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Vesta SV Cross is probably the only one domestic car that you can buy with your eyes alone, without connecting your brain. Just look at her - a beauty! Especially in this exclusive Mars color. A dream, not a car.

Looking at the exterior of the car, one gets the impression that the "off-road" version was drawn first, and only then, by simplification, they got a simple station wagon. If the usual Vesta SW 15th wheels look like "castors", then in the visually widened arches of the SW Cross, the wheels with 17-inch disks "sit" as if cast. The black plastic on the threshold also plays a role in the overall swiftness, visually reducing the height of the body and adding ground clearance, and its here and so with a margin - as much as 203 mm.

There is only one difference in the cabin, but it’s impossible not to notice it: it feels like a full bucket of orange paint was transported in the car on a very bad road, while it was without a lid. "Orange" blotches are everywhere: on the seats, on the front panel and doors, and even on the devices, a savory charge of paint has gotten. Don't like color experiments? Not a problem, you can refuse all this carnival of colors and choose a neutral gray finish.

In terms of configuration, the car does not differ from a simple Vesta station wagon: there are heating for everything and everyone (5 pieces!), And navigation with a rear-view camera, and even climate and cruise control.

The whole difference in equipment comes down to other wheels: more disks, wider tires.

On the road Vesta SW Cross behaves similarly to the simple version, but on the off-road it is worse! The suspension behavior is similar to the operation of pneumatic struts in the highest position, there are small moves and stiffness, only here this is achieved not by cunning mechanisms, but by simple physics: big wheels with not very high-profile tires, they let the shock through, then more rigid than in the standard, the shock absorbers let the shock already on the body.

If you are not interested in off-road, then on good roads any Vesta is capable of giving pleasure from driving, the "off-road" version is no exception. Accurate and moderately sharp steering wheel, good brakes, slight rolls (although more than not in the cross-country), and as a result we get a very gambling car that you want to ride and drive.

What can stop the urge to travel a lot is high consumption fuel, in life the average consumption is about 11 liters per hundred. Another problem for Togliatinsky cars is traffic jams, good automatic box as it was not, and not, and not many are in a hurry to be satisfied with the AMT robot.

Another disadvantage of the “elevated” version is the worst dynamics: the car is heavier and turning 17 wheels is more difficult than 15, so we get a loss in one second in acceleration to 100 km / h, the fastest result in our measurements is 12.5 seconds.

Detailed prices can be found below on the page, but in short, the Cross-version is more expensive than the simple one by 43,000 rubles. in the same Luxe configuration, but a simple SV is available in a more democratic Comfort configuration, and this will allow you to leave another 40,000 rubles in your pocket.

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Disputes regarding the safety of domestic cars do not subside, and the supporters of both the first and second points of view persistently prove their case, which became even more noticeable after the new products from AvtoVAZ - Lada Vesta and Iks Rey - entered the market.

However, after the new off-road version of the Lada Vesta Cross station wagon went into the series, disputes flared up with renewed vigor. And this means that it is necessary to analyze as carefully as possible not only the results of the crash tests of the station wagon Lada Vesta Cross, but also the conditions in which the tests and evaluation were carried out.

Pre-serial tests

As you know, even before the start of serial production, comprehensive tests were carried out, which took place in May 2017. One of the testing stages was found by an analyst from a reputable publication Autoreview.

Below are the features of the car body structure.

On that day, the crash test of the Lada Vesta Cross SW implied a side impact with a ram, weighing 900 kg with a crumpled tip, at a speed of 50 km / h. At the same time, the car in the maximum configuration, "armed" with 4 airbags at once, acted as a "test subject".

Side impact

The results did not make the designers of AvtoVAZ blush with shame. Vice versa! The car showed a decent result. The threshold took over a significant share of the energy on impact, the side airbags worked as expected, and only the driver's glass was broken - the rear window remained intact.

According to information from AvtoVAZ reports, it became clear that the sensors mounted on the dummy did not detect excessive loads, and the HIC (head injury) standard showed an excellent result of 21.8 units.

Condition of the dummy after impact

However, an expert from Auto Review noticed one interesting fact- AvtoVAZ did not test the cross-version of the station wagon with a loaded trunk, although such a test suggests itself. The same applies to security complexes, which would reliably fix the overall load, which is located above the window line.

The plant commented on its decision, explaining it by the purpose of the machine itself. According to company representatives, the crash test of the Lada Vesta Cross station wagon was not carried out in such conditions, since this is only a lifestyle model with increased cross-country ability, and not a vehicle for transporting cargo.

No less interesting is the decision of the plant to refuse to equip the car with rear side airbags - even in the top versions there are only front ones. In this case, the reason was that the presence of such pillows by itself (without the corresponding complexes active safety) will not in any way affect the final grade during the EU test. Although many are sure that buyers of top-end configurations would agree to overpay a little for additional protection for the rear passengers.

Rear side airbags at the station wagon LADA Vesta Cross is not even in the top

Tests of the serial version

After the start of sales, crash tests of the station wagon Lada Vesta Cross were carried out already serial model... First, let's consider a frontal impact, which was carried out by the forces directly from Autoreview using their ARCAP method. And then we will evaluate the results of the side impact carried out at AvtoVAZ.

The need for repeated tests of the full cycle, in comparison with a conventional station wagon, is due to the increased ground clearance and the increased mass of the Cross.

Frontal strike

By the way, the journalists themselves noted that the choice of this particular model was predetermined by the readers, who gave many votes for this option - more than for Renault Kaptur, Hyundai Creta and Toyota Camry together. As a result, the car was purchased and destroyed for 797,900 rubles. Frontal impact on a deformable floor at a speed of 64 km / h.

Before the test, experts immediately noted the large wheels, because on the Cross station wagon there are 17-inch disks in the top, versus 15-inch on the sedan. In addition, mass measurements were carried out, and it turned out that the car is 148 kg heavier than the sedan - 1298 kg versus 1150 kg, respectively. Therefore, it must absorb 13% more energy (kinetic).

Naturally, specialists from AvtoVAZ were invited to the crash test of the LADA Vesta Cross station wagon.

Structurally, the Cross version is identical to a simple station wagon. However, compared to the sedan, there are changes:

  1. Additional amplifier in the A-pillars - This amplifier extends to the center of the doorway.
  2. Strengthened thresholds.

It is worth noting that the ERA-GLONASS service worked perfectly, and after the impact, the operator immediately contacted the car.

As for the impact results, at first glance, the car withstood it just fine! The front pillar remained in place (apparently, the presence of an additional amplifier affected). In addition, the spar on the left side worked superbly - it folded, absorbing most of the impact energy, while on the sedan this power element simply bent. In addition, some of the energy came from the cast wheel rim, which cracked from the blow.

The driver's door opened with minimal effort, the airbags worked effectively, which can also be recorded as an asset of the car.

The driver's door opened easily

  1. The head and neck are all within the normal range. Only the driver's head turned when the car rebounded, but this does not threaten his health.
  2. Chest - there are no complaints about the belt, since the force of squeezing the ribs is completely normal and even weaker than on the sedan. It is very important that upon impact wheel moved away from the driver by 30 mm.
  3. Knees - the right knee hit the dashboard slightly, while the left did not touch the plastic at all.
  4. Feet - Despite the slight displacement of the pedal assembly, nothing dangerous happened.

Consequently, at first glance, the crash test of the LADA Vesta Cross station wagon with a frontal impact was at the highest level and the car deserves the highest mark. However, everything is not so smooth ...

The fact is that in Europe a much more progressive assessment methodology is used and if you apply it, the results will not be so rosy. The Euro NCAP test also evaluates the "structural integrity of the passenger compartment".

If you remove the decorative plastic that covers the sills and fenders, metal creases on the rear and front sills will become noticeable. The situation with the front sill is especially important, because just this zone in 2016 was modified and strengthened by the plant - thickened metal was used.

The floors and floor insulation were also removed from the station wagon. In this situation, the picture is the same - the floor is torn and crumpled, which is defined as "destruction of legroom" and means the removal of one point in the assessment. Moreover, the welding survived - gaps appeared around the points. Therefore, AvtoVAZ should pay attention to the quality of the sheet metal supplied to the plant.

The situation with the driver's legs also became more complicated. The floor heaved up and put an excessive load on the shins - according to the results, the score is not “excellent” or even “good”, but only “satisfactory”.

All this significantly lowered the rating in the category “Protection of the lower part of the legs” - according to the results of the crash test of the station wagon Lada Vesta Cross, out of the maximum 4 points, the car scored only 1.7 points.

The deformation of the threshold also removed 1 point from the final mark, because according to the Euro NCAP system, this is regarded as “violation of the stability of the doorway”.

In addition, due to the break in the threshold, AvtoVAZ lost the opportunity to apply the protocol "On the security of the front panel." During the tests, the dummy slightly hit the left knee on the plastic of the steering column. This is not dangerous at all, but it is aggravated by the fact that there are metal components under the plastic. As a result, one more point was removed from the assessment.

This could have been avoided were it not for the damage to the threshold, which provoked a violation of the "structural integrity of the passenger compartment of the cabin." Under this condition, AvtoVAZ was unable to ensure the safety of the structure, and a knee fine was imposed.

The final score is 11.7 points out of a possible 16, and only 3 stars.

Factory reaction

This result greatly puzzled AvtoVAZ engineers. As a result, the auto company bought out the broken copy and examined it thoroughly. At first there were suspicions of a marriage during assembly, but this version was not confirmed.

Everything became clear after carrying out computer modeling, when the data obtained were compared with tests that were carried out directly at AvtoVAZ and then gave much best result... The reason is ballast.

Any car is prepared for a crash test according to a specific algorithm. It means:

  1. Front seats - 88 kg each (mannequins);
  2. Rear sofa - 32 kg (ballast);
  3. Trunk - 36 kg (weight of the equipment required for testing);
  4. Gas tank - 90% full (water is used).

During tests at AvtoVAZ, 2 child seats with Isofix attachment and a pair of child dummies were used as ballast for the back sofa. But in Autoreview, they used ordinary metal ingots screwed to the floor, weighing 20 kg each. This approach is allowed by the Euro NCAP criteria, provided that it does not affect the result. And it is worth noting that during other tests (Vesta sedan, Volkswagen Polo, Hyundai Solaris), the ballast was used the same (blanks on the floor) and it did not affect the final grade in any way.

Best of all, this fact proves that all the tests were attended by representatives of the company that produced the car (Hyundai, Volkswagen, AvtoVAZ) and there were no complaints.

After the creation of the mathematical model, it became clear that 2 metal ingots, each weighing 20 kg, increase the load on the reinforcements and welds by 20%, as a result of which the floor deforms.

When this fact surfaced, AvtoVAZ conducted 2 more similar tests with metal ingots near the back sofa and the result was exactly the same as that of Autoreview. During the third test, there were baby dummies on the back sofa. As a result, the crash test of the station wagon Lada Vesta Cross went as well as possible - the belts worked in the required mode, there were no folds on the floor, metal breaks or welding.

If we consider this situation, then out of the maximum possible 16 points, Vesta received not 11.7, but 14.9 points!

As for AvtoVAZ, its designers have already carried out calculations and figured out how to make the Cross station wagon stronger in order to avoid floor breaks.

Side impact

In this case, the situation echoes the one that developed after the tests with a frontal impact. The final result varies depending on the assessment criteria.

This time everything happened in the laboratory passive safety AvtoVAZ. For the test, we took the Cross station wagon in the top-end configuration. A side impact involves a collision with a trolley weighing 950 kg, equipped with a collapsible barrier, at a speed of 50 km / h. The blow itself falls into the center of the car.

All the details of the tests are demonstrated in the video.

The side cushion in the car is sewn into the back of the seat. On impact, it opens, blocking part of the window opening, and protects not only the body, but also the head.

After accelerating the cart on the catapult and hitting, after 27 seconds. the operator ERA-GLONASS contacted the car, once again demonstrating efficiency. Like most modern models, the center of gravity of the machine is shifted forward, which is why, after impact, it was partially turned aft. The glass in the driver's door shattered, while the rear window remained intact, as did the rear-view mirror.

After the impact, damage analysis begins, the state of the interior is assessed, the effort required to open the doors is recorded, etc. Only after all this is the analysis of the state of the dummy carried out.

It is worth noting that immediately after the impact, Andrei Matveev, who holds the post of chief engineer of the entire Vesta Universal project, entered the site. He said that this is already the 10th out of 12 planned tests and he is pleased with the results. The side cushion was deployed at the set time.

During the development of the project, the designers strengthened the threshold, since the car has an increased ground clearance, which means that the blow will fall exactly on the threshold. Therefore, it was necessary to reduce the influence of the threshold on the offset of the B-pillar.

Regarding the likelihood of crash tests of the Lada Vesta Cross station wagon with a full trunk - loaded to the ceiling or with heavy luggage - they are not planned yet. But all the technical solutions aimed at increasing the strength of the seats, implemented in the sedan, are also in the station wagon.

It would seem that everything went as well as possible - the doors opened easily, the fuel remained in the tank, the dummy was not fixed serious damage and took it out without the use of tools, no dangerous parts got into the salon, the battery remained intact. All criteria for injuries are several times lower than the permissible values!

But this is only if we evaluate the crash test and its results according to the standards "Rules No. 95" in force in Russia. These criteria were developed in the early 80s of the twentieth century, and in 1997 they were adopted by Euro NCAP. However, 2008 and the end of 2015 were marked by major adjustments to these standards.

At first, the EU tightened the assessment criteria, and later changed the weight of the cart. AvtoVAZ uses a trolley weighing 950 kg, but there are almost no cars of this weight on the roads, because even a basic version of Lada Granta weighs over 1000 kg.

Even if we consider the new Euro NCAP criteria with the same bogie weight of 950 kg, the driver's head is safe, but the ribs and pelvis are already at the border of the probability of injury - 5% for the ribs and 20% for the pelvis.

But the main thing is that at the beginning of 2016, the weight of the bogie used in Euro NCAP increased from 950 kg to 1300 kg, while maintaining the same evaluation criteria.

EURONCAP rules are stricter

Naturally, with such standards, the crash test result of the station wagon Lada Vesta Cross would not be so impressive, but not a failure either, of course.

However, AvtoVAZ is not to blame for this. It's all about the laws passed by the government.

Back in March 2016, the presenters of the YouTube channel under the name Big test drive showed us a domestic novelty - a conceptual model Lada Vesta Cross.

A year and a half later, a video Lada Vesta Cross Big test drive appeared on their channel, where the presenters showed us the production version of the car.

The hosts of the program Sergei Stillavin and Rustam Vakhidov took a novelty for the test domestic auto industry- LADA Vesta Cross SW and tested it for several hundred kilometers. In their video, they are ready to tell us about their emotions, impressions and everything that they noticed and what they were surprised at in the new LADA VESTA SW CROSS. Expect information in the release about how the car drives, how it keeps on the road and how it drives. In total, the video lasts a little over 20 minutes. Go!

Big test drive Lada Vesta SV Cross

Here is the video from the channel, which you can watch below:

Now let's take a look at everything in detail. From the very beginning of the video, we were shown that the presenters do not hide their obvious delight from the model. The car turned out to be the most beautiful, the highest quality and generally the best among all domestically produced cars. Car rides!

The video begins as usual with technical information, the presenters tell what kind of car they have on the test, what kind of car it has, how it differs from its brother - the usual station wagon West. Next is a little information about, with which the leading BTC were taken for the test. After that, the guys talk about and, also back disc brakes... The guys say with a bit of irony that we finally got the rear disc brakes. In general, a little irony and sarcasm and we will learn all the main details about the station wagon - trunk volume, ground clearance, etc.

Big test drive Lada Vesta Cross video

Big test drive Lada Vesta SV Cross photo

Not a traditional family utility truck like the Largus, but a more dynamic, stylish model with a sloping roof. A sort of Russian shooting brake. And we take back our previous words that the Vesta sedan is the most beautiful car from AvtoVAZ ...

Lada Vesta SW / SW Cross has 79 new body parts, including a protective plastic body kit. In the body itself, amplifiers are introduced to compensate for the absence of a partition in the trunk, which the sedan has. But there are still no xenon or lensed headlights!

Because the "car" with its "floating" roof looks much cooler and, most importantly, more harmonious! Although below the sill line, the SW is, in fact, that sedan, just modified. And what is really so different? We will now answer this and other questions of our readers.

Question from rkhabibullin

Does the cabin smell like plastic?

As brightly as the SW Cross looks from the outside, so much is it inside - the same Vesta, already familiar to us from test sedans. Here is the familiar booming thump of doors when closing, there is a familiar piece of foam rubber peeking out between the windshield and the dashboard ...

Minimum price

Maximum price

But there are also differences. The characteristic aromas of the decoration still remain, although the "phonite" is already less and the smell disappears quickly. The folding armrest on the driver's seat has replaced the central box with a soft cover, on which it is convenient to rest with your hand (the armrests on the doors are still the same hard). And the heated front seats are already 3-stage.

The orange gouge-out inserts of the SW Cross can be replaced with gray ones. The plastic is hard everywhere, the "Shumka" is average: the dashboard and windshield creak on the bumps, the engine makes noise. It is more convenient to throw the phone into the cup holder than into the far niche, and the central box now interferes with using the “handbrake”. The rear view camera has a good picture and trajectory tips. The sound quality of the "music" is quite acceptable.

The steering wheel is adjustable in tilt angle and reach, the driver's seat - in height and degree of lumbar support. But why is there such a tight tuning mechanism at the helm? The short seat cushion and its high raised front edge are not yet pleasing. The shoulders hang in the air without support on the pillow, although it supports the lower back well - after getting used to it, I, as they say, sat down. In turns you will not fall out of the "saddle" due to good lateral support and a tight fit.

But because of the layout of the pedal assembly, it is not so easy to find a position for them, so as not to sit "on half-bent" ones. The platform for the left leg is still the same scanty and uncomfortable, the leg cannot be extended. The pedals are tight, with large shoes you periodically press directly on the gas and the brake, plus you cling your toe to the decorative shield above the brake pedal.

The fixtures are the same, but only the SW Cross versions are put on orange rings. Looks cheerful, although radial digitizing is inconvenient. The trip computer is detailed, but its control with two buttons is still confusing, without instructions it is impossible to figure it out.

In general, this time there were a lot of comments on the car. For example, the difference in effort and tactile sensations on the buttons and knobs is surprising, and the slippery "twists" of the climate control dangle and hardly lock when rotating. The SW Cross equipment includes a light and rain sensor, the left wiper now cleans its area wider ... But the wipers still shudder after stopping, the windshield washer motor howls, and the rear nozzle does not spray "washer" on the glass of the fifth door, but simply pours it ... And the light of the halogen headlights did not impress with the brightness - neither near nor far. From the pros - fog lights noticeably expand the light border.

Maybe Vesta SW Cross will please you more on the go? After all, it has a lifted suspension and as much as 1.8 under the hood ...

  1. The front doors have a familiar asymmetry. Left door - with open shelf ...
  2. ... the right one has a door handle, which makes it inconvenient to use the window regulator. The power window keys are very tight.
  3. The thresholds are wider on the SW Cross because of the protective pads, take care of your trousers.

Question from palomar

What kind of 1.8 is this, can you give it more details?

The VAZ-21179 engine (not to be confused with the VAZ-21128 engine from the "Super-Auto" studio) is both an event and another "long-term construction" in the history of AvtoVAZ. It began to be developed back in 2006, and in 2008, the English engineering firm Ricardo was brought in to help. The engine went into production only in February 2016. Xray got it first, then Vesta, next in line - Largus. It is based on a cast-iron block and an aluminum head of a 1.6-liter VAZ-21127 unit (21129 on Vesta and Xray). But the volume of changes is such that it is, in fact, a new motor.

The volume of the engine was increased to 1.8 liters, extending the piston stroke due to the new VAZ crankshaft and connecting rods shortened by 5 mm. Oversized Mahle valves and South Korean hollow camshafts are lightweight. The connecting rod-piston group is also lightweight, from Federal Mogul, with reinforced pistons. The network figures figures for a motor resource of 220,000 km. But it must be remembered that due to the shortened connecting rod with an increased inclination angle, the piston now presses more heavily on the cylinder walls, and the extended working stroke increases its speed. All this can accelerate the wear of the cylinder-piston group, so the question of the resource of the new motor is still open.

  1. Cooled glove compartment now with smooth opening of the lid, which received a cup holder.
  2. Gray "leather" seat inserts magnetically attract dirt.
  3. The front seats have 3-stage heating. The backrest is heated weaker than the pillow.

Lubrication and cooling systems - with additional channels, inlet and outlet are also redesigned. The oil pump of the Korean company GMB (they also buy a more efficient water pump from it) now pumps twice more oil... This is necessary for the hydraulic phase shifter on the intake camshaft, which the VAZ engine received for the first time. The valve timing regulator itself is a German company INA. The fuel rail is supplied by Continental, the injectors are of increased performance. The timing belt is driven by a new INA automatic tensioner.

Note that earlier on the Xray, the 1.8 engine was already marked with a "maslozhor". The reason lay in a batch of defective Mahle valves made in China, on the rods of which there were risks from bad mechanical processing... AvtoVAZ announced that it had corrected the situation, and the heads of the block assembly were changed under warranty on the machines "eating" oil. By the way, we have already written about these and other "sores" in the section.

Question from iwillbreaku

What are the dynamics?

The 1.6 liter engine is 106 "forces" at 5800 rpm and 148 Nm at 4200 rpm. The 1.8 engine is already 122 hp. at 5900 rpm and 170 Nm at 3700 rpm. Frankly speaking, it is sparse for our time. And the more powerful version of the 1.8-liter engine is clearly being held by AvtoVAZ for, where 149, and in the future, 180 hp are expected. But she is not expected until 2018. This means that the chip tuning masters will not be left without work: they already offer firmware for the 1.8 engine.

According to the factory data, the test SW Cross 1.8 with manual transmission in acceleration to 100 km / h is 1.4 seconds faster than the version with a 1.6 engine: 11.2 seconds versus 12.6. Where does this difference come from? Not only because of the power. The 1.8 motor is combined with a mechanical Renault box JR515 assembled at AvtoVAZ. And her gear ratios are "shorter" than those of the VAZ "mechanics" 21807 paired with a 1.6 engine. But there is another key difference. SW Cross with 1.8 engine and manual transmission- the only version in the entire Vesta family, in which the final drive ratio is 4.2. For all other Vestas it is more "high-speed" - 3.9.

  1. Station wagons received a central box, in which a USB port and buttons for heating the rear sofa, which was first introduced on Ladakh.
  2. A second plafond of lighting has finally appeared above the ceiling.
  3. The folding armrest also debuted on station wagons rear seats... But it is only for the top version of the Luxe Prestige. The ceiling on the rear sofa is 2.5 cm higher than that of the sedan.

VAZ employees declare that such shortened gear ratios "increase comfort at the beginning of the movement and the convenience of driving on roads with difficult surfaces." Let's check. A turn of the key, a characteristic second pause at start-up, and ... Listen, why even a warmed-up engine rumbles like a diesel engine at idle and when accelerating from low revs in fifth gear ?! Complaints about "diesel" have already been on 1.6 liter engines, but it turns out that it was not defeated on the new engine?

But getting under way from 1st gear is really very easy: traction is like on a diesel engine, even a driver who does not get along with the "mechanics" will cope and will not stall, we checked. We also have no complaints about the long-stroke, but light and quite informative clutch. But the rest ...

In a traffic jam, you can easily crawl in 1st gear even in idle... But just touch the gas pedal and the car jerks forward. She would have such impatient agility during acceleration! Otherwise, I switch to the second, give gas, but instead of active acceleration - dips and jerks. It seems to be a more "grassroots" motor - but from these very "lower classes" it goes reluctantly. Up to 2000 rpm it seems to be not there, and only at 3000 rpm pickup begins. Moreover, high revs are expectedly accompanied by a harsh sound, with an anguish and a familiar roar.

The long-awaited rear disc brakes debuted on SW / SW Cross station wagons with a 1.8 engine. There are no questions about the brakes themselves: powerful, grippy, informative, with a short pedal travel - they can easily withstand a more powerful engine.

There are also questions about the gearbox. Vibrations and shocks go to the tight gearshift lever, and when the 3rd and 5th steps are turned on, "plugs" occur. (I remember that the VAZ "mechanics" did not leave a more pleasant impression). On the track, the reverse side of the shortened gear ratios transmissions. Fifth gear, 100 km / h - the tachometer shows about 2600 rpm, and at 110 km / h there is already almost 3000 rpm. And this, as you know, is both extra engine noise and extra expense.

In general, I will not say that the 1.8 engine impressed us greatly in terms of dynamics, we expected more. And, judging by the reviews of other fellow journalists, not only we did not wait for this. Yes, the 1.8 pulls better than the 1.6 engine, only this difference is not so dramatic and disastrous for the "junior motor". The 1.8 unit could reveal its potential after tuning, but if you don't need it, then the 1.6 engine is the most rational choice.

As for the consumption, the checks came out 6.7 l / 100 km on the highway and a little in the city, and 7.8 l / 100 km, taking into account the races on dirt roads. In the city by trip computer appetite can rise up to 10 l / 100 km and more. It is not surprising, because the passport appetite in the city is 10.7 l / 100 km (the 1.6 engine "eats" exactly 1 liter less).

Question from iwillbreaku

Are the rolls strong?

About how the Vesta SW Cross rides and drives, it is necessary to tell especially, because the station wagon is seriously different from both the sedan and from the "just" SW. The bodies of the "cars" are torsionally stiffer, and the SW and SW Cross are 70 kg heavier than the sedan, their trunk capacity is larger, so they have stiffer rear springs.

The track of the "cross" version is wider: 1524 mm versus 1510 mm for the sedan and the usual SW. And the Cross has its own suspension too: longer travel, with different springs and shock absorbers, and settings that take into account not only weight gain, but also an increase in the center of gravity. Wheels - only 17-inch, with 205/50 tires (the test car was on Michelin X-Ice winter Velcro). All this together gives the Cross version the declared ground clearance in the "crossover" 203 mm (!) Versus 178 mm for the sedan and the usual SW, which is not supposed to have 17-inch wheels.

The volume of the Vesta SW Cross "hold" is 480 liters up to the curtain shelf behind the rear sofa (like a sedan) and 825 liters when folded down (up to the window sill line). Have Renault Duster 4x2 claimed 475-1636 liters, Skoda Rapid - 530-1470 liters. In addition to lamps and hooks for nets and bags, there is a 12V socket in the trunk.

By the way, the SW Cross will not have smaller wheels. Why, if for the usual Vesta SW they offer both sizes 185/65 R15 and 195/55 R16, you ask ?! Togliatti retorts that this will reduce the ground clearance (by 8 mm, if you believe tire calculator) and claim that the "cross" suspension was tuned specifically for 17-inch tires. And what did you set up in the end?

On the pavement, the tightly knocked down suspension does not notice the road "trifle" and smooths out average irregularities well - you can not stand on ceremony with speed and not bother with detours. Although on the "speed bumps" it is felt that, due to the suspension and low-profile rubber, the SW Cross is tougher than the sedan: if you do not slow down, the "muzzle" is thrown up until the shock absorbers are triggered on rebound, and the feed passes the unevenness with a good kick. On the other hand, in driving corners and on active rearrangements, the car does not fall down and gives a persistent feeling that it is tenacious and assembled chassis a more powerful motor can easily withstand.

The electric power steering wheel makes 2.8 turns from lock to lock, weightless at low speeds, although at speed it is already heavy, more "clamped" and less sensitive in the near-zero zone. At first, the SW Cross also asks for micro-steering, but after getting used to the car, this is less noticeable.

  1. Can you sleep at SW Cross? A person up to 175 cm tall (pictured) will lie flat, if taller - already diagonally.
  2. Under the second floor there is another foam pallet and a Pirelli Formula Energy 185/55 R15 spare wheel on a steel rim.
  3. The trunk is a hoarder's dream! Behind the right wheel is another 15 liter niche.

The whole essence of the venture with a lifted and more energy-intensive suspension is revealed on country roads and bombed-out crushed stone graders. The usual Vesta runs along them briskly, but the way the Cross-version allows you to "pile on" ... Yes, this is already a crossover, not a passenger car! At first, on rural bumps and pits, you are careful, you expect that now there will be a hard breakdown of the suspension or contact with the bottom, but nothing happens, the suspension takes a hit. And you start to get bold, to become impudent: you are already overtaking cars creeping along the bumps, you go around the Niva, and Renault Duster itself is your equal in your thoughts ...

By its ability to "digest" our roads, SW Cross is still a provocateur. From the restraining factors - fears, as though on low-profile tires from blows "hernias" would not crawl out. The second point: during active driving in large pits, the suspension rattles and thumps, especially the front one - at Vesta, it seems, this is a family one. And it shakes, of course, harder and harder, passengers (especially the rear ones) will not want to endure such a "rally-style" for a long time. So often drive on bumpy roads, it makes sense to look for tires with a higher profile: both the ride will be softer and the tires livelier.

Question from teamagnat

Why is there no four-wheel drive?

This issue has been around for so many years, if you look at it ... In the 2000s, AvtoVAZ tried several times to fit four-wheel drive to their passenger cars. In 2001, an experimental station wagon Lada 111 GTI 2.0 4x4 was made, and in 2007 a prototype of "Kalina" named Lada 1117 4WD appeared - both cars were even made rear independent suspensions... More details - in our unrealized projects of AvtoVAZ.

The actual ground clearance of the SW Cross is even higher than the stated one: under the lower point of protection of the motor, the tape measure shows 215 mm! Traction control system well imitates cross-wheel locks, and while the wheels cling, Vesta climbs with dignity off-road. All-wheel drive would be a bomb!

Alas, the business then did not progress beyond several prototypes. Indeed, due to the large volume of design alterations, such a machine turns out to be too expensive at the exit. And AvtoVAZ is not yet sure that the Russian buyer is ready to pay for it. Especially today.

But there is another option. In 2016, in Togliatti began to test all-wheel drive Renault logan and Sandero where rear wheels turns the hydrostatic transmission of the French company Poclain Hydraulic. To do this, a pump is installed in the standard gearbox, which pumps oil through the hoses to the traction motor. If Logan and Sandero get it in the end, why not try it with Vesta? However, to our question about all-wheel drive(including hydraulic) at AvtoVAZ they answer that "they continue research in this direction, but it is too early to talk about specific terms and decisions."

Question from bogdanchik_517

Will the Vesta be a coupe or a hatchback?

There is no question of the "compartment" Vesta, but spy photos of hatchback prototypes on the network have previously flashed. But back in 2016, the president of AvtoVAZ, Nicolas Maure, announced the abandonment of the hatchback and said that the company was betting on the station wagon.

Question from abelenkovv

When will there be anything better than the dumbest "robot"? Torque converter or at least a variator?

The slowness of the "robot" AMT (box of the VAZ-21827 series with ZF electric actuators) with a single-disk "dry" clutch is already known. By the way, we also sipped this "reverie" during the Vesta AMT sedan. And AvtoVAZ is now considering new "two-pedal" options. One of them is the continuously variable variator of the Renault-Nissan alliance.

  1. The 1.8 engine can be distinguished from the 1.6 by the intake manifold. When removing the decorative cover, take care of the fastening rubber bushings, they easily fall out of the fasteners and are lost.
  2. When hanging slightly "bites" only the right front door.
  3. The steel protection of the motor is already in the base, and the flat bottom gives good cross-country ability.

In the spring of this year, information appeared that a prototype Lada Vesta with a CVT is already ready. The manufacturer is allegedly busy with the selection of suppliers, and the product modification of such Vesta will be ready by the beginning of 2018. But to our question about the specifics, the press service of AvtoVAZ so far answers that "we see interest from the market for other types automatic transmissions, we are working in this direction, but no decisions have been made yet. "In short, we are waiting for 2018.

Question from eduard_tcigankov

Will there be a methane version?

In July 2017, AvtoVAZ began selling the Lada Vesta CNG dual-fuel sedan with "mechanics" and a 1.6-liter 106-horsepower engine running on gasoline and compressed natural gas. AvtoVAZ claims that the total fuel supply (55 liters of gasoline and 90 liters in a gas cylinder) gives a mileage of 1000 km without refueling. And the use of methane can reduce fuel costs by 3 times. Gas-gasoline Vesta is sold in 4 trim levels at a price of 749,900 to 864,900 rubles.

To our question about whether SW / SW Cross will have a methane version, the press service of AvtoVAZ answered the following.

“If we talk about the scheme used on the Lada Vesta CNG sedan, then no, since the cylinder in the trunk will not allow using the advantages of the monocolume body. But if there is a corresponding request from the market, we will start working on options. less stable in quality. "

Question from badi_monso

Is it a little expensive?

Yes, Lada Vesta SW Cross is the most expensive VAZ model today. And if the sedan and the usual SW have cheap configurations (Classic and Comfort), then the "cross" is sold only in Luxe versions. Option with 1.6 engine and manual transmission - from 755,900 rubles. Engine 1.8 and "mechanics" cost from 780,900, with a "robot" - already from 805,900 rubles for the basic Luxe to a maximum of 847,900 rubles for the Luxe Prestige! For comparison, the price range for a conventional SW station wagon is from 639,900 to 804,900 rubles.

17-inch rims, roof rails, tailgate spoiler, twin-barrel exhaust, body-colored mirrors and door handles are standard on the SW Cross.

However, even the base SW Cross Luxe is well equipped. There are 4 airbags, a stabilization system with an uphill start assistant, a double boot floor, climate control with a cooled glove compartment, heated mirrors (with a servo drive), windshield and front seats, power windows "in a circle", light, rain and parking sensors (rear), multifunction steering wheel, cruise control and a radio tape recorder with 4 columns.

The Luxe Multimedia version (from 779,900 rubles) is supplemented with a rear-view camera and a multimedia system with a 7-inch screen and navigation. Test the same SW Cross (1.8 l, manual transmission) was in the top-end version of the Luxe Prestige for 822,900 rubles. Here LED lights interior, armrest and heated rear sofa, tinted rear windows.

What do the competitors have? There are cheaper options, but SW Cross outperforms them all in terms of price-equipment ratio. For example, the hatch Renault Sandero Stepway clearance is 195 mm and the price range without options is 649,990-765,990 rubles. But it is much smaller than "Vesta", and the car, which is close in equipment to the base SW Cross, costs from 780,000 rubles for the 1.6 engine (82 hp) with manual transmission. For a 113 hp engine you have to pay another 40,000 rubles, for a 4-speed automatic - 70,000 rubles.

Newest elevated Kia Rio X-Line larger than Sandero Stepway, but its ground clearance is only 170 mm. And the prices are different: for 774,900 rubles, only a 1.4 liter (100 hp) engine with a 6-speed manual transmission will be sold. The 1.6 engine (123 hp) costs from 799,900 rubles, and for a 6-band automatic in both cases they will ask for another 40,000 rubles. To get a comparable level of equipment, like that of the top-end SW Cross, cook at least 964,900 rubles.

Overall dimensions, length, width, height, mm




Wheelbase, mm

Ground clearance, mm

Trunk volume, l

Curb weight, kg

engine's type

VAZ-21129 Petrol, 4-cylinder, atmospheric, with distributed injection

VAZ-21179. Petrol, 4-cylinder, naturally aspirated, with multipoint injection

Engine displacement, cm3

Maximum power, h.p.

106 at 5800 rpm

122 at 5900 rpm

122 at 5900 rpm

Maximum torque, Nm

148 at 4200 rpm

170 at 3700 rpm

170 at 3700 rpm

type of drive





5-stage "robot"

Maximum speed, km / h

Acceleration to 100 km / h, s

Urban cycle, l / 100 km

Country cycle, l / 100 km

Combined cycle, l / 100 km

Fuel type

Gasoline AI-92 and higher

Gasoline AI-92 and higher

Gasoline AI-92 and higher

Volume fuel tank, l

Sport Wagon with the Cross attachment went to winter test drive Lada Club. To test its viability in Russia, the editors arranged for the LADA station wagon an off-road sprint and shake up the townspeople in the stone jungle.

Access to the "body" of Crossa

We have already carried out a short summer test drive of this version of LADA Vesta. But at that time, due to the high demand for this car, the editors were not able to get acquainted in detail with all the nuances of the novelty. The second chance was given to us after the new year, when a lot of snow fell and the car changed its tires for the winter version. Unlike the test versions of the LADA XRAY tested by us, new Vesta Cross wore studded rubber. This was especially important, since it is in this version that Russian consumers often operate cars in most of Russia.

Sport Wagon off-road we got a two week test drive and decided to give him a serious test. The test was divided into two stages: a test in city halls and an off-road test. There were no questions about the expediency of holding the first block. What cannot be said about the second part, given that for the usual front wheel drive car it doesn't make logical sense. However, we had to personally experience the absurdity of the situation through our own experience. No, well, why are we worse than home-grown bloggers who go after SUVs and shout that the car is not going, as it should be for an all-wheel drive "tank".

Is toughness a sign of success?

When you manage to get behind the wheel of both Vesta SW and SW Cross cars, the first thing that your fifth point will feel is a more "collected" suspension. The tightened "all-terrain" version of the station wagon seems to be always in tension. Its behavior can be perfectly compared to the moment when a predator from the feline family tensed its muscles and in a moment will make a dash towards its prey. The constant "combat" readiness of the car inspires the command - you must be the first! Vesta Cross is ready to storm the speed bumps, too abruptly rearrange in the "rings" and jump from lane to lane with high precision. The commands from the steering wheel are ideally transmitted to the wheels of the car and, being in the pilot's seat, you can plan in detail any trajectory of movement.

On the one hand, this is good, but on the other hand, it is bad. This setting of the most sensational station wagon provokes to arrange a "race" around the city. Coupled with a more powerful 1.8-liter engine (122 hp), this sprint turns out to be very effective even on a not run-in unit. In terms of comfort, the Cross-suspension does not have the best effect on a comfortable transfer around the city. The first person to point this out to you will be your passengers.

If a trip to local attractions for the crew on an ordinary LADA Vesta SW seems like a nice ride on a ferry, then the same route on the Cross will be perceived as an extreme ride on a speed boat. To go to extremes and say that it is good or bad, we consider it absurd. Each driver chooses a car for his style. We should be glad that AVTOVAZ gives consumers a choice that it can make without resorting to the help of a tuning studio and independent intervention in the design of the car.

A prefix with meaning

To the surprise of the entire Lada Club team, the new Vesta proved to be excellent on light off-road. Now we can officially declare that Cross attachment completely justifies itself. On rough terrain, all the advantages of a more all-terrain version of the station wagon are revealed. The ground clearance increased to 203 mm allows you not to think about high obstacles on the way of the car. The car easily passes stones and ice blocks between its wheels. A plastic body kit in a circle perfectly protects the body from chips and scratches, taking all the blows on itself. And the suspension in this mode has no equal at all. Gradually picking up speed, you wonder, and when the car starts to scour the road and the connection between the driver and the road will be cut off. But the red-headed predator refuses to relax and again and again clings to ice and snow even in sharp turns. And although we are not fans of low-profile rubber in Russian realities, in this version, such a performance is quite justified.

We passed long sections passing from snow to ground and never worried that at the border of the road surface the wheels were dismantled. The only thing we regretted was the 60 km / h limiter for the disabled ESP (Electronic Stability Program) stability system. It was possible to deceive the system only in second gear, when, by twisting the engine as much as possible, it was possible to gain 80 km / h. Contrary to the general opinion that the car has a hard spin on the R17 wheels, we believe that there was no power shortage. On the snowy surface, sometimes there was even a slight overabundance Horse power under the hood.

When again one of the wheels broke into axle boxes, the electronic assistant TCS (Traction Control System) came to the rescue. His work caused us extremely positive emotions. Even at high speeds, it distributes the load in time by transferring the moment from one wheel to another.

What is better for Russian realities LADA Vesta SW or SW Cross? Here only the future driver will be able to choose for himself. A station wagon in a plastic body kit looks more impressive and has a high ground clearance. But its suspension is not suitable for every consumer.

Regular SW has more comfortable characteristics, but loses in ground clearance and aggressive style. In any case, before buying a car, we recommend that you definitely ride both versions and make your choice.


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