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In rural areas and on suburban highways, it is quite difficult to drive. The seasons of rainy, mounds of snow and mud can pose serious problems for movement. Because of this, more and more people are thinking about purchasing an all-terrain vehicle. Since such a vehicle has a fairly high cost, it is common practice to use UAZ on its own.

Change beyond recognition

Usually to create a vehicle off-road it is enough to use spare parts from an old car or motorcycle. UAZ is best suited for this. This machine most often lends itself to various processing and modernization by "craftsmen".

For the work itself you will need:

  • use aluminum sheets with corrugated edges (needed for cladding);
  • buy pads of metal and rubber type;
  • screws and synthetic rugs;
  • have enough foam rubber;
  • triplex glass;
  • small amount of soft plastic;
  • tools necessary for work.

Carrying out such modernization of the machine significantly reduces the cost of the entire structure. In addition, if the work is done correctly, the UAZ all-terrain vehicle will be no less effective than its expensive counterpart.

Work instructions

To create a transport structure, you will need to fasten the outer skin and frame. Since the base from the car is used, ready-made home-made all-terrain vehicles based on the UAZ must be durable. So, it is better to use steel materials such as pipes, since they will be subject to a lot of stress. It is important to take into account the insulation from moisture if a do-it-yourself swamp vehicle is created on the basis of the UAZ.

In some cases, when it is impossible to weld pipes or buy them, it is quite possible to use the original body from the car. In practice, the body is often modified to give it the desired look. But the main attention is required to strengthen the "sidewall" and the roof of the structure. The bottom needs to be strengthened, because it takes on part of the load.

Plating process

To create an all-terrain vehicle from UAZ with your own hands, you need to remove the old skin. This stage can be carried out while strengthening the body. The material is chosen from corrugated duralumin or aluminum. Most often, they make a choice in favor of the first option. It is able to withstand the harmful effects of weather conditions and is corrosion resistant.

Corrugated sheets increase the strength. When starting to choose them, it is necessary to take into account that the thickness of the material is 1.5–2 mm. The sheets are fastened with M5 screws, which cling to the frame with special heads. Of course, it will not be possible to create the maximum density between the frame and the corrugated sheets. There will be sloppy marks after work, so you need to use rubber pads.

As a rule, the cladding on from the UAZ is the most vulnerable spot. If performed poorly, the entire vehicle structure can be made vulnerable to environmental influences. Silicone can also be used at the attachment points for better insulation.

Engineering works

Should be drawn great attention camber when the axle is being assembled. It is important to weld the lower parts first and then the upper parts of the bearings. Then they are bolted to the frame. It is also important to use telescopic shock absorbers and clamps to optimize ride comfort.

It is worth considering the purpose of the vehicle. If you need a UAZ-based swamp vehicle, you need to use another one that can withstand bog and mud. To do this, it is better to design a tracked all-terrain vehicle based on the UAZ.

Final stages

The transmission of torque is carried out through the cardan shaft. It goes to rear axle from the engine. Parts from a car are great for this. The advantages of such a gimbal are its reliability and simplicity, because it is very easy to work with it. It is also worth considering the location of the mounting holes, because they may not match. If such a problem is observed, they need to be turned.

After that, we can assume that the UAZ, converted into an all-terrain vehicle, is ready. It should be tested thoroughly to detect possible problems... If such are observed, errors need to be corrected, because they can pose a threat to. You can also find other crafts from cars, since it is also not difficult to make a swamp vehicle out of an UAZ.

Almost all assemblies of such vehicles are assembled according to a single scheme. For work, only a body and an engine are required, and the driver collects the rest of the elements on his own. The choice of a variant of such a vehicle depends on the required cross-country ability and power. Each "craftsman" creates his own variation of the all-terrain vehicle, focusing on the characteristics of the surrounding area and financial capabilities.

When creating an SUV from an old UAZ, you need to pay serious attention to safety measures. All parts must be carefully checked for strength so that the vehicle is not dangerous to others. You should also take care of waterproofing so that moisture does not corrode metals.

Why are people so interested in homemade all-terrain vehicles based on UAZ? Both in the countryside and even on city highways it is very difficult to drive. And if the state of the roads can be called acceptable in summer, then in winter it becomes not only difficult to drive along the “Russian obstacle course, but also very dangerous.

For this reason, many Russians are thinking about purchasing their own all-terrain vehicle. Indeed, why bother trying to drive through bumps on passenger car? It is easier to do this on an all-terrain vehicle, which will still be a reason to brag to your friends.

But how do you put it together? The basis for such a car can be a simple UAZ. Self-made all-terrain vehicles based on this machine already exist and below we have indicated some photos. Of course, the work ahead will not be easy. But you shouldn't be afraid of it either. You just need to collect your thoughts and prepare the necessary working tools and materials.

What will come in handy at work

  1. Prepare corrugated aluminum sheets. They will come in handy when you carry out the cladding.
  2. Purchase m5 screws.
  3. Prepare rubber and metal pads.
  4. You will need synthetic rugs.
  5. Purchase triplex glass.
  6. Stock up on foam rubber.
  7. Prepare some soft plastic.
  8. Get a seal.
  9. Be sure to prepare a driveshaft, for example, from the Volga or some other powerful car.
  10. Prepare screwdrivers, wrenches and other tools.

Instructions for use

The body of our all-terrain vehicle will consist of a frame and outer skin. Such a homemade product, like an all-terrain vehicle, the base of which is UAZ, must necessarily be distinguished by its strength. That is why it should be made of steel materials. So, for example, strong steel pipes are suitable, which will then take on a huge load.

However, if you are not able to weld pipes or do not have the opportunity to acquire them, then you can leave the native body of the UAZ. Homemade ATVs based on this car are different, and some of them hardly change at all in appearance. Having taken up its strengthening, take care not only of the side walls of the car, but also of its roof. Pay particular attention to the underbody of the vehicle.

Having strengthened the body, you can proceed to the sheathing of the car. The process begins with the fact that we remove the old skin. Of course, it could have been done while strengthening the body, which has no fundamental difference.

The material for the new cladding can be either aluminum or corrugated duralumin. The latter material is the most preferable, because it has shown itself very well, resisting negative environmental factors, and the duralumin is almost not subject to corrosion. Moreover, the corrugated coating makes its sheets much stronger than other materials with a similar composition.

When choosing duralumin sheets, make sure that their thickness is at least 1.5 and no more than 2 mm. In the process of attaching them to the frame, you will need M5 screws. They have countersunk heads that cling to the frame.

Of course, tightly attach corrugated aluminum to the metal frame on the all-terrain vehicle will be impossible. Poor-quality joints and gaps will remain everywhere. Therefore, it is necessary to use rubber pads, which are used as plugs.

Treat the plating process with extreme caution, because it is she who is the most problematic in all the work. So, for example, by poorly fastening structural elements to an all-terrain vehicle, you can make it vulnerable to external influences.

We will also give you this advice: M5 countersunk head bolts, as well as all the places that will then be used as fasteners, should be treated with liquid silicone. This will help protect the car from corrosion, as well as moisture that can get into the passenger compartment while crossing river fords.

We will cover the interior of our cabin with thin foam rubber and soft plastic. To glaze the interior, you can use trixel glass. When working on interior decoration, do not forget to treat the interior with silicone or liquid rubber in the same way as they did with the body.

The thin foam rubber that we use to improve sound insulation can be replaced with foam rubber. But if you do not care about comfort, then you can do without such measures at all. The upper mats can be fixed with glue or special rivets. Choose rubber foot mats as they are much easier to clean than fabric ones.

The seat of the all-terrain vehicle can not be changed, but you can leave your relatives UAZ. But it is very important to place them so that there is still room for fuel tank inside the cabin. It is installed behind the rear row of seats. Of course, special attention should be paid here to safety. So, for example, you can seal the bottom under the tank using iron sheets. Be sure to keep in mind that the tank must have a neck and a capacity of 45 liters. For convenience, an additional internal trunk can be placed above it.

We will do glazing only after all other bodywork is completed. Our UAZ all-terrain vehicles should be fixed in a special rubber frame, which will be more reliable in extreme situations. It is for safety reasons that we advised you to use triplex glass.

Their main quality and advantage can be called the fact that they do not fall to pieces during an accident. Thus, we will be able to protect our homemade products from some force majeure.

MO. Chekhov district.
February 2016

This is not the first all-terrain vehicle from the VEKTOR4X4 company, but one of the few in which UAZ roots can be easily guessed.

All-terrain vehicle " Vector U-469"created on the basis of the UAZ Hunter car

However, he was not just given "big" wheels, he was a little "conjured"

To keep the pedal assembly unchanged, I had to front axle move forward, and to save rear doors, push the rear axle back. As a result, the wheelbase has increased by 600mm (but now the approach angle has become generally negative)

New mounts

The frame of the car was lengthened and reinforced.

For installation big wheels required a body lift, spacers, 60mm

The choice of tires was determined by the purpose of the snow and swamp-going vehicle - it will have to drive on the roads of Yakutia. Tundra, swamps are his element.
Accordingly, the all-terrain vehicle must float.
Buoyancy and provide huge tires. Plus, in wheel rims... buoyancy blocks are located. This allows for less sediment on the water and protects the discs from excessive dirt.

Wheels with a diameter of 21 " self-made equipped with badlocks.

To cover up such big wheels made new wheel arches

They are reinforced from the inside with a square profile so that they can be walked on.

For operation in Yakutia, work was carried out to insulate the car. The ceiling, doors and floor are covered with heat-insulating materials. They did not make double glazing, that was the customer's wish.
Work was carried out to treat the bottom and interior of the car with anti-corrosion compounds.

A power bumper of the RIF company is installed in front. An additional LED light is mounted on the bumper.

In a regular place power bumper there is an electric winch Come Up 9500 in a sealed design

Power thresholds manufactured by RIF are installed on the sides

To them, for the convenience of getting into the high cabin, special steps are welded

Since the frame of the all-terrain vehicle has become longer, a cargo platform has turned out to be at the back. With the help of it, it became more convenient to load a tall car.

Hunter's swing door remained unchanged.

Inside the standard 5 seats.
Under rear seats a compressor station based on Berkut-24 was located

A compressor station is needed for the wheel inflation system and for the control of pneumatic locks.

The main "highlight" of the all-terrain vehicle is the original wheel reduction gears with a reduction of 2.8.

The gearboxes are serially manufactured by Vector4x4 itself and are intended for installation on UAZ, TOYOTA, NISSAN, JEEP vehicles, with tires in excess of low pressure sizes up to 1600 mm or extreme mud rubber (bogger, simex) up to 44 inches.
Gearbox housing made of duralumin alloy D16T, gears from agricultural machinery that have undergone careful rejection, semi-axles of the original design.
The gearboxes have an inlet for the pneumatic line for pumping the wheels.

Centralized wheel inflation control. Directly from the cab, you can adjust the pressure from 0.1 atm for movement on marshy terrain and up to 1.2 atm for movement on public roads.

Pneumatic lines:

Disc brakes are installed at the front and rear.

Interlocks are also controlled from the cockpit. Indicators for the inclusion of locks are displayed on the dashboard

Itself dashboard remained practically unchanged

Steering of a snow and swamp-going vehicle with a hydraulic booster.
The steering arm is reinforced.

The standard 5-speed gearbox, GP and RCP also remained unchanged.
Only the driveshafts, due to the lengthened base of the car, had to be redone. They were lengthened, increased in diameter and rebalanced.

Everything is standard under the hood of the all-terrain vehicle

Petrol ZMZ engine-409

The engine compartment is covered with special mud flaps on the sides. This protects against the ingress of dirt.

The all-terrain vehicle is equipped with a hunting hatch.

In order to feel for ourselves what control of an all-terrain vehicle is, we went to the vastness of the NATI test site.
There are ascents, descents, snowdrifts and ravines.

Need to say. that the Vector U-469 is controlled easily, like a regular UAZ.
It is clear that due to the decrease final drives the speed will be less, but this is partly compensated by the large wheels.

As befits an all-terrain vehicle on low-pressure tires, the machine has a smooth ride. Small irregularities are swallowed by soft tires.

Rolled ups and downs, the all-terrain vehicle passed with a working pressure of 0.6 without straining.
For virgin soil, the wheels were vented to 0.3.
The only obstacle that the all-terrain vehicle did not obey was the slope of the coast of an artificial reservoir. A couple of meters before the top, the wheels tore off the snow cover, and ice underneath. There was no longer enough wheel grip, and the inertia that could help has long since dried up. So any off-road vehicle needs a winch!

Pleased with the presence of cross-axle locks. Without them, the all-terrain vehicle could fall into a trap even with a small diagonal hanging. And so: turned on two levers and drove off as if nothing had happened.

But changing the pressure in the wheels takes time. It takes 10-15 minutes to inflate or deflate all four wheels.
But there is time to eat. As if a table was made in the back specially for this :)

Snow and swamp-going vehicle " Vector U-469"is positioned as a more budgetary analogue of TREKOL.

From the moment of its appearance, the transport, which was produced at the Ulyanovsk Automobile Plant, was in demand. Until now, among motorists there are adherents of these cars, which are distinguished by their simplicity and reliability. At all times there were specialists who did not like basic configuration UAZ cars and they tried to turn it into something unusual. A lot of modernization options have been carried out, but I would like to dwell on the most unusual and memorable ones.

Luxury transport

Based on UAZ cars in the 90s, a company called LLD, which had working areas in Sergiev Posad and in Moscow, assembled UAZ-31512 SUVs, which belonged to the luxury segment. The LLD company, founded by the Larin brothers together with friends, worked in a certain style and produced work of such high quality that it was often compared to Materelli, a company in Italy. During the tuning, the craftsmen used exclusively domestic components. The main advantage of the SUV was a hard roof, for the construction of which multilayer sandwich panels were used. Special fasteners were installed in it, making the roof quick-detachable. The interior also underwent changes, in which a new steering wheel, a plastic panel and even new floor mats were installed.

In Crimea, you can see the UAZ 2206, which was converted into a retro food truck by a specialist living in Sevastopol. This car still goes to various events so that no one would be hungry for them. You can buy pastries, hot dogs and drinks in this car.

House on wheels

Today, many people dream of a mobile home with which it is convenient to travel and do not have to worry about an overnight stay. In a small camper, a capital resident decided to remake UAZ Cargo... Behind the driver's back were: a shower, a gas stove, a wardrobe with clothes, etc. It's nice that such a mobile home is able to drive on almost any off-road, and therefore it is not scary to travel to any place on it.

Powerful car

Modernization does not always affect change appearance vehicle. For example, in the UAZ-452, they decided to carry out internal changes. The standard engine was replaced by a powerful 3.2 liter engine that runs on diesel fuel and capable of issuing 150 Horse power... Was also installed automatic transmission gears, grouser tires and blocking axles. By the way, the roof was raised by 12 centimeters. If you look into the salon, you will also notice certain changes.

Changing the military model

Many associate the UAZ-469 exclusively with military vehicles, but not everyone considers this car to be suitable exclusively for military purposes. There were specialists who equipped the car soft seats, supplemented it with a folding roof mechanism and thus made a good option for a long family trip.

Variation on a theme of Gelik

It is extremely difficult to turn UAZ cars into an exact copy of Gelendvagen from the world famous company. Mercedes benz... There are craftsmen who are trying to translate this idea into reality. So far, the result of the work is impressive, but the UAZ Hunter has not yet gone through all the stages of transformation, and therefore it is different to talk about the final result.

Ideal for swamps and snow

The basis of the VTS P6WD-1150U vehicle, which was made specifically for movement in snow and swamps, was the same UAZ-425. To make the all-terrain vehicle bigger size, enthusiasts crossed its body with an extended Shigini frame. She, in turn, added one bridge.

Yamal T-6 L

Pickup UAZ Patriot became the basis for the creation of the Yamal T-6 L. This vehicle weighs 2.8 tons. Its features include the ability to remotely regulate tire pressure, drive on six wheels, transfer from a GAZ-66 car, etc. The speed of the car is not high, but even 65 km / h for such a car is a good indicator.

Floating car

This transport was given the name "Superhead". It was based on -39,095, which was seriously altered. The specialists replaced the carburetor, installed a centralized tire inflation system and hydraulic booster, and strengthened the suspension. The spacious body of the watercraft is used to transport ATVs.

Tracked UAZ

On the basis of the UAZ-452, the TransMash company built an all-terrain vehicle called Vetluga. The specialists decided to put the car on tracks so that it could move on any surface. She can even swim at a speed of 5 km / h. You can use the car to transport goods and people in wetlands and off-road. But on the road on such a car you can no longer pass.

Another all-terrain vehicle

It is created at the All-Terrain Vehicle Plant and is called "Ukhtysh". The UAZ Hunter is taken as a basis. There are several trim levels with gasoline and diesel engine... This modernized model shows itself well on land, moreover, it is also capable of moving on water, although the speed is low - 4-5 km / h.

Army off-road vehicle

Design studio "Cardi", operating in Moscow, in 2006 presented an interesting version based on the prototype of the UAZ-2970 - a mock-up of an army off-road vehicle. A ZMZ engine was installed in the car, which rotated a generator, giving electricity to two electric motors. It didn't go further than the layout.

Car for collectors

The chassis at the end of the 90s was used by the Kirov Plant to create an armored cash-in-transit vehicle called the AS-1913 Lagoda. The factory did a good job on the armor, which could withstand the 7.62 Kalashnikov burst. The design also turned out to be interesting, only such cars were released in a limited series.

Why are people so interested in homemade all-terrain vehicles based on UAZ? Both in the countryside and even on city highways it is very difficult to drive. And if the state of the roads can be called acceptable in summer, then in winter it becomes not only difficult to drive along the “Russian obstacle course, but also very dangerous.

For this reason, many Russians are thinking about purchasing their own all-terrain vehicle. Indeed, why bother trying to drive through bumps in a passenger car? It is easier to do this on an all-terrain vehicle, which will still be a reason to brag to your friends.

But how do you put it together? The basis for such a car can be a simple UAZ. Self-made all-terrain vehicles based on this machine already exist and below we have indicated some photos. Of course, the work ahead will not be easy. But you shouldn't be afraid of it either. You just need to collect your thoughts and prepare the necessary working tools and materials.

What will come in handy at work

  1. Prepare corrugated aluminum sheets. They will come in handy when you carry out the cladding.
  2. Purchase m5 screws.
  3. Prepare rubber and metal pads.
  4. You will need synthetic rugs.
  5. Purchase triplex glass.
  6. Stock up on foam rubber.
  7. Prepare some soft plastic.
  8. Get a seal.
  9. Be sure to prepare a driveshaft, for example, from the Volga or some other powerful car.
  10. Prepare screwdrivers, wrenches and other tools.

Instructions for use

The body of our all-terrain vehicle will consist of a frame and outer skin. Such a homemade product, like an all-terrain vehicle, the base of which is UAZ, must necessarily be distinguished by its strength. That is why it should be made of steel materials. So, for example, strong steel pipes are suitable, which will then take on a huge load.

However, if you are not able to weld pipes or do not have the opportunity to acquire them, then you can leave the native body of the UAZ. Homemade ATVs based on this car are different, and some of them hardly change at all in appearance. Having taken up its strengthening, take care not only of the side walls of the car, but also of its roof. Pay particular attention to the underbody of the vehicle.

Having strengthened the body, you can proceed to the sheathing of the car. The process begins with the fact that we remove the old skin. Of course, it could have been done while strengthening the body, which has no fundamental difference.

The material for the new cladding can be either aluminum or corrugated duralumin. The latter material is the most preferable, because it has shown itself very well, resisting negative environmental factors, and the duralumin is almost not subject to corrosion. Moreover, the corrugated coating makes its sheets much stronger than other materials with a similar composition.

When choosing duralumin sheets, make sure that their thickness is at least 1.5 and no more than 2 mm. In the process of attaching them to the frame, you will need M5 screws. They have countersunk heads that cling to the frame.

Of course, it will not be possible to tightly attach the corrugated aluminum to the metal frame on the all-terrain vehicle. Poor-quality joints and gaps will remain everywhere. Therefore, it is necessary to use rubber pads, which are used as plugs.

Treat the plating process with extreme caution, because it is she who is the most problematic in all the work. So, for example, by poorly fastening structural elements to an all-terrain vehicle, you can make it vulnerable to external influences.

We will also give you this advice: M5 countersunk head bolts, as well as all the places that will then be used as fasteners, should be treated with liquid silicone. This will help protect the car from corrosion, as well as moisture that can get into the passenger compartment while crossing river fords.

We will cover the interior of our cabin with thin foam rubber and soft plastic. To glaze the interior, you can use trixel glass. When working with the interior trim, do not forget to treat the interior with silicone or liquid rubber in the same way as you did with the body.

The thin foam rubber that we use to improve sound insulation can be replaced with foam rubber. But if you do not care about comfort, then you can do without such measures at all. The upper mats can be fixed with glue or special rivets. Choose rubber foot mats as they are much easier to clean than fabric ones.

The seat of the all-terrain vehicle can not be changed, but you can leave your relatives UAZ. But it is very important to place them so that there is also room for the fuel tank inside the cabin. It is installed behind the rear row of seats. Of course, special attention should be paid here to safety. So, for example, you can seal the bottom under the tank using iron sheets. Be sure to keep in mind that the tank must have a neck and a capacity of 45 liters. For convenience, an additional internal trunk can be placed above it.

We will do glazing only after all other bodywork is completed. Our UAZ all-terrain vehicles should be fixed in a special rubber frame, which will be more reliable in extreme situations. It is for safety reasons that we advised you to use triplex glass.

Their main quality and advantage can be called the fact that they do not fall to pieces during an accident. Thus, we will be able to protect our homemade products from some force majeure.

Front axle and torque

When assembling the front axle, be sure to pay attention to the camber. The lower bearings should be welded first, and then the upper bearings. Both axles should be attached to the frame using bolts, clamps, telescopic shock absorbers.

The torque from the engine of our homemade product to the rear axle should be transmitted using cardan shaft from the Volga. This cardan has such qualities as simplicity, reliability and ease of use. However, it should be mentioned that the bore holes of the Volga propeller shaft and the VAZ engine may not coincide. This is not always the case, but when faced with a similar problem, you should grind out the adapters from the flange axles to the gearbox.

Well, now you are the owner of your own homemade product based on the UAZ! It will serve you as a reliable friend on the road off-road and a great family car on trips to the river and the countryside.


UAZ, Niva, Luaz on low pressure tires

Reducing the pressure inside the tires contributes to higher off-road vehicles, since such tires "flatten" directly on the surface, thereby forming a large area on contact.

Due to this, the weight of the swamp vehicle and the all-terrain vehicle is distributed directly over several similar spots and significantly reduces the overall specific internal pressure on the ground.

The most important separate task is the overall reduction of the dead weight of the wheeled off-road vehicles while maintaining the full rigidity of the structure itself.

Diameter and width

Basic calculations also show that in the case of reaching the maximum cross-country ability of all-terrain vehicles, on ultra-low pressure tires, under the conditions of weakly bearing plastic deformable soils, it is also necessary to ensure full pressure inside the tires so that it equals the soil pressure on the rubber along the bottom of the track and a flat spot appears on it upon contact equal to 1/3 or 1/4 of the total diameter of the main wheel.

The boundary that separates low-grip rubber with the road is precisely the internal pressure inside it, which is about 0.3 MPa.

Tires with ultra-low pressure are directly related to off-road, and are also considered highly specialized for certain conditions of their use (although small-sized all-terrain vehicles can be operated even in the conditions of an ordinary asphalt city or country road).

Wheeled off-road vehicles on low-pressure tires are designed for all-season off-road travel, including swampy areas, various snow-covered areas, tundra, sand. In addition, ATVs on ultra-low grip tires can swim over water obstacles, but only calm ones - without a strong and rapid flow.

The advantage of low-grip rubber on ATVs

Off-road vehicles that have low grip rubber adapt perfectly to a wide variety of surface irregularities, and also provide increased smoothness for a full ride.

It should be noted that due to the rather low specific external pressure on the ground, self-made all-terrain vehicles on tires with low pressure do not disturb the natural landscape and do not destroy the topsoil. It is enough just to look at the UAZ on tires with low adhesion to the road - this is the best way for all-terrain vehicle and swamp-going vehicle.

At the same time, homemade all-terrain vehicles on low-pressure tires (there is a video on how to make them on the Internet), but it takes quite a long time and, in principle, swamp vehicles on low-pressure tires, homemade videos can also be found - just enter a query in a search engine ... Especially it should be borne in mind that not every car can be converted into a swamp vehicle or an all-terrain vehicle, but it is still possible.

Scorpion-3 - the most versatile all-terrain vehicle

Scorpio-3 should be especially noted. The Scorpion-3 swamp vehicle (they have low-pressure tires with their own hands for the UAZ) is an all-wheel drive, multi-purpose off-road, amphibious vehicle with increased cross-country ability, developed according to the assignments of law enforcement agencies.

At the same time, home-made all-terrain vehicles on low-pressure tires video is intended primarily for the transportation of goods and passengers on all types of roads and, at the same time, off-road directly in directions with low soil bearing capacities (sand, snow, tundra, swamp), with the possibility of full forcing various water obstacles.

The swamp-going vehicle is made on the basis of the main units and assemblies of the Ulyanovsk Automobile Plant, manufactured directly with original external parts, as well as assemblies from the production of the main concern.

In general, all-terrain vehicles on low-pressure tires of the video, which can be found on the Internet, can also be equipped with armor, but it is thanks to the tires with increased volume and low pressure that it has a higher cross-country ability in all kinds of swamps, snow and sand. In addition, home-made swamp-going vehicles on tires with low video pressure, of which there are a lot on the Internet, are able to overcome the ford itself afloat. In some configurations, the wheels themselves from the main armored personnel carrier are also installed on such a special vehicle.

At the same time, it is still possible to create low-pressure tires with your own hands and, most importantly, to do this, use Belshina low-pressure tires and Trekol low-pressure tires.

In addition, low-pressure tires are among the most popular and widespread vehicles with a wide range of applications. Especially it should be borne in mind that the Niva on low-pressure tires is one of the most common and popular.

Especially one should take into account the factor that this base is one of the most suitable for all-terrain vehicles and swamp vehicles.

Autos is the best rubber

Important! pay attention to the factor that auto low pressure tires are among the most comfortable. As for the features of this technique, all-terrain vehicles with fractures on low-pressure tires video, which can be viewed online, are one of the most popular and widespread today.

With all this, low-pressure tires for an ATV also have their own specific nuances, and at the same time, their difference is the most convenient and, moreover, the Luaz on low-pressure tires are the highest quality and most reliable.

Today there are all-terrain vehicles on low-pressure tires, the forum of which must be visited. This technique is one of the most passable and high-quality, and at the same time, the price is almost the same as for a standard car, although you will have to invest a little. This is especially true for the wheelbase. In order to buy or make all-terrain vehicles on low pressure tires, the main page of which is freely available.

Features of this type of rubber

All-terrain vehicles on various low (as well as ultra-low) pressure tires have established themselves as the most reliable means of transportation, as well as transportation of various goods, both for fishermen and hunters, and for numerous farmers, whose fields can only be cultivated on cars with low-pressure tires. pressure.

The industry of modern all-terrain vehicle construction is currently actively developing, and in the market of modern all-terrain vehicles, today you can see a fairly huge number of a wide variety of models, as well as modifications of swamp vehicles, various snow and swamp vehicles, and so on.

There are also off-road vehicles for the "weekend", which at the moment do not have any special cross-country ability, although it is possible to get to places where you cannot reach by the most ordinary car without any problems.

For example, on weekends, May holidays and holidays, you can go to nature on vacation.

Among the main advantages of swamp vehicles or all-terrain vehicles, the following should be noted:

  • by increasing the size of the tires, the clearance of the vehicle itself is increased. This is what guarantees easy overcoming of various bumpy sections on the road or having a deep track.
  • another very important nuance is the increase in the vehicle's cross-country ability several times. Rubber of this type, differs in a sufficiently large area in contact with the road surface. Thanks to this, the machine can move perfectly on very soft soil.

In addition to these advantages, improved tires also have some disadvantages. For example, there is a significant decrease in vehicle speed associated with a significant increase in ground clearance, as well as a change in its main characteristics, which lead to instability.

How to choose wisely

Today, a fairly large assortment of tires of this type is also presented. Moreover, their main and main drawback lies primarily in the high cost.

It is for this reason that most of the drivers use an alternative method, while doing self-production similar tires.

In any case, it is best to trust highly qualified specialists who have extensive experience in carrying out such work and, at the same time, almost everyone can afford to re-equip a car into an all-terrain vehicle.


How to make an all-terrain vehicle based on UAZ

In rural areas and on suburban highways, it is quite difficult to drive. The seasons of rainy, mounds of snow and mud can pose serious problems for movement. Because of this, more and more people are thinking about purchasing an all-terrain vehicle. Since such a vehicle has a rather high cost, it is common practice to create all-terrain vehicles based on UAZ on their own.

Change beyond recognition

Usually, to create an off-road vehicle, it is enough to use spare parts from an old car or motor vehicles. UAZ is best suited for this. This machine most often lends itself to various processing and modernization by "craftsmen".

For the work itself you will need:

  • use aluminum sheets with corrugated edges (needed for cladding);
  • buy pads of metal and rubber type;
  • screws and synthetic rugs;
  • have enough foam rubber;
  • triplex glass;
  • small amount of soft plastic;
  • tools necessary for work.

Carrying out such modernization of the machine significantly reduces the cost of the entire structure. In addition, if the work is done correctly, the UAZ all-terrain vehicle will be no less effective than its expensive counterpart.

Work instructions

To create a transport structure with high traffic, you will need to fasten the outer skin and frame. Since the base from the car is used, ready-made home-made all-terrain vehicles based on the UAZ must be durable. So, it is better to use steel materials such as pipes, since they will be subject to a lot of stress. It is important to take into account the insulation from moisture if a do-it-yourself swamp vehicle is created on the basis of the UAZ.

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In some cases, when it is impossible to weld pipes or buy them, it is quite possible to use the original body from the car. In practice, the body is often modified to give it the desired look. But the main attention is required to strengthen the "sidewall" and the roof of the structure. The bottom needs to be strengthened, because it takes on part of the load.

Plating process

To create an all-terrain vehicle from UAZ with your own hands, you need to remove the old skin. This stage can be carried out while strengthening the body. The material is chosen from corrugated duralumin or aluminum. Most often, they make a choice in favor of the first option. It is able to withstand the harmful effects of weather conditions and is corrosion resistant.

Corrugated sheets increase the strength. When starting to choose them, it is necessary to take into account that the thickness of the material is 1.5–2 mm. The sheets are fastened with M5 screws, which cling to the frame with special heads. Of course, it will not be possible to create the maximum density between the frame and the corrugated sheets. There will be sloppy marks after work, so you need to use rubber pads.

As a rule, the sheathing on homemade all-terrain vehicle from UAZ - this is the most vulnerable place. If performed poorly, the entire vehicle structure can be made vulnerable to environmental influences. Silicone can also be used at the attachment points for better insulation.

Engineering works

Great attention should be paid to the camber when the axle is being assembled. It is important to weld the lower parts first and then the upper parts of the bearings. Then they are bolted to the frame. It is also important to use telescopic shock absorbers and clamps to optimize ride comfort.

It is worth considering the purpose of the vehicle. If you need a UAZ-based swamp vehicle, you need to use a different type of wheels that can withstand bog and mud. To do this, it is better to design a tracked all-terrain vehicle based on the UAZ.

Final stages

The transmission of torque is carried out through the cardan shaft. It runs to the rear axle from the engine. Parts from a car are great for this. The advantages of such a gimbal are its reliability and simplicity, because it is very easy to work with it. It is also worth considering the location of the mounting holes, because they may not match. If such a problem is observed, they need to be turned.

After that, we can assume that the UAZ, converted into an all-terrain vehicle, is ready. It should be tested thoroughly to detect possible problems. If such are observed, errors need to be corrected, because they can pose a threat to the safety of passengers. You can also find other crafts from cars, since it is also not difficult to make a swamp vehicle out of an UAZ.

Almost all assemblies of such vehicles are assembled according to a single scheme. For work, only a body and an engine are required, and the driver collects the rest of the elements on his own. The choice of a variant of such a vehicle depends on the required cross-country ability and power. Each "craftsman" creates his own variation of the all-terrain vehicle, focusing on the characteristics of the surrounding area and financial capabilities.

When creating an SUV from an old UAZ, you need to pay serious attention to safety measures. All parts must be carefully checked for strength so that the vehicle is not dangerous to others. You should also take care of waterproofing so that moisture does not corrode metals.


16 most unusual cars based on UAZ

From the moment of its appearance, the transport, which was produced at the Ulyanovsk Automobile Plant, was in demand. Until now, among motorists there are adherents of these cars, which are distinguished by their simplicity and reliability. All the time, there were specialists who were not satisfied with the basic configuration of UAZ vehicles and they tried to turn it into something unusual. A lot of modernization options have been carried out, but I would like to dwell on the most unusual and memorable ones.

Luxury transport

Based on UAZ cars in the 90s, a company called LLD, which had working areas in Sergiev Posad and in Moscow, assembled UAZ-31512 SUVs, which belonged to the luxury segment.

The LLD company, founded by the Larin brothers together with friends, worked in a certain style and produced work of such high quality that it was often compared to Materelli, a company in Italy. During the tuning, the craftsmen used exclusively domestic components.

The main advantage of the SUV was a hard roof, for the construction of which multilayer sandwich panels were used. Special fasteners were installed in it, making the roof quick-detachable. The interior also underwent changes, in which a new steering wheel, a plastic panel and even new floor mats were installed.

In Crimea, you can see the UAZ 2206, which was converted into a retro food truck by a specialist living in Sevastopol. This car still goes to various events so that no one would be hungry for them. You can buy pastries, hot dogs and drinks in this car.

House on wheels

Today, many people dream of a mobile home with which it is convenient to travel and do not have to worry about an overnight stay. A resident of the capital decided to transform the UAZ Cargo into a small camper. Behind the driver's back were: a shower, a gas stove, a wardrobe with clothes, etc. It's nice that such a mobile home is able to drive on almost any off-road, and therefore it is not scary to travel to any place on it.

Powerful car

Modernization does not always involve changing the appearance of the vehicle. For example, in the UAZ-452, they decided to carry out internal changes. The standard engine was replaced by a powerful 3.2-liter diesel engine capable of delivering 150 horsepower. There was also an automatic transmission, grouted tires and axles with blocking. By the way, the roof was raised by 12 centimeters. If you look into the salon, you will also notice certain changes.

Changing the military model

Many associate the UAZ-469 exclusively with military vehicles, but not everyone considers this car to be suitable exclusively for military purposes. There were specialists who equipped the car with soft seats, supplemented it with a folding roof mechanism and thereby made a good option for a long family trip.

Variation on a theme of Gelik

It is extremely difficult to turn UAZ cars into an exact copy of Gelendvagen from the world famous Mercedes Benz company. There are craftsmen who are trying to translate this idea into reality. So far, the result of the work is impressive, but the UAZ Hunter has not yet gone through all the stages of transformation, and therefore it is different to talk about the final result.

Ideal for swamps and snow

The basis of the VTS P6WD-1150U vehicle, which was made specifically for movement in snow and swamps, was the same UAZ-425. To make the all-terrain vehicle larger, enthusiasts crossed its body with an extended Shigini frame. She, in turn, added one bridge.

Yamal T-6 L

The UAZ Patriot pickup truck became the basis for the creation of the Yamal T-6 L. This vehicle weighs 2.8 tons. Its features include the ability to remotely regulate tire pressure, drive on six wheels, transfer from a GAZ-66 car, etc. The speed of the car is not high, but even 65 km / h for such a car is a good indicator.

Floating car

This transport was given the name "Superhead". It was based on the UAZ-39095, which was seriously altered. The specialists replaced the carburetor, installed a centralized tire inflation system and hydraulic booster, and strengthened the suspension. The spacious body of the watercraft is used to transport ATVs.

Tracked UAZ

On the basis of the UAZ-452, the TransMash company built an all-terrain vehicle called Vetluga. The specialists decided to put the car on tracks so that it could move on any surface. She can even swim at a speed of 5 km / h. You can use the car to transport goods and people in wetlands and off-road. But on the road on such a car you can no longer pass.

Another all-terrain vehicle

It is created at the All-Terrain Vehicle Plant and is called "Ukhtysh". The UAZ Hunter is taken as a basis. There are several configurations with a gasoline and diesel engine. This modernized model shows itself well on land, moreover, it is also capable of moving on water, although the speed is low - 4-5 km / h.

Army off-road vehicle

Design studio "Cardi", operating in Moscow, in 2006 presented an interesting version based on the prototype of the UAZ-2970 - a mock-up of an army off-road vehicle. A ZMZ engine was installed in the car, which rotated a generator, giving electricity to two electric motors. It didn't go further than the layout.

Car for collectors

At the end of the 90s, the UAZ chassis was used by the Kirov Plant to create an armored cash-in-transit vehicle called the AS-1913 Lagoda. The factory did a good job on the armor, which could withstand the 7.62 Kalashnikov burst. The design also turned out to be interesting, only such cars were released in a limited series.


All-terrain vehicle based on UAZ

An all-terrain vehicle based on UAZ is one of the most popular types of tuning in our country, given the huge areas of swampy and difficult terrain in the Russian Federation. Naturally, these ATVs are also created for driving in the snow - many people like to go winter fishing or use this period of time for hunting.

Consequently, there is a need for a car with very good cross-country ability, so many UAZ car owners are beginning to redesign their vehicles, improving their operational characteristics.

Before you start: important nuances of such tuning

You can make a UAZ all-terrain vehicle from almost any model of this manufacturer. Most often, people take a "command" UAZ for tuning, because of its more convenient and comfortable body. But “loaves” are also quite popular in this case, especially if a person plans to travel with a large number of like-minded people or plans to transport larger cargo on his vehicle.

The next nuance is the requirement for replacement standard wheels... There are also two possible options solving the problem:

  • Riding on low pressure tires. In terms of efficiency, such rubber is better than the second option;
  • Installation of tracks. Tracked all-terrain vehicle UAZ can have two or four pairs of similar shoes. The installation of two tracks is more profitable financially, and the stability, controllability of the vehicle is noticeably better than the use of four separate mechanisms of this type.

The best options for these ATVs require a very serious investment. At the same time, it is important to note that the fuel consumption will be increased, therefore, additional expenses will come to be borne constantly. When choosing a self-made caterpillar type of all-terrain vehicle based on UAZ, you should also remember that such a vehicle is prohibited from using on asphalt road surfaces without special permission in some areas.

Do-it-yourself all-terrain vehicle from UAZ

If you are going to make an all-terrain vehicle based on UAZ with your own hands, a person must clearly understand that he will have to solve the following problems:

  1. The best, high-performance ATVs need to be lightweight to maximize their performance. The optimal mass of such a transport is considered to be 1000 kg. The standard version of the UAZ weighs about one and a half tons, that is, about 500 kg will come to be removed from the car in order to achieve this goal.
  2. When traveling over particularly difficult terrain, where there is a possibility of getting into deep snow or a swampy area, it is important to make sure that individual elements of the vehicle do not create additional difficulties when moving. This moment is especially relevant for the bottom of a car, where there are a lot of protruding mechanisms that can impede movement. Most often, on homemade products, they solve this problem with the help of a serious increase ground clearance... If the car owner plans to install tracks, then there should be no problems with clearance.
  3. Additionally, it is recommended to work with the interior of the car. Constant shaking and additional loads can lead to the quickest failure of some elements, for example, off-road vehicle doors. In addition, there is always the possibility of injury to a person with this type of movement. It is for these reasons that it is recommended to carefully think over the interior, install seals, foam inserts, and so on in the right places.
  4. Separately, you will have to work with the car bridges, which should be additionally fastened to the car frame using bolts and shock absorption systems.

Separately, you will have to work with the installed transmission and steering. Similar vehicle must have a minimum travel of 1 km / h - no more. This is especially true with the constant use of transport in swamps. The desired result can be achieved only by setting the gearbox to no more than four steps. Naturally, power steering will be required, since it will be very problematic to turn the wheels or tracks only by applying physical force.

It turns out that it is not so easy to create such an all-terrain vehicle on your own - it takes time, money, serious experience in the auto-craft, a clear understanding of the task. If the car enthusiast is not ready for such tests, then, fortunately, there is always an alternative - you can simply purchase a ready-made all-terrain vehicle based on UAZ, which are offered by some companies. For example, the Uzola models are very popular, however, they are available only in a tracked version.


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