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In modern conditions, the simplest and most effective option to check the presence of a technical inspection or the authenticity of the diagnostic card that the owner of the car has is the single base of the EAISTO STSI. Together with the PCA database, it is used as the main source of information necessary for issuing an OSAGO policy or checking it.

What data is needed to check in the database?

In most cases, online diagnostic card authentication services require the use of at least one of the following vehicle details:

  • VIN code. This parameter is a sequence of 17 characters that includes both numbers and letters;
  • body number. Set of 10 characters;
  • chassis number. Also consists of 10 characters;
  • license plate of the car. Sequence of 8 letters and numbers;
  • diagnostic card number. It is a set of 15 or 21 digits.

To start the document verification program according to the EAISTO traffic police database, it is required to enter any one or several of the above information about the vehicle into the appropriate field of the search form. After performing a search, the online service will provide information about the diagnostic card, if it is present in the database.

How quickly will the result be ready?

The use of modern and highly efficient information technologies provides a very fast speed of checking the status of the diagnostic card. As a result, the information of interest to the user is displayed on the monitor screen almost instantly. Delaying the search procedure for several minutes can be caused by one of two reasons - the choice of a low-quality online service for verification or preventive work performed with a single database of the EAISTO traffic police. In the first case, you need to find a new and more efficient program, and in the second, you need to try again later.

VIN number:
Body number:
Frame number:

How accurate is the check?

Using a high-quality and efficient service for checking a diagnostic card, posted on our website, allows you to achieve a 100% guarantee of the accuracy of the results obtained. The user, with the correct application of the software and the provision of reliable information, can be sure of the reliability of the verification of the document. As an additional bonus, anyone can use other online services of the site, for example, checking an OSAGO policy using the PCA database or a calculator for calculating the cost of its registration in one of the insurance companies. In both of the above examples, it is enough for the user to fill in several fields of the search form, after which the program will display the information of interest to him within a few seconds.

What should I do if it was not possible to check the diagnostic card or the result is empty?

If the program for checking the diagnostic card gives a zero result of searching for a document in the EAISTO database, you should try to establish the cause of such a situation. There may be several. Firstly, the EAISTO website was unavailable at the time of the check, as a software failure occurred or the database was being updated. In this case, you need to repeat the procedure after some time.

Secondly, quite often the user enters incorrect information into the search form. In such a situation, it is necessary to carefully check all the information, and if necessary, fill in the program fields in a new way. It should be taken into account that the EAISTO database provides for a limit on the number of requests from one user per day, equal to three. Therefore, it is recommended to immediately double-check the data entered into the program immediately after filling in the relevant fields of the online service.

Thirdly, the issuance of a zero result by the service may mean the absence of information about the vehicle passing the technical inspection procedure and, as a result, a issued diagnostic card. The way out of this situation is quite simple - contacting the inspection station, passing the procedure prescribed by law and issuing a new diagnostic card.

In a situation where the technical inspection by the owner of the car was nevertheless passed, it is necessary to contact the place where it was passed. It is quite possible that information about the issued diagnostic card has simply not yet been included in the EAISTO database. In such a situation, the procedure for providing them directly at the inspection point should be clarified.

Are diagnostic cards (inspection) purchased online checked?

The principle of operation of the AISTO GIBDD database does not imply the division of diagnostic cards according to the way they are issued. Therefore, regardless of how the inspection procedure was carried out, the online check will provide the user with information about the diagnostic card that is of interest to the user.

How to use the service:

1. Enter in the field VIN the corresponding VIN for your vehicle.
2. Click the button Search».

Possible service responses:

1. DC not found– Means that there is no record with such Vin code in the EAISTO database. After such an answer, you need to double-check the correctness of the entered data, if everything is entered correctly, then contact the company in which you did the inspection.

2. Found in EAISTO– Means that the record of the diagnostic card is present in the EAISTO database. The following is detailed information about the vehicle. And data on all diagnostic cards for this car in EAISTO, even for previous years.

See also

You can also check the technical inspection by VIN, diagnostic card number, state number.

One of the ways to identify a car is identification by VIN code. VIN code is a unique code that is assigned to each car. The combination of letters and numbers in the VIN number depends on various parameters of the car, such as the country of manufacture, the color of the car, the year of its manufacture, etc., therefore, any information about the car can be obtained from the VIN code of the car.

Thus, it becomes clear why, when creating the database of technical inspections of the traffic police - EAISTO, a mandatory field was introduced, in which the VIN code of the car is indicated when registering the technical inspection, and since this code is unique for each car, you can find out by the VIN code whether there is a record about this car in EAISTO.

How to use the service?

1. Enter the state numbers of your car in the field state number.
2. Click the button Search».

Possible service responses:

1. DC not found– Means that there is no record with such a state number in the EAISTO database. With this answer, we recommend checking the technical inspection by the VIN code of the car, since technical experts often do not enter the state numbers of the car into the database.

2. Found in EAISTO– Means that the record of the diagnostic card is present in the EAISTO database. The following is detailed information about the vehicle. And data on all diagnostic cards for this car in EAISTO, even for previous years.

See also

You can also check the technical inspection by VIN, diagnostic card number, state number.

The state number of the car is issued at the traffic police departments about registering the car or re-registering the car to another owner. During registration and re-registration, the new owner is given unique state numbers that are needed to identify the car on the roads of the country and abroad. Since the state number is unique, when issuing a diagnostic inspection card, a special field was introduced, which is also in the EAISTO database, the state mark of the car is entered in this field.

It is worth noting that this field is not mandatory when applying for a technical inspection, therefore, when checking for state registration plates, you may not find your technical inspection in the EAISTO database, usually this happens because the technical expert did not enter the necessary data in the state mark field. Why is the field optional, you ask? This was not done by chance, but for the reason that the owners of the car are constantly changing and re-registering the car for themselves, as a result they change state signs, so a discrepancy may occur. We recommend that you check the technical inspection by the VIN code or by the number of the diagnostic card.

After each inspection in a car service, the car owner is issued a diagnostic card that is tied to a specific vehicle and has its own original number.

This is an important document. It certifies that, according to the experts, the vehicle or motorcycle is fit for use. Sometimes it is required to find out the number of the diagnostic card if for some reason it was lost or became unusable.

What is a diagnostic card number

When issued, each diagnostic card is assigned an individual code that allows you to quickly and easily identify it. The specialist who conducted the technical inspection transfers the electronic format of the DC to the database of the Unified Automated Information System for Technical Inspection (EAISTO), where, according to the regulations, it must be stored for 5 years.

In the paper version, two copies are printed and certified with a seal. One copy is given to the owner of the car, and the other remains in the custody of the operator. The DC is also in the electronic database, which allows you to quickly restore it.

Do not confuse your own and registration number of DC in the EAISTO system. Main differences:

Here's what you may need the original card number for:

  • insurance agents, when issuing auto third party liability insurance policies, use it to verify the authenticity of the diagnostic card;
  • buyers of used cars use it to check whether maintenance has been completed or not;
  • helps to avoid fraud by scammers when concluding a contract for the sale of a car.

A fake DC can be easily detected, because it will not be possible to find data about it in the EAISTO database. If the license plates in the DC and in the register of operators on the PCA website are different, then without a doubt it can be said that the inspection will be invalid, and the driver will not be able to issue an OSAGO.

How to find out the inspection card number

There are three ways for a driver to find out the DC number:

  • contact the operator who carried out the maintenance at the car service center and name the registration marks of the form;
  • find special site, where they will provide the necessary information for free;
  • independently look in the conclusion on the results of TO No. EAISTO, which is usually located next to the date of the inspection, and find out the No. DK from it.

Find by state number and VIN

During registration, a technical center specialist registers a diagnostic card in the EAISTO system. If the service does not detect an error and gives a positive response, then the DC receives a unique 21-digit license plate. This means that it has been successfully entered into the unified register.

To find the diagnostic card number and verify the authenticity of the technical inspection, it will be enough to know the VIN code or license plate of your car. If the data about the car is available in the register, then after an automated search, a license plate of the DC will be issued, which matches the one indicated on paper. The procedure is free.

How to find out the diagnostic card number by license plate and VIN code online? On the website or other specialized resource, you will need to fill in the appropriate field in the form provided and click "Check".

As a result of the search by VIN, the system will find and display the entire list of references to the car in EAISTO and the saved technical inspection numbers. Here you can also find out when the DC expires and other parameters.

In the same way, the car owner will be able to find a diagnostic card by state number. In the empty field with the designation "registration plate of the car" or "license plate of the vehicle" you need to enter the necessary data. It is more convenient to find a DC for checking maintenance in this way: it is much easier to enter a car license plate of 8-9 characters, because many car owners know it by heart

If the driver did not find the necessary information, it means that the technical inspection was carried out before the car was registered with the traffic police, because the license plate number is not listed in the database. It is most reliable to search by the VIN code, since information on the state registration of the vehicle is optional for entering into the unified register.

Why do you need to check

Sometimes it may be necessary to check whether there is information about the diagnostic card in the EAISTO infobase. The following circumstances may serve as a reason:

  • the need to issue an OSAGO policy;
  • loss or damage to the DC;
  • sale and change of ownership of the car.

When concluding an OSAGO contract, the auto insurer will definitely require you to undergo MOT and submit the appropriate document. But what if the driver lost it or tore his form. In this case, a duplicate is made. The issuance is made upon application within one day. No state duty is charged for issuing a duplicate of the technical inspection. When there is a change of ownership, the DC, by law, continues to operate until the end of the established period.

Checking the availability of a technical inspection online will not take much time, but it will help to verify the legitimacy of the DC of the vehicle. The procedure in many cases will help to save money and time of the car owner.

Not all drivers know what are the features of checking the mileage on the diagnostic card in 2020, and because of this they make mistakes.

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Before selling a car, you can find out the mileage if you have a diagnostic card on hand that was received no more than a year ago.

As a rule, car owners extend the validity of a previously received diagnostic card in order to obtain an OSAGO policy. In the absence of a card, insurance is not issued.

However, not everyone knows that if the car was recently purchased in the cabin, it is not necessary to undergo MOT, even when applying for insurance.

The current legislation contains a rule governing the procedure for passing MOT - for new cars, the first inspection is carried out after 3 years from the date of issue.

If any malfunctions occur within the first three years, the driver can contact the service center, since such breakdowns are considered a manufacturing defect and are repaired at the expense of the manufacturer.

General points

If a driver wants to know the mileage of a vehicle based on the results of a technical inspection, he must have a clear understanding of the procedure itself and the parameters being checked.

The technical inspection is carried out by a highly qualified specialist who not only checks the condition of the machine, but also draws up a conclusion on the basis of which the machine is allowed or not allowed for further operation.

Upon successful completion of the procedure, the vehicle owner is issued a card with data, including mileage. Upon completion of the inspection, all information is entered into a single database - EAISTO. Both the driver himself and another interested person can find out the mileage on it.

In addition to mileage, the following parameters are fixed:

  1. Compliance of all parts with standards.
  2. Standards for technical fluid in the vehicle.
  3. Condition of door systems, locks.
  4. The work of the brake system.
  5. Performance of lighting fixtures.
  6. General level of exhaust toxicity.

All information is reflected in the map and database. The data is necessary upon receipt, as well as in the event of an accident, if it is necessary to determine which machine malfunction led to the accident.

Basic concepts

Concepts that every car owner faces:

Compulsory third party liability insurance. It is necessary to obtain an OSAGO policy from any accredited insurance company. In the event of an accident, the insurer pays compensation to the injured party
Diagnostic card A document on the A4 form, which is compiled in the form of a table that reflects the results of a diagnostic check of the vehicle. In total, the map includes 65 points. Mileage information is required.
Vehicle mileage Number of kilometers driven by a particular vehicle
SDA Traffic rules that all drivers must follow

The mileage check on the diagnostic map of Russia is carried out at service stations. Based on the mileage data, a conclusion can be drawn about the condition of the vehicle.

Its validity period

The validity period of the diagnostic card corresponds to the terms of the next technical inspection:

You can determine the mileage when buying a car, or in the case when it is necessary to extend the contract with the insurance company.

In order to obtain the information of interest, it is enough just to enter the state number into the database.

The report is issued within a few seconds after the number is processed. The following data is indicated:

  • year of issue;
  • car category;
  • type of car - right or left hand drive;
  • power and engine;
  • mileage.

However, it should be noted that only brief, incomplete information is provided free of charge. To get more accurate, complete information about the mileage, you need to pay.

In addition to the mileage, additional information about the accident, the presence of encumbrances will be displayed. General view of the vehicle report:

Using the Autocode service when buying a car, you can find out if the owner of the vehicle is deceiving a potential buyer.

For this you need:

Go to the "Mileage" section Find commit date and assignment details. This information can be calculated based on the information from the diagnostic cards received after the maintenance. It should be remembered that technical inspections are carried out only three years after the introduction of the car into operation. The mileage of the car, along with other information about the car, is entered into the map and database
Check the item "Working in a taxi service" If the car was used as a source of income, the mileage increases accordingly
In the "History of fines" section You can find out when the owner of the vehicle received a fine and for what, as well as in which region. Based on this information, we can conclude what mileage the car has and whether it matches the originally declared indicators.

You can get information about the car for free on the traffic police website, however, the mileage data is not indicated on the portal.

Only on the basis of information about the release date and fines, you can make calculations and get an approximate mileage figure.

Video: how to find out the mileage of a car or find out the VIN by number, check for accidents, for arrest, for restrictions

What parameters are included in the technical inspection

The diagnostic card is filled out according to the results of maintenance and contains the following information:

The operator must indicate all found inconsistencies in the lower and upper boundaries. At the very end of the document, the results of the verification are recorded, which are exactly transferred to the EAISTO database.

The owner of the car must correct all discrepancies found within 20 days, after which a re-check is carried out, as a result of which the data in the card is corrected.

How to use EAISTO databases online


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