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Traffic lights

Abdulmakhmud Rakhimov

Helps for a long time
Children, our friend - a LIGHT.
Explains without stress
Traffic rules for children.

Listen and remember
And always observe them.
The RED light came on, -
Wait, baby, there is no way.

YELLOW light, look, it burns -
Get ready says.
And the light came on GREEN -
Come on in, my scientist friend.

Remember the traffic rules
Like a multiplication table!

Our green traffic light ..

Azalea Zhulanova Khanina

On a wide pavement
Stands in the uniform of a sentry.
He stands under the traffic light
He sees everyone with a tenacious gaze!

The red light came on:
Stop guys! No move!
There is movement for cars
We are waiting calmly, we are not in a hurry!

We look into the eyes of the traffic light:
He is cheerful, there is no dispute,
Every color is very important -
We are waiting for you - green light!

We will move along the paths
Striped like a cat
We will not rush
Let's not forget caution.

Remember everything, guys?
We walk along the striped zebra,
We are always waiting for the green light
This will be our answer!

Red-stop, be careful
The path to yellow is impossible!
Wait for the green light
Safe? - make sure! ...

No and yes

Al Eph

What is RED LIGHT?
- This is NO and NO and NO -
NO, do not go, do not run,
Do not step - stand and wait.

Don't yawn, gentlemen!
YES - walk and ride YES!
Have you waited? - no problem.

Between them is a YELLOW LIGHT.
YELLOW LIGHT - neither YES nor NO ...

Three eyes...

Anna Samuilovna Shtro

The traffic light has three eyes.
Well, remember them, friend,
Walk the streets so that soon
You could do it on your own.

Here is a red eye ... You fear him!
When it burns, there is no way.
Blinking yellow - get ready!
Green is on - go!

Traffic lights


Nobody knows so far
What does a traffic light dream about?
But for me there is no mystery!
When the red light comes on
He dreams that everyone will freeze
At least for a few minutes.
And he turns on the yellow light,
When a little annoyed
And wants to change something -
Run, jump, ring.
When the green light is on
The traffic light looks cheerful:
Gave permission signal
And he dreamed about movement.

And if our traffic light is broken,
He does not dream of anything.

Traffic lights

Galina Tomashevskaya 2

Cars go back and forth.
The traffic light flashes, does not get tired.
If it breaks,
people won't like it
And there will be many accidents.

The real sentinel!
He blinks for a reason -
helps to ride

Traffic light is a good reliable friend.
The inhabitants are all around him:
Dads, mothers, schoolchildren, kids,
The one that is in a hurry to kindergarten in the morning.

Who needs to go, who should stand? -
The colors help to understand it.
The traffic light is in plain sight
So that no one gets into trouble!

Even if you are in a hurry on business,
Before the zebra sign you will slow down.
Follow the road rules!
Do not drive on the highway at speed!

Cars go back and forth.
The traffic light flashes, does not get tired.
If it breaks,
people won't like it.
And there will be many accidents.

The traffic light stands like a sentry
The real sentinel!
He blinks for a reason -
helps to ride
And saves you and me from troubles!
Pedestrian traffic light colors

Galina Tyutyugina

Red, yellow and green
we need to know everything about them,
Old and young traffic light color,
must distinguish exactly.
Red light - stop
turn right, left.
Yellow light - you wait
pedestrian, what's ahead?
Yes-ah-ah - green ... And the people
hurried forward, forward, forward.

Traffic lights

Igor Efremov

I know one thing,
He has three eyes!
It hangs over the road
He does not speak strict words,
And only blinks his eyes,
But everyone understands him! -
To traffic rules
He asks for respect!

Traffic lights

Ivan Radion

Let's sing the guys in chorus:
We're friends with a traffic light.
He, like the Sun, is a faithful friend:
A ray of light instead of hands.

Red light - we stand in response
Hello to those passing by.
If yellow light is visible,
Getting ready is advice.

Green light ahead -
Drive or go.
But look around -
And luck will be to us.

Who is not a friend for a traffic light,
He prepares grief for himself.
I value true friendship:
Hello! - I will tell him.

rules road traffic

Irina Gurina

Red eye traffic light
He was staring at me.
I stood and waited in silence
Because he knew for sure:

If the red light is on
The pedestrian is always standing.
If you see a red light
This means there is no move!

Cars drove by
And the tires rustled softly.
The tractor rode, rattled,
The dump truck ran after him,

Long-long timber truck
I was carrying logs along the way.
Yellow light is on under red:
It's dangerous to go anyway!

Transport started to slow down
To clear the way.
The yellow light came on -
Nobody cares.

Pedestrians don't walk
And the cars are waiting too!
The traffic light blinked and - again!
He lit a green eye!

Striped transition
Different pedestrians are waiting for:
Mom goes with a stroller,
There is a lady with a dog,

Carries a kid with a toy
The old man leads the old woman,
Two girls are walking
The machines are waiting quietly.

The green light is on
As if saying:
- Please go,
But don't run!

And if on the track
The ambulance will call
You will miss her
And only then go!

Green is safe
But red is dangerous.
Green - we go
And yellow and red - we are waiting!

Traffic lights

Zinaida Berezina-Khrushch

And we have recently
There is a traffic light near the house.
It burns day and night
He tries to help everyone.

If red lights up,
Don't you dare to rush.
Everyone knows what is red. -
Dangerous for the path.

And don't go to the yellow one,
But calmly stand and wait.

Mom's hand - and we are waiting.
Together with us all the people
Patiently waiting for the green
To move forward.

Here - green flashed! Soon!
He winked: - You can't stand!
Soon color at the traffic light
It will change to red again.

Traffic lights

Clara Zhabova

Who boasts of us,
What does the third eye have?
Who, not knowing alarms,
Consistently one-legged
And stands without fuss
Full of proud beauty?
I wish I could stand like that
Blink a yellow eye.
Flashing red -
Stop, freeze!
Do not say anything,
And maybe now
The green eye will shine!

Traffic lights

Lyubov Aleinikova

I, a very strict traffic light,
Serving at the crossroads
Any chauffeur knows me
And pedestrians too.
I am on duty day and night,
No day off
My eyes do not know the dream,
Do not get tired of blinking.
For a pedestrian, I allow
Go only to the green light
And if I blink red,
You can't go! To you, my ban!

Traffic lights

Lyudmila Zaikina 2

The sentry stands guard
He is strict and very important.
He's not standing here in vain
The path will open - safe.
He is ready to tell everyone
Why is he, three colors.
You are a pedestrian today
Before him, slow down.
The RED light will come on.
Stop in place - NO TRAVEL!
YELLOW, not at all in vain,
And completely UNSAFE! -
-Get ready .. wait ..-

Traffic lights

Marina Novitskaya 13

Three multicolored circles:
RED shining - WAIT
And on YELLOW - STAND, my friend,
On the GREEN light - GO!

The traffic light gives advice
How to cross the road.
A pedestrian in this
You can't find a better friend!

Traffic light puzzle

Nika Rebrovskaya

You will recognize me immediately:
I have three clear eyes.
If I turn on the red eye -
I forbid to go further.
Yellow means be ready
No unnecessary words are needed here.
I light green -
I give you permission to move.
Good journey, good journey!
Don't forget about the signals!

Kids about traffic lights

Nikolaeva Elena

We look: it is lit - green,
So everyone can go!
Even if you are a kitten
The path is clear ahead!

Now look - RED!
The traffic light turned on our light
Now it is DANGEROUS to go
There is no transition, then! About traffic lights

Nikolaeva Elena

For order on the road
IT has been delivered for a long time:
Remarkably tall ...
What is this? - TRAFFIC LIGHTS!

Blinks with a RED eye -
STAY! FREEZE like a sentry!
YELLOW light warns:
on the road - not a foot!
The path is clear ahead!

Traffic lights

Nikolay Punko

Red is the color of the tomato.
Red light at the traffic light
He warns us -
There is no way forward now!

Yellow color, yellow color
And at the traffic light there is light.
The yellow light tells me:
"Be careful! Hello!"

Green color, green light -
There are no obstacles to movement!
The traffic light told me: "Go!
Happy journey to you! "

Traffic lights

Olya Lukoeva

At the crossroads of two roads
There is a handsome man with different eyes.
He is completely chilled in the wind
He must be lonely.

His eyes are full of love
But he looks at passers-by imperiously:
Winks green - go
"Stop!" will order red.

And suddenly it will light up yellow
Then be very attentive
And do not rush to catch up with your friends -
Your eye is not accurate at all.

Handsome man knows all brands
Mopeds and cars.
It burns during the day and in the dark,
It offers to live only in the world.

He urges you not to joke
With speed, follow the light.
So that the thread is not interrupted
Go only for the green!

At the intersection there is a traffic light
Our eternal guard, does not sleep,
His bright gaze does not fade away ...
Let the trust in him grow stronger!

Traffic light-2

Olya Lukoeva

On the road, swearing, dispute,
who will go first now?
the traffic light will judge everyone -
he has nerves of steel.

In the wind he, in the snow and heat,
guards the intersection,
from the follies of people sometimes
protects with red light.

He is three-eyed and multi-colored,
you must obey him,
only green light
there is movement. Be Alive!

Don't reckless, red eye
prohibits driving. Stop!
Not a toy life, for you
it's bad to be under renovation too.

Traffic light wishes to everyone
and health, and success,
because for a long time
serves people not for laughing.

Traffic lights

Olga Borisova 5

This vigilant traffic light
Prevents congestion.
Follows the cars
He leads them.
If he gives yellow light,
Brake - there is no move,
Wait for the next signal
Yellow warned you.
If a red light flashes
For movement - a ban,
And he will light green,
The path is clear - all forward!
What a miracle - a traffic light!
There is a conductor on the roads
So that the machines know for sure
Pedestrians were allowed to pass.

Traffic light

Olga Shalimova

Two roads crossroads
Suddenly they put it among themselves,
Whispered only from a thimble,
Scattered at times before the one
They only know the point -
When will they meet again?
Or maybe never!
Or maybe not a point?

Well, what about everyone else,
To those who walk and run
On, one of two, the road,
So they can knock each other down
Get a clash!
How each other's behavior
In life, warn them?
Someone has to say -
Whom to go and go,
And someone - wait!

And then at the crossroads
A traffic light appeared -
He is of course very strict,
But walk in defiance
His opinion is not worth it -
Life is more expensive!
Harmfulness is nonsense!

His red eye is forbidden
Blocks the way forward -
Take your time, even though life is vain,
But you're at home waiting for you
The whole family is alive and well!
And why bother others
Continue your journey alive?

The yellow eye tells me to finish
Free the way for others!
If you remember the rule -
We will all live long!

Finally green light
Our traffic light has blossomed -
If you heeded all the advice,
I crossed the road!

Happy and happy traffic light
That I managed to please everyone
And a miraculous smile
Give gifts to pedestrians!

Traffic light puzzle

Sergey Vakhlyarsky 2

If you are not smart enough
Spend a little time
(Wait just a little,
So that there is an empty road)
And stick the gas up to the floor,
And, forward, like a beast you will rush,
Although he still signaled: "No",
There is a yellow light in that device -
You will get into trouble.

After all, it is possible that now,
The gas is also being pressed on the right.

I reminded about the device
Under the name ...

Traffic lights

Tamara Vtorova

We have been on the road for a long time
The traffic light helps -
Regulates movement,
Where there is liveliness
And cars and pedestrians
He stands at the crossings:
If the red light is on -
Stop! Dangerous, he says!
If yellow is in front,
Wait a little
And the green light is on
Then there is no danger -
Go boldly
And don't forget -
Traffic light,
Traffic light,
Like a friend

Traffic light puzzle

Tatiana Gette

HIM has everything
Three eyes,
But not all
Opened immediately.
If red
The eye is open
This means
He is angry-
On motion
Does not give!
Yellow eye
Be careful
Wait green
Eye color.
And I saw-
Immediately immediately
Can you go
And go!
And happy

Traffic lights

Shalamov Andrey Vladimirovich

It regulates the movement
At the crossroads, from a height
Stands alone on the heights
It is full of austere beauty.

With your iron foot
He stands firmly on the ground
Shows you and me
When we have to go.

Green if lit
You cross the road
The way for all cars is closed here,
But still look around!

And if the red is glowing,
You wait a little
He gave us a ban to go,
Gave the way for cars.

If the yellow gave the answer,
The dangerous moment has come:
What kind of light will light up for us
Green or Red?

Green will call us on the way,
And red will strictly meet.
This is how life goes on the road
Let everyone notice.

You always cross the path
Looking back, it's dangerous here!
Always look around
And everything will be fine!

Traffic lights

Elvina Aksenova

Previously, instead of traffic lights
There were stones at the crossroads.
Like, there is no need to go there,
Come here, people.

Instead of red, drawing
Serpentine mouth!
If you drive through the "red light"
Then fate is your abyss ..

Instead of yellow, for example,
A simple horse was drawn.
Do not go, friend, to the left,
Better stay here.

And to the right is a maple leaf,
Like a five, it is revealed!
This means the light is green
The way is clear, he says!

And now at the crossroads
Instead of a stone, there is a traffic light.
Living now is easy and simple!
Do as he asks!
Traffic light

Yuri Gashinov

Our wonderful three-eyed friend,
He blinks everyone around.
And his task is strictly
Safe road.

Here the red light came on -
All drivers are banned.
There is an opportunity to rest
And then continue the journey.

Yellow light flashed through the window
Prepared a little,
But a passer-by is flying, in a hurry,
It is useless for us to scare him.

Is the zebra lying here? Lies!
It means that he is running correctly.

The stream of cars started -
Green light allowed.
There is order because
Must follow it.

The site "Mom can do everything!" collected the most interesting poems about traffic rules for children. They will help kids remember the traffic rules. And in order to make learning even more interesting, we have prepared poems in pictures.

A stupid elephant reads a book
On the pavement itself
And it is unaware to him that he
Risking his head.

Need to obey without arguing
Traffic light indications:
Need traffic rules
Perform without objection.

Everywhere and everywhere the rules, they must always be known:
Without them, ships will not sail out of the harbor.
Polar explorer and pilot set off on a voyage according to the rules.
The driver and the pedestrian have their own rules.
Like a multiplication table, like a lesson
Remember the rules of movement by heart!
They don't walk around the city or the street just like that:
It's easy to get screwed when you don't know the rules.
Be attentive all the time and remember in advance:
The driver and the pedestrian have their own rules!

At any intersection
We are met by a traffic light
And it turns on very simply
Conversation with a pedestrian:
Green light - come in!
Yellow - you better wait!
If the light turns red -
Dangerous to move!
Let the tram pass
be patient.
Learn and respect the traffic rules.

And avenues and boulevards -
The streets are noisy everywhere
Walk down the sidewalk
Right side only!

Here to be naughty, to interfere with the people
Be an exemplary pedestrian

If you ride a tram
And the people around you
Without pushing, without yawning,
Come on ahead.

Ride "hare", as you know,
Give way to the old woman

If you just walk
Look ahead anyway
Through a noisy intersection
Come on carefully.

Red light transition
Even children are green

There is an underground passage
And the overhead passage.
We walk boldly along it
He will save from cars!

Wheels rush
On the way to.
Over the road
Legs are racing.
This is me
This is me running
On horseback!
Me and sitting
I'm running!
And sit
On the run!
And I drive cars
And I roll
Where I want!

Here at the post anytime
A dexterous guard is on duty.
He controls everyone at once,
Who is in front of him on the pavement.

Nobody in the world can do this
With one movement of your hand
Stop the flow of passers-by
And skip the trucks.

Traffic light - road friend
Controls everything around.
Red light is a formidable sight.
He is fraught with danger.
If the light burns like this
So, like a soldier, stop!

Here at the post anytime
The dexterous duty officer is a sentry.
He controls everyone at once,
Who is in front of him on the pavement.

Nobody in the world can do this
With one movement of your hand
Stop the flow of passers-by
And skip the trucks.

Zebra lives in Africa
The strip is very.
Drinks water, chews grass,
He wants to frolic.

And on the street with us,
Here at the crossroads
Like a zebra just right -
Transition to strip.

A green ray of light sends
He's like your mom.
Taking by the handle, he will hold
Straight along the stripes.

If the mark in the border is red -
So you can't do that!
This means that the action is dangerous!
Obey him, friends!

Need to obey without arguing
Traffic light indications.
Need traffic rules
Perform without objection.
This will confirm everything
Good doctor Aibolit.

Lawns with grass hid under the snow,
Slippery cars on the pavement.
The river bed is covered with ice,
The teddy bear stood on the skates.

Only not riding a cat:
I went out into the street with a club in hand.
Cars are racing not far away.
It's hard for cars to slow down in winter,
The tires will slide in the snow.

How long will it take, children?
There are ice rinks and ponds for hockey.
Just put on your skate shoes,
The ice will sing under your feet all day.
And the pavement is a dangerous skating rink
We need to go back to the yard, my friend.

Pedestrian, pedestrian
Remember you about the transition!
Deep underground
Like a zebra, terrestrial.
Know that only transition
Will save you from cars!

Here at the post anytime
The dexterous duty officer is a sentry.
He controls everyone at once,
Who is in front of him on the pavement.

Nobody in the world can do this
With one movement of your hand
Stop the flow of passers-by
And skip the trucks.

Where there is a noisy intersection
Where you can't count the cars
It's not so easy to go
If you don't know the rules.

Let the children remember firmly:
The one who acts is right
Who is only in green light
Walking across the street!

Where there is a noisy intersection
Where you can't count the cars
It's not so easy to go
If you don't know the rules.

Let the children remember firmly:
The one who acts is right
Who is only in green light
Walking across the street!

Traffic rules,
All without exception,
Animals should know:
Badgers and pigs

Hares and cubs
Ponies and kittens.
You guys too
You need to know all of them.

Brake the driver. Stop!
The sign is a ban in front of you.
This is the strictest sign,
So that you do not rode in.
You must follow the sign
Do not drive under the brick.

We give the guys a warning:
Learn the traffic rules urgently,
So that parents do not worry every day,
So that the drivers rush calmly along the street!

The city in which we live with you
It can rightfully be compared to a primer.
The alphabet of streets, avenues, roads
The city gives us a lesson all the time.

Here it is, the alphabet, above your head:
Signs are hung over the pavement.
Always remember the ABC of the city
So that trouble does not happen to you!

Children's playground near the house
According to the Rules - a residential area.
Will give a sign to the driver -
In the yard - be vigilant.
You go quietly, carefully,
Park where you can.

A person is drawn.
Man is digging the earth.
Why is there no way?
Maybe they are looking for treasure here?
And old coins
Are they in a big chest?
Them here, probably old
Hid a very greedy king.
They said to me: “What are you, what are you!
There is road work here! "

Round sign, looks like a ball
He forbids movement.
He will not be in time for the match,
Who violates the prohibitions.

Road rules
Not so hard
Only rules in life
We all need it very much.

Wonderful sign -
Exclamation point!
So you can shout here,
Sing, make noise, play naughty?
Or run barefoot!
Or ride with the breeze!
People answer strictly:
"This is a dangerous road!"
Highly asks for a road sign
Drive quietly, carefully!

Here at the post anytime
A dexterous guard is on duty.
He controls everyone at once,
Who is in front of him on the pavement.

Nobody in the world can do this:
With one movement of your hand
Stop the flow of passers-by
And skip the trucks.

Spin my head
In a circular motion.
The kids played out -
In the amusement park.
And the driver is not playing -
In a circular motion
The arrow continues -
According to the Driving Rules.

Sledges, skis and skates
Will brighten up the winter days.
But ride, it's clear
Need to be in a safe place.

Talk to a crane in the distance
In some foreign language.
It sounds extraordinary:
“Vira! Maina!
Vira! Maina! "
"Maina" - the load went down.
"Vira" - it hung at the top.
The crane understands perfectly.
Lowers, lifts.
Anything the crane operator says
Performs at the same time.

Machines also need to eat-
Fill with petrol, gas.
Otherwise he won't go, listen,
Without fuel, they will start sneezing.
Prescription and certificate from the doctor,
They won't help, they won't save.
Rescue - gas station - gas station,
Gasoline will be poured, you, only here.

Girls and boys,
Everyone, without exception,
Learn the rules
Road traffic!

They gave the guys a warning:
“Learn urgently, Traffic Rules!
So as not to worry
Every day parents
So that they rushed calmly
Street drivers. "

Dad goes hunting -
Goes to Niva - "Russian Jeep".
Suddenly grabbed his head,
If you forgot your gun, you're in trouble!
The pointer is just straight,
You can't turn home
Mom told dad
That he was in a hurry in vain.

Red - "Stop!" "Get ready!" - yellow.
And the green light is "Go!"
Be attentive and persistent
Don't run - wait for the signal!

Useful children's poems about traffic lights and street crossing rules:

A. Rakhimov

Helps for a long time
To children, our friend, traffic lights
Explains without stress
Traffic rules for children.

Listen and remember
And always observe them.
The RED light came on,
Wait, baby, there is no way.
YELLOW light look lit
Get ready says.
And the light came on GREEN
Come on in, my scientist friend.
Remember the traffic rules
Like a multiplication table!

I. Dahl

"The most important on the road, -
Friends told me -
Odd-eyed, one-legged,
You can't joke with him in any way. "
I got a little scared
Hearing this conversation,
But when he saw, he guessed-
Well, it's simple - traffic lights.

M. Novitskaya

Three multicolored circles:
RED shining - WAIT
And on YELLOW - STAND, my friend,
On the GREEN light - GO!
Traffic lights gives advices,
How to cross the road.
A pedestrian in this
You can't find a better friend!

G. Kodinenko

Green color -
Come on in!
Yellow -
Wait a little.
Well, if red -
Stop, buddy!

G. Klyuchnikova

Winked at me traffic lights:
-Come in, child!
Well, what kind of argument will there be?
The light is on - green!
I go boldly, friends,
Straight along the stripes.
And the cars are still standing
Here at the crossroads!
The yellow traffic light blinked
Cars snorted!
I stepped onto the sidewalk -
The tires rustled.
Red for pedestrians
So - stop,
Don't run, once there is no move
Even if clever.

A. Stro

Three eyes have traffic light.
Well, remember them, friend,
Walk the streets so that soon
You could do it on your own.
Here is a red eye ... You fear him!
When it burns, there is no way.
Blinking yellow - get ready!
Green is on - go!

D. Ponomareva

Traffic lights it shines for us red -
Stop! You can't go, it's dangerous.
Yellow and red are suddenly lit -
We stand, green waiting.
On green signal
don't go straight away.
Head left-right
before that, twist:
Make sure left to right
there are no rushing cars,
And then go calmly.
Everyone will understand: you have become big.

V. Mikhailov

He stands at the crossroads
Striped like a sailor suit.
The children were surprised at once:
-What does he need three eyes for?
Red - stop all movement.
Yellow is our respect.
And the green will light up
You can go further on your way.
It has been called for a long time
Very simple - traffic lights.

S. Melnikov

Fast cars are racing.
Rotating tires rub the asphalt.
We must go to the kindergarten.
How to cross the road?
Helps, for a long time,
Do it traffic lights:
The yellow eye will light up -
The passage is closed for you!
The green light will light up -
The pedestrian strives forward.
Where the red light is on
The way is closed for all cars.

E. Nikolaeva

Going for a walk
To the store, or to the cinema,
Walking down the lane
Remember one rule:
STOP - command traffic light,
If you see a RED light!
And on the YELLOW light the road
Wait a little,
So as not to please the doctors.
Boldly CONTINUE your way!
These rules are easy
Observe everyone and everywhere.

A. Chugunnikov

On the roads for a long time
There was always a great controversy
Who is more important, the pedestrian -
Restless people
Or a vehicle -
This is a new neighborhood.
To resolve the eternal dispute
Was invented traffic lights.
The red light came on
There is no passage for cars.
Green light ahead
Pedestrian go ahead.

O. Maslova

Who is this, look -
Blinking at us: one, two, three?
Who can tell me
What are those strange eyes?
Bright red is the first eye
He looks sternly at us,
Says there is no way
You can't go now !!!
Further - the yellow eye is burning,
"- Wait, - he says, -
Well, just a little bit more,
And you will hit the road. "
Here - a green eye is burning,
Says: "- Go now,
Cars and trams are waiting
Stomp fast, don't yawn! "
Guess it or not -
This little secret
Who is staring at us?
Well, of course - traffic lights !!!

G. Goryakova

Three merry lights
And for the night, for the day.
We will flash from afar.
Their team is great!
I stand on the asphalt with my foot
Red shouts to me: "Wait!"
Do you see my forbidden color?
There is no road to it! "
A yellow eye lit up
He gives a signal to us.
But you can't walk yet!
Wait for the green eye!
Here, green blinked,
The path is "free", indicated.
The little man in that little eye
He opened the passage to me.
What are these lights
What do they command:
When transport goes,
And when should the paths be closed ?!
And when the passage is open
So that the people walk along the "zebra".
Red, yellow - forbidden
And green - allowed!
Well, my friend, you found out
What is this signal?
Transition traffic lights
The path opened to the neighboring courtyard!

A. Ivanov

Children know everything in the world
What traffic lights.
How it blinks and shines,
Pavlik and Yegor know.
Red light - stand still!
There is no way on the road!
Do not climb under the car -
It is forbidden to go!
If yellow lights up,
This means that again
The transition will be free -
We will be able to walk further.
Green light is the best!
The way is open! But don't be in a hurry!
Only with dad or mom
Kids are crossing.
If you don't know the rules
Very ashamed! Do not be lazy!
Tell them in verse
Learn from Andryusha!

Z. Berezina

And we have recently
Near the house traffic lights.
It burns day and night
He tries to help everyone.
If red lights up,
Don't you dare to rush.
Everyone knows what is red. -
Dangerous for the path.
And don't go to the yellow one,
But calmly stand and wait.
Mom's hand - and we are waiting.
Together with us all the people
Patiently waiting for the green
To move forward.
Here - green flashed! Soon!
He winked: - You can't stand!
Soon color at the traffic light
It will change to red again.

T. Gette

HIS only has three eyes
But not all are open at once.
If the red eye is open
It means he is angry-
To move forward
No permission!
Opens a yellow eye
Pay attention now-
Wait for the green color in the eye.
And I saw - right there right away
You can go and go!
And happy journey!

E. Frantsuzova

On the roads for a long time
The traffic light has settled
Both the driver and the passerby
Must know such a device.
Everyone is afraid of him for
Multi-colored eyes
He dictates on the road
You can go, or you can't.
Taxis and ATVs
And dashing pedestrians
That go out into the open
Respect the traffic light!
He has a tough character,
It hangs at the crossroads
And he blinks in love
Red, yellow and green.
If the light is red
No one cares
Even to those in a hurry
Eat your lunch at home.
If the rule is broken
Do you want, for example,
So you need today
Strict policeman!
Say: "This is ugly!"
And he will punish justly
To be more attentive
You have to pay a fine!
If the yellow light comes on
You will have to wait a little,
To avoid getting stuck on the way
And cross the road.
The yellow color shouts: "Attention!"
The expectation dries up
And it will go out just about,
And the movement will go!
Here the green light was pressed,
And the cars started running
And while they run
Pedestrians will wait!
Traffic light is the king of traffic
He has an order of expression,
Although he has no legs and no arms,
He is a reliable friend for everyone!

O. Borisova

This keen-sighted traffic lights
Prevents congestion.
Follows the cars
He leads them.
If he gives yellow light,
Brake - there is no move,
Wait for the next signal
Yellow warned you.
If a red light flashes
For movement - a ban,
And he will light green,
The path is clear - all forward!


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