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Designed for installation on cars of the GRANTA family instead of the dashboard button cover.

Compatible with Itelma M75 controllers

Short description:


POWER INDEPENDENT MEMORY (retains all values ​​when the terminal is removed from the battery).

MANUAL ADJUSTMENT of fuel consumption and mileage readings accuracy within ± 30%.

ROUTE COMPUTER - 7 functions, including "Fuel level in tank" and "Mileage with remaining fuel".

DIAGNOSTIC TESTER - 7 functions, including reading diagnostic codes and deleting them.

ALARM - 4 PARAMETERS with the possibility of separate blocking of the sound signal

PLASMER - drying and warming up the spark plugs to facilitate cold start of the engine.

TROPIK - automatic control of the cooling system fan when the engine temperature is reached, set by the user.

Afterburner - reset the controller learning memory when switching "petrol" / "gas", leading to the state of the initial factory settings for petrol with an octane rating of at least 95.

Software Update:

History of software (firmware) versions for BC State X1-Granta

X1 grant from 31.07.2012. Version 003.

-Sustainable transition of the 2515 microcircuit to the communication standby mode.

X1 grant from 02.08.2012. Version 004.
Changes from the previous version:

X1 grant from 03.08.2012. Version 005.
Changes from the previous version:
-Increased resistance to failures in the CAN bus.
-Introduced a delay to enter sleep mode.

X1 grant from 08.08.2012. Version 006.
Changes from the previous version:
Introduced control of the brightness of the screen by the signal about the inclusion of dimensions in the CAN bus.
Introduced a warning about the left dimensions when the ignition is turned off.

X1 grant from 08/20/2012. Version 007.
Changes from the previous version:
Elimination of failures in the operation of the CAN - transmitter. With quartz at 16 MHz

X1 grant from 22.08.2012. Version 008.
Changes from the previous version:
Elimination of inaccuracy in determining the number of fault codes. With quartz at 16 MHz

X1 grant from 27.08.2012. Version 009.
Changes from the previous version:
Eliminate the hangup of the diagnostic channel when exiting the correction mode. With quartz at 16 MHz (release before September 25, 2012)

X1 grant from 08/09/2012. Version 01.1.
Changes from the previous version:
The first version for the new board. ATTENTION! This firmware is not suitable for serial BC, released before September 25, 2012 with 16 MHz quartz.

X1 grant from 30.08.2012. Version 02.1.
Changes from the previous version:
Version for the new board. Similar to version 009 for the "old" board.
ATTENTION! This firmware is not suitable for serial BC, released before September 25, 2012 with 16 MHz quartz.
A distinctive feature of the board is a 6 MHz quartz with the designation CREС6.0000

ATTENTION! Since September 25, the board with a quartz at 16 MHz has not been released, all subsequent firmwares for the BC released before this date are not suitable.

X1 grant from 15.10.2012. Version 02.2.
Changes from the previous version:
Changed the frequency of the signal to the buzzer.

X1 grant from 23.10.2012. Version 02.3.
Changes from the previous version:
Added a letter in front of each of the DTCs.
(P or U according to standard).
Added polling of fault codes from the automatic transmission controller. (displayed with the inscription "COd" - in large letters, in contrast to "cod" for COURT codes).
Added reset of fault codes from the automatic transmission controller.

X1 grant from 31.10.2012. Version 02.4.
Changes from the previous version:
The hysteresis of switching on / off the fan in the Tropic function has been increased to 4 degrees Celsius.
The number of overspeed warning signals has been reduced to 3.
Changed bPE inscription to ВPE.

X1 grant from 27.11.2012. Version 02.5.
Changes from the previous version:
Fixed freezing of the program that occurs when the ignition is turned on within 0.5 seconds after the main relay of the COURT controller is turned off.
(the moment of indication of the computer software version).

X1 grant from 04.12.2012. Version 02.6.
Changes from the previous version:
The power consumption in sleep mode has not been significantly reduced yet.
Fixed an inaccuracy in the indication of the included dimensions (with a heavy load on terminal 15, the included dimensions were not always signaled).

X1 grant from 03/28/2013. Version 02.7.
Changes from the previous version:
Added support for the COURT controller 21127-1411020-22 (viburnum-2, engine with variable intake pipe length).

X1 grant from 15.05.2013. Version 02.8.
Changes from the previous version:
The error of the signaling device about the high voltage of the on-board network has been fixed.

X1 grant from 05.24.2013. Version 02.9.
Changes from the previous version:
Fixed the error of "blinking" the wrong temperature.

X1 grant from 18.07.2013. Version 03.0.
Changes from the previous version:
Added support for high brightness displays.

X1 grant from 10/14/2013. Version 03.1.
Changes from the previous version:
Fixed problem in sleep mode when arming the car.

X1 grant of 10/16/2013. Version 03.2.
Changes from the previous version:
Fixed request for error codes for ME17.9.7 controller for compatibility with Priora-FL.

X1 grant from 10.12.2013. Version 03.3.
Changes from the previous version:
Added a 5sec delay for the low onboard voltage indicator, a threshold of 10.4V when the engine is running.

X1 grant from 24.02.2014. Version 03.4.
Changes from the previous version:
Blocked automatic transition to the warm-up mode when the ignition is turned on.

X1 grant from 25.02.2014. Version 03.5.
Changes from the previous version:
Added temperature display transmission oil in the Jatco automatic transmission.

Changes from the previous version:
Fixed filtering of CAN messages. (Bypassing the incorrect operation of the MCP2515 microcircuit).

On-board computer- a device that can be found more and more often not only in foreign, but also in domestic cars... Lada Granta in "Norma" and "Lux" trim levels is no exception (car owners with "Standard" trim levels can buy it additionally, although the price is quite high). It provides the user with many amenities that make driving and monitoring the performance of the car much more comfortable. Today we'll talk about what an on-board computer is that comes with Lada Granta, and we will analyze the errors that the user may encounter.

What device is used on the VAZ 2190

The Lada Grant has a regular on-board computer called "State X1 M", which works thanks to the E-Gas system. The main element of the device is trip computer having an output to the display. It displays indicators such as:

  1. The amount of fuel.
  2. The amount of mileage that the vehicle can travel with the remaining fuel.
  3. Travel time.
  4. Distance traveled.
  5. Fuel consumption meter.

Thanks to this, you will know exactly how long you have been driving and how critically your tank is empty.

The on-board computer, which is installed in the Lada Granta car, is completed with a diagnostic tester, which contains diagnostic codes systems. In addition, thanks to it, you can get information about the engine temperature and correct its parameters. It also contains data on the position of the damper, the voltage in the electrical network of the machine, as well as the tachometer and speedometer.

Under the hood of the Lada Granta, which is equipped with this device, there are sensors. In case of any violations, all information will be displayed on the on-board computer, which will warn you about them. In particular, you may receive warnings:

  • overheating;
  • about malfunctions in the electrical circuit;
  • about speeding.

In addition, the device is equipped with a supervisor who is always ready to remind the driver that his dimensions or turn signals are not turned off. In addition, it will immediately give a signal in case the car starts to move forward or backward on its own.

Basic device errors

Setting up such an on-board computer is not something extremely difficult, it always comes with detailed instructions... If you don't understand any points, you can always find a video of this process. At the same time, the device can also upset you with a mistake, despite the fact that there is not always time to look for instructions. The following is an example of a few common device errors that you may encounter along the way:

  • P0030, 0031, 0032. Errors of the oxygen sensor before the heater. In this case, the on-board computer checks for an open circuit, as well as a possible short circuit in the circuit to ground or on-board network respectively;
  • P0036, 0037, 0038. In this case, you will be signaled by the sensor located behind the heater. The description of errors is similar to the previous ones;
  • P0112.0113. Intake air temperature sensor signal. In this case, we are talking about too low or high signal, respectively;
  • P0116, 0117, 0118. Alert from the coolant temperature sensor. The code signals either a signal out of range, as well as too low or high values;
  • P0122, 0123. In this case, you are signaled by sensor # 1 throttle signaling about too high or low signal level.

These and other errors must be indicated in the instructions, so try to always have it with you if you do not know them by heart (which is very unlikely due to their large number). With the manual at hand, you can always determine which error code stands for what. Thanks to them, you can always quickly identify a particular malfunction in your car, quickly fix it and continue your journey with minimal delay.

Owners Russian cars They know firsthand what meager opportunities a regular bookmaker has.
For example, my car does not even have an engine temperature indicator ((
In addition, I would like to have a device for diagnosing errors and, if necessary, be able to reset them.
At first I wanted to buy a Bluetooth scanner, but for work I need to connect a device with Android OS, which is not very convenient. Therefore, it was decided to purchase an additional on-board computer.

General information and features

Remaining fuel in the tank
Fuel mileage forecast
Fuel meter
Distance traveled
Travel time
Average fuel consumption per trip
Average travel speed per trip
System Diagnostic Codes
Engine management
Engine temperature
Vehicle voltage
Throttle position
Digital tachometer
Digital speedometer
Signaling device
Dangerous engine overheating
Onboard power supply failure
Exceeding the speed threshold
Non-volatile memory

Supported cars - Lada Granta, Kalina-2, Priora-2, Datsun
Compatible with Itelma M74 controllers


General form

The BC is installed in the standard connector instead of the plug.


State X1-G is connected to the standard diagnostic connector. No additional connection is required.


The functions are split into both buttons, as in the photographs.

In the diagnostic mode, if there is an error, its code is displayed on the display. Error description and possible malfunction, can be found in the instructions for the bookmaker or download the program for the mobile application.

Additional functions

Tropic function. Automatic control fan

Allows you to change the threshold for turning on the cooling fan. Set the response temperature to + 98 ° C.

Plasma function. Drying and warming up candles

In difficult weather conditions (humid weather, negative temperatures), preliminary drying and warming up the candles several times increases the likelihood of a successful start.

AFBAGE function

Reset the controller settings to the state of the initial factory settings. This will restore the dynamics and fuel consumption to normal values.

Indicator not turned off light or dimensions

When the ignition is turned off, a sound notification about the dimensions or headlights not turned off.

Overspeed warning

It is possible to set up a sound alert for overspeeding. I do not use this function, because I always try to observe speed mode.

Advantages and disadvantages

+ rich functionality not available in a regular BC
+ additional features

Not found

Conclusions and impressions

I have been using this bookmaker for over a year. No complaints about the work. All declared functions are working properly.
X1 staff allows you to control all the necessary data, as well as save a lot of money on diagnostics from officials or third-party service stations.

Owners domestic auto industry I definitely recommend buying.

I plan to buy +22 Add to favorites I liked the review +38 +63

Hello everyone! I'll tell you about the installation of an on-board computer (BC) STATE X1-M UNIVERSAL.

The idea to buy an on-board computer was long ago, the choice fell on a small and cheap X1 because there was nowhere to install large BC, although the X5 / XD State has a huge number of functions and can test almost everything, I did not like it either by the design or the installation location. I didn’t consider the rest of the companies, although I don’t deny that there may be excellent options.

BC was needed mainly to watch errors, because the guarantee was over and I didn't want to pay money to someone for reading errors. And for such functions, you do not need a lot of functionality and a huge display, the 3-character baby State X1 is enough. The error code is displayed as a creeping line, and the decryption is in the description.

Booked BC on the official website STATE Sent by mail to Russia, as always, "very fast"

Contents of delivery

In theory, on the Internet, I saw 2 options for installing the BC State X1 in the viburnum:

1. For the seat of the heating button of one of the seats, for those who do not have this very heating. In principle, this option is quite convenient, the BC is clearly visible there, it is convenient to use, but in my case there are heating buttons, which means this option is not suitable.

2. In the button cap to the left or right of the emergency gang. This option is also not suitable for everyone, because there are configurations where these buttons (auto light and windshield heating) are used. This option also has disadvantages, but more on that later.

BK and left plug

I decided to choose the second option and got down to business, removed the button cap on the left and figured out where to make a hole for the BC. The main thing here is not to rush. The hole must be made not in any place, but as far as possible on the right of the plug, this is necessary so that the BC then fits into the hole in the panel.

BC in a stub

Of course, you need to do this carefully and spend a lot of time. But I didn’t succeed quite so beautifully, but in general it will work.

BC installed

Next, connect. The instructions say which wire to connect to which with the help of special clamps, it is difficult to make a mistake here, you need to remove the ashtray for convenience and disconnect the connector from the emergency gang button, because all wires are connected to it + one wire must be connected to the OBD2 diagnostic connector.

Ashtray dismantled

Connecting the BC wire to the diagnostic socket

Connection of the remaining wires of the BC

BC is connected

In principle, nothing complicated, everything is done in half an hour, the only thing I had to tighten the clamps with pliers, tk. wires are not fully clamped. In the end, everything looks like this.

First installation option

There is one drawback here, the top line in numbers and letters is not always visible from above. For example, a temperature of -97 can be perceived as 91, etc. you have to bend over, look.

With this installation option, I traveled for several months until I bought myself buttons for auto light and frontal heating. Although I have not yet figured out which button will be responsible for, I decided to immediately put them in and move the BC. To be honest, I thought for a long time where to put it so that it was convenient to use and all the numbers were visible.

And then looking at everything possible options I was visited by a brilliant idea, to put the BC in the ashtray! The shape of the ashtray allows you to put something there. But this option had to be checked, since I had not heard of such an installation option.

I took off the ashtray, took it apart completely, which is pretty simple:

Ashtray disassembled

And looking at all this, I thought that there was a chance, began to have fun with a knife. Prepared a hole for the BC

hole for the BC in the ashtray cover

I tried the installed BC

everything fits right

Then we repeat the whole trick in the car, securing the BC with a piece of electrical tape on both sides just in case.

BK in electrical tape

The wires also pass from below without any problems and do not fray, the fastening screws in the photo are not fully tightened - this is necessary in order for everything to snap into place as it should

ashtray open, no container

This is how, in the end, everything looks like an open form.

container installed

Both open and closed, the BC is already connected

What else do I use on BC:

- Voltage control. A very useful function, which was deprived of the on-board computer of the viburnum built into the tidy, although in the same grant where it was simplified a lot! This function helped me to identify the dying generator, which was successfully replaced by Bosch.

- Engine temperature in digital format. Although there is a pointer indication on the tidy, firstly it works only from +50, the entire range is on the BC. Secondly, it is impossible to accurately determine the temperature by the arrow display. According to the BC, I was pleased with the figure of 90 degrees, which lasts a longer amount of time while I am driving, this is after changing the thermostat and fan) It is also possible to adjust the temperature for turning on the engine fan - I set it to 99 degrees.

- There is also a function of the percentage of throttle opening, in it you can check the opening with the maximum pedal pressed and if it does not work out 100%, then press the gas pedal.

- Other functions that I usually don't use are digital speed, which is more accurate than on a speedometer and many functions related to consumption, mileage, etc. There is a reason that the BC does not measure the flow quite correctly, although there is a correction mode, but I do not particularly use it. Sometimes I look at the remainder in the tank, which I first need to deposit myself)

In general, I advise every car owner who has already run out of warranty to purchase and install a BC, at least the simplest one, because it does not cost much.


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