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School time is the first very timid feelings for a boy from a parallel class or for a neighbor at his desk. You look forward to the end of the lesson, but the minutes go by so slowly, and sometimes it seems as if the clock has stopped completely. And then the long-awaited bell rings and, running out of the classroom into the corridor, you meet your eyes with this boy, and your happiness knows no bounds, but he quickly looks away and runs past you, and you are unable to understand whether he likes you or not. And to find out whether the boy you like loves you and how he treats you, you need these school fortune telling. Of course, you shouldn’t do this in class, but during recess or after school, during the holidays, it’s quite possible to find out your fate.

First fortune telling.

When leaving home for school, you think of the name of the boy you like, and the first thing you meet on the way will determine his attitude towards you. Or you can just make a wish for what awaits you on this day.

If you saw it first:

A car is good luck, everything will be successful with it;
butterfly - date, you will see him;
cat - tears, he will bring you to tears;
bicycle - will offer friendship;
woman is a deceiver, don't trust him;

chicken - will come to visit you or invite you to visit.
mom - you will receive a note from him;
man - he loves another girl;
fly - he is having fun with the other;
mouse or rat - quarrel;

wedding - you will be friends or make peace if you are in a quarrel;
dad - he will invite you to the cinema;
bird - he likes you;
rainbow - you have mutual love;
dog - you will meet another boy;

sun - you will love a stranger;
brother - you will have fun in the same company;
sister - you will rejoice;
your enemy - to treason;
girlfriend or boyfriend - for fun;

rain - to disappointment;
black cloud - he doesn’t trust you;
wind - to jealousy;
snow - to laughter;
man with flowers - loves your friend.

Fortune telling second.

For this fortune telling you will need a pen and a piece of paper. Mentally think of the name of the boy you are going to guess. Quickly draw any number of sticks in four rows. In each row, cross out three sticks until one or two sticks remain, in each row write a number, if there is one stick left, then write 1, if two sticks remain, then write 2, if all sticks are crossed out, then write -0. Now write these numbers in a row in pairs, for example: 21-01 Look for the answer in the table.

00-00-loves you for your character.
00-01-looks at another.
00-02-he only needs you.
00-10 - he is infatuated with someone else.
00-11-he will soon stop loving you.

00-12 - loves, but hides her feelings.
00-20 - really wants to be with you.
00-21-constantly thinks about you.
00-22- loves you for your beauty.
01-00 - afraid to ask you out on a date.

01-01 - he will kiss you soon.
01-02 -he likes your character.
01-10-he loves you very much.
01-11-likes your eyes.
01-12- don't trust him, he's deceiving you.

01-20 - you will see him soon.
01-21-suffers for you.
01-22- he really likes you.
02-00 - constantly thinks about you.
02-01- very sad.

02-02-wants to be friends with someone else.
02-10 - your image is always before his eyes.
02-11 loves your smile.
02-12- will never cheat on you.
02-20 - you'll be with him soon.

02-21-he will cheat on you.
02-22- believes that you love him.
10-00 - will make a date soon.
10-01-wants to see you.
10-02- don't trust him.
How to find out which boy loves you?
10-10 - respects you.
10-11-jealous of you.
10-12 - embarrassed to talk about his love.
10-20 - can’t forget you.
10-21 - he is interested in you.

10-22 - he doesn’t need you.
11-00 - he has another one.
11-01 will send you to hell.
11-02-see you soon.
11-10 - he will fall in love with someone else.

11-11 - he likes your girlfriend.
11-12-he likes you, but only as a girlfriend.
11-20 - I really like you.
11-21 you will receive a letter from him.
11-22 - thinks you are beautiful.

12-00 - waiting to meet you.
12-01-very jealous of others.
12-10 - he dreams of someone else.
12-11 - wants to invite you to the cinema.
12-12 - you'll be kissing soon.

12-20 - misses you.
12-21 is boring with you.
12-22 - you will never be together.
20-00 - wants to offer you friendship.
01/20—you won’t see him today.

20-02-you shouldn’t believe him.
20-10-he stopped loving you.
20-11-loves very much.
20-12-he dreams of you.
20-20 wants to be friends with you.

20-21 - he will deceive you.
20-22 - loves another.
21-00 - better forget it.
21-01-he dreams of seeing you.
21-02- you like him very much.

21-10-remembers another.
21-11- considers you the best.
21-12-angry at you.
21-20 - wants to kiss you.
21-21-you will quarrel with him.

21-22 - wants to leave you.
22-00 - you don’t love him.
22-01-remembers you often.
22-02-you will be together.
22-10 - he doubts his feelings.

22-11 - you're wasting your time on him.
22-12 - you will be happy together.
22-20 - he doesn’t believe that you love him.
22-21 - wants to be friends with you.
22-22-dreams about kissing you.

Fortune telling by RONGLIS
How to find out which boy loves you?
The meaning of the word RONGLIS: R - joy, O - resentment, N - trouble, G - grief, L - love, I - betrayal, S - date.

Do you want to know what awaits you or your girlfriend, or the boy you like, then this fortune telling is for you. Write the full first and last name of the person you are guessing about.

Underneath them write the date, month, and time of day, for example:

Ivan Petrov
First May morning

Cross out two identical letters, one on the top line, the other on the bottom, count how many letters are left: for example, 9.
At the bottom, write R O N G L I S. and cross out every ninth letter until there is only one left.
The letter that remains uncrossed will determine what awaits you, or the person you were wondering about. I still have the letter C, which means Vanya Petrov will have a date today.

Fortune telling by L U R N I S T.

You can also find out how this or that boy treats you by using the word LURNIST.

The meaning of the word LURNIST: L - loves, U - respects, R - jealous, N - hates, I - cheats, S - suffers, T - yearns.

Write your last name, first name and patronymic on top, and the boy’s last name, first name and patronymic below. Just as in the previous fortune-telling, cross out the same letters in the top line and in the bottom, and count those that remain uncrossed out. At the bottom, write LURNIST and cross out each letter that matches the number until one letter remains. From it you will find out how the boy treats you.

Fortune telling with chamomile.

It’s better to guess with daisies with your friends. Draw a daisy, cut it out and on each petal write the names of the boys from your class, turn the daisy over with the names down and have each girl tear off a petal and find out the name of the boy who loves her.

And if it’s summer outside, then you definitely need to tell fortunes on a daisy flower, tearing off the petals and asking the question: “He loves - he doesn’t love, he will hug - he will deceive, he will laugh - he will love, he will kiss - he will spit, he will press it to his heart - he will send him to hell” and so on in a circle . The word that will fall on the very last petal and will mean how the boy treats you.
How to find out which boy loves you?

Why do boys dream?

Monday - he really likes you.
Tuesday - he will fall in love with you.
Wednesday - will write you a letter.
Thursday - will love you forever.
Friday - goodbye.
Saturday - for separation.
Sunday - loves you.

And you can also find out who loves you, if on the night from Thursday to Friday, you wash your face with water without wiping yourself - you go to bed, make a wish, saying the following words: “From Thursday to Friday I will wash my face with water, Friday, Friday, who loves - let him dream." And the boy who likes you will definitely dream of you.

Love signs.

Often boys are very shy and hide their attraction to girls because they are afraid that their friends will laugh at them. Therefore, sometimes they behave incorrectly, push the girl they like, pull her pigtails, hit her.
If a boy hits a girl on the hand, it means he loves her, on the shoulder, then he is a traitor, on the back - he shows that he is jealous, on the head - he trusts.

If your lips itch - for a kiss, your chest - your loved one is yearning, your right hand - for a sudden meeting,
left hand - he will give a gift, heels - you will go to heaven on a date, head - thinks only about you, cheek - to love.
How to find out which boy loves you?
If his face is burning on Monday - he is talking about you with someone, Tuesday - he loves you, but hides his feelings, Wednesday - he will soon confess his love, Thursday - he will make a date, Friday - he laughs at you, Saturday - he wants to cheat on you , Sunday - loves and is looking forward to meeting you.

If your ears are burning: Monday - for guests, Tuesday - for a date, Wednesday - for acquaintance, Thursday - for a gift, Friday for news, Saturday - for tears, Sunday - for fun.

These are simple, uncomplicated fortune telling, but you and your girlfriends will know a lot about the boys you like.

Happy fortune telling!

Probably each of us in childhood tried to summon gnomes or, say, the Queen of Spades. Children's magic became popular only at the end of the last century. It is possible that children's tendency to explain certain events in a supernatural way is instilled through fairy tales and science fiction films. It is from here that there is such a passion to join the magical power and cross the line of reality. The items that are used in children's fortune-telling are quite simple: it can be a mirror, water, cookies or candies, mother's lipstick, and so on. So, let's look at the most popular children's fortune telling.

Children's fortune telling "Stumble"

With the help of this children's fortune telling, you can predict your future, according to the day of the week on which the child stumbled.

  • Monday - there will be tears
  • Tuesday - good news
  • Wednesday is not very good news
  • Thursday - to sadness
  • Friday - meeting with friends
  • Saturday - to troubles and quarrels
  • Sunday - to illness.

Children's fortune telling “Sugar gnome”

This fortune telling will help to call a sugar gnome, who, in turn, is able to answer any question of interest. Fortune telling should be done on certain days of the week: Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Wait until evening and prepare the following necessary ingredients for this fortune telling. You will need candy, a bowl of water, a small mirror and a red thread. Place the mirror in the water so that the reflective surface faces up. Unwrap the candy, tie it with a red thread and lower it into the water on the mirror. One end of the thread should remain in your hands. Then read the following plot three times: “I urge you, gnome, eat the candy and answer my questions. The door is open, come in."

After this, watch the reflection in the mirror and hold the thread tightly. Ask the gnome a question that interests you. If the thread twitches once, then the answer is no, if twice, then the answer is yes. At the end of this children's fortune-telling, throw a pinch of salt into the water to drive away the gnome.

Children's fortune telling: how to call the Queen of Spades

This children's fortune telling is one of the most popular. Russian classics wrote about it, so it is also considered one of the oldest and most terrible rituals. In order to summon the Queen of Spades, you will need a mirror, red lipstick and a bowl of water. The Queen of Spades can only be summoned on Wednesday and Friday. On other days, this fortune-telling for the future will not give the necessary result. Wait until dusk and get started.

On the mirror you need to draw a house with red lipstick, and a staircase descending from it. The house should have a large window and a flower pot on it. Also be sure to draw an open door where the stairs begin. When everything is ready, read the following spell: “I open the door, I let you into the world. Look around and come down. Tell me what awaits me and what will save me. You can’t get out of the mirror, you can’t release your anger. Let it be so. Amen".

Then you need to observe the reflection and pattern in the mirror. According to an old belief, when the Queen of Spades leaves the house, the drawing will change somewhat. It is by these changes that you can interpret your future. If the flower becomes smeared or withers, it means illness. If during this fortune telling for the future the door is erased or closed - good news. And if the stairs become smeared or one of the steps disappears, it’s a sign of gifts and celebrations. If a foreign figure appears on the mirror, this is an extremely unpleasant omen. It can mean serious illness and even death. At the end of the fortune telling, say: “Queen of Spades, get away!”, lower the mirror into the water, take it outside and bury it along with the bowl.

These children's fortune telling are among the most popular among teenagers. Don't be scared or worried if your child is carried away by such magic. As you know, in children's magic there are many more positive heroes than negative ones. Be happy and don't forget to click and

12.03.2014 11:49

Nowadays, it has become possible for any pregnant woman to determine the sex of the child even before his birth. Modern...

Since ancient times, fortune telling has been a universal way of predicting the future, most often used by young girls and women. In order to find out their fate, some went to sorcerers and fortune-tellers, while others told their fortunes on their own, using various ritual objects that were considered magical, for example, mirrors, candles and much more.

Today there are a large number of methods of fortune telling, but the most popular is fortune telling for teenagers, with which you can predict a relationship with a young man or young lady, compatibility with a loved one, the emergence of a new feeling in life, the future, including marriage, the number of children, etc.


Before you begin any of the fortune telling, read the general rules.

  • First. Any fortune telling should be carried out in a quiet and calm atmosphere, without fussing, without laughing, without being distracted by extraneous sounds, completely concentrating on the question or person.
  • Second. Before the ritual, the fortune-telling girl must loosen her hair and remove metal objects from it that generally need to be removed from herself, for example, hairpins, bobby pins, brooches, rings, bracelets, chains, and so on.

Never joke during fortune telling and carefully predict sad events, remembering that even a person’s strong will can be destroyed by his own self-suggestion. A strong character can change everything, even fatal events; it’s better to tell a person what to fear.

Under no circumstances should you guess on Orthodox holidays. The best time for fortune telling is Christmastide, the period from January 7 to January 19. You can also tell fortunes on Thursdays and Fridays.

Fortune telling by numbers

Take a piece of squared paper, think of the person’s name and write the numbers from 1 to 99, releasing zeros in several rows, in any quantity, only there should be the same number of numbers in each row. One number per cell.
For example:
after the 99th digit you need to write the date, also omitting the zeros.
Like this: 06/18/2003 – 18623

Now cross out the adjacent identical numbers horizontally and vertically. Numbers are also crossed out from a row horizontally or vertically if their sum is 10, even if these numbers are in different corners of the row.

This fortune telling is very popular among schoolgirls

Repeat the action of crossing out identical numbers and forming a sum of 10, but if the first action can be performed both horizontally and vertically, then the sum of numbers can only be looked for in horizontal rows.

We write out the remaining numbers again, again 9 in each row and so on until there is nothing to cross out. After this, you should recalculate the number of remaining digits and interpret their meaning:

  • 0 – very strong love.
  • 1 – love is not for the person you were wondering about.
  • 2 – you will be loved if you take the first step.
  • 3 – your attractiveness allows you to look both ways.
  • 4 – your feeling is mutual.
  • 5 – the person has no time for you right now.
  • 6 – don’t hope in vain.
  • 7 – there is sympathy on his part, nothing more.
  • 8 – he considers you to be the one with whom he should walk the path of life.
  • 9 – beware of your rival.
  • 10 – “showing off” in front of you.
  • 11 – suffers from a little attention from you.
  • 12 – he likes others.
  • 13 – difficult conversation.
  • 14 – government building (school, university, cafe, any crowded place).
  • 15 – in love with your friend.
  • 16 is a long road.
  • 17 – see you soon.
  • 18 – his friend likes you, not him.
  • 19 – wants to meet and communicate.
  • 20 – you are loved to the depths of your soul and heart.
  • 21 – he is timid and shy.
  • 22 – he doesn’t like your too bright appearance.
  • 23 - he causes negative emotions in you, and he himself believes that from love to hate... 24 - he adores you.
  • 25 – idolizes your beauty.
  • 26 and more - he is not interested in your person at all!

Girls are always curious to look into the future and learn secrets. Fortune telling for young creatures is very diverse in its focus and method of interpretation.

Preparing for fortune telling

When starting the main process, you need to remember a few important rules:

  • Fortune telling in a quiet room, turning off the phone, computer, TV.
  • Don't be distracted, fully engage with the process and focus on it.
  • Let your hair down before fortune telling.
  • Don't laugh or joke about the result.
  • Do not cast spells on Orthodox holidays.

The most favorable periods for fortune telling:

  • Christmas time.
  • New year's night.
  • Night of baptism.
  • Night of Ivan Kupala.
  • Almost all Fridays, especially the 13th.
  • 13th of every month.

If you receive a negative answer to your question, do not despair. Remember that everything is in your hands and a person can change his destiny.

Simple and effective methods of fortune telling for girls

Children's fortune telling is famous for its diversity. You can find out your destiny or a boy’s feelings using a large number of attributes - paper or a deck of playing cards. Their main feature is the safety and veracity of the prediction.

What should you expect on a certain day?

For fortune telling you will need a sheet of paper and a pen. Write your full name, the date of the day of interest and the specific time of day on one line. When you come across a letter that has already been written, you need to put it under the first letter - in a column.

In each column, two identical letters are crossed out. How many letters do you have left? This is the answer to your question. Using the table, you can easily figure out what events the hidden day portends.

0 Don't expect anything special on this day.5 New fan.
1 A unit portends a joyful mood.6 Nice meeting.
2 Chagrin and sadness.7 Sad mood.
3 A long journey or an exciting journey.8 Mutual love.
4 News.9 Betrayal by a loved one.

If the number turns out to be more than nine, then using addition it is necessary to achieve a single-digit number. Example: 14 is 1+4=5

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Harmless fortune telling by date of birth

Prepare a sheet of paper and a pen (you can use a pencil or felt-tip pen). Write your date of birth or the person you are guessing for. Using the method of adding numbers, get a number from zero to nine.

➦ Example:

  • Date of birth: 03.11.1997
  • Add: 0+3+1+1+1+9+9+7=31 ⟹ 3+1=4
  • Write down all the numbers on the sheet: 0 3 1 1 1 9 9 7 3 1 4

By the number of certain numbers one can judge the innate qualities of a person. In the example there are 3 units, which indicates a high level of energy, and 7 indicates the presence of talent.

After looking at the table, you will understand everything!

Children's fortune telling with cards for love

Shuffle the playing deck of cards, taking out four jacks from it. Place them on the table in a row, making a wish for each specific boy. Place the cards from left to right under the jacks to make 4 rows. In each row, remove 2 identical cards of different suits, shuffle the cards again and lay them out in the same pattern. There should be one card left under each jack. Look at what cards are left; by their meaning you can find out about the feelings of the hidden boys:

Another option for fortune telling with cards

Take the king from the deck and place it on the table. The king is the boy you have feelings for. Shuffle the deck and draw any five cards for the king.

See which suit came up more:

  • ♡ Worms - in love.
  • ♤ Spades - angry or offended by you.
  • ♢ Diamonds - you are just a friend for him.
  • ♧ Cross - he feels sympathy for you.

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What does his gift say?

If a boy gives a gift, then you can use it to determine the meaning he put into the gift. Flowers speak of love for you, and the mirror speaks of his thoughts about another girl. A gift of a book means deep respect, but perfume or a scarf is not a very good sign. If sweets are presented, he wants to make peace. A toy, a photo frame and a postcard will tell about sympathy.

How easy is it to get an answer to a question?

Take a piece of paper and write the question on it: “Does my desk neighbor like me?” Count the letters in it and add them. In the example it turns out: 8+2+1+6+6+2+5=30 ⟹ 3+0=3 — because we need a single digit number.

Look for the answer in the table:

1 Your intuition tells you the answer correctly.6 Obstacles.
2 Yes.7 Wait a bit.
3 No8 Most likely yes.
4 Maybe.9 Probably not.
5 Maybe.

Fortune telling by paper daisy

This type of fortune telling is suitable for a group of girls. Get together with your friends and draw a large daisy on a piece of paper, and on each petal write the name of the boy and cut them out. Mix them in a box or bag. Let all the girls choose a petal at random. Whose name comes across is the secret admirer.

An interesting fortune telling that usually happens unexpectedly

If a thread accidentally gets caught on your clothes or hair, you can interpret a message from above by its color.

Color meanings:

To get the most honest answer from fortune telling, you need to follow some rules. If you take them seriously, the prediction will not deceive.

  1. First, create an appropriate environment in the room: dim the lights and light candles.
  2. If you are telling fortunes in the company of girls, take only real friends with you.
  3. You can't guess for those who don't believe in the result.
  4. Do not do fortune telling on the same occasion more than once a week.
  5. When doing fortune telling using cards, shuffle them carefully. The person being told fortunes must remove them in the direction of himself with the finger of his left hand.
  6. They say that cats have a positive effect on the layout of the deck. If he went through some of them, this will give special meaning to fortune telling.

All the fortune-telling presented above are more like games. With their help you can have fun and have fun in the company of girls. The process is shrouded in mystery, so it arouses interest among children, and if you take fortune telling seriously, you can get truly truthful predictions!

Fortune telling for girls and girls about a boy or boys is an effective way to find out about the feelings of the object of adoration, which will allow you to take the first and such important steps in a relationship. In this case, you can guess on anything - on cards, wax and much more.

The main thing is not the method of fortune telling, but faith in it and its power, as well as in your own irresistibility. If you are ready to start fortune telling right now and the only thing you are missing is consistent actions and clear recommendations for one of the rituals, then choose the one you like from the ones below and act. Love and God are on your side, because he is love!

Simple fortune telling

When walking from home to school, think of the name of the boy you care about and take a close look at what will be the first to meet you on the way. You can also simply ask a question about what will happen to you today.

If the first thing that caught your eye was:

  • A car is good luck; everything will work out great for you and your boy;
  • Butterfly - you will see him and perhaps go on a date;
  • Cat - a young man will cause tears;
  • Bicycle - wait for a friend request;
  • Woman - you should not trust this young man, he will deceive you or is already deceiving you;
  • Chicken - wait for the guy to visit you or for his invitation to tea;
  • Mom - a note or SMS will come from him;
  • A man is in love with another;
  • Fly - having fun in the company of another;
  • Rat or mouse - to a quarrel;
  • Wedding procession - for friendship or reconciliation;
  • Dad will invite you to the cinema;
  • Bird - has a feeling of sympathy for you;
  • Rainbow - for mutual love;
  • Dog - expect to meet another guy;
  • Sun - you will fall in love with an unfamiliar boy;
  • Brother - soon you will have fun in the same company;
  • Sister - to joy;
  • The enemy is treason;
  • Girlfriend/boyfriend – fun;
  • Rain is a disappointment;
  • Clouds - mistrust;
  • Wind - jealousy;
  • Snow - laughter.

Fortune telling by RONGLIS

What is RONGLIS? An abbreviation where each letter means a certain feeling: “R” is joy, “O” is resentment, “N” is trouble, “G” is your grief, “L” is love, respectively, “I” is betrayal, and the letter "S" is for date.

If you want to find out what awaits you in the near future or tell fortunes about a guy you like, choose RONGLIS. To do this, you need to write the full name of the person you are guessing for, and below is the date, month, time of day.

For example:

Ivan Petrov
First May morning

Now you need to cross out two identical letters, one of them should be in the upper line, and the second in the bottom. Next, you should recalculate the total number of remaining letters. For example, there are nine letters left. Below, in the third line, you need to write the word RONGLIS. After this, you need to cross out every ninth letter until one remains.

Thousands of girls have tried this fortune telling when they were in love.

The last letter is the result of fortune telling and a prediction of what awaits you. If you still have the letter C, as in the example given above, then the person for whom the fortune telling was performed will have a date.

Fortune telling with chamomile

For fortune telling, you need not an ordinary chamomile, but a drawn one. After the flower is drawn, you should cut it out and write the names of guys you like or just classmates on each petal. After this, the daisy is turned over so as not to see what is written and one petal comes off from it with the cherished name of the boy who likes you.

This fortune telling can be done in a circle of classmates, each of whom can tear off her own petal.

If it’s summer outside and you can find a real daisy, then you should definitely tell your fortune on “Loves - doesn’t love.” Tearing off one petal of a flower, you should say one prediction for each of them:

“He loves - he doesn’t love, he’ll press you to the heart, he’ll tell you to go to hell” or “He loves - he won’t love, he’ll hug you - he’ll deceive you, he’ll laugh - he’ll love you, he’ll kiss you - he’ll spit, you’ll press you to your heart - you’ll tell him to hell.”

The word that falls on the last petal is the prediction and meaning of the young man’s attitude towards you, who was made before the fortune-telling.

Why do boys dream?

If a boy had a dream on Monday, it means he likes you, on Tuesday - he’s in love, on Wednesday - wait for a letter, on Thursday - he loves you, on Friday - he’ll soon ask you out, on Saturday - you’ll break up, on Sunday - love.

You can find out who is in love with you on the night from Thursday to Friday, if you wash your face with water and go to bed without wiping yourself, saying the following words: “From Thursday to Friday I will wash myself with water, Friday-Friday, whoever loves - let me dream.” Anyone who has sympathy for you will definitely dream about you that night.


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