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Volkswagen and Audi are rightly considered the pioneers in the serial use of robotic dual-clutch transmissions.
Manufacturers began to actively install preselective boxes on their cars back in 2003.
Since then, Volkswagen models have been equipped with a transmission called DSG, and Audi's development was called S-Tronic.

This is how the now classic DSG 7 box looks like

First of all, it will be fair to note that both companies are divisions of the VAG concern.
Given this fact, it is practically useless to look for any serious design or technological differences in the units.
Moreover, comparing existing modifications DSG, you can see that most versions of the C-Troniks are their full counterparts.

However, there are still exceptions!

We must not forget that many modern Audi models have a longitudinal engine arrangement,
while all DSG versions are equipped with transversely mounted power units.

And this is already a variant of the manual transmission S-Tronic for Audi (standard)

And the C-Tronic variant for the Audi A7 Sportback is also equipped with a wet clutch unit

Thus, under the hood of the all-wheel drive and parts of the front-wheel drive models from Audi, there are unique modifications of the S-Tronic,
not having "twins" in the DSG line.
Redesigned gearboxes have factory marking DL382 and DL501, and are designated by the following indexes: 0B5, 0CK, 0CL, 0CJ.

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The premium car segment is distinguished not only by its exquisite appearance and the highest level of comfort, but also design innovations. S-Tronic is a modern gearbox installed in such a segment, in particular, on cars of the “big German three” Audi.

S-Tronic - what is it

The transmission is the most important part of the vehicle. There are many varieties of automatic boxes on the market. These nodes are gaining popularity all over the world. The ability of the car to move, as well as the comfort of the driver himself and traffic safety, largely depends on the correct operation of this part. One of the most modern trends in the development of new devices is the creation of robotic preselective units in combination with an electronic control unit.

The concept of a preselective s-tronic means that the next gear (it does not matter: lower or upper) is already engaged by the system, which greatly improves driving comfort, increases acceleration dynamics, and also significantly saves fuel.

One of the most progressive is considered to be a device with two clutches of the as tronic gearbox. This unit is a further logical continuation of the DSG system from the German VAG, which also includes Audi. However, this device is a proprietary development of the company based only on the principle of operation and the layout of its "younger" brother. This unit consists of several parts (which is what differs from other automatic transmissions):

  1. The electronic control unit of the s tronic automatic transmission system is a mass of various sensors and a single unit that synchronizes the operation of the shafts and clutches during the movement of the car. This electronic unit of the system is the most important part, since it is the electronic algorithm that allows you to quickly and adequately change gears. Moreover, this part is one of the most expensive to repair. The s-tronic sensors constantly signal and send to the main unit a wealth of information about the traffic situation, driving speed, engine parameters, driver's driving style and other indicators that allow the system to quickly adapt. In addition, the cost of this unit in case of failure is quite high. However, in the absence of mechanical damage to the system unit, problems with it do not often arise.
  2. Unit clutches - this box contains 2 clutches that operate asynchronously. One is responsible for the inclusion of even transmissions, the second odd. In this way, smooth and high switching speed is achieved, which is less than 1 second. The operation of these units is controlled by an electronic control unit.
  3. The shafts of the s-tronic unit carry out mechanical work inside the box by moving the torque and controlling the clutch. Also in the unit there is a valve body, which is responsible for operating pressure inside the transmission. In inexpensive versions of this type of robotic box, an electrical analogue is installed, which is less efficient in terms of its performance. The operation of this unit is also controlled by an electronic unit.

This system allows you to simplify the process of driving, as well as save fuel, besides, such boxes easily "digest" a large torque, unlike, for example, stepless competitors (variators), which allows them to be aggregated with powerful engines of the Audi line. The system was most widespread in combination with the Audi A6S Tronic model, which significantly increased overall sales.

Important! Despite all the high technology of the s-tronic unit, this system expensive both in acquisition and in subsequent maintenance, but only the presence of a robot will allow to fully unleash the potential of powerful German engines. This s-tronic unit is very complex in its design.

Pros and cons of the S-Tronic transmission

Like any complex unit, such a box has both its pros and cons. The positive features of the s tronic audi a6 c7 system include:

  1. Quick change of gears of the unit due to the design features of the transmission and the operation of the electronic unit. The average response time of the unit both when switching to the upper and lower stages is about 0.7 seconds.
  2. Significant fuel economy of the unit in comparison with competitors. Based on the design of the system itself, in fact, such a box is mechanical with an electronic control unit that independently squeezes the clutch (one of the two) and changes gear. This makes it possible to reduce fuel consumption, regardless of the class of the car, by an average of 15-18%, which also depends on the correct operation of the S-Tronic electronic unit.
  3. Vehicle acceleration dynamics. Considering the response time of the gearbox when switching, the dynamics of acceleration to 100 km / h does not differ from mechanical competitors and is quite superior to automatic counterparts - torque converters and variators. Together with powerful engines, the difference between the tronic and the classic machine gun lies in a more dynamic acceleration.

Despite the technological advantage of the box and the indisputable positive aspects, this box also has negative features that can become an obstacle for a certain category of owners to purchase the unit. These include:

  1. Uncomfortable switching of the unit in traffic jams. This trait also comes from design. When driving at low speeds for a long time, the S-Tronic clutch can overheat, which, when shifting, can lead to jolts, kicks, as well as to chaotic "jumping" from 1st to 2nd gear.
  2. In comparison with competitors, the resource of the main parts of the system and, above all, the clutch, which some drivers have to change before reaching 100 thousand km, is less resource. Designers are constantly improving the unit and this part of the system, but at the moment, in terms of the overall level of reliability robotic box with tronic audi has certain problems with long-term reliability.

Important! When choosing a used car with such a gearbox, close attention must be paid to the troubleshooting of the unit, since often such cars are sold with problematic boxes.

Differences between S-Tronic and DSG

Structurally, the units of the S-Tronic and DSG systems are very similar, but there is only one significant difference - in the gearbox itself, the DSG has a less reliable electrical unit, while the product from Audi has a valve body. These devices regulate the oil pressure and build an algorithm when signals are sent from the control device. The valve body of the system is considered to be a more complex and perfect design, while its reliability has been approved not only by sea trials, but also by practice. Cases of failure of the unit of this unit in practice are isolated and most often occur when not correct operation the system itself.

S-Tronic adaptation

Another advantage of this unit is the training mode of the box itself. The electronic control unit of the unit, accumulating information about the driver's driving style using various sensors, tries to adapt to his style. In certain cases, this is expressed:

  • with an aggressive driving style, the s tronic automatic transmission after passing the training program will try to quickly tuck the desired upper gear, this will affect both the sensations of acceleration dynamics and comfort;
  • with quiet movement, mainly in traffic jams, the box will try to go in low gear for as long as possible to avoid kicks.

The learning mode of the system is counted according to the moments when the engine is started. One cycle takes 8-10 such launches.

S-Tronic diagnostics

Diagnostics of such a checkpoint must be done only in a certified service. Given the technological complexity of the unit, the status of all systems is checked in several stages:

  1. Checking the electronic control unit of the unit for all sorts of errors is carried out using only certified equipment. This diagnostics helps to identify various errors, find out the status of most sensors and component parts Checkpoint.
  2. Diagnostics of the mechanical part of the s-tronic is most often carried out when signs of malfunction are shown in a comprehensive manner, together with an electronic check. This method involves opening the gearbox housing, inspection and troubleshooting of component parts.

Important! It is not worth checking this equipment with primitive scanners to read errors. Incorrect operation of scanners may not reveal most of the problems, and the electronic unit of the box will record incorrect signals, which can lead not only to a loss of warranty, but also to problems with the electronic part of the box.

S-Tronic reliability

The reliability of the s-tronic system will depend entirely on the operating conditions and the owner's driving style. So, with large mileage, frequent changes quality oil at original and low loads, such a unit is quite capable of reaching the mileage of 200 thousand km prescribed by the regulations.

However, in practice, it is not always possible to achieve such a regime. According to most experts, this type of box is the least reliable among all automatic competitors, although every year the designers make a lot of changes that improve its endurance. After 5-7 years, based on the results of these upgrades given type The s-tronic will be on par with the most durable CVT and torque converter units in terms of reliability.

S-Tronic resource

The manufacturer's declared resource of this system is 200,000 km. However, adhering to the scheduled oil change of 60,000 km and combining it with aggressive driving, it is almost impossible to achieve such an indicator. As a result of malfunctions, individual elements of the s-tronic may appear as early as 100 thousand km, and overhaul most often overtakes such boxes in 150 thousand. The unit must be changed frequently to extend its life. transmission oil and move around in traffic jams as little as possible, thereby preventing overheating of the system.

S-Tronic malfunctions

TO typical malfunctions due to violation of the rules of operation or design features include the following:

  1. Clutch wear from overheating, increased loads, electronic algorithm malfunction. This problem occurs most often on this unit. At the same time, replacing the s-tronic clutch is the most budgetary operation for this type of gearbox, on average, such an operation will cost the owner about 60-70 thousand rubles.
  2. Failure of the S-Tronic electronic unit, shafts as a result of desynchronization of actions. Burnout of sensors, ingress of moisture, as well as mechanical damage to the S-Tronic electronic unit can lead to failure of the entire unit. Such a problem in the s-tronic requires professional intervention and large infusions, since often not only the unit itself, but also many sensors must be replaced.
  3. S-Tronic body and oil seal leaks. This problem is quite rare, most often due to the use of a poor-quality transmission or mechanical damage to the case itself. However, with oil starvation of the S-Tronic system, the entire unit may fail and cannot be repaired. The cost of such a gearbox in the assembly of a new one is about 400-600 thousand rubles.


S-Tronic is a technologically advanced gearbox at the moment in terms of the totality of all positive and negative qualities, which, if properly used, will give the owner a lot of positive emotions.

Today, large automakers are increasingly equipping new models of their cars with preselective gearboxes.
Gradually, the "robot" with two clutches is becoming a familiar attribute of premium equipment.

What is the difference between S-Tronic and DSG - a marketing ploy or different units?

However, Volkswagen and Audi stand out from the general list - they were the first to take this path, starting the serial use of preselections back in the early 2000s.
The transmission installed on Volkswagen cars is called DSG (an abbreviation for Direct Shift Gearbox).

Audi's invention was presented to the world under the name S-Tronic.

As you know, both of these companies are divisions of the VAG concern. Given this "kinship" and the simultaneous release of the RKPP, it can be assumed that the development was carried out jointly. This conjecture is confirmed by the fact that the DSG and S-Tronic have no obvious design or technological differences.

Moreover, there is an opinion that S-Tronic is a rebranding of DSG.

However, everything is not so obvious. The catch lies in the layout of the motor, which, in the case of Audi, is rather non-standard.
A huge part of cars from the Audi model range are distinguished by a longitudinal engine arrangement.
As for the majority passenger cars, including the brainchild of Volkswagen - where the motor is located transversely.
All generations and modifications of DSG are also designed for a transverse layout.
At this stage, it becomes clear how the S-Tronic differs from the DSG.

With iron confidence, we can say that certain changes and improvements Audi definitely had to be made.

Unique S-Tronic modifications are installed on all four-wheel drive and some front-wheel drive models.
Such units can be distinguished by the factory markings - DL382 and DL501. For service designation, the following indices are usually used: 0B5, 0CK, 0CL, 0CJ.

Direct-shift gearbox (dual-clutch) DSG from Volkswagen and S-tronic from Audi


This article discusses the main advantages and disadvantages of the DSG transmission, the principles of its operation and typical problems... The S-tronic is the Audi version of the direct-shift gearbox.

It is necessary to distinguish the direct shift gearbox from the conventional automatic planetary transmission with a torque converter. Tiptronic is a term used by VW and Audi to refer to mechanical transmission allowing gear shifting without a lever. The illustration below shows a sectional view of a manual transmission and a DSG dual-clutch transmission.

How the dual-clutch transmission works

Volkswagen's DSG gearbox is a six-speed transmission with double clutch with automatic switching speeds. Her internal organization resembles a manual transmission and has a valve body ("brain") called "mechatronic", which controls gear changes. Dual-clutch transmissions are currently manufactured by VW, Audi and Borg Warner. They are better than standard automatic transmissions and are well suited to turbocharged vehicles as the consistent power delivery helps the turbo to run continuously. The main disadvantage of such a box in comparison with a traditional mechanical one is that it is more massive and more difficult to modify. It is recommended to change the transmission fluid and filter every 40 thousand miles (≈ 64 thousand km). By 2011, the Volkswagen Group had produced approximately 3.5 million dual-clutch transmissions. They are produced mainly in Kassel (Germany), and only a small part in Dalian (China).

Dual-clutch transmissions were first introduced in the United States in 2003 for the 2004 New Beetle TDI and Audi TT. The gasoline-powered New Beetle still had an automatic transmission that year. Since 2005, the 5th generation VW Jetta TDI has also been equipped with DSG box... Over time, premium Volkswagen vehicles have gradually switched from automatic to dual-clutch transmissions, although basic models still have an automatic transmission.

Paddle shifters were introduced in vehicles with TDI diesel engines (direct injection and turbocharging) and DSG gearboxes in 2010, but can be adapted to fit older 5th generation vehicles and newer 6th generation vehicles. The main gear selector looks like a normal automatic transmission selector with park, drive, sport, etc. modes, as well as tiptronic. All vehicles equipped with a dual-clutch transmission must have “DSG” written on the shift lever (as shown in the photo on the right - on the lever in a 2004 New Beetle). The gear lever has positions P R N D, as in automatic box... S (sport) position means sport mode, and signs "+" and "-" are provided for the "tiptronic" mode.

Some say that the DSG transmission "learns" the driver's driving style, but this is technically incorrect. The DSG transmission adapts its behavior to variables such as internal wear, driving mode (D or S) and other input factors such as position throttle, the rate of change of its position on the ups and downs, and applies these variables to the existing gearshift scheme. Learning is a misnomer as it means new knowledge that was not there before, but the gearbox cannot “learn” anything new, it only applies variable parameters to existing gear shifting patterns. Some engineer has already determined and tested in practice how gear shifting patterns and variable parameters depend on each other. There is no such universal reference as “driving style”. Driving response recognition is the result of changing variables applied to the gearshift pattern. So the drivetrain does adapt, but not in the way most of us think. Although the term “learning” may be used in promotional materials, when describing technical operation it is irrelevant.

In this article we will focus on the six-speed DSG gearbox common in North America, although there is also a seven-speed DSG for front wheel drive vehicles(with a transverse engine) and rear-wheel drive vehicles (with a longitudinal engine and gearbox). The seven-speed transverse DSG is not used in North America due to its limited torque transmission (maximum torque is 184 lb-ft), and we (in the US) do not have such low-power engines. The main difference between the seven-speed gearbox is the additional gear and dry clutch versus the wet clutch of the six-speed transmission. Additional gears and dry clutch should improve specifications and the fuel economy of the engine, but a dry clutch is not fluid cooled and may have starting limitations. It is precisely because of the torque limitation that the seven-speed transmission on TDI engines will not appear in the United States anytime soon. In any case, TDI diesels have such a wide torque range that the six-speed DSG transmissions more than enough for their great job.

Below is a video that explains how the Porsche PDK dual clutch transmission (Porsche Doppel Kupplungen, Porsche double klutch) works. Although ZF and Porsche created the PDK independently of Borg Warner, who developed the DSG / S tronic, the principle of operation is the same and the explanation in the video applies to both transmissions. There is also a dual-clutch transmission from Mitsubishi (manufactured by Getrag); other automakers have their own versions too.

Advantages and Disadvantages of a Dual Clutch Transmission

Also, the dual-clutch transmission is especially useful for drivers with sore knees or relatives who are against manual transmission (or you hate to change gears). The DSG box has some features, which will be discussed in more detail below.

Despite all these advantages, I still believe that a manual transmission is better suited for an experienced driver who has nothing to do with manually changing gears. Among other things, the mechanics give the driver the opportunity to minimize fuel consumption, which is one of the greatest advantages of the TDI diesel engines. It is also cheaper and better tolerates power-up procedures and poor maintenance. A dual-clutch transmission requires constant fluid changes every 40,000 miles (≈64,000 km). By comparison, transmission oil for a traditional manual transmission can last 60,000 to 100,000 miles (≈ 96,000 to 160,000 km) in normal use. Many private auto repair shops and even some dealerships do not have much experience in maintaining DSG transmissions as they are relatively new. The dual-clutch transmission will not allow you to bring the engine speed to the red line - it will change gear when the tachometer needle approaches the red zone.

While the dual-clutch box's claimed maximum torque is 258 lb-ft, it can handle more power. Standard TDI engine torque is 170-236 lb-ft, depending on engine. HPA motorsports has created instruments to test engines at maximum power for Volkswagen cars and no unexpected problems were found as a result. They recommend changing the transmission fluid on high performance modified vehicles every 10,000 miles (≈ 16,000 km). And of course, how you use the available power and how often you tow and accelerate will affect transmission and fluid life. On vehicles with a TDI engine, the ECU is equipped with a torque limiter so that no increase in power will cause the DSG torque limit to be exceeded. To get the full power boost, you may need to tune your DSG transmission. El-Cars, along with the increase in power, provides DSG tuning services for cars manufactured since 2009.

If you need to significantly increase the power of your car, you may also need a new clutch. Replacing the clutch for a conventional manual transmission is easy, but finding a place to find and install DSG clutches will take a lot of effort.

The new seven-speed DSG found on the Audi S5 can handle up to 406 lb-ft of torque, but it is used in conjunction with a longitudinally-mounted engine, not the transaxle drive axle used with the four-cylinder TDI engine. The new seven-speed DSG on the Euro Golf / plus is designed for low-power engines and is limited to 184 lb-ft of torque.

Reliability and Common Dual Clutch Transmission Problems

The dual-clutch transmission is a good technology product, but still relatively new compared to the manual transmission. Therefore, the extended factory warranty can cover any potential malfunction that only appears when the vehicle reaches a certain age and mileage. Just read carefully what the extended warranty covers and its terms and conditions, because contracts are often drafted to exclude many repairs, any "wear parts", or to exclude equipment if there is no accurate maintenance record.

The following are the most common problems we know of. If you report a problem with the handling or safety of the vehicle to the dealer, someone may tell you to drive further because repairs cannot be performed at this time due to a missing part in stock.

Investigation by the National Security Administration road traffic USA

The US National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) recently launched an investigation into the causes of power loss and uneven, intermittent power delivery to the DSG drivetrain. The number of damaged DSG transmissions is small, but the reported malfunctions, which led to the investigation, are quite serious and could lead to damage. The investigation is not limited to vehicles with TDI engines, but targets all dual transmission boxes on Volkswagen / Audi vehicles. The investigation number, which began on July 17, 2009, is PE09035 and covers models from 2008-2009.

Some dual-clutch transmissions have a delay in clutch engagement and power delivery from full stop, this is normal and is expected by drivers and can be compensated for. There are more serious problems, for example, when the box begins to live its own life and itself turns on neutral for no apparent reason and cannot switch back to drive mode while driving. These kinds of problems are not unique to DSG transmissions or Volkswagen vehicles - they can occur in any brand of car with a defective part or defective design. However, there were many more atypical issues beyond the incidents that led to the initiation of this investigation. Ultimately, the ongoing investigation suggests that there are registered issues that merit further investigation, and this is the only conclusion we should draw from this case.

Recalling temperature sensors

In August 2009 Volkswagen was forced to recall the temperature sensors for DSG transmissions manufactured in 2009 and 2010. The defective models were manufactured between August and September 2009. A defective temperature sensor can cause the warning lamps on the dashboard and shifting the transmission to neutral. As it turned out, both sensors described below are combined into one unit. This is probably the reason for the blinking of the PRNDS (shift light) gear indicator. Below are descriptions of the temperature sensor and the speed sensor.

Multi-plate clutch oil temperature sender G509.

The multi-plate clutch oil temperature sender G509 is integrated with the gearbox speed sender G182. It measures the temperature transmission fluid leaving the multi-plate clutches. The multi-plate clutch generates more heat than any other component in the transmission, so the temperature of the transmission fluid must be monitored very carefully. The sensor is designed to measure temperature very quickly and accurately. It can record temperatures from -55 ° C to + 180 ° C (-67 ° F to 356 ° F).

Using the sensor signal

The control unit uses the signals from temperature sensor G509 to regulate the amount of coolant for the clutch and initiate further measurements to protect the transmission.

Signal dropout

If the signal from this sensor is lost, the control unit uses the signals from sensors G93 and G510 as a replacement.

Gearbox speed sender G182.

The gearbox speed sensor is installed inside the gearbox housing. It detects the outer surface of the double clutch and registers the gearbox input speed, which is the same as the engine speed. G182 is a Hall effect sender combined with the multi-plate clutch oil temperature sender G509. Electric wires connect both sensors to the mechatronics (control unit).

Using the sensor signal

The gearbox input speed is used to calculate the multi-plate clutch slip ratio. For this calculation, the control unit also uses the signals from sensors G501 and G502. Using the calculated slip ratio, the control unit can properly adjust the engagement and disengagement of the clutches.

Signal dropout

In the event of a signal failure, the control unit uses the necessary data (engine speed) received from the CAN bus.

A discharged battery may be the cause of the PRND or PRNDS gearshift indicator blinking or gear shifting problems in the DSG transmission (check also the voltage regulator and alternator alternating current). If your PRND / PRNDS indicator is blinking and false neutrals occur (the transmission itself shifts to neutral), then you may have a faulty transmission temperature sensor, as described above. In the following videos you can see an example of getting stuck in neutral in Jetta cars TDI 2009 and Audi A32007:

Other common problems include a malfunctioning two-piece flywheel (DMF) or Mechatronics.

All DSG sensors (except two) are located in Mechatronics, and all input signals from external devices to control the transmission, they enter this block. There are also pressure control valves and solenoids that control gear changes. Individual parts are not yet subject to maintenance separately. The mechatronic is designed in such a way that it can only be replaced entirely, and the retail price is measured in thousands of dollars! New box DSG costs about 5.5 thousand dollars! The most economical option at the moment is a used transmission from a car breakdown yard. More than 1 million DSG transmissions have been produced to date, so prices should decline over time. Below is a video that shows the process of replacing the Mechatronic (the video is in German, but you should be clear about what is happening there).

All dual clutch transmissions have a two-piece flywheel (DMF, Dual Mass Flywheel)

The advantage of a two-piece flywheel is that it provides smoother power delivery, reduces noise, and smoothes jerking and vibration. Its design (two-piece instead of one) increases the likelihood of its failure, and the failure rate of such a flywheel in DSG transmissions exceeds expectations. The characteristic crackling of a slipping belt, slight grinding, poor gear shifting, metal rattling on Idling may indicate a malfunction of the two-piece flywheel. The early two-piece flywheels in Volkswagen's dual-clutch transmissions were short-lived for some reason, and these flywheels were subsequently redesigned. The very first part number was "03g 105 266 r", later the suffix "ap" appeared in it. Modern part numbers end with the suffix "be" (03g 105 266 be).

Below you see a photo of a disassembled and de-greased two-piece flywheel from a 2006 DSG transmission. The two-piece dual clutch gearbox flywheels are different from the manual gearbox flywheels. If the car has an old flywheel, then the period warranty service for him, most likely ended. I'm not sure if the part number of the two-piece flywheel was the same, but the part that was recalled was from an Australian 138bhp 2.0-liter engine. with. / 236 lb-ft of torque, not from the later American lower-torque engine. There is a technical service bulletin for defective clutches in manual transmissions.

The dual-clutch transmission needs regular maintenance. The transmission fluid and filter should be changed every 40 thousand miles (≈ 64 thousand km). The estimated cost of such service is about $ 400-900 from a dealer or up to $ 150 if you do everything yourself. Refueling capacity dry gearbox - approximately 7 liters; exact values ​​and technical requirements for transmission fluid, refer to the operating manual. For high speed or racing cars, the fluid change interval should be shortened as necessary.

Alpine terrain with high atmospheric pressure and low temperatures- problems with starting a vehicle with a TDI engine and DSG transmission

If you live in high altitude cold areas, you may find it difficult to start a TDI engine with DSG under extreme conditions. Such problems are associated not only with low temperatures or high altitudes. In low temperatures and high pressure the air is too thin and the compression of the engine is too low to overcome the resistance of the transmission, resulting in difficulty starting the engine. This is because the TDI engine is running at a low compression level, and these conditions, combined with the resistance of the transmission, are too unfavorable for starting the car. Quality maintenance diesel engine helps to keep the compression at a high level for a long time, but inappropriate engine oil or improper handling of the engine can result in loss of compression and exacerbate engine starting problems. This difficulty does not apply to gasoline engines and the manual-transmission turbocharged diesel doesn't suffer that much either. If you live in a lower or warmer area, you will not face this problem. If it is cold in your area or you live in a high area, then the presence of a garage or engine heater should prevent such a malfunction. Most Canadian TDI engines have standard heaters, but American Volkswagen TDI engines do not (the Audi A3 TDI does have a heater). If you need an engine heater, it will cost you about $ 120 and you can install it yourself in a few hours.

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S-tronic gearbox (Audi): what is it?

S-tronic is a striking representative of robotic gearboxes. It is mainly installed on all-wheel drive or front-wheel drive cars. A more correct name would be - preselective gearbox. S-tronic is installed on Audi cars and is practically analogous to Volkswagen's proprietary Direct Shift Gearbox (DSG).

Similar gearboxes work according to the same scheme:

  • PowerShift - Ford;
  • MultiMode - Toyota;
  • Speedshift DCT - Mercedes-Benz;
  • 2-Tronic - Peugeot and many other options.

It is worth noting that along with the S-tronic box, the R-tronic is often installed on Audi, which differs only in the presence of a hydraulic drive. The main feature of this type of transmission is the presence of two or more clutch discs, thanks to which gear changes are instantaneous.

Speaking simple language, in one C-tronic, two mechanical boxes gears, with one shaft responsible for paired gears, the second for unpaired. Thus, one clutch disc works at one time or another, and the other is in a disengaged state, however, the gear is already engaged in advance and therefore, when the driver needs to switch to another speed range, this happens almost instantly without any jolts. or dips in speed.

S-tronic advantages and disadvantages

Those car enthusiasts who are fortunate enough to be owners of cars with a preselective transmission highlight the following positive points:

  • vehicle dynamics is significantly improved;
  • switching speeds requires no more than 0.8 ms, respectively, the car accelerates quickly and smoothly;
  • more efficient fuel consumption - savings can be up to ten percent.

A DSG or S-tronic transmission almost completely smoothes out the moment of gear shifting, so you get the impression that you are driving in one, infinitely long gear. Well, it is much easier to master such a gearbox, since it does not require a clutch pedal.

But for such comfort one has to endure certain drawbacks, of which there are also quite a few. First of all, this type of transmission has a significant impact on the cost of the car. Secondly, maintenance is also quite expensive. The portal site recommends refilling or changing gear oil, only in a specialized service or at an authorized dealer.

In addition, with wear and tear, various problems begin to appear:

  • if you decide to accelerate sharply and go from medium speeds to higher ones, jolts or dips are possible;
  • when changing from first to second gear, slight vibration may be observed;
  • possible dips in speed at the time of changing ranges.

Such defects are noted due to excessive differential friction of the preselector.

Preselective gearbox device

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Any robotic gearbox is a successful hybrid that combines everything positive traits traditional mechanics and machine guns. It is clear that a large role is assigned to the control unit, which works according to rather complex algorithms.

So, when you just accelerate the car to the desired speed, it accelerates on a pair of gears responsible for the first gear. In this case, the gears of the second gear are already in engagement with each other, but they work in idle mode. When the computer reads the speed reading, the hydraulic drive mechanism automatically disconnects the first disc from the engine and connects the second, the gears of the second gear are activated. And so it is on the rise.

When you reach the highest gear, seventh, sixth gear automatically engages and idles. According to this parameter, the robotic box resembles a sequential transmission, in which the speed ranges can only be changed in a strict sequence - from lower to higher, or vice versa.

The main elements of the S-tronic are:

  • two clutch discs and two output shafts for odd and even gears;
  • a complex automation system - an ECU, numerous sensors working in conjunction with an on-board computer;
  • hydraulic control unit, which is an actuator. Thanks to it, the required level of pressure is created in the system and in individual hydraulic cylinders.

There are also electrically powered robotic transmissions. An electric drive is installed on budget cars: Mitsubishi, Opel, Ford, Toyota, Peugeot, Citroen and others. On the Premium segment model is installed robotic gearboxes with hydraulic drive.

Thus, the S-tronic robotic box is one of the most efficient and reliable today. True, the whole the lineup An Audi equipped with this type of transmission (or the more expensive R-tronic) is a rather expensive car.

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