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Before talking about specific models of UAZ vehicles, developed or modified specifically for the army, it is worth saying that the Ulyanovsk Automobile Plant, in general, in its activities was aimed at meeting the needs of the Ministry of Defense. UAZ civilian vehicles are, roughly speaking, a side effect, especially in Soviet times. In the conditions of a free market, the automaker had no choice but to rebuild capacities to meet the needs of "peaceful" customers. But even now, UAZ is actively cooperating with the state, supplying cross-country vehicles for the army.

The history of the military UAZ began in the middle of the 20th century. First of all, the UAZ-469 and UAZ-3151 should be attributed to the army models of this car brand.

It was the UAZ-469 that, by the 70s of the 20th century, became the main car for the command in the countries of Eastern Europe that were part of the Warsaw Pact bloc. Before that, its predecessor in the mentioned role was GAZ-69.

In 1964, several experimental models were produced, on the basis of which the serial production of the UAZ-469 and UAZ-469B began in 1972. In 1985, they began to produce UAZ-3151. And since 2003, the UAZ-315195 Hunter has been produced, which in 2010, for the 65th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War, was modernized and released in a limited series under the index 315196.

The history of the development of a military UAZ

It was noted above that the first prototypes of the UAZ-469 were produced in 1964. However, development began back in the 50s of the 20th century. The first sample, named UAZ-460, was designed in 1958. Apparently, the American Jeep was taken as a basis. The Soviet car turned out to be powerful, capable of transporting people and goods on off-road, as well as pulling trailers and light weapons. But the car could not boast of convenience and comfort.

In 1964, a trial batch of modified cars was released, named UAZ-469. By the way, in the automotive press, already next year, one could find an image of this car and learn about some technical characteristics... This is surprising, given the fact that the serial production of machines will begin only after 8 years.

The basis for the UAZ-469 of the 1972 model was the reliable and advanced 21st Volga for those years. The capabilities of UAZ amaze and surprise. For example, in 1974, several cars in basic configuration, that is, without traction chains, winches and other things, they were able to climb one of the Elbrus glaciers, to a height of 4.2 kilometers.

In 1985, an army SUV from the Ulyanovsk Automobile Plant began to be produced under the name UAZ-3151.

The history of the UAZ-469 ends at the beginning of the 21st century. In 2010, a limited batch of UAZ-315196 is produced, which has a power steering, spring suspension, disc front brakes, a 112-horsepower engine, Timken split axles. And already in 2011 this model disappears from the market due to the fact that the specified batch of 5000 cars is completely sold out. UAZ, in terms of army vehicles, begins to specialize in the Hunter Classic model.

Model 469 Specifications

The UAZ-469 model has a five-seater open body. In fact, it is a convertible. A soft tarpaulin awning is used as a roof, and 4 side doors have glazed extensions. Fifth backdoor used for loading luggage. In addition, there are folding seats in the rear compartment of the car, which can accommodate two more passengers. The windshield folds back onto the bonnet. Here you can remember the American "Willys", which, as well, can be folded back on the hood, in order to increase the camouflage of the car on the ground.

The frame of the model is very strong, not subject to twisting. Engine 4-cylinder 2.5 liter, capable of delivering 75 power Horse power, runs on gasoline. The clutch is single-plate. Gearbox - mechanical, 4-speed. There is a 2-step transfer case.

Since the car is designed for the army, 2 fuel tank, with a volume of 39 liters each. If we take into account that the fuel consumption, on average, is 16 liters per 100 kilometers, then we can conclude that the manufacturer does not provide such a large fuel reserve. However, when carrying 7 passengers, the car can take on board 100 kilograms of luggage. That is, a few more cans will fit well. UAZ-469 can "drag along" a trailer weighing 850 kilograms.

Tests of UAZ 469

The ground clearance of the military model is 300 millimeters. To create such a clearance, the following was developed and implemented:

  • double final drive on driving axles. The crankcase is wide, but the vertical dimension is reduced.
  • reduction final drives.

The front axle hubs in this car model can be disabled to reduce fuel consumption if the car is driving on a good road. However, the decrease in consumption was insignificant, and to disconnect the hubs, it was necessary to perform several, albeit simple, but time-consuming manipulations.

By 1982, the car's power had increased by 2 horsepower, thanks to the installation of a new engine.


In 1985, the model 469 was modernized, new car was named UAZ-3151.

The changes affected most components and assemblies. The clutch got hydraulic drive disconnection. V cardan shafts radial-mechanical bearing seals appeared. Lighting devices have been improved and supplemented. Washer drive became electric windshield received. In addition, the following equipment appeared in the car:

  • two suspended pedals - clutch and brakes;
  • dual-circuit brakes;
  • safe steering column;

Engine power began to be 80 horsepower, which increased maximum speed up to 120 kilometers per hour.

Model modifications

In addition to those mentioned, there were other modifications of the domestic military UAZ off-road vehicles.

UAZ-469BI with shielded equipment and radio station. UAZ-469BG (UAZ-3152) - was used for military medical needs. UAZ-469РРХ - radio-chemical reconnaissance vehicle.

There were also non-serial modifications. For example, the UAZ-3907 Jaguar is an amphibious vehicle with installed propellers. The export version of the UAZ - Martorelli, which was installed, including diesel engines from Fiat and Peugeot.


It is no secret that the Soviet auto industry, for its time, was at a very high level. And when it came to military development, here the factories of the Soviet Union were unsurpassed leaders.

So, the UAZ-469 model set a world record, indirectly confirming the high level of the car:

32 people with a total weight of 1.9 tons were able to fit into the UAZ-469. This event is included in the Guinness Book of Records. Before that in the car Kia Spectra managed to accommodate 23 people.

  1. Among the people, the UAZ-469 and its followers were nicknamed Kozlik and Bobik.
  2. In China, without cooperating with the USSR, they developed and released the Beijing car, which combines undercarriage GAZ-69 and the body of the UAZ-469.

There are many questions to which there is no definite answer. Who is faster in Formula 1 - Mercedes or Ferrari, which car is better in cross-country ability - UAZ or Niva, which bridges on the Oise are better - military or civil. The list of such questions can be continued and continued, each of the opinions will have their opponents and supporters, each of them has arguments, and not unfounded ones, in support of their point of view. In this article, we will identify all the advantages of installing military bridges on the Oise, compare them with collective farm bridges and consider the price tags.

Background on bridges

The truth, as always, lies in the details, and they can be interpreted in different ways. The famous all-terrain vehicle GAZ 69 honestly served for many years, but the veterans sooner or later retire. So, it's time to prepare a shift for him. The development team of the Ulyanovsk Automobile Plant had to solve the problem. It was not enough to call the task facing them difficult, but in any case it was necessary to solve it.

The problem was the conflicting and sometimes mutually exclusive requirements of the main customer - the Ministry of Defense. The military needed a lightweight, dynamic vehicle with excellent cross-country ability, capable of moving along with a tank column, but cheap, simple and technologically advanced. At the same time, the national economy required its own car, only slightly inferior to the requirements of the military, which is not surprising, given the directions existing in the country instead of roads.

The solution was found, and I must admit - elegant and beautiful. Two types of bridges were created:

Civilians, they are also called, ordinary or collective farm;
-military, or in other words, gear, portal, warriors.

What's the difference?

In conventional or collective farm bridges, the torque through the differential and the axle shafts goes directly to the wheel hubs. But the warriors have an additional crankcase between the axle shaft and the hub, where the final drive is located.

The advantages of this solution are:

The clearance increased by eight (according to some sources six) centimeters in relation to conventional bridges;
-increased torque when driving through mud at low revs;
-high reliability due to the even distribution between the final drive and the main pair of the resulting load.

Since we have touched upon the merits of the warriors, it must be said about the collective farmers:

Less weight, resulting in a more comfortable ride;
-easy and cheaper repair, less costs (financial and labor) for maintenance;
- it is possible to install serial self-locking differentials;
-reduced noise level;
-lower gasoline consumption;
-reduced noise level when driving;
-the best vehicle handling.

Do we really need military bridges or will there be enough collective farms for the eyes?

The question is purely rhetorical. Anyone who drives in the city will never choose a UAZ. This car is so specific that we must talk about such a concept as an uazomobile. Its purpose is to move through impassable places and as part of a column, even a tank one, so in some capacities it must be considered almost equal to a tank. Therefore, it is necessary to look at such a car from this point of view. Although you can go to the store on a tank.

But seriously speaking, it is not in vain that military bridges have appeared. They are indispensable in a particular situation - driving on a broken track and in the mud. In such conditions, any additional ground clearance can help avoid warm-up with a shovel and jack, but its absence will make this procedure inevitable. The warriors look like this:

In addition, do not forget about the increased torque on the wheels, which can sometimes also be of significant help in off-road conditions. True, all this is by no means free of charge. Without touching on the increased cost of military bridges, here, as they say, finding an acceptable option at a price is quite possible, it is necessary to touch on other issues.

The installation of warriors leads to an increased consumption of gasoline, although not fatal - by a liter and a half. Well, and additional service costs. Although for a real jeep, this cannot serve as an objective reason for refusing an extra chance to drive where others have stopped. Therefore, it is quite permissible to argue whether military bridges are good or bad, you can recommend using self-blocks instead, you can look for other reasons to do without them, but no one will dispute the fact of increased ground clearance and increased torque.

I think this video will convince many that the gear axles rule (although the VL-30 rubber is also a beast):

And of course the speed - it will drop noticeably, it will be difficult to drive on the highway over 90 km / h. But the UAZ is not for racing and is intended)) Its task is to deliver its owner with friends to the coolest fishing and hunting places, because, as you know, where there are no people at all, there is just a paradise for fishermen, hunters and mushroom pickers. You yourself understand that only prepared cars and military bridges on the Oise will be able to get there, making it even more adapted to conquering off-road. After all, it is not for nothing that you can often see ads like "I will buy an Oise on military bridges." Because the UAZka is really steeper on them and this is a fact.

And this alone is enough to get an extra chance to emerge victorious from that confrontation between the car and the skill of the driver with off-road, which can be understood by a real jeep, who at least once experienced the sensations that arise after passing the road, in comparison with which the tank training ground will look like a Formula 1 track.

Military axles on the UAZ differ from the usual ones by the use of additional final drives, which make it possible to increase the amount of torque supplied to the wheels. Their use allows you to give the car additional opportunities when going off-road, for which they are deservedly popular with jeepers.

How much is this pleasure worth?

The price tag, to put it mildly, is very serious - if we take the new, produced by "Bars" (excellent, by the way, bridges Russian production), then buying a complete new kit (front and back) will cost 140,000 rubles. Plus, the installation will result in a decent amount. They differ from the usual ones in a wider track (1600mm), as well as in that front axle they go under the springs. As people note, it will be more comfortable to ride on such bridges.

Therefore, it is better to immediately look for a car on the warriors, since there are more than enough ads on Avito. There you can also find just bridges for 30-50k rubles, here you really need to look at the condition, you can take a cheaper one, in excellent condition from conservation, or you can get more expensive, rusty ones. All the same, during installation, they will need to be configured, sorted out. For work - for the installation of 1 bridge, the price tag is 5-7 thousand rubles.

A machine with wheel gears or an ordinary "goat"?

When developing the terms of reference for the UAZ-469, the military demanded an independent suspension and wheel gears. Such a machine would be very complex. I had to stop at the dependent leaf spring suspension - simple and reliable. All all-terrain vehicles were going to be equipped with gear bridges, and the bridges were supposed to be mastered before the car itself. Alas, the first batch of new UAZs appeared at the end of 1972 with modernized GAZ-69 bridges. This modification received the designation UAZ-469B (in civilian life - UAZ-31512) and became the main one. The diseases that had passed from the old structure manifested themselves here in full - the mileage before repair was about 70 thousand km. But in order to achieve even this result, the condition of the bridge and gearbox had to be regularly monitored. The gear ratio of these bridges was 5.125.

Only in the late 80s did a modernized main pair appear with gear ratio 4.625. The gear teeth have become "more impressive". Tests at the auto-range confirm that now the resource of "non-gear" bridges is not less than 200 thousand km.

Model UAZ-469 (now 3151) with onboard gears internal gearing went off the assembly line in 1973. (Because of design features axle and kinematics of the steering drive and front suspension on the UAZ truck family, they have never been used.) There are no locks and other "miracles" in the transmission.

At first he went only to the army. Unloaded, thanks to wheel reduction gears, the main gear, a fourfold safety margin (the large-module teeth cutting is striking) made it possible to bring the mileage up to 300 thousand km. The gear ratio of the main pair is 5.38. Today, such a complete set is available to everyone.

What other advantages does a "UAZ" with final drives have? The increased ground clearance (from 220 to 300 mm) provides even higher flotation, especially on hard ruts and rocky ground. Good traction and dynamic qualities allow towing a trailer (or an implement), to overcome inclines with a steepness of 60%.
Axles with wheel reducers increase not only the ground clearance, but also the overall height of the vehicle by 55 mm, as well as the angles of entry and exit. The track of the gear axles is 8 mm wider.

However, on normal roads, a vehicle with reducer axles more gluttonous (control fuel consumption at a speed of 90 km / h is 17.2 liters for the UAZ-3151, on average a liter more than that of "31512"). At a speed of 110 km / h, the engine of a car with conventional axles develops 3680 rpm, with geared axles - 4270 rpm. This is too much for the engine, and noise and vibrations increase in the car. Reducer axles (front weight - 145 kg, rear - 125) are heavier than usual (122 and 100 kg, respectively). Almost half a centner of extra unsprung masses - agree, a lot. With a geared front axle, the distance from the pivot axis to the wheel is almost twice as compared to a conventional axle, and the loads on the steering parts are higher.

One might get the impression that gear bridges are only suitable for the military, for whom "the war will write off everything." It turns out that this is not the case. Cars with final drives are in steady "civilian" demand. Moreover, when a spring-loaded front suspension appeared on UAZs - and it "does not fit" with the gear axle, the plant was literally bombarded with reproaches. On the Bars model (ZR, 1998, No. 12), it was possible to combine the gear front axle with a spring suspension by widening the track.

So what should you choose? For many, a more difficult-to-maintain design may not pay off. For those who, regardless of the expense, subject their car to extreme loads, geared axles are an interesting alternative.

Traveling on UAZ off-road vehicles have long been popular. And for good reason! Such trips allow you to independently choose the route, travel speed and stop times, and also significantly save the family budget.

Ulyanovsk cars have a lot of advantages over their competitors, among which are:

  • Roominess. All UAZ SUVs have roomy interior and a trunk in which you can successfully place everything you need.
  • Possibility self repair and ease of purchasing parts. When traveling across Russia, you will always find a store that sells spare parts for repairing your vehicle... Any auto repair shop will be happy to meet you, and the repair of your combat UAZ will not keep you waiting long.
  • Passability. UAZ SUVs are famous for their cross-country ability, which becomes even greater when replaced collective farm bridge on military bridge(the spicer can be replaced with gear axles from UAZ Bars).

Travel to Altai by UAZ with gear bridges, Ukok

Benefits of a military bridge for long journeys

Among the advantages of SUVs with are:

  • Increased ground clearance. It makes the car more passable, pits and bumps become less terrible for it.
  • Passability. The SUV easily overcomes obstacles, any angles become "on the shoulder". Even if one wheel enters the pit with one wheel, the car will not have any problems with leaving.

Preparatory moments for UAZ

Do not forget to undergo technical inspection of the vehicle before driving. Professionals will be able to determine weak spots and fix the flaws. If you wish, you can fix the damage yourself.

For long trip be sure to prepare an emergency kit, possible spare parts (a set of parts for replacing a wheel bearing and a fungus, it is advisable to take reinforced fungi).

Technical preparation of the UAZ vehicle

To travel by car with military bridges, you should think in advance about the possible difficulties of the route and overcoming off-road. It is better to prepare for such surprises in advance.

For a relaxing journey, you should pay attention to such details as:

  1. Bumper... Decide what will be best for you: the installation that protects the regular bumper. Most UAZ vehicles are equipped with plastic bumpers as standard. They are very fragile and can be damaged by a minor collision. It can be a small scratch or a large crack or chip. Replacing the standard version with a strengthened model will save you from such problems, but will make the car heavier and reduce its maneuverability.
  2. Wheels... When the factory model SUV is sold, they are equipped with wheels of 31 diameters, this size is only suitable for driving on city roads, and appearance he does not paint the car at all. For driving on difficult tracks and the possibility of crossing water obstacles, you should pay attention to the wheel diameter slightly larger (36-38).
  3. Snorkel... Such a device will make it safe to overcome deep water obstacles. It protects the vehicle engine from water and dirt ingress. The air intake is a pipe that runs along the body of the vehicle to the top of its windshield.
  4. Suspension... If you need to overcome serious obstacles, it is recommended to pay attention to the suspension. By strengthening the rear, you will increase the off-road vehicle's cargo handling capabilities. You can additionally install springs and replace the shock absorbers with reinforced models.
  5. Differential lock... Traveling over rough terrain in an SUV, you sometimes have to overcome difficult obstacles. To facilitate this process, you can additionally install on rear axle blocking differential automatic switching on, and to the front - independent (forced blocking). This will increase your chances of climbing a steep incline and handle one wheel spin.
  6. Additional lighting chandelier... Night trips, as well as stops in the forest, require good lighting. But at the same time, do not forget to calculate the power of the generator with the capacity of the battery.
  7. Winch will help out when falling into a pit or bog. You can choose both a model with an iron cable and a fabric one (synthetic, Kevlar). Synthetics, of course, are much better, lighter.
  8. Roof rack and ladder will increase the capacity of the car, as well as make it possible to transport bulky goods (boats, bicycles, spare wheel). A pleasant bonus will be the ability to install an awning near the car to relax in the shade.

Possible changes to the UAZ interior

For a long journey by car with a military bridge, more than just refinement is required appearance vehicle, it is worth paying attention to, making it more comfortable for travel, given the not very high speed on the tracks. A more comfortable ride will be made by changing the following details:

  1. Tinted glass will make long-distance travel much more pleasant.
  2. If you are planning a trip to an area with a harsh cold climate, then you should take care of installing an additional heater.
  3. The navigator will facilitate the trip and take over all the duties of the navigator.
  4. Sleeping place. If you plan to spend the night in the car, then don't forget.

Instead of an afterword

Thus, a trip by an SUV can become much more pleasant and comfortable if you approach the issue of tuning a UAZ car thoughtfully and seriously. Even small improvements can save you a lot of problems. The entire range presented is available in the online store SpetsTuningUAZ.rf


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