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Rules for the provision of hotel services in the Russian Federation
Approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 25, 1997 No. 490 (as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated October 2, 1999 No. 1104)

I. General provisions

1. These Rules have been developed in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” (Gazette of the Congress of People's Deputies of the Russian Federation and the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation, 1992, No. 15, Art. 766; Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1996, No. 3, Art. . 140) and regulate relations in the field of providing hotel services (hereinafter referred to as services).

2. The basic concepts used in these Rules mean:

    "hotel"- property complex (building, part of a building, equipment and other property) intended for the provision of services;
    "consumer"- a citizen who intends to order or orders and uses services exclusively for personal (household) needs;
    "executor"- an organization, regardless of its form of ownership, as well as an individual entrepreneur, providing services to consumers under a paid contract.

II. Information about services, procedures for registering a hotel stay and paying for services

3. The Contractor is obliged to bring to the attention of the consumer his company name (title), location (legal address) and operating hours. The contractor places the specified information on the sign.
The contractor - an individual entrepreneur must provide the consumer with information about his state registration and the name of the body that registered him.

4. The Contractor is obliged to promptly provide the consumer with the necessary and reliable information about the services, ensuring the possibility of their correct choice.
The information is placed in the room intended for registration of residence, in a place convenient for viewing and must include:

  • these Rules;
  • information about the performer and his contact phone number;
  • certificate of assignment to the hotel of the appropriate category, if the category was assigned;
  • information about confirmation of compliance of services with established requirements (number of the certificate of conformity, its validity period, the body that issued it, or the registration number of the declaration of conformity, its validity period, the name of the contractor who accepted the declaration and the body that registered it); (as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated October 2, 1999 N 1104) (see text in the previous edition)
    information about the license number, its validity period, and the authority that issued the license, if this type of activity is subject to licensing;
  • extracts from the state standard establishing requirements in the field of service provision;
  • price of rooms (places in the room);
  • list of services included in the price of the room (places in the room);
  • list and price of additional services provided for an additional fee;
  • information about the form and procedure for payment for services;
  • maximum period of stay in a hotel, if it is established by the contractor;
  • a list of categories of persons entitled to receive benefits, as well as a list of benefits provided for the provision of services in accordance with laws and other regulations;
  • procedure for staying at the hotel;
  • information about the operation of public catering, trade, communications, consumer services, etc. enterprises located in the hotel;
  • information about the consumer rights protection body at the local administration, if such a body exists;
  • information about the parent organization.
The Contractor is obliged to ensure that each room contains information about the rules of accommodation in the hotel, fire safety rules and rules for the use of electrical appliances.
This information must be brought to the attention of consumers in Russian and additionally, at the discretion of the contractor, in the state languages ​​of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and the native languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation.
5. The Contractor is obliged to ensure the provision of benefits when providing services to those categories of citizens for whom such benefits are provided for by laws and other regulatory legal acts.

6. The Contractor has the right to enter into an agreement for the reservation of places in a hotel by drawing up a document signed by both parties, as well as by accepting an application for reservation through postal, telephone and other communications that make it possible to reliably establish that the application comes from the consumer.
If the consumer is late, in addition to the reservation fee, he is also charged for the actual downtime of the room (space in the room), but not more than one day. If you are late by more than a day, the reservation will be cancelled. If the consumer refuses to pay for the reservation, his/her accommodation at the hotel is made on a first-come, first-served basis.

7. The contractor - a commercial organization is obliged to conclude an agreement with the consumer for the provision of services, except in cases where there is no possibility of providing services, including if the constituent documents of the contractor or a civil contract concluded with him provide for the obligation of the contractor in a certain order to provide services to the relevant categories of persons.

8. An agreement for the provision of services is concluded upon presentation by the consumer of a passport or military ID, identity card, or other document drawn up in the prescribed manner and confirming the identity of the consumer.
When registering a stay in a hotel, the contractor issues a receipt (coupon) or other document confirming the conclusion of an agreement for the provision of services, which must contain:

  • name of the performer (for individual entrepreneurs - last name, first name, patronymic, information about state registration);
  • last name, first name, patronymic of the consumer;
  • information about the room provided (place in the room);
  • price of the room (places in the room);
  • other necessary data at the discretion of the contractor.
9. The Contractor has the right to set a maximum period of stay in a hotel, the same for all consumers.

10. The Contractor must provide round-the-clock registration of consumers arriving at and departing from the hotel.

11. The Contractor does not have the right to provide additional services provided for a fee without the consent of the consumer. The consumer has the right to refuse to pay for services not provided for in the contract.
It is prohibited to condition the performance of some services on the mandatory provision of other services.

12. The price of the room (place in the room), as well as the procedure and form of payment are established by the contractor.
The contractor may set a daily or hourly rate for accommodation.
The Contractor determines the list of services that are included in the price of the room (place in the room).

13. Payment for hotel accommodation is charged in accordance with a single checkout time - from 12 noon of the current day, local time.
When placing before check-out time (from 0 to 12 o'clock) no fee is charged.
In case of delay in the consumer's departure, the accommodation fee will be charged in the following order:

    no more than 6 hours after checkout time - hourly payment;
    from 6 to 12 hours after checkout time - payment for half a day;
    from 12 to 24 hours after checkout time - payment for a full day (if there is no hourly payment).

When staying no more than a day (24 hours), the fee is charged per day, regardless of the check-out time.
The Contractor, taking into account local conditions, has the right to change the single checkout hour.

III. Procedure for providing services

14.The quality of the services provided must comply with the terms of the contract, and in the absence or incompleteness of the terms of the contract - with the requirements usually imposed on these services.
If regulatory legal acts provide for mandatory requirements for services, the quality of the services provided must meet these requirements.
The material and technical support of the hotel, the list and quality of services provided must meet the requirements of the category assigned to it.

15. The Contractor is obliged to provide the consumer without additional payment with the following types of services:

  • calling an ambulance;
  • using a first aid kit;
  • delivery to the correspondence number upon receipt;
  • wake-up at a certain time;
  • provision of boiling water, needles, threads, one set of dishes and cutlery.
16. The procedure for staying at the hotel is established by the contractor.

17. The contractor, in accordance with Article 925 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, is responsible for the safety of the consumer’s belongings.
If forgotten items are discovered, the contractor is obliged to immediately notify the owner of the items. If the person who has the right to demand a forgotten item or his place of stay is unknown, the executor is obliged to report the find to the police or local government body.

18. In catering, communications and consumer services organizations located in a hotel, persons staying in the hotel are served out of turn.

19. The consumer is obliged to comply with the rules of residence and fire safety rules established by the contractor.

20. The consumer has the right to refuse to fulfill the contract for the provision of services, as well as additional services, subject to payment to the contractor for the expenses actually incurred by him.

IV. Responsibility of the contractor and the consumer for the provision of services

21. When discovering deficiencies in the service provided, the consumer has the right, at his own discretion, to demand:

    free elimination of deficiencies;
    a corresponding reduction in the price for the service provided.

The consumer has the right to terminate the contract for the provision of services and demand full compensation for losses if the contractor does not eliminate these shortcomings within the prescribed period.
The consumer also has the right to terminate the contract if he discovers significant deficiencies in the service provided or other deviations from the terms of the contract.
The Contractor must eliminate the shortcomings of the service provided within an hour from the moment the consumer submits the corresponding demand.
Consumer demands for a reduction in the price of the service provided, as well as for compensation for losses caused by termination of the contract for the provision of services, must be satisfied within 10 days from the date of presentation of the corresponding demand.
The consumer also has the right to demand full compensation for losses caused to him in connection with the lack of services provided. Losses are compensated within the time limits established to satisfy the relevant consumer requirements.

22. For violation of the deadlines for satisfying individual consumer requirements, the contractor pays the consumer for each hour (day, if the period is defined in days) of delay a penalty (penalty) in the amount of 3 percent of the daily price of the room (place in the room) or the price of an individual service, if it can be determined .

23. For violation of the deadlines for the commencement of the provision of services under an agreement for the reservation of places in a hotel, the contractor pays the consumer a penalty (penalty) in the amount of 3 percent of the daily price of the reserved places for each day of delay.

24. The Contractor, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, is responsible for damage caused to the life, health or property of the consumer due to deficiencies in the provision of services, and also compensates for moral damage caused to the consumer by violation of consumer rights.

25. In the event of a violation by the contractor of these Rules, the protection of consumer rights provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation is carried out in the manner established by the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”.

26. The consumer, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, compensates for damage in the event of loss or damage to hotel property, and is also responsible for other violations.

27. Control over compliance with these Rules is carried out by the State Antimonopoly Committee of the Russian Federation (its territorial bodies), other federal executive authorities (their territorial bodies) and sanitary and epidemiological supervision bodies within their competence.

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Agreement of accession

Moscow “___” ___________ 2016


This Agreement governs relations in the field of providing hotel services for individuals who intend to order or purchase, or who order, purchase and (or) use hotel services exclusively for personal and other household needs not related to business activities.

Hotel- Open joint-stock company “Hotel complex “Cosmos”, location 129366, Moscow, Mira Avenue, 150, certificate of entry into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities about a legal entity registered before July 1, 2002, issued on July 8, 2002 of the year by the Office of the Ministry of Taxes and Taxes of Russia for Moscow, OGRN: 1027700007037, INN: 7717016198. Certificate No. 7709-2018-014 of assignment to the THREE STARS category, registration number in the Federal List of the Russian Federation No. 550000513.

Guest– an individual, consumer of hotel services.

Parties– Hotel and Guest when jointly mentioned in the contract.

Information sheet– a document on the Guest’s accession to this Agreement as a whole, drawn up in the form of Appendix No. 1, which is an integral part of the Agreement, containing information about the hotel services provided to the Guest.

Hotel Services– a range of services for providing temporary accommodation, including related maintenance services provided by the Hotel, published on the Internet on the official website at: .


2.1. The Hotel undertakes to provide the Guest with temporary accommodation services on a paid basis, including related maintenance services, in the Cosmos hotel complex located at: Moscow, Mira Avenue, 150, and the Guest undertakes to pay for these services in accordance with the following procedure: and the terms established by this Agreement.

2.2. Information about the provided room, rate and period of stay is indicated in the Information Sheet, which is an integral part of this Agreement.

2.3. The Hotel provides services in accordance with the Rules for the provision of hotel services at OJSC GC Kosmos, in force at the time the Guest joins this Agreement (Appendix No. 2 to this Agreement), and in accordance with the Price Lists in force at the Hotel.

2.4. The hotel has the right to attract third parties to provide services (related to hotel services) or entrust the provision of services to third parties, while remaining responsible for the third parties directly providing the services.


The conclusion of the Agreement is carried out by the Guest joining this Agreement as a whole in accordance with Art. 428 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and occurs in the following order:

3.1. A guest who agrees to accede to all the provisions of the current version of this Agreement declares this to the Hotel by sending an application to the Reservation Department by telephone, fax or e-mail, or by directly contacting the Reception and Accommodation Department Desk of OJSC Kosmos Group of Companies.

The booking request must contain information about the services being ordered and contact information for feedback.

3.2. In case of a positive response, the Hotel provides the Guest/sends to the email address specified by the Guest in the reservation application an invoice for payment, and also informs about confirmation of the terms of provision of hotel services.

3.3. The information sheet is signed by the Guest upon arrival at the Hotel at the Reception Desk. The signing and provision by the Guest of the Information Sheet is confirmation of the fact of familiarization with this Agreement and acceptance of all its terms as a whole.

3.3. This Agreement is considered concluded from the moment of receipt of funds deposited by the Guest as payment for Hotel services to the bank account or to the Hotel cash desk and after the Parties have completed the Information Sheet.

3.4. The cost of services is considered agreed upon by the Parties if the Guest has paid the invoice issued by the Hotel.


4.1.Hotel is obliged to:

4.1.1. Timely provide the Guest with the necessary and reliable information about services, ensuring the possibility of their correct choice.

The parties agreed that the necessary and reliable information about the Hotel’s services is posted at the Front Desk of the Reception Department, in a convenient place for viewing, as well as on the website. By paying the invoices issued by the Hotel and issuing the Information Sheet, the Guest confirms that the Hotel has provided all necessary and reliable information about the services, familiarized itself with and agrees with the procedure, conditions, terms and prices for the provision of services by the Hotel.

4.1.2. Within 24 hours from the date of receipt of the Guest's request for accommodation, provide the Guest with a response with information about the ordered services (positive response) or refusal of accommodation, as well as an invoice for payment.

4.1.3. Provide services in accordance with the Rules for the provision of hotel services at OJSC “GK Kosmos” in the volume and terms specified in the Information Sheet.

4.2. The hotel has the right:

4.2.1 The hotel has the right to replace hotel services (including room numbers) while maintaining the class of services in the previously paid category or providing a higher class without additional payment.

4.2.2. The Hotel has the right to unilaterally make changes to information about services (name, description of duration, rules, prices, etc.) by posting changes on the official website of the Hotel. These changes do not apply to services already paid for by the Guest.

4.2.3. Not to provide services to the Guest if the Guest fails to make advance payment in full in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.

4.2.4. Refuse to register accommodation for persons who are allegedly in a state of alcohol or drug intoxication, as well as persons exhibiting inappropriate behavior (committing actions that run counter to generally accepted norms of morality and morality, may harm the Society or the individual, express a state of conflict).

4.2.5. Deny the Guest further accommodation in the Hotel in case of violation of the Rules for the provision of hotel services at OJSC "GK Kosmos" or late payment for the services provided.

4.2.6. The Hotel has the right to refuse to fulfill this Agreement and demand compensation for losses from the Guest if the Guest's violation of its obligations under this Agreement prevents its execution.

4.3.The guest is obliged to:

4.3.1. Timely and fully provide the information necessary for the provision of services, as well as assist the Hotel in eliminating obstacles to the proper execution of the Agreement.

4.3.2. Comply with the Rules for the provision of hotel services at OJSC "GC "Cosmos" and fire safety rules, Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated February 23, 2013 No. 15-FZ "On protecting the health of citizens from the effects of environmental tobacco smoke and the consequences of tobacco consumption."

4.3.3. Accept and pay for the services provided by the Hotel in full.

4.3.4. Pay for additional services provided by the Hotel in a timely manner.

4.3.5. Compensate for damage caused to the Hotel's property in the event of loss or damage to property.

4.4.The guest has the right:

4.4.1. Terminate this Agreement by reimbursing the Hotel for actual expenses incurred.

4.4.2. If any deficiencies are discovered in the service provided, you may choose to request:

Free elimination of deficiencies

A corresponding reduction in the price for the service provided.


5.1. Payment by the Guest for accommodation services and additional services provided by the Hotel is carried out in accordance with the Price Lists approved by the General Director, valid at the time of conclusion of the Agreement (Price Lists are posted at the Reception Department Desk and on the website).

5.2. The provision of accommodation services at the Hotel is carried out after the Guest has fully paid for all accommodation services for the entire period of stay or on the basis of an advance daily payment.

5.3. The payment procedure at the Hotel is carried out in accordance with the Rules for the provision of Hotel services at OJSC GC Kosmos.


6.1. The parties are responsible for non-fulfillment and/or improper fulfillment of obligations assumed under this Agreement in accordance with current legislation, the Rules for the provision of hotel services at OJSC GC Kosmos and this Agreement.

6.2. If it is impossible to fulfill this Agreement due to the fault of the Guest or his visitors, the services are subject to payment in full.

6.3. Fines under this Agreement are charged according to the current Price List of the Hotel without taking into account discounts and special prices (special offers).

6.4. If it is impossible to fulfill the Agreement due to circumstances for which neither party is responsible (force majeure circumstances), the Hotel does not return the money paid to the Guest.

6.5. The Consumer, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, compensates for damage in the event of loss or damage to the Hotel’s property, and is also responsible for other violations.

6.6. In case of violation by the Guest of clause 4.3.2. The Guest is obliged to pay the Hotel a fine in accordance with the current Price List for each violation, as well as reimburse expenses incurred by the Hotel.

6.7. If the Consumer is late for a guaranteed reservation, he will be charged for the actual downtime of the room, but not more than one day. If you are late by more than a day, the reservation will be cancelled. The Guest is jointly and severally liable for losses and other damage caused by the actions (inaction) of the Guest's visitors at the Hotel. In case of refusal of visitors to pay compensation for damage to property in the Hotel. The guest undertakes to pay the invoices issued to visitors. Including damage to property on the basis of an act of damage to property drawn up in the presence of the Guest.


7.1. All disputes and disagreements that may arise during the implementation of this Agreement or in connection with it will be resolved through negotiations between the Parties, taking into account the principles of good faith and mutual respect.

7.2. Claims are considered by the parties within 10 (ten) calendar days from the date of their receipt.

7.3. If disputes and disagreements cannot be resolved through negotiations, they are subject to resolution in court in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation. All disputes and disagreements under this Agreement or in connection with the execution of the Agreement, in which the Hotel acts as a defendant, are considered at the location of the Hotel.


8.1. This Agreement, the Rules for the provision of hotel services at OJSC GC Kosmos are official documents and are published on the Internet on the official website.

8.2. The Hotel has the right to change the Hotel services and the terms of this Agreement, the Rules for the provision of hotel services at OJSC "GK Kosmos" without prior approval from the Guest (except for cases of payment for the Hotel services), while ensuring the publication of the changed conditions on the Internet on the official website at address, such changes come into force from the moment of their publication, unless the effective date is additionally determined upon their publication.

8.3. The Guest has no right to transfer his obligations under this Agreement to third parties.

8.4. The rights and obligations of the Parties under this Agreement arise from the moment the Agreement is concluded.

8.5. The Parties hereby give legal force to the correspondence conducted by the parties under this Agreement. Such documents are considered to be drawn up in simple written form. All documents of the Parties under this Agreement transmitted via electronic or fax communications are recognized as having legal force. The risk of distortion of information during its transmission is borne by the Party sending the relevant information or documents.

8.6. In case of changes in contact details, details, passport and other information, the relevant Party is obliged to notify the other Party about these changes within 3 calendar days from the date of their occurrence.

8.7. Any notice, message or other information is considered transmitted on the day of its receipt by the addressee, while the notification, message will be considered received on the 7th day after sending also if their delivery turned out to be impossible due to the absence of the recipient at the specified address or address turned out to be non-existent.

8.8. In everything that is not provided for by the terms of this Agreement, the Parties are guided by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

Appendix No. 1

to the Treaty of Accession

Appendix No. 1

to the Treaty of Accession

for the provision of hotel services

at OJSC GC Kosmos

SAMPLE for the provision of hotel services

at OJSC GC Kosmos

from "__" ______________ 2016


Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich, Born 1964

Room number:

Ivanov Ivan

Room type:

Type of accommodation:

Identity document:

Arrival date:

01.01.2016 / 01.01.2016 12:10

St. Petersburg, st. Rosenshteina, 21-21

Date of departure:

Room rate:

Account number:

Print date:

01/01/16 12:10:35


Booking number/contract:

Name of the company:


Group code:


If you smoke in your room, you will be charged a restoration fee of RUB 3,000.00.

I am familiar with the Rules for the provision of hotel services at OJSC GC Kosmos, terms and conditions of accommodation, as well as fire safety rules.

I agree with the terms of the Agreement for the provision of hotel services by OJSC GC Kosmos.

I agree to the processing of my personal data.

I agree to receive information about special offers and Hotel news by

Recovery fee of 3000, 00 RUR will be charged to your bill for the smoking in the room.

I am familiar with the terms, conditions, hotel regulation and the fire safety instructions in “Hotel Cosmos”.

    From October 22 to October 25, 2019, the UWC Bizon company is organizing a forum on modern security technologies at the VDNKh exhibition center (pavilion No. 75).

    The staff of the Cosmos Hotel, understanding the complexity of agricultural activities, expresses deep respect and congratulates the agricultural and processing industry workers on their professional holiday.

The International Hotel Code was first published by the International Hotel Association 60 years ago. After that they were revised several times. However, given the development of international tourism over the past 20 years, it has become necessary to formulate them anew. the site provides one of the latest editions approved by the Council of the International Hotel Association.


The purpose of the International Hotel Rules is to codify generally accepted international trade practices governing hotel accommodation contract matters. They are designed to inform the guest and the hotel owner about their mutual rights and responsibilities.

These rules are in addition to the provisions provided in national laws on contractual relations. They apply when such legislation does not include specific provisions relating to the hotel accommodation contract.

Contracting parties

The person staying at the hotel is not necessarily a party to the contract; a hotel accommodation agreement may be concluded on his behalf by a third party. In these rules, the term “client” means an individual or legal entity who has entered into an agreement for hotel accommodation and is responsible for paying for this accommodation. The term "guest" means an individual who intends to stay or is staying in a hotel.


Article 1. Accommodation agreement

In accordance with the accommodation agreement, the hotel owner is obliged to provide the guest with accommodation and additional services.

It is assumed that the services provided are consistent with the usual services of the hotel depending on its category, including the use of the room and those amenities that are usually provided for the general needs of guests.

The client is responsible for paying the agreed price. The terms of the contract are determined by the category of the hotel, national legislation or instructions on the activities of the hotel (if any). International hotel rules and hotel internal regulations, which must be shown to the guest.

Article 2. Form of agreement

The agreement does not have any special form. It is considered concluded when one party accepts the terms proposed by the other party.

Article 3. Duration of the agreement

The contract can be concluded for a definite or indefinite period.

When a contract is concluded for an approximate period, the shortest period is considered agreed upon.

The accommodation agreement ends at 12.00 on the day following the day of the client’s arrival, unless the agreement stipulates and agrees on accommodation for longer than one day.

Any contract for an indefinite period is considered as a contract for one day. In this case, a declaration of termination of the contract, which ends at 12.00 the next day, must be made by one of the parties.

A statement made by the hotel on this matter to a guest shall be considered as a statement made to the customer.

Article 4. Execution of the contract

The hotel owner and the client are obliged to respect the terms of the contract.

Article 5. Non-fulfillment of the contract

If the contract is not fully or partially fulfilled, the guilty party is obliged to fully compensate the other party for all its losses. The injured party undertakes to take all necessary steps to reduce possible losses.

If the innkeeper cannot fulfill the contract, he must take steps to find other accommodation of equal or higher standard in the same area. All additional costs incurred in connection with this must be covered by the hotel owner. If he fails to provide this, he will be liable for compensation.

Article 6. Termination of the contract

Unless national law or national trade practice provides otherwise, no contract shall be construed to be complete until it has been fully performed unless mutually agreed upon by the parties.

Article 7. Payment The hotel may request full or partial prepayment.

If the hotel receives a certain amount of money from the client in the form of an advance, this should be considered an advance payment for the accommodation and additional services to be provided.

The hotel must refund any money paid in advance to the extent that the advance payment exceeds the amount required to be paid, unless it has been agreed in advance that the advance payment is non-refundable.

The invoice comes into force from the moment of its delivery.

The hotel is not obligated to accept checks, coupons, credit cards or other forms of non-cash payment unless otherwise specified.

Payments must be made in the appropriate national currency, unless otherwise agreed by the hotel.

Article 8. Breach of contract

Any serious or repeated breach of contractual obligations entitles the affected party to terminate the contract immediately, without prior notice.


Article 1. Responsibility of the hotel owner

The legal liability of the hotel owner is determined by national legislation.

If there are no corresponding provisions in national legislation, the provisions of the European Convention of December 17, 1962 should be adopted.

Liability for a guest's property is generally limited unless the hotel owner or his employees are clearly at fault.

The hotel's obligation to accept valuables for storage depends on the size and category of the hotel.

Liability for valuables can be reasonably limited if the guest was informed about it in a timely manner.

The hotel owner is not responsible for guests' cars and their contents.

Article 2. Responsibility of the guest/client The guest (client) is legally responsible to the hotel owner for any damage caused to persons, the building, decoration or equipment due to his established fault.

Article 3. Delay of the guest's property

The hotel, as a guarantee of payment of any amounts due to it, has the right to detain and subsequently sell at commercial value any property delivered by the guest to the hotel premises.

Article 4. Guest behavior The guest must behave in accordance with the customs and internal rules adopted at the hotel.

Serious or repeated violation of house rules entitles the hotel to terminate the contract immediately, without prior notice.

Article 5. Pets

If a guest wants to bring a pet with him to the hotel, he must first make sure that this is permitted by the internal regulations of the hotel.

Article 6. Occupancy and release of rooms

Unless otherwise agreed, guest's reserved room(s) must be ready by 2:00 p.m., and departing rooms must be vacated by noon.

Today, the hotel business is thriving not only abroad, but also in our homeland. Given this, it is only logical to consider this environment as a potential place of work. What vacancies are there? What are the responsibilities of working in hotels? And who do they take there anyway?

Who is needed at the hotel?

Each hotel is unique in its own way, and therefore it is quite difficult to talk about them in general terms. At the same time, their individuality is manifested not only in the interior or the sophistication of the rooms, but also in the kind of staff that works there. For example, if a small hotel can get by with an administrator and two cleaners, then a five-star hotel can have up to 50 specialists on staff.

And yet, despite all the variety of vacancies, among them there are those that are most in demand.

Hotel manager

The administrator is the first person after the manager or general manager. He is responsible for almost everything in the hotel: checking clients into rooms, organizing work schedules, purchasing necessary equipment, resolving conflicts, and so on. Frankly speaking, this is the most difficult job in a hotel, and therefore the highest paid.

The main problem is that getting a job as an administrator is quite difficult. Especially when it comes to large hotels or inns. Management understands that a poorly trained employee can make a mistake at any time, which will jeopardize their reputation. Therefore, they prefer to appoint only those specialists who have experience in the hotel business to the position of administrator.

In addition, this type of employee must have the following qualities:

  • Communication skills, since working in hotels involves continuous communication with clients.
  • Organizational skills, because most of the administrator’s responsibilities are related to setting and adjusting tasks for
  • Intelligence - you can’t go anywhere without it, since non-standard situations will constantly arise out of the blue.

Sometimes owners impose additional requirements on applicants for the position of administrator. For example, they may hire only people with higher education or weed out those candidates who have poor diction.


Most hotels have a reception area at the entrance - a separate area designed to meet guests. This is where clients first turn to book a room or find out the necessary information about the services of this establishment.

Most often in small hotels there is an administrator at the reception. But expensive hotels, on the contrary, prefer to hire separate staff for this position. This is due to the fact that their reception area allows many more visitors to pass through, which justifies the additional costs.

Working at a hotel reception does not require a higher education. However, in order to get this position, you must meet the following requirements:

  • Have excellent diction and manners.
  • Have a presentable appearance.
  • Know English at a conversational level (this is due to the fact that some hotel visitors may be foreigners).

Maid job in a hotel

Every hotel has its own maids. After all, it is these employees who are responsible for the cleanliness of the rooms, as well as their improvement. However, it should be understood that the responsibilities of a maid go far beyond being a simple cleaner.

In particular, the following tasks fall on her shoulders:

  • Maintaining order in the room: wet cleaning, dusting, changing bed linen, disinfecting the bathroom, and so on.
  • Checking the material base. The maid must inspect all furniture and objects in the room to ensure their integrity. The same goes for electrical appliances, showers, locks, and so on.
  • Control of some paid services. For example, so that the guest is not left without drinks, she should look into the minibar every day.

And this is just a small list of the responsibilities that work in a hotel entails. It should be noted that the management of such establishments can introduce their own services. Let's say some prestigious houses provide washing and ironing services. In this case, the maids enter the rooms every morning, collect specially left clothes, and in the evening, after thorough cleaning, return them back.


Any self-respecting hotel has several employees on its staff who are primarily responsible for meeting clients at the entrance to the building. They should greet visitors and open the door politely. If necessary, they are also obliged to answer all questions that arise or indicate the way to the reception.

In addition, working in a hotel can result in the following tasks for a doorman:

  • Assisting guests with loading and unloading luggage.
  • Call a taxi.
  • about attractions, places to walk, shopping, and so on.
  • Help with parking (in expensive hotels there is a separate category of employees for this).
  • Receiving letters, calls and documents from guests.

Who else is needed at the hotel?

Working in a hotel is multifaceted. Therefore, in addition to all the above positions, there are other, no less in demand specialties. Let's quickly go through them:

  1. Cooks. Most hotels offer their clients the opportunity to eat within the walls of their establishment. The cuisine here can be both banally ordinary (omelet, oatmeal and black coffee) and very sophisticated (French, Italian, oriental dishes). However, any of the options requires having your own chef and his assistants.
  2. Dry cleaning workers. Prestigious hotels prefer to use their own laundry, as it is much cheaper to run than using the services of other companies.
  3. Loaders. They are needed both to carry out routine hotel tasks (receiving linen, food, household chemicals) and to help guests (delivery of things to the room).
  4. Economists. The more prestigious the hotel, the greater its profit. Therefore, management often recruits an entire economic department: HR managers, marketers, PR specialists, accountants, and so on.
  5. Support staff. In order to get ahead of their competitors, hotels often introduce additional services into their services. Therefore, you should not be surprised that some of them recruit massage therapists, fitness trainers, experienced guides, translators, and so on into their staff.

Features of working in the hotel business

The main feature of this work is that each employee is responsible not only for himself, but also for the entire team as a whole. After all, any mistake leaves a dark stain on the reputation of the institution, thereby putting all its employees at risk.

In addition, working in hotels in Moscow, as, in principle, in any other large city, requires perfectionism. This is due to fierce competition, which allows only those establishments whose employees perform their duties to the best of their abilities to survive.

In general, a lot depends on the specific place of work. For example, in some hotels the staff is more than satisfied with the working conditions and salaries, while in others, on the contrary, no one stays for a long time. Therefore, experienced people advise thoroughly studying your future job before going there for an interview. For example, you can find reviews of employees who have already worked there on the Internet and check them. But, of course, if we are talking about a presentable expensive hotel, then the majority of reviews about such establishments are usually more than positive.

Another important point is knowledge of the English language. Now more and more employers indicate this point. Therefore, if you want to get a job in a prestigious hotel, then start learning a foreign language in advance.

The staff, structure of organization and management of a hotel depend on many factors. The main one, of course, is the size of the hotel and the number of visitors it serves. However, the peculiarities of the hotel business imply the presence of a number of positions and personnel that are required for any hotel. These usually include the hotel director or manager, administrator and maid.

With each of them, in accordance with the requirements of the law, an agreement is concluded to determine the rights and obligations of the employee and the employer, as well as working conditions and remuneration. All production features of a particular place of work and labor protection measures must also be taken into account.

In addition to the concluded contract, any employee in his activities must be guided by the internal rules and regulations developed by the hotel, as well as his own job description. These documents are drawn up on the basis of current legislation and the main goal of the hotel business - serving customers with high quality while ensuring the proper level of their safety.

In order to more accurately represent the structure of the hotel business organization, it is necessary to consider the job responsibilities of the main employees.

Responsibilities of a hotel administrator

As mentioned above, the responsibilities of a hotel administrator must be clearly stated in the relevant job description. The client's first impressions of the hotel are created by the administrator, so his work is extremely important. It consists, as a rule, of coordinating the work of personnel of various hotel services. The administrator is, in fact, a lower or middle manager in the management structure, which gives him the right to give instructions to hotel employees in order to increase the efficiency of their work in serving visitors.

Another important area of ​​work is communication with clients, which begins right upon check-in. It is the administrator who introduces arrivals to the basic rules of accommodation and internal regulations in force at the hotel. He also deals with the accommodation of guests, issuing and receiving keys to hotel rooms, receiving and delivering correspondence to the addressee, filling out the necessary documentation and making settlements with clients.

An equally important area of ​​activity is communicating with potential clients by phone, booking rooms and providing consulting services. The basic rules that must be followed are shown in the video:

Responsibilities of a Hotel Manager

The hotel manager is the senior manager of the management structure, which makes his work extremely important for the normal and efficient operation of the entire hotel. In large hotels, several managers often work at once, in addition to the manager, who are responsible, in accordance with their job descriptions, for individual areas of work.

To obtain the position of hotel manager, you need a higher professional education, knowledge of all the requirements of the current legislation regulating the hotel business, as well as the basic rules of its conduct, including organizational and financial issues.

The hotel manager manages all activities of the organization, financial, economic and business. The most important part of a hotel manager’s work is personnel management, which should be aimed, first of all, at improving the quality of service for hotel visitors. It is the manager who enters into contracts with employees and monitors their compliance with internal regulations and job description requirements.

The success of the entire hotel largely depends on the manager’s performance.

Responsibilities of a hotel maid

The level and quality of customer service depends not only on managers at various levels, but also, mainly, on the work of employees who communicate with visitors on a daily basis or provide them with various services - kitchen workers, maids, etc.

The maid is, as a rule, the only employee who regularly visits hotel rooms of guests. This makes her work extremely important in creating a positive image of the organization in the eyes of the guest.

The duties of a maid in accordance with the job description usually include:

  • daily cleaning of hotel rooms;
  • replacement of linen and sanitary supplies in accordance with the rules and regulations approved by the hotel;
  • stocking of minibars located in the rooms;
  • cleaning corridors and common areas on the way to the elevator or stairs;
  • checking the integrity of property and completeness of room equipment;
  • execution of instructions and orders of the administrator and hotel manager.

Despite the apparent simplicity of a housekeeper's job duties, their quality performance has a significant impact on the level of customer service throughout the hotel and, as a result, on the guest experience.


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