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One of the nicest properties of all lineup UAZ and specifically loaves is that they give almost unlimited possibilities for transforming the car. Thanks to a very successful platform and low cost, very successful experiments can be carried out over the car, which contribute to improving their driving performance and the ability to safely experiment with the design and tuning of the interior. You can be convinced of the difference in tuning variations made with your own hands by folk craftsmen by watching the video:

Important! Although tuning can be stylish for city trips, the loaf is in most cases used precisely as a car for off-road outdoor activities, fishing, and hunting. Therefore, the article will consider the variations and the main problems when tuning for wildlife.

What can be used as tuning for a loaf? It all depends on the personal imagination of each person, but there are the most popular loaf options. There will be a review about them:

  • tuning the side parts of the car;
  • trunk for transporting things;
  • installation of a crane and additional means of loading / unloading;
  • lighting means;
  • reinforced suspension and shock absorbers;
  • winches;
  • bumpers and kenguryatnik;
  • redoing the filling.

Car board

What kind of tuning without changing the standard factory paint and sides? To further increase the strength, as well as counteract the negative influences of nature, which are inevitable when driving off-road or when looking for places for fishing, reinforcement of the side parts with stainless aluminum is used, followed by painting in the color of the environment or in military camouflage. When covering a loaf on our own, an aluminum profile is used to decorate the sides of the machine from the bottom to the door handle. What the primary result looks like, which some craftsmen stop at, can be seen in this photo:


As with any machine that is used for trips in difficult conditions, as well as for hunting and fishing, a significant amount of free space is needed in which to carry the necessary tackle. UAZ loaf, thanks to its own factory parameters in the cabin, can provide the necessary space. This is enough for many, but not for everyone. There are people who just like to carry a lot of things with them, and there are those who do in reserve. Such people decide to protect themselves from lack of space by installing a large trunk during tuning. It must be said that he fully justifies the tasks assigned to him regarding the provision of additional space.

The trunk itself has a number of other properties, in addition to providing usable space. It is primarily used to protect the roof of a car from tree branches that can easily scratch and peel off paint, reducing its visual appeal. In addition to clearly useful qualities, such an addition, in combination with enlarged wheels, pleases with a more respectful look of the car. Here is a photo of a good trunk "UAZ Bukhanka":

A warning! When tuning, the trunk shifts the center of gravity up, so before installing it, you need to calculate whether it will harm the car. Also, due to the shifted center of gravity, you need to be careful when cornering, since with a strong skid, the chances of the car turning over increase.

Mini Trunk Crane

The car itself is quite high, and it is very difficult to put things on the upper trunk, and especially heavy things, from a purely physical point of view. To simplify such a task, either manual means of lifting heavy things are used, in the form of a manual system of levers, or a hand-assembled mini-crane, which helps to do the job with less effort. For those who do not want to work on creating their own crane for the UAZ Bukhanka car, mini-cranes have been developed and are being sold, most of the modifications of which can easily load a load weighing up to 50 kilograms onto the trunk. They can pull even more, but at the same time, safety precautions should be observed and that the weight of the load being lifted does not rip off the trunk or cause the car to roll over. After tuning, the cranes look like this:

Suspension and shock absorbers

It is clear that adding additional parts that will make the car heavier cannot do without increasing the safety margin - after all, it will be very regrettable if the shock absorbers fail tens or hundreds of kilometers from civilization. And this is in best case, the most harmless. Therefore, the suspension and shock absorber should be monitored in a separate way so that they are very well made if they were made not in specialized UAZ Loaf tuning centers, but with their own hands. After improvement, motorists share their best practices, one of the best looks like this:

Many car owners are unhappy with their own bridge and are replacing it. It is often replaced by an extended one, which is removed from Barça. This is such a popular tuning action that it deserves a separate mention in the article. Differentials are also replaced with those that have increased friction, to avoid situations when the car gets stuck in the mud and slips, and also favors long-term transmission service. After all, a broken transmission disrupted more than just the plans of even trained off-road travelers.

Lighting means

For those vehicles that are planned to be used at night or on long trips, at least for several days, additional lighting can be installed, in addition to the usual car headlights... The strength of the structure of the loaf is so great that even small spotlights can be installed during tuning. The main question that must be solved by the craftsman is how to provide him with electricity in the conditions of off-road conditions and the absence of human settlements. But given the fact that most people put them on the trunks, then the power supply may also be there. In addition, the installation of additional equipment allows you to illuminate the road not only in front of you, but also to shine on the sides, so as not to miss a standing sign or other mark for travelers on the side. domestic car UAZ Loaf. An example of such an implementation is shown in the photo below:


Since such cars as a loaf are used in their mass off-road, and often as part of a group, it will be useful to equip them during tuning with winches, with which you can pull the car out of the quagmire or just drag it if it stalls. For practical use, winches are installed in 2 places: front or rear. What are the differences in their practical use? The front winches are very valuable if you need to pull the vehicle out and there is no way to turn the vehicle. This is perhaps the only advantage. If you put the rear winch, then such a machine can not only pull out, but also drag it in tow, if there is no special towing channel. At the same time, the possibility of using it on the ground with difficult passage conditions, very difficult to fulfill - after all, they will deploy, say, in a swamp and not get into a bog, too - is not an easy task. In doing so, they can also add aesthetic beauty if done carefully with your own hands when tuning the loaf.

Bumpers and kenguryatniki

Reinforced bumpers can be installed only on a car that has a frame structure, and UAZ Loaf does not just have it, but has a time-tested and various conditions. Under reinforced bumpers usually they are made of steel, which can effectively protect the car from encounters with fallen trees, stumps or from light collisions with other cars.

Reinforced bumpers are of two types: front and rear. They protect the front and rear parts of the vehicle body, respectively. Due to their relative cheapness, they are more valuable in order to reduce expenses, since they allow you to spend less money than on repairing the car body. Some folk craftsmen do not buy power bumpers, but create them for tuning a loaf with their own hands. In such cases, aesthetic qualities are usually silent, but some works are really worthy of praise.

Also, for additional protection of the bumper and the engine of the loaf, kenguryatniks are used. Due to their simplicity in design and manufacture, they can be made for tuning with the help of several stainless pipes and the ability to solder. In addition, it is much easier to remake them in case of an unsuccessful execution design. The bumper guards can be used not only as additional protection, but also as a place for a spare wheel, which can be seen in the photo above.

Changing the car filling

No matter how good the car is, you can always find what to improve in it during tuning. Start from the automotive heart of the loaf - the engine. The loaves are set injection engines old construction. They satisfy many in their driving performance, which are beyond praise, but there are individuals who believe that there is no limit to perfection. Whether or not to replace the engine during tuning is up to the owner himself, but for our off-road conditions it is enough for him.

If the engine is replaced only at will, then there are individual tuning points that do almost everything. Among them, the installation of wider discs along with wide tires for the loaf, in order to reduce the pressure on the road (or off-road, this is already necessary to look at in operation) and to avoid the situation when the car "sits belly on the road."


Of course, there are very, very many all sorts of options and variations in tuning this wonderful and truly universal car, and the description given in the article is just one of them. But this was not at all the main thing in the article. The main thing was to convey the idea that the UAZ Loaf is a simple car, and any person who is friends with tools and is not afraid of work can significantly improve its cross-country ability and quality during tuning. What kind of loaf will turn out is to decide only for those who work to improve it, on its appearance and technical characteristics, but one thing can be said - with straight hands during tuning it will turn out great car, who can easily run more than one thousand kilometers without problems. And finally, a video in which it will be shown and told about one of these loaves that was described in the article, and which is intended for fishing and off-road:

Cars UAZ 452/3741 ("Loaf") in various modifications have been produced in Ulyanovsk since 1965 - so far the SUV has not lost its relevance and is in great demand among avid fishermen and hunters.

The car has remarkable technical characteristics, high reliability, but it has one very significant drawback - low level comfort. In this article, we will look at how car owners perform tuning of the salon for fishing, hunting, off-roading on a UAZ "Bukhanka" car, how it is possible to transform the interior of the UAZ beyond recognition.

Will the Ulyanovsk Automobile Plant modernize the "Bukhanka"

The "native" interior of the Ulyanovsk SUV is terribly uncomfortable, it is especially inconvenient for the driver and front passenger to sit in it. The front seats in the car are shallow and hard, they do not provide for any adjustments. And the whole salon is also devoid of any amenities, it seems that it is not made for people. Why didn't the manufacturer take care of the passengers at all?

UAZ 452 and its subsequent modifications 3741 and 2206 began to be produced in the last century, and in Soviet times, UAZs were used in government services, the army and the national economy, practically did not fall into private hands. Years have passed, but the clumsy design of the SUV has never changed. The creators of the model at the Ulyanovsk Automobile Plant decided not to bother with the modernization of the car, apparently, it is easier to develop new brand than to make changes to the design.

They tried to modernize the UAZ several times, the last time to make a change to the design was planned in 2014. But because of the crisis or for some other reason, the plans were not destined to come true, however, and from the production of UAZ "Bukhanka" has not yet been removed.

Car owners of the legendary Ulyanovsk SUVs do not wait for the factory to modernize the car, tune the interior of the car with their own hands;

  • install comfortable seats and sofas for relaxation;
  • change the dashboard;
  • separate the driver's seat from the common passenger compartment with comfortable partitions;
  • tinted glass;
  • sheathed the body from the inside with an aluminum corrugated sheet;
  • changing the carpet floor;
  • design additional shelves, handrails for convenient boarding and disembarking of passengers;
  • set tables;
  • improve wheel;
  • upholstery interior elements with leather or other material.

You can endlessly modernize the interior, the main thing is that there is enough money, time and effort for this business. What else can be installed in the cabin for the convenience of passengers and the driver:

If cars are subjected to internal tuning mainly to give the cabin a more aesthetic appearance, then on the UAZ Bukhanka, additional elements installed in the cabin increase comfort, in some cases they are simply vital. For example, hunters and fishermen in long journey it is difficult to do without a refrigerator, sleeping places or a table for eating.

A UAZ van, intended for fishing or hunting, needs lining with a more practical material than carpet. The carpet quickly becomes obscene, the dirt is washed off from it very poorly. There are several options for wall and floor cladding in the cabin, the material is used:

  • plywood;
  • steel sheets;
  • wood.
  • aluminum.

Each material has its own drawbacks - plywood or wood rots quickly enough, so these materials require careful processing. Iron, too, does not differ in durability - it begins to rust quickly from moisture, besides, a UAZ, sheathed with iron, turns out to be quite heavy. Aluminum - very good material for cladding:

  • lightweight and practical;
  • easy to clean from dirt;
  • it is not hot from him in the cabin;
  • sheets looks aesthetically pleasing.

Cons of aluminum corrugated sheets:

  • metal corrodes at the junction with steel;
  • the aluminum profile is not cheap.

But the cost of "corrugated tape" pays off over time, this material lasts for a long time. Aluminum sheets are available in a variety of designs, and the interior can be trimmed to your liking, the material is sold in a wide range. For off-road use, aluminum is ideal for the interior lining of a van:

  • the interior does not have to be thoroughly washed, the floor can simply be swept;
  • durable sheets do not deform and do not lose their appearance with time.

How effective the interior trim of the UAZ "Loaf" with a corrugated aluminum sheet looks can be judged by the photos and videos posted on the Internet.

The owners of the cars finish not only the body itself, but also the door trims with aluminum. The aluminum profile is much more practical than the fabric, and it also looks much prettier.

The "native" seats of the front passenger and driver are simply awful in their design and quality, and UAZ car owners are trying to replace them in the first place. In a car used for hunting and fishing, the driver has to drive for a long time, and on such "seats" the back and lower back instantly become numb, the person sitting on them quickly gets tired.

The drivers of UAZ cars do not repair and improve their native seats, they immediately change the seats to "foreign cars", or install them from a passenger car. Russian car... But any seats on the UAZ "Loaf" will not fit, too wide and high seats will not fit in the cabin. The smallest fit on the mountings is required by "seats" from car models:

  • VAZ 2108-09-099;
  • VAZ-11113 "Oka";
  • Opel Corsa;
  • Honda Civic;
  • Moskvich-2141;
  • Nissan Micra;
  • Volkswagen Passat B3.

On "Loaf" you can pick up seats from other models, here the price is also of no small importance. It should be noted right away that practically no one puts new seats on UAZ, car owners are trying to buy "seats" at auto dismantling stations or through advertisements from private traders.

The seats from Russian cars are not comfortable enough, for example, the back gets tired quickly on the Moskvich-2141 seats. Nine seats are not bad overall, but they themselves are not very durable and break. The advantage of seats from Russian cars - low price, good chairs from foreign cars are in any case more expensive.

How to install Nissan Micra seats on UAZ "Loaf"? First of all, we cut off some of the brackets from below - if they are left, the seating of the front passenger and driver will be too high.

We leave the front and rear fastenings of the Nissan seats; we will attach the seats to the body with bolts and nuts. The installed seats on the UAZ are shown in the photo below.

It is also important to select the seats on the "Loaf" so that during installation they do not interfere with the opening of the engine hood.

Noise isolation in UAZ cars with a "carriage" type body is frankly weak, at the Ulyanovsk Automobile Plant they do not pay due attention to it. By itself, a UAZ with a native engine does not accelerate quickly, and these cars rarely drive at a speed of more than 60-70 km / h. But already at 60 km / h there is such a noise in the car that it is practically impossible to talk, you have to shout. The car owners themselves have to modify the sound insulation, and the work here turns out to be quite laborious.

First of all, to install sound insulation, we take everything out of the passenger compartment, dismantle the floor - dismantle the standard plywood. Rust is often found under the plywood coating, in which case the metal should be processed:

  • clean the rust with a grinder;
  • prime the iron;
  • paint the metal.

First, cover the floor with bituminous material, then coat all joints on the body with silicone sealant. Of course, we thoroughly clean all surfaces from dirt and dust. We lay a 5 mm polyethylene sheet on the floor, install new plywood on top, then lay linoleum (you can use it as usual, for an apartment).

We process the front panel from below, the central tunnel with bitumen, lay linoleum on the wheel arches and the tunnel. It is enough to lay vibration isolation on 80% of the entire floor area, but preferably not less.

Then we start processing the roof:

  • remove the ceiling cladding;
  • thoroughly wash everything, clean it, tint if necessary.

The vibration damping layer can also be applied outside, but in this case the roof will need to be painted in the body color. If a sunroof is installed in the car, it must also be covered with soundproofing material. If the walls inside the cabin are sheathed with corrugated aluminum sheet, they are first pasted over with vibration-insulating, and then with sound-insulating material (for example, splan), the aluminum profile is installed from above.

We also install sheets of noise and vibration insulation on the doors, engine hood, wheel arches.

After such treatment in the car, not only sound insulation improves, but also vibration in the body decreases, and it becomes warmer in the cabin.

Certain elements of the cabin are also being upgraded in the UAZ. For example, you can modify the hood (cover) of the engine compartment by installing a cover or a minibar on top of it. Now you can place any things on top of the motor, and they will not go anywhere while the car is moving.

Also, in auto-tuning car dealerships, special heater caps are sold on the engine cover. Such upholstery will somewhat improve noise and thermal insulation in the cabin, besides, the hood looks very aesthetically pleasing.

The standard steering wheel of the UAZ "Loaf" is very bulky and has a thin rim. There are steering wheel tuning options:

  • installation of a steering wheel from another car model;
  • placement on the braid rim;
  • replacement of the standard steering wheel with a sports steering wheel.

On UAZ 452/3741/2206 in car dealerships, you can buy a new-style steering wheel, which is also installed on the Uaz Hunter, UAZ 31512 or 31514 models, the price of the part is about 2 thousand rubles.

Quite often, SUV car owners install a steering wheel from a Gazelle Business car on their cars, but it should be installed together with the steering column. Another option for modernizing the steering wheel is the installation of a UAZ Patriot sports steering wheel of the Patriot Sport model. The cost of such a part is in the range of 700-800 rubles, the steering wheel looks very nice and solid.

The Patriot Sport steering wheel is three-spoke, has a bevel along the rim, its outer diameter is 35.5 cm. The steering wheel is made of rubberized material similar to leather, the steering wheel rim is easy to grip. But car owners of UAZ cars need to pay attention to the fact that such a steering wheel does not have a certificate, and it will be impossible to pass an inspection with it.

Going fishing or hunting, off-road enthusiasts take many different things with them on their journey. In fact, the interior of a car on the road is a second home, and you have to live in it during stops for a halt. In the salon, along with sleeping places, you can also install lockers, which will comfortably accommodate a lot of useful trifles.

To save on energy consumption, a hatch can be cut into the roof of the body - it will make it lighter in the car during the day, and fresh air will flow into the cabin through the open hatch. The hatch is also convenient for hunters - you can shoot, leaning out into it, without leaving the car.

Instead of standard lighting, car owners have recently increasingly installed led strip... LEDs are very economical in energy consumption, while they shine quite brightly. Install LED devices it is possible in several chains and turn on the lighting not all at once, but separately.

Alternatively, you can upholster the walls of the body from the inside with a soft material (for example, leatherette) of light brown or beige color, such a trim in the cabin will create a homey feel. Too dark colors should not be chosen, it will be gloomy. You can sheathe the walls and leather, if funds permit.

How long can one model last on the assembly line? Five, ten, fifteen years?

Domestic all-wheel drive minibus UAZ-452, being the oldest produced domestic car. Fifty-two years on the assembly line is no joke. Of course, during this time, a number of car modifications were carried out - the model received a more powerful engine, a new braking system, optics and a number of other improvements. But, by and large, these changes did not greatly affect the appearance and characteristics of the car, which is popularly called a "loaf".

UAZ-452 and its later modifications are a rather tempting object for serious modifications. Tuning UAZ loaf is usually carried out in the direction that allows you to create an excellent roomy off-road car. This refinement is going on in several main areas:

  • Engine upgrade or replacement
  • Suspension refinement
  • "Cultivation" of the salon

Appearance improvements, installation additional equipment, painting and other "decorations" are also quite often practiced, and it is they that stand out on the photos representing the tuning of the UAZ. However, only those improvements will be considered here that really affect the cross-country ability and usability of the car.

The main advantage of the "Tablet" is its high cross-country ability, which is ensured by high ground clearance, constant four-wheel drive and a good body design with minimal overhangs. According to this parameter, UAZ leaves far behind modern SUVs and even some cars proudly called SUVs.

Another important advantage is the reliability and relative simplicity of the design.

The car, as they say, is strong, but Maintenance old modifications of UAZ can be carried out in any garage. As for the updated versions, everything is not so simple here. More modern engine, of course, significantly surpasses the hopelessly outdated ZMZ-402 in many respects, but the presence of an injector in the power supply system makes it impossible to perform many works without special equipment.

However, the carburetor version is still much more common. In any case, if we talk about the private owners of "Loaf". So, where to start when tuning your UAZ loaf with your own hands?

As is the case with most domestic cars, especially to improve the performance characteristic of the native UAZ engine, most likely it will not work. The most effective method of tuning it is replacing the native carburetor with a more modern, fuel-saving unit. These are produced, for example, by DAAZ.

Installing a new carburetor will help reduce consumption, which even according to the passport for this relatively small car is up to 18 liters per hundred kilometers, by 10-20%.

It is also worth trying to solve the problem of engine overheating in hot weather. The simplest option is to replace the standard fan with an option with an increased number of blades.

It is also worth changing the radiator by installing a more powerful version.

If big savings are needed, a significant amount of money will have to be spent. If you look at some videos representing the tuning of the UAZ loaf with your own hands, you can pay attention to the sound of the engine, which is completely different from the non-melodic howl of a native gasoline engine... Indeed, many owners, preparing the car for fishing or hunting trips, chose to replace the factory unit with a diesel engine.

In this sense, the Andoria power plant is perfect. Assembled on the basis of the modernized Perkins diesel engine, this power plant provides real savings, an increase in traction and power reserve compared to gasoline versions - both carburetor and modern injection. For UAZ, a modification of the engine is suitable, which develops 102 l / s and has a torque of 205 N / m already at 2000 rpm. In addition, the fuel consumption of such an engine is 40-45% less than that of the gasoline version.

The installation of such an engine should not be associated with great difficulties, because it is structurally designed specifically for the UAZ - 452 and its modifications. The only drawback of this type of tuning is the rather high cost of the unit. And to buy such a motor from hand at a much lower price is quite difficult.

The behavior of the UAZ on the road changes even more noticeably if standard engine replaced with a powerful 3.1 liter diesel from ISUZU. This turbine-powered unit delivers 130 hp and an enormous 310 Nm of torque. However, the installation of such an engine entails the modernization of the gearbox. The native box does not interact particularly well with such an engine, so it will be necessary to replace it with a more modern five-speed one.

Suspension tuning goes in two main directions. Strengthening of some of its parts is being carried out, as well as changes are being made to increase off-road qualities car.

Gain rear suspension consists in replacing the standard springs with more powerful ones, making the car more stable. Replacing the springs also entails the installation of more powerful arms and bushings. Standard shock absorbers also change to modern gas-oil. This allows not only to achieve a noticeably smoother ride, but also has a positive effect on the car's handling.

Too weak front springs must be reinforced. The frame is also reinforced - glasses are welded in. It will not be superfluous to install additional springs, choosing inexpensive and reliable from the VAZ "four".

In addition, a very common type of suspension tuning is to increase the ground clearance by 10-15 cm. Carrying out this operation allows you to install off-road thirty-third tires on the "Loaf". In order to achieve such an increase in ground clearance, you should add 4 hockey pucks under each of the supports, and place a 12 cm liner between the bridge and the spring. The final step in increasing the clearance is to weld the extension under the arm base.

Brake system

The native brakes of the UAZ are rather weak. This is especially true for cars manufactured before 2011.

Therefore, it is worth thinking about a complete replacement brake system car, especially if it is planned or has already been carried out to replace the engine with a more powerful one. A good option should be recognized the installation of brakes from the "Volga" GAZ-24.

Main brake cylinder the new brake system must be fixed to the frame, having previously connected to the brake actuator using a rocker arm and a rod. The vacuum cylinder is located near the transfer axle levers. Such modernization will significantly improve the response of the "Loaf" to pressing the brake pedal, shorten the braking distance and improve safety performance.

The UAZ-452 salon is an example of the Spartan environment typical for military equipment. This is not surprising, given that the "Loaf" was designed to accompany a tank column. Therefore, work in terms of improving the ergonomics and comfort in the cabin of this car is endless.

Start by replacing the standard seats and steering wheel. They were developed taking into account the anthropometric data of the soldiers of the tank forces, and most of the tankers of that time were not very tall. Therefore, the standard chair must be dismantled together with the fastening, and instead of it installed in a more modern way, characterized by large dimensions and unspeakably better comfort. If you choose a swivel model, you can immediately eliminate another ergonomic problem of "UAZ" - mixing the driver's seat to the left relative to the steering column axis. This arrangement, chosen for easy access to the engine, is very tiring for the driver. Well, changing the steering wheel is all the more necessary, because a thin rim, cold in winter and sliding in the summer, absolutely does not meet modern requirements for control ergonomics.

Staff design dashboard Soviet UAZ- a phenomenon that is absent as such. The view of the bare metal of the dashboard, devoid of even a hint of noise and heat insulation, implies the obligatory tuning of this element of the interior interior. Fortunately, there shouldn't be any problems with this today.

Various enterprises produce dozens of dashboard options, differing in the quality of materials, design, number of devices and cost. The most inexpensive option is to purchase a new type of panel that has been installed on UAZ vehicles since last year. All the necessary indicators of devices in it are displayed on a display shifted to the right, the panel provides a certain amount of noise insulation and looks much better than the bare metal characteristic of the "Loafs". More expensive options offer fairly good ergonomics and an abundance of instrument scales.

There is an even simpler and more inexpensive option - installing a plastic trim over a metal dashboard. This step will save you money, but will provide a reasonably good look for your vehicle's dashboard.

Whichever option of tuning the tidy is chosen, it is imperative to stick the soundproofing material before installing the panel. Do not forget that in classic "UAZ" cars there is no interior soundproofing.

Insulation material should not be spared at all. The bare metal of the body not only perfectly conducts sounds - it also contributes to the fact that the car is cool enough even with the heater on.

By the way, about heating. Comfortable accommodation in the cabin for an overnight stay, or even just moving around winter conditions require installation additional heater... It is best to choose a standalone liquid fuel option. This will allow not to use a regular stove at all - it is ineffective and takes a lot of heat from the engine.

A folding or folding table is often installed, more comfortable passenger seats, and even reclining to the sides and used as a backrest passenger seats sleeping bags.

In general, the improvements to this model are multifaceted and varied, and include a wide range of work. The main thing for the owner before starting work is to determine for what purposes the car will be used and what changes are most needed. In order to determine the type of tuning, it is also advisable to look at the photos illustrating the UAZ loaf of tuning the salon with your own hands, which are widely presented on thematic sites. It is not necessary to follow them with accuracy, but such photos will give a general idea of ​​the direction of the work.

Cars of the Ulyanovsk plant are widely used not only in the Russian Federation, but also abroad. , which is often tuned by car owners, has high technical performance. Motorists modernize equipment based on the tasks assigned to the car. To improve technical performance, the owners perform body and interior tuning on a UAZ loaf car.

Tuning of the UAZ "Loaf" salon

The factory-fitted car has a low level of comfort. In order to increase comfort, the interior is being tuned. Each person improves the salon to his taste.

The seats are being replaced in the car. They change not only the front, but also the rear seats. This helps reduce passenger and driver fatigue when traveling long distances.

The inner side of the body is treated with soundproofing materials. Insulate all body surfaces. This reduces the level of noise transmitted to the passenger compartment from the wheel chassis and power plant car.

The steering wheel of a UAZ car is replaced with a more comfortable one. The choice of the steering wheel is complicated by the difference in the splines. Some car owners leave the factory steering wheel and upgrade it. For this, a specialized cover is put on the steering wheel.

The front panel is sheathed with various materials or carried out full replacement torpedo. Additional devices are installed in the panel. This allows you to control the operation of units and mechanisms while driving.

When upgrading, the standard interior lighting is changed to a brighter one. Good lighting allows the UAZ car to be used as a home on wheels for short trips to nature.

In order to improve ventilation, a hole is cut out in the roof for installing a hatch. The sunroof is made independently or devices are installed from cars of other brands. A hatch fits well passenger bus GROOVE.

External tuning "Loaf"

The owners carry out tuning of the UAZ loaf car not only inside, but also outside. The body is treated with anti-corrosion materials. This protects the metal from negative environmental influences.

Additional lighting is installed on the machine. This allows the use of UAZ in poor visibility conditions. For additional lighting, LED lights are chosen. They consume a minimal amount of electricity. This reduces the load on the generator when the machine is moving in dark time days.

The lower part of the body is sheathed with durable materials. They protect the body from damage when driving off-road.

UAZ has a large body area. Tuning cars, standard paintwork changes to a more original one. When painting, some motorists perform airbrushing. This makes the car unique.

In the lower part of the body, steps are installed. They are necessary to facilitate the embarkation and disembarkation of passengers from the car. To illuminate the coating when leaving the car at night, LED strips are installed at the bottom of the doors.

A metal roof rack is installed on the roof. It is made from metal pipes. Installing a trunk allows you to carry additional cargo. You can also read about.

REFERENCE: The luggage carrier can be equipped with a specialized holder for transporting a spare wheel.

Tuning UAZ Loaf for hunting and fishing

UAZ 452 is used for fishing and hunting. This is due to the high rates of cross-country ability of the car on difficult sections of rough terrain. For fishing and hunting, the owners are upgrading the interior and bodywork, and undercarriage cars.

Modernization of the undercarriage allows for increased cross-country ability vehicle on poor coverage. To do this, increase the clearance, install tires off-road etc.

For fishing trips, berths are equipped in the cabin. Thanks to this, you can spend the night in nature, regardless of weather conditions. To increase the usable space in the passenger compartment, the standard rear seats are replaced with benches.

Carrying out tuning for hunting and fishing on a UAZ car, motorists set up a table. It is fitted in the rear of the passenger compartment on a side wall or partition. The table has a folding structure that allows you to unfold it if necessary. The presence of the table allows you to use the internal space of the machine as a mobile dining room.

On the inside, the body and doors are equipped with waterproofing and thermal insulation. This allows the machine to be used in all weather conditions. After installing the insulation, the interior surfaces of the body are sheathed with easily washable materials. This design allows you to quickly clean the arisen dirt.

When using the machine at low ambient temperatures, upgrade the autonomous heater. For this, a more powerful electric heater motor is installed.

ATTENTION: Installation of additional electrical equipment requires replacement of the standard generator with a more powerful model.

UAZ Loaf tuning for off-road

Some perform off-road tuning on the UAZ loaf. This increases the cross-country ability of the car. In order to improve the cross-country ability, the machines are being upgraded:

  • Wheelbase;
  • The chassis of the car;
  • Body kits;
  • Transmission units.

During modernization, the standard wheels are changed to larger ones. Tires with a cross-country pattern are installed on the new discs. Wheel height increases ground clearance cars. The width of the wheels reduces the amount of ground pressure when the machine is moving.

Front and rear bumper cars are equipped with winches. They are electrically driven. Some manufacturers equip the winch with a remote control.

WARNING: the standard bumper will not be able to withstand the load transmitted from the winch. To use the winch, it is necessary to install reinforced body kits. They can be purchased at specialized stores.

Fitting new wheels requires enlarging the wheel arches. There are three ways to increase the distance between tires and fenders:

  1. Upgrading the wheel arches. To do this, cut off the lower part of the wings. The resulting cut is sheathed with a metal profile, giving the required shape;
  2. By installing springs with a large number of sheets and elongated attachment shackles. This method increases the distance between the frame and the axles of the vehicle;
  3. Installing pillows between the frame and the body of the UAZ.

UAZ loaf tuning the salon with your own hands

Many owners do their own tuning on the UAZ loaf. Self-upgrade has a number of advantages:

  • Uniqueness. The owner creates a unique interior design;
  • Quality. When performing modernization on his own, a person himself controls the quality of the materials used;
  • Versatility. Each owner takes into account their personal preferences.

Modernization of the torpedo

The front panel is sheathed with leather, plastic or thin sheets of metal. This makes it possible to make a unique product. Corrugated aluminum sheets are suitable. They withstand mechanical damage and can be easily cleaned from dirt using a soapy solution.

Engine compartment

To reduce noise from power unit the engine compartment cover is equipped with soundproofing. On the outside of the lid, shelves are installed for storing small things. Some car owners equip the engine compartment lid with cup holders.

Steering column

The steering column is covered with a plastic case from other brands of cars. Combination switches are installed on the steering column. The ignition lock with the torpedo is transferred to the steering column.


The standard seats have a low level of comfort. Motorists are replacing driver and passenger seats. For installation in the rear of the passenger compartment, seats with different sizes... For relaxation, armchairs are installed that fold out into a full berth.

There is limited space in the front of the vehicle for seating. Therefore, it is necessary to choose narrow seats. The front seats are located above the wheel arch. Therefore, for installation, you must choose products with a low back.

Body tuning UAZ loaf

Motorists perform tuning of the UAZ loaf body with their own hands. Depending on the task performed by the car, the following is installed on the body:

Body kits and kengurin

When using a car in difficult conditions, the UAZ is equipped with a kengurin and reinforced bumpers. They protect the body from damage from blows from branches and stones.

Unique reinforced body kits and kengurin can be obtained in two ways:

  1. Order the manufacture of a product from professional welders. The workers will make bumpers and kengurin strictly according to the drawings;
  2. Make the parts yourself. This will require certain skills.

Branch protection

When using the machine for driving in woodlands, the windshield is susceptible to damage from blows from branches. A special device is used to protect the windshield from branches.

The device is made in the form of two cables. The lower edge of the cables is attached to the kangurin. The upper edge of the product is attached to the roof in the area of ​​the windshield pillar. The cables are equipped with a tensioning device. When the car moves, the branches hit the cables without touching the windshield.

Reinforced trunk

A reinforced trunk is installed on the roof. It is made from metal pipes or profiles. The trunk protects the paintwork from blows by branches, and allows you to carry loads on the roof weighing up to 300 kilograms.

In the manufacture of the luggage compartment, you can equip mounts for the installation of outdoor headlights. To avoid damage to the glass of the headlights, they are located on the inside of the frame. When using UAZ for trunk hunting, side and rear lights are installed. They allow you to illuminate the area around the car.

Off-road tuning UAZ loaf

In order to move off-road, they independently modernize the chassis of the car. For this, wheels with off-road tires are installed. Some owners install bridges from military UAZ vehicles. They have a lower ratio and increase ground clearance.

Spare wheel holder

Off-road UAZ is equipped with a spare wheel bracket. Increased spare wheel does not fit in the place provided by the plant. The bracket is made from pipes or profiles.

The upper part of the bracket is attached to the roof rack of the vehicle. The lower part of the bracket fits onto the rear bumper.

Bridge breathers

When driving a UAZ 452 vehicle on water, water can get into the bridges through the breathers. Water ingress into the gearbox housing leads to increased friction between the parts of the mechanism. Due to increased friction, the unit may fail.

When driving off-road, car owners modernize the axle breathers. For this:

  • Unscrew the breathing valve;
  • A brake hose of a Gazelle car is installed in the place of attachment of the breathing valve;
  • The second hose fitting is connected to a flexible rubber hose using an adapter;
  • The adapter in the hose is clamped with a clamp;
  • The second edge of the flexible hose is fixed in a place inaccessible to water (in the engine compartment);

When driving off-road, water does not enter the bridge through the breathing valve. The crankcase is vented to the atmosphere through a hose.

From the above, it follows that the modernization of the UAZ 452 vehicle can improve the technical performance of the vehicle. You can do the modernization yourself. This allows you to get a unique machine designed for specific purposes.


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