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Safonov Sergey

essay "The role of a car in a person's life. Why does a person need a car?"



Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation

Municipal educational institution

Secondary school number 6


"The role of the car

In human life"

Supervisor: teacher

Primary classes

Olga Pavlovna Nalabardina

Tulun 2010

I introduction

II.The main part

1. The history of the creation of the first car.

2.The appearance of the first car in Russia.

3. Types of cars by the way fuel is used for driving

4. Different types of aspects of the influence of the car on human life.

5. The first car accidents

6 introduction of the rules road traffic.

III Final part.

IV. Bibliography.

Research objectives:

1. Conduct a sociological study of various groups of students for knowledge of the history of the car.

2. Study the history of the development of the automotive industry.

3. Identify the most popular cars, including those in Russia.

4. Determine when the rules of the road first appeared.

5. Determine what a car is for people today - a luxury or a means of transportation.

6. Investigate and identify the positive and negative transport, psychological, economic, medical, criminal aspects of the car, road accidents.


What is the history of the car?

Which of the boys today does not dream of a car? The emergence of a new car model does not leave indifferent either children or adults. Increasingly, on the roads of the country, including our city, you can see not only men, but also women driving a car. Primary school students of our school and parents of our class were interviewed in the form of testing.

Test # 1 / for students /

  1. Do you have a car at home? If not, would you like to have it? Why?
  2. What are you using it for?
  3. When did the car appear?
  4. Would you like to have your own car and why?

Test number 2 / for parents /

As a result of the survey, it was found that% of students have a car at home,% of students would like to have it because:

Easier to get to school and home -% of people

No need to stand at bus stops and wait for the bus -% of people

Nice type of transport -% of people

When did the car appear?

Who is the creator of the first car?

A) know -% of people. b) do not know -% of people.

When did the first car appear in Russia?

A) know -% of people. b) do not know -% of people.

Would you like to have your own car? -

Yes -% of people no% people

These are the results of a survey of parents:

Do you know how to drive a car? If not, would you like to learn?

Know how to drive a car -% of people

would like to learn? -% of people

Is a car for you a means of transportation or a luxury?

vehicle -% of people luxury -% of people

Do cars benefit or harm people?

benefit a person -% of people

harm a person -% of people

Is people's lives better with the introduction of the car?

Better -% of people worse -% of people

What needs to be done to make the car a safe means of transportation?

The question arises: “What is the role of the car in human life. Why does a person need a car? Before answering these questions, you need to know the history of the car. Who is the creator of the first car? The need of people for the need to accelerate movement on earth led humanity to the creation of various machines and mechanisms, the most convenient and favorite of which was the car.

Main part

The word "car" means "self-propelled carriage", although in the modern sense only vehicles equipped with autonomous engines are usually called cars ( internal combustion, electric, steam).

In 1725, Nicola Joseph Cugno was born in Lorraine, who already in his youth showed himself as a promising inventor and innovator. Since he himself was not sufficiently wealthy to finance his experiments, he entered the military service and made many inventions as captain of the French army. Some of them have not lost their relevance to this day. The thoughtful Cugno was especially attracted by the steam engine. He thought about how to use it in the design of self-propelled crews, and in light of this - how to reduce its size, reduce weight and increase power. In 1764, the French Minister of War officially commissioned him to create a steam tractor for the needs of artillery. Cugno designed a model of a small car and demonstrated it in Paris in 1769 on the site where the church of St. Magdalena.Cugno's road car, as he called it, had three wheels and a huge steam boiler; steam energy set in motion front wheel... The monster was not just heavy (several tons), not just slow-moving (two and a half miles per hour) - every couple hundred feet, its boiler ran out of steam. Nevertheless, this particular freak was the world's first car! On October 23, 1769, Cugno showed a reduced model, and on April 22, 1770, the official presentation of the mechanical carriage to the royal commission took place.The carriage developed a speed of 4.5 km / h, and the working cycle of the steam boiler was calculated for only 12 minutes.Then the cauldron had to be refilled, a fire should be made on the ground under it, the steam had to be formed, and the journey had to be continued again for 12 minutes. Despite all these shortcomings, the Minister of War was so carried away by the steam engine that he immediately commissioned Cugno to design a larger machine.During the demonstration of the device, which was initially successful, the control system jammed. The unit crashed into the wall and it collapsed. Despite this blow, the structure remained intact, which indicated high quality this war machine. However, as often happens in life, happiness turned away from the inventor, because the Minister of War fell out of favor at court. Indifferent to everything, forgotten by all, Cugno died in 1804 in Brussels.The fire under the cauldron of his car was ignited only once, when it was transported from the arsenal to the Conservatoire Nacional des Arts et Métiers in Paris, where we can see this exhibit today.

Car with a fiery heart

The first car in Russia

V Of Russia v 1780sa famous Russian worked on the project of the carinventorIvan Kulibin... V 1791 yearhe made a scooter cart, in which he usedflywheel, brake, gearbox, rolling bearings etc. Many of our contemporaries are fully convinced that pre-revolutionary Russia was a "backward agrarian country." Meanwhile, this "backward" country at the end of the XIX century. was one of the ten leading world powers in terms of the total length of railways, aluminum mining, the production of certain types of industrial and agricultural products, as well as the number of cars available, although it should be recognized that most of them were not of their own production.

The crew itself appearance is no different from similar foreign designs. The horizontal gasoline engine develops two forces, which is sufficient for the crew to move at a speed of 20 versts per hour on a flat pavement. The available supply of gasoline is enough for 10 hours.

The first Russian car of Yakovlev and Frese in Nizhny Novgorod.

Fire truck "Frese". 1904 g.

Types of cars by the way fuel is used for driving

Steam powered machines. Ferry cars

Continuing the work of their predecessors, Russian inventors set themselves the task of connecting a wheeled cart with mechanical engine, that is, the creation of a self-propelled crew for a trackless road. So, based on developments steam engines I. I. Polzunova, P. K. Frolova, E. A. and M.E. Cherepanovs in 1830, the Russian carriage master K. Yankevich with his two fellow mechanics came close to creating a wheeled self-propelled carriage with a steam engine.

The ancestors of the trolleybus. Electric cars

The search for a suitable engine for cars was not limited to work on steam engines and internal combustion engines. In parallel, research was carried out in the field of electrical engineering and its possible application in the automotive industry. However, the real conditions for the creation of self-propelled vehicles on an electric drive appeared only at the end of the 19th century. In Russia, work on electric carriages was carried out by the engineer Ippolit Vladimirovich Romanov, known for his work in the field of suspended electric roads.

The first domestic cars with internal combustion engine

Invention gasoline engine internal combustion is rightly considered one of the most important events in the development of technology, including automotive. He greatly facilitated the creation of a mechanical self-propelled crew and opened the way for improving trackless transport.

According to some researchers, the first Russian car with an internal combustion engine running on liquid fuel was built in 1882 by a group of Russian engineers led by Putilov and Khlobov in a small town on the Volga.

Different types of aspects of the influence of the car on human life.

Advantages and disadvantages of the car

Automobile transport requires goodroads... Now in developed countries there is a networkmotorways- multi-lane roads withoutcrossroadsallowing speeds of over one hundred kilometers per hour.

Despite the advantages, road transport has many disadvantages. Passenger cars are the most wasteful transport compared to other modes of transport in terms of the cost required to move one passenger. The main share (63%) of environmental damage to the planet is associated with vehicles. Significant environmental damage is caused to the environment and society at all stages of production, operation and disposal of cars, fuel, oils, tires, road construction and other automotive infrastructure. In particular, nitrogen and sulfur oxides emitted to the atmosphere during combustiongasoline, cause acid rain... According to the Committee on EcologyState Duma of the Russian Federation, car parkOf Russia to the beginning year amounted to 27.06 million vehicles. The value of the annual environmental damage from the functioning of the transport complex of the Russian Federation is 3.4 billion US dollars, Emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere from vehicles amounted to 12 190.7 thousand tons.

Transport aspects (positive)

  • With the help of a car, it becomes possible to get to any point more freely and fastercities (country, continent) than it would be on foot or usingpublictransport... You do not need to wait for public transport, and you can choose the route yourself.
  • You can take with you family members, friends and more personal belongings (items,food, clothes, of money).
  • A mass phenomenon in the developed countries of the world has becomeautotourism, for the needs of which a variety ofcaravansself-propelled and trailed types.

Transport aspects (negative)

  • In conditions of urban traffic jams, it often turns out that you can quickly get to your destination byunderground or light rail, and buses and trolleybusesmoving on specially designated for public transport road lanes than a private car.
  • When traveling long distancesair transport and expresstrains , on average, much faster personal car.
  • It is more expensive to travel by car than using public transport.

Psychological aspects (positive)

  • a personal car, depending on the size and prestige of the brand, has become an indicator of the owner's social status, a symbol of success.
  • Driving your own car has long been considered a means of generating additional positive emotions.
  • Having your own car gives you a sense of social independence.
  • Traveling by private car allows you to minimize contact with strangers.
  • A personal car is perceived as "one's own territory", "a home on wheels" and serves to maintain and strengthen friendly and family ties.

Psychological aspects (negative)

  • Many people develop a kind of "car addiction" - they tend to always drive a private car, even if it would be faster to walk, and when they have to use by public transport... Traveling by private car minimizes contact with other people.

Social aspects

  • The ability to carry a significant amount of baggage contributes to the concentration of purchases and the appearance of hugesupermarkets and hypermarketswhere people buy a lot of food and household goods at one time.
  • The widespread use of private cars leads to an increase incities, the massive resettlement of people insuburbs.
  • « Traffic jams»Become an integral part of life in big cities and lead to the loss of a lot of time.

Medical aspects

  • The health of people (both riders and pedestrians and people living near roads with heavy traffic) is adversely affectedtraffic fumes, noise and vibration... This leads to an increase in oncological, pulmonary, neurological and other diseases, an increase in mortality against their background.
  • Door-to-door travel leads to a decrease in the level of physical activity of the population, i.e., leading to an increase in morbidity and mortality from cardiovascular diseases, which in somedeveloped countrieshas already become a national security problem.
  • Because to manage vehicle in a state of alcoholic intoxication is prohibited, drunk driving in your car often leads to emergency situations. In Russia, driving while intoxicated has become the main reason for the increase in the number of accidents with serious consequences.
  • A personal car is a vehicle of increased danger. Literally all states of the world suffer significant losses from accidents and deaths whenAccident... For example, in China in 2006, 100,000 people died in road accidents and another 400,000 people were injured (1st place in the world in terms of accident rate).

Criminal aspects

  • Hijackingprivate cars - one of the most common and significant in a financial sense of the typecrimes... A personal car is often used when committing other crimes (to arrive at the crime scene and then hide, to take away the stolen things, to transport the victim or corpse to the desired place for the criminals, etc.).
  • In countries with underdevelopedinsuranceliteracy of car owners (including Russia, before the introductionOSAGO) "auto-substitutions" are widespread. In this case, a pre-selected car owner (new, but not very expensive car) are forced to violate Traffic rules, exposing his (old, but prestigious brand) car under attack. A confused offender, realizing his formal guilt, as a rule, agrees in this case to "immediate compensation for damage" without calling the representatives of the authorities and the insurance agency.

The owner of a personal car driving it runs the risk of inadvertently committing a crime and being punished accordingly.

First car accidents.

With the advent of the first car, the first car accident appeared in the history of mankind. The first collision of a car with a pedestrian occurred17 august years in Londonthe car driven by Arthur Edsell was hit by Bridget Driscoll, 44-year-old (according to other sources, 45-year-old) mother of two children. This was the world's first fatal collision with a pedestrian. According to witnesses, the car was traveling at "great speed." The driver, Arthur Edsell, an employee of the Anglo-French Automobile Company, which was demonstrating its new product to the public, had to travel at four miles per hour, but doubled it, apparently to impress the young lady he took on a ride. According to witnesses, during the incident, he had a lively conversation with her. Edsell's driving experience was three weeks. Lack of experience, distractionsfactors, speeding - all these are the main causes of car accidents to this day. After a six-hour trial of the first everAccidentfataljury trialruled it was "accidental death" and against Edsell and companycriminal casedid not excite. At the trialcoronerstated: "This should never happen again." Mrs.Driscoll stepped out onto the road, ignoring the guardrails and signs announcing the movement of motor vehicles. Seeing a cart without a horse rushing towards her, she tried to defend herself from her with an umbrella, but in vain. The judge delivered a historic verdict: "Mrs. Driscoll was the victim of her own indiscretion."

Driscoll, Bridget

Bridget Driscoll (English Bridget Driscoll) (or - 17 august, London) - the world's first victimautomotive collision.

Bridget Driscoll (circled) in a family photo

Traffic Laws

Ancient Rome

The first known attempts to streamline urban traffic were made back inAncient romeGuy Julius Caesar... By his decree in the 50s BC. NS. on somethe streets of the city were introduced one-way traffic. From sunrise to the end of the "working day" (about two hours before sunset), the passage of private carts, chariots and carriages was prohibited. Visitors were required to leave their transport outside the city limits and move around Rome on foot, or by hiringpalanquin... At the same time, a special service was established to supervise the observance of these rules, it recruited mainly former firefighters, from amongfreedmen... The main duties of such traffic controllers were to prevent conflicts and fights between vehicle owners. Many intersections remained unregulated. Noble nobles could provide themselves with unhindered passage through the city - they sent out in front of their carriages walkers who cleared the streets for the owner's passage.


The history of modern traffic rules dates back toLondon. December 101868 yeara mechanical railway semaphore with a colored disc was installed in the square in front of the Parliament. Its inventor, J.P. Knight, was an expert on railway semaphores. The device was manually operated and had two semaphore wings. The wings could take different positions: horizontal - a signal "stop", and lowered at an angle of 45 degrees - you can move with caution. With the onset of darkness, a rotating gas lamp was turned on, which gave signals with red and green light. A livery servant was assigned to the semaphore, whose duties included raising and lowering the arrow and turning the lantern. However, the technical implementation of the device turned out to be unsuccessful: the grinding of the chain of the lifting mechanism was so strong that the horses passing by jumped and reared up. Not having worked for a month,January 21869 yearthe semaphore exploded, and the police officer was wounded.

The prototypes of modern road signs can be considered tablets, which indicated the direction of movement to the settlement and the distance to it. The decision to create unified European road traffic regulations was made in1909 yearat the world conference inParis... In view of the increase in the number of cars, the growth of speeds and traffic intensity on city streets, an international convention on road traffic was adopted. In accordance with which the first road signs indicating the presence of an intersection, level crossing, winding road, unevenness in the carriageway.

The modern Rules of the road set out the duties of drivers, pedestrians and passengers, give descriptions of road signs, markings, traffic lights, etc.

Children are pedestrians and passengers, they must know traffic rules (traffic rules). Rules are needed for safe traffic on streets and roads. Due to traffic violations, accidents occur, pedestrians, drivers and passengers are killed and injured.

Final part

So why does a person need a car? "

A car today is the optimal means of transportation, both in the city and off-road. It is difficult to imagine the life of people without this transport. with the help of a car, it becomes possible to get to any point more freely and fastercities (country, continent). A mass phenomenon in the developed countries of the world has becomeautotourism... All this is possible only under one condition - observance of traffic rules, both on the part of pedestrians and on the part of drivers. Moreover, there are no big differences between these groups, since at any moment they can change places - a pedestrian got behind the wheel of his car and became a driver, the driver left the car for some reason and became a pedestrian. Research by scientists has shown that if road users followed the Rules of the Road 100%, the number of injured in road accidents would decrease by 27% (± 18%), and the number of deaths by 48% (± 30%). No wonder they say: "Pedestrian and driver, follow the rules of the road and be mutually polite!" And then the car will become a real helper in a person's life. The practical significance of the study lies in the fact that the results of the work, in the form of recommendations and visual aids, can be used by primary school students of general education schools in life safety lessons, in extracurricular work when studying traffic rules, in technical modeling circles, as well as during class hours. ... As a visual aid, you can use Smeshariki "ABC of Security" / collection of cartoons / - see the appendix


  • Davis E., Salaria D .., Time strokes. Transport. On the ground, on the road, on the rails. Rosman Moscow. 1994
  • Danilov A.V., Zolotov A.V., Shugurov L.M. Cars; Rosman Moscow. 2007
  • Kuprin E., Rubets A. Russian road transport is 100 years old. // Automobile transport. 1996. No. 10.
  • See: Yakovlev N.A. Development of domestic automotive technology. M., 1955.C.3.
  • Isaev A.S. From self-running strollers to ZIL-111. M., 1961.S. 28.
  • Gordienko M.P., Smirnov L.M. From carriage to car. - Alma-Ata, 1990.S. 112 Gordienko M.P., Smirnov L.M. From carriage to car. Alma-Ata, 1990.


    Ferdinand Verbiest may have built the first car with a steam engine


    Jacques de Voucanson demonstrates a wagon with a factory


    Russian hydraulic engineer Kozma Dmitrievich Frolov built an enterprise for the extraction and processing of ore in Altai, where trolleys loaded with ore moved along the world's first metal rails.


    Nicolas-Joseph Cugno demonstrating his experimental steam artillery tractor


    William Murdoch built a working model of a steam wagon in Redroof, England


    Isaac de Rivas made a hydrogen car


    Etienne Lenoir made a gasoline car engine


    Karl Benz builds the world's first practical car with internal combustion engine


    Henry Ford designs an assembly line for making a car


    In the USSR (Sormovsky and Kolomna machine-building plants), a steam locomotive of the C u series was built (power 1650 hp, speed up to

    115 km / h).

    Smeshariki "ABC of safety" / collection of cartoons /


    Short description

    Traffic lights

    Seeing a traffic light, Smeshariki-children are surprised, but soon understand how to use it, and explain this to viewers.

    Walking zebra

    Barash, Nyusha, Krosh and Hedgehog, accidentally spilling paint, got a walking zebra and learned to use it.

    The scariest car

    Barash says that the worst car is the one that stands. Krosh and the Hedgehog do not believe, but soon they are convinced of the opposite ...


    Barash, Krosh and the Hedgehog go down to the Metro and study the rules of behavior on the escalator, in the carriage, on the platform and at the entrance to the metro.

    Traffic light harmony

    Pin and Losyash talk about traffic signals.

    Dancing men

    Losyash talks about traffic lights.

    Flashing little men

    Losyash warns that you cannot cross the road at a flashing green traffic light.


    Extinguishing electrical appliances 1

    Extinguishing electrical appliances 2

    Smeshariki show and tell how to put out electrical appliances that have caught fire and where to call in case of fire.

    Fire games

    Uncultured cars

    Hedgehog, Krosh and Barash talk about bad cars... Western style series.

    Dangerous icicles

    Obstacle racing

    Where to ride?

    Smeshariki - adults explain to children where to ride a bike, rollerblades, etc.

    Who quickly?

    Smeshariki - children arrange a competition "Who is faster?" and get into an accident. Kopatych explains to Krosh and Hedgehog what the danger of these games is.

Municipal educational institution secondary school of the settlement of Sidima of the Lazo Municipal District of the Khabarovsk Territory


On this topic:

“The history of the creation of the car.

The role and significance of a company car in a person's life "

Completed: student of grade 8 Novikov Ivan

Head: Physics teacher Kuzmina E.P.

2015 year


INTRODUCTION ………………………………………………… ..2-3

1. History of the creation of the car ……………………………… 3-9

1.1. The beginning of inventions ……………………………………… .3-4

1.2. The first in the world ………… .. ………………….…. …………… 4-5

1.3. The appearance and production of cars in Russia ... ... ... 5-10

2.Cars in service ……………………………………… 10-13

2.1 Car at the service of health ………………………… ..10-11

2.2 Car on guard of order …………………………… 11-12

2.3 Car at the gas security post ………………… ..12-13

3. The role and importance of a company car in a person's life. ..13

CONCLUSION …………………………………………. …… 13 -14

List of used literature ……………………………… .15


A car is not a luxury, but a means of transportation

Henry Ford


I am already studying in the 8th grade and in front of me, more and more often the question arises “who would I like to become”. I really love cars. From a very early age I was interested in various brands and car models: how they drive, the structure of their engine and features running system, their main characteristics, such as power, engine displacement, speed and cross-country performance, beauty and unusual design. The most important mystery was how they move long distances on their own, practically without assistance: the driver sits comfortably warm and under the roof, presses a little on the pedal, turns a little wheel and a miracle happens! The iron box is moving! And half of my "I" screams that I need to become a driver. But the other half screams that I dream of fighting evil, being brave, needed by people. My dream is to serve somewhere in the police or the Ministry of Emergencies. I dream of becoming a real hero. How can this be combined? I asked this question to my teacher. But instead of answering, he gave me a set of magazines "Car in service" and advised me to figure out how to combine heroic impulses of heart and love for cars.

Relevance: One of the first words that a child learns to pronounce in our industrial age is a machine. In doing so, he certainly means the car. This wonderful machine continues to take care of him and all of us every day. She helps feed people, bringing thousands of tons of food supplies to large cities, cleans the streets, helps to preserve peace, at any time of the day or night she is ready to help if someone suddenly falls ill ... Of course, besides a car, a person has others assistants: trolleybuses, trams, metro, etc. But nevertheless, a car has one more quality that other vehicles do not have - like a faithful dog, it will wait for its owner for days at the door and take him wherever he wants.

The purpose of the research work:

get acquainted with the history of the appearance of official cars in Russia and explore their significance in the life of a modern person.

To achieve these goals, the following tasks were set:

Examine the history of the car.

Study the history of the appearance of the first domestic cars

Examine the history of the appearance of company vehicles

Determine the place and role of company vehicles in a person's life

Research hypothesis: Having collected information about the history and reasons for the creation of the car, we will find out how official cars appeared and whether mankind really needs them.

Object of study: photographs, newspaper articles, magazines "Car in the service", models of official cars, encyclopedic and Internet sources.

Subject of study : Domestic official cars.

Research methods: theoretical, comparison and analysis.

1. History of the creation of the car

1.1 Beginning of invention

The word "car" basically has two roots: "autos" - "self" and "mobilis" - "mobile" and means "self-propelled car".

The first real cars were steam coaches. In 1765 the Russian mechanic II Polzunov built an automatic steam engine, and in 1769 it got on a cart. It was made by the French engineer Nicola Cugno. In terms of size and weight, it was not inferior to modern heavy trucks. The cart was rough in shape and was intended, according to the plan of its creator, to transport artillery. She had three wheels, one of which was in front, driving and steering at the same time. Only the water and fuel needed to drive weighed a ton. The heavily laden steering wheel could not be turned alone. Two people could hardly cope with it. A copper cauldron with a firebox hung like a heavy pear in front of the cart and hissed like the Serpent Gorynych, the cart hobbled at a speed of no more than 4 km / h. And yet she moved on her own. In French, "chauffeur" means "stoker", "stoker". Indeed, the driver of the first steam cars had to work more as a poker than as a lever.

The Germans Gottlieb Daimler and Karl Benz are considered to be the inventors of the gasoline engine. But they did not build their search from scratch. Many components and assemblies were developed before them. The number of their co-authors reaches 400. Daimler was supported by one of the foremost people of that time, Jelinek, after whose daughter - Mercedes - the world-wide famous brand The first cars were perceived by many as a manifestation of evil spirits, devilry, or toys for adults. And to demonstrate the practical suitability of cars to become vehicles, the first car races were held in July 1894. 102 cars took the start. Half of them did not move from the start, and 13 petrol and 2 steam car... The champion's average speed was 20.5 km / h. And yet the car has convincingly proven its worth to serve people.

1.2 First in the world

In 1886, there was a truly turning point in the history of the automotive industry. German engineer Karl Benz received a patent No. 37435 for his invention - a self-propelled crew with gasoline engine ... This year is considered the year of the creation of the first car in the world. Benz's creation was a three-wheeled, self-propelled carriage, designed for two people and equipped with a four-stroke water-cooled gasoline engine. 0.9 hp engine located horizontally above the axle of the rear wheels, which were driven by one belt and two chain drives. A galvanic battery served as a power source for the ignition system. A flywheel was located horizontally under the engine, which served to start the engine and create uniform rotation. The frame of the car was a structure made of metal pipes welded together. The top speed of the first car in the world was only 16 km / h. After receiving a patent, Karl Benz decided to "bring out" his creation, riding it along the streets of the town of Mannheim. However, the novelty caused only irritation around, frightening everyone with the noise of the engine. Frustrated, Karl put his precious invention under the shed, intending to perfect it. So almost two years passed, and on an early summer morning in 1988, the car was "hijacked". This is how Benz himself recalls it: “My car was stolen from me! They wanted to test the stolen car, drive it 180 kilometers on a rough road. The vagrant-leaning company consisted of my wife and both sons. " Could Karl Benz in 1871, during his betrothal to the energetic girl Bertha Ringent, imagine that in 17 years his wife would play an almost decisive role in the work of his whole life? I don't think so ... "The kidnappers" decided to go to their relatives in the small town of Pforzheim. On the road, of course, there were some adventures - the car was not designed for such long journeys. However, all the excitement paid off with interest - the inhabitants of Pforzheim came in droves to look at the amazing "horseless" carriage. Soon the whole of Germany learned about this case, and the press drew attention not so much to the journey as to the Benz car itself. From that moment on, the ascent of the widespread passion for the car began. So the adventurous Bertha played a decisive role in her husband's success. Many historians seriously believe that it was she who brought the automotive industry onto the wide road. Like the first car, Berta's journey has taken its well-deserved place in history - this 180-kilometer marathon is considered to be the first motor rally in history. In 1893, a new four-wheeled car was released, equipped with the newly patented kingpin steering system. A two-seater crew with a fully enclosed engine compartment and an approximately 3 hp engine. - Benz's favorite creation - received the name "Victoria", which means "victory". After the release of this model, the business of the company went uphill, and Karl Benz decided to create a whole series of crews, adding to the powerful Victoria a lightweight Velo model. It was a four-wheeled modernized version of the first crew, which later became the prototype of the first domestic car designed by Yakovlev and Frese. The production of "Velo" began in 1894, and in three years 381 cars were manufactured - thanks to this, historians consider "Velo" to be the first car of mass production.

1.3. The appearance and production of cars in Russia

In the 1780s, the famous Russian inventor Ivan Kulibin worked on the project of a car (in a certain sense of the word, rather a velomobile, with a pedal drive). In 1791 he made a scooter carriage, in which he used a flywheel, brake, gearbox, rolling bearings, etc. But it was not widely used. The first Russian car was created by Yakovlev and Frese in 1896 and shown at the All-Russian Exhibition in Nizhny Novgorod.Until 1917, there was really no automotive industry in Russia.Some success in its development was achieved only by the Russian Baltic Carriage Works (RBVZ) in Riga and the Puzyrev plant in St. Petersburg. RBVZ first assembled Russo-Balt cars from imported parts, and then switched to the production of cars from spare parts of its own production.

However, the first serious efforts to create a national automobile industry were made by the tsarist government already at the height of the First World War, when in 1916 state funds were allocated for the construction of automobile factories: AMO in Moscow, V.A. Rybinsk, Rostov-on-Don and Mytishchi. In connection with the revolution of 1917, not a single plant was completed, and only AMO (95% ready) and Lebedev (60%) did not change their profile in the future and started producing cars (now AMO ZIL and Yaroslavl Motor Plant).

First completely soviet car AMO-F-15 was produced by the AMO plant in 1924. Actually, this was the beginning of the era of the Soviet car industry, despite the fact that "F15" can not be considered a passenger car.In 1925, Soviet designers began designing the first domestic car NAMI-1. From 1928 to 1931, more than 400 cars were produced.In 1931-1933 the AMO enterprise (Automobile Moscow Society) was reconstructed and, renamed ZiS (Plant Named After Stalin), produced trucks under the license of the American company Autocar, and in Nizhny Novgorod (later Gorky) in 1930-1932 the NAZ enterprise was built (later GAZ), which produced passenger cars and trucks under license from Ford Motor. Both enterprises, built in the course of industrialization, became the basis of the national automotive industry and, together with smaller enterprises, ensured the USSR's rise to first place in Europe and second in the world in truck production by 1938. Before the Great Patriotic War, the automobile industry of the USSR produced over 1 million vehicles, a significant part of which entered the Red Army. In the 1930s, GAZ was the only domestic enterprise producing passenger cars inmass quantities ... Since 1938, they have been produced on a separate line of the conveyor, and before that, trucks and Cars done on the same line. During the Great Patriotic War, the ZiS automobile plant was evacuated to the rear, where, on the basis of its equipment, new automobile manufacturing enterprises UlZiS and UralZiS (now UAZ and AZ Ural) were created. During the war years, the assembly of cars from vehicle kits, supplied under Lend-Lease, became widespread. When creating the epoch-making GAZ-M 20 "Victory" for the Russian and notable in the history of the world automotive industry, the design of which began during the war, our designers used both American and European experience. When developing the Pobeda car, it was planned that the name of the car would be Rodina. Upon learning of this, Stalin ironically asked: "Well, how much will we have a Motherland?" Therefore, the name was changed to "Victory".

Subsequently, "Pobeda" has earned a good reputation as a reliable, sturdy, durable car. She became one of the first Soviet passenger cars to be exported to socialist countries and Scandinavia. In connection with the growth of production at GAZ and the urgent need to produce all-wheel drive cars (primarily for the army), at the end of 1954, the first commissioning batch of GAZ-69 came out. and the next year they launched mass production. Cars were primarily used by the army and agriculture. Off-road vehicles were not actually sold to private owners. In 1959, UAZs were exported to 22 countries. Some of the vehicles for export were equipped with an engine of increased volume and power - an analogue of the engine installed on the first Volga GAZ-M 21. In the 1950s and 1970s, the development of the Soviet automotive industry continued by extensive methods, and until the early 70s the main priority was given to trucks. in particular, army multi-axle tractors and dual-use four-wheel drive trucks. In 1956, GAZ began production of the Volga GAZ-21. For its time and up to the mid-1960s, the car, in comparison with foreign classmates, was quite modern. "Volga" had an excellent reputation in the USSR, of course, largely due to the fact that the cars available to ordinary buyers were the most prestigious. However, even after the appearance of the GAZ-24, the GAZ-21 enjoyed a good reputation. The GAZ-21 car had many modifications. In 1965, the GAZ-21P model was even released - an export version with right-hand drive. And in the same year they made GAZ-21PE - the same model with right-hand drive plus automatic transmission gears. The first model of the car in Zaporozhye was assembled on June 18, 1959. Serial production of ZAZ-965 "Zaporozhets" began in 1960. The car became the most affordable in the USSR and for many the first own. That is why many remember ZAZ-965 "Humpbacked Zaporozhets" with special warmth. In 1961 the plant was renamed “Zaporozhye Automobile Plant”. Mass motorization of the USSR began with construction in 1966-1970. Volzhsky Automobile Plant (VAZ) in Togliatti and the deployment of mass production at its facilities (initially 660 thousand cars per year, and from the 80s - 730 thousand) of Zhiguli passenger cars. Several large firms were considered as a foreign partner. On August 15, 1966, in Moscow, the head of FIAT, Gianni Agnelli, signed a contract with the Minister of the Automotive Industry of the USSR, Alexander Tarasov, to create an automobile plant in the city of Togliatti with a full production cycle. Under the contract, the same concern was entrusted with the technological equipment of the plant, training of specialists. In 1967, an order was issued to staff VAZ with personnel. Thousands of people, mostly young people, went to Togliatti to work on the construction site of the auto giant. In January 1968, supplies of equipment began, and a month later, full-scale tests of FIAT-124 were launched with the participation of specialists from the NAMI test site (now NITSIAMT). In August 1968, Za Rulem magazine announced a competition for the best name for a new car. The editors received about 50 thousand letters. As a result, the car, which, according to the industry designations introduced at that time, had an index of 2101, received the name "Zhiguli" in common parlance "kopeck". In the first half of the 1970s, the USSR was selling up to 100 thousand Zhiguli for export, and among the buyers were France, Great Britain, and the Scandinavian countries. Right-hand drive cars have been produced since 1975. The name "Zhiguli" for export markets turned out to be very dissonant. Already in the early 1970s, cars were sold in most countries under the name "Lada". In 1976, the Kamsky Automobile Plant was put into operation, the construction of which began in 1969. The annual capacity of the enterprise was designed to produce 150 thousand trucks and 250 thousand vehicles. diesel engines... With its introduction, the share of diesel vehicles in the cargo fleet of the USSR increased from 7-8% to 25%. The beginning of the dieselization of a number of other Soviet car brands was laid: ZiL, UralAZ, LAZ, LiAZ and KAZ.
The idea of ​​creating a universal people's car, suitable for use in rural areas, was put forward in 1970 by the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR A. N. Kosygin. Under the leadership of the chief designer of the VAZ V. Solovyov, L. Murashov and G. Averin began work. Later, the design was headed by P. Prusov. The first two samples of the VAZ-E2121 (at the plant they were called "crocodiles") - with a frame, a simple open body, disconnected by the front or rear axles- went for testing in the summer of 1971. Subsequently, the concept of the car was completely redesigned. VAZ-2E2121, which appeared in the summer of 1973, was frameless, with a constant four-wheel drive and blocking center differential, but with a comfortable closed body designed by Valery Semushkin. In fact, the VAZ-2121 "Niva" became the first-born of a new class of cars - compact, lightweight, relatively inexpensive, comfortable SUVs with a monocoque body. Later, many foreign firms began to create such machines. Niva was actively exported to other countries. She is one of the few AvtoVAZ vehicles that is really famous and famous in Europe. He still travels in Spanish and French citiesmore than 9000 "Niv" By the 1980s, despite the obvious successes in mass production (2.2 million each in 1985 and 1986), crisis phenomena had accumulated in the Soviet automobile industry. hatchback type: VAZ-2108 "Sputnik", Moskvich-2141 "Aleko", VAZ-1111 "Oka" and ZAZ-1102 "Tavria" and the mass production of diesel medium-duty trucks GAZ-4301 and ZIL-4331 was prepared. the Soviet automotive industry, concentrated mainly in Russia, Belarus and Ukraine, disintegrated into national automotive industries, the fate of which developed in different ways.

With the beginning of market reforms in 1992, the automotive industry in Russia fell into a period of protracted crisis. By the mid-90s, the production of trucks decreased by 5.5 times, buses of large class by 10 times, cars by a third. At the same time, industry leaders AVTOVAZ, GAZ and AMO ZIL were able to release new models in the 90s: VAZ-2110, GAZ-3302 / -2705 / -3221 Gazelle and ZIL-5301 Bychok, which allowed them to survive the most difficult phase of the crisis. After the default of 1998, the Russian car industry received a short-term respite, new models VAZ-1118 Kalina, GAZ-31105 Volga, GAZ-2217/2752 Sobol and GAZ-3310 Valdai were mastered, but there is a negative trend of reducing the market share from domestic manufacturers has been preserved. Most of the Russian automobile and engine plants were merged in the first half of the 2000s into holding companies Ruspromavto (now GAZ Group) and Severstal-auto (now Sollers).

Since 2002, the assembly of foreign cars has been increasing in Russia. In 2008, the Russian auto industry produced 1.79 million vehicles (+7.4% compared to 2007). The share of production of foreign models was 41.3% in the passenger car segment (an increase in production by 29% compared to 2007), in the truck segment - 7.9% (+19.6%) and in the bus segment - 9.8% (+12. 7%). With the massive opening of assembly plants for foreign companies, starting in 2009, their share in national production should increase even more, despite the outbreak of a sales crisis. After 2015, over 1 million cars of foreign brands are expected to be assembled in Russia per year.

One of the most popular Russian cars is Kalina, launched at the end of 2004.

Just a few years ago, the serial production of Priora began in the back of a sedan, later cars of this family appeared in the back of a station wagon. The Priora family is one of the most demanded class "C" families in the domestic car market today. It combines modern technical requirements and a high level of security. The main distinguishing features of the car are the presence of an original design and improved specifications... At present, AvtoVAZ is developing the second generation of the Priora. The start of serial production is planned for 2016. In the period from 2000 to 2010, several dozen automobile plants were opened in Russia, assembling cars under the world's leading brands, including Ford, Kia, BMW, Renault, Chevrolet, Hyundai, Volkswagen, Skoda, Toyota, the Peugeot-Citroen-Mitsubishi automobile alliance. , Nissan, Opel, Volvo Truck, Renault Truck Industries and some others. The plants' capacities are designed for production, ranging from SKD to small-unit assembly, including Completely Knocked Down (CKD) assembly with a high degree of production localization, with welding and painting of bodies and assemblies. The brightest star of modern Russian automotive industry has become such machines asMarussia. Marussia has not yet amazed the world with gigantic engines. However, this car has quite a decent power unit Is a 3.5-liter V6 that produces 245 hp. and 330 N m. Thanks to this, the light Marussia (1100 kg) is capable of accelerating 0-100 km / h in just 5 s, and maximum speed cars exceed 250 km / h.

2.Cars in service

2.1 Car at the service of health

People have been sick for centuries, and they have been waiting for help for centuries.Naturally, the appearance of the car could not pass by this area of ​​human life. Already at the dawn of the automotive industry, the idea of ​​using self-run wheelchairs for medical purposes appeared. In 1907, the factory of P.A. Frese, one of the creators of the first Russian car, exhibited an ambulance of its own production on the Renault chassis on International Motor Show In Petersburg.

The large German company Adler, which produced a wide range of cars, is now forgotten. But before the First World War, it was the machines of this company that saved human lives.

With the outbreak of the First World War, it took ambulances.. Thanks to the cars, tens, if not hundreds of thousands of lives of soldiers of the Russian army have been saved.

In the early years after the revolution Ambulance in Moscow she served only accidents. The sick at home (regardless of the severity) were not served. An emergency room for suddenly ill at home was organized at the Moscow ambulance in 1926. Doctors went to the patients on motorcycles with sidecars, then on cars. Subsequently, emergency care was separated into a separate service and transferred under the authority of district health departments. Unfortunately, it was not possible to establish the brand of this car, which worked in 20 years.

The first sample of an ambulance carriage was made in 1925. In 1926, 10 ambulances were manufactured.

But unfortunately, such a number of cars could not solve the issue of the urgency of helping patients and they had to buy foreign cars. (Mercedes)

Before the war, developed and from 1937 to 1945 a branch of GAZ (from 1939 it became known as the Gorky bus factory) specialized vehicles GAZ-55 were produced (based on the GAZ-MM truck - an upgraded version of GAZ-AA with a GAZ-M engine). In GAZ-55 it was possible to transport 4 bedridden and 2 sedentary patients or 2 bedridden and 5 sedentary or 10 sedentary patients. The machine was equipped with an air heater powered by exhaust gases, and a ventilation system.By the way, you probably remember the ambulance in the movie "Prisoner of the Caucasus". It was her driver who swore: "Yes, so that I still get behind the wheel of this vacuum cleaner!" This is a GAZ-MM with a handicraft sanitary body.

In the first post-war years (since 1947), the ZIS-110A became the base ambulance (an ambulance modification of the famous ZIS-110 limousine)

There was also a medical modification of the famous "Victory" GAZ-M20.

The main ambulance cars of cities (the so-called linear ones) in the 1960s were specialized vehicles RAF-977I (produced by the Riga Automobile Plant on Volga GAZ-21 units).

In the second half of the 1970s, new "RAFiki" vehicles appeared - RAF-22031 vehicles, assembled at a new production facility in Jelgava on the basis of a new generation "Volga" - GAZ-24. After modernization and some changes in the external design, the car was assigned the RAF-2915 index.

Recently, the GAZelle (GAZ-32214) has become the main ambulance vehicle.

2.2 Car on guard of order

From the 1920s until the end of World War II, the main police vehicles were cars of brands and ... These were cars, trucks and buses.
Immediately after the end of World War II, in 1946, the first model was released legendary car
, which immediately gained popularity. High-ranking officials of the USSR party moved on it, and some of the cars were also allocated for the needs of the police.
The 1950s became a real breakthrough in the automotive industry in the USSR. And in the militia cars, trucks and buses of the brands PAZ, RAF, Moskvich, UAZ began to appear. In 1957, the GAZ-21 "Volga" car left the assembly line, which became the favorite means of transportation for the police authorities.
In the 1960s, several updated modifications of the Moskvich, UAZ, GAZ vehicles appeared. First of all, all new cars were supplied to the police or for the needs of the party, and only after a few years they became available to ordinary citizens.
Since the 1970s, Volga and Zhiguli cars have been used for police purposes. In addition, in December 1972, the first UAZ-469 rolled off the assembly line, an excellent car for those times with outstanding off-road properties. It is used in the police and at the present time. At the end of the 1970s, the first Niva car appeared with excellent off-road driving characteristics. Cars of this brand were immediately added to the staff of the police.
In the 1980s, the police were mainly equipped with newer modified VAZ and GAZ vehicles. There was also an attempt in the late 1980s to use Moskvich 2141 cars, but this idea did not get widespread.
In the early 1990s, for the needs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate (GAI), foreign brands began to be purchased - Ford, Audi, Toyota, etc. Since domestic cars were not significantly inferior in speed (and are still inferior) to foreign cars. But still, most of the cars used by the police in our time are cars of domestic production.
The most common domestic cars in the police state at present are the VAZ-2114 cars. They are used by the traffic police service, and by the security service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and other services. Also, especially in the central regions of Russia, the lion's share of cars in the police force are foreign cars Ford, Audi and many others. There are even Porsche Cayenne police cars.
For a long time, UAZ-469 (popularly called "bobik") and UAZ-452 ("loaf") cars remained the main police vehicles in rural areas because of their good cross-country ability. Recently, almost all of them have been replaced with UAZ-2206 and UAZ-3909 (the same "loaf", only updated).

2.3 Vehicle at the gas safety post

Specialized vehicles began to enter the gas service only in the 30s of the last century - with the development and complication of the city gas supply network. Gas pipes came to houses, apartments, enterprises. In such conditions, hundreds and sometimes thousands of lives, the integrity of buildings, the safety of property of citizens and enterprises depended on the efficiency of the emergency brigade. And to a large extent - public order.

The gas service received cars of three types - pick-ups, buses and trucks, all manufactured by the Molotov Gorky Automobile Plant, which were retrofitted in ancillary auto repair shops.

In the last decade, the work of the gas service has changed dramatically. With the compaction of buildings and the complication of communications, more and more attention began to be paid to gas safety, which, in turn, depends not only on the professionalism of the brigades, but also on their mobility and efficiency. The fleet has been replenished with modern models, on the basis of which mobile workshops, gas analyzers, conveyors, trenchers, pipe layers have been created

One of the most popular gas service vehicles is the UAZ 3909. This cargo-passenger modification is modified for the needs of the emergency service.

3. The role and importance of a company car in a person's life.

In addition to those undeniable amenities that a car creates in a person's life, obviously, the social significance of the mass use of special services vehicles: the speed of rendering the necessary assistance increases; the number of accidents and deaths of people is decreasing; facilitates the delivery of a specialist to the scene of an accident or crime, etc. The 21st century, undoubtedly, went down in history as the age of the automobile. At the beginning of the century, at the dawn of the car era, the slogan "A car is not a luxury, but a means of transportation" appeared, now this slogan in relation to company cars sounds like this: "A car is not a luxury, but a means of first aid in any extraordinary situation." It is impossible to overestimate the role of a car in service. It is very correctly sung about such a car in the song about the non-departmental security "The alarm will hardly come, and the crews will fly into the night, the reliability of the loyal guard."


It was very interesting for me to work on this topic. I managed to look into the past at least for a minute, find out the reasons that prompted the inventors to create such a means of transportation that is so necessary for all mankind - a car. Find out which special services use domestic cars. As a result, I came to the conclusion that company car became for people an integral part of their life. And, perhaps, it is very difficult to imagine any service without such a tireless assistant as a car! Studying the history of the creation of the car, I got acquainted with very interesting facts: I collected interesting information about vehicles, got acquainted with the history of the creation of the first cars, learned the names of the first inventors. And if I didn’t think very well about our car industry before, now I am proud of it and hope that it will take the most advanced positions. And I also decided for myself that I will become the driver of one of the cars that are on guard. Most likely it will be a police car.

Sh u g u r about in L. M., Shirshov V. P. Automobiles of the Country of Soviets. M., DOSAAF, 1983.

All domestic cars (co-author L. M. 1P \ gurov). Model constructor, 1974, No. 1 - 12.

Industrial Revolution XVII-XIX centuries coincided with the period of social bourgeois revolutions in the world (1640 - England, 1775 - USA, 1789 - France, 1848 - Germany, 1861 - Russia) and consisted of three stages:

1. The emergence of working machines in the textile industry (hand loom with Kay's "airplane" shuttle (1733), Paul's spinning machine (1785), Hargreaves "Jenny" spinning wheel (1764), Cartwright's first mechanical loom ( 1785), Jacquard's programmed loom (1800)).

2. Invention, development and implementation of a universal heat engine(James Watt steam engine since 1764)

3. Creation of working machines for the production of machines, the emergence of mechanical engineering (invention: caliper, tool holder, copying and cam automatic control systems).

Until the middle of the 18th century. the technique of making machines, even in developed countries, was mainly manual, inherited from handicraft and manufactory production. Therefore, few machines were produced (in a single version or in small batches), though of good quality, but at an expensive price and with a lot of time. The material-processing equipment was very primitive and ineffective, it only allowed mechanizing the manual labor of the craftsmen (Fig. 16).

Fig. 16. Diagram of a lathe with a foot drive and manual cutter feed

Mechanics and artisans of that time pondered the idea of ​​freeing the human hand from the direct realization of energy and material flows. At the same time, the issues of automatic control were also solved (i.e., the implementation of the information flow). Historically, the first to appear were machines with software carriers in the form of cams and copiers.

Cam was used to set in motion the working bodies of automatic machines, and they ensured the movement of the working bodies, coordinated in space and time in accordance with the required sequence, set by the cyclogram of the automatic machine. It was from the cams and stops that all mechanical automata worked. The reference information was stored in the cam profile. Cam systems simultaneously perform two functions: a power (actuator) mechanism and a control device. The movement of the moving body is controlled according to the law laid down in the cam profile and perceived by the pusher (Fig. 17). Thanks to the rigid connection between the cam and the tappet in mechanical cam systems, movement can be carried out according to any law. The law of motion is selected depending on the requirements of the technological process.

Fig. 18. Scheme of the lathe-copying support of A.K. Nartov

However, the technology of that time was not ready to accept these ideas, and the engines of the required power were not yet available (the movement from the water wheel was difficult to transmit on relatively small machines).

Only in 1794 did the English mechanic Henry Maudsley (1771-1831) invented cross caliper, which had a revolutionary impact on all mechanical engineering (Fig. 19). The human hand turned out to be freed from the implementation of the energy flow, the quality of the processed parts (their purity and accuracy) increased many times over. With the advent of the cross slide, all metalworking machines used for the manufacture of machines began to improve.

Fig. 19. Henry Maudsley cross caliper diagram

Henry Maudsley became the owner of a large machine-building enterprise, which mainly produced parts for D. Watt's steam engines. At his plant, for the first time, a machine production system was used in the form of connecting a large number of working machines by transmissions, driven by a universal heat engine. Henry Maudsley himself, being a well-to-do man, worked all his life on a par with workers and students, he brought up many talented mechanical engineers, giving them a technical education.

Simultaneously with the improvement of machine tool mechanics, the principles of automatic control of technological machines were also developed. So one of the first was implemented in machine tools principle To opting Is the mechanized production of a number of identical products by copying a given reference sample. Copiers and cams became the main part in many automatic machines, where feeds were carried out from various cams. However, direct (mechanical) copying had a number of significant disadvantages:

- the efforts required for control (information flow) turn out to be equal to the working effort (energy flow): as a consequence, wear of cams, copiers, probes and loss of the required accuracy of manufactured parts;

- the complexity of making copiers and templates (they must be an order of magnitude more accurate than the parts processed on them);

- low distance of copying and cam mechanical control systems;

- the complexity of changing the program (i.e. low flexibility and versatility), which in this case boiled down to changing copiers or cams.

Subsequently, copying methods were significantly developed and improved. In 1890 the Italian Bontempi used a hydraulic control scheme for the copying machine. He used servo-action (amplification) principle, which has found the widest application for control and automation purposes, and special power amplifiers (an obligatory part of a servo drive) - electronic, electromechanical, hydraulic, mechanical - can be found in any modern automatic machine. In 1923, the Keller copying machine appeared, in which power copying was for the first time replaced by electric control. The program of the shape of the future product was set, however, as before by the analog method, using a copier, which was an exact copy of the shape of the finished product, but the effort on the copier was significantly reduced.

Another principle implemented in the copying ACS is tracking principle, the essence of which is that the executive body (tool) exactly repeated the movement of the control body (probe), without being directly connected with it. This principle has also found wide application in technology. In 1935, a photocopying machine was proposed in the USSR, for which a drawing of a part was already a copier (sample). The machine control system was equipped with a photo-reading device that moved along the line of the drawing.

The first CNC machine appeared in 1952. However, both electric drive copying and photocopying were somewhat ahead of their time and, despite their promising potential, were not widely used.

The most widely used industrial machines were hydrocopying machines, in which the motion program (trajectory) was read from the copier, and the power action was carried out by a hydraulic drive. A feeler was applied to the copier with little effort, which eliminated the wear of the copier. The probe in such devices is connected to the hydraulic valve spool (Fig. 20).

In hydrocopying systems, relative movements of the dipstick (Vnext) cause movement of the control spool, which switches the direction of oil flows. The probe in contact with the tracer can be connected to the spool in various ways: mechanically, hydraulically or electrically.

Fig. 20. Hydrocopier milling machine

>> Technology: The concept of a mechanism and a machine

In the modern world, a person is often helped by various mechanisms and machines.
A car is a device that performs certain actions in order to facilitate the physical and mental work of a person. For example, a car is a transport machine, a machine for processing any workpieces is a technological machine.
An example of a household machine is a vacuum cleaner, Washer, fridge. Agricultural machines (tractor, harvester, etc.) help a person in harvesting. A computer for a person is an information and computing machine.
The design of the machine includes many different mechanisms. Mechanism is a device for converting one type of movement into another. As an example, consider the screw mechanism used in the front and rear clamps of a carpenter's bench (fig. 52).
In the screw mechanism, the rotational movement of the handle 2 is converted into the rectilinear movement of the lead screw together with the pressure bar 3 (Fig. 52, a). Figure 52, b shows the kinematic diagram of the screw mechanism.

Kinematic diagram is a symbol for the various gears and parts included in this gear.

Mechanisms and machines consist of many different parts, for example, there are more than 15 thousand of them in a car, and more than a million in an airplane. Some parts are used in almost all machines (bolts, nuts, washers, etc.). They're called details general purpose ... Other parts, such as machine bodies, machine beds, are special-purpose parts. Table 3 shows some typical machine parts.
The details of the mechanisms are linked to one another different ways... If they cannot move relative to each other, then such a connection is called motionless... Fixed are the connections of parts with screws and nuts ( threaded connections), by welding, etc.
If the parts can move one relative to the other, then such a relationship between the parts is called mobile.

A kind of mobile communication is a swivel joint (Table 4).


Familiarization with the device of various mechanisms
1. Inspect the screw mechanism of the carpenter's bench front clamp. Understand how the rotary motion of the handle translates into the straight-line motion of the pressure bar.
2. Consider the drill gear and determine what purpose it serves.

  • Machine, mechanism, screw mechanism, kinematic diagram, general and special-purpose parts, movable and fixed connections.

1. What is called a machine?

2. What is called a mechanism?

3. What machines do you know?

4. What are the typical machine parts.

5. Where are screw mechanisms used and how do they work?

A.T. Tishchenko, P.S. Samorodsky, V.D.Simonenko, N.P. Shchipitsyn, Grade 5 Technology
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In the modern world, a person is often helped by various mechanisms and machines.

A car is a device that performs certain actions in order to facilitate the physical and mental work of a person. For example, a car is a transport machine, a machine for processing any workpieces is a technological machine.

An example of a household machine is a vacuum cleaner, washing machine, refrigerator. Agricultural machines (tractor, harvester, etc.) help a person in harvesting. A computer for a person is an information and computing machine.

The design of the machine includes many, different mechanisms. Mechanism is a device for converting one type of movement into another. As an example, considerscrew mechanism , used in the front and back clamps of the joinery workbench (fig. 52).

In a screw mechanism, the rotational movement of the handle 2 converted into a linear motion of the lead screw 1 together with a pressure bar 3 (fig. 52,a). In Figure 52, bshows the kinematic diagram of the screw mechanism.

Kinematic diagram is a symbol for the various gears and parts included in this gear.

Mechanisms and machines consist of many different parts, for example, there are more than 15 thousand of them in a car, and more than a million in an airplane. Some parts are used in almost all machines (bolts, nuts, washers, etc.). These are called general purpose parts. Other parts, such as machine bodies, machine beds, are special-purpose parts.Table 3 shows some typical parts machines.

The details of the mechanisms are linked to one another by various ways.If they cannot move relative to each other, then such a connection is calledmotionless. Fixed are the connections of parts with screws and nuts (threaded connections), by welding, etc.

If the parts can move one relative to the other, then such a relationship between the parts is calledmobile. A kind of mobile communication - a swivel joint (tab. 4).


Familiarization with the device of various mechanisms

1. Inspect the screw mechanism of the carpentry bench front clamp. Understand how the rotary motion of the handle translates into a linear motion of the pressure bar.

2. Consider the gear of your drill and determine what purpose it serves.

New terms: A car, mechanism, screw mechanism , kinematic diagram , parts for general and special purposes , communication mobile and fixed .

Questions and tasks

1. What is called a machine?

2. What is called a mechanism?

3. What machines do you know?

4. What are the typical machine parts.

5. Where are screw mechanisms used and how do they work?


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