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This is a classic of the Soviet automotive industry. The car is really good in many ways. But, unfortunately, it also has a lot of disadvantages, especially for domestic roads. And the main one is the soft suspension. On the one hand, this is good, because it dampens irregularities, and it is comfortable to drive a car. Plus, you put less stress on your spine. On the other hand, soft suspension impairs the vehicle's handling when maneuvering. And it is not particularly reliable.

Specifically, the Classic has always been and continues to be used as a workhorse. And an additional minus soft suspension on this car is that under heavy loads on one of the axles, the car begins to "sag". It comes to the point that the wheels begin to cling to the arches. As for the options for improving the suspension, there are many. If finances permit, you can contact tuning specialists and they will make significant improvements. If your budget is tight, you will have to do it yourself.

Highlights of tuning the VAZ 2107 suspension

The first thing that can be done when modernizing the front suspension is to install a spring from NIVA 2121. The fact is that such a maneuver does not require additional preparation, since the spring fits well into the circuit. In addition, this will allow for greater rigidity. It should be noted that the same operation can be carried out with the rear suspension. Some car enthusiasts cut one or two turns to reduce ground clearance. To do it or not is up to you. The lower ground clearance has its advantages and we will talk about them in this article. But there are also significant drawbacks.

The next step is to replace standard shock absorbers... Everything here depends solely on your capabilities. If you want to save money, you can put fairly inexpensive Ikons. Installation of sports type Bilstein, will cost more. But the effect will be much greater. The main rule when replacing shock absorbers on the "Seven" is that they must be gas-oil. Their advantage lies in their greater elasticity. What is the output? This upgrade will result in large rolls when cornering. To minimize them, new stabilizers with a greater degree of rigidity are usually installed (as an option, you can pair a pair of factory ones on both sides).

What else can be replaced in the VAZ 2107 suspension

Tuning the VAZ 2107 suspension should not be limited to work under the car. It is advisable to take care of the improvement of the steering system. As an option - steering column from Niva. Installation of an electric amplifier is possible. But such work is best trusted by professionals. The point is that the equipment must be correctly connected. It is quite difficult to do it yourself.
In addition, experts recommend paying attention to the braking system.

Installing discs will significantly improve the performance of the car. Finally, all work can be completed by changing the rubber and carrying out the wheel alignment. It is better to choose foreign tires. Both the classic version and the low profile are possible. But it is worth remembering that the latter is good in terms of handling, although it reduces the level of driving comfort.

Suspension underestimation as a tuning option

Many car enthusiasts prefer that the larger the value ground clearance(called ground clearance), the better. And they are partly right. Domestic roads can very quickly "kill" low suspension. However, when tuning, some owners of the "Seven" set completely opposite goals. They want to lower the suspension, giving the car a sportier look. How logical is this in conditions of poor road surface?

In fact, low suspension has its advantages. For example, the handling of the car in corners is improved. This is achieved through less roll (lowering the center of gravity). Another advantage lies in changing the exterior of the vehicle. She becomes more athletic and aggressive. Finally, lower drag allows for lower fuel consumption.

On the dangers of low ground clearance

Before you decide to make such drastic changes to your "Seven", it is impossible not to mention the dangers that may lie in wait for you on the road. Important information! Before you decide to lower the ground clearance of your car, consider whether it is worth doing. There are several points we recommend you pay attention to:

  • the possibility of damage to important parts of the car when hitting pits. At least, you will visit the service station much more often;
  • if the work is carried out by unqualified specialists, the car will very soon require additional cash injections.

The main options for reducing the clearance

The first option, which is considered the most economical, is to shorten the standard springs. You can do this with your own hands or, if you do not have the necessary tools and skills, entrust it to a novice specialist. A similar operation can be performed without dismantling the spring. It is important to remember that the springs are shortened by a different number of turns (the front ones, for example, by two, and the rear ones by three). This is because the weight of the machine must be evenly distributed.

The advantage of this method is low costs... As for the disadvantages, these include the risks of breaking both the spring and the shock absorber. Another option is to purchase and install shortened springs. Such springs are often called sports springs. The main costs here are associated with the purchase of finished parts. The advantages of this method include the fact that you can return everything to its place at any time (after all, the standard springs are not shortened). In addition, you can perform this operation yourself. The only thing, upon completion, you need to contact a specialist to perform work on the collapse / convergence.

You can also reduce the ground clearance using a coilover. These are the springs that allow you to adjust the ride height. This option is the most convenient, because even if you could not achieve the expected result the first time, you can always adjust the desired suspension height without resorting to buying new parts. The advantages of this method include the versatility of coilovers. They are available with both sport and conventional shock absorbers. They are adjustable as you wish. Finally, they are easy enough to install with your own hands. As for the cons, there is only one - the price of the issue.

The air suspension is another "pump" option. Moreover, this option is suitable exclusively for true fans. The fact is that the cost of a package can reach tens of thousands of rubles. But for the money, you get your hands on a complete suspension tool. Another disadvantage is the cost of work. The fact is that such a suspension cannot be made in your garage. And it is also not recommended to entrust the installation of equipment to the first "specialist" that comes along. The disadvantages include the fact that such a suspension can quickly fail on domestic roads.

The advantages of this option include the possibility of flexible regulation of the ground clearance (in the range of up to five centimeters). If the system is installed correctly, you can adjust the clearance at any time at your discretion, depending, for example, on the type of road surface and terrain. One more important advantage- the ability to hold the maximum weight of the vehicle well. The machine does not sag even at its maximum load. In general, the ground clearance can be adjusted in the range of two to nine centimeters. You should not do more, as this carries certain risks. In the process of revision, it is also recommended to mount new anthers and rebound buffers. In addition, experts advise changing the thrust bearings. And one more important point. All suspension work must be handled responsibly. If you cannot perform some operation yourself, it is better to entrust it to professionals. Saving or doing something slipshod is inappropriate here. Any error can significantly affect handling.

Video tuning of the VAZ 2107 suspension

  • hammer, screwdriver, blade
  • central spring clamp
  • jack
  • torque wrench
  • grease, electrical tape
First, put the upper arm in place, pre-lubricate the arm axis with grease to protect it from corrosion and sticking, put washers with the convex side outward, do not forget about the bumper mounting bolt.

We slightly tighten the nuts of the silent blocks so that the lever moves freely in place - we will carry out the final tightening only after complete assembly.

Then we install the lower arm, look to camber washers were in place.

We tighten the bolts of the lever axle to the cross member with a torque of 8.0 kgf * m (6.8-8.4 kgf * m). To control it, we will use torque wrench... We also put on the washers with the flange outward and slightly tighten the bolts of the silent blocks.

Now we put the upper ball finger on the knuckle of the hub assembly and tighten, the surface of the finger can also be lubricated from acidification. The tightening torque is 10.0 kgf * m (8.5-10.5 kgf * m).
Can install a new spring. To do this, we will use the central brace, put on a new rubber pad on the upper end in place, fix it with tape or electrical tape.

We put it between the levers, orient the lower end along the cup and connect the lower ball with the hub, tighten it with the necessary effort. Remove the screed.

Now you can install a new shock absorber... We pump it first, tighten the upper nut with a force of 3.3 kgf * m, the lower ones - 6.0 kgf * m, the main thing is not to break the pins.

Then we put the end of the stabilizer by the hairpin, put on a new pillow and fix it to the lever, the fastening bracket should fit in place, and the pillow bosses should stick out of the hole.

We tighten with a torque of 1.8 kgf * m, here again - the main thing is not to overtighten or rip off the studs.

The suspension is fully assembled. Now let's move on to important point- tightening of silent blocks. They should be tightened under the weight of the vehicle, as if it were standing on wheels. To do this, put a wooden block or boards under the lower arm or hub and lower the car from the jack.

Also, it is desirable that the assistant sit on front seat on the side of the adjustment or put a comparable weight there. It should be tightened with a torque of 9 kgf * m (5.85-9.4 kgf * m) for the upper and 10 kgf * m (6.5-10.5 kgf * m) for the lower arm.

The design of the rear suspension of the seven practically does not differ from the suspensions of other classic models of the VAZ family. The dependent modification of the suspension is somewhat outdated, and is associated with the presence of a rigid connection between the rear wheels. Of course, a rigid connection has a great advantage - high reliability, as well as ease of maintenance, but there are also some disadvantages. To find out about them, consider in detail the device of the rear suspension of the VAZ 2107.

The rear suspension device of the VAZ 2107 is quite simple, which is required by the presence rear axle... It is due to the presence of the rear axle that the rear wheels are rigidly connected to each other. The rear axle beam is suspended from the body using jet rods, of which there are only 5 in the design - four longitudinal rods and one transverse one.

The main purpose of the longitudinal rods is to prevent and prevent displacement of the beam in two directions - forward and backward. The transverse thrust is needed in order to eliminate the displacement of the beam when side loads are applied. Knowing all the details of the suspension is necessary in order to identify malfunctions and make the correct repairs.

It is interesting! To combine the rods with the body part and the beam, special joints are used, which are made of rubber material, and are called silent blocks.

We continue to study the device of the rear suspension of the seven, and it is worth highlighting another important element - the springs. The bottom of the springs is in contact with the bowl on the bridge beam. To soften the contact and eliminate the occurrence of squeaks, a thick rubber gasket is located between the spring and the bowl. The upper part of the springs also rests against the body shells through an insulating gasket.

Vehicle vibrations are damped by a pair of telescopic shock absorbers. The load, which is formed when the vehicle moves on uneven roads, is reduced due to the presence of three rubber compression seals in the rear suspension structure. Two seals are located in the spring structure, and the third is located on the bottom above the rear axle housing. For the convenience of understanding all of the above, below is a diagram of the rear suspension of the seven.

  • springs;
  • telescopic shock absorbers;
  • rod or transverse rod;
  • bridge beam connecting the wheels;
  • longitudinal upper rods or rods;
  • longitudinal lower rods.

How to check the condition of the rear suspension elements of a VAZ 2107

The opinion that the suspension of the seven has increased strength and durability is not at all a reason not to control its condition. Especially in need of checking the condition of the suspension is a car that is operated in off-road conditions or on roads with poor coverage (there are still a large number of them in the countries of the post-Soviet space).

The simplest and effective method checking the condition of the rear suspension of the seven is a visual inspection. To do this, the car must be driven onto an overpass or placed over a viewing pit. Particular attention should be paid to such suspension elements as:

  • - These are rubber bushings that are designed to smooth out vibrations when taking heavy loads. Replace silent blocks as soon as vibrations and vibrations appear.
  • - the presence of traces of drips indicates that the devices need to be replaced or repaired. It is easy to diagnose a shock absorber malfunction if you sit on back seat and go by car. In normal mode, the shock absorbers smooth out the vibrations, and if they fail, hard shocks are observed in the area of ​​the wheels.
  • No backlash in the area of ​​fastening the rods and shock absorbers. The presence of a backlash means that the rubber bushings of the rods are worn out, which should be replaced.
  • The appearance of gaps between suspension parts.
  • , as well as wear of the rubberized gaskets against which they rest.

After carrying out the verification manipulations, an appropriate conclusion can be made about whether the rear suspension needs repair or not. If necessary, then go to the next point, and find out the algorithm for repairing the rear suspension of the VAZ-2107.

Seven rear suspension repair

Having concluded that it is necessary to repair the rear suspension of the VAZ 2107, it is necessary to proceed with drastic actions. Before disassembling the suspension, you need to go and buy necessary spare parts... Which parts to buy depends on the condition of the rear suspension, or rather on which suspension elements are faulty.

The repair algorithm is as follows:

  • The seven must be lifted on a lift if repairs are carried out at the station or put on a viewing hole. Squeeze out hand brake, turn on the first speed and place stops under the front wheels.
  • The joints of the parts that are planned to be dismantled should be cleaned with a wire brush and treated with WD-40 liquid.
  • Stock up on the necessary set of wrenches, or better with socket heads with a wrench and ratchet, which will simplify and speed up the process of dismantling and repair.
  • If you need to replace the jet or longitudinal rods, then initially we loosen the mounting bolts. To dismantle the transverse link, you will need to unscrew the lower shock absorber mount. This is how it is done: the nut is unscrewed, and the bolt is removed, after which the spacer sleeve is removed, which holds the shock absorber. Now you need to unscrew the second tie rod and remove it.
  • It is recommended to replace the rod bushings with a set, so that after a month you do not have to repeat the procedure. First you need to dismantle the rubber bushings, for which a special mandrel or a makeshift construction from a long bolt with washers and nuts is used. Old bushings can also be cut to save time pressing them out.
  • The inner part of the rod should be thoroughly cleaned of corrosion and burrs, and then proceed with the installation of new rubber bands. To simplify the process of pressing the rubber bands into the sleeve, you should first treat them with soapy water. The soapy solution will reduce friction and speed up the process of pressing the rubber into the sleeve.
  • If you plan to replace the rubber bushings of the shock absorbers, then it is easy to dismantle them, for this you need to pry them with a screwdriver and remove them (they consist of two parts).
  • If repair or replacement of the shock absorber is needed, then it will have to be removed completely by unscrewing the upper mounts of the device as well.

After replacing the hinges, all dismantled parts must be reinstalled. As you can see, the replacement process is not difficult, and even a beginner can cope with this task. For this you need to have necessary tools and spare parts.

Summing up, it should be noted that the above-described design of the rear suspension of the seven has one big drawback - the roll of the car during sharp turns and when avoiding obstacles. The owners of the sevens know how great this drawback is, so many decide on a desperate step to install, but this is a completely different story.

The most loaded element of the VAZ 2107 car is the front suspension. Indeed, it takes on almost all the mechanical loads that occur during movement. For this reason, it is important to pay careful attention to this unit, to carry out repairs in a timely manner and modify it, as far as possible, installing more durable and functional elements.

Purpose and device of the front suspension

It is customary to call a suspension a system of mechanisms that provide an elastic connection between the chassis and the wheels of a car. The main purpose of the unit is to reduce the intensity of vibrations, shocks and shocks that occur during movement. The machine is constantly experiencing dynamic loads, especially when driving on low-quality roads and when transporting goods, that is, in extreme conditions.

It is at the front that the suspension most often takes bumps and shocks. By right, it is the most loaded part of the entire car. On the G7, the front suspension is made better and more reliable than - the manufacturer certainly took into account the high load on the unit, but this is not the only reason. On rear wheel drive vehicles, the front suspension has fewer parts than the rear, so it is less expensive to set up.

The front suspension diagram on the VAZ 2107 includes important details, without which the smooth movement of the car would be impossible.

  1. Stabilizer or beam lateral stability.
  2. Double wishbone suspension - the main undercarriage assembly at the front, consisting of an upper and a lower independent lever... One of them is fixed with a long bolt through the mudguard strut, the other is bolted to the suspension cross member.
  3. Ball joints - connected to wheel hubs through systems steering knuckle with a trunnion.
  4. Wheel hubs.
  5. Silent blocks or bushings - designed for free movement of the levers. They have a resilient polyurethane (rubber) liner that significantly softens the shock of the suspension.
  6. Damping system - includes springs, cups, hydraulic shock absorbers. On the VAZ 2107 models of the last years of production and on the tuned "sevens", stands are used.

Front beam

The task of the front beam is to stabilize the car passing corners. As you know, when maneuvering, centrifugal force arises, which can cause a car to roll over. To prevent this from happening, the designers came up with a beam of lateral stability.

The main purpose of the part is to twist the opposite wheels of the VAZ 2107 using a torsion elastic element. The stabilizer is attached with clamps and rotating rubber bushings directly to the body. The bar is connected to the suspension elements through double levers and shock absorber struts, or, as they are also called, bones.


The front levers are the guiding components of the chassis of the VAZ 2107. They provide a flexible connection and transmission of vibrations to the body.

The levers are directly connected to the wheels and the car body. It is customary to distinguish between both suspension arms of the "seven", since their replacement and repair is carried out in different ways:

  • the upper levers are bolted and easier to remove;
  • the lower levers are screwed to the cross member connected to the spar, they are also connected with a ball joint and a spring - their replacement is somewhat more difficult.

Find out more about repairing the front lower arm:

Front shock absorber strut

The owners of the VAZ 2107 learned about the existence of racks when the VAZ 2108 model appeared. Since that time, the manufacturer began to gradually install new mechanisms on the "seven" as well. In addition, the racks have been chosen by specialists who are modernizing a classic car.

The strut is part of the damping system, the task of which is to dampen the vertical vibrations of the body, taking on some of the impacts. From technical condition rack depends on the stability of the car on the road.

The front shock absorber strut includes several separate elements:

Spherical bearing

The ball joint is a front suspension element that provides a fairly rigid attachment of the lower arms to the hub of the machine. With these hinges, the car on the road is able to provide smooth movement and the necessary maneuvers. In addition, thanks to these details, the driver can easily control the wheels.

The ball joint consists of a pin with a ball, a thread and a body with a recess. A protective boot is provided on the finger, which is an important part of the element. Regular checking of the ball boots by the driver avoids breakdowns - as soon as a crack is found on this protective element, the hinge must be inspected urgently.

I remember how I changed ball valves for the first time in my life. It happened unexpectedly - I went to the village to see a friend. An exciting fishing trip was expected. On the way to the lake, I had to brake sharply and turn the steering wheel. There was a crunch, then a knock, the car began to pull to the left. "The ball flew" - Tolya (my friend) said with the air of a connoisseur. Indeed, when they lifted the car on a jack, it turned out that the "bull's-eye" jumped out of the nest - what a force the blow should have been! Apparently, the ball was also subjected to heavy loads before that - I often went to the dirt road, and I did not regret the "seven", sometimes I drove across the field, stones and pits. Tolya went on foot to find new hinges. The broken part was replaced on the spot, the second I installed afterwards in my garage. Fishing failed.


The hub sits at the center of the front suspension structure and is a rounded piece connected to the shaft. It has a bearing, the model and strength of which depends on the design tasks.

Thus, the hub consists of a housing, metal wheel studs, bearings and sensors (not installed on all models).

The steering knuckle is an important part of the hub as it integrates the entire front suspension with it. The element is fixed by means of hinges to the hub, steering tips and rack.

Front suspension malfunctions

Problems with the VAZ 2107 suspension arise due to bad roads. First of all, the ball joints suffer, then the struts and other elements of the shock absorption system fail.


Quite often, the owners of the "seven" complain about a knock when driving at a speed of 20-40 km / h. Then, as you accelerate, the dull sound disappears. Noise area - front suspension.

Experienced owners of the VAZ 2107 claim that the knock at low speed, which disappears with acceleration, is associated with shock absorbers. They receive a vertical blow from below when the movement of the machine is weak. At high speed, the car levels out and the knocks disappear.

Detailed instructions for the actions of the driver who notices the knock are given below.

Video: what knocks on the front suspension

The car is pulled to the side

If the machine starts to pull to the side, the steering knuckle or suspension arm may be deformed. On old VAZ 2107 cars, the loss of the spring of the strut spring is not excluded.

Basically, if the car pulls to the side, this is due to brake pads, steering play and other third-party reasons not related to the suspension. Therefore, it is recommended to proceed with the elimination method, and only then test the suspension.

Hum when cornering

The hum when cornering is due to wear on the hub bearing. The nature of the noise is as follows: it is observed on the one hand, appears up to a speed of 40 km / h, and then disappears.

Here's how to check a wheel bearing for play.

Suspension upgrade

The standard "seven" suspension is considered soft and imperfect. Therefore, many decide on tuning and improvements. This helps to dramatically improve handling and overall comfort, as well as extend the life of springs, balls, bushings and other components.

Reinforced springs

Springs are the main element responsible for smooth running, directional stability and good handling. When they weaken or sag, the suspension is not able to compensate for the loads, therefore breakdowns of its elements and other troubles occur.

Owners of the "seven", often moving around bad roads or driving with a loaded trunk, you definitely need to think about upgrading the standard springs. In addition, there are two main signs by which one can judge that the elements need to be replaced.

Spacers are the first thing that comes to mind to the owners of the VAZ 2107. But this conclusion is not entirely correct. Yes, they will restore the stiffness of the springs, but they will negatively affect the resource of the elements. Cracks will soon be found on springs reinforced in this way.

Therefore, the only correct solution would be to replace conventional springs with reinforced or modified ones from the VAZ 2104. At the same time, the shock absorbers must be replaced with more powerful ones, otherwise the reinforced springs will easily damage the standard system.

Before starting the replacement procedure, you need to arm yourself with the following tools.

  1. Lift.
  2. A set of different keys, including a balloon one.
  3. A crowbar.
  4. Bruskom.
  5. Wire hook.

Now more about the replacement.

  1. Put the car on a jack, remove the wheels.
  2. Dismantle struts or conventional shock absorbers.
  3. Loosen the upper arm catches.
  4. Place a block under the machine, raise the lower arm with a jack.
  5. Unscrew the stabilizer bar fastening.
  6. Remove the lift.
  7. Loosen the nuts of the lower and upper ball joints, but do not completely loosen them.
  8. Knock out the support pin from the steering knuckle using a pry bar and a hammer.
  9. Fix the upper arm with a wire hook and lower the lower arm.
  10. Pry the springs with a pry bar from below and remove them.

Then you need to release both springs from the gaskets, check the condition of the latter. If they are in good condition, install on a new spring using electrical tape. Put reinforced springs in place of the regular ones.

Air suspension

"Seven" has great potential in terms of modernizing the front suspension. And many car owners decide to install air suspension with an electric compressor, hoses and a control unit.

This is a real electronic assistant, which makes it possible to change the amount of ground clearance depending on the driving conditions. Thanks to this innovation, the stability of the car at high speeds increases, long-distance trips become comfortable, the car passes bumps more smoothly, in a word, it looks like a foreign car.

The modernization of the system goes like this.

Video: air suspension on a VAZ, worth it or not

Electromagnetic suspension

Another upgrade option involves the use of an electromagnetic suspension. It is a collection of mechanisms and components that act as a link between the road and the body. Thanks to the use of this type of tuning suspension, a smooth ride, high stability, safety and comfort are ensured. The car will not "sag" even during long-term parking, and thanks to the built-in springs, the suspension will remain operational even in the absence of commands from the on-board network.

Today the most famous manufacturers of electromagnetic suspensions are Delphi, SKF, Bose.

The front suspension of the VAZ 2107 requires timely maintenance and control over the main components. Remember that road safety depends on it.

Everyone will be happy to ride in a car seat. With the breeze, on padded seat... No shaking or bouncing. Stop. And what ensures such a smooth running of the machine? This is the job of the car suspension. Even VAZs have several types of them that are worth considering.

Front suspension VAZ 2107

On any car brand, the front wheel suspension is more complex than the rear damping system. This is due to the fact that the front wheels are steering, and unlike the strictly directed rear wheels, they have freedom of directional movement. In general, the front suspension running VAZ 2107 is pretty powerful. It is designed in such a way for the possibility of driving on roads that do not have an asphalt surface. After all, this car is the latest version of the so-called classic VAZ series. It is the cheapest in the price range, and therefore the most popular among rural residents.

Front suspension device vaz 2107

Conventionally, the VAZ 2107 suspension can be divided into 4 nodes. Two triangular levers. The bases, both levers, are attached to the car body on movable mounts. Between the protruding tops of the "triangles-levers", a pivot lever connected to the steering is fixed by finger joints. Between the lower arm and the side member, a spring with a shock absorber inside passes through the opening of the upper arm.

To synchronize the suspension of the right and left sides, a lateral stability bar is installed between them, which, however, has decent freedom of position. It is attached to the lower arms. Basically, this is all a modification of the VAZ 2101 front suspension, then VAZ 2103, 2106. Preventive maintenance of the VAZ 2107 front suspension usually consists in replacing ball joints and rubber bushings.

Rear suspension VAZ 2107

The rear suspension of "classic" VAZ cars is directly connected to the rest of the chassis. V rear suspension VAZ-2107, the leading rear axle is inscribed, which through cardan transmission and the rest of the transmission is connected to the car's engine. The wheels are oriented strictly in the direction of the vehicle. These conditions determined the features of the rear suspension of the VAZ-2107. Like the front suspension, the rear is an upgraded version of the first VAZ model.

The figure below shows the rear suspension device of the VAZ-2107. Number 1 shows the thrust spring between the axle (4) and the vehicle body. Number 2, telescopic shock absorber damping sudden vibrations. Transverse jet thrust 3, prevents the axle from shifting away from the vehicle axis. Longitudinal rods 5 and 6 fix the position in the direction of travel. This arrangement of nodes allows you to compensate for road irregularities.

Front suspension VAZ-2110

Like any VAZ suspension, the tens' front suspension is independent. The front suspension device of the VAZ-2110 is more complicated than that of the classic models. This is due to the fact that the drive power unit, goes through the gearbox to the front wheels. Therefore, the designers of VAZ had to solve the issue of not only the distribution of the load by the suspension, but also not to let it interfere with the operation of the drive. Here, too, the whole scheme is the result of a phased modernization of the front suspension, from the first version of the front-wheel drive model VAZ-2108. This variation, as the most successful, remained in the variations following the "ten".

Front suspension device VAZ-2110

The suspension kit includes the following components:

  • lower arm;
  • hub;
  • spherical bearing;
  • telescopic stand with spring;
  • brake disk;
  • wheel drive;
  • stabilizing transverse bar (on both wheels);
  • suspension arm with stretching.

It is the telescopic rack that plays a special role here. Now they are produced in several types. Liquid and gas racks. The principle of operation of the rack is based on a gradual, rather than abrupt, movement of the working rod in the body. This is achieved by in-cylinder bypass valves on the inner rod. Depending on the medium that the valves are bypassed, the struts are divided into hydraulic (liquid on oil) and gas. Usually the manufacturer installs cheaper hydraulic struts. One of the tuning positions of the VAZ-2110 chassis is just the replacement of liquid struts with gas ones. They are more effective and give stability to movement at any speed.

Rear suspension VAZ-2110

Racks are also used here. But since unnecessary problems in the image of the drive on rear wheels no, it's a little simpler. The rear suspension includes the following units and parts:

The carrier beam is fixed to the car body with a movable joint. That is, the beam has a relative freedom of movement, like a lid hinged downward. The spring and shock absorber successfully dampen sharp vibrations, eliminating sharp impacts of the beam on the body. The main malfunctions of the rear suspension system are usually also primarily the malfunctions of the shock absorber strut. Also wear of rubber expansion joints in movable joints.

Attention! During any inspection of the undercarriage of the car, the mechanic-repairman must without fail check the condition of these parts.

Malfunctions of these components do not just cause discomfort from knocking. They contribute to the destruction of the body. A body repair pleasure is not cheap. It is better to replace the rubber bush on the hinge or even the strut in a timely manner than to pay for the bodywork later.

Suspension of the chassis VAZ-2121 "Niva"

The Russian off-road vehicle VAZ-2121 has all-wheel drive. This was reflected in the suspension arrangement of the chassis of the car. It has its own characteristics and slight differences from other models.

Rear suspension Niva 2121

The rear suspension of the Niva axle itself is identical to the design of conventional classic VAZ models. However, the moving parts have a little more freedom of movement and are manufactured with a large margin of safety for confident movement on terrain where there is no road surface. The new design element is the device of the brake drive pressure regulator. Depending on the position of the machine and the rear axle, a lever attached to the axle adjusts the opening of the rear brake valve. The rest of the suspension differs only in mobility and strength.

Front suspension VAZ-2121

The front wheel suspension is a little more complicated. The front wheels are both driving and steering wheels. Here, too, a larger angle of free movement of moving parts is provided. Therefore, for stabilization, an elastic bar is installed, which is attached to the body. The upper and lower support arms are made in an A-shape and are more reminiscent of the paired suspension arms of a front-wheel drive car than the classics. Despite the apparent fragility of the structure, its strength exceeds the strength of the "classical" structure due to the material and the form of rigidity calculated thoroughly. As in other suspensions, here it is necessary to carefully monitor the condition of the rubber bushings and ball joints.

Telescopic suspension strut VAZ

Telescopic struts replaced conventional shock absorbers with the advent of front-wheel drive VAZ vehicles. They perform the function of not only a shock absorber in the suspension system, but also important element power suspension frame. If the shock absorber only mitigates the jerks when hitting bumps or bumps, the suspension strut mounted with the spring also prevents the suspension parts from moving in different directions. Keeps the suspension arms in position.

Therefore, all its parts are made of materials that are stronger than the shock absorber. Therefore, the price of the rack is much higher.

The device and principle of operation of the telescopic suspension strut

In fact, the rack resembles a medical syringe. The body is the barrel of such a syringe. A rod with a piston at the end moves inside. Only in the absence of an outlet, the fluid in the hydraulic struts is usually the spindle oil, which, with the help of valves built into the piston, smoothly moves to the top when compressed. When stretched also

smoothly moves back. Unlike the shock absorber, the suspension strut housing is equipped with cups for mating with a shock absorber spring, which provides additional suspension stability. In addition, depending on the type of rack, the lower attachments of the body to the suspension arms are arranged differently. The strut is not a repairable suspension unit. In the event of a malfunction, it must only be replaced.

Important! When replacing the rack, the spring is reinstalled on it. This can be done only with the help of a special tool - a spring clamping puller, in order to avoid serious injuries.

Brake system of VAZ cars

On the VAZ prototype, Fiat 124, the designers installed the system disc brakes... It is ideal for highways and highways, those that are called federal in modern Russia. However, at that time, there were no roads of this level in the USSR. The vast majority of roads were of poor quality, and did not represent the possibility of high-speed movement. And in conditions of low and medium speeds, disc brakes did not perform well. Therefore, the drum type was adopted, where the semicircular pads were unclenched by hydraulics and pressed against the walls of the drum over a large area. So it was customary to install drum brakes on the classics. They did not become wise by going to front-wheel drive... The first "chisels" VAZ-2108, and after them and 2109, were equipped exclusively with drums.

Switching to disc brakes

However, as time went on, and the situation with the roads began to improve markedly, speed mode increased. The drum brakes were already performing poorly. Installing a full disc braking system, however, meant completely eliminating the sale of new models to customers in peripheral areas, where many roads still leave much to be desired. The "Solomon's decision" was made - rear brakes remained drums, and the front ones were put on disks. Since then, this formula has been fixed on the VAZ. The only exception is Lada Kalina Sport. This special speed model is equipped with brake discs from the factory.

Tuning chassis and suspension system VAZ

There are no special improvements in tuning the suspension of any brand. A common practice in this direction is to replace drum brakes with disc brakes. But this should be done in the event that a general modernization of the engine and gearbox has been carried out. It is possible to replace some units with products made of lighter and stronger, correspondingly more expensive, material. Another tuning position is the manipulation of the length of the springs. Some owners, striving to give their car the look of a sports car, cut off 1-2 turns from the spring. Others, those who expect to carry heavy loads, on the contrary, "lift" the car with the help of special cushions under the springs, and even buy non-standard ones, with a large number of turns. Both options are unsafe. When cutting, "understating", the car loses a decent amount of depreciation, the shock absorber strut breaks down faster. The body is destroyed, control is deteriorating. When the body is lifted, the machine becomes less stable at high speeds and the risk of overturning increases. In general, tuning a suspension requires careful thought and serious consultation.

The video shows the repair of the front suspension of the VAZ-2107:


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