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The official names of cars do not always reflect their true essence. It is for this reason that motorists in all countries of the world give their cars nicknames for certain qualities and features. The drivers who turned the steering wheel in the USSR were no exception. In this review, a valiant dozen of Soviet cars, which were known more by their nicknames than by their real names.

1. GAZ-AA, nicknamed "Lorry"

This car was created at the Nizhny Novgorod plant (later the Gorky plant). Carrying capacity of the car was equal to 1.5 tons. The prototype of this car was a very similar Ford model AA 1930 release. The Soviet car was produced from 1932 to 1938.

2. ZIS-5, nicknamed "Zakhar"

This Soviet truck had a carrying capacity of three tons. After the GAZ described above, this truck became the second in mass production and use. It is also worth noting that this miracle of technology was for a long time one of the main vehicles of the Red Army, in particular during the Second World War. The car was produced from 1933 to 1948. The car was also called "three-thin" and "Zakhar Ivanovich".

3. GAZ-67, nicknamed "Ivanushka"

The legendary GAZ-67 and GAZ-67B are Soviet light all-wheel drive military vehicles whose grandfather can rightfully be considered the American (at least legendary) Jeep Willys. The external similarity of these machines is the first thing that catches your eye. These GAZs were widely used as staff and reconnaissance vehicles in the last years of World War II, as well as during the subsequent Korean War. In the army, these machines were also called "goat" and "goat".

4. GAZ-M1, nicknamed "Funnel"

A machine that needs no introduction. The people called her "funnel" and "emka". The car was mass-produced at the Gorky Automobile Plant. A total of 62,880 vehicles were produced. Subsequently, pickups derived from this model also appeared. The letter "M" disappeared from the name, but the popular nickname - "emka" clung to the models released later for a long time.

5. Studebaker US6 nicknamed "Studer"

The legendary American-made Studebaker US6 truck was called "Studer", "Comrade Studer" or simply "American" by Soviet drivers. The car was produced from 1941 to 1945. This three-axle truck was the most massive vehicle, which the allies supplied to the USSR via Lend-Lease during the war. The machine was distinguished by high reliability and increased cross-country ability.

6. ZIL-157, nicknamed "Zakhar Zakharych"

In fact, there were a lot of nicknames for this truck among Soviet drivers. The car was produced at the Likhachev plant and was positioned as a truck with increased cross-country ability and increased carrying capacity. The car was serially produced in 1958. In the Ukrainian SSR the car was nicknamed "hog".

7. GAZ-53, nicknamed "Stool"

This funny truck received no less funny nicknames: "Collective farmer", "Lawn", "Gazik" and some others. The car is positioned as a medium-duty truck. Produced by the Gorky Automobile Plant from 1961 to 1993. Definitely one of those cars that even the youngest generations remember. You can still see the truck on the roads today.

8. UAZ-469 and its modifications nicknamed "Goat"

Soviet off-road utility vehicle. The well-known and incredibly popular Soviet SUV, produced at the Ulyanovsk Automobile Plant from 1972 to 2003. The name "Goat" did not immediately stick to the car. Initially, the drivers called these UAZs "Bobi" for some similarity of the body with the muzzle's muzzle, as well as perky cross-country ability.

9. UAZ-452, nicknamed "Loaf"

Another truly legendary soviet car... Except as "Loaf" the car was called "Baton" and "Tablet". The car is a utility vehicle and uses four-wheel drive... Has a high cross-country ability. As you might guess, it is produced at the Ulyanovsk Automobile Plant. From 1965 to the present day. There is also an onboard modification of the car, which got its nickname - "tadpole".

10. VAZ-2101 nicknamed "Kopeyka"

The well-known Soviet rear-wheel drive a car with a sedan-type body, which was also called: "Spear" and "Taz". The popular nickname "Basin" came from the abbreviation Togliatti Automobile Plant.

Coming New Year will be the last for the legendary UAZ - after 43 years on the conveyor it will be discontinued. Today we will talk about the compromises of its design, about the modernization and the farewell anniversary version of 2015.

Over the years of production, he had to change several names: UAZ-469, UAZ-3151, UAZ-Hunter ... And how many modifications and special versions have been created over all these years! At the same time, the essence of this car has never changed - exactly as we know it, our fathers and even grandfathers knew it ... And it will be all the more interesting to look at some of the little-known facts of the biography of the legendary UAZ.

How it all began

The beginning of the countdown of the history of this machine in different sources is called different - after all, it can be counted from the start of production, and from state acceptance, and from the end of testing or design ... We will venture to assert that the history - precisely the history of creation - of this machine begins back in 1956, although the car, which they began to design then at UAZ, did not even have a remote resemblance to the final product.

Start legendary UAZ put down ... the amphibious vehicle. In 1956 on Ulyanovsk Automobile Plant, which then produced GAZ-69 and GAZ-69A, received an order from the Ministry of Defense to develop a floating jeep. In those years, such army vehicles were a "trend" in the world, and the Soviet military looked back primarily at the main strategic enemy - the United States.

The new Soviet jeep, in addition to the buoyancy property, had to have a ground clearance of 400 mm in order to pass along the tank track, as well as completely independent suspension and a carrying capacity designed for 7 passengers or 800 kg.

At that time, the department of the chief designer (OGK) at UAZ was loaded with the development of the UAZ-450 family and its successor UAZ-452, which we have already talked about. Nevertheless, work on a new army jeep began to boil, but soon the requirements of the military were supplemented: it was necessary to install a recoilless gun on an SUV - the Americans began to put such weapons on their light vehicles. And it doesn't matter that in the USA they armed land jeeps in this way (you have to "catch up and overtake"), and the already partly designed Soviet amphibian has a rear-engine layout, and when the gun was installed, the powder gases would be shot directly into the engine compartment.

For the engineering staff of UAZ, this, in fact, meant starting all the work from the beginning, moving the power unit forward. Surprisingly, it was this circumstance that helped the legendary UAZ, which we know now, to appear. Moreover, after the change to the front-engine layout, the following happened: the Ministry of Defense removed the requirement for the car's buoyancy, transferring the UAZ to the topic of land vehicles for the army, and the issue with a recoilless gun disappeared from the requirements of the terms of reference.

Nevertheless, the requirements for independent suspension and clearance of 400 mm, the possibility of transporting up to 7 people or 800 kg of cargo remained. Moreover, the car body must be unified for the transport of goods and people, while the previous army jeep had two modifications - a three-door cargo GAZ-69 and a five-door passenger GAZ-69A. And what about the ground clearance? The non-trivial ability of the new jeep to walk on a tank track forced the developers to look for completely non-standard solutions.

Legendary "military" bridges

They started, however, from what had already been developed. In 1960, two prototypes were assembled - one of them was designated UAZ-460 and had undercarriage from "Loaf" UAZ-450 with dependent suspension. The second, called the UAZ-470, already had an independent torsion bar suspension inherited from the previously developed amphibian.

The first option did not suit the military - the required clearance value was not achieved in this way, and in terms of performance characteristics such a car was for the most part a repetition of the GAZ-69. The customer insisted on the second version, with an independent torsion bar suspension (wishbones plus longitudinal torsion bars) and wheel reduction gears - this car showed truly unprecedented results on the off-road.

However, there were also some sensitive disadvantages. Firstly, the car provided the declared clearance only in an unloaded state, and when the load was taken on board, the body sagged heavily. Secondly, under an independent suspension, and therefore new transmission, a separate production was required, in which the customer was not going to invest. And thirdly, the study of foreign analogues revealed other design imperfections: the developers of the American Ford M151 could not achieve the desired balance, and on the East German Sachsenring P3, obtained from the famous Horch, during comparative tests the front suspension on the left side was completely destroyed after contact with a piece of pipe just lying on the ground.

So how to achieve the "indestructibility" and cheapness inherent in an army jeep, while maintaining a high ground clearance? It was decided to take a step back, using a dependent bridge suspension scheme, leaving the keles gearboxes in the structure. That is, sacrifice the smoothness of the ride, but give a high figure for the clearance. But here, too, pitfalls were discovered: calculations showed that such a car simply would not be able to drive.

External gear reducers, generally accepted at that time, made it possible to reduce the size of the main gear housing (GP) by 100 mm, because the function of increasing the torque is now partly transferred to the wheel gearboxes, and to give an increase in clearance by another 100 mm due to the center-to-center distance of the gears in the gearboxes themselves ...

It turns out exactly the same 400 mm from the road to the GP crankcase, even with a small margin, but ... the bending moment in this case will simply pull out massive U-shaped bridges from the attachment points. And this is only half the trouble: the car itself will have a too high center of gravity and, accordingly, a tendency to roll over. It turned out that a car with the given dimensions cannot have more than 320 mm.

In order to fit the suspension into these values ​​(and there was no other option left), an ingenious solution was found: in wheel reduction gears, go from external gearing to a more compact internal one, when one gear is located inside the other and the center-to-center distance is thus only 60 mm instead of 100 mm ... Yes, the ground clearance is only 320 mm, but such a car will be stable and reliable. As a result, the Ministry of Defense approved just such an option, and the future showed that the compromise was absolutely correct.

The final suspension scheme was approved on November 1, 1960, and in 1961 the first sample of an SUV was assembled, which was named UAZ-469. The car inherited the element base from the second iteration of the UAZ-452 "Loaf": a frame, an overhead valve 75-horsepower engine, which was also installed on the new Volga GAZ-21, and a 4-speed gearbox. Front-wheel drive was designed to be switchable, transfer case- the multiplier was in the same building with the checkpoint, which favorably distinguished the new jeep from the GAZ-69, where cardan transmission between the nodes created most of the noise and vibration. The ideology of the chassis was complemented by new axles with internal gears. The very ones!

Interestingly, in parallel with this, another, albeit outwardly very similar, prototype was assembled, the UAZ-471, which had a monocoque body (!), An independent suspension without wheel gears and a promising 4-cylinder V-shaped engine. The engine was approved, but did not go into production, and in general, the final choice by the military was made in favor of the time-tested frame architecture.

Design, competitors and long way on the conveyor

And only after that, in fact, the birth of that design of the UAZ-469, which is now known to everyone, began. It was not called design at that time, there were engineers and their kind - body designers. In the canonical form, the appearance of the UAZ took shape by 1961. It was then that cars were assembled with a hood rounded from the sides, as if covering the headlights, slightly inflated front fenders and characteristic door openings, beveled at the rear.

In 1961, such a car (albeit still with the "old" UAZ-460 index) in a stylish two-tone orange-and-white livery was even shown at VDNKh - and where, one wonders, has all the military secrecy gone ?! Indeed, just a few years ago, only a couple of employees were engaged in this project at the UAZ, who were sitting in the office behind a locked lattice door with a sign "No entry, call for employees!"

In the same 1961, the UAZ passed comparative tests with the off-road vehicles of the NATO countries. Central Asia, Pamir, Caspian Sea and back along the Volga - this was the route of the run. Tests at the NIIII-21 tank range were spelled out in a separate line. Eyewitnesses claim that all tests ended in complete immobilization of competitors. Among the defeated, both then and later, the legendary Land rover Defender. "Def" drowned in Indonesia, got stuck at the NIIII-21 range, and rolled off the slope of Elbrus not on wheels, but head over heels! However, as is often the case, Land Rover fans probably have other comparative test data. :)

In the next few years, the proportions of the body were slightly refined, an optimal solution was found for the configuration of the slots of the radiator grill ... By the way, in the course of these works, an unexpected "by-product" was obtained: the UAZ emblem was born - the same one that we see on Ulyanovsk jeeps to this day day. Among other things, a modification of the machine without wheel gears was developed, called UAZ-469B (the letter meant "gearless"). Due to this circumstance, UAZs among the people will subsequently be divided into cars with "collective farm" and "military" bridges. But the introduction of the car into the series was restrained by the work that was not listed at all.

According to one of the versions, in those years, the Ministry of the Automotive Industry allocated funds mainly for the launch and "buildup" of new plants - first VAZ, then KAMAZ, and the rest were financed on a leftover basis. According to another version, the path of the UAZ-469 to the conveyor complicated the shortage of new engines. Be that as it may, and pre-production copies were assembled only in 1971, production vehicles with gearless axles appeared in December 1972, and a machine with wheel gears, which was the base one and was developed first, appeared in the series, oddly enough. only six months later - in the summer of 1973.
Why is the UAZ better than the "Lawn"?

The distribution on the conveyor was as follows: 20% of all produced cars fell on "military" bridges, 80% - on "collective farm" bridges. Initially, the division according to the body version was also laid - after assembly on the conveyor of the lower part, some bodies were supposed to be equipped with a tent top, and others - with a rigid "fold-over" as a roof. But the UAZ-469 in all cases was "sharpened" for the carriage of both cargo and passengers - 175 mm longer than the GAZ-69A, which has an 80 mm larger base, and, being 35 mm wider and 57 mm higher than its predecessor , UAZ made it possible to get by with one "universal" option. In the cabin there could be 5 passengers, and in the rear compartment - two more people on folding "chairs" and / or luggage.

Yes, the body of the well-deserved "Lawn" in a three-door version made it possible to accommodate one more person, but the total carrying capacity of the new UAZ was at a different height - during the tests, the car calmly took on board two people and 600 kg of cargo (or 7 people and 100 kg) and pulled a GAZ-407 trailer with a ballast of 850 kg. The power system was the same as in the "Gazon" - from two fuel tanks, but the consumption per hundred kilometers of track was reduced by about 2 liters.

More powerful engine spacious salon, improved ergonomics, increased convenience for boarding and disembarking, a tailgate that served as a continuation of the body when transporting long items and a higher manufacturability ... windshield did not lean back, which made it difficult to shoot - as we remember, the main purpose of this machine was army. But the combination of all the qualities made it possible to call the UAZ-469 a new generation car. And so he was in for great success.

The car was exported to 80 countries of the world (and in the USSR it was sold to private hands before perestroika only for special merits) and was very popular not only in third world countries, but also in Europe. In Italy, the enterprising Martorelli brothers created their own version of the UAZ, on which they won the national autocross championship in 1978, which greatly helped export sales and the image of UAZ as a whole. In the USSR, the UAZ factory team took first place in autocross 12 times, and in 1974 the "collective farm" UAZ-469B conquered Elbrus, climbing to an altitude of 4,200 meters ... In addition, the car took part in races across the Sahara (1975) and Karakum deserts (1979).
Team of their youth

The most controversial issue in the history of the UAZ-469 is "who created it." The fact is that it is impossible to name one person here, and this is partly due to the specifics of the OGK UAZ of those years. At the end of the 50s, the Ulyanovsk Automobile Plant was experiencing its rebirth, and the engineering staff had to be re-created, for which several experienced specialists were sent from GAZ, in whose submission were several dozen yesterday's students of KHADI, MAMI, Gorky and Volgograd Polytechnics, as well as others technical universities of the country.

In total, there were about 80 people in the team, each was engaged in his own narrow segment of work and was often transferred from project to project by his superiors (it is precisely because of this, by the way, that it is so difficult to collect information about the creation of a specific UAZ model of those years). However, the team was talented and worked efficiently, completely dispensing with bureaucratic red tape and strict hierarchy (which did not exist either before or after!) UAZ-469 business here, believe me, is not limited. Nevertheless, several key figures in the fate of the UAZ-469 can and should be distinguished.

At the time of the development of the prototype, the chief designer of the UAZ was Pyotr Ivanovich Muzyukin, it all started with him. The first prototypes were assembled and designed by Lev Adrianovich Startsev, who later became the chief designer of the plant. The same axles with wheel reducers, which served as the main stumbling block at the design stage, were developed by Georgy Konstantinovich Mirzovev, in the future the chief designer of the Volga Automobile Plant. And the design of the car was developed by Mirzoev's close friend - designer Albert Mikhailovich Rakhmanov, who later headed the UAZ design center, and then worked under the "creative direction" of Yuliy Georgievich Borzov, the leading body designer.

The designers of the UAZ-452 van E.V. Varchenko, L.A. Startsev, M.P. Tsyganov and S.M. Tyurin, it was the "Loaf" that became the "donor" of the units for the UAZ-469. In addition, Ivan Alekseevich Davydov, who stood at the origins of the very first "Loaf" UAZ-450, is called the ideological inspirer of the UAZ jeep in many sources. In 1972, the model was brought into serial production by Pyotr Ivanovich Zhukov, who at that time was appointed chief designer. The production was financed by the Minavtoprom, which was headed by Alexander Mikhailovich Tarasov, and the final "go-ahead" for this production, as the legend says, was given by Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev, to whom the UAZ workers fitted a prototype as a car for hunting ...

In the army, sports and agriculture, the UAZ very soon became an indispensable assistant. But over time, he demanded modernization to meet the stricter safety, environmental and ergonomic requirements. An option with an all-metal roof appeared, the engine power was first raised to 80 hp. in the army version (the cooling system became closed at the same time), and then they completely changed the engine to 90-horsepower on all modifications. Suspension power unit became softer, the gearbox is five-speed, the transfer case is fine-modular and low-noise.

Instead of lever shock absorbers, hydraulic telescopic ones appeared, the bridges were replaced by reliable continuous ones, the suspension in the part of the elastic element first evolved from a simple spring to a spring-loaded small-leaf one, and then completely became spring-loaded. Modernized lighting equipment, windshield made one piece, the wipers were moved to its lower part. Introduced into the design vacuum amplifier and a hydraulic clutch, more modern suspended pedals, comfortable seats and an efficient heater appeared in the cabin ...

In 1985, the model was renamed according to the new standard - the military jeep became known as UAZ-3151 (formerly UAZ-469), the civil modification UAZ-31512 (UAZ-469B), the version with an all-metal roof received the UAZ-31514 index, the long wheelbase - UAZ-3153 ... The active phase of modernization continued until the early 1990s, after which the car plant focused on other developments - on the not very successful UAZ-3160 Simbir and the quite viable UAZ Patriot that followed. By the way, the same "four hundred and sixty-ninth" served as the basis for these developments.

New time

In 2003, the UAZ-3151, a direct descendant of the UAZ-469, acquired a deluxe version, which was named UAZ Hunter, leaving the unreadable index 315195 for in-plant needs. Despite all the multi-stage modernization and stylistic tricks, the "Hunter" remained the same "goat" (a nickname inherited from the GAZ-69 for the effect of galloping or longitudinal swing) with all the ensuing pros and cons. Moreover, from April 2010 to June 2011, 5000 copies of the "real" UAZ-469 were produced - the jubilee series was dedicated to the 65th anniversary of the Victory. By that time, the total number of UAZ-469 / UAZ-3151 / UAZ "Hunter" produced exceeded 2 million ...

What's next? The days of the legendary UAZ are apparently numbered. First, the market chooses a more comfortable one. UAZ Patriot secondly, "Hunter" does not fit into modern safety requirements. And thirdly, the equipment of the conveyor, where these machines are produced, is completely worn out, unable to provide the proper assembly quality, and its replacement would cost more than 1 billion rubles. The management of the plant will more willingly invest this money in the development of an independent front suspension, the purchase of foreign components and the production of a short-base version of the Patriot, which is supposed to occupy the niche of the Hunter, aka UAZ-469 ... End of the legend?

Final version. To be or not to be?

In early 2014, it was announced that Hunter had about a year left to live on the assembly line - his departure was scheduled for 2015. However, in the spring of 2014, there were reports that before the final parting with the model, the plant will release a limited farewell series of increased comfort and cross-country ability, as well as with a design complemented by laconic but noticeable touches. As we managed to find out, such a version is really planned, but the Ulyanovsk Automobile Plant itself has an indirect relationship to the topic, and the development of the machine is carried out by the forces of an engineering company involved from outside.

The complete list of innovations in the design of this car looks almost more impressive than everything that happened to the UAZ-469 and its versions during mass production: the climate system of the Russian brand "Frost" (the same company has developed air conditioners for the Lada 4x4), completely lowering front windows (previously it was only possible to move a part of the glass back), a completely new instrument panel, improved body seals, a "chandelier" with fog lights on the roof, forced blocking front axle(developed at UAZ) and impressive off-road wheels measuring 245/75 R16 (the likely brand is Kumho Mud Terrain).

Sounds great, right? Alas, this is just a farewell version, and not a new serial version - the planned initial circulation of the novelty was only about 500 cars, the further depends on demand, but ... hardly even such steps to improve the design of the UAZ can seriously extend its conveyor life. However, for some lucky ones, this would be an excellent chance to touch the legend, and in its coolest performance in history.

According to our information, all the "upgrade" items should have added about 100,000 rubles to the price of the UAZ, but taking into account the current instability, in fact, it may turn out even more. However, a limited edition is a limited edition. Another thing is that since the summer of 2014 there has been a pause in the course of the project - all the documentation was transferred by the developers to the UAZ, and then ...

What stage is the UAZ Hunter Limited Edition project at? Should we wait for real photos of this car and the start of its sales? What are the developers keeping secret? Follow the publications!

Last time we talked about popular nicknames for cars, but, of course, the scope of human imagination was not limited to this. Today, no less interesting domestic brands are next in line, and we will start with the oldest of them - ZIL.

In those years, when the plant still bore the name of Stalin and was called ZIS, it also produced buses at the same base -. No less legendary than the GAZ-AA, the ZIS truck bore a nickname that arose on the same principle as the "Polutorka": the ZIS-5, which had a carrying capacity of 3 tons, was simply called "Three-ton". But in addition, they also respectfully called "Zakhar Ivanovich" - according to the first two letters of the abbreviation.

The ZIS-8 bus did not have any special nicknames during its lifetime, and acquired them only after 1979, when the film "The meeting place cannot be changed" was released on Soviet screens - in the film it was called "Ferdinand" (for allegedly similarity to the German "self-propelled gun"), and in real life, they sometimes began to call them "Sharapov". It is curious that there is no ZIS-8 either in the film or in the book of the Weiner brothers "The Era of Mercy": in the original story there was an Opel Blitz bus, and in the film - a much later ZIL-8 (not a ZIS!), Built in a single copy ...

But almost every cargo ZIS or ZIL, as soon as he began to leave the assembly line, was named as drivers by some special name. The authority of the ZIS-5 was so great that the ZIS-151 and ZIL-157 that appeared later were also often called "Zakhar". But they also had their own nicknames. The ZIS-151 was named "Iron" - allegedly due to the fact that it often got stuck and had to be pushed. ZIL-157 was called "Cleaver"; if someone suddenly forgot or did not know, a cleaver is such a huge ax. In addition, the same truck was called "Truman" (Harry Truman was the President of the United States during the Second World War) and is still called "Stupa" in the Siberian wilderness - for its kinship with the American Studebaker US6.

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ZIL-164 and -166 for their elongated silhouette, long "nose" and the roof of the cabin almost flush with the side of the body were called "Crocodiles". There was also "Pike", such a nickname was given to the three-axle ZIL-133 - of course, for the long chassis length. Interesting that base model, ZIL-130, had no characteristic nickname, her name was simply "Zilok". Who knows, maybe this very simple and widespread nickname would one day become official, because it is called "Lawn" new model truck GAZ, and quite officially - an example of such an original approach to naming was recalled by our reader in the comments to the first part of this material. Alas, cargo ZILs were less fortunate - their story was cut short on "Bychka", which his official name was so suitable ... Well, to the ZIL executive limousines, which have now also become a part of history, popular rumor, starting with ZIL-114, glued the apt nickname "Chlenovoz" ...

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The history of UAZ began with the assembly of the GAZ-69, and therefore the Gorkovsky nickname migrated to an independent model of an off-road vehicle from Ulyanovsk with some "scaling": UAZ-469 was called "Goat" - the smoothness of the ride, as well as the GAZ "Kozlik", did not have it strong point... The nickname turned out to be so tenacious that it is still used in relation to the ancestor of the "four hundred and sixty-ninth" - UAZ Hunter, which, however, is not surprising at all.

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The version of UAZ-469 for the police was popularly called "Bobik", "Bombik", "Babon", "Korobok" and "Garbage" or, using Ukrainian connotations, "Cement truck". Sometimes you can hear the version of "Funnels", but it was much more often applied not to the police UAZ, but to the much earlier GAZ-M-1 - these cars with a black body were used by the NKVD officers.

In the photo: GAZ M1 "1936-1943

Another legendary Ulyanovsk car, the UAZ-452 minibus, also has a number of nicknames. The basic version for the rounded body shape is called "Loaf", "Baton", "Baker" and "Gorbushka", and the version for "Ambulance" - "Nurse" and "Tablet". Well, in the case of the most modern model at the moment from Ulyanovsk, UAZ Patriot, we have an example of the fact that even if a car has an official name, it is often not enough - an SUV is called "Patrick" and "Patrikay".

In the photo: UAZ-452 "1966-85

It is difficult to avoid the nickname "Constipation" (with an emphasis on both the first and second syllables) if you were born in Zaporozhets, and not a single Soviet model of ZAZ has escaped it. As well as slightly less popular, but also very suitable nicknames "Zhuzhik" and "Pyrzik". These names have always had a mass of different variations, and it seems that they continue to appear to this day. the sound of famous engines air cooling... But there are nicknames individual models ZAZ, firmly fixed in the tablets of Eternity.

These, of course, must include "Humpbacked" in relation. Who would have known that now, many years later, the "nine hundred and sixty-fifth" will look almost like a standard of style, but then, in the 1950s, in addition to the not very cute "Humpbacked", "Tin Can" "- this title, as we already know, will later be inherited by the Togliatti VAZ-2101.

In the photo: ZAZ-965 Zaporozhets "1962-1965

The next model from Zaporozhye had semicircular protruding slots in the rear fenders - they were needed for intake of air cooling the engine - and therefore received the nicknames "Eared" and "Cheburashka", and in addition, "Soap dish" (by a strange irony, this nickname later also passed to the VAZ model - "ten"). The subsequent evolution of the model, ZAZ-968 and -968A, was also called the same. But the last incarnation of the “nine hundred and sixty-sixth”, ZAZ-968M, had no “ears” in the rear part of the body, only a slot - that's why he also lost a couple of convex nicknames.

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But on the first front-wheel drive from Zaporozhye, and, at the same time, the first "non-Zaporozhets", the fantasy of our great people leaped into newer. Again, well, after all, the model has a proper name, but no, it's not enough that there is some kind of "Tavriya" ... Offhand, I remember just a couple of nicknames, but which ones: "Horse mackerel" and "Ford Tavrius". Even the later, already strongly post-Soviet ZAZ Sens (formerly the former Daewoo lanos, and later became ZAZ Chance): despite the very short period of release under this name, this very name was interpreted in ... "Senya"!

In the photo: ZAZ-110206 Tavria "1990–98

Well, in the context of ZAZ, it would be logical to mention also an SUV built on Zaporozhye units. It had the official name "Volhynia", but among the people it was "Bagpipe", "Lunokhod", "Louise", "Motoblock", "Jewish armored car" ... However, we examined the history and his nicknames in detail in a separate article.

In the photo: LuAZ-969M "1979–88

KAMAZ trucks, buses, tractors ...

Well, for sweetness, we decided to mention some separate nicknames belonging to different brands, types of transport and eras of the Soviet car industry. You cannot do without them in this material. For example, did you know that the huge K-700 tractor bears the nickname "Squid"?

Or KAMAZ is a great brand with a worldwide reputation, but in our country almost all trucks of this brand are called by truckers shamelessly "Tatarin" (due to the plant's geography) and "Drunken horse" (because of the emblem and characteristic handling). The nickname "Loaf" is not only the UAZ-452, but also the modern PAZ bus, and no one really cares that it is officially called Vector.

In the photo: KamAZ-5410 "1976–78

And this is natural, because to give nicknames public transport- fun is even more popular than individual transport. Well, remember, the long city Ikarus-280, made up of two parts, was called "Accordion", or "Sausage". Minibus RAF-977 - "Rafik".

In the photo: RAF-977 "1958–76

A trolleybus of absolutely any brand was called (and continues to be called) "Horny", "Sokhaty", "Saray" and "Refrigerator" - and here, perhaps, nothing needs to be explained. The last nickname, by the way, was also borne by the city bus LiAZ - perhaps the most common in Soviet cities. Therefore, he had much more than one nickname: there was also "Lunokhod" (like LuAZ, in consonance with the brand) and, sorry,. You cannot erase words from a song, especially if the song is a folk song.

In the photo: Ikarus 260 T1 "1974

The Ulyanovsk Automobile Plant, known among other things for the production of the legendary army off-road vehicles, has returned to the conveyor the already forgotten, but the most "budget" version of the "crook" - UAZ-469, affectionately referred to by the people as "goat"

The Ulyanovsk Automobile Plant, known among other things for the production of the legendary army off-road vehicles, has returned to the conveyor the already forgotten, but the most "budget" version of the "crook" - UAZ-469, affectionately referred to by the people as "goat"

As you know, everything new is well forgotten old. In the case of the UAZ-469, this common truth is only partly true. After all, the Hunter model, which replaced the current "novelty", outwardly did not differ much from its progenitor. According to the plant's management, the task was to put on the conveyor a car that would have sufficient reliability at the lowest cost. And the decision came up by itself: to revive one of the legends of the 70s - UAZ-469, and to time its release to the upcoming 65th anniversary of Victory.

The bright sun, giant snowdrifts (before our arrival in Ulyanovsk there was a heavy snowfall), huge workshops of the car plant, in which life rages ... Several years ago, a major reconstruction took place here, German specialists installed and adjusted new equipment, modified the conveyor. Now the paint shop is the pride of Ulyanovsk residents. Moreover, it is quite reasonable: at first, a person from the outside does not even believe that he is at a Russian plant. Around is almost sterile cleanliness, everyone walks in white coats, when entering and exiting, they are “blown through” in special chambers so that not the slightest speck of dust gets here. By the way, average age employees - 29 years old, which is gratifying: young people do not shy away from work.

And now three UAZ vehicles roll off the assembly line right before our eyes: black, dark green and white. We are given the keys - and welcome to the factory landfill! Your correspondent had a chance to travel to different models UAZ, and I, in principle, know its abilities and off-road capabilities. But when I saw the so-called route along which I had to drive (I have already mentioned the snowfalls that preceded the tests), I wanted to get out and go and have tea somewhere in a warm room. After all, the depth of the snow exceeded a meter! Well, okay, it was not, we turn on the four-wheel drive - and forward to storm the hard snow-covered off-road. Indeed, such a test turned out to be no problem at all for the UAZ. The car confidently lane on the virgin soil, scattering snow whirlwinds to the sides, without even thinking to show the slightest uncertainty.

Only in one place there was an embarrassment caused by the human factor. The young photographer sat down to shoot right on the track, and when he got up, he slipped ... Only a few meters were left before my UAZ flying at full steam along the track. I had to press the brake, the "goat" fell into deep loose snow and ... sat down on the bridges. Having a very impressive experience in both circuit racing and off-road driving, I cut the lowered row and began to rock the car. A few minutes - and the UAZ independently got out of the snow captivity. And on standard "civil" tires.

Which, however, is not surprising, because in terms of off-road conditions, UAZ simply has no competitors. Is that the Land Rover Defender is ready to throw the glove to the domestic SUV, but the price tag there, of course, is somewhat different. It is the high cross-country ability that is the main trump card of the Ulyanovsk jeep, for the sake of it consumers are even ready to turn a blind eye to the not very high reliability of Ulyanovsk products. Although, I will note that its quality is growing, suppliers have changed, new modern equipment has appeared at the plant.

Deserves a separate discussion price policy companies. The basic version of the UAZ-469 with a tarpaulin awning costs 299,000 rubles, and the version with a metal roof will cost 320,000 rubles. Only one engine is offered - ZMZ-409 with a volume of 2.7 liters and a power of 112 hp. Thanks to well-chosen gear ratios in the "box" UAZ drives with such a motor quite smartly.

UAZ IS COVERED BY THE GOVERNMENTAL PROGRAM for recycling old cars. Moreover, in the Ulyanovsk region itself a “chocolate” option was offered to local residents: 50,000 rubles from the federal government, 50,000 from the regional government and another 20,000 rubles from the management company Sollers. Thus, the total amount of the discount reached as much as 120,000 "wooden" ones! True, only the first 500 lucky ones were lucky - this was the limit from the regional administration. In four days, all half a thousand cars were sold through the program. For comparison: only 300 UAZ vehicles are sold per year in the entire Ulyanovsk region.


Dimensions (mm) 4025х2010х2025
Wheelbase (mm) 2380
Ground clearance (mm) 210
Weight (kg) 1770
Trunk volume (l) 930-1830
Engine displacement (cm3) 2693
Max. power (hp) 112
Max. torque (Nm) 208
Max. speed (km / h) 130
Wed fuel consumption (l / 100 km) 10.6

Alexey Gusev


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