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Patriots domestic auto industry they often face a problem: the VAZ 2110 injector starts up for a long time. Let's make a reservation right away - in most cases this is not caused by design features car, and low level prevention by car owners.

As the saying goes, "thunder will not strike ...", in other words - our compatriots prefer to heroically and selflessly eliminate breakdowns, rather than prevent them.


How long does it take for a VAZ 2110 injector to start? There may be several reasons, below they will be considered in sufficient detail. Let's list the main:

  • failure of the timing belt;
  • insulation wear;
  • breakdown of the temperature sensor;
  • interruptions in the operation of the ignition module (its failure).

The list is not exhaustive, but it identifies the main causes of problems with starting the engine. The analysis provides the only sure way to avoid problems - it is enough to timely carry out preventive examinations and replace questionable components (for example, sensors are guaranteed to serve for 60.000 km mileage). Of course, this advice is not able to console those who have already encountered a breakdown, but for the future ...

Let's talk about the listed breakdowns in a little more detail. As for the timing belt, everything is clear here - it must be replaced as it wears out.

Wire insulation can be violated during the operation of the car - for example, the wire of the ignition module often melts from high temperature (it is located in the immediate vicinity of the block head, and it regularly overheats).

There may be other reasons for the violation of the integrity of the insulation. The resulting short circuits prevent the engine from starting - and this disadvantage can occur periodically.

Temperature sensor... In case of malfunctions in this part (and even more so, if it fails), problems arise with testing on-board computer- he is not able to correctly determine the engine temperature and, accordingly, the required amount of fuel mixture. The only (and least expensive) way to "cure" is to replace the sensor. You can, of course, test it for performance, but this requires special equipment.

For a beginner, the best way out is complete replacement kit, people who are not alien to technical skills can try to "revive" the candles - wipe them thoroughly, heat them with a blowtorch, etc. If, after replacing, the candles are re-poured, then there is a high probability of violation of the integrity of the insulation in high-voltage wires.

By the way, with the help of a working candle, it is easy to check for the presence of a spark: you need to put the candle on the mass of the car with a metal surface and start the starter. The absence of a spark indicates problems with the power supply, in the positive case, you need to continue the diagnosis.

We will mention one more reason for the malfunction.

What is the reason why the injector takes a long time to start? The problem can be caused by various reasons, because the engine starts up for a long time, not only cold, but also hot. Could this mean that the rotation time of the starter has nothing to do with temperature or not?


ATTENTION! Found a completely simple way to reduce fuel consumption! Don't believe me? An auto mechanic with 15 years of experience also did not believe until he tried it. And now he saves 35,000 rubles a year on gasoline!

The estimated time considered to be long and during which the engine starts is 5 or 8 seconds. In this case, twitching is necessarily observed in the first seconds. ICE operation... At times, it seems that the motor is running on just two cylinders, not four.

If the accelerator is pressed before the plant, the start will be carried out faster. But at the same time, the fuel consumption and the engine warm-up time will increase until the speed drops to normal. Another inseparable companion of this situation is black exhaust.

Obviously, black smoke from the muffler directly indicates that the fuel is not completely consumed, remains in the cylinders.


So, to determine the specific reason for the long-term start of the injection internal combustion engine, you should start with a high-quality diagnosis. Usually, the compression in the cylinders is checked. Its values ​​must be within 12 atm for this to be considered the norm. At the same time, there should be no deviations between these indicators in each of the cylinders (maximum - 1 atm).

Then the candles are replaced without fail. The engine will be affected and will start to start much faster now. However, if not everything is in order with the motor, then the normal start-up time will only last 1-2 days.

Therefore, you should also diagnose high-voltage wires. Diagnostics will allow you to find out if the cables have a breakdown, which is clearly visible by the emerging spark at night. This is done as follows: the car starts in the dark, at the same time you need to monitor which wire the spark breaks through.

The ignition coil must also be checked. Many experienced drivers do this: they install a known good and new module instead of a native module, then check the engine start for several days. If everything is normal, the start is not long - it means that the whole thing was in the bobbin (ignition coil).

If there are no changes, the check continues. This time, you should test all filters, including the air one. Next - checking and replacing all sensors and regulators. Pay special attention to the mass air flow sensor.

The next step: testing various connections, checking the wiring for good contact, stripping the masses and flushing the throttle assembly.

If nothing changes again, it is recommended to check the ICE fan relay. Often because of it, similar problems with starting on an injection engine are possible. It will be possible to test the relay if you remove the wire from the temperature controller installed on the thermostat.

The fan should turn on after these steps. However, after measuring the resistance value on a heated internal combustion engine, the system can give low temperature data, although inside the motor it is clearly more than 90 degrees. Why is there such a difference? It turns out that this may well be buggy with DTOZH, which for some reason has not been tested before. It must show the real temperature of the coolant, otherwise chaos will begin in the system, and it is not surprising that the engine takes so long to start.


In general, powertrain temperature sensors are the most important regulators injection engine... There are two of them on it. One is located directly in the cylinder head, it - gives the temperature value to the instrument panel.

The second one is located in the thermostat, and provides data on the temperature of the control unit of the power unit. Based on the results obtained, the control unit regulates the fuel supply - it gives out more fuel to a cold internal combustion engine, and less to a hot one. In addition, it is the BU that regulates the UOZ, affects the ignition of the fuel assembly, and activates the coolant fan if the fluid temperature rises above 100 ° C.

Obviously, with faulty DTOZH, there will be difficulties in the operation of the motor. However, this is more about the DTOZH, which gives information directly to the block. For example, if DTOZH is buggy, it will give false values ​​about a cold engine, although it is already boiling all over. The supply of fuel to the cylinders will increase, because this is provided by the system. Let's say you drove for a long time, then stopped, went into a store. Now, starting the powertrain will cause obvious displeasure, as it will take a very long time to start due to data failures and oversaturation.

At the same time, the UOZ, which is responsible for the ignition of a fuel assembly that is clearly over-enriched, changes greatly. As a result, the fuel will intensively evaporate, and the concentration of gasoline in the fuel assembly will be so high that the mixture will hardly ignite due to the small amount of oxygen.

It was said above that when you press the accelerator pedal, the start time will be noticeably reduced. Now it becomes clear why this is happening. By pressing the gas, we add oxygen to the fuel assembly, and the fuel ignites faster.

Thus, by replacing the faulty DTOZH, it is possible to solve not only the problem with the prolonged start of the internal combustion engine, but also other difficulties concerning the process of the engine and its cooling system. The motor after replacing the faulty DTOZH will add stability, throttle response and power.

DTOZH replacement procedure and terms

The procedure for replacing the DTOZH may differ depending on the car model. At the VAZ, to carry out the process, you need to prepare several tools, including a mandatory set of wrenches.

According to the classic scenario, the coolant will have to be drained, otherwise the replacement of DTOZH cannot be called correct. Although there are several replacement options that do not involve draining.

As mentioned above, one of the DTOZH is located in the thermostat. It is screwed in there from the side. The second is located a little lower, wrapped in the cylinder head.

A little about the timing of DTOZh replacement. If we are talking about a regulator that goes to the pointer, then it must be replaced at the very moment when the temperature values ​​go astray. It is easy to check this: for example, on cold engine the coolant arrow tends to the red zone or just walks. This is an error and requires correction, i.e. replacement of the sensor.

In some cases, it also happens that it is not the regulator itself that is to blame, but the wiring or contact. You need to check everything, and only then decide whether to change or not. It is also easy to test the wiring: the wires are disconnected from the DTOZH, the ignition is turned on and a short to ground is made. If the arrow jumps up, then everything is in order with the wiring.

The second DTOZH changes in the event that the machine itself does not work correctly. For example, the revolutions on a cold engine do not increase, but on a hot one they reach a value of 1500 rpm. DTOZH malfunction number 2 can also be judged by the cooling fan, which turns on too early or does not do it at all.

The removed temperature controls are the easiest to check. They must be immersed in boiled water heated to certain values, then an ohmmeter must be connected to measure the resistance coming from the DTOZH.

To understand why the car does not start well when hot, the VAZ 2110 injector, you should know that this vehicle it is necessary to create optimal working conditions. Otherwise, system interruptions are possible, which lead to such a result.

It starts up well on a cold, but badly on a hot one - the main reasons

Often, in the morning, a cold car starts up well, but a hot one does not show any signs at all. In this case, there are many reasons for the malfunction. They need to be eliminated quickly, because they can become sources of more serious damage.

The first reason why the car does not start well when hot, the VAZ 2110 injector is often low-quality fuel. The engine is started for a long time, but this does not bring results. To eliminate this problem, you should change the fuel.

A large number of additives have a bad effect on the engine:

  1. The supplied fuel does not meet the requirements of the engine, therefore it is perceived poorly.
  2. The filters are clogged with foreign additives. The pump is unable to supply sufficient fuel.
  3. Engine settings are lost. The supply of a combustible mixture in a hot state is insufficient.

Basic technical requirements for fuel characteristics

Fuel characteristic (gasoline)unit of measurementAutomotive regulations
ecological class 2ecological class 3ecological class 4
Lead concentration, no moremg / dm³10 5 0
Sulfur concentration, no moremg / ct500 150 50
Volume fraction of hydrocarbons, no more:percent
aromatic not installed42 35
olefinic not installed18 18
Volume fraction of benzene, no morepercent5 1 1
Mass fraction of oxygen, no morepercentnot installed2,7 2.7
Saturated vapor pressure, taking into account climatic conditions:kPa
in summer 45-80 45-80 45-80
v winter period 50-100 50-100 50-100
Intake valve deposits not installedcompliance with European gasoline for automotive

Volatility classes of motor gasoline according to DSTU 4839: 2007

IndicatorsValue for volatility classes
AVC / C1 D / D,E / E 1F / F 1
1. Pressure of saturated vapors, kPa, (TNP) within45,0-60,0 45,0-70,0 50,0-80,0 60,0-90,0 65,0-95,0 70,0-100,0
2. Fractional composition:
evaporates at a temperature of 70 ° C,% (vol.), (B70), within20,0-48,0 20,0-48,0 22,0-50,0 22,0-50,0 22,0-50,0 22,0-50,0
evaporates at a temperature of 100 ° C,% (vol.), (B100), within46,0-71,0 46,0-71,0 46,0-71,0 46,0-71,0 46,0-71,0 46,0-71,0
evaporates at a temperature of 150 ° C,% (vol.), (B150), within75,0 75,0 75,0 75,0 75,0 75,0
end of boiling, ° С, not higher210 210 210 210 210 210
the remainder in the flask,% (vol.), no more2 2 2 2 2 2
3. Vapor lock index (IPP)- - C 1D 1E 1F 1
no more (IPP = 10-DNP + 7-B70)- - 1050 1150 1200 1250

Note. For gasoline of classes A, B, C, D, E, F, the vapor lock index is not standardized.

Often the VAZ 2110 injector does not start well when hot, due to overheating of the fuel pump. Moreover, the engine not only does not start, but stops on the move. This unit is cooled only by cold fuel passing through it. In hot weather, the balance is disturbed. The gas pump stops working.

In this case, you need to do the following:

  1. Take a rag and soak it in cold water.
  2. Place it on top of the fuel pump housing.
  3. Wait a while and try to start the car.

If there is no cold water at hand, then the car should be placed in the shade and the hood should be opened. As soon as the car cools down, it will start immediately.

However, you should be aware that an overheated fuel pump must be replaced, since it will no longer work normally in the previous mode.

The reason why the car does not start well when hot, the VAZ 2110 injector can be a position sensor crankshaft... Its failure is associated with an increase in engine temperature. If this happens, then its replacement is urgently required, because if the sensor is faulty, the car will not work. This is due to the fact that there is incorrect information about the position of the crankshaft. As a result, the flow of the fuel mixture will be biased.

You can replace this device at the station or yourself using a set of screwdrivers.

If the VAZ 2110 injector does not start well when hot, then this mass air flow sensor is checked one of the first. The reason for its failure is the negative environment. Starting a hot engine is very difficult. Even if the car starts up, the motor runs unstable. When you press the gas pedal, it can choke or sharply increase the speed.

This is due to the fact that the proportion is violated in the ratio: gasoline - air. The sensor is responsible for supplying this information.

If checking high-voltage wires causes certain difficulties, then HV wires are checked by devices:

  • tester;
  • multimeter.

The resistance of these elements should be 5 ohms.


If it starts up badly on hot vaz 2110 injector 8 valves, then the reason may lie in the starter. For its normal operation, an additional relay is installed. After connecting it to the starter, it helps him in his work and there are no problems with starting the engine.

The video clearly shows where you need to install such a relay.

If a diesel engine running on a diesel fuel does not start well on a VAZ 2110, then the reason may lie in the high pressure fuel pump.

Breakdowns of the following nature happen:

  1. Bushings and oil seals are worn out. Due to this, there is a constant air leak. As a result, the required pressure is not generated in the plunger chamber. Replacement of bushings and oil seals is required.
  2. The injector pressure sensor is out of order. As a result, the fuel injection angle changes.

The gas system may malfunction after a short period of inactivity. This is due to the fact that overpressure is created in the tank due to the expansion of the gas. As a result, the proportion of air mixture and gas is violated. This makes it difficult to start the engine hot.

A bad start of the VAZ2110 engine on a hot one refers to complex breakdowns. If there is an obvious reason, the elimination is done by hand. But it is always possible. Often breakages do not lie on the surface. To establish them, special devices are required.

It is rightfully considered one of the most popular, demanded cars on Russian market... Stylish, practical, reliable, well-controlled and unpretentious, this car has become a part of the history of the domestic auto industry. The buyers especially liked the modification of the VAZ 21102, equipped with an injection engine.

Everyone is good at "ten", but it just so happened that domestic car, in addition to indisputable advantages, it also has a number of serious flaws, shortcomings technical nature. The problems of the model include not the most durable and efficient engine operation. At the slightest malfunction, it goes out of working state. This happens for many reasons. We will talk about all of them, giving in the end an answer to the question: why does the VAZ 2110 injector not start?

Model Specifications

VAZ 2110, or, as this car is popularly called, "ten", first appeared on the Russian market in 1996, when serious changes in the economy were outlined. AvtoVAZ had to start releasing a completely new model, which was designed to satisfy the changing and now quite demanding preferences of the consumer audience. At first glance, the "ten" attracts with an interesting, extraordinary, bold design, which is strikingly different from all the previous works of AvtoVAZ, so simple and laconic.

During the assembly, new technologies were used, and the technical part made me happy with all kinds of innovative solutions. Over the years of work on the model, AvtoVAZ has put on sale a huge number of modifications, each of which turned out to be good in its own way, each found its own buyer. So, standard car The 2110, equipped with a gasoline carbureted 8-valve engine, became the springboard from which all other, more powerful versions began.

A similar modification, the VAZ 21102, has been widely recognized for its ease of use and good performance. VAZ 21102 came complete with the same 1.5-liter 8-valve, but already an injection engine, working in conjunction with front-wheel drive and mechanical box gear. VAZ 21102 can often be found today in the garages of motorists. Its main problem, as on the 2110, is that the 21102 engine will not start or will start poorly.

After the standard versions, the stronger ones went. The 21103 is already equipped with a 1.5-liter 16-valve injector. A little later, a two-liter version of 21106 appeared, acting together with the Opel power unit. This version pleasantly surprised both with excellent dynamics and good speed indicators... For an additional price, it was possible to purchase luxury modifications, as well as a sports version, which, in our opinion, is of the greatest interest.

The positive side of the "top ten" is its ability to accelerate to 200 km / h. It is worth comparing it with a later version, Lada Kalina, which is capable of developing maximum speed at 170 km / h, and then in a luxury version, and the standard speed is 167 km / h.

Also, the VAZ 2110 injector consumes quite an acceptable amount of fuel. The car, of course, cannot be classified as economical, but it also does not belong to the category of voracious ones, which is already very good. And the last thing that is notable about the car in question is that it is repairable.

It is quite possible to repair a car on your own, unlike, for example, the "Germans" "Opel" or "Mercedes", which are replete with sophisticated electronic equipment. Details for the top ten are inexpensive, which also needs to be paid attention to. And now about the problems of the VAZ 2110 injector model, about what the driver who got behind the wheel of this "workhorse" should know.

Car engine problems

Most frequent problem the VAZ 2110 injection engine is that it does not start well, or even stalls. This problem is especially manifested in frosty times, which becomes a real test of strength for any car. It is almost impossible to start the car in severe frosts. But if in cold weather this is a normal phenomenon, which does not mean serious technical defects and the need for urgent repairs, then when it is warm outside, engine problems declare otherwise.

So what to do if the engine starts for a long time or does not start at all? The first reason may be a problem with the battery. The battery has lost its capacity, and power unit unable to work at full capacity, the car starts to start worse. To verify the correctness of this hypothesis, you need to look under the hood. If the battery indicator is red, it means the battery is dead.

All that is needed to solve the problem is to charge the battery. The second most common reason why the VAZ 2110 starts up for a long time is a problem in the fuel pump. You can check the system as follows. If there is a spark in the candles, but the internal combustion engine still does not want to start, this speaks only of one thing - a breakdown in the pump.

Most likely, a microcrack or some other defect has formed somewhere that disrupted the pumping of gasoline. By a chain reaction, other systems malfunctioned, which, ultimately, was reflected in the start of the engine. Camshaft sensors can also play a significant role in the fact that the car does not start well. To understand whether they are working or not, you just need to turn the ignition key.

If the spark plugs did not give out sparks, then the sensors flew and need to be replaced. By installing new devices, you can start the engine. In addition, when the engine stalls, it is good to check the condition of the starter, which also significantly affects the operation of the engine. A situation often happens when the VAZ 2110 fills the candles. In this case, the car will not budge, no matter how hard you try.

But this problem can be easily solved. Here you just need to check the condition of the candles and dry them or replace them with new ones. Good advice: always carry spare candles with you in the glove compartment, so as not to waste time drying in an emergency. This procedure can be done later, calmly, in your garage. In the meantime, it is better to replace the parts.

And finally, the last reason lurks in the alarm system. Of course, not in its sound notification. An alarm is a complex structure that is inextricably linked with other systems, including the ignition system. If even the smallest breakdown is observed in the security system, it will not fail to reflect in the most negative way on starting the engine.

Alarm diagnostics is not an easy task, and it is best to carry out this procedure in a good car service. But if the breakdown was caught by surprise and you urgently need to do something yourself, then the defect can be determined by exceptions. Let's first look at fuel pump which most often destroys the engine.

If the pump works efficiently, it pumps fuel well, and no warning information about the critical state of the system is issued to the devices; if the sensors are normal and the rest of the devices and parts mentioned above are also, we can conclude that the alarm is faulty. Here, most likely, there was a violation in the chip, batteries or remote control key.

There are a lot of reasons why the 8-valve injection VAZ-2110 does not start well after an overnight stay. A particularly common situation when everything was normal in the evening, and in the morning an unpleasant surprise is discovered in the form of a non-working car. Next, we will consider what reasons can lead to difficulties in starting the injection VAZ-2110 and what to do to fix the problem.

To determine why a car starts a problem, you need to know how it works. A spark is responsible for starting the engine, which, in turn, is completely dependent on the ignition system and the fuel-air mixture, supplied in precisely metered proportions.

In the case when one component of this circuit is broken, the launch is problematic or completely impossible.

See also: Which car to choose: VAZ-2110 or VAZ-2114

Reasons for incorrect launch

Among the existing reasons due to which the engine starts poorly, several must be highlighted:

  1. Discharged battery. This is a common cause and usually occurs in winter, when the air temperature is much below freezing. In such conditions, a weak car battery loses its residual charge very dynamically. This problem can be solved quickly enough. You need to change the battery to a new one or charge the old one well.
  2. Fuel pump. The vehicle will still not start with normal starting battery power. The second cause of the problem is likely to be found in the fuel pump. Your car engine may not start due to a lack of gasoline in the fuel system... This may be due to an inoperative petrol pump supplying fuel from the petrol tank. It is quite simple to check this malfunction. If there is a spark in the candles, but the engine does not start, then the reason for the downtime is the gas pump.
  3. Sensors. The next, no less common cause can be crankshaft sensors or camshaft... These devices are similar, but they are located in different places: above and below the car. If the battery is fully charged, and the fuel pump is in order, then you need to check the condition of the sensors. You can diagnose the condition of the sensors at the service station or on your own. Check if there is a spark on the spark plugs when you turn on the ignition. If there is no spark, the cause may be an inoperative sensor.
  4. Candles. They are responsible for supplying the spark, which is necessary to ignite the air-fuel mixture. The candles under constant loads fail, become dirty, and become covered with carbon deposits. Therefore, you need to check their condition, remove carbon deposits and rinse. But it is better to replace them with new ones at the time of checking. If the engine starts, leave them in place. If not, keep looking for the problem area.
  5. Signaling. In some cases, it happens that a faulty alarm affects the operation of the ignition system. If the cause of the breakdown was not found in the previous elements of the car, you need to check this option. The reason a car does not start well is rarely related to the alarm, but it is still worth checking out.
  6. Gas distribution mechanism. It is difficult to diagnose the injection VAZ-2110 on your own, therefore it is better if this work is performed by service station specialists on the necessary equipment. To prevent malfunctions of the gas distribution mechanism, do not fill the gas tank with fuel with a low octane number. Best option for a VAZ-2110 with an injector, this is the AI-95, or in the extreme case, the AI-92.
  7. Ignition. Perhaps your car is simply out of ignition, which makes it difficult to start. In this case, the fault will be early or late ignition, which appears due to vibration. Over time, the distributor cover on the car rotates slightly, as a result of which the spark is unevenly supplied. This leads to incomplete combustion of fuel in the cylinders, and the engine begins to triple. You can get rid of this problem by rotating the distributor cover counterclockwise.

See also: Installation of a thermostat from Grants on the VAZ-2110

Common breakdowns

Sometimes there is a situation when the starter turns, the click is clearly audible, but at the same time it fills the candles, and replacing them with new ones leads to re-filling. Regular candle flushing will help. If you are faced with such a problem, then in order to start the car, you need to check the injectors, perhaps they are clogged, and this was the main reason for the flooding of the candles.

Also, the fuel pump may not create an acceptable pressure for the vehicle. Additionally, you need to check the mass air flow sensor. The sensor may be overeating incorrect information, causing more fuel to enter the engine. Repairing or replacing the sensor will help fix the problem.

The car starts on the second try. Most likely clogged throttle or DHH. To eliminate the malfunction, you need to flush the devices.

It is impossible to start the car in winter, although the starter turns normally. When faced with this situation, it is necessary to turn the spark plugs and crank the starter to free the engine of fuel. Heat a new set of spark plugs, and while warm, screw into the engine block. Start the engine.

See also: Tuning headlights on the VAZ-2110

The engine does not start well, and a light bulb with an exclamation mark appears on the panel, after which it stalls. A lamp with this designation indicates that voltage is still being supplied to the starter, although the engine has started. Most likely, disengagement from the engine did not occur, and the starter motor broke. To eliminate the malfunction, you need to replace the starter.

VAZ-2110, 8 valves (injector) will not start - why? :

The VAZ 2110 car with 8 valves (injector) is very popular in Russia. This machine does not cause any particular problems in operation. But there are times when the VAZ 2110 8 valves (injector) will not start. What to do? Today we will try to answer this question.


The first thing you should pay attention to is the battery. Open the hood and see if the terminals are tight. The banal reason that the VAZ 2110 8 valves (injector) does not start is a poor fit of the positive or negative terminal. But do not exclude the discharge of the battery itself, especially in winter or after a long idle time. You need to measure the voltage of the battery. If it is below 12, it should be charged. Normal starting current the battery gives out at 14-14.5 volts. Helpful advice from experienced motorists - in winter, remove the battery at night and store at home. This way you have a better chance of successfully starting the engine. You will spend much less time than if you mess with charger(especially if the car is parked in the yard and not in the garage). And when the car is more than a week old, remove one of the terminals from it. Some elements can work constantly and reduce the voltage a little.

Starter does not turn

What to do if the battery on the VAZ 2110 8 valves (injector) is normal, but the starter does not turn?

One of the reasons for this is a relay. Listen for clicks when starting up. If not, the relay is out of order. Sometimes it shorts to ground - move it, and the problem will be solved by itself.


Checking parts such as fuses is a good idea. VAZ 2110 8 valve injector may not start due to burnt elements. Open the fuse box and check the integrity of the fuse. A thin wire runs in the center - if the current strength is higher than a certain value (5.15.20 Amperes), it burns out.

In our case, this may be a fuel pump fuse. If it doesn't hum, it's definitely the problem. Often, replacing the fuse will reactivate the fuse.


If the ignition is on (VAZ 2110 injector 8 valves including), the battery is charged and the fuses are intact, you need to check the candles. This is one of the most common problems that happens on injection motors... For some reason, the car won't start and gasoline continues to flow into the combustion chamber. As a result, the candles are flooded with fuel. And instead of generating a spark, the combustible mixture extinguishes the candles. They get wet.

The spark pierces past the electrode and no ignition occurs. Advice from experienced motorists: when turning the ignition key, you need to press the accelerator "to the floor". This will dry out the combustion chamber - more air will get into it. If after three to five attempts you are unable to start the engine, do not drain the battery. To check, we need to unscrew the candles. You will need a special hex wrench here. For each candle model, it has a different diameter. First we shoot high voltage wire... This must be done very carefully. If pulled by force, it will break off and it will be impossible to repair it. Rotate it clockwise and counterclockwise and pull slightly towards you (base). We unscrew the element and look at the electrode. If the end of the candle is wet, and it itself has a characteristic smell of gasoline, it means that it has been "flooded".

How to dry a candle?

As we said earlier, you can start on the depressed gas pedal. But that doesn't always work. They may be coated with oil or carbon deposits. So, the twisted candles are attributed to warm room... Be sure to pay attention to the color of the electrode. If it is red, it means you have used a fuel with a lot of additives. They not only kill candles, but also oxygen sensors. VAZ 2110 injector of 8 valves with a black coating of candles indicates that oil enters the combustion chamber. These can be burnt rings or valve stem seals.

But whatever the plaque may be, the candle must be dried and treated in acid. It will not corrode the electrodes - on the contrary, it is even better. If there is no time, we wipe it from plaque and gasoline and install it in place. Often the spark does not hit the electrode due to carbon deposits. Therefore, the VAZ 2110 8 valves (injector) will not start.

We look at the sensors

Sometimes the car cannot start due to malfunctioning electronics. If the vehicle has a bad crankshaft sensor, this is a serious problem. In case of such a malfunction, do not start the car, under any circumstances. The electronics cannot fix the position of the shaft and refuses to operate the engine.

How can I check it?

For this we need a multimeter. We measure the resistance of the crankshaft sensor coil. It should be between 500 and 700 ohms. On the multimeter itself, we set a limit of 200 millivolts and attach the probes to the sensor outputs.

We draw a steel object several times in front of the core. If the element is working, it must recognize it, and the above-described readings will be on the multimeter. If there are none, the sensor has become unusable. It is not being repaired - just a replacement.


It happens that the car stops starting due to a dirty filter. There are only two of them. It is fuel and air. You need to check both, but first the last one (since it is easier to remove). If its condition is poor, it needs to be replaced.

In this case, the air is not able to get into the cylinders, which is why there is a lot of gasoline in the chamber and fills the candles on the VAZ 2110 8 valves. The injector can also malfunction due to a poor supply of the fuel itself. In this case, replace the petrol filter. When purchasing, please note that there are carburetor and injection filters. It is easy to confuse them, but they are designed for different pressures.


The main difference between the injection system and the carburetor power system is the absence of nozzles in the latter. The mixture is prepared under high pressure. If the injector does not produce it, the car will not start well and work unstable. Due to low-quality fuel, it becomes clogged. Moreover, for this, dust particles larger than 10 microns are sufficient. How to check? If the engine is still starting, listen to the engine running. If it troit, and the nozzle on this cylinder is cold, then it has become unusable. You can clean it from dirt with ultrasound. This procedure is performed at a specialized stand.

Starts bad and boils

In this case, the reason lies in the coolant. Check her level. Dilute with distilled water if necessary. However, you do not need to mix different brands of antifreeze. It can foam, which will further accelerate overheating.

The thermostat may also break. VAZ 2110 8 valve injector is equipped with a two-piston element. It is very easy to check it. This requires a hotplate and a pot of water. We place the thermostat in a container and wait for the water to boil. If bubbles go out, and the piston does not move, then the element is defective. The metal housing of the thermostat indicates the temperature at which it should operate. The element is not repaired - it can only be replaced. As a result, the system is unable to regulate the operating temperature of the antifreeze. The coolant moves only in a small circle. And the car can start badly (every other time) due to improperly adjusted ignition. Most of the "dozens" are trabl ignition. Here you need to set the correct lead angle.


So, we found out for what reasons the VAZ 2110 injector does not start. During operation, follow the procedure for replacing consumable items. Fuel and air filter must be changed after 40 and 10 thousand kilometers, respectively. Spark plugs last from 20 to 40 thousand. It is recommended to change the battery every five years, and, if possible, "throw off" the terminals and keep warm. And the antifreeze should be changed every two years. Over time, it develops salts and precipitates, which settles on the walls and interferes with normal heat dissipation. If you keep your car in good working order technical condition, problems with starting the engine are not terrible for you.

Why does the VAZ 2110 injector not start?

VAZ 2110 is rightfully considered one of the most popular, demanded cars on the Russian market. Stylish, practical, reliable, well-controlled and unpretentious, this car has become a part of the history of the domestic auto industry. The buyers especially liked the modification of the VAZ 21102, equipped with an injection engine.

Everybody is good at "ten", but it so happened that the domestic car, in addition to the indisputable advantages, has a number of serious flaws, technical shortcomings. The problems of the model include not the most durable and efficient engine operation. At the slightest malfunction, it goes out of working state. This happens for many reasons. We will talk about all of them, giving in the end an answer to the question: why does the VAZ 2110 injector not start?

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Model Specifications

VAZ 2110, or, as this car is popularly called, "ten", first appeared on the Russian market in 1996, when serious changes in the economy were outlined. AvtoVAZ had to start releasing a completely new model, which was designed to satisfy the changing and now quite demanding preferences of the consumer audience. At first glance, the "ten" attracts with an interesting, extraordinary, bold design, which is strikingly different from all the previous works of AvtoVAZ, so simple and laconic.

During the assembly, new technologies were used, and the technical part made me happy with all kinds of innovative solutions. Over the years of work on the model, AvtoVAZ has put on sale a huge number of modifications, each of which turned out to be good in its own way, each found its own buyer. So, the standard 2110 car, equipped with a gasoline carburetor 8-valve engine, became the springboard from which all other, more powerful versions began to start.

A similar modification, the VAZ 21102, has been widely recognized for its ease of use and good performance. The VAZ 21102 came complete with the same 1.5-liter 8-valve, but already an injection engine, working in conjunction with front-wheel drive and a manual transmission. VAZ 21102 can often be found today in the garages of motorists. Its main problem, as on the 2110, is that the 21102 engine will not start or will start poorly.

After the standard versions, the stronger ones went. The 21103 is already equipped with a 1.5-liter 16-valve injector. A little later, a two-liter version of 21106 appeared, acting together with the Opel power unit. This version was pleasantly surprised by both excellent dynamics and good speed performance. For an additional price, it was possible to purchase luxury modifications, as well as a sports version, which, in our opinion, is of the greatest interest.

The positive side of the "top ten" is its ability to accelerate to 200 km / h. It is worth comparing it with a later version, Lada Kalina, which is capable of a maximum speed of 170 km / h, and then in a luxury version, and the standard speed is 167 km / h.

Also, the VAZ 2110 injector consumes quite an acceptable amount of fuel. The car, of course, cannot be classified as economical, but it also does not belong to the category of voracious ones, which is already very good. And the last thing that is notable about the car in question is that it is repairable.

It is quite possible to repair a car on your own, unlike, for example, the "Germans" "Opel" or "Mercedes", which are replete with sophisticated electronic equipment. Details for the top ten are inexpensive, which also needs to be paid attention to. And now about the problems of the VAZ 2110 injector model, about what the driver who got behind the wheel of this "workhorse" should know.

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Car engine problems

The most common problem with the VAZ 2110 injection engine is that it does not start well, or even stalls. This problem is especially manifested in frosty times, which becomes a real test of strength for any car. It is almost impossible to start the car in severe frosts. But if in cold weather this is a normal phenomenon, which does not mean serious technical defects and the need for urgent repairs, then when it is warm outside, engine problems declare otherwise.

So what to do if the engine starts for a long time or does not start at all? The first reason may be a problem with the battery. The battery has lost its power, and the power unit is not able to work at full strength, the car starts to start worse. To verify the correctness of this hypothesis, you need to look under the hood. If the battery indicator is red, it means the battery is dead.

All that is needed to solve the problem is to charge the battery. The second most common reason why the VAZ 2110 starts up for a long time is a problem in the fuel pump. You can check the system as follows. If there is a spark in the candles, but the internal combustion engine still does not want to start, this speaks only of one thing - a breakdown in the pump.

Most likely, a microcrack or some other defect has formed somewhere that disrupted the pumping of gasoline. By a chain reaction, other systems malfunctioned, which, ultimately, was reflected in the start of the engine. Camshaft sensors can also play a significant role in the fact that the car does not start well. To understand whether they are working or not, you just need to turn the ignition key.

If the spark plugs did not give out sparks, then the sensors flew and need to be replaced. By installing new devices, you can start the engine. In addition, when the engine stalls, it is good to check the condition of the starter, which also significantly affects the operation of the engine. A situation often happens when the VAZ 2110 fills the candles. In this case, the car will not budge, no matter how hard you try.

But this problem can be easily solved. Here you just need to check the condition of the candles and dry them or replace them with new ones. Good advice: always carry spare candles with you in the glove compartment, so as not to waste time drying in an emergency. This procedure can be done later, calmly, in your garage. In the meantime, it is better to replace the parts.

And finally, the last reason lurks in the alarm system. Of course, not in its sound notification. An alarm is a complex structure that is inextricably linked with other systems, including the ignition system. If even the smallest breakdown is observed in the security system, it will not fail to reflect in the most negative way on starting the engine.

Alarm diagnostics is not an easy task, and it is best to carry out this procedure in a good car service. But if the breakdown was caught by surprise and you urgently need to do something yourself, then the defect can be determined by exceptions. First, let's take a look at the fuel pump, which most often destroys the engine.

If the pump works efficiently, it pumps fuel well, and no warning information about the critical state of the system is issued to the devices; if the sensors are normal and the rest of the devices and parts mentioned above are also, we can conclude that the alarm is faulty. Here, most likely, there was a violation in the chip, batteries or remote control key.


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