you drove x 100 = fuel consumption in l / 100 km

Here are two examples for this formula:

For example, let’s assume that, having filled a full tank of 50 liters, we drove 517 kilometers. Then, when the light on the dashboard came on, warning of low fuel level, we again arrived at the gas station to refuel. Taking into account the small amount of fuel remaining in the tank, we again refueled the car to a full tank. As a result, 48.7 liters of fuel entered the tank. Now, knowing how much fuel was consumed by the car (48.7 liters) and the mileage on the daily odometer (517 kilometers), previously reset to zero before starting measurements, we can use the above formula to calculate the real fuel consumption of our car.

Here is the final calculation using our example:

48.7 l: 517 km x 100 = 9.4 l / 100 km

In the second example, we will calculate the fuel consumption of a car for a short mileage. That is, during the run, not until the moment when the tank already runs out of fuel. Let's assume that you, having filled 50 liters of fuel (full tank) and reset the car's daily mileage, have driven 300 kilometers. Then we stopped at a gas station again and filled the car up to a full tank. As a result, 28.2 liters entered the tank. Now, knowing the mileage (300 kilometers) and the amount of fuel consumed for this mileage, using the above formula you can calculate exact consumption fuel for your car. Here's the calculation:

28.2 l: 300 km x 100 = 9.4 l / 100 km

As you can see, with less mileage we got the same fuel consumption as with more. That's why to accurately measure your car's fuel consumption, you don't have to burn the entire tank of gas. To do this, it is enough to travel only a few hundred kilometers.

How is the cost of fuel per 1 kilometer of travel calculated?

If you know exactly how much your car consumes (by calculating the consumption using the formula above), you can easily calculate the cost of fuel per 1 kilometer of your journey. To do this, you must know the cost of 1 liter of gasoline or diesel fuel. Next, use the following formula:

Average fuel consumption x fuel price: 100 = cost per 1 kilometer

Let's stick to our example for a visual calculation using this formula: a car consumes an average of 9.4 l/100 km. With a fuel cost of 40 rubles per liter, we obtain the following costs:

9.4 l / 100 km x 40 rub. / l: 100 = 3.76 rub. / km

For those who are wondering how much 100 kilometers will cost, in the above formula, remove the action of dividing by 100 (:100). As a result, multiplying the average fuel consumption by the cost of one liter of fuel, you will get the amount spent per 100 kilometers. Here is an example calculation:

9.4 l / 100 km x 40 rub. / l = 376 rub. / 100 km

How do gasoline or diesel fuel consumption calculators work?

If you don't have a calculator handy and you're not good at simple math or don't feel like doing everything in your head, you can also use a fuel calculator. On the Internet you will find many different calculators for calculating gasoline or diesel fuel consumption. To do this, enter the query “fuel consumption calculator” in the search bar of any search engine. In response to your request, you will receive a huge number of links to various online calculators that help calculate fuel consumption.

Most online online calculators will help you calculate not only the average fuel consumption, but also the cost of a trip over any distance. You can also calculate the cost of 1 kilometer of travel.

My car uses too much fuel - is it broken?

To understand how much your car actually consumes, you must compare your car's actual fuel consumption with the car manufacturer's specifications. Although usually the factory specification for fuel consumption has nothing in common with the actual car efficiency figures. However, according to the automaker, you can estimate how much fuel your car actually consumes. The point is that on average real consumption 20-30% more fuel than automakers claim in technical specifications on your cars.

So, when comparing the real average fuel consumption of your car (which you, for example, calculated using the above formula) with the official data of the automaker, take into account this 20-30% difference. If actual fuel consumption is 40-50% or more higher, then it is worth looking for the cause of the overconsumption, which may be associated with both breakdowns and your incorrect driving style. It is also possible that the cause of the overconsumption was poor-quality fuel.

However, if your car's fuel consumption suddenly increases despite the fact that you drive the car on the same roads and use the same driving style as before, then there is a high probability that there is a problem with the car. Here are the main reasons for increased fuel consumption associated with malfunctions:

  • Problems with the engine control unit
  • Clogged injectors, worn spark plugs and clogged

  • Damaged auxiliary devices such as air conditioning

  • Faulty bearings or brakes

But these are not all the reasons for increased fuel consumption. You can read more about this.

How to reduce fuel consumption?

If your car consumes too much fuel, it does not always mean there is a defect. Did you know that your fuel consumption can be seriously affected by your driving style? Here are the basic rules for an economical driving style:

1) Do not shift into a higher gear prematurely.

2) Try not to drive the car with the gas pedal full.

3) Try to coast more often and do not press the gas pedal constantly.

4) Brake the engine more often, including a lower gear. Before traffic lights, release the gas in advance so that the car coasts, gradually losing speed.

5) Drive on the highway as slowly as possible. At a speed of 160 km/h, a car needs two-thirds more fuel than at 100 km/h.

6) Turn off the engine more often. Even with a relatively short wait time (about 20 seconds), it makes sense to turn off the engine. Modern cars with a stop/start system (automatic engine shutdown) they independently turn off the engine when stopping and turn on the engine when starting to move.

Besides driving, there are many other factors that can affect your fuel consumption. These include:

  • Roof rack:
    Even without a load of 20 percent due to increased aerodynamic air resistance.
  • Tire pressure:
    Tire pressure that is too low has a negative impact on fuel consumption. The air pressure should be checked regularly gas station(or before starting a trip at home) and compare with the data recommended by the car manufacturer (you can find out the correct tire pressure in the vehicle’s owner’s manual, on the central driver’s door pillar or in the fuel tank cap). Special tires with optimized rolling resistance can further reduce consumption.
  • Engine oil:
    There are special ones (0W-30 or 5W-20) that can reduce internal friction and therefore also reduce fuel consumption, however these oils usually cost significantly more than regular ones lubricants for the engine.
  • Vehicle equipment:
    Heating, air conditioning or heated seats make driving more comfortable, but increase fuel consumption. In particular, air conditioning can increase fuel consumption by several liters per 100 kilometers.


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