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On the basis of a walk-behind tractor, home-made all-terrain vehicles and other high-traffic vehicles are often made. There are several reasons for this:

  • there is an energy-rich transport unit with high traction characteristics assembled on a frame;
  • engine and transmission control moved to comfortable grips;
  • the mass of motoblocks is low, they can be transported to the desired place in the trunk, body or on a car trailer.

For hunting and fishing, a light mini all-terrain vehicle is quite in demand. But the industry has yet to see commercial prospects for kits. attachments converting a serial walk-behind tractor into a transport off-road... There are some pretty interesting examples of the creation of such machines. DIYers have created role models with their own hands. There is room for ideas when developing new interesting devices.

Features of all-terrain vehicles from a walk-behind tractor

The main units that should be purchased or made independently for a vehicle based on a walk-behind tractor:

  • frame, it serves to organize a mobile vehicle;
  • the rear axle is needed to install the rear wheels;
  • a seat for the driver, it is desirable to protect it from moisture and dirt from under the wheels;
  • a lighting system is needed to move safely at any time of the day.

An all-terrain vehicle based on a walk-behind tractor is created as a single-seat vehicle. Its carrying capacity should be about 200 kg. The width is calculated from the conditions of resistance to overturning, usually it is from 1100 mm or more.

Modern walk-behind tractors Neva, Ugra, MTZ and others are equipped with engines with a power of more than 10 hp. This power is enough to move at a speed of over 10 km / h. Off-road, when passing through slurry or swampy places, the speed can drop to 1-2 km / h.

How to make a homemade wheeled all-terrain vehicle

An example of a drawing of an all-terrain vehicle on tires low pressure

It makes sense to equip the base unit. The reason is that the best torque figures are gasoline and diesel engines have at a frequency of rotation crankshaft at about 75-85% of the maximum.

The engine must have a forced cooling system. When driving at low speed, the incoming flow will not be enough to maintain optimal thermal conditions.

ATV frame

An example of a drawing of a fracture frame

A frame is created between the front and rear axles. It is better to use rectangular or square shaped pipes as a basis. They provide greater rigidity than rolled corners, channels and I-beams of the same mass.

The joining of the frame elements of a wheeled all-terrain vehicle can be rigid, then it will be formed in a one-volume format. When using heavy motoblocks "Neva" or MTZ, this option will be preferable.

As an option, a breaking frame (fracture) is made, the option is used for areas with a complex profile. Here, the articulation is performed through the king pin. Front and rear axles have independent suspension. Such all-terrain vehicles masters create on the basis of the "Neva" and "Ugra" motoblocks.

For hunting and fishing, it is better to have wheeled all-terrain vehicle with a breaking frame. Its flotation is higher than with a rigid frame design.

Rear axle and suspension of a homemade all-terrain vehicle

Some do-it-yourselfers use a ready-made rear axle from passenger car... For example, from the car "Moskvich-412": its small weight allows installation on light all-terrain vehicle... Suspension is made on shock absorbers for a smooth ride and reduced vibration.

Other craftsmen make an independent suspension for each rear wheel... This approach is implemented on the Muravei scooter. When driving, a slight swaying is felt, at the same time, the wheels experience less resistance on bumps, and fuel consumption is noticeably reduced.

Connect the rear axle to the frame with long hardened bolts. For elastic joints, rubber inserts are used, for example, silent blocks. This improves performance characteristics an all-terrain vehicle based on a walk-behind tractor.

The rear axle on skis is used in winter. Movement resistance is minimal, the design is greatly simplified.

Wheels (low pressure chambers)

You can use lugs to move on wet and wobbly ground. They provide high grip. Large diameter low-pressure chambers behave even better. Pneumatics have minimum pressure on the ground, and the presence of air trapped in the chambers of the all-terrain vehicle will create a floating all-terrain vehicle.

For installation on the rear axle, self-made or special wheels for all-terrain vehicles, swamp vehicles and snowmobiles are used. They are purchased as an assembly or as separate elements: a tire, a camera, a disk. Assembling the wheel is simple.

It is possible to increase the permeability of conventional wheels on low pressure chambers by creating an additional protector. For example, you can additionally secure the cameras with chains, conveyor belts, homemade tracks or in another way.

Another option is to cut an overhead lug out of the tire. The depth of the hook of the structure reaches more than 20-25 mm. The rolling resistance is increased, while the slip coefficient is sharply reduced.

Assembling a homemade all-terrain vehicle from a walk-behind tractor

When all the tools, spare parts and accessories are prepared, you can start assembling. it rough plan How to assemble a homemade all-terrain vehicle, it all depends on the chosen design.

  1. A walk-behind tractor is installed on a welded or finished frame.
  2. The rear axle and, if necessary, the front axle are mounted.
  3. The seat is placed on the frame.
  4. If provided by the drawing and diagram, the steering is installed.
  5. Protection is attached to the frame; it is made of plastic or metal sheet.
  6. The prospective driver should test the comfort of landing, if necessary, provide auxiliary devices for adjusting the fit.
  7. The performance of the brakes is checked.
  8. Electrical circuits and lighting fixtures are being installed.

As the individual elements and assemblies are manufactured, their performance is checked. A five-fold safety margin is provided here.

After the completion of the bench tests, the field tests are started. You need to know how the car behaves in difficult conditions.

Buy a hitch and trailed to a walk-behind tractor in online stores

DIY crawler all-terrain vehicles

The use of tracks will help to reduce the specific ground pressure. The weight is distributed over the entire track area. Such an all-terrain vehicle based on a walk-behind tractor is able to overcome sand, wetlands, steep climbs and other obstacles.

Some do-it-yourselfers make metal track links from plates more than 5 mm thick. Rings from water pipes are welded to the plates. Another version of the track links is made entirely of PVC pipes, cut lengthwise. The tracks are attached to each other on a conveyor belt or other base.

It is easier to make tracks from composite materials. For this, fiberglass and epoxy are used. Glass-polymer reinforcement is used as a frame. Track links are made in special shapes. After making the required amount, they are collected into a caterpillar. In the manufacture of tracks from composite materials, articulation elements made of wear-resistant steels are used.

There are options for using timber tracks. They will need to be impregnated with protective mixtures.

The easiest way to make a track for an all-terrain vehicle based on a walk-behind tractor is to use a conveyor belt. One track requires two lanes. They are connected in a ring, and then a caterpillar is created using pieces of steel pipe.

In the video, you can see the option of making a waterproof case that is kept afloat. In this case, the tracked propeller will allow you to move not only on the ground, but also on the water. The result is an amphibious all-terrain vehicle. For hunting and fishing, it will be indispensable.

Since then, when the phrase about the state of Russian roads came out from the pen of Gogol, the problem has not become less urgent. As before, in some of the godforsaken corners of the country, people generally forgot to dream of asphalt pavement. The only way out is to change to ATVs. Alas, the models offered by car factories are not able to satisfy the needs of motorists from the provinces. The common people need a small-sized, economical, and, of course, cheap vehicle increased cross-country ability. Only in a home workshop from scrap materials can such a dream come true.

Materials and components for the all-terrain vehicle on tracks

It would be fair to warn in advance that powertrains removed from vehicles are causing increased consumption fuel. But they are compared with motorcycle engines have a significant power reserve. The production of tracks also entails additional costs.

The body of a homemade all-terrain vehicle is best constructed from aluminum or duralumin sheet. You will need to purchase triplex glass, liquid rubber(can be replaced with silicone grease). The main material for the tracks will be a sheet (or strip) of rubber. One pair of bridges borrowed from Soviet cars- "Zaporozhets" or "Zhiguli".

You can highlight important points that should be taken into account in the process of creating an all-terrain vehicle on tracks.

For a homemade body, there are requirements such as strength, tightness and streamlining with an oncoming air flow while driving. In terms of geometry, the best solution would be a flat-bottomed boat body.

In view of the fact that you will have to travel (more precisely - "caterpillar") swampy areas or even overcome shallow bodies of water, the body should contain a minimum of seams. In other words, instead of welding, a solid sheet must be bent, giving the desired shape. The metal sheet is used for the manufacture of not only the cab, but also all the compartments, including the one intended for the engine. To exclude the harmful effect of water with a moisture-proof material (for example, rubber), they reliably cover the joints and fasteners of the nodes. Particular care should be taken to maximize the protection of the battery and electrical wiring from moisture. It is better if special mines are allocated for them.

The rigidity of the structure of the cross-country vehicle must be provided by a frame made of steel pipes. The axles and engine will be installed and secured on a frame made of copper tubing.

Make holes in the body for leading out the bridges. Seal the joints of the axle shafts and the body (in the holes) thoroughly with rubber couplings.

The highlight of this all-terrain vehicle is the presence of a caterpillar track, without which it is difficult to imagine movement on any off-road and even swimming. The treadmill is cut from rubber sheet and looped back. When calculating the dimensions of the caterpillar, measure the distance between the shafts, which are driving. An important element that provide the ability to easily overcome any dirt are lugs, riveted on the outside of the track. And if they are made in the form of small blades, then the lugs will play the role of blades when the caterpillar is immersed in water. This idea is not difficult to implement with a thick aluminum sheet at hand. Next, you need to measure the width of the wheels. You will need this value when calculating the distance between adjacent stop elements that are attached to the inside of the track. The center of each wheel, as here, must exactly coincide with the center line of the track and, thus, the wheel will be located between the stops.

The taut state of the tracks can be ensured in the following way: fill the space between the bridge wheels with the driven wheels.

The final stage- the cab is equipped with laminated glass (triplex or duplex) with rubber mountings. All-terrain vehicles - homemade products on tracks, the drawings of which are in this article, are popular with creative people.

Many people making homemade equipment, also develop all-terrain vehicles for caterpillar and homemade tracks for a walk-behind tractor. When translating this idea into reality, people use a variety of solutions. But the manufacture of caterpillars remains a big problem for fans of this type of transport.

After all, if an all-terrain vehicle or snowmobile is made by hand, then the caterpillars should be homemade.

How to make homemade tracks for a walk-behind tractor

Here we will consider several methods of making tracks with our own hands, with good performance characteristics.

The easiest version of homemade caterpillars

For light all-terrain vehicles and snowmobiles, the tracks can be made from a conveyor belt and a sleeve-roller chain. To make such a caterpillar, it is not necessary to own a special tool, everything can be done “on the knee”.

To extend the service life of the tape, it is necessary to stitch it along the edges with a fishing line, observing a step of 1 centimeter, which will protect the tape from fraying. To join the tape into a ring, you can sew the tape from the ends, or use a hinge.

Choosing the thickness of the tape should be based on the power of the engine. If you use motors from domestic motorcycles, it is enough to take a belt with a thickness of 8-10 mm, used on conveyors in agriculture.

This DIY snowmobile track has a good resource and can be easily repaired if necessary.

Homemade track for a motorized towing vehicle

It is very common among home-builders to make tracks using car tires. For this, tires are selected, which have a suitable tread pattern, from trucks.

To make such a caterpillar, you need to cut the beads from the tire, and leave the treadmill. This is a rather laborious work that requires good patience, because the tool used is a sharpened boot knife.

To make the work easier, from time to time the knife blade can be moistened in a soapy solution to cut the rubber faster. One option is to use a homemade cutting attachment, or use a jigsaw with a fine-toothed file.

After cutting off the beads, if the track is too hard, you can remove the excess layers of rubber inside the resulting ring. If the tread pattern is not suitable for the conditions of use, then a new lug structure is cut.

Undoubted advantage homemade caterpillar from a tire in front of a caterpillar from a conveyor belt, in an initially closed circuit, and therefore reliability. The disadvantage of this track is in the limited width of the workpiece, which can be corrected by using a double-width version.

Belt tracks

This caterpillar manufacturing option is attractive for its relative simplicity.
To do this, you need to connect the belts with V-shaped profiles into one piece with screws or rivets, using lugs attached to the belts for this.

To make holes for the drive sprocket in such a track, you need to make gaps between the belts.
You can find many ways to make caterpillars with your own hands - the main thing is to have patience, desire and perseverance - then everything will work out.

The best homemade products from a walk-behind tractor on tracks photo

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Dear visitors of the site "SAMODELKINDRUG" in this article, your attention will be presented to the all-terrain vehicle of all-terrain vehicles on a caterpillar track. Today, all-terrain construction is very well developed in our country, because there are practically no roads, and in winter it is completely impossible to get into the countryside. Guys, those who are engaged in hunting and fishing, build all-terrain vehicles right in their garages from scrap metal and junk.

The tracks are made of a conveyor belt and a profile, the road wheels are wheels from a scooter. The balancing suspension is made of leaf springs. The body of the all-terrain vehicle has a waterproof bottom, can float, for which it has a boat electric motor powered by on-board network cars.

Mat part of the all-terrain vehicle:

Time and year of creation 2009.
Has 3 seats. Drove and 2 passengers,
The mass of the all-terrain vehicle is 900 kg,. Buoyancy reserve up to 350 kg.
Floating: Powered by caterpillars + Minn Kota boat electric motor, which is powered from the on-board network
Fuel consumption: Approximate 50L 1/100
The maximum speed is 63 km / h.
Transport speed - 35 km / h.
The engine is from the VAZ-21213.
Checkpoint from the VAZ-2101.
Radiators installed 2 pieces. From UAZ and from Lada "Priora".
There is no reduction gear.
The turn is carried out by braking the drive wheel mounted on the rear axle from the VAZ-21-1.
The rear axle was used from the VAZ-2101. Ratio 1/4,3.
Brakes from VAZ-2101, drum.
Caterpillar with a total length of 621 cm and a width of 35 cm.
The tracks are made of a conveyor belt with a thickness of 15 mm and a width of 100 mm.
The tracks are made of a profile 60 * 20 * 3 mm, length 330 mm.
Instead of road wheels, pneumatic wheels from a 4.00-10 scooter with a camera were used.
The suspension of the wheel hubs is individual.
The track is tensioned using the rear idler. Hinged sloth suspension with shock absorber.
The suspension of the rollers is balanced in the form of springs from the UAZ with a length of 500 mm.
The frame is welded from a profile of 50x25x3 mm.
Bottom cladding made of 1.5 mm thick sheet steel.
The casing is made of 1.5 mm thick sheet steel.
Unlike other car models, the interior heating is made from a VAZ stove. Panel
Engine compartment.
Track rollers.
Seat of the driver and navigator.
Departure for a summer fishing trip.
To overcome water obstacles, there is an electric boat motor, which, when forcing, is installed in the aft part of the machine. Balancer attachment point.
Track tension.
Drive sprocket teeth are made of HDPE (Low Density Polyethylene)
Spring mounting drawing.
The drive sprocket has 8 teeth.
Attached to the disc with two bolts.
Support rollers from a scooter.
For turning, a disc brake is installed on each track. Turns by braking one of the tracks.
The author also presented a video material from tests of an all-terrain vehicle for cross-country ability on snow-covered roads and snowdrifts.

Our author has such a wonderful all-terrain vehicle. Also, for heating the interior, the master installed a stove from a VAZ car

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One of the problems in our homeland is the very bad roads. And therefore, some enthusiasts are trying to solve this problem on their own.

Just a huge amount highways connecting different villages and villages are so bad in their condition that it is sometimes problematic to drive through them in an ordinary car.

And when the autumn-winter period comes, then moving along them is almost impossible. You can, of course, get out of the situation and order an all-terrain vehicle from abroad, but it is very expensive and therefore you have to make do with what is available.

Homemade tracked all-terrain vehicle

This off-road all-terrain vehicle is not an obstacle for it, as well as any water barriers... The body is made in the form of a box-shaped structure. Caterpillars are the driving force.

Traction capacity - pulls a trailer weighing about 900kg.

The hood is shaped to move through algae, driftwood and moss. Exhaust gases are directed upwards. The self-made tracked all-terrain vehicle is equipped with a winch located in the front. The body bottom is sufficiently sealed, plus pneumatic rollers are located on the sides, which have a positive effect on the buoyancy of the all-terrain vehicle.

Tracked ATV control

The control of the all-terrain vehicle is the same as on the tractor, it is carried out by levers. The side differentials were made from VAZ disc brakes.

In the cab, in the middle of the floor, there is a pneumatic lever - a track tensioner. Ideal option it would be the use of a mechanical tensioner, since it is more unpretentious to repair, but the author of this all-terrain vehicle decided otherwise and installed a pneumatic tensioner.


The designer has created an excellent chassis. You should pay attention to the tracks: they are cast, made by ourselves. The tracks have lugs on the outside made of metal pipes welded to the metal sheet. This played a positive role in terms of flotation and traction.

This technology is not used in foreign all-terrain vehicles due to the complexity of execution and increased financial costs. The rollers are made of stroller wheels, protected by a rubber reflector. Also above the caterpillar drive, there is a "damper" made in the form of a rubberized half-pipe.

Crawler Off-Road Vehicle Engine

As power unit a VAZ engine with a gearbox was used. Reducer connection rear axle carried out by means of a sleeve made of rubber. The gearbox is connected to the side differentials by shafts.

As mentioned above, the differentials are made from VAZ disc brakes with conventional calipers.

The resource of the reducer is not reduced at all due to the low speed of the all-terrain vehicle. The main advantage of this all-terrain vehicle model is its low weight. When the all-terrain vehicle moves on a swampy area or along a lake, the body sinks 30-40 cm.

Homemade video tracked all-terrain vehicle In action.


When implementing this project of a homemade all-terrain vehicle, the following tools were used: a welding machine, a grinder, various keys. Clamps, a machine for giving one or another shape to sheet metal, this is especially important in the manufacture of the cab and the bottom of an all-terrain vehicle. Various bolted connections. Glass cutter for the manufacture of windshield and side windows. Drill for drilling holes.


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