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Recently, the number of people who like to ride a bicycle has increased significantly. This popularity is primarily due to the fact that a person improves his health, does not stand in traffic jams and sometimes gets to his destination faster than a car driver. Many people think about using a bicycle as transport for commuting to work, to the store, to nature, etc.

It is worth noting that walking on pedestrian paths is very problematic, and there are very few special bicycle lanes in a large city. Therefore, you often have to travel on a common road with cars. To avoid additional problems, you need to clearly know the rules of cycling.

What role does a cyclist play when driving on public roads?

Few people know, but the driver of a two-wheeled vehicle, riding along the roadway, becomes a full participant in the traffic. We can say that a collection of traffic rules (traffic rules) for cyclists is appearing, which coincide with the general ones. There is only one point of limitation, which will be discussed later.

The positioning of the cyclist also needs to be studied. Everyone knows that a two-wheeler usually travels at a speed of less than 30 km/h. The bicycle driver is not protected by the body and other safety features of the vehicle. It is difficult for him to show a turn and he must be especially careful when driving through an intersection.

As already noted, there are bicycle traffic rules. To avoid confusion, you must first understand the terms. A bicycle is a vehicle with at least two wheels that is propelled by muscular energy. The driver is the operator of the vehicle. If a person is walking and a bicycle is rolling nearby, he is not considered a driver.

As for rights and responsibilities, the only thing worth noting here is positioning. The rules for riding a bicycle coincide with the general requirements, with the exception of cases when a person does not ride it, but rolls next to him. Then he is considered a pedestrian with all the ensuing circumstances.

What places are you allowed to drive to?

This issue is quite acute, precisely because of the lack of special lanes, lovers of two-wheeled vehicles must move along the highway. So where can you ride your bike? It is worth noting that such places are designated quite specifically:

  1. Bicycle paths. In theory, such lanes should be everywhere for ease of movement, but in practice the situation with them is sad. However, if such a path is still present, you need to drive only along it.
  2. Roadway. Bicycle traffic rules apply here. That is, you can only move along the right edge of the roadway. There are limits: no further than 1 m from the curb or directly along it. In the case when the bicycle driver dismounts and leads him behind him, it is necessary to move with his back to the traffic, and not vice versa.
  3. Pedestrian area or sidewalk. This point is the last one when considering the rules of cycling. Only if there are no other paths, you can drive in this zone.

In practice, most lovers of two-wheeled vehicles like to ride on sidewalks, which is, in principle, contrary to the rules. A cyclist is a road user, not a pedestrian. This is worth remembering when you travel.

Technical component and maneuver signals

As already noted, a cyclist needs to take his hobby seriously and always check that everything is in order before leaving. The first thing you should pay attention to is the technical condition of the bike. There is a provision for the approval of vehicles for use, which describes in detail what is required of it for normal operation. Before leaving home, it is better to carefully check everything and make sure that the bike is in good condition. If any violations have been identified, it is better not to move on it until the problems are resolved.

Now let's talk more about turn signals. The driver of a two-wheeler must:

  • before making a maneuver or changing lanes, warn other traffic participants of your intention with the help of light signals or using your hand;
  • remember that the cyclist turns calmly, without violations;
  • if you want to maneuver to the left, you need to extend your left arm to the side or bend your right arm at the elbow so that it looks up;
  • in case of a right turn, you should mirror your actions;
  • when braking, you must raise your right or left hand;
  • when stopping, lower your left hand down;
  • remember that the cyclist informs in advance about his movement so that there are no problems on the road in the form of a traffic jam or accident.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that before leaving for the city it is better to practice in order to minimize the risk of an accident. Slow movement is encouraged, since in this case a person will protect himself from injury.

How to maneuver correctly?

Turning is an integral part of cycling, and not only that. Maneuvering is a deviation from a straight trajectory. According to the traffic rules for cyclists, the driver must give way to another vehicle if it is moving straight. Lane changes and turns must be performed correctly to avoid an accident.

Start of movement is the moment when you want to start riding. In this case, you should give way to all passing vehicles. At the first opportunity to leave, you must turn the steering wheel to the left, straighten out and continue driving. If your route is laid through a yard, then when entering it, you must also give way to all oncoming vehicles.

Changing lanes should be done smoothly, without causing disturbances on the road. Usually it needs to be done to avoid obstacles or move in the permitted direction. For example, you are moving along the middle lane, and you need to turn right. Before reaching the intersection, you need to smoothly change lanes in advance. In this case, you need to let cars pass and reduce speed. As for avoiding obstacles, the one on whose side there is no fence has an advantage.

Driving through intersections

The rules for riding a bicycle on the roadway about crossing intersections boil down to the fact that you can ride it in one of four ways: straight, right, left, and turn around. It is worth noting that turning right is allowed in all situations unless there is a prohibiting sign. The right side is considered the cyclist's legal place, so there should be no issues with the maneuver. The driver can also drive straight without changing lanes into the adjacent lane. There are cases when the right side is intended exclusively for turning, then you should still change lanes and drive in the right direction.

With the maneuver of a U-turn and a turn to the left, things are more complicated. A cyclist has the right to change the trajectory of movement only on those roads where there is one lane in each direction. A prerequisite is the absence of tram tracks. It is worth noting that, other things being equal, the tram has priority over the bicycle.

Types of intersections

There are several types of intersections: uncontrolled, priority and controlled. Let's look at each in more detail, since this information is very important for the correct movement of cyclists.

Uncontrolled intersections are driven through according to the “obstacle on the right” principle. Before turning, you must give way to all vehicles coming from there. If you need to turn left, you should skip the entire oncoming lane.

Intersections with priority are those intersections where, according to traffic rules, some people pass, no matter what, while others give way. Here the priority of roads comes first: main and secondary. In order to avoid problems with the definition, it is necessary to carefully study the rules of cycling. If you are driving along the main lane, you need to slow down a little before the intersection; you need to keep in mind that not everyone knows about the rules. If you need to turn left at such an intersection, then you must give way to vehicles moving from all directions.

As for signalized intersections, they are street intersections where it is prohibited to turn left. However, there are certain tricks to the rules of cycling. For example, you can do the maneuver in two ways:

  • get off the vehicle and walk across the pedestrian crossing;
  • drive at an angle of 90 degrees, first straight to the end, turn left and straight again. This option is suitable for those roads where there are no zebra crossings or nearby cars.

Prohibitions for bicycle drivers

Fans of two-wheeled vehicles should also study the restrictions, because the rules are created primarily to protect people. The following recommendations should be followed:

  • You must not let go of the steering wheel, except when giving a signal about the intention of any action. In this case, you need to stop;
  • It is forbidden to talk on the phone, you can only use a headset;
  • You cannot drive on highways;
  • In addition, it is prohibited to turn left on multi-lane roads or where tram tracks are present.

If we look at it as a whole, all the rules are quite logical; those who like to ride a bicycle should study only the last point. Two-wheeler drivers must follow the bicycle lane sign. It shows the possible movement, as well as the prohibition of turning, etc.

Turning left is prohibited only on a multi-lane road; in all other cases, the maneuver is permitted.

Difficult situations

In this question we will look at several difficult cases and the way out of them:

  1. Review. This is very important, because before each maneuver it is necessary to assess the situation. Not all vehicles of this type have bicycle lights and mirrors, so you have to turn your head. However, this action should not affect the quality of control, so you need to practice a lot.
  2. Overtaking. Like other drivers, cyclists have the right to overtake. The rules of cycling state that this maneuver must be performed only on the left side. You can overtake other two-wheeled vehicles and move in two rows, if this does not contradict the rules.
  3. Crossing intersections. Priority like the main road applies to both cars and bicycles. That is, the “interference on the right” has not been canceled. Special attention should be paid to turning left. It is allowed to maneuver on a single-lane road. In other cases, it is recommended to get off the bike and walk through the intersection according to all the rules of a pedestrian.
  4. Obstacles. The roads are different, so it is possible to drive near corners, tunnels, thickets and other obstacles. In this case, a regular horn will do just fine to warn other vehicles of an approaching bicycle. In other countries like Ukraine and Belarus, every driver is required to have a bell. In our country this is not established by law, but is implied for each type of transport.


Since all the traffic rules that apply to motorists also apply to cyclists, it is logical that in the event of an accident they are also responsible. The Code of Administrative Offenses controls this issue. Fines for violation of traffic rules by bicycle drivers are provided in accordance with the law. For example, for violation of rules by pedestrians and other traffic participants, monetary compensation can be up to 10,000 rubles.

In addition, the Code of Administrative Offenses contains many other articles that regulate non-compliance with the requirements of road signs, transportation of goods, stopping, towing, etc. It is prohibited to drive through a red traffic light; if there is a traffic controller, priority should be given to him. This is to ensure that cyclists know that they are ordinary road users who must follow the rules or face liability.

If a cyclist is found to be intoxicated while violating the rules, then an amount of 1,000 to 1,500 rubles is added to the fine. You need to know that you can pay compensation on the spot for no more than 1 minimum wage. The rest of the money must be transferred through the cash desk at the bank. After committing a violation, the traffic police officer must issue a receipt, since without it it is impossible to pay the fine. You should also remember the presumption of innocence.

Route selection

If you are new to this business and just like to occasionally ride a bike around the city, it is better to choose a road with low traffic. There the ride will be more comfortable, the chance of getting into an accident is minimal and there are many other advantages. Wide streets with high traffic levels should be avoided. Of course, an experienced driver will drive everywhere, but it’s better not to take risks. Nobody canceled caution, so you don’t need to drive on the same road with cargo trucks.

Cyclists are prohibited from traveling on highways. This is easily explained by the fact that the average speed there is about 90 km/h. It is worth noting that there is no age limit for riding a bicycle. However, children under 14 years of age are not permitted to use this vehicle for permanent travel. After all, they don’t yet understand and don’t know all the rules, and what could be more dangerous than ignorance? Children can ride in the presence of adults, and ride slowly. This way you can protect yourself and your child.

Safety rules when riding a bicycle

To conclude the article, we will present a few points that will help you protect yourself on the roads and minimize the likelihood of an accident. Let's talk about this in more detail:

  1. When riding a two-wheeler, you must wear a helmet to help protect against head injuries. The helmet must be comfortable and meet the standards.
  2. It is not recommended to listen to the radio or player through headphones. As a result, the driver loses touch with reality and may not hear any important signal.
  3. Follow the rules, markings, pay attention to traffic lights, etc.
  4. Watch the speed, it should not be too high. The speed is chosen by the cyclist himself, based on his experience and the quality of the road.
  5. Before the maneuver, give the necessary signals so that other drivers understand you.
  6. In any case, you need to look at the quality of the road. Various holes, drains, and hatches must be avoided to avoid injury.
  7. If you enter the roadway, your attention should double. After all, the car is much larger than its little friend. You can put up big signals and wear special clothes so that your bike is immediately noticed on the road.
  8. While driving, do not let go of the steering wheel. To ride a bicycle, you need to learn how to balance. However, even masters of sports have failures. Without holding onto the steering wheel, you could suddenly fall to one side and be seriously injured.
  9. If you are taking any medications that may affect your agility or alertness, it is best not to drive.

When driving a vehicle, you need to put aside pathos and focus on the road. This will minimize the likelihood of an accident and injury.

Many cyclists think about using their bike as a vehicle and riding it to work, to the country, to shops, to nature... It’s quite problematic to drive on sidewalks among pedestrians; there are only one or two special ones in a city with a population of over a million people, and that’s not a fact. There is only one option left - roads and highways, and traffic on them is equal to cars.

Not everyone knows that a bicycle is equal to a car, and on the road it is necessary to follow the general rules of movement on the roadway. Going out with a bike unprepared is absurd and dangerous, so now we will determine where and how a bicycle driver should ride and what to follow when doing so.

Bicycle safety in the “iron kingdom”

To ride a bicycle safely on the roadway you must:

  • Good condition of transport.
  • Required position relative to other vehicles.
  • Optimal speed.
  • Maintaining distance, lateral interval.
  • Attentiveness, good response.
  • Visibility from the outside.
  • Compliance with the requirements of road signs, markings, traffic lights.

When moving on the roadway, the bicycle must be in good condition. First of all, this concerns the steering wheel and brake system. It is also necessary to check the mounting of the wheels to the frame, the condition of the transmission and the air pressure in the tires.

We decide which side of the road we need to be on. A rather controversial issue among cyclists: some argue that you should ride in the direction of travel, others - “against the grain”, like pedestrians - on the side of the road, others don’t care at all, even if it’s in the middle. So who is right?

Traffic regulations clearly and clearly defined the position of a bicycle on the road: passing other vehicles, moving as far to the right as possible. This could be the edge of the road, the right lane in multi-lane traffic. The key word "possible" means that traffic rules allow cyclists to veer to the left and even enter oncoming traffic. Such cases include:

  • Driving around a parked car.
  • Poor quality of the road surface, when driving on which you can fall and create an emergency situation.
  • Driving through the scene of an accident or cordon.

A group of cyclists moves in one row, in the extreme right position, at a distance from each other. Riding parallel in one lane, as the rules allow for motorcycles, is prohibited for cyclists.

Cyclists are fish in water on the right side of the road

The speed of the bike in traffic is of great importance. According to traffic regulations, driving synchronously with the flow is the safest for each vehicle. On the road it is necessary to develop and maintain a fairly high speed, at least 20 km/h. Driving too slowly interferes with cars, as they are forced to maneuver around the cyclist. This is especially true for narrow roads, where passing oncoming and oncoming traffic is difficult. However, high speed is only safe if all traffic is moving quickly.

The distance for a cyclist is the distance between him and other vehicles in length. Side spacing is the distance across the width. For comfortable driving on the road, they must be maintained so that in a dangerous situation you can turn to the side. If the distance behind the car in front decreases, you need to slow down. And, conversely, speed up if it decreases with traffic behind. When moving in parallel, you should not press too close to passing and parked cars, and here’s why:

  • There is a risk of falling on the car due to unevenness on the road.
  • The door of a parked car may suddenly open.
  • A car can hit a cyclist.

Attention is the key to successful cycling as a driver. You should carefully monitor what is happening in front and to the sides. The road is movement, and the situation changes every second. It will be useful to purchase a rear-view mirror and install it on the steering wheel: this way you can keep an eye on the road behind you.

An integral attribute of mindfulness is the reaction: the higher it is, the more opportunities there are to avoid an unpleasant situation. The reaction speed decreases when tired, taking medications and when intoxicated. In these cases, the rules prohibit driving, including a bicycle.

Peace of mind will give the cyclist the confidence to be seen. It is recommended to have reflectors on the frame, lighting devices (a headlight at the front and a flashing red light at the rear) when driving at dusk, and bright clothes, preferably also with reflective stripes.

Became visible - avoided problems and saved life

Traffic rules oblige, along with car drivers, to comply with the requirements of road signs, markings and traffic lights. Current road signs for bicycles:

  • Priority signs.
  • Crosswalk.
  • No entry.
  • Prohibiting turns.
  • Prescriptive directions.
  • Signs of special requirements: one-way traffic, route traffic.
  • "Driving in lanes" signs.

Pay attention to the signs

Markings for cyclists:

  • Solid line (no crossing allowed).
  • Broken line (can be crossed).
  • Pedestrian zebra crossing.
  • Islands of safety.
  • Yellow markings prohibiting stopping and/or parking.

As for traffic lights, everything is simple: red, yellow - stop, green - the road is clear. When the additional section of the traffic light is on, traffic is allowed after other vehicles have passed through the main green section. For a cyclist, the “right” arrow will be relevant.

Safe flight when maneuvering

Maneuvering on the road is a deviation from a straight trajectory. According to traffic rules, the driver in this situation must give way to vehicles moving straight ahead. Maneuvers on the roadway include starting to move, changing lanes and turning. We will consider the last category in a separate section, but now let’s talk about how to properly start moving and change lanes.

At the beginning of the movement, you must give way to everyone traveling in the same direction: cars, motorcycles, other bicycles. As soon as a safe gap has formed and other passing vehicles are still far away, we deviate to the left, straighten the steering wheel and pick up speed. When turning onto the road from the adjacent territory (yards, driveways, platforms), it is also necessary to let everyone through.

Changing lanes is necessary when avoiding obstacles or moving in the permitted direction. For example, the right lane is only for right turns, but you need to drive straight. When changing lanes, the trajectory should be as straight as possible, so you need to start deviating to the left in advance. We give way to passing traffic and reduce speed. When driving around obstacles on narrow roads with an exit on the left side, you must stop and let oncoming traffic pass. If the obstacle is on the oncoming side, then the cyclist has the right of way on his territory.

Scheme of passing oncoming traffic on a narrow road

Driving through intersections and crossing roads

In general, there are four ways to drive through a road intersection: continue straight, turn right or left, or turn around. A right turn for a cyclist is allowed at all regular intersections, as it is made from the extreme right position - the cyclist’s legal place.

A cyclist can also freely ride straight from his lane, and he will have an advantage over those turning right. If the right lane is only for a turn, then to drive straight you need to change lanes into the adjacent lane, having first given way to everyone who does not intend to change lanes.

A bicycle driver is only allowed to turn left and change direction from roads where there is one lane in each direction and there are no tram tracks. By the way, about trams: at intersections they have an advantage over a bicycle; if the red light is not on for it, it does not leave the secondary road or the depot.

The tram is always the main one

Warning instructions for turning: “right” - an outstretched arm to the right, “left” and “turn” - an outstretched arm to the left. The direction of turn must be shown in advance, before the maneuver.

Giving signals when turning - good manners, serious approach

Crossroads are divided into several types:

  • Unregulated, equivalent roads.
  • Without traffic lights, with a certain priority.
  • Adjustable.

The first type of intersections is passed according to the “interference on the right” rule. We look to the right and miss everything that moves from there. When turning left at such intersections, you must let the entire oncoming traffic pass unless it has its own obstacle on the right (to the left of the bicycle).

Driving directions “obstruction on the right”

Intersections with priority are intersections of roads where, according to the rules, some pass “without looking”, others give way. The first move along the main road, the second are on the secondary road. On the main road, a bicycle has the right of way, just like a car. However, you need to be careful, slow down a little and pass only if they really allow you to do so.

The most unpleasant maneuver on the main road is turning left. Here you will need to first let through all the passing people, and then the oncoming ones. Sometimes the main road may change direction: there is an information board under the sign. If such a road turns left, then there is no need to let anyone through. On a secondary road, a bicycle is inferior to everyone driving on the main road if they intend to drive straight or to the left, and only to future passing vehicles when turning right.

Intersection with priority passage

Signalized intersections are usually intersections of major streets where left turns will not be allowed. There are two ways to rotate:

  • Get off your bike and cross the zebra crossings.
  • Drive "at the corner": straight on the green, turn 90 degrees and drive straight on the green again. This can be done where there are no pedestrian crossings, and if there are no cars parked at the edge of the road. In general, the first option is safer.

Turn left from a multi-lane road at the corner (green lines)

You are allowed to drive straight and to the right when the signal is green, including a flashing one. You can complete the intersection on yellow or even red. If the traffic light is flashing yellow or turned off, then we look at the priority signs or get off and cross the road on foot.

There are also T-shaped signalized intersections. They are interesting because you can turn left from a road without a direct passage, even if there are more than one lane. To do this, you need to move to the left lane in advance and calmly turn on green: the bicycle will be to the right of everyone and will not create interference. Don't forget to give turn signals when changing lanes and before turning.

Attention! When turning right or left, you can cross a pedestrian crossing only if there are no people on it. That is, we act like in a car: at turns we let all pedestrians pass, and we also let them complete the transition.

You need to cross the road with a bicycle with your own feet, using a pedestrian crossing. Unfortunately, many people neglect this and ride directly on the saddle. This cannot be done for the following reasons:

  • You can hit a pedestrian at a zebra crossing.
  • There is a danger of crashing into a curb and falling off your bike.
  • A car driver turning a corner may not notice a cyclist and hit him.

The same applies to controlled crossings (without an intersection): the rules clearly state that a cyclist is required to cross the roadway as a pedestrian. A self-respecting bicycle driver always remembers where he can and cannot ride.

This is the wrong cyclist

Where it is advisable to travel, not worth it, prohibited

You can, but you shouldn't drive on streets that are too wide and have heavy traffic. Of course, an experienced road cyclist will ride everywhere, but if there are more reasonable options, it is better to choose them. Also, do not overuse driving on highways and roads with a large number of heavy vehicles. We must remember that a truck and a bicycle are incomparable things.

It is prohibited to ride a bicycle on highways without traffic lights. The speed of cars on such roads is usually close to 90 km/h even in the right lane, and a modest 25-30 km/h is completely out of place here. It is also prohibited to ride on two wheels in tunnels.

If the rules are strictly and timely followed, cycling on the roads will be relatively safe and comfortable. To these should be added the unspoken principle of the “three Ds”, as well as being respectful and patient with other participants. There can never be too much politeness, but it will definitely return. 

There was a time when young people started smoking to appear cool. Now, 20-30 years later, it’s funny. Fortunately, everything has turned around, and today girls prefer healthy guys who have everything in order with their priorities. Bicycle, roller skates, skateboard, hoverboard - no matter what you ride, you are definitely in trend. If, of course, you drive safely for yourself and others.

Rules for cyclists

Let's talk briefly about cycling: it is safe only if certain conditions are met, and they cannot be ignored.

So, before you leave home, you should make sure that everything is really in order with your transport.

When not to ride a bike:

  • if you are not convinced of its serviceability. Carefully check whether the steering wheel and signal are in order, whether the brake system works;
  • if there is no rear view mirror;
  • if there are no reflectors (reflectors). White should be in the front, red in the back, and orange on the sides.

If at least one point is not met, riding this bike is dangerous.

Where can you ride?

Along the bike path, and if there is none, along the side of the road, along the sidewalk or pedestrian path, but carefully, without interfering with pedestrians’ safe movement.

If these paths are not there, then you can drive along the roadway, but without moving further than 1 meter from the right edge. You can drive further than 1 meter from the right edge of the road only if you need to go around an obstacle. And also if you turn around or turn left.

If you are under 14 years old, then you can only drive onto the roadway if accompanied by an adult.

How can you ride a bicycle?

If there are several cyclists, they must move one after another, in one row. In this case, large groups are divided into subgroups, each of which has no more than 10 people.

You need to move at a distance of at least 100 meters from the previous subgroup.

If you are driving along the road, do not cross the horizontal white line along the roadway - it should be on your left. This way you can drive safely on the side of the road.

If you are riding on a bicycle path and it intersects with the roadway, and there are no traffic lights, then you must give way to cars.

Well, there is one more sacred rule that everyone knows about, but few people follow, creating a lot of problems: you need to dismount to cross the roadway at a pedestrian crossing.

And finally - five golden rules:

  1. Bicycle helmet- this is not only cool, it is also a real means of protection. You can fall and break your arm - it will heal over time. Or you can fall and break your skull - and here there will be a completely different ending.
  2. Flickers never superfluous. Of course, the bike is equipped with reflectors, but if you add several reflectors to your backpack and jacket, you will be visible in the dark not from 20-25 meters, but from 200-400 meters (depending on the low or high beam of the car’s headlights).
  3. Is your phone always with you? Use Bluetooth headset, and if you don’t have one, just don’t answer calls while driving.
  4. If you like to listen to music on the road, then do it. through one earphone, the second ear must hear what is happening around. Be especially careful in crowded places - loud music is distracting.
  5. In cities, cyclists often share a path with pedestrians, separated by a line. Don't speed up in such places, even if you drive in your own half, a child or a dog may run under the wheels, or an adult will ignore the dividing strip...

You can read more about the rights and responsibilities of cyclists in the Rules of the Road (Chapter 20).

Excerpts from Chapter 20:

Riding a bicycle must be carried out on a bicycle path, and in its absence, on the side of the road, sidewalk or pedestrian path, without creating an obstacle to the safe movement of pedestrians.

Thus, the Traffic Rules directly prohibit cyclists from creating obstacles for the safe movement of pedestrians if cycling is carried out on road elements used by pedestrians.

Only if there is no bicycle path, shoulder, sidewalk or pedestrian path or it is impossible to move along them, cyclists are allowed to move along the roadway in one row no further than 1 meter from its right edge.

Persons under fourteen years of age are prohibited from riding a bicycle on the road unless accompanied by an adult (except for pedestrian and residential areas, sidewalks, bicycle and pedestrian paths).

It is important to remember the following important requirements, Rules of the road for cyclists:

  • driving further than 1 meter from the right edge of the roadway is allowed only to go around an obstacle and, in permitted cases, to turn left or make a U-turn;
  • columns of cyclists when moving along the roadway should be divided into groups of no more than 10 cyclists. The distance between groups must be at least 100 meters;
  • if there is a horizontal road marking line 1.2 on the roadway, indicating its edge, this line should be located to the left of the cyclist (that is, the cyclist should not enter the roadway, but move along the side of the road).

Outside of intersections, at an unregulated intersection of a bicycle path with a road, a cyclist is required to give way to vehicles moving on this road.

For reference:
In particular, you need to make sure that exiting the roadway is safe.

In addition, it is prohibited:

  • linger and stop on the roadway, including on the line of horizontal road markings separating oncoming and passing traffic flows, with the exception of stopping at traffic islands;
  • enter the roadway due to a standing vehicle or other object limiting visibility of the road, without making sure that there are no approaching vehicles.

When approaching a vehicle with blue or blue and red beacons on, it is prohibited to cross (cross) the roadway, and a pedestrian on the roadway must leave it, observing safety precautions.

When driving in the dark and (or) when there is insufficient visibility of the road, regardless of its illumination, the bicycle must have on: in front - a headlight (lantern) emitting white light, in the rear - a lamp emitting red light.

For reference:
It should be remembered that Night time- a period of time that begins after sunset and ends with sunrise.
Insufficient road visibility - visibility of the road in the direction of travel is less than 300 meters, caused by weather (meteorological) conditions (rain, snow and other precipitation) and other factors that reduce the transparency of the atmosphere (dust, smoke, fog, smog).

A cyclist is prohibited from:

  • use technically faulty bicycles, as well as those equipped in violation of the requirements of technical regulatory legal acts;
  • move without holding the steering wheel and (or) without keeping your feet on the pedals (pegs);
  • turn left or turn around on a road that has a tram track and on a road that has more than one lane for traffic in a given direction;
  • drive along the road in conditions of snowfall and (or) ice;
  • carry passengers, with the exception of cases of transporting children under seven years of age on a bicycle on an additional specially equipped seat;
  • transport cargo that protrudes more than 0.5 meters in length or width beyond the dimensions of the vehicle, as well as cargo that interferes with the control of this vehicle.
  • It is prohibited to tow a bicycle with a bicycle, with the exception of an industrial bicycle trailer.

It must be remembered that all of the above violations entail administrative liability.

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How to turn at a difficult intersection? Should you drive on the sidewalk or on the side of the road? Where to get around if you are walking along a country road with a broken bike? Who should cross the intersection first - my bike or my car? Many questions arise in the mind of a cyclist when he rides out onto the road. Many people solve such questions “by eye”, “from experience”, but this is fundamentally wrong. A cyclist is a full-fledged participant in road traffic. He must know all the requirements of the rules of the road on a bicycle.

The role of a cyclist on the road

Let's start learning the rules for cyclists with positioning. Of course, the cyclist often rides slowly, much slower than the 30 km/h limit that limits some road users. The cyclist is not protected by the body or roll bars. It is difficult for a cyclist to show a turn signal or look in the mirror before passing an intersection.

However, the bicycle and its driver have absolutely the same rights, which many people somehow forget, and the same responsibilities as drivers of cars or motorcycles. The traffic rules for cyclists provide only one small point of additional restrictions, which we will consider a little later.


Let's look at the basic terms used by the authors of traffic rules. The descriptions are abbreviated so as not to cloud the reader’s mind with the official language of laws.
A bicycle is a vehicle with at least two wheels, driven by muscular energy, which may also have an electric motor.
Driver is a person driving a vehicle. Those. A cyclist is definitely a driver.
At the same time, a cyclist who drives a bicycle next to him is equated to a pedestrian, completely changing his role in road traffic.

Rights and obligations

As the terminology makes clear, a cyclist can quickly change his status on the road if he moves the bike near him. At the same time, on a bicycle he becomes the driver of a vehicle, accepting all the rights and responsibilities of it, and on foot - a pedestrian (with the only exception of movement along the highway).

Place of movement

Where can you get around?

The rules for riding a bicycle are quite specific.

  1. Bike paths – If there is a bike path, you should ride on it.
  2. On the right edge of the road (carriageway), no further than one meter from the edge, or on the side of the road - equivalent places. At the same time, when moving along the road on foot and driving a bicycle, the movement should be done with your back in the direction of travel, and not against it, as the rules require of pedestrians.
  3. On a pedestrian zone or on a sidewalk - the last place where a cyclist can move, is allowed to use it only in the absence of the two previous options.

In sum, we see a lot of offenders riding on the sidewalks, but the rules expect that a bicycle should participate in road traffic as a vehicle, and not as a pedestrian with wheels. By the way, this only applies to bikers over 14 years old. Children can choose sidewalks and .

Restrictions and prohibitions

In a separate section, the rules for cyclists impose a number of restrictions:

  • always hold on to the steering wheel;
  • do not use the phone without a headset (this is a general rule);
  • do not drive on motorways (sign “Road for cars” or “Motorway”);
  • Do not turn left on multi-lane roads or roads with a tram line.

In general, all the requirements are quite logical; only one thing needs to be studied - regarding turning left. Indeed, at intersections, a cyclist will not be able to turn left anywhere except across a single-lane road. Even then, there are questions regarding the position, since the turn will not be made from the far left position. We will further analyze this and several other examples as a complex situation.

Difficult situations


Before performing a maneuver, a rare cyclist can look in the mirror due to its absence. However, the athlete is obliged to make sure that the maneuver is performed according to the rules (for example, without interfering with other vehicles). You should train so that constant head turns do not affect the quality of bicycle control.


Cyclists, like other vehicles, can overtake, and while driving a bicycle they are required to do this only on the left, taking into account the possibility of overtaking vehicles starting to move or accelerating. Overtaking even bicycles is possible - the rules do not prohibit moving in two rows, if this does not violate other rules.

Driving through intersections

The rules and priority signs also apply to cyclists, i.e. A car turning right and driving parallel to you must yield to a bicycle traveling straight ahead, and a cyclist must yield to vehicles approaching from the right.

Once again, pay attention to the left turn. On a single-lane road, a cyclist has the right to turn in the same way as cars and motorcycles along the full trajectory. In other cases, there are two ways to rotate:

  1. Consecutive drive straight, stop with a turn, another drive straight (i.e. in two movements);
  2. Negotiating an intersection as a pedestrian.

In this case, on the left is a vehicle “bicycle”, and on the right is a pedestrian with a bicycle

By driving a bicycle with our hands, we become a pedestrian when crossing an intersection, receiving the corresponding rights and responsibilities, and we can use the pedestrian crossing and the corresponding traffic light signal.

Driving near obstacles

Sometimes you have to move near corners, thickets, tunnels and other obstacles that block your view. Due to the fragility of the cyclist compared to other road users, it is recommended to use an audible signal so that approaching vehicles and pedestrians can take into account the appearance of the cyclist from within the visibility zone.

By the way, in countries such as Belarus and Ukraine, a bicycle bell is required to be installed. In Russia, this requirement has not yet been explicitly established for bicycles, although it is implied for the entire class of vehicles.

Notation system

A cyclist, like other road users, is required to give signals about planned maneuvers. If the backpack or frame is not equipped with newfangled dimensions with turn signals, you should use the established system of hand signs:

  • changing lanes or turning to the right - the right arm extended or the left arm bent at the elbow;
  • changing lanes or turning left - the left arm extended or the right arm bent at the elbow;
  • stop - any of the hands raised up.

Hands down are also used to make signs in a column. For example, the left hand means “pits on the left” and similarly for the right. This alarm is rarely used.

Before using in heavy traffic, you should practice making signs for safety, because taking one of your hands off the steering wheel can easily cause you to lose control, and coupled with the visibility requirements, this can lead to a fall and injury.

Liability and accidents

Cyclists also get into accidents, and the rules for them are no different from those for cars:

  • You must not leave the scene of the incident.
  • Do not touch the vehicle (i.e. bicycle).
  • You should call and wait for the traffic police.

Bikers are also liable in the same way as drivers, except when they were driving a bicycle and were pedestrians.


As we have seen, a “bicycle driver” must be a competent road user, know and follow the rules of cycling, and also feel responsible on the road. In addition, knowledge of the rules of the road allows you to move around on a bicycle much more efficiently, because, in addition to restrictions, the rules explain the possibilities of movement, such as priority or correct placement in the traffic lane.
However, we should not forget about safety; the basic rules of a cyclist - timely indication of maneuvers, sounding a sound signal and reasonable respect for faster and heavier road users - will save the life and health of the cyclist and allow you to effectively enjoy riding.

More and more residents of big cities are beginning to realize that cycling is convenient, environmentally friendly, fun and fashionable. But in the city, a cyclist can cause a lot of problems if he does not follow the basic rules. A cyclist is a participant in the movement and a driver of a vehicle! This should not be forgotten.

CityFan presents some simple but mandatory rules of the road for cyclists.

  • If a person rides a bicycle, then he is considered the driver of a vehicle, and if he drives it, then he is considered a pedestrian. He is obliged to follow traffic rules in both cases.
  • The bicycle must have working brakes, handlebars and a sound signal, be equipped with a white reflector and a flashlight or headlight (for driving in the dark and in conditions of poor visibility) on the front, a red reflector or flashlight on the back, and a reflector on each side. orange or red. (SDA 2.3.1)
  • It is prohibited to drive without holding the steering wheel with at least one hand, to transport passengers under the age of 7 years, as well as cargo more than half a meter in length or width (Traffic Rules 24.3)
  • Like other drivers, it is prohibited to drive a vehicle while intoxicated, under the influence of medications that impair reaction and attention, or while in a sick or tired state. (SDA 2.7)
  • It is prohibited to use a telephone while driving that is not equipped with a technical device that allows hands-free conversations. (SDA 2.7)
  • Bicycles must travel in the rightmost lane in a single row in the opposite direction of motor vehicles ( changed). The recommendation is due to the fact that in this case both drivers see each other and can coordinate their actions to avoid a collision.

UPD: The point is ambiguous. According to the traffic rules (Traffic Rules 4.1), persons moving in wheelchairs without a motor, driving a motorcycle, moped, or bicycle, must follow the direction of travel of the vehicles.

  • When driving through intersections, the usual priority rules apply. A car moving on a secondary road must yield to a bicycle moving on the main lane. (Traffic rules 13.9-13.10)
  • Cyclists are not allowed to cross the road at a pedestrian crossing, nor are they allowed to turn around on it. In this case, you need to get off the bike and cross the road as a pedestrian. If you have doubts about the correctness of your actions on the road, police officers recommend getting off the sidewalk and following the rules of pedestrians. (SDA 14.1, 8.11)
  • When driving around cars with people sitting in them, you must take into account that they may suddenly open the doors to get out, and this can lead to an accident.
  • When turning, you need to raise your arm, bent at the elbow, or extended. If you turn to the left, raise your right arm, bent at the elbow, or the extended left one; if you turn to the right, raise the bent left arm, or the extended right one. Stop - raised hand (any). (Traffic rules 8.1-8.2) (see picture)

For violations of traffic rules, liability is provided in accordance with the administrative code (fines from 200 to 500 rubles, depending on the violation). His parents will be responsible for the juvenile offender.

There are also questions about the non-recognition of cyclists as motorists. Here all road users can only wish mutual respect, attention and patience on the road. Have a successful, safe and eventful cycling season!

For the information we thank Elena Lobanchikova, an employee of the Ust-Ilimsky Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and the Russian Traffic Police.


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