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1. The essence of the concept of scientific and technological progress

1.1 Main forms of scientific and technical progress

1.2 Main directions of scientific and technological progress

4. State of scientific and technical progress in Ukraine



implementation technical economic

The subject of study of this work is scientific and technical progress as the main factor of economic growth.

The purpose of this work is to highlight and analyze the most important features, forms and types of scientific and technological progress, as well as the state of scientific and technological progress in Ukraine.

Based on the goal, the following work tasks can be identified:

To study the factors influencing the emergence and acceleration of scientific and technical progress,

Consider the general concepts of NTP,

The essence of NTP,

Its types

The state of scientific and technical progress in Ukraine at the moment.

In my comprehensive work I will focus on revealing such a topic as the level of scientific and technical progress in Ukraine.

Scientific and technological progress is one of the factors determining economic growth in the state. STP is a continuous process of introducing new equipment and technology, organizing production and labor based on achievements and the implementation of scientific knowledge. The basis for the effectiveness of the national economy of any modern country is, along with natural and labor resources, the scientific and technical potential of the country. Economic growth is achieved through the introduction of new equipment and technology into production, as well as the use of improved technologies for using resources, which in fact is the basis of scientific and technical progress. As a result of scientific and technological progress, the development and improvement of all elements of the productive forces occurs: means and objects of labor, labor, technology, organization and production management.

The relevance of this topic is determined by the emergence of new external and internal factors affecting the state of the economic system.

Also, the relevance of the research topic led to the appearance of numerous works devoted to the problems of preserving and developing scientific and technical potential. A great contribution to the development of this direction was made by domestic theorists, among them the following can be distinguished: Goncharova V.V., Zavlina P.N., Kazantseva L.E., Kortova V.S., Andreyanov V.D., Abramov, Malkova I.V. , Basovsky L.E. and others, whose works are widely represented in the literature.

1. The essence of the concept of scientific and technological progress

Scientific and technological progress (STP) is a continuous process of discovering new knowledge and applying it in social production, allowing for new connections and combinations of existing resources in order to increase the output of high-quality final products at the lowest cost. It also acts as the most important means of solving socio-economic problems - improving working conditions and increasing its content, protecting the environment, increasing the well-being of the people. Scientific and technological progress is also of great importance for strengthening the country's defense capability.

In a broad sense, at any level - from a company to the national economy - scientific and technical progress means the creation and implementation of new equipment, technology, materials, the use of new types of energy, as well as the emergence of previously unknown methods of organizing and managing production.

Scientific and technological progress is the gradual improvement and dissemination of equipment and technological processes in production within the framework of existing scientific and technical principles.

It is characterized by the following symptoms:

Development and widespread use of fundamentally new machines and machine systems operating in automatic mode;

Creation and development of qualitatively new production technologies;

Discovery and use of new types and sources of energy;

Creation and widespread use of new types of materials with predetermined properties;

Widespread development of automation of production processes based on the use of numerically controlled machines, automatic lines, industrial robots, flexible production systems;

Introduction of new forms of labor and production organization.

At the present stage, the following features of scientific and technological progress are observed.

There is an increase in the technological focus of scientific and technological progress, its technological component. Progressive technologies are now the main link of scientific and technological progress, both in terms of the scale of implementation and results. STP is intensifying: the volume of scientific knowledge is growing, the quality of scientific personnel is improving, the cost efficiency of its implementation is increasing and the effectiveness of STP activities is increasing.

At the present stage, scientific and technical progress is becoming more and more complex and systemic. This is expressed, first of all, in the fact that scientific and technical progress now covers all sectors of the economy, including the service sector, and penetrates all elements of social production: the material and technical base, the process of organizing production, the process of personnel training and the organization of management. In quantitative terms, complexity is also manifested in the mass introduction of scientific and technical achievements. An important pattern of scientific and technical progress is the strengthening of its resource-saving orientation. As a result of the introduction of scientific and technical achievements, material, technical and labor resources are saved, and this is an important criterion for the effectiveness of scientific and technical progress. There is an increase in the social orientation of scientific and technological progress, which is manifested in the increasing impact of scientific and technological progress on the social factors of human life: the conditions of work, study, and life.

There is an increasing focus on the development of science and technology towards preserving the environment - the greening of scientific and technological progress. This is the development and application of low-waste and non-waste technologies, the introduction of effective methods for the integrated use and processing of natural resources, and a more complete involvement of production and consumption waste into economic circulation.

1.1 Main forms of scientific and technical progress

Scientific and technological progress, in other words, the progress of science and technology, is accompanied by many factors that influence social development to one degree or another. The combination of these factors led to two forms of scientific and technological progress: evolutionary and revolutionary.

The evolutionary form of scientific and technological progress is a relatively slow improvement of the traditional scientific and technical foundations of production. We are not talking about speed, but about the rate of growth of production: they can be low in a revolutionary form and high in an evolutionary one. For example, if we consider the growth rate of labor productivity, then, as history shows, rapid development can be observed with the evolutionary form of scientific and technological progress and slow development at the beginning of the revolutionary stage. Currently, the revolutionary form prevails, providing a higher effect, large scale and accelerated rates of reproduction. This form of scientific and technological progress is embodied in the scientific and technological revolution, or STR.

1.2 Main directions of scientific and technological progress

In the modern period of rapid development of scientific and technological progress towards its traditional directions, the realities of life add many significant things, both in general and from a sectoral perspective. However, traditional ones operate constantly, remaining the basis for the development of the industry and increasing its efficiency.

The main directions of scientific and technological progress include:

1. Rapid development of science itself, as the basis of the technical revolution and technical progress.

2. Electrosaturation of production.

3. Electronization of production.

4. Large-scale use of computing and information technology.

5. Mechanization and automation of all production processes.

6. Rational chemicalization, supplemented with biological agents and methods.

7. Modern and cutting-edge trends related to the use of the laser effect, space instruments, microbiology, bionics, bioengineering, genetic engineering, etc.

8. Creation of advanced technologies, taking into account the achievements of all these areas of scientific and technological progress.

9. Improving the organization of production, labor and management is adequate to the introduction of new technology and other areas of scientific and technological progress.

All these areas of scientific and technological progress are very important. However, in real life, adjustments are needed for priority and opportunity. In this regard, the highest priority areas are new technologies, mechanization and automation of production processes. It is also necessary to reorient the import of products towards the acquisition of technology.

2. Scientific and technological revolution and its consequences

Economists especially highlight the “scientific and technological revolution” (STR) - a qualitative leap in the development of the productive forces of society, a revolution in technology and production technology.

The scientific and technological revolution is a qualitative transformation of the productive forces, the transformation of science into a productive force and the corresponding radical change in the material and technical basis of social production, its form and content, the nature of labor, and the social division of labor.

Thus, scientific and technological progress and scientific and technological progress are interconnected and mutually conditioned, they correlate as evolutionary and revolutionary forms of development of the material and technical base of society. The revolutionary form of scientific and technological progress means a transition to the use of qualitatively new scientific and production principles in production (and not only in its material sphere, but also in the service sector). Scientific and technological revolution transforms the entire technological method of production, all its aspects and components.

Main features of the scientific and technological revolution:

Universality - covers almost all sectors of the national economy and affects all spheres of human activity;

Rapid development of science and technology;

Changing the role of man in the production process - in the process of the scientific and technological revolution, the requirements for the level of qualifications of labor resources are increasing, and the share of mental labor is increasing.

The modern scientific and technological revolution is characterized by the following changes in the sphere of production:

Firstly, the conditions, nature and content of labor change due to the introduction of scientific achievements into production. Previous types of labor are being replaced by machine-automated labor. The introduction of automatic machines significantly increases labor productivity, removing restrictions on speed, accuracy, continuity, etc., associated with the psychophysiological properties of a person. At the same time, the place of man in production changes. A new type of “man-technology” connection is emerging, which does not limit the development of either man or technology. In automated production, machines produce machines.

Secondly, new types of energy are beginning to be used - nuclear, sea tides, and the bowels of the earth. There is a qualitative change in the use of electromagnetic and solar energy.

Thirdly, natural materials are being replaced by artificial ones. Plastics and polyvinyl chloride products are widely used.

Fourthly, production technology is changing. For example, mechanical impact on a work item is replaced by physical and chemical impact. In this case, magnetic-pulse phenomena, ultrasound, ultra-frequencies, electro-hydraulic effect, various types of radiation, etc. are used. Modern technology is characterized by the fact that cyclic technological processes are increasingly being replaced by continuous flow processes. New technological methods also impose new requirements on tools (increased accuracy, reliability, ability to self-regulate), on objects of labor (precisely specified quality, clear feeding mode, etc.), on working conditions (strictly specified requirements for illumination, temperature the regime in the premises, their cleanliness, etc.).

Fifth, the nature of management is changing. The use of automated control systems changes the place of humans in the management and production control system.

Sixth, the system of generation, storage and transmission of information is changing. The use of computers significantly speeds up processes associated with the production and use of information, improves methods of decision-making and evaluation.

Seventh, the requirements for professional training are changing. The rapid change in the means of production poses the task of constant professional improvement and raising the level of qualifications. A person is required to have professional mobility and a higher level of morality. The number of intellectuals is growing, and the requirements for their professional training are increasing.

Eighth, a transition is taking place from extensive to intensive development of production.

3. Scientific and technological progress as a factor of economic growth

Economic growth is an important economic goal as it promotes prosperity and increases national wealth. It allows you to solve socio-economic problems - implement social programs, develop science and education, solve environmental problems, etc. Economic growth increases the production capabilities of the economy. Thanks to it, new types of resources are created, new effective technologies for production processes that allow increasing and diversifying the production of goods and services and improving the quality of life.

Among the intensive factors of economic growth, the most significant is scientific and technological progress (STP), based on the accumulation and expansion of knowledge, on innovations, which serve as a form of implementation of scientific discoveries and inventions. It is scientific and economic progress that ensures the improvement of the quality of resources, the gradual improvement of technology and technological processes within the framework of existing scientific and technical principles and their dissemination in production. The evolutionary form of scientific and technological progress is constantly inherent in social production and presupposes the steady development of technology and an increase in the level of technical knowledge. A revolutionary form of scientific and technological progress - the scientific and technological revolution (STR) - is a qualitative leap in the development of science and the productive forces of society, a revolution in technology and production technology.

The beginning of the modern scientific and technological revolution is usually attributed to the mid-50s of the 20th century. Its main characteristics:

Automation and computerization of production, transformation of computer science into a new resource and element of technological progress;

Discovery and use of new types and sources of energy - nuclear, thermonuclear;

Creation and use of new types of materials unknown to nature, with predetermined properties;

Discovery and application of new technologies (chemical, biological, laser, etc.), which come into life under the general name of “high technology”;

Formation of a new type of worker - cultural and educated, disciplined, capable of operating complex technical and information systems, thinking creatively.

Of course, the use of high technologies makes it possible to better satisfy the needs of society with a more gentle impact on the environment, determines the increasing efficiency of production of final products, and contributes to the achievement of economic growth goals. However, economic growth itself cannot solve all economic, social, environmental and other problems of human society. Recently, experts studying the problems of economic growth have come to the conclusion that the continuation of unbridled economic growth on the existing basis will lead humanity to a catastrophe that threatens its existence. This conclusion is based on a number of interrelated arguments.

Firstly, if existing production conditions are maintained, the resource component of production may be exhausted in the near future.

Secondly, the technologies and social relations prevailing today can lead humanity to an environmental disaster. Since the beginning of the 20th century. humanity began to face a number of increasing problems of a planetary nature, called global. If back in the 60-70s. While the problem of preventing a world nuclear war was considered the main one, now experts put the environmental problem in first place. Industrialization and economic growth give rise to such negative phenomena as pollution, industrial noise, emissions, deterioration of the appearance of cities, etc.

Thirdly, a serious danger lies in the increasing social stratification of society. The problem of income inequality and, as a consequence, the problem of poverty are becoming increasingly acute. Approximately 2/3 of the world's population constantly ekes out a miserable existence or is dangerously close to it. Today, developing countries account for almost 80% of the world's population and about 40% of global GDP.

Fourth, rapid economic growth, especially the technological innovation that underlies it, creates anxiety and uncertainty among people about the future. Workers at all levels fear that their accumulated skills and experience may become outdated as technological advances rapidly evolve.

4. State of scientific and technical progress in Ukraine

Ukraine is among the top 20 leaders in scientific and technological progress.

In the first half of November, at least three events became significant for the Ukrainian scientific community. Firstly, on November 1, Time magazine published a list of the best inventions of 2012, in which the development of the Ukrainian team “Enable Talk Gloves” took 7th place out of 25 possible. (Enable Talk is a student project whose main goal is to translate sign language into speech. The presented project concept included two gloves equipped with sensors and a mobile device, where the recognition itself took place). Secondly, on November 12, the 100,000th patent for the invention was registered. As reported in the press announcement of the State Intellectual Property Service of Ukraine, on November 20, the applicant of the invention will be issued a security document for a period of 20 years for a method of increasing the effectiveness of chemotherapy for malignant tumors. And finally, within the framework of the international PCT system for 2011, Ukraine took 7th place in the TOP 15 countries with middle income levels in terms of the number of applications filed for patents. At the same time, according to the dynamics of the number of applications for registration of innovations, Ukraine is among the top 20 leaders in scientific and technological progress.

According to ICSI data, from 1992 to 2012, 203,294 patents were registered in Ukraine. There are more than 2 thousand inventions per one million inhabitants. With this indicator, according to the Global Innovation Index 2012, Ukraine, along with China and India, found itself in the “newcomers” group. As noted in the report, despite a weak economy with low and middle incomes, the state is experiencing an increase in achievements in the field of innovation. This is facilitated by the improvement of the institutional structure, the availability of qualified specialists and close integration into the global financial market. Based on statistics published on the website of the State Intellectual Property Service of Ukraine, it can be calculated that in 2012 the state earned more than 35.3 million hryvnia from the registration of inventions, utility models and industrial designs. The bulk of this amount, about 33.4 million hryvnia, is made up of annual fees for maintaining patents.


Having studied the proposed topic, it should be concluded that the scientific and technical potential of any country is the main engine of the countries' economies and its development is one of the most relevant for the economy at the present time. This comprehensive work examined the main issues that reveal the essence of scientific and technical progress as the main factor of economic growth.

Based on the results of this work, the following conclusions can be drawn:

Scientific and technological progress is one of the factors determining economic growth in the state.

STP is a continuous process of introducing new equipment and technology, organizing production and labor based on achievements and the implementation of scientific knowledge.

NTP is characterized by:

Development and widespread use of fundamentally new machines and machine systems operating in automatic mode;

Creation and development of qualitatively new production technologies;

Discovery and use of new types and sources of energy;

The creation and widespread use of new types of materials with predetermined properties;

The economic effect of scientific and technical progress is the result of scientific and technical activities. It manifests itself in the form of increased production, reduced production costs, and reduced economic damage, for example from environmental pollution.

For Ukraine, the creative use of the experience of developed countries in implementing measures of state support for innovative processes in the economy has now acquired particular significance, which will ultimately allow the formation of a domestic system for stimulating innovation activity. The effectiveness of innovation depends on a number of factors - this is effectiveness. Any result obtained by investing investments and all resources (monetary, material, information, labor) into a new product or operation (technology).

List of used literature

1. Enterprise economics. I.V. Sergeev. - M.: Phoenix, 2003.

2. Enterprise economics. Edited by D.E. Sc., prof. Karlika B.A. - M.: Nik, 2000.

3. Blyakhman L.S. Economics, management organization and planning of scientific and technical progress. M.: Higher School, 2001.

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The main directions of scientific and technical progress are those areas of development of science and technology, the implementation of which in practice will ensure maximum economic and social efficiency in the shortest possible time.

There are national (general) and sectoral (private) areas of scientific and technical progress. National – areas of scientific and technical progress that are a priority for the country at this stage and in the future. Industry areas are areas of scientific and technical progress that are the most important and priority for individual sectors of the national economy and industry. So, for example, the engineering industry is characterized by certain areas of scientific and technical progress, and the agriculture industry by others, based on their specifics.

In economics, it is customary to distinguish between the main directions of scientific and technical progress and the forms of their manifestation.

These include the following areas: electrification of the national economy; comprehensive mechanization and automation of production; chemicalization of production; introduction of the latest technologies.

The forms of manifestation of NTP trends are the following:

In the production of labor tools - an increase in the unit power of machines and units, the transition from the creation and implementation of individual machines to the development and implementation of machine systems that entirely cover the entire technological process, mechanization and automation of labor-intensive production, especially in industries where a significant number of workers are engaged in heavy manual work labor; widespread introduction of robotics, flexible automated production (FAP), rotary and rotary-conveyor lines; electronicization of production;

In the improvement of technological processes - the development of progressive low-operation technology (blastless metallurgy, spindleless spinning, shuttleless weaving) and technology that maximally saves raw materials, fuel, materials and ensures environmental protection; advanced basic technologies;

In the energy sector - construction of thermal and hydroelectric power plants of medium power, gas turbine and combined cycle power plants of small and medium power;

In the production of materials - increasing the production of high-quality steels, especially by electroslag and vacuum remelting methods, expanding the range of rolled products, increasing the share of aluminum, titanium, polymers in the total production of structural materials, production of synthetic materials with predetermined properties (synthetic, composite, ultra-pure and others that determine high economic effect in the national economy).

The most important, or decisive, of all areas of scientific and technological progress is electrification, since without it other areas of scientific and technological progress are unthinkable.

Electrification is the process of production and widespread use of electricity in public production and everyday life.

The material basis of electrification is the electric power industry - an industry that includes enterprises for generating electricity (power plants) and facilities for receiving and delivering it to consumers (substations and power lines).

The development of the electric power industry is characterized by the concentration of electricity production at powerful stations with large units, the transition to new energy sources, the creation of a unified energy system of the country, the combination of electric and fuel energy production, and an increase in the technical and economic indicators of the stations.

The level of electrification is characterized by the following indicators:

Production electrification coefficient - the ratio of electrical energy to the mass of all types of energy consumed by an industry, sub-industry, association;

Drive electrification coefficient - the ratio of electrical energy to the mass of all types of energy used to drive machines, equipment and various mechanisms;

The share of electricity consumed directly in technological processes in the total volume of electricity consumed for production needs;

Electricity ratio of labor is the ratio of installed capacity, thousand kWh to the average number of employees (workers).

The coefficient of centralization of electricity production is the ratio of the amount of electricity generated by regional stations and energy systems to the total production of electricity for the year.

Analysis of these indicators over time allows us to judge the development of electrification.

Electrification is the basis for mechanization and automation of production, as well as chemicalization of production, and helps to increase the efficiency of production in general.

Another important area of ​​scientific and technical progress is comprehensive mechanization and automation of production.

Mechanization refers to the use of various machines and mechanisms that replace or facilitate the work of workers. There are partial and complex mechanization.

Partial mechanization of production is characterized by the replacement of manual labor with mechanized tools or machines in basic operations.

Integrated mechanization of production involves the use of systems of machines, mechanisms and other technological means that make operations possible throughout the entire cycle of the production process without the use of manual labor, with the exception of the operations of controlling machines and mechanisms, their regulation and adjustment.

Integrated mechanization creates the conditions for the transition to automation and comprehensive automation of production. Automation of production processes involves the use of machines, mechanisms and devices that allow production processes to be carried out without the direct participation of the employee, but under his control. Integrated automation is an automatic system of machines, mechanisms and means of automatic control and management of operations that ensure the execution of the production process throughout the entire cycle without human intervention, but according to a predetermined program. The employee’s role is to prepare this program, monitor the progress of processes, and the operation of equipment and automation equipment.

Integrated mechanization and automation of production are the main means of ensuring continuous scientific and technological progress in production throughout the national economy, and on this basis - increasing labor productivity, reducing costs and improving the quality of products.

The main indicators characterizing the level of mechanization and automation of production are:

The production mechanization coefficient is a value measured by the ratio of the volume of products produced using machines to the total volume of production;

The mechanization coefficient of work is a value measured by the ratio of the amount of labor (in man-hours or standard hours) performed in a mechanized way to the total amount of labor costs for the production of a given volume of output;

Labor mechanization coefficient is a value measured by the ratio of the number of workers engaged in mechanized work to the total number of workers at a given site or enterprise;

The coefficient of application of progressive technological processes is the volume of products manufactured using progressive technological processes, n-hour, rub., to the volume of manufactured products, n-hour, rub.;

The share of products manufactured on automated equipment is the volume of products manufactured on complex automated equipment, n-hours, to the labor intensity of the production program, n-hours.

Chemicalization of production is one of the most important areas of scientific and technological progress, which provides for the improvement of production through the introduction of chemical technologies, raw materials, materials, products with the aim of intensifying, obtaining new types of products and increasing the efficiency and content of labor, facilitating its conditions.

The development of the chemical industry has become one of the decisive factors in increasing the efficiency of social production and accelerating scientific and technological progress.

The main indicators characterizing the level of development of chemicalization include:

Share of chemical industry products in total industrial production;

Production of plastics and synthetic resins per capita;

Share of artificial and synthetic materials in the total volume of consumed materials;

The share of chemical technological processes is the amount of products obtained using chemical methods in relation to the total volume of products;

The share of plastics in the total weight of structural materials is the weight of plastics used in production per year, tons, to the weight of metals used in production per year, tons.

When considering the main directions of scientific and technical progress in industry, special attention should be paid to improving technological processes.

The technological revolution - the basis of the modern stage of scientific and technological revolution - is associated with the transition from predominantly mechanical processing of objects of labor to the integrated use of physical, chemical and biological processes. Technology determines the order of operations, the choice of objects of labor, means of influencing them, equipping production with equipment, tools, control means, ways of combining personal and material elements of production in time and space, the relationship of production with the environment.

There are four priority areas for technology development: continuous casting and out-of-furnace processing of steel to produce metal with improved properties and particularly high quality; creation of a series of technological lasers and their use for cutting, welding, cutting; plasma and detonation technology for applying hardening, wear-resistant, anti-corrosion coatings; technology using high pressures, vacuum, pulse effects for the synthesis of new materials, gas and hydroextrusion of products and shaped profiles, shaping and calibration of large-sized products of complex shape.

Biotechnology is the use of biological processes and agents for production purposes. Initially, it was associated only with branches of the agricultural complex (baking, cheese making, feed silage), then it included industrial microbiological synthesis of physiologically active drugs (antibiotics, feed protein, vitamins), and began to be used in wastewater treatment, extraction of metals from ores and waste to enhance oil recovery formations, obtaining biofuel. A new stage of biotechnology is associated with genetic engineering. Of particular importance is the creation and development of biologically active substances and drugs for early diagnosis and treatment of diseases, new technologies for producing valuable food, chemical and other products, technologies for deep and effective processing of agricultural and industrial waste to produce biogas and fertilizers.

When using centralized processing, the following rules must be followed:

The design of parts must meet the requirements of their processing at the processing center;

Today you need to process those parts that will go into assembly tomorrow;

Processing of parts and assembly of components that has begun in production must be completed at one workplace.

Production flexibility is the ability to quickly transition to the production of new products, processing different parts on the same equipment, with little or no equipment shutdown for changeover. Flexibility is an organization of production in which it is possible to reuse, if not all, then a significant proportion of existing fixed assets, when it is necessary to completely change the product range.

It should be noted that production flexibility is inherent in any production and equipment. To achieve effective production flexibility, a number of rules must be followed:

When creating a system, there should be as much flexibility as necessary to solve the assigned tasks. It is necessary to create conditions for increasing flexibility as needed; Excessive flexibility does not provide benefits, and the costs of it will never be recouped;

The flexibility of production systems should be assessed by quantitative and qualitative indicators. Quantitative indicators are the duration of equipment shutdown and the amount of additional costs required to switch to the production of another product;

The choice of the required flexibility should be determined by specific production tasks and production economics, and individual quantitative and qualitative factors of flexibility should be assessed;

The flexibility of production as a whole consists of the flexibility of its elements and is determined by the flexibility of the main equipment; The flexibility of additional, auxiliary service equipment should be higher so as not to reduce the flexibility of the main equipment.

The main criteria for assessing the success of integration are: increased productivity of technological equipment, improved product quality, increased operational reliability, increased uptime, operational efficiency of diagnostic systems, reduced downtime of equipment and systems, the ability to analyze downtime by quantity and quality, increased total operating time of technological processes in systems, the ability to switch to the production of new products with minimal time spent on production preparation.

Planning the technical development of an enterprise (company)

The task of planning scientific and technical progress is to ensure the development of the national economy, industries and enterprises (firms) on a qualitatively new basis, based on the intensification of production. To solve it, planning of scientific and technical progress must be based on the following principles: purposefulness, complexity, continuity and scientific character.

Purposefulness presupposes the concentration of financial, material and labor resources on solving the most important problems in the development of science and technology. An indispensable condition is a clear definition of the goal that must be achieved in the planned period. At the same time, capital construction, the introduction of new equipment, and logistics are not independent planning objects. They become the means to achieve the goal and are provided for in the planning document.

In planning the development of science and technology, the principle of purposefulness has not found wide application. In most industrial research institutes, it was not the purpose or result of the research that was planned, but its process. The completion of the task was considered to be the expenditure of allocated funds for the work.

There is a similar picture in the plans of associations and enterprises to use scientific and technical achievements. Typically, the wording of tasks began with the words “mastery” or “implementation.” The indicator of the volume of use of innovations is not the ultimate goal of scientific and technological progress.

The use of the principle of purposefulness ensures a reduction in the time required for solving assigned tasks, while significantly saving money.

The complexity of planning is a set of activities that form a single deterministic system. This principle requires taking into account, on the one hand, all factors that influence the solution of the problem, and, on the other hand, all the consequences of the influence of the results obtained on surrounding objects.

Continuity of planning consists in the sequential-parallel reflection of tasks throughout the “research – production” cycle. The stages of the research-production cycle are planned in various directions. Even in the context of associations and enterprises, when solving problems of technical development, development tasks are provided for in some sections of the technical industrial and financial plan, and for the development of their results - in others. This is one of the main reasons for interruptions in work between individual stages.

The essence of scientific planning is that in order to achieve the intended goal, the optimal option is selected from the many available ones. Scientific planning is focused primarily on conducting research and development that meets promising directions in the development of science and technology, as well as on the rapid development of domestic and world scientific and technical achievements in production.

One of the features of the programs is their interdepartmental nature. Only by combining the efforts of various industries and organizations can resources be best distributed and concentrated to achieve a common goal. Combining the efforts of mechanical engineering, industries producing structural materials and using technology creates the best opportunities for planning and accounting for the full amount of costs to achieve a given goal and all types of effect.

The programs are primarily allocated state financial, labor, material and technical resources, and capital investment limits for construction and installation work.

Unified leadership is another distinctive feature of the program. Its forms can be different. The program can be managed by a parent organization that has the right to determine the components of the program, distribute resources between co-executors and finance the work. She receives the right to determine responsible executors. In this case, the basis for the relationship between the developer and the consumer becomes an interindustry or industry work order.

Another way of unified management is the creation of a coordinating body or the appointment by the parent organization from among highly qualified specialists of a scientific supervisor for the duration of the program, vested with broad powers.

A fundamentally new stage in the development of program-targeted management is the creation of temporary research and development complexes and consortia for a certain, predetermined period.

The advantages of program management include reducing the duration of the “research-production” process by reducing the volume of mutual connections and approvals and parallel execution of work.

One of the forms of planning scientific and technical progress is a plan for the technical re-equipment of production.

The main objective of the enterprise development plan is to develop a set of measures to improve the technical and organizational level of production based on the widespread use of achievements of science, technology and advanced experience.

The technical development and production organization plan includes the following sections:

a) mastering the production of new types and improving the quality of products;

b) introduction of advanced technology, mechanization and automation of production processes;

c) improvement of management, planning and organization of production;

d) introduction of scientific organization of labor (SLO);

e) major repairs of fixed assets;

f) research and development work;

g) main technical and economic indicators of the level of production and products.

The first section provides for measures to create and master the production of new types of products, discontinue obsolete ones and improve the quality of manufactured products and their certification.

The second section includes measures to introduce progressive technological processes, new high-performance equipment, comprehensive mechanization and automation of production, and modernization of existing equipment.

Improving management, planning and organization of production involves carrying out a set of measures aimed at increasing the level of specialization and diversification of production, improving organizational structures, mechanization and automation of management and planning based on the use of computers.

Planning and implementation of labor protection include measures to improve the division and cooperation of labor, the organization and maintenance of workplaces, the introduction of advanced labor methods and techniques, and the improvement of labor standards and remuneration.

Research and development work is planned in connection with the development of new types of products, machines, equipment, effective means of mechanization and automation of production processes, and advanced technologies.

The development of a plan for technical development and organization of production should precede the development of all other sections of the enterprise plan, since this section is the basis for many of its indicators.

For all activities included in the plan, the costs necessary for their implementation are determined, performers and deadlines are assigned, savings are calculated conditionally annually and until the end of the year, the impact of activities on increasing capacity, increasing labor productivity, reducing production costs, increasing profits, increasing technical and economic level of production of manufactured products.

Linking the technical development plan with its other sections is carried out using indicators characterizing the savings in labor, material and financial resources obtained in connection with the implementation of organizational and technical measures.

Scientific and technological progress (STP) should be understood as a continuous process of quantitative growth and qualitative improvement of all elements of social production, both material and material, objective (means of labor and objects of labor), and subjective (production workers), as well as improving methods of combining them into production process based on the latest achievements of science and technology.

This process finds its expression in the creation of new and improvement of existing equipment and technology; growth of mechanization and automation of production; creation and use of new types of raw materials, fuel, energy and materials; mastering new and improving previously produced products, improving their quality; scientific organization of labor and production management; growth in the qualification and educational level of those employed in the national economy, changes in the qualification and sectoral structure of production and employment, etc.

The basis of scientific and technological progress is scientific knowledge - fundamental and applied research and development aimed at understanding the laws of nature and society and underlying the creation of new and improvement of already used technology. The current stage of scientific and technical progress is called the scientific and technological revolution (STR). Its distinctive features are:

1. Scientific and technological revolution is based on a qualitatively new level of scientific development. It is based on the fundamental discoveries of modern natural science related to physics, chemistry, biology, cybernetics, cosmology, which open new horizons in the knowledge of matter and the forms of its movement; they determine the development of nuclear energy, laser technology, microbiology and cybernetic control.

2. Transformation of science into a direct productive force, and material production itself into the technical application of scientific achievements. During the period of scientific and technological revolution, the period for the implementation of scientific achievements sharply decreased, and production itself began to rely directly on the achievements of science. Scientific and technological revolution is actively being introduced into the technical, economic and social life of society.

3. The role of technology has changed radically. It began to invade the sphere of human mental activity. The symbol of scientific and technological revolution has become cybernetic electronic machines, freeing production from the limitations generated by the ideological and physiological abilities of humans. They allow a number of mental and logical functions to be transferred to the machine.

Scientific and technological revolution as a revolution is generally characterized by fundamental changes, spasmodic transitions from one qualitative state to another. Scientific and technological revolution is also characterized by progressive development, i.e. any change for the better, advanced, more perfect. Thus, scientific and technological progress in terms of the content of ongoing processes should be interpreted as a broader concept than scientific and technological progress. It includes both evolutionary and revolutionary transformations in technology.

Scientific and technological progress is the basis for the intensification of production. It has a decisive impact on all factors of economic development, allows for a more rational use of labor resources, and achieves the production of high-quality products.

The progress of science and technology provides a solution to such an important socio-economic problem as making work easier and enriching it with creative content.

Real labor savings are determined by the use of scientific and technical achievements in social production, embodied in new means of production, new forms of combining personal and material factors.

The accelerated development of social production is determined by the fact that:

The pace of technology development exceeds the growth rate of production;

The development of science is ahead of the development of technology. The development of science must significantly exceed the growth rate of the entire national economy as a whole. This is because:

1) the efficiency of social production directly depends on scientific and technological progress, and scientific and technological progress, first of all, on the development of science;

2) the dynamics of labor productivity, the total social product, increasingly depends on the impact of science on production through new technology, production organization technology;

3) expanded reproduction in modern conditions is ensured only if science is ahead of the development of technology, and technology is developing ahead of the development of production as a whole.

The transformation of science into a direct productive force means:

1) orientation of science to the needs of society and existing conditions of reproduction, ensuring mutual influence of science and production;

2) materialization of scientific findings in tools and technological processes, publications, as well as a guarantee of highly efficient functioning of the material and technical business;

3) providing workers with the required knowledge;

4) implementation of production management on a scientific basis.

The transformation of science into a direct productive force is carried out on the basis of the relationship, on the one hand, between scientific labor and work on the practical application of science in production and, on the other hand, between labor in material production and labor applying science.

Any state, in order to ensure an effective economy and not lag behind other countries in its development, must pursue a unified state scientific and technical policy.

A unified scientific and technical policy is a system of targeted measures that ensure the comprehensive development of science and technology and the introduction of their results into the economy. This requires a choice of priorities in the development of science and technology and those sectors in which scientific achievements should be realized first. This is also due to the limited resources of the state to conduct large-scale research in all areas of scientific and technical progress and their implementation in practice. Thus, at each stage of its development, the state must determine the main directions of scientific and technical progress and provide conditions for their implementation.

The main directions of scientific and technological progress are such areas of development of science and technology, the implementation of which in practice will ensure maximum economic and social efficiency in the shortest possible time.

There are national (general) and sectoral (private) areas of scientific and technical progress. National - areas of scientific and technical progress that at this stage and in the future are a priority for a country or a group of countries. Industry directions are areas of scientific and technical progress that are the most important and priority for individual sectors of the national economy and industry. For example, the coal industry is characterized by certain areas of scientific and technical progress, while mechanical engineering is characterized by others based on their specifics.

At one time, the following areas of scientific and technical progress were identified as national ones: electrification of the national economy; comprehensive mechanization and automation of production; chemicalization of production. The most important, or decisive, of all these areas is electrification, since without it other areas of scientific and technical progress are unthinkable. It should be noted that for their time these were successfully chosen areas of scientific and technical progress, which played a positive role in accelerating, developing and increasing production efficiency. They are also important at this stage of development of social production, so we will dwell on them in more detail.

Electrification is the process of production and widespread use of electricity in public production and everyday life. This is a two-way process: on the one hand, the production of electricity, on the other, its consumption in various areas, ranging from production processes occurring in all sectors of the national economy, and ending with everyday life. These aspects are inseparable from each other, since the production and consumption of electricity coincide in time, which is determined by the physical characteristics of electricity as a form of energy. Therefore, the essence of electrification consists in the organic unity of producing electricity and replacing it with other forms of energy in various spheres of social production that use energy to one degree or another. Since electrification is the unity of production and consumption of electricity, the study of the economic problems of this process should not be limited to one aspect of it, which, unfortunately, is the case to this day.”

The importance of further development of electrification is due to many reasons, but the main ones are:

  • * advantage of electricity compared to other types of energy. It consists in the fact that electricity is easily transmitted over long distances, provides greater speed and intensity of production processes, can be divided and concentrated in any quantities, and converted into other types of energy (mechanical, thermal, light, etc.);
  • * the level of electrification does not yet meet the needs of the country;
  • * the possibilities of electrification in the development of the country's productive forces are far from being exhausted.

In fact, only the first stage of electrification was completed, in which the physical properties of electricity were used to transform into mechanical and light types of energy. This made it possible to electrify mainly power processes that use energy as a motive force. The process of displacement of all other energy carriers by electricity in lighting has ended. The electrification of power processes has radically transformed the propulsion system and, in accordance with it, the tools of labor in the branches of material production, especially industry.

However, at the first stage, electrification did not affect other functional elements of the production process, primarily the technological principles of processing objects of labor. Electrical energy participates in these processes only indirectly, being converted into mechanical energy. Of course, as tools improved, certain aspects and elements of technology developed, but its fundamental principles did not change. The necessary shapes and physical properties of the object of labor are still given by mechanical influences on it (cutting, drilling, grinding, etc.) using various tools. This poses certain obstacles to further increasing labor productivity.

Finally, current technology is also very wasteful in terms of materialized labor, as it causes large waste of processed raw materials. Thus, about 25-31% of ferrous metals consumed by mechanical engineering are thrown into waste in the form of shavings, sawdust, and waste.

Thus, the need for fundamental changes in the technological principles of processing objects of labor is determined by the urgent needs of the development of social production. The process of transforming the subject of labor must take place without the immediate and direct participation of a person in it and be characterized by low operational efficiency.

One of the main directions of fundamental changes in technology is its transition to the use of electricity as a working contractor that directly processes the object of labor. Technology based on the thermal effect on the object of labor already uses the property of electricity to be easily converted into thermal energy. Electrothermal processes are widely developed in ferrous metallurgy (smelting electric steel, ferroalloys), metalworking (heating and melting of metals) and metal welding.

Electrochemical technology, which is widely used to produce a number of non-ferrous, light and rare metals (aluminum, magnesium, sodium, titanium, etc.), as well as a number of organic compounds by electrosynthesis, is based on the property of electricity to serve as a reagent in chemical processes.

The electrification of mechanical technology means that electricity should displace and replace the working tool of a mechanical tool (a cutter in metalworking). Electricity will begin to perform the same function as the tool of a mechanical tool, i.e. actually influence the material being processed (electrophysical technology). Such types of electrophysical metal processing technology as electric spark, electric pulse and electric contact have been developed and are used. Electrophysical methods based on the influence of an electric field and electric charges on the processed raw materials, electrical separation, and electroforming are beginning to be introduced. These processes can be used in a wide variety of industries - textiles, engineering, mining, and building materials industries.

A fundamentally new method of cutting materials has been proposed - using a laser beam. Quantum generators are used in a number of branches of mechanical engineering, displacing mechanical metal-cutting machines. Plasma jet technology has been developed and has begun to be introduced into the production of many chemical products.

Electrification is becoming one of the main areas of fundamental transformation of technology because it has many technological and economic advantages. Electrical processing improves the quality, reliability and durability of already known types of products, allows you to create products with new consumer properties, which expands the scope of production and personal consumption.

The wider use of electricity in technological processes is evidenced by the following data. If in 1928 2% was used for technological purposes, now it is more than 30% of all electricity consumed in industry.

The level of electrification is characterized by the following indicators:

  • * general electrification coefficient, which is defined as the ratio of electrical energy to the mass of all types of energy consumed by an industry, sub-industry, association (enterprise);
  • * drive electrification coefficient - the ratio of electrical energy to the mass of all types of energy used to drive machines, equipment and various mechanisms;
  • * the share of electricity consumed directly in technological processes (electrolysis, electric smelting, electric welding, etc.) in the total volume of electricity consumed for production needs;
  • * electric power ratio of labor - the ratio of consumed electricity (minus electricity used for technological purposes) to the number of employees or to time worked for a certain period (usually a year).

Analysis of these indicators over time allows us to judge the development of such an important area of ​​scientific and technical progress as electrification.

The importance of electrification lies in the fact that it is the basis for mechanization and automation of production, as well as chemicalization of production, helps to increase production efficiency: increasing labor productivity, improving product quality, reducing its cost, increasing production volume and profit at the enterprise. Thus, a direct connection has long been established between productivity and the electrical equipment of labor. Electrification is also of great importance for solving many social problems: heating and lighting of residential buildings, improving working conditions in production, wider use of a wide variety of household appliances, etc.

Another important area of ​​scientific and technical progress is comprehensive mechanization and automation of production.

Mechanization and automation of production processes is a set of measures that provide for the widespread replacement of manual operations with machines and mechanisms, the introduction of automatic machines, individual lines and production facilities.

Mechanization of production processes means replacing manual labor with machines, mechanisms and other equipment.

The mechanization of production is continuously developing and improving, moving from lower to higher forms: from manual labor to partial, small and complex mechanization and further to the highest form of mechanization - automation.

In mechanized production, a significant part of labor operations is performed by machines and mechanisms, and a smaller part is performed manually. This is partial (non-comprehensive) mechanization, in which there may be separate weakly mechanized units.

Integrated mechanization is a way of performing the entire range of work included in a given production cycle using machines and mechanisms.

The highest degree of mechanization is the automation of production processes, which allows the entire cycle of work to be carried out without the direct participation of a person in it, only under his control.

Automation is a new type of production, which is prepared by the cumulative development of science and technology, primarily by transferring production to an electronic basis, through the use of electronics and new advanced technical means. The need to automate production is caused by the inability of human organs to control complex technological processes with the required speed and accuracy. Huge energy powers, high speeds, ultra-high and ultra-low temperature conditions turned out to be subject only to automatic control and management.

Currently, with a high level of mechanization of main production processes (80%), in most industries, auxiliary processes are still insufficiently mechanized (25-40); many works are performed manually. The largest number of auxiliary workers are used in transport and movement of goods, and in loading and unloading operations. If we take into account that the labor productivity of one such worker is almost 20 times lower than that of someone employed in complex mechanized areas, then the urgency of the problem of further mechanization of auxiliary work becomes obvious. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the fact that mechanization of auxiliary work in industry is 3 times cheaper than the main one.

But the main and most important form is production automation. Currently, computers are increasingly entering all areas of science and technology. In the future, these machines will become the basis of industrial automation and will control the automation.

The creation of new automatic technology will mean a broad transition from three-link machines (working machine - transmission - engine) to four-link machine systems. The fourth link is cybernetic devices, with the help of which enormous power is controlled.

The main stages of production automation are: semi-automatic machines, automatic machines, automatic lines, sections and automatic workshops, factories and automatic factories. The first stage, which represents a transitional form from simple machines to automatic ones, is semi-automatic machines. The fundamental feature of machines in this group is that a number of functions previously performed by humans are transferred to the machine, but the worker still retains certain operations that are usually difficult to automate. The highest level is the creation of factories and automatic factories, i.e. fully automated enterprises.

The economic and social significance of mechanization and automation of production lies in the fact that they make it possible to replace manual labor, especially heavy labor, with machines and automatic machines, increase labor productivity and, on this basis, ensure real or conditional release of workers, improve the quality of products, reduce labor intensity and production costs , increase production volume and thereby provide the company with higher financial results, which makes it possible to improve the well-being of workers and their families.

Chemicalization is the process of production and use of chemical products in the national economy and everyday life, the introduction of chemical methods, processes and materials into the national economy.

Chemicalization as a process is developing in two directions: the use of advanced chemical technologies in the production of various products; production and widespread use of chemical materials in the national economy and everyday life.

In general terms, chemicalization allows:

  • * sharply intensify technological processes and thereby increase production output per unit of time;
  • * reduce the material intensity of public and industrial production. So, 1 ton of plastic will replace 5 tons of metal;
  • * reduce the labor intensity of products through the introduction of robotics;
  • * significantly expand the range, range and quality of products and thereby better meet the needs of production and the population for consumer goods;
  • * accelerate the pace of scientific and technological progress. For example, the creation of spacecraft was hardly possible without the use of lightweight, durable and heat-resistant artificial materials with predetermined properties.

From all this it follows that chemicalization has a very significant and direct effect on production efficiency. Moreover, this influence is diverse.

There is also a negative side to chemicalization - chemical production, as a rule, is a hazardous production, and in order to neutralize it, additional funds must be spent.

The basis for the chemicalization of public production is the development of the chemical industry in the Russian Federation.

The main indicators of the level of chemicalization are divided into specific and general.

Particular indicators reflect individual aspects of the process of chemicalization of the sphere of material production and everyday life. Among these indicators are the following:

  • * the share of synthetic rubber, chemical fibers, synthetic detergents and others in their overall balance;
  • * consumption of chemicals (feed preparations, mineral fertilizers, chemical protection products, etc.) per unit of livestock and poultry products, per hectare of usable area;
  • * costs of chemicals and building parts, structures made of chemical materials per 1 million construction and installation works of industrial, cultural and residential construction;
  • * production of plastics and synthetic resins as a percentage of steel production by weight and volume, etc.

General indicators characterize the level of development of chemicalization in the country as a whole. These indicators include:

  • * share of chemical industry products in total industrial production;
  • * production of plastics and synthetic resins per capita;
  • * share of artificial and synthetic materials in the total volume of consumed materials;
  • * share of products produced using chemical technologies, etc.

2. Main directions of scientific and technological progress

The main directions of scientific and technical progress are those areas of development of science and technology, the implementation of which in practice will ensure maximum economic and social efficiency in the shortest possible time.

There are national (general) and sectoral (private) areas of scientific and technical progress. National - areas of scientific and technical progress that are a priority for the country at this stage and in the future. Industry areas are areas of scientific and technical progress that are the most important and priority for individual sectors of the national economy and industry. So, for example, the mechanical engineering industry is characterized by certain areas of scientific and technical progress, while agriculture is characterized by others, based on their specifics.

In economics, it is customary to distinguish between the main directions of scientific and technical progress and the forms of their manifestation.

These include the following areas: electrification of the national economy; comprehensive mechanization and automation of production; chemicalization of production; introduction of the latest technologies. The forms of manifestation of NTP trends are the following:

in the production of labor tools - an increase in the unit power of machines and units, the transition from the creation and implementation of individual machines to the development and implementation of machine systems that entirely cover the entire technological process, mechanization and automation of labor-intensive production, especially in industries where a significant number of workers are engaged in heavy manual work labor; widespread introduction of robotics, flexible automated production (FAP), rotary and rotary-conveyor lines, electronicization of production;

in improving technological processes - the development of progressive low-operation technology (blastless metallurgy, spindleless spinning, shuttleless weaving) and technology that maximally saves raw materials, fuel, materials and ensures environmental protection; advanced basic technologies;

in the energy sector - construction of thermal and hydroelectric power plants of medium power, gas turbine and combined cycle power plants of small and medium power;

in the production of materials - increasing the production of high-quality steels, especially by electroslag and vacuum remelting methods, expanding the range of rolled products, increasing the share of aluminum, titanium, polymers in the total output of structural materials, production of synthetic materials with predetermined properties (synthetic, composite, ultra-pure and others that determine high economic effect in the national economy).

The most important, or decisive, of all areas of scientific and technological progress is electrification, since without it other areas of scientific and technological progress are unthinkable.

Electrification is the process of production and widespread use of electricity in public production and everyday life.

The material basis of electrification is the electric power industry - an industry that includes enterprises for generating electricity (power plants) and facilities for receiving and delivering it to consumers (substations and power lines).

The development of the electric power industry is characterized by the concentration of electricity production at powerful stations with large units, the transition to new energy sources, the creation of a unified energy system of the country, the combination of electric and fuel energy production, and an increase in the production of technical and economic indicators of the stations.

Nuclear energy occupies a significant place in the country's energy balance. By replacing very expensive and scarce fuel (oil, gas, coal) with a new compact type of energy carrier, nuclear power plants practically eliminate the problem of fuel transportation and can be located in any region of the country.

Almost all types of reactors used provide more favorable indicators of electricity production at nuclear power plants compared to condensing pulverized coal power plants. The development of nuclear energy is moving along the path of increasing the unit power of reactors.

Scientific and technological progress is also opening up new prospects in relation to renewable energy sources. Experimental work is being carried out on the direct conversion of heat into electrical energy, the use of solar energy, sea tides, temperature changes in surface and deep ocean waters, and wind energy. The real revolution in electricity generation will be the use of controlled thermonuclear reactions. One of the specific features of the electric power industry of the Russian Federation is the combined production of electrical and thermal energy. More than a third of the installed capacity of thermal power plants in the country is occupied by combined heat and power plants (CHP). This centralization of heat supply brings significant savings (20-30%) in fuel and contributes to environmental protection. In terms of the scale of district heating, the Russian Federation occupies a leading place in the world.

The efficiency of centralized heat supply increases even more with the commissioning of nuclear thermal power plants and heat supply stations.

Recently, the electric power industry has been in a state of crisis. In this industry, the commissioning of generating capacities has decreased by 3-5 times compared to what was expected; about 45% of the active part of fixed production assets has worked for more than 20 years.

The level of electrification is characterized by the following indicators:

electrification, production coefficient - the ratio of electrical energy to the mass of all types of energy consumed by an industry, sub-industry, association;

drive electrification coefficient - the ratio of electrical energy to the mass of all types of energy used to drive machines, equipment and various mechanisms;

the share of electricity consumed directly in technological processes in the total volume of electricity consumed for production needs;

power supply of labor - the ratio of installed capacity, thousand kW to the average number of workers on the payroll;

coefficient of centralization of electricity production - the ratio of the amount of electricity generated by regional stations and energy systems to the total production of electricity for the year.

Analysis of these indicators over time allows us to judge the development of electrification.

Electrification is fundamental for mechanization and automation of production, as well as chemicalization of production, and helps to increase production efficiency.

Another important area of ​​scientific and technical progress is comprehensive mechanization and automation of production.

Mechanization refers to the use of various machines and mechanisms that replace or facilitate the work of workers. There are partial and complex mechanization.

Partial mechanization of production is characterized by the replacement of manual labor with mechanized tools or machines in basic operations.

Integrated mechanization of production involves the use of systems of machines, mechanisms and other technological means that facilitate the use of operations throughout the entire cycle of the production process without the use of manual labor, with the exception of the operations of controlling machines and mechanisms, their regulation and adjustment.

Integrated mechanization creates the conditions for the transition to automation and comprehensive automation of production. Automation of production processes involves the use of machines, mechanisms and devices that allow production processes to be carried out without the direct participation of the employee, but under his control. Integrated automation is an automatic system of machines, mechanisms and means of automatic control and management of operations that ensure the execution of the production process throughout the entire cycle without human intervention, but according to a predetermined program. The employee’s role is to prepare this program, monitor the progress of processes, and the operation of equipment and automation equipment.

Integrated mechanization and automation of production are the main means of ensuring continuous scientific and technological progress in production, throughout the national economy, and on this basis - increasing labor productivity, reducing costs and improving the quality of products.

Automatic equipment allows you to increase labor productivity by 5-10 times, and in some cases even by 20 times.

Work on mechanization and automation of production is carried out in all industries.

One of the features of the modern stage of the scientific and technological revolution is the transition to holistic technological systems of high efficiency, which cover the production process from the first operation to the last, providing for the equipping of both main and auxiliary, maintenance work with progressive technological means. A special role in this regard is called upon to play by flexible automated production (FAP) - the latest technologies that use the most modern technological equipment, microprocessor-based control computers and robotic systems.

The introduction of flexible technology, which makes it possible to quickly and efficiently restructure production to produce new products, is the most difficult task facing science and practice. Its solution is associated with the transfer of industries to a fundamentally new level of automation. The economic side of this problem is no less complex. It is necessary to constantly reduce the cost of automatic equipment, that is, to combine the solution of both technical and economic issues. Social aspects are also important: working conditions must meet human requirements. The worker himself should be prepared for production and creative work in new conditions.

It is impossible to organize such production without using the latest achievements of science and technology, without the use of fundamentally new technologies, including laser, electron beam, plasma, electrophysical, electrochemical technology, ultrasonic and vibration processing of materials, which will occupy a dominant position. Their possibilities are very great. For example, electrochemical machines with adaptive program control, in which an electric spark plays the role of a cutter, process parts of any configuration without finishing operations. Their productivity is tens of times greater than that of milling machines.

The current state of mechanical engineering - a leading industry - prevents an increase in the level of mechanization and automation. The volume of production here has been declining since 1990. The reduction in industrial production is largely due to the severance of economic ties, the chronic lack of material resources for production processes, and conversion.

The situation in mechanical engineering was influenced by a decrease in investment activity, which caused a decrease in demand for many types of machinery and equipment.

The technical level and quality of manufactured equipment is declining. The share of products that meet world standards is only about 7%. Inflation and uncertainty about the future force enterprises to abandon projects whose results will appear only in a few years. The largest customer, the state, is losing its solvency. The severance of economic ties between enterprises has the greatest impact on reducing the output of the most complex products that require a wide range of products. As a result, the largest and most complex projects are primarily eliminated from production programs.

Large enterprises do not have the funds to purchase highly efficient equipment. Small enterprises - install low-productivity equipment of a low technical level. This leads to technological inflation - only poor quality products can be produced on low-quality machines.-

The main indicators characterizing the level of mechanization and automation are:

The production mechanization coefficient is a value measured by the ratio of the volume of products produced using machines to the total volume of production.

The mechanization coefficient of work is a value measured by the ratio of the amount of labor (in man-hours or standard hours) performed in a mechanized manner to the total amount of labor costs for the production of a given volume of output.

Labor mechanization coefficient is a value measured by the ratio of the number of workers engaged in mechanized work to the total number of workers in a given area or enterprise.

Coefficient of application of progressive technological processes - volume of products manufactured using progressive technological processes, n-hour, rub. to the volume of manufactured products, n-hour, rub.

Share of products manufactured on automated equipment, volume of products manufactured on complex automated equipment, n-hour. to the labor intensity of the production program, n-hour.

Chemicalization of production is one of the most important areas of scientific and technological progress, which provides for the improvement of production through the introduction of chemical technologies, raw materials, materials, products with the aim of intensifying, obtaining new types of products and increasing the efficiency and content of labor, facilitating its conditions.

The development of the chemical industry has become one of the decisive factors in increasing the efficiency of social production and accelerating scientific and technological progress.

The growth rate of the chemical industry has always outpaced the growth rate of industry as a whole.

The significance of the accelerated development of the chemical industry in the chemicalization of the national economy lies primarily in the enormous savings in social labor associated with the relatively lower labor intensity of manufacturing products. On average, the national economic labor intensity of producing a unit of gross output of the chemical industry is 30-40% less than the labor intensity of producing a unit of output in the raw materials sectors of the national economy.

Chemicalization provides unlimited opportunities for expanding and improving the raw material base of industry and helps eliminate the scarcity of natural resources. Replacing natural raw materials with synthetic ones gives a great economic effect.

Chemicalization makes it possible to increase product output while simultaneously increasing its quality and reducing production costs. Chemical methods and chemical materials are used in all industries and primarily in mechanical engineering, ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, the construction industry, forestry and woodworking industries. Mechanical engineering is the main consumer of synthetic resins and plastics produced in the country. The ever-increasing process of replacing ferrous and non-ferrous metals with plastics is one of the most important ways of the technical and economic process in mechanical engineering. Chemistry creates not only full-fledged substitutes for natural materials, but also materials with predetermined properties that do not exist in nature. For example, the commercially produced superhard material borazon does not lose its cutting properties even at temperatures at which diamond burns. Nature does not provide ready-made materials that so successfully combine elasticity, heat resistance, and strength, like silicone-silicon created by chemists - organic polymers that are used, in particular, in aviation and electrical engineering.

The introduction of chemical methods and materials into production leads to serious transformations in technology, improves and accelerates technological processes, contributes to further improvement of machine designs, and improves working conditions for people. In any industry, chemical methods can transform waste and waste into valuable products. For example, in the forestry and woodworking industries, about 30% of harvested timber can be converted by mechanical methods into products with consumer properties, while chemical processing makes it possible to utilize up to 98% of all wood.

The economic importance of chemicalization in agriculture is enormous. Chemicalization not only intensifies agriculture, makes it highly productive, but also significantly improves and facilitates the working conditions of the farmer, creates favorable conditions for mechanization, reduces labor costs for the production of agricultural products and improves their quality. According to scientists’ calculations, on average, the use of 1 ton of mineral fertilizers in terms of 100% nutrient content saves 275 people in agriculture. h.

When considering the issue of economic efficiency of fertilizers, one should first of all keep in mind their agronomic efficiency - the increase in yield per unit area and, ultimately, their role in increasing soil productivity - the main means of agricultural production.

One of the main tasks in agriculture is not only to obtain high crop yields, but also to preserve them. This problem is solved by the use of various chemicals (pesticides) used to destroy certain harmful organisms in crop production. Expenses for the protection of industrial crops are recouped by the saved harvest by 15 - 18 times.

The main indicators characterizing the level of development of chemicalization include:

share of chemical industry products in total industrial production;

production of plastics and synthetic resins per capita;

the share of artificial and synthetic materials in the total volume of consumed materials;

specific gravity of chemical technological processes - the amount of products obtained using chemical methods in relation to the total volume of products;

the share of plastics in the total weight of structural materials - the weight of plastics used in production per year, tons, to the weight of metals used in production per year, tons.

When considering the main directions of scientific and technical progress in industry, special attention should be paid to improving technological processes.

Technology determines the order of operations, the choice of objects of labor, means of influencing them, equipping production with equipment, tools, control means, ways of combining personal and material elements of production in time and space, the relationship of production with the environment.

There are four priority areas for technology development: continuous casting and out-of-furnace processing of steel to produce metal with improved properties and particularly high quality, the creation of a series of technological lasers and their use for cutting, welding, cutting, plasma and detonation technology for applying strengthening, wear-resistant, anti-corrosion coatings, technology using high pressures, vacuum, pulse effects for the synthesis of new materials, gas and hydroextrusion of products and shaped profiles, shaping and calibration of large-sized products of complex shape.

Biotechnology is the use of biological processes and agents for production purposes.

Initially, it was associated only with branches of the agricultural complex (baking, cheese making, feed silage), then it included industrial microbiological synthesis of physiological active drugs: antibiotics, feed protein, vitamins, and began to be used in wastewater treatment, extraction of metals from ores and waste to enhance oil recovery. , obtaining biofuels. A new stage of biotechnology is associated with genetic engineering. Of particular importance is the creation and development of biologically active substances and drugs for early diagnosis and treatment of diseases, new technologies for producing valuable food, chemical and other products, technologies for deep and effective processing of agricultural and industrial waste to produce biogas and fertilizers.

Due to the imperfection of the economic mechanism, waste-free technologies have not yet been used enough. Only half of the meat and milk were processed through them. The coefficient of useful use of rolled steel over several decades is 0.7 (30% of the metal goes into shavings). Modern technology allows you to increase it to 0.9-0.95. Replacing metal cutting with stamping and non-economic castings with welded structures saves 25% of metal.

Particularly effective is the replacement of mechanical processing of materials with economical technologies - pressing, volumetric stamping, laser beam technologies. Continuous processes for the production of rolled products increase the metal utilization factor to 0.95.

Transferring 1 million tons of rolled ferrous metals from cutting to precision casting saves 200 thousand tons of metal and the labor of 20 thousand workers.

At the present stage of technology development, one of the most important areas is flexible production integration (FIP). The basis of the GIP is:

centralization of parts processing and assembly of components;

flexibility of equipment and production organization;

integration of management based on electronicization and cooperation.

Centralization of processing is the most complete processing of a part, assembly of a unit at one workplace, on one machine. If automatic lines are special equipment and are used only in mass production, then a processing center (MC) is a universal equipment used in both mass and individual production.

When using centralized processing, the following rules should be followed:

the design of parts must meet the requirements of their processing at the processing center;

today you need to process those parts that will go into assembly tomorrow;

Processing of parts started in production and assembly of components must be completed at one workplace.

Production flexibility is the ability to quickly transition to the production of new products, processing different parts on the same equipment with little or no equipment stoppage for changeover. Flexibility is an organization of production in which it is possible to reuse, if not all, then a significant proportion of existing fixed assets, when it is necessary to completely change the product range.

It should be noted that production flexibility is inherent in any production and equipment.

The third component of complex automation is integration. Integration is a higher stage of its development based on computerization. Production integration begins with the integration of various functional components of production into various automated control systems.

Full integration of production does not mean creating the enterprise as some kind of single automatic machine; these will be separate machines that, while remaining autonomous, will actually work as one machine, controlled by a single complex of automatic control systems.

The main criteria for assessing the success of integration are: increased productivity of technological equipment, improved product quality, increased operational reliability, increased uptime, operational efficiency of diagnostic systems, reduced downtime of equipment and systems, the ability to analyze downtime by quantity and quality, increased total operating time of technological processes in systems, the ability to switch to the production of new products with minimal time for production preparation.

The Japanese economy is the most flexible country, in my opinion, which has succumbed to the development of new technologies, the development of scientific and technological progress, and now its industry specializes in the processing of imported raw materials and the development of high technologies. The history of economic development suggests that in any economic system the dynamics of economic growth are associated primarily with the development...

The economy, including innovation policy, is divided into three groups of countries (with active intervention, “intermediate”, with a predominance of market relations). 2. Scientific and technological progress in Russia and its impact on the economy 2.1 Development of the scientific and technical potential of Russia and its impact on economic growth Currently, economic growth, to a greater extent than before, is associated with production efficiency. ...


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