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Today in the country there are over 62 thousand families with three or more children - exactly like this, in accordance with Art. 62 of the Code of the Republic of Belarus on Marriage and Family, have the status of families with many children with all the numerous benefits that follow from this. Belarus relied on this “large” family model back in the early 2000s. As a result, the same number of third and subsequent children are born in a family as in the demographically very prosperous 1980. Out of a hundred babies, at least every eighth is not even the second baby for mom and dad. The trend is encouraging: today the cohort of people with many children is growing 42 percent more actively than eight years ago.

Benefits for large families in Belarus

Before applying for them, the family needs to confirm their status with a certificate. It is issued by local executive and administrative bodies, including to single-parent families with three or more children under 18 years of age to depend on and raise. Both citizens of the country and foreign citizens and stateless persons permanently residing on the territory of the Republic of Belarus.

Various benefits are provided - pensions, social, housing, which is why they are considered unprecedented in the CIS. Here are the main ones.

Pension benefits for families with many children

  • Women who have given birth to five or more children and raised them until the age of 8 are entitled to an old-age pension upon reaching 50 years of age, if their work experience is at least 15 years.
  • Women who have given birth to five or more children and raised them until the age of 16, with at least 10 years of work experience in agriculture directly in production (excluding childcare time), are entitled to a pension regardless of age.
  • Women who gave birth and raised 9 or more children and were awarded state awards of the USSR or the Republic of Belarus (Order of the Mother, Medal of Motherhood, Order of Maternal Glory, Order of Mother Heroine) receive a pension for special merits.

Tax benefits for families with many children

  1. The income of large families that are registered as needing improved housing conditions or were registered as of the date of concluding a loan agreement with the bank, in the form of financial support from the state in repaying debt on loans for the construction (reconstruction) or purchase of residential buildings, is exempt from personal income tax. premises.
  2. Parents of two or more children under the age of 18 are provided with a monthly standard tax deduction for each child.
  3. Buildings and structures, as well as parking spaces, owned by families with three or more minor children are exempt from real estate tax.
  4. Plots provided to one or more members of a large family are exempt from land tax.
  5. Mothers with many children do not pay state fees when performing notarial acts (for certifying the accuracy of copies of documents in cases of their award).
  6. Single tax rates are reduced for parents (adoptive parents) in large families with children under 18 years old - by 20 percent starting from the month following the month in which the right to the benefit arose, including the last day of the month in which such right was lost.

Construction for large families

Today, approximately 22 percent of the apartments being built are specifically housing for large families. In Minsk just last year, more than a thousand large families had the opportunity to find a new roof over their heads. There are not yet enough four-room apartments, so some are building several at once - one- and two-room apartments.

And yet, an important point must be taken into account, which has been stipulated by law since July 2013. The period during which it is prohibited to alienate residential premises built using a preferential loan has been increased to 5 years. It is also prohibited to provide such housing under a rental or lease agreement until the loan is fully repaid, unless there is permission from the relevant local executive and administrative bodies. Otherwise, it will be considered an administrative offense and is fraught with a fine in the amount of 4 to 30 basic units, and if this happens twice in a year - in the amount of 30 to 50 BV.

Loans for large families

They have an extraordinary right to receive preferential loans for construction (reconstruction) or purchase of residential premises, or to receive one-time subsidies. The maximum period for which such preferential loans are provided is 40 years (at 1 percent per annum). If a family has exercised this right or improved its living conditions with the help of a preferential loan as part of the parents’ family, then they can be included in the lists out of turn only if new grounds have arisen for registering those in need in connection with the birth, adoption, adoption of children.

The state helps large families pay off debt on soft loans after putting residential buildings into operation (purchasing residential premises) in the amount of:

* if there are three minor children - 75 percent;

* if there are four or more minor children - 100 percent.

Preferential housing for large families

The right to receive social housing from the state fund are large families registered as needing improved housing conditions, as well as mothers who have been awarded the title “Mother Heroine” or who have been awarded the Order of the Mother, the Order of Maternal Glory or the Medal of Motherhood. At the same time, the conditions are stipulated: the average monthly total income for each family member should not exceed the BPM on average per capita, calculated for the 12 months preceding the month of registration (and on the day of provision of residential premises), and the cost of the declared property is the size of the cost of a standard apartment consumer qualities.

Financial assistance to large families

  1. At the birth of twins - for one child of twins in the amount of 20 subsistence minimum budgets, for the other - 40 subsistence minimum budgets.

* Large families are not subject to a differentiated payment system for electricity and gas supply - with increasing coefficients and tariffs that ensure full reimbursement of economically justified costs for these services.

Social assistance to large families

  1. If there are three or more children in a family, nanny services are provided free of charge until the children are 3 years old.
  2. Families whose average per capita income is below the need criterion can count on targeted social assistance in the form of food for children in the first two years of life. However, when two or more children are born, such assistance is provided in any case.
  3. Fees for keeping children in kindergartens are reduced by half for families with three or more children under 18 years of age.
  4. Children from such families have the right to receive free additional education in all kinds of art schools.
  5. Fees for the use of textbooks and teaching aids for children from large families are reduced by 50 percent.
  6. Heads of universities, colleges, vocational schools and colleges have the right to provide discounts on tuition fees in the manner and amount determined by the Government to people from families with three or more minors.
  7. Free meals are also provided to students in institutions of general secondary education, special education at the level of general secondary education, as well as institutions of higher education when mastering the educational program of secondary education, if there are three or more children under the age of 18 in the family.
  8. A mother (father, guardian, trustee) raising three or more children under the age of 16 is given one additional day off from work per week with payment in the amount of average daily earnings.

We must not forget that in addition to the republican benefits there are regional preferences. For example, in Minsk an additional monthly social benefit is provided (1 BV for each child) to families in which triplets or more children were born until they turn 3 years old.

Helping large families prepare for school

By the school year, large families, where children are studying in institutions of general secondary and special education, receive one-time assistance - up to 30 percent of the BPM for each student. To do this, you need to leave a corresponding application at the school. Plus, every year in Minsk a charity event “First-Grader's Briefcase” is held, aimed primarily at large families. The goal is to prepare first-graders for school, for which purpose large stores have special baskets where anyone can put pens, pencils, pencil cases, rulers... This year, by September 1, more than 350 elementary school students were collected.


But how to raise so many children in a two-room apartment? Even if we have another child, I don’t understand how everyone will fit in a two-room apartment!

As an option, we were offered shared construction, but without government assistance. I don’t remember the exact amount per square meter.

But when we calculated whether we could pay that amount monthly, it turned out that we had to give my husband’s entire salary (he works for himself, renovating houses and apartments).

Five people live and eat only on child benefits? We decided to refuse.

Photo source: heroine archive

Now the apartment we live in belongs to me (my mother formalized the donation). In the future we plan to save up money, sell this apartment and buy a bigger one.

Anastasia ( The heroine does not reveal her last name):

We became a large family in 2013. Since 2014, we have been on the waiting list for those in need of improved housing conditions. By law, large families must be offered preferential housing construction for a year. But even after 3 years we still haven’t been offered anything.

We live with my husband’s parents, in my mother-in-law’s apartment. The total area of ​​the apartment is 62 sq. m. m., residential - about 47 sq.m.

7 people live in the apartment: my husband’s parents and our family. My husband and I are both remarried, our children from our first marriage are 8 years old, my husband adopted my son, I adopted his son. Our daughter is 4 years old, this is our common child. The five of us are huddled in one room (about 13 square meters.) In such conditions, it is impossible to receive a quality education (do homework) or simply live a normal life.

I work as a sales agent for meat products, my husband is a mosquito net collector. Income does not allow you to think about buying your own home.

Photo source:

When we repeatedly contacted the Administration of our district (in Minsk), we received answers of the following kind: “Why are you coming here?”, “Do you want to starve us out?”

One gets the impression that real assistance to large families in housing is provided only from the lips of officials during interviews in the media.

We recently wrote an appeal to the Minsk City Executive Committee and asked for an explanation of our situation. There is no answer yet, but we hope that this will somehow clarify the matter.

Alena Shcherbinskaya, mother of three children:

I have been living in Minsk for more than 11 years. The eldest son is 5 years old, the daughter is 3 years old and the second son is 7 months old. After my third child was born, I tried to find out whether our family had the right to some benefits that are so often talked about.

And I learned that we cannot apply for any government assistance either in Minsk or in the Minsk region. In Minsk, in order to get on the waiting list, you need permanent registration for at least 10 years. Although I have lived here for more than 11 years, 5 of them were registered in a university dormitory, which is not included in the total bill.

We tried to get on the waiting list in the Minsk region, where I worked for more than 5 years - this is a suitable condition for staging. Our family was put on the waiting list in August 2016.

Now, as a woman with many children, I am the first at my place of work. But this has absolutely no effect on the queue of the Minsk region. And even if we assume that I am offered participation in any construction, I do not have the right to benefits and subsidies. It turns out that by law you have the right to them only if you are in line for registration.

The situation is similar with my husband. He has been registered in Minsk for a little over 2 years, although he has been living for 8 years. Has nothing to do with the region.

We are ready to build an apartment or a house on our own plot using most of our own money, we are ready to move to the area from Minsk. All that remains is to find out whether anything is being built and how housing is distributed. This information is closed; the district executive committee reports that all available squares are distributed by the housing commission, which sits behind closed doors.

They didn’t give me any information about the houses being built at all. The construction of private houses is currently not financed - there is no money.

Photo source:

In total, in order to receive government assistance, which I am so often told about, I have 3 options.

1) Wait 4 years and register in Minsk. You won’t get an apartment in 4 years, but just get on the waiting list. How long and what to wait after the production is unclear.

2) Stand in line in the Minsk region and hope for manna from heaven, i.e. for state assistance.

3) Register in some other city and stand in line there. In this case, you need to pay for registration annually. For example, in Smolevichi we were told the amount was 700 dollars per year, in Fanipol - 400. I won’t say that I have the desire to pay for something that I’m not very sure of.

It turns out that none of these options suits us. Because our son is growing and by school time (in 2 years) we plan to improve our living conditions so that each family member is comfortable. All this can be done only on your own or with the help of commercial loans. Therefore, I don’t expect any help from the state and believe that benefits for families with many children are shouted about on TV more than they are actually “distributed.”

Interviewed by Diana Kalenik

How did you solve the housing problem?

And the main legislative act was Decree of the President of Belarus No. 240, signed on July 4, 2017, “On state support for citizens in the construction (reconstruction) of residential premises.”

In addition to the current system of preferential lending for housing construction, Decree No. 240 introduced a new type of state support for citizens in need of improved housing conditions - state targeted subsidies, informs

What are the subsidies used for?

They can be provided to pay part of the interest for using a loan for housing construction received by citizens from any commercial bank, and for large and young families and orphans - also to pay off part of the principal debt on such loans. Recipients of subsidies are mainly:

  • the same categories of citizens who had the right to receive state support in the form of preferential loans under Decree No. 13
  • prosecutors
  • low-income citizens carrying out construction (reconstruction) of residential premises in settlements in the south-eastern region of the Mogilev region

The maximum loan amount subject to subsidization is determined by the following formula...

The conditions for providing such state support will be:

  • order of receipt
  • classifying citizens as low-income

About the subsidy - in simple terms

Decree No. 240 deals with attracting loans from commercial banks and providing the necessary targeted financial support for their repayment.

As a result, a person receives not a preferential loan, but a very ordinary commercial loan and a subsidy for its repayment. This can be done in those banks that participate in the subsidy system, today there are 4 of them:

  • Bank Bel VEB
  • Belagroprombank
  • Belarusbank
  • Belinvestbank
  • BPS-Sberbank

Banks provide commercial loans for the construction (reconstruction) of housing on their own terms in force in each of them, the main ones of which are almost identical today:

  • loan term - 20 years
  • The loan rate is 13% per annum (or the refinancing rate + 3 percentage points).

Please note that when the refinancing rate changes (it has been falling in recent years), the loan rate will also change!!!

The subsidy is provided in non-cash form and is sent to the bank that issued the commercial loan to repay part of the interest or principal debt for the citizen.

Aid sizes

A subsidy for the payment of part of the interest is provided:

  • beneficiaries listed in Decree No. 13 “On some issues of providing citizens with state support during the construction (reconstruction) or acquisition of residential premises”
  • prosecutorial employees, citizens from among prosecutorial employees dismissed from service in the prosecutor's office due to age, health, due to a reduction in the number or staff of employees (in connection with organizational and staffing measures), who have at least 5 calendar years of service in the service prosecutor's office
Categories of citizens Amount of subsidy for payment of part of the interest on the loan
Out of turn
large families3 children under 23 years old - SR* + 2 p.p. / 4 or more minor children - SR + 3 p.p.
citizens who fell ill and suffered radiation sickness caused by the consequences of the Chernobyl disasterSR* — 2 p.p.
citizens whose families include disabled children, as well as disabled people of groups I and II since childhoodSR* — 2 p.p.
citizens living in residential premises declared unfit for habitationSR* — 2 p.p.
veterans of combat operations on the territory of other states, from those provided for in clauses 1 - 3 of the first part of Art. 3 of the Law “On Veterans”SR* — 2 p.p.
able-bodied adult family members of a deceased social housing tenant - during the validity of the tenancy agreementSR* — 2 p.p.
special laureates Foundation of the Head of State for the support of gifted pupils and studentsSR* — 2 p.p.
citizens dismissed from military service due to age, health status, reductionSR* — 2 p.p.
orphans and citizens who are tenants of social housing provided to them as orphans - during the validity of the rental agreementSR* + 2 p.p.
First come first served basis
military personnel and persons equivalent to themSR* — 2 p.p.
prosecutorsSR* — 2 p.p.
citizens entitled to priority receipt of social housingSR* — 2 p.p.
citizens who have been awarded scholarships from the Head of StateSR* — 2 p.p.
citizens living for at least 10 years in dormitories, in housing under a private housing lease agreementSR* — 2 p.p.
judgesSR* — 2 p.p.
citizens carrying out housing construction in settlements of up to 20 thousand people. and in satellite citiesSR* — 2 p.p.
citizens carrying out housing construction in the south-eastern region of the Mogilev regionSR* — 2 p.p.
young families with two minor childrenSR* — 2 p.p.

* SR - refinancing rate

And to put it in very simple language, in practice this is what will happen:

  • for large families with 3 children, the subsidy will cover 12% (refinancing rate 10% + 2 percentage points) of 13% per annum
  • For large families with 4 or more children, the subsidy will fully cover the payment of annual interest on the loan
  • for everyone else, the subsidy will cover 8% (refinancing rate 10% - 2 percentage points) out of 13% per annum

The transfer of the subsidy for the repayment of part of the interest will be made from the next month after the bank issues a loan for the construction (reconstruction) of housing on a monthly basis throughout the entire loan repayment period established by the loan agreement.

The right to receive a subsidy for the repayment of the principal debt together with a subsidy for the payment of part of the interest is granted:

  • large families with 3 or more minor children
  • to young low-income families at the birth (adoption) of the first and (or) second child after a decision has been made to provide a subsidy to pay part of the interest
  • orphans

At the same time, the subsidy for repayment of the principal debt is set at 95% for large families with 3 children, and 35% for orphans.

For large families with 4 or more children, monthly loan payments, both interest and principal, will be fully subsidized from the budget.

Young families upon the birth of children after a decision is made to provide a subsidy to pay part of the interest: 10% - at the birth of the first child; 20% - at the birth of a second child.

The amount of the subsidy will change as the composition of the family changes!

How to get support?

The issuance of a subsidy is possible only when there is a queue of people in need of improved housing conditions and classified as low-income.

Subsidies are provided for the construction of housing in economical multi-apartment and semi-detached residential buildings, the list of projects of which is approved by the Ministry of Construction and Architecture.

Decisions on the provision of subsidies are made by district, city executive and administrative bodies, and local administrations.

The order of your actions

1. Citizens entitled to receive targeted subsidies (subsidies) will be invited, in order of priority, to the executive committee, where they will be offered housing construction with such state support

2. If a citizen agrees to participate in the program, the executive committee directs him to build housing, and the citizen enters into a corresponding construction contract

3. After concluding a contract for housing construction, a citizen applies to the executive committee with an application and relevant documents to make a decision on providing him with a targeted subsidy. The Executive Committee, taking into account the composition of the family and the living space in the property, will determine the maximum loan amount to be subsidized for the family

4. With this decision, the person goes to the bank to conclude a loan agreement

5. The bank concludes a loan agreement and sends a copy of it to the executive committee. The Executive Committee, on the basis of information provided monthly by the bank, transfers to the bank that provided the loan a subsidy for the citizen to pay part of the interest on the loan, starting from the next month after the bank issued the loan (part of it), a subsidy for repaying the principal debt on the loan - starting from the month of the beginning repayment of the loan principal

What benefits is a large family entitled to?

First of all, it must be said that the large family-a family in which the dependent and upbringing is 3 or more children.

This status of a large family is confirmed certificate, which is issued by local executive and administrative bodies.

Sample see certificates of large families

Types of benefits, to which a large family is entitled:

  • family (maternity capital)
  • benefits for purchasing housing
  • weekly paid day off
  • benefits for raising and educating children
  • tax benefits
  • benefits for mothers of many children

Below we will tell you about all types of benefits in more detail. However, family (maternity) capital will not be considered, since there is a separate article about it on our website, so come and read.

Benefits for purchasing housing

A large family can receive loan or subsidy for the construction, reconstruction or purchase of housing.

You need to choose one thing: get a loan or a subsidy.

Who has the right to this?

The right to receive housing benefits is a family that simultaneously:

  • is a large family
  • is registered with those in need of improved housing conditions
  • within 12 months before applying for this benefit - has an income for each family member not exceeding the established minimum
  • owns property whose value does not exceed twice the maximum loan amount for this family (for the purchase of a loan) or owns property whose value does not exceed the cost of housing, calculated from 20 sq.m. for 1 family member at a cost of 1 square meter no more than the established standard (to receive a subsidy)

For what purposes are benefits given?

There is a certain list of housing to which you are entitled in case of large families

It is possible to build housing using benefits (loans or subsidies) if:

  • buying a home
  • construction of an apartment in an apartment building and a blocked residential building, the design documentation for the construction of which was approved before June 1, 2013
  • construction of an apartment in an economical multi-apartment and semi-detached residential building of standard consumer qualities
  • construction or reconstruction of a single-family residential building
  • housing reconstruction

Amount of benefits


The loan is issued in the amount 100% the cost of purchasing or constructing housing, for a period of up to 40 years and at an interest rate 1% per annum.

However, this takes into account simultaneously:

  • 20 square meters of total area are credited for 1 family member
  • the cost of 1 square meter of housing should not exceed established standards
  • if one of the family members owns housing, then the total area of ​​​​such housing is deducted from the loan amount

For example, if a large family of 6 people has an apartment with an area of ​​64 square meters, then it can receive a loan for:

(20 sq.m. * 6 people in a family) -64 sq.m. your apartment = 56 square meters

In total, it turns out that a family can count on a loan for an apartment with an area of ​​up to 56 square meters inclusive, based on the example.


The amount of the subsidy does not exceed 70% cost of housing based on 20 square meters of total area on 1 family member.

In this case taken into account:

  • average monthly total family income
  • size of housing quotas for family members

Where to apply and what are the processing times?

To receive the above benefits, you must submit an application to the local executive and administrative body at the place of registration of those in need of improved housing conditions. If you are registered at your place of work or service, you need to contact the executive committee at the location of your organization.

The processing time for a loan application is 15 days, however, if it is necessary to request documents from other bodies, including government agencies, then the review period may be extended up to 1 month.

The period for consideration of an application for a subsidy is 1 month.

If you choose a subsidy as a benefit, keep in mind that it does not cover the entire cost of housing and therefore you will need to confirm the availability of funds to pay the remaining amount

Right to a weekly paid day off for parents

Parents with many children are given the right to 1 paid free day per week (with payment of average daily earnings), subject to education three and more children aged up to 16 years old.

Conditions for providing this benefit:

  • the parent must be busy at work with a 5 (6) day work week, and the working hours must be at least 40 hours
  • the other (second) parent must be employed in accordance with the Law “On Employment of the Population of the Republic of Belarus” or have limited ability to work.

This right can be exercised by either the mother or the father, or this benefit can be divided between them at their discretion.

The parent himself chooses and agrees with the employer on a specific day, instead of which a day off will be provided.

To get an extra day off necessary documentation:

  • a statement indicating the preferred day off
  • birth certificate of the child(ren)
  • certificate of residence and family composition

If the family is single-parent, then it is necessary to provide documents confirming the category of single-parent family

Benefits for children

With simultaneous birth two or more children, a family that has become large has the right to free help nanny in child care, not exceeding 40 hours per week until children reach age 3 years. There is also the right to receive food for the first children 2 years life.

In addition, if three or more children are born at the same time, families from Minsk have the right to allowance for each child in the amount 1 basic value (25.5 rubles)


In kindergarten there is a discount to reduce food fees by 50% .

For this necessary:

  • application addressed to the head of the kindergarten
  • certificate of a large family
  • certificate of residence
  • certificate of family composition


Schoolchildren from large families have the right to:

  • free meals during the school year
  • payment of half the cost of using textbooks, as well as teaching aids
  • Receive a ticket to the camp 2 times a year
  • study for free at art schools
  • also, large families may not pay for their children’s education in art schools

To receive free food you need from 1 to 25 August write an application, submit to the school a certificate of a large family or a certificate of residence and family composition

University or college

Students receiving higher or secondary specialized education are provided with discount at the rate of 40% .

Discount available to students:

  • starting from September 1, 2 courses
  • if the score is not lower than 6 points in all subjects for the previous academic year
  • without academic debt

Also, if you receive unsatisfactory marks based on the results of the examination session or as a result of violation of internal labor regulations, discount may be canceled

Tax benefits

Large families have the following benefits:

  • land tax exemption
  • property tax exemption
  • Increased income tax deduction for children
  • reduction of the single tax rate by 20%, subject to entrepreneurial activity

However, this benefit for exemption from payment of land and real estate taxes does not apply, in the case when this property is used for business activities.

Benefits for mothers of many children

A woman can retire when she reaches age at 50 years old, when:

  • birth of 5 or more children
  • raising 4 of these children until the age of 8
  • have at least 15 years of work experience

Women have the right to retire in any age if:

  • gave birth to 5 or more children
  • raised these children until they were 16 years old
  • has work experience on collective farms, state farms and other agricultural enterprises in the production of agricultural products for at least 10 years

Women who gave birth and raised 5 or more children under the age of 1 year, if these children are alive, are awarded Order of the Mother.

Such a mother has the right to receive a cash payment in the amount of five subsistence level budgets.

When such a mother reaches the age at 55 years old- the mother has the right to an increase in pension for special merits. A mother with many children who receives a disability pension also has this right.

Today, more and more often, parents are thinking about having a second or third child. What benefits does a large family have?

Rights and guarantees

Currently, large families raising minor children are exempt from real estate tax and land tax (Tax Code of the Republic of Belarus (Special Part) (hereinafter referred to as OCNK), articles 186, 194). Single tax rates are reduced for payers-parents (adoptive parents) in large families by 20 percent starting from the month following the month in which the right to a benefit arose, including the last day of the month in which such a right was lost (OCNC, Article 297).

For parents with two or more children under the age of eighteen or disabled children under the age of eighteen, a standard tax deduction is provided in the amount of 52.00 Belarusian rubles for each child per month (Article 164 of the Tax Code).

Benefits in the field of education

For students from large families, the fee for using textbooks and teaching aids is reduced by 50 percent of the established fee for using the corresponding textbooks and teaching aids (Code of the Republic of Belarus on Education, Article 39).

Parents' payments for meals for children in institutions providing preschool education are reduced by 50 percent for families with three or more children under the age of 18 (Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated February 29, 2008 No. 307 “On the amount and procedure for collecting fees for meals for children receiving preschool education, special education at the preschool level").

The photo is for illustrative purposes only.

Free meals at the expense of the republican and (or) local budgets are provided to students of general secondary education institutions when mastering the content of educational programs of general secondary education from low-income families (families whose average per capita income, for objective reasons, is lower than the largest budget of the subsistence level on average per capita, approved by the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection for the last two quarters), from families with three or more children under the age of 18 (Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated February 21, 2005 No. 177 “On approval of the Regulations on the organization of meals for students receiving general secondary education , special education at the level of general secondary education").

Heads of state educational institutions have the right to provide discounts from the formed cost of education during the period of obtaining higher and secondary specialized education in the manner and amounts determined by the Government of the Republic of Belarus to students and students from families raising three or more minor children (Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated 28 February 2006 No. 126 “On some issues of obtaining higher and secondary specialized education on a paid basis”).

Labor guaranteeslegislation

A mother (stepmother) or father (stepfather), guardian (trustee) raising three or more children under the age of sixteen is given one additional day off from work per week with payment in the amount of average daily earnings (resolution of the Ministry of Labor and social protection of the Republic of Belarus dated June 11, 2014 No. 34 “On the procedure and conditions for providing additional days off from work”).

Women who have given birth to five or more children and raised them up to the age of 8 have the right to an old-age pension with a reduction in the generally established retirement age by 5 years (as well as women whose fifth child has not reached the age of 8 by this time) and with length of service work for at least 15 years (part one of Article 19 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus “On Pension Security”).

Women who have given birth to five or more children and raised them until the age of 16, with at least 10 years of work experience on collective farms, state farms and other agricultural enterprises directly in the production of agricultural products (without counting childcare time into work experience), have the right to a pension regardless of age (part two of Article 19 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus “On Pension Provision”).

On termination of employmentagreement

In accordance with Article 268 of the Labor Code of the Republic of Belarus (hereinafter referred to as the Labor Code), termination of an employment contract at the initiative of the employer with pregnant women, women with children under three years of age is not allowed, except in cases of liquidation of the organization, termination of the activities of a branch, representative office or other separate divisions of the organization located in another area, termination of the activities of an individual entrepreneur, as well as on the grounds provided for in paragraphs 4, 5, 7–9 of Article 42 and Article 47 of the Labor Code. It is also not allowed to terminate an employment contract at the initiative of the employer with single mothers who have children aged three to fourteen years (disabled children under eighteen years old), except in cases of liquidation of the organization, termination of the activities of a branch, representative office or other separate division of the organization located in another locality, termination of the activities of an individual entrepreneur, as well as on the grounds provided for in paragraphs 2, 4, 5, 7–9 of Article 42 and Article 47 of the Labor Code. However, the legislation does not prohibit termination of an employment contract for other reasons.

According to paragraph 6 of part one of Article 16, as well as Article 268 of the Labor Code, it is prohibited to unjustifiably refuse to conclude an employment contract with women for reasons related to pregnancy or the presence of children under the age of three, and for single mothers - with the presence of a child under the age of fourteen ( disabled child - up to eighteen years old). Other reasons may be grounds for refusal to hire on a general basis (lack of appropriate education, required work experience, experience in the specialty, etc.).

When refusing to conclude an employment contract for the specified categories of women, the employer is obliged to communicate the reasons in writing. Refusal to conclude an employment contract can be appealed in court.

State awards for large families

Women who gave birth and raised five or more children are awarded the Order of the Mother (Law of the Republic of Belarus “On State Awards of the Republic of Belarus” dated May 18, 2004 No. 288-3).


In accordance with Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated January 6, 2012 No. 13 “On some issues of providing citizens with state support during the construction (reconstruction) or acquisition of residential premises” (hereinafter referred to as Decree No. 13):

1.1. low-income citizens of the Republic of Belarus from large families who are registered as needing improved housing conditions have the right to receive preferential loans for the construction (reconstruction) or purchase of residential premises (subclause 1.1 of clause 1 of Decree No. 13);

1.2. large families have an extraordinary right to receive preferential loans (subclause 1.2 of clause 1 of Decree No. 13);

1.3. The maximum period for which preferential loans are provided for large families should not exceed 40 years. Interest for using preferential loans during their repayment period for large families is set at 1 percent per annum (subclause 1.4 of clause 1 of Decree No. 13);

1.4. for large families, the standards for the total cost of residential premises under construction (reconstruction) for determining the amount of a preferential loan are set at 20 square meters. meters per family member, and for citizens permanently residing and working in rural settlements and building (reconstructing) single-family or semi-detached residential buildings in them - 30 square meters. meters (subclause 1.5 of clause 1 of Decree No. 13);

1.5. the maximum amount of a preferential loan for the construction (reconstruction) of residential premises is determined by the standardized dimensions of the total area of ​​residential premises and should not exceed 100 percent for large families (subclause 1.4 of clause 1 of Decree No. 13);

1.6. preferential loans for the purchase of residential premises are provided for large families in an amount not exceeding 100 percent of the maximum loan amount allocated for the construction (reconstruction) of housing and the estimated value of the acquired residential premises, determined in the manner established by the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus (subclause 1.8 of clause 1 Decree No. 13).

In accordance with Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated July 4, 2017 No. 240 “On state support for citizens in the construction of residential premises”:

1.4. the right to receive a subsidy for the repayment of the principal debt together with a subsidy for the payment of part of the interest is granted to:

large families with three or more minor children;

1.7. Large families that have exercised their right to receive a subsidy to pay part of the interest (subsidies) or to receive state support in accordance with Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus of January 6, 2012 No. 13, including in an extraordinary manner, as well as families that have purchased status of large families after improvement of living conditions with the attraction of a subsidy for the payment of part of the interest (subsidies) or state support in accordance with Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus of January 6, 2012 No. 13, have the right to re-receive state support in the form of a subsidy for the payment of part of the interest ( subsidies), including on an extraordinary basis, regardless of the restrictions provided for in part three of this subclause, if the grounds for registering those in need of improved housing conditions arose in connection with the birth (adoption) of children.

1.8. A subsidy for the payment of part of the interest is provided in the following amounts:

for large families with three minor children on the date of filing an application for subsidies (applications for inclusion in the lists for subsidies if the said lists are approved in accordance with part two of subclause 1.14 of this clause) - in the amount of the refinancing rate of the National Bank, increased by 2 percentage points, but not more than the interest rate on the loan established by the loan agreement;

for large families with four or more minor children on the date of filing an application for subsidies (applications for inclusion in the lists for subsidies if the said lists are approved in accordance with part two of subclause 1.14 of this paragraph) - in the amount of the refinancing rate of the National Bank, increased by 3 percentage points, but not more than the interest rate on the loan established by the loan agreement;

large families with at least three children under the age of 23, listed in paragraph three of clause 3 of this Decree, on the date of filing an application for a subsidy for the payment of part of the interest (application for inclusion in the lists for receiving a subsidy for the payment of part of the interest if approved the specified lists in accordance with part two of subclause 1.14 of this clause), as well as citizens listed in paragraphs four and five of subclause 1.4 of this clause - in the amount of the refinancing rate of the National Bank, increased by 2 percentage points, but not more than the interest rate on the loan, established by the loan agreement;

1.10. A subsidy for repayment of the principal debt is provided to large families in accordance with the number of minor children in the family on the date of filing an application for subsidies (application for inclusion in the lists for subsidies if the said lists are approved in accordance with part two of subclause 1.14 of this paragraph) in the following amounts :

if there are three minor children - in the amount of 95 percent of the principal amount of the loan;

if there are four or more minor children - in the amount of 100 percent of the principal amount of the loan.

1.13. the maximum standardized cost of residential premises for the provision of subsidies for the payment of part of the interest (subsidies) to citizens carrying out the construction (reconstruction) of residential premises is determined by the standardized dimensions of the total area of ​​residential premises, established in the manner prescribed in parts one to six of subclause 1.6 of clause 1 of the Presidential Decree of the Republic of Belarus dated January 6, 2012 No. 13, taking into account the standards for the total area of ​​residential premises under construction (reconstruction), established in subparagraph 1.5 of paragraph 1 of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated January 6, 2012 No. 13, and at the cost of 1 sq. meter of total area of ​​residential premises under construction (reconstruction), but not exceeding the maximum cost standard of 1 sq. meters of total living space, determined by the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus, and should not exceed 90 percent (for large families - 100 percent) of the standard size of the total living space taken into account when calculating the cost of construction (reconstruction).

During the construction of residential premises in rural settlements by citizens who permanently live and work in them, as well as during the construction of residential premises by large families in settlements with a population of up to 20 thousand people and satellite cities, the maximum standardized cost of residential premises for providing a subsidy for the payment part of the interest (subsidies) is determined taking into account the cost of construction of outbuildings provided for in the design documentation in the amount of up to 20 percent of the maximum standardized cost of residential premises, calculated in accordance with part one of this subclause.

According to the Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Protection


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