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Emergency training for drivers is an important part of driving. The ability to prevent dangerous situations and minimize accident consequences is a necessary skill for all motorists. For those who want not just to drive a car, but to do it "with a breeze", these skills are key. The emergency driving school always precedes the training of extreme skills.

What is emergency driving?

Emergency training for drivers is aimed at:

  • training in the correct behavior of the driver on the road to prevent the occurrence of emergency, extreme situations;
  • formation of skills of correct actions if an emergency or extreme situation has arisen, or there is a high risk of its occurrence.

Counteractive driving training includes the following skills:

  • driver's landing;
  • sudden braking algorithm;
  • effective sudden braking;
  • taxiing when predicting an emergency;
  • improved cornering control;
  • traffic reverse;
  • reverse parking.

The training of the listed skills is included in the course of all schools of emergency or extreme driving.

Elements of emergency driver training

Any training in emergency driving begins with correct driving position. It is good when the driver feels comfortable and comfortable behind the wheel. However, the driver's position is, first of all, his safety and only secondly - comfort.

Emergencies require a quick response, which is only possible if the person's posture is correct.

Boarding the driver assumes the following rules:

  • with a straight-line movement of the car, the hands should be in the upper sector of the steering wheel - position 10-2 or 9-3;
  • wean yourself from the habit of leaning your elbow on the door;
  • avoid taxiing with one hand;
  • keep your back straight, do not slouch while driving;
  • straighten your elbows as much as possible;
  • keep your back against the chair as much as possible.

Following these rules will allow you to quickly and efficiently respond in the event of an emergency.

Sudden braking algorithm

Braking must be started ahead of time. This will allow you to better control the situation, as well as have additional time to complete the necessary extraordinary maneuvers.

It is calculated that as a result of the advance transfer of the foot from the gas pedal to the brake pedal 0.2 s is saved, which allows to reduce the braking distance by a distance of up to 5 m. ...

To have these 0.2 seconds at your disposal, follow the following procedure:

  1. Release the gas pedal.
  2. Move your foot to the brake pedal; do not press the pedal.
  3. Begin to apply minimal effort on the brake pedal.
  4. If the road situation threatens to develop according to a dangerous scenario, start full braking.
  5. In the event of an emergency, start emergency step braking.
  6. If a safe stop is not possible, press the throttle and make an emergency maneuver.
  7. Stabilize vehicle taxiing.

Effective sudden braking

Most effective way sudden braking during straight-line movement of the vehicle is intermittent (impulse) braking. It is always safer than continuous.

Although it loses a little to the second in time, intermittent braking allows for better control of the movement and, if necessary, take additional maneuvers.

Impulse braking is the best way when the coefficient of adhesion of the wheels to the road is unstable:

  • with an uneven canvas;
  • on ice and snow areas;
  • in other situations, when the car goes into an uncontrolled skid.

Intermittent braking is an alternation of vigorous, but time-limited, braking and wheel release periods.

Basic rules for intermittent braking:

  • avoid multi-pulse braking;
  • do not use rhythmic inhibitory impulses;
  • use a scheme with a repetitive cycle "brake impulse - release";
  • avoid prolonged braking force;
  • when locking the front wheels, release the brakes;
  • correct the direction of movement during the period of release;
  • braking impulses should fall on areas of a flat road surface, on which the adhesion of the wheels to the surface is maximal;
  • each subsequent inhibitory impulse must be more intense than the previous one, both in strength and in duration.

If the vehicle is likely to become unstable, the brake should never be applied and only intermittent braking should be used.

Taxiing when predicting an emergency

The position of the hands when driving a car is fundamentally important to prevent the transition of a situation from critical to emergency.

  • Sharp turn

Before a sharp turn, the hands move from 10-2 to 12-4 or 8-12, depending on the direction of the turn.

  • High speed steering with both hands

High-speed steering is accomplished by turning the steering wheel quickly with cross-gripping hands. For example, to the right:

  1. We sharply turn the steering wheel to the right to position 12-4;
  2. Continue turning the steering wheel until the left hand is in position 4, the right hand grabs the steering wheel with a cross grip in position 12;
  3. Continue turning the steering wheel until the right hand is in position 4, the left hand is moved to position 12.

The described taxiing scheme on the lateral sector of the rudder with alternating cross grips with the left or right hands is the fastest and most reliable method of taxiing used in any extreme maneuvers.

When exiting high-speed cornering mode, do not release wheel and allow it to spin independently in the opposite direction. When using this tactic, we always run the risk of skidding, as well as losing control over the movement of the vehicle.

As a result, the driver will not be able to take an emergency maneuver in the final phase of the exit from the bend.

On the contrary, it is required to maintain close hand contact with the steering wheel while continuing to level the machine.

  • Reversing

The driver shifts his left hand to position 12, turns the body to the right, thereby acquiring a better visual view, including of what is happening behind the car.

  • 180 ° turn when moving forward

The left hand is in position 12. The right hand is on the handbrake lever.

  • Reverse 180 ° turn

One of the hands goes into position 6. Deep grip with the elbow raised high. Ready to rotate the steering wheel without interception.

  • Counteraction to critical drift

High speed steering with both hands. The first turn is done abruptly with one hand, saving time on interception.

  • Stabilizing the vehicle while rotating

Left hand - in position 12. Right - on hand brake... Provides rear axle slip with compensation in the opposite direction of rotation. To do this, the left hand with the steering wheel goes to position 6, ready for a circular rotation of the steering wheel without intercepting.

Improved cornering control

In order to make a corner safely and without decelerating, load the front outer wheel with light braking. In this case, you should not completely turn off the gas.

Recall that in an arc motion, a centrifugal force acts on the vehicle, overloading the outer wheels and impairing the machine's controllability.

Additional braking front wheel compensates for the loss of control.

Consider a few tricks to improve the handling and stability of the car in a corner.

  • Trajectory smoothing

The higher the vehicle speed, the higher the centrifugal force and the less stable it is. General rule The counter-emergency school of cornering, guaranteeing greater safety, is the method of trajectory smoothing. It consists in making the pivoting arc as straight as possible. For this:

  • Enter a turn from the outer edge of the road;
  • Abrupt entry into the turning arc with the direction of movement to the inner edge of the road;
  • Upon reaching the apex, a smooth exit from the turning arc to the outer edge of the road.

Additionally, driving with unloaded inner wheels to the side of the road will help smooth the turning trajectory. At the same time, the outer wheels maintain good grip.

Consequently, vehicle handling will remain satisfactory and cornering safer.

  • Dividing the pivoting arc into 2 turns

The trajectory of the turning arc, if necessary, can always be divided into 2 or more segments. What is the condition for this necessity? For example, it can be any defect in the roadway, puddle, pit, etc. In order for the trajectory not to pass along the dangerous section of the turn, sharp turn, exit on a straight path (bypassing a difficult section), again a sharp turn and - exit from the turn path.

  • Early corner entry

It is necessary to highlight 2 features of the movement of the car in a turn:

  1. a smaller radius of the turning arc increases the centrifugal force and worsens the stability of the vehicle;
  2. Smooth entry into a turn almost always requires a "turn" in the apex area, which also increases the likelihood of non-standard behavior of the car (in other words, drift).

Based on this, when driving it is logical:

  1. make a turn with a large radius of the turning arc;
  2. make a sharp entrance to the turn;
  3. make a smooth exit from the turn.

Before entering a turn, it is required to load the front wheels by braking.

Combining the earlier entry into the turn and smoothing the trajectory allows you to straighten the trajectory of the exit from the arc and, accordingly, start accelerated movement earlier.


Any school of emergency driving never gets around the topic of car reversing. Reverse movement is characterized by the following features:

  • the vehicle is more maneuverable;
  • when cornering in reverse, the front of the machine deviates significantly towards the outside of the corner.

The following counteractive advice regarding reversing will be helpful:

  • always drive at minimum speed;
  • first control traffic directly through rear glass, half-unfolding the body of the body and the head back;
  • when carrying out a maneuver in reverse, do not forget to control the front of the car;
  • use the minimum rudder amplitude to correct the trajectory.

Reverse parking

Emergency driver training involves training in reverse parking. Knowing about the peculiarities of the car's movement in reverse, if you have practice, it will not be difficult to park in a parallel parking option between, for example, cars.

Reverse parallel parking:

  1. The steering wheel is twisted towards the parking lot.
  2. When the inner edge of the car is 45 ° in relation to the curb line of the parking space, the steering wheel is unscrewed in the opposite direction.
  3. Part of the body drive into the parking lot.
  4. Trajectory correction: driving forward, steering, moving in reverse.

Reverse Perpendicular Parking:

  1. Unscrew the steering wheel fully towards the parking area.
  2. Reversing, align the car relative to the boundaries of the parking space.
  3. If necessary, we carry out a trajectory correction.
The level of responsibility of a modern driver is simply off scale: he is responsible not only for himself and for his vehicle, but also for passengers, as well as for pedestrians and fellow drivers. An emergency can arise on the road at any time, so the person behind the wheel must be ready for anything. To improve driving skills, numerous courses of emergency or extreme driving have been developed. So how useful can such a product be?

Simple numbers of complex problems

Before we begin to understand the difference between counter-accident courses and extreme driving lessons, let's turn to the good old lady statistics. Few people know that in standard conditions Road traffic drivers typically use no more than 30% of their vehicle's capabilities. If we are talking about "dummies", then this figure is even lower - about 20%. Professionals can "squeeze" about 50% of its potential out of their car. Only racers make the most of the capabilities of their car, and even then this happens exclusively on specially prepared tracks.

Only professional athletes know how to use the full potential of their car.


We started talking about the potential of the car not by accident. The fact is that situations may arise on the road that will require from us maximum return not only of our own strength, energy, concentration, reaction and the ability to think soberly when shells are exploding around, but also full return from the car. Can emergency driving courses help us with this?

Extreme or counter-emergency driving: terminology difficulties

Drivers often confuse these two completely different concepts. If we are talking about the ability to drive a car in the most critical situations that may arise on public roads, then this is counter-emergency driving. But extreme driving can be called a "quasi-sport" when the driver drives his car using the techniques of rally racers. So extreme driving on public roads is out of the question.

Do not confuse "contrarianism" with extreme driving, which is essentially a sport.


But let's abstract from precise definitions and encyclopedic meanings. We will immediately agree that we will perceive both counter-emergency and extreme driving as special training, aimed at improving the level of driving skills, the ability to show a reaction in emergency situations and learn to make often the only correct decisions.

Many people ask quite a fair question - do I really need extreme driving lessons? Only you can answer this question. If we take into account the UNESCO data, according to which a total of 1 million people die on the roads of the world every year, and in Russia alone - about 30 thousand, then everything falls into place. The driver, especially the one who is not sure about own forces, must be prepared for the fact that at some moment the merciful road transport god will turn away from him.

The essence of emergency driving

Poetically speaking, the road is a ribbon tied around the box, which conceals a lot of surprises. And it depends only on the driver whether these surprises will be pleasant or not. For example, every year at the beginning of winter all of Russia celebrates the "Day of the Tinsmith", when statistical diagrams of road accidents begin to prop up the ceiling. What is the problem? Unpreparedness for an abrupt change of season? Lack of time to replace summer tires for the winter? Indiscipline or carelessness of drivers? Failure of biological rhythms? No! The point is the lack of skill of the drivers.

Group lessons are significantly cheaper


At the same time, almost any extreme driving school will allow you to acquire the necessary skills in just a week. Yes, you will not become a professional. But you can get rid of the troubles.

Moscow drivers often have to get into emergency situations


Moscow is a very demanding city, which can bill the driver in such a way that it is better not to think about. And the more there are people on the roads of the white stone who are trained to act in extreme situations, the less these same situations will excite the evening news broadcasts.

Stages of the "contrarian"

Basically, high-quality courses are not offered at all by driving schools that indulge in the provision of additional services, but highly specialized training centers. And such companies, as well as private car instructors who teach extreme car driving, are more than enough today. So, what will a professional be sure to offer us?

Accidental driving is a certain type of guarantee


First, he will break all the training into stages, and they will look something like this:

Stage 1: the ability to competently work with the controls of a car, the development of rectilinear movement and the passage of dimensional training.

Stage 2: the use of passive safety elements (the principles of correct landing behind the wheel), in-depth training in working with car controls (different taxiing techniques, quick gear shifting, engine braking methods), the use of active safety elements (effective acceleration, emergency braking, turns).

Stage 3: features of driving a car in summer and winter, the acquisition of emergency maneuvering skills in emergency situations and in conditions of a low coefficient of adhesion to the road surface, demolition, skidding and stabilization of a car in combined sliding.

Interesting Facts

There are about 20 steering techniques, more than 200 braking elements and techniques, and 26 throttling techniques - ways to control the gas pedal.

Whatever courses of extreme driving in Moscow you choose, the main tasks in counter-emergency training will be: disclosing your driving capabilities and increasing their level, assessing the capabilities of your personal car in critical situations, providing the maximum number of "tools" that will help you get out of any emergency alterations.

The main thing is self-control, understanding that everyone can act at the level of the subconscious and muscle memory, self-confidence and competent distribution of their strength and knowledge. And then you can, like your auto instructor, work wonders while driving your favorite car.

A brief overview of extreme and counter-emergency driving courses in Moscow

SchoolProgramsCar parkAutodromPrice

12 emergency driving courses for experienced drivers and pros

Personal car

Metallurg, Bitsa, Mnevniki, Yuzhny

Course "Extreme car driving", 2 days, 4.5 hours each, 12900 rub.

Course "I drive with confidence"

Ford focus 2, Ford Focus 3

Airfield "Tushino"

The courses "Glide" and " Extreme driving", 12 hours, 35400 rub.

The course "Counter-emergency training"

GAZ-3102, Mercedes-Benz S, Mercedes-Benz E,
Ford focus

Autodrome FSO of Russia

Basic program, 2 days, 8 hours, from 22 thous. rub.

Initial counter-emergency training, active safety driver, driving in critical situations

Personal car

Autodrom in Mnevniki

Driving in critical situations (winter autodrome), 5 days, 15 hours, 15600 rub.

Basic, dimensional, basic, high-speed, intensive courses

BMW: 120d, 320d, 328i xDrive, 528i, 528i xDrive, 750Li xDrive, X1 xDrive20d, X3 xDrive30d, X3 xDrive35i

BMW Driving Experience, Sorochany ski complex

Main course + lunch at a restaurant, 1 day, 17 thous. rub.

Basic, advanced and pro training

Mercedes С, E, СLS, S,

Official training ground of the FSO

Advanced training, 1 day, 18 thous. rub.

Defensive driving in cars, trucks, buses, special equipment, the basics outside road traffic

personal, company or rented cars

Defensive driving course, 8 hours, from 5500 rub.

Practical emergency course

Renault Logan, MINI Cooper, Peugeot 407, Subaru WRX

Academy's own racetrack

Course of 5 lessons, from 1500 rub. per lesson (depends on the rented car)

"Basic emergency training" for beginners and experienced, "Safe driving style", "Stabilization of the car on the asphalt", "Active driving techniques"

Personal car

Own autodrome with an area of ​​30,000 sq.m.

The course "Stabilization and active management techniques", 23,200 rubles.

Emergency preparation, "Lady at the wheel", " Four-wheel drive"," Off-road vehicle ", Sports training, Improving driving skills

Toyota Corolla, Subaru Impreza 4WD

Autodrom in "Tushino"

10 hour course - 25 thous. rub.

Why do you need emergency driving courses?

Car roads are known to be an area of ​​increased risk. Almost every driver has a chance to get into one or another extreme situation. Nobody is immune from this in our time. It is almost impossible to predict the reaction and behavior of a person who is in an extreme situation in a car. However, the negative consequences of an extreme road situation can be avoided. It all depends on the level of training and experience of the driver. Special driving courses in extreme situations will help you gain confidence and calmness on the road.

The emergency training school at the AMK FSO offers its services in improving the level of driver training. At the end of our emergency driving courses, the student will be prepared for any emergency on the road. At the same time, I would like to separately note the fact that we do not teach extreme driving as recklessness, which in itself is a threat to the life of the driver and other road users around him. In our center for emergency training, the main emphasis is on safety, on how to avoid emergencies! Here you need to clearly understand that counter-emergency driving is a set of certain measures aimed at reducing the risks of road users.

The program of the course "Counter-emergency training"

Classes in our center of driving skills are conducted by highly qualified instructors trained by the best specialists, both in Russia and abroad, who in fact have managed to repeatedly confirm their highest professional level.
During the counter-emergency training classes, all aspects of driving skills will be explained to students in the most accessible form, students will learn a lot about reflex control of a car.

We will teach both beginners and professionals

Our safe driving training center is attended by students with completely different levels of training. In this connection, there are several training programs on emergency driving, which are focused on specific target driving groups. We work not only with novice drivers, but also with professionals who want to improve their driving skills. Our emergency training courses in this regard will be useful to everyone. A one-day program has been developed for novice drivers, the goals of which are: increasing the level of technical skill of trainees; familiarization of trainees with the basic techniques of driving in various driving situations; providing trainees with an opportunity to independently assess their ability to drive a car in various driving situations. The program consists of both theoretical and practical parts. The theoretical part of the program includes: the concept of professional skills, its components and opportunities for improvement; correct landing, its advantages, choice and control; consideration of the most common mistakes made by drivers with little driving experience. The practical part consists of exercises of varying difficulty.

For experienced drivers, we have provided both a winter program of emergency training courses (from November to April) for front-wheel drive and rear-wheel drive vehicles, and a summer program (from May to October).

Winter period training (from November to April):

  • Program for front-wheel drive vehicles - training duration 2 days (8 hours).
    - the peculiarities of driving a front-wheel drive vehicle on a slippery road;
    - effective techniques for increasing the controllability and stabilization of a front-wheel drive vehicle;
    - feel as early as possible, cause and stop the rear axle skid and front axle drift yourself front wheel drive car;
    - techniques of emergency maneuvering on a front-wheel drive vehicle.
  • Program for rear-wheel drive vehicles - training duration 4 days (16 hours).
    The goals of the program are to teach the driver:
    - feel as early as possible, cause and stop the car's skid;
    - brake confidently without losing control, incl. urgently, on a slippery road;
    - techniques of emergency maneuvering on slippery road.

    Summer training period (from May to October):
  • Basic program for front and rear wheel drive vehicles - training duration 2 days (8 hours).
    The goals of the program are to teach the driver:
    - basic techniques for safe driving;
    - techniques for emergency braking and maneuvering;
    - maneuvering technique, to form a "sense of size" of the car.
  • Advanced program for front and rear wheel drive vehicles - training duration 4 days (16 hours).
    The goals of the program are to teach the driver:
    - improve the driver's skills in safe driving;
    - to teach the driver the techniques of emergency braking and maneuvering;
    - to train the driver in the techniques of driving a car that create conditions of comfort;
    - to study the features of driving a car equipped with modern active safety systems.


    Introductory part - up to 30 minutes.
    Safety briefing, short review of the entire course, explanation of exercises for the first part of the lesson, distribution of trainees to study groups and study places.

    The main part is 3 hours 15 minutes.
    Practical part (first half) - 1 hour 30 minutes.
    Performing exercises at a specialized circuit of the autodrome.

    Break - 15 minutes.
    Coffee break, explanation of the exercises for the second part of the lesson.

    Practical part (second half) - 1 hour 30 minutes.
    Exercise at the circuit.

    The final part is 15 minutes.
    Summing up, answering questions, setting tasks for the next day / presenting certificates (on the last day of class).

    Present a course of emergency driving to your loved ones

    Today, many people are worried about their relatives, friends, colleagues - constant road users. This is not surprising: recently, difficult traffic situations meet at every turn. But, as practice shows, many people refuse to take additional courses to improve driving skills, citing lack of time, money and constant employment. These are just excuses. It always makes sense to help someone close to you improve their counter-emergency driving skills. You can present him as a gift emergency training courses at the Safe Driving Training Center of the Automotive Club of the FSO of Russia.

    At your request, you can issue both a classic gift certificate and a certificate for a specific event:

  • Gift certificate "Family", issued for two persons, an excellent gift for both a young family and a family celebrating the "Ruby" wedding.
  • A gift certificate in honor of March 8 is a great reason to worry about the safety of your loved one.
  • A gift certificate in honor of February 23 is the best gift for a real man.
  • Gift certificate "New Year" - how New Year if you meet him, you will lead him. The emergency training course at the beginning of the year is a good help for trouble-free operation of the car throughout the year.
  • A birthday gift certificate is a gift that you cannot put on a shelf. A gift thanks to which a person close to you can feel safe on the road.

    Discount for regular customers

    From May 1, 2016, a system of discounts is introduced. The discount is provided after the trainees have completed one training course at the Safe Driving Training Center of the Automotive Club of the Federal Security Service of Russia in any period of training (winter, summer), is issued in the form of a loyal customer card and is:

  • Second lesson - 5%.
  • The third lesson - 10%.
  • The fourth lesson - 15%.
  • Fifth lesson - 20%.
  • Do you need any specific driving courses for women? It would seem that all the questions regarding the abilities of the fair sex to control complex equipment were removed by the cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova half a century ago. Unfortunately, the fruits of professional and everyday emancipation have been more effectively used by women in Western countries. Indeed, today in the United States, the percentage of both sexes on the road is approximately 50/50.

    In Russia, unfortunately, things are not so optimistic. Male motorists continue to dominate at around 80%. You can still hear ridiculous statements about "a woman's place in the kitchen." This is due to the traditional patriarchal nature of Russian society, in which a woman is assigned the role of “keeper of the hearth”. As a result, many Russian women agree from childhood that they are not supposed to "turn the steering wheel" by nature. Hence - fears, suspiciousness and uncertainty.

    Extreme driving courses for women

    Sounds kind of scary, right? However, acquiring extreme driving skills is the most effective tool in overcoming inequities on the roads. Judge for yourself, an ordinary driving school will teach you in best case the rules of behavior in standard situations - to maintain a safe speed, perform basic maneuvers, recognize signs, markings and signals from the traffic controller.

    Unfortunately, when an emergency occurs, a woman (all other things being equal) is less likely to avoid an accident than a man because of the physical advantages of the latter. However, this can be compensated for by the acquired special skills! And not only compensate, but also come forward! Suffice it to recall the beautiful Danica Patrick, who won the NASCAR race, beating a whole peloton of the world's best race car drivers.

    Today, extreme driving courses for women help the representatives of the weaker half of humanity to feel confident behind the wheel and become not just a “guest” on the road, but a sovereign mistress. Let's see what this means.

    • Emergency preparation. This is the basic discipline of extreme driving courses for women, which, although it goes beyond the traffic rules, is highly demanded on public roads. Emergency preparation will allow you to competently drive a car in the event of a critical situation (skid, sudden obstacle), reducing the risk of it spilling over into a serious accident. Emergency situations are simulated on training sites so that you learn to recognize them in advance and react correctly.
    • Quasi-athletic training. This is an advanced extreme driving course for women, allowing you to explore absolutely all the possibilities of the car. In this case, techniques are used from the arsenal of rally and track races (sliding, drifting ...), which are not applicable on public roads. But if you want to experience a storm of emotions from driving or are planning a sports career, then why not?
    • Psychological preparation. The most important rival for a woman driving is not the road, not the car or other road users, but herself. It is necessary to overcome all fears, insecurities and complexes imposed for decades Inferiority". For this, in extreme driving courses for women, special emphasis is placed on psychology. Ultimately, the student must develop a strong self-confidence.

    Extreme driving courses for women in Moscow

    The ASport Automotive Academy has been operating in the capital for 30 years (since 1988). During this time, we have developed unique training programs for all categories of our clients, including special courses for women.

    The main advantages of studying at the Academy.

    • Individual approach. For each student, we develop our own training program, taking into account her current level of training and wishes. This allows for maximum efficiency. The training schedule is also drawn up individually.
    • The best instructors. The ASport Academy employs active professional racers, masters of sports, medalists and winners of domestic and international automotive championships in various disciplines (rally, cross, track racing).
    • Attractive prices. The cost of individual driving courses for women is 7400 rubles (in your car) or 9400 rubles in our car. Available cars with rear wheel drive(Mazda MX5) drift training.

    To sign up for extreme course driving for women in Moscow, you can directly on the website of the Academy of Automotive Craftsmanship ASport, or by calling us on the phone +7 (495 ) 222-37-57 ... You can also purchase gift certificates for your relative or girlfriend.

    Full counter-emergency training is not a cheap pleasure. However, all the skills and lessons learned will not only necessarily come to your aid in emergency situations, but also help to get more pleasure and comfort while driving.

    A competent instructor in emergency training is a universal teacher. In addition to direct training of driving skills, he will make you remember the laws of physics, elements of human physiology and conduct psychotherapy. Yes, the student will have to strain the convolutions, step over the most natural and ingrained psychological barriers, but all this work will allow him to perceive in a completely different way the banal movement by car from point A to point B.

    Feng Shui

    Human physiology is very important in controlling a machine. The first step is to get the student to sit in the driver's seat. A near-vertical torso position and a close handlebar clearance - such is the racing position. However, in reality, there is nothing Spartan about it.

    №1. The human vestibular apparatus works ideally precisely with the vertical position of the body. Thanks to this, the driver can timely sense the beginning of the loss of stable movement of the car (embryos of drift from a skid). The reverse side of the coin - for example, I have problems with my back and it hurt for about a week, getting used to its new position. But after the training, the back gets tired and worried much less often. Even driving a car with frankly uncomfortable seats is no longer as uncomfortable as it used to be.

    №2. The close position to the steering wheel is a guarantee of maximum speed of its rotation. This is extremely important for emergency maneuvers, there are even standards for professional drivers of special services: in a certain time you need to have time to turn the steering wheel from lock to lock a certain number of times. Even with the right fit, you will have to practice for the sake of good result, and if you sit down incorrectly, you will definitely not meet the standard.

    №3. Only when is it possible to accurately plot the trajectory of movement, whether it be a turn or an emergency avoidance of an obstacle. At the same time, the driver feels good grip of the front wheels with the road surface. It is important not to lose this feedback when you have to turn the steering wheel at large angles. In this case, when intercepting the steering wheel, it is important to maintain the correct position of the hands.

    Improper driving position dulls the feeling of the car and the driver's actions become not precise enough. This can be clearly seen, for example, when a snake travels at a high speed on the site. But, as soon as the instructor brings the essence of the problem to the student and seats him correctly, the result will immediately improve.

    №4. The use of the left foot pad will further improve the quality of the driver's maneuvers. At one time it became a revelation for me. During sharp maneuvers, especially with seats without pronounced lateral support and with conventional three-point belts, the driver begins to hold onto the steering wheel unnoticed. Accordingly, the quality of work with the steering wheel drops dramatically. However, it is necessary to rest your left foot on the platform, and the same snake can be passed at a much higher speed.


    Human psychology is very insidious. Several seemingly natural and logical instincts of self-preservation often lead to disastrous results. For example, it is even important where the driver's gaze is directed.

    №5. Whatever skills the driver has, he will always arrive where he is looking. In no case should you focus on an obstacle when you go around it. In a mysterious way, this psychological nuance forces you to perform any actions except the right ones. That is why, even on a spacious snow area, you can always come to a single pole, purposefully exercising or simply enjoying the ride sideways!

    №6. Probably the most dangerous psychological reflex is to urgently slow down to the last. Paying off the speed as much as possible is definitely important. However, it is also necessary to be able to release the brake so that braking does not interfere with the correct maneuver. This nuance has not lost its relevance even with the arrival of exchange rate stability systems and the simplest anti-lock braking system ABS brakes.

    When braking hard on a car that is deprived of even the simplest electronic assistant ABS, there is a high risk of locking the front wheels. In this case, it is useless to turn the steering wheel - the car will continue to move in a straight line. ABS and retain the ability to drive a car in various conditions, but do not override the laws of physics. The front wheels are constantly subjected to longitudinal forces (acceleration and deceleration) and lateral (turning) forces. Their interaction characterizes the circle of Kamma. For example, a wheel locked during braking (excessive longitudinal force) is no longer able to transmit any rotational force (lateral force). Therefore, even with ABS intervention, pressing the brake pedal to the floor greatly increases the turning radius. Conversely, no helpers will force the car into a corner when the vehicle speed is too high.

    Difficult to understand the laws of physics for the student is best conveyed to the exercise "rearrangement". It repeats the well-known "moose test", but involves heavy braking before avoiding an obstacle. The instructor arranges the cones in such a way that it is very difficult to fit into the artificial frames. You need to act precisely. If you do not release the brake pedal before turning the steering wheel, even with electronic assistants, the car will go in a wider arc and will blow off a couple of plastic stops.


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