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The car owner needs to be prepared for any surprise. If the car does not start due to a dead battery, you will need help from an external power source. To receive a charge from the battery of another car is called "light a cigarette" in professional slang. To perform the operation, you need to know how to properly "light" the car. What do you need to use the donor's help, what instruments are needed, what is the sequence of operations?

Having received a request for help to start the engine of another car, the question involuntarily arises: is it not harmful to "light up", to use your car as a donor. If your new battery is fully charged, the car works, you have some free time, it is unethical to refuse help. Batteries must be of similar capacity and voltage, the donor machine is of the same or higher class.

To "light" another car from your own car is harmful and dangerous if the operation is carried out as follows:

  • during the "lighting" of the car, the donor stands with the engine running;
  • in the process of "lighting" on the auto acceptor ignition works and electrical appliances are turned on;
  • the donor is a battery of lower capacity;
  • the sequence of operations when assembling and removing connecting wires is broken;
  • small cross-section wires with poor-quality insulation, faulty contacts or "crocodiles" are used;
  • safety measures are not followed.

If you carry out the operations correctly, there will be no harm to the battery and the on-board network of another car. You can not "light" from an old battery. You should refuse the donor's services if its battery leaks, an acidic smell is felt.

How to properly "light" a car

A modern car has a complex electronic filling that requires stability of electrical parameters. Experts and practitioners have developed an algorithm on how to safely "light" one car from another. The sequence of assembling the circuit and removing the wires is important when lighting from the donor's car. During the recharging period, a current of 300-400 A flows through the circuit, the created short circuit can bring a lot of troubles.

How to properly "light" your battery from another car? First of all, you need to get good quality connecting wires for lighting. May they always be in the trunk. The set includes a black wire for connecting to minus or ground, red - plus. The wires are massive, their cross section is at least 16 squares. There are crocodile clips at both ends. Choosing thinner cables can result in severe heat burns and even fire. In Chinese products, thin wires are often hidden under thick insulation.

When choosing a car for "lighting", make sure that it has a working battery of equal or greater capacity, but with the same output voltage. Before "lighting" your battery, check its serviceability. Do not recharge if the battery is frozen in ice or leaks.

Before you "light" a car from another car, you need to be sure that the car is fully operational, but the battery is dead. If the music turns on in the passenger compartment, the lights are on, the windshield wipers and lifts work, but the engine does not start, you cannot "light" the car. Why? The reason is not the battery.

Signs of a Broken Battery:

  • strained sounds are heard when turning the ignition key;
  • Control panel lights are off or dim
  • uncharacteristic sounds are heard under the hood.

To "light" the car battery, you must install it in an open place, with the possibility of access for another car. The machine used as a donor must work at XX in order for its battery to be maximally charged.

Watch a practical video tutorial on how to light a battery.

How to "light" a car from another car with wires

So, you have selected a suitable car, have placed it conveniently in order to "light up" the wires. He has already worked, recharging the battery. How to correctly assemble the scheme for the transfer from the donor?

  1. Switch off ignition and all electrical consumers on both vehicles.
  2. Assemble the circuit - connect the positive terminals of the batteries with a red wire. On the donor, we connect the black terminal to the battery terminal, the second end to the acceptor body, in a place where there is no paint, to ground.
  3. The donor's engine starts up, the battery is recharged for 5-7 minutes. How much to "light" depends on the air temperature.

After recharging, the donor is completely muffled, the wires are removed and a test run of the auto recipient is carried out. Result:

  • the engine starts and runs smoothly;
  • the start did not occur, the starter did not have enough energy to spin the motor;
  • the starter works well, but the car won't start.

In the event that there is not enough charge, you should re-light the car within 10 minutes, according to the same scheme. If there is no result, you should call for technical assistance. Reason: the malfunction is not in the battery.

The circuit is analyzed in reverse order. First, the wire is removed to ground, then the positive terminals are released.

How to "light" a car from another car, we suggest watching the video.

How to "light" a car from another automatic car

Let's figure out whether it is possible to "light" a car on an automatic machine, to use, as a donor, another automatic machine? What's the Difference? Electronic control systems are designed for constant voltage. If the battery has become completely unusable, after replacing it, a re-tuning of the computer is required. Is it possible to recharge a dead battery locally from another car with a machine gun and how to give, "light" another car?

It is necessary to understand the principle of energy transfer. "Light up" a car - transfer the battery charge of one car to the battery of another, with a lower charge, through the wires. Cars do not work, ignition is off, on-board systems are off. With a properly assembled circuit, there is no danger of damage to the on-board system of the donor and acceptor.

When connecting the wires with which you need to "light" the car, you must observe the sequence of connection and polarity. If the terminals are mixed up, a short circuit with bad consequences will occur.

"Light" the car correctly automatic machine:

  • Remove the key from the ignition and leave the door open. (At the moment of power supply, the machine will sound and the door lock will be locked). Place both machines on the parking brake. The auto donor should be warmed up by running the motor at XX for more than 5 minutes.
  • First connect the positive wire, then the negative wire to the donor car.
  • Perform the same operation on your Auto, making sure that you connect the poles correctly.
  • Get behind the wheel and start the engine. Set the engine to 1500 rpm, leave the engine running.
  • Before removing the "cigarette lighter", you must turn on the resistance on your car to smooth out the voltage surge. Do not turn on the lighting lamps - they may burn out. You can turn on the heated glass.
  • Remove the wires first from the negative terminals, then from the plus.

So you can "light" another car with a manual transmission from an automatic car.

There are posts on the Internet on the forum with information on how to "light" a donor's machine. Is it possible to “light up” from a running car? If the donor battery works with a broken circuit, it does not supply the on-board networks, a voltage surge will not occur. When the engine is running, only the battery will be recharged, which discharges the charge, "lighting up" the dead battery. But by the time the driver makes a test run, the donor's car must be muted. Otherwise, there may be a power surge, failure of expensive equipment.

"Lighting up" a car is a simple process, but there are certain rules, we suggest watching the video.

How to properly "light" a car with a dead battery

How many cases when it is required to "light" the car, but the circumstances of assistance change, the sequence of some operations. Much depends on the type of car - diesel or gasoline, automatic or mechanic. Experienced drivers have a well-established scheme of how to properly "light" their car from another, which donor will fit and which will not.

So, the connection of the two batteries is done, we checked the correctness again so as not to get tangled in the wires it is accepted: the red cables always connect the plus, the black one goes from the minus of the donor to the mass of the recipient.

The most common way to properly "light" a dead car from another working one. It is necessary to start the donor engine for the time required to recharge the dead battery. This can be anywhere from 5 to 20 minutes. Muffle a serviceable car. Remove the wires and carry out a test run. It may be necessary to warm up the car a little more, to “light up” the car with a dead battery if the starter turns lazily. As soon as the engine is started, the generator will start charging the battery, and in 10-15 minutes you can drive.

Another method is for experienced drivers with a conventional manual transmission, a minimum of electronics. The wires are connected. How to correctly and quickly give a “light” to a car owner with a new battery? Start the donor motor for 5-6 minutes. Try to start a faulty car. Attempt to start does not exceed 15 seconds, interval of one minute. As soon as the engine starts working, leave both cars switched on and linked to the donor for 3 minutes. Before disconnecting the wires from the terminals in the on-board line, turn on the resistance to smooth out the voltage surge.

"Lighting" is an undesirable, emergency and dangerous operation. Is it possible to "light" from the car if the donor driver has doubts about the health of the battery? Owner's concerns are justified:

  • when the frost outside is below -20 0;
  • the class of the idle machine is higher;
  • higher capacity battery;
  • diesel engine.

How to properly "light" a car from another car, look at the video.

How long is it reasonable to "light" the car

The "lighting" method reanimates a car with a dead battery, but without other malfunctions. The time spent on recharging and starting, in each case, depends on the degree of discharge of the battery, the ambient temperature. As a rule, lighting a car from another car, assembling the circuit and removing the equipment takes about 30 minutes. Reoperation may take the same amount of time. A person who is in a hurry on business should take this circumstance into account.

How to properly "light" a car from another battery

In our fast age, when “time is money” for every car owner, finding a donor can take a long time. It is much easier to have your own external battery, which will help out in difficult times. These devices include a starting booster, a car battery charger, and a backup battery. Then, will it be possible to “light up” from a battery without a car, but according to the same principle as taking energy from another car? Yes.

To "light" the battery, you need a car booster. The device is pocket-sized, but has enough energy to cope with starting the engine when the battery is discharged to zero. The device has 2 modes, it can "light" the battery, recharge it, or it can take over the power supply instead of a completely discharged battery.

The booster can "light" not only a car battery, it is used to charge electronic gadgets when the network is unavailable. But its cost is high. Basically, such portable compact chargers are used to "light" a car when the battery loses its charge and capacity during long journeys. Special start-up chargers are compact, serve to "light" the car from another battery. Assembling the correct power supply circuit from an external source is relevant, this is the same "lighting" from an external battery.

The main problem with using external energy storage devices is their ability to make just a few starts. But there are professional network boosters. But in case of force majeure, “lighting” the car from an external battery is salvation.

We light the car from the starting-charger, from another car. Detailed instructions.

The situations on the roads are different, and life is worth ready for each of them. Even if your car is in perfect order, another driver may need help on the road. In this article, we will tell you everything about lighting a car, and also add diagrams for the most detailed disclosure of the issue.

Most people, if they find a completely dead battery, prefer not to risk it and call the emergency service, or ask fellow travelers to take the car in tow. Indeed, there are some subtleties, without taking into account which you can harm more than solve the problem. In addition, many are afraid whether it is possible to give a light from their car at all, or then there is a risk of stalling.

What is the correct way to light another car?

One of the most important points is that before starting the lighting process, be sure to turn off the engine. If so many simple rules are not followed, you risk a lot: failure of the car's generator and / or relay.

Now it is necessary to disconnect the negative terminal from the battery on the car that will light up (which has a discharged battery) and, after disconnecting it, disconnect the positive terminal.

Now carefully connect the wires, incorrect connection - you risk making a short circuit. In order for everything to go according to plan, first disconnect the negative wires, and only then start connecting the wires. If you do everything in order, then you should not be afraid that the planted battery will discharge the charged donor battery. For those who are afraid to get confused, the golden rule works - the minus terminals are removed, then the plus terminals.

Now let's move on to the connection. We take the "+" terminal and attach it to the donor. The second terminal is "+" to the second car. Now we take the "-" from the donor and connect it to the second car (to the engine). It is important to remember that the "-" of the donor connected to a discharged battery will instantly discharge another battery. So, we connect the "-" terminal to the engine, but as far as possible from the moving parts and even more so from the heat pipe. During the connection process, in most cases arcing occurs.

It is necessary to light it until the engine starts. After that, immediately rearrange it to medium speed, let the engine run for 15 minutes and turn it off. Disconnect the wires further. Now it remains to return the "ground" wire back and move on.

Video: How to properly light a car from another car?

For a more accurate description of the process, we present a diagram of lighting a car from a donor car.

How to properly light a car with automatic transmission?

It is widely believed among motorists that it is categorically impossible to light a cigarette with an automatic transmission, and what is there to light a cigarette, you cannot tow a car at a speed of more than 10 km / h. But here completely different components of the machine are affected. Remember that the automatic transmission does not apply to the generator, the battery, and you can start the car through the cigarette lighter.

How to properly light an injection, cargo car?

If you have an injection vehicle with more complex electronic support for lowering the battery, therefore, it cannot be disconnected from the power supply system, as this is fraught with breakdown or malfunction of electrical equipment ("brains").

To recharge an injection vehicle, you first need to recharge the battery. It is not difficult to do this, but it is necessary to carefully watch what you are doing. So, we take and connect in turn "+" and after them "-":

  • We take the "+" of the starting wires with red handles-clips and connect the terminals of the discharged battery to the "+". We connect the second positive terminal to the donor battery;
  • We take the "-" starting wires with black handles-clips and connect them to the negative terminal of the donor-battery, and the other end to the discharged battery;
  • Wait a few seconds and you can gradually start the car, right after the factory we let it run at medium speed for 10 minutes, which warms up the engine and plus recharges the battery;
  • We turn off the engine;
  • First, remove the negative wire from the discharged battery and then remove the second negative, then remove the positives in the same way;
  • Start the car and move to the destination without stopping, so as not to stall again.

Video: How to properly light a car (advice from RDM-Import)

Can I light a diesel car?

If it is necessary to start a diesel car from another car, then a diesel vehicle of the same or larger engine volume will be required, since much more energy is required to start a diesel car.

How to light a car from a battery without a car?

Of course, you can start the car without another donor car, but only if you take care in advance and purchase a starting-charger. Yes, it costs a certain amount, but it takes up a minimum of space in the car and will solve the problem on the road without the participation of passing cars.

So, connect the starting-charger to the mains, put the switch on “start” and connect the “+” device to the “+” terminals, and “-” to the engine block, as close as possible to the starter.

Next, start the car and as soon as the engine starts, turn off the device. When you reach your destination, charge the battery. By the way, this device is suitable for absolutely all cars and is safer than lighting a cigarette from another car.

Is there a taxi with a light car service?

Another way out of the situation, but, of course, it works exclusively in large cities - a taxi with a car lighting service, as well as a taxi, whose driver will help, if necessary, tow the car to the desired place, as well as provide minor repairs. There are a lot of such services in the Russian Federation, both taxi services and online sites where you can urgently order a service. What to choose is up to you.

Video: How to Light a Car?

Severe frosts, long downtime, on-board devices switched on and left overnight are the enemies of batteries. You need to go, but the electrician does not work, the starter does not turn, the car does not start, the battery has sat down. What to do?

Recharge with portable charger. Not everyone has it. Do you often have a neighbor with a working car and a charged battery? We ask you to light a cigarette. If there is no neighbor, the service of lighting a car from another is available in many taxis. The cost of the service varies greatly depending on the region and the taxi service.

Batteries are explosive! Precautionary measures

It is quite easy to light a car, even for the first time, after reading the instructions. It is important to do this safely, not to damage your car, donor, or provoke an explosion. Yes, batteries contain sulfuric acid, it is explosive.

It is required to comply with safety rules:

Find out the charging time of your battery

  • Make sure that there are no electrolyte leaks on the case of a dead battery. If there are any, the battery is recycled! Charging it may cause an explosion. We need a new one.
  • The electrolyte must be sufficient and liquid. A serviced battery is checked through open plugs; a liquid suitable for lighting can be seen in consistency like water. If the filling is viscous or frozen, the battery will have to be warmed up, ensuring the minimum temperature differences (preferably in a heated garage away from heat sources). There may be imperceptible cracks on the case; during thawing, sulfuric acid will ooze through them. Take care of the basin or rag under the bottom.

Attention! You need to work with gloves, look inside, preferably with glasses, if they are not there, keep from open holes at a distance sufficient for viewing, but safe for the eyes (arm's length).

The maintenance-free battery should also be warmed up first. However, knowing the density of its electrolyte, you can find out the freezing point, compare it with the external one.

Freezing point reminder:

The freezing of the electrolyte is evidenced by the swelling of the battery. If the bloating is accompanied by cracks in the case, it is usually useless to reanimate such a battery. Can I try it? It is highly dangerous without the participation of a highly qualified specialist.

  • The power of the battery and the volume of the engine of the donor car must be of the same magnitude as that of the person who is lighting up, or large. Otherwise, you can discharge the donor without charging the discharged battery.
  • Do not experiment with crocodile clips, they can only be connected in a certain order, strictly observing the polarity, red is always "+", black is always "-".

The described rules are needed when your battery is dead, and are especially important when someone asks you to provide a service to light a cigarette.

Instructions on how to light a car with wires, the points are numbered, the order is important:

Important! Do not accelerate or turn on the headlights to avoid power surges.

  • Disconnect the wires:
    1. Crocodile black compound from a donor.
    2. Minus the mass of the one that was charged.
    3. Plus (red) from the battery, the one that was charged.
    4. Plus - from the donor.

The lighting procedure is shown in the video.

Starting with a discharged battery wirelessly

On the forums, you can find stories of how guys light up a battery without wires, just turning it upside down and the terminals are legitimate. Can you do this?

The laws of physics admit. However, turning the battery upside down raises sediment from the bottom. Connecting through the terminals, without the participation of the mass, the donor is discharged much faster. In emergency situations, you can resort to an emergency method, especially if the donor is new, its owner is ready to provide a service. The reader is forewarned - forearmed.

For carburetor engines there is an additional option to start a car without crocodiles. You need a working battery with enough power for your engine. If you doubt how much it is, look to have no less power than the one with which you have successfully driven.

We start the carburetor machine without wires, memo:

  • set the car to neutral speed, handbrake (if it does not work, a curb, brick, snowdrift, etc.);
  • put the charged battery in the place of the discharged one without securing it;
  • start the engine;
  • with the engine running, remove the charged, install the discharged battery, secure it;
  • without turning off the ignition, drive the car, maintaining the engine speed at least 2000.

It is advisable to drive at least 5 km, if possible, more. The battery will be charged from the generator. Can I try to start the injector like this? No.

To reduce the risk of problems with the battery, control of its density, voltage, and timely charging, if necessary, will help. It is especially important to service the battery before winter starts.

A dead battery is a problem for every driver. Therefore, if you drive a car, then you must definitely know how to properly light a car from another car, since this is the most popular, almost always available, the safest and most efficient way to start a vehicle engine.

First, let's make sure that the reason for stopping the car is precisely in the dead battery. There are several signs confirming this fact:

  • it is worth turning the key in the ignition lock, and instead of the energetic sound of a running engine, you will hear slow and stringy "notes";
  • indicators located on the instrument panel do not light up or are weakly lit;
  • under the hood you can hear clicks and crackles.

So, the battery is dead, but this is not a reason to give up and despair, especially if you are on the street and not in the garage. After all, an open space is very suitable for lighting one car from another, since this allows you to avoid a spark and, as a result, an explosion. All that remains is to find another car and ask the driver for help!

How to light a car?

Car lighting wires.

The car is lit in several successive stages:

  • stopping the engine, turning off the instruments;
  • connection of terminals;
  • test run of the engine.


You can light a car from almost any car. The main thing is that the voltage in the batteries of both cars is the same. Do not light a car with a 24 volt battery from a car with a 12 volt battery or vice versa.

Before the lighting process, it is important to turn off the engine, turn off all electrical appliances on both vehicles, which will avoid potential power surges and further equipment failure.

Connection of terminals

We connect the battery terminals with the "+" sign with red wires. Next, we attach one end of the black wire to the terminal with the "-" sign of the battery installed in the donor car. We hook the other end of the wire to any metal part located on the engine, or to the car body.

It is important to remember that the negative terminal should be located at a considerable distance from the fuel systems and the battery. Compliance with this requirement is a guarantee of your safety and the absence of explosions. If there are no exposed areas on the hood, it is permissible to connect the terminal with the "-" sign to the same terminal of the car battery.

When the terminals are connected, we start the engine of the donor car and let it run a little so that it recharges the battery of the recipient car. Please note that the lower the ambient temperature, the more discharged the battery on the recipient vehicle, which accordingly increases the time required for recharging. In any case, you need to wait at least 5 minutes. To speed up the battery charging, it is permissible to increase the engine speed up to 2000-3000, which is done by pressing the pedal and then holding it for several minutes.

Test run of the engine

Now we stop the engine, turn off all on-board systems and the ignition on the donor transport. Now you can check what result we have achieved with this lighting. To do this, we perform a test start of the recipient car's engine. Several cases are possible here:

  • the car started up;
  • the car does not start, the starter barely spins the engine;
  • the car does not start, the starter energetically spins the engine,

In the first case, the desired result is achieved - everything is fine. In the second, it is worth trying to light the car for about another 10 minutes, and then restart the engine. The latter situation suggests that you did everything right, but the reason lies in a malfunction of the recipient car. After the car has started, we disconnect the wires, first black, then red.

Other ways to start the engine

If there is no other car nearby and it is impossible to light a cigarette, you can use alternative methods of starting the engine. Some of which we will briefly discuss below.

Using a special starting-charger

The starting-charger is connected to the mains, the switch is set to the "start" position, the wire with the "+" sign is connected to the positive terminal, and the wire with the "-" sign is connected to the engine block, next to the starter. The ignition key turns, the car starts up, the device turns off. This is a very simple, affordable and versatile method that suits any vehicle model.

Increased current

Battery charging is possible with increased current. The battery is not removed from the car, but the negative terminal must be removed from a car with an on-board computer. The difference between the standard values ​​and the overcurrent should not be more than 30%. The filler caps open, the electrolyte level remains within the normal range. The charging time is about half an hour, then the car starts up. The method reduces the battery life, so experts often do not recommend using it.


This method is only suitable for vehicles with manual transmission. It is also often called "from the pusher". The two cars are connected with a strong cable 4-6 meters long and accelerated to a speed of 10-15 km / h. For towed vehicles, 3rd gear is engaged and the clutch is gradually released. If there is no second car, human hands go to the rescue. The car is pushed from behind, acceleration is carried out downhill or on a flat road surface.

Curve starter

The machine is lifted by a jack, a strong rope 5-6 meters long is twisted onto one of the driving wheels, the ignition and direct transmission are switched on. At the next stage, the rope jerks sharply, and if the wheel is well spun, then the car will start.

One of the main problems in winter is whether or not the car will start. Of course, if you properly prepare the car for winter (fill in oil designed for operation at low temperatures, change the candles, check and charge the battery), the risk that the car will not be able to start in frost decreases. But sometimes, for one reason or another, you have to start the car in any way in the cold. And one of the most popular measures in this case will be an attempt to light the car.

What happens to the car in the cold?

To understand why a car does not start at negative temperatures, you need to pay attention to the following factors:

  1. In the cold, the viscosity of the oil increases. Each of its varieties is designed to work in a certain temperature range, and if it goes beyond the established limits, then the characteristics of the oil change, primarily the viscosity. The oil freezes, becomes thick, and in order to crank the crankshaft, the car's starter requires a lot of power, and accordingly, it begins to consume significant current from the battery.
  2. The capacity of the battery depends on the temperature and decreases with decreasing temperature. The consequence of this will be a decrease in the current that it can give.

The above are not the only changes that occur at low temperatures, but they lead to the fact that more current is required to start the car motor, and the battery cannot provide it. In this case, such a technique is used as an attempt to light a car.

What does this mean and how to light a car

The term "light a cigarette" means the ability to use another, external battery to start the car engine. Usually, this procedure is negotiated with the owner of a car that has started and is running. The battery in such a car has already warmed up and restored its original capacity, so that it can provide the required amount of starting current.

In order to give a light from another car, special thick wires are required, equipped with clamps, allowing you to connect to the battery terminals. Thus, by connecting the on-board network of one car and the battery of another, an attempt is made to start the engine of the first car.

How to properly light a car from a battery

To properly light up from the battery of another car, you must follow a few simple rules. Compliance with them will allow you to light the car without consequences for all participants in this process.

Both cars should be located side by side so that the wires can freely reach the right place, and the engines on them should be muted. Initially, the positive terminals of the batteries on both machines are connected. But the next connection will determine whether or not you will light a cigarette; the battery, which is the source of power (namely its “minus” terminal), must be connected not to the “minus” terminal of another battery, but directly to the engine block of the starting car.

The figure on how to connect the battery is shown below, no further explanations are required for it.

Such a connection is necessary due to the fact that the battery itself is an active consumer of electricity and will take over most of the power that an external source can provide.

After the engine has started, after a while you can turn off the external battery, the sequence of actions will be the opposite. You can also understand how to properly give a light by watching the video

What you need to know more about how to properly light the car

If you are trying to light another vehicle, normal safety precautions should be followed. Do not confuse the polarity of the wires, otherwise you can discharge your own battery or get other troubles up to a fire. It should be borne in mind that when connecting or disconnecting wires, sparking is possible at the contact points.

In principle, if the battery is very discharged, the best result can be given by trying to light a cigarette when the wires going to the discharged battery are removed and a charged battery is connected directly to them. In the video, you can see again how to follow these simple rules.

It is worth noting that you need to choose the right car from which you will light up. The fact is that the current consumption of a powerful SUV at the moment of starting the engine can discharge the battery of a small car, and it will not be able to provide the required starting current.

Another mandatory requirement is that the car engine must be turned off when starting. The fact is that at the time of launch, powerful voltage surges are formed, and they can damage the electronics. So follow the rules described. And you can repeat them again when watching the video.

Voluntarily or involuntarily, almost every driver had to find himself in a situation where the car would not start for any reason. Often in such cases, you have to light a cigarette from another car. And although this operation looks simple enough, it will be so only if a number of rules are followed.


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