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Using a tire calculator, you can easily calculate how the outer dimensions of the wheel, the height ground clearance(ground clearance), speedometer readings and other characteristics when installing tires with a different standard size on your car. The calculator calculates all tire sizes in millimeters, and the vehicle speed in km / h.
And also the calculator will help to calculate the required rim width for a specific tire size.

How to use the tire calculator:

First enter the standard size installed on your car, and then the one that you want to install and click "calculate". The table on the right shows the results of the calculator's calculations.
Detailed information on tire marking in the section: tire marking.

We recommend that you only install the factory tire sizes that are specified in the operating instructions for your machine. Installation of non-standard sizes may void the dealer's warranty, as well as impair the performance and handling of the vehicle.

Tire calculator for European tires

Old size:

New size:

145 155 165 175 185 195 205 215 225 235 245 255 265 275 285 295 305 315 325

/ 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

Found in the directory:

175/70 R13 -

175/70 R13 -

When converting tire sizes on a calculator, keep in mind that:

With an increase in diameter wheel rim(and, as a consequence, a decrease in the height of the tire profile so that the outer diameter of the wheel remains unchanged) the load on the car's suspension increases, as well as the comfort deteriorates (the car will become noticeably stiffer).

With an excessive increase in the profile of the tire, the machine becomes a "roll", it is less controllable, and at critical values ​​of the height of the profile, the tire can begin to cling to the parts of the body and suspension of the car, which will subsequently lead to its destruction.

Tires of American and European production differ in labeling. A situation often arises when it is necessary to convert inches to centimeters. In this article, we will describe how to decipher tire sizes in centimeters.

Metric tire marking

The main dimensions of the tires are prescribed by marking, they include:

  1. Tire profile width is the distance, expressed in millimeters or inches, between the outer sides of the inflated tire sidewalls, excluding elevations, trims or belts. The specified value should not exceed the width of the product rim by more than 30%.
  2. A series of tires. Indicates the ratio of the width and height of the product profile. Allows you to distinguish between rubber in this way:
  • low-profile - series less than 70%;
  • high profile - in the range of 70-82%;
  • full-profile - more than 85%.
  1. Tire construction. Distinguish between radial and bias tires. In the first case, the fibers of the cord layer are located perpendicular to the wheel circumference. In the second version, the cords are overlapped. The radial design of tires is more common, such tires provide better grip of the wheels with the road surface, they are more reliable in operation.
  2. Wheel radius.

How to understand what the marking of tires means? Side markings automotive rubber applied by tire manufacturers. Factory markings happens in the metric or inch system of calculation. For example, the standard size of tires marked with the metric system 265/75 R15 corresponds to the designation of the inch system 31 × 10.5 R15. The decoding of the indicated designations in centimeters means:

  1. Designation 265/75 R15 indicates the dimensions of tires:
  • 265 is a figure that determines the width of the tire (one centimeter is equal to ten millimeters, 265 mm = 26.5 cm);
  • 75 is the percentage (75%) that determines the relationship between the tire profile height and the rubber width (265 * 0.75 = 198.8 mm or 19.9 cm), the number found indicates the tire profile height;
  • R - denotes a radial tire type;
  • 15 - the diameter of the wheel, the size is indicated in inches, you can translate the specified parameter into centimeters by multiplying the digital value of interest by 2.54, since 1 inch is 2.54 cm, as a result, we get 15 * 2.54 = 38.1.
  1. The designation 31 × 10.5 R15 stands for:
  • 31 - wheel height (31 inches or 31 * 2.54 = 78.7 cm);
  • 10.5 - tire width (10.5 inches or 10.5 * 2.54 = 26.7 cm);
  • R - indicates the radial type of tires;
  • 15 - determines the diameter of the wheel (15 inches or 15 * 2.54 = 38.1 cm).
  • subtract its radius from the total height of the tire (78.7-38.1 = 40.6 cm);
  • divide the resulting value by 2 (40.6 / 2 = 20.3 cm).

Differences in tire marking

Inch system marking of tires

When decoding tire sizes, pay attention to the letter in front of the tire dimensions:

  1. "P" - indicates the "P-metric" system used for minivans, light pickups (with a carrying capacity of up to 0.5 tons). This system is very convenient, it is often used by tire manufacturers.
  2. "T" - the indicated letter marks "spare" tires: rubber can be used until the main tire is repaired or replaced.
  3. "LT" stands for the "Light Truck-metric" system, designed for trucks and vehicles capable of transporting large loads. Cars with a carrying capacity of up to 1 ton fall into this category.
  4. "ST" - indicates "Special Trailer Service", products are designed for trailers, they can also transport boats or cars.

Letter values ​​can be at the end of the tire marking, in which case they mean:

  1. "LT" - tire refers to products with early marking:
  • "Numeric" - numeric, tires are designed for vehicles transporting heavy loads, trailers
  • "Wide Base" - tires with a wide base, manufacturers make such products with a rim diameter of 16.5 inches;
  • "Flotation" - flotation, large-size tires, allowing the machine to move on a sandy surface or mud.
  1. "C" - commercial tires for vans and delivery vehicles capable of transporting large loads.

If at the beginning of the marking there is no letter designation and a three-digit number, for example, 45R15, then this is a tire with a metric size of the Euro-metric system applicable to tires of European manufacturers. The specified dimension corresponds to the decoding according to the "P-metric" system, but differs in lower loads.

  • 235 - product width (235 mm = 23.5 cm);
  • 710 - a figure indicating the outer diameter of tires (710 mm = 71.0 cm);
  • 460 - the diameter of the tire rim (460 mm = 46 cm.);
  • A - designation of asymmetric rubber beads, for example, 460A means that the outer bead has a diameter of 45 cm, and the inner one is 47 cm.

Such non-standard markings are designed for vehicles with wheels of a specific size that differ in side profiles from standard metric or imperial products. Faced with non-standard markings, it is better to find out their decoding from the tire manufacturer.

Comparison of calculated data

Dimensions requested by the tire calculator for calculations

Self-decoding of tire sizes requires a certain accuracy of calculations. You can check if the conversion of values ​​from centimeters to inches and vice versa is done correctly using tire calculators. With their help, you can also find out how many standard sizes of tires are suitable for a particular car model.

Tire calculators are easy to find on the Internet and tend to have both American and European size systems at the same time. Therefore, by entering the sizes of tires recommended by the vehicle manufacturer in the metric system, it is possible to obtain a list of American and European tires. It is very convenient, if necessary, choose trade mark tires of interest, and also view the possibility of changing the tire sizes recommended by the manufacturer. When using tire calculators, it is necessary to take into account the error arising from rounding, therefore it is better to translate the dimensions of interest manually, then check them with the options calculated by the Internet resource.


The American rubber markings, if you do not take into account the unusual inches to us, are very convenient to use. But in most situations, you have to deal with the metric designation system. It is not difficult to convert inch sizes to centimeters if you figure out the decoding of the designations applied by manufacturers to the side surface of tires. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the error of calculations, which may arise due to inattention or rounding of the obtained values. To correctly calculate the dimensions, it is better to use the manual method, then compare the obtained parameters with the data of tire calculators. We do not recommend using only one method, since the embedded electronic computing programs also have a certain rounding error.

Car owners use tire calculator to select the right size tires and wheels. All calculations are performed online. The user does not have to deal with lengthy, incomprehensible calculations. The application is multifunctional, as the motorist will be able to understand how to change the dimensions of the wheel, taking into account the changes in the size of tires and rims. Let's consider the features of using the service.

Tire calculator functionality

The tire selection calculator will be able to help with the selection of tires suitable for a particular car in terms of size and characteristics. The owners of the transport resort to the services of the service when it is time to replace the tires and disks with the vehicle. In order not to waste time on meaningless "changing shoes", checks, use the proposed online service. Bus calculator features:

  • you can calculate the dimensions of tires;
  • the service provides different parameters - wheel diameters, changes in the height of the clearance between the road and the car (clearance), track widening;
  • help in converting inches to millimeters or vice versa, using American and European size tables.

The tire calculator was designed to speed up the selection of tires, making the procedure many times easier. Since every car owner faced the difficulties of choosing, online calculators quickly gained popularity among users.

How to use a tire calculator

There are some tips to help you use the tire size calculator for its intended purpose. Step-by-step instruction consists of the following steps:

  1. In the form you will need to enter the size of the tires installed on the car, as well as those that you would like to install.
  2. A special table with the calculation results will appear in front of the user. From these data it will be possible to find out which tires are needed for a particular transport.
  3. After selecting tires, you can proceed to calculating the size of the disks. Here you will need to specify the exact data - the maximum / minimum width of the disk installed on the car. The service will perform all calculations automatically.
  4. If you need to convert inches to millimeters, you can use an online converter. This action will allow you to find analogs with American sizes and with European ones. Comparison through the tire calculator will be as accurate as possible, since all the necessary information has been entered into the database of the online service.

The general selection procedure is very simple, but the owner of the car will definitely need to enter the initial data. The parameters should be as accurate as possible so that there are no errors or inaccuracies in the subsequent results.

You can use this service on our website. The program is freely available, anyone can make calculations in a few minutes. To simplify the process of use, it is worth using the instructions given.

To simplify the determination of the tire size, a special tire calculator has been developed, which allows the user to dispense with the need to decipher the numerical values ​​on the side surfaces of the rubber. With the help of such a calculator, the difference in tire sizes, profile height and other parameters is determined. In addition, such a calculator allows you to receive other related information, for example, on the deviations of the speedometer, changes in ground clearance, and so on.

Purpose of the Visual Bus Calculator

The visual calculator allows every car owner to easily determine the size of the tires and the width of the required rims. With its help, it is possible to determine the diameter of the wheels, the error of the speedometers, an increase in the road track and changes in the clearance under the bottom of the car. Using a tire calculator, it is extremely easy to determine the optimal size suitable for a particular car model. The built-in size conversion system allows you to instantly convert values ​​from inch to meter and vice versa.

It is advisable to use the potential of the calculator in cases where the car owner switches to using tires and wheels that are different from the original size. It allows you to visually determine the main dimensions, and then simulate them for the selected vehicle. In turn, the selection of tires with its help is impossible, since initially it does not provide for division by manufacturer.

Selection and comparison of tires according to the calculator 2.0

If new wheels and tires of a different size are installed based on the data received from the calculator, it is advisable to additionally carry out a number of measurements. It is advisable to determine the distance on the inner side between the wheel and the suspension, as well as from the tread to the shock absorber cup. In addition, you will need to measure the distance between the tread, fender and steering rods.

In turn, when choosing new tires, it is necessary to proceed from the advisability of a slight deviation in geometric dimensions new tires from previously used ones. The significant size of the dimensions will cause instability in the movement of the car.

Each car is initially created for certain parameters and dimensions. This fully applies to the permissible size of the used disks and rubber. Correspondingly, the selected rubber models must be within the established limits. The use of a tire calculator allows you to simplify the selection process as much as possible, depending on a specific vehicle.

Russians have to regularly face the replacement of rubber, primarily seasonal. The most simple solution in such a situation, the use of rubber of the same size is used. While maintaining the dimension of the rubber, the wheel will also retain its original dimensions.

In cases where rubber of a different size is selected, the selection of appropriate disks is required to obtain a wheel with the required dimensions. At the same time, by changing the standard tire sizes, it is possible to control the driving characteristics of the car, giving it additional softness or stiffness. The higher the profile used, the softer the car feels on the road. As the profile decreases, stiffness increases, and narrow tires provide more grip on snow-covered surfaces, so they look more advantageous on winter roads.

At the same time, when selecting the dimensions of tires and wheels, it is required to adhere to the permissible dimensions. For example, tires that are too wide will touch the wheel arches in motion, rubbing them, and wear intensively on their own. It is also worth taking into account the fact that changing the size of the wheels affects the operation of the speedometer, in particular the magnitude of the error.

From the outside, it may seem that the variety of available configurations significantly complicates the calculations, but the bus calculator greatly simplifies the selection process using 3D modeling. The correct selection of tires is not only the necessary safety, but also the optimization of the road capabilities of the car. At the same time, the presence of the metric and inch system of sizes allows you to work with both American and European standard sizes without problems.

Visual tire and disk online calculator

tire selection table and wheel rims

Correct selection of tires and wheels for the car

As the wise proverb says, "measure seven times and cut once." Therefore, having decided to replace the tires and disks on your car, first select the dimension that is suitable specifically for your car. And the best for these purposes is a tire selection calculator - an online service for car owners, created just to simplify and speed up the selection of tires and wheels.

Since everyone who has decided to abandon standard-size wheels faces a similar task, and not everyone knows how to choose the right tire size, then tire disk calculator took a well-deserved place in the list of useful services for car owners on our website. Use the tire and rim size calculator to help you make the right choice.

Online tire and wheel calculator

The offered tire and wheel calculator has obvious advantages that its users have appreciated in practice, many of them believe that this is the best tire calculator on the Russian Internet.

Visibility of calculations

The visual tire and wheel calculator contains a schematic image of a car wheel, which immediately displays the values ​​indicated in the calculator, which allows you to visually see changes in the dimensions of a wheel when its parameters are changed.

Car tire calculator will quickly select possible sizes

Online tire calculator allows you to select tires by size for any passenger car in a few clicks. Fast and convenient calculator for the selection of tuning wheels for custom size tires. In a matter of minutes, you can determine the maximum or optimal dimensions the radius of the disc, its offset, as well as the width and height of the tire profile.

You can find tires for almost any car

First of all, the service is conceived as a tire and wheel selection calculator for passenger cars however, the ability to perform calculations for wheels up to 20 inches in diameter makes it possible to use this online program, if appropriate, for those who need a truck tire calculator (tire calculator for truck tires).

Selection of disks by tire size and selection of tires by wheel parameters

The online tire and wheel selection program allows you to select both wheels and tires, and decide on suitable size rubber for your car.

Calculator wheel tire works online

The online tire calculator does not need to be downloaded and installed, the service is always available online. The convenience of the online service lies in the fact that it allows you to use the possibilities of selecting tires and rims in real time and without registration. The bus calculator can be accessed from any device with an Internet connection.

How to use tire disk calculator

Visual tire calculator offers tire comparison different sizes... The calculator is very easy to use. As you can see, the shino disk calculator is divided into two parts. The upper area of ​​the calculator includes fields for selecting tire and rim parameters, as well as a graphical representation of the wheel, where changes are displayed on the fly as soon as all dimensions are determined. And the lower area, which offers a full table of wheel sizes of different diameters with tires of different widths and profiles, which would suit your given dimension as recommended by your car manufacturer. Presented size table possible tires and rims allows you to quickly obtain information about suitable dimensions for the car.

The main problem that the tire-disk calculator solves is that it allows you to choose the "cheap" tire size. For those who are not in the know, there are expensive tire sizes and cheap, but cheap, but cheap, not because the tires are bad or a ten-year production date, but because the sizes are not popular with manufacturers, although the changes from the manufacturer's recommended size will be very insignificant. Using the readings of the calculator, you can quickly determine the most inexpensive tire dimension for your car, after which it will be easier to determine the manufacturer.

If with summer tires inexpensive options can be caught in any dimension, since the pattern has not been identified, then in relation to winter tires everything is more or less obvious. If you add 5% of the profile height from original size... Then from the same manufacturer car tires, the difference in the cost of sale can be up to 30%. The calculation formula is simple, the higher the profile of the wheel (within reasonable limits), the cheaper it can cost.

A virtual tire calculator for rims and tires will help you make the right choice!

Service users do not need to do complex independent calculations of the difference in permissible sizes disco tire calculator provides a detailed comparison table between the recommended size and the desired size, based on which you can easily make your choice.

In addition to the visual tire calculator, our website contains other online services useful for car owners.


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