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Jumps, mass landings and the release of reconnaissance and sabotage groups are only part of the exercises of the Russian airborne forces and special forces. But without the use of parachute systems, these tasks are not only impossible, but literally impossible. “360” figured out these systems and learned about the five main types that are already in use or will soon be put into service.

Every Russian parachutist takes his first independent step into the sky with the help of a D-1 landing parachute. The nickname “Oak” was attached to him, and the reason for this was his weight - 17.5 kilograms. The minimum jump height using this parachute from an airplane moving at a speed of 180 kilometers per hour is estimated at 150 meters.

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In general, it is generally accepted that parachutes that have a round canopy are practically uncontrollable. Specifically to solve this problem, a modern modification of the D-1 was developed, which was called D-1-5U. It has special slots on the canopy, thanks to which the parachutist can maneuver horizontally during the descent.

The main parachute system of the Airborne Forces is the D-10. Moreover, it can be used both for training jumps and for combat ones. Thanks to the design of the parachute, it is possible to land military personnel with a full set of weapons and equipment.

However, this model has a limitation - the weight of the paratrooper himself, which should not be more than 150 kilograms. And you can make a jump using the D-10 from a height of four kilometers, and this is the maximum height. Depending on it, the paratrooper decides whether to deploy the parachute immediately after the jump, or with a delay.

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When performing a mass airdrop, soldiers can fly for several moments in free fall, but after just three seconds, the servicemen pull the ring, thereby opening the backpack with the main dome. Well, if the fighter does not do this himself, then a special belay device will open the parachute for him.


The special-purpose parachute system "Arbalet-2" is the first controlled dome-wings. Thanks to this development, the canopy can be brought to a specified limited landing area, which will allow paratroopers to land as safely as possible and begin performing their assigned tasks.

Photo source:

"Crossbow-2" allows you to carry out safe jumps with a paratrooper's weight, coupled with weapons, up to 150 kilograms. Moreover, the special design of the harness system can accommodate additional equipment weighing up to 50 kilograms.


"Stayer" is a Russian special-purpose parachute system that is used for military purposes. Using this system, you can land from a height of up to eight thousand meters.

Photo source:

Thanks to the Stayer suspension system, military personnel have the opportunity to attach a cargo container or other equipment to the front. In addition, thanks to the Stayer, you can make tandem jumps.


Another promising system created in Russia is the unique backpackless parachute “Sturm”, developed for airborne special forces. Landing using “Sturm” can be carried out from a height of up to 80 meters.

Photo source: RIA Novosti

This system is designed to land fighters in the shortest possible time. However, at present, “Sturm” has not yet been adopted by the Airborne Forces, since further development of tactics for its use in combat conditions is underway.

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In the last few years, information has begun to appear on the Internet and in the media about the training of certain special forces soldiers for parachute jumping of the “wing” type in DOSAAF clubs, in particular in Aerograd in Kolomna.
For example, in an interview with the Izvestia newspaper in 2013, Commander-in-Chief of the Airborne Forces Vladimir Shamanov said, that parachute jumping instructors are needed to train soldiers directly in military units.
- We intend to train separate groups of instructors. Then their own instructors will conduct training in the troops as necessary,” said Vladimir Shamanov

in the same material, Andrei Kholzakov, deputy commander of the Airborne Forces for airborne training, says that briefings and practical exercises will be divided into several programs depending on the fighters’ preparedness for jumping.

- This is the training of instructors who will accompany and prepare groups. Some will take the course for the second time, others for the first time. The training of instructors is more extensive, so people will be involved not in one training camp, but in all. For young people who came for the first time, general training will be carried out - from scratch to a certain category, after which they will again work with an instructor, said Andrei Kholzakov.

In addition, he said that the decision to conduct training in Kolomna is temporary:

We are building a wind tunnel in Ryazan (at the Ryazan Higher Airborne Command School - Izvestia), but while it is not there, classes will be held in Kolomna. It will be built at the end of next year, in the third quarter of 2014
the material itself in Izvestia
But this concerned the Airborne Forces. Information has appeared online that some special forces are undergoing training in Kolomna.

was discussed here too ru_jump
In 2013, a tender for preparing special forces for parachute jumps was published on the government procurement website. Place of training - Moscow region.

1.1. General requirements.
The Contractor undertakes, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, to provide training services in the use of special-purpose parachute systems for military personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in the amount of 2,124 people. Training involves improving the qualifications of military personnel in their military specialty.
Training should be carried out differentiated, depending on the category of trainees, according to 4 (four) different programs:

Program No. 1 “Full training” - for military personnel who do not have parachute jumping experience.
Main parameters of Program No. 1: duration - 5 weeks, theory - 65.5 hours, practical theory - 150 hours, practice in the aerodynamic complex - 2 hours, parachute jumps - 100. Instructors are involved: for a group of 8 and 16 students - 8 people, for a group of 32 trainees - 16 people.

Program No. 2 “Advanced training” is for military personnel with experience in jumping with a wing parachute and stable skills in stable free fall.
Main parameters of Program No. 2: duration - 3 weeks, theory - 42 hours, practical theory - 75 hours, parachute jumps - 50. Instructors are hired for a group of 16 trainees - 8 people.

Program No. 3 “Maintaining Qualifications” - for military personnel who have previously completed program No. 1 or No. 2.
Main parameters of Program No. 3: duration - 2 weeks, theory - 5 hours, practical theory - 150 hours, parachute jumps - 100. Instructors are hired for a group of 13 trainees - 4 people.

Program No. 4 “Training of instructors in the use of special-purpose parachute systems” - for airborne training instructors who have previously mastered program No. 1 or No. 2.
The main parameters of Program No. 4: duration - 13 weeks, theory - 181 hours, practical theory - 300 hours, practice in the aerodynamic complex - 2 hours, parachute jumps - 200. Instructors are hired for a group of 8 trainees - 8 people.

1.2. Requirements for technical characteristics of services.
1.2.1. Contents of training for military personnel.
1. Study of the material part of special-purpose parachute systems, special parachute equipment, cargo containers, and rules of their operation.
2. Study of the theoretical foundations of a special-purpose parachute jump in various conditions, the rules for preparing standard combat equipment for a military personnel to perform a parachute jump.
3. Training in packing special-purpose parachutes.
4. Training in the preparation of standard combat equipment for a serviceman
and material means for landing with special-purpose parachutes, incl. in cargo containers.
5. Training parachutists to control their bodies in free fall when jumping with a special-purpose parachute.
6. Training in jumping with a special-purpose parachute system from altitudes of 1000-6000 m, incl. using parachute portable oxygen equipment from altitudes of at least 5000 m, at various flight speeds of the aircraft, with standard combat equipment of a serviceman in accordance with military specialty, day and night, in simple and adverse weather conditions, to unprepared landing sites of limited size:
a) with a delay in opening the main parachute;
b) with immediate activation of the main parachute, subsequent planning to a given landing site at a distance of at least 40 km using parachute navigation equipment.
7. Training in group jumps (group size of at least 8 people) with a special-purpose parachute according to the conditions set out in clause 6 of section 1.2.1. these requirements.
1.2.2. Availability in the educational and material and technical base of the Contractor:
parachute systems for special purposes, ensuring jumps under the conditions set out in paragraphs. 6.7 section 1.2.1. these requirements. Basic technical requirements: weight not more than 15 kg, maximum speed of horizontal movement not less than 10 m/s, compatibility with standard combat equipment of a serviceman;
special parachute portable oxygen equipment, ensuring single and group jumps
with special-purpose parachute systems under the conditions set out in paragraphs 6 and 7 of section 1.2.1. these requirements. Basic technical requirements: volume of at least 2 liters, maximum altitude of use 10,000 m, ensuring autonomous breathing of a parachutist for at least 40 minutes, compatibility with standard combat equipment of a serviceman;
special parachute navigation equipment that ensures jumps with special-purpose parachute systems under the conditions set out in paragraphs 6 and 7 of section 1.2.1. these requirements;
aviation equipment - Mi-8, L-410 aircraft (or their analogues), equipped to provide single and group (group size of at least 8 people) jumps with special-purpose parachute systems under the conditions set out in paragraphs 6 and 7 of section 1.2.1. these requirements;
weight-dimensional mock-ups of the Recipient's weapons in quantities sufficient to ensure group jumps with special-purpose parachute systems under the conditions set out in clauses 6 and 7 of section 1.2.1. of these requirements (as agreed with the Recipient).

1.2.3. Organization of training.
1. Classes must be conducted by instructors who have certificates of admission to conduct training according to training programs corresponding to the “2010 Parachute Training Course of DOSAAF Russia”: No. 4 AFF (progressive free fall training course); No. 5 AFF (training course for skydivers) with appropriate qualification marks.
1.3.2. Trainees must be insured by the Contractor for the entire duration of training in the amount of at least 135,000 (one hundred thirty-five thousand) rubles each.

Now we can confidently say that military personnel of the Special Forces of the Russian Defense Ministry have completed an airborne training course in Aerograd in Kolomna. Training is carried out on the Stayer special-purpose parachute system, which is designed for landing special units and law enforcement agencies from altitudes of 400–8000 m at aircraft speeds of up to 255 km/h - with immediate deployment and up to 350 km/h - with a delay in deployment 3 sec or more.

The system has the ability to mount a cargo container at the front, as well as the ability to mount weapons and other equipment on the parachutist's harness.
The system kit includes:
main parachute "wing" with an area of ​​300 ft² (28 m²). The upper shell of the canopy is made of zero breathability fabric, Microline webbing;
reserve parachute “Wing” with an area of ​​24.8 m² or 27 m².
backpack with suspension system.
The weight of the system is no more than 18 kg. Maximum flight weight no more than 180 kg

Military personnel undergo a full cycle of training at the Aerograd base, the equipment is completely Aerograd, they only have their own weapons, in addition, training takes place in the club’s wind tunnel. In addition to theory, the training program includes AFF, free fall, group fall, group landing accuracy, individual landing accuracy, long-range jumps with large loads (ATGM, MANPADS, etc.) are practiced. The course is similar to the halo\haho course for US Army personnel. Jumps also take place at night, both single and group. number of jumps per course: about 100.


JSC Polet Ivanovo Parachute Plant plans to begin mass production of the Stayer special-purpose parachute system by the end of this year, TASS reports citing the company’s press service.

The Stayer special-purpose parachute system consists of a main “wing” parachute with an area of ​​28 m2, a reserve “wing” parachute with an area of ​​24.8 or 27 m2, a backpack with a suspension system, as well as a set of special equipment. The system allows you to land from altitudes from 400 to 8000 meters at a flight speed of up to 255 km/h with immediate deployment and up to 350 km/h with a deployment delay of 3 seconds. The carrying capacity of the new parachute system is up to 180 kg, which is a record value for human-use systems.

The parachute system will be supplied to the Ministry of Defense and other security forces

According to information from the website of JSC Polet, the set of special equipment includes an oxygen supply system. It consists of an individual device “Oxy Height” and a booster compressor “Vector Oxy-M”, which allows you to charge the on-board station from a common source. Such a well-thought-out system makes it possible to make jumps from altitudes from 4000 to 8000 meters, even from aircraft not suitable for this. The Oxy Altitude personal oxygen device was specially placed on the backpack so that it would not interfere with the skydiver. The systems used in the Armed Forces have oxygen in front, which creates inconvenience and also complicates the use of navigation devices for paratroopers. The helmet, also included in the equipment, is unique; it was developed specifically for the “Stayer”. It was cheaper and easier to adapt existing helmets used by other parachute systems. But since a helmet for ultra-high jumps and performing special tasks must have, in addition to the usual properties, also high protective characteristics, an original one was developed. The weight of the helmet, while being highly reliable, was made as light as possible – less than a kilogram. The equipment includes night vision goggles, which are made waterproof, and a cargo container weighing up to 50 kg. The container can contain weapons and other equipment necessary for the paratrooper. The total load capacity of the parachute is designed so that even skydivers weighing more than 100 kg can safely jump.

Work on creating a new parachute system from design to finished product started in 2014 and was carried out at the plant’s own expense. "Stayer" successfully passed factory and flight design tests, which showed excellent reserves for safe operation. Test paratroopers of the Flight Research Institute named after M.M. Gromov highly appreciate the new system.

Not long ago, Polet celebrated its 90th anniversary. During this period, it has transformed from a small workshop into a full-cycle enterprise equipped with highly efficient equipment. The director of the parachute plant, Yulia Portnova, spoke about what types of parachutes are currently being developed and produced at the plant for the Russian army, as well as about a new type of long-range piloting parachute in an interview with the Zvezda TV channel.

Yulia Vladimirovna, what types of parachutes does your plant produce today, and what makes them unique?

The Polet plant today produces the widest range of parachute systems of different types: landing, reserve, sports, rescue, training, braking landing systems, as well as special-purpose parachutes and tandem systems. At the same time, the plant carries out both serial and individual production of parachute equipment, which allows it to more flexibly adapt to market conditions.

At the same time, our parachutes allow you to perform training and combat jumps, including jumps in all types of classical parachuting, individual and group acrobatics jumps, and precision landings. They can land both in open areas and in hard-to-reach areas with a maximum flight weight of 180 kg for a single landing and 225 kg for a tandem landing.

What is their fundamental difference from previous generation systems?

Modern parachute systems are fundamentally different from previous generation systems in the arrangement of the main and reserve parachutes. Today, parachutes are placed in a backpack on the back, while in previous generation systems they are located separately: the main one is in the backpack on the back, and the reserve one is in front of the parachutist.

The canopies of the main parachutes of modern parachute systems are made of the “Wing” type and are designed using advanced 3D technologies. And the backpacks of sports parachute systems are made according to the individual cut and anthropometric parameters of the skydiver.

At the same time, modern parachute suspension systems allow for any convenient adjustment and the use of different equipment when jumping, if necessary to perform certain tasks.

It is known that the Polet parachute plant not only produces, but also develops parachute systems. Tell us, is the design bureau currently developing new types of parachutes?

Yes, our specialists are currently developing special-purpose parachute systems for high-altitude landings. This is actually a “paraglider”, only it opens like a parachute. Once exposed, it can be planned for significant removal. Today they are undergoing preliminary flight tests.

One of these is the Stayer parachute system. This parachute has more advanced technical characteristics for performing special tasks: increased flight weight, gliding range, controllability, safety, configuration functionality and standard ammunition. The parachute got its name from the analogy with long-distance runners. The piloting range on it is its unique feature - it can fly up to 60 km. In addition, it can penetrate a given territory with equipment weighing up to 50 kg. For this purpose, it is possible to attach cargo containers for various purposes with equipment, medicines, ammunition and other necessary means to the system. In this case, the parachute can be operated at altitudes of 8000 meters with oxygen equipment.

In addition, our design bureau is developing sports parachute systems for various types of parachuting - for precision landing, for group and canopy acrobatics. As well as training parachutes for training novice paratroopers using various training methods, including double ones.

What other new parachutes are you ready to launch into series?

After testing and confirming the characteristics, we launched the new Malva-24-Axioma and Insider-300S parachute systems into series. In addition, after recent tests, the Irbis series backpacks, ZOOM series reserve parachutes, Student series parachute systems, main parachutes of the Rush, Shark, Magic series received positive results. All of them confirmed the declared characteristics and are suitable for mass production.

Today, specialists are conducting preliminary flight tests of special-purpose parachute systems for high-altitude landings.

How are parachutes tested in general, and who tests them?

The development of our parachutes is divided into several stages and at each parachute undergoes various types of tests. For example, at the stage of preliminary and technical projects, parachute models are tested. They are carried out by the lead performer of development work. And already at the stage of development of working design documentation, preliminary ground and flight tests are carried out by the customer. And after all the state tests, the question is raised about the further organization of serial or mass production.

Who is the customer of your products?

The main customers of the Ivanovo Parachute Plant are Russian law enforcement agencies. The company has been the main supplier of the Ministry of Defense (Air Force, Airborne Forces), Ministry of Internal Affairs, FSB, FSO, Ministry of Emergency Situations for more than 70 years, and the share of our parachutes in government orders is 90%.

It is worth noting that the Ivanovo plant cooperates not only with the Russian Armed Forces, but also with the security forces of the CIS countries and member countries of the former Warsaw Pact organization. We build trusting relationships with our partners; before delivery, parachute equipment undergoes serious quality control and we always deliver products within the terms established by the contract, so we manage to maintain the business reputation of our equipment at a decent level.

In Russia, it is planned to revive DOSAAF centers. Is your business planning to take part in this?

We work closely with DOSAAF, supply them with parachute systems, sponsor sports teams and are the general sponsor of the Parachute Sports Federation.

Russian skydivers are among the strongest in the world. What makes it possible to achieve such high results?

First of all, due to his athletic training, which is achieved through long and numerous training sessions. However, to maintain such a high standard, even ideal physical preparation is not enough; the technique on which they perform is also important. It must be of the highest quality, comfortable for the athlete and thought out in every detail. Therefore, we constantly keep in touch with the paratroopers who use our equipment. We collect their comments, and based on them we improve our technique.

For example, when creating the canopy of the Alpha-Axiom precision parachute, which is in greatest demand, we took into account the wishes of the athletes of the Russian national team in classical parachuting.

Interviewed by Mikhail Rychagov Photo: Parachute factory “Polyot”

Landing on the western borders of Russia

The day before, more than a thousand military personnel and military equipment were landed in the Pskov region from VTA IL-76 aircraft using D-10 parachute systems and Arbalet special-purpose systems.

As reported by the Press Service and Information Directorate of the Russian Ministry of Defense, during the mass landing, an emergency situation occurred - two paratroopers converged in the air at an altitude of about 400 meters.

As specified in the department's report, the main parachutes opened normally, but due to the parachutists' descent, the canopies alternately went out and then opened, rapidly increasing the speed of descent and the parachutists approaching the ground.

“Thanks to courageous and competent actions to help each other in the air, contract soldiers who found themselves in a difficult situation involving a risk to their lives managed to successfully overcome it,” the message says.

The paratroopers, at the very edge of the earth, opened one reserve parachute for two, dampened the speed of their fall and landed, escaping with only abrasions and scratches.

“For skillful and courageous actions in a situation involving a risk to life, the military personnel, by the decision of the Airborne Forces Commander, Colonel General Vladimir Shamanov, were awarded the medals of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation “Army General V.F. Margelov”,” the message says.

The awards to the distinguished servicemen were presented by the head of the exercise, Deputy Commander of the Airborne Forces for Airborne Training, Major General Vladimir Kochetkov.

Marines parachuted in the Kamchatka Territory

In the Kamchatka Territory, marines parachuted from an airplane from one and a half kilometers away to repel an enemy attack on the ground.

The soldiers jumped with a parachute with weapons in their hands and with additional equipment. Some even had heavy mortars at the ready.

On the ground, difficult trials awaited them: long marches and an attack by a mock enemy.

Since the beginning of the new year, conscript soldiers have already made a dozen jumps, and contract soldiers have made more than 30. According to commanders, the load on the Marines will only increase.

A battalion of Russian paratroopers will receive registration in Crimea

Russia will deploy a separate airborne battalion in Crimea in 2017-2018, which will be transformed into a regiment after 2020, TASS reports.

A separate air assault battalion of the 7th division will be stationed in the city of Dzhankoy next to the army aviation regiment. At the moment, a battalion tactical group of the 98th Airborne Division is located in this city.

In March, it should be replaced by a battalion tactical group of the 11th air assault brigade from Ulan-Ude.

Earlier, the commander of the Airborne Forces, Colonel General Vladimir Shamanov, announced the possibility of deploying the 97th Airborne Assault Regiment, which previously existed in the 7th Division, in Dzhankoy. This regiment was created in 1948 and was based in the Lithuanian Alytus, after 1993 - in Novorossiysk, and in 1997 it was disbanded.

Deltaclub MAI

Paragliding school “August”

Operating instructions for the paraglider "Stayer"


The "Stayer" paraglider is a sports training paraglider; it perfectly combines high aerodynamic characteristics and good handling. Recommended for flights both for weekend pilots and high-level athletes.


Our paraglider requires the gradual acquisition of skills in setting up the canopy before launch and piloting. It is necessary to take into account that the “Stayer” has a high flight speed, which is reflected in the dynamics of turns.

When taking off, limit the movement of your arms so that your arms follow the wing as it rises and apply a slight force to the front riser straps. The palms rest against the bridge between the first and third rows, without gripping the sling for folding the ears. “Stayer” can easily rise from the rear even in calm conditions.

The design of the risers is designed so that it is convenient to fold the ears during flight. The sling for this is attached separately on a small carabiner. The tie release lanyard is attached to the second row, highlighted in a different color and thinner than the others. It must be taken into account that with this design of the ends the force when tightening the trimers is quite significant.

The most efficient turns are achieved by moving the pilot's weight in the harness toward the turn while simultaneously pulling on the control line. To perform flat turns and spirals, it is necessary to transfer the pilot's weight as much as possible to the side of the turn and keep the load on both brakes with a slight tilt relative to the body in the same direction.

The recommended position of the trimmers for launch and flight is tightened about 3 centimeters (1/3 of the stroke). The released position is used for transitions between streams, active piloting and during towing behind a winch. The optimal mode for processing rising thermal and dynamic flows is 2/3 of the trimmer stroke. Fully tightened trimmers are used in calm weather when evaporating in a weak dynamic flow. It must be taken into account that when tightening the trimmers, the free play of the brakes increases.

Paradoxically, the Stayer did not notice a strong decrease in aerodynamic quality with an increase in flight speed due to the use of an accelerator. In this mode, the paraglider behaves very reliably, but we would still recommend being careful in modes of more than half the accelerator stroke.

“Stayer” is well suited for teaching the technique of folding a canopy, as it independently comes out of even deep folds and allows you to turn in the direction opposite to the 50% fold.

Care and storage

The “Stayer” lines are pre-stretched, so there should be no change in flight characteristics during the operation of the paraglider, but if these changes occur, it is necessary to check the differences in the lines of the lower tier (the difference in lengths according to the table of lines), the permissible deviation is 5 mm. It is advisable to replace the lines after 100 flight hours.

We strongly recommend that you treat with great care all defects, damage and tears in the canopy lines, and repair the damage as quickly as possible. During each pre-flight inspection, ensure that the couplings of all carabiners are screwed tightly, paying particular attention to the carabiners connecting the risers to the harness.

After flights, the paraglider must be cleaned of branches and dust and thoroughly dried if the canopy gets wet in a place protected from sunlight. Reinforcements to the ribs of the “Stayer” allow you to put the paraglider in a backpack without worrying about them getting wrinkled.

Repack the reserve parachute once every 3 months. If the parachute gets wet, it must be thoroughly dried in a loose form in a place protected from the sun and re-stowed.


We do not recommend flying when the wind is more than 8 m/s, the air temperature is less than -15 degrees, rain, hail and other dangerous weather conditions.

Director of the paragliding school “August”

Mikhail Petrovsky


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