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Such a concept as engine flushing oil is, perhaps, familiar to every more or less experienced car owner. However, far from every driver was personally confronted with the fact of using this category of lubricants. Moreover, very few people used flushing compounds for their cars.

The use of engine flushing agents in some cases is not just desirable, but necessary. If, of course, the car owner is interested in the long-term and trouble-free operation of the motor.

But there is also a downside to the issue, when the use of lubricating fluids or additives in oil for flushing can cause negative consequences.

In the article, we will consider flushing oils, the validity of their use and possible negative consequences.

Purpose of flushing oil

Flushing oil is designed to clean the engine from wear products, slags, soot, carbon deposits and other contaminants that are in the engine both in a free state (circulate through the lubrication system) and in a bound state (deposits on the crankcase walls and other parts).

The most important function of engine cleaning compounds is washing. No matter what form they come in. There are many reasons for engine solids deposits.

Carbon deposits and oil clots in the engine

Flushing oil, for both diesel and gasoline engines, must effectively flush out deposits in the lubrication system of any origin.

In addition to the cleaning function, which is of paramount importance, flushing lubricants perform the function of reducing the acidity of the engine working environment.


The fact is that any lubricant has its own pH, which allows it to function within the framework laid down by the manufacturer. During operation, the oil inevitably undergoes oxidation with the formation of solid hydrogen inclusions. These oxides are deposited on all accessible surfaces.

When replacing lubricating fluid, part of the waste with oxides remains in the engine. After filling with new grease, these oxides are partially washed off the walls and mixed with the bulk of the oil, shifting the pH balance. At the same time, ballast clogging from hydrogen compounds occurs.

Engine after flushing oil

Another purpose of the oil is to urgently clean the system in case of critical violations of the operating mode of the lubrication system. This can include the erroneous filling of an unsuitable lubricant, for example, a cheap mineral instead of a good one.

Penetration of a large amount of fuel into the lubrication system or ingress of antifreeze with the formation of an emulsion. In all these cases, simply draining the waste and refilling with new oil is not safe for the engine.


The composition of engine flushing oil from different manufacturers can vary greatly. This applies not only to the quantitative composition of detergents, dispersants and other functional additives, but also to the qualitative set of additives. Therefore, different formulations can have different effects depending on the specific task.

How and when to use flushing oil

Consider five common cases where using oil to flush your engine is warranted but not required.

Buying a used car

This question is relevant if the car was purchased at an auto house or from the hands of a reseller. Asking questions about the last change and the brand of oil used in this case is useless. It is a known fact that some additives in greases belonging to different classes can conflict with each other.

Sometimes solid inclusions are formed, in some cases increased foaming and accelerated oxidation are observed, and sometimes the working qualities of the lubricant simply change without reflecting this fact on the oil structure.

Therefore, if it is not possible to contact the owner of the car, it is better to do it before pouring new grease.

Using substandard or fake oil

There are frequent cases when car owners fill in counterfeit products sold under an expensive brand. It's good if it's just a cheap mineral water.

Sometimes in cans with stickers from well-known manufacturers, clarified waste or a substance is sold that has little in common with motor lubricants... This will quickly affect the performance of the car. Often the fact of filling with poor lubricant is obvious.

The nature of the engine's operation changes and traction characteristics... Or, for example, instead of light oil, a black oil mass splashes on the dipstick or oil filler plug after several hundred kilometers.

Naturally, draining the dirty substance and refueling good oil will not solve the problem completely. After draining, the engine will retain from 5 to 10% of the old lubricant... And this is where the use of flushing oil can help. Previously filled oil will be almost completely removed from the system.

Changing from one type of grease to another

There is a popular belief that as the engine wears out, it is better to use a fluid with a lower viscosity. This thesis is often reflected in the transition from semisynthetics or from semisynthetics to mineral water.

Such a decision is now being criticized and questioned. However, car owners still use this method in practice. And when using a new grease with fundamentally different properties, it is advisable to flush the engine.

Penetration into the lubrication system of antifreeze

This malfunction, first of all, manifests itself in the active formation of an emulsion. That is, a lubricant mixed with antifreeze at the molecular level, which is no longer able to decompose into fractions, despite the difference in the density of these liquids.

Usually, if the degree of contamination of the system with the emulsion has reached a critical level, the engine is disassembled and mechanically cleaned, and only then flushed.

But if the problem was detected in a timely manner, then after eliminating the source, it is necessary to use a flushing compound, and then fill in regular oil.

How to use flushing oil - instructions

This is usually written on the container in which it is supplied. Let's describe the main points you need to know.

All means for washing engines are conditionally divided according to the method of application into three categories:

  • fast-acting oil additives;
  • oils designed for express washing;
  • flushing oils that work for several tens or hundreds of kilometers.

Five-minute formulations, which are added to the old oil before changing, are the easiest to use. As a result, it is they who are most widespread today.

Motor flush sequence and some tips in this video

Their use is reduced to filling the engine immediately before replacement. The engine runs on idle 5-10 minutes, after which the mining is drained.

The effectiveness of this method is average. Five-minute washes only partially remove not very old deposits from the surfaces of parts and wash the parts from light precipitation.

Complete flush oils designed for express flush are used differently. Before replacing, a flushing composition is purchased in the amount necessary for complete replacement oils.

Before replacement, the mining is completely drained from the engine, and flushing is poured instead. The engine starts and runs at idle for the time specified in the instructions, after which the used grease is drained and filled with regular oil. The effect of such a rinse is higher than that of a five-minute formulation.

Long-lasting flushing agents are practically not used. They are a high-grade oil with a small resource and an abundance of detergents. After draining the mining, such grease is poured into the engine.

Can Lukoil flushing oil spoil the engine - video

However, the limitations associated with the use of such means, as well as the potentially increased wear of the engine during the operation of the car when using such flushing oil, has led to its almost complete disappearance from the shelves.

TNK Promo (Express or Standard)

Quite good domestic washings on a mineral basis from the Tyumen Oil Company. Low price and efficiency allowed this product to occupy its niche in the market. High-quality imported additive packages are used in TNK Promo formulations.

AGIP Flushing

Inexpensive flushing oil from the largest Italian oil refining company. Affordable performance at a low cost.

Also today, there are a huge number of additives on the market that are used immediately before replacement. The most effective of them, judging by the reviews, are Hi-Gear and Liqui Moly.

However, there are also negative reviews about these funds. Some car owners have noticed that the additives only soften the dirt, but do not completely remove it along with working off.

What to look for when choosing

To choose the right flush oil for your engine, you must follow at least two instructions:

  • according to the area and method of application of a specific composition (indicated on the container);
  • vehicle manufacturer's recommendations (sometimes flushing may be limited or contraindicated).

The choice of high-quality flushing oil is not particularly acute today. Domestic variants confidently keep the quality bar, and the results obtained from their use are quite satisfactory to car owners.

Flushing additives

If you need the greatest effect, then it is recommended to use expensive washes from well-known brands. This choice will be fully justified. In the world of automotive lubricants, for some reason, it is not customary to fake flushing compounds, even from well-known and expensive manufacturers.

It is difficult to say which flushing oil is better. All formulations will have some effect. And it is impossible to reliably assess this effect due to the large number of variables (degree of engine pollution, chemical composition of pollutants, engine features, etc.)


Using engine flushing oil makes sense in some cases. A good composition qualitatively dissolves and removes solid formations on the walls of the crankcase and engine parts.

It will not be superfluous to sometimes carry out preventive cleaning of the engine for no particular reason. This is especially true in cases where low-quality motor lubricant is systematically used.

The debate about whether or not it is worth flushing the engine oil system during the procedure for changing the engine oil does not subside. The idea of ​​the need for flushing has both supporters and opponents, and not only in the camp of car owners, but also among professionals. We will not list the arguments and sides. The test of the AutoDela magazine, carried out in conjunction with the specialists of the Liqui Moly company, allowed 180 grams of oil deposits to be washed off the engine walls, which already allows us to look optimistically at the need for the procedure itself.

Other studies also point to the need to flush the engine during oil changes. V winter period 2012-2013, in the Moscow region, a large number (about 400) of engine failures were noted in the form of the impossibility of starting them in cold weather. Moreover, the "epidemic" affected fairly new cars that are still on warranty repair... Everyone began to blame the quality of engine oil and began to make claims to the manufacturers of engine oils. Shell conducted research and found that the wax deposits in the engine came from hydrocarbons that were not present in the original oil composition. This suggested that fuel was the cause of the deposits. This fact has caused a lot of discussion in the professional community. This fact allows us to look from another angle on the question of the need to flush the oil system during the procedure for changing the oil in the engine.

So if you are one of those skeptics who believe that it is not necessary to flush the internal combustion engine during an oil change, you can stop reading. The experiment carried out convinced us of the necessity of such a procedure. There is little left to do: you need to purchase a flush for the engine oil system and use it. The only question is - which one?

A search on the website of one of the car dealerships found 160 types of oil system flushes, the price of which ranged from 55 to 745 rubles. The difference is 13 times, so there is a choice between cheap or expensive products. In order to understand what is actually poured into a bottle with a beautiful label, we tried to compare the characteristics of the product declared by the manufacturer and its chemical composition, the assessment of which was made in the laboratory of the MIC Fuel and lubricants and published in the blog of one of the LJ users. Let's take the trouble to explain what is written in the laboratory protocols and how it relates to what the manufacturer himself claims about the product.

Why know this?

Before taking any pill or medicine, a reasonable person goes to the doctor and specifies what kind of medicine it is. In extreme cases, each package of tablets contains an insert with a description of the chemical composition of the drug and the mechanism of its action. In a car store, no one bothers to write the chemical composition of the additive or cleaner in the instructions. All are limited to laudatory words that the buyer purchases a super-tool that will make the engine perfectly clean. But no one is going to explain the cleaning mechanism, composition and possible complications if used incorrectly.

What can be in the bank?

There are three options for what cleaning additives are made of.

The first option is "five minutes".

These are additives based on an organic solvent, its task is to wash away the accumulated deposits. As a rule, many "five minutes" consist precisely of the solvent. The Achilles' heel of such formulations is the dissolution, together with deposits of an oil film from rubbing pairs. This is why they can only be used when the engine is idling. If it is loaded while the solvent is injected into the oil, the unlubricated parts may be scored.

The second option is soft washes.

These are flushes that are added to the oil 100-300 km before the replacement procedure. They contain detergent and dispersant additives based on calcium sulfonates.

The third option is symbiosis.

Accordingly, it is possible to make a "compote" from various types of washes by adding a solvent and detergent-dispersing compositions to the EP additives.

Thus, knowing what is contained in the means for flushing the oil system, one can draw conclusions about the effectiveness and safety of its use.

Probably everyone has heard of the old-fashioned way of cleaning the engine: add a solvent to the oil. Acetone is a good remedy, it cleans everything. But only the time of this procedure must be counted with a stopwatch, so as not to overexpose and not ruin the engine. Therefore, the use of washes based on solvents (albeit not acetone) is very limited in time. The only question is: what deposits can they wash off in 5 minutes of use? The answer suggests itself: only superficial. And God forbid to gas up during the procedure - you can kill the engine too ...

Manufacturers are looking for more complex formulations so that deposits are washed off and the engine is not damaged. As the most interesting in terms of the composition of the five-minute flushing agent, you can cite the preparations of the Liqui Moly company. In addition to the solvent, the manufacturer adds an extreme pressure additive based on phosphorus and zinc (it reduces the likelihood of damage to the engine during the procedure), plus a detergent and dispersant additive based on calcium sulfonate. This additive package not only complements the action of the solvent and compensates for the shortcomings, but also minimizes the poisoning of fresh oil by residual waste.

Such means are the safest and most effective, but, unfortunately, the composition of the flush for the engine is not written on the packaging, and you can find out what is mixed there only after laboratory tests. Our readers, based on the knowledge gained from the article about the chemical composition of a particular wash, will be able to choose a worthy drug for their car.

Summary table of the concentration of additives in agents for flushing the engine oil system

A drug



Calcium Ca, mg / kg

Zinc Zn, mg / kg

Phosphorus P, mg / kg

FENOM synthetic

Liqui Moly Oil-Schlamm-Spulung

Hi-Gear Motor Flush HG2214

GUNK Motor Flush MF15ER

Liqui moly engine flush

FENOM complex

LAVR Motor Flush Soft 200 km


Liqui Moly Pro-Line Motor Spulung

Hi-Gear Motor Flush HG2204

LAVR Motor Flush Seven minutes

COMMA Petrol Engine

Hi-Gear Engine Tune-up HG2202

AMALIE Engine Flush

EL TRANS Cleaner Oil System

Bardahl Oil System Cleaner


The diagram presented clearly shows what the engine oil system flushing agent consists of.

But assessing their effectiveness is not an easy task. Let's figure it out.

Let's start with the biggest "stick" with the adaptive engine wash RESURS... In it, we observe the highest concentration of antiwear additive, but it is not entirely clear why the manufacturer did not add a detergent-dispersant package? At the same time, the manufacturer himself declares that solvents are not used in the composition. Due to what, then, the remedy achieves a special cleansing effect remains a mystery. Yes, and a high concentration of phosphorus can negatively affect the performance of the catalyst.

The next rinse in terms of saturation COMMA Petrol Engine... An unusual flush, which, according to the manufacturer, can be used both as a five-minute flush and as a long-term engine flush. From which it can be concluded that organic solvents are not used in it, and the effect is achieved through the use of a shock dose of a detergent-dispersant additive. Long-term use of such a package is dangerous in dirty engines, since the oil system may not cope with exfoliated deposits and clog.

Next comes Liqui Moly Oil-Schlamm-Spulung- it is declared by the manufacturer as a long-acting wash, which is confirmed by laboratory tests. In it, the detergent and antiwear package does not greatly exceed the concentration of new oil and its addition to the engine for 100-200 km can really lead to good result with minimal risks.

In the compositions Liqui moly engine flush and Liqui Moly Pro-Line Motor Spulung there are also detergents and EP additives, but with an emphasis on the side of protecting the engine during flushing. This is due to the fact that an organic solvent has been introduced into the composition. As a result, we have a balanced composition with a solvent, a protective and detergent component.

Drugs Hi-Gear Motor Flush HG2214, ER PROFESSIONAL motor Flush P023RU, Hi-Gear Motor Flush HG2204 and EL TRANS Cleaner Oil System the test showed the presence of only a detergent-dispersant additive. Such a composition can hardly be called balanced. The manufacturer is clearly not concerned with the protection of engine parts during the flushing procedure.

Formulations that are free of detergents and EP additives are composed of a single solvent. Their use can lead to increased wear of the engine in friction pairs due to the dissolution of the oil film with the engine flushing agent.

Comments from a technical specialist of Liqui Moly, Dmitry Rudakov

“The main part of any engine flush additive is solvent. The task of the solvent is to liquefy engine oil for better circulation and penetration into fine gaps. The solvent also removes some of the deposits in the engine. Most manufacturing companies believe that this is sufficient, forgetting that flushing must be both effective and safe. The effectiveness of solvents alone is not enough for the complete removal of deposits, therefore, eminent auto chemical manufacturers add a detergent-dispersant additive complex, akin to that used in modern motor oils. It is possible to determine whether such a complex was added or the manufacturer "saved" on the basis of laboratory analysis, which was done in this test... The presence of alkali and alkaline earth metals in washing (e.g. sodium or calcium) clearly indicates additional detergent additives and puts the investigated product in the category of highly effective ones.

On safety: it is clear that the solvent in the flushing composition dilutes the oil, this leads to a thinning of the oil film and the risk of damage to modern high-performance engines (scuffing and sticking). Responsible manufacturers solve this problem by adding EP additives, again closely related to the complex used in the standard additive packages of modern motor oils. The same laboratory analysis, for the increased zinc and phosphorus content, allows us to conclude that anti-seize components are added and flushing is safe.

It is clear that the cheapest flushes are those consisting of pure solvent. A full-fledged complex of detergent-dispersant and EP additives increases the cost of the product, but gives the consumer confidence in the safety of the engine flushing procedure, and sometimes it is impossible to do without flushing the oil system. "

As a postscript

We added this paragraph for those who believe that the engine does not need to be washed, but still finished reading the introduction. More recently, the magazine "Za Rulem" conducted a demonstrative test, in which it assessed such an effect as the poisoning of fresh oil with the remnants of the old one after the replacement procedure.

The motor test showed that the use of means for flushing the engine allows not only to reduce deposits in the engine, but also to reduce the change in the physicochemical parameters of fresh engine oil due to mixing with non-draining from the engine.

FENOM synthetic - engine lubrication system cleaner, test


The manufacturer claims that the "FENOM synthetic" engine oil additive is 100% synthetic product which is for effective cleaning from high and low temperature deposits of the lubrication system and internal parts of gasoline and diesel engines that use synthetic motor oils. Significantly increases the detergent and dispersant properties of the engine oil to be changed. Provides improved mobility piston rings... Restores engine power. Safe for catalytic converters, oil seals and gaskets.



A laboratory study showed that the additive to FENOM synthetic oil contains trace elements: calcium Ca - 22 mg / kg, magnesium Mg - 0 mg / kg, boron B 0 mg / kg, zinc Zn - 1 mg / kg and phosphorus P - 4 mg / kg.

The trace element composition indicates that traces of calcium are present in FENOM Synthetic. Thus, we have before us an organic solvent. It is difficult to explain why it improves engine performance so comprehensively as the manufacturer claims.

Liqui Moly Oil-Schlamm-Spulung - flushing from oil sludge, test


Flushing from oil sludge Liqui Moly Oil-Schlamm-Spulung deeply penetrates into the most inaccessible places and cleans all internal hydraulic drives in the engine: hydraulic lifters, hydraulic tensioners, VVT-i, V-TEC, VANOS. Thoroughly dissolves sludge and old dirt. Flushing is universal for diesel and gasoline engines. Safe, gentle, cleanses in layers. Does not clog channels and ducts of the oil system. It is completely removed from the system. Does not impair the properties of the new oil. Forms a protective layer that reduces friction.

Liqui Moly Oil-Schlamm-Spulung is recommended for old engine contamination with oil sludge; when water enters the oil system; with prolonged use of low-grade oils and fuels; with constant or prolonged overheating of the engine; in the presence of visible sludge deposits; when starting to operate a car from the secondary market or after a long downtime; with the knock of hydraulic lifters.


300 ml of Liqui Moly Oil-Schlamm-Spulung are intended for 5 liters of engine oil. The composition must be added to the old oil 100-300 km before the planned changeover period and the car must be operated as usual, not exceeding 2/3 of the engine power. Then drain the old oil, replace the oil filter and refill with new oil.


A laboratory study showed that the washing of the Liqui Moly Oil-Schlamm-Spulung contains trace elements: calcium Ca - 2399 mg / kg, magnesium Mg - 0 mg / kg, boron B - 4 mg / kg, zinc Zn - 1946 mg / kg and phosphorus P - 2050 mg / kg.

The composition of the elements in the Liqui Moly Oil-Schlamm-Spulung additive is identical to the package included in the fresh commercial oil. The addition of the additive "refreshes" the running engine oil, thereby activating the self-cleaning process. The presence of calcium indicates a powerful package of detergents, which are 15-20% higher in concentration than standard values. The presence of zinc and phosphorus indicates the presence of antiwear components. Adding such a package to the engine for 100-200 km can really lead to a good result with minimal risks.

Hi-Gear Motor Flush HG2214 - 10 Minute Engine Flush Test


10-minute engine flush Hi-Gear Motor Flush with ER HG2214 (444 ml) for 4-cylinder engines gently and safely cleans the engine, provides conditions for a reliable oil supply to rubbing parts.

Hi-Gear flushing removes carbon deposits from the lubrication system channels and internal cavities of the engine, improves oil circulation and heat dissipation from parts. It also restores the mobility of oil scraper and compression rings, adapts the lubrication system to the subsequent use of metal conditioners. Safe for rubber seals, oil seals and valve stem seals... Contains ER (Energy Release) - "friction winner". HG2214 is compatible with all types of oils and engines, including turbocharged ones. Before use, warm up and turn off the engine, then pour flushing into the oil filler neck, start the engine and let it idle for 10 minutes. Plug, drain oil, replace filter and fill with fresh oil. This package is designed for a 4-5 liter lubrication system.


A laboratory study showed that the Hi-Gear Motor Flush HG2214 10-minute flush contains trace elements: calcium Ca - 2247 mg / kg, magnesium Mg - 6 mg / kg, boron B - 0 mg / kg, zinc Zn - 2 mg / kg and phosphorus P 5 mg / kg.

The presence of 10 minutes of calcium in the Hi-Gear Motor Flush HG2214 engine flush and its concentration indicate the presence of a detergent additive package.

GUNK Motor Flush MF15ER - super concentrated 5 minutes engine flush test


GUNK Motor Flush additive is a mixture of petroleum distillates and special cleaning components designed to quickly cleanse the engine oil system. It reliably removes carbon deposits from the channels of the lubrication system and the internal cavities of the engine. Safe for oil seals, seals and valve stem seals. Effective against all types of motor oils.


The manufacturer recommends flushing the GUNK Motor Flush into the engine before changing oil and filter. Then it is necessary to start the engine and leave it to run on Idling within 5 minutes. The GUNK Motor Flush will circulate throughout the engine lubrication system, removing sludge, gum and varnish from engine parts and oil sump, eliminating sticking of valves and rings.

Do not drive the vehicle while flushing the engine. After the procedure, it is necessary to drain the oil and remove the oil filter. It is not recommended to keep the container with the GUNK Motor Flush open.


A laboratory study showed that the additive in GUNK Motor Flush oil contains trace elements: calcium Ca - 1 mg / kg, magnesium Mg - 0 mg / kg, boron B - 0 mg / kg, zinc Zn - 0 mg / kg and phosphorus P - 4 mg / kg.

This set indicates that GUNK Motor Flush contains no trace minerals specific to oil additive packages. Thus, we have before us an organic solvent. It is unclear how it improves engine performance so comprehensively, as the manufacturer claims.

Liqui Moly Engine Flush - 5 minute ICE flush test


Liqui Moly Engine Flush gently removes common contaminants. The composition is universal for diesel and gasoline engines. Safely, gently, layer by layer cleans the engine. Does not clog channels and ducts of the oil system. Evaporates immediately after use. It is completely removed from the system. Does not impair the properties of the new oil. Forms a protective layer that reduces friction.


The composition of Liqui Moly Engine Flush must be added to the heated oil before changing it, start the engine and let it idle for 5-10 minutes. Drain the oil, replace the oil filter and refill with fresh high quality oil. 300 ml of the additive is sufficient for 5 liters of engine oil.


A laboratory study showed that the flushing Liqui Moly Engine Flush contains trace elements: calcium Ca - 772 mg / kg, magnesium Mg - 0 mg / kg, boron B - 0 mg / kg, zinc Zn - 1980 mg / kg and phosphorus P - 1978 mg / kg.

The presence of calcium indicates the introduction of a detergent additive package into Liqui Moly Engine Flush, and fluorine and zinc demonstrate the presence of an antiwear additive in the formulation.

It turns out that the Liqui Moly Engine Flush contains both detergent and EP additives, but with an emphasis on protecting the engine during flushing. This is due to the fact that an organic solvent has been introduced into the composition. As a result, we have a balanced composition with a solvent, a protective and detergent component.

FENOM complex - engine lubrication system cleaner, test


According to the manufacturer, "FENOM complex" is designed for deep cleaning of the lubrication system and internal parts of gasoline and diesel engines from carbon deposits in normal operation. Contains highly effective detergents and metal conditioner FENOM. Restores compression in cylinders. Provides the normalization of the hydraulic lifters.


Warm up and stop the engine before changing engine oil. After that, it is necessary to pour the drug into the oil neck (1 pack for 3-5 liters of oil), start the engine and let it idle for 15 minutes. Stop the engine, drain the old oil, change the oil filter. Then pour in fresh oil.


A laboratory study showed that the additive in FENOM complex oil contains trace elements: calcium Ca - 5 mg / kg, magnesium Mg - 0 mg / kg, boron B - 0 mg / kg, zinc Zn - 3 mg / kg, and phosphorus P - 41 mg / kg.

The trace element composition indicates that FENOM Complex contains traces of calcium and traces of antiwear additive. In general, we have an organic solvent.

LAVR Motor Flush Soft 200 km - detergent additive in oil, test


Detergent additive LAVR Motor Flush Soft 200 km (LAVR soft flushing) is poured into the engine oil system 150-200 kilometers before oil change. One package of the drug is designed for flushing the oil system of an engine with a volume of 4-6 liters. According to the manufacturer, the additive removes lacquer, bituminous and greasy deposits in the engine oil system as carefully as possible. At the same time, thanks to dispersants, it protects the engine from premature wear and prevents clogging of channels and filters. The additive rejuvenates rubber seals and gaskets and is compatible with all types of engine oils.


Before using a detergent additive in LAVR Motor Flush Soft 200 km oil (LAVR soft flushing), it is necessary to warm up the engine to operating temperature. Then pour the additive into the oil filler neck and start the engine. Let it idle for 5 minutes, then start driving. After 150-200 kilometers, replace the oil filter and fill with new oil.


A laboratory study showed that the additive to LAVR Motor Flush Soft 200 km oil (LAVR soft flush) contains trace elements: calcium Ca - 24 mg / kg, magnesium Mg - 0 mg / kg, boron B - 1 mg / kg, zinc Zn - 10 mg / kg and phosphorus P - 12 mg / kg.

In the composition of the additive in LAVR Motor Flush Soft 200 km oil, only traces of additive elements were found, but not the additives themselves. From the result obtained, we can conclude that we have an organic solvent in front of us, and it is desirable to drive 150-200 km after adding it to the engine at idle speed.

ER PROFESSIONAL motor Flush P023RU - five-minute flushing of the engine lubrication system, test


The manufacturer states that the wash contains an Energy Release (ER) metal conditioner. It is claimed to be one of the most popular products distributed by AGA. More than ten permanent years on the friction and wear front, many letters, calls and e-mails with gratitude - this is what adorns the "work" book of a distinguished veteran who can be trusted.

ER has visited over three million engines Russian cars, took part in a variety of independent tests, during which the effect of a number of drugs was compared, and a large group of ER adherents who use it on their cars, as they say from scratch, managed to drive off on VAZs for 300 thousand kilometers without overhaul engine.


It is used immediately before changing the engine oil. Quickly cleans the surfaces of engine lubrication system parts and cylinder-piston group from carbon deposits, carbon deposits, sludge, varnish and wear products. Cleans oil channels, restores pressure, improves oil circulation in the engine lubrication system. Restores compression.


A laboratory study showed that ER PROFESSIONAL motor Flush contains trace elements: calcium Ca - 1772 mg / kg, magnesium Mg - 6 mg / kg, boron B - 1 mg / kg, zinc Zn - 2 mg / kg and phosphorus P - 8 mg / kg.

The composition of microelements (calcium) in the sample indicates that we have before us a product with a package of detergents, similar to that added to the oil in medium concentration. Thus, the ER PROFESSIONAL motor Flush contains a detergent additive, due to which the engine is cleaned.

Liqui Moly Pro-Line Motor Spulung - engine flush, test


Liqui Moly Pro-Line Motor Spulung Engine Flush removes carbon deposits from the piston crown. Releases stuck rings and pressure reducing valve oil pump. Provides deep cleaning of the oil system in layers, completely dissolving any kind of contamination of the oil system. Removes insoluble particles and engine wear products. The additive will completely evaporate after application, extending the life of the new oil. Suitable for flushing manual transmissions. Does not clog channels and ducts of the oil system. Forms a protective layer that reduces friction.


Liqui Moly Pro-Line Motor Spulung engine flush agent must be added to the heated oil before changing, start the engine and let it idle for exactly 10 minutes. Drain the oil, replace the oil filter and refill with fresh high quality oil. 500 ml of the additive is sufficient for 5 liters of engine oil.


A laboratory study revealed that the Liqui Moly Pro-Line Motor Spulung engine flush contains trace elements: calcium Ca - 780 mg / kg, magnesium Mg - 0 mg / kg, boron B - 0 mg / kg, zinc Zn - 2181 mg / kg and phosphorus P - 2179 mg / kg.

Analysis of the trace element composition shows that the additive contains an antiwear package based on zinc and phosphorus, as well as a detergent package of additives, as indicated by calcium. Also, the manufacturer informs about the presence of an organic solvent in the additive. The picture of the use of the flushing additive will be supplemented by the test carried out by the publication, according to the results of which it was possible to wash it out of the engine.

Hi-Gear Motor Flush HG2204 - 5 minute engine flush for vehicles with high mileage, test


The web page of the flush manufacturer Hi-Gear Motor Flush HG2204 not only tells about what flushing consists of, but also conducts an educational program on why it is needed: “Experts have found that the use of even high-quality oils does not prevent the formation of harmful carbon deposits on the internal surfaces of the engine and in the channels of the lubrication system. When changing the oil without flushing, most of the contamination remains in the engine. This is especially true for engines with high mileage, where the reaction of the detergent additives in fresh oil is much faster due to the existing strong contaminants. As a result, oxidation and wear products are actively formed, which clog the oil channels, are deposited on the internal surfaces, which reduces heat dissipation, worsens the lubrication of parts, and causes coking of the piston rings. All this leads to an increase in wear of parts, a decrease in power and a deterioration fuel efficiency engine ".

The high-performance formula used in Hi-Gear HG2204 flush is said to be specially designed for high-mileage engines with heavy contamination, and allows you to remove most of them, including from the engine sump. This contributes to the maintenance of the working properties of the oil for a longer time and prolongs the life of the engine as a whole. Using this flush during oil change removes most of the contaminants, oil decomposition products and carbon deposits (including from the engine sump). As a result of the use of this additive, fresh oil and a new oil filter work more efficiently. The oil retains its properties longer, which leads to longer engine life as a whole.

The following distinguishing features of the composition of Hi-Gear HG2204 are given

· Hi-Gear HG2204 special flush formula designed for heavily contaminated engines. Using this engine flush removes most of the typical contaminants.

· Flushing the engine Hi-Gear HG2204 effectively removes old deposits, carbon deposits, slags, oxidation products from the channels of the lubrication system and the internal cavities of the engine.

· 5-minute Hi-Gear engine flush for high-mileage vehicles helps to remove varnish deposits from the piston surface.

· Eliminates coking of oil scraper and compression rings, restores their mobility, thereby increasing compression, reducing gas breakthrough into the engine crankcase and oil oxidation.

· Allows you to do without the use of flushing oils. With regular use, it helps to restore engine performance, reduce wear on its parts and increase service life.

· Safe for rubber seals, oil seals, valve stem seals.

· Compatible with all mineral and synthetic engine oils.


Before using the Hi-Gear Motor Flush HG2204 5-minute engine flush, you must first warm up the engine to operating temperature and then turn it off. Then shake the can with the additive several times and pour its contents into the oil filler neck of the car. Start the engine and let it idle for 5-7 minutes. It is not recommended to exceed crankshaft revolutions above 2000 rpm. Do not drive a vehicle that has been flushed with water. After the set time has elapsed, it is necessary to drain the old oil, remove the old oil filter, install a new filter and fill with new oil. The package is designed for a lubrication system with a volume of 4-5 liters. For a larger lubrication system, it is recommended to use a larger amount of agent.


A laboratory study showed that the five-minute flush of the Hi-Gear Motor Flush HG2204 engine contains trace elements: calcium Ca - 1682 mg / kg, magnesium Mg - 6 mg / kg, boron B - 0 mg / kg, zinc Zn - 0 mg / kg and phosphorus P 7 mg / kg.

Only a detergent was found in the Hi-Gear Motor Flush HG2204 five minute flush, as indicated by the calcium content. And what is most unusual: the concentration of the detergent additive in the preparation is lower than in a 10-minute flush of the engine of the same manufacturer.

RESURS - adaptive engine flushing, test


RESURS adaptive engine flushing is designed for internal flushing of the lubrication system of gasoline and diesel engines, removing carbon deposits, sludge, films, tar deposits while maintaining performance characteristics engines.

RESURS additive is intended for deep cleaning of the engine oil system. Ideal when changing from mineral oil to synthetic oil and vice versa, or to another brand of oil. Contains special Aktiv Subs components that adapt one type of oil to another. Recommended for all types of engines. With the maximum effect it cleans the internal surfaces of the engine from hard-to-remove sludge and varnish deposits.

Does not contain acids, acetone or kerosene, or other similar solvents that cause scuffing.

The RESURS adaptive engine flush contains refined mineral oils, detergents, dispersants, anticorrosive, neutralizing and antiwear agents that restore parts and save the engine during flushing.


The manufacturer recommends using the RESURS adaptive flushing for worn out engines that “eat” a lot of oil and whose walls are covered with strong deposits. He also proposes to add RESURS adaptive flushing to pure oil at the rate of 1 bottle for 3-5 liters of oil and then use it as flushing oil.

To use it, it is necessary to pour RESURS engine flush into the oil filler neck of the engine warmed up to operating temperature. Start the engine and let it idle for 5-10 minutes, then drain the flush together with the oil and replace the oil filter.

ATTENTION: do not operate the car when the RESURS engine flush is in the system.


A laboratory study showed that the RESURS adaptive flushing of the engine contains trace elements: calcium Ca - 11 mg / kg, magnesium Mg - 0 mg / kg, boron B - 1 mg / kg, zinc Zn - 6093 mg / kg and phosphorus P - 6044 mg / kg.

Thus, this wash contains a powerful anti-wear package and the question immediately arises, where are the washing components? Why did the manufacturer not add detergent-dispersant additives to the formulation, the task of which is just to wash the engine and remove all sludge from it? Moreover, their presence is declared in the composition, but is absent in fact. In addition, the specialists immediately wondered what would happen to the catalyst if phosphorus got into it in a concentration much higher than the requirements of European standards. For this drug, the test revealed more questions than answers.

LAVR Motor Flush Seven minutes - flush the engine, test


The manufacturer claims that LAVR Motor Flush Seven minutes is a professional product for flushing the oil system of passenger car engines. Recommended for all types of gasoline and diesel engines in passenger cars, including turbocharged engines. One package of the drug is designed for flushing the oil system of an engine with a volume of 4-5 liters.

It is also said that the effectiveness of LAVR Motor Flush Seven minutes (LAVR 7-minute flush) is achieved due to the increased content of detergents and dispersants, which actively act on contaminants and remove them from the engine oil system as safely as possible.

Application of LAVR Motor Flush Seven minutes prevents coking of piston rings and increases the service life of new oil, as well as prevents sticking of hydraulic lifters and hydraulic tensioners, rejuvenates rubber cuffs and gaskets.

It is said to be ideal for flushing turbocharged engines as well as lubrication systems that have not been flushed for an extended period.


A laboratory study found that LAVR 7-minute flush contains trace elements: calcium Ca - 0 mg / kg, magnesium Mg - 0 mg / kg, boron B - 0 mg / kg, zinc Zn - 1 mg / kg and phosphorus P - 8 mg / kg.

This formulation indicates that LAVR Motor Flush Seven Minutes is composed of a solvent for oil deposits.

COMMA Petrol Engine - engine oil cleaning additive, test


Synthetically enhanced COMMA Petrol Engine oil additive designed for quick flushing of the engine oil system passenger car or a van before changing the oil. Eliminates harmful deposits and sludge. Neutralizes harmful acids. Cleans the engine by allowing new oil to circulate freely in the engine. Helps loosen sticky valves and piston rings.


The manufacturer offers two methods of using COMMA Petrol Engine additive. Fast - fill in the composition before changing the engine oil and let the engine run for 10 minutes, then change the oil. And the second way is to fill in the additive a week before the oil change.


A laboratory study showed that the COMMA Petrol Engine engine oil additive contains trace elements: calcium Ca - 3509 mg / kg, magnesium Mg - 8 mg / kg, boron B - 116 mg / kg, zinc Zn - 2572 mg / kg, phosphorus P - 2611 mg / kg and silicon Si - 13 mg / kg.

According to the data obtained, the additive in COMMA Petrol Engine engine oil contains a package of detergents, as evidenced by the presence of calcium, and an antiwear package (zinc, phosphorus), and an anti-friction additive is also possible. The concentration of the pack is almost twice as high as in engine oil. The pitfalls are hidden in another and open with a careful reading of the instructions. It turns out that one and the same agent can be used both as a standard five-minute and as a long-term additive. A reasonable question arises: how did the manufacturer manage to combine the cleaning efficiency with a quick flush in the service and the possibility of long-term operation in the engine? Indeed, for the first, it is necessary to introduce solvents into the composition to increase efficiency, and for the second method of application, solvents cannot be used, since it thinns the oil film and, when a load occurs, leads to scuffing in friction pairs.

Based on the results of chemical analysis, in order to achieve the declared features, COMMA Petrol Engine does not use organic solvents, and is cleaned using a powerful package of detergent and dispersant additives. The peculiarity of its work is not dissolution, but exfoliation of oil deposits, which begin to drift through the system and must be captured by the filter. In systems with a small amount of deposits, this is acceptable, but for heavily contaminated engines it is fraught with clogging of the oil channels. Therefore, in the case of using the additive on a dirty engine, we would recommend limiting it to a 10 minute flush cycle.

Hi-Gear Engine Tune-up HG2202 - mild engine cleaner, test


Hi-Gear Engine Tune-up HG2202 mild engine cleaner is designed to restore engine factory parameters. A classic, time-tested formula. Effectively cleans the engine lubrication system, restores the performance of the PCV valve and cleans the crankcase ventilation system modern cars... Releases sticky valve lifters, eliminating knocking. Cleans piston rings from carbon deposits, restores their mobility and fit. Hi-Gear Engine Tune-up HG2202 Cleaner is especially effective for medium to high mileage engines.


Added to fresh oil after every oil change. For old engines with a high oil burnout, it is recommended to additionally apply this composition 100-200 km before changing the oil.


A laboratory study showed that Hi-Gear Engine Tune-up HG2202 mild engine cleaner contains trace elements: calcium Ca - 1 mg / kg, magnesium Mg - 0 mg / kg, boron B - 0 mg / kg, zinc Zn - 0 mg / kg, phosphorus P - 7 mg / kg, and silicon Si - 18 mg / kg.

This cleaner, which the manufacturer recommends pouring into new oil, does not contain any detergents or extreme pressure additives. There are traces of hydrosilicates, but how they can help the engine in homeopathic doses is not clear.

AMALIE Engine Flush - flushing liquid, test


Amalie Engine Flush is a service product for effective cleaning of the engine oil system from varnish deposits, carbon deposits, carbon deposits in the technological channels. Significantly improves heat transfer and restores piston ring mobility. Absolutely safe for rubber and polymer products.


It is added to the engine in the used engine oil before the service change for 5 minutes. Not recommended for heavily worn engines.


A laboratory study showed that Amalie Engine Flush contains trace elements: calcium Ca - 19 mg / kg, magnesium Mg - 8 mg / kg, boron B - 0 mg / kg, zinc Zn - 16 mg / kg and phosphorus P - 20 mg / kg.

The trace element composition of the Amalie Engine Flush flushing fluid shows that we are faced with nothing more than a solvent.

EL TRANS Cleaner Oil System - flushing the oil system, test


Flushing the oil system "EL TRANS Cleaner Oil System" removes and dissolves carbon deposits and other wear products. Eliminates coking of piston rings, restores their mobility and fit.


Use EL TRANS Cleaner Oil System flushing immediately before changing the used oil. Before use, it is necessary to shake the contents of the bottle, then pour it into the oil filler neck of the warmed-up turned off engine. After the oil filler is closed, the engine must be started and left to idle for 5-20 minutes. Then it is necessary to stop the engine and drain the used oil. Change oil filter and fill with fresh engine oil.


Laboratory research showed that EL TRANS Cleaner Oil System flush contains trace elements: calcium Ca - 1677 mg / kg, magnesium Mg - 6 mg / kg, boron B - 0 mg / kg, zinc Zn - 10 mg / kg and phosphorus P - 13 mg / kg.

The analysis of trace element composition shows the presence of additives in the washing of the washing package, as indicated by the concentration of calcium.

Bardahl Oil System Cleaner - engine cleaner, test


Bardahl Oil System Cleaner is a special additive for cleaning the engine from sludge and other deposits. The composition keeps dirt particles in suspension until the oil is completely drained. Extends engine life by cleaning the oil system. Does not contain detergents and components that impair the characteristics of the new oil.


To use, pour the contents of the Bardahl Oil System Cleaner bottle into the engine oil filler neck. Then you need to drive 200-300 km or let the engine run at medium speed (3000-4000 rpm) for 15-20 minutes. Then change the oil and oil filter.


A laboratory study showed that the Bardahl Oil System Cleaner contains trace elements: calcium Ca - 4 mg / kg, magnesium Mg - 0 mg / kg, boron B - 0 mg / kg, zinc Zn - 150 mg / kg and phosphorus P - 153 mg / kg.

Analysis of trace element composition shows that the main cleaning component of Bardahl Oil System Cleaner is a solvent, but at the same time an extreme pressure additive is present in the composition in a small concentration, as indicated by the presence of zinc and phosphorus.

: detergents, extreme pressure, antioxidant, etc. When using the recommended oil and changing it regularly, the engine should be free of deposits and debris. Wear debris merges with the used oil from the engine during replacement. However, in practice, this is not quite the case.

It so happens that motorists use several oils of different manufacturers or types in succession. As a result, the motor mixes Various types oils, which leads to the formation and loss.

During overheating, the oil irreversibly loses its properties, decomposing, which also leads to engine pollution. This applies to worn-out engines, because in them most often hot exhaust gases break through into the crankcase.

As a result of these reasons, the oil gradually begins to coke, indelible deposits are formed on the walls of the crankcase, cylinders and other surfaces, up to the complete clogging of the oil channels, which can lead to.

With each change, part of the used oil (about 10% of the total volume) is not physically drained from the power plant and remains inside. When interacting with fresh oil, the old one causes accelerated oxidation, which reduces the service life. As a result, the fresh one does not have time to develop its resource and aggravates the situation with deposits.

This can be the condition of the engine after poor maintenance.

How to flush the engine?

The flushing procedure itself using flushing oil is extremely simple. To flush the engine, you must first drain the old, used oil, then the flushing oil is poured. The engine starts and runs at idle speed for several minutes. The flushing time is indicated in the instructions. Do not increase the speed during flushing, since the flushing does not have sufficient lubricating properties. After that, everything is completely drained and fresh, working oil is poured.

Distinguish between the so-called "five minutes" - means, packaged in small bottles, restoring the detergent properties of used oil. They are added directly to the motor before replacement and allowed to run for five minutes. Further, the process proceeds as with flushing oil. just before adding new oil.

Flushing liquid - "five minutes"

Five minutes have good detergent properties, easily remove dirt from the crankcase walls.

In working with five minutes, strict adherence to the instructions is mandatory, because this is an aggressive drug. If the instructions say that the engine should be flushed for exactly 5 or 10 minutes, there is no need to run the engine for half an hour, the oil seals may not survive this. If the engine is in the engine for longer than the specified period, the power plant can be damaged.

As already mentioned, when the oil is drained, about 10% of the volume remains in the engine, and, accordingly, the components of the flushing fluid. It is not possible to completely remove them without disassembling the engine, which means that they will have a negative effect on fresh oil.

It is allowed to use "five minutes" in rare cases with high engine pollution. In other cases, the use of a full-volume flushing oil is justified.

Should I use flushing oil? In fact, it is the same oil with a mineral or synthetic base, but with an increased set of detergent additives and is capable of supporting the engine only during flushing. It is able to dissolve harmful deposits and remove them from the engine.

Something else useful for you:

Video: Flushing the engine (diesel fuel) + oil change

When to rinse

  1. Buying a used car.
    When purchasing a car, the service history of which is unknown to you (carbon deposits and sludge deposits have accumulated in the engine), it makes sense to replace it with washing the engine. Use the stepwise method: first flush the engine with flushing oil, and then fill in a simple engine oil, but which must meet your engine according to the SAE and API classifications. Make the next change in 1-2 thousand km.
  2. Switching to a different type of oil.
    If you decide to switch, for example, from mineral water to synthetics, then it is recommended to flush the engine, since mixing different types of oils can cause sludge and deposits, which subsequently clog the oil channels.
  3. Emergency situations.
    The engine is flushed if you have had to mix engine oils, use oil of unknown origin, or suspect a fake.
  4. Moving to another class.
    When switching to oil with a higher class (by SAE classification or API), the engine must also be flushed.

Flushing is not required if you are the sole owner and have changed the same oil regularly and on time.

How to wash?

A small list of fluids for washing the engine with a standard volume of 4 liters.

  • ZIC FLUSH. This flushing fluid has good detergent properties. Safe for polymer sealing parts (oil seals). It has the ability to preserve the properties of fresh oil, preventing its oxidation.
  • ENEOS FLUSH. Excellent detergent properties. Able to keep deposits in suspension, preventing oil passages from clogging.
  • Lukoil. Good quality / price ratio. Possesses a serious additive package, excellent antiwear properties, dissolves old dirt well.
  • "Lakiris". A product based on a base oil with the addition of detergents and antioxidants. Gently dissolves sludge and carbon deposits, removes dirt well.
  • TNK Promo Express. Popular engine flush fluid. It is used by both garage craftsmen and service stations.

Engine oil is an integral part of an engine, just like other parts. During operation vehicle engine oil loses its properties over time, and accordingly, it needs to be replaced. There are also a number of reasons why changing the lubricant is simply necessary. You can change the oil both at home and at service centers.

In an operating engine, a standard process of developing lubricant properties occurs, as well as its contamination with wear products of mechanisms and engine parts. There is a possibility that antifreeze, fuel and soot can get into the lubricant during the combustion of the fuel mixture.

The car's service book indicates the recommended engine life without filling with new fluid. In order to change the oil, you should take into account the frequency of replacement, which may depend on the operating hours, the amount of fuel used or on the kilometers traveled by the car.

Units lubricated with seasonal oils need to be replaced twice a year. The properties of seasonal fluids depend on the outside temperature. As a rule, in the spring and autumn periods, the engine is flushed when changing the oil. Drivers' reviews indicate that lubricants have different viscosities and effects on engine parts. Therefore, if it is not changed according to the season of operation, it decreases significantly.

Necessary security measures

Car maintenance (and in particular, oil filling operation) must be carried out in accordance with all safety requirements. As a rule, immediately before replacement, the engine should be allowed to cool down slightly so that it does not result in injury in the form of thermal burns. All work must be carried out with gloves and a respirator.

The main reasons for flushing the engine

  • A common reason is a change in the type of lubricant to be poured (synthetics-semisynthetics-mineral, seasonal-demi-season).
  • Change of brand of oil manufacturer.
  • If you suspect that water or fuel may have entered it.
  • After purchasing a car from hands (to reduce the risk of premature wear of parts).
  • After engine repair, and in particular after dismantling the cylinder head.
  • Upon visual inspection and detection of a large amount of carbon deposits on the parts and a larger sediment on the bottom of the pallet.

Washing methods and rules

At the moment, there are several ways to flush:

  • Chemical.
  • Soft.
  • Full volume.
  • With forced movement of the flushing fluid.

The choice of how to flush the engine depends on the degree of wear of the engine parts, the oil used and the operating conditions.

There is also a manual way to clean the motor from various blockages. In this case, the engine must be disassembled and, using rags, various brushes and detergents, manually clean the engine parts and mechanisms, as well as the block. This cleaning method allows you to visually determine the presence of probable damage, more thoroughly diagnose parts and replace them, thereby preventing the possibility of more serious malfunctions.


This is the most common engine flush when changing oil. Reviews: an inexpensive way and carried out in a short period of time with minimal financial costs. It is carried out quite simply.

The old oil should be filled with flushing and the engine should be allowed to idle for about fifteen minutes. Then the mining is drained from the crankcase along with flushing. The use of this method is quite effective, but at the same time it is not intended for cleaning engines with strong deposits and pollution. As experts advise, this method serves as an excellent prophylaxis against small soot and other deposits. It is recommended to use the chemical method every time the lubricant is changed.

Basic part of flushing agents are solvents, which, in turn, contribute to the partial dissolution of sludge deposits and give them mobility, and also lift sludge from the sump.

In the event that chemical cleaning of the power unit is carried out regularly, then the possibility of a dense layer of burning on the walls of the crankcase is minimized, which, in turn, affects the wear of moving and contacting engine parts.


This method is carried out by adding the drug to the engine lubricant about 250-500 kilometers before replacement. The engine flushing agent contains a lower concentration of solvents, which does not affect the viscosity and. When using this method, mud deposits dissolve in the oil gradually and at the same time acquire a finely dispersed structure, later mixing with the old agent. The disadvantage of gentle flushing is the unpredictability of the consequences for a heavily soiled machine. Therefore, this cleaning method should be carried out with care and periodically checking the condition of the liquid.


This is a more thorough and high-quality flushing of the engine when changing the oil. Reviews of this method are positive due to the excellent performance at the end of the flushing work. It is carried out as follows: the used oil is drained from the engine crankcase, the drain plug is twisted on the pallet. Then flush is poured into the engine and the engine is started for twenty minutes.

After that, the oil for flushing the engine is drained. And its residues are removed by a vacuum unit. Replace the oil filter and fill in new oil.

With forced flushing motion

With this method, the mining is completely drained from the motor, the filter element is dismantled. Then, a hose from the forced circulation device is attached to the filter fitting. The second hose is attached to the filler neck, and the third to the drain hole in the block pan. The engine cleaner is equipped with a container for engine flushing fluid and a filter. Under the influence of air pressure, the detergent enters the motor lubrication system, and the liquid is purified through the filter of the device. Thus, all the dirt deposits of the engine are retained in the filter element capacity. Forced flushing is carried out on a non-operating unit.

At the end of flushing, a filter is mounted on the engine, a full-volume flushing process is carried out with the engine running for 20 minutes.

Servicing a car in this way can take up to one hour. But at the same time, the efficiency of the process is quite high. As the reviews of motorists say, it is possible to clean even strong deposits of soot and burning, the intake mesh of the oil receiver and all the oil channels of the block are cleaned. The disadvantages of forced circulation flushing include the moment of complete removal of the lubricant film from the surfaces of engine parts. This factor suggests that at the moment of starting and in the first seconds of engine operation, the mechanisms and engine components operate without lubrication.

Depending on how the engine will be flushed, the price of the service will also be appropriate (from 3 to 5 thousand rubles).

If you decide to carry out the process of changing the oil and flushing the engine yourself, then you should first decide on the choice of flushing fluid. It must correspond to the type of oil that is filled in the engine, since for synthetic and mineral oils exists different kinds cleaning fluids. You should also consider the type of engine - gasoline or diesel.

The detergent container usually indicates: method of application, compliance with oils and engines, detailed instructions.

For better cleaning, it is also recommended to purchase an additional oil filter directly for the flushing process, after which it is dismantled and not used. To do this, it is quite enough to purchase a cheap filter element, which you do not mind throwing out later. This is necessary to clean the flushing material and retain debris fractions.

If it is not possible to clean the engine yourself, then you should contact a professional. The service station has the necessary set of equipment and tools for this event. At the same time, specialists will be offered to carry out any flushing method when changing the oil, as well big choice cleansing preparations.

Domestic motors

As a rule, flushing a VAZ engine does not differ in the complexity of the process from flushing power units from other manufacturers. The entire cleaning procedure should be carried out according to the instructions, using high-quality cleaning material and correctly selected, corresponding to the engine, brand of engine oil.

Flushing the fuel system of a gasoline engine

Many parts, assemblies and mechanisms of a car have their own specific resource of operability and suitability, after which the parts must be changed or cleaned.

So, during the period of using a car, regardless of the quality of the fuel, the elements of the fuel system are contaminated, which affects the operating modes of the power plant. New generation engines equipped with fuel injection systems have a low tolerance threshold for fuel quality. Especially motors with distributor and direct injection of the working mixture. At the same time, the small flow areas of the injectors are often clogged with various foreign particles that are in the fuel. To prevent this type of malfunction, the system uses various coarse and fine filters, which are easily changed when clogged.

Since the injectors are located at the top of the engine, they are subject to high temperatures.

Therefore, the likelihood of formation of tarry deposits in the passageways of the nozzles is very high. Poor quality fuels contain an excessive percentage of heavy substances and sulfur, which affects this factor. In the process of clogging, the dimensions of the injector channels change, thereby affecting the amount of fuel passed through, up to complete overlap and the moment the fuel mixture is supplied.

Fuel injection nozzle gasoline engine is a complex electromechanical device consisting of high-precision parts that need constant maintenance. the engine is carried out as scheduled maintenance and in the event of the following malfunctions: the unit does not start well, increased fuel consumption, micro-explosions in the exhaust system, misfiring in the cylinders, dynamic characteristics power unit, frequent failure of the oxygen sensor. In this case, flushing of the fuel system of a gasoline engine should be carried out at specially equipped stands, using high-quality flushing material of the appropriate types and standards. Only with the use of high-precision equipment can a high-quality repair and excellent engine performance be achieved.

What is flushing fluid

The cleaner is made from not very expensive motor oil (mineral), which contains highly alkaline and other active additives that dissolve various negative deposits in the engine. All washes can be divided into two categories of impact: long-term cleaning and the so-called "fifteen minutes".

Long-acting drugs were widespread about fifteen years ago. such fluids were carried out in a certain period of time. At the same time, the car was operated only with flushing oil, after which it was removed, and instead of it, ordinary engine oil was poured.

At the moment, this method of flushing is used very rarely, which is associated with financial costs for carrying out the process. Another disadvantage is the limitation speed mode auto.

The oil for cleaning the unit does not fully protect the contacting parts of the mechanism, which can lead to their failure. The disadvantages include the impact on rubber seals and seals of various chemical reactions occurring in the crankcase. With prolonged use of this washing, rubber parts lose their properties and begin to deteriorate, which subsequently leads to more expensive repairs.

More gentle is the quick flushing of the engine when changing the oil.

Often, when changing the oil, car owners ask themselves: is it necessary to flush the engine before filling in new oil? And most of them answer this question in the affirmative.

Naturally, mechanics in car services do not even think to dissuade such customers from flushing, and many advise it additionally, even insist, although the client did not ask for such a service. They begin to describe in paints and in detail all the deposits that have accumulated in the engine over the years of operation, as well as tell what effect the flushing procedure will give. But is it possible to objectively assess the words of a person who is interested in selling us as many goods and services as possible? And there are hardly many really good auto mechanics who really understand cars and understand what is useful and necessary for them and what is not.

The topic of flushing is relevant for any car owner, because there is hardly one who has not thought of this idea. But, despite the relevance and popularity of this topic, there are much more questions than answers. More precisely, an ordinary motorist usually does not have enough information about the processes occurring during flushing in order to make the right decision. And auto mechanics are far from always competent or want to educate the client so that he would spend as much money as possible in their car service. In this article, we will consider the engine flushing mechanism, its main types, and also give some recommendations on how to carry out this procedure.

Flushing process

Before delving into the conversation about which flushing of the engine is better, you need to understand the process itself. So, you are about to change the oil in your car, but before that you decide to "clean" the engine. To do this, you come to the service station, where the auto mechanic advises you to use a good, expensive engine wash fluid for this.

Important! It must be understood that when draining the flushing fluid (as well as when draining the engine oil itself), it does not completely drain from the engine. It accumulates in various channels, cavities, cracks and other "irregularities" on the internal surfaces of the engine. Typically, its content reaches 5 to 20% of the total engine volume.

Now we have found out that when the motor is flushed with a special agent, it does not completely drain and some part of it remains inside. So, in an average 1.6 liter car, approximately 400 ml of flushing fluid will remain. Equally important, this liquid will not be clean, but mixed with what your engine should have gotten rid of: old, dirty oil and other contaminants.

Why is it dangerous

Most motorists should understand what constitutes modern engine oil. Such a liquid, relatively speaking, is a mixture of a base (or base) oil with various additives. Actually, the presence and quantity of additives in the present determines its class, price and possible operating conditions. Each manufacturer strives to achieve the most successful combination of them. There are many types of different additives, the most important of which are:

  • viscous;
  • anti-foam;
  • anti-corrosion;
  • antioxidant;
  • washing;
  • etc.

Now try to imagine what happens to the engine oil that is added to the engine, which is a quarter filled with flushing fluid and slags. Quite right, nothing good. The main negative consequence is the "dilution" of the oil. Your engine now has a composition that contains less additives per unit volume than you expected. This means that such oil will behave quite differently than you are used to; some of its properties will either disappear altogether or become less pronounced. That is, the likelihood that a breakdown may occur with the engine increases. The possible consequences of driving on "diluted" oil include:

  • foaming it;
  • the appearance of an emulsion;
  • too fast development of a resource;
  • insufficient lubricity;
  • etc.

But most an important problem, of course, is the reduction in the viscosity of the composition. This indicator of the engine oil is responsible for the density of the composition and its change depending on temperature. Also, according to the viscosity parameters, you can roughly determine the service life of the engine oil, which is why it decreases with dilution.

Obviously, the more flushing fluid left inside the engine, the greater the difference between expected and actual viscosity after priming. For example, if you fill in engine oil with a viscosity of 5W-40, then in fact you will get at least 5W-30 in the engine, or even an even lower viscosity value.

How and when to flush the engine

Before proceeding to the answer to the question "what is the best way to flush the engine before changing the oil," let's figure out when, in general, it is worth carrying out this procedure with your car. Since we found out that flushing the engine also has its negative consequences, it is still not recommended to do it before each replacement. You should also not do this on new cars, because at the factory they are filled with good, branded oil(including so that you subsequently continue to fill it in). Those who are worried about low-quality oil "from the factory" or "from the salon" should not be listened to.

Advice! Do not flush the engine before every oil change, especially on a new car.

However, this advice is relevant only for those car owners who monitor the condition of their car and regularly replace all technical fluids.

In what cases is an oil change desirable and even necessary? There are few of them:

  • First, it is imperative to flush the engine when changing from one type of oil to another. For example, when switching from synthetics to semi-synthetics, from summer to winter, or when replacing formulations with a large difference in viscosity (5W-40-15W-40).
  • Secondly, it is better to flush the engine when buying a used car. Buying a used car is always a bit like a pig in a poke, so it won't be superfluous to play it safe and flush the engine (just like replacing all other fluids and consumables).
  • Thirdly, at risk are machines subject to intensive use or operation in harsh environmental conditions.
  • Fourth, turbocharged engines. Engines equipped with turbines require the use of good, clean oil. Otherwise, the turbine may fail and seriously hit the wallet. Therefore, flush the turbocharged engines every two to three oil changes.

Having figured out when flushing the engine is definitely necessary, we will figure out the best way to flush the engine when changing the oil. There are four traditional methods of replacement:

  • Diesel fuel

I would like to note right away that diesel fuel is not a specialized agent for flushing gasoline / diesel engines. It was used by our fathers and grandfathers, washing their VAZ, GAZ and other soviet cars... In our time, there are many followers who wash domestic cars with diesel fuel. In general, flush the engine with diesel fuel strongly discouraged, especially when it comes to a foreign car. Not only can the effect of diesel oil on the oil seal, gaskets and seals contribute to their destruction, but it also additionally contaminates the engine. If you are still interested in this method of flushing the engine, then the following video will help you understand all its intricacies:

  • Five minutes

This is the name of the funds that are added to the old oil five minutes before it is drained and then replaced. The motor should run for these five minutes. Manufacturers claim that their formulations do clean the engine in such a short time. It is much more difficult to confirm their words than to refute, therefore we do not dare to advise this method. If the benefits of it are very dubious, then damage to the oil seals and seals can be quite real.

  • Flushing liquid

We have already spoken about its shortcomings in detail above: it remains in the engine and "dilutes" the new engine oil, thereby changing its properties.

  • Flushing oil

Perhaps the most The best flush for an engine is an oil flush. To implement it, they usually buy inexpensive engine oil in a large enough amount (to be enough for at least 2 fillings). Some motorists mix the engine oil with the flushing fluid in a one-to-one ratio when flushing for the first time. In principle, before flushing the engine with oil, you can flush it with liquid, and then displace its residues with oil. Of course, after flushing, some of the oil will remain in the engine. But unlike flush with liquid or no flush, this will be clean engine oil.


Summing up, I would like to advise again Do not flush the engine before changing the oil unless your vehicle is used too often or under severe conditions. For its normal operation, timely replacement of the oil and oil filter, as well as careful operation, will be sufficient. If you still have any questions about flushing the engine before changing the oil, watch this video:


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