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A spacious and voluminous interior is one of the main advantages of the UAZ Patriot car. A large amount of free space inside the car is especially helpful when it becomes necessary to transport bulky items. Among other things, the possibility of free arrangement of passengers in the rear seats also brings its advantages when traveling or leaving a large company on vacation.

The SUV is equipped with a standard interior heater, which copes with its duties quite well. But, when the temperature outside reaches -10 degrees or more, the stove's power starts to be insufficient. To create comfortable conditions inside the car, while the frost is walking outside, most car owners install additional heater salon UAZ-3163.

Selecting an additional interior heater

The UAZ Patriot stove is quite reliable, but sometimes there are situations when the device refuses to function correctly. If a breakdown occurs during a long trip, the driver and passengers will find themselves in unfavorable conditions. This is why it is so important to install an auxiliary heater. The device will not only heat the large interior of the UAZ Patriot to the desired temperature, but will also be a way out of a critical situation.

Which device to choose as an additional heating source? It is advisable to install a "native" heater UAZ-3163 from more expensive configurations. The essential difference is whether the stove is new or bought on secondary market, No. The main thing is that the device works and is in proper condition. The auxiliary heating source must include a radiator and a 12V fan.

You can make the installation in a specialized service or do all the work yourself. Installation of a second heater does not require specific knowledge and does not take a lot of time.

Before installing all the components on your own, you must first distribute the work in stages, which includes:

  • Choosing the best place for an additional interior heating device;
  • Depressurize the system by draining the antifreeze into a previously prepared container;
  • Connect an additional heater to the engine cooling system.

It will not be difficult to choose a suitable place in the Patriot's cabin for the second stove. You can place it between the front seats or under the passenger seats. Another option is to install it under the front seats. There is enough space, so it all comes down to the personal preferences of the car owner himself.

Why is the “native” heater from expensive configurations suitable in the best way? The thing is that it is much easier to embed such a device into the overall system. In this case, connection to the system is possible in a parallel way. With a linear connection, one significant drawback will emerge during operation: if it gets too hot in the cabin, it will not work to turn off one of the heaters.

However, it is quite problematic to buy a device from the Patriot in the Limited configuration today and is possible only for "disassembly". But there is another option for connecting to the system: bring the hoses under the hood and connect them to the main line through a tee. This requires:

  1. Route auxiliary lines in the passenger compartment by laying them under the upholstery, simultaneously securing them with plastic rivets.
  2. Connect all hoses to the auxiliary heater with hose clamps.
  3. Connect the power: disconnect the battery terminals, find a free connector in the wiring and connect.
  4. Remove air from the system and fill the cooling system with liquid.
  5. Before using new equipment, check all connections and make sure there is no fluid leaks.
  6. Install the dismantled elements to their original place.


An auxiliary heat source will allow the driver and passengers of the UAZ Patriot to enjoy the warmth and comfort. After carrying out all the installation work, the owner of the SUV will be able to experience all the benefits of an additional stove. But there are also some disadvantages, for example: the appearance of additional noise in the car interior and due to the larger amount of coolant in the system, the engine will warm up a little longer. But, if the car is operated in a region with severe frosts, then all the advantages of such a system overlap the disadvantages several times.

The UAZ Patriot car has a fairly large and voluminous interior. This is a big plus when you need to transport things or carry passengers. But a large salon, in addition to amenities and comfort, requires considerable heating costs. The UAZ Patriot SUV from the factory is equipped with a standard interior heater, which, according to the manufacturers' calculations, should heat the entire area of ​​the car. Indeed, the heater copes with its task of heating the passenger compartment, but only if the outside temperature is not lower than -5 degrees. Especially the drop in temperature overboard is clearly felt by the passengers in the rear seats.

Rear interior heater options

In the UAZ Patriot car, there is no such function as heated seats. The interior heater, during its operation, provides warm air mainly to the driver and passenger front seat... And if on the road and at sub-zero temperatures the only stove in the cabin refuses to work, then what to do? To solve such problems, the UAZ Patriot SUV has a special device, which is called an additional stove. It is about her that this material will tell, and also consider the process of installing and using it.

Any stove can serve as the second heating, but it is advisable to use a more powerful one, so you can take the product, for example, from a Gazelle car. You can install additional heating on an UAZ Patriot SUV either independently, which will require some knowledge, or with the help of a repair shop.

This is what a factory heater looks like.

The second heating makes it possible to provide not only a positive temperature in the UAZ Patriot SUV, but also will not allow the passengers in the back seat to freeze. Such an auxiliary stove is installed under the following factors:

  • if the UAZ Patriot car is operated mainly in regions where winters are especially severe and the air temperature reaches -20 degrees and below;
  • if you often have to use an SUV;
  • in the case of transportation of children, for example, every day to school, kindergarten, etc.

Also, the driver can install a second interior heater if he feels that the standard stove cannot cope with its functions even with slight temperature drops. That, however, in this case, it is necessary to check the serviceability of the standard heater, but that's another story.

Operation and connection

If you decide to install additional heating in the UAZ salon, then you should know that the stoves should be connected in parallel. Parallel connection of the main and auxiliary heater has the following advantages:

Route hoses around the cabin

  1. There is no additional load on the vehicle's power system.
  2. It is possible to control devices independently of each other when the switch is set to optional equipment.
  3. Two functioning stoves will allow you to heat up the interior in a matter of minutes.
  4. There is no need to worry about the passengers traveling in the back seat. After all, now the heat will flow to them from below.

The use of another heater has many positive aspects, and most importantly, it provides comfort in the cabin during the cold season.

With the sequential installation of heaters, in the end we get one drawback - the inability to turn off one of the stoves. When it gets hot in the cabin, of course, you should turn off the heating, since overdrying the air is dangerous for the body.

It is recommended to place an additional stove in the following places: between the front seats; under the front seats. It all depends on the heater model that you choose for your UAZ Patriot car. There are many models of "seat" heaters in the car interior, but it is important to consider not only the performance of the device, but also the size.

Thus, an ordinary radiator can be installed on an UAZ Patriot SUV, which, perhaps, is lying around in the garage or a special heater with a built-in fan. Consider the features of installing the product.

Installation features

Installation of an additional heater on an SUV is carried out in stages:

Antifreeze will circulate in the additional heater, which is pumped by a standard pump. If desired, to ensure greater productivity, you can install an additional pump. This completes the installation and you should consider some of the disadvantages of such equipment.

A little about the cons

Of course, the main purpose of the additional heater is to provide comfort in the cabin by maintaining the temperature at least 18 degrees in severe frosts. But, having installed new equipment, such negative aspects arise:

  • in winter, the engine warms up more slowly;
  • the appearance of extra decibels of noise (from the electric fan);
  • the appearance of dust that will circulate through the cabin due to the functioning of the fan heaters;
  • heating the upholstery of the floor, where the hoses to the heater pass, which will cause inconvenience in the summer. This problem can be corrected by installing a tap on the hose going to the Patriot heater.

"In winter there is no warmer, in summer there is no colder"
This saying is definitely not about the UAZ! In any case, not about the standard Loaf, in which a huge space behind the driver's back is heated by a frail stove, originally from the 60s, when felt boots and earflaps compensated for any lack of heat.
Anyway, the replacement of the heater with a more modern and efficient one begs.

The new heater, although made in China, is quite competent. Unlike the standard one, which makes more noise than produces heat, and the place it takes, which we have prepared for the 2nd battery :)

We dismantle the old stove. You will have to unscrew a lot of screws on the partition.
The antifreeze was drained, we combined this operation with replacing the radiator pipes with silicone RedBTR.

Large size but low efficiency.
The plant tried to improve it by increasing the hoses and pipes to 22mm, but this was not enough.

The place for the heater was chosen behind the partition, behind the driver's seat.
Four metal corners were fixed to the floor with self-tapping screws, having previously marked along the threaded holes on the heater.

The corners raise the heater slightly above the floor, especially for better air circulation.

Another perspective of the location of the stove.

I must say that 6 holes on the body are equipped with swivel covers, with the help of which it is possible to regulate and direct the air flow. The outer diameter of the flange is 40mm, which allows you to put on a plumbing corrugation and bring warm air to the right places (corrugation from washbasins is sold by the meter).

View from the side of the salon door.

The standard chair is not a hindrance. It is fixed in regular places. The heater is connected to the cooling system in parallel to the front one, with tees. The standard circuit is consistent! The crane is not yet equipped, but there are plans.
The hoses pass through the rear wall of the engine board through the holes in which the rubber bushings are installed (they are standard, removed from the bulkhead behind the passenger).

During the operation of the front stove from NAMI and the rear one, it became clear that it was necessary to install an electric pump that increases the rate of heat transfer. The stoves are each 2 times more powerful. So far, only purchased, but not installed

Heater control is somewhat different from the conventional one. Switching of 3 speeds of the fan motor is carried out by stepping the handle towards itself. The resistance is mounted together with the switch, so you only need to run one 2.5mm2 wire from the switch to the heater. And of course, provide a minus for the heater and plus (after the ignition switch and protected by a fuse) for the switch itself.

The new heater does a very good job of warming up the middle of the car, even when the lowest engine speed is turned on. The 3rd fastest was practically not used, despite the fact that the ceiling of our loaf was not completed and from the inside on the metal there was only vibration insulation.

A large amount of space in a car has both pros and cons. An indisputable plus, of course, can be considered the free location of passengers (of different weight categories), the ability to transport a large amount of cargo at a time. But one of the drawbacks manifests itself in the cold season, when the thermometer drops below the minus mark. This is especially felt by residents of regions with severe winters, where the temperature in winter period rarely rises above -20 ° C.

The need for an additional heater in the UAZ Patriot cabin

Although the UAZ Patriot from the factory is equipped with a very good heater, but due to the large volume of the passenger compartment, passengers in the back row often experience discomfort when moving long distances in the cold season. You can get out of this situation,. In fairness, it should be noted that if the windows fog up in the car or the standard interior heater does not heat well, then this is a stove problem, and first you need to solve it, and only then think about installing a new one. This method of creating additional heating is also suitable for those who often transport children to back seat your car. Next, the question arises: which stove to choose for heating the UAZ Patriot? To do this, it is better to use the "native" patriot, which is installed in more expensive trim levels. It will fit perfectly into place. You can buy a new one or search on the secondary market. But you can choose any other analogue, of which there are a great many on the market. An additional stove for the UAZ Patriot must have a radiator and a motor with a fan (12 V). You can install it both on your own and using the services of specialized services.


If you decide on your own, then, first of all, you need to determine the installation location. It can be defined either under passenger seat, or between the front seats (the standard stove is installed exactly between the driver's and passenger's seats). Next, you need to purchase everything you need (hoses, clamps, bolts, etc.). When everything is acquired, you can start. We are offering to you detailed instructions for installing the stove on your own:

  1. Choose a place and fix the heater (for convenience, you can dismantle the front seats).
  2. Next, you need to drain the coolant from the engine cooling system.
  3. Then you need to connect the heater to the engine cooling system. This can be done both with the help of pipes from the Patriot in the Limited configuration (which have branches for), and by connecting with a tee in the engine compartment, with the coolant supply line to the main heater.
  • when choosing the first option, there may be difficulties in purchasing pipes, since they are not sold separately, but are assembled with the climate system, you can buy them at "disassembly";
  • if you choose option No. 2, then you need to bring the hoses under the hood, cut the aluminum pipes and connect them through a tee, in series with the standard stove.

  1. To route the highways through the cabin, it is necessary to remove the floor upholstery and lay them so that they do not fray or bend during operation. Use plastic clamps to secure the hoses.
  2. Next, we connect the rubber hoses to the heater using clamps to connect.
  3. Then you need to connect the power supply to the new unit. For this:
  • disconnect the car from the power supply (by removing the terminals from the battery);
  • find a free connector in the wiring and, after checking the presence of power in it, connect to it;
  • for convenience, it is necessary to equip the stove with its own separate switch and place it in a convenient place for you.
  1. Now you can start filling the cooling system with liquid (it should be noted that more is needed with liquid) and remove all air from the system.
  2. Before proceeding with the final assembly of the heater, it is necessary to check all connections for fluid leaks and the operability of the new equipment.
  3. Next, you should return all dismantled parts to their place.

This completes the installation of the UAZ Patriot interior heater. It would be useful to mention the disadvantages that may arise after installation:

  • the appearance of an additional;
  • the engine, due to the greater amount of coolant, will warm up a little slower than usual.

Otherwise, you can only enjoy the warmth and comfort that the new stove will bring. If all of the above disadvantages do not scare you, then you can put it yourself. Also, this unit will be a good help at the moment when the main stove fails.

UAZ 469, like UAZ Hunter, is equipped with heating system which is not capable of heating the passenger compartment. Slots and insignificant thermal insulation make the UAZ Patriot cold.

Right choice

In winter, you want comfortable warmth in the cabin

Installation of an additional heater in the rear part of the passenger compartment of the considered models is allowed. The choice of stove depends on personal preferences, tastes and finances of the owner of the UAZ 469 or UAZ Hunter. In any case, the heater configuration is changed. It can be:

  • KITB.3221-8110010;
  • heater NAMI-4 or NAMI-7,
  • stove from Zhiguli.

Auto mechanics recommend installing on this model autonomous heater NAMI-4, which will run on gas fuel. In this case, it is taken into account that, regardless of the choice made, the stove must have a power of 2-4 kW. The advantage of this system is the autonomous maintenance of the temperature in the cabin. The downside is the complicated installation.

Before you start tuning the UAZ Hunter, you need to take into account that the crane must also be replaced. This is due to its inconvenient location and tendency to leak. The correct solution in this case is to insert a new unit into this system... The crane is installed closer to the stove.

You need to cut in the corner faucet in the cabin, otherwise it can get clogged with dirt. In this situation, one fitting is brought out into the box, and the second is connected to a similar element of the radiator. An important point in this matter is right choice details. It is recommended to install an adjustable valve.

You can give preference to the solenoid valve from the BMW 5 series. It must be mounted in the gap between the outlet and inlet pipes of the furnace radiator. This detail cannot be disassembled. To upgrade it, you will need to drill 4 rivets in the cover. In this case, you will get a collapsible design that will be easy to clean. Screws are used to collect it.

Main works

Installing an additional heat source

Before installing a NAMI-4 heater or another model, the old stove is dismantled. If possible existing system heating is being finalized by blowing side windows.

For this, a tee, flexible wiring, drills are used. Initially, you will need to make holes in the torpedo by installing side air ducts from KAMAZ or ZIL in them.

If a NAMI-4 heater is installed in UAZ Hunter or UAZ 469 as an additional furnace, then it is connected as follows:

  1. Parallel: motor block - electric pump - tee - ball valves - heaters radiators - tee - motor pump. It should be noted that each radiator has its own heat transfer and permeability. Upon completion of the dismantling work, the antifreeze passage is adjusted with the help of taps through the heater. This step will allow them to blow in one direction.
  2. In sequence: motor block - electric pump - stove radiator - heater radiator - engine pump.

When carrying out tuning, you need to remember that the electric pump works more efficiently when the antifreeze puts strong pressure on it. Therefore, the first element must be installed after the motor block. For better heating, hot antifreeze should go up the radiator, and the remaining liquid should come out from below. This is explained by a change in the density of the substance.

Others effective method UAZ 469 interior heating is a tuning of the cooling system. Its work is arranged in such a way that cooling hot liquid practically does not get into the heater radiator. For this, an electric additional pump is installed. Initially, she is sorted out. Screws are used instead of self-tapping screws. Such tuning will allow you to get rid of the leak.

A new design is installed before or after the stove. The pump is fixed to the UAZ Hunter body with 2 self-tapping screws. From an electrical point of view, this device will operate from the moment the voltage is applied. At the same time, the valve will close the line. Auto mechanics recommend controlling a modern heating system using 2 switches:

  • 1st is responsible for turning on the valve and supplying voltage;
  • 2nd turns on the pump.

This scheme allows you to block the accidental activation of the pump and the closed valve. In the case of installing a turbine from a Maz's heater, specialist assistance will be required.


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