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About the form of the waybill truck No. 4-p we told in. In this material, we present the form of the waybill of a truck 4-s.

Waybill truck 4-s

Waybill 4-s contains the main sections that allow you to keep track of the operating time of the vehicle, the driver, as well as the movement of fuel. This information is grouped in the following main blocks of the waybill:

  • car driver's work;
  • fuel movement;
  • task to the driver;
  • the sequence of the task;
  • the results of the car and trailers.

Waybill in form 4-c: form download

It should be borne in mind that the sample of the waybill of a 4-c truck approved by the State Statistics Committee does not contain all the required details (clause 3 of the Order of the Ministry of Transport dated September 18, 2008 No. 152, Letter of the Ministry of Finance dated August 25, 2009 No. 03-03-06 / 2/161 ). For example, it does not provide for filling in the date and time of the pre-trip and post-trip medical examination of the driver. These details must be supplemented with the form of the waybill of the truck used by the organization.

For the work of freight transport, each company must issue waybills, regardless of whether it is its property or it rents it. The voucher is the most important document for accounting for fuel costs, salaries, and is also part of the forms required for checking a car, which are requested by traffic inspectors.

The mandatory form of the waybill is not provided for by law. The company has the right to independently develop a form based on its own needs.

However, there are two types of it: a typical intersectoral form 4 s and, which an enterprise can use when preparing primary documents for the work of transport.

They differ in the method of calculating payment for transportation services. Truck waybill form 4-c is used when piece rates are used for the calculation, the second form is used with a time-based payment system.

The waybill of a truck is issued by the responsible persons in the company for one day or shift. It must be marked by a mechanic, an inspector for a pre-trip medical examination, a dispatcher, a refueller, a car driver.

Truck waybill sample filling

Let's take an example of how to fill out a waybill.

Front side

The company puts its brand stamp on it. The document must have a number, which is determined when registering it in a special journal, as well as the date of its filling.

If necessary, fill in the code with the mode of operation, columns, and brigades. Further, the brand and type of the truck, its state number, and garage identifier are indicated.

The full names are recorded below. the driver, his personnel number and the details of his driving license.

If a trailer is used for transportation, then similar information is also filled in the corresponding columns for it as for the car.

The first table on the right contains data on the work of the driver and transport. Here the planned and actual date and time of departure and arrival, speedometer indicators are put down. The following columns indicate the type and code of the fuel used, the amount of fuel filled, as well as at the beginning and end of the day. In the same table, it is necessary to reflect information about the operating conditions of the machine (coefficients), the special equipment used. These data are endorsed by all responsible persons.

Next, the dispatcher fills in information about the task that the driver must complete. It includes an indication of the name of the company that will have the car at its disposal, address and time of delivery, type of cargo transported, number of rides, mileage, tonnage. After that, the person in charge determines the amount of required fuel by calculation and writes it down in the appropriate line, confirming the data with his signature.

Before leaving for the line, a medic must examine the driver and put a stamp on the vouchers.

When leaving and returning, a mechanic checks the technical condition of the machine. The transfer of the car from him to the driver and back is carried out by transfer signatures.

V section "Special marks" information is entered about the accident, about the briefing by the road safety inspector, repairs, etc.


On the reverse side, the driver or a representative of the ordering organization makes notes about the progress of the task: when and where the car arrived, the number and numbers of accompanying documents. It is advisable to certify all these data with the seals and signatures of the responsible persons of the counterparties. The table is endorsed by the dispatcher and the driver.

Downtime that occurs is noted below. Data on the reason, type, duration of it is recorded, and the signatures of the responsible persons are also put.

In the lower table, the dispatcher enters the results on fuel consumption, calculated when the norms are applied and on the fact of fuel use. Next, the operating time of the machine is affixed with decoding by type of periods. The following columns indicate the number of rides and arrivals to the garage. The mileage traveled by the car is determined, if there was a trailer, then it. Here the mileage is signed for the total and with the load.

Data on the amount of cargo transported by the machine and trailers is entered, and the indicator ton * km is determined, on the basis of which invoices are issued to customers. This section is endorsed by the taxist.

Below, for reference, the data on the codes of the brands of the car, trailers are recorded and the indicator of the days of the car's operation is filled in.


First of all, responsibility for the correctness of the waybill is assigned to the director of the company, then to the officials - the mechanic, the dispatcher and the driver himself.

Travel slip form passenger car(form 3)

Form of waybill of a passenger car (form 3)

Source / official doc: Approved by the Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated November 28, 1997 No. 78

Document's name: Standard form No. 3 (OKUD 0345001)
The size: 94 kb

Today, it is rare to see a company or company that does not use a car for business purposes. The need began to increase after the costs of organizations began to rise. For various trips of a working nature, it is necessary to have a form of a waybill of a passenger car.

What is this document

The waybill is the main document for creating primary accounting, which, together with the TTN, during the transportation of products, controls the criteria for the operation of the car and the driver. In addition, the paper allows you to correctly calculate the salary for the driver, as well as ensure the final bill for the transportation of goods. It is issued by the dispatcher in a single copy once per shift. The form of the waybill form for a passenger car is as follows:

The legislation of the Russian Federation decided that it is necessary to use the waybill form 3. This decree was created on 28.11.97 №78. However, if the company is not comfortable using it, then they can develop their own version. The document contains information of the following nature:

  • date of receipt and number;
  • personal information about the driver;
  • Contact details;
  • vehicle characteristics;
  • what is translated and a brief identification of the goods.

When drawing up an independent form, you need to know the following filling form:

  • The seal of the company that the car is registered with does not need to be affixed;
  • the date and time of the inspection must be entered;
  • it is mandatory to indicate the date and time of departure of the car on the flight;
  • the driver must have a medical record of his health with him.

You can download the form of the waybill of a car for free on our website.

Application of waybill

A waybill is required for long journeys. It must be used in the following cases:

  • when transporting people to different countries;
  • when transporting marketable products and heavy loads.

The benefit of this sheet is that upon presentation of this document to the accounting department, they deduct the cost of gasoline and fuels and lubricants. Therefore, the driver can work on his vehicle, while he will be compensated for all cash costs for fuel.


When the driver comes back from the trip, he must sign the document under the column “Car handed over”. After that vehicle and the paper is given to the mechanic. He, in turn, takes all the speedometer readings, and also checks the remaining gasoline in the tank. After a thorough check of all the completed data, he signs it. Further, the form is given to the dispatcher, who is certified by the signature and indication of the time and date of arrival.

The waybill is an accounting document for official vehicles. If the owner of the car is an organization, this document confirms the right to drive. If the car is private, but used for business purposes, it helps to calculate the costs. Many services check the vouchers: the Federal Tax Service, the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, and the labor inspectorate. Where can I get the correct forms, how to fill out correctly and avoid possible sanctions for mistakes, taking into account the latest changes in the legislation ?.

The so-called "vouchers" are accounting primary documents that must be kept by all organizations and individual entrepreneurs operating vehicles. At the same time, legal entities and individual entrepreneurs providing services for the transportation of goods or people are required to use unified forms of these documents.

Depending on the type of vehicle and their area of ​​application, you need to use different types waybills. Separate forms have been developed for owners and tenants:

  • passenger cars;
  • trucks;
  • special transport;
  • passenger taxi;
  • freight tax;
  • public and non-public buses.

The forms necessary for entrepreneurs were approved twenty years ago by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of November 28, 1997 No. 78. They are still relevant, although over the years, the forms have been changed many times. of different nature... In accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Transport dated 07.11.2017 No. 476, from 15.12.2017 in the waybill it is necessary to indicate additional information about the owner of the vehicle. Individual entrepreneurs were obliged to indicate their OGRIP, and organizations - OGRN.

Uniform forms are not suitable for all organizations, and they are not required for all. Therefore, a legal entity (or individual entrepreneur) has the right to develop its own version, in which all the mandatory details and necessary indicators must be taken into account. The use of its own modified form should be indicated in the accounting policy of the organization, as defined in paragraph 4 of PBU 1/2008. Do not forget that the rules regulated by Article 9 of the Federal Law of 06.12.2011 No. 402-FZ on accounting are also applied to the primary documents of strict reporting.

New form of waybill from 2019

The waybill of the vehicle is necessary when leaving any vehicle for work purposes, regardless of whether it is the organization's own car or rented. Strict requirements for filling out this primary document are established only for trucking companies, however, for all the rest it is a strict reporting document, therefore, it must contain mandatory details.

In 2018, there was more such information - officials added the obligation to indicate in the waybill information about the driver passing pre-trip control technical condition car. In addition, the obligatory round stamp on the issued letterhead was canceled.

Waybills: rules for filling out in 2019

The procedure for issuing waybills is established by Order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated 09/18/2008 No. 152, which is in effect as amended on 12/21/2018, which entered into force on 03/01/2019. They take into account the waybills in a special journal. We will understand in more detail what changes occurred in the waybills in 2019 and how to draw up this document so that there are no questions from the inspectors from the tax authorities and the traffic police, who most often look at this document.

Dispatchers are involved in filling out this form in road transport organizations, and in other companies it may simply be an employee authorized to release cars on a flight. Such responsibilities should be delegated by order of the head of the organization, since it is the one who fills out the document that is responsible for mistakes made in it. Sometimes the paperwork is handled by the drivers themselves. However, according to general rule, drivers must fill out only their part of the document - record the data on the mileage of the car in accordance with the indicators of the instruments in the car.

You can write a ticket for one flight, one working day or shift. In addition, the unified form provides for the possibility of extending the validity of this document, since various situations can occur with the car on the trip, and driving without a waybill is a violation.

The waybill, the form of which is unified, is divided into several different forms, depending on the type of vehicle. These forms differ in content and requirements for filling out. We have collected them in a table so that each organization can navigate and choose the one that is needed.

Unified waybill form

Who fills in and how

A waybill is a special document confirming the fact of vehicle movement, driver's work, fuel consumption. Since 2019, new rules have come into force. In the article you can learn how to fill in the waybill correctly, download the current sample.

What is a waybill for?

This is the primary document, it is necessary to record and write off the costs of maintaining a car. Also, on the basis of "vouchers" (as this paper is often called), in many institutions, the driver is paid wages.

All institutions, organizations and private entrepreneurs who operate cars are obliged to draw up waybills. The form of the document can be developed and approved independently, or you can use the form, which is approved by the Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of 28.11.1997 No. 78. The exceptions are companies that provide services for the carriage of goods or passengers, they are required to keep records of the movement of the vehicle in unified forms.

A voucher is issued without fail when using a car for business purposes. The form of ownership of the vehicle does not matter. That is, if the car is on the balance sheet of the organization, rented from a third-party company or operated Personal car employee for the needs of the institution, the voucher must be.

The forms should be taken into account in a special registration journal. It must be driven by all legal entities and private traders who operate cars.

Travel slip form

New form of waybill in 2019: special requirements

Changes in waybills in 2019 are not provided. The latest updates entered into force in December 2017 (approved by orders of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated September 18, 2008 No. 152 (revised on January 18, 2017) and No. 476 dated November 7, 2017). Requirements for filling out are supplemented with new mandatory details. At the same time, the round stamp on the letterhead has been canceled, if its use is not provided for by the Charter.

How to validate your form

If the organization decided to approve its form of waybills, then the mandatory requirements should be taken into account:

  1. Name of the document, number and date of issue. When putting down the numbering, it is necessary to observe the chronology.
  2. The duration of the voucher. The maximum period is one month.
  3. Information about the owner of the car. Now it is obligatory to indicate the OGRN.
  4. Information about the vehicle driver (full name, driver's license number).
  5. Information about the car (state number plate, brand).
  6. Odometer data before departure and upon return to the garage (parking lot).
  7. Date and time of the start of the flight and return to the parking lot.
  8. Signature and full name responsible employee who indicated the odometer reading, date and time.
  9. Date and time of the pre-trip and post-trip medical examination of the driver.
  10. Stamp, signature and full name the health care provider who performed the medical examination.
  11. Information about the pre-trip technical inspection with the date and time (DD / MM / YYYY, as well as hours and minutes).
  12. Signature and full name responsible for vehicle inspection (mechanic, controller, foreman).

The completed document is signed by the dispatcher and the head of the institution or persons authorized by the head. If the company uses a seal (defined by the charter), then the voucher is sealed. The document is always drawn up in a single copy and handed over to the driver. At the end of the trip, the driver must hand it over to the person in charge under his signature.

What will be the violations

The 2019 waybill is necessary not only for writing off expenses and confirming them in the tax office. Also, a voucher is necessary for the driver on the flight to confirm to the traffic police the legality of using a car, transporting passengers or cargo. A correctly completed voucher confirms that the vehicle is in good order, has passed a technical inspection, and the driver has the right to drive the car (passed a medical examination). If the traffic police inspector does not provide the form, then the driver faces a fine from 500 to 3000 rubles (Article 12.3 of the Administrative Offenses Code of the Russian Federation.).

Waybills: rules for filling out in 2019

For each type of car, the Ministry of Transport approved new waybills of 2019. Let's talk about them using the table. It describes the waybills, the forms can be downloaded from the links.

Waybill, form

Distinctive features in filling


The document can be used by organizations and private entrepreneurs operating cars. The filling procedure is presented in the letter of Rosstat dated 03.02.2005 No. ИУ-09-22 / 257. Mandatory condition: the form must not contain blank columns and details.

Freight transport with piecework payment to drivers

Filled in by shipping companies. Prerequisite: drivers are paid according to the piece rate system. The document provides for separate columns for the marks of customers of cargo transportation. Also, the form has tear-off coupons, on the basis of which the salary calculation is made. It is not allowed to issue a new voucher until the driver has submitted the previous one to the accounting department.

Trucks with time wages to drivers

The form was supplemented with a section for the details of consignment notes for transported goods and goods. Store together with shipping documents. The voucher form is intended for two flights in one working day.

The form has detachable sheets that are used to record the services rendered by special equipment. Based on the tear-off coupon, the company issues invoices for the services rendered.

Contains special columns for taximeter indicators. The voucher is issued for a full work shift, at the end of which the driver hands over the completed document to the accounting department or the person in charge.

Buses for public and other use

0345006 and 0345007

Forms are suitable for organizations that transport passengers on city and suburban routes, or for other passenger transportation. The document is issued to the driver only after the previous voucher has been returned. The form is drawn up on a working day or full shift. The mark of the medical worker about the examination is required.

Storage times and liability

The organization is obliged to ensure the safety of vouchers for a period of 5 years, this is established by order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated September 18, 2008 No. 152. The same period is established by Art. 29 of Law No. 402-FZ for primary accounting documents.

Responsibility for the correctness of the compilation and reliability of the specified information is borne by the persons who indicated this information, as well as the head of the institution. An incorrectly drawn up voucher is considered null and void. Tax authorities will not accept such a document as confirmation of transportation costs for a car, which threatens to increase the tax base on profits and penalties.

Sample of filling out a waybill

We offer a sample for a budgetary institution that operates a car.

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