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As we wrote earlier, the Security Research Center road traffic RF began to develop. The new GOST car numbers should appear in the fall of 2018. It was reported that sketches of state numbers made according to the new GOST are ready and awaiting feedback from representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Today, the first sketches of license plates made according to a new type have appeared on the Internet. The photographs of the sketches show several variants of the numbers, their dimensions and stylistics of execution.

At the moment, several options are being considered of how a license plate might look. For example, according to one of the proposed sketches, the region code can be transferred from the right corner to the left side of the license plate. Another variation considers the possibility of completely refusing to specify this code.

For vintage cars, sports cars, motorcycles and mopeds are planning to introduce separate types of state registration numbers. From the futuristic, the possibility of using polymer license plates and radio frequency fixation (probably for tracking fugitive intruders) is being discussed.

A few more innovations will be changes in the size of numbers for motorcycles, the introduction of rear license plates of a square shape for cars brought from the United States and Japan, of which there are a lot of representatives on today's roads of the country. And finally, if the SIC still abandons the numbers of the new "square" standard for American and Japanese cars, most likely it will indicate the standardized places for drilling ordinary license plates, because, as you know, on cars from the United States it is very difficult to attach a regular license plate to a non-standard bracket. ... And by law, drilling the numbers yourself is prohibited.

In the wake of rumors about the impending replacement of Russian license plates, the studio of Artemy Lebedev presented its original development in this area. According to the founder of the design studio himself, such rooms can be found "Soon on all roads of the country".

As part of the new format, the developers propose to use on car numbers: 1 - a three-character abbreviation of the Russian region from the letters of the Latin alphabet, 2 - the color coat of arms of a region or city, 3 - a series of any two numbers, 4 - a free combination of four more permitted letters.

In the studio of Artemy Lebedev, they explain that the result will be about four and a half billion combinations, which will be enough for at least the next century.

Image: Art. Lebedev Studio.

The license plates of the new format use only those letters that cannot be confused with each other in any way of reading. For example, only the letter "C" is used, while the "S" is absent. It is also impossible to get a license plate with the letter "U", but "Y" is available.

It is important that attackers will not be able to quickly change the new number by drawing on the letters, because in addition to the prohibition on the use of letters H, I, J, P, Q, S, U, V, W, the number is also written in a specially designed font, which is very difficult to counterfeit ...

Image: Art. Lebedev Studio.
Image: Art. Lebedev Studio.

GOST-50577, according to which the current car plate numbers, was released over twenty years ago in 1993. Since that time, due to a number of serious shortcomings, including low information content and the need to frequently introduce new codes for different regions, there has been a need to change the current numbering system. For example, in Moscow alone, six different codes are already in use.

Image: Art. Lebedev Studio.

Interestingly, after the entry into force of the current GOST, motorists were allowed to use the previously issued numbers of old samples. It is not surprising that now on Russian roads there are occasional cars with Soviet license plates of both the 1980 and 1958 models. It is not surprising that the traffic police started talking about the imminent preparation of a new reform of car numbers.

From January 1, 2019, in accordance with Rosstandart order 555-st, a new GOST “State registration marks Vehicle". According to the document, ten new types of license plates will appear in Russia.

The format of the numbers will remain the same - M 000 MM 55, where the last two digits mean the area code. Motorcycle license plates will be reduced in size: their size will be 230 × 125 mm (today, motorcyclists are forced to use adapters to attach plates that are 15 mm longer and 60 mm higher).

GOST and numbers for mopeds are introduced. They are identical in size to motorcycle ones, but have the format MM 000 AA 55. Such numbers are intended for scooters that are subject to state registration (with an engine of more than 50 cc).

For passenger cars and trucks, a new non-standard standard size appears rear number: it is two-line, and its dimensions are 290 × 150 mm versus 520 × 112 mm for the standard number. Such plates should fit into the "native" places of cars from North America and Japan.

New types of license plates for cars will start issuing from January 1, 2019

New types of rooms appear in GOST. The first ones are intended for classic motorcycles, cars and trucks, they are planned to be installed on vintage cars. Their sizes correspond to the standard ones, but on the left there is a separate cell with the letter "K", and the number itself has the format MM 000 55. The license plates for sports cars have a similar format.

There is technical changes: For example, each blank for a number must have a unique 12-digit number. Car owners will now be able to drill additional holes in the license plates, the main thing is that they do not touch the symbols, the Russian flag and the RUS inscription.

The new GOST "Signs of state registration vehicles" will take effect from January 1, 2019 in accordance with the order of Rosstandart 555-st. The development of the document began in 2016 at the initiative of the Scientific Center for Road Safety of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

What are the changes that will come into force on January 1, 2018

The main changes that will take effect in 2019 will be as follows

  1. Residents of the Russian Federation, who own foreign motorcycles, will be able to get a reduced-size license plate 190x145 mm, because Russian numbers with a size of 245x160 mm are rather difficult to establish due to their dimensions.
  2. Special numbers for cars of the American and made in Japan... These signs will be 290x170 mm in size, and they can be installed in the same salon in which the foreign car was purchased.
  3. License plates will be created especially for moped owners. They will be the same size as the smaller motorcycle versions, but the signs will be different.
  4. Owners of ATVs that are not intended for driving on ordinary roads will be enriched with their own license plates. They will also be the same size as the smaller versions of the motorcycle license plates.
  5. To highlight vintage cars, new numbers will be introduced, which will start with the letter "K", which will mean "classic"
  6. Also, special numbers will be introduced for sports cars - they will start with the letter "C", which will mean "sport".

The State Duma discussed the introduction of license plates for bicycles and electric vehicles, but they were never adopted. Also, the new German fonts, which were discussed by the authorities, were not accepted.

The other day we reported that a new standard car numbers are being developed in Russia. Today, the first sketches of new license plates have appeared on the network, as well as fresh details of the expected changes.

The sketches of the new license plates were sent by the Russian Automobile Federation to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

The changes will affect both car and motorcycle license plates. In particular, numbers for motorcycles can be reduced in size, and for cars of American and Japanese production, numbers of a different format will be issued (since their standards for fixing numbers do not correspond to Russian ones).

Most motorcycles have a smaller number plate than the Russian sign. Therefore, the standard proposes to revise their sizes. The sketches of the new motorcycle numbers look like this.

And this is how the square-shaped signs for Japanese and American cars look like.

The numbers for classic and sports cars are proposed to be supplemented with the letters "K" and "C", respectively.

These can be car license plates.

The possibility of transferring the region code from the right side of the number to the left is being considered, and even a complete rejection of the region code.

Such numbers are proposed to be made for mopeds and bicycles.

Also among the initiatives are the replacement of metal license plates with polymer ones, equipping them with microchips, as well as revising the requirements for license plate areas that can be drilled for installation in non-standard places.

Revision of GOST-50577 is foreseen in 2017. According to the latest data, public discussion of the first edition of the standard will begin in the fall of 2017, the final version will be ready in the spring of 2018, and approval is scheduled for October 2018.

Last week on the development of a new standard for state registration plates of vehicles, that is, numbers that are issued when registering cars, motorcycles and other equipment. The document is being developed by the Institute of Traffic Safety of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. It was there that the editorial board of "Za rulem.RF" received a copy of the draft of the new GOST R 50577 in the first edition.

The main thing: no RFID tags, no changes in the number of numbers or letters, no refusals of the region code are planned. That is, ordinary license plates will remain in the format M 000 MM 55, where the last two digits indicate the region code.

The only thing that will change dramatically: there will be more types and sizes of rooms. In addition, clarifications have appeared in the standard. For example, from GOST disappeared "motonarts", but "off-road motor vehicles and snowmobiles" appeared. A new type of rear license plate for cars and trucks with custom size(type 2): unlike ordinary numbers, it is two-line, and its dimensions are 290x150 mm versus 520x112 mm for single-line numbers. Such numbers should stand as native on cars from Japan and the USA.

The torment of motorcyclists has come to an end: most of the areas for numbering on modern motor vehicles are adapted for a more compact number than today. If the new version of GOST is approved, then the length of such a number (type 6) will decrease by 15 mm (to 230 mm), and the height by 60 mm (to 125 mm). Now you don't have to figure out how to securely fix the number, well, and complicate readability by bending the number and justifying the design of the site, it will no longer work either.

New types of vehicles have appeared in GOST: classic (retro) cars and trucks, classic (retro) motorcycles and mopeds, sports motorcycles, sports cars and trucks. Their numbers resemble transit ones: a separate cell with the corresponding letter is highlighted on the left, and the number has the format MM 000 55. The dimensions correspond to the usual standard numbers and numbers for cars with a non-standard attachment point.

For classic (retro) cars and trucks (types 22 and 23) and motorcycles (type 24), they start with the letter "K".

Rooms for sport motorcycles(type 27), cars and trucks (types 25 and 26), respectively, start with the letter "C" and also have the format MM 000 55.

Actually, this is where all the changes in GOST come to an end. It remains unclear what the developers mean by sports vehicles. If we are talking about racing technology, then cars must have a license plate only in rallies and rally-raids, where there are stretches on public roads. It cannot be ruled out that a new category of vehicles may appear in the Traffic Regulations. Perhaps sports cars will be equated with an engine more powerful than 250 hp. and with a specific body type.

Naturally, based on the results of the discussion, and even after it, new amendments may be made to GOST, it will have to be rewritten and supplemented. So, it is possible to expect its entry into force only by the end of next year.


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