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Short letters not very effective for dating. A person is a complex nature, so it is impossible to put all his characteristics into one line. However, very often people, first of all, in response to a questionnaire, write short letters, sometimes one sentence long, or even a phrase. This is a kind of probing, checking the seriousness of the intentions of the person who posted the profile. They respond to such letters only if there are no other more interesting letters. But, what is most surprising, people continue to write such letters, and, sometimes, behind a short, uninformative phrase: “Hello! My name is Lesha. Let’s get to know each other!” – a very interesting and worthy person may be hiding.

Letters - “personal data”- rather stupid letters, designed only for compatibility according to physical parameters. Usually this is not enough for dating. As a rule, when they get to know you, they expect something special and new from you. You must interest a person, give him what he is looking for online - and, as a rule, these are new sensations or the promise of fulfillment of his desires. First of all, this task faces men, since women online are looking for something more than just male society.

“My name is Mikhail, 29 years old, height 172 cm. I don’t have any bad habits, I don’t smoke, I drink rarely and in moderation. I am a workaholic by nature (I live for work that I enjoy). I’m ready to get acquainted and communicate with the possible consequences. If you don’t mind, write, Mikhail.”

Humorous and ironic letters– Irony and humor in the first letter are inappropriate, unless such behavior is part of your life, and you are ready to joke “all night long.” Humor is usually characteristic of people under the age of 30, who are still romantic, and for whom their whole life is still ahead of them, and they need to live it cheerfully. If you are already over 30, but you want to have fun, then write about it in your next letter, but not in your first. Otherwise, you may simply be misunderstood, and you will look very strange in the eyes of your interlocutor. In general, a sense of humor is a very valuable quality in a person, and therefore do not hesitate to use it when meeting people.

“Surprisingly, this is the first ad written by a girl who has a head on her shoulders, and not a makeup display. And if the photo is yours, then you are very funny in your youth and audacity, but what is this for? Do you like to play tricks and mock? Good too! And yet... I would like to talk to you, you, in my opinion, are the most amusing person! B.P."

Romantic, sensual, emotional letters with “personal data” or with a brief mention of “personal data”– Romance is a state of mind. If this is not the state of your soul, then never write romantic letters. Well, if you really are a romantic person, or at least 10-20% romantic, then don’t miss the chance to take advantage of this. A huge number of people come to the Internet who want to experience the taste of romantic dating, especially considering that, in itself, dating via the Internet takes on a romantic connotation for some. The mere fact that young people aged 24-25 who write romantic letters to 40-year-old ladies and receive answers from them already says something. And if you write the same letter to a young girl or young man. In this case, your letter will have a greater chance of being noticed. As for the question: “Should I write personal information or not?”, the answer is: Write, then you will remove some veil from the secret of your personality, and this will begin to determine your future relationship already at the stage of the first letter. If you do not leave personal information, then the person will be intrigued, and if he is as romantic as your letter is romantic, or accepts romanticism in principle, then this person will definitely answer you. Thus, in the case of the first option, people who are unsuitable in terms of parameters will be cut off, and in the case of the second option, people who are unsuitable in their state of mind will be cut off. It's up to you to decide which is better.

“Hello, mysterious stranger!
An intriguing greeting. Is not it? It just so happened that I don’t know you at all, but still your profile managed to intrigue me. I found it in the "passionate love" section and decided to write to you. After reading your profile, I simply could not tear myself away from the image before my eyes, which beckons and burns with its beauty. It was as if you accidentally entered my soul and remained in its depths. The elegance and grace of your movements are so attractive in the radiance of the sun that the heavenly azure that envelops our land simply cannot contain this powerful source within itself, and launched it here - into the virtual. This probably sounds stupid and funny, but I suddenly wanted to take you away from the virtual and return you to the real world of feelings and pleasures. Let me try to do this. Please do not deprive the hungry traveler of that small, tender living violet that he found in this virtual void. My name is Roman. It's been 26 years since I was born into this world. During this time, my main hobbies became economics, the Internet, psychology, cinema and art, but they did not bring me such feelings and emotions as the thought that you and I could be together. I really look forward to your soon reply.

With love in your heart and hope in your soul.
Your Romantic"

And here is an example of a woman’s letter, which is simply delightful (believe me, on the Internet such letters are very rare in the mailboxes of men):
“Good afternoon, Vasily! By the way, is it okay if it’s just Vasya or Basil or something else? Otherwise Vasily is somehow very official. This morning I read the forecast for today in my horoscope for a laugh. There they promised me a romantic acquaintance that would be of great importance to me for a long time to come. Well, I think it’s fate, nothing else. But somehow, no one comes up to me first, there are no charming strangers in the elevator, no one steps on my foot, no one asked what time it was. It's okay, I'm an assertive girl. If the mountain does not come to Mohammed... In short, I go to a dating site and find a profile of a person who believes in love. Well, maybe in horoscopes they write not only nonsense, what if I have a chance? :)) Well, so... I’m writing to you, what else..?
And now a little about me. Small (152), thin (size 40), modest in appearance, but very temperamental inside. My name is Katyushka, I’m 24 years old, I work as a nurse, I’m divorced. I'll send you two photos. It seems like I did nothing with them. I really hope for an answer.”

Problem letters– never write about your problems to the person you want to meet. Having problems will only push you away, not attract you to you. Everyone has their own problems and no one wants to solve someone else's.

" Hello,
This morning it was shaping up to be a great sunny day, but by mid-day the clouds began to thicken. The weather is changing. That’s how my mental state is, it flares up like a flame into which diesel fuel has been added, and then it goes out. This is probably normal. Emotions in a person have always been considered a virtue. However, emotions need to be put somewhere, splashed out somewhere. After all, if the reactor starts to smoke and then water is poured on it, it could explode. It’s better to spend energy gradually, without rushing. For this, a person needs someone who will understand him, accept him, become his friend, and maybe even something more. The latter depends on the circumstances. I won’t talk about myself for now, I think from my introduction something has already become clear to you. The photo will complement the overall picture.
Waiting for an answer.
Maksim "

Sitting and waiting for someone to write to you is quite boring. Usually those who are not needed by anyone write to all the new girls - maybe someone will answer. Therefore, after registering on a dating site, you can receive a whole barrage of letters from guys, men and grandfathers who are not at all interesting to you.

To increase your chances, you should write first to the men you like. In this case, you can choose from the men who are interesting to you.

Since on a dating site for foreigners you will not be able to meet any of them tomorrow or the day after tomorrow (they live abroad), there is no problem with being misunderstood - weeks or even months will pass before you meet in person, you will have time to find out what kind of person he is and how seriously he takes you.

When I met foreigners, I wrote to those guys who interested me - and as a result, I married a man whom I chose myself. Although I received a lot of letters from potential suitors, it was one of those men to whom I wrote first that I liked the most.

To give you a rough idea of ​​the scope of my search, I sent approximately 100 emails and received approximately 20 responses. About 250 men wrote to me themselves. I corresponded with 40 candidates (not simultaneously, throughout the year - I had 10-15 correspondents at the same time).

When you text first

The easiest thing on our dating site is to send an Expression of Interest (EOI). In this case, you don’t need to write anything at all. The recipient will respond whether he is interested or not.

The simplest thing is to send an expression of interest (EOI).

If he is interested, he can write you an email himself or simply send a reply to your EOI and wait for your message.

You can also send the email directly without having to send the EOI first. But in this case, it may turn out that you are wasting time, but he is not interested.

  • Start by sending an EOI. Write individual messages after you have received a positive response.
  • If you don’t receive positive responses at all (on average, women on the site receive 1-2 positive responses per 10 EOI), then try writing individual letters right away.
  • The older you are, the less men are interested in you. Women over 35 should definitely write to men themselves and treat it like work. Gentlemen will chase young people, but not middle-aged women. You need to be able to attract the interest of the right man because there is more competition. You don't need to win guys over, but you do need to get them interested. This is where the ability to write a first letter will help.

What to write in the first letter

In the first letter, the most important thing is emotions.

Your first message should interest a man and inspire him with an irresistible desire to respond. To do this, it must be quite meaningful, but at the same time brief and emotional.

First letter rules:

  1. Brevity- your message should be a maximum of 500-1000 characters. In a long message it is easier to make a mistake, say the wrong thing, or lose the intensity of emotions. And more time is spent writing long messages.
  2. Emotionality- your message should make a man smile and cheer him up. A positive attitude and openness are the keys to a successful first letter. The same facts can be presented in different ways - the impression your letter makes is more important than its content.
  3. Individuality- it should be obvious to the recipient that this text was written specifically for him and could not be sent to anyone else. Personalized messages take time, but non-personalized messages simply end up in the trash.
  4. Here and today- attach a photo you took today and briefly explain where it was taken (at work, in the gym, in the park for a walk, at home on the balcony, on the embankment, etc.). The biggest fear of men is that the photos on your profile are old and you look worse in real life. Today's photo will help him believe that you are a real woman (they really doubt it). It will also let him know that you haven't sent the same picture to dozens of other beaus. You should like your photo, take it with a smile, in bright clothes or against a bright background - this will add positivity!
  5. Please indicate what attracted you- We all want not only to be liked by others, we also want to know why they love us. Write what exactly attracted you to his profile or photos, this will make your letter individual and sincere.
  6. Copy his words- the meaning that we attach to certain concepts is very individual. Use words from his profile so he can relate your ideas to his own.
  7. Copy his style- if his profile is in a humorous style, write with humor. If he is very serious, be serious.
  8. Ask 1 question- this will make it easier for your correspondent to answer. The easier it is for a man to communicate with you, the greater the chance that he will choose you from all the hundreds of pretty girls on a dating site.
  9. Literacy- the more correctly your texts are composed, the smarter you seem to a man. Illiterate texts create an unimportant impression. It's not difficult, just follow these rules.
  10. Give know, What You are you waiting answer- end your letter with the words “looking forward to hearing from you”, “talk to you soon”, “hoping to hear from you quickly”. It should be obvious that you are waiting for a response to your letter, but for some unknown reason these words add enthusiasm to the guys and give them the impulse to write quickly.

When to expect an answer

You liked your foreign fiancé, and you want to avoid mistakes and not lose him ahead of time. Moreover, there is considerable competition for good foreigners. We turn our questions to our psychologist Angela Bannister, who herself is married to a foreigner.

How to write letters. What to talk about and what not to talk about. How to quickly respond to letters so that a foreigner does not think that the girl is frivolous.

One of the important points in a beginning relationship with a candidate for the title of your fiancé, of course, is correspondence. From the very first letters you will be able to determine whether this is the man you dream of, or whether he is absolutely not interesting to you.

Suppose you have already received a letter from a man. As a rule, the first letter can be a template for several women who liked this person. There is no need to be immediately disappointed and dismiss this contender, because you are not the only woman who wants to find her happiness. Naturally, he is not the only man in the world, but perhaps this is the one you are looking for.

If you want to receive meaningful and interesting correspondence, do not respond with a template to a template. Your letter should be interesting, which the man will want to respond to. Of course, initially you need to write briefly about yourself.

If you are writing about your hobbies, then write why you enjoy doing them. If you have an interesting job, then write why you chose this particular job. If you have children, then write about what successes they have achieved in life, what they strive for, and how proud you are of them. Be sure to write about your goals and expectations in life. A man will perceive you as a self-sufficient and responsible woman who understands what she wants from life.

If you have been married and divorced, do not write that your husband is a tyrant and despot, and you are a victim, this will not be in your favor, the man may take it against him. Be more correct and write, it’s better that your interests now do not coincide, and you separated by mutual consent, like civilized people. In the eyes of a man, you will look like a wise woman.

Never write about the fact that you live in a poor country, where everything is very bad and sad, do not escalate or aggravate the situation. Not everything is as bad as it seems to us, it’s just that some people can live and survive in extreme conditions, while others find it more difficult. Don’t write that you don’t want to live in your country, write about what attracts you to the country and culture in which your chosen one lives. And this will not look like a desire to quickly escape from a nightmare, but as a desire to open new horizons for oneself and have opportunities to realize oneself in them.

And at the end of the letter, so that the man understands that you are interested in him, do not hesitate to ask him questions about his work, family, and how he sees your relationship in the future. And don’t forget to wish your chosen one a good mood, and everything that you want to wish him.

Be sure that such a letter will not go unnoticed. But in order for your correspondence to be even more successful, you need to learn to pause to let the man know that you are interested in him, but not to show him that he is the only one and has no competitors.

What should this pause be like? The answer is simple: not very short and not very long, in other words, the “golden mean”. How to understand where this middle is. I will give three examples, and it will become clearer to you.

Example one. The girl received a letter from the man and sent him a response on the same day. On the one hand, a man can interpret this to mean that the woman is interested in him and this is good for the man, since he does not have to worry about how to win her heart. On the other hand, a man may think that if a woman responds to letters so quickly, it means she spends a lot of time on the Internet and this is her main job. It is no longer a secret to anyone that many women on dating sites work as professional brides, and for them it is important to hook a foreign groom as quickly as possible and scam him out of money and gifts.

The second one will accept. Having received a letter from a man, a woman reads it carefully, analyzes it and thinks about what answer to give. Having written a letter, she carefully rereads its contents, checks errors, and thinks through every sentence. This takes time. After making sure that her letter corresponds to what she wanted to convey to her chosen one, she sends it the next day or the day after. Thus, the woman shows that this correspondence is important to her and that such a woman needs to be able to interest and win. She wants her chosen one to feel this.

Example three. The letter from the man was received two days ago. But the girl can’t seem to reach him. Either there is a lot of work, then the children need attention, or friends came unexpectedly. The week is coming to an end, during which time quite a few letters have accumulated. In the end, the girl, gathering all her will into a fist, quickly draws up a response template and, inserting the names of the men, sends the letters a week later. In this case, the main thing is not to confuse the recipients so that there is no confusion. Here, even a fool understands that the woman has little chance of continuing the correspondence. After all, during this time the man will receive letters from other women, more interesting and meaningful.

I hope these three examples have given you some insight into the fact that responding too quickly can make a man question your integrity. A response that takes too long will make you think that you are not interested in him. And having received an interesting and informative letter the next day or the day after, a man will not leave it unattended.

Remember, don’t put your happiness on hold. Do everything in a timely manner. Your happiness is in your hands, don't let it slip away!


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I married a German man, for whom I worked as a translator in Ukraine. Now we live in Germany and we have a strong family based on love and mutual understanding!

how to write a letter to a foreign man

How to write a letter to a foreign man?

You met a man via the Internet and there is a distance between you. You already understand why foreigners are increasingly choosing Russian women as wives. You are beginning a very romantic, and at the same time important, stage of your relationship - writing letters to each other. How to write a correct, beautiful letter to a man?

This article is devoted to the rules of correspondence with a foreign man (foreigner), but the rules also apply when writing a letter to a Russian man, with the exception of some features and details. After reading all the recommendations on how to write a letter to a man correctly, you will get the desired result. Recommendations were developed by experienced specialists of the Happy Life marriage agency.

It is very IMPORTANT to be able to write the right letters to a man, so that your communication at a distance develops into a relationship and leads to your speedy meeting with a foreign man.

If you are ready to follow the rules of writing a letter to a man and put them into practice, the Happy Life marriage agency GUARANTEES that the desired foreign man will fly to you from any part of the World.

So, there are unspoken rules that every girl should follow when writing letters to men!

Let's consider a situation where a man was the first to show interest in you and wrote you a letter first, and you need to write a beautiful letter to a foreign man.

A letter for a man consists of important constituent elements.

So, let's start in order:

Any letter to a man begins with a greeting. If you receive the first letter from a man in which he greets you with the words Hello (which means Hello), you need to maintain the style of your response and also write Hello in your letter.

It is appropriate to address a man with the adjective Dear (which translates as dear, respected); if your relationship can already be considered closer and more informal, then you can write Dearest.

Some girls and older women use the address Hi in their letters, which literally translates to Hello. This form of address is very informal and is usually used by people in more intimate settings. You run the risk of seeming impolite and familiar if you write Hi in your first letter.

We are not talking here about those cases when we are talking about easy informal communication (in which case the use of the phrase Hello is quite acceptable).

We all love to be called by name; no one likes faceless treatment. According to psychologists, a person always experiences positive emotions when he hears his name from the lips of another person. Psychologists from the Happy Life marriage agency published a survey of men about women. where men share their impressions of modern women.

Be sure to call the man by name in your letter! It is important!

Imagine - you received a letter from a man you liked with the words at the beginning of the letter: Hello, sweetie! (Hello, sweetie) or hello, dear! (Hello dear)

Most likely, you received his template letter from a man, which he sends to all the women he likes on a dating site. The man didn’t even bother to change the woman’s name in the letter or type a new one. Most likely, he is afraid of confusion, so he writes the same thing to everyone!)

Would you be pleased to receive such a faceless letter from a man? We doubt it very much... Nobody wants to be one of them. Therefore, always address a man by name in a letter and during the writing process, also do not forget to mention his name.

The most common phrases to start a letter to a man you are interested in. How have you been? or How are you doing? Interrogative sentences help prepare the recipient for dialogue.

Gratitude for attention, compliments to a man

The next step, after greeting the man, is a MANDATORY thank you to the man for his interest in you and his letter. This is a basic etiquette rule. and well-mannered people always thank a person for taking his free time and writing a letter. A man understands that a woman values ​​his time and is well-mannered. If you are interested in a man, do not forget to compliment him. Praise the man for his interesting profile, for the positive character traits that he indicated in his profile: perhaps he is involved in charity work or studies Russian literature. well versed in art, has extreme hobbies, etc. All this is worthy of a compliment. Show your interest in the man’s personality and interests - don’t be indifferent!

If a man has not indicated anything remarkable in his profile, then simply compliment him on his appearance: if a man has an athletic build, praise the man for his ability to keep himself in excellent physical shape. Or for kind eyes that you can trust. A charming smile. Don't be shy to say warm, kind words to the person. It is IMPORTANT not only for women to receive words of recognition and be convinced of their exclusivity. Believe me, men need this no less. Most importantly, say sincerely what you really like about him. He will definitely appreciate it!

Be emotional!

The man does not see you and builds his impression of you from your letters (of course, after evaluating the photo). Therefore, we recommend being more emotional when writing letters to a foreign man. The business and scientific style of presenting a letter when meeting for the purpose of developing a romantic relationship is unacceptable! Many women sin by telling a man about themselves and their lives in completely dry language, devoid of any emotion. Such letters are not at all interesting to a man! They're boring! And they are unlikely to hook a man.

When reading your letters, a man should imagine the picture that you paint for him in your letters, colored with emotions and impressions about certain events in your life.

For example, telling in a letter about a theater production that you attended with your friends over the weekend. Describe your feelings and emotions that you had while watching the performance. What touched you and what you couldn’t understand. If you love being outdoors, tell your man what exactly fascinates you. Tell a foreign man about what beauties and at what time of year you are especially attracted. Contemplation of beauty brings you into a feeling of delight, or vice versa, gives you a feeling of peace. Tell all this to a foreigner in a letter so that the man can understand your soul. This brings people very close, despite the distance of hundreds of kilometers. A man has a desire to respond to such a beautiful and sincere letter from a woman.

A woman’s interests and hobbies, her interest in life, and desire to learn new things are very important for a successful self-sufficient man. What matters to him is a woman’s high spiritual rating. Interesting and sincere letters from a woman can tell a lot about you, even what you kept silent about.

What should a foreigner write about?

&hellip.I don’t even know him, what am I going to write to him about? - girls often ask the question.

Our answer: - Write about everything! Everything that surrounds you, that you like, that makes you admire and rejoice. Describe your favorite places in the city, where you like to spend time, about your hobbies and interests. Why do you like it, and how do you feel when you do what you love?

It is interesting to read letters about travel, your impressions of the places you visited. A man understands that you have a wide range of interests and that you are an independent person. If you don’t have any special hobbies or interests. If your life is such a picture as work-home-work, then tell us about your family, about the books you have read, and what especially touched you. Perhaps you watched some interesting film and would like to discuss it with your pen pal. Ask a man questions, ask him questions, show your interest in him. By doing this, you show that it is important for you to know his opinion and that you respect him as a person. Moreover, if you want your communication to continue, if you ask a man a number of questions, he needs to answer you. Write about nature, animals that you like and why, etc. and so on. Chat on abstract topics. The most important! Your emails should ALWAYS be positive!

What you should not write in letters to a man!

The most important rule of romantic correspondence with a foreign man is that your letters should always be positive and inspiring. Never complain or judge other people in your letters. You should not write about instability in your country, the deteriorating economic situation, the difficulties of everyday life, etc.

The man notes that the woman is a pessimist and a bore. A successful man limits himself from receiving negative information from the outside, so it is very uncomfortable for them to communicate with such girls. Your communication may end quickly.

Do not write to a man about health problems, even minor ones. In a man’s mind, you should always be young, healthy and joyful! No problems or difficulties!

You should not touch upon serious topics in correspondence: be it the birth of children, a possible move to the country of the potential groom, supporting elderly parents, property issues, etc.

It often happens that men ask questions regarding a possible change of residence. This is fine. The main thing is to give a competent answer to a man, and at the same time not to offend him if you are not yet ready to discuss this topic or you have doubts about this. We recommend in these cases to follow the example of eastern sages and diplomats.

For example, a man asks you in the first stages of your virtual relationship whether you are ready to leave your job and move to his country. You can answer the man as follows: Dear&hellip. John, I really appreciate the seriousness of your intentions and understand that this is a very serious step for you, but also for me. I know that I can trust you in any situation, because you are a responsible and serious man. With a man like you, I can move to another country and be happy. I think we can discuss the topic of moving later when our relationship becomes closer.

You should not talk about all your doubts directly and openly at the initial stage of your acquaintance, when your relationship is just beginning to emerge. By doing this, you can offend a man and instill in him uncertainty regarding your intentions to start a family with him, especially if his feelings for you are really serious and strong.

Try to be flexible and delicate. If you are asked uncomfortable questions, ask: Why are you asking this? and/or answer evasively. Remain a mystery for a man that he would like to solve.

When your communication becomes more confidential, you will be able to discuss serious topics with him and share your experiences. But not at the early stage of your relationship. Excessive frankness can frighten a man.

Do not ask a man about his material capabilities and benefits; this topic is inappropriate and gives rise to thoughts in a man about a woman’s self-interest and her mercantile interest.

Wait until the man himself brings up this topic, this means that he trusts you.

Let us remind you of one more Golden Rule that you should NEVER talk about with a potential lover - this is about your previous men. Even if a man tries to find out from you the details of your past life, under no circumstances tell him about it.

EVERY man, asking similar questions to a woman, wants to hear from you confirmation that ONLY he is your one and only, unique and the best man you have ever met in your life. In this case, silence is golden!

The final part of the letter to the man

Any correspondence with a man, no matter romantic or business, has certain rules for ending the conversation.

In our case, when you finish your letter, be sure to add a note at the end wishing you a good day, or good wishes, etc.

There are many options in the English language that people often use to express their gratitude to the recipient when concluding a letter. You can use for example

Take care - (literally) take care

Warm wishes - with warm wishes

Warm regards - with warm wishes

Sincerely - sincerely

Sincerely yours - with sincere respect or sincerely yours...

Have a wonderful day - I wish you a wonderful day

Have a nice day - I wish you a nice day

Best wishes - best wishes

For a message in English to a very close person, words like:

Love - I love

Thinking of you - thinking about you

Much love - with great love

Kiss - kiss

Check your literacy!

Even if your knowledge of a foreign language is small, you can easily communicate with a foreigner. Various online translators will come to your aid.

They are very easy to use: just insert your text written in Russian into the left field of the program, and an automatic translation of your text in English (or any other language) will appear on the right.

Be sure to read your letter before sending it to the recipient and check for errors. You can easily test yourself by translating your English translation back into Russian. You will be able to see where the distortion of meaning occurred during automatic translation and easily correct it.

Good luck to you!)

Sincerely yours,

Marina Slinkina and Elena Grande



Since the time of Pushkin's Tatiana, etiquette standards have seriously changed. Writing to a man first today is not at all shameful; it is a sign of an active and purposeful woman. If you have registered with a dating service that involves correspondence, and want to interest a man in your first letter, you should use the following rules.

Top 10 rules for initial correspondence with a man

Avoid formulaic expressions. Phrases from the series “Hello, how are you?” or “Do you want to meet?” beaten. The first impression a man gets after reading them is that this woman is banal, she most likely has a small vocabulary. Better try to use more original expressions to start dating. Example: “Are you also looking for someone who is pretty, sociable and cheerful? Here I am!"

The first letter to a man for dating is an example of an unobtrusive sign of attention. Ask him about things that are important to him. This is not yet the moment when the candidate needs to be interrogated with partiality. One or two questions are enough, and they should be pleasant, such that he himself wants to answer them. Based on information from his profile or his photographs.

Example: “In the photo in the background there is such a beautiful landscape, reminiscent of Switzerland. You were there?"

Encourage him to talk about himself. Give your interlocutor the opportunity to speak out, become a grateful listener. Let him know that you are interested in getting to know him.

Stand out. In the first letter it is important to hook the addressee. Tell us about your unusual interests or hobbies. But you shouldn’t pretend that you are an ardent fan of snowboarding and mountaineering, if in fact you are terribly afraid of heights and prefer to relax by the fireplace with your favorite novel.

Maintain intrigue. Don't tell everything about yourself at once. Don't clutter your letter. It’s better to give out “secret information” bit by bit. Men love it when a woman has a mystery. This increases your chances that he will want to know more about you and continue getting to know you.

Don't write about problems. Don't scare your new friend. At the initial stage, communication should be easy and bring only pleasure. If the relationship moves into a more serious phase, you will have time to discuss all pressing issues. Remember, this is the first letter to a man for dating. An example of phrases that may scare a potential groom:

“All previous men have disappointed me.”

“I’m all alone, and I’m so sad...”

“I hope you’re not one of those people who doesn’t answer letters.”

“My two children really need their father.”

Don't overdo it with compliments. Everything should be in moderation. Here is an anti-example of such excessive praise: “When I saw you, I immediately thought that you were the one I needed. You look like the man from my dreams. You're just perfect."

Remove slang words. Maintain a literary style and a restrained tone, otherwise the recipient may think that you are not a serious person. If you communicate with a foreigner, he may not understand you at all.

Avoid controversial topics. For example, issues of political preferences should definitely not be touched upon at the first stages of communication.

Be yourself. This is the first letter to a man for dating. He doesn't need a role model. He wants to get to know the real you. So, while observing all of the above, try to be sincere!

If you want to meet a man without racking your brains over the first letter, we suggest you do this using Skype. We will select truly interesting candidates for husbands who will meet your needs, and we will establish initial contact with them on your behalf. Want to know how it all happens? Ask your questions to our consultant. Contact details are here.

Where to start correspondence with a foreigner? Page 3

Where to begin?

Getting to know a foreigner, as a rule, begins either with a dating site, and then goes to e-mail, or you immediately receive an e-mail from the man. If the letter is large and detailed, then it is better to print it. This will help you think through your answer carefully. Before starting your response, read the message several times and highlight those points that suggest some kind of reaction.

When the question arises “where to start?”, always start with gratitude for the letter. Write how pleased you were to receive it and give the first compliment depending on the writing style. For example, “interesting”, “bewitching”, “warm”, “kind”. Under no circumstances make it clear that you receive many letters, even if you want to write that you chose only his letter to answer. The potential gentleman should have the impression that he is the only one for you.

Write that you have always been interested in the country where the man lives, of course, if it is on the list of your preferred countries. From moderate enthusiasm for the country, smoothly move on to compliments of the nationality of your interlocutor. For example, &ldquoI have always liked French men for. &rdquo I emphasize that enthusiasm for the country should be moderate, so that the foreigner does not get the impression that he is just a pass for you.

After you have complimented the nationality, praise the man himself for what he indicated in his letter. So that, again, he doesn’t get the impression that you are looking for a man of a certain nationality. Say, for example, that you have always liked tall men, unless your chosen one, of course, is a short one meter in a cap. Or flatter his hobbies. Remember, men are even more receptive to compliments and flattery than women. Use this trump card in your game without hesitation.

Try to answer all questions in such a way that your answer implies a continuation of the dialogue and the man wants to ask the next question.

If for some reason you cannot answer his question, then simply write something like: “Your question about *pink hippos* seemed very interesting to me, but, unfortunately, my English is not good enough to answer it in detail. In the following letters I will try to correct this misunderstanding.

If this is your first letter, briefly describe yourself. Tell approximately what is contained in your profile, but lively and with good humor, avoiding questionnaire formulations. In general, try to talk more about him than about yourself. Don't waste time and emotions on detailed stories about yourself. Unless, of course, there were direct questions about this. And before you talk about secrets, make sure that this candidate suits you. At least for communication.

If you have prepared a template for the first answer, then try so that the foreigner does not notice it. Refer to his letter as often as possible, show that you are interested in him.

Your first letter

  • General tone of the first letter
  • First impressions last a long time

    Your first letter is your first personal contact with a man, and it determines whether your relationship will be or not be in the future. You never get a second chance to make a first impression. There is an expression in English: “First impressions last” - first impressions last a long time.

    The principle of constructing the first letter

    Regardless of whether you are responding to an advertisement or a letter from a potential candidate, the principle of constructing the first letter will be the same.

    The first letter to a man should be long enough to interest him, but not get boring - 1.5-2 pages. It should be informative, but at the same time entertaining and interesting. A little humor is always welcome.

    And, of course, it must be in English (or in the man’s native language). A man is unlikely to run to look for a translator; he would rather prefer to answer another letter. Prepare an initial "sample" of the first letter, and in the future you will only have to vary the details slightly, sending it to different men.

    Begin the letter with "Hi" or "Dear", placing the man's name after the address. "Hi" has an informal connotation, "Dear" is a more strict address, usually translated as "respected". Mention where you got the man's address from if you are the one initiating the contact. Say that you are looking for just such a partner as him, and quote a few phrases from his own description.

    If you are the one who initiated the contact, mention where you got the man's address from. Say that you are looking for just such a partner as him, and quote a few phrases from his own description.

    If you are responding to a man's letter, first of all thank him for his attention and warm letter, and say that you really liked it (I assume that if you did not like the letter, you will simply write a short note refusing). It is important to show the man that you have carefully read his ad or profile, and are not just sending the same letter to everyone. Quote or paraphrase a couple of phrases that you liked best, and say that you think that perhaps you would be right for each other (I think we may be right for each other) and that you would like to start corresponding with him to find out. Is this so (I would be happy to start corresponding with you and get to know each other better).

    Briefly tell us who you live with, whether you have brothers and sisters, what education you received, where and who you work for. This whole "autobiography" shouldn't take up more than half a page - but it's very important, Westerners place great importance on family connections.

    Next, tell us what kind of person you are, what you like and dislike, what you value in people, what you dream about, what place your family occupies in your life. If you have children, tell us a little about them, especially if the man also has children. (More on what to say about yourself in the section “What to say about yourself.”)

    When talking about your positive qualities, sometimes it seems inconvenient to “over-praise” yourself - present your description as if from the words of others (“My friends say that I am.” - “My friends say that I am.”). Tell us in detail about your hobbies - not just “I love music,” but what kind of music you prefer, what bands are your favorites. If you have animals in the house, tell us about them, about funny incidents with them, and in general about funny incidents with you, if they are “on topic”.

    Ask a few questions about what you would like to know about the man and his country. It is advisable that questions about the country be more specific; let the man understand that you already know a lot about his homeland, but would like to know more.

    A man should feel that you are interested in him. Ask if he plans to come to Russia, and if so, when he plans to travel. Tell him that you will be happy to be his guide when he arrives.

    How to make your letter different - from others

    Try to make your letter original, the way you yourself would like to receive. Constantly correct and add to the original sample.

    At one time, over the course of several months, I composed a wonderful first letter, to which I received about 9 responses to 10 letters sent (with an average rate of 2-3 responses). My knowledge of English at that time left much to be desired, to put it mildly, and I constantly had difficulty expressing my thoughts. How to find a way out of this situation?

    I used letters I received from men. When I found an idea, phrase, or expression I liked, I included it in my sample letter. Gradually, I came up with a great message - interesting, funny and, most importantly, 100% “English”.

    Your letter should not give the impression that you are unhappy. It should come from a woman who is completely satisfied with herself, life and those around her, but who is not enough for the complete happiness of her loved one.

    Topics that should not be developed in the first letter: problems in everyday life, shortcomings of Russian men, an unsuccessful marriage, politics, the size of your salary, problems with money or health, drugs and alcohol in Russia, etc. You don’t want a man to think that a foreign marriage is just a means for you to escape from the harsh Russian reality?

    General tone of the first letter

    Try to act as if you were already friends. Don't be afraid of men - they themselves are afraid of you. Ask the man to answer your letter, write that you are really looking forward to his answer.

    Be sure to include your photo. The photo does not have to be professional - a high-quality amateur photo will do. If the photo is not from the studio, write a short comment about where and when it was taken.

    I received this angry letter today:

    « You keep promising to tell me about your club, but I still don’t understand what you do there. How can a whole group of people look for a husband? Are you just running in droves from site to site? Can you be more specific? I’m really interested, but it’s not clear how the club can help me. And what should I do if I hardly know the language? Although I’ve been on the Internet for more than six months now. Best regards, Antonina."

    You are right, Antonina, lately I have been so carried away by the selection of various useful resources for clients who really want to find a man, themselves and improve their own lives, that the blog has receded into the background.
    We analyze the first letter to a man very meticulously. After all, not everyone can chat or talk on the phone due to poor language skills. There are many techniques that allow you to maintain communication with a low language level. By the way, one of the club meetings in December was devoted to this issue. You can read and listen to a few excerpts from it next week.

    I already have a plan to publish some materials, and very soon you will be able to read them. And today I propose to consider in practice the first letter to a foreigner as an example. True, it is designed for those who speak English.

    One of the club members (let's call her Mila) asked me to work with her individually on the first letter, which is usually sent in response to the interest shown by a man on a dating site:

    “I recently registered on the siteru. fdating. comand on the very first day I received 14 letters from men. I was delighted, many of them were very interesting. I sent 7 of them my first letter and... All. I didn't receive a single answer. It’s a shame I already thought thatgooglewhere my mailbox is is not quite right. Does it happen when letters don’t arrive? But then I started thinking, what if there was something wrong with my letter? Although, I rewrote it, but anything is possible... Maybe you will read the text again, with fresh eyes? And will you find the reason? I will be very grateful to you."

    Mila continues:

    “I’ve been thinking about how to write the first letter to a foreigner and its content since the beginning of our training sessions. I think, I think, and I have the feeling that the more I think and reflect, the more dead end I reach. And as soon as I once again start writing it in a new version, it turns out either everything is the same as before, or nothing at all.

    I listened to our trainings and made notes on what to write and what not to write in a notebook. Just like a schoolgirl! But still, I can’t create my true image. Or rather, truly attractive to the male half. It seems to me that I have over-praised myself, but on the contrary, I write a lot of unnecessary things about my shortcomings.

    I want to write something like this the first letter to meet a man, which will be like a “bomb”, completely different from the bulk of letters that women write.

    But there are already shifts in self-knowledge, and they began with our acquaintance.

    By the way, I recently received this one man's reaction to my profile. I must say that I did not expect it. Here she is:

    “Hello Mila!
    Let's get to know each other. Your profile is radically different from all the others that I have ever seen. Very very conscious, mature, focused and self-reflective (if they say so in Russian). What I didn't see is what you need a family for. What do you want and enjoy giving to your partner?”

    Well, Mila and I also worked a lot on the questionnaire during the training “Secret Weapon: Marrying a Foreigner” (link). I always encourage you to constantly improve your profiles, change texts, photographs, and answer questions differently. Everything needs to be tested in practice, and not puzzle over what the problem is.

    We corrected the questionnaire, and now it’s time for the first letter. Here is his text:

    Please note that this is an example of an unsuccessful first letter. I want you to see the mistakes with your own eyes and not make them in your letters.

    Let we start to produce to each other,I was married and I devorced 3 years ago now.I live together with my 6 years old son Danis and my Mom.She is my best friend and helper with my son,when i have too much work.Was you married,do you have children?
    My occupation seamsress-designer and now I work seller-consulter at wedding salon.What kind of job do you have?
    Even there is enough info about you in your profile,still,I would like to know more about you,more detail,that way I ask you more questions:-)
    If you would ask me, what am I like?
    I am a good listener but not a teller.I dont really like to chat about little things and to be in center of attention.I am very calm,especily at work,trying to reducea a negative emotions.I am very peaceful person and I am for peace in whole Peace :-)!!! My Logan—don’t judge anybody and it won’t get back to you!
    The monotony is not for me, this is oppressing. I wear different clothes,like it feels by mood: one day I can go on high heels and slim dress and another day I can wear jeanse and macasins.I dont wear tennis shoes at all,only for shapping.
    THis i sthe same at food preference,I want to try something new always.I tried many different cultures cousins,but how it is possible to love frog’s legs or boiled snails with poridge?I cannot understand it!!!
    I love sew, knitting and to change the interior in the house.
    well, here I am,told you a little bit about myself.

    I answered Mila:

    “This is quite weak English, sometimes I even have difficulty understanding the meaning. Don't you have this text in Russian? If you send it to me, I will definitely re-translate and correct it.

    It seems to me that you should not show your rejection of other cultures in your first letter - you say that you do not perceive frogs and snails as food. Well, no one forces you to! Let others eat if they like. And you seem to show a lack of breadth of views on the opinions and habits of others. On the contrary, you need to show that you are tolerant of other people’s views and are open to learning new things for yourself.

    Why didn't they answer you? Slurred English, rejection of foreign cultures, written a little chaotically, inconsistently.”

    The first letter is usually prepared in advance. You won’t write almost the same thing over and over again every time. To such a blank, some details are usually added “to animate” it so that the letter looks alive and addressed specifically to a given person. In parentheses there are explanations in Russian on how to fill out the first paragraph.”

    After editing the letter looked like this:

    First letter to a foreigner example

    But this is a more successful version of the letter.

    Thanks for your answer, I was really glad to receive it. So, let's talk!

    I reread your profile once again, and I liked that you wrote about your…(use some detail from his profile)As I see, you are( clarification question about this detail) Is it right?

    OK, I said a lot about me in my profile. As you could see, I was married. I divorced 3 years ago. My son is 6 y.o. What about you? Do you have children?

    I am a seamstress and a clothes designer. I work as a shop assistant and consultant at a wedding parlor. My job is so creative and enjoyable. What can be better than seeing happy smiles of happy brides! I do like to make girls beautiful, so they look like beauty queens in their wedding day. It’s so rewarding to receive their gratitude when they leave our shop. And what are you doing for living?

    I am not a great narrator, but a great listener. Being in the spotlight is not comfortable for me. I hate empty talks or silly gossips (oh, women are very skilful at this, aren’t they?).

    I avoid all kinds of conflicts and quarrels. I am the most peaceful person in the whole world! I follow the rule: do not criticize others and you won’t be criticized by others.

    My preferences? Variety in everything, especially in clothes and food. It depends on my mood. Today I can wear high heels and a tight elegant gown, tomorrow I change them to blue jeans and moccasins. Sneakers? They are good for my exercises in the gym.

    I am always curious to try different ethnic cuisine, something new and exotic. Although I have some concerns regarding boiled snails and frogs’ legs… Just kidding)) Have you ever tried any meals of Russian cuisine? I do love cooking (hint!). You know, my guests often complain that my meals are way too delicious because they overeat when visit me.

    Well, I guess it’s enough for today. Ah, one more thing: I am never bored being with myself. When I have some spare time, I like doing something for my home: to change interior, to sew or knit. But I am not a completely homebody as I am active and adore all kind of outdoors activity.

    I am curious to know how you spend your spare time. Do you practice any sport?

    I send you a photo, so you remember how I look. 🙂 Please do not forget to attach some of your pictures as well, OK?

    I am looking forward to getting your answer.

    (Enjoy your weekend) – you can add this if you write on Friday.


    P.S. My English is not that good, this letter was translated by someone. But I am able to understand you and write by myself.

    It can hardly be called a “bomb,” but ease of reading is important to us. Most likely, it should be shortened further or simply split into two parts and sent one after the other. You may notice that there is not a lot of personal information in the letter, but to begin with, it is not information about the girl that is important, but the intonation with which she speaks, her ability to make acquaintances, to catch interest. And a unique image will be built gradually, in each next letter.

    Since this letter is a response to someone else’s, it is advisable to quote some phrase from the man’s profile that struck a chord with you and ask about it (at the beginning of the letter).

    What is one of the main mistakes of our girls? They strive to squeeze as much information about themselves into one letter at once. And it, like a heavy brick, falls on the head of the poor man, who has to read all this and pick out grains of meaning, like raisins from a cupcake.

    This is just a small example of the club's daily work. Similar case studies are discussed in detail on our forum.

    Oh, I forgot to answer Antonina. Regarding the herd running from site to site, this is not about us. Each club member conducts her private work independently. If she has questions or confusion, she seeks advice or specific help.

    What do you think about this?

    How to write a letter to a foreign man? How to write a letter beautifully and correctly?

    You met a man through and between you and the distance. Do you already understand? You are beginning a very romantic, and at the same time important, stage of your relationship - writing letters to each other. How to write correct, beautiful letter a foreigner or even a Russian man?

    This article is devoted to the rules of correspondence with a foreign man (foreigner), but the rules also apply when writing a letter to a Russian man, with the exception of some features and details. After reading all the recommendations about how to write a letter to a man to a foreigner, you will get the desired result. Recommendations developed by experienced specialists

    It is very IMPORTANT to be able to write"correct" letters man, so that your communication at a distance develops into a relationship and leads to your speedy meeting with

    If you are ready to comply rules for writing a letter man and apply them in practice, the marriage agency "Happy Life" GUARANTEES that the desired foreign man will fly to you from any part of the World.

    So, there are unspoken rules that every girl should follow when you write letters men!

    Let's consider a situation where a man was the first to show interest in you and wrote you a letter first, and you need to write a beautiful letter to a foreign man.

    A letter for a man consists of important constituent elements.

    So, let's start in order:


    Any letter to a foreign man begins with a greeting. If you got first from a man letter, in which he greets you with the words Hello (which means “Hello”), you need to maintain the style of your response, and also write “Hello” in your letter.

    It is appropriate to address a man with an adjective « Dear"(which translates as “dear”, “respected”), if your relationship can already be considered closer and more informal, then you can write « Dearest."

    Some girls and older women use the address “Hi” in their letters, which literally translates to “Hello.” This form of address is very informal and is usually used by people in more intimate settings. You run the risk of seeming impolite and familiar if you write “Hi” in your first letter.

    We are not talking here about those cases when we are talking about “light” informal communication (in which case the use of the phrase “Hello” is quite acceptable).

    We all love to be called by name; no one likes faceless treatment. According to psychologists, a person always experiences positive emotions when he hears his name from the lips of another person. Psychologists from the Happy Life marriage agency published a book where men share their impressions of modern women.

    Be sure to call the man by name in your letter! It is important!

    Imagine - you received a letter from a foreigner, from a man you liked, with the words at the beginning of the letter: Hello, sweetie! (Hello, sweetie) or hello, dear! (Hello dear)

    Most likely, you received his template letter from a man, which he sends to all the women he likes on a dating site. The man didn’t even bother to change the woman’s name in the letter or type a new one. Most likely, he is afraid of confusion, so he writes the same thing to everyone!)

    Would you be pleased to receive such a faceless letter from a man? We highly doubt it... Nobody wants to be “one of them.” Therefore, always address a man by name in a letter and during the writing process, also do not forget to mention his name.

    The most common phrases to start a letter to a man you are interested in “How have you been?” or “How are you doing?” Interrogative sentences help prepare the recipient for dialogue.

    Gratitude for attention, compliments to a man

    The next step, after greeting the man, is a MANDATORY thank you to the man for his interest in you and his letter. This is the rule of the beginning, and well-mannered people always thank a person for taking his free time and writing a letter. A man understands that a woman values ​​his time and is well-mannered. If you are interested in a man, do not forget to compliment him. Praise the man for his interesting profile, for the positive character traits that he indicated in his profile: perhaps he is involved in charity work or studies Russian literature, is well versed in art, has an extreme hobby, etc. All this is worthy of a compliment. Show your interest in the man’s personality and interests - don’t be indifferent!

    If a man has not indicated anything remarkable in his profile, then simply compliment him on his appearance: if a man has an athletic build, praise the man for his ability to keep himself in excellent physical shape. Or for kind eyes that you can trust. A charming smile. Don't be shy to say warm, kind words to the person. It is IMPORTANT not only for women to receive words of recognition and be convinced of their exclusivity. Believe me, men need this no less. Most importantly, say sincerely what you really like about him. He will definitely appreciate it!

    Be emotional!

    The man does not see you and builds his impression of you from your letters (of course, after evaluating the photo). Therefore, we recommend being more emotional when writing letters to a foreign man. The business and scientific style of presenting a letter when meeting for the purpose of developing a romantic relationship is unacceptable! Many women “sin” by telling a man about themselves and their lives in completely dry, emotionless language. Such letters are not at all interesting to a man! They're boring! And they are unlikely to “hook” a man.

    When reading your letters, a man should imagine the picture that you “draw” for him in your letters, colored with emotions and impressions about certain events in your life.

    For example, telling in a letter about a theater production that you attended with your friends over the weekend. Describe your feelings and emotions that you had while watching the performance. What touched you and what you couldn’t understand. If you love being outdoors, tell your man what exactly fascinates you. Tell a foreign man about what beauties and at what time of year you are especially attracted. Contemplation of beauty brings you into a feeling of delight, or vice versa, gives you a feeling of peace. Tell all this to a foreigner in a letter so that the man can understand your soul. This brings people very close, despite the distance of hundreds of kilometers. A man has a desire to respond to such a beautiful and sincere letter from a woman.

    A woman’s interests and hobbies, her interest in life, and desire to learn new things are very important for. What matters to him is a woman’s high spiritual rating. Interesting and sincere letters from a woman can tell a lot about you, even what you kept silent about...

    What should a foreigner write about?

    “….I don’t even know him, what am I going to write to him about?” - girls often ask the question.

    Our answer: - Write about everything! Everything that surrounds you, that you like, that makes you admire and rejoice. Describe your favorite places in the city, where you like to spend time, about your hobbies and interests. Why do you like it, and how do you feel when you do what you love?

    It is interesting to read letters about travel, your impressions of the places you visited. A man understands that you have a wide range of interests and that you are an independent person. If you don’t have any special hobbies or interests. If your life is a “work-home-work” picture, then talk about your family, the books you have read, and what especially touched you. Perhaps you watched some interesting film and would like to discuss it with your pen pal. Ask a man questions, ask him questions, show your interest in him. By doing this, you show that it is important for you to know his opinion and that you respect him as a person. Moreover, if you want your communication to continue, if you ask a man a number of questions, he needs to answer you. Write about nature, animals that you like and why, etc. and so on. Chat on abstract topics. The most important! Your emails should ALWAYS be positive!

    What you should not write in letters to a man!

    The most important rule of romantic correspondence with a foreign man is that your letters should always be positive and inspiring. Never complain or judge other people in your letters. You should not write about instability in your country, the deteriorating economic situation, the difficulties of everyday life, etc.

    The man notes that the woman is a pessimist and a bore. A successful man limits himself from receiving negative information from the outside, so it is very uncomfortable for them to communicate with such girls. Your communication may end quickly.

    Do not write to a man about health problems, even minor ones. In a man’s mind, you should always be young, healthy and joyful! No problems or difficulties!

    You should not touch upon serious topics in correspondence: be it the birth of children, a possible move to the country of the potential groom, supporting elderly parents, property issues, etc.

    It often happens that men ask questions regarding a possible change of residence. This is fine. The main thing is to give a competent answer to a man, and at the same time not to offend him if you are not yet ready to discuss this topic or you have doubts about this. We recommend in these cases to follow the example of eastern sages and diplomats.

    For example, a man asks you in the first stages of your virtual relationship whether you are ready to leave your job and move to his country. You can answer the man as follows: “Dear…. John, I really appreciate the seriousness of your intentions and understand that this is a very serious step for you, but also for me. I know that I can trust you in any situation, because you are a responsible and serious man. With a man like you, I can move to another country and be happy. I think we can discuss the topic of moving later when our relationship becomes closer.”

    You should not talk about all your doubts directly and openly at the initial stage of your acquaintance, when your relationship is just beginning to emerge. By doing this, you can offend a man and instill in him uncertainty regarding your intentions to start a family with him, especially if his feelings for you are really serious and strong.

    Try to be flexible and delicate. If you are asked “uncomfortable” questions, ask: “Why are you asking this?” and/or answer evasively. Remain a mystery for a man that he would like to solve.

    When your communication becomes more confidential, you will be able to discuss serious topics with him and share your experiences. But not at the early stage of your relationship. Excessive frankness can frighten a man.

    Do not ask a man about his material capabilities and benefits; this topic is inappropriate and gives rise to thoughts in a man about a woman’s self-interest and her mercantile interest.

    Wait until the man himself brings up this topic, this means that he trusts you.

    Let us remind you of one more “Golden Rule” that you should NEVER talk about with a potential lover - this is about your previous men. Even if a man tries to find out from you the details of your past life, under no circumstances tell him about it.

    EVERY man, asking similar questions to a woman, wants to hear from you confirmation that ONLY he is your one and only, unique and the best man you have ever met in your life. In this case, silence is golden!

    The final part of the letter to the man

    Any correspondence with a man, no matter romantic or business, has certain rules for ending the conversation.

    In our case, when you finish your letter to a foreigner, be sure to write a note at the end with a wish for a good day, or good wishes, etc.

    There are many options in the English language that people often use to express their gratitude to the recipient when concluding a letter to a foreign beau. You can use for example

    Take care - (literally) “take care”

    Warm wishes - “with warm wishes”

    Warm regards - “with warm wishes”

    Sincerely - “sincerely”

    Sincerely yours - “with sincere respect or sincerely yours...”

    Have a wonderful day - “I wish you a wonderful day”

    Have a nice day - “I wish you a nice day”

    Best wishes - “with best wishes”

    Cheers - “Be healthy!”

    Warmly - “with warmth”

    Also, encourage your friend to write a reply message. Write:

    I am looking forward to hearing from you soon - I look forward to your response.

    I hope hear from you soon - I hope to hear you soon

    Please write back! - please write an answer

    Waiting for an answer - “Waiting for an answer”

    For a message in English to a very close person, words like:

    Love - “I love”

    Thinking of you - “thinking about you”

    Much love - “with great love”

    Kiss - “kisses”

    Check your literacy!

    Even if your knowledge of a foreign language is small, you can easily communicate with a foreigner. Various online translators will come to your aid.

    They are very easy to use: just insert your text written in Russian into the left field of the program, and an automatic translation of your text in English (or any other language) will appear on the right.

    Be sure to read your letter before sending it to the recipient and check for errors. You can easily test yourself by translating your English translation back into Russian. You will be able to see where the distortion of meaning occurred during automatic translation and easily correct it.

    Good luck to you!)

    Sincerely yours,

    Marina Slinkina and Elena Grande


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